P3Y0false0001374310--12-312020FYCBOE00us-gaap:OtherAssetsNoncurrentus-gaap:OtherAssetsNoncurrentus-gaap:AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesCurrentus-gaap:AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesCurrentus-gaap:OperatingLeaseLiabilityNoncurrentus-gaap:OperatingLeaseLiabilityNoncurrentus-gaap:AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent us-gaap:OperatingLeaseLiabilityNoncurrentus-gaap:AccountsPayableAndAccruedLiabilitiesCurrent us-gaap:OperatingLeaseLiabilityNoncurrent1.561.3400P5YP1Y0001374310srt:ScenarioForecastMember2021-01-012021-12-3100013743102018-07-012018-09-3000013743102018-04-012018-06-3000013743102018-01-012018-03-3100013743102011-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CapitalLossCarryforwardMember2020-12-3100013743102019-10-3100013743102018-08-3100013743102018-02-2800013743102016-12-3100013743102015-12-3100013743102014-12-3100013743102013-12-3100013743102012-12-3100013743102011-12-310001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CommonStockMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedNetUnrealizedInvestmentGainLossMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2020-12-310001374310srt:CumulativeEffectPeriodOfAdoptionAdjustmentMemberus-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CommonStockMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedNetUnrealizedInvestmentGainLossMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2019-12-310001374310srt:CumulativeEffectPeriodOfAdoptionAdjustmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:CommonStockMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedTranslationAdjustmentMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedNetUnrealizedInvestmentGainLossMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedDefinedBenefitPlansAdjustmentMember2018-12-310001374310cboe:RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestsMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2017-12-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2017-12-310001374310us-gaap:CommonStockMember2017-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2017-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeMember2017-12-310001374310cboe:RedeemableNoncontrollingInterestsMember2017-12-310001374310us-gaap:NonUsMemberus-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2018-05-012018-05-310001374310country:USus-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2018-05-012018-05-310001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2018-05-310001374310cboe:RestrictedStockAndRestrictedStockUnitsMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:PerformanceBasedRestrictedStockUnitsMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:PerformanceBasedRestrictedStockUnitsMemberus-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2021-02-192021-02-190001374310us-gaap:RestrictedStockUnitsRSUMemberus-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2021-02-192021-02-190001374310srt:DirectorMembercboe:RestrictedStockAndRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:RegulatoryFeesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:RegulatoryFeesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:EuropeanEquiti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aap:TransferredOverTimeMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:AccessAndCapacityFeesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:AccessAndCapacityFeesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:AccessAndCapacityFeesMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:AccessAndCapacityFeesMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:AccessAndCapacityFeesMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CorporateNonSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CorporateNonSegmentMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:RegulatoryFeesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:OtherRevenuesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:MarketDataFeesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:AccessAndCapacityFeesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:RegulatoryFeesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:RegulatoryFeesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:RegulatoryFeesMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OtherRevenuesMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:MarketDataFeesMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:FuturesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredOverTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMemberus-gaap:TransferredAtPointInTimeMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:OperatingSegmentsMembercboe:ClearingFeesRevenueMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMembe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FairValueInputsLevel3Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMember2020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:FuturesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:MatchnowMemberus-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:EuroCCPMemberus-gaap:LicensingAgreementsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:AmericanFinancialExchangeLlcMember2020-08-012020-08-310001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcAndFtProvidersLlcAndTradeAlertLlcMember2020-08-042020-08-040001374310cboe:BidsHoldingsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CorporateAndOtherMember2018-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsSegmentMember2018-12-310001374310cboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-12-310001374310cboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2018-12-310001374310cboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2018-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:CustomerListsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310srt:WeightedAverageMemberus-gaap:CustomerListsMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CustomerListsMembercboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccountsReceivableMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:NotesReceivableMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccountsReceivableMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:NotesReceivableMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AccountsReceivableMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:ContingentConsiderationLiabilityMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:ContingentConsiderationLiabilityMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:ContingentConsiderationLiabilityMember2018-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Membercboe:ContingentConsiderationLiabilityMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:ContingentConsiderationLiabilityMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:ContingentConsiderationLiabilityMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:OtherEquityInvestmentsMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsClearingCorporationMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:ErisExchangeHoldingsLlcMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:ErisDigitalHoldingsLlcMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeVestFinancialGroupMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:AmericanFinancialExchangeLlcMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:OtherEquityInvestmentsMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsClearingCorporationMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:ErisExchangeHoldingsLlcMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:CboeVestFinancialGroupMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:AmericanFinancialExchangeLlcMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:SignalTradingSystemsLLCMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:EuroCCPMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:CboeVestFinancialGroupMember2016-01-310001374310cboe:SignalTradingSystemsLLCMember2020-12-3100013743102020-10-012020-12-3100013743102020-07-012020-09-3000013743102020-04-012020-06-3000013743102020-01-012020-03-3100013743102019-10-012019-12-3100013743102019-07-012019-09-3000013743102019-04-012019-06-3000013743102019-01-012019-03-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:CboeVestFinancialGroupMemberus-gaap:PutOptionMember2016-01-012016-01-310001374310cboe:CboeVestFinancialGroupMemberus-gaap:CallOptionMember2016-01-012016-01-310001374310cboe:EuroCCPMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeEuropeEquitiesEmployeeSelectedStakeholderContributionPlanMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:ChicagoBoardOptionsExchangeSmartPlanSupplementalEmployeeRetirementPlanExecutiveRetirementPlanAndDeferredCompensationPlanMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:CboeEuropeEquitiesEmployeeSelectedStakeholderContributionPlanMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:ChicagoBoardOptionsExchangeSmartPlanSupplementalEmployeeRetirementPlanExecutiveRetirementPlanAndDeferredCompensationPlanMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:CboeEuropeEquitiesEmployeeSelectedStakeholderContributionPlanMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMember2020-12-212020-12-210001374310cboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMember2020-05-292020-05-290001374310cboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMember2016-12-152016-12-150001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2027Member2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2027Member2020-12-150001374310cboe:TermLoanAgreementMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2020-12-310001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2030Memberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2020-12-310001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2027Memberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel2Member2019-12-310001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2030Member2020-12-310001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2027Member2020-12-310001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2030Member2020-12-160001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2030Member2020-12-150001374310cboe:TermLoanAgreementMember2018-03-220001374310cboe:SeniorNotesDue2027Member2017-01-120001374310cboe:CommittedSyndicatedMulticurrencyRevolvingAndSwinglineCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:FederalFundsEffectiveSwapRateMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:CommittedSyndicatedMulticurrencyRevolvingAndSwinglineCreditFacilityMemberus-gaap:BaseRateMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:TermLoanAgreementMemberus-gaap:PrimeRateMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:TermLoanAgreementMemberus-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMemberus-gaap:PrimeRateMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMemberus-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMemberus-gaap:PrimeRateMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMemberus-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:TermLoanAgreementMemberus-gaap:PrimeRateMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:TermLoanAgreementMemberus-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMemberus-gaap:PrimeRateMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMemberus-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMemberus-gaap:PrimeRateMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMemberus-gaap:LondonInterbankOfferedRateLIBORMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:Section31FeesMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:RoyaltyFeesMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:RoutingAndClearingMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:LiquidityPaymentsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:Section31FeesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:RoyaltyFeesMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:RoutingAndClearingMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:OtherCostsMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:LiquidityPaymentsMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:Section31FeesMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:RoyaltyFeesMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:RoutingAndClearingMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:LiquidityPaymentsMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:OtherDeferredRevenueArrangementMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:OtherDeferredRevenueArrangementMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2021-02-112021-02-110001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2020-12-3100013743102017-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMemberus-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMemberus-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember2019-12-3100013743102018-12-310001374310us-gaap:InProcessResearchAndDevelopmentMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:InProcessResearchAndDevelopmentMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2020-12-310001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcAndFtProvidersLlcTradeAlertLlcAndMatchnowMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel3Member2019-12-310001374310cboe:AcquisitionsMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMemberus-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMemberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMemberus-gaap:USTreasurySecuritiesMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMemberus-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:MutualFundMemberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:MoneyMarketFundsMemberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Memberus-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueMeasurementsRecurringMember2019-12-310001374310us-gaap:FairValueInputsLevel1Member2019-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-04-012020-06-300001374310us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:GlobalFXSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:ComputerSoftwareIntangibleAssetMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:TradeAlertLlcMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:TradeAlertLlcMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:TradeAlertLlcMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:MatchnowMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:MatchnowMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:MatchnowMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:FtProvidersLlcMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:FtProvidersLlcMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:FtProvidersLlcMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:EuroCCPMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:EuroCCPMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:BidsHoldingsMemberus-gaap:TrademarksAndTradeNamesMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:BidsHoldingsMemberus-gaap:TechnologyBasedIntangibleAssetsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:BidsHoldingsMemberus-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:EuroCCPMember2020-12-3100013743102020-06-3000013743102021-02-120001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:TreasuryStockMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:CboeSefMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember2021-02-052021-02-050001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:PerformanceBasedRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:PerformanceBasedRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:RestrictedStockAndRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:PerformanceBasedRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-12-310001374310us-gaap:EmployeeStockMember2018-05-012018-05-310001374310cboe:ErisDigitalHoldingsLlcMember2020-05-012020-05-310001374310cboe:RestrictedStockAndRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMember2020-12-210001374310srt:MinimumMembercboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMember2016-12-150001374310cboe:CityOfProvidenceRhodeIslandMemberus-gaap:PendingLitigationMember2014-04-180001374310us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerProductAndServiceBenchmarkMemberus-gaap:CustomerConcentrationRiskMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerMemberus-gaap:CustomerConcentrationRiskMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerProductAndServiceBenchmarkMemberus-gaap:CustomerConcentrationRiskMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerMemberus-gaap:CustomerConcentrationRiskMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerProductAndServiceBenchmarkMemberus-gaap:CustomerConcentrationRiskMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310us-gaap:RevenueFromContractWithCustomerMemberus-gaap:CustomerConcentrationRiskMember2018-01-012018-12-310001374310cboe:VIXLitigationMemberus-gaap:PendingLitigationMember2018-09-282018-09-280001374310cboe:CfeMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:InvestmentIndustryRegulatoryOrganizationOfCanadaMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeTradingMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:BidsTradingMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:OtherSecuritiesMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:OtherSecuritiesMember2019-12-310001374310cboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMember2020-12-210001374310cboe:PriorRevolvingCreditagreementMember2016-12-150001374310cboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310us-gaap:CorporateAndOtherMember2019-01-012019-12-310001374310cboe:TradeAlertLlcMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:MatchnowMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:FtProvidersLlcMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:EuroCCPMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:BidsHoldingsMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:AcquisitionsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:OptionsSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:NorthAmericanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:EuropeanEquitiesSegmentMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeVestFinancialGroupMember2016-01-012016-01-310001374310cboe:CboeEuropeEquitiesMembercboe:EuroCCPMember2020-06-300001374310cboe:CboeEuropeEquitiesMembercboe:EuroCCPMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:OptionsClearingCorporationMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:ChicagoBoardOptionsExchangeSmartPlanSupplementalEmployeeRetirementPlanExecutiveRetirementPlanAndDeferredCompensationPlanMember2020-01-012020-12-3100013743102019-12-310001374310cboe:CommittedSyndicatedMulticurrencyRevolvingAndSwinglineCreditFacilityMember2020-07-012020-07-010001374310cboe:TermLoanAgreementMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMember2020-12-310001374310srt:MaximumMembercboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:TermLoanAgreementMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:RevolvingCreditAgreementMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:CommittedSyndicatedMulticurrencyRevolvingAndSwinglineCreditFacilityMember2020-07-010001374310cboe:OtherCostsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:PerformanceBasedRestrictedStockUnitsMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:UpFrontPaymentsArrangementMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:OtherDeferredRevenueArrangementMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:EuroCCPMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:CfeMember2020-01-012020-12-310001374310cboe:MarginDepositsMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:InteroperabilityFundsMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:ClearingFundsMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeEuropeNlMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeEuropeEquitiesMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:CboeChiXEuropeMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:BidsHoldingsMember2020-12-310001374310cboe:HanweckAssociatesLlcAndFtProvidersLlcAndTradeAlertLlcMember2020-08-040001374310cboe:EuroCCPMember2020-07-010001374310cboe:AcquisitionsMember2019-01-012019-12-3100013743102019-01-012019-12-3100013743102018-01-012018-12-3100013743102020-01-012020-12-3100013743102020-12-31iso4217:USDxbrli:sharescboe:segmentiso4217:USDcboe:Voteiso4217:EURxbrli:purecboe:itemcboe:claimcboe:customercboe:subsidiaryxbrli:shares



Washington, DC 20549

Form 10-K


For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020



For the transition period from ____________ to ____________

Commission File No. 001-34774

Cboe Global Markets, Inc.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



(State or other jurisdiction of

(I.R.S. Employer

incorporation or organization)

Identification Number)

400 South LaSalle Street

Chicago, Illinois


(Address of principal executive offices)

(Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code

(312) 786-5600

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of Each Class

   Trading Symbol (s) 

Name of Exchange on Which Registered

Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share



Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes No  

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes  No 

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  No 

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes  No 

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of "large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer," "smaller reporting company," and "emerging growth company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large accelerated filer 

Accelerated filer 

Non-accelerated filer 

Smaller reporting company 

Emerging growth company

If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes  No 

As of June 30, 2020, the aggregate market value of the Registrant's outstanding voting common equity held by non-affiliates was approximately $10.1 billion based on the closing price of $93.28 per share of common stock.

The number of outstanding shares of the registrant's common stock as of February 12, 2021 was 107,210,079 shares of common stock.


Portions of Cboe Global Market’s Definitive Proxy Statement for the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which will be filed no later than 120 days after December 31, 2020, are incorporated by reference in Part III.

Table of Contents



2020 FORM 10-K



Item 1.



Item 1A.

Risk Factors


Item 1B.

Unresolved Staff Comments


Item 2.



Item 3.

Legal Proceedings


Item 4.

Mine Safety Disclosures




Item 5.

Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities


Item 6.

Selected Financial Data


Item 7.

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


Item 7A.

Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk


Item 8.

Financial Statements and Supplementary Data


Item 9.

Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure


Item 9A.

Controls and Procedures


Item 9B.

Other Information




Item 10.

Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance


Item 11.

Executive Compensation


Item 12.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters


Item 13.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence


Item 14.

Principal Accountant Fees and Services




Item 15.

Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules


Item 16.

Form 10-K Summary



Table of Contents


Throughout this document, unless otherwise specified or the context so requires:

“Cboe,” “we,” “us,” “our” or “the Company” refers to Cboe Global Markets, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
“ADV” means average daily volume.
“ADNV” means average daily notional value.
“AFM” refers to the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets.
“ATS” refers to an alternative trading system.
“Bats Global Markets” and “Bats” refer to our wholly-owned subsidiary Bats Global Markets, Inc., now known as Cboe Bats, LLC, and its subsidiaries.
“BIDS Trading” refers to BIDS Trading, L.P., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc. The ATS operated by BIDS Trading is not a registered national securities exchange or a facility thereof.
“BYX” refers to Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“BZX” refers to Cboe BZX Exchange, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“C2” refers to Cboe C2 Exchange, Inc. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“Cboe Chi-X Europe” refers to Cboe Chi-X Europe Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“Cboe Europe Equities” refers to the combined businesses of Cboe Europe and Cboe NL.
“Cboe Europe” refers to Cboe Europe Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc., the UK operator of our Multilateral Trading Facility (“MTF”), our Regulated Market (“RM”), and our Approved Publication Arrangement (“APA”) under its Recognized Investment Exchange (“RIE”) status.
“Cboe FX” refers to Cboe FX Markets, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“Cboe NL” refers to Cboe Europe BV, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc., the Netherlands operator of our MTF, RM, and APA.
“Cboe Options” refers to Cboe Exchange, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“Cboe SEF” refers to Cboe SEF, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“Cboe Trading” refers to Cboe Trading, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc., operated in the United States.
“CFE” refers to Cboe Futures Exchange, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“CFTC” refers to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
“EDGA” refers to Cboe EDGA Exchange, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“EDGX” refers to Cboe EDGX Exchange, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“ESMA” refers to the European Securities and Markets Authority.
“EuroCCP” refers to European Central Counterparty N.V., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc.
“Exchanges” refers to Cboe Options, C2, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA.
“FASB” refers to the Financial Accounting Standards Board.
“FCA” refers to the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
“FINRA” refers to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
“GAAP” refers to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States.
“IIROC” refers to the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada.
“MATCHNow” refers to TriAct Canada Marketplace LP, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cboe Global Markets, Inc., the operator of our Canadian ATS called MATCHNow.
“Merger” refers to our acquisition of Bats Global Markets, completed on February 28, 2017.
“OCC” refers to The Options Clearing Corporation.
“OPRA” refers to Options Price Reporting Authority, LLC.
“SEC” refers to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
“SPX” refers to our S&P 500 Index exchange-traded options products.
“TPH” refers to either a Trading Permit Holder or a Trading Privilege Holder.
“VIX” refers to our Cboe Volatility Index exchange traded options and futures products.


Table of Contents


Cboe®, Cboe Global Markets®, Bats®, BIDS Trading®, BYX®, BZX®, Cboe Options Institute®, Cboe Vest®, Cboe Volatility Index®, CFE®, EDGA®, EDGX®, EuroCCP®, Hybrid®, LiveVol®, MATCHNow®, Silexx® and VIX® are registered trademarks, and Cboe Futures ExchangeSM, C2SM, f(t)optionsSM, HanweckSM, and Trade AlertSM are service marks of Cboe Global Markets, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Standard & Poor's®, S&P®, S&P 100®, S&P 500® and SPX® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and have been licensed for use by Cboe Exchange, Inc. Dow Jones®, Dow Jones Industrial Average®, DJIA® and Dow Jones Indices are registered trademarks or service marks of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings, LLC, used under license. Russell® and the Russell index names are registered trademarks of Frank Russell Company, used under license. FTSE® and the FTSE indices are trademarks and service marks of FTSE International Limited, used under license. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

MSCI and the MSCI index names are service marks of MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”) or its affiliates and have been licensed for use by us. Any derivative indices and any financial products based on the derivative indices (“MCSI-Based Products”) are not sponsored, guaranteed or endorsed by MSCI, its affiliates or any other party involved in, or related to, making or compiling such MSCI index. Neither MSCI, its affiliates nor any other party involved in, or related to, making or compiling any MSCI index makes any representations regarding the advisability of investing in such MSCI-Based Products; makes any warranty, express or implied; or bears any liability as to the results to be obtained by any person or any entity from the use of any such MSCI index or any data included therein. No purchaser, seller or holder of any MSCI-Based Product, or any other person or entity, should use or refer to any MSCI trade name, trademark or service mark to sponsor, endorse, market or promote any security without first contacting MSCI to determine whether MSCI’s permission is required.

This Annual Report on Form 10-K includes market share and industry data that we obtained from industry publications and surveys, reports of governmental agencies and internal company surveys. Industry publications and surveys generally state that the information they contain has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we cannot assure you that this information is accurate or complete. We have not independently verified any of the data from third-party sources nor have we ascertained the underlying economic assumptions relied upon therein. Statements as to our market position are based on the most currently available market data. While we are not aware of any misstatements regarding industry data presented herein, our estimates involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change based on various factors. We refer you to the “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of this Annual Report on Form 10-K and our other filings with the SEC.


Table of Contents


This Annual Report on Form 10-K contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as "may," "might," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" or "continue," and the negative of these terms and other comparable terminology. All statements that reflect our expectations, assumptions or projections about the future other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements in "Business" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations." These forward-looking statements, which are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions about us, may include projections of our future financial performance based on our growth strategies and anticipated trends in our business. These statements are only predictions based on our current expectations and projections about future events. There are important factors that could cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. In particular, you should consider the risks and uncertainties described under "Risk Factors" in this Annual Report.

While we believe we have identified material risks, these risks and uncertainties are not exhaustive. Moreover, we operate in a very competitive and rapidly changing environment. New risks and uncertainties emerge from time to time, and it is not possible to predict all risks and uncertainties, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements.

Some factors that could cause actual results to differ include:

the impact of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic, including changes to trading behavior broadly in the market;
the loss of our right to exclusively list and trade certain index options and futures products;
economic, political and market conditions;
compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;
price competition and consolidation in our industry;
decreases in trading or clearing volumes, market data fees or a shift in the mix of products traded on our exchanges;
legislative or regulatory changes;
our ability to protect our systems and communication networks from security risks, cybersecurity risks, insider threats and unauthorized disclosure of confidential information;
increasing competition by foreign and domestic entities;
our dependence on and exposure to risk from third parties;
fluctuations to currency exchange rates;
our index providers' ability to maintain the quality and integrity of their indices and to perform under our agreements;
our ability to operate our business without violating the intellectual property rights of others and the costs associated with protecting our intellectual property rights;
our ability to attract and retain skilled management and other personnel;
our ability to minimize the risks, including our credit and default risks, associated with operating a European clearinghouse;
our ability to accommodate trading and clearing volume and transaction traffic, including significant increases, without failure or degradation of performance of our systems;
misconduct by those who use our markets or our products or for whom we clear transactions;
challenges to our use of open source software code;
our ability to meet our compliance obligations, including managing potential conflicts between our regulatory responsibilities and our for-profit status;
our ability to maintain BIDS Trading as an independently managed and operated trading venue, separate from and not integrated with our registered national securities exchanges;
damage to our reputation;
the ability of our compliance and risk management methods to effectively monitor and manage our risks;
our ability to manage our growth and strategic acquisitions or alliances effectively;
restrictions imposed by our debt obligations and our ability to make payments on or refinance our debt obligations;
our ability to maintain an investment grade credit rating;


Table of Contents

impairment of our goodwill, long-lived assets, investments or intangible assets; and
the accuracy of our estimates and expectations.

For a detailed discussion of these and other factors that might affect our performance, see Part I, Item 1A of this Report. We do not undertake, and expressly disclaim, any duty to update any forward-looking statement whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. We caution you not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this filing.


Table of Contents


Item 1.    Business

The following description of the business should be read in conjunction with the information included elsewhere in this Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020. This description contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ significantly from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements due to the factors set forth in “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.


Cboe Global Markets, Inc. provides cutting-edge trading and investment solutions to investors around the world. The Company is committed to defining markets through product innovation, leading edge technology, and seamless trading solutions.

Cboe offers trading across a diverse range of products in multiple asset classes and geographies, including options, futures, U.S., Canadian and European equities, exchange-traded products (“ETPs”), global foreign exchange (“FX”) and volatility products based on the VIX Index, recognized as the world’s premier gauge of U.S. equity market volatility.

Cboe’s subsidiaries include the largest options exchange and the third largest stock exchange operator in the U.S. In addition, the Company operates one of the largest stock exchanges by value traded in Europe, and owns EuroCCP, a leading pan-European equities clearinghouse, BIDS Trading, a leading block-trading ATS by volume in the U.S., and MATCHNow, a leading equities ATS in Canada. Cboe also is a leading market globally for ETP listings and trading.

The graphic below provides a brief overview of Cboe’s history:



Table of Contents

Our Business

Cboe Global Markets reports on the following five business segments:

Options. The Options segment includes listed options on market indices (“index options”), as well as on the stocks of individual corporations (“equity options”) and options on ETPs, such as exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) and exchange-traded notes (“ETNs”), which are “multi-listed” options and listed on a non-exclusive basis. These options trade on Cboe Options, C2 Options, BZX Options, and EDGX Options, all U.S. national security exchanges. Cboe Options is the Company’s primary options market and offers trading in listed options through a single system that integrates electronic trading and traditional open outcry trading on the Cboe Options trading floor in Chicago. There was a temporary suspension of open outcry trading between March 13, 2020 and June 14, 2020 in response to the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic. C2 Options, BZX Options, and EDGX Options are all-electronic options exchanges, and typically operate with different market models and fee structures than Cboe Options. The Options segment also includes applicable market data revenue generated from the consolidated tape plans, the licensing of proprietary options market data, index licensing, and access and capacity services.
North American Equities (formerly U.S. Equities). The North American Equities segment includes listed U.S. equities and ETP transaction services that occur on fully electronic exchanges owned and operated by BZX Equities, BYX Equities, EDGX Equities, and EDGA Equities and Canadian equities and other transaction services that occur on or through the MATCHNow ATS. This segment was previously referred to as the U.S. Equities segment, but has been updated as a result of the acquisition of MATCHNow, which provides Canadian equities and other transaction services. In addition, in connection with the closing of the acquisition of BIDS Trading, starting January 1, 2021, this segment also includes equities transactions that occur on the BIDS Trading platforms. The North American Equities segment also includes ETP listings on BZX, the Cboe Global Markets, Inc. common stock listing, applicable market data revenue generated from the consolidated tape plans, the licensing of proprietary equities market data, routing services, access and capacity services and advertising activity from ETF.com.
Futures. The Futures segment includes transaction services provided by the Company’s fully electronic futures exchange, CFE, which includes offerings for trading of VIX futures and other futures products, the licensing of proprietary market data, as well as access and capacity services.
European Equities. The European Equities segment includes the pan-European listed equities transaction services, ETPs, exchange traded commodities, and international depository receipts that are hosted on MTFs operated by Cboe Europe Equities. It also includes the ETP listings business on RMs and clearing activities of EuroCCP. Cboe Europe Equities operates lit and dark pools, a periodic auctions book, and a Large-in-Scale (“LIS”) trading negotiation facility. Cboe NL, launched in October 2019, operates similar business functionality to that offered by Cboe Europe, and provides for trading only in European Economic Area (“EEA”) symbols. Cboe Europe Equities also includes revenue generated from the licensing of proprietary market data and from access and capacity services.
Global FX. The Global FX segment includes institutional FX trading services that occur on the Cboe FX fully electronic trading platform, non-deliverable forward FX transactions (“NDFs”) offered for execution on Cboe SEF and Cboe Swiss, as well as revenue generated from the licensing of proprietary market data and from access and capacity services.

See “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and Note 17 (“Segment Reporting”) in the notes to our Consolidated Financial Statements for discussion of revenues, and operating income (or loss) by business segment. Certain activities within our segments operate globally. For information regarding risks related to our international operations see “Risk Factors.”


Table of Contents

The following chart lists average daily transaction volume in number of shares/contracts, notional value transacted or trades cleared for Options (Cboe Options, C2 Options, BZX Options, and EDGX Options); Futures (CFE); U.S. Equities (BZX Equities, BYX Equities, EDGA Equities, and EDGX Equities); Canadian Equities (MATCHNow); European Equities (Cboe Europe Equities); European Clearing (EuroCCP); and Global FX (Cboe FX and Cboe SEF) for the periods indicated:

Annual Volumes






Options total contracts ADV (in millions)




U.S. Equities total touched shares ADV (in billions)




Canadian Equities total touched shares ADV (in millions) (1)


Futures ADV (in thousands)




European Equities matched and touched ADNV (€ in billions)




European trades cleared (in millions) (2)


Global FX ADNV ($ in billions)




(1)Canadian Equities data reflects ADV for the period of 2020 following Cboe’s acquisition of MATCHNow, which was effective August 4, 2020.
(2)European trades cleared data reflects trades cleared for the period of 2020 following Cboe’s acquisition of EuroCCP, which was effective July 1, 2020. Trades cleared refers to the total number of non-interoperable trades cleared.

ADV= average daily volume

ADNV= average daily notional value

Competitive Strengths

At Cboe, we are defining markets to benefit participants and drive the global marketplace forward through product innovation, leading edge technology and seamless trading solutions.

Product Innovation. Markets are fundamentally defined by the products they offer, and no institution has created more noteworthy tradable products than Cboe. From equity options, index options, VIX options, to VIX futures and our corporate bond index futures, our track record for market-defining product innovation speaks for itself. Our partnerships with leading index and service providers further strengthen our ability to create the next great product innovation. Cboe offers trading across a diverse range of products, including options, futures, North American and European equities, ETPs, global FX, and multi-asset volatility products.

Our legacy of innovation not only includes products, but also the creation or acquisition of entirely new markets or market models, including the first listed-options marketplace, the first alternative venue to traditional equity markets, the first pan-European MTF and the first electronic communication network (“ECN”) for the institutional FX market. These markets have grown to become some of the largest, most relied upon in the world.

Leading Edge Technology. Our industry-leading proprietary technology was built, and is continually refined, to anticipate the evolving needs of our customers. Our trading platform is developed, owned, and operated in-house and is designed to optimize reliability, speed, scalability, and versatility. All of our U.S. equity, options, and futures markets have been successfully migrated to this cutting-edge technology. We regularly raise the bar in trading technology through an ambitious schedule of software releases and enhancements to our platforms across the globe.
Seamless Trading Solutions. Cboe strives to provide trading solutions that enhance the customer experience through our advocacy efforts, insights, education, data analytics and other services.


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Value Proposition

We also believe that we provide stakeholders with a strong value proposition due to the following key drivers:

We have a diverse and unique product set, with high-margin proprietary products that allow customers to express a market view and manage risk in various market environments.
We provide exposure to large, underpenetrated market segments, targeted to fuel the growth of Cboe’s proprietary products globally.
We have developed a highly scalable business model, coupled with disciplined expense management.
We have had a strong track record of financial results and efficient capital allocation, helping to create long-term shareholder value.

Key Growth Strategy Initiatives

We expect to further grow our business and increase our revenues and profitability by pursuing the following growth strategies:

Build Upon Core Proprietary Products. We plan to grow our existing proprietary products, including SPX options and VIX options and futures, by further penetrating key market segments, including pension funds, insurance companies, endowments and asset managers. We also plan to enhance existing proprietary products, develop new proprietary products and expand our user base and use cases. In 2020, we delivered on this initiative by launching mini VIX futures, launching options on the S&P 500 Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Index, and launched target outcome indices on Russell 2000 Index. Expected new initiatives for 2021 include the expansion of our Global Trading Hours, subject to regulatory review, to extend the availability of our proprietary products, the enhancement of our online learning tools for investor education, and the launch of a new core derivatives education curriculum.
Leverage Leading Proprietary Trading Technology. We have developed a superior technology platform that positions Cboe to integrate additional products, features and volumes, while providing efficiencies across venues. We are also able to leverage the efficiencies of our common technology to further expand revenues, while maintaining disciplined expense management. In 2020, we delivered on this initiative by integrating our information solutions acquisitions, Hanweck Associates, LLC (“Hanweck”), FT Providers, LLC (“FT Options”) and Trade Alert, LLC (“Trade Alert”), commencing the integration of EuroCCP and its technology to potentially launch pan-European derivatives in 2021, subject to regulatory review, and transitioning execution management from the PULSe Trader Workstation to Cboe Silexx.
Diversify Business Mix With Growth of Non-Transactional Revenues. We are diversifying our business mix through the growth of our non-transactional revenues, which primarily consists of increasing the distribution of proprietary market data and enhanced market data, offering insightful information to support our customers’ needs, and providing tools that draw users to our markets and drive volume. In 2020, we delivered on this initiative by growing our proprietary market data and access and capacity fees and also increased recurring revenues with our information solutions acquisitions.
Broaden Geographic Reach. We plan to widen our global access and product distribution though customer engagement, new product offerings and strategic acquisitions. We also plan to strengthen combined offerings while reaching new markets. In 2020, we delivered on this initiative by acquiring MATCHNow, a leading Canadian ATS, expanding our geographic presence and product capabilities.
Expand Product Lines Across Asset Classes. We expect to strengthen our product set with new asset classes, create markets that utilize Cboe capabilities, and provide tools that support access to multiple channels and markets. In 2020, we delivered on this initiative with the strong growth in Cboe Retail Priority, the planned launch of U.S. Periodic auctions order book, subject to regulatory approval, and the acquisition of BIDS Trading, a U.S. ATS, which diversifies our equities offerings. Cboe also expanded its FX offering in 2020, with the launch of Cboe FX Central, a new central limit order book and the launch of Cboe Swiss, as new NDF market.


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Proprietary Products

In addition to our exchanges providing a marketplace and listing venue for the trading of securities and derivatives we also calculate proprietary indices that are used as the basis for proprietary products, such as our SPX options and VIX options and futures, or licensed for use by third parties. These include:

volatility index products based on various broad-based market indices, such as the S&P 500, the S&P 100, and the Russell 2000,
correlation or volatility indices based on ETFs and individual stocks, such as the Cboe Crude Oil ETF Volatility Index, the Cboe Gold ETF Volatility Index, the Cboe Equity VIX on Apple, and the Cboe Equity VIX on Amazon,
interest rate volatility indices, such as the Cboe Interest Rate Swap Volatility Index and
options strategy benchmarks, such as the Cboe BuyWrite, PutWrite and Collar indices based on the S&P 500 and Russell 2000, BuyWrite and PutWrite indices on MSCI EAFE, MSCI Emerging Markets and BuyWrite indices based on other broad-based market indices.

Our most frequently traded proprietary products are SPX options and VIX options and futures. In addition to any transaction fee revenue generated on products created based on these indices, we have granted licenses for third parties to use and sublicense some of these proprietary indices to create third-party indices and products. Accordingly, we generate revenue from proprietary indices by distributing them for reference purposes, using them as the basis for proprietary products and licensing them for use for third-party indices and products.

These proprietary indices and products are built both through our in-house research and development staff and our strategic relationships and license agreements with index providers. The following is a discussion of our strategic relationships and additional detail on our most frequently traded products, including SPX options and VIX options and futures.

Strategic Relationships

The Company has long-term business relationships with several providers of market indices. We license their indices, including on an exclusive basis, as the foundation for indices, index options and other products. The Company also acquires interests in and agrees to work jointly with key providers to develop new products and services that are expected to capitalize on our core competencies and diversify our sources of revenue. Of particular note are the following:

S&P. We have the exclusive right to offer exchange-listed options contracts in the United States on the S&P 500 Index, the S&P 100 Index, the S&P 500 ESG Index, and the S&P Select Sector Indices as a result of a licensing arrangement with S&P Dow Jones Indices, LLC (“S&P”). Our license from S&P is through December 31, 2033, with an exclusive license to trade options on the S&P 500 Index through December 31, 2032. We use the market data from the trading of options on the S&P 500 Index and S&P 100 Index for the creation of Cboe volatility indices, such as the VIX Index, and for the creation of tradable products on those volatility indices.
FTSE Russell. Under our license agreement with the London Stock Exchange Group’s (“LSEG”) leading global index franchises, Frank Russell Company and FTSE International Limited (together “FTSE Russell”), we have the exclusive right in the United States to offer listed options on more than two dozen FTSE Russell indices, which represent a diverse group of domestic and global equities with international appeal. Our exclusive license from FTSE Russell is through 2030. We offer options on the Russell 2000, Russell 1000, Russell 1000 Value and Russell 1000 Growth Indices.
MSCI. We have the exclusive right in the United States to offer listed options on six of MSCI’s indices and to calculate and commercialize volatility and strategy indices on the market data from the trading of options on the MSCI EAFA and MSCI Emerging Markets indices, as a result of licensing arrangements with MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”). We currently offer options on the MSCI EAFE and MSCI Emerging Markets Indices, and use trading information to calculate several versions of BuyWrite and PutWrite strategy indices on each MSCI index.


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Dow Jones. We have the exclusive right during standard U.S. trading hours to offer listed options contracts in the United States on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (“DJIA”) and certain other Dow Jones indices through December 31, 2033 as a result of a licensing arrangement with DJI Opco, LLC. We use market data from the trading of options on these indices to create Cboe volatility indices, variance indicators and BuyWrite indices, and to trade options and other products on these indices.

SPX Options

The S&P 500 Index is an index comprised of 500 large-cap U.S. listed companies. It is one of the most commonly followed indices and is considered a bellwether for the U.S. economy. The SPX options we offer on the S&P 500 Index are exclusive to Cboe and contribute substantially to our volumes and transaction fees. Because of the S&P 500 Index’s status as a bellwether, SPX options are used in many different trading strategies by customers with different goals, including pension funds hedging their equity exposure by buying put options, asset managers seeking enhanced returns by selling covered call options and hedge funds using risk-managed strategies to capture so-called “risk premia” embedded in option prices. We also offer SPX Weeklys options, which have settlements on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and on the last trading day of each month. We believe these additional expirations provide customers with more precision when hedging overall portfolio risk.

Volatility Trading

Cboe pioneered the trading of exchange-traded volatility products with its introduction of VIX futures in 2004 and VIX options in 2006. The VIX Index, although not directly tradable, is based on the mid-point of real-time quotes of SPX options and is designed to reflect investors’ consensus view of future 30-day expected stock market volatility. The VIX methodology provides the basis for the creation of VIX options and futures. The final settlement value of VIX derivatives is determined on their expiration date through a Special Opening Quotation (“SOQ”) of the VIX Index. The SOQ calculation uses opening trade prices of selected options; unless there is no opening price, in which case the opening price used in the SOQ calculation is the midpoint of the highest bid and lowest offer at the time of the opening. Since we started offering these products, we have seen trading from a number of different customer segments utilizing a number of different trading strategies, including hedging extreme stock market declines, also known as “tail risk” hedging, and risk-managed strategies that seek to capture the relative price changes of expected volatility at different times in the future. We also offer VIX Weeklys options and futures to provide investors with opportunities and tools to trade volatility over a shorter term.


Cboe serves as a listing destination for ETPs in the U.S. and Europe, and its markets are structured and designed for ETP issuers and their investors. In 2020, Cboe added 114 ETP listings in the U.S. and won 36 percent of all new U.S. ETP listings. There are now 511 ETPs globally listed on Cboe from 63 different issuers. We offer fully-automated opening, closing and halt reopening auctions for our listed securities, which are designed to maximize the efficiency of the price discovery process.

Cboe also offers issuers the choice of an innovative market maker program referred to as the Cboe Lead Market Maker (“LMM”) incentive program on Cboe BZX and the Cboe Europe Equities Liquidity Provider Program (“LPP”) on Cboe Europe Equities. Under the LMM program, an LMM has certain quoting obligations and for meeting those enhanced obligations, Cboe pays the LMM a daily stipend that varies depending on the average aggregate daily auction volume in the ETPs assigned to such LMM. Also, LMMs transact for free in the closing auction in their assigned ETPs. Under the LPP, Cboe Europe Equities offers three programs designed for participants that wish to provide liquidity by posting and maintaining executable quotes within certain set parameters with the result of providing liquidity on a regular and ongoing basis. Cboe BZX also offers the Cboe Liquidity Management Provider (“LMP”) Program (“LMP Program”). The LMP Program is a rewards-based program that incentivizes liquidity providers to make a better market in ETPs. Incentives are based on an LMP’s quote quality in the Cboe LMP Program securities, which include all Cboe-listed ETPs and certain non-Cboe-listed ETPs.

Market Data and Information Solutions

We derive a portion of our revenue from market data fees from U.S. tape plans, including Unlisted Trading Privileges (“UTPs”), the Consolidated Tape Association (“CTA”) and OPRA. Fees, net of plan costs, from UTP, CTA, and OPRA are allocated and distributed to plan participants like us according to their share of tape fees based on a formula, required by Regulation NMS, which may take into account both trading and quoting activity.


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We also provide a robust offering of market data and information solutions products across multiple asset classes and geographic regions that are designed to suit our customers’ diverse needs. Products include real-time depth of book quotation information, auction and complex option information, top of book quotes and trades, last sale information, consolidated equity feeds, real-time index values, and trade reporting facility information. With our recent information solutions acquisitions, we have expanded our services to include analytics services, theoretical values, alpha generating tools, probability data, and historical information for our markets through multiple data services, which include Silexx, LiveVol, Hanweck, FT Options, and Trade Alert.

Our Models

Our markets use a combination of pricing and market models to differentiate them from each other and from our competitors. For our options markets, Cboe Options is a hybrid market combining open outcry floor trading with electronic trading. For multi-listed products, we utilize public customer priority, market turner in certain products, participation rights and pro-rata allocation market models, combined with the “classic” pricing model. Under the classic pricing model, professional participants pay transaction fees, public customers generally do not pay transaction fees and market makers compensate brokers for sending order flow to the exchange (known as payment for order flow). For proprietary products, we use price-time or pro-rata allocation, sometimes with public customer priority, and market turner market models, combined with a pricing model where all market participants generally pay fees. Our other three options markets are fully electronic. BZX options utilizes a price-time market model, combined with a “maker-taker” pricing model. Under the maker-taker pricing model, market participants who make the market (a “maker”) generally receive a rebate, while market participants who trade against those markets (a “taker”) pay a transaction fee. EDGX options utilizes customer priority, participation rights and pro-rata allocation market models, combined with the classic pricing model. C2 options utilizes a pro-rata allocation market model, combined with the maker-taker pricing model.

For our U.S. equities exchanges, which are fully electronic, BZX equities utilizes a price-time market model, combined with the maker-taker pricing model. EDGX equities utilizes a price-time with retail priority market model, combined with the maker-taker pricing model. BYX equities utilizes a price-time with price improvement for retail customers market model, combined with the “taker-maker” pricing model. Under the taker-maker pricing model, market participants who make the market pay a transaction fee, while market participants who trade against those markets receive a rebate. EDGA equities utilizes a price-time market model, combined with a taker-maker pricing model. In addition to these market models, each of the U.S. equity exchanges provide numerous specific order types that are designed to enhance their respective market models.

For our Canadian equities ATS, which is fully electronic, MATCHNow utilizes a model that combines frequent call matches and continuous execution opportunities in a confidential trading book. The system uses real-time quotes for protected transparent Canadian markets. Orders matched within MATCHNow are executed at three levels of price improvement: (1) the mid-point between the Canadian best bid and offer (the “CBBO”); (2) one price increment better than the CBBO or; (3) at the bid or offer for orders that meet a specified large threshold. Trading fees are typically calculated as a function of trade volume and share price.

For our U.S. equities ATS market, which is fully electronic, BIDS Trading utilizes a sponsored access model to provide anonymous executions in NMS stocks. BIDS Trading provides numerous order types, including both firm and conditional orders. All orders matched within BIDS Trading are executed at or better than the NBBO. BIDS Trading charges fees based on disclosed, objective criteria: (i) means of access; (ii) the type of order; and (iii) the total volume of executions during the calendar month.

For our futures market, which is fully electronic, CFE utilizes a price-time market model, combined with a pricing model where all market participants generally pay fees, subject to specified exceptions.

Our Cboe FX platform utilizes a price-firmness-time priority market model, combined with a pricing model where users are charged either a flat or tiered commission rate based upon the notional amount traded on the platform. Our Cboe SEF platform charges a flat commission based upon the notional amount traded on the platform and the capacity in which a participant is trading.

In Europe, following the implementation of the Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (Directive 2014/65/EU) (“MiFID II”), rebates are generally available if they are tied to a market making scheme or specific service.


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Our exchanges also charge fees for the opportunity to trade or access our exchanges, including fees for trading-related functionality. To facilitate trading, we also charge fees for certain technology services, terminal and other equipment rights, maintenance services, trading floor space and telecommunications services.


On July 1, 2020, we completed our acquisition of EuroCCP, a European central counterparty (“CCP”), that provides post-trade services, including clearing, to stock exchanges, multilateral trading facilities and for over-the-counter equities trades. EuroCCP acts as a central counterparty that, for its clearing participants, becomes the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer. As a result, it guarantees the timely performance of the obligations of buyers and sellers and takes on the risk of the performance of the transactions that it clears. Additionally, as a critical Financial Market Infrastructure, EuroCCP is subject to strict business continuity requirements and regulatory oversight. In 2020, EuroCCP provided CCP protection for an average of 41 billion of cleared value on a daily basis. Through the process of netting, in 2020, EuroCCP eliminated 80% or 30 billion of the average daily cleared value, leaving an average daily settlement value of 11 billion.


Our customers generally include financial institutions, trading platforms, institutional and individual investors and professional traders. Our equities and options customers in the United States include trading permit holders and members of Cboe Options, C2, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, which are SEC-registered broker-dealers, and the customers of those broker-dealers. Our Canadian equities customers include participants of MATCHNow, which are Canadian registered investment dealers, and certain clients of those dealers. Our ATS equities participants in the United States include users of BIDS Trading, which are SEC-registered broker-dealers and certain customers of those broker-dealers. Our futures customers include banks, futures commission merchants and their customers, hedge funds, asset managers, proprietary trading firms and Commodity Trading Advisors. Similarly, our equities’ customers in Europe are European Union (“EU”) regulated brokerage and proprietary trading firms, as well as sponsored access clients of these brokerage firms, and certain non-EU. regulated and unregulated direct access participants. EuroCCP clears equities from 18 European markets and from the United States, as well as Depositary Receipts, ETFs, and exchange traded currencies (“ETCs”). Our institutional global FX customers include banks, broker-dealers, hedge funds, asset managers, proprietary trading firms, Commodity Trading Advisors and corporates. Access to our markets, trading rights and privileges depend upon the nature of the customer, such as whether the individual is a trading permit holder, trading privilege holder, member or participant of one of our markets.


The industry in which we operate is intensely competitive. We believe we face competition on a number of factors, including:

the price, quality and speed of our trade and clearing execution;
functionality and ease of use of our trading and clearing platforms;
range of our products and services;
integrity of our marketplaces;
technological innovation and adaption; and
our reputation.

We believe that we compete favorably with respect to these factors through a variety of methods, including:

offering access to a broad array of products and services, including proprietary products and market data;
offering fee schedules, pricing models that both attract order flow and provide incentives to liquidity providers;
providing advanced technology that offers broad functionality, low latency, fast execution, ease of use, scalability, reliability and security;
offering efficient, transparent and liquid marketplaces;
offering deep and liquid markets with opportunities for price improvement;
offering broad trading platform access in the EU;
maintaining close relationships with customers; and
providing customers with a comprehensive source of information on options and ETPs as well as extensive options education.


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In our proprietary products, we compete against other futures exchanges and swap execution facilities that offer similar products, as well as against financial market participants that offer similar over-the-counter derivatives. We also compete against certain multi-listed options products, such as options on SPY, which may offer similar market exposure of our proprietary products such as SPX options.

The multi-listed options industry is extremely competitive. We expect this trend to continue. As of December 31, 2020, we compete with 12 U.S. options exchanges, in large part due to existing exchange holding companies opening new exchanges that offer different markets and pricing models on existing technology. Most of the equity and ETP options listed and traded on our exchanges are also listed and traded on the other exchanges. In addition, the options exchanges that we compete with set fees and rebates to attract multi-listed options business to their exchanges, which has historically reduced the net revenue per contract that we generate from multi-listed options, and the options exchanges that we compete with structure their options businesses in partnership with established market participants, such as consolidators, and other order flow providers, to increase their volume traded.

Our U.S. listed equity securities and listing services and the BIDS Trading ATS compete against 12 other exchanges as of December 31, 2020, and several other ATSs and single dealer platforms. Market participants have multiple venues for the execution of orders, including national securities exchanges and numerous off-exchange venues, including other ATSs and broker-dealers who internalize orders off-exchange. Additionally, issuers have multiple venues for the listing of their products. In Canada, our equities ATS, MATCHNow, competes with several Canadian exchanges and other ATSs.

The market for execution and clearing services in Europe became more competitive following the introduction of MiFID II and the Regulation on Markets in Financial Instruments (Regulation (EU) No 600/2014) (“MiFIR”). Furthermore, MiFID II and MiFIR placed more onerous conditions on trading venues and investment firms and restricted certain types of trading activity. Our major competitors in Europe include national stock exchanges, other pan-European MTFs, European clearinghouses, dark pools, and systematic internalizers.

The global FX market remains severely fragmented, with transparent automated marketplaces such as Cboe FX challenging a small number of similarly situated competitors. While the global FX market has experienced a shift from competing interbank platforms to ECNs, the electronification of the spot and NDF FX market may encounter resistance from customers that still prefer to utilize the phone, instant chats, terminals and key banking relationships for price discovery and trading. Furthermore, electronification of the FX market appears to be experiencing more resistance outside the United States. The electronic spot FX market is also intensely competitive, with over 10 other venues competing for market share as of December 31, 2020. Cboe measures and reports on market share against a narrower set of competitors, included in those venues.

In addition, demand for our market data faces competition from other securities exchanges, technology companies, third-party market data providers and information and software vendors, who have their own substantial market data distribution capabilities that serve as alternative means for receiving open market data feeds instead of connecting directly to our exchanges or trading venues. The sale of our proprietary data products is also under competitive threat from ATSs and trading venues that offer similar products. Distributors and consumers of our market data may also use our market data as an input into a product that competes against one of our traded or cleared products.


Cboe Trading Technology

The trading platform for our equities, options and futures markets is developed, owned and operated in-house and is designed to optimize reliability, speed, scalability and versatility. Each of our exchanges provide different market models, appealing to different user bases and the trading technologies support all of them. Further, the technologies are designed to support many specialized features for each of the markets, such as: dark pools, trade reporting facility, systematic internalizer, Large-in-Scale, smart order routing, FLEX options, 24x5 trading and hybrid trading (combining electronic and open outcry). In addition, Cboe operates separate trading and clearing platforms, as applicable, for BIDS Trading, MATCHNow, EuroCCP, and Global FX.

Our trading platforms have experienced very low operational downtime and low latency. The trading platforms use readily available hardware, thereby minimizing capital outlays required for each new market entry. Also, in order to continue to implement new enhancements to our trading platforms, new releases of software are generally deployed routinely in all of the applicable markets.


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Disaster Recovery

We operate and maintain geographically diverse disaster recovery facilities for all of our markets. We expect that the disaster recovery facilities can be up and running in a short period of time and work with our market participants to ensure that the marketplace can be quickly reopened. We regularly test our data center recovery plans and periodically carry out weekend tests using our back-up data centers, as well as an annual test with our U.S. trading participants. In Canada, as required by local regulations, MATCHNow conducts internal testing of its disaster recovery data processing capabilities at least annually, and it participates in the bi-annual testing coordinated by the IIROC. In Europe, we also regularly test our data center recovery plans and periodically carry out weekend tests which use our back-up data center, as well as an annual test with our European trading participants. We continue to work to improve both the availability of our technology and our disaster recovery facilities.

Routing and Clearing

OCC is the sole provider of clearing on all of our options and futures exchanges. National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”), a subsidiary of the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (“DTC”), is the sole provider of clearing on our U.S. listed equity exchanges. The Canadian Depository for Securities (“CDS”) is the sole provider of clearing on all equities transactions occurring on MATCHNow. BofA Securities, Inc. (“BOA”) is the sole provider of clearing on all equities transactions occurring on BIDS Trading. Cboe Europe Equities relies on LCH Limited and LCH SA (“LCH”), EuroCCP, which is described above, and SIX x-clear Ltd (“SIX x-clear”) to clear trades in European listed equity securities as part of an interoperable clearing model.

Cboe Trading is a routing broker-dealer used by our four U.S. equities exchanges and our four U.S. options exchanges, including the electronic platform portion of Cboe Options. Cboe Trading’s clearings firms are Wedbush Securities, Inc. (“Wedbush”) and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC (“Morgan Stanley”).

Regulatory Environment and Compliance

Various aspects of our business are subject to regulation by the SEC, CFTC, FINRA, IIROC, the Ontario Securities Commission (the “OSC”), ESMA, FCA, the Central Bank of the Netherlands (“DNB”), and the AFM and market participants may be subject to regulation by the SEC, CFTC, FINRA, National Futures Association (“NFA”), FCA, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, U.S. Department of the Treasury and/or foreign regulators. The following is a discussion of the more significant areas of regulation of us by the SEC, the CFTC, and certain European regulators.

Recent Developments

Laws and regulations regarding our business are frequently modified or changed to address perceived problems, new products, competition or at the request of market participants. The following is a summary of the general regulatory structure and brief discussion of recent regulatory developments that may significantly impact our business.

United States

Transaction Fee Pilot

In December 2018, the SEC approved a transaction fee pilot in national market system (“NMS”) stocks (the “transaction fee pilot”). The pilot will subject stock exchange transaction fee pricing, including maker-taker fee-and-rebate pricing models, to new temporary pricing restrictions across two test groups, and will require the exchanges to prepare data to be submitted to the SEC. The transaction fee pilot includes a test group that will prohibit rebates and linked pricing, as well as a test group that will impose a cap of $0.0010 for removing or providing displayed liquidity. Once commenced, the transaction fee pilot will last for up to two years with an automatic sunset at one year unless extended by the SEC. On June 16, 2020, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated the transaction fee pilot and remanded it back to the SEC for reconsideration.

The transaction fee pilot, or a successor pilot, if any, may cause Cboe’s equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or continue to challenge the transaction fee pilot or a successor pilot and it may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, order flow shifts away from exchanges were to occur.


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Consolidated Data Plan Order

On May 6, 2020, the SEC issued a final order (the “Consolidated Data Plan Order”) that would require U.S. equities exchanges and FINRA to develop and file a new consolidated data plan (the “Plan”) that would replace the three current U.S. equities tape data plans and require certain governance provisions, such as changes to the voting structure. Pursuant to the Consolidated Data Plan Order, we and the other U.S. equities exchanges and FINRA were required to file the proposed Plan for public comment before the SEC takes any definitive action on such new plan. The proposed Plan was filed on August 11, 2020. Until and if the SEC approves a new plan, the current data plans will continue to govern. The Consolidated Data Plan Order may cause our equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or challenge the Consolidated Data Plan Order and it may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, there is a negative impact on the market data fees our equities exchanges are able to charge. See “Risk Factors” and “Legal Proceedings” for more information.

Financial Transaction Taxes

A number of federal, state and local jurisdictions in the U.S. and EU Member States have considered a financial transaction tax, but many details remain to be discussed and agreed, including how to assess the tax. Implementation of a financial transaction tax could result in a reduction in volumes and liquidity, which would have a negative impact on our operations. See “Risk Factors” for more information.

Market Data Infrastructure Rule

On December 9, 2020, the SEC issued a Market Data Infrastructure Final Rule, which makes significant additions to the content available on the Securities Information Processors (“SIPs”) and replaces the exclusive processors with a competing consolidator model. The implementation of the new rules could cause Cboe’s equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or to challenge the new rules and they may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, there are lower SIP plan revenues or we must reduce the fees we charge for market data. See “Risk Factors” and “Legal Proceedings” for more information.



On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom (the “UK”) voted to leave the EU in a referendum (the “Brexit Vote”). On January 31, 2020, the UK exited from the EU (“Brexit”) and began a transition period (the “Transition Period”) lasting until December 31, 2020. On December 31, 2020, the Transition Period ended. The EU and UK agreed to a trade deal but it did not cover the entire financial sector. New restrictions on share trading came into force when trading began on January 4, 2021, preventing EU firms from accessing UK venues in European Economic Area (“EEA”)-listed securities. However, this restriction was not imposed in the other direction. As a result, UK firms are permitted to trade EEA listed securities on EU venues. While the EU and UK have committed to agreeing to a framework for co-operation on financial service regulation, there is no assurance that this will lead to improved access to UK venues by EU firms. There is likely to be ongoing uncertainty about the capital markets regulation that will apply to Cboe Europe Equities and its customers for the foreseeable future. For information regarding risks related to Brexit, see “Risk Factors.” 

Withdrawal of Swiss Equivalence and Swiss Counter Measure

As a result of an ongoing disagreement between the EU and Switzerland, the European Commission allowed its MiFID equivalence decision for Switzerland to expire at the end of June 2019. As a result, Switzerland made it illegal for venues in the EU, including Cboe Europe, to trade Swiss equities. Consequently, Cboe Europe had to remove these instruments from trading and suffered a loss of trading revenues. However, following Brexit and the end of the Transition Period, UK and Swiss governments were able to reach an agreement to allow the trading of Swiss equities on UK trading venues, including Cboe Europe’s UK exchange. Cboe Europe resumed trading in Swiss equities on February 4, 2021.


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Capital Markets Union

The European Council (“E.C.”) has highlighted one of its top priorities as being the establishment of a fully functioning, well-regulated Capital Markets Union (“CMU”). An Action Plan of concrete steps was set out in September 2015, and an update of the list of initiatives was published in September 2016. More recently, the E.C. has set up a High Level Forum on CMU, with the E.C. and European Parliament also seeking to reboot this project. This therefore remains an ongoing project for the E.C., which may result in additional regulation or legislation.

OTC Derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories

Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 4, 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (the “European Market Infrastructure Regulation” or “EMIR”) sets out rules relating to over-the-counter (“OTC”) derivatives markets, central counterparties and trade repositories. The rules introduce a reporting obligation for OTC derivatives markets, a clearing obligation for eligible OTC derivatives markets, measures to reduce counterparty credit and operational risk for bilateral OTC derivatives markets, CCPs, and trade repositories, and rules on the establishment of interoperability between CCPs. EMIR was enhanced and amended in June 2019. In addition, regulation governing the authorization and supervision of Central Securities Depositories (“CSDR”) was approved in September 2014, with the publication of most “Level 2” Regulatory Technical Standards in March 2017, with implementation in March 2019. CSDR may result in the introduction of mandatory buy-ins for OTC business in 2021. In June 2020, European authorities reached a political agreement on a proposed Central Counterparty Recovery and Resolution Regulation (“R&R Regulation”), which may, among other things, increase the amount of prefunded capital EuroCCP is required to maintain. This additional prefunded capital may be required to be drawn before any resolution measures can be taken by the CCP. The final text of the R&R Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the EU on January 22, 2021. As European authorities finalize and potentially adopt level 2 guidance, the final R&R Regulation may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.


U.S. Securities Industry

Federal securities laws have established a two-tiered system for the regulation of securities exchanges and market participants. The first tier consists of the SEC, which has primary responsibility for enforcing federal securities laws. The second tier consists of self-regulatory organizations (“SROs”), which are non-governmental entities that must register with and are regulated by the SEC. The Exchanges are SROs, each registered under Section 6 of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Exchange Act”) as a “national securities exchange,” and are subject to oversight by the SEC.

SROs are an essential component of the regulatory scheme of the Exchange Act for providing fair and orderly markets and protecting investors. To be registered as a national securities exchange, an exchange must successfully undergo an application and review process with the SEC prior to beginning operations. Among other things, the SEC must determine that the SRO has the ability to comply with the Exchange Act and to enforce compliance by its members and persons associated with its members with the provisions of the Exchange Act, the rules and regulations thereunder and the rules of the exchange.

In general, an exchange SRO is responsible for operating its trading platforms consistent with its rules, and regulating its members through the adoption and enforcement of rules governing the business conduct of its members. The rules of the exchange must also assure fair representation of its members in the selection of its directors and administration of its affairs and, among other things, provide that one or more directors be representative of issuers or investors and not be associated with a member of the exchange or with a broker or dealer. Additionally, the rules of the exchange must be adequate to ensure fair dealing and to protect investors and may not impose any burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Exchange Act.

As registered national securities exchanges, virtually all facets of our Exchange operations are subject to the SEC’s oversight, as prescribed by the Exchange Act. The Exchange Act and the rules thereunder impose on us many regulatory and operational responsibilities, including record keeping and the day-to-day responsibilities for market operations and broker-dealer oversight. Furthermore, as SROs, the Exchanges are potentially subject to regulatory or legal action by the SEC or other interested parties. The SEC also has broad enforcement powers to censure, fine, issue cease-and-desist orders, prohibit us from engaging in some of our businesses, suspend or revoke our designation as a registered securities exchange or remove or censure any of our officers or directors who violate applicable laws or regulations. For example, in 2013, Cboe Options and C2 and, in 2015, EDGX and EDGA, entered into consent orders with the SEC, under which they


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were censured, ordered to cease and desist from violating certain sections of the Exchange Act, paid fines and agreed to complete certain undertakings. We have certified to the completion of these undertakings and are no longer required to certify.

As part of its regulatory oversight, the SEC conducts periodic reviews and inspections of exchanges, and the Exchanges have been subject to such routine reviews and inspections. To the extent such reviews and inspections result in regulatory or other changes, we may be required to modify the manner in which we conduct our business, which may adversely affect our business. We collect certain fees to cover Section 31 fees charged to the Exchanges by the SEC and certain fees derived from our regulatory function and fines in connection with our disciplinary proceedings. The Exchanges are responsible for the ultimate payment of Section 31 fess to the SEC. Additionally, under the rules of each of our exchanges, as required by the SEC, any revenue derived from the regulatory fees and fines cannot be used for non-regulatory purposes.

Section 19 of the Exchange Act also provides that we must submit to the SEC proposed changes to any of the Exchanges’ rules, including revisions of their certificates of incorporation, bylaws, or other governing documents of the SROs or their parent companies. The SEC will typically publish the proposal for public comment, following which the SEC may approve or disapprove the proposal, as it deems appropriate. Certain categories of rule changes, like fee changes, can be effective on filing, but the SEC retains the ability to suspend or reject such filings within a prescribed period of time.

Canadian Securities Industry

MATCHNow is subject to comprehensive regulation and oversight by the IIROC, and its primary provincial securities regulatory authority, the OSC. The regulations applicable to MATCHNow cover a wide array of areas, including, but not limited to, marketplace operations (which include corporate governance, fair access, systems compliance and integrity, and conflict management requirements), trading rules, electronic trading risk management, and financial viability.

Futures and Swaps Industry-CFE and Cboe SEF

The operations of each of CFE and Cboe SEF are subject to regulation by the CFTC under the Commodity Exchange Act. The Commodity Exchange Act generally requires that futures trading in the United States be conducted on a designated contract market and, in some cases, requires swaps trading to be conducted on swap execution facility (“SEF”) or designated contract market (“DCM”). The Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC regulations establish criteria for an exchange to be designated as a contract market on which futures and futures options contracts may be traded, and for a trading platform to be designated as a swap execution facility on which certain swaps may be traded. Designation as a contract market or swap execution facility for the trading of specified futures or swaps contracts is non-exclusive. This means that the CFTC may permit additional exchanges or trading platforms to be contract markets or swap execution facilities for trading the same or similar contracts.

CFE is a designated contract market, and Cboe SEF is a swap execution facility, each of which is subject to the oversight of the CFTC and to a variety of ongoing regulatory and reporting responsibilities under the Commodity Exchange Act. As a designated contract market, CFE is required to comply with the applicable core principles and regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act, as is Cboe SEF as a swap execution facility. Each of CFE and Cboe SEF has surveillance and regulatory operations and procedures to monitor and enforce compliance by trading privilege holders with CFE rules, and by participants with Cboe SEF rules, as applicable. If CFE or Cboe SEF fails to comply with applicable laws, rules or regulations, it may be subject to censure, fines, cease-and-desist orders, suspension of its business, removal of personnel or other sanctions, including revocation of CFE’s designation as a contract market or Cboe SEF’s designation as a swap execution facility.


Cboe Europe is located in London and is subject to regulation in the UK and to certain European regulations. The current UK regulatory system was established by the Financial Services Act 2012 (“FSA12”), which amended the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The legislation replaced the previous financial services regulator, the Financial Services Authority, with three new bodies: The Financial Policy Committee (“FPC”), The Prudential Regulation Authority, and the FCA. Financial conduct of markets, including activity on, and the operation of, markets is regulated by the FCA, which is an independent non-governmental body, given statutory powers by the FSA12. The FCA has three statutory objectives: to secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers; to protect and enhance the integrity of the UK


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financial system; and to promote effective competition in the interests of consumers in the markets for financial services. The FCA is accountable to Her Majesty’s Treasury Ministers and, through them, to Parliament.

EuroCCP and Cboe NL are located in Amsterdam and subject to Dutch law and regulation. The current Dutch regulatory system was established by the Act on Financial Supervision. Financial conduct of markets, including activity on, and the operation of, markets is regulated by the AFM. Financial conduct of CCPs, including clearing activity is regulated by the AFM and DNB. The AFM is an independent non-governmental body, given statutory powers by the Act on Financial Supervision. The AFM has three strategic objectives: to promote the fair and conscientious provision of financial services, to promote the fair and efficient operation of the capital markets and to contribute to the stability of the financial system. The AFM is accountable to the Minister of Finance. The DNB is the Dutch central bank, financial sector supervisor and resolution authority. The DNB is committed to a stable financial system: stable prices, solid financial institutions and properly functioning payment transfers.

Much of the UK and Dutch financial services regulation originates from the EU. Such regulation includes organizational requirements, capital resources requirements and the specific requirements for RMs and MTFs and are applicable to both Cboe Europe and Cboe NL. MiFID II and MiFIR set out requirements for RMs and MTFs with respect to the establishment of transparent and non-discretionary rules and procedures governing access and for fair and orderly trading and the efficient execution of orders, as well as to facilitate the efficient settlement of transactions conducted on RMs and MTFs and monitoring compliance with the rules. EMIR governs the CCPs operating in the EU and requires them to meet common risk management, governance and capital adequacy standards. The regulatory functions required of Cboe Europe Equities, including EuroCCP, by MiFID II, MiFIR, EMIR and other relevant legislation and regulations are performed by in-house staff. Cboe Europe Equities utilizes the same state-of-the-art, real-time surveillance system is used on the U.S. to monitor trading and market activities on BZX, BYX, EDGA, and EDGX. EuroCCP utilizes proprietary risk management software to monitor settlement and funding flows.

Global FX

While the global institutional spot FX market remains largely unregulated, the enactment of the Dodd Frank Act and its related regulations in the United States and the ongoing implementation of MiFID II and MiFIR in Europe have impacted the regulatory landscape for currency derivative products. For example, certain standardized currency derivative products are required to trade on an organized trading venue such as a SEF or DCM in the United States or on an MTF or organized trading facility in Europe. Moreover, even in the largely unregulated spot FX market, this movement towards additional trading standards and norms is highlighted by the publication of the FX Global Code in 2017 by the Global Foreign Exchange Committee, reflecting principles of good conduct for the wholesale FX market, and whose publication may lead to additional oversight in the global FX market. Cboe FX issued a Statement of Commitment declaring its commitment to conduct its FX market activities in a manner consistent with the principles of the FX Global Code. Following the publication of the FX Global Code regulators are taking a new look at the spot FX market, and any decision to impose new regulations may affect our spot FX business line.


Cboe Trading and BIDS Trading are registered broker-dealers regulated by the SEC, FINRA, other SROs of which they are members and various state securities regulators. Cboe Trading currently operates as a routing broker-dealer for sending orders from the Exchanges to other venues for execution, including routing orders among the Exchanges. Cboe Trading is considered a facility of each of the Exchanges and is subject to the rules of the Exchanges. The Exchanges are responsible for enforcing Cboe Trading’s compliance with their rules, including to ensure Cboe Trading is not given preferential treatment. BIDS Trading currently operates an ATS, which is designed to bring counterparties together to anonymously trade large blocks of U.S. equities. BIDS Trading is not a member of any of the U.S. national securities exchanges and is not subject to exchange rules.

Cboe Trading and BIDS Trading are subject to SEC and SRO rules, as applicable, and, as registered broker-dealers, regulations concerning all aspects of their businesses, including trading practices, order handling, best execution, anti-money laundering, handling of material non-public information, safeguarding data, reporting, capital adequacy, record retention, market access and the conduct of their officers, employees and other associated persons. The SEC, SROs and state securities commissions may conduct proceedings which can result in injunctions or other sanctions, censures, fines, the issuance of cease and desist orders or the suspension or expulsion of a broker-dealer, its officers or employees. The SEC and FINRA impose certain minimum capital requirement rules that require notification when a broker-dealer’s net capital falls below certain predefined criteria, dictate the ratio of debt to equity in the regulatory capital composition of a


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broker-dealer, constrain the ability of a broker-dealer to expand its business under certain circumstances and impose certain requirements that may have the effect of prohibiting a broker-dealer from distributing or withdrawing capital.

In addition, the ATS operated by BIDS Trading is not a registered national securities exchange or a facility thereof, as such, Cboe intends to maintain the BIDS ATS as an independently managed and operated trading venue, separate from and not integrated with the Exchanges. BIDS Trading Chief Executive Officer, Tim Mahoney, is expected to remain in his current role and lead BIDS Trading as an independent business within Cboe, reporting into an independent committee of the board of Cboe Global Markets. Further, Cboe Trading will not route orders to BIDS Trading on behalf of the Exchanges.

Cboe Global Markets

Certain aspects of Cboe Global Markets are also subject to SEC, FCA and AFM oversight, including certain ownership and voting restrictions on its stockholders. The focus of the SEC’s regulation of Cboe Global Markets is to assure fair representation of members in the selection of the directors of the Exchanges, public participation in the governance of the Exchanges and that the Exchanges can satisfy their regulatory responsibilities under the Exchange Act. Furthermore, the SEC requires that Cboe Global Markets give due regard to the preservation of the independence of the self-regulatory function of the Exchanges and to Cboe Global Markets’ obligations to investors and the general public. The SEC also requires that Cboe Global Markets not take any actions that would interfere with the effectuation of any decisions by the board of directors of any of the Exchanges relating to its regulatory functions or the structure of the market that it regulates or that would interfere with the ability of such Exchange to carry out its responsibilities under the Exchange Act. To the extent that Cboe Global Markets’ business activities involve or relate to the Exchanges, the officers and directors of Cboe Global Markets may be deemed to be officers and directors of the exchanges for purposes of and subject to oversight under the federal securities laws. Accordingly, the SEC may exercise direct supervision and disciplinary authority over certain Cboe Global Markets’ activities and those activities may be subject to SEC approval and, in some cases, public notice and comment.

In addition, Cboe Global Markets indirectly holds all of the issued share capital and voting rights in Cboe Europe and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Cboe Chi-X Europe and Cboe NL. As a result, we and any person who holds, or has voting power with respect to, 10% or more of the outstanding shares of Cboe Global Markets common stock may be subject to certain regulatory requirements under UK and Dutch law.

U.S. Regulatory Responsibilities

Our U.S.-based exchanges are responsible for assessing the compliance of their TPHs or members, including Cboe Trading, with the respective exchange’s rules and the applicable rules of the SEC and/or CFTC. The main activities that the exchanges, as applicable, are required to monitor for the purpose of compliance with these rules include:

surveillance designed to detect violations of exchange trading rules;
surveillance designed to detect violations of SEC and/or CFTC rules;
investigation of matters deemed to be problematic;
the investigation of complaints about possible rule violations brought by customers, TPHs, members or other SROs; and
the examination of TPHs or members, including Cboe Trading, for compliance with rules such as those related to net capital, books and records, market access and other matters related to the TPHs’ exchange business functions.

In order to ensure market integrity, we regulate and monitor our TPHs’ and members’ trading activities by using both our employees and third parties under regulatory services agreements (“RSAs”). See “Regulatory Agreements” below. Providing effective regulation is important for attracting and retaining the confidence and participation of market-makers, broker-dealers and institutional and retail investors.

We expend considerable time, financial resources and effort to ensure that the exchanges’ rules and regulations conform to regulatory best practices within the securities and futures exchange industries and within the regulatory regime overseen by the SEC and CFTC, our primary regulators. In order to support our efforts and those of our market participants to comply with applicable law and our exchange rules, we developed a regulatory program to monitor market activity on our exchanges.


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All of our Exchanges and CFE are participants in the Intermarket Surveillance Group (“ISG”). ISG is an international information-sharing cooperative governed by a written agreement that provides for a comprehensive surveillance sharing arrangement. In addition to the agreement for confidential information sharing, the ISG provides a framework for the coordination of regulatory efforts among exchanges trading securities, commodity futures and related products to address potential intermarket manipulations and trading abuses.

As part of the regulatory program, each of our Exchanges and CFE have rules pertaining to their respective disciplinary processes.

U.S. Regulatory Agreements

The Exchanges and CFE have entered into agreements under which third parties have agreed to perform regulatory functions on behalf of our markets, (e.g., RSAs). As discussed below, in addition, in certain other instances for our Exchanges, a third party has been allocated the regulatory responsibility under Rule 17d-1 or Rule 17d-2 under the Exchange Act, while in others, we retain the regulatory responsibility for the activities.

Regulatory Services Agreement with FINRA

The Exchanges have entered into agreements with FINRA under which FINRA has agreed to provide regulatory services to the Exchanges. Under these agreements, FINRA performs certain regulatory functions on behalf of the Exchanges and, to avoid any potential conflicts of interest concerning the regulation and oversight of Cboe Trading, certain regulatory services specific to Cboe Trading. The Exchanges remain responsible for the regulation of their TPHs, members and marketplaces, and retain the authority for bringing disciplinary actions against their TPHs and members, although FINRA performs various disciplinary-related functions on behalf of the Exchanges. Over the course of 2019 through 2021 certain regulatory and disciplinary-related functions that FINRA had performed on behalf of the Exchanges have been, or are in the process of being, moved back in-house from FINRA.

Regulatory Services Agreements with NFA and OCC

Through December 31, 2020, the NFA performed regulatory functions on behalf of CFE pursuant to an RSA with CFE. Starting January 1, 2021, these regulatory functions were moved in-house from the NFA. In addition, OCC has also performed and continues to perform certain regulatory functions on behalf of CFE pursuant to an RSA with CFE. CFE also performs other regulatory and disciplinary-related functions in-house. Whether performed under an RSA or in-house, CFE retains overall responsibility for the regulation of its marketplace and for bringing disciplinary actions. CFE is also a party to cooperative and regulatory information sharing agreements with other SROs and is a member of the ISG, described above.

Rule 17d-1 Designations and Rule 17d-2 Agreements

Section 17(d) of the Exchange Act and the related Exchange Act rules permit SROs to allocate certain regulatory responsibilities to avoid duplicative oversight and regulation. Under Exchange Act Rule 17d-1, the SEC designates one SRO to be the designated examining authority (“DEA”) for each broker-dealer that is a member of more than one SRO. The DEA is responsible for the regulatory oversight of the Exchange Act’s financial responsibility rules pertaining to that broker-dealer. Cboe Options is the DEA for several of its TPHs. Cboe Trading’s assigned DEA is FINRA.

Exchange Act Rule 17d-2 permits SROs to enter into agreements, commonly called Rule 17d-2 agreements, which are approved by the SEC and concern the enforcement of rules applicable to all of those SROs and relating to TPHs and members those SROs have in common. The Exchanges have entered into certain bi-lateral Rule 17d-2 agreements under which FINRA is allocated responsibility for enforcing certain federal securities laws and certain Exchange rules that are common with FINRA rules. The Exchanges have entered into certain other multi-party Rule 17d-2 agreements that allocate responsibility among the participating SROs, which may include the Exchanges, for ensuring that their allocated common members comply with certain rules governing, among other items, options related sales practices, options related market surveillance, insider trading, NMS and consolidated audit trail NMS plan (“CAT”) compliance.

National Market System Plans

We are member participants of several NMS plans including, but not limited to, the following: Cboe Options, C2, BZX, and EDGX are member exchanges in OPRA, which is the designated securities information processor for market information that is generated through the trading of exchange-listed securities options in the United States, and it


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disseminates certain core trading information, such as last sale reports and quotations. Cboe Options, BZX, BYX, EDGA, and EDGX also participate in the CTA and the UTP, which perform analogous services for the U.S. equities market. Securities Information Automation Corporation (“SIAC”) acts as the “processor” for OPRA and the CTA/QC Plans. Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC acts as the processor for the Nasdaq Unlisted Trading Privileges Plan.

Cboe Options, C2, BZX, and EDGX are also parties to the Options Order Protection and Locked/Crossed Market Plan, which is designed to prohibit trade-throughs and avoid locked/crossed markets. Cboe Options, C2, BZX, and EDGX are also parties to the Options Listing Procedures Plan, which sets forth the procedures that the options exchanges must follow to list new options. Cboe Options, C2, BZX, BYX, EDGA, and EDGX are also parties to the NMS plan for the selection and reservation of securities symbols.

Under the Options Regulatory Surveillance Authority Plan (“ORSA Plan”), U.S. securities options exchanges are permitted to act jointly in the administration, operation and maintenance of a regulatory system for the surveillance, investigation and detection of the unlawful use of undisclosed, material information in trading in one or more of their markets. The ORSA Plan is intended to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency with which the exchanges regulate their respective markets and to avoid duplication of certain regulatory efforts. FINRA operates the ORSA Plan facility.

The CAT involves the creation of a comprehensive audit trail that strives to enhance regulators’ ability to monitor trading activity in the U.S. securities markets through a phased implementation. Upon final implementation of the provisions of the CAT, data will be required to be reported to a central repository the following day by each SRO (a “Plan Participant”) and broker-dealer (an “Industry Member”). On November 15, 2016, the SEC approved the CAT. The first of various phases of CAT were originally required to begin in November 2017; however, there have been some delays. In 2017, Thesys CAT LLC (“Thesys”), a subsidiary of Thesys Technologies, LLC, was selected as the plan processor with the responsibility to build and operate the CAT. The first phase of CAT ultimately went live in November 2018, at which time we and other SROs/Plan Participants began initial reporting to the CAT. In 2019, Thesys was replaced by a new plan processor, FINRA CAT, LLC, a subsidiary of FINRA. The second phase for Industry Member order and trade file submissions is now live and began in June 2020 (for equities) and July 2020 (for options), with additional sub-phases related to order and trade file submissions carrying through December 2021 (or by subsequent dates in the event the current deadlines are extended). The final implementation sub-phase, related to broker-dealer customer and account information submissions by Industry Members, is now scheduled to go live in July 2022 (or by a subsequent date in the event the current deadline is extended). While the funding of the CAT is ultimately expected to be provided by both the SROs/Plan Participants (which includes our securities exchanges) and Industry Members, until fee filings associated with the funding model are effective with or approved by the SEC, the funding to date has solely been provided by the SROs/Plan Participants. The funding by the SROs/Plan Participants has been done in exchange for promissory notes expected to be repaid once such Industry Member fees are collected. Until those fees are collected, the SROs/Plan Participants may continue to incur additional significant costs, including as a result of replacing the plan processor, or result in the uncollectibility of promissory notes related to the funding of the implementation and operation of the CAT. See Note 9 (“Credit Losses”) and Note 10 (“Other Assets, Net”) for further information. In addition, on February 14, 2021, Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC, formed by SRO Plan Participants to implement the CAT requirements, filed motions to stay all or portions of two exemptive orders the SEC issued on December 16, 2020 related to the implementation of the CAT. On February 16, 2021, Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC also petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for judicial review of the two exemptive orders, asserting that the orders are unlawful.

Intellectual Property

We own or have rights to a number of intellectual property assets, including trademarks, service marks, domain names, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets and patents. While the majority of our intellectual property is protected under U.S. law, we have many intellectual property assets protected by laws in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. We license some intellectual property assets to other entities. We attempt to protect our intellectual property rights, while respecting the legitimate intellectual property rights of others.

Human Capital Management

Cboe has a robust human capital management program in place focused on equal opportunities, performance and career development, health and well-being, comprehensive benefits, training and succession planning. Additional information on our approach to human capital and ESG issues can be found in the Cboe Global Markets, Inc. Environmental, Social and Governance Report located in the Corporate Social Responsibility section of our website at https://markets.cboe.com/about/corporate-social-responsibility, which does not form a part of this Form 10-K.


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Equal Opportunity, Diversity, and Pay Equity

Cboe believes in a culture of diversity and inclusion that promotes creativity, collaboration and innovation, which is critical to the success of our business and defining the markets of tomorrow. Cboe is an equal opportunity employer and provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to sex, race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, veteran or military status, disability, marital status, domestic partnership or civil union status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, genetic status, gender identity or expression, and any other characteristic protected by law (a “Protected Characteristic”). Cboe is committed to applying our Equal Employment Opportunity Policy to all employment practices that impact the terms and conditions of employment including, but not limited to, hiring, evaluation, discipline, promotion, training, compensation, transfer, and termination. Actively nurturing and maintaining a diverse and inclusive culture at Cboe is a core imperative. We believe that our collective and unique perspectives fuel our capabilities, enhance our team spirit and enable us to attract and retain top talent as we define the markets of the future. Our commitment and responsibility in this regard starts at the top, with full Cboe Board of Directors and executive team support.

One of the most compelling examples of our pledge to equality, diversity and inclusion throughout our company is the completion of our first pay equity study in 2019. In 2020, we finalized the implementation of the findings of our inaugural study. To maintain and strengthen our efforts in this area, we also review the critical touchpoints across the employee journey with Cboe to keep a level playing field, from the talent selection, promotion, leadership development and succession planning processes and make adjustments, as necessary, to ensure opportunity parity across the company. Our goal is to ensure that equal pay and equal opportunity for all that results in a collaborative, high performing organization bringing new innovations to market and providing superior service to our customers.

The Cboe Women’s Initiative was launched in November 2019 and includes more than 70 women working toward its mission: to increase representation, strengthen voices, and build a culture of opportunity and advancement for the women of Cboe. The Women’s Initiative is led by a group of senior-level Cboe women, has broad representation across Cboe’s global footprint and enjoys the support of Cboe’s management and Human Resources. More specifically, the Women’s Initiative is comprised of four committees that target areas where its membership strives to promote change, such as networking, enhancing recruitment and retention, highlighting benefits and resources for women at Cboe, and building a formal mentorship program at Cboe. In addition, there were several networking opportunities throughout the year for the women of Cboe. These events included the inaugural “Women Trailblazers” events where senior women share their success stories through personal accounts of career growth and impact. In March of 2020, we also celebrated International Women’s Day globally with several fireside chat events with Cboe Board of Directors members.

We are also proud to share that Cboe recently formed an employee Diversity Leadership Council in 2020 focused on unlocking the potential of a variety of perspectives, capabilities and cultural experiences. We believe in a culture of diversity and inclusion that promotes creativity, collaboration and innovation, which is critical to the success of our business and defining the markets of tomorrow. To reinforce this belief, this council is a collective voice on how Cboe strives to create a diverse workforce that reflects the world in which we operate. Further, they are charged with oversight on how we build an inclusive culture where every employee feels welcome, safe and empowered.

To reinforce our commitment to organizational wide education and commitment to diversity and inclusion we provided a full-day Unconscious Bias training through third-party experts for all managers around the globe in 2020 with the commitment to continue the rollout of this program for all employees.

Performance and Career Development

Cboe expects employees to perform their duties to the best of their ability and to develop their competencies for career growth. We recognize the need to provide ongoing, timely, and constructive performance feedback. Cboe has designed a Performance Management Program that drives the professional development of our employees while also providing fair and equitable rewards and recognition. The principles of performance management include:

align performance expectations with strategy and goals of the business,
ongoing open dialogue regarding performance and development,
foster accountability for behaviors and actions which contribute to a positive culture, and


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commitment to deliver results which drive our business.

We continued to strengthen our talent management processes in 2020 by instituting career conversations that were enabled through specially designed toolkits for both employees and managers to support regular, valuable conversations focused on improvement, development and retention.

Employee Health and Well-Being and Comprehensive Benefits Program

Cboe’s vision is to support the overall wellness of employees and their families through education and activities that encourage a healthy lifestyle, resulting in improved health and productivity. Our programs and benefit plans provide a corporate atmosphere of collective well-being that incorporate strategies for physical, emotional, mental and financial wellness. Our programs focused on enhanced employee assistance programs, wellness programs and challenges, that include both mental and physical wellbeing, and webinars and classes through our retirement vendor to support the financial health of our employees.

To further these efforts, we launched the CboeFit program that creates an opportunity to elevate these programs and strengthen employee engagement as we execute against our wellness vision and strategies. With the global pandemic in 2020, there was further focus on our Employee Assistance program that was strengthened across the globe with a diverse set of mental health resources aimed at supporting our employees during a unique and challenging time.

Employee Engagement and Pulse Surveys, Town Halls and an Open-Door Policy

In 2020, Cboe conducted our third annual employee engagement survey and has implemented career, leadership, and culture focused programs in response to the survey findings. Our participation rate exceeds standard benchmarks and a significant majority of our employees would recommend Cboe as a great place to work. To further cement our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, we added new, enhanced questions in this area. Our Diversity Leadership Council hosted a special focus group to review these specific results to listen to the voices of our diverse population, prioritize their feedback and ideas, and create commitments for actionable improvements.

Our senior management team continues to hold the commitment to an open-door policy and encourages the free flow of information and communication in furtherance of active transparency. With the 2020 pandemic, our ability to tap into the voice of our employees was critically important. We conducted regular pulse surveys to gauge sentiment in making critical decisions. Our CEO also issues weekly letters to help connect with our employees. Human Resources also provided ongoing regular resources and tips to help support the variety of challenges from the new reality of fully remote work to childcare and elder care that our employees faced throughout 2020.

Cboe also continues to create an open and frank atmosphere in which any grievance, complaint, suggestion or question receives a timely response. Cboe offers a whistleblower hotline for complaints, which can be made anonymously. Additionally, employees can raise questions and suggestions to the Cboe Human Resources team either in-person or via a group email address and are either responded to individually or addressed at our Global Town Hall meetings. The objective of these town halls is to provide employees an update on company news, share updates from major business lines, as well as provide a forum to ask questions and offer feedback. Town halls can include updates on anything from legislation that may impact our business to ESG topics. Employees are encouraged to participate in free flow of information and communication and to offer positive and constructive feedback in furtherance of active transparency.

Training and Succession Planning

The development of all employees at Cboe is vitally important to our collective success. Through skill and competency development we signal our investment in all while also enabling enhanced productivity. Through our tuition reimbursement program, our employees receive financial support in their pursuit of specialized university courses and degrees. In addition to our ongoing offering of online courses on diverse topics through our corporate university, CboeU, we also provided new learning programs in 2020. We also have employees participate in the newly launched CboeLearns hybrid program focused on virtual classroom instruction combined with work application. Additionally, we had employees participate in another new program, CboeLive, focused on business topics to foster organizational-wide knowledge sharing and education.

Leadership is another critical element to our success at Cboe. People managers globally participated in a two-day training focused on the “4 Essential Roles of Leadership” (1. Inspire Trust; 2. Create Vision; 3. Execute Strategy; 4. Coach


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Potential). We expanded on our leadership training through the design and launch of a bespoke 8-week program, CboeLeads, expanding on the development of our high potential leaders further strengthening the leadership bench and accelerating readiness of this key talent pool. The senior management team participated in an additional one-day workshop focused on their roles that was also accompanied by Leadership toolkits to guide an enhanced approach to coaching and career conversations.

Cboe has held several succession planning discussions with the Compensation Committee and Board of Directors to plan for the fulfillment of essential roles, such as the CEO and other senior officers. This process includes investments in advanced development planning for targeted successors to accelerate their readiness through key internal projects and assignments as well as tailored training. Diversity and inclusion are a formal part of Cboe's succession planning process as we work to identify and advance internal diverse talent and, in parallel, continually scan external talent pools for successors.


As of December 31, 2020, we employed 1,010 individuals, 786 of whom are based in the United States, 113 of whom are located in London, 7 of whom are located in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 12 of whom are located in Ecuador, 6 of whom are located in Ontario, Canada, 15 of whom are located in Calgary, Alberta, 65 of whom are located in the Amsterdam, 1 of whom is located in Hong Kong, 3 of whom are located in Singapore, and 2 of whom are located in Switzerland. Of these employees, 355 were involved in technology or operations and 106 were involved in direct support of trading operations. The remaining 549 employees provide business development, financial, regulation, human resources, compliance, legal, planning and research, administrative and managerial support.

We have 8 building engineers that are covered by a collective bargaining agreement, which expires on May 31, 2021, with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399, AFL-CIO. Management believes that we have strong relationships with our employees, and we have never experienced a work stoppage.

Information about our Executive Officers

Set forth below is information regarding our executive officers:






Edward T. Tilly


Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer

Christopher A. Isaacson


Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Brian N. Schell


Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

John F. Deters


Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer

Bryan Harkins


Executive Vice President, Head of Markets Division

David Howson


Executive Vice President, President Europe

Patrick Sexton


Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

Jill M. Griebenow


Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer

Edward T. Tilly. Mr. Tilly is our Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Tilly has served as our President since January 2019, Chairman since February 2017 and as CEO and director since May 2013. Prior to becoming CEO, Mr. Tilly served as President and Chief Operating Officer from November 2011, and Executive Vice Chairman from August 2006 until November 2011. He was a member of CBOE from 1989 until 2006, and served as Member Vice Chairman from 2004 through July 2006. He holds a B.A. degree in Economics from Northwestern University.  

Christopher A. Isaacson. Mr. Isaacson is our Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, a position he has held since January 2019. Previously he was our Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, a position he was appointed to upon the Company’s acquisition of Bats. Prior to that, he served as Bats' Executive Vice President and Global Chief Information Officer since February 2014, he served as Bats' Senior Vice President and Chief Operation Officer from 2007 to 2014 and he has held other various senior leadership positions since 2005. Prior to being one of the founders of Bats, Mr. Isaacson was a software developer at Tradebot Systems, Inc. from 2003 to 2005. Mr. Isaacson serves on the board of directors of CFE, SEF, and OCC. Mr. Isaacson holds a B.S. degree in information systems with a minor in math from Nebraska Wesleyan University and an M.B.A. degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.    

Brian N. Schell. Mr. Schell is our Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, a position he has held since January 2018. Previously, he was Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Company’s subsidiary Cboe Exchange,


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Inc., a position he was appointed to upon the Company’s acquisition of Bats. Prior to that, he served as Chief Financial Officer of Bats since March 2011. Prior to joining Bats, he held various senior leadership positions at H&R Block Inc., as well as various positions at the FDIC, KPMG and JP Morgan. Mr. Schell holds a B.B.A. degree with an emphasis in finance from the University of Notre Dame and an M.B.A. degree from The George Washington University.      

John F. Deters. Mr. Deters is our Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, a position he has held since 2018. He has previously served as our Head of Multi-Asset Solutions from 2018 to 2019 and as Chief Strategy Officer from 2013 to 2018. Prior to joining Cboe in 2013, Mr. Deters was most recently a Vice President and Investment Banker of Financial Institutions Group, Investment Banking at Barclays from 2008 to 2013. Mr. Deters holds a B.A. degree from Wheaton College, an M.B.A. degree from the University of Chicago, and a J.D./M.S. dual degree from Georgetown University Law Center.

Bryan Harkins. Mr. Harkins is our Executive Vice President, Head of Markets Division, a position he has held since June 2019. He has also previously served as our Co-Head of Markets Division from March 2018 to June 2019. Previously, he was Head of Equities and Global FX of the Company’s subsidiaries, a position he was appointed to upon the Company’s acquisition of Bats. Prior to that, he served as Executive Vice President, Head of U.S. Markets of Bats since January 2014. Prior to the Direct Edge acquisition by Bats in January 2014 when Mr. Harkins first joined Bats, Mr. Harkins served as Chief Operating Officer of Direct Edge, where he worked since 2007. Mr. Harkins holds a B.A. degree from the University of Notre Dame and an M.B.A. degree from New York University's Stern School of Business.

David Howson. Mr. Howson is our Executive Vice President, President Europe, a position he has held since January 2020. Previously, he was Chief Operating Officer of Cboe Europe from 2013 to 2019. Prior to that, he served as Founder, Chief Technology Officer of Equiduct from April 2006 through June 2013. Mr. Howson holds a First Class Honours bachelor's degree from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Patrick Sexton. Mr. Sexton is our Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, a position he has held since March 2018. Previously, he was Deputy General Counsel of the Company’s subsidiary Cboe Exchange, Inc. He served in that capacity from July 2013 to March 2018 and has acted as legal, regulatory and compliance counsel with increasing responsibility and oversight since joining the Company in 1997. Mr. Sexton holds a B.A. degree from the University of Notre Dame and a J.D. degree with honors from Notre Dame Law School.

Jill M. Griebenow. Ms. Griebenow is our Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer, a position she has held since August 2018. Previously, she served as Chief Financial Officer, Europe of the Company's subsidiary Cboe Europe, a position she was appointed to upon the Company’s acquisition of Bats. She also previously served as Chief Financial Officer, Europe of Bats’ subsidiary Bats Europe Limited since February 2014 and was employed by Bats in the financial area since 2011. Prior to that, she held various positions at Ernst & Young LLP. Ms. Griebenow is a certified public accountant and holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Northern Iowa.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Company recognizes that operating in a socially responsible manner helps promote the long-term interests of our stockholders, organization, associates, industry and community. Our guiding principles help us deliver on our corporate mission and strategy, including good citizenship.

Active Transparency – A commitment to proactively sharing information and knowledge.
Creative Collaboration – An enthusiasm for working with our customers and partners to advance innovation.
Competitive Spirit – A will to succeed and be the best.
Superior Service – A drive to understand needs and exceed expectations.
Good Citizenship – A dedication to the betterment of our markets, workplace and community.

We believe that being a good citizen means that we hold ourselves accountable for the integrity of the markets and to the communities we serve, seek to help resolve conflicts and build consensus, inform those impacted before taking action, lead by example and serve as part of the solution. We also seek to be good citizens to the communities we serve by being committed to being environmentally conscious. Additionally, being good citizens also means that we strive to


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support our associates and better serve our industry and community through our human capital development, volunteerism and policies. See “Human Capital Management” subsection above for more information.

Additional information on our approach to ESG can be found in the 2020 Cboe Global Markets, Inc. Environmental, Social and Governance Report located in the Corporate Social Responsibility section of our website at http://www.Cboe.com/aboutCboe, which does not form a part of this Form 10-K.

Available Information

Our website is www.cboe.com. The Company files annual, quarterly and current reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC under the Exchange Act. The Company makes available, free of charge, on its website its annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, as soon as reasonably practicable after such reports are electronically filed with, or furnished to, the SEC. The Company's reports filed with, or furnished to, the SEC are also available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

In addition, we have posted on our website the charters for our (i) Audit Committee, (ii) Compensation Committee, and (iii) Nominating and Governance Committee, as well as our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate Governance Guidelines. We will provide a copy of these documents without charge to stockholders upon written request to Investor Relations, Cboe Global Markets, Inc., 400 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60605. Our website and information included in or linked to our website are not part of this Form 10-K.


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Item 1A.    Risk Factors.

The risks and uncertainties described below are those that we believe are material at this time relating to our business. These risks and uncertainties, however, are not the only risks and uncertainties that we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial may also significantly impact us. Any of these risks and uncertainties may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations, liquidity, and cash flows.

Summary of Risk Factors

The following is a summary of the key risks and uncertainties described below that we believe are material to us at this time:

the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including changes to trading behavior broadly in the market;
the loss of our right to exclusively list and trade certain index options and futures products;
economic, political and market conditions; compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;
price competition and consolidation in our industry;
decreases in trading or clearing volumes, market data fees or a shift in the mix of products traded on our exchanges;
legislative or regulatory changes;
our ability to protect our systems and communication networks from security risks, cybersecurity risks, insider threats and unauthorized disclosure of confidential information;
increasing competition by foreign and domestic entities;
our dependence on and exposure to risk from third parties;
fluctuations to currency exchange rates;
our index providers’ ability to maintain the quality and integrity of their indices and to perform under our agreements;
our ability to operate our business without violating the intellectual property rights of others and the costs associated with protecting our intellectual property rights;
our ability to attract and retain skilled management and other personnel;
our ability to minimize the risks, including our credit and default risks, associated with operating a European clearinghouse;
our ability to accommodate trading and clearing volume and transaction traffic, including significant increases, without failure or degradation of performance of our systems;
misconduct by those who use our markets or our products or for whom we clear transactions;
challenges to our use of open source software code;
our ability to meet our compliance obligations, including managing potential conflicts between our regulatory responsibilities and our for-profit status;
our ability to maintain BIDS Trading as an independently managed and operated trading venue, separate from and not integrated with our registered national securities exchanges;
damage to our reputation;
the ability of our compliance and risk management methods to effectively monitor and manage our risks;
our ability to manage our growth and strategic acquisitions or alliances effectively;
restrictions imposed by our debt obligations and our ability to make payments on or refinance our debt obligations;
our ability to maintain an investment grade credit rating; and
impairment of our goodwill, long-lived assets, investments or intangible assets.

Risks Relating to Our Business

The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, operating results and cash flows.

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Our business and operations could be materially and adversely affected by the effects of COVID-19, however, the extent to which our results could be affected by COVID-19 largely depends on future developments which are uncertain and cannot be accurately predicted. Governments, public institutions, and other organizations around the world have taken, and may take additional, emergency measures to combat its spread, including rollouts of vaccinations, implementation of travel


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bans and closures of offices, factories, schools, public buildings and businesses. These measures may interfere with the ability of our employees, vendors, technology equipment suppliers, data and disaster recovery centers, and other service providers to perform their respective responsibilities and obligations relative to the conduct of our business. In particular, between March 13, 2020 and June 14, 2020, we temporarily suspended open outcry trading in response to COVID-19. In addition to uncertain expenses we may incur due to COVID-19 as part of us providing a safe and healthy work and trading environment, employees working remotely from different locations and in connection with our eventual return to our offices, we may also be subject to claims from employees or customers alleging failure to maintain safe premises and restrictions with respect to protocols relating to COVID-19. Further, changes in trading behavior, impacts to trading behavior due to the temporary suspension of open outcry trading, market disruptions, additional temporary suspensions of open outcry trading, temporary regulatory measures and other future developments caused by the effects of COVID-19, including a re-occurrence of cases, could impact trading volumes and the demand for our products, market data and services, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, operating results and cash flows and could heighten many of the other risks described below.

Loss of our right to exclusively list and trade certain index options and futures could have a material adverse effect on our financial performance.

We hold exclusive licenses to list securities index options on the S&P 500 Index, the Russell 2000 Index, as well as others, granted to us by the owners of such indices, and additionally hold exclusive rights to our proprietary VIX methodology that provides the basis for the creation of VIX options and futures. In 2020, approximately 58.0% of our net transaction and clearing fees (defined below) were generated by futures and index options, the overwhelming majority of which were generated by our exclusively-licensed products (e.g., SPX options) and products based on our proprietary VIX methodology (e.g., VIX options and futures). The bulk of this revenue is attributable to our SPX options and VIX options and futures. As a result, our revenues less cost of revenues are dependent in large part on the exclusive licenses we hold for these products and our ability to maintain our exclusive proprietary rights in the VIX methodology and related products and indices.

There is a risk, with respect to each of our current exclusive licenses, that the owner of the index may not renew the license with us on an exclusive basis or at all. In the first event, we would be subject to multiple listing in the trading of what is now an index product traded by us on an exclusive basis, which could result in a loss of market share and negatively impact our profitability. In the second event, we could lose the right to list the index product entirely. The loss or limited use of any of our exclusive index licenses, especially for the S&P 500 Index, for any reason could have a material adverse effect on our business and profitability.

In addition to the risks related to our exclusive licenses, if we are unable to retain exclusive proprietary rights in the VIX methodology and related products and indices, our volatility products could be subject to multiple listing which could have a material adverse effect on us.

The EU has adopted legislation affecting providers and users of benchmark indices in the EU MiFIR requires benchmarks used to value a financial instrument in the EU to be made available on a non-discriminatory basis to all EU trading venues and central counterparty clearing houses for the purposes of trading and clearing. As a result, owners of such benchmarks must provide licenses on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. While similar legislation to MiFIR has not been proposed in the U.S., if it were passed, it could cause us to lose our exclusive rights to list and trade internally developed and licensed index products. Further, in 2018, the EU implemented the EU Benchmark Regulation, which regulates users, data providers and calculators of benchmarks (“administrators”) in the EU, and among other things, prohibits use of benchmarks in connection with a financial instrument unless the administrator is deemed to be subject to an equivalent regulatory regime and the benchmark is registered in an EU member state. These regulations and other emerging regulatory regimes around the world may impact international customers’ interest in or ability to trade index-based products listed on our U.S. exchanges, as well as impact our expansion activities to establish foreign trading of our index-based products and our ability to license proprietary indices for use outside of the U.S.

Furthermore, our competitors may succeed in developing, offering and providing a market for the trading of index-based or volatility products that are economically similar to those that we offer and they may become successful and take away volume from our products. It is also possible that a third party may offer trading in index-based products that are the same as those that are the subject of one of our exclusive licenses, but in a jurisdiction in which the index owner cannot require a license or in a manner otherwise not covered by our exclusive license.

The value of our licenses to exclusively list securities index options and futures also depends on the continued ability of index owners to require licenses for the trading of options and futures based on their indices. Although we and the


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index owners have prevailed in legal actions challenging our rights to exclusively license indices, we may be subject to changes in the law or other actions taken in the future that might impede our ability to exclusively offer trading in certain index options and futures.

General economic conditions and other factors beyond our control could significantly reduce demand for our products and services and harm our business.

The volume of trading and clearing transactions and the demand for our products and services are directly affected by economic, political and market conditions in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere in the world that are beyond our control, including:

economic, political and geopolitical market conditions;
broad trends in business and finance;
concerns over inflation and wavering institutional or retail confidence levels;
government or central bank actions, such as changes in government fiscal and monetary policy and foreign currency exchange rates;
other legislative and regulatory changes;
the availability of short-term and long-term funding and capital;
the perceived attractiveness of the U.S. or European capital markets;
the availability of alternative investment opportunities;
changes in the level of trading activity in underlying instruments;
changes and volatility in the prices of securities;
changes in the volume of foreign currency transactions;
changes in supply and demand for currencies;
movements in currency exchange rates;
the level and volatility of interest rates;
changes in the financial strength of market participants;
consolidation among market participants and market data subscribers;
unforeseen market closures, suspensions of open outcry trading or other disruptions in trading and clearing; and
disruptions due to terrorism, war, extreme weather events, pandemics or other catastrophes.

Any of these factors, individually or collectively, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results by causing a substantial decline in the financial services markets and reducing trading and clearing volumes and demand for market data.

Our business may be adversely affected by price competition.

The securities industry is characterized by intense price competition, especially with respect to transaction fees. We may be required to adjust pricing to respond to actions by new or existing competitors, which could adversely impact our business, financial condition and operating results. We also compete with respect to the pricing of market data and value-added market data, such as historical market data.

In our options segment, the pricing model for trade execution has changed in response to competitive market conditions, and our competitors have adjusted transaction fees and fee structures accordingly, including by opening new exchanges, which allow them to offer multiple pricing models that can appeal to different segments of market participants. These changes have resulted in significant pricing pressures on us, especially on transaction fees and incentives for multi-listed products. As a result of these pricing pressures, our average rate per multi-listed options contract may decrease. It is likely that this pressure will continue and even intensify as our competitors continue to seek to increase their share of trading by further reducing their transaction fees or by offering other financial incentives to order providers and liquidity providers to induce them to direct orders to their markets.

In addition, one or more competitors may engage in aggressive pricing strategies and significantly decrease or completely eliminate their profit margin for a period of time in order to capture a greater share of trading volume. Some order-providing firms on our exchanges have taken ownership positions in options exchanges that compete with us and such exchanges have given those firms added economic incentives to direct orders to them.


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With respect to our proprietary products, we compete with futures exchanges and swap execution facilities that offer similar products and other financial market participants that offer over-the-counter derivatives. We also compete against certain multi-listed options products, including SPY, which offer some of the features of our proprietary products.

To attract market share, we may offer “inverted” pricing specials or no-transaction fee trading from time to time. BZX also offers a “cross-asset add volume tier” that gives a bigger rebate for additional volume on both the BZX equities and options platforms. Similarly, EDGX offers a “cross-asset tier” that gives a reduced fee for volume on both the EDGX equities and options platforms. These forms of promotions may adversely affect our profitability.

If we are unable to compete successfully with respect to the pricing of our services and products, our business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. We could lose a substantial percentage of our share of trading if we are unable to price transactions in a competitive manner. Also, our profits could decline if competitive pressures or regulatory changes force us to reduce fees.

A significant portion of our operating revenues is generated by our transaction and clearing-based business. If the amount of trading volume on our markets or clearing volume decreases, or the product mix shifts to lower revenue products, our revenues from transaction and clearing fees will most likely decrease.

In 2020, approximately 63.2% of our revenues less cost of revenues were generated by our transaction and clearing-based business. This business is dependent on our ability to attract and maintain order flow, both in absolute terms and relative to other market centers. If the amount of trading volume on our Exchanges, CFE, and MATCHNow, notional value traded on Cboe FX, Cboe SEF and Cboe Europe Equities exchanges or clearing volumes at EuroCCP decreases, we are likely to see a decrease in fees.

Our total trading or clearing volumes could decline if our market participants reduce their trading or clearing activity for any reason, such as:

heightened capital requirements;
transaction tax;
regulatory or legislative actions;
reduced need to trade due to changes in volatility and/or passive investment trends;
reduced access to capital required to fund trading activities;
consolidation among market participants;
suspensions of open outcry trading; or
significant market disruptions.

Over the past few years, a number of legislative actions have been taken, both domestically and internationally, that may cause market participants to be subject to increased capital requirements and additional compliance burdens. These actions, including the Collins Amendment to Dodd-Frank, MiFID II and MiFIR, may cause market participants to reduce trading activity on our Exchanges.

In addition, the transaction fees generated are different based on type of product and other factors, including the type of customer and certain volume discounts. If the amount of our trading volume decreases, the mix traded shifts to our lower revenue per contract products, our revenues from transaction fees will most likely decrease. We can offer no assurance that we would be able to reduce our costs to match the amount of any such decrease.

Revenues from our market data fees and access and capacity fees may be reduced due to declines in our market share, trading volumes or regulatory changes.

The occurrence of any event that reduces the amount of market data fees that we receive, whether as a result of fee reductions, fewer members subscribing to the U.S. tape plans, declines in market share or trading volumes (or notional volume in the case of Cboe Europe Equities) or regulatory changes will have a direct negative impact on our business, financial condition and operating results. For example, if our market share of U.S. listed equities and options, or Cboe’s European equities trading, were to decline, our share of market data fees could also decline. Moreover, market data fees could decline as a result of a reduction in the numbers of market data users, for example because of consolidation among market data subscribers or due to a decline in professional subscriptions as a result of staff reductions in the financial services industry or otherwise.


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Regulatory and legal developments could also impact the fees we receive from market data and access and capacity, or our cost in providing such services. In the U.S., we are generally required to file with the SEC any changes to the fees that we charge for our securities market data products and access and capacity fees. In recent years, certain industry groups have objected to the ability of exchanges to charge for certain market data products. In addition, the SEC and some media have scrutinized market data and market access. As discussed above, the implementation of the new Market Data Infrastructure rules could cause Cboe’s equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or to challenge the new rules and they may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, there are lower SIP plan revenues or we must reduce the fees we charge for market data. See “Legal Proceedings” for more information.

In addition, as discussed above, the SEC issued a final Consolidated Data Plan Order that would require U.S. equities exchanges and FINRA to develop and file a new consolidated data plan. If the Consolidated Data Plan Order were to be implemented, it may have a negative impact on the market data fees we charge and there could be a negative impact on our revenues. See “Legal Proceedings” for more information.

We believe Cboe Europe Equities currently offers market data to customers on a non-discriminatory basis at a reasonable cost. As European regulators determine how market data should be disaggregated and what is a reasonable commercial basis for providing market data, it could affect our ability to offer market data products in the same manner that we do today thereby causing an adverse effect on our European market data revenues. While MiFID II and MiFIR aim to encourage a commercial solution to a consolidated tape in Europe, should this fail to materialize, policy makers might be encouraged to implement a mandatory solution that could impact our ability to develop our own commercial offering.

The technology upon which we rely, including those of our service providers, may be vulnerable to security risks, cybersecurity risks, insider threats, unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, operational disruptions, and other risks and events that could harm our business.

The secure and reliable operation of our technology, including our computer systems and communications networks, and those of our service providers and market participants, is a critical element of our operations. These systems and networks may be subject to various cybersecurity incidents, improper or inadvertent access to or disclosure of confidential, commercially sensitive, or personally identifiable information, data theft, corruption or destruction, cyber-attack, malware and other security problems, as well as acts of terrorism, natural disasters, human error, criminal insider activity, power loss and other events that are beyond our control. As previously disclosed, in 2018, we discovered and initiated an investigation of an internal theft of idled and deactivated computer servers and networking devices. We subsequently resolved the incident by, including, among other actions, terminating the employment of the responsible individual, reporting the matter to regulators and law enforcement, and improving our policies, procedures and controls over the physical security and protection of our computer systems and communications networks to help minimize the risk of reoccurrence.

We currently maintain policies, procedures and controls designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and reliability of our systems, networks and information more broadly, and to guard against cybersecurity incidents and unauthorized access. These policies, procedures and controls are subject to periodic monitoring, auditing, and evaluation practices, pursuant to our enterprise risk management program. Further, we developed and maintain cybersecurity and data privacy training programs for our employees and our third-party consultants who have access to our systems, which includes simulations, tabletop exercises, and response readiness tests. Independent third-party cybersecurity penetration assessments are also routinely performed. Collectively, these safeguards and measures may prove inadequate to prevent the attendant risk posed by cybersecurity incidents, subjecting us to contractual restrictions, liability and damages, loss of business, penalties, unfavorable publicity, and increased scrutiny by our regulators, and materially impacting our financial condition and operating results. We may be required to expend significant resources in the event of any real or threatened breaches in security or system failures, including to protect against threatened breaches, to alleviate harm caused by an actual breach, and to address any reputational harm or litigation or regulatory liability. Such harms also could cause us to lose market participants, experience lower trading volume, and negatively impact our competitive advantage and business, financial condition and operating results.   

Additionally, as threats continue to evolve and increase, and as the regulatory environment related to information security, data collection and use, and privacy becomes increasingly rigorous, we may be required to devote significant additional resources to modify and enhance our security controls and to identify and remediate any security vulnerabilities, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.


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Intense competition could materially adversely affect our market share and financial performance.

The market for trade execution services, clearing and products is intensely competitive in the asset classes and geographies in which we operate. Increased competition may result in a decline in our share of trading activity and a decline in our revenues from transaction and clearing fees and market data fees, thereby materially adversely affecting our operating results. We compete with a number of entities on several different fronts, including the cost, quality and speed of our trade execution, functionality and ease of use of our trading and clearing platforms, range of our products and services, our technological innovation and adaptation and our reputation. See “Business – Competition” for more information.

Some of our competitors and potential competitors have greater financial, marketing, technological, personnel and other resources than we do. These factors may enable them to develop similar or more innovative products, to offer lower transaction and clearing fees or better execution to their customers or to execute their business strategies more quickly or efficiently than we can. In addition, our business, financial condition and operating results may be materially adversely affected if we cannot successfully develop, introduce and/or market new services and products or if we need to adopt costly and customized technology for our services and products.

Furthermore, new or existing competitors may:

respond more quickly to competitive pressures;
develop products that compete with our products or are preferred by our customers;
offer products and services at prices below ours to gain market share and to promote other businesses;
develop and expand their technology and service offerings more efficiently;
provide better, more user-friendly and more reliable technology;
take greater advantage of acquisitions, alliances and other opportunities;
market, promote, bundle and sell their products and services more effectively;
leverage existing relationships with customers and alliance partners more effectively or exploit brand names to market and sell their services; and
exploit regulatory disparities between traditional, regulated exchanges and alternative markets, including over-the-counter markets, that benefit from a reduced regulatory burden and lower-cost business model.

If our products, markets, services and technology are not competitive or we fail to anticipate or respond adequately to changes in technology, customer preferences and regulatory requirements or any significant delays in product development efforts our business, financial condition and operating results could be materially harmed.

We depend on third-party service providers for certain services that are important to our business. An interruption, significant increase in fees or cessation or impairment of such service by any third party could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

We depend on a number of service providers, including clearing organizations such as OCC, NSCC, DTC, CDS, LCH, EuroCCP, our wholly-owned subsidiary, and SIX x-clear; securities information processors such as the CTA, UTP Securities Information Processor and OPRA; regulatory and other service providers such as FINRA and OCC; the hosts of our data and disaster recovery centers; and various vendors of communications and networking products and services. In addition, we also depend on third party routing and clearing firms that are involved in processing transactions on our behalf. More specifically:

If OCC, NSCC, DTC, CDS, LCH, EuroCCP and SIX x-clear were unable to perform clearing services for existing or new products, or their clearing members were unable or unwilling to clear through them, transactions could likely not occur on our markets or there may be delays, including until clearing is moved to another clearing agency. In 2020, approximately 58.0% of our net transaction and clearing fees were generated by options and futures that were cleared through OCC.
OPRA, UTP Securities Information Processor and the CTA consolidate options and equities market information such as last sale reports and quotations. If any of them were unable to provide this information for a sustained period of time, we may be unable to offer trading on our options and equities markets.
We are heavily dependent on technology for our markets, including our data and disaster recovery centers, some of which are housed by third parties, and certain communications and networking products and services. If this technology is unavailable, and cannot be replaced in a sufficiently short time period, we may be unable to operate our markets.


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We utilize Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) to maintain secondary offsite backups of our and our customers’ data and may utilize AWS in the future for additional services. We do not control the operations of AWS or their facilities and may be vulnerable to disruptions in our access to the platform as a result of a number of potential causes, including technical failure, natural disasters, fraud or security attacks that we cannot predict or prevent. Additionally, any vulnerability of AWS could expose our or our customers’ confidential data, which could result in harm to our business reputation.
FINRA and OCC provide certain regulatory services and functions for our options, equities and futures exchanges, while we retain regulatory responsibilities for such services. If FINRA or OCC stopped providing services, or provided inadequate services, we may be subject to action by the SEC or CFTC, or may have limitations placed upon our markets.
We rely on FINRA CAT LLC, a subsidiary of FINRA, to provide services for the implementation of the CAT. If FINRA CAT LLC stops providing services or provides inadequate services, we and the other execution venues may incur regulatory liability including enforcement action by the SEC or limitations placed upon our markets. In addition, until the SEC approves a funding model that shares the cost of the CAT between the SROs and industry members, the SROs may continue to incur additional significant costs, including as a result of replacing the plan processor, or result in not being able to collect on the promissory notes related to the funding of the implementation and operation of the CAT.
We rely on third party routing and clearing firms to clear trades in U.S. listed equity securities routed by us to other markets, and to execute trades in options that we route to other markets. 

With respect to options, all contracts traded on our exchanges must be cleared through clearing members of OCC. At December 31, 2020, there were 97 TPHs that are clearing members of OCC. Two clearing members accounted for approximately 62.9% of transaction and other fees collected through OCC in 2020. The next largest clearing member accounted for approximately 18.0% of transaction and other fees collected through OCC. Additionally, the two largest clearing members clear the majority of the market-maker sides of transactions at Cboe Options, C2, BZX, EDGX and at all of the options exchanges. Should one of these clearing members or liquidity providers exit the business or withdraw from our options exchanges, impose additional market-maker financial requirements or if market-makers were unable to transfer to another clearing member or other liquidity providers were unable to provide additional liquidity, this could create a significant disruption to the options markets, including ours.

We cannot provide assurance that any of these providers will be able to continue to provide these services in an efficient manner or that they will be able to adequately expand their services to meet our needs. An interruption or malfunction in or the cessation or impairment of an important service by a third party or disruption of a third party’s operations could cause us to halt trading in some or all of our products or our services, make us unable to conduct other aspects of our business, cause us to experience the loss of a significant number of market participants or cause us to experience a significant reduction in trading activity on our options and futures markets, each of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results. In addition, our inability to make alternative arrangements, such as moving clearing to another clearing agency, in a timely manner, or at all, could have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condition and operating results.

Our operations outside of the U.S. expose us to currency risk.

In addition to our operations in the U.S., we have operations in the UK, continental Europe, Canada, Ecuador, Hong Kong and Singapore. We, therefore, have exposure to exchange rate movements between the British pound, the Euro, the Canadian dollar, the Hong Kong dollar, and the Singapore dollar against the U.S. dollar. Significant inflation or changes in foreign exchange rates with respect to one or more of these currencies could occur as a result of general economic or political conditions, acts of war or terrorism, changes in governmental monetary or tax policy, Brexit or changes in local interest rates. These exchange rate differences will affect the translation of our non-U.S. results of operations and financial condition into U.S. dollars as part of our consolidated financial statements.

We and our licensors may not be able to protect our respective intellectual property rights.

We rely on patent, trade secret, copyright and trademark laws, the law of the doctrine of misappropriation and contractual provisions to protect our proprietary technology, proprietary products, index methodologies and other proprietary rights. In addition, we rely on the intellectual property rights of our licensors in connection with our listing of exclusively-licensed index options and futures products. We and our licensors may not be able to prevent third parties from copying, or otherwise obtaining and using, our intellectual property without authorization, listing our proprietary or exclusively-licensed index products without licenses or otherwise infringing on our rights. We and our licensors may have to rely on litigation to enforce our intellectual property rights, determine the validity and scope of the proprietary rights of


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others or defend against claims of infringement or invalidity. We and our licensors may not be successful in this regard. Such litigation, whether successful or unsuccessful, could result in substantial costs to us, diversion of our resources or a reduction in our revenues, any of which could materially adversely affect our business.

If we fail to attract or retain highly skilled management and other employees our business may be harmed.

Our success largely depends on the skills, experience and continued efforts of management and other key personnel. As a result, to be successful, we must retain and motivate executives and other key employees. However, we have no assurances that these employees will remain with us. The roles and responsibilities of departing executive officers and employees will need to be filled either by existing or new officers and employees, which may require us to devote time and resources to identifying, hiring and integrating replacements for the departed executives and employees that could otherwise be used to pursue business opportunities, which could have a material adverse effect on our overall business, financial condition and operating results.

There is substantial competition for qualified and capable personnel in the technology space, which may make it difficult for us to retain and recruit qualified employees in sufficient numbers. If we fail to retain our current employees, it would be difficult and costly to identify, recruit and train replacements needed to continue to conduct and expand our business. In particular, failure to retain and attract qualified technology personnel could result in systems failures. Consequently, our reputation may be harmed, we may incur additional costs and our profitability could decline. There can be no assurance that we will be able to retain and motivate our employees in the same manner as we have historically done.

Additionally, effective succession planning is also important to our long-term success. Failure to ensure effective transfer of knowledge and smooth transitions involving our management team and key employees could hinder our strategic planning and execution.

Our clearinghouse operations expose us to associated risks, including credit, liquidity, market and other risks related to the defaults of clearing participants and other counterparties.

We are subject to risks related to operating our clearinghouse, EuroCCP, including the risks of failing to meet strict business continuity requirements and regulatory oversight, risks of default by clearing participants and counterparties, due to bankruptcy, lack of liquidity, operational failure or other reasons, and the risks associated with the adequacy of participants’ margin and default funds. These risks could subject our business to substantial losses, reputational harm, regulatory consequences, including litigation, fines and enforcement actions, and the inability to operate our business, including the continued development of the European derivatives buildout.

To mitigate the credit risks related to defaults of clearing participants and other counterparties, including the market risk that we would only be able to close out a defaulting participant’s positions at a loss, there are minimum participation criteria to become a clearing participant and clearing participants are required to provide collateral to cover the margin requirement and default fund contributions. No guarantee can be given that the collateral provided will at all times be sufficient or provide absolute assurance against us experiencing financial losses from defaults by the participants or counterparties on their obligations. In addition, although such collateral is preferably held in European central banks and central securities depositories, there are occasions where commercial banks are used, which can expose us to risk of default by those banks. In addition, EuroCCP entered into a 1.5 billion committed syndicated multicurrency revolving and swingline credit facility that is available to be drawn by EuroCCP towards (a) financing unsettled amounts in connection with the settlement of transactions in securities and other items processed through EuroCCP’s clearing system and (b) financing any other liability or liquidity requirement of EuroCCP incurred in the operation of its clearing system, however we can give no assurance that this facility will be sufficient to meet all such obligations or sufficiently mitigate EuroCCP’s liquidity risk to meet its payment obligations when due. Substantial amounts of the collateral, and any amounts drawn under this facility, may be at risk if a clearing participant defaults on its obligations to our clearinghouse and its margin and default fund deposits are insufficient to meet its obligations. This facility is expected to terminate on July 1, 2021 and we may not be able to enter into a replacement facility on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. We cannot assure you that the mitigating measures, policies, safeguards and risk management procedures will be sufficient to detect problems or to protect us from a default or that we will not be materially and adversely affected in the event of a significant default.


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Computer and communications systems failures and capacity constraints could harm our reputation and our business.

Our business depends on the integrity and performance of our computer and communications systems. If our systems cannot expand to cope with increased demand or otherwise fail to perform, we could experience unanticipated disruptions in service, slower response times and delays in the introduction of new products and services. These consequences could result in trading outages, lower trading and clearing volumes, financial losses, decreased customer service and satisfaction and regulatory sanctions and could have a material adverse effect on our ability to conduct our business. Although we have a back-up plan of significant trading and key corporate systems, the back-up systems or disaster recovery plans may prove to be inadequate in the event of a systems failure or cyber-security breach. Despite having disaster recovery facilities, there can be no guarantees that we will be able to open an efficient, transparent and liquid marketplace, if we can open at all, following a systems failure. Moreover, with extended trading hours, we have to operate our systems longer and have fewer non-trading hours to address any potential concerns with the systems on which we rely.

Our markets and clearinghouse have experienced occasional systems failures and delays in the past and in the future our systems may fail, in whole or in part, or may operate slowly, causing one or more of the following:

unanticipated disruption in service to our participants;
failures or delays during peak trading times or times of unusual market volatility;
slower response times and delays in trade execution, clearing and processing;
incomplete or inaccurate accounting, recording, clearing or processing of trades; and
distribution of inaccurate or untimely market data to participants who rely on this data in their trading activity.

Any of these events may cause:

a loss in transaction, clearing or other fees due to the inability to provide services for a time;
requests by market participants or others that we reimburse them for financial loss, either within the constraints of the limited liability provisions of our exchanges’ rules or in excess of those amounts;
trading and clearing volumes to diminish on our markets and clearinghouse due to dissatisfaction with the platforms; and
one or more of our regulators to investigate or take enforcement action against us.

As a consequence of any of these events, our business, financial condition and results of operations could suffer materially.

In addition to other measures, we test our systems to confirm whether they will be able to handle anticipated present and future peak trading and clearing activity or times of unusual market volatility. However, we cannot assure you that our estimates of future trading or clearing volume will be accurate or that our systems will always be able to accommodate actual trading or clearing volume without failure or degradation of performance.

We anticipate that we will need to continue to make significant investments in hardware, software and telecommunications infrastructure to accommodate the increases in traffic. If we cannot increase the capacity and capabilities of our systems to accommodate increasing trading or clearing activity and to execute our business strategy, our ability to maintain or expand our businesses would be materially adversely affected.

Our use of open source software code may subject our software to general release or require us to re-engineer our software, which could harm our business.

Our technology platform uses open source software code. Companies that incorporate open source software into their products have, from time to time, faced claims challenging the ownership of open source software. As a result, we could be subject to suits by parties claiming ownership of what we believe to be open source software. In addition, some open source software licenses require users who distribute open source software as part of their software to publicly disclose all or part of the source code in their software and make any derivative works of the open source code available on unfavorable terms or at no cost. Open source license terms may be ambiguous, and many of the risks associated with usage of open source software cannot be eliminated. We believe that our use of open source software is in compliance with the relevant open source software licenses and does not require disclosure of any of our source code. However, if we were found to have inappropriately used open source software, we may be required to release our proprietary source


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code, re-engineer or discontinue use of our software or take other remedial action any or all of which could cause disruptions in, or impose significant costs on, our business.

Damage to our reputation could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

We believe one of our competitive strengths is our strong industry reputation. Various issues may give rise to reputational risk, including issues relating to:

the representation of our business in the media;
the quality and benefits of using our proprietary products, including the reliability and functionality of our transaction-based business and the accuracy of our market data;
the ability to execute our business plan, key initiatives or new business ventures and the ability to keep up with changing customer demands and regulatory initiatives;
our regulatory compliance and our enforcement of compliance on our customers;
the accuracy of our financial statements and other financial and statistical information;
the quality of our corporate governance structure;
the quality of our disclosure controls and internal controls over financial reporting, including any failures in supervision;
the integrity and performance of our computer and communications systems;
security breaches, including any unauthorized delivery of proprietary data to third parties;
management of our outsourcing relationships, including our relationship with FINRA and NFA;
any misconduct or fraudulent activity by our employees, especially senior management, or other persons formerly or currently associated with us;
our listings business and our enforcement of our listing rules; and
any negative publicity surrounding the ETPs that we serve as the listing destination.

Damage to our reputation could cause a reduction in the trading volume of our proprietary products or on our markets or cause us to lose customers. This, in turn, may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

Financial or other problems experienced by third parties could have an adverse effect on our business.

We are exposed to credit risk from third parties, including customers, clearing agents and counterparties. For example, we are exposed to credit risk for transaction fees we bill to customers on a monthly basis in arrears. Our customers and other third parties may default on their obligations to us due to a lack of liquidity, operational failure, bankruptcy or other reasons. For additional credit risks related to our clearinghouse operations, see the Risk Factor “Our clearinghouse operations expose us to associated risks, including credit, liquidity, market and other risks related to the defaults of clearing participants and other counterparties.”

In addition, with respect to orders Cboe Trading routes to other markets for execution on behalf of our customers, Cboe Trading is exposed to counterparty credit risk in the case of failure to perform on the part of our routing and clearing firms that are involved in processing equities and options transactions on our behalf, as well as failure on the part of such brokers to pass back any transactional rebates. Wedbush and Morgan Stanley guarantee equity trades until one day after the trade date, after which time NSCC provides a guarantee. Thus, Cboe Trading is potentially exposed to credit risk to the counterparty to an equity trade routed to another market center between the trade date and one day after the trade date in the event that Wedbush or Morgan Stanley fails to perform. With respect to U.S. listed equity options and futures, we deliver matched trades of our customers to the OCC, which acts as a central counterparty on all transactions occurring on Cboe Options, C2, BZX, EDGX, and CFE and, as such, guarantees clearance and settlement of all of our matched options and futures trades. With respect to Canadian equities, we deliver reports of matched trades of our customers to the CDS, which acts as a central counterparty on all transactions occurring on MATCHNow and, as such, guarantees clearance and settlement of all of our matched Canadian equities trades.

With respect to routed U.S. equity transactions, Cboe Trading has counterparty credit risk exposure to Wedbush and Morgan Stanley related to clearing until the day following the trade date. Cboe Trading uses Wedbush to clear trades routed through affiliates of Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC as well as for trades routed directly to other exchanges and optionally dark pools. Morgan Stanley clears trades routed through the Morgan Stanley routing brokers and also clears executions routed to most dark pools. Cboe Trading maintains counterparty credit risk exposure from routing


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brokers with respect to rebates earned until completion of the routing brokers next invoice cycle following the execution. Additionally, BIDS Trading has counterparty credit risk exposure to BOA related to clearing until the day following the trade date.

With respect to U.S. listed equity and exchange traded product options, Cboe Trading is subject to counterparty credit risk exposure with respect to rebates earned from routing brokers until completion of the routing brokers’ next invoice cycle has completed for an execution.

Our exposure to credit risk may be further impacted by volatile securities markets that may affect the ability of our customers, counterparties and other third parties to satisfy their obligations to us. Moreover, we may not be successful in managing our credit risk through mitigating measures, policies, safeguards and risk management procedures, reporting and control procedures or by maintaining credit standards. Any losses arising from such defaults or other credit losses could materially adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.

While neither Cboe FX nor Cboe SEF has direct counterparty risk, Cboe FX or Cboe SEF may suffer a decrease in transaction volume if a bank or prime broker experiences an event that causes other prime brokers to decrease or revoke the credit available to the prime broker experiencing the event. Therefore, Cboe FX and Cboe SEF may have risk that is related to the credit of the banks and prime brokers that trade spot FX on the Cboe FX platform, or NDFs on Cboe SEF.

We may be required to assume ownership of a position in securities in connection with our order routing service, which could subject us to trading losses when our broker-dealer disposes of that position.

We offer a smart-order routing service through our broker-dealer subsidiary, Cboe Trading, which provides its customers with access to other market centers when we route their orders to those market centers for execution. In connection with this service, we may assume ownership of a position in securities. This may occur, for example, when a market center to which we have routed a customer’s order experiences systemic issues and is unable to determine the status of that order. When this happens, we may make a business decision to provide a cancellation notice to our customer, relieving our customer of any liability with respect to the order. We may be informed later, however, that the order was executed at the market center to which we routed it, in which case Cboe Trading would be required to take ownership of that securities position. Our third party clearing brokers maintain error accounts on behalf of Cboe Trading into which such positions settle, and we require the respective clearing broker to trade out of those positions as expeditiously as possible, which could result in our incurring trading losses.

We may not effectively manage our growth, which could materially harm our business, financial condition and operating results.

We expect that our business will continue to grow, which may place a significant strain on our management, personnel, systems and resources. We must continually improve our operational, financial and regulatory systems and managerial controls and procedures, and may need to continue to expand, train and manage our workforce. We must also maintain close coordination among our technology, legal, accounting, finance, marketing, sales, regulatory and compliance functions. If we fail to manage our growth effectively, our business, financial condition and operating results could be materially harmed. Furthermore, failure to successfully expand into new asset classes or new geographies may materially adversely affect our growth strategy and our future profitability.

Our continued growth will require increased investment by us in technology, facilities, personnel, and financial and management systems and controls. It also will require expansion of our procedures for monitoring and assuring our compliance with applicable regulations, and we will need to integrate, train and manage a growing employee base. The expansion of our existing businesses, any expansion into new businesses and the resulting growth of our employee base will increase our need for internal audit and monitoring processes, which may be more extensive and broader in scope than those we have historically required. We may not be successful in identifying or implementing all of the processes that are necessary. Further, unless our growth results in an increase in our revenues that is proportionally greater than or equal to the increase in our costs associated with this growth, our business, financial condition and operating results may be materially adversely affected.


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We selectively explore acquisition opportunities and strategic alliances relating to other businesses, products or technologies. We may not be successful in integrating other businesses, products or technologies with our business. Any such transaction also may not produce the results we anticipate, which could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and operating results.

We selectively explore and pursue acquisition and other opportunities to strengthen our business and grow our company. We may enter into business combination transactions, make acquisitions or enter into strategic partnerships, joint ventures or alliances, any of which may be material. The market for acquisition targets and strategic alliances is highly competitive, which could make it more difficult to find appropriate merger or acquisition opportunities. If we are required to raise capital by incurring debt or issuing additional equity for any reason in connection with a strategic acquisition or investment, financing may not be available or the terms of such financing may not be favorable to us and our stockholders, whose interests may be diluted by the issuance of additional stock.

For example, in 2020, we purchased Hanweck and the assets of FT Options, which are providers of risk analytics market data, the assets of Trade Alert, a real-time alerts and order flow analysis service provider, EuroCCP, an operator of a European clearinghouse, and MATCHNow, an operator of an equities ATS in Canada. At the end of 2020, we also purchased BIDS Trading, a registered broker-dealer and operator of the BIDS ATS in the U.S., which is not a registered national securities exchange or a facility thereof.

The process of integration may produce unforeseen regulatory issues and operating difficulties and expenditures and may divert the attention of management from the ongoing operation of our business and harm our reputation. We may not successfully achieve the integration objectives, and we may not realize the anticipated cost savings, revenue growth and synergies in full or at all, or it may take longer to realize them than expected, any of which could negatively impact our business, financial condition and operating results. However, the ATS operated by BIDS Trading is not a registered national securities exchange or a facility thereof, as such, Cboe intends to maintain the BIDS ATS as an independently managed and operated trading venue, separate from and not integrated with the Exchanges.

We may be required to inject further capital into OCC or return dividends received back to OCC.

OCC is the sole provider of clearing on all of our options and futures exchanges. In January 2020, upon receipt of SEC approval, OCC established a capital management policy providing that, if OCC’s equity capital falls below certain defined thresholds, OCC can access additional capital through an operational loss fee charged to clearing members. Although Cboe Options does not have a legal or contractual obligation to contribute capital to OCC under OCC’s capital management policy or otherwise, given OCC’s importance to Cboe’s businesses, if OCC were to experience financial difficulties, Cboe Options might nevertheless effectively (but not legally) be required to inject further capital into it in order for OCC to maintain sufficient working or regulatory capital. In a worst-case scenario, OCC might have its regulatory license suspended or withdrawn, or might have to wind down. This may result in a loss to Cboe Options of its investment in OCC and withdrawal of OCC as a clearing house, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results. In addition, while OCC’s new capital management policy is now effective, there remains some degree of uncertainty as to the terms and conditions of the wind-down of OCC’s prior capital plan, under which OCC’s shareholders (including Cboe Options) provided equity capital to OCC and received annual dividends in respect thereof, and which was disapproved by the SEC on February 13, 2019. Depending on the terms on which the prior OCC capital plan is ultimately required to be unwound, Cboe Options could potentially be required to return dividend payments received from OCC during the time the capital plan was in effect.

Risks Relating to Legal and Regulatory Matters

We operate in a highly regulated industry and may be subject to censures, fines and other legal proceedings if we fail to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

Cboe Options, C2, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA are registered national securities exchanges and SROs, and, as such, are subject to comprehensive regulation by the SEC. CFE is a DCM and Cboe SEF is a SEF, each registered with the CFTC and subject to comprehensive regulation by the CFTC. In addition to its other SRO responsibilities, BZX, as a listing market, also is responsible for evaluating applications submitted by issuers interested in listing their securities on BZX and monitoring each issuer’s compliance with BZX’s continued listing standards. Failure to comply with these SRO responsibilities could result in potential sanctions or fines and a negative impact on Cboe’s reputation and/or branding.

Our European businesses are subject to regulatory oversight in the UK by the FCA and in the Netherlands by the DNB and the AFM, which, through the “passporting” regime, provides authorization to carry on business in other Member


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States of the EU and the EEA in accordance with the applicable EU legislation and regulation to which our European business is subject. MATCHNow is subject to regulatory oversight in Canada by the IIROC and the OSC. BIDS Trading is a registered broker-dealer subject to regulatory oversight in the U.S. by the SEC and FINRA and is expected to be maintained as an independently managed and operated trading venue, separate from and not integrated with the SROs. BIDS Trading Chief Executive Officer, Tim Mahoney, is expected to remain in his current role and lead BIDS Trading as an independent business within Cboe, reporting into an independent committee of the Board of Directors of Cboe Global Markets. If a regulatory authority makes a finding of non-compliance, conditional fines could be imposed, and our licenses could be revoked. Any such fine or revocation of a license could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

In addition to the requirements related to operating our U.S. markets imposed by the SEC and the CFTC, we also have certain responsibilities for regulating the TPHs and members that trade on our Exchanges. While we have entered into agreements under which FINRA, with respect to our options and equities exchanges provides certain regulatory services, we retain ultimate responsibility for the regulation of our TPHs and members. We have begun to perform internally more of the regulatory services that FINRA used to handle and now perform internally the regulatory functions that NFA previously handled on behalf of CFE.

Our ability to comply with applicable laws and rules is largely dependent on the establishment and maintenance of appropriate systems and procedures, our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel, the ability of FINRA and OCC to perform under their respective RSAs, the ability of FINRA and OCC to transition to us any other potential responsibilities under their respective RSAs, our ability to complete the new additional responsibilities for regulating our TPHs and members and our oversight of the work done by FINRA and OCC. The SEC and CFTC have broad powers to audit, investigate and enforce compliance and to punish noncompliance by, as applicable, SROs, DCMs and SEFs pursuant to applicable laws, rules and regulations.

If a regulatory authority were to find one of our programs of enforcement or compliance to be deficient, our SROs, DCM, or SEF could be the subject of investigations and enforcement proceedings that may result in substantial sanctions, including revocation of registration as a national securities exchange, DCM, or SEF. Any such investigations or proceedings, whether successful or unsuccessful, could result in substantial costs, the diversion of resources, including management time, and potential harm to our reputation, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results. In addition, our SROs, DCM, or SEF may be required to modify or restructure their regulatory functions in response to any changes in the regulatory environment, or they may be required to rely on third parties to perform regulatory and oversight functions, each of which may require us to incur substantial expenses and may harm our reputation if our regulatory services are deemed inadequate.

In addition, SROs are required by federal law to perform a variety of regulatory functions. In light of these responsibilities, some courts have held that SROs are immune to certain private causes of action relating to the performance of these regulatory functions. There is a risk that some courts may not apply this immunity doctrine to all claims. There is also a risk that legislative or regulatory developments may change the application of this immunity doctrine. Limitations on the application of the immunity doctrine could result in an increased exposure to litigation, and increase liability and/or other legal expenses. Further under the Commodity Exchange Act, CFE and Cboe SEF may be subject to litigation alleging that they have acted in bad faith. We also could be exposed to liability to regulators or other governmental authorities even in situations where immunity would bar a civil claim.

Legislative or regulatory changes affecting our markets could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

Changes in regulation by the SEC, CFTC, FCA, DNB, AFM, IIROC, OSC, foreign regulators or other government action, including SEC approval of rule filings by other SROs or entities, including OCC, could materially affect our markets and clearinghouse. In recent years, the securities and derivatives industries have been subject to regulatory changes as a result of increasing government and public scrutiny of the securities and derivatives industries. We have also experienced, and we may also experience due to the recent elections and changes in administrations in the U.S., an increase in rulemaking and legislation that could affect our business.

Starting in 2015, large U.S. banks were required to use a calculation methodology known as the current exposure method (“CEM”) to compute regulatory capital requirements associated with the clearing guarantee provided by bank-affiliated OCC clearing members. U.S. banks, as well as European banks that also apply CEM, are required to maintain regulatory capital that is disproportionate to the risk of clearing options contracts and has led to further increases in capital requirements for bank holding companies and bank subsidiaries involved in the trading and clearing of derivatives. In


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November 2019, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency approved replacing CEM with a more risk-sensitive calculation method known as the standardized approach to counterparty credit risk (“SA-CCR”), which is expected to reduce capital requirements associated with the clearing of listed options. Banks subject to the November 2019 Final Rule are required to adopt SA-CCR by January 1, 2022 but have been able to do so since April 1, 2020. If the implementation of SA-CCR does not occur earlier than 2022, during that time we may experience a reduction in trading in options and futures due to bank-affiliated clearing members charging their customers more to trade, reducing the type or number of customers or withdrawing from the business of market-maker clearing.

Further, Congress, regulators and some media have been increasingly scrutinizing electronic trading and the structure of equity markets in recent years. The SEC continues to consider various potential market structure changes, which could result in reduced trading volumes, or which could negatively affect our business. To the extent the SEC adopts regulatory changes, our business, financial condition and operating results could be negatively impacted. In addition, high frequency trading has been the subject of private litigation and we are party to one such matter. See Note 24 (“Commitments, Contingencies, and Guarantees—Legal Proceedings”) for more information. To the extent the SEC adopts additional regulatory changes related to market data and access and capacity, our business, financial condition and operating results could be negatively impacted.

In addition, as discussed above, in December 2018, the SEC approved the transaction fee pilot. The transaction fee pilot or a successor may cause Cboe’s equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or challenge the transaction fee pilot or a successor and it may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, shifts in order flow away from exchanges were to occur. On June 16, 2020, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated the transaction fee pilot and remanded it back to the SEC for reconsideration. See “Legal Proceedings” for more information.

Under EU regulations, European banks and other European financial institutions become subject to punitive capital charges if they transact options or futures through a non-qualifying clearinghouse. OCC, our clearinghouse for options and futures, is not currently recognized as a qualified clearinghouse by the EU; however, the OCC is working with the EU to qualify as a foreign clearinghouse equivalent. As a prerequisite to becoming qualified, OCC could be required by the EU to contribute significant capital to its default waterfall applicable in the event of clearing member default. This capital could be required to be drawn before the default fund contributions of non-defaulting clearing members in the event that a defaulting clearing member’s margin and other contributions were to be exhausted. OCC’s stockholders, including Cboe Options, could effectively be required to fund this capital. If the EU does not recognize OCC as a qualified clearinghouse by June 15, 2021 (or by a subsequent date in the event that the current deadline is extended), then European market participants that clear through OCC would become subject to punitive capital charges. As a result, we could experience the loss of a significant number of European market participants and a significant reduction in trading activity on our options and futures markets, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

The implementation of MiFID II and MiFIR in Europe at the beginning of 2018 has encouraged competition among market centers in Europe. MiFID II and MiFIR have introduced a number of new rules, including enhanced internal organizational and compliance monitoring requirements, which apply directly to European trading venues such as our MTF and RM. The impact of MiFID II and MiFIR is significant, and the increased competition among market centers could reduce trading volumes and trading fees, while increasing our costs of operating in Europe. Additionally, European authorities are planning to continue to review MiFID in 2021 as a result of which new rules may come into effect that could have a material impact on our business.

The legislative and regulatory environment in which the spot FX market operates is evolving and has undergone significant changes in the recent past, and there may be future regulatory changes in the spot FX industry. The FX Global Code was published in 2017 and sets forth standards of conduct agreed by market participants and central banks on a global basis to apply to the wholesale FX market, and the effect of its publication on conduct and future regulation continues to evolve. Cboe FX issued a Statement of Commitment declaring its commitment to conduct its FX market activities in a manner consistent with the principles of the FX Global Code. Changes in the interpretation or enforcement of existing laws and regulations by applicable governmental bodies and regulatory organizations, or the adoption of new legal or regulatory requirements, may also adversely affect our spot FX business. Further, our FX NDF business may also be adversely affected by proposed regulatory changes to the rules governing swap execution facilities.  

It is also possible that there will be additional legislative and regulatory changes or efforts in the environment in which we operate our businesses. Actions on any of the specific regulatory issues currently under review in the U.S. or Europe and other proposals could have a material impact on our business.


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In addition, U.S. and foreign legislatures and regulators and other regulatory authorities could impose legislative or regulatory changes that could materially adversely impact the ability of our market participants to use our markets or participate in the securities industry at all. Any such changes could result in the loss of a significant number of market participants or a reduction in trading activity on our markets, either of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results. Changes or proposed changes in regulation may also result in additional costs of compliance and modification of market participants’ trading activity on our Exchanges and markets.

If one or more of the index providers from which we have licenses or service providers with respect to proprietary products fails to maintain the quality and integrity of their indices or fails to perform under our agreements with them or if customer preferences change, or if we fail to maintain the quality and integrity of our proprietary indices, revenues we generate from trading in these proprietary products or the calculation and dissemination of index values may suffer.

We are a party to a number of license agreements pursuant to which we may list for trading securities options on various indices including license agreements that we have with S&P, for the S&P 500, S&P 100 and S&P Select Sectors Indices, DJIA, LSEG and MSCI. These license agreements provide that we are authorized to list products based on their indices, and some of the resulting index options and futures are among the most actively traded products on our exchanges. We also enter into licensing agreements pursuant to which we calculate and disseminate values of proprietary indices. The quality and integrity of each of these indices are dependent on the ability of the index providers, including us, to maintain the index, including by means of the calculation and rebalancing of the index, and are dependent on the index providers for a number of things, including the provision of index data. We also rely on index providers to enforce intellectual property rights against unlicensed uses of the indices and uses of the indices that infringe on our licenses. Furthermore, some of our agreements concerning our proprietary products provide for the parties to those agreements to provide important services to us. If any of our index providers, including us, are unable to maintain the quality and integrity of their indices, or if any of the index providers or service providers fail to perform their obligations under the agreements, trading in these products, and therefore transaction fees we receive, may be materially adversely affected or we may not receive the financial benefits of the agreements that we negotiated.

Any infringement by us on intellectual property rights of others could result in litigation and could have a material adverse effect on our operations.

Our competitors, as well as others, have obtained, or may obtain, patents or may otherwise hold intellectual property rights that are related to our technology or the types of products and services we offer or plan to offer. We may not be aware of all intellectual property that may pose a risk of infringement by our products, services or technologies. In addition, some potential patent applications in the U.S. are confidential until a patent is issued, and therefore we cannot evaluate the extent to which our products, services or technologies may be covered or asserted to be covered in pending patent applications. Thus, we cannot be sure that our products, services or technologies do not infringe on the rights of others or that others will not make claims of infringement against us. Claims of infringement are not uncommon in our industry, and even if we believe that such claims are without merit, they can be time-consuming and costly to defend and divert management resources and attention. If one or more of our products, services or technologies were determined to infringe a patent or other intellectual property right held by another party, we may be required to pay damages, stop using, developing or marketing those products, services or technologies, obtain a license from the intellectual property rights holders, or redesign those products, services or technologies to avoid infringement. If we were required to stop using, developing or marketing certain products, services or technologies, our business, financial condition and operating results could be materially harmed. Moreover, if we were unable to obtain required licenses, we may not be able to redesign our products, services or technologies to avoid infringement, which could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and operating results.

Misconduct by our TPHs, members, participants or others could harm us.

We run the risk that our TPHs, members, participants, other persons who use our markets or our products, other persons for whom we clear transactions, our employees or those with which we have business relationships may engage in fraud, market or product manipulation, or other misconduct, which could result in regulatory and legal sanctions and penalties and serious harm to our reputation, especially because we are the parent company of SROs. It is not always possible to deter misconduct, or market or product manipulation, and the precautions we take to prevent and detect this activity may not be effective in all cases. In addition, misconduct, or market or product manipulation by, or failures of, participants on our or other exchanges may discourage trading on our Exchanges or of our products, which could reduce revenues.


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Potential conflicts of interest between our for-profit status and our regulatory responsibilities may adversely affect our business.

As a for-profit business with regulatory responsibilities, we are responsible for disciplining TPHs and members for violating our rules, including by imposing fines and sanctions. This may create a conflict of interest between our business interests and our regulatory responsibilities. Any failure by us to fulfill our regulatory obligations could significantly harm our reputation, increase regulatory scrutiny or cause the SEC or CFTC to take action against us, all of which could materially adversely affect our business, results of operations or financial condition.

BIDS Trading’s ability to operate under its current regulatory framework is dependent upon the sufficiency of a novel operational and governance framework we have developed to govern our relationship with BIDS Trading and our ability to comply with such framework and if we fail to adhere to such framework or the BIDS Trading ATS is otherwise deemed a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges, our business, financial condition and operating results may be adversely affected.

The U.S. equities ATS operated by BIDS Trading is regulated as a broker-dealer sponsored alternative trading system and not a registered national securities exchange. Because we acquired BIDS Trading, it is now under common ownership with our registered national securities exchanges that, in some cases, offer trading in the same securities as those traded on the BIDS Trading ATS. Absent sufficient separation, this common ownership of an ATS and registered national securities exchanges offering trading in the same securities presents the potential for the BIDS Trading ATS to be deemed a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges. If the BIDS Trading ATS were to be deemed to be a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges, certain exchange regulations could be extended to the BIDS Trading ATS, which could have a material adverse impact on BIDS Trading’s business model. This could reduce the BIDS Trading ATS’ competitiveness and volumes and could result in a reduction of the value of the BIDS Trading ATS to us. This could also potentially result in fines or other penalties being assessed against us for our failure to operate the BIDS Trading ATS as a “facility,” which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

To mitigate the risk that the BIDS Trading ATS is deemed a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges, we have developed and implemented an operational and governance framework for our ownership of BIDS Trading that is intended to preserve the strategic, technological, business, and operational independence of the BIDS Trading ATS from our registered national securities exchange businesses, such that the BIDS Trading ATS and our registered national securities exchanges would not be deemed to be integrated or otherwise linked for “facility” purposes. This framework is supported by highly detailed policies, procedures and controls. However, because of the lack of precedent for common ownership of an ATS and registered national security exchanges offering trading in the same securities, there is risk that our framework and supporting policies, procedures and controls could be deemed to be insufficient to prevent the BIDS Trading ATS from being deemed to be a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges.  In addition, because of the comprehensive and highly detailed nature of our framework and supporting policies, procedures and controls, there is risk that we could inadvertently fail to fully adhere to our operational and governance framework and related policies, procedures and controls. There is also risk that new legislation or regulation, or changes in existing regulation or other government action, relating to “facilities” of registered national securities exchanges and/or the common ownership of an ATS and registered national securities exchanges offering trading in the same securities could materially affect our ability to own and operate the BIDS Trading ATS under the current operational and governance framework, including without the BIDS Trading ATS being deemed a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges. Occurrence of any of the risks described in this paragraph could result in the BIDS Trading ATS being deemed to be a “facility” of our registered national securities exchanges, which could reduce the BIDS Trading ATS’ competitiveness and volumes and could result in a reduction of the value of the BIDS Trading ATS to us, and could also potentially result in fines or other penalties being assessed against us for our failure to operate the BIDS Trading ATS as a “facility,” which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

Brexit could have a negative impact on the UK and EU economies and lead to considerable uncertainty while new treaties are negotiated.

In addition to the economic uncertainty the Brexit Vote, Brexit and expiration of the Transition Period bring, there are a number of potential risks that investors should consider:

Political uncertainty. Following the Brexit Vote, the UK entered into a period of acute political uncertainty both as to the nature and timing of the negotiations with the EU. Such uncertainty led to a high degree of economic and market disruption and legal uncertainty. While some certainty has been established following the EU and UK


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trade deal, which is limited in scope, it is not possible to predict the outcome of future trade negotiations and the impact they will have on the UK in general and markets more broadly.
Legal uncertainty. A significant proportion of English law currently derives from or is designed to operate in concert with EU law. This is especially true of English law relating to financial markets, financial services, prudential and conduct regulation of financial institutions, bank recovery and resolution, payment services and systems, settlement finality, and market infrastructure. This body of European law was formally incorporated into English law prior to the end of the Transition period. However, as the long-term relationship between the UK and EU with respect to financial services is negotiated, significant changes to English law may be required, and we cannot predict what these changes will be and how they may affect our business.
Regulatory uncertainty. Because the EU and UK trade deal does not cover the entire financial sector, there is continued significant uncertainty about how the remaining EU countries (“EU27”) financial institutions with assets (including branches) in the UK and UK financial institutions with assets in the EU27 will be regulated in the future. Prior to Brexit, EU single market regulation allowed regulated financial institutions (including credit institutions, investment firms, alternative investment fund managers, insurance and reinsurance undertakings) to benefit from a passporting system for regulatory authorizations required to conduct their businesses, as well as facilitating mutual rights of access to important elements of market infrastructure such as payment and settlement systems. EU law is also the framework for mutual recognition of bank recovery and resolution regimes.

Once the UK ceased to be a member state of the EU, new restrictions on share trading came into force when trading began on January 4, 2021, preventing EU firms from accessing UK venues in EEA-listed securities. Passporting arrangements ceased to be effective, as did the mutual rights of access to market infrastructure and arrangements for mutual recognition of bank recovery and resolution regimes.

Now that the UK has ceased to be a member state of the EU, the ability of regulated financial institutions to do business between the UK and the EU27 (and the wider EEA) is now subject to the potential development of future separate arrangements between the UK and the EEA. There can be no assurance that there will be any such arrangements concluded and, if they are concluded, on what terms.

Market uncertainty. Since the Brexit Vote and Brexit, there has been volatility and disruption of the capital, currency, exchange rates and credit markets. If this disruption and uncertainty continues, it may adversely impact our business, financial condition and operating results.

In 2020, we derived 9.1% of our total revenues less cost of revenues from our UK operations. Depending on the outcome of the future separate arrangements between the UK and the EEA, companies with operations in the UK may face unfavorable business conditions to access the single market. In preparation for the current situation, Cboe Europe Equities established a regulated entity in the EU in addition to its existing entity in the UK so that it can continue offering its services to customers in both jurisdictions. Since the start of trading on January 4, 2021, the services of this new entity have been used more extensively, because Cboe Europe has seen a shift of almost all trading in EEA instruments from its UK to its EU venue. Similarly, EuroCCP participates in the UK Temporary Recognition Regime for CCP’s allowing it to continue to operate in the UK as a CCP for up to three years after the UK ceases to be a member state of the EU pending permanent recognition under UK domestic law. Nevertheless, if the EU or the UK introduce new legislation that could restrict free competition or access to capital markets, the impact of such legislation could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results.

If our risk management and compliance methods are not effective, our business, financial condition and operating results may be adversely affected.

Our ability to comply with applicable laws and rules is largely dependent on our establishment and maintenance of compliance, risk, audit, and reporting systems and procedures, as well as our ability to attract and retain qualified compliance, risk and audit management personnel. These systems and procedures may not be fully effective. We face the risk of intervention by regulatory authorities, including extensive examination and surveillance activity. In the case of actual or alleged non-compliance with applicable laws or regulations, we could be subject to investigations and judicial or administrative proceedings that may result in penalties, settlements or civil lawsuits, including by customers, or third parties, for damages, which may be substantial. For example, the SEC has previously brought actions against exchange operators, including us, for failing to fulfill their obligations to have an effective regulatory system. Any failure to comply with applicable laws and rules could materially adversely affect our business, reputation, financial condition and operating


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results and, in extreme cases, our ability to conduct our business or portions thereof. As the parent company for SROs, other markets, and a clearinghouse, we are responsible for maintaining markets that comply with securities and futures laws, SEC, FCA, AFM, DNB, IIROC, OSC, ESMA, and CFTC regulations and the rules of the respective exchanges, markets and clearinghouse.

We have methods to identify, monitor and manage our risks. Management of legal, compliance, and regulatory risk, among other risks, requires policies and procedures to properly monitor and manage risk. If our policies, procedures, and compliance systems are not effective or we are not successful in monitoring or evaluating the risks to which we are or may be exposed, our business, reputation, financial condition and operating results could be materially adversely affected. We cannot provide assurance that our policies and procedures will always be effective, or that our management, compliance department, risk department and related enterprise risk management program and internal audit department would be able to identify any such ineffectiveness. If these departments or the enterprise risk program, and related policies and procedures are not effective, we may be subject to monetary or other penalties by our regulators, and our insurance policies may not provide adequate coverage.

Our ability to implement or amend rules could be limited or delayed because of regulation, which could negatively affect our ability to implement needed changes.

Our Exchanges registered with the SEC must submit proposed rule changes to the SEC for its review and, in many cases, its approval. Even where a proposed rule change may be effective upon filing with the SEC, the SEC retains the right to suspend and disapprove such a rule change. Also, the CFTC may stay or disapprove rules that we file with it for CFE or Cboe SEF. The rule review process can be lengthy and can significantly delay the implementation of proposed rule changes that we believe are necessary to the operation of our markets. If the SEC or CFTC delays, including because of a government shutdown, or does not allow one of our Exchanges to implement a rule change, this could negatively affect our ability to make needed changes or implement business activities.

Similarly, the SEC must approve amendments to our exchange subsidiaries’ certificates of incorporation and bylaws as well as certain amendments to the certificate of incorporation and bylaws of Cboe Global Markets. The SEC may decide not to approve a proposed amendment or may delay such approval in a manner that could negatively affect our ability to make a desired change, which could prevent or delay us from improving the operations of our markets or recognize income from new products.

Changes in the tax laws and regulations affecting us, our products and our market participants could have a material adverse effect on our business.

Legislation may be proposed, both domestically and internationally, that could add a transaction tax on our products or change the way that our market participants are taxed on the products they trade on our markets. More recently, a number of federal, state and local jurisdictions in the U.S. and EU Member States have considered a financial transaction tax, but many details remain to be discussed and agreed, including how to assess the tax. If such proposals were to become law, they could have a negative impact on the securities industry and on us by making transactions more costly to market participants, which may reduce trading or clearing and could make our markets less competitive, and they could result in a reduction in volumes and liquidity, which would have a negative impact on our operations.

In addition to proposed tax changes that could affect our market participants, like other corporations, we are subject to taxes at federal, state and local levels, as well as in non-U.S. jurisdictions. Changes in tax laws, regulations or policies or successful claims by tax authorities could result in our having to pay higher taxes, which would in turn reduce our net income. If this occurs, we may experience a higher effective tax rate.

Risks Related to Our Common Stock and Indebtedness

We have outstanding indebtedness, which may decrease our business flexibility and adversely affect our business, financial condition and operating results.

As of December 31, 2020, we had $68.7 million outstanding under our term loan facility, $645.9 million of senior unsecured notes due 2027, $489.3 million of senior unsecured notes due 2030, no funds outstanding under our revolving credit facility and no funds outstanding under the EuroCCP credit facility. The financial and other covenants to which we have agreed and our indebtedness may have the effect of reducing our flexibility to respond to changing business and economic conditions, thereby placing us at a competitive disadvantage compared to competitors that have less indebtedness and making us more vulnerable to general adverse economic and industry conditions. Further, we may


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default on our obligations or violate the covenants, in which case, we may be required to seek a waiver of such default or the debt obligations may be accelerated. A default under any of our indebtedness with cross default provisions could result in a default on our other indebtedness. Our indebtedness will also increase future borrowing costs, and the covenants pertaining thereto may also limit our ability to repurchase shares of our common stock, increase dividends or obtain additional financing to fund working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions or general corporate requirements. We are also required to dedicate a larger portion of our cash flow from operations to payments on our indebtedness, thereby reducing the availability of our cash flow for other purposes, including working capital, capital expenditures and general corporate purposes. Further, a portion of our borrowings are at variable rates of interest, which exposes us to the risk of increased interest rates unless we enter into offsetting hedging transactions.

Our ability to make payments on and to refinance our debt obligations and to fund planned capital expenditures depend on our ability to generate cash from our operations. This, to a certain extent, is subject to general economic, financial, competitive, legislative, regulatory and other factors that are beyond our control.

We may not be able to refinance any of our indebtedness on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. If we cannot service our indebtedness, we may have to take actions such as selling assets, seeking additional equity or reducing or delaying capital expenditures, strategic acquisitions, investments and alliances, any of which could impede the implementation of our business strategy or prevent us from entering into transactions that would otherwise benefit our business. Additionally, we may not be able to affect such actions, if necessary, on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. Any of the foregoing consequences could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and operating results.

Deterioration in our credit profile may increase our costs of borrowing money.

As of December 31, 2020, we have investment grade credit ratings from S&P Global Ratings (A-) and Moody’s Investor Service (A3). Ratings from credit agencies are not recommendations to buy, sell or hold our securities, and each rating should be evaluated independently of any other rating. There is no assurance that we will maintain such credit ratings, since credit ratings may be lowered or withdrawn entirely by a rating agency if, in its judgment, the circumstances warrant. If a rating agency were to downgrade our rating below investment grade, our borrowing costs could increase.

If our goodwill, long-lived assets, investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and intangible assets become impaired, the resulting charge to earnings may be significant.

We are required to assess investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and intangible assets for impairment at least annually. Goodwill impairment testing is performed annually in the fiscal fourth quarter or more frequently if conditions exist that indicate that the asset may be impaired. In the future, we may take charges against earnings resulting from impairment. Any determination requiring the write-off of a significant portion of our goodwill, long-lived assets, intangible assets or investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries could materially adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.

Any decision to pay dividends on our common stock is at the discretion of our board of directors and depends upon the earnings and cash flow of our operating subsidiaries. Accordingly, there can be no guarantee that we will pay dividends to our stockholders.

Any decision to pay dividends on our common stock in the future will be at the discretion of our board of directors, which may determine not to declare dividends at all or at a reduced amount. The board’s determination to declare dividends will depend upon our profitability and financial condition, contractual restrictions, restrictions imposed by applicable law and the SEC and other factors that the board deems relevant. As a holding company with no significant business operations of its own, Cboe Global Markets depends entirely on distributions, if any, it may receive from its subsidiaries to meet its obligations and pay dividends to its stockholders. If these subsidiaries are not profitable, or even if they are and they determine to retain their profits for use in their businesses, we will be unable to pay dividends to our stockholders.


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Certain provisions in our organizational documents and governing law could prevent or delay a change of control.

Our organizational documents contain provisions that could block actions that stockholders might find favorable, including discouraging, delaying or preventing a change of control or any unsolicited acquisition proposals for us. These include provisions:

prohibiting stockholders from acting by written consent;
requiring advance notice of director nominations and of business to be brought before a meeting of stockholders; and
limiting the persons who may call special stockholders’ meetings.

In addition, our organizational documents include provisions that:

restrict any person from voting or causing the voting of shares of stock representing more than 20% of our outstanding voting capital stock; and
restrict any person from beneficially owning shares of stock representing more than 20% of the outstanding shares of our capital stock.

Furthermore, our board of directors has the authority to issue shares of preferred stock in one or more series and to fix the rights and preferences of these shares without stockholder approval. Any series of our preferred stock is likely to be senior to our common stock with respect to dividends, liquidation rights and, possibly, voting rights. The ability of the board of directors to issue preferred stock also could have the effect of discouraging unsolicited acquisition proposals, thus materially adversely affecting the market price of our common stock.

Delaware law makes it difficult for stockholders that have recently acquired a large interest in a corporation to cause the merger or acquisition of the corporation against the board’s wishes. Under Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, a Delaware corporation may not engage in any merger or other business combination with an interested stockholder for a period of three years following the date that the stockholder became an interested stockholder except in limited circumstances, including by approval of the corporation’s board of directors.

Furthermore, the European countries where we operate regulated entities, such as the UK and Netherlands, may require prior governmental approval before an investor acquires 10% or more of the outstanding shares of our common stock.

Item 1B.Unresolved Staff Comments

Not applicable.


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Item 2.Properties

The Company is headquartered in Chicago with a network of domestic and global offices across the Americas, Europe and Asia, including main hubs in New York, London, Kansas City and Amsterdam. Our principal properties are listed in the table below:





Lease Expiration

Approximate Size

400 South La Salle Street,

Chicago, Illinois

Global headquarters, trading floor and office space



300,000 sq. ft.

433 W. Van Buren Street,

Chicago, Illinois

Planned new global headquarters and office space


August 2035

185,000 sq. ft.

8050 Marshall Drive,

Lenexa, Kansas

Office space


February 2027, with two 5 year renewal options

62,000 sq. ft.

8050 Marshall Drive,

Lenexa, Kansas

Office space


May 2023

18,500 sq. ft.

141 W. Jackson Boulevard,

Chicago, Illinois

Planned new trading floor and office space


October 2032

40,000 sq. ft.

17 State Street,

New York, New York

Office space


April 2024, with one 5 year renewal option

22,000 sq. ft.

11 Monument Street,

London, United Kingdom

Principal UK office space


March 2022, with one 5 year renewal option

10,400 sq. ft.

Strawinskylaan 1847

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Office space


August 2023

8,000 sq. ft.

*Through our wholly-owned subsidiary, Cboe Building Corporation, we own the building in which our principal officers are located and occupy approximately 300,000 square feet of this building. The building is currently classified as held for sale.

We believe that our properties are in good operating condition and adequately serve our current business operations. Generally, our properties are not earmarked for use by a particular segment. Instead, most of our properties are used by two or more segments. We also anticipate that suitable additional or alternative space will be available at commercially reasonable terms for future expansion to the extent necessary.

Our disaster recovery sites in the United States are located in Chicago, Illinois, Kansas City, Missouri, and Secaucus, New Jersey. In addition, we have agreements with a primary data center in Secaucus, New Jersey and a secondary data center in Chicago, Illinois. In Europe, our primary data center is in Slough, England. The secondary data center for Cboe Europe is in Park Royal, London. We operate a back-up location for our London operations in the United Kingdom.

See Note 8 (“Property and Equipment, Net”) and Note 25 (“Leases”) of the consolidated financial statements included herein for further information.

Item 3.Legal Proceedings

Cboe incorporates herein by reference the discussion set forth in Note 22 (“Income Taxes”) and Note 24 (“Commitments, Contingencies, and Guarantees”) of the consolidated financial statements included herein.

Transaction Fee Pilot

In December 2018, the SEC approved a transaction fee pilot in national market system (“NMS”) stocks (the “pilot”). The pilot will subject stock exchange transaction fee pricing, including maker-taker fee-and-rebate pricing models, to new temporary pricing restrictions across two test groups, and require the exchanges to prepare data to be submitted to the SEC. The pilot includes a test group that will prohibit rebates and linked pricing, as well as a test group that will impose a cap of $0.0010 for removing or providing displayed liquidity. Once commenced, the pilot will last for up to two years with an automatic sunset at one year unless extended by the SEC. On February 15, 2019, the Company filed a Petition for Review in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (the “D.C. Circuit”) asserting the pilot is unlawful. The pilot was published in the Federal Register on February 20, 2019 and was scheduled to become effective on April 22, 2019. On


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March 28, 2019, the SEC granted a partial stay of the pilot, agreeing to delay implementing its fee-and-rebate and data-publication requirements until after the D.C. Circuit decides the pending challenges. The data-gathering requirement of the pilot’s pre-pilot period remains in effect. On May 21, 2019, the SEC issued its notice to announce the effective period for the pre-pilot, which was designated as July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. On June 3, 2019, the Company, along with other equities exchanges, filed an opening brief with the D.C. Circuit. The SEC filed its opening brief with the D.C. Circuit on July 25, 2019, the exchanges’ reply brief was filed on August 26, 2019 and final briefs were filed on September 10, 2019. Oral arguments were held on October 11, 2019. On June 16, 2020, the D.C. Circuit granted the Petition for Review, vacated the pilot and remanded the matter back to the SEC for reconsideration. The SEC did not file a petition for writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court by November 13, 2020. The matter is now concluded.

Consolidated Data Plans

On May 6, 2020, the SEC issued a final order (the “Consolidated Data Plan Order”) that would require U.S. equities exchanges and FINRA to develop and file a new consolidated data plan (the “Plan”) that would replace the three current U.S. equities tape data plans and require certain governance provisions, such as changes to the voting structure. Pursuant to the Consolidated Data Plan Order, the Company and the other U.S. equities exchanges and FINRA are required to file the proposed Plan for public comment before the SEC takes any definitive action on such new plan. Until and if the SEC approves a new plan, the current data plans will continue to govern. On June 29, 2020, the Company filed a Petition for Review in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (the “D.C. Circuit”) asserting the Consolidated Data Plan Order is unlawful. On October 14, 2020, the D.C. Circuit issued an order setting forth a briefing schedule and briefing will conclude on March 12, 2021. The Consolidated Data Plan Order may cause the Company’s equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or challenge the Consolidated Data Plan Order and it may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, there is a negative impact on the market data fees the Company’s equities exchanges are able to charge. The Company intends to litigate the matter vigorously.

Market Data Infrastructure Rule

On December 9, 2020, the SEC issued a Market Data Infrastructure Final Rule, which makes significant additions to the content available on the Securities Information Processors (“SIPs”) and replaces the exclusive processors with a competing consolidator model. On February 5, 2021, the Company, along with other equity exchanges, filed: (1) a Motion to Stay of the Market Data Infrastructure Rule with the SEC, and (2) a Petition for Review in the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (the “D.C. Circuit”). The implementation of the new rules could cause Cboe’s equities exchanges, BZX, BYX, EDGX, and EDGA, to require additional resources to comply with or to challenge the new rules and they may have a material impact on our business, financial condition and operating results if, for example, there are lower SIP plan revenues or we must reduce the fees we charge for market data. The Company intends to litigate the matter vigorously.

Item 4.Mine Safety Disclosures

Not applicable.


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Item 5.

Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

Common Stock

The Company’s common stock is listed on Cboe BZX under the trading symbol CBOE. As of January 29, 2021, there were approximately 136 holders of record of our common stock.


Each share of common stock, including restricted stock awards and restricted stock units, is entitled to receive dividend and dividend equivalents, respectively, if, as and when declared by the board of directors of the Company.

The Company’s expectation is to continue to pay dividends. The decision to pay a dividend, however, remains within the discretion of the Company's board of directors and may be affected by various factors, including our earnings, financial condition, capital requirements, level of indebtedness and other considerations our board of directors deems relevant. Future debt obligations and statutory provisions, among other things, may limit, or in some cases prohibit, our ability to pay dividends.

As a holding company, the Company’s ability to declare and continue to pay dividends in the future with respect to its common stock will also be dependent upon the ability of its subsidiaries to pay dividends to it under applicable corporate law.

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities

Not applicable.

Use of Proceeds

Not applicable.

Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers

Share Repurchase Program

In 2011, the board of directors approved an initial authorization for the Company to repurchase shares of its outstanding common stock of $100 million and approved additional authorizations of $100 million in each of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, $150 million in February 2018, $100 million in August 2018, $250 million in October 2019, and $250 million in June 2020, for a total authorization of $1.4 billion. The Company expects to fund repurchases primarily through the use of existing cash balances. The program permits the Company to purchase shares through a variety of methods, including in the open market or through privately negotiated transactions, in accordance with applicable securities laws. It does not obligate the Company to make any repurchases at any specific time or situation.

Under the program, for the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company repurchased 3,534,115 shares of common stock at an average cost per share of $98.78, totaling $349.1 million. Since inception of the program through December 31, 2020, the Company has repurchased 17,250,124 shares of common stock at an average cost per share of $66.66, totaling $1.1 billion.


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As of December 31, 2020, the Company had $200.1 million of availability remaining under its existing share repurchase authorizations.

Total Number of

Approximate Dollar

Shares Purchased

Value of Shares that May

as Part of Publicly

Yet Be Purchased Under

Total Number of

Average Price

Announced Plans

the Plans or Programs



Shares Purchased


Paid per Share


or Programs


(in millions)

October 1 to October 31, 2020







November 1 to November 30, 2020





December 1 to December 31, 2020










Purchase of common stock from employees

During the fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2020, we purchased shares from employees in connection with the settlement of employee tax withholding obligations arising from the vesting of restricted stock units, restricted stock awards, and stock options. The table below represents repurchases made by or on behalf of us or any “affiliated purchaser” of our common stock during the fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2020:

Total number of shares

Average price paid



per share

October 1 to October 31, 2020


November 1 to November 30, 2020



December 1 to December 31, 2020




Stockholder Return Performance Graph

The following graph compares the cumulative total return provided to stockholders on our common stock since our initial public offering against the return of the S&P 500 Index and a customized peer group that includes CME Group Inc., Intercontinental Exchange Inc., and Nasdaq, Inc.


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An investment of $100, with reinvestment of all dividends, is assumed to have been made in our common stock, the index and the peer groups on December 31, 2015, and its performance is tracked on an annual basis through December 31, 2020.

Comparison of Cumulative Total Return of the

Company, Peer Groups, Industry Indices and/or Broad Markets


Among Cboe Global Markets, Inc., the S&P 500 Index

and a Peer Group








Cboe Global Markets, Inc.







S&P 500







Peer Group








Table of Contents

Item 6.Selected Financial Data

The following selected financial and operating data should be read in conjunction with "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and our consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes included in Items 7 and 8, respectively of this Form 10-K. The information set forth below is not necessarily indicative of our future results for any period. We completed the acquisition of Bats during 2017 and included the financial results of Bats in our consolidated financial results from March 1, 2017. Additionally, the below tables include results of other acquisitions from the effective date of each acquisition.