EX-4.2 5 exhibit4-2.htm STOCK OPTION PLAN OF THE COMPANY DATED JUNE 2, 2005 Filed by Automated Filing Services Inc. (604) 609-0244 - Tatmar Ventures Inc. - Exhibit 4.2








1.1           DEFINITIONS

As used herein, unless anything in the subject matter or context is inconsistent therewith, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

Administrator” means such director or other senior officer or employee of the Company as may be designated as Administrator by the Board from time to time;

Award Date” means the date on which the Board grants and announces a particular Option;

Board” means the board of directors of the Company;

Company” means Tatmar Ventures Inc. and any subsidiary thereof, (within the meaning of the Securities Act), as the context may apply;

Consultant” means an individual (or a company wholly owned by the individual) who (i) provides ongoing consulting, technical, management or other services to the Company (excluding services provided in relation to a distribution of the Company’s securities); (ii) possesses technical, business or management expertise of value to the Company; (iii) provides the services under a written contract with the Company; (iv) spends a significant amount of time and attention to the business and affairs of the Company; and (v) has a relationship with the Company that enables the individual to be knowledgeable about the business and affairs of the Company;

Director” means directors, senior officers and Management Company Employees of the Company;

Employee” means (i) an individual considered an employee under the Income Tax Act, Canada (i.e. for whom income tax and other deductions are made by the Company); (ii) an individual who works full-time for the Company providing services normally provided by an employee of the Company but for whom income tax and other deductions are not made by the Company; and (iii) an individual who works for the Company on a continuing and regular basis for a minimum amount of time per week, but for whom income tax and other deductions are not made by the Company;

Exchange” means the TSX Venture Exchange;

Exercise Notice” means the notice respecting the exercise of an Option, forming part of the Option Certificate;

Exercise Period” means the period during which a particular Option may be exercised, being the period from and including the Award Date through to and including the Expiry Date;

Exercise Price” means the price at which an Option may be exercised as determined in accordance with section 3.6;

Expiry Date” means the date determined in accordance with section 3.3 and after which a particular Option cannot be exercised;

Insider” means a Director, a director or senior officer of a company that is an Insider or subsidiary of the Company, or a person that beneficially owns or controls, directly or indirectly, voting shares carrying more than 10% of the voting rights attached to all outstanding voting shares of the Company;


Investor Relations Activities” has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Exchange’s corporate finance manual;

Management Company Employee” means an individual employed by a company providing management services to the Company, which are required for the ongoing successful operation of the business enterprise of the Company, but excluding a person engaged in Investor Relations Activities;

Option” means an option to acquire Shares, awarded to a Director, Employee or Consultant pursuant to the Plan;

Option Certificate” means the certificate, substantially in the form set out as Schedule “A” hereto, evidencing an Option;

Option Holder” means a current or former Director, Employee or Consultant who holds an unexercised and unexpired Option or, where applicable, the Personal Representative of such person;

Personal Representative” means (i) in the case of a deceased Option Holder, the executor or administrator of the deceased duly appointed by a court or public authority having jurisdiction to do so; and (ii) in the case of an Option Holder who for any reason is unable to manage his or her affairs, the person entitled by law to act on behalf of such Option Holder;

Plan” means this stock option plan;

Securities Act” means the Securities Act (British Columbia); and

Share” or “Shares” means, as the case may be, one or more common shares without par value in the capital of the Company.

1.2           CHOICE OF LAW

The Plan is established under, and the provisions of the Plan shall be interpreted and construed solely in accordance with, the laws of the Province of British Columbia.

1.3           HEADINGS

The headings used herein are for convenience only and are not to affect the interpretation of the Plan.


2.1           PURPOSE

The purpose of the Plan is to provide the Company with a Share-related mechanism to attract, retain and motivate Directors, Employees and Consultants, to reward such of those persons by the grant of options under the Plan by the Board from time to time for their contributions toward the long term goals of the Company and to enable and encourage such persons to acquire Shares as long term investments.

2.2           PARTICIPATION

The Board shall, from time to time, in its sole discretion determine those Directors, Employees and Consultants, if any, to whom Options are to be awarded. If the Board elects to award an Option to a Director, the Board shall, in its sole discretion but subject to section 3.2, determine the number of Shares


to be acquired on the exercise of such Option. If the Board elects to award an Option to an Employee or Consultant, the number of Shares to be acquired on the exercise of such Option shall be determined by the Board in its sole discretion, and in so doing the Board may take into account the following criteria:


the person’s remuneration as at the Award Date in relation to the total remuneration payable by the Company to all of its Employees and Consultants as at the Award Date;


the length of time that the person has provided services to the Company; and


the nature and quality of work performed by the person.


Following the approval by the Board of the awarding of an Option, the Administrator shall notify the Option Holder in writing of the award and shall enclose with such notice the Option Certificate representing the Option so awarded.

2.4           COPY OF PLAN

Each Option Holder, concurrently with the notice of the award of the Option, shall be provided with a copy of this Plan. A copy of any amendment to the Plan shall be promptly provided by the Administrator to each Option Holder.

2.5           LIMITATION

This Plan does not give any Option Holder who is a Director the right to serve or continue to serve as a Director, nor does it give any Option Holder who is an Employee or Consultant the right to be or to continue to be employed or engaged by the Company.



The Shares to be issued to Option Holders upon the exercise of Options shall be allotted and authorized for issuance by the Board prior to the exercise thereof.

3.2           NUMBER OF SHARES

The maximum number of Shares issuable under the Plan shall not exceed 10% of the number of Shares of the Company issued and outstanding as of each Award Date, inclusive of all Shares presently reserved for issuance pursuant to previously granted stock options, unless shareholder approval is obtained in advance in accordance with section 6.5 hereof.

Options that have been cancelled or that have expired without being exercised in full shall continue to be issuable under the Plan.

3.3           TERM OF OPTION

Subject to section 3.5, the Expiry Date of an Option shall be the date so fixed by the Board at the time the particular Option is awarded, provided that such date shall not be later than:


for so long as the Company is classified as a Tier 2 issuer or equivalent designation of the


Exchange, the fifth anniversary of the Award Date of the Option; or


if the classification of the Company on the Exchange is upgraded to that of a Tier 1 issuer, or the Shares are no longer listed on the Exchange, the tenth anniversary of the Award Date of the Option.

3.4           LIMITATIONS

The total number of Options awarded, in any twelve month period, to any one individual shall not exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding Shares of the Company at the Award Date (unless the Company is at the time a Tier 1 issuer and has obtained disinterested shareholder approval).

The total number of Options awarded, in any twelve month period, to any one Consultant for the Company shall not exceed 2% of the issued and outstanding Shares of the Company at the Award Date without consent being obtained from the Exchange.

The total number of Options awarded, in any twelve month period, to all persons employed by the Company who perform Investor Relations Activities for the Company shall not exceed 2% of the issued and outstanding Shares of the Company calculated at the Award Date, without consent being obtained from the Exchange.


An Option Holder may exercise an Option in whole or in part at any time or from time to time during the Exercise Period provided that, with respect to the exercise of part of an Option, the Board may at any time and from time to time fix limits, vesting requirements or restrictions in respect of which an Option Holder may exercise part of any Option held by him. Any Option or part thereof not exercised within the Exercise Period shall terminate and become null, void and of no effect as of 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the Expiry Date. The Expiry Date of an Option shall be the earlier of the date so fixed by the Board on the Award Date referred to in section 3.3 above, and the date established, if applicable, in subsections (a) to (c) below.




In the event that the Option Holder should die while he or she is still (i) a Director or Employee, (other than an Employee performing Investor Relations Activities) the Expiry Date shall be 12 months from the date of death of the Option Holder; or (ii) a Consultant, or an Employee performing Investor Relations Activities, the Expiry Date shall be one month from the date of death of the Option Holder.


Ceasing to Hold Office


In the event that the Option Holder holds his or her Option as a Director and such Option Holder ceases to be a Director of the Company other than by reason of death, the Expiry Date of the Option shall be the 90th day following the date the Option Holder ceases to be a Director of the Company unless the Option Holder continues to be engaged by the Company as an Employee or Consultant, in which case the Expiry Date shall remain unchanged. However, if the Option Holder ceases to be a Director of the Company as a result of:


ceasing to meet the qualifications set forth in s.124 of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia); or


a special resolution having been passed by the members of the Company pursuant to


subsection 128(3) of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia),

then the Expiry Date shall be the date the Option Holder ceases to be a Director of the Company.


Ceasing to be Employed


In the event that the Option Holder holds his or her Option as an Employee or Consultant of the Company (other than an Employee or Consultant performing Investor Relations Activities) and such Option Holder ceases to be an Employee or Consultant of the Company other than by reason of death, the Expiry Date of the Option shall be the 30th day following the date the Option Holder ceases to be an Employee or Consultant of the Company unless the Option Holder ceases to be such as a result of:


termination for cause; or


an order of the British Columbia Securities Commission, the Exchange, or any regulatory body having jurisdiction to so order,


in which case the Expiry Date shall be the date the Option Holder ceases to be an Employee or Consultant of the Company.


Ceasing to Perform Investor Relations Activities


Notwithstanding the paragraph (c) immediately above, in the event that the Option Holder holds his or her Option as an Employee or Consultant of the Company who provides Investor Relations Activities on behalf of the Company, and such Option Holder ceases to be an Employee or Consultant of the Company other than by reason of death, the Expiry Date shall be the date the Option Holder ceases to be an Employee or Consultant of the Company.

3.6           EXERCISE PRICE

The Exercise Price shall be that price per Share, as determined by the Board in its sole discretion, and announced as of the Award Date, at which an Option Holder may purchase a Share upon the exercise of an Option, provided that it shall not be less than the closing price of the Company’s Shares traded through the facilities of the Exchange (or, if the Shares are no longer listed for trading on the Exchange, then such other exchange or quotation system on which the Shares are listed or quoted for trading) on the day preceding the Award Date, less any discount permitted by the Exchange, or such other price as may be required or permitted by the Exchange.


Options may not be assigned or transferred, and all Option Certificates will be so legended, provided however that the Personal Representatives of an Option Holder may, to the extent permitted by section 4.1, exercise the Option within the Exercise Period.

3.8           ADJUSTMENTS

If prior to the complete exercise of any Option the Shares are consolidated, subdivided, converted, exchanged or reclassified or in any way substituted for (collectively the “Event”), the Option, to the extent that it has not been exercised, shall be adjusted by the Board in accordance with such Event in the manner the Board deems appropriate. No fractional Shares shall be issued upon the exercise of the Options and accordingly, if as a result of the Event an Option Holder would become entitled to a fractional share, such Option Holder shall have the right to purchase only the next lowest whole number


of shares and no payment or other adjustment will be made with respect to the fractional interest so disregarded. Additionally, no lots of Shares in an amount less than 500 Shares shall be issued upon the exercise of the Options unless such amount of Shares represents the balance left to be exercised under the Options.


The Board may, at the time an Option is awarded or upon renegotiation of the same, attach restrictions relating to the exercise of the Option, including vesting provisions. Any such restrictions shall be recorded on the applicable Option Certificate.

Notwithstanding the above, Options issued to Consultants performing Investor Relations Activities must vest in stages over at least twelve months with not more than one-quarter of the Options vesting in any three month period.

3.10           REPRESENTATIONS

For Options granted to Employees, Consultants or Management Company Employees, the Company will represent that the Option Holder is a bona fide Employee, Consultant or Management Company Employee, as the case may be.


4.1           EXERCISE OF OPTION

An Option may be exercised only by the Option Holder or his Personal Representative. An Option Holder or his Personal Representative may exercise an Option in whole or in part, subject to any applicable exercise restrictions, at any time or from time to time during the Exercise Period up to 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the Expiry Date by delivering to the Administrator an Exercise Notice, the applicable Option Certificate and a certified cheque or bank draft payable to the Company in an amount equal to the aggregate Exercise Price of the Shares to be purchased pursuant to the exercise of the Option.


As soon as practicable following the receipt of the Exercise Notice, the Administrator shall cause to be delivered to the Option Holder a certificate for the Shares so purchased. If the number of Shares so purchased is less than the number of Shares subject to the Option Certificate surrendered, the Administrator shall forward a new Option Certificate to the Option Holder concurrently with delivery of the aforesaid share certificate for the balance of the Shares available under the Option.

4.3           CONDITION OF ISSUE

The issue of Shares by the Company pursuant to the exercise of an Option is subject to this Plan and compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of all regulatory bodies applicable to the issuance and distribution of such Shares and to the listing requirements of any stock exchange or exchanges on which the Shares may be listed. The Option Holder agrees to comply with all such laws, rules and regulations and agrees to furnish to the Company any information, report and/or undertakings required to comply with and to fully cooperate with the Company in complying with such laws, rules and regulations.



An Option Holder who performs Investor Relations Activities shall provide written notice to the Board of each of his trades of securities of the Company, within five business days of each trade.


5.1           ADMINISTRATION

The Plan shall be administered by the Board, or an Administrator on the instructions of the Board or such committee of the Board formed in respect of matters relating to the Plan. The Board or such committee may make, amend and repeal at any time and from time to time such regulations not inconsistent with this Plan as it may deem necessary or advisable for the proper administration and operation of this Plan and such regulations shall form part of this Plan. The Board may delegate to the Administrator or any Director, Employee or officer of the Company such administrative duties and powers as it may see fit.

5.2           INTERPRETATION

The interpretation by the Board or its authorized committee of any of the provisions of this Plan and any determination by it pursuant thereto shall be final and conclusive and shall not be subject to any dispute by any Option Holder. No member of the Board or any person acting pursuant to authority delegated by the Board hereunder shall be liable for any action or determination in connection with this Plan made or taken in good faith and each member of the Board and each such person shall be entitled to indemnification with respect to any such action or determination in the manner provided for by the Company.



Prior to its implementation by the Company, this Plan is subject to the receipt of approval by the shareholders of the Company at a general meeting, and approval of the Exchange.


Subject to applicable regulatory approval, the Board may from time to time amend this Plan and the terms and conditions of any Option thereafter to be awarded and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may make such amendments for the purpose of meeting any changes in any relevant law, Exchange policy, rule or regulation applicable to this Plan, any Option or the Shares, or for any other purpose which may be permitted by all relevant laws, rules and regulations, provided always that any such amendment shall not alter the terms or conditions of any Option or impair any right of any Option Holder pursuant to any Option awarded prior to such amendment.


Subject to applicable regulatory approval, the Board may from time to time retroactively amend this Plan and may also, with the consent of the affected Option Holders, retroactively amend the terms and conditions of any Options which have been previously awarded.



With the consent of affected Option Holders, the Board may amend the terms of any outstanding Option so as to reduce the number of optioned Shares, increase the Exercise Price, or cancel an Option without Exchange approval. Any other amendment will be subject to receiving prior Exchange approval.


This Plan must be approved by the Company’s shareholders annually, at a duly called meeting of the shareholders. Disinterested shareholder approval (as defined in Exchange policy) will be required for: (i) any reduction in the exercise price of Options granted to insiders, if the Option Holder is an insider of the Company at the time of the proposed amendment; and (ii) the situations where the Plan, together with all other outstanding options could result at any time in:


the number of shares reserved for issuance under stock options granted to insiders exceeding 10% of the Company’s issued Shares;


the grant to insiders, within a 12 month period, of a number of options exceeding 10% of the Company’s issued Shares; or


if the Company becomes a Tier 1 issuer on the Exchange, the issuance to any one Option Holder, within a 12 month period, of a number of Shares exceeding 5% of the Company’s Shares.

6.6           TERMINATION

The Board may terminate this Plan at any time provided that such termination shall not alter the terms or conditions of any Option or impair any right of any Option Holder pursuant to any Option awarded prior to the date of such termination and notwithstanding such termination the Company, such Options and such Option Holders shall continue to be governed by the provisions of this Plan.

6.7           AGREEMENT

The Company and every person to whom an Option is awarded hereunder shall be bound by and subject to the terms and conditions of this Plan.



Schedule A




This certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Tatmar Ventures Inc. (the “Company”) Stock Option Plan (the “Plan”) and evidences that ________________________________ (Name of Optionee) is the holder of an option (the “Option”) to purchase up to _________________ (Number of Shares) common shares (the “Shares”) in the capital stock of the Company at a purchase price of $
_________ per Share. Subject to the provisions of the Plan:


the Award Date of this Option is ____________________________ (insert date of grant); and


the Expiry Date of this Option is ____________________________ (insert date of expiry).

Additional Vesting or Other Restrictions: (insert as applicable)



This Option may be exercised in accordance with its terms at any time and from time to time from and including the Award Date through to and including up to 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the Expiry Date, by delivering to the Company an Exercise Notice, in the form attached, together with this certificate and a certified cheque or bank draft payable to the Company in an amount equal to the aggregate of the Exercise Price of the Shares in respect of which this Option is being exercised.

This certificate and the Option evidenced hereby is not assignable, transferable or negotiable and is subject to the detailed terms and conditions contained in the Plan. This certificate is issued for convenience only and in the case of any dispute with regard to any matter in respect hereof, the provisions of the Plan and the records of the Company shall prevail.

Signed this _________ day of  _____________________, 20_____.

Tatmar Ventures Inc.
by its authorized signatory:




To: The Administrator, Stock Option Plan
  TATMAR VENTURES INC. (the “Company”)


The undersigned hereby irrevocably gives notice, pursuant to the Company’s Stock Option Plan (the “Plan”), of the exercise of the Option to acquire and hereby subscribes for (cross out non-applicable item):


all of the Shares; or


__________________ of the Shares, which are the subject of the Option Certificate attached hereto.

Calculation of total Exercise Price:

  (i) number of Shares to be acquired on exercise: ____________ Shares
  (ii) multiplied by the Exercise Price per Share: $___________
  TOTAL EXERCISE PRICE, enclosed herewith: $___________

The undersigned tenders herewith a certified cheque or bank draft in an amount equal to the total Exercise Price of the aforesaid Shares, as calculated above, and directs the Company to issue the share certificate evidencing said Shares in the name of the undersigned to be mailed to the undersigned at the following address:




DATED the ______day of _____________________, 20___.

  Signature of Option Holder
  Name of Option Holder (please print)