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Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant To Rule 13a-16 Or 15d-16

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2019

Commission File Number: 1-33659


(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4100, – 16th floor

São Paulo, SP 04538-132 Brazil

(Address of principal executive offices)



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Cosan Limited

Interim consolidated financial statements

March 31, 2019


KPMG Auditores Independentes

Rua Arquiteto Olavo Redig de Campos, 105, 6º andar – Torre A

Caixa Postal 79518 – CEP 04707-970 – São Paulo/SP – Brasil

Telefone +55 (11) 3940-1500, Fax +55 (11) 3940-1501


Report on Review of the Interim Financial Information

To the Management, Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Cosan Limited



We have reviewed the accompanying consolidated interim financial information of Cosan Limited (“Company”) contained in the Quarterly Information Form—ITR for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, which comprises the statement of financial position as of March 31, 2019, and the respective statements of profit and loss, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the three-month period then ended, including the explanatory notes.

The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with IAS 34 – “Interim Financial Reporting”, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board – IASB. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this consolidated interim financial information based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and international standards on review engagements of interim financial information (NBC TR 2410—Revisão de Informações Intermediárias Executada pelo Auditor da Entidade and ISRE 2410—Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for the financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with audit standards and, consequently, does not enabled us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Conclusion on the interim information

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying consolidated interim financial information included in the Quarterly Information Form – ITR referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board – IASB.

São Paulo, May 15, 2019

KPMG Auditores Independentes

CRC 2SP014428/O-6

Rogério Hernandez Garcia

Accountant CRC 1SP213431/O-5



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statements of financial position

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)




     Note      March 31,
     December 31,



Cash and cash equivalents

     5.1        4,661,559        3,621,798  

Marketable securities

     5.2        2,769,792        4,202,835  

Trade receivables

     5.3        1,852,741        1,545,643  

Derivative financial instruments

     5.8        185,855        181,815  


     7        735,604        716,290  

Receivables from related parties

     5.4        49,312        44,680  

Income tax receivable

        191,893        279,157  

Other current tax receivable

     6        821,955        796,199  

Dividends receivable

        14,797        27,320  

Other current assets

        562,921        543,853  







Total current assets

        11,846,429        11,959,590  

Trade non-current receivables

     5.3        39,565        42,549  

Restricted cash

     5.2        126,219        115,124  

Deferred tax assets

     13        1,614,897        1,540,693  

Receivables from related parties

     5.4        87,785        90,390  

Income taxes receivable

        260,330        260,330  

Other non-current tax receivable

     6        836,798        851,492  

Judicial deposits

     14        905,042        878,807  

Derivative financial instruments

     5.8        2,583,605        2,367,042  

Other non-current assets

        562,273        407,916  

Investments in associates

     8.1        373,857        378,519  

Investments in joint ventures

     9        7,987,127        8,077,907  

Right-of-use assets

     10.3        2,028,659        —    

Property, plant and equipment

     10.1        11,711,326        12,417,822  

Intangible assets and goodwill

     10.2        16,937,287        16,972,535  







Total non-current assets

        46,054,770        44,401,126  







Total assets

        57,901,199        56,360,716  







The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statements of financial position

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)



     Note      March 31,
    December 31,



Loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        2,670,584       2,115,305  


     5.6        283,452       120,491  

Derivative financial instruments

     5.8        —         3,880  

Trade payables

     5.7        1,984,966       1,923,920  

Employee benefits payable

        227,553       339,968  

Income tax payables

        34,071       36,164  

Other taxes payable

     12        353,301       245,587  

Dividends payable

        184,917       187,415  

Concessions payable

     11        29,634       28,797  

Payables to related parties

     5.4        379,616       355,971  

Deferred revenue

        7,548       9,473  

Other financial liabilities

        358,644       455,702  

Other current liabilities

        328,541       418,145  







Total current liabilities

        6,842,827       6,240,818  

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        21,645,216       20,459,008  


     5.6        1,941,257       432,859  

Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries

        1,113,523       1,097,490  

Derivative financial instruments

     5.8        22,308       21,834  

Other taxes payable

     12        153,061       154,599  

Provision for legal proceedings

     14        1,449,088       1,363,168  

Concessions payable

     11        3,251,547       3,179,771  

Post-employment benefits

     22        585,512       579,870  

Deferred tax liabilities

     13        4,047,826       4,093,019  

Deferred revenue

        40,464       42,044  

Other non-current liabilities

        714,791       726,880  







Total non-current liabilities

        34,964,593       32,150,542  







Total liabilities

        41,807,420       38,391,360  







Shareholders’ equity


Share capital

        5,328       5,328  

Additional paid-in capital

        2,209,133       3,112,274  

Accumulated other comprehensive loss

        (723,413     (587,173

Retained earnings

        3,974,086       4,083,974  

Profit for the period

        190,216       —    







Equity attributable to:


Owners of the Company

        5,655,350       6,614,403  

Non-controlling interests

     8.2        10,438,429       11,354,953  







Total shareholders’ equity

        16,093,779       17,969,356  







Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities

        57,901,199       56,360,716  







The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$, except earnings per share)




     Note      March 31,
    March 31,

Net sales

     17        4,720,212       3,543,428  

Cost of sales

     18        (3,469,327     (2,512,680







Gross profit

        1,250,885       1,030,748  







Selling expenses

     18        (264,022     (245,069

General and administrative expenses

     18        (258,485     (213,350

Other income (expenses), net

     19        (5,069     (22,661







Operating expenses

        (527,576     (481,080







Income before equity in earnings of investees, financial results and taxes

        723,309       549,668  







Interest in earnings of associates

     8        (26,798     (2,807

Interest in earnings of joint ventures

     9        303,833       297,657  







Equity in earnings of investees

        277,035       294,850  

Finance expense

        (807,381     (499,883

Finance income

        126,796       188,848  

Foreign exchange, net

        (71,144     (75,957


        229,102       (133,688







Finance results, net

     20        (522,627     (520,680

Profit before taxes

        477,717       323,838  







Income tax (expenses), benefits



        (152,270     52,385  


        70,982       (135,436






        (81,288     (83,051

Profit for the period

        396,429       240,787  







Other comprehensive income (loss)


Items that will never be reclassified to profit or loss


Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan

        —         (54






        —         (54

Items that are or may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss:


Foreign currency translation effect

        (33,094     (23,847

(Loss) / gain on cash flow hedge in joint ventures

        (179,877     3,317  

Changes in fair value of financial assets

        10       32  






        (212,961     (20,498



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$, except earnings per share)




Total other comprehensive (loss) income, net of tax

        (212,961     (20,552







Total comprehensive income

        183,468       220,235  







Total net income attributable to:


Owners of the Company

        190,216       106,304  

Non-controlling interests

        206,213       134,483  






        396,429       240,787  

Total comprehensive income attributable to:


Owners of the Company

        53,976       129,578  

Non-controlling interests

        129,492       90,657  






        183,468       220,235  

Basic earnings (loss) per share from:


Continuing operations

     16      R$ 0.8254     R$ 0.4371  







Basic earnings (loss) per share from:

      R$ 0.8254     R$ 0.4371  

Diluted earnings (loss) per share from:


Continuing operations

     16      R$ 0.7900     R$ 0.4124  







Diluted earnings (loss) per share from:

      R$ 0.7900     R$ 0.4124  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)



paid-in capital
    Accumulated other
comprehensive loss
    Equity attributable
to owners of the Company
    Total equity  

At December 31, 2018

     5,328        3,112,274       (587,173     4,083,974       6,614,403       11,354,953       17,969,356  






















Initial adoption of IFRS 16, net of tax—Note 3.1

     —          —         —         (109,888     (109,888     (422,462     (532,350






















At January 1, 2019

     5,328        3,112,274       (587,173     3,974,086       6,504,515       10,932,491       17,437,006  






















Net income for the period

     —          —         —         190,216       190,216       206,213       396,429  

Other comprehensive income: Note 15


Loss on cash flow hedge in joint ventures

     —          —         (108,387     —         (108,387     (71,490     (179,877

Foreign currency translation effects

     —          —         (27,859     —         (27,859     (5,235     (33,094

Change in fair value of financial assets

     —          —         6       —         6       4       10  






















Total comprehensive income for the year

     —          —         (136,240     190,216       53,976       129,492       183,468  






















Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company:


Dividends—non-controlling interests

     —          (243     —         —         (243     243       —    


     —          —         —         —         —         (1,762     (1,762

Treasury shares acquired

     —          (473,456     —         —         (473,456     —         (473,456

Share-based payment transactions

     —          11,547       —         —         11,547       2,814       14,361  






















Total contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company

     —          (462,152     —         —         (462,152     1,295       (460,857






















Transactions with owners of the Company


Change of shareholding interest in subsidiary

     —          (440,989     —         —         (440,989     (624,849     (1,065,839






















At March 31, 2019

     5,328        2,209,133       (723,413     4,164,302       5,655,350       10,438,429       16,093,779  






















The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)



paid-in capital
    Accumulated other
comprehensive loss
    Equity attributable
to owners of the Company
    Total equity  

At December 31, 2017

     5,328        3,245,543       (394,212     3,182,098       6,038,757       11,020,656       17,059,413  






















Adjustment on initial application of IFRS 9, net of tax

     —          —         —         (3,163     (3,163     (4,185     (7,348






















At January 1, 2018

     5,328        3,245,543       (394,212     3,178,935       6,035,594       11,016,471       17,052,065  






















Net income for the year

     —          —         —         106,304       106,304       134,483       240,787  

Other comprehensive income: Note 15


Gain on cash flow hedge in joint ventures

     —          —         1,940       —         1,940       1,377       3,317  

Foreign currency translation effects

     —          —         (17,594     —         (17,594     (6,253     (23,847

Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan

     —          —         (11     —         (11     (43     (54

Change in fair value of financial assets

     —          —         18       —         18       14       32  






















Total comprehensive income for the year

     —          —         (15,647     106,304       90,657       129,578       220,235  






















Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company:


Dividends—non-controlling interests

     —          (270     —         —         (270     270       —    

Share options exercised—Subsidiaries

     —          9,035       —         —         9,035       6,096       15,131  


     —          —         —         —         —         (960     (960

Share-based payment transactions

     —          9,909       —         —         9,909       2,294       12,203  






















Total contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company

     —          18,674       —         —         18,674       7,700       26,374  






















Transactions with owners of the Company


Change of shareholding interest in subsidiary

     —          (10,764     —         —         (10,764     667       (10,097






















At March 31, 2018

     5,328        3,253,453       (409,859     3,285,239       6,134,161       11,154,416       17,288,577  






















The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.



Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)



     Note      March 31,
    At March 31,

Cash flows from operating activities


Profit before taxes

        477,717       323,838  

Adjustments for:


Depreciation and amortization

        562,804       473,293  

Lease and concession

        —         49,643  

Interest in earnings of associates

     8.1        26,798       2,807  

Interest in earnings of joint ventures

     9        (303,833     (297,657

Loss on disposals assets

        6,363       2,777  

Share-based payment

        14,831       12,679  

Legal proceedings provision

        45,734       30,762  

Indexation charges, interest and exchange, net

        567,385       549,394  

Deferred revenue

        (3,505     (2,437

Provisions for employee benefits

        49,707       39,578  

Allowance for doubtful accounts

        2,124       5,930  


        (99,098     (4,317






        1,347,027       1,186,290  

Changes in:


Trade receivables

        (271,634     (31,035


        (23,622     21,218  

Other current tax receivable

        105,359       (21,452

Income tax receivable

        (57,342     (74,861

Related parties, net

        1,469       (70,271

Trade payables

        45,153       (85,479

Employee benefits

        (165,487     (136,970

Provision for legal proceedings

        (20,292     (29,147

Other financial assets

        (74,132     (57,970

Judicial deposits

        (20,107     (22,065

Cash received on sale of credit rights

        —         1,340,000  

Post-employment benefits

        (8,893     (7,764

Concessions payable

        (3,505     (26,548

Other assets and liabilities, net

        (99,398     (122,530






        (592,431     675,126  

Net cash generated by operating activities

        754,596       1,861,416  







Cash flows from investing activities


Capital contribution in associates

        (26,045     —    

Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired

        —         (35,869

Marketable securities

        1,470,693       334,734  

Restricted cash

        (10,900     28,795  

Dividends received from associates

        1,949       347  

Dividends received from joint ventures

        230,470       408,151  

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, right-of-use assets and contract assets

        (693,862     (623,479

Cash received on sale of fixed assets, and intangible assets

        28       1,123  







Net cash generated in investing activities

        972,333       113,802  









Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)




Cash flows from financing activities


Loans, borrowings and debentures raised

     5.5        3,027,460       2,176,875  

Amortization of principal on loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        (1,469,202     (1,837,194

Payment of interest on loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        (468,768     (428,324

Payment of derivative financial instruments

        (107,279     (595,404

Receipt of derivative financial instruments

        106,529       585,425  

Amortization of principal on leases

     5.6        (58,075     (262,602

Payment of interest on leases

     5.6        (39,917     (43,494

Real estate credit certificates

        —         (29,439

Capital contribution from non-controlling interest

     8.1        434,000       —    

Payments to redeem entity’s shares

     1        (473,456     (9,996

Acquisition of non-controlling interests

     8.1        (1,627,773     —    

Dividends paid

        (2,668     (37,721

Share options exercised

        —         15,131  







Net cash used in financing activities

        (679,149     (466,743







Increase in cash and cash equivalents

        1,047,780       1,508,475  







Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

        3,621,798       4,555,177  







Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held

        (8,019     38,952  







Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

        4,661,559       6,102,604  







Additional information


Income tax paid

        46,037       44,024  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.




Cosan Limited

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$)



Non-cash transaction

During the period ended March 31, 2019, the Company carried out the following transactions that did not involve cash and are therefore not reflected in the statement of cash flows:



Acquisitions of construction assets for the distribution network with payment of term in the amount of R$35,035.



Contingent consideration asset in the subsidiary Moove, with a down payment in the amount of R$128,000 (Note 8.2).



Recognition of litigation indemnification in the amount of R$50,284 (Note 19).

Disclosure of interest and dividends

The Company discloses the dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity received as cash flow from investing activities, with the purpose of avoiding distortions in its cash flows from operation activities.

Interest received or paid is classified as cash flow from financing activities, as it is considered to refer to the costs of obtaining financial resources.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais—R$, unless otherwise stated)






Cosan Limited (“Cosan”) was incorporated in Bermuda on April 30, 2007. Cosan’s class A common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, or “NYSE,” (ticker—CZZ). Mr. Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello is the ultimate controlling shareholder of Cosan. Cosan controls its subsidiaries Cosan S.A. and Cosan Logística S.A. (“Cosan Logística”) through a 60.25% and 72.50% interest, respectively. Cosan, Cosan S.A., Cosan Logística and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to as the “Company.”

On December 21, 2018, the subsidiary Cosan Lubes Investments Limited (“CLI” or “Moove”) and CVC Fund VII (“CVC”) entered into an investment agreement pursuant to which CVC will subscribe for shares in CLI’s capital in a total amount of R$562 million (which is equivalent to approximately 30% of CLI’s capital). Considering all conditions precedent provided in the investment agreement were satisfied, the transaction was concluded on March 29, 2019. As a result and pursuant to the terms of the investment agreement, Moove received R$434 million at the closing of the transaction and may receive up to approximately R$128 million until 2021. Additional information see Note 8.2.

On January 3, 2019, the Company acquired 14,228,134 of our Class A common shares pursuant to a tender offer at a purchase price of U.S.$8.88 per share, for a total cost of approximately R$473,456 excluding fees and other related expenses. These shares represented 9.6% of the issued and outstanding Class A common stock of Cosan Limited as of December 31, 2018. The shares accepted for purchase included 2,966,873 additional shares that Cosan Limited elected to purchase pursuant to its right to purchase up to an additional 2% of its outstanding Class A common shares. After giving effect to the purchase, we had 134,115,534 outstanding Class A common shares remaining.

On March 8, 2019, Cosan S.A. announced the conclusion of the voluntary tender offer (“Voluntary TO”) held on the same date for acquisition of class A preferred shares issued by Comgás. A total of 19,496,165 preferred shares of Comgás were acquired by Cosan S.A. in the tender offer at a price of R$82.00 per preferred share, representing approximately 14.77% of Comgás’s capital stock. As a result, we increased our interest in Comgás from 80.12% prior to the tender offer to 94.88% following the conclusion of the tender offer. Additional information see Note 8.2.

On March 28, 2019, Rumo S.A. (“Rumo”) announced that it has won the tender (International Bidding No. 02/2018) organized by ANTT to operate the railway network located between the cities of Porto Nacional, in the state of Tocantis and Estrela d’Oeste, in the state of São Paulo. Rumos bid was of R$2,719,000. The final granting of the concession to Rumo is subject to the completion of the remaining stages of the tender detailed in the tender notice, including an analysis of Rumos licensing documents. Rumo will be required to pay (i) 5% of the value of its bid within 45 days of the publication of the ANTT’s final decision, and (ii) the remainder in 120 quarterly installments calculated pursuant to the terms of the concession agreement to be entered into in connection with the concession.



Statement of compliance

The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). They do not include all the information required for a complete set of IFRS financial statements. However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the Company’s financial position and performance since the last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2018.

The significant judgments made by management in applying the Company’s accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2018, except for the adoption of IFRS 16 Leases, whose effects and changes are disclosed in Note 3.1, effective as of January 1, 2019. The Company has not early adopted any other standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued.

All own relevant information of the interim financial statements, and only they, are being highlighted, and these correspond to those used by management in its management.




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



These interim consolidated financial statements were authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on May 10, 2019.



Accounting policies

These interim consolidated financial statements were prepared based on the preparation basis and accounting policies consistent with those adopted in the preparation of the financial statements as of December 31, 2018, except for the adoption of IFRS 16—Leases, whose effects and changes are disclosed in Note 3.1 effective as of January 1, 2019. The Company has not adopted in advance any other standard or interpretation issued that is not yet in force.



New standards, interpretations and changes adopted by the Company

IFRS 16 Leases

IFRS 16 introduced a single model for the accounting of leases in the balance sheet of lessees. As a result, the Company, as a lessee, recognized the rights to use assets that represent its rights to use the underlying assets and the lease liabilities that represent its obligation to make lease payments. The lessor’s accounting remains similar to previous accounting policies.

The Company has chosen to use the modified retrospective approach in which the cumulative effect of the initial adoption is recognized as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings on January 1, 2019. Therefore, the comparative information presented for the year ended December 31, 2018 has not been restated—or and is presented as previously reported in accordance with IAS 17 and related interpretations. The details of the changes in accounting policies are disclosed below:



In the definition of lease

Previously, the Company determined, at the inception of the agreement, whether it was or contained a lease under IFRIC 4—Complementary Aspects of Leasing Operations. The Company now assesses whether a lease is or contains a lease based on the new lease definition. According to IFRS 16, a contract is or contains a lease if it transfers the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

In the transition to IFRS 16, the Company opted to apply the practical case of maintaining the evaluation of which transactions are leases, to which IFRS 16 applied. The contracts that were not identified as leases in accordance with IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 were not revalued. Accordingly, the new lease definition in accordance with IFRS 16 was applied only to contracts entered into or amended on or after January 1, 2019.

At the inception or revaluation of a lease component, the Company allocates the lease consideration to each lease component rather than lease based on its individual lease price.



In the treatment as a lessee

The company leases assets, including real estate, rail infrastructure, port, rolling stock (locomotives and wagons), vehicles and IT equipment. As a lessee, the Company previously classified operating or financial leases based on its assessment as to whether the lease substantially transferred all the risks and benefits of the property. In accordance with IFRS 16, the Company recognizes the right to use assets and the lease liabilities for most leases—that is, these leases are recorded in the balance sheet.

However, the Company has elected not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for some leases of low value assets (eg IT equipment). The Company recognizes the payments associated with these leases as an expense under the straight-line method over the lease term.




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The Company presents the carrying amounts of the right-of-use assets (including assets previously classified as financial leases) in a specific balance sheet line called “Right-of-use assets”. Likewise, it records the liabilities in a separate account called “Leases”.



Accounting policy adopted as of January 1, 2019 meaning:

Previously, the Company determined at the inception of the agreement whether it was or contained a lease under IFRIC 4—Complementary Aspects of Leasing Operations. The company now assesses whether a lease is or contains a lease based on the new lease definition. According to IFRS 16, a contract is or contains a lease if it transfers the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

The Company recognizes a right-of-use assets and a lease liability at the date of commencement of the lease.

The right-of-use assets is initially measured at cost and subsequently at cost less any accumulated depreciation and impairment, and adjusted for certain measurements of lease liabilities.

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that were not paid at the commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implied in the lease or, if that rate can not be determined immediately, the incremental loan rate of Company and its subsidiaries. Generally, the Company uses its incremental loan rate as the discount rate.

The Company has applied a judgment to determine the lease term of some contracts that include renewal options. The evaluation of whether the Company is reasonably certain to exercise these options has an impact on the term of the lease, which significantly affects the value of lease liabilities and recognized right-of-use assets. The extension and termination options are included in several lease agreements throughout the Company. These terms are used to maximize operational flexibility in terms of contract management. Most of the extension and termination options exercised are exercisable by both participants (lessor and lessee).




Previously, the Company classified leases of railway infrastructure and rolling stock as operating leases in accordance with IAS 17. Some leases are adjusted by inflation indexes such as IGP-M or IPCA.

Lease liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining payments, discounted by the incremental loan rate of the Company on January 1, 2019. The rights to use assets are measured:



At its book value as if IFRS 16 had been applied since the commencement date, discounted by the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application—the company applied this approach to its larger property leases infrastructure , port and rolling stock; or



At the amount equivalent to the lease liability, adjusted for the amount of any prepayment or accumulated rent—the Company applied this approach to all other leases.

The Company used the following practical arrangements when applying IFRS 16 to leases previously classified as operating leases in accordance with IAS 17:



It applied the exemption for not recognizing rights-of-use assets and liabilities for leases with terms less than 12 months.



Excluded the initial direct costs of measuring the right to use asset at the date of initial application.



It used late perception when determining the term of the lease if the contract contained options to extend or terminate the lease.

Leases classified and previously recorded as finance leases under IAS 17 had the book value of the right to use the asset and the lease liability on January 1, 2019 determined by the carrying amount of the lease and liability assets lease immediately prior to that date. Extension and termination options are included in various lease agreements throughout the Company. These terms are used to maximize operational flexibility in terms of contract management. Most of the extension and termination options exercised are exercisable by both participants (lessor and lessee).



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




Impact on statement of financial position on January 1, 2019:


     January 1,

Current assets


Other current assets


Non-current assets


Other non-current assets


Deferred tax assets


Right-of-use assets





Total on non-current assets








Total on assets


Current liabilities




Non-current liabilities







Total on liabilities


Shareholders’ equity


Retained earnings





Total on shareholders’ equity


The joint ventures Raízen Energia S.A. and Raízen Combustíveis S.A. recognized the lease liability and the right to use asset at the date of the initial application for leases previously classified as operating leases, retrospectively, with cumulative effect. These joint ventures used as a practical expedient the use of a single discount rate on the lease portfolio with similar characteristics.

When measuring lease liabilities for those leases previously classified as operating leases, the Company discounted lease payments using its incremental loan rate on January 1, 2019. The weighted average rates applied follow a range from 4.00% to 8.11% per year.



Other standards and interpretations effective as of January 1, 2019, without effects on the financial statements

IFRIC Interpretation 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatment

The Interpretation addresses the accounting of income taxes when tax treatment involves uncertainty that affects the application of IAS 12 and does not apply to taxes or charges outside the scope of IAS 12, nor does it specifically treatment of interest and penalties associated with uncertain taxes.

The Company is subject to examination by the tax authorities, with the five fiscal years open in general. The Company has audits in progress at various stages of completion, one of which may be completed within the next 12 months. However, at that time, the Company had no uncertainties regarding the treatment of income tax.

Have not been identified effects of interpretation adoption IFRIC 23 that could affect the Company accounting policies and its interim consolidated financial statements.



Segment information

The following segment information is used by Cosan’s senior management (the “Chief Operating Decision Maker”) to assess the performance of the operating segments and to make decisions with regards to the allocation of resources. This information is prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial statements. Cosan evaluates the performance of its operating segments based on the measure of Earnings Before Interest Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (“EBITDA”).




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Reported segments:



Raízen Energia: production and marketing of a variety of products derived from sugar cane, including raw sugar (Very High Polarization, or “VHP”), anhydrous and hydrated ethanol, and activities related to energy cogeneration from sugarcane bagasse. In addition, this segment holds interests in companies engaged in research and development on new technology;



Raízen Combustíveis: distribution and marketing of fuels, mainly through a franchised network of service stations under the “Shell” brand throughout Brazil, petroleum refining, the operation of fuel resellers, the manufacture and sale of automotive and industrial lubricants, and the production and sale of liquefied petroleum gas throughout Argentina;



Comgás: distribution of piped natural gas to part of the State of São Paulo to customers in the industrial, residential, commercial, automotive and cogeneration sectors;



Logistic: logistics services for rail transportation, storage and port loading of commodities, mainly for grains and sugar, leasing of locomotives, wagons and another railway equipment; and



Moove: Production and distribution of lubricants licensed under the Mobil brand in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, the United States and European market through the subsidiaries CLE, Stanbridge, TTA, LubrigrupoII, Cosan Lubrificantes S.R.L (“Cosan S.R.L”) and Moove Lubricants under the Comma brand for the European and Asian market and corporate activities (“Moove”).




Cosan Corporate: digital wallet platform and other investments, in addition to the corporate activities of the Company. The Cosan corporate segment includes the financing subsidiaries for the Cosan group.

Although, Raízen Energia and Raízen Combustíveis are equity accounted joint ventures and are no longer proportionally consolidated, senior management continues to review segment information. A reconciliation of these segments is presented in the column “Deconsolidation of joint ventures”.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



     March 31, 2019  
     Reported segments     Reconciliation     Consolidated  
    Raízen Combustíveis     Comgás     Moove     Logistic     Cosan
    Brazil     Argentina  

Statement of profit or loss:


Gross sales

     7,560,998       21,073,405       4,390,694       2,607,433       1,282,348       1,722,438       306       (33,025,097     (9,432     5,603,093  

Domestic market (i)

     2,353,942       21,073,405       4,390,694       2,607,433       1,143,979       1,722,438       306       (27,818,041     (9,432     5,464,724  

External market

     5,207,056       —         —         —         138,369       —         —         (5,207,056     —         138,369  

Net sales

     7,120,028       20,033,141       3,128,122       2,060,052       1,034,341       1,634,946       306       (30,281,291     (9,432     4,720,213  

Cost of sales

     (6,651,275     (19,120,447     (2,779,020     (1,498,927     (826,358     (1,153,474     —         28,550,742       9,432       (3,469,327

Gross profit

     468,753       912,694       349,102       561,125       207,983       481,472       306       (1,730,549     —         1,250,886  

Selling expenses

     (235,450     (342,945     (163,613     (149,238     (112,024     (2,843     83       742,008       —         (264,022

General and administrative expenses

     (124,437     (130,697     (31,874     (83,607     (37,643     (83,226     (54,009     287,008       —         (258,485

Other income (expenses), net

     48,030       260,632       20,006       3,469       1,038       (21,527     11,951       (328,668     —         (5,069

Interest in earnings of associates

     —         110,742       —         —         1,725       4,750       363,958       (110,742     (397,231     (26,798

Interest in earnings of joint ventures

     4,689       1       —         —         —         —         303,833       (4,690     —         303,833  

Financial results

     (155,050     33,868       (104,908     (52,477     (3,118     (324,445     (142,587     226,090       —         (522,627

Finance expense

     (316,305     (176,802     (17,291     (99,040     (10,703     (435,118     (262,520     510,398       —         (807,381

Finance Income

     125,371       61,695       5,273       46,634       3,509       41,876       34,777       (192,339     —         126,796  

Foreign exchange losses, net

     26,488       58,706       (92,890     (3,316     (9,252     (26,945     (31,631     7,696       —         (71,144


     9,396       90,269       —         3,245       13,328       95,742       116,787       (99,665     —         229,102  

Income tax (expense)benefit

     6,890       (225,469     42,029       (99,332     (15,371     (27,811     61,226       176,550       —         (81,288































Profit (loss) from continuing operations

     13,425       618,826       110,742       179,940       42,590       26,370       544,761       (742,993     (397,231     396,430  































Net income attributable to:


Owners of the Parent

     12,645       598,014       110,742       159,830       29,390       5,084       541,164       (721,401     (545,252     190,216  

Non-controlling interests

     780       20,812       —         20,110       13,200       21,286       3,597       (21,592     148,021       206,214  






























     13,425       618,826       110,742       179,940       42,590       26,370       544,761       (742,993     (397,231     396,430  

Other select data:


Depreciation and amortization

     728,597       83,315       102,530       115,395       20,480       422,455       4,474       (914,442     —         562,804  


     890,182       893,742       276,151       447,144       81,559       801,081       630,596       (2,060,075     (397,231     1,563,149  

Additions to PP&E, intangible and Contracts assets

     1,078,021       72,995       18,480       146,182       3,282       542,608       1,790       (1,169,496     —         693,862  

Reconciliation of EBITDA:


Profit (loss) for the period

     13,425       618,826       110,742       179,940       42,590       26,370       544,761       (742,993     (397,231     396,430  

Income tax and social contribution

     (6,890     225,469       (42,029     99,332       15,371       27,811       (61,226     (176,550     —         81,288  

Financial results, net

     155,050       (33,868     104,908       52,477       3,118       324,445       142,587       (226,090     —         522,627  

Depreciation and amortization

     728,597       83,315       102,530       115,395       20,480       422,455       4,474       (914,442     —         562,804  
































     890,182       893,742       276,151       447,144       81,559       801,081       630,596       (2,060,075     (397,231     1,563,149  

































Domestic markets: sales within the countries where each entity is located; external markets: sales export.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




     March 31, 2018  



     Reported segments     Reconciliation        
    Comgás     Moove     Logistic     Cosan
eliminations /

Statement of profit or loss:


Gross sales

     4,512,938       19,494,972       1,430,876       724,572       1,396,683       400       (24,007,910     (9,103     3,543,428  

Domestic market

     2,926,654       19,494,972       1,430,876       710,294       1,350,752       400       (22,421,626     (9,103     3,483,219  

External market

     1,586,284       —         —         14,278       45,931       —         (1,586,284     —         60,209  

Cost of sales

     (3,945,052     (18,521,684     (942,432     (578,497     (1,000,714     (140     22,466,736       9,103       (2,512,680

Gross profit

     567,886       973,288       488,444       146,075       395,969       260       (1,541,174     —         1,030,748  

Selling expenses

     (155,094     (345,102     (154,465     (86,776     (3,828     —         500,196       —         (245,069

General and administrative expenses

     (173,414     (135,328     (76,772     (22,643     (69,615     (44,320     308,742       —         (213,350

Other income (expense), net

     108,456       99,384       (252     (1,109     (4,396     (16,904     (207,840     —         (22,661

Financial results

     (36,292     (72,366     (21,631     (9,032     (348,825     (141,192     108,658       —         (520,680

Finance expense

     (198,882     5,972       (96,864     (7,128     (342,905     (54,525     192,910       1,538       (499,884

Finance income

     138,776       48,796       73,331       2,967       75,599       38,490       (187,572     (1,538     188,849  

Foreign exchange losses, net

     6,344       (87,080     5,415       (1,833     (12,973     (66,566     80,736       —         (75,957


     17,470       (40,054     (3,513     (3,038     (68,546     (58,591     22,584       —         (133,688

Interest in earnings of associates

     (4,158     —         —         (5,059     1,380       326,998       4,158       (326,126     (2,807

Interest in earnings of joint ventures

     —         —         —         —         —         297,657       —         —         297,657  

Income tax expense benefit

     (72,394     (142,856     (76,348     (8,478     (28,385     30,160       215,250       —         (83,051




























Profit (loss) from continuing operations

     234,990       377,020       158,976       12,978       (57,700     452,659       (612,010     (326,126     240,787  

Total net income attributable to:


Owners of the Company

     234,976       361,806       126,978       12,978       (16,225     448,101       (596,782     (465,528     106,304  

Non-controlling interests

     14       15,214       31,998       —         (41,475     4,558       (15,228     139,402       134,483  



























     234,990       377,020       158,976       12,978       (57,700     452,659       (612,010     (326,126     240,787  

Other selected data:


Depreciation and amortization

     611,588       70,203       117,416       20,853       331,120       3,904       (681,791     —         473,293  


     955,264       662,445       374,371       51,341       650,630       567,595       (1,617,709     (326,126     1,317,811  

Additions to PP&E, intangible and biological assets

     1,016,207       88,767       97,201       11,198       483,743       223       (1,104,974     —         592,365  

Reconciliation of EBITDA:


Profit (loss) for the period

     234,990       377,020       158,976       12,978       (57,700     452,659       (612,010     (326,126     240,787  

Income tax and social contribution

     72,394       142,856       76,348       8,478       28,385       (30,160     (215,250     —         83,051  

Financial result, net

     36,292       72,366       21,631       9,032       348,825       141,192       (108,658     —         520,680  

Depreciation and amortization

     611,588       70,203       117,416       20,853       331,120       3,904       (681,791     —         473,293  





























     955,264       662,445       374,371       51,341       650,630       567,595       (1,617,709     (326,126     1,317,811  






























Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




     March 31, 2019  
     Reported segments     Reconciliation     Consolidated  
    Raízen Combustíveis     Comgás     Moove     Logistic     Cosan
    Brazil     Argentina  

Statement of financial position:


Cash and cash equivalents

     3,189,859       2,316,713       501,878       864,906       601,175       959,794       2,235,684       (6,008,450     —         4,661,559  

Marketable securities

     —         —         —         931,854       11,682       1,600,457       225,799       —         —         2,769,792  

Trade receivables

     974,025       2,563,163       337,721       905,827       522,964       453,242       10,273       (3,874,909     —         1,892,306  

Derivative financial instruments

     1,350,963       786,149       9,017       374,796       38,491       1,013,182       1,342,991       (2,146,129     —         2,769,460  


     797,083       2,168,125       1,110,063       63,452       402,428       267,471       2,253       (4,075,271     —         735,604  

Other current assets

     3,551,789       2,655,735       1,045,979       492,312       232,423       449,350       988,547       (7,253,503     (521,754     1,640,878  

Other non-current assets

     4,710,342       3,671,795       57,424       353,033       844,472       2,719,169       1,613,066       (8,439,561     (1,136,396     4,393,344  

Investments in associates

     —         3,202,864       —         —         15,647       39,277       13,767,917       (3,202,864     (13,448,984     373,857  

Investments in joint ventures

     572,918       —         268       —         —         —         7,987,127       (573,186     —         7,987,127  

Biological assets

     812,965       —         —         —         —         —         —         (812,965     —         —    

Property, plant and equipment

     11,834,699       2,609,988       3,252,383       —         311,198       11,226,530       173,598       (17,697,070     —         11,711,326  

Intangible assets and goodwill

     3,630,418       2,543,256       9,664       8,271,564       1,192,674       7,465,172       7,877       (6,183,338     —         16,937,287  

Right-of-use assets

     4,009,474       135,979       430,878       14,662       24,077       1,953,000       36,920       (4,576,331     —         2,028,659  

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     (12,161,698     (4,698,497     (392,614     (3,627,166     (796,741     (10,602,345     (9,289,548     17,252,809       —         (24,315,800

Derivative financial instruments

     (1,145,599     (88,624     —         —         —         (173     (22,135     1,234,223       —         (22,308

Trade payables

     (4,189,363     (2,563,631     (1,272,561     (1,052,190     (501,202     (428,632     (2,942     8,025,555       —         (1,984,966

Employee benefits payable

     (399,418     (104,768     (39,578     (35,699     (33,292     (139,578     (18,984     543,764       —         (227,553

Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries

     —         —         —         —         —         —         (1,113,523     —         —         (1,113,523


     (3,831,635     (136,794     (423,009     (14,842     (34,800     (2,137,573     (37,494     4,391,438       —         (2,224,709

Other current liabilities

     (1,033,667     (4,920,054     (623,303     (207,377     (480,268     (665,728     (874,860     6,577,024       551,961       (1,676,272

Other non-current liabilities

     (1,274,413     (5,223,068     (801,346     (1,991,773     (786,264     (6,376,559     (2,193,886     7,298,827       1,106,193       (10,242,289































Total assets (net of liabilities) allocated by segment

     11,398,742       4,918,331       3,202,864       5,343,359       1,564,664       7,796,056       14,838,680       (19,519,937     (13,448,980     16,093,779  































Total assets

     35,434,535       22,653,767       6,755,275       12,272,406       4,197,231       28,146,644       28,392,052       (64,843,577     (15,107,134     57,901,199  































Equity attributable to owners of the Company

     11,363,480       4,677,467       3,202,864       5,109,180       1,114,198       1,565,365       14,834,835       (19,243,811     (16,968,228     5,655,350  

Non-controlling interests

     35,262       240,864       —         234,179       450,466       6,230,691       3,845       (276,126     3,519,248       10,438,429  































Total shareholders’ equity

     11,398,742       4,918,331       3,202,864       5,343,359       1,564,664       7,796,056       14,838,680       (19,519,937     (13,448,980     16,093,779  




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



     December 31, 2018  



     Reported segments     Reconciliation        
    Raízen Combustíveis     Comgás     Moove     Logistic     Cosan
    Brasil     Argentina  

Statement of financial position:


Cash and cash equivalents

     2,437,571       864,105       490,960       602,618       206,702       143,710       2,668,768       (3,792,636     —         3,621,798  

Marketable securities

     —         —         —         1,124,723       13,033       2,843,435       221,644       —         —         4,202,835  

Trade receivables

     1,061,297       2,747,503       372,202       695,147       446,645       438,062       8,338       (4,181,002     —         1,588,192  

Derivative financial instruments

     1,956,616       639,976       —         368,928       29,976       892,461       1,257,492       (2,596,592     —         2,548,857  


     3,618,573       2,078,003       1,284,087       65,259       385,901       263,386       1,744       (6,980,663     —         716,290  

Other financial assets

     516,519       —         —         —         —         —         —         (516,519     —         —    

Other current assets

     3,203,838       3,045,745       1,122,633       641,042       161,076       413,267       1,016,569       (7,372,216     (540,745     1,691,209  

Other non-current assets

     4,141,547       3,508,485       66,117       282,572       750,088       2,693,158       1,536,566       (7,716,149     (1,117,633     4,144,751  

Investments in associates

     —         3,056,025       266       —         13,799       44,001       13,111,569       (3,056,291     (12,790,850     378,519  

Investments in joint ventures

     567,785       —         —         —         —         —         8,077,907       (567,785     —         8,077,907  

Biological assets

     740,473       —         —         —         —         —         —         (740,473     —         —    

Property, plant and equipment

     10,912,819       2,292,355       3,182,272       —         321,746       11,916,818       179,258       (16,387,446     —         12,417,822  

Intangible assets and goodwill

     3,626,819       2,513,923       8,591       8,279,593       1,191,627       7,493,882       7,434       (6,149,333     —         16,972,536  

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     (12,702,418     (4,665,127     (971,268     (3,651,545     (759,169     (10,594,381     (7,569,218     18,338,813       —         (22,574,313

Derivative financial instruments

     (1,223,260     (31,469     —         —         (3,880     —         (21,834     1,254,729       —         (25,714

Trade payables

     (3,090,299     (1,603,481     (1,003,917     (1,012,895     (452,300     (451,637     (7,088     5,697,697       —         (1,923,920

Employee benefits payable

     (343,670     (73,481     (36,829     (63,520     (37,850     (207,397     (31,201     453,980       —         (339,968

Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries

     —         —         —         —         —         —         (1,097,490     —         —         (1,097,490


     —         —         —         —         —         (553,350     —         —         —         (553,350

Other current liabilities

     (2,448,741     (4,520,490     (624,633     (159,060     (499,759     (770,695     (849,832     7,593,864       542,092       (1,737,254

Other non-current liabilities

     (1,305,251     (5,028,754     (834,456     (2,009,997     (794,110     (6,263,836     (2,187,599     7,168,461       1,116,191       (10,139,351




























Total assets (net of liabilities) allocated by segment

     11,670,218       4,823,318       3,056,025       5,162,865       973,525       8,300,884       16,323,027       (19,549,561     (12,790,945     17,969,356  































Total assets

     32,783,857       17,690,095       6,527,128       12,059,882       3,520,593       27,142,180       28,087,289       (57,001,080     (14,449,228     56,360,716  































Equity attributable to owners of the Company

     11,632,885       4,589,628       3,056,025       4,175,508       966,465       1,661,512       16,322,616       (19,278,538     (16,511,698     6,614,403  

Non-controlling interests

     37,333       233,690       —         987,357       7,060       6,639,372       411       (271,023     3,720,753       11,354,953  































Total shareholders’ equity

     11,670,218       4,823,318       3,056,025       5,162,865       973,525       8,300,884       16,323,027       (19,549,561     (12,790,945     17,969,356  



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




Net sales by segment


     March 31,
    March 31,

Reported segment


Raízen Energia



     2,950,545       2,423,694  


     1,581,597       1,350,250  


     623,530       121,722  


     1,199,276       —    


     735,880       108,995  


     29,200       508,277  






     7,120,028     4,512,938  

Raízen Combustíveis



     22,298,950       19,494,972  


     862,313       —    






     23,161,263     19,494,972  




     1,388,407       941,881  


     210,928       190,196  


     103,523       58,675  


     79,969       55,194  


     103,927       81,550  

Construction revenue

     159,936       89,493  


     13,362       13,887  






     2,060,052     1,430,876  



Finished goods

     936,818       646,081  

Basic oil

     90,757       71,009  


     6,766       7,482  






     1,034,341     724,572  



North operations

     1,240,003       1,053,358  

South operations

     328,422       288,153  

Container operations

     66,521       55,172  






     1,634,946     1,396,683  



Cosan Corporate

     306       400  







Deconsolidated of joint ventures and eliminations

     (30,290,723     (24,017,013








     4,720,213       3,543,428  









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Financial assets and liabilities

The carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities are as follows:


     Note      March 31,
     December 31,



Fair value through profit or loss


Cash and cash equivalents

     5.1        1,729,318        1,600,590  

Marketable securities

     5.2        2,769,792        4,202,835  

Contingent consideration asset

     5.9        128,000        —    

Derivate financial instruments

     5.8        2,769,460        2,548,857  






            7,396,570      8,352,282  

Amortized cost


Cash and cash equivalents

     5.1        2,932,241        2,021,208  

Trade receivables

     5.3        1,892,306        1,588,192  

Restricted cash

     5.2        126,219        115,124  

Receivables from related parties

     5.4        137,097        135,070  

Dividends receivable

        14,797        27,320  






        5,102,660        3,886,914  








        12,499,230        12,239,196  






     Note      March 31,
     December 31,



Amortized cost


Loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        13,748,672        10,005,187  


     5.6        2,224,709        553,350  

Trade payables

     5.7        1,984,966        1,923,920  

Other financial liabilities

        358,644        455,702  

Payables to related parties

     5.4        379,616        355,971  

Dividends payable

        184,917        187,415  

Tax installments—REFIS

     12        213,524        216,984  

Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries

        1,113,523        1,097,490  






        20,208,571        14,796,019  

Fair value through profit or loss


Loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        10,567,128        12,569,126  

Contingent consideration payable

     5.9        72,467        64,969  

Derivative financial instruments

     5.8        22,308        25,714  






        10,661,903        12,659,809  






        30,870,474        27,455,828  









Refers to contingent consideration assets related the investment agreement between CLI with CVC fund, as disclosed in Note 1.




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



5.1 Cash and cash equivalents


     March 31,
     December 31,

Cash and bank accounts

     654,141        111,410  

Savings account

     1,185,956        1,335,774  

Financial investments

     2,821,462        2,174,614  






     4,661,559        3,621,798  







Financial investments are composed as follows:


     March 31,
     December 31,

Investment fund


Repurchase agreements

     1,091,847        1,179,503  

Bank certificate of deposits—CDB

     637,471        421,087  






     1,729,318        1,600,590  







Bank investments


Repurchase agreements

     103,846        —    

Bank certificate of deposits—CDB

     981,258        571,840  


     7,040        2,184  






     1,092,144        574,024  






     2,821,462        2,174,614  







The Company’s onshore financial investments are remunerated at rates around 100% of the interbank deposit certificate (“CDI”) in March 31, 2019 (100% of CDI in December 31, 2018) and offshore financial investments are remunerated at rates around 100% of Fed Funds. The sensitivity analysis on interest rate risks is in note 21.



Marketable securities and restricted cash


     March 31,
     December 31,

Marketable securities


Government security(i)

     2,769,792        4,144,797  

Bank certificate of deposit—CDB

     —          58,038  






     2,769,792        4,202,835  







Restricted cash


Investments linked to loans

     42,039        31,254  

Securities pledged as collateral

     84,180        83,870  






     126,219        115,124  









Government securities have stated interest connected to Special System for Settlement and Custody (Sistema Especial de Liquidação e de Custódia), or “SELIC”.




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



5.3 Trade receivables


     March 31,
    December 31,

Domestic – Brazilian Reais

     1,912,423       1,609,421  

Export – Foreign currency

     101,953       104,355  






     2,014,376       1,713,776  

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (122,070     (125,584






     1,892,306       1,588,192  


     1,852,741       1,545,643  








     39,565       42,549  







5.4 Related parties



Receivables from and payables to related parties


     March 31,
     December 31,

Current Asset


Corporate operation / Agreements


Raízen Energia S.A.(i)

     41,399        38,205  

Aguassanta Participações S.A.

     92        29  

Raízen Combustíveis S.A.(i)

     7,821        6,263  


     —          183  






     49,312        44,680  







Non-current assets


Comercial operations


Raízen Combustíveis S.A. (i)

     28,899        27,523  






     28,899        27,523  







Preferred shares


Raízen Energia S.A.(i)

     37,592        37,470  






     37,592        37,470  







Financial operations


Rezende Barbosa(ii)

     21,144        23,144  


     150        2,253  






     21,294        25,397  






     87,785        90,390  










Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



     March 31,
     December 31,

Current liabilities


Corporate operations / agreements


Raízen Energia S.A.(i)

     229,272        215,582  

Raízen Combustíveis S.A.(i)

     149,579        136,779  


     765        3,610  






     379,616        355,971  









Current and non-current assets receivable from Raízen Energia and Raízen Combustíveis are, primarily, tax credits which will be reimbursed to the Company when realized. The preferred shares are used to Raízen reimburse Cosan, with preferential dividends, when the net operating loss is consumed in Raízen.

Current liabilities represent reimburse to Raízen Energia and Raízen Combustíveis related to expenses regarding legal disputes and other liabilities, generated before the formation of joint ventures, which are responsibility of Cosan S.A.


The Company has receivables with Rezende Barbosa for the repayment of loans taken prior to the acquisition of the subsidiaries in 2009. These receivables are secured by Cosan S.A. shares.



Related party transactions


     March 31,
    March 31,

Product sales


Raízen Energia S.A.

     107,803       77,858  

Raízen Combustíveis S.A

     49,785       38,570  


     3,939       7,439  






     161,527       123,867  

Purchase of goods / inputs


Raízen Energia S.A.

     (197     (14

Raízen Combustíveis S.A

     (278,333     (252,505






     (278,530     (252,519

Shared income (expense)


Raízen Energia S.A.

     (19,034     (18,525






     (19,034     (18,525

Financial result


Raízen Energia S.A.

     1,368       2,051  


     (71     (59






     1,297       1,992  



Officers’ and directors’ compensation

The Company has a compensation policy approved by the Board of Directors. Compensation of the Company’s key management personnel includes salaries, non-cash benefits and contributions to a post-employment defined benefit plan.


     March 31,
     March 31,

Short-term benefits to officers and directors

     23,273        16,149  

Post-employment benefits

     169        71  

Other long-term benefits

     —          35  

Stock option expense

     2,534        12,404  






     25,976        28,659  



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




Loans, borrowings and debentures




   Index      Annual
interest rate
     March 31,
     December 31,
     Maturity      Objective  

With guarantee



     URTJLP        9.29%        2,616,967        2,584,347        Dec-29        Expansion project  
     Fixed        5.33%        999,081        1,055,281        Feb-25        Expansion project  
     TJ462        9.92%        274,476        316,854        Oct-20        Investment  
     Selic        8.32%        133,784        152,562        Oct-20        Investment  
     Selic        8.49%        61,220        63,852        Jun-23        Investment  
     TJLP        9.11%        102,039        107,731        Jun-23        Investment  
     Selic        13.65%        2,646        3,930        Sep-20        Expansion project  
     Fixed        4.75%        5,290        2,261        Jan-24        Expansion project  
     IPCA        11.91%        2,278        2,211        Nov-21        Expansion project  

Export credit agreement (ECA)

     Euribor + 0.58%        0.58%        72,253        —          Sep-26        Investment  


     U.S.$        3.88%        91,105        89,003        Jun-20        Investment  
     U.S.$        2.94%        42,769        54,508        Sep-20        Investment  
     U.S.$ + LIBOR        3.43%        116,642        115,581        May-21        Investment  
     U.S.$ + LIBOR        3.29%        108,462        130,402        Sep-21        Investment  


     Fixed        5.00%        93,357        93,309        Nov-22        Investment  






           4,722,369        4,771,832        







Without guarantee


Foreign loans

     GBP + Libor        4.22%        378,696        363,250        Dec-22        Acquisition  
     GBP + Libor        2.47%        219,760        199,794        Nov-20        Acquisition  
     126% of CDI        8.13%        —          514,817        Dec-23        Exportation  
     CDI + 0.80%        7.25%        497,925        —          Dec-23        Exportation  
     125% of CDI        8.06%        —          646,024        Dec-23        Exportation  

Perpetual Notes

     U.S.$        8.25%        1,972,907        1,961,819        Nov-40        Acquisition  

Resolution 4131

     U.S.$        4.79%        40,438        39,738        Oct-20        Working capital  
     U.S.$ + Libor        3.79%        157,847        156,387        Feb-20        Working capital  
     U.S.$        3.67%        298,988        292,172        May-23        Working capital  
     U.S.$        4.34%        41,184        41,033        Dec-20        Working capital  
     U.S.$        3.43%        210,627        209,987        Nov-22        Working capital  

Senior Notes Due 2023

     U.S.$        5.00%        410,958        409,590        Mar-23        Acquisition  

Senior Notes Due 2027

     U.S.$        7.00%        2,985,388        2,977,721        Jan-27        Acquisition  

Senior Notes Due 2024

     U.S.$        7.38%        3,067,536        3,061,566        Feb-24        Acquisition  

Senior Notes Due 2024

     U.S.$        5.95%        2,025,299        2,022,793        Sep-24        Acquisition  

Senior Notes Due 2025

     U.S.$        5.88%        2,011,579        1,997,394        Jan-25        Acquisition  

Commercial banks

     Fixed U.S.$        5.33%        7,793        15,499        Jun-19        Working capital  

Working capital

     120.25% of CDI        7.74%        31,389        30,828        Aug-20        Working capital  
     124.60% of CDI        8.04%        15,125        —          Feb-20        Working capital  
     125% of CDI        8.06%        5,114        5,018        Dec-19        Working capital  
     122% of CDI        7.86%        —          15,402        Feb-19        Working capital  


     U.S.$+Libor        4.10%        7,869        11,706        Apr-19        Working capital  


     IGPM + 6,10%        11.64%        233,449        228,010        May-28        Working capital  
     IPCA + 5.57%        9.68%        208,376        203,613        Sep-20        Working capital  
     IPCA + 7.14%        11.31%        314,849        305,894        Dec-20        Working capital  
     IPCA + 7.48%        11.66%        283,281        275,014        Dec-22        Working capital  
     IPCA + 7.36%        11.54%        93,355        90,656        Dec-25        Working capital  
     IPCA + 5.87%        9.99%        797,528        767,638        Dec-23        Working capital  
     IPCA + 4.33%        8.39%        424,084        414,583        Oct-24        Working capital  
     IPCA + 4.68%        8.75%        512,798        —          Feb-26        Working capital  
     IPCA + 4.50%        8.57%        595,574        —          Feb-29        Working capital  
     106 % of CDI        6.80%        1,700,956        —          Feb-21        Acquisition  
     128 % of CDI        8.26%        —          501,064        Dec-25        Working capital  
     CDI + 0.90%        7.36%        42,759        43,471        Sep-19        Working capital  






           19,593,431        17,802,481        








           24,315,800        22,574,313        








           2,670,584        2,115,305        








           21,645,216        20,459,008        









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Non-current borrowings are scheduled to fall due as follows:


     March 31,
     December 31,

13 to 24 months

     2,936,091        2,113,502  

25 to 36 months

     1,191,420        1,310,790  

37 to 48 months

     1,440,957        1,201,227  

49 to 60 months

     4,751,565        2,429,146  

61 to 72 months

     4,917,816        5,783,465  

73 to 84 months

     346,164        2,332,961  

85 to 96 months

     3,331,725        475,964  


     2,729,478        4,811,953  






     21,645,216        20,459,008  







The carrying amounts of loans, borrowings and debentures are denominated in the following currencies:


     March 31,
     December 31,

Reais (R$)

     10,047,700        8,424,373  

Dollar (U.S.$)

     13,597,391        13,586,897  

Pound (GBP)

     598,456        563,043  

Euro (€)

     72,253        —    






     24,315,800        22,574,313  







At March 31, 2019, all dated debts denominated in U.S. Dollars, in the subsidiaries, have currency risk protection through derivatives (Note 5.9). For the 5th Issuance of debentures denominated in R$ of the Comgás subsidiary, a derivative operation was carried out in which its future cash flow was protected, and the IPCA interest rate risk was changed by percentage of the CDI.

Below are the movements that occurred for the period ended March 31, 2019:


At December 31, 2018




Repayment of principal on loans, borrowings and debentures


Payment of interest on loans, borrowings and debentures


Interest, exchange rate and fair value





At March 31, 2019








Some financing agreements with the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social), or “BNDES,” of the subsidiaries Comgás and Rumo, are guaranteed by bank guarantee, or by real guarantees (assets) and escrow account. On March 31, 2019, the balance of bank guarantees contracted was R$1,134,519 and R$2,327,308 with an average cost of 0.97% p.a. and 2.32% p.a., respectively (R$1,195,048 and R$2,475,175 as of December 31, 2018).



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Available credit line

As of March 31, 2019, the subsidiary Rumo had available credit lines from BNDES, which were not used, in the total amount of R$1,935,490 (R$ 2,108,824 on December 31, 2018).

As of March 31, 2019, the subsidiary Cosan S.A. had available credit lines from financial institutions AA, which were not used, in the total amount of R$501,000 (R$ 501,000 on December 31, 2018).

The use of these credit lines is subject to certain contractual conditions.



Financial Covenants

Under the terms of the major borrowing facilities, the Company is required to comply with the following financial covenants:






Debenture 3rd issue – Comgás


Net onerous debt / EBITDA can not exceed 4.00


Short-term indebtedness / Total indebtedness can not exceed 0.6


Debenture 4th issue—Comgás


Net onerous debt / EBITDA can not exceed 4.00


Short-term indebtedness / Total indebtedness can not exceed 0.6


Debenture 5th issue—Comgás


Net onerous debt / EBITDA can not exceed 4.00


Debenture 6th issue—Comgás


Net onerous debt / EBITDA can not exceed 4.00


Debenture 7th Issue—Comgás


Net onerous debt / EBITDA can not exceed 4.00


Debenture 2nd issue—Cosan


Net debt / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 4.5


Senior Notes Due 2024 – Cosan Limited


Pro forma(i) / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.5


Senior Notes Due 2024 – Rumo


Net debt / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 4.0


Senior Notes Due 2025—Rumo


Net debt / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 4.0


Senior Notes Due 2027(ii) Cosan


Pro forma(i) / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.5


BNDES – Rumo


Net Financial Debt / EBITDA not higher than or equal 4.0x in December 2018




EBITDA / Consolidated Financial Result higher than or equal 1.40x in December 2018




Included joint ventures.


The effects of initial recognition of IFRS 16 are not part of triggers measures for financial covenants purposes.

For the other loans, borrowings and debentures of the Company there are no financial clauses.

As at March 31, 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries were in compliance with all debt financial covenants.



Fair value and exposure to financial risk

The fair value of the loans is based on the discounted cash flow using its implicit discount rate. They are classified as a level 2 fair value in the hierarchy (Note 5.9) due to the use of unobservable data, including own credit risk.

The details of the Company’s exposure to risks arising from loans are shown in note 21.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)






Leases liabilities are payable as follows:


     March 31, 2019     December 31,
     Less than
one year
one and
five years
    More than
five years
    Total     Total  

Future value of minimum payments lease

     455,096       1,500,584       1,084,315       3,039,995       764,428  

Rolling stock

     154,356       359,995       101,418       615,769       600,142  


     231,980       924,516       845,490       2,001,986       161,085  

Land, buildings and improvements

     46,231       161,464       95,595       303,290       —    

Machinery, equipment and facilities

     3,019       6,155       —         9,174       —    


     10,492       41,955       41,812       94,259       —    


     9,018       6,499       —         15,517       3,201  


     (172,207     (472,062     (171,017     (815,286     (211,078

Rolling stock

     (45,258     (99,197     (16,668     (161,123     (159,648


     (104,145     (310,562     (134,928     (549,635     (51,143

Land, buildings and improvements

     (16,917     (47,818     (13,625     (78,360     —    

Machinery, equipment and facilities

     (636     (827     —         (1,463     —    


     (4,447     (13,441     (5,796     (23,684     —    


     (804     (217     —         (1,021     (287
















Present value of minimum lease payments

     282,889       1,028,522       913,298       2,224,709       553,350  

















           283,452       120,491  








           1,941,257       432,859  







The lease agreements have varying expirations, with last due to expire in June 2043. The amounts are adjusted annually for inflation rates (as general market price index—IGP-M or Brazilian consumer price index—IPCA) or may incur interest based on the TJLP or CDI and some contracts have renewal or purchase options.

Below are the movements that occurred for the period ended March 31, 2019:


     March 31,

At the beginning of the period


Initial recognition of IFRS 16


Recognition of interest


Payment of principal


Payment of interest





At the end of the period







Trade payables

The carrying amounts of trade and other payables are the same as their fair values, due to their short-term nature.


     March 31,
     December 31,

Natural gas suppliers

     854,288        838,105  

Materials and service suppliers

     1,118,088        1,073,227  


     12,590        12,588  






     1,984,966      1,923,920  









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Derivative financial instruments

To protect the Company’s exposure to risk were are using observable data such as quoted prices in active markets, or discounted cash flow based on market curves, and the consolidated data are presented below:


     Notional      Fair value  
     March 31,
     December 31,
     March 31,
    December 31,

Exchange rate derivatives


Forward agreements

     501,670        907,832        10,431       1,719  

Interest rate and exchange rate risk


Swap agreements (interest rate)

     2,804,503        2,114,926        437,039       394,497  

Swap agreements (exchange and interest rate)

     12,300,892        11,896,908        2,299,682       2,126,927  












     15,105,395        14,011,834        2,736,721       2,521,424  

Total financial instruments


     2,747,152       2,523,143  








           2,769,460       2,548,857  








           (22,308     (25,714







Derivatives are only used for economic hedging purposes and not as speculative investments.

Currently the Company has adopted the hedge accounting of fair value for some its operations that both the hedging instruments and the hedged items are accounted for at fair value through profit or loss. Operations and accounting effects of this adoption are as follows:


     Debt(i)     Derivative(ii)      Total  

At December 31, 2018

     (8,464,516     1,344,589        (7,119,927

Interest amortization

     232,392       11,675        244,067  

Fair value

     (273,969     150,511        (123,458










At March 31, 2019

     (8,506,093     1,506,775        (6,999,318












Loans, borrowings and debentures (Note 5.5)


Derivate financial instruments



Recognized fair value measurements

The market value of the Senior Notes are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (Note 5.5) is based on their quoted market price are as follows:


     Company    March 31,
    December 31,

Senior Notes 2023

   Cosan S.A.      99.02     96.86

Senior Notes 2024

   Rumo Luxembourg      106.39     104.27

Senior Notes 2024

   Cosan Limited      101.91     98.55

Senior Notes 2025

   Rumo Luxembourg      100.69     94.94

Senior Notes 2027

   Cosan S.A.      105.45     101.15

Perpetual Notes

   Cosan S.A.      102.42     101.21



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



All of the resulting fair value estimates are included in level 2 except for a contingent consideration payable where the fair values have been determined based on present values and the discount rates used were adjusted for counterparty or own credit risk.

The carrying amounts and fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities are as follows:


                        Assets and liabilities measured at fair value  
            Carrying amount     March 31, 2019     December 31, 2018  
     Note      March 31,
    December 31,
    Level 2     Level 3     Level 2     Level 3  



Investment funds

     5.1        1,729,318       1,600,590       1,729,318       —         1,600,590       —    

Marketable securities

     5.2        2,769,792       4,202,835       2,769,792       —         4,202,835       —    

Contingent consideration asset (i)

     5.9        128,000       —         —         128,000       —         —    

Derivate financial instruments

     5.8        2,769,460       2,548,857       2,769,460       —         2,548,857       —    




















        7,396,570       8,352,282       7,268,570       128,000       8,352,282       —    





















Loans, borrowings and debentures

     5.5        (10,567,128     (12,569,126     (10,567,128     —         (12,569,126     —    

Contingent consideration payable (ii)

     5.9        (72,467     (64,969     —         (72,467     —         (64,969

Derivative financial instruments

     5.8        (22,308     (25,714     (22,308     —         (25,714     —    




















        (10,661,903     (12,659,809     (10,589,436     (72,467     (12,594,840     (64,969





















The contingent consideration asset considers the Company ability to reach the Moove budget EBTIDA for the fiscal years of 2018 and 2019. Also, considering that EBTIDA of fiscal year 2018 was reached and the current fiscal year 2019 budget EBTIDA is expect to be reached, we determined the fair value as the fully contingent consideration receivable and recognized it as an asset.


The valuation of the contingent consideration payable considers the present value of expected payment, discounted using a risk-adjusted discount rate. The expected payment is determined by considering the probable scenarios of forecast revenue and EBITDA, the amount to be paid under each scenario and the probability of each scenario. The significant unobservable inputs are the forecast of the annual growth rate of revenue, EBITDA margin forecast and the 13% discount rate adjusted for risk.



Other current tax receivables


     March 31,
     December 31,

COFINS—Revenue tax

     673,640        646,135  


     593,012        575,494  


     164,539        183,845  

PIS—Revenue tax

     147,476        169,460  

Credit installment

     40,261        40,261  


     39,825        32,496  






     1,658,753      1,647,691  


     821,955        796,199  








     836,798        851,492  











     March 31,
     December 31,

Finished goods

     406,156        389,896  

Raw material for construction process

     45,513        45,397  

Fuels and lubricants

     6,917        6,224  

Spare parts and accessories

     226,866        224,005  

Warehouse and others

     50,152        50,768  






     735,604      716,290  









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




Investments in associates



Investments in subsidiaries and associates

Cosan’s subsidiaries are listed below:


     March 31,
    December 31,

Directly owned subsidiaries


Cosan Logística S.A.

     72.87     72.50

Cosan S.A.(i)

     60.25     60.25

Interest of Cosan S.A. in its subsidiaries



     94.88     80.12

Cosan Lubes Investments Limited

     70.00     100.00

Cosan Biomassa S.A.(i)

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Cayman II Limited

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Global Limited

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Investimentos e Participações S.A.

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Luxembourg S.A.(i)

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Overseas Limited

     100.00     100.00

Pasadena Empreendimentos e Participações S.A.(i)

     100.00     100.00

Payly Soluções de Pagamentos S.A.

     100.00     100.00

Rumo S.A.

     1.71     1.71

Interest of Cosan Lubes Investments Limited in its subsidiaries


Moove Lubricants Limited

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Cinco S.A.

     100.00     100.00

Airport Energy Limited

     100.00     100.00

Airport Energy Services Limited

     100.00     100.00

Wessesx Petroleum Limited

     100.00     100.00


     100.00     100.00


     75.00     75.00

Cosan Lubrificantes S.R.L.(iii)

     100.00     100.00


     100.00     100.00

Commercial Lubricants Moove Corp(iii)

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A.

     100.00     100.00

Cosan Paraguay S.A.

     100.00     100.00

Cosan US, Inc.

     100.00     100.00

Ilha Terminal Distribuição de Produtos Químicos

     100.00     100.00

Zip Lube S.A.

     100.00     100.00




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



     March 31,
    December 31,

Interest of Cosan Logística S.A. in its subsidiaries


Rumo S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Logispot Armazéns Gerais S.A.

     14.52     14.52

Elevações Portuárias S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Rumo Luxembourg Sarl

     28.47     28.47

Rumo Intermodal S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Rumo Malha Oeste S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Rumo Malha Paulista S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Rumo Malha Sul S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Rumo Malha Norte S.A.

     28.40     28.40

Boswells S.A.

     28.47     28.47

ALL Argentina S.A.

     28.47     28.47

Paranaguá S.A.

     28.47     28.47

ALL Armazéns Gerais Ltda.

     28.47     28.47

Portofer Ltda.

     28.47     28.47

Brado Logística e Participações S.A.

     17.71     17.71

Brado Logística S.A.

     17.71     17.71

ALL Mesopotâmica S.A.

     20.09     20.09

ALL Central S.A.

     20.94     20.94

Servicios de Inversión Logística Integrales S.A

     28.47     28.47



Management has concluded that there are no material uncertainties that cast doubt on the continuity of the subsidiaries. Although they had a combined amount of uncovered liabilities of R$112,641 as of March 31, 2019, no events or conditions were identified that individually or collectively could raise significant doubts related to their ability to maintain their operational continuity. The subsidiaries have the financial support of the Company.


On March 8, 2019, Cosan S.A. performed a voluntary tender offer (Voluntary TO) acquiring 19,496,165 Class A preferred shares of its subsidiary Comgás, which represent 14.77% of its share capital. See detail of transaction below.


On March 29, 2019, Cosan S.A. conclude the investment agreement between Cosan Lubes and CVC Fund VII, which represent 30% of its share capital. See detail of transaction below.

Set out below are the associates as at March 31, 2019 which are material to the Company:


     Shares issued
by the
     Shares held
by Cosan

Radar II Propriedades Agrícolas S.A.

     81,440,221        24,920,708        51.00     3.00

Radar Propriedades Agrícolas S.A.

     1,735,703        531,125        51.00     2.51

Tellus Brasil Participações S.A.

     120,920,492        61,359,624        50.74     5.00

Janus Brasil Participações S.A.

     207,712,545        105,461,644        50.77     5.00

Novvi Limited Liability Company

     1,011,000        202,200        17.82     17.82




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



January 1,
     Interest in
(losses) of
income (losses)
of capital
     Other     At
March 31,
in earnings
(losses) of
associates in
March 31,

Tellus Brasil Participações S.A.

     101,109        717       —          —          —         101,826        716  

Novvi Limited Liability Company

     13,449        1,826       124        —          —         15,399        (5,008

Janus Brasil Participações S.A.

     93,821        (163     —          26,045        —         119,703        933  

Radar Propriedades Agrícolas S.A

     59,584        263       9        —          —         59,856        329  

Radar II Propriedades Agrícolas S.A

     32,236        175       2        —          —         32,413        245  

Usina Santa Luiza S.A.

     29,209        (29,209     —          —          —         —          (1,411


     49,111        (407     —          —          (4,044     44,660        1,389  





















     378,519        (26,798     135        26,045        (4,044     373,857        (2,807
























Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries

Set out below is summarized financial information for each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests that are material to the group. The amounts disclosed for each subsidiary are before inter-company elimination.


     Shares issued by
the subsidiary
     Shares held by


     132,023,251        26,243,394        19.88


     2,040,816        1,000,000        49.00


     1,559,015,898        1,088,431,798        69.82

Brado Participações

     12,962,963        4,897,407        37.78

Rumo Malha Norte

     1,189,412,363        5,709,179        0.48

Cosan Lubes Investment

     34,963,764        10,489,129        30.00

Cosan S.A.

     398,904,353        156,000,696        39.11

Cosan Logística S.A.

     463,224,241        125,570,897        27.11



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The following table summarizes the information relating to each of the Company’s subsidiaries that has material non-controlling interests, before any intra-group elimination.


January 1,
     Interest in
(losses) of
     Sales or
of interests
income (losses)
    Dividends     New standards
adopted by
Company-Note 3.1
    Other      At
March 31,
in earnings
(losses) of
associates in
March 31,

Cosan S.A.

     3,765,964        148,073        (277,325     (73,228     —         —         956        3,564,458        143,862  

Cosan Logística S.A.

     630,333        1,841        (8,053     24       —         (41,670     174        582,631        (4,460


     987,358        23,287        (776,549     —         —         —         83        234,179        31,998  

Cosan Lubes Investment(ii)

     —          9,419        437,078       (4,188     —         —         —          442,309         

Rumo S.A.

     5,929,151        19,234        —         195       (1,357     (380,792     1,601        5,568,032        (41,637

Logispot Armazéns Agrícolas S.A.

     34,656        159        —         —         —         —         —          34,815        162  


     7,491        4,200        —         476       (162     —         —          12,005        4,558  



























     11,354,953        206,213        (624,849     (76,721     (1,519     (422,462     2,814        10,438,429        134,483  






























As disclosed in Note 1, on March 13, 2019, the subsidiary Cosan S.A. concluded the voluntary tender offer (Voluntary TO) for acquisition of class A preferred shares issued by its subsidiary Companhia de Gás de São Paulo (Comgás), with acquisition of 19.496.165 Class A preferred shares for R$82.00 per share (Price per Share), which represents 14.77% of subsidiary capital. . As result of the acquisition of more than 2/3 (two thirds) Class A preferred shares, Cosan S.A. may be required to acquire the outstanding Class A preferred shares, in case of holder exercise its rights during period from March 8, 2019 to June 8, 2019. The purchase price of shares will be the same Price per Share determined in Voluntary TO, adjusted by the Brazilian basic interest rate Selic, computed from the offer period to the date of settlement.

As result of transaction, Cosan S.A. disbursed amount of R$1,599,237 that generate an increase in investments of R$776,549, changing the ownership interest at subsidiary from 80.12% to 94.88%.


As disclosed in Note 1, an investment agreement was entered into between Cosan Lubes Investments Limited (“CLI” or “Moove”), and CVC, in which an amount of R$562,000 was made through the issuance of new common shares representing approximately 30% of Moove’s capital stock. Of this total, Moove received R$434,000, in addition to an amount related to a fair value of approximately R$128,000 until 2021, once the targets agreed upon in the agreement were met, without any change in the ownership interest. The effect of the change of participation recognized by the Company was R$124,905, consisting of the loss of participation with the entry of a new investor in the amount of R$(268,495) and the capital contribution in its new proportion of participation, in the amount of R$393,400.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Investments in joint ventures

Changes to investments in joint ventures were as follows:


    Raízen Energia

Shares issued by the joint venture

     1,661,418,472       7,243,283,198    

Shares held by Cosan

     830,709,236       3,621,641,599    

Cosan ownership interest

     50%       50%    

Interest in earnings of joint ventures as at March 31, 2018

     180,906       116,751       297,657  

At January 1, 2019

     3,104,613       4,973,294       8,077,907  










Interest in earnings of joint ventures(i)

     298,258       5,575       303,833  

Other comprehensive (losses) income

     (34,538     (140,275     (174,813

Interest on capital

     (23,500     —         (23,500


     (196,300     —         (196,300










At March 31, 2019

     3,148,533       4,838,594       7,987,127  












Includes amount of R$30,040, related to the effect of the adoption of IFRS 16 by the joint ventures, as described in Note 3.1.

The statement of financial position and statement of profit or loss of the joint ventures are disclosed in Note 4 – Segment information.

At March 31, 2019, the Company was in compliance with the covenants of the agreements governing the Joint Ventures.



Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, goodwill and right-of-use assets



Property, plant and equipment



Reconciliation of carrying amount


buildings and
and facilities
    Railcars and
in progress
    Other     Total  



At December 31, 2018

     1,243,427       1,045,570       6,508,748       6,127,139       1,054,128       400,767       16,379,779  

Transfers to right-of-use assets

     (130,000     (2,538     (1,244,787     —         —         —         (1,377,325

At January 01, 2019

     1,113,427       1,043,032       5,263,826       6,127,139       1,054,128       400,767       15,002,454  


     14       820       10       —         534,326       2,422       537,592  


     (921     1,606       (77,038     —         (1,046     (8,629     (86,028


     56,572       57,390       129,893       178,392       (444,248     4,152       (17,849

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations

     1,207       1,282       —         —         436       1,446       4,371  






















At March 31, 2019

     1,170,299       1,104,130       5,316,826       6,305,531       1,143,596       400,158       15,440,540  
























At December 31, 2018

     (351,161     (443,209     (1,743,714     (1,406,964     (10,842     (6,067     (3,961,957

Transfers to right-of-use assets

     50,450       2,532       462,748       —         —         —         515,730  

At January 01, 2019

     (300,711     (440,677     (1,280,966     (1,406,964     (10,842     (6,067     (3,446,227


     (17,392     (29,724     (136,143     (175,172     —         (9,624     (368,055


     —         4,675       76,518       —         —         2,245       83,438  


     (252     (2,007     —         656       —         5,137       3,534  

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations

     (278     (786     —         —         —         (840     (1,904






















At March 31, 2019

     (318,633     (468,519     (1,340,591     (1,581,480     (10,842     (9,149     (3,729,214






















At December 31, 2018

     892,266       602,361       4,765,034       4,720,175       1,043,286       394,700       12,417,822  






















At March 31, 2019

     851,666       635,611       3,976,235       4,724,051       1,132,754       391,009       11,711,326  
























On March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, railcars and locomotives in the amount of R$745,203 were placed on bail to guarantee bank loans (Note 5).



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Intangible assets and goodwill


     Goodwill      Concession
    Trademarks      Customer
    Other     Total  



At December 31, 2018

     883,234        17,510,303       435,624       37,877        742,863       491,769       20,101,670  


     —          (16,523     —         —          21,281       17,484       22,242  


     —          (9,959     —         —          (56     —         (10,015


     —          98,998       —         —          (4,339     11,181       105,840  

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations

     3,421        —         —         889        1,435       609       6,354  






















At March 31, 2019

     886,655        17,582,819       435,624       38,766        761,184       521,043       20,226,091  
























At December 31, 2018

     —          (2,383,823     (224,356     —          (314,619     (206,337     (3,129,135


     —          (121,815     (2,935     —          (26,459     (12,860     (164,069


     —          4,912       —         —          42       —         4,954  


     —          (1     —         —          (84     —         (85

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations

     —          —         —         —          (296     (173     (469






















At March 31, 2019

     —          (2,500,727     (227,291     —          (341,416     (219,370     (3,288,804






















At December 31, 2018

     883,234        15,126,480       211,268       37,877        428,244       285,432       16,972,535  






















At March 31, 2019

     886,655        15,082,092       208,333       38,766        419,768       301,673       16,937,287  
























Capitalization of borrowing costs

Capitalized borrowing costs for the period ended March 31, 2019, R$3,202 was capitalized at an average rate of 8.60% p.a. (R$2,123 and 8.11% p.a. on March 31, 2018).



Amortization methods and useful lives


Intangible assets (excluding goodwill)

   Annual rate
of amortization %
  March 31,
     December 31,


   Concession term     7,993,250        8,007,412  


   Concession term     7,088,842        7,119,068  






       15,082,092        15,126,480  

Operating license for port terminal (iii)

   3.70%     208,333        211,268  




   Undefined     38,766        37,877  






       38,766        37,877  

Customers relationship:



   20.00%     145,817        149,890  


   6.00%     273,951        278,354  






       419,768        428,244  



Software license

   20.00%     173,198        168,892  


       128,475        116,540  






       301,673        285,432  


       16,050,632        16,089,301  









Refers to the intangible asset for the public gas distribution service concession, which represents the right to charge users for the supply of gas, comprised of: (i) the concession rights recognized in the business combination and (ii) concession assets;


Refers to the concession right agreement of Rumo Malha Norte S.A., which will be amortized until the end of the concession in 2079;


Port operating license and customer relationships of Rumo S.A., from the business combinations.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Impairment testing of cash-generating units (“CGU”) goodwill

The Company annually tests recoverable amounts of goodwill arising from business combination operations. Property, plant and equipment and defined-intangible assets that are subject to depreciation and amortization are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.

During the period ended March 31, 2019, no impairment indicators were identified that would require the review of the last test conducted at December 31, 2018.



Right-of-use assets


buildings and
and facilities
    Software     Vehicles     Port and rail



Initial recognition of IFRS 16

     112,639       8,270       43,880       69,449       13,603       1,083,385       1,331,226  

Transfers from property, plant and equipment and other assets(i)

     130,000       2,538       1,244,787       —         —         50,168       1,427,493  






















At January 1, 2019

     242,639       10,808       1,288,667       69,449       13,603       1,133,553       2,758,719  























     —         —         —         —         —         —         —    






















At March 31, 2019

     242,639       10,808       1,288,667       69,449       13,603       1,133,553       2,758,719  
























Transfers from property, plant and equipment (i)

     (50,450     (2,532     (462,748     —         —         —         (515,730

Impairment (ii)

     —         —         —         —         —         (179,167     (179,167






















At January 1, 2019

     (50,450     (2,532     (462,748     —         —         (179,167     (694,897























     (4,443     (649     (2,369     (1,736     (1,602     (30,129     (40,928

Impairment (ii)

     —         —         —         —         —         5,772       5,772  

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations

     (7     —         —         —         —         —         (7






















At March 31, 2019

     (54,900     (3,181     (465,117     (1,736     (1,602     (203,524     (730,060






















At January 1, 2019

     192,189       8,276       825,919       69,449       13,603       954,386       2,063,822  






















At March 31, 2019

     187,739       7,627       823,550       67,713       12,001       930,029       2,028,659  
























As at January 1, 2019, the Company transferred property, plant and equipment in the amount of R$861,595 (R$1,377,325 as cost and R$515,730 of cumulated depreciation) to the right-of-use assets, as result of initial recognition of IFRS 16. Transferred assets also consider amount of R$50,168 related to advances performed at the beginning of concession, previously presented as other assets.


During year ended December 31, 2018, Malha Oeste, a Rumo subsidiary, recognized impairment on its long lived assets. As result of initial recognition of IFRS 16, Malha Oeste also recognized impairment on its related right-of-use assets.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Concession payables


     March 31, 2019      December 31,
     Leases      Concessions      Total      Total  



Rumo Malha Sul

     25,668        25,725        51,393        60,761  

Rumo Malha Paulista

     33,065        25,187        58,252        45,892  












     58,733      50,912      109,645      106,653  

Court discussion


Rumo Malha Paulista

     1,737,025        —          1,737,025        1,695,770  

Rumo Malha Oeste

     1,352,892        81,619        1,434,511        1,406,145  












     3,089,917      81,619      3,171,536      3,101,915  


     3,148,650        132,531        3,281,181        3,208,568  














           29,634        28,797  








           3,251,547        3,179,771  







Judicial deposits at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 concerning the above claims totaled:


     March 31,
     December 31,

Rumo Malha Paulista

     119,806        119,806  

Rumo Malha Oeste

     20,690        20,690  






     140,496      140,496  







The judicial deposits are recorded in the “regulatory” group, as described in Note 14.



Other taxes payable


     March 31,
     December 31,

Tax amnesty and refinancing program – Refis

     213,524        216,984  

ICMS – State VAT

     173,584        96,793  

COFINS – Revenue tax

     63,903        47,017  

PIS – Revenue tax

     12,654        7,654  

ISS – Service tax

     4,189        4,666  

IOF – Financial tax

     1,392        1,318  

INSS – Social security

     5,579        7,337  


     31,537        18,417  






     506,362      400,186  








     353,301        245,587  








     153,061        154,599  



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Income tax and social contribution



Reconciliation of income and social contribution tax expenses


     March 31,
    March 31,

Profit before taxes

     477,717       323,838  

Income tax and social contribution nominal rate (34%)

     (162,424     (110,105

Adjustments to determine the effective rate


Interest in earnings of investees (non-taxable income)

     94,192       100,249  

Differences in tax rates on earnings / losses of overseas companies

     (11,497     (35,370

Granted income tax incentive

     27,974       4,830  

Share-based payment transactions

     (277     (1,035

Interest on shareholders’ equity

     (7,990     (5,270

Non-deductible expenses (donations, gifts, etc.)

     (4,657     (1,211

Tax losses not recorded(i)

     (39,413     (39,250

Goodwill amortization effect

     318       463  

Tax effects of discounts granted – PERT

     —         110  


     22,486       3,538  







Income tax and social contribution benefit (expense) – current and deferred

     (81,288     (83,051







Effective rate—%

     17.02%       25.65%  









Refers mainly to tax losses not recorded in subsidiaries of Rumo which under current conditions do not attend the requirements of future taxable profits that justify the recognition of the deferred tax assets. In accordance with Brazilian Federal Taxes rules those losses do not expire.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions of the Company’s deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented below:


     March 31,
    March 31,

Assets credit of:


Income tax loss carry forwards

     2,248,871       2,190,068  

Social contribution tax loss carry forwards

     822,942       801,866  

Temporary differences


Foreign exchange – Loans and borrowings

     807,856       789,220  

Legal proceedings provision

     438,155       396,577  

Impairment provision

     231,583       241,083  

Provisions for employee benefits

     186,860       175,178  

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     28,824       30,327  

Regulatory asset (liability)

     58,166       59,597  

Impairment of tax credit

     75,361       74,900  

Share-based payment transactions

     6,196       5,246  

Profit sharing

     20,876       51,601  

Interest on preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries

     141,833       155,562  

Property, plant and equipment – useful life review

     304,980       277,925  

Temporary differences

     205,149       208,104  


     57,254       67,991  








     5,634,906       5,525,245  

(-) Deferred taxes assets not recognized

     (2,290,588     (2,104,742

Liabilities credit of:


Temporary differences


Business combination – property, plant and equipment

     53,965       63,574  

Tax deductible goodwill

     (390,249     (389,679


     (39,161     (228,055

Concession contract

     (6,261     (6,745

Unrealized gains on derivatives instruments

     (703,596     (664,841

Fair value option in loans

     87,796       57,298  

Income on formation of joint ventures

     (1,135,036     (1,135,036

Business combination – Intangible asset

     (3,717,505     (3,725,546


     72,800       56,201  








     (5,777,247     (5,972,829







Total of deferred taxes recorded

     (2,432,929     (2,552,326







Deferred income tax – Assets

     1,614,897       1,540,693  







Deferred income tax – Liabilities

     (4,047,826     (4,093,019









Changes in deferred income tax


At December 31, 2018


Recorded through profit and loss


Initial recognition of IFRS 16(i)







At March 31, 2019







Refers to deferred tax assets effects on impairment of right-use-assets of Rumo, as result of first time adoption of IFRS 16, disclosed in Note 3.1.




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The Company expects to realize the full deferred tax on tax losses and social contribution.



Provision for legal proceedings

The Company had provision for legal proceedings and judicial deposits recorded in the financial position at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 in respect of:


     Provision for legal
     Judicial deposit  
     March 31,
     December 31,
     March 31,
     December 31,


     600,364        534,131        474,585        460,484  

Civil, environmental and regulatory

     379,782        362,725        205,913        199,526  


     468,942        466,312        224,544        218,797  












     1,449,088      1,363,168      905,042      878,807  













Changes in provision for legal proceedings:


     Tax     Civil,
and regulatory
    Labor     Total  

At December 31, 2018

     534,131       362,725       466,312       1,363,168  


     30,056       6,411       23,225       59,692  

Settlement / Write-offs

     (8,099     (13,145     (29,828     (51,072

Monetary variation(i)

     44,276       23,791       9,233       77,300  













At March 31, 2019

     600,364       379,782       468,942       1,449,088  















Includes interest reversal.

The Company’s debts with legal proceedings are secured by assets, cash deposit, bank guarantee or insurance guarantee.



Probable losses

Tax: The principal tax proceedings for which the risk of loss is probable are described below:


     March 31,
     December 31,

Compensation with FINSOCIAL

     288,566        286,929  

INSS – Social security

     94,418        80,134  

State VAT – ICMS credit

     95,104        72,941  


     2,332        171  

IPI – Excise tax credit – NT(i)

     68,338        28,931  

Federal income tax

     1,761        1,589  


     49,845        63,436  






     600,364      534,131  









During the period ended March 31, 2019, the Company recorded provision for lawsuits IPI Seletividade, related to period from November 1992 to December 1995, judged by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (“STF”), using the General Repercussion method (RE n ° 592,145, item 080), in the amount of R$39,407, with unfavorable scenario for the Company.

Civil, regulatory, environmental and other claims: Company and its subsidiaries are parties to a number of civil legal claims related to (i) indemnity for material and moral damages; (ii) termination of different kinds of agreements (iii) public civil claims related to sugarcane stubble burning; and (iv) compliance with terms of conduct adjustment, among other issues.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Labor claims: Cosan and its subsidiaries are also parties to a number of labor claims filed by former employees and service providers challenging, among other matters, the payment of overtime, night shift premiums and risk premiums, the recognition of employment relationships and the reimbursement of discounts from payroll, such as social contribution and trade union charges. Additionally, we are involved in several labor administrative and judicial proceedings such as labor investigations and class actions filed by the labor prosecutor’s office regarding alleged non-compliance with certain labor regulations, including work and safety rules, labor conditions and work environment, and social assistance plans. Moreover, we entered into certain consent orders (Termos de Ajustamento de Conduta) with Brazilian authorities and in the event, we fail to comply with such consent orders, we could be subject to fines.



Possible losses

The principal proceedings for which we deem the risk of loss as possible are described below:


     March 31,
     December 31,


     3,354,311        3,258,113  


     981,271        990,913  


     734,849        699,301  


     472,785        460,911  






     5,543,216      5,409,238  








     March 31,
     December 31,

ICMS – State VAT

     2,713,642        2,684,248  

Federal income taxes

     3,335,609        3,372,743  

IRRF – Withholding tax

     953,978        982,134  

PIS and COFINS – Revenue taxes

     1,353,747        1,408,519  

INSS – Social security and other

     260,473        260,712  

Goodwill Rumo

     534,057        529,788  

IPI – Excise tax credit – NT(ii)

     430,245        490,500  

Penalties related to tax positions

     453,821        449,039  

MP 470 – Tax installments

     299,718        297,902  

Foreign financial operation

     28,050        290,220  

Compensation with IPI – IN 67/98

     135,215        134,642  

Stock option

     68,526        67,991  

Financial transactions tax on loan

     52,889        52,585  

Social security contributions

     4,154        4,121  

Compensation credit award

     43,548        43,121  


     492,637        417,598  






     11,160,309      11,485,863  









The reduction in IPI amounts, classified as possible losses, during the period ended March 31, 2019, is related to the decision to provide the lawsuits over the same period, as described above in section “a) – Probable losses – Tax”.




Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Shareholders’ equity



Share capital

At March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, Cosan Limited’s share capital is composed of the following:


Shareholders – Common shares

   Class A
     %      Class B

Controlling group

     19,514,418        11.19%        96,332,044        100.00%  

Renaissance Technologies LLC

     1,549,696        0,89%        —          —    

M&G Investment Management Limited

     3,222,113        1.85%        —          —    

Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited

     3,805,730        2.18%        —          —    

Free Float

     106,023,577        60.81%        —          —    













Total shares outstanding

     134,115,534        76.92%        96,332,044        100.00%  













Treasury shares

     40,239,807        23.08%        —          —    


     174,355,341        100.00%        96,332,044        100.00%  















Treasury shares

The Company holds 40,239,807 Class A treasury shares as of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 with a market value of U.S$11.59 per share as of March 31, 2019 (U.S.$8.80 per share as of December 31, 2018).



Other comprehensive (loss) income


     December 31,
(loss) income
    March 31,

Foreign currency translation effects

     (533,917     (33,094     (567,011

Loss on cash flow hedge in joint ventures

     21,493       (179,877     (158,384

Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan

     (99,246     —         (99,246

Financial instruments with subsidiaries

     15,000       —         15,000  

Change in fair values of financial assets

     1,085       10       1,095  











     (595,585     (212,961     (808,546










Attributable to:


Owners of the Company

     (587,173     (136,240     (735,467

Non-controlling interests

     (8,412     (76,721     (85,133


December 31,

(loss) income
    March 31,

Foreign currency translation effects

     (372,343     (23,847     (396,190

Gain on cash flow hedge in joint ventures

     14,610       3,317       17,927  

Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan

     (44,937     (54     (44,991

Financial instruments with subsidiaries

     15,000       —         15,000  

Change in fair values of financial assets

     841       32       873  











     (386,829     (20,552     (407,381










Attributable to:


Owners of the Company

     (394,212     (15,647     (409,859

Non-controlling interests

     7,383       (4,905     2,478  



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Earnings per share

The following table sets forth the calculation of earnings per share (in thousands of Brazilian Reais, except per share amounts):


     March 31,
    March 31,

Profit attributable from continued operation to ordinary equity holders for basic earnings

     190,216       106,304  

Effect of dilution:


Dilutive effect of subsidiary’s stock option plan

     (705     (558







Profit from continued operation attributable to ordinary equity holders adjusted for the effect of dilution

     189,511       105,746  

Basic number of shares outstanding – In thousands of shares

     230,448       243,199  

Effect of dilution:


Dilutive effect of stock option plan

     9,451       13,212  







Diluted number of shares outstanding – In thousands of shares

     239,899       256,411  

Basic earnings (loss) per share from:


Continuing operations

   R$ 0.8254     R$ 0.4371  






     R$ 0.8254     R$ 0.4371  

Diluted earnings (loss) per share from:


Continuing operations

   R$ 0.7900     R$ 0.4124  






     R$ 0.7900     R$ 0.4124  

The non-controlling interests of the indirect subsidiary Brado Logística S.A. (Brado) have the right to exercise a liquidity option provided for in the shareholders agreement signed on August 5, 2013. This option would exchange all Brado shares held by such minority shareholders by shares of Rumo. The exchange ratio shall take into account the economic value for both Brado and Rumo shares. At the Companys exclusive discretion, an equivalent cash payment is also possible.



Net sales

The following is an analysis of the Company’s revenue for the period from continuing operations:


     March 31,
    March 31,

Gross revenue from sales of products and services

     5,443,157       4,163,010  

Construction revenue

     159,936       89,493  

Indirect taxes and deductions

     (882,881     (709,075







Net sales

     4,720,212       3,543,428  









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



In the following table, revenue is disaggregated by products and service lines and timing of revenue recognition:


     March 31,
    March 31,

At a point in time


Comgás – Gas distribution

     1,886,754       1,327,496  

Moove – Lubricants and basic oil

     1,027,575       717,090  


     13,668       14,288  






     2,927,997       2,058,874  

Over time


Logistic – Transportation

     1,568,425       1,341,511  

Logistic – Port elevation

     66,521       55,172  

Comgás – Construction revenue

     159,936       89,493  

Other services

     6,765       7,482  






     1,801,647       1,493,658  


     (9,432     (9,104







Total of net sales

     4,720,212       3,543,428  









Costs and expenses by nature

The costs and expenses are presented in the statement of profit and loss by function. The reconciliation of income by nature/purpose is as follows:


     March 31,
    March 31,

Raw materials and consumables used(i)

     (1,999,158     (1,266,830

Construction cost

     (159,936     (89,493

Expenses with third-party services

     (140,716     (138,165

Employee benefit expense

     (374,956     (318,663

Selling expenses

     (8,874     (6,201

Transportation expenses

     (608,338     (504,918

Leases and concessions expenses

     —         (51,686

Depreciation and amortization

     (562,804     (473,293


     (137,052     (121,850






     (3,991,834     (2,971,099

Cost of sales

     (3,469,327     (2,512,680


     (264,022     (245,069

General and administrative

     (258,485     (213,350






     (3,991,834     (2,971,099









The increase in costs with raw materials during the period ended March 31, 2019 is related to the impact of Moove segment, of production and distribution of lubricants, represented by business of Cosan S.R.L, TTA, LubrigrupoII and Metrolube and increase in unit cost of gas, from Comgás segment.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Other income (expenses), net


     March 31,
    March 31,

Gain on litigation indemnification

     50,284       —    

Revenue from sale of scrap

     9,234       12,947  

Insurance reimbursement income

     —         3,588  

Loss on disposal of non-current assets and intangibles

     (6,251     (770

Net effect of legal proceedings, recoverable and tax installments

     (45,734     (31,398


     (12,602     (7,028






     (5,069     (22,661









Finance results

Details of finance income and costs are as follows:


     March 31,
    March 31,

Cost of gross debt


Interest on debt

     (364,874     (433,492

Monetary and exchange rate variation

     (71,779     (56,561

Derivatives and fair value measurement

     64,488       56,443  

Amortization of borrowing costs

     (14,313     (9,975

Guarantees and warranties on debt

     (20,305     (35,662






     (406,783     (479,247

Income from financial investment and exchange rate in cash and cash equivalents

     88,236       117,346  







Cost of debt, net

     (318,547     (361,901

Other charges and monetary variations


Interest on other receivables

     22,006       47,013  

Interest on other liabilities

     (39,159     (36,212

Monetary variation on leases and concessions agreements

     (48,611     (45,231

Monetary variation on leases

     (48,268     (52,319

Advances on real state credits

     —         (1,206

Interest on shareholders’ equity

     —         722  

Interest on contingencies and contracts

     (65,493     (27,044

Bank charges and other

     (24,445     (22,963

Exchange variation

     (110     (21,539






     (204,080     (158,779







Finance results, net

     (522,627     (520,680









Finance expense

     (807,381     (499,883

Finance income

     126,796       188,848  

Foreign exchange (losses) gain, net

     (71,144     (75,957


     229,102       (133,688







Finance results, net

     (522,627     (520,680









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Financial risk management



Market risk

The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return.

The Company uses derivatives to manage market risks. All such transactions are carried out within the guidelines set by the risk management committee. Generally, the Company seeks to apply hedge accounting to manage volatility in profit or loss.



Foreign exchange risk

As at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, the Company had the following net exposure to the exchange rate variations on assets and liabilities denominated in Dollar (US$) and Euro (€):


     March 31, 2019     December 31, 2018  

Cash and cash equivalents

     705,415       1,285,156  

Trade receivables

     33,890       51,734  

Trade payables

     (63,840     (245,885

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     (13,669,644     (13,480,808

Contingent consideration payable

     (72,467     (64,969

Derivative financial instruments (notional)

     11,655,087       11,064,567  







Foreign exchange exposure, net

     (1,411,559     (1,390,205







The sensitivity of profit or loss to changes in the exchange rates arises mainly from U.S. Dollar denominated financial instruments and the impact on other components of equity arises from foreign forward exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges though its joint ventures.

A reasonably possible strengthening (weakening) of the Real to U.S. Dollar and Euro at March, 2019 would have affected the measurement of financial instruments denominated in a foreign currency and affected equity and profit or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant and ignores any impact of forecast sales and purchases. Stressed scenarios (positive and negative effects, before tax effects) were defined based on changes of a 25% and 50% to the U.S. Dollar and Euro (E$) exchange rates used in the probable scenario. The Company’s exposure to foreign currency changes for all other currencies is not material.


                  Variation scenario  


   Risk factor      Probable     25%     50%     -25%     -50%  

Cash and cash equivalents

     U.S.$ fluctuation        (23,841     170,373       340,749       (170,373     (340,749

Trade receivables

     U.S.$ fluctuation        (1,145     8,186       16,372       (8,186     (16,372

Trade payables

     U.S.$ fluctuation        2,158       (15,421     (30,841     15,421       30,841  

Exchange rate derivatives

     U.S.$ fluctuation        (459,619     3,173,696       6,347,390       (3,173,696     (6,347,390

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     U.S.$ fluctuation        446,815       (3,309,689     (6,619,377     3,309,689       6,619,377  

Contingent consideration payable

     U.S.$ fluctuation        2,449       (17,505     (35,009     17,505       35,009  
















Impacts on profit or loss

        (33,183     9,640       19,284       (9,640     (19,284
















The probable scenario considers the estimated exchange rates, made by a specialized third part, at the due date of the transactions for the companies with functional currency Real (positive and negative, before tax effects), as follows:


     Exchange rate sensitivity analysis (R$/US$) and (R$/Euro)  
     March 31,
     Probable      25%      50%      -25%      -50%  


     3.8967        3.7500        4.6875        5.6250        2.8125        1.8750  


     4.3760        4.4600        5.5750        6.6900        3.3450        2.2300  



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Interest rate risk

The Company and its subsidiaries monitor the fluctuations in variable interest rates in connection with its borrowings, especially those that accrue interest using LIBOR, and uses derivative instruments in order to minimize variable interest rate fluctuation risks.

A sensitivity analysis on the interest rates on loans and borrowings in compensation for the CDI investments with pre-tax increases and decreases of 25% and 50% is presented below:


     March 31, 2019  

Exposure interest rate

   Probable     25%     50%     -25%     -50%  

Cash and cash equivalents

     245,875       61,468       122,931       (61,468     (122,931

Marketable securities

     184,226       46,057       92,113       (46,057     (92,113

Contingent consideration asset

     4,256       1,062       2,131       (1,062     (2,131

Restricted cash

     8,393       2,098       4,197       (2,098     (4,197


     (15,710     (3,124     (6,248     3,124       6,248  

Derivative financial instruments

     (362,910     (1,233,177     (2,306,744     1,429,960       3,081,216  

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     (1,049,093     (159,575     (286,223     159,575       286,479  
















Impacts on profit or loss

     (984,963     (1,285,191     (2,377,843     1,481,974       3,152,571  
















The probable scenario considers the estimated interest rate, made by a specialized third part and Central Bank of Brazil (Banco Central do Brasil), or BACEN, as follows:


     Probable     25%     50%     -25%     -50%  


     6.65     8.31     9.98     4.99     3.33


     6.65     8.31     9.98     4.99     3.33

TJLP462 (TJLP + 1% p.a.)

     6.80     8.25     9.70     5.35     3.90


     5.80     7.25     8.70     4.35     2.90


     3.38     4.23     5.07     2.54     1.69


     3.70     4.63     5.55     2.78     1.85

Fed Funds

     2.40     3.00     3.60     1.80     1.20


     2.38     2.98     3.57     1.79     1.19



Credit risk

The Company’s regular operations expose it to potential defaults when customers, suppliers and counterparties are unable to comply with their financial or other commitments. The Company seeks to mitigate this risk by entering into transactions with a diverse pool of counterparties. However, the Company continues to remain subject to unexpected third party financial failures that could disrupt its operations. The exposure to credit risk was as follows:


     March 31, 2019      December 31, 2018  

Cash and cash equivalents

     4,661,559        3,621,798  

Trade receivables

     1,892,306        1,588,192  

Marketable securities

     2,769,792        4,202,835  

Derivative financial instruments

     2,769,460        2,548,857  

Receivables from related parties

     137,097        135,070  

Dividends receivable

     14,797        27,320  

Restricted cash

     126,219        115,124  






     12,371,230        12,239,196  









Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The Company is also exposed to risks in connection with its cash management activities and temporary investments.

Liquid assets are invested primarily in government security and other investments in Banks with a minimum grade of “A.” Credit risk from balances with banks and financial institutions is managed by the Company’s treasury department in accordance with the Company’s policy.

Investments of surplus funds are made only with approved counterparties and within credit limits assigned to each counterparty. Counterparty credit limits are reviewed on an annual basis and may be updated throughout the year. The limits are set to minimize the concentration of risks and therefore mitigate financial loss through potential counterparty’s failure to make payments. The credit risk on cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, restricted cash and derivative financial instruments are determined by rating instruments widely accepted by the market and are arranged as follows:


     March 31, 2019      December 31, 2018  


     8,010,326        8,911,418  


     2,318,715        1,577,196  






     10,329,041      10,488,614  



Liquidity risk

The Company’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when they are due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company’s reputation.

The financial liabilities of the Company sorted by due dates (based on undiscounted cash flows contracted) are as follows:


     March 31, 2019     December 31,
     Up to 1 year     1—2 years     3—5 years     More than 5
    Total     Total  

Loans, borrowings and debentures

     (3,828,654     (4,251,407     (12,104,548     (13,528,393     (33,713,002     (31,569,411

Trade payables

     (1,984,966     —         —         —         (1,984,966     (1,923,920

Other financial liabilities

     (358,644     —         —         —         (358,644     (455,702

Tax installments—REFIS

     (12,247     (6,948     (10,976     (200,051     (230,222     (232,358


     (450,534     (420,776     (1,089,359     (1,106,650     (3,067,319     (837,662

Derivative financial instruments

     101,984       (84,602     181,201       2,199,268       2,397,851       3,453,882  

Payables to related parties

     (379,616     —         —         —         (379,616     (355,971

Dividends payable

     (184,917     —         —         —         (184,917     (187,415


















     (7,097,594     (4,763,733     (13,023,682     (12,635,826     (37,520,835     (32,108,557





















Post-employment benefits


     March 31, 2019      December 31, 2018  


     77,174        75,298  

Futura II

     214        252  


     508,124        504,320  






     585,512        579,870  

During the period ended March 31, 2019, the amount of sponsor contributions to the plans was R$8,462 (R$7,442 on March 31 2018).



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Share-based payment

The Company and its subsidiaries have two active share-based payment plans. (i) “Stock Option Plan” provides the distribution of stock options to executives of the Company and its subsidiaries. (ii) “Stock-Based Compensation Plan” provides the granting of shares to the Company’s officers and employees.

The plans have been administered by the Board of Directors, at its option, by a Committee, within the limits established in the guidelines for the elaboration and structuring of each plan and in the applicable legislation.

The detail of plans, including the quantity of granted shares and expected life in years is as follow:


Type of award / Grant date

   Company      Expected life

Stock option programs


August 18, 2011—(A)

     Cosan S.A.        1 to 7        4,825,000  

August 18, 2011—(B)

     Cosan S.A.        1 to 12        5,000,000  

December 12, 2012—(C)

     Cosan S.A.        1 to 7        700,000  

April 24, 2013

     Cosan S.A.        5 to 7        970,000  

April 25, 2014

     Cosan S.A.        5 to 7        960,000  

August 31, 2015

     Cosan S.A.        5 to 7        759,000  




Stock grant programs


April 27, 2017

     Cosan S.A.        5        274,000  

July 31, 2017

     Cosan S.A.        5        298,107  

July 31, 2018

     Cosan S.A.        5        210,602  

April 20, 2017

     Comgás        5        61,300  

August 12, 2017

     Comgás        5        97,780  

August 1, 2018

     Comgás        5        96,787  

August 18, 2017

     Cosan Limited        5        2,053,632  

October 1, 2015

     Rumo S.A        5        1,485,900  

January 2, 2017

     Rumo S.A        5        1,476,000  

September 1, 2017

     Rumo S.A        5        870,900  

August 1, 2018

     Rumo S.A        5        1,149,544  




Cash-settled transactions


September 21, 2017

     Cosan Limited        5        255,000  



Reconciliation of outstanding share options

The movement in the number of awards outstanding and their related weighted-average exercise prices are as follows:


     Stock option
     Stock grant
    Total     Weighted-average
exercise price

At December 31, 2018

     5,029,000        5,695,601       10,724,601       33.77  


     —          (31,515     (31,515     —    


     —          (50,028     (50,028     —    













At March 31, 2019

     5,029,000        5,614,058       10,643,058       36.19  















Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





Expense recognized in profit or loss

Share-based compensation expense included in the statement of profit and loss for the period ended March 31, 2019 and 2018 was as follows:


     Stock option
     Stock grant

Period ended March 31, 2018

     1,706        11,343        13,049  










Period ended March 31, 2019

     814        14,424        15,238  












Subsequent events



Dividend distribution of Cosan S.A.

On April 26, 2019, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting, of the subsidiary Cosan S.A, approved the distribution of mandatory minimum dividends in the amount of R$392,426.



Capital increase of Cosan S.A.

On April 26, 2019, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting approved the increase of the Cosan S.A’s share capital in the amount of R$626,738, without the issuance of new shares, by converting the existing balance of the Legal reserve and part of the existing balance of capital reserve and retained earnings reserve.



Cancellation of treasury shares of Cosan S.A.

On April 26, 2019, it was ratified at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting and the cancellation of 9,000,0000 shares issued by the Company that were held in treasury, previously performed by the Board of Directors on March 26, 2019.



Capital increase – Comgás—goodwill reserve

On April 25, 2019, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting approved the increase of the Comgás share capital in the amount of R$56,276, through the capitalization of the Special Goodwill reserve.



Capital increase – Comgás – legal reserve

On April 25, 2019, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting approved the increase of the Comgás share capital in the amount of R$300,007, through the capitalization of the Legal reserve.



Cancellation of treasury shares of Cosan Limited

On April 24, 2019, the Company announced the cancellation of 32,239,807 Class A common shares held in treasury, representing 11.91% of Cosan Limited’s share capital. After the cancellation, remaining142,115,534 total Class A common shares.



Voluntary public tender offer for the acquisition of common shares issued by its subsidiary Comgás

On April 30, 2019, Cosan S.A. announces a voluntary public tender offer (“Voluntary TO ON”) for the acquisition of common shares issued by its subsidiary Comgás, at the price of R$82.00 (eighty two Reais) per share. The Voluntary TO ON object will be the acquisition of up to all outstanding common shares issued by Comgás and traded on B3, currently amounting to 2,683,835 common shares, accounting for 2.03% of the total capital stock of Comgás, on the condition that two thirds (2/3) of all shareholders of outstanding common shares adhere to it. The Voluntary TO ON will not be registered at the CVM and will not require cancellation of Comgáss registration as issuer of Category A securities.



Cosan Limited

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Cosan S.A. also signed, on this date, a private agreement with shareholders of 1,700,795 common shares issued by Comgás, under which Cosan undertakes to acquire, and the shareholders undertake to sell, all said common shares under the Voluntary TO ON. The common shares subject to this private agreement account for approximately 63.37% of the Comgás’s outstanding common shares.



New standards and interpretations not yet effective

The following new standards, interpretations and amendments were issued by the IASB, but are not effective for annual periods beginning after January 1, 2019. Although early adoption is permitted, the Company did not adopt them in advance in the preparation of these interim consolidated financial statements.



IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts

This standard introduces a new model for accounting for insurance contracts. IFRS 17 is effective for reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2021, with comparative figures required. Based on preliminary work we estimate the impact will be immaterial, we are in the process of reviewing our existing arrangements to determine the impact on adoption.

No other new accounting standards issued or in force during the fiscal year had or should have a material impact on these interim consolidated financial statements.




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 15, 2019


By:   /s/ Marcelo Eduardo Martins

Name: Marcelo Eduardo Martins

Title: Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer