EX-10.23 3 dex1023.htm AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH ANDRE CALANTZOPOULOS Amendment to Employment Agreement with Andre Calantzopoulos

Exhibit 10.23






Andre Calantzopoulos


Lausanne, April 1, 2010

Dear Andre,

Further to your annual performance assessment and discussion with your supervisor, we are pleased to confirm that effective as of April 1, 2010, your annual base salary is being increased by 3.5%.


from CHF 1’384’682.— p.a.*    CHF 106’514.— p.m.*
to CHF 1’433’146.— p.a.    CHF 110’242.— p.m.

Your new Position in Range as a result of this salary increase, is now 49%.

All other conditions relating to your employment with Philip Morris International Management SA remain as stated in your letter of employment issued at the time of the engagement and, if applicable, in any subsequent amendments.

We take this opportunity of wishing you continued success and satisfaction.

Yours sincerely,


Peter-Paul Adriaansen   Ralf Zysk
Director Human Resources   Vice President Center of Expertise
Decision Support & Business Partner   Reward & Retain and Mobility

*p.a. = annual

*p.m. = monthly

Philip Morris International Management S.A.

AVENUE DE RHODANIE 50 • CASE POSTALE 1171 • 1001 LAUSANNE • SWITZERLAND • TELEPHONE: +4l 58 242 00 00 • TELEFAX: +41 58 242 01 01
