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Washington, D.C. 20549



Form 6-K




PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of March 2019

Commission File Number: 000-53445



KB Financial Group Inc.

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



26, Gukjegeumyung-ro 8-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 07331, Korea

(Address of principal executive office)



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On March 12, 2019, KB Financial Group Inc. furnished a public notice regarding the convocation of its annual general meeting of shareholders for fiscal year 2018.

The agenda for the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held on March 27, 2019 is currently being distributed to shareholders of KB Financial Group Inc. for their reference as they exercise their voting rights.


1) Approval of financial statements and the proposed dividend payment for fiscal year 2018

2) Amendment of the articles of incorporation

3) Appointment of directors (three non-executive directors)

3-1) Non-Executive Director Candidate: Suk Ryul Yoo

3-2) Non-Executive Director Candidate: Stuart B. Solomon

3-3) Non-Executive Director Candidate: Jae Ha Park

4) Appointment of a non-executive director, who will serve as a member of the Audit Committee

Non-Executive Director Candidate: Kyung Ho Kim

5) Appointment of members of the Audit Committee, who are non-executive directors

5-1) Audit Committee Member Candidate: Suk Ho Sonu

5-2) Audit Committee Member Candidate: Kouwhan Jeong

5-3) Audit Committee Member Candidate: Jae Ha Park

6) Approval of the aggregate remuneration limit for directors

Agenda for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for Fiscal Year 2018

Agendum 1. Approval of Financial Statements and the Proposed Dividend Payment for Fiscal Year 2018

Please find the following Exhibits attached to this document:

Exhibit Index


99.1    Separate Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2018
99.2    Consolidated Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2018

KB Financial Group Inc.’s separate and consolidated financial statements, including the Independent Auditor’s Reports and the notes to the financial statements, will be available subsequently under the cover of a Form 6-K.

For the proposed dividend payment amount for fiscal year 2018, please refer to Separate Statements of Appropriation of Retained Earnings of the Separate Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2018 included in Exhibit 99.1 attached hereto.

Agendum 2. Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation

The following table sets forth a summary of the proposed amendments to the articles of incorporation:


Current Provisions


(Proposed) Amendments



Article 9 (Share Certificates) (1) The share certificates of the Company shall be issued in the following eight (8) denominations: one (1), five (5), ten (10), fifty (50), one hundred (100), five hundred (500), one thousand (1,000) and ten thousand (10,000) shares.    Article 9 (Share Certificates) (1) The Company shall electronically register shares and rights to be indicated on stock warrant certificates in the electronic registration account book of electronic registries, in lieu of issuing share certificates and stock warrant certificates.    This amendment provides grounds for the electronic registration of shares and rights to be indicated on stock warrant certificates.
(2) The Company may split or consolidate share certificates at the request of shareholders.    (2) < Deleted>   

(3) The Company shall not issue share certificates in whole or in part of shares owned by a shareholder if such shareholder does not desire to receive share certificates corresponding to such shares.


(3) < Deleted>


Article 16 (Transfer Agent)


(1) ~ (2) (Omitted)


(3) The shareholders registry or the duplicates thereof shall be kept at the business place of the transfer agent and the alterations in the registry of shareholders, registration of creation and cancellation of pledges over shares, indication of trust assets and cancellation thereof with respect to shares, issuance of share certificates, receipt of reports and other related activities shall be conducted by the transfer agent.


Article 16 (Transfer Agent)


(1) ~ (2) (Omitted)


(3) The shareholders registry or the duplicates thereof shall be kept at the business place of the transfer agent and electronic registration of shares, management of the shareholders registry and other related activities shall be conducted by the transfer agent.




This amendment reflects the change of share related activities processing due to the electronic registration of shares.

(4) (Omitted)    (4) (Omitted)   

Article 17 (Report of Addresses, Names and Seals or Signatures of Shareholders, Etc.)


(1) Shareholders and registered pledgees shall file their names, addresses, and seals or signatures with the transfer agent under Article 16 above.


(2) Shareholders and registered pledgees who reside in a foreign country should report to the Company appointed agent and the addresses in Korea to which notices are to be sent.


(3) The same shall apply in case of any changes in the matters referred to in Paragraphs (1) and (2) above.

   Article 17 < Deleted>    This amendment deletes the report of overall shareholder information to the transfer agent, given that such information does not need to be reported if shares are electronically registered.

Article 19 (Issuance of Bonds)


(1) ~ (2) (Omitted)


(3) (Newly established)


Article 19 (Issuance of Bonds)


(1) ~ (2) (Omitted)


(3) The Company shall electronically register bond (which shall include the bonds and contingent convertible bonds set forth from Articles 19-2 to 21) and rights to be indicated on warrant certificates in the electronic registration account book of electronic registries, in lieu of issuing bond certificates and warrant certificates.




This amendment newly establishes grounds for the electronic registration of bonds and rights to be indicated on bond warrant certificates.

Article 22 (Applicable Provisions for the Issuance of Bonds)


The provisions of Articles 16 and 17 hereof shall be applicable to the issuance of bonds.


Article 22 (Applicable Provisions for the Issuance of Bonds)


The provisions of Articles 16 hereof shall be applicable to the issuance of bonds.

   This amendment reflects the removal of Article 17.

ADDENDUM (March 27, 2019)


Article 1 (Enforcement Date) The above amendments to Article 9; Article 16, Paragraph (3); Article 17; Article 19, Paragraph (3); and Article 22 of the Articles of Incorporation shall enter into force on September 16, 2019, the expected date of enforcement of the Act on Electronic Registration of Stocks, Bonds, Etc., except that, if the enforcement date of such Act changes, these amendments shall enter into force of the new enforcement date instead.

   This addendum is made to reflect the expected enforcement date of the Act on Electronic Registration of Stocks, Bonds, Etc.

Agendum 3. Appointment of Directors (Three Non-Executive Directors)

Nominees for Non-Executive Directors(1)(2)



(Date of Birth)








Rate for
Prior Year(3)

Term of

Suk Ryul Yoo




•  Visiting Professor, Seoul National University

•  Chairman, Credit Finance Association

•  President & CEO, Samsung Total Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.

•  President & CEO, Samsung Card Co., Ltd.

•  President & CEO, Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

•  President & CEO, Samsung Securities Co., Ltd.

•  President & CEO, Samsung Capital Co., Ltd.

  Non-executive Director Nominating Committee   92.3%   1 year

Stuart B. Solomon




•  Chairman, Metlife Insurance Co. of Korea, Ltd.

•  President & CEO, Metlife Insurance Co. of Korea, Ltd.

•  Executive Vice President & Representative Director, Metlife Insurance Co. of Korea, Ltd.

•  Executive Managing Director, Metlife Insurance Co. of Korea, Ltd.

  Non-executive Director Nominating Committee   76.9%   1 year

Jae Ha Park




•  Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Finance


•  Deputy Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute

•  Vice President, Korea Institute of Finance

•  Vice Chairman, Korea Money and Finance Association

•  Senior Counselor to the Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance

•  Outside Director, Shinhan Bank

•  Outside Director, Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd.

•  Outside Director, Jeonbuk Bank

  Non-executive Director Nominating Committee   100%   1 year


Note:   (1)   Pursuant to Article 3 of the Internal Rules on Governance Structure of KB Financial Group Inc., details regarding the recommendation of non-executive director candidates have been posted on the website of KB Financial Group Inc. as well as the website of the Korea Federation of Banks.

           (2)   None of the nominees (i) has engaged in any transaction with KB Financial Group Inc. in the past three years or (ii) has any relationship with the largest shareholder of KB Financial Group Inc.
  (3)   For the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Agendum 4. Appointment of Non-Executive Director, Who Will Serve as a Member of the Audit Committee(1)

Nominee for Non-Executive Director, Who Will Serve as a Member of the Audit Committee(2)(3)



(Date of Birth)


Current Position





  BoD Meeting
Rate for Prior

Term of

Kyung Ho Kim (New Appointment)



•  Professor, Hongik University School of Business Administration


•  Vice President, Hongik University

•  Outside Director, Shinhan Investment Corp.

•  Outside Director, Citibank Korea Inc.

•  Vice Chairman, Korea Accounting Standards Board

•  President, The Korean Association for Government Accounting

  Non-executive Director Nominating Committee and Audit Committee Member Nominating Committee   N/A  

2 years

(Including 1 year as a member of the Audit Committee)


Note:   (1)   The above appointment of a non-executive director, who will serve as a member of the Audit Committee, will take place separately from the appointment of other directors, pursuant to Article 19, Paragraph (5) of the Act on Corporate Governance of Financial Companies.
  (2)   Pursuant to Article 3 of the Internal Rules on Governance Structure of KB Financial Group Inc., details regarding the recommendation of non-executive director candidates have been posted on the website of KB Financial Group Inc. as well as the website of the Korea Federation of Banks.
  (3)   The nominee (i) has not engaged in any transaction with KB Financial Group Inc. in the past three years and (ii) does not have any relationship with the largest shareholder of KB Financial Group Inc.
  (4)   For the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Agendum 5. Appointment of Members of the Audit Committee, Who Are Non-Executive Directors

Nominees for Members of the Audit Committee, Who Are Non-Executive Directors(1)



(Date of Birth)


Current Position





Rate for
Prior Year(2)

Term of

Suk Ho Sonu




•  Visiting Professor, Seoul National University Business School

•  President, Korea Money and Finance Association

•  President, Korea Finance Association

•  Dean, Hongik University Graduate School of Business Administration





Nominating Committee

  100%   1 year

Kouwhan Jeong




•  President Attorney at Law, Nambujeil Law and Notary Office Inc.


•  Branch Chief Prosecutor, Bucheon Branch Office, Incheon District Prosecutor’s Office

•  Standing Mediator, Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration

•  Chairperson, Consumer Dispute Settlement Commission, Korea Consumer Agency





Nominating Committee

  100%   1 year


(Date of Birth)


Current Position





Rate for
Prior Year(2)

Term of

Jae Ha Park




•  Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Finance


•  Deputy Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute

•  Vice President, Korea Institute of Finance

•  Vice Chairman, Korea Money and Finance Association

•  Senior Counselor to the Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance

•  Outside Director, Shinhan Bank

•  Outside Director, Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd.

•  Outside Director, Jeonbuk Bank





Nominating Committee

  100%   1 year


Note:   (1)   None of the nominees (i) has engaged in any transaction with KB Financial Group Inc. in the past three years or (ii) has any relationship with the largest shareholder of KB Financial Group Inc.
  (2)   For the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Agendum 6. Approval of the Aggregate Remuneration Limit for Directors



For fiscal year 2018


For fiscal year 2019

Number of Directors (Number of Non-Executive Directors)   






Aggregate Remuneration Limit    Won 2.5 billion will be proposed as the maximum amount of aggregate remuneration that may be disbursed to the directors of KB Financial Group Inc. for fiscal year 2018. The Board of Directors will approve and ratify the payment allocation. Additionally, in case treasury shares (or the equivalent monetary value) are disbursed as long-term incentives, 30,000 treasury shares will be the maximum aggregate amount of shares that may be disbursed to the directors of KB Financial Group Inc. The Board of Directors will approve and ratify the standard and method of allocation and disbursements thereof.    Won 2.5 billion will be proposed as the maximum amount of aggregate remuneration that may be disbursed to the directors of KB Financial Group Inc. for fiscal year 2019. The Board of Directors will approve and ratify the payment allocation. Additionally, in case treasury shares (or the equivalent monetary value) are disbursed as long-term incentives, 30,000 treasury shares will be the maximum aggregate amount of shares that may be disbursed to the directors of KB Financial Group Inc. The Board of Directors will approve and ratify the standard and method of allocation and disbursements thereof.



The numbers of directors and non-executive directors may change depending on the results of the annual general meeting of shareholders.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



KB Financial Group Inc.

Date: March 12, 2019     By:  

/s/ Ki-Hwan Kim

    Name:   Ki-Hwan Kim
    Title:   Deputy President and Chief Finance Officer

Exhibit 99.1

KB Financial Group Inc.

Separate Statements of Financial Position

December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017



(In millions of Korean won)    December 31, 2018     December 31, 2017  



Cash and due from financial institutions

   W 344,302     W 245,400  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         284,485  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     289,179       —    

Loans at amortized cost

     50,000       10,000  

Investments in subsidiaries

     24,062,116       24,062,116  

Property and equipment

     2,185       697  

Intangible assets

     9,646       8,864  

Net defined benefit assets

     —         201  

Deferred income tax assets

     8,184       10,282  

Other assets

     857,462       480,789  







Total assets

   W 25,623,074     W 25,102,834  










   W 300,000     W 300,000  


     5,373,266       5,162,600  

Net defined benefit liabilities


Current income tax liabilities

     691,909       308,854  

Other liabilities

     186,481       204,835  







Total liabilities

     6,551,839       5,976,289  









Share capital

     2,090,558       2,090,558  

Capital surplus

     14,742,814       14,742,814  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     (7,144     (5,233

Retained earnings

     3,213,556       3,054,379  

Treasury shares

     (968,549     (755,973







Total equity

     19,071,235       19,126,545  







Total liabilities and equity

   W 25,623,074     W 25,102,834  









The seperate statement of financial position as of December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives as of December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc.

Separate Statements of Comprehensive Income

Year Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017



(In millions of Korean won, except per share amounts)    2018     2017  

Interest income

   W 6,616     W 3,889  

Interest expense

     (122,451     (101,107







Net interest expense

     (115,835     (97,218







Fee and commission income

     788       738  

Fee and commission expense

     (5,996     (8,546







Net fee and commission expense

     (5,208     (7,808







Net gains on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         745  







Net gains on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     18,319       —    







Net other operating income

     1,089,556       709,544  







General and administrative expenses

     (57,845     (57,485







Operating profit before provision for credit losses

     928,987       547,778  

Provision for credit losses

     —         —    







Operating profit

     928,987       547,778  







Net non-operating income (expense)

     (259     125  







Profit before income tax

     928,728       547,903  

Income tax benefit (expense)

     (2,823     5,522  







Profit for the year

     925,905       553,425  







Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities

     (1,911     (491







Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax

     (1,911     (491







Total comprehensive income for the year

   W 923,994     W 552,934  







Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share

   W 2,335       1,388  

Diluted earnings per share

     2,322       1,380  



The seperate statement of comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives for the year ended December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc.

Separate Statements of Changes in Equity

Year Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017



(In millions of Korean won)   










Balance at January 1, 2017

   W 2,090,558      W 14,656,168      W (4,742   W 2,998,923     W (719,090   W 19,021,817  



















Comprehensive income


Profit for the year

     —          —          —         553,425       —         553,425  

Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities

     —          —          (491     —         —         (491



















Total comprehensive income

     —          —          (491     553,425       —         552,934  



















Transactions with shareholders



     —          —          —         (497,969     —         (497,969

Acquisition of treasury shares

     —          —          —         —         (201,985     (201,985

Disposal of treasury shares

     —          86,646        —         —         165,102       251,748  



















Total transactions with shareholders

     —          86,646        —         (497,969     (36,883     (448,206



















Balance at December 31, 2017

   W 2,090,558      W 14,742,814      W (5,233   W 3,054,379     W (755,973   W 19,126,545  



















Balance at January 1, 2018

   W 2,090,558      W 14,742,814      W (5,233   W 3,054,379     W (755,973   W 19,126,545  



















Comprehensive income


Profit for the year

     —          —          —         925,905       —         925,905  

Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities

     —          —          (1,911     —         —         (1,911



















Total comprehensive income

     —          —          (1,911     925,905       —         923,994  



















Transactions with shareholders



     —          —          —         (766,728     —         (766,728

Acquisition of treasury shares

     —          —          —         —         (212,576     (212,576



















Total transactions with shareholders

     —          —          —         (766,728     (212,576     (979,304



















Balance at December 31, 2018

   W 2,090,558      W 14,742,814      W (7,144   W 3,213,556     W (968,549   W 19,071,235  





















The seperate statement of changes in equity for the year ended December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives for the year ended December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc.

Separate Statements of Cash Flows

Year Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017



(In millions of Korean won)    2018     2017  

Cash flows from operating activities


Profit for the year

   W 925,905     W 553,425  







Adjustment for non-cash items


Depreciation and amortization

     864       604  

Share-based payments

     551       7,804  

Net interest expense

     5,198       9,430  

Net gains on valuation on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         12,171  

Net gains on valuation on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     (4,694     —    

Net other expenses

     2,118       2,182  






     4,037       32,191  







Changes in operating assets and liabilities


Deferred income tax assets

     2,782       (5,521

Other assets

     (1,046     (699

Other liabilities

     (7,016     (9,253






     (5,280     (15,473







Net cash inflow from operating activities

     924,662       570,143  







Cash flows from investing activities


Acquisition of subsidiaries

     —         (1,363,932

Acquisition of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     —         (50,000

Decrease (increase) in loans at amortized cost

     (40,000     19,415  

Acquisition of property and equipment

     (1,991     (466

Disposal of property and equipment

     —         2  

Acquisition of intangible assets

     (866     (1,073

Disposal of intangible assets

     34       —    

Net increase in guarantee deposits paid

     (375     3,498  

Other investing activities

     (356     —    







Net cash outflow from investing activities

     (43,554     (1,392,556







Cash flows from financing activities


Increase in debts

     298,321       1,621,552  

Decrease in debts

     (298,485     (1,671,815

Increase in debentures

     897,872       1,836,114  

Decrease in debentures

     (688,486     (149,669

Dividends paid to shareholders

     (766,728     (497,969

Acquisition of treasury shares

     (224,700     (185,465







Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities

     (782,206     952,748  







Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

     98,902       130,335  

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year

     245,397       115,062  







Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year

   W 344,299     W 245,397  









The seperate statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives for the year ended December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc.

Separate Statements of Appropriation of Retained Earnings

(Expected date of appropriation for 2018: March 27, 2019)

(Date of appropriation for 2017: March 23, 2018)



(In millions of Korean won)    2018      2017  

Unappropriated retained earnings


Balance at the beginning of the year

   W 913,061      W 1,181,583  

Profit for the year

     925,905        553,425  






     1,838,966        1,735,008  







Transfers such as discretionary reserves


Regulatory reserve for credit losses

     —          124  






     —          124  







Appropriation of retained earnings


Legal reserve

     92,591        55,343  

Regulatory reserve for credit losses

     2,084        —    

Cash dividends

     759,736        766,728  

(Dividends per common share: W 1,920 (38.4%) in 2018)


(Dividends per common share: W 1,920 (38.4%) in 2017)







     854,411        822,071  







Unappropriated retained earnings to be carried forward

   W 984,555      W 913,061  









Exhibit 99.2

KB Financial Group Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

December 31, 2018 and 2017



(in millions of Korean won)    2018     2017  



Cash and due from financial institutions

   W 20,274,490     W 19,817,825  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     50,987,847       —    

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         32,227,345  

Derivative financial assets

     2,025,962       3,310,166  

Loans at amortized cost

     319,201,603       290,122,838  

Financial investments

     61,665,094       66,608,243  

Investments in associates and joint ventures

     504,932       335,070  

Property and equipment

     4,272,127       4,201,697  

Investment property

     2,119,811       848,481  

Intangible assets

     2,755,783       2,943,060  

Net defined benefit assets

     —         894  

Current income tax assets

     10,004       6,324  

Deferred income tax assets

     4,158       3,991  

Assets held for sale

     16,952       155,506  

Other assets

     15,749,535       16,204,169  







Total assets

   W  479,588,298     W  436,785,609  









Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

   W 15,326,859     W —    

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         12,023,058  

Derivative financial liabilities

     2,901,247       3,142,765  


     276,770,449       255,800,048  


     33,004,834       28,820,928  


     53,278,697       44,992,724  


     525,859       568,033  

Net defined benefit liabilities

     262,213       154,702  

Current income tax liabilities

     698,634       433,870  

Deferred income tax liabilities

     492,534       533,069  

Insurance contract liabilities

     33,412,949       31,801,275  

Other liabilities

     27,200,996       24,470,308  







Total liabilities

     443,875,271       402,740,780  









Share capital

     2,090,558       2,090,558  

Capital surplus

     17,121,660       17,122,228  

Accumulated other comprehensive income

     177,806       537,668  

Retained earnings

     17,282,441       15,044,204  

Treasury shares

     (968,549     (755,973







Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company

     35,703,916       34,038,685  

Non-controlling interests

     9,111       6,144  







Total equity

     35,713,027       34,044,829  







Total liabilities and equity

   W 479,588,298     W 436,785,609  









The consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives as of December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

Years Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017



(In millions of Korean won, except per share amounts)    2018     2017  

Interest income

   W 13,734,569     W 11,919,057  

Interest income from financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income and amortized cost

     12,986,209       —    

Interest income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss

     748,360       —    

Interest income from loans and receivables and investments

     —         11,382,452  

Interest income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         536,605  

Interest expense

     (4,829,641     (3,672,443







Net interest income

     8,904,928       8,246,614  







Fee and commission income

     3,717,720       3,988,250  

Fee and commission expense

     (1,474,344     (1,938,226







Net fee and commission income

     2,243,376       2,050,024  







Insurance income

     11,975,070       8,970,992  

Insurance expense

     (11,484,954     (8,377,282







Net Insurance income

     490,116       593,710  







Net gains on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss before applying overlay approach

     350,490       —    

Net gains on overlay adjustment

     813       —    







Net gains on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     351,303       —    







Net gains on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         203,724  







Net other operating expenses

     (1,130,036     (901,890







General and administrative expenses

     (5,918,512     (5,628,664







Operating profit before provision for credit losses

     4,941,175       4,563,518  

Provision for credit losses

     (673,694     (548,244







Net operating income

     4,267,481       4,015,274  







Share of profit of associates and joint ventures

     24,260       84,274  

Net other non-operating income

     9,791       38,876  







Net non-operating income

     34,051       123,150  







Profit before income tax

     4,301,532       4,138,424  

Income tax expense

     (1,239,586     (794,963







Profit for the year

     3,061,946       3,343,461  







Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:


Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities

     (138,016     22,605  

Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures

     (74     (145

Revaluation gains on equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income

     (31,169     —    

Fair value changes on financial liabilities designated at fair value due to own credit risk

     1,484       —    






     (167,775     22,460  







Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Exchange differences on translating foreign operations

     48,820       (110,037

Net gains on financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income

     119,182       —    

Valuation gains on financial investments

     —         89,117  

Shares of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures

     (3,659     100,880  

Cash flow hedges

     (9,038     20,959  

Gains/(losses) on hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation

     (27,134     26,614  

Other comprehensive income arising from separate account

     28,709       (13,767

Net gains on overlay adjustment

     413       —    






     157,293       113,766  







Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax

     (10,482     136,226  







Total comprehensive income for the year

   W 3,051,464     W 3,479,687  







Profit attributable to:


Shareholders of the Parent Company

   W 3,061,191     W 3,311,438  

Non-controlling interests

     755       32,023  






   W 3,061,946     W 3,343,461  







Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to:


Shareholders of the Parent Company

   W 3,050,805     W 3,445,285  

Non-controlling interests

     659       34,402  






   W 3,051,464     W 3,479,687  







Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share

   W 7,721     W 8,305  

Diluted earnings per share

     7,676       8,257  



The consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives for the year ended December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity

Years Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017



     Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company              
(in millions of Korean won)   










Balance at January 1, 2017

   W 2,090,558      W 16,994,902     W 405,329     W 12,229,228     W (721,973   W 263,359     W 31,261,403  






















Comprehensive income


Profit for the year

     —          —         —         3,311,438       —         32,023       3,343,461  

Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities

     —          —         22,685       —         —         (80     22,605  

Exchange differences on translating foreign operations

     —          —         (109,727     —         —         (310     (110,037

Valuation gains/(losses) on financial investments

     —          —         86,176       —         —         2,941       89,117  

Shares of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures

     —          —         100,735       —         —         —         100,735  

Cash flow hedges

     —          —         21,055       —         —         (96     20,959  

Gain on hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation

     —          —         26,614       —         —         —         26,614  

Other comprehensive income arising from separate account

     —          —         (13,692     —         —         (75     (13,767

Transfer to other accounts

     —          —         (1,507     1,507       —         —         —    






















Total comprehensive income

     —          —         132,339       3,312,945       —         34,403       3,479,687  






















Transactions with shareholders


Dividends paid to shareholders of the Parent Company

     —          —         —         (497,969     —         (5,156     (503,125

Acquisition of treasury shares

     —          —         —         —         (202,051     —         (202,051

Disposal of treasury shares

     —          87,212       —         —         168,051       —         255,263  

Changes in interest in subsidiaries

     —          41,352       —         —         —         (288,802     (247,450


     —          (1,238     —         —         —         2,340       1,102  






















Total transactions with shareholders

     —          127,326       —         (497,969     (34,000     (291,618     (696,261






















Balance at December 31, 2017

   W 2,090,558      W 17,122,228     W 537,668     W 15,044,204     W (755,973   W 6,144     W 34,044,829  






















Balance at January 1, 2018

   W 2,090,558      W 17,122,228     W 537,668     W 15,044,204     W (755,973   W 6,144     W 34,044,829  






















The effect of changing of accounting policy

     —          —         (349,476     (71,724     —         —         (421,200

Balance after reflecting the effect of accounting policy

     2,090,558        17,122,228       188,192       14,972,480       (755,973     6,144       33,623,629  






















Comprehensive income


Profit for the year

     —          —         —         3,061,191       —         755       3,061,946  

Remeasurements of net defined benefit liabilities

     —          —         (138,016     —         —         —         (138,016

Exchange differences on translating foreign operations

     —          —         48,916       —         —         (96     48,820  

Net gains on financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income

     —          —         88,013       15,498       —         —         103,511  

Shares of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures

     —          —         (3,733     —         —         —         (3,733

Cash flow hedges

     —          —         (9,038     —         —         —         (9,038

Losses on hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation

     —          —         (27,134     —         —         —         (27,134

Other comprehensive income arising from separate account

     —          —         28,709       —         —         —         28,709  

Fair value changes on financial liabilities designated at fair value due to own credit risk

     —          —         1,484       —         —         —         1,484  

Net gains on overlay adjustment

     —          —         413       —         —         —         413  






















Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     —          —         (10,386     3,076,689       —         659       3,066,962  






















Transactions with shareholders


Dividends paid to shareholders of the Parent Company

     —          —         —         (766,728     —         —         (766,728

Acquisition of treasury shares

     —          —         —         —         (212,576     —         (212,576

Non-controlling interests changes in business combination

     —          —         —         —         —         2,238       2,238  


     —          (568     —         —         —         70       (498






















Total transactions with shareholders

     —          (568     —         (766,728     (212,576     2,308       (977,564






















Balance at December 31, 2018

   W 2,090,558      W 17,121,660     W 177,806     W 17,282,441     W (968,549   W 9,111     W 35,713,027  
























The consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives for the year ended December 31, 2017 has not been restated.



KB Financial Group Inc. and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Years Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017



(in millions of Korean won)    2018     2017  

Cash flows from operating activities


Profit for the year

   W 3,061,946     W 3,343,461  







Adjustment for non-cash items


Net gain on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     (104,755     —    

Net loss on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         (106,868

Net loss on derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes

     186,029       (135,363

Adjustment of fair value of derivative financial instruments

     410       (1,000

Provision for credit loss

     673,694       548,244  

Net loss (gain) on financial investments

     (99,253     110,156  

Share of profit of associates and joint ventures

     (24,260     (84,274

Depreciation and amortization expense

     409,481       371,150  

Depreciation and amortization expense on VOBA

     214,153       179,193  

Other net losses (gains) on property and equipment/intangible assets

     (138,553     30,893  

Share-based payments

     10,930       73,370  

Policy reserve appropriation

     1,608,175       1,644,389  

Post-employment benefits

     220,215       233,501  

Net interest expense

     277,152       363,803  

Gain on foreign currency translation

     (142,586     (70,399

Gains on bargain purchase

     —         (122,986

Net other expense

     207,025       204,122  






     3,297,857       3,237,931  







Changes in operating assets and liabilities


Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

     (8,446,927     —    

Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         (3,946,805

Derivative financial instruments

     151,297       (295,795

Loans at fair value through other comprehensive income

     (40,413     —    

Loans at amortized cost

     (31,334,606     (22,465,758

Current income tax assets

     (3,668     59,334  

Deferred income tax assets

     (557     3,186  

Other assets

     (2,292,160     (3,938,297

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     3,690,005       —    

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (under Korean IFRS 1039)

     —         66,222  


     20,679,844       18,858,210  

Current income tax liabilities

     264,765       —    

Deferred income tax liabilities

     115,208       108,355  

Other liabilities

     1,899,791       133,931  






     (15,317,421     (11,417,417







Net cash outflow from operating activities

     (8,957,618     (4,836,025







Cash flows from investing activities


Net cash flows from derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes

     42,305       —    

Disposal of financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

     9,582,940       —    

Acquisition of financial asset at fair value through profit or loss

     (8,707,420     —    

Disposal of financial investments

     60,773,660       38,050,549  

Acquisition of financial investments

     (64,729,380     (46,538,295

Disposal in investments in associates and joint ventures

     34,717       141,052  

Acquisition of investments in associates and joint ventures

     (187,077     (53,375

Disposal of property and equipment

     2,272       31,167  

Acquisition of property and equipment

     (452,270     (298,368

Disposal of investment property

     140,969       1,593  

Acquisition of investment property

     (1,288,125     (262

Disposal of intangible assets

     10,706       7,603  

Acquisition of intangible assets

     (126,163     (111,894

Net cash flows from the change in subsidiaries

     188,140       (405,817


     234,440       446,628  







Net cash outflow from investing activities

     (4,480,286     (8,729,419







Cash flows from financing activities


Net cash flows from derivative financial instruments for hedging purposes

     15,044       63,827  

Net increase in debts

     4,216,014       4,272,011  

Increase in debentures

     143,603,589       139,700,967  

Decrease in debentures

     (135,180,630     (129,235,557

Increase in other payables from trust accounts

     267,077       587,523  

Dividends paid to shareholders of the Parent Company

     (766,728     (497,969

Disposal of treasury shares

     —         3,515  

Acquisition of treasury shares

     (224,700     (185,532

Dividends paid to non-controlling interests

     —         (5,156

Increase in non-controlling interests

     —         (163,658


     (185,894     148,775  







Net cash inflow from financing activities

     11,743,772       14,688,746  







Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (67,950     (133,240







Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (1,762,082     990,062  

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year

     8,404,898       7,414,836  







Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year

   W 6,642,816     W 8,404,898  









The consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2018 is prepared in accordance with Korean IFRS 1109 and Korean IFRS 1115, and the comparatives for the year ended December 31, 2017 has not been restated.