N-CSRS 1 d906080dncsrs.htm BLACKROCK HEALTH SCIENCES TRUST BlackRock Health Sciences Trust



Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number:  811-21702

Name of Fund:    BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)

Fund Address:    100 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809

Name and address of agent for service: John M. Perlowski, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock Health Sciences Trust, 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 882-0052, Option 4

Date of fiscal year end: 12/31/2020

Date of reporting period: 06/30/2020

Item 1 – Report to Stockholders



LOGO   JUNE 30, 2020



2020 Semi-Annual Report



BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)

BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund, Inc. (CII)

BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)

BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)

BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)

BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)

BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)

BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)

BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of each Trust’s shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from BlackRock or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.

You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you hold accounts directly with BlackRock, you can call Computershare at (800) 699-1236 to request that you continue receiving paper copies of your shareholder reports. If you hold accounts through a financial intermediary, you can follow the instructions included with this disclosure, if applicable, or contact your financial intermediary to request that you continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. Please note that not all financial intermediaries may offer this service. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds advised by BlackRock Advisors, LLC or its affiliates, or all funds held with your financial intermediary, as applicable.

If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive electronic delivery of shareholder reports and other communications by contacting your financial intermediary, if you hold accounts through a financial intermediary. Please note that not all financial intermediaries may offer this service.


Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • No Bank Guarantee

Supplemental Information  (unaudited)


Section 19(a) Notices

BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust’s (BGR), BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund, Inc.’s (CII), BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust’s (BDJ), BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust’s (BOE), BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust’s (BGY), BlackRock Health Sciences Trust’s (BME), BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II’s (BMEZ), BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust’s (BCX), BlackRock Science and Technology Trust’s (BST), BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II’s (BSTZ) and BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust’s (BUI) (each, a “Trust” and collectively, the “Trusts”), amounts and sources of distributions reported are estimates and are being provided to you pursuant to regulatory requirements and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources for tax reporting purposes will depend upon each Trust’s investment experience during the remainder of its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. Each Trust will provide a Form 1099-DIV each calendar year that will tell you how to report these distributions for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

June 30, 2020


    Total Fiscal Year to Date
Cumulative Distributions by Character
    Percentage of Fiscal Year to Date
Cumulative Distributions by Character





Net Realized

Capital Gains



Net Realized

Capital Gains


    Return of
Capital (a)

Total Per







Net Realized
Capital Gains



Net Realized

Capital Gains


    Return of
    Total Per


  $ 0.180872     $     $     $ 0.204328     $ 0.385200       47     0     0     53     100


    0.090988             0.434012             0.525000       17       0       83       0       100  


    0.212571             0.087429             0.300000       71       0       29       0       100  


    0.152891                   0.225109       0.378000       40       0       0       60       100  


    0.071618                   0.131182       0.202800       35       0       0       65       100  


    0.022858                   1.177142       1.200000       2       0       0       98       100  


                      0.300000       0.300000       0       0       0       100       100  


    0.103460                   0.182940       0.286400       36       0       0       64       100  


                      0.993000       0.993000       0       0       0       100       100  


                      0.600000       0.600000       0       0       0       100       100  
BUI     0.173723                   0.552277       0.726000       24       0       0       76       100  



Certain Trusts estimate that they have distributed more than its net investment income and net realized capital gains; therefore, a portion of the distribution may be a return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the shareholder’s investment in a Trust is returned to the shareholder. A return of capital does not necessarily reflect a Trust’s investment performance and should not be confused with “yield” or “income.” When distributions exceed total return performance, the difference will reduce the Trust’s net asset value per share.


Section 19(a) notices for the Trusts, as applicable, are available on the BlackRock website at blackrock.com.

Section 19(b) Disclosure

The Trusts, acting pursuant to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) exemptive order and with the approval of each Trust’s Board of Trustees/Directors (the “Board”), each have adopted a managed distribution plan, consistent with its investment objectives and policies to support a level distribution of income, capital gains and/or return of capital (the “Plan”). In accordance with the Plans, the Trusts currently distribute the following fixed amounts per share on a monthly basis as of June 30, 2020:


Exchange Symbol   Amount Per
Common Share


  $ 0.0470  





















The fixed amounts distributed per share are subject to change at the discretion of each Trust’s Board. Under its Plan, each Trust will distribute all available investment income to its shareholders required by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). If sufficient income (inclusive of net investment income and short-term capital gains) is not earned on a monthly basis, the Trusts will distribute long-term capital gains and/or return of capital to shareholders in order to maintain a level distribution. Each monthly distribution to shareholders is expected to be at the fixed amount established by the Board; however, each Trust may make additional distributions from time to time, including additional capital gain distributions at the end of the taxable year, if required to meet requirements imposed by the Code and/or the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”).

Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about each Trust’s investment performance from the amount of these distributions or from the terms of the Plan. Each Trust’s total return performance is presented in its financial highlights table.

The Board may amend, suspend or terminate a Trust’s Plan at any time without prior notice to the Trust’s shareholders if it deems such actions to be in the best interests of the Trust or its shareholders. The suspension or termination of the Plan could have the effect of creating a trading discount (if the Trust’s stock is trading at or above net asset value) or widening an existing trading discount. The Trusts are subject to risks that could have an adverse impact on their ability to maintain level distributions. Examples of potential risks include, but are not limited to, economic downturns impacting the markets, changes in interest rates, decreased market volatility, companies suspending or decreasing corporate dividend distributions and changes in the Code. Please refer to BME, BST and BUI’s prospectuses for a more complete description of each Trust’s risks.




The Markets in Review

Dear Shareholder,

The last 12 months have been a time of sudden change in global financial markets, as a long period of growth and positive returns was interrupted in early 2020 by the emergence and spread of the coronavirus. For the first part of the reporting period, U.S. equities and bonds both delivered impressive returns, despite fears and doubts about the economy that were ultimately laid to rest with unprecedented monetary stimulus and a sluggish yet resolute performance from the U.S. economy. But as the threat from the coronavirus became more apparent throughout February and March 2020, leading countries around the world took economically disruptive countermeasures, causing equity prices to fall sharply. While markets have since recovered some of these losses as countries around the world begin reopening, there is still significant uncertainty surrounding the course of the pandemic, and an uptick in U.S. infection rates caused concern late in the reporting period.

Returns for most securities were robust for the first part of the reporting period, as investors began to realize that the U.S. economy was maintaining the modest yet steady growth that had characterized this economic cycle. However, once stay-at-home orders and closures of non-essential businesses became widespread, many workers were laid off and unemployment claims spiked. With large portions of the global economy on hold, all types of international equities ended the 12-month reporting period with negative performance, while in the United States large-capitalization stocks, which investors saw as more resilient than smaller companies, delivered solid returns.

The performance of different types of fixed-income securities diverged substantially due to a reduced investor appetite for risk. Treasuries benefited from the risk-off environment, and posted healthy returns, as the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield (which is inversely related to bond prices) fell to an all-time low. Investment-grade corporate bonds also delivered a solid return, while high-yield corporate returns were flat due to credit concerns.

The U.S. Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) reduced interest rates three times in 2019, to support slowing economic growth. After the coronavirus outbreak, the Fed instituted two emergency rate cuts, pushing short-term interest rates close to zero. To stabilize credit markets, the Fed also announced a new bond-buying program, as did several other central banks around the world, including the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.

Looking ahead, while coronavirus-related disruption has clearly hindered worldwide economic growth, we believe that the global expansion is likely to continue once the impact of the outbreak subsides. Several risks remain, however, including a potential resurgence of the virus amid loosened restrictions, policy fatigue among governments already deep into deficit spending, and structural damage to the financial system from lengthy economic interruptions.

Overall, we favor a moderately positive stance toward risk, and in particular toward credit given the extraordinary central bank measures taken in recent months. This support extends beyond investment-grade corporates and into high-yield, leading to attractive opportunities throughout the credit market. We believe that both U.S. Treasuries and sustainable investments can help provide portfolio resilience, and the disruption created by the coronavirus appears to be accelerating the shift toward sustainable investments. We remain neutral on equities overall while favoring European stocks, which are poised for a cyclical upside as re-openings continue.

In this environment, our view is that investors need to think globally, extend their scope across a broad array of asset classes, and be nimble as market conditions change. We encourage you to talk with your financial advisor and visit blackrock.com for further insight about investing in today’s markets.




Rob Kapito

President, BlackRock Advisors, LLC


Rob Kapito

President, BlackRock Advisors, LLC


Total Returns as of June 30, 2020
     6-month   12-month

U.S. large cap equities
(S&P 500® Index)

  (3.08)%   7.51%

U.S. small cap equities
(Russell 2000® Index)

  (12.98)   (6.63)

International equities
(MSCI Europe, Australasia, Far East Index)

  (11.34)   (5.13)

Emerging market equities
(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)

  (9.78)   (3.39)

3-month Treasury bills
(ICE BofA 3-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index)

  0.60   1.63

U.S. Treasury securities
(ICE BofA 10-Year U.S. Treasury Index)

  12.68   14.21

U.S. investment grade bonds
(Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index)

  6.14   8.74

Tax-exempt municipal bonds
(S&P Municipal Bond Index)

  1.97   4.23

U.S. high yield bonds
(Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index)

  (3.83)   0.00
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only. You cannot invest directly in an index.




Table of Contents



Section 19(a) Notices


Section 19(b) Disclosure


The Markets in Review


Semi-Annual Report:


Option Over-Writing Strategy


Trust Information


Derivative Financial Instruments


Financial Statements:


Schedules of Investments


Statements of Assets and Liabilities


Statements of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Statements of Cash Flows


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreements and Sub-Advisory Agreements


Trustee and Officer Information


Additional Information


Glossary of Terms Used in this Report





Option Over-Writing Strategy



In general, the goal of each of the Trusts is to provide total return through a combination of current income and realized and unrealized gains (capital appreciation). The Trusts seek to pursue these goals primarily by investing in a portfolio of equity securities and also by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options in an effort to generate current gains from option premiums and to enhance each Trust’s risk-adjusted return. Each Trust’s objectives cannot be achieved in all market conditions.

Each Trust primarily writes single stock covered call options, and may also from time to time write single stock put options. When writing (selling) a covered call option, a Trust holds an underlying equity security and enters into an option transaction which allows the counterparty to purchase the equity security at an agreed-upon price (“strike price”) within an agreed-upon time period. The Trust receives cash premiums from the counterparties upon writing (selling) the option, which along with net investment income and net realized gains, if any, are generally available to support current or future distributions paid by the Trust. During the option term, the counterparty may elect to exercise the option if the market value of the equity security rises above the strike price, and the Trust is obligated to sell the equity security to the counterparty at the strike price, realizing a gain or loss. Premiums received increase gains or reduce losses realized on the sale of the equity security. If the option remains unexercised upon its expiration, the Trust realizes gains equal to the premiums received. Alternatively, an option may be closed out by an offsetting purchase or sale of an option prior to expiration. The Trust realizes a capital gain from a closing purchase or sale transaction if the premium paid is less than the premium received from writing the option. The Trust realizes a capital loss from a closing purchase or sale transaction if the premium received is less than the premium paid to purchase the option.

Writing covered call options entails certain risks, which include, but are not limited to, the following: an increase in the value of the underlying equity security above the strike price can result in the exercise of a written option (sale by a Trust to the counterparty) when the Trust might not otherwise have sold the security; exercise of the option by the counterparty may result in a sale below the current market value and a gain or loss being realized by the Trust; and limiting the potential appreciation that could be realized on the underlying equity security to the extent of the strike price of the option. The premium that a Trust receives from writing a covered call option may not be sufficient to offset the potential appreciation on the underlying equity security above the strike price of the option that could have otherwise been realized by the Trust. As such, an option over-writing strategy may outperform the general equity market in flat or falling markets but underperform in rising markets.

Option Over-Writing Strategy Illustration

To illustrate these concepts, assume the following: (1) a common stock purchased at and currently trading at $37.15 per share; (2) a three-month call option is written by a Trust with a strike price of $40 (i.e., 7.7% higher than the current market price); and (3) the Trust receives $2.45, or 6.6% of the common stock’s value, as a premium. If the stock price remains unchanged, the option expires and there would be a 6.6% return for the three-month period. If the stock were to decline in price by 6.6% (i.e., decline to $34.70 per share), the option strategy would “break-even” from an economic perspective resulting in neither a gain nor a loss. If the stock were to climb to a price of $40 or above, the option would be exercised and the stock would return 7.7% coupled with the option premium received of 6.6% for a total return of 14.3%. Under this scenario, the Trust loses the benefit of any appreciation of the stock above $40, and thus is limited to a 14.3% total return. The premium from writing the call option serves to offset some of the unrealized loss on the stock in the event that the price of the stock declines, but if the stock were to decline more than 6.6% under this scenario, the Trust’s downside protection is eliminated and the stock could eventually become worthless.

Each Trust intends to write covered call and other options to varying degrees depending upon market conditions. Please refer to each Trust’s Schedule of Investments and the Notes to Financial Statements for details of written options.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust’s (BGR) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide total return through a combination of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its total assets in equity securities of energy and natural resources companies and equity derivatives with exposure to the energy and natural resources industry. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives. The Trust seeks to pursue this goal primarily by investing in a portfolio of equity securities and also by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”)


Initial Offering Date

  December 29, 2004

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($7.23)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (36.19 )%       (32.77 )% 

MSCI World Energy Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (38.19



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI World Energy Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI World Energy Index with a 33% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

Energy prices fell sharply in the first half of 2020, as the demand outlook was pressured by concerns about the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. In combination with the stock market downturn that occurred in February and March, this development led to poor returns for energy-related equities.

Consistent with this environment, the Trust produced a negative absolute return in the six-month period. While most of its holdings declined in value, its positions in more “defensive” energy companies — such as Total SA and the oil pipeline company Williams Cos. — outperformed. The Trust also benefited from not owning Occidental Petroleum Corp. and being significantly underweight Schlumberger NV, as both companies experienced sharp share price declines.

The oil refiner Marathon Petroleum Corp., which was hurt by the prospect of rising gasoline inventories, was the largest detractor from performance. The exploration and production (“E&P”) companies Kosmos Energy Ltd. and Noble Energy, Inc. also weighed on results. Shares of Kosmos slid after the company announced plans to reduce 2020 capital spending and suspend its dividend to preserve cash, while Noble lost ground due to its higher sensitivity to energy prices. An underweight in Enbridge, Inc., which outperformed thanks to progress on a proposed pipeline in the United States, was an additional detractor of note.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s option overlay strategy contributed positively to relative performance for the six-month period.

Early in the period, the Trust held a slightly elevated cash balance. The Trust’s cash balance had no material impact to performance.

Describe recent portfolio activity

The investment adviser adopted a more defensive posture in early March given the risks to oil demand stemming from the virus. This was achieved by remaining focused on high-quality producers that the investment adviser saw as having asset bases and balance sheets strong enough to weather the near-term storm and emerge well-positioned for an eventual upturn. Later in the period, the Trust added to its positions in non-U.S. oil producers.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)


Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

The integrated energy subsector represented the Trust’s largest allocation, followed by the E&P, distribution, refining & marketing, and oil services industries, respectively.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program in place whereby 34% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options. These call options were typically written at levels above prevailing market prices (estimated to be 6.1% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 45 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 7.23     $ 11.88        (39.14 )%     $ 12.66      $ 4.17  

Net Asset Value

    8.06       12.57        (35.88      12.82        5.15  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years



Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Chevron Corp.


Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR








TC Energy Corp


Kinder Morgan, Inc.


Williams Cos., Inc.


Suncor Energy, Inc.


Pioneer Natural Resources Co.




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Industry   6/30/20     12/31/19  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

    96     97

Energy Equipment & Services

    4       3  



For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund, Inc.’s (CII) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide investors with a combination of current income and capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a portfolio of equity securities of U.S. and foreign issuers. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives. The Trust also seeks to achieve its investment objective by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  April 30, 2004

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($14.47)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (13.08 )%       (7.29 )% 

MSCI USA Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (10.36



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI USA Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI USA Index with a 55% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

In the equity allocation of the Trust, the largest contributor to relative performance was stock selection within the industrials sector. Most notably, an out-of-benchmark position in specialty contractor Quanta Services Inc. and a lack of exposure to aerospace manufacturer Boeing Co. provided strong relative returns. Underweight allocations to real estate also contributed to performance. Lastly, the Trust benefited from stock selection within the communication services sector, particularly given its overweight positions in tech giants Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc.

Conversely, the largest detractor from relative performance in the equity allocation of the Trust was stock selection in the information technology (“IT”) sector. Most notably, overweight positions in software developer CDK Global Inc. and IT consulting company Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. weighed on results. Stock selection in financials also detracted, particularly due to overweight positions in U.S. Bancorp and Bank of America Corp. Also detracting from relative performance was stock selection in the energy sector, most notably through an overweight position in Marathon Oil Corp.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s option overlay strategy contributed positively to relative performance during the period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

The Trust significantly increased its exposure to the IT sector. Holdings within consumer discretionary and real estate were also increased. Conversely, the Trust significantly reduced its exposure to the financials sector. The Trust also lowered its allocation to energy and consumer staples.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

In the equity portion of the portfolio, the Trust’s largest allocations relative to the benchmark were in the consumer discretionary, communication services, and industrials sectors. Conversely, the Trust’s largest relative underweights were in the real estate, IT, and utilities sectors.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program whereby 52% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options on individual stocks. These call options were typically written at prices above the prevailing market prices (estimated to be 5.0% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 45 days.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 14.47     $ 17.25        (16.12 )%     $ 17.86      $ 9.56  

Net Asset Value

    16.07       17.96        (10.52      18.37        12.31  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Apple, Inc.


Microsoft Corp.


Alphabet, Inc.


Amazon.com, Inc.


Facebook, Inc.


Visa, Inc.


UnitedHealth Group, Inc.


Comcast Corp.


Cisco Systems, Inc.


Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Sector   6/30/20     12/31/19  

Information Technology

    26     21

Consumer Discretionary

    16       12  

Health Care

    14       14  

Communication Services

    13       13  


    9       9  


    9       13  

Consumer Staples

    5       7  


    3       6  


    3       3  


    1       2  

Real Estate




For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s sector classifications refer to any one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust’s (BDJ) (the “Trust”) primary investment objective is to provide current income and current gains, with a secondary investment objective of long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing in common stocks that pay dividends and have the potential for capital appreciation and by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options. The Trust invests, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its total assets in dividend paying equities. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objectives will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  August 31, 2005

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($7.34)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (23.05 )%       (15.70 )% 

MSCI USA Value Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (22.21



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI USA Value Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI USA Value Index with a 55% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

The most significant contributors to relative performance during the six-month period were stock selection and allocation decisions within the consumer discretionary sector. In particular, stock selection in the multiline retail industry proved beneficial. In addition, an underweight to the hotels, restaurants & leisure industry boosted relative return in the sector. Within information technology (“IT”), an overweight to the software industry added to performance. Other notable contributors included an overweight to health care, stock selection in the communication services sector, and an underweight to real estate.

The largest detractor from relative performance was an overweight to the financials sector. Notably, overweight exposure to banks constrained performance, as did selection among capital markets firms. Additionally, underweights to electric utilities and multi-utilities weighed on relative return. Other modest detractors included an underweight to consumer staples as well as stock selection within industrials.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy, principally written call options on individual stocks, in order to seek enhanced income returns while continuing to participate in the performance of the underlying equities. The Trust’s option writing strategy contributed positively to performance during the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

During the period, a combination of portfolio trading activity and market price changes resulted in increased exposure to the utilities, IT and consumer staples sectors. Conversely, the Trust’s exposures to financials, energy and industrials were reduced.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

The Trust’s largest allocations on an absolute basis were in the financials, health care and IT sectors. Relative to the benchmark, the Trust’s largest overweight positions were in the financials, health care and energy sectors. Conversely, the Trust’s largest relative underweights were in the real estate, industrials and consumer staples sectors.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program whereby 52% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options on individual stocks. These call options were typically written at prices above the prevailing market prices (estimated to be 5.6% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 47 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 7.34     $ 9.92        (26.01 )%     $ 9.97      $ 4.65  

Net Asset Value

    8.13       10.03        (18.94      10.13        6.22  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Verizon Communications, Inc.


Bank of America Corp.


Citigroup, Inc.


Anthem, Inc.


Medtronic PLC


Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.


Altria Group, Inc.


Morgan Stanley


Unilever NV — NY Shares


Koninklijke Philips NV




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Sector   6/30/20     12/31/19  


    27     29

Health Care

    19       19  

Information Technology

    10       9  


    8       10  

Consumer Staples

    8       7  

Communication Services

    8       8  


    7       8  


    6       3  

Consumer Discretionary

    5       6  


    2       1  



For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s sector classifications refer to any one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust’s (BOE) (the “Trust”) primary investment objective is to provide current income and current gains, with a secondary investment objective of long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing primarily in equity securities issued by companies located in countries throughout the world and by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options. Under normal circumstances, the Trust invests at least 80% of its net assets in dividend-paying equity securities and at least 40% of its assets outside of the U.S. (unless market conditions are not deemed favorable by Trust management, in which case the Trust would invest at least 30% of its assets outside of the U.S.). The Trust may invest in securities of companies of any market capitalization, but intends to invest primarily in securities of large capitalization companies. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objectives will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  May 31, 2005

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($9.42)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (10.83 )%       (9.73 )% 

MSCI ACWI Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (12.58



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI ACWI Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI ACWI Index with a 45% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

The Trust’s lack of exposure to the energy sector, particularly the oil, gas and consumable fuels industry, contributed to returns during the six-month period. Stock selection within the industrials sector, most notably within machinery, also contributed to relative performance. In addition, an underweight to the real estate sector added to relative return. At the security level, the Trust’s position in the U.S. biotechnology company AbbVie, Inc. was the top individual contributor to performance. AbbVie’s shares rose after the company reported strong financial results, with sales for a number of its products exceeding market expectations. Holdings in the U.S. pharmaceutical firm Johnson & Johnson represented another top contributor as the company’s shares were boosted by a stronger-than-expected profit report. The Trust’s position in the Finnish engineering company Kone OYJ also was additive.

Stock selection within and an underweight to information technology (“IT”), particularly a lack of holdings within software, represented the largest detractor from performance. Stock selection within and an underweight to the consumer discretionary sector, especially within the internet & direct marketing retail industry, also detracted, as did stock selection within the communication services sector. At the security level, the Trust’s position in U.S.-based Darden Restaurants, Inc. was the principal detractor as social distancing measures impacted the company’s earnings. Holdings in the U.S. financial firm M&T Bank Corp. also weighed on returns as the financials sector, and banks in particular, underperformed during the period. The Trust’s position in U.S. toymaker Hasbro, Inc. also traded lower due to potential disruptions in the company’s supply chain and a disappointing earnings projection.

The Trust made use of options, principally written call options on individual stocks, in order to seek enhanced income returns while continuing to participate in the performance of the underlying equities. The Trust’s options writing strategy contributed positively to performance for the six-month period..

Describe recent portfolio activity.

During the period, the Trust added exposure to the consumer staples sector, mainly within the beverages and household products industries. Exposure to the industrials sector also was added, especially within the machinery industry. Conversely, exposure to financials was reduced, especially among banks. The investment adviser also trimmed exposure to the materials sector, mostly within containers and packaging.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)


Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

At the end of the period, the Trust’s largest sector exposures were in consumer staples and health care, driven by the pharmaceuticals and beverages industries. The largest underweights were to the IT, financials and consumer discretionary sectors. The Trust had no exposure to real estate, utilities or energy at period end. Regionally, the majority of the portfolio was listed in the United States or Europe, with significant exposure in the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program whereby 43% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options on individual stocks. These call options were typically written at prices above the prevailing market prices (estimated to be 3.9% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 45 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 9.42     $ 10.99        (14.29 )%     $ 11.25      $ 7.00  

Net Asset Value

    10.69       12.32        (13.23      12.41        8.34  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Unilever PLC




Coca-Cola Co.


Paychex, Inc.


Sanofi SA


Novartis AG, Registered Shares


AbbVie, Inc.


Lockheed Martin Corp.


British American Tobacco PLC


Medtronic PLC




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Country   6/30/20     12/31/19  

United States

    52     53

United Kingdom

    16       13  


    7       7  


    5       7  


    4       4  


    4       3  


    3       3  


    2       3  


    2       2  


    2       2  


    1       1  


    1       1  


    1       1  







Represents less than 1% of the Trust’s total investments.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust’s (BGY) (the “Trust”) primary investment objective is to provide current income and current gains, with a secondary objective of long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing primarily in equity securities issued by companies of any market capitalization located in countries throughout the world and by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options. The Trust invests, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets in dividend-paying equity securities issued by non-U.S. companies of any market capitalization, but intends to invest primarily in securities of large capitalization companies. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objectives will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  May 30, 2007

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of as of June 30, 2020 ($5.14)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (9.25 )%       (5.65 )% 

MSCI ACWI ex USA Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (17.03



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI ACWI ex USA Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI ACWI ex USA Index with a 45% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

During the six-month period, the Trust’s lack of exposure to the energy sector, particularly the oil, gas and consumable fuels industry, contributed to returns. In addition, an underweight exposure to the financials sector, as well as an overweight to health care companies, added to relative performance. At the security level, the Trust’s position in Australian medical equipment company Ansell Ltd. was the top individual contributor to returns. Ansell’s shares were strong during the period owing to the increased usage of personal protective equipment, including medical gloves. Holdings in Danish pharmaceutical firm Novo Nordisk A/S and Finnish engineering company Kone OYJ also boosted performance.

Conversely, stock selection within and an underweight to information technology (“IT”), particularly a lack of holdings within software, represented one of the largest detractors from performance. Stock selection in the consumer discretionary and communication services sectors also weighed on returns. At the security level, a lack of exposure to Chinese gaming company Tencent Holdings Ltd. represented the largest individual detractor from relative return. Tencent performed strongly on continued momentum within technology stocks. The Trust’s position in British defense firm BAE Systems PLC also detracted as investors reacted negatively to BAE’s announcement that it would defer its dividend. A lack of exposure to Canadian e-commerce firm Shopify, Inc. also hindered relative performance.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s options overlay strategy contributed positively to relative performance for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

During the period, the Trust added exposure to the consumer staples sector, mainly within the beverages and household products industries. The portfolio also added exposure to the industrials sector, especially within the machinery industry. Exposure to financials, particularly among banks, was reduced. The investment adviser also trimmed its holdings in the materials sector, mainly within containers and packaging.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)


Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

At period end, the Trust’s largest sector exposures were in consumer staples and health care, with an emphasis on the pharmaceuticals and beverages industries, respectively. The largest underweights were to IT, financials and consumer discretionary. The Trust had no exposure to real estate, utilities or energy at the end of the period. From a regional perspective, a majority of portfolio assets was invested in Europe, with significant exposure to the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program whereby 45% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options on individual stocks. These call options were typically written at prices above the prevailing market prices (estimated to be 3.0% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 46 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 5.14     $ 5.89        (12.73 )%     $ 5.96      $ 3.73  

Net Asset Value

    5.87       6.47        (9.27      6.52        4.60  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Unilever PLC


Novartis AG, Registered Shares






Nestle SA, Registered Shares


British American Tobacco PLC


Heineken NV


BAE Systems PLC


Sonic Healthcare Ltd.


Koninklijke Philips NV




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Country   6/30/20     12/31/19  

United Kingdom

    29     26


    15       13  


    9       13  


    8       7  


    8       7  


    6       5  


    5       5  


    3       5  


    4       3  

United States

    3       9  


    3       2  


    3       2  


    3       2  


    1       1  





Represents less than 1% of the Trust’s total investments.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust’s (BME) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide total return through a combination of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its total assets in equity securities of companies engaged in the health sciences and related industries and equity derivatives with exposure to the health sciences industry. The Trust seeks to pursue this goal primarily by investing in a portfolio of equity securities and by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  March 31, 2005

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($40.78)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (1.08 )%       2.44

MSCI USA IMI Health Care Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (4.07



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust moved from a premium to NAV to a discount during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI USA IMI Health Care Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI IMI Health Care Index with a 33% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

Global health care stocks outpaced the broader equity market in the first half of 2020. The sector benefited from its steady earnings and defensive qualities, as well as the outperformance for companies expected to benefit from the development of treatments for the coronavirus.

Strong stock selection, primarily in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sub-sectors, was the primary driver of the Trust’s return. An overweight position in the telemedicine company Teladoc Health, Inc., which benefited from increased demand for virtual diagnostics and telemedicine services, was the top contributor to performance. An overweight in the biotechnology company Seattle Genetics, Inc. — which received approval from the Food & Drug Administration for its breast cancer drug — was the second-largest contributor. The company also presented details on its expanding pipeline and investigational therapies.

Weak stock selection in the medical devices and supplies sub-sector detracted from relative performance. Zero weightings in AbbVie, Inc. and Danaher Corp., both of which outpaced the broader category by a wide margin, were the largest detractors. Underweight positions in the pharmaceutical companies Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly & Co., which benefited from their efforts at developing a coronavirus vaccine and therapy, respectively, also detracted.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s option overlay strategy contributed positively to relative performance for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

The Trust increased its weighting in the biotechnology industry, and it decreased its allocations to the pharmaceuticals, health care providers & services, and medical devices & supplies subsectors.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust was overweight in the medical devices & supplies, biotechnology, and health care providers & services sub-sectors, and it was underweight in pharmaceuticals.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


The Trust’s investment adviser continued to identify important secular trends that underpin the health care sector, such as an aging global population and rising spending on health care in emerging market economies. This process helps form the basis for an overweight in the medical devices & supplies sub-sector, where the investment adviser continued to see strong fundamentals and growing penetration in the emerging markets.

Demographic changes across the globe, especially increased longevity, are leading to demand for the health sciences industry. This is further supported by innovation in multiple areas within health care. In drug development, for example, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are utilizing genomic research that allows for earlier diagnosis of disease and is facilitating the shift toward preventative care. In addition, there has been significant innovation in medical equipment, diagnostic services and biosensors.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had an options overwriting program in place whereby 39% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options. These options were typically written at prices above prevailing market prices (estimated to be 6.4% out of the money) with an average time line until expiration of 49 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 40.78     $ 42.50        (4.05 )%     $ 43.99      $ 27.00  

Net Asset Value

    40.93       41.19        (0.63      42.23        30.41  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.


Johnson & Johnson


Abbott Laboratories


Amgen, Inc.


Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.


Medtronic PLC


Boston Scientific Corp.


Eli Lilly & Co.


Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Humana, Inc.




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Industry   6/30/20     12/31/19  

Health Care Equipment & Supplies

    28     30


    23       17  


    21       23  

Health Care Providers & Services

    19       21  

Life Sciences Tools & Services

    7       8  

Health Care Technology

    2       1  



For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II’s (BMEZ) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide total return and income through a combination of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation. Under normal market conditions, the Trust will invest at least 80% of its total assets in equity securities of companies principally engaged in the health sciences group of industries and equity derivatives with exposure to the health sciences group of industries. Equity derivatives in which the Trust invests include purchased and sold (written) call and put options on equity securities of companies in the health sciences group of industries.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  January 30, 2020

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($20.91)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the period since inception (January 30, 2020) to June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    6.10      19.29

MSCI ACWI 25% Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (9.65



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust moved to a discount to NAV during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI ACWI 25% Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI ACWI Index with a 25% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.


The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     01/30/20 (a)      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 20.91     $ 20.00        4.55    $ 21.90      $ 12.60  

Net Asset Value

    23.51       20.00        17.55        23.65        16.49  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History Since Inception






Commencement of operations.

Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Seattle Genetics, Inc.


Genmab A/S


Livongo Health, Inc.


Varian Medical Systems, Inc.


Masimo Corp.


Baxter International, Inc.


Teleflex, Inc.




Teladoc Health, Inc.


Amedisys, Inc.




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Industry   6/30/20  



Health Care Equipment & Supplies




Health Care Providers & Services


Life Sciences Tools & Services


Health Care Technology






For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust’s (BCX) (the “Trust”) primary investment objective is to seek high current income and current gains, with a secondary objective of capital appreciation. The Trust will seek to achieve its investment objectives, under normal market conditions, by investing at least 80% of its total assets in equity securities issued by commodity or natural resources companies, derivatives with exposure to commodity or natural resources companies or investments in securities and derivatives linked to the underlying price movement of commodities or natural resources. While permitted, the Trust does not currently expect to invest in securities and derivatives linked to the underlying price movement of commodities or natural resources. The Trust seeks to pursue this goal primarily by investing in a portfolio of equity securities and also by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objectives will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  March 30, 2011

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($6.13)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (20.43 )%       (15.52 )% 

MSCI ACWI Select Liquidity Natural Resources Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (23.83



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI ACWI Select Liquidity Natural Resources Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI ACWI Select Liquidity Natural Resources Index with a 33% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

Commodity prices fell sharply in the first half of 2020, as the demand outlook was pressured by concerns about the economic impact of the coronavirus. In combination with the stock market downturn that occurred in February and March, this development led to poor returns for commodity-related equities.

Consistent with this environment, the Trust produced a negative absolute return in the six-month period. While most of its holdings lost ground, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. was among the worst performers due to the broad-based weakness in fertilizer producers. Kosmos Energy Ltd. also detracted after it announced plans to reduce 2020 capital spending and suspend its dividend to preserve cash in response to the drop in oil prices. An underweight position in Newmont Mining Corp. was among the largest detractors, as well.

On the positive side, Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. — which rallied behind strength in the prices of gold and silver — was a top contributor. An out-of-benchmark position in the Russian mining Polyus PJSC, which gained ground after reporting strong production results, better-than-expected earnings, and positive free cash flow, was another key contributor. The U.S. retailer Tractor Supply Co. also performed well, as its “buy-online-pickup-in store” service led to record sales and earnings.

The Trust made use of options, principally written call options on individual stocks, to seek enhanced income while continuing to participate in the return of the underlying equities. The Trust’s option writing strategy contributed positively to relative performance for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

The investment adviser closely analyzed the portfolio to identify companies facing higher risk due to the combination of dependence on a single asset and elevated debt and sold holdings it believed could be vulnerable in this regard. In addition, the investment adviser made some stock-specific changes based on relative valuations. The investment adviser reduced the portfolio’s weighting in energy and increased its allocation to agriculture, with a focus on companies that are benefitting from changing consumer preferences toward food and nutrition.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)


Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

The mining industry represented the Trust’s largest allocation, followed by agriculture and energy, respectively.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had an options overwriting program in place whereby 36% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options. These options were typically written at levels above prevailing market prices (estimated to be 6.3% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 46 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 6.13     $ 8.07        (24.04 )%     $ 8.21      $ 3.28  

Net Asset Value

    7.29       9.04        (19.36      9.07        4.99  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  





Chevron Corp.




Newmont Corp.


CF Industries Holdings, Inc.


Vale SA — ADR


Barrick Gold Corp.


Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.


FMC Corp.




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Industry   6/30/20     12/31/19  


    13     11

Containers & Packaging

    5       9  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

    2       1  

Food Products

    8       7  

Metals & Mining

    38       35  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

    32       35  

Paper & Forest Products


Specialty Retail

    2       1  





Represents less than 1% of the Trust’s total investments.




For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Science and Technology Trust’s (BST) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide income and total return through a combination of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its total assets in equity securities of U.S. and non-U.S. science and technology companies in any market capitalization range, selected for their rapid and sustainable growth potential from the development, advancement and use of science and/or technology (high growth science and technology stocks), and/or potential to generate current income from advantageous dividend yields (cyclical science and technology stocks). The Trust seeks to pursue this goal primarily by investing in a portfolio of equity securities and also by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  October 30, 2014

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($37.81)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    17.06      21.45

MSCI ACWI IT Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        4.78  



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust moved from a premium to NAV to a discount during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI ACWI IT Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI ACWI IT Index with a 33% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

The Trust’s positions in several software companies that benefited from increases in e-commerce activity were among the largest contributors to relative return. These included out-of-benchmark positions in Canadian e-commerce firm Shopify, Inc. as well as Amazon.com, Inc. E-commerce has received a significant boost as populations across the globe have been forced to make more purchases online due to the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns. Elsewhere, the Trust’s overweight position in cloud communications company Twilio, Inc. was also among the largest contributors, as the company reported favorable first quarter earnings and benefited from increased demand for communication services during the pandemic.

At the sub-sector level, an underweight to hardware was the most significant detractor from relative performance, led by a below-benchmark position in Apple, Inc. The company’s stock displayed resilience during first-quarter of 2020 market volatility based on increased demand for the company’s services segment. An underweight to Microsoft Corp. was also among the largest detractors from returns. Microsoft reported strong growth in its cloud business, and the stock price benefited as investors sought safety in the largest and most liquid names.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s option overlay strategy contributed positively to relative performance for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

During the period, the Trust increased exposure to software and semiconductors, while decreasing exposure to internet companies. From a regional perspective, the Trust’s allocations to Asia and the United States were increased.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

Our investment process aims to provide a balance of legacy technology firms that can continually innovate, and new disruptive companies displacing those companies failing to innovate, with approximately 40% of the portfolio consisting of these “core” legacy companies, and 60% making up the “opportunistic,” high-growth portion. At




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


period end, the largest sub-sector exposures were in internet, and software & services companies. The Trust’s software exposure was characterized by companies that offer enterprise software solutions, cloud computing services, and software-as-a-service. Conversely, the Trust held an underweight position in the semiconductors and hardware sub-sectors due to their cyclical nature.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program whereby 32% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options. These call options were typically written at prices above the prevailing market prices (estimated to be 5.3% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 45 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 37.81     $ 33.27        13.65    $ 38.86      $ 22.41  

Net Asset Value

    38.26       32.45        17.90        38.33        25.57  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Microsoft Corp.


Apple, Inc.


Amazon.com, Inc.


Tencent Holdings Ltd.


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR


Alphabet, Inc.


Mastercard, Inc.


Twilio, Inc.


Visa, Inc.


Shopify, Inc.




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Industry   6/30/20     12/31/19  


    27     26

IT Services

    19       19  

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    15       15  

Interactive Media & Services

    10       10  

Internet & Direct Marketing Retail

    10       10  


    4       3  

Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals

    4       3  

Diversified Consumer Services

    2       2  

Health Care Technology

    2       1  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

    1       4  

Road & Rail

    1       3  

Diversified Telecommunication Services

    1       1  




    1       1  

Diversified Financial Services


Communications Equipment

    1       1  

Professional Services


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II’s (BSTZ) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide total return and income through a combination of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its total assets in equity securities issued by U.S. and non-U.S. science and technology companies in any market capitalization range, selected for their rapid and sustainable growth potential from the development, advancement and use of science and/or technology. The Trust seeks to pursue this goal primarily by investing in a portfolio of equity securities and also by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  June 27, 2019

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($22.67)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    13.89      27.13

MSCI ACWI 25% Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (9.66



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s discount to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI ACWI 25% Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI ACWI Index with a 25% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

Within the software industry, the Trust’s positions in a number of companies benefiting from an increase in e-commerce activity were among the largest contributors to relative return during the period. This included positions in Shopify, Inc. and Locaweb. E-commerce has seen a significant increase as populations across the globe have been forced to make more purchases online because of economic lockdowns. Elsewhere, the Trust’s position in cloud communications company Twilio, Inc. was among the largest contributors, as the company reported favorable earnings for the first quarter of 2020 and benefited from increased demand for communication services during the coronavirus pandemic. The Trust’s position in electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, Inc. also delivered strong positive returns during the period. Tesla announced two delivery updates during the period, both of which beat consensus estimates. The company’s first quarter earnings also exceeded market forecasts. A position in Livongo Health, Inc., a U.S.-based virtual health care company, was also among the largest contributors to return during the period. The company’s platform provides data-based health coaching programs for individuals with diabetes and hypertension. Using a smart glucose monitor, the service allows patients to share their blood glucose levels with certified diabetes educators and receive feedback in real time. This type of monitoring and coaching support is crucial for helping patients to effectively manage their health outcomes. The spread of the coronavirus and subsequent social distancing measures have resulted in increased demand for virtual diagnostics and telemedicine services.

Conversely, the Trust’s position in Chinese technology-centric coffee company Luckin Coffee, Inc. was among the largest detractors from performance. The company announced that in 2019 its chief operating officer, as well as other employees reporting to him, fabricated transactions amounting to 2.2 billion yuan, or $310 million. The Trust has since exited the position. In addition, the Trust’s position in Brazilian software company Linx SA came under pressure during the period. Linx generates revenue from selling software to retailers, but given the current shutdown of the Brazilian economy the stock declined. The Trust had initiated the position based on the company’s strategy to enter the payments space, but this strategy is now postponed and the position was reduced. Elsewhere, a position in Network International Holdings PLC, which provides technology-enabled payment solutions to merchants and financial institutions in the Middle East, weighed on performance. The company was hurt by the strict lockdowns enacted in many Middle Eastern countries, which reduced demand for its services. The Trust exited the position. Other detractors included holdings in Skyworks Solutions, Inc., a U.S.-based semiconductor company, and Sunny Optical Technology Group Co. Ltd., a China-based hardware firm.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s options overlay strategy contributed detracted from relative performance for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

During the period, the Trust deployed capital across both companies likely to experience increased demand in the current environment and those positioned to benefit from longer-term demand trends. This encompasses firms that are seeing an increase in demand due to social distancing and the migration to working remotely, such as those involved in cloud computing, digital transformation and gaming. In addition, the investment adviser continues to perform due diligence on multiple new opportunities in the private equity universe, and expects to further increase exposure to private assets over the coming quarters given a robust pipeline of private transaction opportunities. As of June 30, 2020, the Trust held 13 private investments, comprising approximately 11% of assets or a total commitment of approximately $220 million. Among the Trust’s




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


13 private investments, four were initiated during the first half of 2020: A solid state driver controller company focused on cloud, hyperscale and enterprise markets; a “fabless” interconnect semiconductor company (i.e., one that designs microchips but contracts out their production) primarily serving the data center market; a software business providing cloud software that connects accommodation providers to distribution channels; and an artificial intelligence company that offers a complete, “full-stack” AI solution including both silicon and software.

Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

At period end, the Trust was fully invested in equity securities. The Trust held 36% of portfolio assets in software, 20% in semiconductors, 18% in services, 17% in internet, 5% in hardware and 5% in content/telecoms. These industry exposures were a result of bottom-up stock selection. From an options perspective, during periods of extreme volatility, the Trust typically sells further out-of-the-money calls to leave room for a potential rebound in the underlying stocks. Because of the recent extraordinary volatility, this often translated directly into higher option premiums.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had in place an option overwriting program whereby approximately 22% of the underlying equities were written with call options. These call options were typically written at prices above the prevailing market prices (estimated to be 6.4% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 47 days.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 22.67     $ 20.50        10.59    $ 23.28      $ 12.00  

Net Asset Value

    25.86       20.95        23.44        25.86        15.57  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History Since Inception






Commencement of operations.

Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

Tesla, Inc.


Shopify, Inc.


Twilio, Inc.


Lasertec Corp.


Kakao Corp.


SambaNova Systems, Inc., Series C


Square, Inc.


Delivery Hero SE


RingCentral, Inc.


Meituan Dianping




Figures exclude assets held in money market funds and option positions.




Industry   6/30/20     12/31/19  


    29     26

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    20       20  

IT Services

    18       17  

Internet & Direct Marketing Retail

    7       7  

Interactive Media & Services

    5       5  


    4       3  

Health Care Technology

    4       2  

Diversified Consumer Services

    3       3  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

    3       6  


    2       1  

Multiline Retail

    1       2  


    1       1  

Diversified Telecommunication Services

    1       1  

Capital Markets

    1       1  

Professional Services

    1       1  

Road & Rail

    (a)      1  

Communications Equipment


Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure




Represents less than 1% of the Trust’s total investments.


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020    BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


Investment Objective

BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust’s (BUI) (the “Trust”) investment objective is to provide total return through a combination of current income, current gains and long-term capital appreciation. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in equity securities issued by companies that are engaged in the Utilities, Infrastructure and Power Opportunities business segments anywhere in the world and by employing a strategy of writing (selling) call and put options. The Trust considers the “Utilities” business segment to include products, technologies and services connected to the management, ownership, operation, construction, development or financing of facilities used to generate, transmit or distribute electricity, water, natural resources or telecommunications, the “Infrastructure” business segment to include companies that own or operate infrastructure assets or that are involved in the development, construction, distribution or financing of infrastructure assets and the “Power Opportunities” business segment to include companies with a significant involvement in, supporting, or necessary to renewable energy technology and development, alternative fuels, energy efficiency, automotive and sustainable mobility and technologies that enable or support the growth and adoption of new power and energy sources. Under normal circumstances, the Trust invests a substantial amount of its total assets in foreign issuers, issuers that primarily trade in a market located outside the United States or issuers that do a substantial amount of business outside the United States. The Trust may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Trust’s investment objective will be achieved.

Trust Information


Symbol on NYSE


Initial Offering Date

  November 25, 2011

Current Distribution Rate on Closing Market Price as of June 30, 2020 ($21.25)(a)


Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share(b)


Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share(b)




Current distribution rate on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. The current distribution rate consists of income, net realized gains and/or a return of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change. A portion of the distribution may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain.


Performance and Portfolio Management Commentary

Returns for the six months ended June 30, 2020 were as follows:


    Returns Based On  
     Market Price      Net Asset Value  


    (1.17 )%       (5.75 )% 

MSCI World Select Energy, Utilities and Industry Call Overwrite Index(c)

    N/A        (16.07



All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends and/or distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


The Trust’s premium to NAV widened during the period, which accounts for the difference between performance based on market price and performance based on NAV.


MSCI World Select Energy, Utilities and Industry Call Overwrite Index incorporates an option overlay component on the MSCI World Select Energy, Utilities and Industry Index with a 33% overwrite level.


N/A — Not applicable as the index does not have a market price.

Performance results may include adjustments made for financial reporting purposes in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The following discussion relates to the Trust’s relative performance based on the index cited above:

What factors influenced performance?

The largest contributors to relative returns were the Trust’s positions in clean-power utility companies. These positions benefited from resilient earnings during a challenging environment in which movement restrictions to fight the spread of the coronavirus had a negative impact on economic growth. Among individual clean-power utilities, U.S.-based NextEra Energy, Inc., Spanish utility EDP Renovaveis SA, Italy’s Enel SpA, and RWE AG in Germany made the most notable positive contributions.

The largest detractor from relative returns came from the Trust’s positions in companies with exposure to the automotive industry. In particular, specialty chemical manufacturer Johnson Matthey PLC weighed on performance. Among other individual positions, midstream energy services provider Enterprise Products Partners LP was a notable detractor, as volatility in oil prices had a negative impact on its business. U.S.-based electric power holding company Duke Energy Corp. also detracted from relative returns.

The Trust utilized an options overlay strategy in which calls are written on a portion of the portfolio’s holdings. The Trust’s options overlay strategy contributed positively to relative performance for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.

During the period, the Trust took advantage of heightened market volatility to increase its exposure to companies that are playing a role in the energy transition from fossil-fuel based energy sources to renewable energy. In particular, the Trust added to positions in clean-power utilities, as well as companies in the solar power value chain.




Trust Information  as of June 30, 2020 (continued)    BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


Describe portfolio positioning at period end.

At period end, the utilities sector accounted for approximately 56% of the Trust’s assets. The Trust had approximately 23% and 10% of its assets invested in the industrials and energy sectors, respectively, and the remainder was invested in other infrastructure- and power-related sectors.

As of June 30, 2020, the Trust had an options overwriting program in place whereby 34% of the underlying equities were overwritten with call options. These call options were typically written at prices above prevailing market prices (estimated to be 4.4% out of the money) with an average time until expiration of 50 days.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

Market Price and Net Asset Value Per Share Summary


     06/30/20     12/31/19      Change      High      Low  

Market Price

  $ 21.25     $ 22.31        (4.75 )%     $ 23.31      $ 12.48  

Net Asset Value

    20.00       22.02        (9.17      22.96        15.06  

Market Price and Net Asset Value History For the Past Five Years




Overview of the Trust’s Total Investments *




Security   6/30/20  

NextEra Energy, Inc.


Enel SpA


Iberdrola SA


EDP Renováveis, S.A.




Dominion Energy, Inc.


Kinder Morgan, Inc.


TC Energy Corp.


Williams Cos., Inc.


Vinci SA




Excludes option positions and money market funds.




Industry   6/30/20     12/31/19  

Electric Utilities

    33     31


    15       17  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

    10       11  

Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers

    8       8  

Building Products

    6       5  

Electrical Equipment

    6       9  


    5       6  

Commercial Services & Supplies

    5       2  

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

    4       3  

Construction & Engineering

    4       5  


    2       1  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

    2       2  

For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer
to any one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or ratings group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Derivative Financial Instruments


The Trusts may invest in various derivative financial instruments. These instruments are used to obtain exposure to a security, commodity, index, market, and/or other assets without owning or taking physical custody of securities, commodities and/or other referenced assets or to manage market, equity, credit, interest rate, foreign currency exchange rate, commodity and/or other risks. Derivative financial instruments may give rise to a form of economic leverage and involve risks, including the imperfect correlation between the value of a derivative financial instrument and the underlying asset, possible default of the counterparty to the transaction or illiquidity of the instrument. The Trusts’ successful use of a derivative financial instrument depends on the investment adviser’s ability to predict pertinent market movements accurately, which cannot be assured. The use of these instruments may result in losses greater than if they had not been used, may limit the amount of appreciation a Trust can realize on an investment and/or may result in lower distributions paid to shareholders. The Trusts’ investments in these instruments, if any, are discussed in detail in the Notes to Financial Statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 97.6%


Energy Equipment & Services — 4.0%  

Baker Hughes Co.(a)

    224,200     $ 3,450,438  

Schlumberger Ltd.(a)

    344,030       6,326,711  



Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 93.6%  


    133,000       2,461,270  


    4,694,080       17,983,214  

Cairn Energy PLC(c)

    1,276,691       1,857,938  

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

    112,410       1,949,952  

Chevron Corp.(a)(b)

    363,975       32,477,489  


    3,007,000       3,374,838  

Concho Resources, Inc.(a)

    71,699       3,692,499  


    297,700       12,509,354  

Enbridge, Inc.

    155,950       4,741,909  

EOG Resources, Inc.(a)

    129,190       6,544,765  

Exxon Mobil Corp.(a)(b)

    87,562       3,915,773  

Galp Energia SGPS SA

    374,735       4,346,919  

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

    215,460       1,163,468  

Hess Corp.(a)

    136,990       7,097,452  

Kinder Morgan, Inc.(a)

    648,239       9,833,786  

Kosmos Energy Ltd.(c)

    1,301,228       2,160,038  

Lukoil PJSC — ADR

    30,810       2,290,234  

Lundin Petroleum AB

    218,040       5,321,402  

Marathon Petroleum Corp.(a)

    154,475       5,774,276  

Oil Search Ltd.

    1,025,118       2,271,824  

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR(a)(c)

    288,821       2,388,550  

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.(a)

    76,646       7,488,314  

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A(a)

    738,550       24,143,200  

Santos Ltd.

    702,130       2,609,518  

Suncor Energy, Inc.

    538,740       9,083,499  

TC Energy Corp.

    241,350       10,311,064  


    573,653       22,119,147  

Valero Energy Corp.(a)

    95,068       5,591,900  
Security   Shares     Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels (continued)  

Williams Cos., Inc.(a)

    501,490     $ 9,538,340  







Total Long-Term Investments — 97.6%
(Cost — $294,948,738)






Short-Term Securities — 3.1%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class,

    7,415,401       7,415,401  




Total Short-Term Securities — 3.1%
(Cost — $7,415,401)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 100.7%
(Cost — $302,364,139)






Options Written — (0.7)%
(Premiums Received — $2,894,347)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 100.0%
(Cost — $299,469,792)



Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.0)%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 240,409,383  






All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Non-income producing security.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:

Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at



Held at
     Value at
     Income      Net
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

     12,745,390               (5,329,989 )(b)       7,415,401      $ 7,415,401      $ 39,731      $         















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     330          07/02/20        USD     16.00        USD     501        $ (331

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     229          07/02/20        USD     34.50        USD     749          (2,290

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     229          07/02/20        USD     39.00        USD     749          (3,435

Chevron Corp.

     426          07/10/20        USD     106.00        USD     3,801          (3,834

EOG Resources, Inc.

     303          07/10/20        USD     59.00        USD     1,535          (1,969

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     27          07/10/20        USD     17.50        USD     41          (243




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     18          07/10/20        USD     44.00        USD     67        $ (333

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     96          07/10/20        CAD     26.50        CAD     220          (354

TC Energy Corp.

     370          07/10/20        CAD     60.50        CAD     2,146          (3,679

Baker Hughes Co.

     430          07/17/20        USD     14.00        USD     662          (81,700

Baker Hughes Co.

     354          07/17/20        USD     18.00        USD     545          (2,655

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

     300          07/17/20        CAD     26.00        CAD     707          (4,530

Chevron Corp.

     199          07/17/20        USD     97.50        USD     1,776          (9,652


     253          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,063          (2,909

Enbridge, Inc.

     162          07/17/20        CAD     46.00        CAD     669          (716

Exxon Mobil Corp.

     57          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     255          (1,453

Hess Corp.

     270          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,399          (99,225

Hess Corp.

     7          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     36          (70

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     620          07/17/20        USD     16.00        USD     941          (12,090

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     384          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,435          (83,136

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     135          07/17/20        USD     8.00        USD     112          (7,627

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     148          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     1,446          (11,100

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     9          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     88          (3,060

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     631          07/17/20        USD     32.50        USD     2,063          (82,030

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     253          07/17/20        CAD     27.00        CAD     579          (1,491

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     253          07/17/20        CAD     28.00        CAD     579          (1,305

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     58          07/17/20        CAD     26.00        CAD     133          (619

TC Energy Corp.

     116          07/17/20        CAD     64.00        CAD     673          (513

Williams Cos., Inc.

     468          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     890          (12,636

Chevron Corp.

     100          07/24/20        USD     94.00        USD     892          (18,800

Concho Resources, Inc.

     130          07/24/20        USD     59.00        USD     670          (7,800


     254          07/24/20        USD     50.50        USD     1,067          (6,223

EOG Resources, Inc.

     149          07/24/20        USD     63.00        USD     755          (2,086

Exxon Mobil Corp.

     113          07/24/20        USD     50.50        USD     505          (3,898

Hess Corp.

     202          07/24/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,047          (36,057

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     330          07/24/20        USD     17.50        USD     501          (3,960

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     30          07/24/20        USD     46.50        USD     112          (1,170

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     261          07/24/20        USD     8.50        USD     216          (10,571

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     49          07/24/20        USD     105.00        USD     479          (13,598

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     863          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     2,821          (23,733

Schlumberger Ltd.

     388          07/24/20        USD     23.00        USD     714          (6,208

TC Energy Corp.

     234          07/24/20        CAD     59.50        CAD     1,357          (14,392

Valero Energy Corp.

     121          07/24/20        USD     67.50        USD     712          (8,833

Williams Cos., Inc.

     291          07/24/20        USD     21.50        USD     553          (4,219

Williams Cos., Inc.

     361          07/24/20        USD     19.50        USD     687          (21,480

Chevron Corp.

     151          07/31/20        USD     97.50        USD     1,347          (18,271

Concho Resources, Inc.

     105          07/31/20        USD     56.00        USD     541          (18,375


     534          07/31/20        USD     44.50        USD     2,244          (81,702

Exxon Mobil Corp.

     136          07/31/20        USD     47.50        USD     608          (15,980

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     331          07/31/20        USD     17.00        USD     502          (2,813

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     41          07/31/20        USD     43.50        USD     153          (3,833

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     614          07/31/20        USD     10.00        USD     508          (7,368

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     54          07/31/20        USD     99.50        USD     528          (32,940

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     632          07/31/20        USD     34.00        USD     2,066          (88,480

Valero Energy Corp.

     71          07/31/20        USD     62.00        USD     418          (18,460

Williams Cos., Inc.

     93          07/31/20        USD     20.00        USD     177          (3,487

Chevron Corp.

     127          08/07/20        USD     92.00        USD     1,133          (43,879

Concho Resources, Inc.

     15          08/07/20        USD     55.00        USD     77          (3,562

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     630          08/07/20        USD     15.00        USD     956          (51,345

Schlumberger Ltd.

     410          08/07/20        USD     19.50        USD     754          (47,560

Williams Cos., Inc.

     117          08/07/20        USD     19.00        USD     223          (15,561

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.

     93          08/21/20        CAD     30.00        CAD     219          (1,747

Chevron Corp.

     270          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     2,409          (81,000

Enbridge, Inc.

     383          08/21/20        USD     44.00        USD     1,581          (13,400

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     67          08/21/20        USD     37.50        USD     250          (24,623

Schlumberger Ltd.

     410          08/21/20        USD     20.00        USD     754          (48,380

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     952          08/21/20        CAD     27.00        CAD     2,179          (32,608

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     268          08/21/20        CAD     26.00        CAD     613          (12,930




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

TC Energy Corp.

     124          08/21/20        CAD     60.00        CAD     719        $ (14,340

Valero Energy Corp.

     140          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     823          (32,200

Williams Cos., Inc.

     425          08/21/20        USD     20.00        USD     808          (33,363



     $ (1,366,220




OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty    Number of


Amount (000)

Galp Energia SGPS SA

   Credit Suisse International      49,800        07/07/20      EUR     10.31      EUR     514      $ (18,057

Lundin Petroleum AB

   Credit Suisse International      16,800        07/07/20      SEK     234.42      SEK     3,821        (5,049


   Credit Suisse International      39,400        07/07/20      EUR     33.55      EUR     1,352        (54,528


   Credit Suisse International      542,500        07/09/20      GBP     3.37      GBP     1,676        (7,398


   Credit Suisse International      304,000        07/14/20      GBP     3.30      GBP     939        (13,680


   Goldman Sachs International      222,000        07/14/20      HKD     9.26      HKD     1,931        (2,808


   Goldman Sachs International      520,000        07/14/20      HKD     9.15      HKD     4,524        (7,700

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   UBS AG      8,500        07/14/20      USD     5.78      USD     46        (91

Lukoil PJSC — ADR

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      7,300        07/14/20      USD     79.98      USD     543        (213

Oil Search Ltd.

   Goldman Sachs International      208,900        07/14/20      AUD     3.60      AUD     671        (5,581


   Credit Suisse International      22,200        07/14/20      EUR     35.12      EUR     762        (16,804

Galp Energia SGPS SA

   Goldman Sachs International      23,500        07/15/20      EUR     12.21      EUR     243        (728

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      14,300        07/15/20      USD     6.03      USD     77        (127

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      47,000        07/15/20      USD     5.69      USD     254        (564


   Credit Suisse International      75,800        07/21/20      EUR     38.25      EUR     2,601        (15,490


   Citibank N.A.      23,000        07/23/20      NOK     191.11      NOK     4,097        (6,538


   Credit Suisse International      603,200        07/23/20      GBP     3.58      GBP     1,864        (8,462

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      11,500        07/23/20      USD     6.09      USD     62        (70

Lukoil PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      5,300        07/23/20      USD     81.54      USD     394        (193


   Goldman Sachs International      51,200        07/23/20      EUR     38.50      EUR     1,757        (9,789

Lundin Petroleum AB

   Credit Suisse International      38,400        07/24/20      SEK     224.76      SEK     8,733        (46,602


   Goldman Sachs International      23,000        07/29/20      NOK     193.94      NOK     4,097        (6,292


   Goldman Sachs International      252,000        07/29/20      HKD     9.37      HKD     2,192        (5,209


   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      14,400        07/29/20      EUR     38.34      EUR     494        (4,764


   Credit Suisse International      206,100        08/05/20      GBP     3.28      GBP     637        (26,001

Galp Energia SGPS SA

   Goldman Sachs International      64,200        08/05/20      EUR     10.90      EUR     663        (31,220

Lundin Petroleum AB

   Goldman Sachs International      21,700        08/12/20      SEK     241.61      SEK     4,935        (15,991

Oil Search Ltd.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      150,000        08/12/20      AUD     3.36      AUD     482        (18,718

Santos Ltd.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      245,700        08/12/20      AUD     5.40      AUD     1,324        (59,449



   $ (388,116




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written



Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 1,333,298      $ (193,287    $ (1,754,336




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written, at value

   $      $      $ 1,754,336      $      $      $      $ 1,754,336  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      ($ 815,024    $      $      $      ($ 815,024
























Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ 2,253,788      $      $      $      $ 2,253,788  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 2,772,269  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 1,754,336  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 388,116  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
Available for
Amount of

Citibank N.A.

   $ 6,538        $        $        $          6,538  

Credit Suisse International

     213,025                   (213,025                  

Goldman Sachs International

     85,318                   (85,318                  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     83,144                   (27,458                 55,686  


     91                                     91  















   $ 388,116        $        $ (325,801      $        $ 62,315  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:


Energy Equipment & Services

   $ 9,777,149        $        $        $ 9,777,149  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

     159,242,160          65,799,772                   225,041,932  

Short-Term Securities

     7,415,401                            7,415,401  












   $ 176,434,710        $ 65,799,772        $        $ 242,234,482  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)





Equity contracts

   $ (1,366,220      $ (388,116      $        $ (1,754,336













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 100.3%


Aerospace & Defense — 1.2%  


    345,362     $ 8,288,688  



Automobiles — 1.2%  

General Motors Co.

    339,495       8,589,224  



Banks — 4.5%  

Bank of America Corp.(a)

    480,935       11,422,206  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

    139,233       13,096,256  

U.S. Bancorp

    192,429       7,085,236  



Biotechnology — 1.3%  

Biogen, Inc.(b)

    33,223       8,888,814  



Capital Markets — 1.5%  

E*Trade Financial Corp.

    104,690       5,206,234  

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

    77,318       5,321,798  



Chemicals — 2.6%  

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.(b)

    226,922       5,117,091  

Corteva, Inc.(b)

    509,553       13,650,925  



Communications Equipment — 2.5%  

Cisco Systems, Inc.

    379,539       17,701,699  



Construction & Engineering — 2.0%  

Quanta Services, Inc.

    364,421       14,296,236  



Consumer Finance — 0.9%  

Ally Financial, Inc.

    309,680       6,140,954  



Diversified Financial Services — 2.3%  

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B(b)

    90,204       16,102,316  



Diversified Telecommunication Services — 1.0%  

Verizon Communications, Inc.

    130,379       7,187,794  



Electrical Equipment — 1.2%  

Hubbell, Inc.

    67,650       8,480,604  



Food & Staples Retailing — 1.6%  

Walmart, Inc.

    93,940       11,252,133  



Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 1.4%  

Koninklijke Philips NV—ADR(b)

    217,062       10,167,184  



Health Care Providers & Services — 6.2%  

Anthem, Inc.

    45,210       11,889,326  

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings(b)

    77,439       12,863,392  

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

    65,930       19,446,054  



Household Durables — 0.5%  

D.R. Horton, Inc.

    69,646       3,861,871  



Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers — 1.1%  

AES Corp.

    530,186       7,682,395  



Insurance — 0.3%  

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

    61,839       1,895,984  



Interactive Media & Services — 8.9%  

Alphabet, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    26,728       37,901,640  

Facebook, Inc., Class A(b)

    110,667       25,129,156  



Internet & Direct Marketing Retail — 6.5%  

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.—ADR(b)

    46,126       9,949,378  

Amazon.com, Inc.(b)

    11,597       31,994,035  

Booking Holdings, Inc.(b)

    2,690       4,283,395  



Security   Shares     Value  
IT Services — 5.1%  

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

    217,777     $ 12,374,089  

FleetCor Technologies, Inc.(b)

    6,036       1,518,235  

Visa, Inc., Class A

    115,046       22,223,436  



Machinery — 2.5%  

Fortive Corp.

    141,953       9,604,540  

Otis Worldwide Corp.

    147,987       8,414,541  



Media — 3.6%  

Comcast Corp., Class A

    461,744       17,998,781  

Fox Corp., Class A

    272,700       7,313,814  



Multiline Retail — 3.3%  

Dollar General Corp.

    44,435       8,465,312  

Dollar Tree, Inc.(b)

    159,737       14,804,425  



Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 3.4%  


    284,859       6,642,912  

Chevron Corp.

    102,513       9,147,235  


    191,127       8,031,156  



Personal Products — 2.0%  

Unilever NV — NY Shares

    260,598       13,882,055  



Pharmaceuticals — 4.7%  

Novo Nordisk A/S — ADR

    106,483       6,972,507  

Pfizer, Inc.

    393,514       12,867,908  

Sanofi — ADR

    268,542       13,709,069  



Professional Services — 1.3%  

Robert Half International, Inc.

    169,613       8,960,655  



Real Estate Management & Development — 0.5%  

CBRE Group, Inc., Class A(b)

    84,047       3,800,605  



Road & Rail — 1.3%  

Norfolk Southern Corp.

    50,828       8,923,872  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 2.3%  

NXP Semiconductors NV

    35,979       4,103,045  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

    217,838       12,366,663  



Software — 8.5%  

CDK Global, Inc.

    202,094       8,370,734  

Microsoft Corp.(a)

    254,853       51,865,134  



Specialty Retail — 3.4%  

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

    74,579       10,077,115  

O’Reilly Automotive, Inc.(b)

    18,841       7,944,684  

Ross Stores, Inc.

    71,558       6,099,604  



Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals — 7.3%  

Apple, Inc.(a)(c)

    142,306       51,913,229  



Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 0.5%  

Skechers U.S.A., Inc., Class A(b)

    123,711       3,882,051  



Tobacco — 1.9%  

Altria Group, Inc.(a)

    350,669       13,763,758  




Total Long-Term Investments — 100.3%
(Cost — $557,686,874)









Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Short-Term Securities — 1.6%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class,

    11,280,090     $ 11,280,090  




Total Short-Term Securities — 1.6%
(Cost — $11,280,090)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 101.9%
(Cost — $568,966,964)






Options Written — (1.9)%
(Premiums Received — $11,792,720)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 100.0%
(Cost — $557,174,244)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 0.0%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 708,838,351  






All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


Non-income producing security.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at
Held at

Value at


Gain (Loss)

Change in




BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund,
Institutional Class

     4,423,595        6,856,495 (b)              11,280,090      $ 11,280,090      $ 19,932      $      $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s sector classifications refer to one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     52          07/02/20        USD     1,450.00        USD     7,374        $ (9,360

Altria Group, Inc.

     195          07/02/20        USD     40.50        USD     765          (780

Amazon.com, Inc.

     14          07/02/20        USD     2,475.00        USD     3,862          (397,390


     92          07/02/20        USD     25.00        USD     215          (276

Bank of America Corp.

     286          07/02/20        USD     26.50        USD     679          (429

Bank of America Corp.

     158          07/02/20        USD     25.00        USD     375          (869

Bank of America Corp.

     81          07/02/20        USD     25.50        USD     192          (202

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     219          07/02/20        USD     47.00        USD     1,021          (5,256

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     73          07/02/20        USD     55.00        USD     415          (16,060

Fox Corp., Class A

     486          07/02/20        USD     29.00        USD     1,303          (109,350

General Motors Co.

     356          07/02/20        USD     27.00        USD     901          (2,314

Microsoft Corp.

     172          07/02/20        USD     185.00        USD     3,500          (320,780

Norfolk Southern Corp.

     85          07/02/20        USD     175.00        USD     1,492          (30,388

Skechers U.S.A., Inc., Class A

     130          07/02/20        USD     29.50        USD     408          (26,325

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     51          07/02/20        USD     56.50        USD     290          (3,442

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     40          07/02/20        USD     53.50        USD     227          (12,800

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     20          07/02/20        USD     54.50        USD     114          (4,600

U.S. Bancorp

     173          07/02/20        USD     36.00        USD     637          (19,809

Visa, Inc., Class A

     2          07/02/20        USD     195.00        USD     39          (153

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     25          07/10/20        USD     210.00        USD     539          (20,000

Altria Group, Inc.

     196          07/10/20        USD     40.00        USD     769          (8,526




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Anthem, Inc.

     77          07/10/20        USD     300.00        USD     2,025        $ (3,619

Apple, Inc.

     193          07/10/20        USD     337.50        USD     7,041          (544,260

Bank of America Corp.

     456          07/10/20        USD     26.00        USD     1,083          (4,560

Bank of America Corp.

     286          07/10/20        USD     27.00        USD     679          (1,144

Bank of America Corp.

     59          07/10/20        USD     29.50        USD     140          (118

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     40          07/10/20        USD     185.00        USD     714          (1,440


     114          07/10/20        USD     26.50        USD     266          (342


     83          07/10/20        USD     28.00        USD     194          (498

Chevron Corp.

     193          07/10/20        USD     106.00        USD     1,722          (1,737

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     276          07/10/20        USD     47.00        USD     1,287          (16,284

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     264          07/10/20        USD     59.00        USD     1,500          (12,540

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     21          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     119          (2,730

Comcast Corp., Class A

     907          07/10/20        USD     43.00        USD     3,535          (1,814

Comcast Corp., Class A

     362          07/10/20        USD     41.50        USD     1,411          (3,620


     120          07/10/20        USD     52.00        USD     504          (840

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     317          07/10/20        USD     237.50        USD     7,198          (51,037

General Motors Co.

     119          07/10/20        USD     29.50        USD     301          (773

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     123          07/10/20        USD     114.00        USD     1,157          (799

Microsoft Corp.

     343          07/10/20        USD     187.50        USD     6,980          (583,100

Microsoft Corp.

     142          07/10/20        USD     200.00        USD     2,890          (75,615

Pfizer, Inc.

     85          07/10/20        USD     34.50        USD     278          (1,190

Ross Stores, Inc.

     11          07/10/20        USD     105.00        USD     94          (1,650

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     20          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     114          (1,750

U.S. Bancorp

     179          07/10/20        USD     43.00        USD     659          (1,074

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     135          07/10/20        USD     312.50        USD     3,982          (12,487

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     139          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     766          (1,668

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     61          07/10/20        USD     58.00        USD     336          (366

Visa, Inc., Class A

     94          07/10/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,816          (7,661

Walmart, Inc.

     157          07/10/20        USD     127.00        USD     1,881          (1,334

AES Corp.

     502          07/17/20        USD     14.00        USD     727          (42,670

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     115          07/17/20        USD     215.00        USD     2,481          (73,025

Ally Financial, Inc.

     933          07/17/20        USD     17.00        USD     1,850          (303,225

Ally Financial, Inc.

     150          07/17/20        USD     24.00        USD     297          (2,625

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     34          07/17/20        USD     1,380.00        USD     4,821          (193,290

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     31          07/17/20        USD     1,465.00        USD     4,396          (33,945

Altria Group, Inc.

     488          07/17/20        USD     42.50        USD     1,915          (8,540

Amazon.com, Inc.

     14          07/17/20        USD     2,460.00        USD     3,862          (424,865

Anthem, Inc.

     14          07/17/20        USD     290.00        USD     368          (1,127

Apple, Inc.

     315          07/17/20        USD     320.00        USD     11,491          (1,415,138

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.

     156          07/17/20        USD     23.00        USD     352          (9,360


     182          07/17/20        USD     26.00        USD     424          (2,275


     83          07/17/20        USD     29.00        USD     194          (830

Bank of America Corp.

     150          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     356          (7,725

Bank of America Corp.

     46          07/17/20        USD     26.00        USD     109          (1,288

Bank of America Corp.

     285          07/17/20        USD     27.00        USD     677          (4,417

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     41          07/17/20        USD     185.00        USD     732          (3,505

Biogen, Inc.

     56          07/17/20        USD     335.00        USD     1,498          (5,320

Booking Holdings, Inc.

     3          07/17/20        USD     1,750.00        USD     478          (3,960

CBRE Group, Inc., Class A

     54          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     244          (10,935

CDK Global, Inc.

     354          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,466          (7,965

Chevron Corp.

     117          07/17/20        USD     97.50        USD     1,044          (5,674

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     146          07/17/20        USD     46.00        USD     681          (20,148

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     84          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     477          (21,840

Comcast Corp., Class A

     439          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,711          (89,995


     205          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     861          (2,357

Corteva, Inc.

     418          07/17/20        USD     29.00        USD     1,120          (10,450

D.R. Horton, Inc.

     306          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,697          (11,934

Dollar Tree, Inc.

     134          07/17/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,242          (22,445

E*Trade Financial Corp.

     337          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,676          (337,843

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     93          07/17/20        USD     250.00        USD     2,112          (7,812

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     43          07/17/20        USD     240.00        USD     976          (9,761

Fortive Corp.

     258          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,746          (212,205




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020

   BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

General Motors Co.

     401          07/17/20        USD     27.00        USD     1,015        $ (20,652

Hubbell, Inc.

     122          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     1,529          (48,495

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     96          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     903          (1,296

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings

     491          07/17/20        USD     180.00        USD     8,156          (38,053

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     272          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     3,675          (303,960

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     44          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     595          (68,200

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     43          07/17/20        USD     130.00        USD     581          (30,423

Microsoft Corp.

     289          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     5,881          (400,265

Norfolk Southern Corp.

     123          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     2,160          (28,598

Norfolk Southern Corp.

     61          07/17/20        USD     185.00        USD     1,071          (14,335

Novo Nordisk A/S — ADR

     339          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     2,220          (9,322

NXP Semiconductors NV

     126          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,437          (142,065

Otis Worldwide Corp.

     238          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,353          (14,875

Pfizer, Inc.

     928          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     3,035          (3,248

Quanta Services, Inc.

     599          07/17/20        USD     42.00        USD     2,350          (19,468

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

     169          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     1,163          (88,725

Robert Half International, Inc.

     674          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     3,561          (259,490

Ross Stores, Inc.

     103          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     878          (14,677

Ross Stores, Inc.

     11          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     94          (247

Sanofi — ADR

     301          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,537          (6,772

Skechers U.S.A., Inc., Class A

     219          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     687          (6,022

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     61          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     346          (15,403

U.S. Bancorp

     146          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     538          (8,176

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     8          07/17/20        USD     300.00        USD     236          (5,480

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     179          07/17/20        USD     57.50        USD     987          (2,685

Visa, Inc., Class A

     94          07/17/20        USD     195.00        USD     1,816          (31,584

Walmart, Inc.

     284          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     3,402          (11,928

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     13          07/24/20        USD     235.00        USD     280          (1,703

Altria Group, Inc.

     488          07/24/20        USD     43.50        USD     1,915          (39,528

Anthem, Inc.

     77          07/24/20        USD     300.00        USD     2,025          (4,158

Apple, Inc.

     208          07/24/20        USD     355.00        USD     7,588          (346,840

Bank of America Corp.

     50          07/24/20        USD     25.50        USD     119          (2,450

Bank of America Corp.

     38          07/24/20        USD     30.50        USD     90          (133

Bank of America Corp.

     29          07/24/20        USD     27.00        USD     69          (652

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     222          07/24/20        USD     185.00        USD     3,963          (34,410

Biogen, Inc.

     14          07/24/20        USD     280.00        USD     375          (9,310

Booking Holdings, Inc.

     7          07/24/20        USD     1,650.00        USD     1,115          (35,210


     186          07/24/20        USD     26.00        USD     434          (4,185

Chevron Corp.

     48          07/24/20        USD     94.00        USD     428          (9,024

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     147          07/24/20        USD     48.50        USD     686          (8,085

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     141          07/24/20        USD     56.50        USD     801          (34,545

Comcast Corp., Class A

     419          07/24/20        USD     42.00        USD     1,633          (11,103


     205          07/24/20        USD     50.50        USD     861          (5,022

Dollar General Corp.

     275          07/24/20        USD     195.00        USD     5,239          (68,063

D.R. Horton, Inc.

     180          07/24/20        USD     59.50        USD     998          (17,550

General Motors Co.

     120          07/24/20        USD     30.00        USD     304          (1,740

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     96          07/24/20        USD     115.00        USD     903          (1,728

Microsoft Corp.

     143          07/24/20        USD     192.50        USD     2,910          (186,258

Pfizer, Inc.

     928          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     3,035          (4,640

Skechers U.S.A., Inc., Class A

     420          07/24/20        USD     34.00        USD     1,318          (48,300

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     241          07/24/20        USD     57.50        USD     1,368          (36,150

U.S. Bancorp

     208          07/24/20        USD     42.00        USD     766          (7,280

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     24          07/24/20        USD     305.00        USD     708          (15,060

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     168          07/24/20        USD     58.00        USD     926          (4,200

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     135          07/31/20        USD     220.00        USD     2,912          (86,400

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     48          07/31/20        USD     1,450.00        USD     6,807          (198,000

Altria Group, Inc.

     391          07/31/20        USD     43.00        USD     1,535          (13,880

Amazon.com, Inc.

     31          07/31/20        USD     2,685.00        USD     8,552          (509,408

Apple, Inc.

     176          07/31/20        USD     362.50        USD     6,420          (270,160

Bank of America Corp.

     180          07/31/20        USD     26.00        USD     428          (9,000

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     12          07/31/20        USD     185.00        USD     214          (2,550

Biogen, Inc.

     46          07/31/20        USD     280.00        USD     1,231          (36,340





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020

   BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Booking Holdings, Inc.

     3          07/31/20        USD     1,730.00        USD     478        $ (10,455


     83          07/31/20        USD     25.50        USD     194          (3,527

Chevron Corp.

     43          07/31/20        USD     97.50        USD     384          (5,203

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     231          07/31/20        USD     48.00        USD     1,077          (19,866

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     83          07/31/20        USD     47.00        USD     387          (10,790

Comcast Corp., Class A

     70          07/31/20        USD     41.00        USD     273          (5,670


     244          07/31/20        USD     46.00        USD     1,025          (25,986

Dollar Tree, Inc.

     508          07/31/20        USD     93.00        USD     4,708          (200,660

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     108          07/31/20        USD     232.50        USD     2,452          (103,140

General Motors Co.

     119          07/31/20        USD     30.00        USD     301          (3,153

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     105          07/31/20        USD     106.00        USD     988          (9,135

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     103          07/31/20        USD     135.00        USD     1,392          (52,788

Microsoft Corp.

     112          07/31/20        USD     202.50        USD     2,279          (83,720

Pfizer, Inc.

     501          07/31/20        USD     34.50        USD     1,638          (28,056

Ross Stores, Inc.

     94          07/31/20        USD     97.00        USD     801          (21,620

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     339          07/31/20        USD     57.00        USD     1,925          (66,953

U.S. Bancorp

     163          07/31/20        USD     40.50        USD     600          (12,714

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     63          07/31/20        USD     305.00        USD     1,858          (49,298

Visa, Inc., Class A

     174          07/31/20        USD     200.00        USD     3,361          (61,770

Walmart, Inc.

     141          07/31/20        USD     121.00        USD     1,689          (32,430

Altria Group, Inc.

     418          08/07/20        USD     41.00        USD     1,641          (43,681

Bank of America Corp.

     67          08/07/20        USD     26.00        USD     159          (3,819


     91          08/07/20        USD     25.00        USD     212          (6,552

Chevron Corp.

     96          08/07/20        USD     92.00        USD     857          (33,168

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     113          08/07/20        USD     45.50        USD     527          (26,160

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     57          08/07/20        USD     46.00        USD     266          (11,685

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     56          08/07/20        USD     46.50        USD     261          (9,744

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     38          08/07/20        USD     58.00        USD     216          (9,975

Comcast Corp., Class A

     374          08/07/20        USD     39.50        USD     1,458          (55,913


     410          08/07/20        USD     44.50        USD     1,723          (69,495

Dollar Tree, Inc.

     348          08/07/20        USD     100.00        USD     3,225          (39,150

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     125          08/07/20        USD     98.00        USD     1,176          (38,000

Microsoft Corp.

     142          08/07/20        USD     207.50        USD     2,890          (90,525

Ross Stores, Inc.

     73          08/07/20        USD     87.00        USD     622          (25,733

U.S. Bancorp

     209          08/07/20        USD     38.50        USD     770          (32,918

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     28          08/07/20        USD     55.00        USD     154          (4,130

AES Corp.

     1,671          08/21/20        USD     14.00        USD     2,421          (213,053

Amazon.com, Inc.

     12          08/21/20        USD     2,780.00        USD     3,311          (169,800

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.

     638          08/21/20        USD     23.00        USD     1,439          (81,345

Axalta Coating Systems Ltd.

     482          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     1,087          (27,715

Bank of America Corp.

     67          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     159          (3,316

Booking Holdings, Inc.

     4          08/21/20        USD     1,710.00        USD     637          (27,740


     83          08/21/20        USD     26.00        USD     194          (4,482

CBRE Group, Inc., Class A

     255          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,153          (89,250

CDK Global, Inc.

     354          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,466          (44,250

Chevron Corp.

     138          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,231          (41,400

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     141          08/21/20        USD     57.50        USD     801          (41,948

Comcast Corp., Class A

     291          08/21/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,134          (47,142

Corteva, Inc.

     237          08/21/20        USD     29.00        USD     635          (21,330

Corteva, Inc.

     236          08/21/20        USD     28.00        USD     632          (30,090

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     125          08/21/20        USD     260.00        USD     2,838          (36,250

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

     192          08/21/20        USD     36.00        USD     589          (7,200

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

     191          08/21/20        USD     34.00        USD     586          (14,802

Fortive Corp.

     247          08/21/20        USD     69.00        USD     1,671          (91,939

General Motors Co.

     73          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     185          (9,380

Hubbell, Inc.

     86          08/21/20        USD     135.00        USD     1,078          (26,660

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     116          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,091          (35,612

Koninklijke Philips NV — ADR

     481          08/21/20        USD     47.83        USD     2,253          (78,403

Microsoft Corp.

     237          08/21/20        USD     210.00        USD     4,823          (151,088

Novo Nordisk A/S — ADR

     339          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     2,220          (38,985

O’Reilly Automotive, Inc.

     120          08/21/20        USD     440.00        USD     5,060          (180,000

Otis Worldwide Corp.

     285          08/21/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,621          (79,800




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020

   BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Quanta Services, Inc.

     599          08/21/20        USD     42.00        USD     2,350        $ (77,870

Quanta Services, Inc.

     250          08/21/20        USD     43.00        USD     981          (24,375

Quanta Services, Inc.

     75          08/21/20        USD     39.00        USD     294          (19,875

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

     198          08/21/20        USD     80.00        USD     1,363          (22,770

Robert Half International, Inc.

     377          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,992          (97,078

Ross Stores, Inc.

     80          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     682          (19,000

Ross Stores, Inc.

     71          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     605          (11,360

Sanofi — ADR

     1,363          08/21/20        USD     52.26        USD     6,958          (219,428

U.S. Bancorp

     115          08/21/20        USD     42.50        USD     423          (8,452

Unilever NV — NY Shares

     235          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,252          (25,850

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     315          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,737          (51,818

Visa, Inc., Class A

     40          08/21/20        USD     205.00        USD     773          (13,560



                           $ (12,783,160




OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty   

Number of










Amount (000)


AES Corp.

   Bank of America N.A.      111,400        07/08/20        USD       12.38        USD       1,614      $ (236,490

BAE Systems PLC — ADR

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      62,600        07/15/20        USD       25.95        USD       1,502        (25,234

BAE Systems PLC — ADR

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      25,000        08/19/20        USD       25.14        USD       600        (15,262

BAE Systems PLC — ADR

   Bank of America N.A.      17,300        08/06/20        USD       25.46        USD       415        (18,924

BAE Systems PLC — ADR

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      15,900        07/28/20        USD       25.88        USD       382        (12,085

Hubbell, Inc.

   Credit Suisse International      22,600        07/20/20        USD       118.58        USD       2,833        (210,903

Koninklijke Philips NV — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      29,400        07/15/20        USD       41.97        USD       1,377        (148,118

Quanta Services, Inc.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      73,600        07/29/20        USD       40.64        USD       2,887        (87,368

Unilever NV — NY Shares

   Bank of America N.A.      25,900        07/08/20        USD       49.61        USD       1,380        (95,787

Unilever NV — NY Shares

   Credit Suisse International      24,200        09/09/20        USD       53.75        USD       1,289        (44,709

Unilever NV — NY Shares

   Credit Suisse International      17,600        07/22/20        USD       52.56        USD       938        (50,941



                      $ (945,821




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 3,584,763      $ (5,521,024    $ (13,728,981

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 13,728,981      $      $      $      $ 13,728,981  


























Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund (CII)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure (continued)


For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (20,598,491    $      $      $      $ (20,598,491






















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ 655,814      $      $      $      $ 655,814  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 12,459,696  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 13,728,981  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 945,821  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
for Offset
Pledged (a)
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 351,201        $        $ (351,201      $        $  

Credit Suisse International

     454,671                            (454,671         

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     139,949                   (139,949                  















   $ 945,821        $        $ (491,150      $ (454,671      $  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Long-Term Investments

   $ 710,933,182        $        $        $ 710,933,182  

Short-Term Securities

     11,280,090                            11,280,090  












   $ 722,213,272        $        $        $ 722,213,272  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity contracts

   $ (12,393,390      $ (1,335,591      $        $ (13,728,981













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 99.4%


Aerospace & Defense — 2.0%


BAE Systems PLC

    5,018,436     $ 30,007,541  



Air Freight & Logistics — 0.5%  

FedEx Corp.(a)

    53,750       7,536,825  



Automobiles — 1.4%  

General Motors Co.(a)

    839,680       21,243,904  



Banks — 10.7%  

Bank of America Corp.(a)

    2,233,352       53,042,110  

Citigroup, Inc.(a) (b)

    1,030,792       52,673,471  

JPMorgan Chase & Co.(a) (b)

    269,219       25,322,739  

Wells Fargo & Co.(a)

    1,277,818       32,712,141  



Beverages — 1.4%  

Constellation Brands, Inc., Class A(a)

    123,741       21,648,488  



Capital Markets — 5.8%  

Charles Schwab Corp.(a)

    598,200       20,183,268  

CME Group, Inc.(a)

    62,710       10,192,883  

Morgan Stanley(a)

    697,706       33,699,200  

Raymond James Financial, Inc.(a)

    354,610       24,407,806  



Chemicals — 1.6%  

Corteva, Inc.(a)(c)

    364,551       9,766,321  

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.(a)

    265,974       14,131,199  



Communications Equipment — 2.0%  

Cisco Systems, Inc.(a)

    339,868       15,851,443  

Motorola Solutions, Inc.(a)

    100,230       14,045,230  



Consumer Finance — 0.6%  

American Express Co.(a)

    105,400       10,034,080  



Diversified Financial Services — 2.2%  

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B(a) (c)

    124,625       22,246,809  

Equitable Holdings, Inc.(a)

    579,562       11,179,751  



Diversified Telecommunication Services — 4.4%  

Verizon Communications, Inc.(a) (b)

    1,216,250       67,051,863  



Electric Utilities — 3.6%  

Edison International(a)

    262,790       14,272,125  

FirstEnergy Corp.(a) (b)

    834,530       32,363,074  

PPL Corp.(a)

    319,054       8,244,355  



Food Products — 0.9%  

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

    127,108       14,092,543  



Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 5.7%  

Alcon, Inc.(c)

    265,830       15,274,387  

Koninklijke Philips NV(c)

    719,193       33,548,701  

Medtronic PLC(a)

    409,309       37,533,635  



Health Care Providers & Services — 7.2%  

Anthem, Inc.(a)(b)

    159,101       41,840,381  

CVS Health Corp.(a)

    414,822       26,950,985  

McKesson Corp.(a)

    91,066       13,971,346  

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.(a)

    42,404       4,832,360  

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.(a)

    73,080       21,554,946  



Security   Shares     Value  
Household Durables — 0.7%  

Newell Brands, Inc.(a)

    667,896     $ 10,606,188  



Industrial Conglomerates — 2.9%  

General Electric Co.(a)

    3,246,203       22,171,567  

Siemens AG, Registered Shares

    186,180       21,957,528  



Insurance — 7.3%  

Allstate Corp.(a)

    131,757       12,779,111  

American International Group, Inc.(a)

    1,057,676       32,978,338  

Arthur J Gallagher & Co.(a)

    277,288       27,032,807  

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.(a)

    269,940       8,276,360  

MetLife, Inc.(a)

    624,633       22,811,597  

Willis Towers Watson PLC(a)

    36,410       7,170,950  



IT Services — 3.6%  

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A(a)

    609,619       34,638,552  

Visa, Inc., Class A(a)

    104,413       20,169,459  



Media — 3.1%  

Comcast Corp., Class A(a)

    816,675       31,833,991  

Fox Corp., Class A(a)

    550,700       14,769,774  

Fox Corp., Class B(c)

    26,570       713,139  



Multi-Utilities — 2.0%  

NiSource, Inc.(a)

    193,480       4,399,735  

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.(a)

    524,385       25,778,767  



Multiline Retail — 0.7%  

Dollar General Corp.(a)

    54,572       10,396,512  



Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 8.4%  


    3,146,820       12,055,597  


    408,460       17,163,489  

Enterprise Products Partners LP(a)

    1,157,821       21,037,608  

Equinor ASA

    1,142,170       16,453,721  

Marathon Petroleum Corp.(a)

    625,376       23,376,555  

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.(a)

    225,989       22,079,125  

Williams Cos., Inc.(a)

    832,029       15,825,192  



Personal Products — 2.2%  

Unilever NV — NY Shares(a)

    630,160       33,568,623  



Pharmaceuticals — 6.5%  

AstraZeneca PLC

    226,698       23,593,459  

Bayer AG, Registered Shares

    437,514       32,430,058  

Pfizer, Inc.(a)

    360,488       11,787,958  


    301,690       30,767,722  



Road & Rail — 1.0%  

Union Pacific Corp.(a)

    94,690       16,009,238  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 1.3%  

Applied Materials, Inc.(a)

    137,030       8,283,464  

NXP Semiconductors NV(a)

    103,750       11,831,650  



Software — 2.3%  

CDK Global, Inc.(a)

    160,450       6,645,839  

Microsoft Corp.(a)

    136,540       27,787,255  

Open Text Corp.

    17,970       763,366  



Specialty Retail — 2.5%  

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.(a)

    118,770       16,048,203  





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  
Specialty Retail (continued)  

Ross Stores, Inc.(a)

    163,600     $ 13,945,264  

TJX Cos., Inc.(a)

    153,520       7,761,971  



Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals — 1.6%  

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. — GDR

    22,649       24,760,208  



Tobacco — 2.4%  

Altria Group, Inc.(a)

    877,976       34,460,558  

Philip Morris International, Inc.(a)

    40,940       2,868,256  



Trading Companies & Distributors — 0.9%  

Ferguson PLC

    178,110       14,563,438  




Total Common Stocks — 99.4%
(Cost — $1,376,031,397)






Preferred Stock — 1.3%


Household Products — 1.3%  

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Preference Shares, 0.00%

    203,170       18,954,477  




Total Preferred Securities — 1.3%
(Cost — $18,703,928)






Total Long-Term Investments — 100.7%
(Cost — $1,394,735,325)





Security   Shares     Value  

Short-Term Securities — 0.5%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(d)(e)

    8,249,540     $ 8,249,540  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.5%
(Cost — $8,249,540)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 101.2%
(Cost — $1,402,984,865)






Options Written — (1.3)%
(Premiums Received — $25,160,970)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 99.9%
(Cost — $1,377,823,895)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 0.1%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 1,524,694,661  






All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Non-income producing security.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at
Held at
     Value at
     Income      Net
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

            8,249,540 (b)             8,249,540      $ 8,249,540      $ 28,938      $      $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s sector classifications refer to one or more of the sector sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such sector sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written



   Number of
Amount (000)

Altria Group, Inc.

     491          07/10/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,927        $ (21,358

Altria Group, Inc.

     490          07/02/20        USD     40.50        USD     1,923          (1,960

American Express Co.

     165          07/02/20        USD     104.00        USD     1,571          (2,145

American International Group, Inc.

     328          07/10/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,023          (3,280

Anthem, Inc.

     159          07/10/20        USD     300.00        USD     4,181          (7,473

Anthem, Inc.

     97          07/02/20        USD     290.00        USD     2,551          (17,945

AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.

     987          07/10/20        USD     21.01        USD     1,904          (20,133

Bank of America Corp.

     1,323          07/02/20        USD     26.50        USD     3,142          (1,984

Bank of America Corp.

     1,051          07/02/20        USD     25.50        USD     2,496          (2,627

Bank of America Corp.

     1,023          07/02/20        USD     25.00        USD     2,430          (5,626

Charles Schwab Corp.

     223          07/02/20        USD     35.50        USD     752          (4,460

Charles Schwab Corp.

     139          07/02/20        USD     36.50        USD     469          (3,475

Charles Schwab Corp.

     139          07/02/20        USD     38.00        USD     469          (2,780





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)



   Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     98          07/02/20        USD     47.00        USD     457        $ (2,352

Citigroup, Inc.

     702          07/02/20        USD     54.00        USD     3,587          (8,073

Citigroup, Inc.

     511          07/02/20        USD     49.50        USD     2,611          (96,835

CME Group, Inc.

     105          07/02/20        USD     187.50        USD     1,707          (2,100

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     748          07/02/20        USD     55.00        USD     4,250          (164,560

Fox Corp., Class A

     530          07/02/20        USD     29.00        USD     1,421          (119,250

General Electric Co.

     5,004          07/02/20        USD     7.00        USD     3,418          (32,526

General Motors Co.

     681          07/02/20        USD     27.00        USD     1,723          (4,426

MetLife, Inc.

     1,232          07/02/20        USD     37.50        USD     4,499          (26,488

MetLife, Inc.

     406          07/02/20        USD     35.00        USD     1,483          (70,847

Microsoft Corp.

     71          07/02/20        USD     185.00        USD     1,445          (132,415

Ross Stores, Inc.

     116          07/02/20        USD     103.00        USD     989          (8,120

Union Pacific Corp.

     141          07/02/20        USD     175.00        USD     2,384          (16,356

Visa, Inc., Class A

     110          07/02/20        USD     195.00        USD     2,125          (8,415

Wells Fargo & Co.

     678          07/02/20        USD     26.50        USD     1,736          (11,187

Bank of America Corp.

     1,632          07/10/20        USD     26.00        USD     3,876          (16,320

Bank of America Corp.

     1,324          07/10/20        USD     27.00        USD     3,145          (5,296

Bank of America Corp.

     384          07/10/20        USD     29.50        USD     912          (768

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     194          07/10/20        USD     185.00        USD     3,463          (6,984

Charles Schwab Corp.

     268          07/10/20        USD     39.50        USD     904          (4,020

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     330          07/10/20        USD     47.00        USD     1,539          (19,470

Citigroup, Inc.

     405          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     2,070          (5,872

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     187          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     1,063          (24,310

Comcast Corp., Class A

     634          07/10/20        USD     41.50        USD     2,471          (6,340

Comcast Corp., Class A

     272          07/10/20        USD     43.00        USD     1,060          (544


     449          07/10/20        USD     52.00        USD     1,887          (3,143

General Electric Co.

     4,461          07/10/20        USD     8.50        USD     3,047          (6,691

General Motors Co.

     227          07/10/20        USD     29.50        USD     574          (1,475

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     328          07/10/20        USD     114.00        USD     3,085          (2,132

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     345          07/10/20        USD     44.00        USD     1,290          (6,382

Microsoft Corp.

     142          07/10/20        USD     187.50        USD     2,890          (241,400

Microsoft Corp.

     66          07/10/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,343          (35,145

NXP Semiconductors NV

     138          07/10/20        USD     109.00        USD     1,574          (97,635

Ross Stores, Inc.

     240          07/10/20        USD     105.00        USD     2,046          (36,000

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     749          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     4,129          (8,988

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     534          07/10/20        USD     58.00        USD     2,944          (3,204

Visa, Inc., Class A

     140          07/10/20        USD     200.00        USD     2,704          (11,410

Wells Fargo & Co.

     703          07/10/20        USD     31.00        USD     1,800          (3,515

AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.

     927          07/17/20        USD     21.01        USD     1,788          (34,771

Allstate Corp.

     308          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     2,987          (38,808

Allstate Corp.

     107          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,038          (3,638

Altria Group, Inc.

     1,099          07/17/20        USD     42.50        USD     4,314          (19,232

American International Group, Inc.

     1,019          07/17/20        USD     32.00        USD     3,177          (112,600

American International Group, Inc.

     814          07/17/20        USD     34.00        USD     2,538          (39,072

Anthem, Inc.

     221          07/17/20        USD     290.00        USD     5,812          (17,790

Applied Materials, Inc.

     376          07/17/20        USD     62.50        USD     2,273          (48,128

Arthur J Gallagher & Co.

     893          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     8,706          (763,515

Arthur J Gallagher & Co.

     536          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     5,225          (69,680

Arthur J Gallagher & Co.

     96          07/17/20        USD     95.00        USD     936          (39,840

Bank of America Corp.

     1,324          07/17/20        USD     27.00        USD     3,145          (20,522

Bank of America Corp.

     836          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     1,986          (43,054

Bank of America Corp.

     369          07/17/20        USD     26.00        USD     876          (10,332

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     253          07/17/20        USD     185.00        USD     4,516          (21,632

CVS Health Corp.

     460          07/17/20        USD     67.50        USD     2,989          (31,740

Charles Schwab Corp.

     222          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     749          (8,325

Charles Schwab Corp.

     222          07/17/20        USD     43.00        USD     749          (2,220

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     358          07/17/20        USD     46.00        USD     1,670          (49,404

Citigroup, Inc.

     809          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     4,134          (80,091

CME Group, Inc.

     86          07/17/20        USD     185.00        USD     1,398          (4,300

CME Group, Inc.

     33          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     536          (577

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     747          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     4,244          (194,220





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)



   Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Comcast Corp., Class A

     1,604          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     6,252        $ (328,820


     629          07/17/20        USD     46.00        USD     2,643          (35,224


     85          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     357          (977

Constellation Brands, Inc., Class A

     77          07/17/20        USD     175.00        USD     1,347          (54,285

Corteva, Inc.

     960          07/17/20        USD     29.00        USD     2,572          (24,000

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

     292          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,551          (116,070

Edison International

     121          07/17/20        USD     62.50        USD     657          (1,815

Edison International

     203          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     1,102          (2,537

Edison International

     373          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     2,026          (8,392

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     2,667          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     4,846          (20,002

FedEx Corp.

     149          07/17/20        USD     130.00        USD     2,089          (192,583

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

     257          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     788          (39,193

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

     500          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     1,533          (5,000

FirstEnergy Corp.

     681          07/17/20        USD     47.00        USD     2,641          (6,810

FirstEnergy Corp.

     1,332          07/17/20        USD     43.00        USD     5,165          (6,660

Fox Corp., Class A

     530          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,421          (10,600

General Electric Co.

     1,520          07/17/20        USD     7.00        USD     1,038          (41,800

General Motors Co.

     409          07/17/20        USD     27.00        USD     1,035          (21,063

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     167          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,571          (2,254

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     192          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     2,594          (297,600

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     334          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     4,513          (373,245

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     590          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     2,205          (127,735

McKesson Corp.

     323          07/17/20        USD     165.00        USD     4,955          (23,418

Medtronic PLC

     1,044          07/17/20        USD     97.50        USD     9,573          (48,024

MetLife, Inc.

     593          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     2,166          (144,099

Microsoft Corp.

     256          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     5,210          (354,560

Motorola Solutions, Inc.

     355          07/17/20        USD     140.00        USD     4,975          (149,100

Newell Brands, Inc.

     4,341          07/17/20        USD     16.00        USD     6,894          (249,608

NiSource, Inc.

     416          07/17/20        USD     26.00        USD     946          (49,920

NiSource, Inc.

     324          07/17/20        USD     24.00        USD     737          (5,670

NXP Semiconductors NV

     99          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,129          (44,550

PPL Corp.

     877          07/17/20        USD     27.00        USD     2,266          (26,310

Pfizer, Inc.

     809          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     2,645          (2,831

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     158          07/17/20        USD     72.50        USD     1,107          (10,665

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     189          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     1,847          (14,175

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

     1,762          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     8,662          (132,150

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

     244          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,200          (3,660

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.

     65          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     741          (15,437

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

     506          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     3,483          (265,650

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

     353          07/17/20        USD     87.50        USD     2,430          (14,120

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

     110          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     757          (23,650

Ross Stores, Inc.

     240          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     2,046          (5,400

TJX Cos., Inc.

     844          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     4,267          (8,440

Unilever NV — NY Shares

     1,041          07/17/20        USD     51.75        USD     5,545          (232,945

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     225          07/17/20        USD     300.00        USD     6,636          (154,125

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     972          07/17/20        USD     57.50        USD     5,359          (14,580

Visa, Inc., Class A

     140          07/17/20        USD     195.00        USD     2,704          (47,040

Wells Fargo & Co.

     1,199          07/17/20        USD     27.50        USD     3,069          (66,545

Williams Cos., Inc.

     1,234          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     2,347          (33,318

Willis Towers Watson PLC

     100          07/17/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,970          (33,250

AXA Equitable Holdings, Inc.

     987          07/24/20        USD     21.01        USD     1,904          (53,309

Altria Group, Inc.

     1,099          07/24/20        USD     43.50        USD     4,314          (89,019

American Express Co.

     207          07/24/20        USD     113.00        USD     1,971          (4,450

American International Group, Inc.

     603          07/24/20        USD     39.00        USD     1,880          (9,949

American International Group, Inc.

     529          07/24/20        USD     35.00        USD     1,649          (23,805

Anthem, Inc.

     159          07/24/20        USD     300.00        USD     4,181          (8,586

Bank of America Corp.

     484          07/24/20        USD     27.00        USD     1,150          (10,890

Bank of America Corp.

     276          07/24/20        USD     25.50        USD     656          (13,524

Bank of America Corp.

     253          07/24/20        USD     30.50        USD     601          (885

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Class B

     238          07/24/20        USD     185.00        USD     4,249          (36,890

CVS Health Corp.

     506          07/24/20        USD     72.00        USD     3,287          (15,180

CME Group, Inc.

     63          07/24/20        USD     195.00        USD     1,024          (13,860





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)



   Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Charles Schwab Corp.

     612          07/24/20        USD     39.50        USD     2,065        $ (39,780

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     347          07/24/20        USD     48.50        USD     1,618          (19,085

Citigroup, Inc.

     482          07/24/20        USD     56.50        USD     2,463          (43,139

Citigroup, Inc.

     202          07/24/20        USD     57.00        USD     1,032          (16,261

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     494          07/24/20        USD     56.50        USD     2,807          (121,030


     85          07/24/20        USD     50.50        USD     357          (2,082

Constellation Brands, Inc., Class A

     242          07/24/20        USD     190.00        USD     4,234          (65,340

Dollar General Corp.

     300          07/24/20        USD     195.00        USD     5,715          (74,250

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

     470          07/24/20        USD     53.50        USD     2,497          (104,575

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     1,721          07/24/20        USD     19.50        USD     3,127          (43,025

Fox Corp., Class A

     907          07/24/20        USD     31.50        USD     2,433          (13,605

General Electric Co.

     887          07/24/20        USD     8.50        USD     606          (3,991

General Motors Co.

     392          07/24/20        USD     30.00        USD     992          (5,684

General Motors Co.

     171          07/24/20        USD     33.50        USD     433          (2,565

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     167          07/24/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,571          (3,006

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     610          07/24/20        USD     46.50        USD     2,280          (23,790

Medtronic PLC

     221          07/24/20        USD     96.00        USD     2,027          (28,509

MetLife, Inc.

     405          07/24/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,479          (52,245

Microsoft Corp.

     67          07/24/20        USD     192.50        USD     1,364          (87,268

Morgan Stanley

     1,307          07/24/20        USD     52.50        USD     6,313          (91,490

NXP Semiconductors NV

     166          07/24/20        USD     117.00        USD     1,893          (92,545

Pfizer, Inc.

     809          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     2,645          (4,045

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     33          07/24/20        USD     76.00        USD     231          (1,485

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     332          07/24/20        USD     105.00        USD     3,244          (92,130

Union Pacific Corp.

     180          07/24/20        USD     177.50        USD     3,043          (72,900

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     1,481          07/24/20        USD     58.00        USD     8,165          (37,025

Wells Fargo & Co.

     648          07/24/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,659          (5,184

Wells Fargo & Co.

     351          07/24/20        USD     31.50        USD     899          (5,440

Williams Cos., Inc.

     860          07/24/20        USD     19.50        USD     1,636          (51,170

Altria Group, Inc.

     812          07/31/20        USD     43.00        USD     3,187          (28,826

American Express Co.

     207          07/31/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,971          (48,956

American International Group, Inc.

     2,524          07/31/20        USD     34.00        USD     7,870          (241,042

Bank of America Corp.

     1,002          07/31/20        USD     26.00        USD     2,380          (50,100

Charles Schwab Corp.

     714          07/31/20        USD     39.50        USD     2,409          (16,065

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     389          07/31/20        USD     48.00        USD     1,814          (33,454

Citigroup, Inc.

     405          07/31/20        USD     59.00        USD     2,070          (26,528

Citigroup, Inc.

     202          07/31/20        USD     59.50        USD     1,032          (11,716

CME Group, Inc.

     86          07/31/20        USD     175.00        USD     1,398          (16,770

Comcast Corp., Class A

     719          07/31/20        USD     41.00        USD     2,803          (58,239


     705          07/31/20        USD     46.00        USD     2,962          (75,083

Constellation Brands, Inc., Class A

     361          07/31/20        USD     180.00        USD     6,316          (258,115

CVS Health Corp.

     277          07/31/20        USD     67.00        USD     1,800          (31,163

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     631          07/31/20        USD     21.00        USD     1,147          (22,085

FedEx Corp.

     146          07/31/20        USD     145.00        USD     2,047          (81,760

Fox Corp., Class A

     1,061          07/31/20        USD     31.00        USD     2,846          (26,525

General Electric Co.

     5,095          07/31/20        USD     8.50        USD     3,480          (40,760

General Motors Co.

     682          07/31/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,725          (18,073

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     532          07/31/20        USD     106.00        USD     5,004          (46,284

Lowe’s Cos., Inc.

     127          07/31/20        USD     135.00        USD     1,716          (65,088

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     610          07/31/20        USD     43.50        USD     2,280          (57,035

McKesson Corp.

     41          07/31/20        USD     155.00        USD     629          (23,370

Medtronic PLC

     766          07/31/20        USD     92.00        USD     7,024          (253,163

MetLife, Inc.

     176          07/31/20        USD     42.00        USD     643          (10,120

Microsoft Corp.

     67          07/31/20        USD     202.50        USD     1,364          (50,083

Morgan Stanley

     942          07/31/20        USD     50.50        USD     4,550          (137,061

NXP Semiconductors NV

     167          07/31/20        USD     118.00        USD     1,904          (86,840

Pfizer, Inc.

     364          07/31/20        USD     34.50        USD     1,190          (20,384

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     33          07/31/20        USD     76.00        USD     231          (2,046

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     440          07/31/20        USD     99.50        USD     4,299          (268,400

Ross Stores, Inc.

     303          07/31/20        USD     97.00        USD     2,583          (69,690

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     35          07/31/20        USD     305.00        USD     1,032          (27,388

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     368          07/31/20        USD     58.00        USD     2,029          (11,776





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)



   Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Visa, Inc., Class A

     184          07/31/20        USD     200.00        USD     3,554        $ (65,320

Wells Fargo & Co.

     590          07/31/20        USD     32.00        USD     1,510          (10,325

Wells Fargo & Co.

     351          07/31/20        USD     31.50        USD     899          (7,722

Williams Cos., Inc.

     8          07/31/20        USD     20.00        USD     15          (300

Altria Group, Inc.

     837          08/07/20        USD     41.00        USD     3,285          (87,467

Bank of America Corp.

     418          08/07/20        USD     26.00        USD     993          (23,826

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     174          08/07/20        USD     45.50        USD     812          (40,281

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     87          08/07/20        USD     46.50        USD     406          (15,138

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     86          08/07/20        USD     46.00        USD     401          (17,630

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     683          08/07/20        USD     58.00        USD     3,881          (179,288

Comcast Corp., Class A

     990          08/07/20        USD     39.50        USD     3,859          (148,005


     293          08/07/20        USD     44.50        USD     1,231          (49,664

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

     272          08/07/20        USD     52.50        USD     1,445          (91,800

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     1,349          08/07/20        USD     18.50        USD     2,451          (431,680

General Electric Co.

     887          08/07/20        USD     7.50        USD     606          (25,723

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     174          08/07/20        USD     98.00        USD     1,637          (52,896

Microsoft Corp.

     67          08/07/20        USD     207.50        USD     1,364          (42,713

Morgan Stanley

     646          08/07/20        USD     51.00        USD     3,120          (91,086

Union Pacific Corp.

     294          08/07/20        USD     170.00        USD     4,971          (228,585

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     1,280          08/07/20        USD     55.00        USD     7,057          (188,800

Williams Cos., Inc.

     1,021          08/07/20        USD     19.00        USD     1,942          (135,793

Allstate Corp.

     309          08/21/20        USD     105.00        USD     2,997          (53,766

American Express Co.

     165          08/21/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,571          (36,630

Applied Materials, Inc.

     376          08/21/20        USD     62.50        USD     2,273          (122,388

Bank of America Corp.

     418          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     993          (20,691

CDK Global, Inc.

     441          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,827          (55,125

Charles Schwab Corp.

     751          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     2,534          (142,690

Citigroup, Inc.

     405          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     2,070          (80,798

CME Group, Inc.

     34          08/21/20        USD     185.00        USD     553          (5,015

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A

     494          08/21/20        USD     57.50        USD     2,807          (146,965

Comcast Corp., Class A

     272          08/21/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,060          (44,064

Corteva, Inc.

     523          08/21/20        USD     29.00        USD     1,401          (47,070

Corteva, Inc.

     522          08/21/20        USD     28.00        USD     1,398          (66,555

CVS Health Corp.

     416          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     2,703          (120,224

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.

     428          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     2,274          (111,280

Edison International

     374          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     2,031          (10,285

Edison International

     374          08/21/20        USD     62.50        USD     2,031          (21,505

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

     364          08/21/20        USD     34.00        USD     1,116          (28,210

Fidelity National Financial, Inc.

     363          08/21/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,113          (13,612

FirstEnergy Corp.

     644          08/21/20        USD     42.00        USD     2,497          (30,590

General Motors Co.

     796          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     2,014          (102,286

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

     112          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,053          (34,384

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     346          08/21/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,293          (127,155

Medtronic PLC

     220          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     2,017          (65,340

MetLife, Inc.

     623          08/21/20        USD     37.50        USD     2,275          (121,485

Microsoft Corp.

     14          08/21/20        USD     210.00        USD     285          (8,925

Morgan Stanley

     942          08/21/20        USD     50.00        USD     4,550          (203,943

Motorola Solutions, Inc.

     296          08/21/20        USD     150.00        USD     4,148          (118,400

NiSource, Inc.

     324          08/21/20        USD     24.00        USD     737          (17,010

PPL Corp.

     877          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     2,266          (76,738

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     281          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     2,745          (106,780

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.

     210          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     2,393          (66,150

Raymond James Financial, Inc.

     981          08/21/20        USD     80.00        USD     6,752          (112,815

Unilever NV — NY Shares

     1,183          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     6,302          (130,130

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     141          08/21/20        USD     310.00        USD     4,159          (118,793

Verizon Communications, Inc.

     1,305          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     7,194          (214,673

Wells Fargo & Co.

     591          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,513          (33,096

Williams Cos., Inc.

     1,453          08/21/20        USD     20.00        USD     2,764          (114,061

Willis Towers Watson PLC

     100          08/21/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,970          (39,000

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

     878          09/18/20        USD     55.00        USD     4,316          (79,020



                           $ (15,568,304








Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)

BAE Systems PLC

   UBS AG      309,200        07/01/20        GBP       5.08        GBP       1,493      $ (419

Bayer AG, Registered Shares

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      62,700        07/07/20        EUR       60.76        EUR       4,137        (402,262

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

   Credit Suisse International      5,900        07/07/20        CHF       109.37        CHF       620        (147

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Preference Shares

   UBS AG      35,600        07/08/20        EUR       80.38        EUR       2,956        (128,739

Unilever NV — NY Shares

   Bank of America N.A.      47,200        07/08/20        USD       49.61        USD       2,514        (174,562


   UBS AG      13,400        07/09/20        EUR       91.04        EUR       1,216        (23,179

Alcon, Inc.

   UBS AG      85,300        07/14/20        CHF       62.26        CHF       4,644        (2,979

AstraZeneca PLC

   Credit Suisse International      2,400        07/14/20        GBP       89.15        GBP       202        (2,801

BAE Systems PLC

   UBS AG      213,900        07/14/20        GBP       5.24        GBP       1,033        (3,996

Bayer AG, Registered Shares

   UBS AG      49,500        07/14/20        EUR       65.84        EUR       3,266        (113,507


   UBS AG      13,300        07/14/20        EUR       89.69        EUR       1,207        (38,915

Statoil ASA

   UBS AG      278,700        07/14/20        NOK       156.00        NOK       38,645        (37,926

Statoil ASA

   Credit Suisse International      120,000        07/14/20        NOK       158.34        NOK       16,639        (13,086

Ferguson PLC

   UBS AG      65,900        07/15/20        GBP       69.15        GBP       4,349        (74,410

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Preference Shares

   Credit Suisse International      76,100        07/15/20        EUR       87.22        EUR       6,319        (40,753

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

   Goldman Sachs International      400        07/15/20        CHF       104.74        CHF       42        (650

Alcon, Inc.

   UBS AG      23,500        07/21/20        CHF       65.04        CHF       1,279        (906

BAE Systems PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      518,400        07/21/20        GBP       5.27        GBP       2,504        (14,426

Bayer AG, Registered Shares

   UBS AG      62,800        07/21/20        EUR       68.59        EUR       4,144        (92,272

Statoil ASA

   Credit Suisse International      146,900        07/21/20        NOK       156.77        NOK       20,369        (31,788


   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      865,000        07/22/20        GBP       3.31        GBP       2,673        (57,688


   Goldman Sachs International      93,900        07/22/20        EUR       93.11        EUR       8,523        (136,732

Unilever NV — NY Shares

   Credit Suisse International      43,600        07/22/20        USD       52.56        USD       2,323        (126,194

Koninklijke Philips NV

   Goldman Sachs International      143,900        07/23/20        EUR       43.07        EUR       5,975        (102,398

Siemens AG, Registered Shares

   Credit Suisse International      42,700        07/24/20        EUR       103.07        EUR       4,482        (226,609

BAE Systems PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      518,400        07/29/20        GBP       5.27        GBP       2,504        (25,384


   Credit Suisse International      865,000        07/29/20        GBP       3.32        GBP       2,673        (79,101

Ferguson PLC

   Credit Suisse International      32,000        07/29/20        GBP       68.92        GBP       2,112        (67,353

Koninklijke Philips NV

   Goldman Sachs International      143,900        07/29/20        EUR       43.07        EUR       5,975        (123,826

Siemens AG, Registered Shares

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      59,600        07/29/20        EUR       106.48        EUR       6,256        (218,417

FirstEnergy Corp.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      128,800        08/04/20        USD       42.73        USD       4,995        (26,248

AstraZeneca PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      122,100        08/05/20        GBP       86.68        GBP       10,255        (440,826

BAE Systems PLC

   UBS AG      1,200,200        08/05/20        GBP       5.04        GBP       5,797        (186,872

Alcon, Inc.

   Citibank N.A.      37,350        08/12/20        CHF       55.58        CHF       2,033        (77,076

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      63,700        08/12/20        CHF       105.83        CHF       6,691        (136,714

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. — GDR

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      12,400        08/12/20        USD       1,134.69        USD       13,556        (346,208

Statoil ASA

   UBS AG      82,600        08/12/20        NOK       142.11        NOK       11,453        (38,240

Unilever NV — NY Shares

   Credit Suisse International      33,300        09/09/20        USD       53.75        USD       1,774        (61,522



                      $ (3,675,131




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written



Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 10,535,318      $ (4,617,783    $ (19,243,435

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 19,243,435      $      $      $      $ 19,243,435  


























Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure (continued)

For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options purchased(a)

   $      $      $ (1,788,785    $      $      $      $ (1,788,785

Options written

                   (15,418,259                           (15,418,259





















   $      $      $ (17,207,044    $      $      $      $ (17,207,044
























Options purchased are included in net realized gain (loss) from investments.




Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ 10,833,983      $      $      $      $ 10,833,983  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts purchased

   $ 19,690  

Average value of option contracts written

   $ 22,681,626  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 19,243,435  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 3,675,131  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by

the Trust:




Subject to
an MNA by

for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 174,562        $        $        $        $ 174,562  

Citibank N.A.

     77,076                                     77,076  

Credit Suisse International

     649,354                   (649,354                  

Goldman Sachs International

     844,242                   (844,242                  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     26,248                   (26,248                  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     1,161,289                   (1,161,289                  


     742,360                   (742,360                  















   $ 3,675,131        $        $ (3,423,493      $        $ 251,638  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:


Aerospace & Defense

   $        $ 30,007,541        $         —        $ 30,007,541  

Air Freight & Logistics

     7,536,825                            7,536,825  


     21,243,904                            21,243,904  


     163,750,461                            163,750,461  


     21,648,488                            21,648,488  

Capital Markets

     88,483,157                            88,483,157  


     23,897,520                            23,897,520  

Communications Equipment

     29,896,673                            29,896,673  

Consumer Finance

     10,034,080                            10,034,080  

Diversified Financial Services

     33,426,560                            33,426,560  

Diversified Telecommunication Services

     67,051,863                            67,051,863  

Electric Utilities

     54,879,554                            54,879,554  

Food Products

              14,092,543                   14,092,543  

Health Care Equipment & Supplies

     71,082,336          15,274,387                   86,356,723  

Health Care Providers & Services

     109,150,018                            109,150,018  

Household Durables

     10,606,188                            10,606,188  

Industrial Conglomerates

     22,171,567          21,957,528                   44,129,095  


     111,049,163                            111,049,163  

IT Services

     54,808,011                            54,808,011  


     47,316,904                            47,316,904  


     30,178,502                            30,178,502  

Multiline Retail

     10,396,512                            10,396,512  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

     99,481,969          28,509,318                   127,991,287  

Personal Products

     33,568,623                            33,568,623  


     11,787,958          86,791,239                   98,579,197  

Road & Rail

     16,009,238                            16,009,238  

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

     20,115,114                            20,115,114  


     35,196,460                            35,196,460  

Specialty Retail

     37,755,438                            37,755,438  

Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals

              24,760,208                   24,760,208  


     37,328,814                            37,328,814  

Trading Companies & Distributors

              14,563,438                   14,563,438  

Preferred Stock

              18,954,477                   18,954,477  

Short-Term Securities

     8,249,540                            8,249,540  












   $ 1,288,101,440        $ 254,910,679        $        $ 1,543,012,119  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity contracts

   $ (15,227,147      $ (4,016,288      $        $ (19,243,435













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 99.4%


Australia — 2.7%  

Ansell Ltd.

    237,398     $ 6,034,646  

Ensogo Ltd.(a)(b)

    418,198       3  

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

    593,197       12,526,423  



Canada — 5.1%  

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

    313,838       12,610,388  


    1,356,985       22,759,685  



Denmark — 1.6%  

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

    174,231       11,350,755  



Finland — 1.2%  

Kone OYJ, Class B

    124,071       8,557,099  



France — 4.5%  


    207,790       21,191,371  

Schneider Electric SE

    88,097       9,799,612  



Germany — 1.5%  

Deutsche Post AG, Registered Shares

    286,210       10,509,588  



India — 0.1%  

Jasper Infotech Private Ltd., Series I,
(Acquired 08/08/15, cost $2,637,143)(a)(c)

    3,540       841,210  



Netherlands — 4.1%  

Heineken NV

    170,373       15,707,432  

Koninklijke Philips NV

    279,337       13,030,429  



Singapore — 2.2%  

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

    618,868       9,311,996  

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

    406,700       5,942,645  



Sweden — 1.1%  

Tele2 AB, Class B

    553,835       7,372,568  



Switzerland — 6.8%  

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Registered Shares

    79,365       5,119,067  

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

    140,895       15,621,117  

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

    236,620       20,614,574  

SGS SA, Registered Shares

    2,439       5,974,681  



Taiwan — 0.9%  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    611,000       6,525,182  



United Kingdom — 16.3%  

AstraZeneca PLC

    52,627       5,477,124  

BAE Systems PLC

    2,825,288       16,893,698  

British American Tobacco PLC

    512,582       19,658,965  

Diageo PLC

    296,007       9,838,487  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    717,987       14,503,112  

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

    117,945       10,850,753  


    425,736       9,853,273  

Unilever PLC

    478,800       25,826,990  



United States — 51.3%  

AbbVie, Inc.(d)(e)

    206,454       20,269,654  

Altria Group, Inc.(e)

    231,231       9,075,817  

Amcor PLC

    1,237,447       12,498,389  

Carrier Global Corp.(e)

    438,780       9,749,692  

Cisco Systems, Inc.(d)(e)

    231,960       10,818,614  

Citizens Financial Group, Inc.(e)

    322,324       8,135,458  
Security   Shares     Value  
United States (continued)  

Coca-Cola Co.(e)

    508,372     $ 22,714,061  

Eaton Corp. PLC(e)

    99,007       8,661,132  

Genuine Parts Co.(d)(e)

    155,821       13,550,194  

Hasbro, Inc.(d)(e)

    227,622       17,060,269  

Home Depot, Inc.(e)

    55,630       13,935,871  

International Paper Co.(e)

    335,860       11,825,631  

Johnson & Johnson(d)(e)

    107,264       15,084,536  

Lockheed Martin Corp.(e)

    54,739       19,975,356  

M&T Bank Corp.(e)

    91,363       9,499,011  

Medtronic PLC(e)

    206,139       18,902,946  

Otis Worldwide Corp.(e)

    171,178       9,733,181  

Paychex, Inc.(d)(e)

    298,887       22,640,690  

PepsiCo, Inc.(e)

    122,130       16,152,914  

Pfizer, Inc.(d)(e)

    460,718       15,065,479  

Philip Morris International, Inc.(d)(e)

    269,126       18,854,967  

Procter & Gamble Co.(e)

    131,545       15,728,836  

Raytheon Technologies Corp.(e)

    126,376       7,787,289  

Texas Instruments, Inc.(e)

    145,964       18,533,049  

U.S. Bancorp(e)

    275,858       10,157,092  







Total Common Stocks — 99.4%
(Cost — $663,791,279)






Preferred Stock — 0.5%


United States — 0.5%


Palantir Technologies, Inc., Series I
(Acquired 3/27/14, cost $3,118,944), 0.00%(a)(c)

    508,800       3,495,456  




Total Preferred Securities — 0.5%






Total Long-Term Investments — 99.9%
(Cost — $666,910,223)






Short-Term Securities — 0.1%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class,

    500,656       500,656  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.1%
(Cost — $500,656)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 100.0%
(Cost — $667,410,879)






Options Written — (0.9)%
(Premiums Received — $7,024,625)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 99.1%
(Cost — $660,386,254)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 0.9%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 694,893,422  






Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Non-income producing security.


Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The Trust held restricted securities with a current value of $4,336,666, representing 0.6% of its net assets as of period end, and an original cost of $5,756,087.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)



Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer   Shares
Held at



Held at
    Value at
    Income     Net
Gain (Loss)
    Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

    1,138,392             (637,736 )(b)      500,656     $ 500,656     $ 24,020     $     $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Altria Group, Inc.

     88          07/02/20        USD     40.50        USD     345        $ (352

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     237          07/02/20        USD     47.00        USD     1,105          (5,688

Eaton Corp. PLC

     137          07/02/20        USD     90.00        USD     1,198          (4,110

Hasbro, Inc.

     165          07/02/20        USD     77.00        USD     1,237          (6,600

International Paper Co.

     446          07/02/20        USD     34.00        USD     1,570          (64,224

PepsiCo, Inc.

     97          07/02/20        USD     133.00        USD     1,283          (6,353

PepsiCo, Inc.

     97          07/02/20        USD     135.00        USD     1,283          (1,455

U.S. Bancorp

     119          07/02/20        USD     36.00        USD     438          (13,626

Altria Group, Inc.

     89          07/10/20        USD     40.00        USD     349          (3,871

Altria Group, Inc.

     162          07/10/20        USD     43.50        USD     636          (810

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     34          07/10/20        USD     47.00        USD     159          (2,006

Coca-Cola Co.

     323          07/10/20        USD     47.50        USD     1,443          (1,615

International Paper Co.

     283          07/10/20        USD     37.50        USD     996          (5,801

Johnson & Johnson

     33          07/10/20        USD     150.00        USD     464          (280

PepsiCo, Inc.

     46          07/10/20        USD     134.00        USD     608          (4,508

Pfizer, Inc.

     72          07/10/20        USD     34.50        USD     235          (1,008

Texas Instruments, Inc.

     74          07/10/20        USD     136.00        USD     940          (703

U.S. Bancorp

     89          07/10/20        USD     43.00        USD     328          (534

Altria Group, Inc.

     81          07/17/20        USD     42.50        USD     318          (1,417

Carrier Global Corp.

     326          07/17/20        USD     22.00        USD     724          (35,860

Carrier Global Corp.

     827          07/17/20        USD     23.00        USD     1,838          (53,755

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     196          07/17/20        USD     46.00        USD     914          (27,048

Citizens Financial Group, Inc.

     503          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     1,270          (279,165

Citizens Financial Group, Inc.

     625          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,578          (9,375

Coca-Cola Co.

     99          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     442          (8,365

Coca-Cola Co.

     699          07/17/20        USD     47.50        USD     3,123          (10,835

Eaton Corp. PLC

     154          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     1,347          (34,650

Genuine Parts Co.

     501          07/17/20        USD     92.50        USD     4,357          (37,575

Home Depot, Inc.

     68          07/17/20        USD     260.00        USD     1,703          (13,158

Johnson & Johnson

     107          07/17/20        USD     150.00        USD     1,505          (4,119

Lockheed Martin Corp.

     82          07/17/20        USD     390.00        USD     2,992          (11,890

M&T Bank Corp.

     159          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,653          (5,565

M&T Bank Corp.

     160          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,664          (129,600

Medtronic PLC

     672          07/17/20        USD     97.50        USD     6,162          (30,912

Otis Worldwide Corp.

     235          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,336          (69,325

Otis Worldwide Corp.

     268          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,524          (16,750

Paychex, Inc.

     347          07/17/20        USD     75.00        USD     2,629          (114,510

Pfizer, Inc.

     797          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     2,606          (2,789

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     66          07/17/20        USD     72.50        USD     462          (4,455

Raytheon Technologies Corp.

     281          07/17/20        USD     63.00        USD     1,732          (51,142

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

     21          07/17/20        CAD     56.00        CAD     115          (975

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

     445          07/17/20        CAD     60.00        CAD     2,427          (1,967


     1,859          07/17/20        CAD     25.00        CAD     4,233          (5,477

Texas Instruments, Inc.

     233          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     2,958          (106,015




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

U.S. Bancorp

     218          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     803        $ (12,208

AbbVie, Inc.

     242          07/24/20        USD     97.00        USD     2,376          (79,860

Altria Group, Inc.

     81          07/24/20        USD     43.50        USD     318          (6,561

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     148          07/24/20        USD     48.50        USD     690          (8,140

Coca-Cola Co.

     117          07/24/20        USD     47.50        USD     523          (4,270

Eaton Corp. PLC

     154          07/24/20        USD     91.50        USD     1,347          (35,805

Hasbro, Inc.

     136          07/24/20        USD     82.00        USD     1,019          (13,940

Home Depot, Inc.

     118          07/24/20        USD     250.00        USD     2,956          (87,910

International Paper Co.

     446          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,570          (24,084

Medtronic PLC

     11          07/24/20        USD     96.00        USD     101          (1,419

Pfizer, Inc.

     797          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     2,606          (3,985

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     212          07/24/20        USD     73.00        USD     1,485          (24,486

Procter & Gamble Co.

     196          07/24/20        USD     121.00        USD     2,344          (75,460

Texas Instruments, Inc.

     175          07/24/20        USD     132.00        USD     2,222          (46,988

U.S. Bancorp

     158          07/24/20        USD     42.00        USD     582          (5,530

Altria Group, Inc.

     154          07/31/20        USD     43.00        USD     604          (5,467

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     35          07/31/20        USD     48.00        USD     163          (3,010

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     122          07/31/20        USD     47.00        USD     569          (15,860

Coca-Cola Co.

     541          07/31/20        USD     47.00        USD     2,417          (31,108

Hasbro, Inc.

     165          07/31/20        USD     81.00        USD     1,237          (40,425

Home Depot, Inc.

     119          07/31/20        USD     255.00        USD     2,981          (71,698

Johnson & Johnson

     156          07/31/20        USD     146.00        USD     2,194          (29,016

Lockheed Martin Corp.

     75          07/31/20        USD     400.00        USD     2,737          (22,500

Medtronic PLC

     234          07/31/20        USD     92.00        USD     2,146          (77,337

PepsiCo, Inc.

     216          07/31/20        USD     136.00        USD     2,857          (45,360

Pfizer, Inc.

     407          07/31/20        USD     34.50        USD     1,331          (22,792

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     308          07/31/20        USD     76.00        USD     2,158          (19,096

Procter & Gamble Co.

     318          07/31/20        USD     120.00        USD     3,802          (98,580

Raytheon Technologies Corp.

     160          07/31/20        USD     70.00        USD     986          (15,360

Texas Instruments, Inc.

     174          07/31/20        USD     128.00        USD     2,209          (90,393

U.S. Bancorp

     143          07/31/20        USD     40.50        USD     527          (11,154

Altria Group, Inc.

     154          08/07/20        USD     41.00        USD     604          (16,093

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     67          08/07/20        USD     46.00        USD     312          (13,735

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     68          08/07/20        USD     46.50        USD     317          (31,484

Cisco Systems, Inc.

     136          08/07/20        USD     45.50        USD     634          (11,832

Hasbro, Inc.

     330          08/07/20        USD     76.50        USD     2,473          (140,250

Johnson & Johnson

     29          08/07/20        USD     143.00        USD     408          (9,265

Philip Morris International, Inc.

     355          08/07/20        USD     72.50        USD     2,487          (67,273

U.S. Bancorp

     159          08/07/20        USD     38.50        USD     585          (25,043

AbbVie, Inc.

     687          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     6,745          (214,688

Carrier Global Corp.

     407          08/21/20        USD     21.75        USD     904          (87,801

Carrier Global Corp.

     414          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     920          (43,470

Genuine Parts Co.

     44          08/21/20        USD     90.00        USD     383          (17,380

Johnson & Johnson

     264          08/21/20        USD     145.00        USD     3,713          (80,388

Lockheed Martin Corp.

     89          08/21/20        USD     380.00        USD     3,248          (105,020

Medtronic PLC

     10          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     92          (2,970

Otis Worldwide Corp.

     267          08/21/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,518          (74,760

Paychex, Inc.

     337          08/21/20        USD     75.00        USD     2,553          (153,335

PepsiCo, Inc.

     216          08/21/20        USD     140.00        USD     2,857          (30,888

Procter & Gamble Co.

     209          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     2,499          (80,988

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

     272          08/21/20        CAD     58.00        CAD     1,484          (17,531


     1,859          08/21/20        CAD     25.00        CAD     4,233          (17,117

U.S. Bancorp

     79          08/21/20        USD     42.50        USD     291          (5,806

Paychex, Inc.

     362          09/18/20        USD     85.00        USD     2,742          (50,680



                           $ (3,517,837







Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)


OTC Options Written


Description   Counterparty   

Number of


Amount (000)

BAE Systems PLC

  UBS AG      272,000        07/01/20      GBP     5.08      GBP     1,315      $ (368

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      42,800        07/01/20      CHF     84.43      CHF     3,528        (2,139

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

  UBS AG      61,200        07/01/20      DKK     451.07      DKK     26,279        (866

Ansell Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.      45,600        07/07/20      AUD     32.76      AUD     1,674        (128,265

British American Tobacco PLC

  UBS AG      89,800        07/07/20      GBP     32.78      GBP     2,788        (8,296

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      71,600        07/07/20      SGD     20.15      SGD     1,489        (53,210

Diageo PLC

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      92,900        07/07/20      GBP     29.99      GBP     2,491        (26

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

  UBS AG      1,200        07/07/20      GBP     17.58      GBP     20        (5

Heineken NV

  Credit Suisse International      16,800        07/07/20      EUR     78.77      EUR     1,379        (68,394

Koninklijke Philips NV

  UBS AG      102,000        07/07/20      EUR     41.14      EUR     4,235        (102,717

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Credit Suisse International      22,100        07/07/20      CHF     109.37      CHF     2,315        (551

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  UBS AG      68,800        07/07/20      AUD     27.62      AUD     2,094        (141,500

Kone OYJ, Class B

  UBS AG      49,100        07/08/20      EUR     62.97      EUR     3,006        (37,040


  UBS AG      52,000        07/08/20      EUR     21.85      EUR     1,071        (2,589

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

  Goldman Sachs International      40,200        07/08/20      CAD     59.04      CAD     2,193        (497

Unilever PLC

  Credit Suisse International      66,300        07/08/20      GBP     42.46      GBP     2,887        (124,590

Amcor PLC

  UBS AG      39,400        07/09/20      AUD     15.24      AUD     571        (2,284


  UBS AG      16,900        07/09/20      EUR     91.04      EUR     1,532        (29,233

Schneider Electric SE

  Citibank N.A.      13,600        07/09/20      EUR     93.63      EUR     1,345        (93,003

Ansell Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      12,700        07/14/20      AUD     35.80      AUD     466        (12,878

AstraZeneca PLC

  Credit Suisse International      17,900        07/14/20      GBP     89.15      GBP     1,507        (20,889

BAE Systems PLC

  UBS AG      155,900        07/14/20      GBP     5.24      GBP     754        (2,913

British American Tobacco PLC

  Credit Suisse International      45,000        07/14/20      GBP     34.06      GBP     1,397        (1,360

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      72,500        07/14/20      SGD     20.22      SGD     1,508        (59,979

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      23,400        07/14/20      CHF     84.21      CHF     1,929        (19,236

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

  UBS AG      22,300        07/14/20      DKK     445.26      DKK     9,576        (16,478


  UBS AG      46,500        07/14/20      EUR     89.69      EUR     4,215        (136,057

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      86,400        07/14/20      AUD     29.94      AUD     2,629        (63,038

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      83,000        07/14/20      SEK     129.26      SEK     10,255        (9,194

Amcor PLC

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      280,000        07/15/20      AUD     15.48      AUD     4,054        (19,516

Ansell Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.      19,500        07/15/20      AUD     36.77      AUD     716        (12,105

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      15,500        07/15/20      CHF     64.39      CHF     937        (14,046

Kone OYJ, Class B

  UBS AG      3,000        07/15/20      EUR     64.05      EUR     184        (2,542

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      12,600        07/15/20      CHF     104.74      CHF     1,320        (20,477

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      23,000        07/15/20      GBP     72.94      GBP     1,709        (61,469

SGS SA, Registered Shares

  Credit Suisse International      400        07/15/20      CHF     2,462.73      CHF     926        (1,372

Unilever PLC

  UBS AG      95,500        07/15/20      GBP     44.18      GBP     4,159        (87,872

BAE Systems PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      391,700        07/21/20      GBP     5.27      GBP     1,893        (10,900

British American Tobacco PLC

  UBS AG      44,700        07/21/20      GBP     34.04      GBP     1,388        (3,753

Diageo PLC

  Credit Suisse International      30,900        07/21/20      GBP     29.81      GBP     829        (3,272

Heineken NV

  Credit Suisse International      43,000        07/21/20      EUR     90.36      EUR     3,529        (5,979


  Goldman Sachs International      139,500        07/21/20      EUR     21.74      EUR     2,874        (32,068

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      34,800        07/21/20      AUD     29.70      AUD     1,059        (32,035

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Credit Suisse International      83,200        07/21/20      SEK     130.96      SEK     10,279        (10,022

Unilever PLC

  Credit Suisse International      53,700        07/21/20      GBP     44.66      GBP     2,339        (47,804

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      20,300        07/22/20      CHF     61.80      CHF     1,227        (40,288

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.      72,500        07/22/20      SGD     22.20      SGD     1,508        (22,155

SGS SA, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      700        07/22/20      CHF     2,300.10      CHF     1,621        (47,057


  Goldman Sachs International      30,100        07/22/20      EUR     93.11      EUR     2,729        (43,830


  Credit Suisse International      239,100        07/22/20      CAD     24.50      CAD     5,444        (8,517

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      213,200        07/23/20      GBP     16.89      GBP     3,489        (39,505

Koninklijke Philips NV

  Goldman Sachs International      14,600        07/23/20      EUR     42.42      EUR     606        (14,444

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Credit Suisse International      46,500        07/23/20      CHF     107.37      CHF     4,870        (38,454

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      11,700        07/23/20      GBP     70.34      GBP     870        (64,760

Schneider Electric SE

  Goldman Sachs International      26,000        07/24/20      EUR     94.41      EUR     2,571        (192,446

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      18,571        07/24/20      SGD     22.78      SGD     376        (2,141

Amcor PLC

  UBS AG      237,400        07/29/20      AUD     15.23      AUD     3,438        (40,597

Ansell Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      21,600        07/29/20      AUD     36.49      AUD     793        (22,516

BAE Systems PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      391,700        07/29/20      GBP     5.27      GBP     1,893        (19,180

Diageo PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      9,400        07/29/20      GBP     29.65      GBP     252        (1,517

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      108,600        07/29/20      GBP     16.90      GBP     1,777        (25,002

Koninklijke Philips NV

  Goldman Sachs International      9,200        07/29/20      EUR     43.07      EUR     382        (7,917




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)


OTC Options Written (continued)


Description   Counterparty   

Number of


Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

  Credit Suisse International      30,100        07/29/20      GBP     71.95      GBP     2,237      $ (122,726

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      107,000        07/29/20      TWD     330.72      TWD     33,491        (3,613

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Credit Suisse International      83,000        07/29/20      SEK     124.83      SEK     10,255        (29,365

BAE Systems PLC

  UBS AG      60,000        08/05/20      GBP     5.04      GBP     290        (9,342

Kone OYJ, Class B

  UBS AG      16,200        08/05/20      EUR     62.71      EUR     992        (33,202

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      40,300        08/05/20      CHF     86.68      CHF     3,322        (30,658

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

  UBS AG      12,400        08/05/20      DKK     451.17      DKK     5,325        (15,772

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  UBS AG      77,000        08/05/20      AUD     31.24      AUD     2,343        (38,506

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      168,000        08/05/20      TWD     323.85      TWD     52,584        (15,807

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

  UBS AG      123,900        08/05/20      SGD     21.04      SGD     2,506        (66,876

Ansell Ltd.

  UBS AG      31,100        08/12/20      AUD     37.80      AUD     1,141        (18,361

AstraZeneca PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      11,100        08/12/20      GBP     86.46      GBP     935        (46,701

Deutsche Post AG, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      100,200        08/12/20      EUR     31.75      EUR     3,262        (206,412

Heineken NV

  Goldman Sachs International      16,800        08/12/20      EUR     85.61      EUR     1,379        (28,728



   $ (2,799,222




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 2,533,206      $ (1,825,640    $ (6,317,059

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments



Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 6,317,059      $      $      $      $ 6,317,059  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (6,235,765    $      $      $      $ (6,235,765
























Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:



Options written

   $      $      $ 2,499,638      $      $      $      $ 2,499,638  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 7,298,951  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)


Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 6,317,059  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 2,799,222  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Citibank N.A.

   $ 255,528        $        $ (26,285      $        $ 229,243  

Credit Suisse International

     483,295                   (483,295                  

Goldman Sachs International

     955,240                   (955,240                  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     47,054                   (47,054                  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     194,857                   (194,857                  


     863,248                   (863,248                  















   $ 2,799,222        $        $ (2,569,979      $        $ 229,243  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount receivable from the counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $        $ 18,561,069        $ 3        $ 18,561,072  


     35,370,073                            35,370,073  


              11,350,755                   11,350,755  


              8,557,099                   8,557,099  


              30,990,983                   30,990,983  


              10,509,588                   10,509,588  


                       841,210          841,210  


     28,737,861                            28,737,861  


              15,254,641                   15,254,641  


              7,372,568                   7,372,568  


              47,329,439                   47,329,439  


              6,525,182                   6,525,182  

United Kingdom

     9,853,273          103,049,129                   112,902,402  

United States

     343,911,739          12,498,389                   356,410,128  

Short Term Securities

     500,656                            500,656  

Preferred Stock

                       3,495,456          3,495,456  












   $ 418,373,602        $ 271,998,842        $ 4,336,669        $ 694,709,113  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity contracts

   $ (3,430,036      $ (2,887,023      $        $ (6,317,059













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 97.6%


Australia — 6.1%  

Ansell Ltd.

    594,743     $ 15,118,340  

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

    1,057,925       22,339,991  



Canada — 8.3%  

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

    523,032       21,016,054  


    1,807,028       30,307,917  



Denmark — 3.4%  

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

    323,908       21,101,872  



Finland — 3.2%  

Kone OYJ, Class B

    286,790       19,779,727  



France — 8.0%  


    289,945       29,569,913  

Schneider Electric SE

    177,395       19,732,819  



Germany — 3.5%  

Deutsche Post AG, Registered Shares

    583,422       21,423,167  



India — 0.2%  

Jasper Infotech Private Ltd., Series I,
(Acquired 08/08/15, cost $3,948,600)(a)(b)

    5,300       1,259,439  



Netherlands — 7.7%  

Heineken NV

    278,778       25,701,763  

Koninklijke Philips NV(c)

    464,302       21,658,621  



Singapore — 4.6%  

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

    1,013,900       15,255,971  

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

    916,400       13,390,312  



Sweden — 2.9%  

Tele2 AB, Class B

    1,323,966       17,624,435  



Switzerland — 15.2%  

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Registered Shares

    255,698       16,492,601  

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

    259,588       28,780,684  

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

    354,161       30,854,866  

SGS SA, Registered Shares

    7,273       17,816,258  



Taiwan — 2.7%  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

    1,535,000       16,393,051  



United Kingdom — 28.5%  

AstraZeneca PLC

    131,433       13,678,811  

BAE Systems PLC

    3,849,818       23,019,835  
Security   Shares     Value  
United Kingdom (continued)  

British American Tobacco PLC

    717,913     $ 27,533,987  

Diageo PLC

    519,826       17,277,637  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    1,056,543       21,341,837  

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

    230,060       21,165,156  


    760,217       17,594,532  

Unilever PLC

    637,151       34,368,614  



United States — 3.3%  

Amcor PLC

    2,012,711       20,328,665  




Total Common Stocks — 97.6%
(Cost — $558,224,457)






Preferred Stock — 0.7%


China — 0.7%  

Xiaoju Kuaizhi, Inc., Series A-17,
(Acquired 07/28/15, cost $ 2,106,332), 0.00%(a)(b)

    76,800       3,992,832  




Total Preferred Securities— 0.7%
(Cost — $2,106,332)






Total Long-Term Investments — 98.3%
(Cost — $560,330,789)






Short-Term Securities — 0.2%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(d)(e)

    1,439,314       1,439,314  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.2%
(Cost — $1,439,314)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 98.5%
(Cost — $561,770,103)






Options Written — (0.9)%
(Premiums Received — $5,554,320)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 97.6%
(Cost — $556,215,783)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 2.4%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 616,549,701  






Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The Trust held restricted securities with a current value of $5,252,271, representing 0.9% of its net assets as of period end, and an original cost of $6,054,932.


Non-income producing security.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at
Held at
     Value at
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

     17,518,842               (16,079,528 )(b)       1,439,314      $ 1,439,314      $ 55,261      $      $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

     715          07/17/20        CAD     60.00        CAD     3,900        $ (3,160

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

     29          07/17/20        CAD     56.00        CAD     158          (1,346


     2,631          07/17/20        CAD     25.00        CAD     5,991          (7,752

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

     543          08/21/20        CAD     58.00        CAD     2,962          (34,997


     2,631          08/21/20        CAD     25.00        CAD     5,991          (24,225



     $ (71,480




OTC Options Written


Description   Counterparty   Number of
Amount (000)

BAE Systems PLC

  UBS AG     440,500       07/01/20     GBP     5.08        GBP       2,129      $ (597

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG     73,400       07/01/20     CHF     84.43        CHF       6,050        (3,668

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

  UBS AG     53,600       07/01/20     DKK     451.07        DKK       23,016        (759

Ansell Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.     98,900       07/07/20     AUD     32.76        AUD       3,630        (278,189

British American Tobacco PLC

  UBS AG     84,900       07/07/20     GBP     32.78        GBP       2,636        (7,843

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     64,200       07/07/20     SGD     20.12        SGD       1,335        (48,167

Diageo PLC

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     151,200       07/07/20     GBP     29.99        GBP       4,054        (43

Heineken NV

  Credit Suisse International     55,900       07/07/20     EUR     78.77        EUR       4,587        (227,573

Koninklijke Philips NV

  UBS AG     114,500       07/07/20     EUR     41.14        EUR       4,754        (115,304

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Credit Suisse International     25,900       07/07/20     CHF     109.37        CHF       2,713        (645

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  UBS AG     95,000       07/07/20     AUD     27.62        AUD       2,981        (195,385

Kone OYJ, Class B

  UBS AG     42,100       07/08/20     EUR     62.97        EUR       2,577        (31,759


  UBS AG     40,700       07/08/20     EUR     21.85        EUR       838        (2,027

Rogers Communications, Inc., Class B

  Goldman Sachs International     52,300       07/08/20     CAD     59.04        CAD       2,853        (646

Unilever PLC

  Credit Suisse International     188,400       07/08/20     GBP     42.46        GBP       8,205        (354,038

Amcor PLC

  UBS AG     334,800       07/09/20     AUD     15.24        AUD       4,848        (19,405


  UBS AG     34,900       07/09/20     EUR     91.04        EUR       3,164        (60,369

Schneider Electric SE

  Citibank N.A.     52,700       07/09/20     EUR     93.63        EUR       5,211        (360,389

Ansell Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     70,900       07/14/20     AUD     35.80        AUD       2,602        (71,893

AstraZeneca PLC

  Credit Suisse International     40,200       07/14/20     GBP     89.15        GBP       3,385        (46,914

BAE Systems PLC

  UBS AG     126,400       07/14/20     GBP     5.24        GBP       611        (2,362

British American Tobacco PLC

  Credit Suisse International     97,000       07/14/20     GBP     34.06        GBP       3,001        (2,931

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     145,300       07/14/20     SGD     20.22        SGD       3,022        (120,206

Deutsche Post AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG     69,600       07/14/20     EUR     30.09        EUR       2,265        (217,824

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG     29,400       07/14/20     CHF     84.21        CHF       2,423        (24,168

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

  UBS AG     56,600       07/14/20     DKK     445.26        DKK       24,304        (41,824


  UBS AG     39,800       07/14/20     EUR     89.69        EUR       3,608        (116,453

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     184,800       07/14/20     AUD     29.94        AUD       5,623        (134,831

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     81,600       07/14/20     SEK     129.26        SEK       10,082        (9,039

Amcor PLC

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     400,000       07/15/20     AUD     15.48        AUD       5,792        (27,879

Ansell Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.     62,500       07/15/20     AUD     36.77        AUD       2,294        (38,799

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Registered Shares

  UBS AG     48,500       07/15/20     CHF     64.39        CHF       2,931        (43,951

Kone OYJ, Class B

  UBS AG     24,200       07/15/20     EUR     64.05        EUR       1,482        (20,507

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International     41,500       07/15/20     CHF     104.74        CHF       4,347        (67,444

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     51,000       07/15/20     GBP     72.94        GBP       3,790        (136,301

SGS SA, Registered Shares

  Credit Suisse International     1,300       07/15/20     CHF     2,462.73        CHF       3,010        (4,460

Unilever PLC

  UBS AG     28,500       07/15/20     GBP     44.18        GBP       1,241        (26,224

BAE Systems PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     468,000       07/21/20     GBP     5.27        GBP       2,262        (13,023

British American Tobacco PLC

  UBS AG     54,000       07/21/20     GBP     34.04        GBP       1,676        (4,534

Diageo PLC

  Credit Suisse International     20,600       07/21/20     GBP     29.81        GBP       552        (2,182

Heineken NV

  Credit Suisse International     29,000       07/21/20     EUR     90.36        EUR       2,380        (4,032





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)


OTC Options Written (continued)


Description   Counterparty   Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  


  Goldman Sachs International     116,500       07/21/20     EUR     21.74        EUR       2,400      $ (26,781

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     109,800       07/21/20     AUD     29.70        AUD       3,341        (101,076

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Credit Suisse International     268,000       07/21/20     SEK     130.96        SEK       33,111        (32,283

Unilever PLC

  Credit Suisse International     69,800       07/21/20     GBP     44.66        GBP       3,040        (62,137

DBS Group Holdings Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.     145,300       07/22/20     SGD     22.20        SGD       3,022        (44,402

Cie Financiere Richemont SA, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International     57,500       07/22/20     CHF     61.80        CHF       3,475        (114,117

SGS SA, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International     1,900       07/22/20     CHF     2,300.10        CHF       5,049        (127,726


  Goldman Sachs International     55,700       07/22/20     EUR     93.11        EUR       4,399        (81,107


  Credit Suisse International     287,000       07/22/20     CAD     24.50        CAD       6,535        (10,223

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     115,100       07/23/20     GBP     16.89        GBP       1,884        (21,327

Koninklijke Philips NV

  Goldman Sachs International     59,900       07/23/20     EUR     42.42        EUR       2,487        (59,262

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Credit Suisse International     67,300       07/23/20     CHF     107.37        CHF       7,049        (55,656

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     23,700       07/23/20     GBP     70.34        GBP       1,761        (131,181

Schneider Electric SE

  Goldman Sachs International     18,800       07/24/20     EUR     94.41        EUR       1,859        (139,153

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     59,346       07/24/20     SGD     22.78        SGD       1,201        (6,841

Amcor PLC

  UBS AG     170,900       07/29/20     AUD     15.23        AUD       2,475        (29,225

Ansell Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     56,400       07/29/20     AUD     36.49        AUD       2,070        (58,792

BAE Systems PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     468,000       07/29/20     GBP     5.27        GBP       2,262        (22,916

Diageo PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     62,100       07/29/20     GBP     29.65        GBP       1,665        (10,022

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     360,300       07/29/20     GBP     16.90        GBP       5,897        (82,947

Kone OYJ, Class B

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     28,600       07/29/20     EUR     62.44        EUR       1,751        (58,229

Koninklijke Philips NV

  Goldman Sachs International     34,600       07/29/20     EUR     43.07        EUR       1,437        (29,773

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC

  Credit Suisse International     51,800       07/29/20     GBP     71.95        GBP       3,850        (211,203

Relx PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     184,800       07/29/20     EUR     22.04        EUR       3,807        (36,801

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     425,000       07/29/20     TWD     330.72        TWD       133,025        (14,352

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Credit Suisse International     199,900       07/29/20     SEK     124.83        SEK       24,698        (70,723

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     50,100       07/29/20     SGD     21.62        SGD       1,014        (16,652

BAE Systems PLC

  UBS AG     229,500       08/05/20     GBP     5.04        GBP       1,109        (35,733

Kone OYJ, Class B

  UBS AG     62,800       08/05/20     EUR     62.71        EUR       3,845        (128,711

Novartis AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG     66,500       08/05/20     CHF     86.68        CHF       5,481        (50,589

Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B

  UBS AG     68,000       08/05/20     DKK     451.17        DKK       29,199        (86,490

Sonic Healthcare Ltd.

  UBS AG     86,400       08/05/20     AUD     31.24        AUD       2,629        (43,206

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     266,000       08/05/20     TWD     323.85        TWD       83,258        (25,028

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

  UBS AG     110,700       08/05/20     SGD     21.04        SGD       2,239        (59,751

Ansell Ltd.

  UBS AG     38,400       08/12/20     AUD     37.80        AUD       1,409        (22,671

AstraZeneca PLC

  Goldman Sachs International     32,100       08/12/20     GBP     86.46        GBP       2,703        (135,053

Deutsche Post AG, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International     134,600       08/12/20     EUR     31.75        EUR       4,381        (277,276

Heineken NV

  Goldman Sachs International     40,500       08/12/20     EUR     85.61        EUR       3,323        (69,255

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     8,100       08/12/20     CHF     105.83        CHF       848        (17,384

Schneider Electric SE

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     8,300       08/12/20     EUR     102.84        EUR       821        (25,256

Tele2 AB, Class B

  Goldman Sachs International     46,200       08/12/20     SEK     127.26        SEK       5,708        (11,482

United Overseas Bank Ltd.

  UBS AG     100,000       08/12/20     SGD     20.63        SGD       2,023        (24,564



   $ (5,551,943




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written












Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 2,066,866      $ (2,135,969    $ (5,623,423





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instrument


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 5,623,423      $      $      $      $ 5,623,423  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (7,138,108    $      $      $      $ (7,138,108
























Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $        1,758,197      $      $      $      $ 1,758,197  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 6,135,486  

For more information about the Trust’s Investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 5,623,423  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 5,551,943  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Citibank N.A.

   $ 721,779        $        $ (368,000)        $        $ 353,779  

Credit Suisse International

     1,085,000                   (1,085,000                  

Goldman Sachs International

     1,661,789                   (1,482,000                 179,789  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     179,810                   (179,810                  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     487,662                   (487,662                  


     1,415,903                   (1,415,903                  















   $ 5,551,943        $        $ (5,018,375      $        $ 533,568  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount receivable from the counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $        $ 37,458,331        $        $ 37,458,331  


     51,323,971                            51,323,971  


              21,101,872                   21,101,872  


              19,779,727                   19,779,727  


              49,302,732                   49,302,732  


              21,423,167                   21,423,167  


                       1,259,439          1,259,439  


     25,701,763          21,658,621                   47,360,384  


              28,646,283                   28,646,283  


              17,624,435                   17,624,435  


              93,944,409                   93,944,409  


              16,393,051                   16,393,051  

United Kingdom

     17,594,532          158,385,877                   175,980,409  

United States

              20,328,665                   20,328,665  

Preferred Stock

                       3,992,832          3,992,832  

Short-Term Securities

     1,439,314                            1,439,314  












   $ 96,059,580        $ 506,047,170        $ 5,252,271        $ 607,359,021  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity contracts

   $ (71,480      $ (5,551,943      $        $ (5,623,423













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 100.2%


Biotechnology — 23.2%  

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    10,520     $ 509,904  

Acceleron Pharma, Inc.(a)(b)

    38,131       3,632,740  

Acerta Pharma BV, Series B,
(Acquired 2/01/16, cost $986,402)(c)(d)

    17,146,440       2,256,300  

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    25,150       1,345,022  

Alector, Inc.(a)

    21,341       521,574  

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    26,878       3,016,787  

Allakos, Inc.(a)(b)

    31,025       2,229,457  

Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    30,786       1,318,257  

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    31,968       4,734,780  

Amgen, Inc.

    59,118       13,943,571  

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    22,450       733,217  

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc.(a)

    5,322       160,937  

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    29,254       1,841,539  

ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp. II(a)

    12,589       146,032  

Atreca, Inc., Class A(a)

    19,453       413,960  

Biogen, Inc.(a)(b)

    10,940       2,926,997  

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.(a)(b)

    55,788       6,880,892  

Blueprint Medicines Corp.(a)(b)

    9,623       750,594  

ChemoCentryx, Inc.(a)(b)

    7,300       420,042  

Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.(a)(b)

    29,797       249,997  

Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    14,790       375,666  

Eidos Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    8,058       384,125  

FibroGen, Inc.(a)(b)

    5,980       242,369  

Galapagos NV, ADR(a)(b)

    5,792       1,142,704  

Genfit ADR(e)

    7,123       39,461  

Genmab A/S, ADR(a)

    14,763       4,977,980  

Genmab A/S, ADR(a)(b)

    43,661       1,479,671  

Gilead Sciences, Inc.(b)

    76,057       5,851,826  

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    25,850       693,039  

Immunomedics, Inc.(a)(b)

    32,291       1,144,393  

Immunovant, Inc.(a)

    34,300       835,205  

Incyte Corp.(a)(b)

    23,637       2,457,539  

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    13,519       284,169  

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    30,890       847,931  

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.(a)(b)

    9,010       487,621  

Krystal Biotech, Inc.(a)

    5,200       215,384  

Longview Acquisition Corp.(a)

    35,345       356,985  

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    57,220       1,338,948  

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    5,271       601,790  

Molecular Templates, Inc.(a)(b)

    21,176       292,017  

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.(a)(b)

    32,744       3,994,768  

Passage Bio, Inc.(a)

    8,140       222,466  

Principia Biopharma, Inc.(a)(b)

    4,185       250,221  

Rapt Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    8,660       251,313  

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    12,485       7,786,270  

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    8,718       1,397,844  

Seattle Genetics, Inc.(a)(b)

    62,768       10,665,539  

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    1,080       16,006  

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    41,693       12,103,895  

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.(a)(b)

    12,460       510,486  



Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 28.0%  

Abbott Laboratories

    236,025       21,579,766  

ABIOMED, Inc.(a)

    10,647       2,571,889  

Alcon, Inc.(a)(b)

    115,493       6,620,059  

Baxter International, Inc.

    125,666       10,819,843  

Becton Dickinson & Co.

    31,153       7,453,978  

Boston Scientific Corp.(a)(b)

    366,053       12,852,121  

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.(a)

    157,245       10,867,202  

Envista Holdings Corp.(b)

    36,720       774,425  
Security   Shares     Value  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies (continued)  

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.(a)(b)

    14,158     $ 8,067,653  

Kangji Medical Holdings Ltd.(a)(c)

    264,936       1,018,656  

Masimo Corp.(a)(b)

    29,400       6,702,906  

Medtronic PLC(b)

    140,686       12,900,906  

Nevro Corp.(a)(b)

    13,352       1,595,163  

ResMed, Inc.(b)

    25,314       4,860,288  

SI-BONE, Inc.(a)

    4,237       67,538  

Silk Road Medical, Inc.(a)(b)

    9,292       389,242  

Stryker Corp.(b)

    59,696       10,756,622  

Teleflex, Inc.(b)

    19,140       6,966,577  

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.(a)(b)

    42,899       5,255,986  



Health Care Providers & Services — 18.6%  

Amedisys, Inc.(a)

    19,072       3,786,555  

AmerisourceBergen Corp.

    14,280       1,438,995  

Anthem, Inc.

    37,297       9,808,365  

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. Series C,
(Acquired 2/01/16, cost $431,098)(d)

    37,056       1,111,546  

Cardinal Health, Inc.(b)

    25,630       1,337,630  

Centene Corp.(a)(b)

    83,954       5,335,277  

Cigna Corp.(a)(b)

    53,197       9,982,417  

Encompass Health Corp.(b)

    40,167       2,487,542  

Humana, Inc.(b)

    29,780       11,547,195  

LHC Group, Inc.(a)(b)

    20,424       3,560,312  

McKesson Corp.(b)

    6,180       948,136  

Oak Street Health LLC, Series III-E,
(Acquired 2/01/16, cost $575,147)(c)(d)

    3,680       575,147  

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.(b)

    12,824       1,461,423  

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.(b)(f)

    115,262       33,996,527  



Health Care Technology — 2.0%  

Livongo Health, Inc.(a)(b)

    33,420       2,512,850  

Teladoc Health, Inc.(a)(b)

    36,970       7,055,354  



Life Sciences Tools & Services — 7.0%  

Agilent Technologies, Inc.(b)

    13,960       1,233,645  

Avantor, Inc.(a)(b)

    131,114       2,228,938  

Illumina, Inc.(a)(b)

    14,172       5,248,600  

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.(a)(b)

    25,873       3,670,862  

PPD, Inc.(a)(b)

    79,380       2,127,384  

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.(b)

    37,181       13,472,164  

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H(g)

    217,028       2,834,312  

Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc.(a)(g)

    120,500       2,211,850  



Pharmaceuticals — 21.4%  

AstraZeneca PLC

    15,836       1,648,122  

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.(b)

    167,123       9,826,832  

Eisai Co. Ltd.

    30,500       2,423,191  

Eli Lilly & Co.(b)

    75,883       12,458,471  

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

    99,782       2,015,565  

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.(a)(g)

    882,438       4,173,413  

Hua Medicine(a)(g)

    735,105       671,511  

Johnson & Johnson(b)

    157,637       22,168,491  

Merck & Co., Inc.(b)

    103,567       8,008,836  

Merck KGaA

    25,216       2,936,348  

MyoKardia, Inc.(a)(b)

    6,691       646,485  

Nektar Therapeutics(a)(b)

    24,513       567,721  

Pfizer, Inc.(b)

    313,195       10,241,477  

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    2,863       446,685  

Roche Holding AG

    12,627       4,374,618  

Royalty Pharma PLC, Class A(a)

    15,446       749,903  


    68,455       6,981,353  





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  
Pharmaceuticals (continued)  

Sanofi — ADR(b)

    54,625     $ 2,788,606  

Tricida, Inc.(a)

    12,925       355,179  

Urovant Sciences Ltd.(a)(e)

    6,874       67,640  

Zoetis, Inc.(b)

    54,689       7,494,581  







Total Common Stocks — 100.2%
(Cost — $304,510,826)






Other Interests — 0.1%


Pharmaceuticals — 0.1%  

Afferent Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(c)

    190       249,110  




Total Other Interests — 0.1%
(Cost — $—)






Preferred Securities


Preferred Stocks — 0.1%            
Biotechnology — 0.1%  

Goldfinch Bio, Inc., Series B,
(Acquired 2/01/16, cost $149,465), 0.00%(c)(d)

    126,665       149,465  

Sigilon Therapeutics, Inc., Series B,
(Acquired 2/01/16, cost $264,000), 0.00%(c)(d)

    44,000       263,120  



Pharmaceuticals — 0.0%  

Annexon, Inc., Series D,
(Acquired 2/01/16, cost $190,006), 0.00%(c)(d)

    133,600       190,006  




Total Preferred Stocks — 0.1%
(Cost — $603,470)






Total Long-Term Investments — 100.4%
(Cost — $305,114,296)





Security   Shares     Value  

Short-Term Securities — 1.0%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(h)(j)

    4,542,041     $ 4,542,041  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series, 0.50%(h)(i)(j)

    10,549       10,557  




Total Short-Term Securities — 1.0%
(Cost — $4,552,583)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 101.4%
(Cost — $309,666,879)






Options Written — (1.5)%
(Premiums Received — $6,126,482)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 99.9%
(Cost — $303,540,397)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 0.1%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 471,361,498  






Non-income producing security.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The Trust held restricted securities with a current value of $4,545,584, representing 1.0% of its net assets of period end, and an original cost of $2,596,118.


Security, or a portion of the security, is on loan.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


All or a portion of the security Security was purchased with the cash collateral from loaned securities.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at



Held at
     Value at
     Income     Net
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

     3,489,138        1,052,903 (b)            4,542,041      $ 4,542,041      $ 29,732     $      $  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series

     253,827              (243,278 )(b)      10,549        10,557        4,204 (c)      (309      11  












   $ 4,552,598      $ 33,936     $ (309    $ 11  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


All or a portion represents securities lending income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral from loaned securities, net of fees and collateral investment expenses, and other payments to and from borrowers of securities.


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Abbott Laboratories

     336          07/02/20        USD     96.00        USD     3,072        $ (13,440

Anthem, Inc.

     74          07/02/20        USD     290.00        USD     1,946          (13,690

Baxter International, Inc.

     145          07/02/20        USD     92.50        USD     1,248          (3,625

Boston Scientific Corp.

     360          07/02/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,264          (5,400

Centene Corp.

     2          07/02/20        USD     68.00        USD     13          (190

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

     1          07/02/20        USD     75.00        USD     7          (25

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

     15          07/02/20        USD     575.00        USD     855          (6,300

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     11          07/02/20        USD     272.50        USD     319          (19,745

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

     70          07/06/20        USD     117.00        USD     854          (41,186

Abbott Laboratories

     188          07/10/20        USD     92.00        USD     1,719          (34,780

Amgen, Inc.

     58          07/10/20        USD     227.50        USD     1,368          (54,810

Boston Scientific Corp.

     403          07/10/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,415          (4,231

Cardinal Health, Inc.

     98          07/10/20        USD     54.00        USD     511          (4,165

Centene Corp.

     1          07/10/20        USD     67.00        USD     6          (45

Eli Lilly & Co.

     125          07/10/20        USD     155.00        USD     2,052          (124,375

Humana, Inc.

     46          07/10/20        USD     405.00        USD     1,784          (8,050

Humana, Inc.

     25          07/10/20        USD     395.00        USD     969          (14,000

Johnson & Johnson

     82          07/10/20        USD     150.00        USD     1,153          (697

Pfizer, Inc.

     83          07/10/20        USD     34.50        USD     271          (1,162

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     54          07/10/20        USD     312.50        USD     1,593          (4,995

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     42          07/10/20        USD     280.00        USD     1,219          (52,920

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

     70          07/13/20        USD     117.00        USD     854          (48,852


     21          07/17/20        USD     200.00        USD     507          (90,615

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     42          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     204          (7,875

Acceleron Pharma, Inc.

     94          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     896          (4,935

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

     55          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     486          (8,607

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     100          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     535          (50,500

Alcon, Inc.

     447          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     2,562          (27,938

Alector, Inc.

     82          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     200          (4,510

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     31          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     348          (7,905

Allakos, Inc.

     50          07/17/20        USD     75.00        USD     359          (19,250

Allakos, Inc.

     37          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     266          (5,735

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     127          07/17/20        USD     140.00        USD     1,881          (156,210

Amedisys, Inc.

     2          07/17/20        USD     189.00        USD     40          (2,728

AmerisourceBergen Corp.

     27          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     272          (8,505

Amgen, Inc.

     58          07/17/20        USD     225.00        USD     1,368          (75,400

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     45          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     147          (3,712

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     29          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     183          (2,610

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     30          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     189          (6,555

Avantor, Inc.

     259          07/17/20        USD     17.50        USD     440          (9,065

Baxter International, Inc.

     240          07/17/20        USD     92.50        USD     2,066          (4,200

Becton Dickinson & Co.

     50          07/17/20        USD     250.00        USD     1,196          (12,125

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

     100          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     1,233          (333,000

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

     120          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,480          (123,000

Biogen, Inc.

     18          07/17/20        USD     335.00        USD     482          (1,710

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

     19          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     148          (2,517

Boston Scientific Corp.

     322          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,131          (6,440

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

     91          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     535          (7,917

Cardinal Health, Inc.

     3          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     16          (187

Centene Corp.

     188          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     1,195          (27,730

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

     15          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     86          (2,212

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

     14          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     81          (1,435

Cigna Corp.

     65          07/17/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,220          (2,535

Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.

     59          07/17/20        USD     10.00        USD     50          (3,245

Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     29          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     74          (3,842

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

     312          07/17/20        USD     73.33        USD     2,156          (21,840

Eidos Therapeutics, Inc.

     32          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     153          (5,680

Encompass Health Corp.

     158          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     978          (3,950

Envista Holdings Corp.

     145          07/17/20        USD     22.00        USD     306          (36,975

FibroGen, Inc.

     23          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     93          (14,030





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Galapagos NV, ADR

     11          07/17/20        USD     230.00        USD     217        $ (2,640

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

     153          07/17/20        USD     80.00        USD     1,177          (13,082

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.

     51          07/17/20        USD     140.00        USD     724          (20,655

Illumina, Inc.

     20          07/17/20        USD     370.00        USD     741          (23,300

Immunomedics, Inc.

     55          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     195          (12,650

Immunomedics, Inc.

     37          07/17/20        USD     36.00        USD     131          (6,382

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.

     54          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     114          (3,240

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

     17          07/17/20        USD     595.00        USD     969          (8,160

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

     122          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     335          (1,525

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

     8          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     43          (1,860

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

     14          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     76          (2,520

LHC Group, Inc.

     22          07/17/20        USD     145.00        USD     384          (64,460

LHC Group, Inc.

     23          07/17/20        USD     150.00        USD     401          (56,350

Livongo Health, Inc.

     16          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     120          (18,080

Masimo Corp.

     15          07/17/20        USD     250.00        USD     342          (1,950

McKesson Corp.

     12          07/17/20        USD     165.00        USD     184          (870

Medtronic PLC

     379          07/17/20        USD     97.50        USD     3,475          (17,434

Merck & Co., Inc.

     154          07/17/20        USD     77.50        USD     1,191          (24,255

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

     225          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     527          (30,938

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

     10          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     114          (8,850

Molecular Templates, Inc.

     42          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     58          (3,150

MyoKardia, Inc.

     26          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     251          (4,875

Nektar Therapeutics

     49          07/17/20        USD     24.00        USD     113          (4,410

Nevro Corp.

     26          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     311          (7,930

PPD, Inc.

     76          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     204          (2,660

Pfizer, Inc.

     508          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,661          (1,778

Principia Biopharma, Inc.

     8          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     48          (2,100

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A

     16          07/17/20        USD     170.00        USD     250          (7,120

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     4          07/17/20        USD     600.00        USD     249          (14,000

ResMed, Inc.

     50          07/17/20        USD     170.00        USD     960          (118,000

Sanofi — ADR

     63          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     322          (1,417

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

     19          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     80          (1,425

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

     9          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     38          (765

Stryker Corp.

     118          07/17/20        USD     195.00        USD     2,126          (14,160

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

     41          07/17/20        USD     350.00        USD     1,486          (66,625

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     65          07/17/20        USD     300.00        USD     1,917          (44,525

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

     48          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     588          (22,800

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

     29          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     119          (14,935

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

     20          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     82          (6,650

Zoetis, Inc.

     90          07/17/20        USD     145.00        USD     1,233          (4,950

Abbott Laboratories

     219          07/24/20        USD     93.00        USD     2,002          (51,684

Amgen, Inc.

     60          07/24/20        USD     235.00        USD     1,415          (46,050

Baxter International, Inc.

     55          07/24/20        USD     87.50        USD     474          (9,020

Becton Dickinson & Co.

     23          07/24/20        USD     240.00        USD     550          (16,905

Biogen, Inc.

     25          07/24/20        USD     322.50        USD     669          (3,687

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

     239          07/24/20        USD     58.00        USD     1,405          (50,788

Cigna Corp.

     72          07/24/20        USD     205.00        USD     1,351          (10,116

Eli Lilly & Co.

     88          07/24/20        USD     150.00        USD     1,445          (136,840

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

     151          07/24/20        USD     77.50        USD     1,162          (30,880

Humana, Inc.

     23          07/24/20        USD     392.50        USD     892          (27,025

Illumina, Inc.

     35          07/24/20        USD     380.00        USD     1,296          (30,800

Masimo Corp.

     117          07/24/20        USD     253.00        USD     2,667          (22,485

Medtronic PLC

     35          07/24/20        USD     96.00        USD     321          (4,515

Merck & Co., Inc.

     154          07/24/20        USD     78.00        USD     1,191          (27,104

Pfizer, Inc.

     508          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,661          (2,540

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     33          07/24/20        USD     610.00        USD     2,058          (103,620

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     75          07/24/20        USD     175.00        USD     1,431          (157,875

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     140          07/24/20        USD     305.00        USD     4,129          (87,850

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     91          07/24/20        USD     292.50        USD     2,642          (89,180

Zoetis, Inc.

     125          07/24/20        USD     139.00        USD     1,713          (39,375

Abbott Laboratories

     189          07/31/20        USD     92.00        USD     1,728          (59,819

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     1          07/31/20        USD     116.00        USD     11          (350





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

AmerisourceBergen Corp.

     30          07/31/20        USD     103.00        USD     302        $ (9,600

Anthem, Inc.

     75          07/31/20        USD     285.00        USD     1,972          (28,688

Baxter International, Inc.

     62          07/31/20        USD     86.50        USD     534          (15,655

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

     170          07/31/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,000          (24,820

Centene Corp.

     144          07/31/20        USD     65.00        USD     915          (36,360

Eli Lilly & Co.

     86          07/31/20        USD     148.00        USD     1,412          (154,155

Humana, Inc.

     23          07/31/20        USD     395.00        USD     892          (27,945

Immunomedics, Inc.

     37          07/31/20        USD     35.00        USD     131          (13,413

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

     24          07/31/20        USD     590.00        USD     1,368          (41,760

Johnson & Johnson

     160          07/31/20        USD     146.00        USD     2,250          (29,760

McKesson Corp.

     12          07/31/20        USD     155.00        USD     184          (6,840

Medtronic PLC

     125          07/31/20        USD     92.00        USD     1,146          (41,313

Pfizer, Inc.

     154          07/31/20        USD     34.50        USD     504          (8,624

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     12          07/31/20        USD     620.00        USD     748          (33,480

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.

     33          07/31/20        USD     170.00        USD     529          (18,810

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     57          07/31/20        USD     305.00        USD     1,681          (44,603

Johnson & Johnson

     142          08/07/20        USD     143.00        USD     1,997          (45,369

Acceleron Pharma, Inc.

     56          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     534          (18,480

Alcon, Inc.

     9          08/21/20        USD     62.50        USD     52          (967

Alector, Inc.

     3          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     7          (457

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     75          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     842          (26,250

Allakos, Inc.

     37          08/21/20        USD     85.00        USD     266          (15,540

Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.

     151          08/21/20        USD     60.00        USD     647          (24,915

Amgen, Inc.

     61          08/21/20        USD     245.00        USD     1,439          (37,973

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     45          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     147          (10,913

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     29          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     183          (8,468

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     30          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     189          (13,650

Avantor, Inc.

     259          08/21/20        USD     20.00        USD     440          (9,713

Becton Dickinson & Co.

     50          08/21/20        USD     240.00        USD     1,196          (57,250

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

     19          08/21/20        USD     85.00        USD     148          (9,785

Boston Scientific Corp.

     380          08/21/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,334          (60,990

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

     170          08/21/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,000          (37,485

Cigna Corp.

     75          08/21/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,407          (45,188

Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.

     59          08/21/20        USD     10.00        USD     50          (16,225

Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     29          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     74          (3,770

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

     315          08/21/20        USD     73.33        USD     2,177          (73,238

Galapagos NV, ADR

     11          08/21/20        USD     220.00        USD     217          (7,920

Genmab A/S, ADR

     22          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     75          (4,125

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.

     51          08/21/20        USD     150.00        USD     724          (21,420

Incyte Corp.

     94          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     977          (85,540

Johnson & Johnson

     246          08/21/20        USD     145.00        USD     3,459          (74,907

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

     13          08/21/20        USD     75.00        USD     70          (1,917

LHC Group, Inc.

     18          08/21/20        USD     170.00        USD     314          (25,020

Livongo Health, Inc.

     100          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     752          (211,000

Livongo Health, Inc.

     16          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     120          (17,840

Masimo Corp.

     8          08/21/20        USD     230.00        USD     182          (9,600

Masimo Corp.

     7          08/21/20        USD     240.00        USD     160          (5,880

Medtronic PLC

     23          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     211          (6,831

Merck & Co., Inc.

     107          08/21/20        USD     80.00        USD     827          (21,935

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

     10          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     114          (13,300

Molecular Templates, Inc.

     21          08/21/20        USD     17.50        USD     29          (1,575

Nektar Therapeutics

     49          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     113          (7,472

Nevro Corp.

     26          08/21/20        USD     130.00        USD     311          (15,470

PPD, Inc.

     237          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     635          (25,478

Principia Biopharma, Inc.

     8          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     48          (2,380

Quest Diagnostics, Inc.

     50          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     570          (15,750

ResMed, Inc.

     50          08/21/20        USD     180.00        USD     960          (92,500

Sanofi — ADR

     152          08/21/20        USD     52.26        USD     776          (24,470

Seattle Genetics, Inc.

     124          08/21/20        USD     165.00        USD     2,107          (182,900

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

     9          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     38          (2,272

Stryker Corp.

     118          08/21/20        USD     195.00        USD     2,126          (55,460

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     72          08/21/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,374          (104,400




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Teleflex, Inc.

     75          08/21/20        USD     380.00        USD     2,730        $ (87,375

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

     105          08/21/20        USD     360.00        USD     3,805          (177,975

UnitedHealth Group, Inc.

     145          08/21/20        USD     310.00        USD     4,277          (122,163

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

     48          08/21/20        USD     125.00        USD     588          (29,280

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     22          08/21/20        USD     310.00        USD     639          (18,590


     21          09/18/20        USD     260.00        USD     507          (29,505

Amedisys, Inc.

     73          09/18/20        USD     190.00        USD     1,449          (155,308

LHC Group, Inc.

     18          09/18/20        USD     175.00        USD     314          (24,210

Molecular Templates, Inc.

     21          09/18/20        USD     17.50        USD     29          (2,257

Seattle Genetics, Inc.

     124          09/18/20        USD     170.00        USD     2,107          (189,100



     $ (6,161,469




OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)

Tricida, Inc.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      5,100        07/06/20      USD     29.00      USD     140      $ (2,410

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

   UBS AG      20,400        07/07/20      GBP     17.58      GBP     334        (83

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

   Goldman Sachs International      100,000        07/07/20      HKD     31.96      HKD     3,650        (60,646

Merck & Co., Inc.

   Goldman Sachs International      5,000        07/07/20      EUR     105.55      EUR     517        (5,408

Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc.

   UBS AG      48,000        07/08/20      HKD     138.03      HKD     6,806        (49,968


   UBS AG      8,300        07/09/20      EUR     91.04      EUR     752        (14,357

AstraZeneca PLC

   Credit Suisse International      7,800        07/14/20      GBP     89.15      GBP     657        (9,103

Roche Holding AG

   UBS AG      2,900        07/14/20      CHF     348.11      CHF     952        (1,601


   UBS AG      7,600        07/14/20      EUR     89.69      EUR     689        (22,237

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      27,000        07/14/20      HKD     85.90      HKD     2,719        (55,057

Eisai Co., Ltd.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      12,000        07/15/20      JPY     8,831.68      JPY     102,552        (22,471

Genmab A/S, ADR

   Credit Suisse International      15,000        07/15/20      USD     28.75      USD     508        (77,696

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      10,300        07/15/20      USD     24.95      USD     276        (22,957

Passage Bio, Inc.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      1,600        07/15/20      USD     26.00      USD     44        (4,953

Rapt Therapeutics, Inc.

   Credit Suisse International      3,400        07/15/20      USD     24.59      USD     99        (18,478

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      46,000        07/15/20      HKD     92.20      HKD     4,632        (63,358

Krystal Biotech, Inc.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      2,000        07/16/20      USD     59.75      USD     83        (56

Genmab A/S, ADR

   Credit Suisse International      3,200        07/21/20      DKK     2,026.96      DKK     7,104        (110,454

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

   Goldman Sachs International      162,000        07/21/20      HKD     37.96      HKD     5,913        (15,884

Immunovant, Inc.

   Credit Suisse International      13,700        07/21/20      USD     22.87      USD     334        (41,635

Passage Bio, Inc.

   Bank of America N.A.      1,600        07/22/20      USD     26.21      USD     44        (5,559

Roche Holding AG

   Credit Suisse International      2,100        07/22/20      CHF     337.33      CHF     690        (7,566


   Goldman Sachs International      11,100        07/22/20      EUR     93.11      EUR     1,006        (16,163

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H

   UBS AG      13,800        07/23/20      HKD     91.27      HKD     1,390        (21,393

Merck & Co., Inc.

   Credit Suisse International      4,900        07/24/20      EUR     107.91      EUR     506        (7,560

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      19,500        07/29/20      GBP     16.90      GBP     319        (4,489

Genmab A/S, ADR

   UBS AG      2,600        08/05/20      DKK     2,291.10      DKK     5,772        (32,644

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

   UBS AG      90,000        08/12/20      HKD     37.60      HKD     3,285        (13,503

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc.

   Goldman Sachs International      1,000        08/13/20      USD     32.55      USD     30        (2,941

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

   Bank of America N.A.      7,300        09/08/20      USD     130.17      USD     894        (39,447



   $ (750,077




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 1,675,762      $ (2,460,826    $ (6,911,546




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $        6,911,546      $      $      $        6,911,546  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (8,068,279    $      $      $        (8,068,279
























Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ 744,026      $      $      $        744,026  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 6,850,594  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 6,911,546  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 750,077  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 45,006        $        $        $        $ 45,006  

Credit Suisse International

     272,492                                     272,492  

Goldman Sachs International

     105,531                                     105,531  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     116,205                                     116,205  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     55,057                                     55,057  


     155,786                                     155,786  















   $ 750,077        $        $        $        $ 750,077  


















Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (BME)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $ 102,045,950        $ 4,977,980        $ 2,256,300        $ 109,280,230  

Health Care Equipment & Supplies

     131,102,164                   1,018,656          132,120,820  

Health Care Providers & Services

     85,690,374          1,111,546          575,147          87,377,067  

Health Care Technology

     9,568,204                            9,568,204  

Life Sciences Tools & Services

     27,981,593          5,046,162                   33,027,755  


     76,492,418          24,552,610                   101,045,028  

Other Interests

                       249,110          249,110  

Preferred Stocks

                       602,591          602,591  

Short-Term Securities

     4,542,041                            4,542,041  














   $ 437,422,744        $ 35,688,298        $ 4,701,804        $ 477,812,846  













Investments Valued at NAV(a)





Total Investments

                  $ 477,823,403  




Derivative Financial Instruments(b)




Equity contracts

   $ (6,021,748      $ (889,798      $        $ (6,911,546















Certain investments of the Trust were fair valued using NAV per share as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.


Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 99.5%


Biotechnology — 40.5%  

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    115,400     $ 5,593,438  

Acceleron Pharma, Inc.(a)(b)

    314,516       29,963,939  

ADC Therapeutics SA(a)(c)

    159,142       7,449,437  

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    482,750       25,817,470  

Akeso, Inc.(a)(d)

    1,815,000       8,688,020  

Akouos, Inc.(a)

    426,721       9,601,223  

Alector, Inc.(a)

    408,845       9,992,172  

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    168,926       18,960,254  

Allakos, Inc.(a)(b)

    212,829       15,293,892  

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    277,848       41,152,067  

Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    591,017       8,912,536  

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    170,360       5,563,958  

Applied Molecular Transport, Inc.(a)

    165,609       4,163,410  

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc.(a)

    155,075       4,689,468  

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    234,580       14,766,811  

Argenx SE, ADR(a)(b)

    121,001       27,253,055  

Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    85,746       3,703,370  

ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp. II(a)

    204,554       2,372,826  

Avidity Biosciences, Inc.(a)

    581,400       16,430,364  

Beam Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    169,779       4,753,812  

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.(a)

    158,500       11,587,935  

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.(a)

    352,397       43,464,646  

Blueprint Medicines Corp.(a)

    75,909       5,920,902  

CareDx, Inc.(a)

    227,093       8,045,905  

ChemoCentryx, Inc.(a)

    109,330       6,290,848  

Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    66,300       1,992,315  

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    82,195       4,908,685  

Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    402,384       10,220,554  

Eidos Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    120,728       5,755,104  

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    112,925       3,874,457  

FibroGen, Inc.(a)(b)

    477,348       19,346,915  

Forma Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.(a)

    543,025       25,245,232  

Fusion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    436,446       7,624,712  

Galapagos NV, ADR(a)(b)

    25,042       4,940,536  

Generation Bio Co.(a)

    18,910       397,110  

Genetron Holdings Ltd.(a)

    970,000       11,707,900  

Genmab A/S, ADR(a)

    218,365       73,631,145  

Genmab A/S, ADR(a)(b)

    690,930       23,415,618  

Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    82,931       5,235,434  

Grifols SA

    704,064       21,409,182  

Gritstone Oncology, Inc.(a)

    197,153       1,309,096  

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    297,201       7,967,959  

Immunomedics, Inc.(a)

    533,084       18,892,497  

Immunovant, Inc.(a)

    207,798       5,059,881  

Insmed, Inc.(a)

    422,927       11,647,410  

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    147,621       3,102,993  

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.(a)

    429,994       11,803,335  

Kadmon Holdings, Inc.(a)

    1,454,723       7,448,182  

Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    406,215       7,693,712  

Keros Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    212,296       7,963,223  

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.(a)

    210,683       11,402,164  

Krystal Biotech, Inc.(a)

    163,538       6,773,744  

Longview Acquisition Corp.(a)

    486,550       4,914,155  

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    1,752,329       41,004,499  

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    54,382       6,208,793  

Molecular Templates, Inc.(a)

    203,575       2,807,299  

Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    167,620       5,576,717  

Morphic Holding, Inc.(a)

    100,431       2,716,659  

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.(a)

    330,903       40,370,166  

ORIC Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    237,730       8,018,633  

Passage Bio, Inc.(a)

    190,016       5,193,137  

Prevail Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    85,400       1,272,460  

Principia Biopharma, Inc.(a)

    104,353       6,239,266  
Security   Shares     Value  
Biotechnology (continued)  

Prothena Corp. PLC(a)

    64,169     $ 671,208  

PTC Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    217,736       11,047,925  

Rapt Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    188,948       5,483,271  

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    68,120       42,483,038  

Retrophin, Inc.(a)

    394,674       8,055,296  

Revolution Medicines, Inc.(a)

    130,658       4,124,873  

Sage Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    157,700       6,557,166  

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.(a)(b)

    72,754       11,665,376  

Seattle Genetics, Inc.(a)(e)

    499,885       84,940,459  

Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    103,538       2,467,311  

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    260,073       3,854,282  

Twist Bioscience Corp.(a)(b)

    242,154       10,969,576  

uniQure NV(a)

    127,900       5,763,174  

United Therapeutics Corp.(a)(b)

    59,550       7,205,550  

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)(b)

    122,254       35,491,559  

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.(a)

    198,700       8,140,739  

Voyager Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    262,830       3,316,915  

Zai Lab Ltd., ADR(a)

    194,310       15,958,680  

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(a)

    227,113       10,905,966  

Zymeworks, Inc.(a)

    252,147       9,094,942  



Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 28.4%  

ABIOMED, Inc.(a)

    80,185       19,369,489  

Alcon, Inc.(a)

    780,009       44,710,116  

Baxter International, Inc.

    624,018       53,727,950  

Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.(a)

    168,900       5,328,795  

Coloplast A/S, Class B

    20,658       3,219,919  

ConvaTec Group PLC(d)

    4,668,285       11,274,352  

Cooper Cos., Inc.(b)

    40,050       11,359,782  

Demant A/S(a)

    700,875       18,573,959  

DexCom, Inc.(a)(b)

    40,467       16,405,322  

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.(a)

    281,385       19,446,517  

Envista Holdings Corp.(a)

    390,350       8,232,482  

GN Store Nord A/S

    631,506       33,804,745  

Haemonetics Corp.(a)(b)

    276,008       24,719,276  

Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.(b)

    146,385       16,070,145  

Insulet Corp.(a)(b)

    142,744       27,729,449  

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.(a)(b)

    74,498       42,451,195  

Kangji Medical Holdings Ltd.(a)

    5,001,419       19,230,022  

Masimo Corp.(a)(b)

    237,283       54,098,151  

Nevro Corp.(a)(b)

    250,151       29,885,540  

NuVasive, Inc.(a)

    137,340       7,644,344  

Penumbra, Inc.(a)(b)

    113,661       20,324,860  

ResMed, Inc.(b)

    177,327       34,046,784  

Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd., Class A

    419,520       18,139,316  

Silk Road Medical, Inc.(a)

    301,640       12,635,700  

Sonova Holding AG, Registered Shares

    65,278       13,067,036  


    139,521       21,408,102  

Straumann Holding AG, Registered Shares

    33,816       29,233,463  

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.(a)(b)

    256,274       25,350,624  

Teleflex, Inc.(b)

    144,275       52,513,215  

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.(a)(e)

    458,449       56,169,171  

Venus MedTech Hangzhou, Inc., Class H(a)(d)

    181,000       1,788,095  



Health Care Providers & Services — 9.5%  

Addus HomeCare Corp.(a)

    45,200       4,183,712  

Amedisys, Inc.(a)

    230,923       45,847,452  

Amplifon SpA(a)

    646,544       17,272,422  

Centene Corp.(a)(b)

    359,854       22,868,722  

Chemed Corp.

    24,300       10,961,001  

Encompass Health Corp.(b)

    415,607       25,738,542  

Humana, Inc.(b)

    81,306       31,526,402  

Jinxin Fertility Group Ltd.(d)

    19,509,100       29,652,948  





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  
Health Care Providers & Services (continued)  

LHC Group, Inc.(a)(b)

    247,691     $ 43,177,495  

Oak Street Health LLC, Series III-E,
(Acquired 02/04/20, cost $19,349,483)(f)(g)

    123,805       19,349,483  



Health Care Technology — 4.9%  

Livongo Health, Inc.(a)

    908,900       68,340,191  

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.(a)(d)

    1,024,074       15,700,625  

Teladoc Health, Inc.(a)

    245,349       46,822,403  



Insurance — 0.9%  

eHealth, Inc.(a)

    97,800       9,607,872  

Selectquote, Inc.(a)

    559,762       14,178,771  



Life Sciences Tools & Services — 6.4%  

10X Genomics, Inc., Class A(a)

    48,300       4,313,673  

Avantor, Inc.(a)

    766,938       13,037,946  

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.(a)(b)

    91,464       15,946,749  

Gerresheimer AG

    156,300       14,444,527  

Illumina, Inc.(a)(b)

    35,617       13,190,756  

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.(a)(b)

    145,011       20,574,161  

Lonza Group AG, Registered Shares

    35,745       18,934,028  

PPD, Inc.(a)

    422,964       11,335,435  

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H(d)

    2,391,060       31,226,434  

Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc.(a)(d)

    1,429,101       26,232,011  



Pharmaceuticals — 8.9%  

Astellas Pharma, Inc.

    1,070,400       17,875,209  

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

    307,500       16,463,531  

Eisai Co. Ltd.

    133,400       10,598,479  

GW Pharmaceuticals PLC — ADR(a)

    178,345       21,886,498  

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.(a)(d)

    9,306,068       44,012,229  

Horizon Therapeutics PLC(a)

    171,600       9,537,528  

Merck KGaA

    200,999       23,405,893  

MyoKardia, Inc.(a)

    37,765       3,648,854  

Nektar Therapeutics(a)(b)

    354,718       8,215,269  

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    21,264       3,317,609  

Relmada Therapeutics, Inc.(a)

    262,500       11,746,875  

Royalty Pharma PLC, Class A(a)

    142,470       6,916,919  

Tricida, Inc.(a)

    144,303       3,965,446  


    449,726       52,189,084  

WaVe Life Sciences Ltd.(a)

    269,300       2,803,413  







Total Common Stocks — 99.5%
(Cost — $2,173,928,487)






Preferred Securities — 1.2%


Preferred Stocks — 1.2%  
Biotechnology — 0.2%  

Goldfinch Bio, Inc., Series B,
(Acquired 06/26/20, cost $3,029,231), 0.00%(f)(g)

    2,567,145       3,029,231  

Sigilon Therapeutics, Inc., Series B,
(Acquired 2/01/20, cost $3,051,798), 0.00%(f)(g)

    508,633       3,041,626  



Pharmaceuticals — 1.0%  

Annexon, Inc., Series D,
(Acquired 06/26/20, cost $4,170,549), 0.00%(f)(g)

    2,932,463       4,170,549  

Everest Medicines Ltd., Series C2,
(Acquired 05/29/20 cost $11,209,200), 0.00%(f)(g)

    3,113,667       11,209,201  

Insitro, Inc., Series B,
(Acquired 05/21/20 cost $5,000,000), 0.00%(f)(g)

    802,478       5,000,000  
Security   Shares     Value  
Pharmaceuticals (continued)  

Kymera Therapeutics, Inc., Series C,
(Acquired 03/11/20 cost $4,939,996), 0.00%(f)(g)

    755,744     $ 4,897,221  







Total Preferred Stocks — 1.2%
(Cost — $31,400,774)






Total Long-Term Investments — 100.7%
(Cost — $2,205,329,261)






Short-Term Securities — 0.4%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(h)(j)

    8,235,706       8,235,706  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series, 0.50%(h)(i)(j)

    1,888,090       1,889,600  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.4%
(Cost — $10,125,306)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 101.1%
(Cost — $2,215,454,567)






Options Written — (1.4)%
(Premiums Received — $28,539,374)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 99.7%
(Cost — $2,186,915,193)



Other Assets Less Liabilities — 0.3%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 2,648,854,336  






Non-income producing security.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


Security, or a portion of the security, is on loan.


Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The trust held restricted securities with a current value of $50,697,311 representing 1.9% of its net assets as of period end, and an original cost of $40,750,257.


All or a portion of the security was purchased with the cash collateral from loaned securities.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)



Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at



Held at
     Value at
     Income     Net
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

            8,235,706 (b)             8,235,706      $ 8,235,706      $ 2,362,043     $      $  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series

            1,888,090 (b)             1,888,090        1,889,600        13,473 (c)              












              $ 10,125,306      $ 2,375,516     $      $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


All or a portion represents securities lending income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral from loaned securities, net of fees and collateral investment expenses, and other payments to and from borrowers of securities.


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Baxter International, Inc.

     499          07/02/20        USD     92.50        USD     4,296        $ (12,475

Centene Corp.

     169          07/02/20        USD     68.00        USD     1,074          (16,055

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

     238          07/02/20        USD     75.00        USD     1,645          (5,950

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

     49          07/02/20        USD     575.00        USD     2,792          (20,580

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.

     65          07/02/20        USD     162.50        USD     1,042          (12,675

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

     58          07/02/20        USD     84.50        USD     574          (85,550

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     49          07/02/20        USD     272.50        USD     1,423          (87,955

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

     321          07/06/20        USD     117.00        USD     3,916          (188,868

Centene Corp.

     471          07/10/20        USD     67.00        USD     2,993          (21,195

Humana, Inc.

     73          07/10/20        USD     395.00        USD     2,831          (40,880

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     62          07/10/20        USD     600.00        USD     3,867          (178,870

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

     57          07/10/20        USD     85.50        USD     564          (82,365

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     220          07/10/20        USD     185.00        USD     4,198          (233,200

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

     321          07/13/20        USD     117.00        USD     3,916          (224,021

10X Genomics, Inc., Class A

     60          07/17/20        USD     95.00        USD     536          (7,650


     104          07/17/20        USD     200.00        USD     2,512          (448,760

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     288          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,396          (54,000

Acceleron Pharma, Inc.

     519          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     4,945          (27,247

Addus HomeCare Corp.

     36          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     333          (18,720

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     1,206          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     6,450          (609,030

Alcon, Inc.

     1,092          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     6,259          (68,250

Alector, Inc.

     654          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,598          (35,970

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     163          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,830          (41,565

Allakos, Inc.

     224          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     1,610          (34,720

Allakos, Inc.

     85          07/17/20        USD     75.00        USD     611          (32,725

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     694          07/17/20        USD     140.00        USD     10,279          (853,620

Amedisys, Inc.

     275          07/17/20        USD     189.00        USD     5,460          (375,130

Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.

     847          07/17/20        USD     15.00        USD     1,277          (44,468

Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.

     630          07/17/20        USD     13.00        USD     950          (137,025

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     213          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     696          (17,572

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     188          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     1,183          (16,920

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     105          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     661          (22,942

Argenx SE, ADR

     190          07/17/20        USD     175.00        USD     4,279          (953,800

Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     214          07/17/20        USD     42.00        USD     924          (73,830

Avantor, Inc.

     959          07/17/20        USD     17.50        USD     1,630          (33,565

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.

     253          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,850          (471,845

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

     570          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     7,030          (584,250

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

     30          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     234          (3,975

Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

     200          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     631          (5,000

CareDx, Inc.

     367          07/17/20        USD     30.25        USD     1,300          (207,485





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Centene Corp.

     259          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     1,646        $ (38,203

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.

     146          07/17/20        USD     165.00        USD     2,546          (156,950

Chemed Corp.

     38          07/17/20        USD     460.00        USD     1,714          (31,350

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

     87          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     501          (12,832

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

     87          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     501          (8,917

Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     49          07/17/20        USD     49.50        USD     147          (83

Cooper Cos., Inc.

     100          07/17/20        USD     310.00        USD     2,836          (28,500

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     131          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     782          (80,565

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     74          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     442          (11,655

DexCom, Inc.

     37          07/17/20        USD     410.00        USD     1,500          (56,240

DexCom, Inc.

     32          07/17/20        USD     390.00        USD     1,297          (84,800

Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     643          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     1,633          (85,198

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

     225          07/17/20        USD     73.33        USD     1,555          (15,750

Eidos Therapeutics, Inc.

     96          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     458          (17,040

Encompass Health Corp.

     664          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     4,112          (16,600

Envista Holdings Corp.

     625          07/17/20        USD     22.00        USD     1,318          (159,375

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.

     100          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     343          (16,500

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.

     91          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     312          (45,045

FibroGen, Inc.

     380          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,540          (81,700

FibroGen, Inc.

     347          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     1,406          (211,670

GW Pharmaceuticals PLC — ADR

     223          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     2,737          (82,510

Galapagos NV, ADR

     20          07/17/20        USD     230.00        USD     395          (4,800

Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.

     66          07/17/20        USD     79.75        USD     417          (1,195

Haemonetics Corp.

     345          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     3,090          (6,900

Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.

     131          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,438          (91,700

Horizon Therapeutics PLC

     140          07/17/20        USD     48.00        USD     778          (115,500

Horizon Therapeutics PLC

     95          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     528          (59,375

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.

     113          07/17/20        USD     140.00        USD     1,603          (45,765

Illumina, Inc.

     33          07/17/20        USD     370.00        USD     1,222          (38,445

Immunomedics, Inc.

     213          07/17/20        USD     36.00        USD     755          (36,742

Insmed, Inc.

     345          07/17/20        USD     24.75        USD     950          (117,929

Insulet Corp.

     160          07/17/20        USD     220.00        USD     3,108          (13,200

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.

     369          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     776          (22,140

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

     78          07/17/20        USD     595.00        USD     4,445          (37,440

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

     357          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     980          (4,462

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

     230          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     631          (5,175

Kadmon Holdings, Inc.

     1,682          07/17/20        USD     5.00        USD     861          (71,485

Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc.

     505          07/17/20        USD     22.50        USD     956          (16,412

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

     225          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     1,218          (40,500

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

     75          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     406          (17,437

LHC Group, Inc.

     90          07/17/20        USD     145.00        USD     1,569          (263,700

LHC Group, Inc.

     90          07/17/20        USD     150.00        USD     1,569          (220,500

Livongo Health, Inc.

     1,320          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     9,925          (1,491,600

Masimo Corp.

     285          07/17/20        USD     250.00        USD     6,498          (37,050

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

     500          07/17/20        USD     22.50        USD     1,170          (120,000

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

     580          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     1,357          (79,750

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

     1,300          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     3,042          (48,750

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

     68          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     776          (60,180

Molecular Templates, Inc.

     162          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     223          (12,150

Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     145          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     482          (35,525

MyoKardia, Inc.

     64          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     618          (10,880

MyoKardia, Inc.

     30          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     290          (5,625

Nektar Therapeutics

     566          07/17/20        USD     24.00        USD     1,311          (50,940

Nevro Corp.

     314          07/17/20        USD     125.00        USD     3,751          (95,770

NuVasive, Inc.

     150          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     835          (20,250

Penumbra, Inc.

     105          07/17/20        USD     180.00        USD     1,878          (59,325

Principia Biopharma, Inc.

     130          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     777          (34,125

PPD, Inc.

     338          07/17/20        USD     28.25        USD     906          (23,570

PPD, Inc.

     275          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     737          (9,625

PTC Therapeutics, Inc.

     182          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     923          (52,780

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A

     34          07/17/20        USD     170.00        USD     530          (15,130

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     34          07/17/20        USD     600.00        USD     2,120          (119,000





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Relmada Therapeutics, Inc.

     420          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,880        $ (149,100

ResMed, Inc.

     140          07/17/20        USD     170.00        USD     2,688          (330,400

Retrophin, Inc.

     315          07/17/20        USD     17.50        USD     643          (77,175

Royalty Pharma PLC, Class A

     356          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,728          (25,810


     174          07/17/20        USD     160.00        USD     2,670          (23,055

Sage Therapeutics, Inc.

     200          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     832          (76,500

Selectquote, Inc.

     700          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,773          (7,000

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

     223          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     934          (16,725

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

     111          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     465          (9,435

Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.

     93          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     222          (9,532

Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.

     83          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     198          (4,150

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     562          07/17/20        USD     22.50        USD     833          (56,200

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     317          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     470          (7,925

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

     58          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     574          (87,290

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

     57          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     564          (62,130

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     77          07/17/20        USD     180.00        USD     1,469          (122,045

Teleflex, Inc.

     115          07/17/20        USD     350.00        USD     4,186          (228,850

Twist Bioscience Corp.

     194          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     879          (60,625

United Therapeutics Corp.

     95          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,150          (39,425

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

     367          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     4,496          (174,325

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     108          07/17/20        USD     270.00        USD     3,135          (252,180

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

     317          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,299          (163,255

Vir Biotechnology, Inc.

     179          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     733          (59,518

Voyager Therapeutics, Inc.

     328          07/17/20        USD     15.00        USD     414          (9,020

Zai Lab Ltd., ADR

     155          07/17/20        USD     73.00        USD     1,273          (155,627

Zymeworks, Inc.

     315          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,136          (37,013

uniQure NV

     101          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     455          (1,262

eHealth, Inc.

     122          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,199          (7,625

Baxter International, Inc.

     560          07/24/20        USD     87.50        USD     4,822          (91,840

Humana, Inc.

     65          07/24/20        USD     392.50        USD     2,520          (76,375

Illumina, Inc.

     56          07/24/20        USD     375.00        USD     2,074          (63,000

Masimo Corp.

     379          07/24/20        USD     253.00        USD     8,641          (72,837

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     24          07/24/20        USD     610.00        USD     1,497          (75,360

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     119          07/24/20        USD     175.00        USD     2,271          (250,495

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     49          07/24/20        USD     292.50        USD     1,423          (48,020

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     96          07/31/20        USD     116.00        USD     1,078          (33,600

Baxter International, Inc.

     501          07/31/20        USD     86.50        USD     4,314          (126,503

Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

     240          07/31/20        USD     74.00        USD     1,659          (34,200

Humana, Inc.

     65          07/31/20        USD     395.00        USD     2,520          (78,975

Immunomedics, Inc.

     213          07/31/20        USD     35.00        USD     755          (77,213

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

     59          07/31/20        USD     590.00        USD     3,362          (102,660

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     50          07/31/20        USD     620.00        USD     3,118          (139,500

Sage Therapeutics, Inc.

     200          07/31/20        USD     42.00        USD     832          (77,500

Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.

     116          07/31/20        USD     170.00        USD     1,860          (66,120

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

     410          07/31/20        USD     95.00        USD     4,056          (416,150

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     77          07/31/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,469          (89,705

10X Genomics, Inc., Class A

     60          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     536          (16,650

Acceleron Pharma, Inc.

     267          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     2,544          (88,110

Addus HomeCare Corp.

     77          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     713          (34,265

Alcon, Inc.

     858          08/21/20        USD     62.50        USD     4,918          (92,235

Alector, Inc.

     368          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     899          (56,120

Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     163          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,830          (57,050

Allakos, Inc.

     224          08/21/20        USD     85.00        USD     1,610          (94,080

Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     213          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     696          (51,653

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     188          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     1,183          (54,896

Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     105          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     661          (47,775

Argenx SE, ADR

     112          08/21/20        USD     240.00        USD     2,523          (118,160

Avantor, Inc.

     959          08/21/20        USD     20.00        USD     1,630          (35,962

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.

     310          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     3,824          (337,900

Blueprint Medicines Corp.

     30          08/21/20        USD     85.00        USD     234          (15,450

Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

     220          08/21/20        USD     37.50        USD     694          (22,550

CareDx, Inc.

     200          08/21/20        USD     40.00        USD     709          (36,000





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.

     82          08/21/20        USD     185.00        USD     1,430        $ (42,230

Chemed Corp.

     22          08/21/20        USD     480.00        USD     992          (25,300

ChemoCentryx, Inc.

     99          08/21/20        USD     80.00        USD     570          (48,510

Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     60          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     180          (14,700

Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     362          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     919          (47,060

eHealth, Inc.

     122          08/21/20        USD     130.00        USD     1,199          (31,415

Eidos Therapeutics, Inc.

     205          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     977          (46,638

Encompass Health Corp.

     375          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     2,322          (43,125

Envista Holdings Corp.

     350          08/21/20        USD     23.00        USD     738          (41,125

Fate Therapeutics, Inc.

     91          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     312          (30,940

FibroGen, Inc.

     466          08/21/20        USD     42.50        USD     1,889          (142,130

GW Pharmaceuticals PLC — ADR

     133          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,632          (136,990

GW Pharmaceuticals PLC — ADR

     90          08/21/20        USD     125.00        USD     1,104          (74,250

Galapagos NV, ADR

     42          08/21/20        USD     220.00        USD     829          (30,240

Genmab A/S, ADR

     811          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     2,748          (152,063

Genmab A/S, ADR

     416          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,410          (203,840

Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.

     66          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     417          (21,120

Haemonetics Corp.

     345          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     3,090          (181,125

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

     505          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     1,354          (157,813

Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.

     234          08/21/20        USD     105.00        USD     2,569          (209,430

Horizon Therapeutics PLC

     194          08/21/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,078          (156,170

Insmed, Inc.

     380          08/21/20        USD     29.00        USD     1,047          (82,650

Insmed, Inc.

     330          08/21/20        USD     26.00        USD     909          (118,800

IQVIA Holdings, Inc.

     249          08/21/20        USD     150.00        USD     3,533          (104,580

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

     244          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     670          (31,110

Kadmon Holdings, Inc.

     977          08/21/20        USD     5.00        USD     500          (195,400

Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc.

     340          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     644          (26,350

Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc.

     170          08/21/20        USD     22.50        USD     322          (20,825

Kodiak Sciences, Inc.

     226          08/21/20        USD     75.00        USD     1,223          (33,335

Krystal Biotech, Inc.

     277          08/21/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,147          (135,730

LHC Group, Inc.

     220          08/21/20        USD     170.00        USD     3,835          (305,800

Livongo Health, Inc.

     492          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     3,699          (548,580

Livongo Health, Inc.

     460          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     3,459          (970,600

Masimo Corp.

     143          08/21/20        USD     240.00        USD     3,260          (120,120

Masimo Corp.

     142          08/21/20        USD     230.00        USD     3,237          (170,400

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

     1,500          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     3,510          (442,500

Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

     500          08/21/20        USD     22.50        USD     1,170          (205,000

Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.

     68          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     776          (90,440

Molecular Templates, Inc.

     173          08/21/20        USD     17.50        USD     239          (12,975

Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     274          08/21/20        USD     43.00        USD     912          (60,965

Nektar Therapeutics

     320          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     741          (48,800

Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.

     362          08/21/20        USD     125.00        USD     4,416          (246,160

Nevro Corp.

     314          08/21/20        USD     130.00        USD     3,751          (186,830

NuVasive, Inc.

     193          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     1,074          (54,040

PPD, Inc.

     444          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,190          (47,730

Penumbra, Inc.

     179          08/21/20        USD     190.00        USD     3,201          (136,935

Principia Biopharma, Inc.

     130          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     777          (38,675

PTC Therapeutics, Inc.

     182          08/21/20        USD     60.00        USD     923          (27,300

PTC Therapeutics, Inc.

     180          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     913          (46,350

Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Class A

     19          08/21/20        USD     180.00        USD     296          (17,955

Relmada Therapeutics, Inc.

     236          08/21/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,056          (92,630

ResMed, Inc.

     300          08/21/20        USD     180.00        USD     5,760          (555,000

Retrophin, Inc.

     335          08/21/20        USD     17.50        USD     684          (123,950

Seattle Genetics, Inc.

     626          08/21/20        USD     165.00        USD     10,637          (923,350

Selectquote, Inc.

     699          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,771          (40,193

Silk Road Medical, Inc.

     420          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,759          (106,050


     174          08/21/20        USD     160.00        USD     2,670          (84,390

Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.

     82          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     195          (12,300

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     120          08/21/20        USD     200.00        USD     2,290          (174,000

Teleflex, Inc.

     245          08/21/20        USD     380.00        USD     8,918          (285,425

Tricida, Inc.

     130          08/21/20        USD     30.00        USD     357          (34,450

Twist Bioscience Corp.

     218          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     988          (150,420





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

United Therapeutics Corp.

     53          08/21/20        USD     125.00        USD     641        $ (30,210

uniQure NV

     218          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     982          (9,265

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

     367          08/21/20        USD     125.00        USD     4,496          (223,870

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     98          08/21/20        USD     310.00        USD     2,845          (82,810

Voyager Therapeutics, Inc.

     329          08/21/20        USD     15.00        USD     415          (157,920

Zai Lab Ltd., ADR

     330          08/21/20        USD     80.00        USD     2,710          (247,500

Zymeworks, Inc.

     315          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,136          (92,138


     96          09/18/20        USD     260.00        USD     2,319          (134,880

Amedisys, Inc.

     302          09/18/20        USD     190.00        USD     5,996          (642,505

Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd.

     143          09/18/20        USD     70.00        USD     1,045          (161,590

Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

     56          09/18/20        USD     45.00        USD     168          (6,300

DexCom, Inc.

     32          09/18/20        USD     400.00        USD     1,297          (136,800

Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.

     75          09/18/20        USD     70.00        USD     473          (37,500

Insulet Corp.

     200          09/18/20        USD     210.00        USD     3,885          (224,000

Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.

     244          09/18/20        USD     35.00        USD     670          (47,580

LHC Group, Inc.

     220          09/18/20        USD     175.00        USD     3,835          (295,900

Molecular Templates, Inc.

     173          09/18/20        USD     17.50        USD     239          (18,597

Retrophin, Inc.

     335          09/18/20        USD     17.50        USD     684          (143,213

Seattle Genetics, Inc.

     626          09/18/20        USD     170.00        USD     10,637          (954,650



                           $ (29,169,654




OTC Options Written


Description   Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)

Jinxin Fertility Group Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      1,344,000        07/02/20      HKD     11.12      HKD     15,832      $ (121,310

Tricida, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      11,500        07/06/20      USD     29.00      USD     316        (5,434

Amplifon SpA

  UBS AG      51,700        07/07/20      EUR     24.33      EUR     1,229        (31,558

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      24,600        07/07/20      JPY     4,483.66      JPY     142,212        (292,305

Eisai Co., Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      10,600        07/07/20      JPY     7,799.64      JPY     90,932        (84,623

GN Store Nord A/S

  Credit Suisse International      45,600        07/07/20      DKK     352.35      DKK     16,190        (63,132

Grifols SA

  UBS AG      176,000        07/07/20      EUR     30.97      EUR     4,764        (27

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      600,000        07/07/20      HKD     31.96      HKD     21,996        (363,874

Jinxin Fertility Group Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      1,318,000        07/07/20      HKD     10.12      HKD     15,526        (283,962

Lonza Group AG, Registered Shares

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      2,800        07/07/20      CHF     473.20      CHF     1,405        (95,609

Merck KGaA

  UBS AG      14,800        07/07/20      EUR     110.86      EUR     1,534        (1,365

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      81,900        07/07/20      HKD     120.33      HKD     9,732        (36,381

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      81,900        07/07/20      HKD     108.07      HKD     9,732        (122,048

Straumann Holding AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      2,400        07/07/20      CHF     756.50      CHF     1,966        (165,453


  Credit Suisse International      33,200        07/07/20      EUR     89.19      EUR     3,429        (527,404

Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      228,000        07/08/20      HKD     130.73      HKD     32,438        (396,697

Coloplast A/S, Class B

  Credit Suisse International      1,700        07/14/20      DKK     1,111.63      DKK            (1,664

Coloplast A/S, Class B

  UBS AG      3,400        07/14/20      DKK     1,149.72      DKK            (1,268

Genmab A/S, ADR

  Credit Suisse International      35,000        07/14/20      DKK     2,124.83      DKK     78,275        (745,957

Morphic Holding, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      6,300        07/14/20      USD     24.65      USD     170        (22,237

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      220,000        07/14/20      HKD     85.90      HKD     22,268        (448,616

Astellas Pharma, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      96,400        07/15/20      JPY     1,993.95      JPY     173,822        (5,029

Demant A/S

  Goldman Sachs International      87,100        07/15/20      DKK     198.22      DKK     15,310        (23,830

Eisai Co., Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      12,000        07/15/20      JPY     9,144.45      JPY     102,942        (12,760

Genmab A/S, ADR

  Credit Suisse International      50,000        07/15/20      USD     28.75      USD     1,695        (258,986

GN Store Nord A/S

  Credit Suisse International      56,800        07/15/20      DKK     380.42      DKK     20,166        (16,602

Gritstone Oncology, Inc.

  Citibank N.A.      16,800        07/15/20      USD     7.05      USD     112        (4,773

Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      23,800        07/15/20      USD     24.95      USD     638        (53,046

Immunovant, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      9,300        07/15/20      USD     25.75      USD     226        (12,745

Keros Therapeutics, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      26,500        07/15/20      USD     36.79      USD     994        (65,208

Merck KGaA

  Goldman Sachs International      18,100        07/15/20      EUR     109.02      EUR     1,876        (12,695

Passage Bio, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      23,700        07/15/20      USD     26.00      USD     648        (73,373

Rapt Therapeutics, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      47,200        07/15/20      USD     24.59      USD     1,370        (256,524

Revolution Medicines, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      10,900        07/15/20      USD     36.12      USD     344        (9,908

Sonova Holding AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      7,800        07/15/20      CHF     221.66      CHF     1,479        (158





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


OTC Options Written (continued)


Description   Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Straumann Holding AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      3,000        07/15/20        CHF       846.93        CHF       2,457      $ (52,172


  UBS AG      40,500        07/15/20        EUR       92.78        EUR       4,183        (505,839

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      240,000        07/15/20        HKD       93.71        HKD       24,293        (295,374

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      28,400        07/15/20        USD       51.17        USD       1,364        (76,005

Krystal Biotech, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      13,000        07/16/20        USD       59.75        USD       538        (363

Amplifon SpA

  Goldman Sachs International      58,200        07/21/20        EUR       26.19        EUR       1,384        (30,688

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      27,600        07/21/20        JPY       5,645.50        JPY       159,555        (69,398

Genmab A/S, ADR

  Credit Suisse International      19,500        07/21/20        DKK       2,045.40        DKK       43,610        (646,964

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      870,000        07/21/20        HKD       38.01        HKD       31,894        (83,467

Immunovant, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      16,600        07/21/20        USD       22.87        USD       404        (50,449

Jinxin Fertility Group Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      872,000        07/21/20        HKD       11.49        HKD       10,272        (89,756

Lonza Group AG, Registered Shares

  UBS AG      3,200        07/21/20        CHF       501.80        CHF       1,606        (46,820

Morphic Holding, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      12,500        07/21/20        USD       22.00        USD       338        (72,029

Morphic Holding, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      6,300        07/21/20        USD       24.65        USD       170        (24,986

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      92,200        07/21/20        HKD       115.84        HKD       10,956        (98,618

Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      129,000        07/21/20        HKD       138.81        HKD       18,353        (166,887

Gritstone Oncology, Inc.

  Citibank N.A.      7,900        07/22/20        USD       6.70        USD       52        (4,068

Gritstone Oncology, Inc.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      7,800        07/22/20        USD       7.44        USD       52        (2,036

Keros Therapeutics, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      26,500        07/22/20        USD       37.51        USD       994        (67,501

Passage Bio, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      23,800        07/22/20        USD       26.21        USD       650        (82,690

Revolution Medicines, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      10,900        07/22/20        USD       36.12        USD       344        (14,698

Convatec Group PLC

  Credit Suisse International      583,500        07/23/20        GBP       2.11        GBP       1,138        (22,766

WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Class H

  UBS AG      137,700        07/23/20        HKD       91.27        HKD       13,938        (213,468

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      28,300        07/23/20        USD       52.28        USD       1,359        (91,340

Merck KGaA

  Credit Suisse International      17,300        07/24/20        EUR       107.91        EUR       1,793        (26,693

ADC Therapeutics SA

  Credit Suisse International      20,000        07/29/20        USD       48.83        USD       936        (23,254

Amplifon SpA

  Credit Suisse International      51,700        07/29/20        EUR       24.89        EUR       1,229        (59,960

Convatec Group PLC

  Goldman Sachs International      583,500        07/29/20        GBP       2.19        GBP       1,138        (17,414

Demant A/S

  Goldman Sachs International      44,000        07/29/20        DKK       198.54        DKK       7,734        (25,859

GN Store Nord A/S

  Credit Suisse International      55,400        07/29/20        DKK       383.78        DKK       19,669        (45,980

Lonza Group AG, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      2,900        07/29/20        CHF       509.85        CHF       1,455        (38,201

Revolution Medicines, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      10,900        07/29/20        USD       36.12        USD       344        (19,002

Sonova Holding AG, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      8,400        07/29/20        CHF       212.78        CHF       1,593        (6,445

Straumann Holding AG, Registered Shares

  Goldman Sachs International      3,000        07/29/20        CHF       828.03        CHF       2,457        (104,983

Tricida, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      11,500        07/29/20        USD       28.25        USD       316        (27,318


  Goldman Sachs International      38,700        07/29/20        EUR       110.60        EUR       3,997        (80,209

Venus MedTech Hangzhou, Inc., Class H

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      45,000        07/29/20        HKD       70.92        HKD       3,446        (50,634

Immunovant, Inc.

  Citibank N.A.      9,300        07/30/20        USD       26.52        USD       226        (17,683

ORIC Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      30,000        07/30/20        USD       38.03        USD       1,012        (48,719

Beam Therapeutics, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      21,200        08/05/20        USD       28.04        USD       594        (68,908

Immunovant, Inc.

  Barclays Bank PLC      16,700        08/05/20        USD       28.60        USD       407        (39,104

Jinxin Fertility Group Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      1,342,000        08/05/20        HKD       10.72        HKD       15,809        (249,522

Astellas Pharma, Inc.

  Goldman Sachs International      171,200        08/12/20        JPY       1,863.45        JPY       308,696        (114,524

Beam Therapeutics, Inc.

  Credit Suisse International      21,200        08/12/20        USD       29.56        USD       594        (29,869

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      24,600        08/12/20        JPY       5,955.25        JPY       142,212        (40,460

Demant A/S

  Goldman Sachs International      44,100        08/12/20        DKK       186.90        DKK       7,751        (61,295

Eisai Co., Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International      10,700        08/12/20        JPY       8,889.93        JPY       91,790        (38,823

Gerresheimer AG

  UBS AG      39,000        08/12/20        EUR       85.38        EUR       3,208        (76,731

Hansoh Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

  UBS AG      856,000        08/12/20        HKD       37.60        HKD       31,381        (128,425

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc.

  Goldman Sachs International      19,400        08/13/20        USD       32.55        USD       587        (57,053

Prevail Therapeutics, Inc.

  Barclays Bank PLC      21,300        08/27/20        USD       15.95        USD       317        (16,982

Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

  Bank of America N.A.      41,200        09/08/20        USD       130.17        USD       5,048        (222,630

Twist Bioscience Corp.

  Citibank N.A.      19,300        09/09/20        USD       44.75        USD       874        (110,271



                     $ (9,271,894




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $      $ (9,902,173    $ (38,441,548





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities — Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 38,441,548      $      $      $      $ 38,441,548  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options purchased(a)

   $      $      $ (871    $      $      $      $ (871

Options written

                   (22,065,517                           (22,065,517





















   $      $      $ (22,066,388    $      $      $      $ (22,066,388

























Options purchased are included in net realized gain (loss) from investments.




Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ (9,902,174    $      $      $      $ (9,902,174






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts purchased

   $ (a) 

Average value of option contracts written

   $ 34,569,709  



Derivative not held at any quarter-end. The risk exposure table serves as an indicator of activity during the period.


For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:

      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 38,441,548  







Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 9,271,894  











Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 634,782        $        $        $ (634,782      $  

Barclays Bank PLC

     56,086                            (56,086         

Citibank N.A.

     136,795                   (333                 136,462  

Credit Suisse International

     2,935,943                   (25,834        (415,000        2,495,109  

Goldman Sachs International

     1,765,914                            (1,440,000        325,914  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     893,943                            (893,943         

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     1,625,147                            (546,000        1,079,147  


     1,223,284                            (280,000        943,284  















   $ 9,271,894        $        $ (26,167      $ (4,265,811      $ 4,979,916  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $ 978,679,617        $ 95,040,327        $             —        $ 1,073,719,944  

Health Care Equipment & Supplies

     603,627,010          148,330,906                   751,957,916  

Health Care Providers & Services

     184,303,325          46,925,370          19,349,483          250,578,178  

Health Care Technology

     115,162,594          15,700,625                   130,863,219  


     23,786,643                            23,786,643  

Life Sciences Tools & Services

     78,398,719          90,837,001                   169,235,720  


     72,038,412          164,544,424                   236,582,836  

Preferred Stocks

                       31,347,828          31,347,828  

Short-Term Securities

     8,235,706                            8,235,706  














   $ 2,064,232,026        $ 561,378,653        $ 50,697,311        $ 2,676,307,990  













Investments Valued at NAV(a)





Total Investments

                  $ 2,678,197,590  




Derivative Financial Instruments(b)




Equity contracts

   $ (27,802,909      $ (10,638,639      $        $ (38,441,548













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Certain investments of the Trust were fair valued using NAV per share as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.


Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)


The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.





Opening Balance, as of December 31, 2019

   $      $      $  

Transfers into Level 3


Transfers out of Level 3


Accrued discounts/premiums


Net realized gain (loss)


Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)(a)(b)

            (52,948      (52,948


     19,349,483        31,400,776        50,750,259  












Closing Balance, as of June 30, 2020

   $ 19,349,483      $ 31,347,828      $ 50,697,311  










Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments still held at June 30, 2020(a)

   $      $ (52,948    $ (52,947












Included in the related net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in the Statements of Operations.


Any difference between net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments still held at June 30, 2020 is generally due to investments no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


The following table summarizes the valuation approaches used and unobservable inputs utilized by the BlackRock Global Valuation Methodologies Committee to determine the value of certain of the Trust’s Level 3 investments and derivative financial instruments as of period end.


      Value        Valuation Approach        Unobservable Inputs        Range of
Inputs Utilized
Average of
Inputs Based
on Fair Value



Common Stocks

   $ 19,349,483          Market          Recent Transactions                    

Preferred Stocks

     31,347,828          Market          Volatility          73% - 74%          73
               Time to Exit          3.0           
               Recent Transactions                    



   $ 50,697,311                      






A significant change in unobservable input would have resulted in a correlated (inverse) significant change to value.


See notes to financial statements.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)



Common Stocks — 94.5%


Chemicals — 12.5%  

Albemarle Corp.(a)

    93,042     $ 7,183,773  

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.(a)

    910,955       25,634,274  

FMC Corp.(a)(b)

    231,787       23,090,621  

Koninklijke DSM NV

    112,188       15,573,706  

Symrise AG

    88,014       10,284,140  



Containers & Packaging — 4.9%  

Graphic Packaging Holding Co.(a)

    1,134,043       15,865,262  

International Paper Co.(a)

    197,740       6,962,425  

Packaging Corp. of America(a)(b)

    91,918       9,173,416  



Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 2.3%  

Trimble, Inc.(a)(c)

    354,782       15,323,035  



Food Products — 7.6%  


    2,743,503       10,670,103  

Kerry Group PLC, Class A

    86,494       10,744,909  

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

    73,636       8,164,069  

Salmar ASA(c)

    163,209       7,818,596  

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A(a)

    205,078       12,245,208  



Metals & Mining — 33.8%  

Anglo American PLC

    801,982       18,488,258  

Barrick Gold Corp.(a)

    929,437       25,039,033  


    1,903,657       38,954,660  

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

    1,091,233       8,697,069  

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.

    975,116       9,479,757  

Franco-Nevada Corp.

    37,373       5,220,823  

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.(a)(c)

    626,115       7,244,151  

MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC, ADR

    323,830       8,464,450  

Neo Lithium Corp.(c)

    5,045,830       1,728,279  

Newcrest Mining Ltd.

    384,563       8,527,331  

Newmont Corp.(a)

    424,920       26,234,561  

Polyus PJSC — GDR

    97,898       8,237,952  

Stelco Holdings, Inc.(c)

    1,285,453       7,243,456  

Vale SA — ADR(a)

    2,455,479       25,315,988  

Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.

    526,556       23,194,792  



Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 31.7%  


    1,210,247       28,222,960  

Chevron Corp.(a)(b)

    369,600       32,979,408  


    9,650,000       10,830,457  


    311,436       13,086,541  

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

    2,054,743       11,095,464  

Kosmos Energy Ltd.(c)

    1,306,747       2,169,200  

Lukoil PJSC — ADR

    169,210       12,578,075  

Marathon Petroleum Corp.(a)

    184,263       6,887,751  

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR(a)(c)

    742,804       6,142,989  

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.(a)

    92,680       9,054,836  

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A(a)

    523,081       17,099,518  

Suncor Energy, Inc.

    921,340       15,534,379  


    937,858       36,162,312  

Williams Cos., Inc.(a)

    333,259       6,338,586  



Paper & Forest Products — 0.0%  

Precious Woods Holding AG(c)

    20,000       195,261  



Specialty Retail — 1.7%  

Tractor Supply Co.(a)

    86,816       11,441,481  




Total Common Stocks — 94.5%
(Cost — $613,156,350)











Corporate Bonds — 1.9%


Metals & Mining — 1.9%  

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd., 4.00%, 12/31/22

    CAD          5,652     $ 4,219,017  

Pilgangoora Operations Pty Ltd., 12.00%, 06/21/22

    USD          8,438       8,437,706  




Total Corporate Bonds — 1.9%
(Cost — $12,948,994)






Preferred Stock — 1.4%


Metals & Mining — 1.4%  

ArcelorMittal SA, 5.50%(c)

    326,377       9,347,437  




Total Preferred Stock — 1.4%
(Cost — $8,159,425)






Total Long-Term Investments — 97.8%
(Cost — $634,264,769)






Short-Term Securities — 3.3%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(d)(e)

    21,359,985       21,359,985  




Total Short-Term Securities — 3.3%
(Cost — $21,359,985)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 101.1%
(Cost — $655,624,754)






Options Written — (1.2)%
(Premiums Received — $7,484,769)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 99.9%
(Cost — $648,139,985)



Other Assets Less Liabilities 0.1%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 656,576,229  






All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Non-income producing security.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)



Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at
     Shares Sold      Shares
Held at
     Value at
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

     13,708,365        7,651,620 (b)              21,359,985      $ 21,359,985      $ 49,361      $      $  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series(c)

     183,142               (183,142                    6,091 (d)       84        (42












   $ 21,359,985      $ 55,452      $ 84      $ (42















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


As of period end, the entity is no longer held by the Trust.


All or a portion represents securities lending income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral from loaned securities, net of fees and collateral investment expenses, and other payments to and from borrowers of securities.


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)


     294          07/02/20        USD     25.00        USD     686        $ (882

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     280          07/02/20        USD     30.00        USD     788          (1,540

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     196          07/02/20        USD     39.00        USD     641          (2,940

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     195          07/02/20        USD     34.50        USD     637          (1,950

Tractor Supply Co.

     103          07/02/20        USD     110.00        USD     1,357          (225,055


     755          07/10/20        USD     28.00        USD     1,761          (4,530


     543          07/10/20        USD     26.50        USD     1,266          (1,629

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     317          07/10/20        USD     35.00        USD     892          (55,792

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     317          07/10/20        USD     33.00        USD     892          (951

Chevron Corp.

     369          07/10/20        USD     106.00        USD     3,293          (3,321


     262          07/10/20        USD     52.00        USD     1,101          (1,834

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

     1,012          07/10/20        USD     10.50        USD     1,171          (120,428

International Paper Co.

     334          07/10/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,176          (6,847

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     56          07/10/20        USD     44.00        USD     209          (1,036

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     362          07/10/20        CAD     26.50        CAD     829          (1,333

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

     200          07/10/20        USD     64.50        USD     1,194          (4,500

Vale SA — ADR

     1,970          07/10/20        USD     10.00        USD     2,031          (102,440

Albemarle Corp.

     236          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     1,822          (2,950

Albemarle Corp.

     235          07/17/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,814          (5,875


     755          07/17/20        USD     29.00        USD     1,761          (7,550


     588          07/17/20        USD     26.00        USD     1,371          (7,350

Barrick Gold Corp.

     1,290          07/17/20        USD     26.00        USD     3,475          (208,335

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     710          07/17/20        USD     32.50        USD     1,998          (8,165

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     316          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     889          (18,960

Chevron Corp.

     316          07/17/20        USD     97.50        USD     2,820          (15,326


     217          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     912          (2,495

FMC Corp.

     506          07/17/20        USD     92.50        USD     5,041          (432,630

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

     2,500          07/17/20        CAD     9.00        CAD     2,705          (348,961

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

     540          07/17/20        CAD     10.00        CAD     584          (41,367

Franco-Nevada Corp.

     149          07/17/20        CAD     190.00        CAD     2,826          (62,285

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

     1,011          07/17/20        USD     10.00        USD     1,170          (170,354

Graphic Packaging Holding Co.

     1,651          07/17/20        USD     13.20        USD     2,310          (158,953

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     153          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     572          (33,125

Newmont Corp.

     104          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     642          (11,440

Newmont Corp.

     364          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     2,247          (117,390

Packaging Corp. of America

     184          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,836          (57,960





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     633          07/17/20        USD     8.00        USD     523        $ (35,765

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     159          07/17/20        USD     10.00        USD     131          (556

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     40          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     391          (13,600

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     525          07/17/20        USD     32.50        USD     1,716          (68,250

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

     1,000          07/17/20        CAD     8.00        CAD     765          (12,890

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

     1,000          07/17/20        CAD     9.00        CAD     765          (4,420

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     1,054          07/17/20        CAD     26.00        CAD     2,413          (11,257

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     660          07/17/20        CAD     28.00        CAD     1,511          (3,403

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     659          07/17/20        CAD     27.00        CAD     1,508          (3,883

Trimble, Inc.

     539          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     2,328          (196,735

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

     139          07/17/20        USD     62.50        USD     830          (15,637

Vale SA — ADR

     2,263          07/17/20        USD     9.00        USD     2,333          (312,294

Vale SA — ADR

     1,970          07/17/20        USD     10.00        USD     2,031          (119,185

Williams Cos., Inc.

     654          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     1,244          (17,658


     796          07/24/20        USD     26.00        USD     1,856          (17,910

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     712          07/24/20        USD     31.50        USD     2,004          (24,564

Chevron Corp.

     159          07/24/20        USD     94.00        USD     1,419          (29,892


     217          07/24/20        USD     50.50        USD     912          (5,316

International Paper Co.

     456          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     1,606          (24,624

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     179          07/24/20        USD     46.50        USD     669          (6,981

Newmont Corp.

     474          07/24/20        USD     58.50        USD     2,926          (225,150

Newmont Corp.

     284          07/24/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,753          (104,370

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     859          07/24/20        USD     8.50        USD     710          (34,790

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     165          07/24/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,612          (45,788

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     651          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     2,128          (17,903

Vale SA — ADR

     1,640          07/24/20        USD     11.00        USD     1,691          (39,360

Williams Cos., Inc.

     230          07/24/20        USD     21.50        USD     437          (3,335


     408          07/31/20        USD     25.50        USD     951          (17,340

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     280          07/31/20        USD     30.00        USD     788          (25,900

Chevron Corp.

     198          07/31/20        USD     97.50        USD     1,767          (23,958


     115          07/31/20        USD     46.00        USD     483          (12,247

Freeport-McMoRan, Inc.

     481          07/31/20        USD     12.50        USD     557          (22,367

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     179          07/31/20        USD     43.50        USD     669          (16,737

Newmont Corp.

     474          07/31/20        USD     58.50        USD     2,926          (248,850

Petroleo Brasileiro SA — ADR

     1,320          07/31/20        USD     10.00        USD     1,092          (15,840

Pioneer Natural Resources Co.

     165          07/31/20        USD     99.50        USD     1,612          (100,650

Royal Dutch Shell PLC — ADR, Class A

     525          07/31/20        USD     34.00        USD     1,716          (73,500

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

     241          07/31/20        USD     68.00        USD     1,439          (24,703


     293          08/07/20        USD     25.00        USD     683          (21,096

Chevron Corp.

     132          08/07/20        USD     92.00        USD     1,178          (45,606


     434          08/07/20        USD     44.50        USD     1,824          (73,563

Tyson Foods, Inc., Class A

     240          08/07/20        USD     63.50        USD     1,433          (32,400

Williams Cos., Inc.

     398          08/07/20        USD     19.00        USD     757          (52,934


     408          08/21/20        USD     26.00        USD     951          (22,032

Barrick Gold Corp.

     1,290          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     3,475          (253,485

CF Industries Holdings, Inc.

     711          08/21/20        USD     35.00        USD     2,001          (14,220

Chevron Corp.

     304          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     2,713          (91,200

FMC Corp.

     421          08/21/20        USD     105.00        USD     4,194          (145,245

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

     1,330          08/21/20        CAD     11.00        CAD     1,439          (89,150

Graphic Packaging Holding Co.

     2,001          08/21/20        USD     15.00        USD     2,799          (80,040

Marathon Petroleum Corp.

     170          08/21/20        USD     37.50        USD     635          (62,475

Packaging Corp. of America

     183          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,826          (107,970

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

     1,140          08/21/20        CAD     8.00        CAD     872          (39,887

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     588          08/21/20        CAD     27.00        CAD     1,346          (20,140

Suncor Energy, Inc.

     362          08/21/20        CAD     26.00        CAD     829          (17,465

Tractor Supply Co.

     180          08/21/20        USD     135.00        USD     2,372          (95,400

Trimble, Inc.

     340          08/21/20        USD     45.00        USD     1,468          (70,550

Vale SA — ADR

     1,980          08/21/20        USD     11.00        USD     2,041          (91,080

Williams Cos., Inc.

     51          08/21/20        USD     21.00        USD     97          (2,269



     $ (5,654,294








Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)


OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)

MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC , ADR

   UBS AG      64,700        07/07/20      USD     29.97      USD     1,694      $ (8,056


   Credit Suisse International      65,400        07/07/20      EUR     33.55      EUR     2,222        (90,512


   Credit Suisse International      219,400        07/08/20      GBP     16.57      GBP     3,630        (102,644

Graphic Packaging Holding Co.

   Credit Suisse International      88,400        07/08/20      USD     14.15      USD     1,237        (18,972

Newcrest Mining Ltd.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      101,900        07/08/20      AUD     34.07      AUD     3,213        (15,182

Symrise AG

   Credit Suisse International      35,000        07/10/20      EUR     98.52      EUR     3,623        (234,313


   Goldman Sachs International      1,177,000        07/14/20      HKD     9.26      HKD     10,146        (14,888

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   UBS AG      274,100        07/14/20      USD     5.78      USD     1,479        (2,936


   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      836,000        07/14/20      USD     22.46      BRL     17,681        (36,491

Kerry Group PLC, Class A

   Goldman Sachs International      21,400        07/14/20      EUR     110.23      EUR     2,360        (56,201

Koninkilijke DSM NV

   Credit Suisse International      24,500        07/14/20      EUR     118.99      EUR     3,018        (158,192

Polyus PJSC — GDR

   Credit Suisse International      32,600        07/14/20      USD     81.83      USD     2,743        (161,581

Polyus PJSC — GDR

   Credit Suisse International      6,500        07/14/20      USD     81.18      USD     547        (34,710


   Credit Suisse International      15,300        07/14/20      EUR     35.12      EUR     520        (11,581

Anglo American PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      184,300        07/15/20      GBP     18.95      GBP     3,445        (125,740

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      295,900        07/15/20      USD     5.69      USD     1,597        (3,548

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      76,800        07/15/20      USD     6.03      USD     414        (681

Lukoil PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      58,600        07/15/20      USD     82.44      USD     4,352        (222

Nestle SA, Registered Shares

   Goldman Sachs International      29,500        07/15/20      CHF     104.74      CHF     3,090        (47,942


   Credit Suisse International      125,500        07/21/20      GBP     17.64      GBP     2,076        (26,007


   Credit Suisse International      113,500        07/21/20      EUR     38.25      EUR     3,856        (23,195

MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC , ADR

   Goldman Sachs International      64,800        07/22/20      USD     29.96      USD     1,697        (41,121

Salmar ASA

   Credit Suisse International      33,100        07/22/20      NOK     458.82      NOK     15,196        (94,202


   Credit Suisse International      490,002        07/23/20      GBP     17.70      GBP     8,107        (117,976

Koninkilijke DSM NV

   Credit Suisse International      22,700        07/23/20      EUR     119.85      EUR     2,797        (143,314

Lukoil PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      9,000        07/23/20      USD     81.54      USD     668        (328


   Goldman Sachs International      75,400        07/23/20      EUR     38.50      EUR     2,562        (14,415

Kerry Group PLC, Class A

   UBS AG      13,200        07/24/20      EUR     110.31      EUR     1,456        (45,132

Gazprom PJSC — ADR

   Credit Suisse International      175,000        07/29/20      USD     6.12      USD     944        (383


   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      92,000        07/29/20      EUR     38.34      EUR     3,126        (30,437

Anglo American PLC

   Credit Suisse International      66,800        08/05/20      GBP     19.56      GBP     1,249        (54,261


   Societe Generale      2,683,000        08/05/20      HKD     9.42      HKD     23,127        (61,500

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.

   UBS AG      390,000        08/05/20      AUD     14.26      AUD     5,402        (111,074

Newcrest Mining Ltd.

   UBS AG      52,000        08/05/20      AUD     33.77      AUD     1,640        (38,123

Stelco Holdings, Inc.

   Credit Suisse International      200,000        08/11/20      CAD     8.23      CAD     1,530        (49,782

Anglo American PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      69,700        08/12/20      GBP     19.63      GBP     1,303        (50,049

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.

   UBS AG      390,000        08/12/20      AUD     14.40      AUD     5,402        (114,761

Salmar ASA

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      32,200        08/12/20      NOK     477.79      NOK     14,783        (32,793

Trimble, Inc.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      54,000        09/10/20      USD     43.10      USD     2,332        (178,043



   $ (2,351,288




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 2,344,175      $ (2,864,988    $ (8,005,582

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 8,005,582      $      $      $      $ 8,005,582  


























Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure (continued)


For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options purchased(a)

   $      $      $ (14,885)      $      $      $      $ (14,885)  

Options written

                   (5,601,029                           (5,601,029





















   $      $      $ (5,615,914)      $      $      $      $ (5,615,914
























Options purchased are included in net realized gain (loss) from investments.




Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ 669,699      $      $      $      $ 669,699  






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts purchased

   $ (a) 

Average value of option contracts written

   $ 8,224,895  



Derivative not held at any quarter-end. The risk exposure table serves as an indicator of activity during the period.


For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments — Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 8,005,582  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 2,351,288  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:




Subject to

an MNA by


for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Credit Suisse International

   $ 1,326,404        $        $ (1,326,404      $        $  

Goldman Sachs International

     350,356                   (350,356                  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     193,225                   (193,225                  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     99,721                   (99,721                  

Societe Generale

     61,500                                     61,500  


     320,082                   (320,082                  















   $ 2,351,288        $        $ (2,289,788      $        $ 61,500  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $ 55,908,668        $ 25,857,846        $        $ 81,766,514  

Containers & Packaging

     32,001,103                            32,001,103  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

     15,323,035                            15,323,035  

Food Products

     22,915,311          26,727,574                   49,642,885  

Metals & Mining

     129,918,152          92,152,408                   222,070,560  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

     137,516,168          70,666,308                   208,182,476  

Paper & Forest Products

              195,261                   195,261  

Specialty Retail

     11,441,481                            11,441,481  

Corporate Bonds

     4,219,017          8,437,706                   12,656,723  

Preferred Stock

     9,347,437                            9,347,437  

Short-Term Securities

     21,359,985                            21,359,985  












   $ 439,950,357        $ 224,037,103        $        $ 663,987,460  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity contracts

   $ (5,495,340      $ (2,510,242      $        $ (8,005,582













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to consolidated financial statements.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 95.1%


Automobiles — 0.7%  

Tesla, Inc.(a)(b)

    6,075     $ 6,559,846  



Banks — 0.6%  

Klarna Holdings AB,
(Acquired 08/07/2019, cost $3,966,981) (c)(d)

    17,130       5,943,346  



Communications Equipment — 0.6%  

Accton Technology Corp.

    724,000       5,622,295  



Diversified Consumer Services — 2.5%  

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A(a)

    173,064       7,524,823  

Chegg, Inc.(a)(b)

    120,274       8,089,629  

TAL Education Group — ADR(a)(b)

    106,831       7,305,104  



Diversified Financial Services — 0.3%            

(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $2,471,478)(c)(d)

    27,945       2,980,893  



Diversified Telecommunication Services — 0.8%            

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    61,968       7,869,936  



Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 1.0%            

Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.

    10,945       3,346,561  

Yageo Corp.

    451,000       5,875,549  



Entertainment — 4.2%            

Activision Blizzard, Inc.(b)

    112,418       8,532,526  

NetEase, Inc. — ADR(b)

    15,079       6,474,621  

Netflix, Inc.(a)(b)

    14,805       6,736,867  

Roku, Inc.(a)(b)

    50,348       5,867,053  

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR(a)(b)

    375,157       5,049,613  

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A(a)(b)(e)

    198,164       5,845,838  



Health Care Technology — 1.9%            

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.(a)(f)

    500,078       7,666,962  

Teladoc Health, Inc.(a)(b)

    52,020       9,927,497  



Interactive Media & Services — 10.9%            

Alphabet, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    17,418       24,699,595  

Facebook, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    47,103       10,695,678  

Kakao Corp.

    47,217       10,595,610  

Snap, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    324,902       7,631,948  

Tencent Holdings Ltd.

    407,400       26,105,324  

Yandex NV, Class A(a)(b)

    167,293       8,367,996  

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A(a)(b)(e)

    241,571       12,327,368  



Internet & Direct Marketing Retail — 10.4%            

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR(a)(b)

    120,533       25,998,968  

Amazon.com, Inc.(a)(b)

    11,616       32,046,453  

Delivery Hero SE(a)(f)

    102,297       10,512,780  

Ensogo Ltd.(a)(c)

    173,282       1  

Jasper Infotech Private Ltd., Series I,
(Acquired 08/08/15, cost $1,998,435)(c)(d)

    1,054       250,462  

Meituan Dianping, Class B(a)

    612,396       13,684,820  

MercadoLibre, Inc.(a)(b)

    13,943       13,744,591  



IT Services — 18.5%            

Adyen NV(a)(f)

    5,423       7,893,142  

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

    76,100       7,959,563  

Mastercard, Inc., Class A(b)

    75,956       22,460,189  

MongoDB, Inc.(a)(b)

    29,017       6,567,708  

Okta, Inc.(a)(b)

    69,045       13,824,880  
Security   Shares     Value  
IT Services (continued)            

Pagseguro Digital Ltd., Class A(a)(b)

    141,119     $ 4,987,146  

PayPal Holdings, Inc.(a)(b)

    108,253       18,860,920  

Shopify, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    21,470       20,379,324  

Square, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    147,651       15,494,496  

StoneCo Ltd., Class A(a)(b)

    166,453       6,451,718  

TRAX Ltd.,
(Acquired 09/12/2019, cost $4,000,013)(c)(d)

    106,667       4,125,880  

Twilio, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    96,545       21,183,904  

Visa, Inc., Class A(b)

    106,695       20,610,273  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 12.9%            

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.(a)(b)

    247,686       13,030,760  

ASML Holding NV

    37,418       13,687,985  

Cree, Inc.(a)(b)

    116,909       6,919,844  

Inphi Corp.(a)(b)

    89,060       10,464,550  

Lam Research Corp.(b)

    37,016       11,973,195  

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.(b)

    365,423       12,811,730  

Micron Technology, Inc.(a)(b)

    126,024       6,492,757  

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.(b)

    32,734       7,757,958  

Renesas Electronics Corp.(a)

    1,150,900       5,916,089  

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.(b)

    43,227       5,527,004  


    77,629       8,647,646  

STMicroelectronics NV

    290,068       7,906,750  

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR(b)

    135,563       7,695,912  



Software — 26.0%            

Adobe, Inc.(a)(b)

    44,474       19,359,977  

Altium Ltd.

    259,362       5,876,440  

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A(a)(b)

    49,029       8,838,458  

Autodesk, Inc.(a)(b)

    40,617       9,715,180  

Avalara, Inc.(a)(b)

    86,159       11,466,901  

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.(a)(b)

    76,852       7,374,718  

Coupa Software, Inc.(a)(b)

    48,424       13,415,385  

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    55,492       5,565,293  

Elastic NV(a)(b)

    52,787       4,867,489  

Fair Isaac Corp.(a)(b)

    12,967       5,420,725  

Intuit, Inc.(b)

    18,491       5,476,849  

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.(a)

    4,483,000       10,489,691  

Microsoft Corp.(b)

    214,280       43,608,123  

Online Ventures Property Ltd.,
(Acquired 01/21/2020, cost $6,160,136)(c)(d)

    53,642       5,580,517  

Paycom Software, Inc.(a)(b)

    20,035       6,205,441  

RingCentral, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    41,643       11,868,671  

salesforce.com, Inc.(a)(b)

    44,202       8,280,361  

ServiceNow, Inc.(a)(b)

    29,124       11,796,967  

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    77,288       3,935,505  

TeamViewer AG(a)(f)

    189,832       10,365,222  

Xero Ltd.(a)

    114,004       7,161,174  

Zendesk, Inc.(a)(b)

    72,661       6,432,678  

Zoom Video Communications, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    26,152       6,630,578  

Zscaler, Inc.(a)(b)

    95,801       10,490,209  



Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals — 3.8%            

Apple, Inc.(b)

    97,619       35,611,411  




Total Common Stocks — 95.1%
(Cost — $321,034,872)






Preferred Stocks — 7.4%


Diversified Financial Services — 1.0%


Databricks, Inc., Series F,
(Acquired 10/22/2019, cost $3,999,999), 0.00%(c)(d)

    93,135       6,170,194  




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  
Diversified Financial Services (continued)            

TransferWise (Seed Preferred),
(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $849,295), 0.00%(c)(d)

    9,603     $ 1,024,352  

TransferWise, Series A,
(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $1,004,242), 0.00%(c)(d)

    11,355       1,211,238  

TransferWise, Series B,
(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $288,408), 0.00%(c)(d)

    3,261       347,851  

TransferWise, Series C,
(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $161,315), 0.00%(c)(d)

    1,824       194,566  

TransferWise, Series D,
(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $44,579), 0.00%(c)(d)

    504       53,762  

TransferWise, Series E,
(Acquired 06/03/2019, cost $4,688), 0.00%(c)(d)

    53       5,653  



Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 0.6%            

Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd., Series D,
(Acquired 03/20/2020, cost $5,000,000), 0.00%(c)(d)

    1,001,382       4,996,896  



Internet & Direct Marketing Retail — 0.3%            

Postmates, Inc., Series F,
(Acquired 01/08/19, cost $3,130,001), 0.00%(c)(d)

    392,275       2,663,547  



Road & Rail — 1.8%            

Ant Financial, Series A-18,
(Acquired 05/18/18, cost $6,492,863), 0.00%(c)(d)

    1,157,373       8,090,037  

FlixMobility GmbH, Series F,
(Acquired 07/26/2019, cost $5,482,937), 0.00%(c)(d)

    275       3,110,763  

Xiaoju Kuaizhi, Inc., Series A-17,
(Acquired 07/28/15, cost $3,016,964), 0.00%(c)(d)

    110,003       5,719,056  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 2.2%            

Innovium, Inc. Series F,
(Acquired 08/21/19, cost $2,999,996), 0.00%(c)(d)

    296,062       3,087,926  

Innovium, Inc., Series E,
(Acquired 08/21/19, cost $3,000,003), 0.00%(c)(d)

    353,478       3,266,137  

Psiquantum Corp., Series C,
(Acquired 09/09/2019, cost $3,200,234), 0.00%(c)(d)

    690,003       3,167,114  

SambaNova Systems, Inc., Series C,
(Acquired 02/19/2020 , cost $9,972,125), 0.00%(c)(d)

    187,300       10,458,832  



Software — 1.5%  

C3 AI, Inc., Series H,
(Acquired 08/14/2019, cost $7,129,478), 0.00%(c)(d)

    1,415,000       7,513,650  

GitLab, Inc., Series E,
(Acquired 09/10/2019, cost $2,915,501), 0.00%(c)(d)

    156,500       3,300,585  

Unqork, Inc., Series B,
(Acquired 09/19/19, cost $3,198,416), 0.00%(c)(d)

    7,027       3,345,766  







Total Preferred Stocks 7.4%





Security   Shares     Value  

Warrants — 0.0%

IT Services — 0.0%            

TRAX Ltd.,
(Acquired 09/12/2019, cost $0)(c)(d)

    17,065     $ 43,857  




Total Warrants — 0.0%
(Cost — $ — )






Total Long-Term Investments — 102.5%
(Cost — $382,925,917)






Short-Term Securities — 0.3%


SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series, 0.50%(g)(h)(i)

    2,827,263       2,829,525  




Total Short-Term Securities — 0.3%
(Cost — $2,829,525)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 102.8%
(Cost — $385,755,442)






Options Written — (2.3)%
(Premiums Received — $12,417,299)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 100.5%
(Cost — $373,338,143)



Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.5)%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 924,517,267  






Non-income producing security.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The Trust held restricted securities with a current value of $86,652,880, representing 9.4% of its net assets as of period end, and an original cost of $80,484,507.


All or a portion of this security is on loan.


Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


All or a portion of this security was purchased with the cash collateral from loaned securities.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at



Held at
     Value at
     Income     Net
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class(c)

     8,881,516             (8,881,516 )(b)           $      $ 25,107     $      $  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series

           2,827,263 (b)            2,827,263        2,829,525        14,886 (d)      (472       












            $ 2,829,525      $ 39,993     $ (472    $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)



As of period end, the entity is no longer held by the Trust.


All or a portion represents securities lending income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral from loaned securities, net of fees and collateral investment expenses, and other payments to and from borrowers of securities.


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     52          07/02/20        USD     74.00        USD     395        $ (9,906

Adobe, Inc.

     28          07/02/20        USD     390.00        USD     1,219          (128,100

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     16          07/02/20        USD     1,450.00        USD     2,269          (2,880

Amazon.com, Inc.

     14          07/02/20        USD     2,475.00        USD     3,862          (397,390

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

     159          07/02/20        USD     180.00        USD     2,866          (31,005

Lam Research Corp.

     72          07/02/20        USD     282.50        USD     2,329          (295,380

Netflix, Inc.

     10          07/02/20        USD     440.00        USD     455          (16,800

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     17          07/02/20        USD     257.50        USD     485          (47,175

Salesforce.com, Inc.

     65          07/02/20        USD     177.50        USD     1,218          (61,100

ServiceNow, Inc.

     42          07/02/20        USD     397.50        USD     1,701          (38,850

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     116          07/02/20        USD     53.50        USD     659          (37,120

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     59          07/02/20        USD     54.50        USD     335          (13,570

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     37          07/02/20        USD     56.50        USD     210          (2,497

Tesla, Inc.

     6          07/02/20        USD     890.00        USD     648          (113,730

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     58          07/02/20        USD     205.00        USD     1,273          (84,100

Visa, Inc., Class A

     28          07/02/20        USD     195.00        USD     541          (2,142

Zoom Video Communications, Inc, Class A

     50          07/02/20        USD     220.00        USD     1,268          (167,000

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     133          07/10/20        USD     77.00        USD     1,009          (14,231

Adobe, Inc.

     43          07/10/20        USD     402.50        USD     1,872          (147,920

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     86          07/10/20        USD     56.00        USD     452          (4,644

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     67          07/10/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,445          (53,600

Apple, Inc.

     58          07/10/20        USD     337.50        USD     2,116          (163,560

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

     6          07/10/20        USD     195.00        USD     108          (525

Cree, Inc.

     99          07/10/20        USD     61.00        USD     586          (10,048

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A

     79          07/10/20        USD     106.00        USD     792          (13,035

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     37          07/10/20        USD     237.50        USD     840          (5,957

Intuit, Inc.

     64          07/10/20        USD     292.50        USD     1,896          (50,560

Mastercard, Inc, Class A

     38          07/10/20        USD     320.00        USD     1,124          (1,786

Microsoft Corp.

     11          07/10/20        USD     200.00        USD     224          (5,857

Netflix, Inc.

     15          07/10/20        USD     465.00        USD     683          (9,937

Okta, Inc.

     37          07/10/20        USD     190.00        USD     741          (46,990

PayPal Holdings, Inc.

     76          07/10/20        USD     165.00        USD     1,324          (79,230

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     38          07/10/20        USD     277.50        USD     1,083          (56,240

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     45          07/10/20        USD     735.00        USD     4,271          (964,575

Snap, Inc., Class A

     273          07/10/20        USD     21.00        USD     641          (70,434

Square, Inc., Class A

     218          07/10/20        USD     86.00        USD     2,288          (421,285

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     277          07/10/20        USD     57.00        USD     1,573          (24,238

Tesla, Inc.

     6          07/10/20        USD     900.00        USD     648          (109,410

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     57          07/10/20        USD     202.50        USD     1,251          (105,023

Visa, Inc., Class A

     41          07/10/20        USD     200.00        USD     792          (3,341

Zscaler, Inc.

     84          07/10/20        USD     105.00        USD     920          (53,340

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     53          07/17/20        USD     75.00        USD     402          (14,098

Adobe, Inc.

     22          07/17/20        USD     385.00        USD     958          (114,345

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     288          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,515          (12,096

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     27          07/17/20        USD     215.00        USD     582          (17,145

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     14          07/17/20        USD     1,380.00        USD     1,985          (79,590

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     15          07/17/20        USD     1,465.00        USD     2,127          (16,425

Amazon.com, Inc.

     14          07/17/20        USD     2,460.00        USD     3,862          (424,865

Apple, Inc.

     31          07/17/20        USD     320.00        USD     1,131          (139,268

Autodesk, Inc.

     33          07/17/20        USD     200.00        USD     789          (130,763

Autodesk, Inc.

     8          07/17/20        USD     250.00        USD     191          (2,560

Avalara, Inc.

     151          07/17/20        USD     103.00        USD     2,010          (456,975




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A

     111          07/17/20        USD     115.50        USD     1,410        $ (152,424

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

     134          07/17/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,286          (39,195

Chegg, Inc.

     210          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     1,412          (93,450

Coupa Software, Inc.

     89          07/17/20        USD     210.00        USD     2,466          (601,195

Cree, Inc.

     100          07/17/20        USD     57.50        USD     592          (33,750

Elastic NV

     86          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     793          (280,790

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     9          07/17/20        USD     240.00        USD     204          (2,043

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     8          07/17/20        USD     250.00        USD     182          (672

Fair Isaac Corp.

     22          07/17/20        USD     360.00        USD     920          (131,560

Inphi Corp.

     156          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,833          (104,520

Lam Research Corp.

     30          07/17/20        USD     310.00        USD     970          (65,100

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     52          07/17/20        USD     36.00        USD     182          (4,758

Mastercard, Inc, Class A

     40          07/17/20        USD     320.00        USD     1,183          (2,300

Microsoft Corp.

     143          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     2,910          (198,055

MongoDB, Inc.

     56          07/17/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,268          (115,640

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

     55          07/17/20        USD     230.00        USD     1,304          (66,825

NetEase, Inc. — ADR

     25          07/17/20        USD     420.00        USD     1,073          (53,875

Netflix, Inc.

     15          07/17/20        USD     475.00        USD     683          (20,212

Okta, Inc.

     100          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     2,002          (142,000

Pagseguro Digital Ltd., Class A

     282          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     997          (24,675

PayPal Holdings, Inc.

     151          07/17/20        USD     150.00        USD     2,631          (361,645

Paycom Software, Inc.

     70          07/17/20        USD     330.00        USD     2,168          (36,750

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     35          07/17/20        USD     260.00        USD     998          (106,750

Roku, Inc.

     110          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     1,282          (114,125

ServiceNow, Inc.

     42          07/17/20        USD     410.00        USD     1,701          (49,350

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     16          07/17/20        USD     775.00        USD     1,519          (284,720

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A

     135          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     687          (13,162

Snap, Inc., Class A

     181          07/17/20        USD     18.00        USD     425          (100,455

Square, Inc., Class A

     90          07/17/20        USD     82.50        USD     944          (208,125

TAL Education Group — ADR

     186          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,272          (164,610

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     176          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     999          (44,440

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     98          07/17/20        USD     180.00        USD     1,870          (155,330

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR

     656          07/17/20        USD     14.00        USD     883          (18,040

Tesla, Inc.

     11          07/17/20        USD     1,030.00        USD     1,188          (93,418

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     59          07/17/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,295          (131,275

Visa, Inc., Class A

     41          07/17/20        USD     195.00        USD     792          (13,776

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A

     347          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     1,024          (4,337

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A

     346          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,021          (1,730

Yandex NV, Class A

     41          07/17/20        USD     44.00        USD     205          (26,855

Zendesk, Inc.

     138          07/17/20        USD     82.50        USD     1,222          (102,120

Zoom Video Communications, Inc, Class A

     50          07/17/20        USD     230.00        USD     1,268          (139,250

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

     422          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     2,153          (2,110

Zscaler, Inc.

     167          07/17/20        USD     77.50        USD     1,829          (532,730

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     77          07/24/20        USD     77.00        USD     584          (16,516

Adobe, Inc.

     31          07/24/20        USD     415.00        USD     1,349          (83,700

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     129          07/24/20        USD     58.00        USD     679          (9,675

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     35          07/24/20        USD     60.00        USD     184          (2,012

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     129          07/24/20        USD     235.00        USD     2,783          (16,899

Apple, Inc.

     48          07/24/20        USD     355.00        USD     1,751          (80,040

Autodesk, Inc.

     35          07/24/20        USD     240.00        USD     837          (30,275

Cree, Inc.

     210          07/24/20        USD     59.00        USD     1,243          (64,260

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     92          07/24/20        USD     245.00        USD     2,089          (33,350

Lam Research Corp.

     30          07/24/20        USD     290.00        USD     970          (116,400

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     403          07/24/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,413          (45,338

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     61          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     214          (3,141

Mastercard, Inc, Class A

     40          07/24/20        USD     307.50        USD     1,183          (17,200

MercadoLibre, Inc.

     25          07/24/20        USD     960.00        USD     2,464          (141,250

Micron Technology, Inc.

     156          07/24/20        USD     51.50        USD     804          (37,752

Microsoft Corp.

     10          07/24/20        USD     192.50        USD     204          (13,025

MongoDB, Inc.

     49          07/24/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,109          (109,025

NetEase, Inc. — ADR

     27          07/24/20        USD     437.50        USD     1,159          (34,830

PayPal Holdings, Inc.

     151          07/24/20        USD     180.00        USD     2,631          (47,565




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     55          07/24/20        USD     305.00        USD     1,568        $ (53,350

Roku, Inc.

     31          07/24/20        USD     120.00        USD     361          (19,995

Roku, Inc.

     18          07/24/20        USD     135.00        USD     210          (4,536

Salesforce.com, Inc.

     13          07/24/20        USD     192.50        USD     244          (5,167

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     45          07/24/20        USD     820.00        USD     4,271          (641,700

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

     86          07/24/20        USD     131.00        USD     1,100          (39,560

Snap, Inc., Class A

     154          07/24/20        USD     24.00        USD     362          (20,636

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     20          07/24/20        USD     57.50        USD     114          (3,000

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     98          07/24/20        USD     175.00        USD     1,870          (206,290

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     69          07/24/20        USD     220.00        USD     1,514          (74,693

Zoom Video Communications, Inc, Class A

     62          07/24/20        USD     270.00        USD     1,572          (48,980

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     78          07/31/20        USD     79.00        USD     592          (13,455

Adobe, Inc.

     31          07/31/20        USD     425.00        USD     1,349          (66,960

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     158          07/31/20        USD     55.00        USD     831          (39,105

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     65          07/31/20        USD     220.00        USD     1,402          (41,600

Alphabet, Inc., Class A

     15          07/31/20        USD     1,450.00        USD     2,127          (61,875

Apple, Inc.

     58          07/31/20        USD     362.50        USD     2,116          (89,030

Autodesk, Inc.

     33          07/31/20        USD     222.50        USD     789          (74,910

Coupa Software, Inc.

     41          07/31/20        USD     225.00        USD     1,136          (223,450

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A

     80          07/31/20        USD     101.00        USD     802          (53,200

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     9          07/31/20        USD     232.50        USD     204          (8,595

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     376          07/31/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,318          (30,268

Mastercard, Inc, Class A

     33          07/31/20        USD     305.00        USD     976          (22,358

Micron Technology, Inc.

     146          07/31/20        USD     53.00        USD     752          (30,587

Microsoft Corp.

     150          07/31/20        USD     205.00        USD     3,053          (94,125

Microsoft Corp.

     9          07/31/20        USD     202.50        USD     183          (6,727

MongoDB, Inc.

     6          07/31/20        USD     222.50        USD     136          (9,660

Netflix, Inc.

     11          07/31/20        USD     470.00        USD     501          (21,313

Roku, Inc.

     117          07/31/20        USD     145.00        USD     1,363          (21,470

ServiceNow, Inc.

     17          07/31/20        USD     430.00        USD     689          (21,080

Snap, Inc., Class A

     265          07/31/20        USD     26.50        USD     622          (21,068

Square, Inc., Class A

     208          07/31/20        USD     115.00        USD     2,183          (59,280

StoneCo Ltd., Class A

     332          07/31/20        USD     38.50        USD     1,287          (96,280

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. — ADR

     60          07/31/20        USD     57.00        USD     341          (11,850

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     98          07/31/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,870          (114,170

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     47          07/31/20        USD     220.00        USD     1,031          (70,030

Visa, Inc., Class A

     27          07/31/20        USD     200.00        USD     522          (9,585

Yandex NV, Class A

     56          07/31/20        USD     51.00        USD     280          (13,020

Zoom Video Communications, Inc, Class A

     29          07/31/20        USD     285.00        USD     735          (15,225

Zoom Video Communications, Inc, Class A

     5          07/31/20        USD     257.50        USD     127          (7,525

Zscaler, Inc.

     84          07/31/20        USD     106.00        USD     920          (73,920

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. — ADR

     133          08/07/20        USD     222.50        USD     2,869          (80,798

Micron Technology, Inc.

     70          08/07/20        USD     55.00        USD     361          (11,340

Microsoft Corp.

     11          08/07/20        USD     207.50        USD     224          (7,012

Salesforce.com, Inc.

     76          08/07/20        USD     195.00        USD     1,424          (35,720

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     170          08/21/20        USD     57.50        USD     894          (41,650

Amazon.com, Inc.

     12          08/21/20        USD     2,780.00        USD     3,311          (169,800

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

     6          08/21/20        USD     195.00        USD     108          (4,470

Autodesk, Inc.

     33          08/21/20        USD     240.00        USD     789          (47,190

Avalara, Inc.

     154          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     2,050          (408,100

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A

     108          08/21/20        USD     130.00        USD     1,372          (105,300

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

     134          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,286          (83,080

Chegg, Inc.

     210          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     1,412          (121,800

Coupa Software, Inc.

     39          08/21/20        USD     280.00        USD     1,080          (74,685

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A

     35          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     351          (9,100

Elastic NV

     98          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     904          (42,630

Facebook, Inc., Class A

     9          08/21/20        USD     260.00        USD     204          (2,610

Fair Isaac Corp.

     23          08/21/20        USD     429.00        USD     961          (50,364

Inphi Corp.

     155          08/21/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,821          (184,450

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     386          08/21/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,353          (69,094

MercadoLibre, Inc.

     24          08/21/20        USD     990.00        USD     2,366          (191,520

Micron Technology, Inc.

     69          08/21/20        USD     57.50        USD     355          (9,487




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Microsoft Corp.

     94          08/21/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,913        $ (59,925

MongoDB, Inc.

     49          08/21/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,109          (134,995

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

     58          08/21/20        USD     230.00        USD     1,375          (118,900

Okta, Inc.

     105          08/21/20        USD     185.00        USD     2,102          (238,350

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     13          08/21/20        USD     915.00        USD     1,234          (141,310

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

     65          08/21/20        USD     130.00        USD     831          (49,075

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A

     135          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     687          (32,738

Snap, Inc., Class A

     264          08/21/20        USD     24.00        USD     620          (51,084

TAL Education Group — ADR

     187          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     1,279          (79,475

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     99          08/21/20        USD     200.00        USD     1,889          (143,550

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR

     657          08/21/20        USD     14.00        USD     884          (45,990

Tesla, Inc.

     11          08/21/20        USD     980.00        USD     1,188          (187,193

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     47          08/21/20        USD     230.00        USD     1,031          (72,263

Visa, Inc., Class A

     76          08/21/20        USD     205.00        USD     1,468          (25,764

Yandex NV, Class A

     490          08/21/20        USD     46.00        USD     2,451          (284,200

Zendesk, Inc.

     116          08/21/20        USD     90.00        USD     1,027          (69,600

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

     423          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     2,159          (126,900



                           $ (17,164,176




OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty   

Number of


Amount (000)

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      11,000        07/02/20      USD     62.02      USD     478      $  

Kakao Corp.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      7,400        07/06/20      USD     231,000.00      KRW     1,979,500        (225,618

Accton Technology Corp.

   Goldman Sachs International      254,000        07/08/20      USD     222.60      TWD     57,912        (89,319

Altium Ltd.

   UBS AG      37,400        07/08/20      AUD     39.75      AUD     1,215        (286

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      11,000        07/08/20      USD     59.45      USD     478        (3

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      94,500        07/08/20      HKD     109.35      HKD     11,142        (128,661

Meituan Dianping, Class B

   Societe Generale      109,000        07/09/20      HKD     151.60      HKD     18,737        (306,971

ASML Holding NV

   Goldman Sachs International      7,700        07/14/20      EUR     301.93      EUR     2,517        (238,530

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

   Citibank N.A.      12,600        07/14/20      JPY     11,564.80      JPY     141,624        (36,292

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      368,000        07/14/20      HKD     13.99      HKD     6,631        (197,128


   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      2,400        07/14/20      EUR     91.82      EUR     238        (21,557

STMicroelectronics NV

   UBS AG      30,600        07/14/20      EUR     23.20      EUR     741        (53,655

TeamViewer AG

   Credit Suisse International      29,600        07/14/20      EUR     46.30      EUR     1,439        (103,561

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      73,100        07/14/20      HKD     441.00      HKD     36,448        (525,467

Xero Ltd.

   Goldman Sachs International      21,000        07/14/20      AUD     88.94      AUD     1,892        (80,755

Yageo Corp.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      115,000        07/14/20      USD     394.80      TWD     43,815        (51,433

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      5,200        07/15/20      USD     50.28      USD     226        (1,657

Renesas Electronics Corp.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      209,700        07/15/20      JPY     633.42      JPY     115,545        (1,007

Altium Ltd.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      7,800        07/21/20      AUD     39.14      AUD     253        (1,115

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      577,000        07/21/20      HKD     15.39      HKD     10,398        (213,351

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      82,700        07/21/20      HKD     115.84      HKD     9,750        (88,457


   UBS AG      6,000        07/21/20      EUR     98.81      EUR     595        (22,768

Yageo Corp.

   Citibank N.A.      43,000        07/21/20      USD     411.60      TWD     16,383        (17,275

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   Bank of America N.A.      4,500        07/22/20      USD     47.16      USD     196        (5,431

STMicroelectronics NV

   Goldman Sachs International      27,400        07/22/20      EUR     25.87      EUR     663        (17,059

TeamViewer AG

   Credit Suisse International      11,900        07/22/20      EUR     47.67      EUR     578        (36,295

Adyen NV

   Credit Suisse International      1,900        07/23/20      EUR     1,237.60      EUR     2,461        (194,143

Delivery Hero SE

   Goldman Sachs International      10,500        07/23/20      EUR     88.79      EUR     955        (72,409

Xero Ltd.

   Goldman Sachs International      19,000        07/23/20      AUD     88.40      AUD     1,712        (92,117

Meituan Dianping, Class B

   Goldman Sachs International      106,800        07/24/20      HKD     171.60      HKD     18,359        (113,773

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR

   Goldman Sachs International      70,100        07/24/20      HKD     451.25      HKD     34,952        (445,111




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


OTC Options Written (continued)


Description    Counterparty   

Number of


Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                

Kakao Corp.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      2,000        07/29/20      USD     269,325.00      KRW     535,000      $ (23,593


   Credit Suisse International      8,200        07/29/20      EUR     97.86      EUR     813        (42,120


   Goldman Sachs International      8,100        07/29/20      EUR     95.41      EUR     804        (55,310

Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      3,800        07/29/20      USD     402,332.36      KRW     1,381,300        (53,862

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   Bank of America N.A.      12,200        07/30/20      USD     46.46      USD     530        (22,084

ASML Holding NV

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      13,000        08/12/20      EUR     339.98      EUR     4,250        (142,060

Altium Ltd.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      45,500        08/12/20      AUD     34.91      AUD     1,478        (51,298

Delivery Hero SE

   Goldman Sachs International      25,400        08/12/20      EUR     102.33      EUR     2,310        (68,152

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

   Societe Generale      14,400        08/12/20      JPY     11,981.26      JPY     161,856        (41,088

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      624,000        08/12/20      HKD     18.92      HKD     11,224        (47,880

Renesas Electronics Corp.

   Goldman Sachs International      20,500        08/12/20      JPY     620.06      JPY     11,296        (1,230


   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      2,400        08/12/20      EUR     99.45      EUR     238        (12,009

TeamViewer AG

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      25,000        08/12/20      EUR     51.46      EUR     1,215        (49,376

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      10,200        08/13/20      USD     45.68      USD     443        (27,477

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

   Barclays Bank PLC      6,400        08/26/20      USD     46.35      USD     278        (9,315



   $ (4,028,058




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 1,329,409      $ (10,104,344    $ (21,192,234

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:
















Liabilities Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 21,192,234      $      $      $      $ 21,192,234  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:












Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (49,807,751    $      $      $      $ (49,807,751






















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ (5,868,846    $      $      $      $ (5,868,846






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 15,143,980  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


Derivative Financial Instruments Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets      Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $      $ 21,192,234  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $      $ 4,028,058  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral

pledged by the Trust:


Counterparty    Derivative
Subject to
an MNA by
for Offset







       Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 27,515        $        $        $        $ 27,515  

Barclays Bank PLC

     9,315                                     9,315  

Citibank N.A.

     53,567                            (53,567         

Credit Suisse International

     376,119                            (90,000        286,119  

Goldman Sachs International

     1,273,765                            (1,210,000        63,765  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     1,034,575                            (930,000        104,575  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     828,434                            (760,000        68,434  

Societe Generale

     348,059                            (348,059         


     76,709                            (70,000        6,709  















   $ 4,028,058        $        $        $ (3,461,626      $ 566,432  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $ 6,559,846        $        $        $ 6,559,846  


                       5,943,346          5,943,346  

Communications Equipment

              5,622,295                   5,622,295  

Diversified Consumer Services

     22,919,556                            22,919,556  

Diversified Financial Services

                       2,980,893          2,980,893  

Diversified Telecommunication Services

     7,869,936                            7,869,936  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

              9,222,110                   9,222,110  


     38,506,518                            38,506,518  

Health Care Technology

     9,927,497          7,666,962                   17,594,459  

Interactive Media & Services

     63,722,585          36,700,934                   100,423,519  

Internet & Direct Marketing Retail

     71,790,012          24,197,600          250,463          96,238,075  

IT Services

     158,713,700          7,959,563          4,125,880          170,799,143  

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

     82,673,710          36,158,470                   118,832,180  


     211,114,730          23,527,305          5,580,517          240,222,552  

Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals

     35,611,411                            35,611,411  

Preferred Stocks

                       67,727,925          67,727,925  


                       43,857          43,857  














   $ 709,409,501        $ 151,055,239        $ 86,652,881        $ 947,117,621  













Investments valued at NAV(a)





Total Investments

                  $ 949,947,146  




Derivative Financial Instruments(b)




Equity contracts

   $ (16,504,413      $ (4,687,821      $        $ (21,192,234













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Certain investments of the Trust were fair valued using NAV per share as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.


Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)


A reconciliation of Level 3 investments is presented when the Trust had a significant amount of Level 3 investments at the beginning and/or end of the period in relation to net assets. The following table is a reconciliation of Level 3 investments for which significant unobservable inputs were used in determining fair value:


       Warrants        Total  



Opening Balance, as of December 31, 2019

   $ 11,498,561        $ 47,488,016        $ 19,454        $ 59,006,031  

Transfers into Level 3


Transfers out of Level 3


Accrued discounts/premiums


Net realized gain (loss)


Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)(a)(b)

     1,222,402          2,264,206          24,403          3,511,011  


     6,160,136          17,975,703                   24,135,839  















Closing Balance, as of June 30, 2020

   $ 18,881,099        $ 67,727,925        $ 43,857        $ 86,652,881  













Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments still held at June 30, 2020(b)

   $ 1,222,402        $ 2,264,206        $ 24,403        $ 3,511,011  















Included in the related net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in the Statements of Operations.


Any difference between net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments still held at June 30, 2020 is generally due to investments no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


The following table summarizes the valuation approaches used and unobservable inputs utilized by the BlackRock Global Valuation Methodologies Committee (the “Global Valuation Committee”) to determine the value of certain of the Fund’s Level 3 investments as of period end.


      Value        Valuation Approach        Unobservable Inputs        Range of
Inputs Utilized
Average of
Inputs Based
on Fair Value



Common Stocks

   $ 18,881,099          Market          Revenue Multiple          5.20x – 10.50x          7.73x  
               Volatility          46%           
               Time to Exit          3.0           

Preferred Stocks(b)

     67,727,925          Market          Revenue Multiple          2.75x – 20.75x          8.38x  
               EBITDA          19.00x           
               Volatility          39% – 61%          52
               Time to Exit          2.5 – 5.0          3.2  
               Recent Transactions                    
          Income          Discount Rate          14%           


     43,857          Market          Revenue Multiple          5.20x           
               Volatility          46%           
               Time to Exit          3.0           



   $ 86,652,881                      






A significant change in unobservable input would have resulted in a correlated (inverse) significant change to value.


For the period end June 30, 2020, the valuation technique for investments classified as Preferred Stocks amounting to $22,513,663 changed Current Value. The investments were previously valued utilizing Transaction Price approach. The change was due to consideration of the information that was available at the time the investments were valued.


See notes to financial statements.




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 92.1%


Automobiles — 2.3%  

Tesla, Inc.(a)(b)

    42,973     $ 46,402,675  



Banks — 1.2%  

Klarna Holdings AB,
(Acquired 08/07/19, cost $16,335,486)(c)(d)

    70,539       24,473,888  



Capital Markets — 0.7%  

XP, Inc., Class A(a)

    310,824       13,057,716  



Diversified Consumer Services — 3.4%  

Afya Ltd., Class A(a)

    487,844       11,435,063  

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A(a)

    371,388       16,147,950  

Chegg, Inc.(a)

    326,477       21,958,843  

TAL Education Group — ADR(a)

    264,259       18,070,031  



Diversified Telecommunication Services — 0.8%  

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A(a)

    132,945       16,884,015  



Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 2.4%  

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd.

    115,071       12,484,063  

Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.

    63,470       19,406,687  

Yageo Corp.

    1,342,000       17,483,341  



Entertainment — 4.2%  

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

    300,063       22,774,782  

NetEase, Inc. — ADR(b)

    53,956       23,167,627  

Roku, Inc.(a)(b)

    108,969       12,698,158  

Tencent Music Entertainment Group, ADR(a)

    952,776       12,824,365  

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A(a)

    426,466       12,580,747  



Health Care Technology — 3.7%  

Livongo Health, Inc.(a)

    344,008       25,865,962  

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.(a)(e)

    1,748,300       26,804,119  

Teladoc Health, Inc.(a)

    118,736       22,659,578  



Interactive Media & Services — 5.4%  

Kakao Corp.

    159,682       35,833,031  

Snap, Inc., Class A(a)

    1,236,254       29,039,606  

Yandex NV, Class A(a)

    326,806       16,346,836  

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A(a)(f)

    553,685       28,254,546  



Internet & Direct Marketing Retail — 6.8%  

Delivery Hero SE(a)(e)

    315,146       32,386,683  

Farfetch Ltd., Class A(a)

    1,225,993       21,172,899  

Meituan Dianping, Class B(a)

    1,364,700       30,496,073  

MercadoLibre, Inc.(a)(b)

    28,105       27,705,066  

Pinduoduo, Inc., ADR(a)

    198,074       17,002,672  

Tongcheng-Elong Holdings Ltd.(a)

    5,149,600       9,351,235  



IT Services — 18.4%  

Adyen NV(a)(e)

    16,903       24,602,210  

Agora, Inc., ADR(a)

    240,744       10,633,663  

Endava PLC, ADR(a)

    372,171       17,975,859  

GDS Holdings Ltd. — ADR(a)

    203,767       16,232,079  

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

    242,100       25,322,079  

Grid Dynamics Holdings, Inc.(a)

    1,273,391       8,786,398  

Locaweb Servicos de Internet SA(a)(e)

    3,766,151       29,918,119  

MongoDB, Inc.(a)

    72,841       16,486,832  

Okta, Inc.(a)

    127,495       25,528,324  

Pagseguro Digital Ltd., Class A(a)

    293,140       10,359,568  

Shift4 Payments, Inc., Class A(a)

    117,595       4,174,623  

Shopify, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    45,465       43,155,378  
Security   Shares     Value  
IT Services (continued)  

Square, Inc., Class A(a)

    324,001     $ 34,000,665  

StoneCo Ltd., Class A(a)

    421,740       16,346,642  

TRAX Ltd.,
(Acquired 09/12/2019, cost $10,999,988)(c)(d)

    293,333       11,346,120  

Twilio, Inc., Class A(a)

    191,341       41,984,042  

Tyro Payments Ltd.(a)

    4,309,296       10,647,073  

Wix.com Ltd.(a)

    92,888       23,799,763  



Multiline Retail — 1.2%  

Magazine Luiza SA

    1,877,085       24,731,642  



Professional Services — 0.6%  

CoStar Group, Inc.(a)(b)

    16,997       12,079,258  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 15.6%  

ACM Research, Inc., Class A(a)

    278,696       17,379,483  

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.(a)

    501,680       26,393,385  

BE Semiconductor Industries NV

    228,711       10,140,978  

Cree, Inc.(a)

    325,259       19,252,080  

Inphi Corp.(a)

    252,837       29,708,347  

KLA Corp.

    58,122       11,303,567  

Lasertec Corp.

    403,200       38,114,729  

Lattice Semiconductor Corp.(a)

    515,803       14,643,647  

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

    830,514       29,117,821  

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.(b)

    90,194       21,375,978  

Power Integrations, Inc.

    97,599       11,529,370  

Qorvo, Inc.(a)

    168,429       18,616,457  

Silergy Corp.

    400,000       26,203,313  


    168,756       18,798,929  

STMicroelectronics NV

    783,328       21,352,162  



Software — 25.4%  

Alteryx, Inc., Class A(a)

    101,298       16,641,236  

Altium Ltd.

    792,994       17,967,096  

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A(a)

    104,090       18,764,304  

Avalara, Inc.(a)

    162,203       21,587,597  

Cloudflare, Inc., Class A(a)

    280,165       10,071,932  

Coupa Software, Inc.(a)

    79,961       22,152,396  

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A(a)

    172,745       17,324,596  

Elastic NV(a)

    176,354       16,261,602  

Fair Isaac Corp.(a)(b)

    35,032       14,644,777  

Five9, Inc.(a)

    201,887       22,342,834  

Freee KK(a)

    397,500       18,093,989  

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.(a)

    12,211,000       28,572,299  

Lightspeed POS, Inc.(a)

    667,851       15,953,453  

Online Ventures Property Ltd.,
(Acquired 01/21/20, cost $20,875,811)(c)(d)

    181,785       18,911,566  

Rakus Co. Ltd.

    462,000       8,165,845  

RingCentral, Inc., Class A(a)

    109,318       31,156,723  

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A(a)

    266,948       13,592,992  

Splunk, Inc., Class A(a)

    100,520       19,973,324  

SVMK, Inc.(a)

    670,157       15,775,496  

Synopsys, Inc.(a)

    102,130       19,915,350  

TeamViewer AG(a)(e)

    520,947       28,444,789  

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A(a)(b)

    40,822       16,594,143  

Weimob, Inc.(a)(e)(f)

    20,125,000       25,449,643  

Xero Ltd.(a)

    246,720       15,497,743  

Zendesk, Inc.(a)

    164,985       14,606,122  

Zscaler, Inc.(a)

    270,289       29,596,646  

Zynga, Inc., Class A(a)

    1,622,355       15,477,267  







Total Common Stocks — 92.1%
(Cost — $1,156,941,946)










Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Preferred Stocks — 8.2%


Diversified Financial Services — 1.0%  

Databricks, Inc., Series F,
(Acquired 10/22/19, cost $13,200,019), 0.00%(c)(d)

    307,346     $ 20,361,672  



Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 1.0%  

Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd., Series D,
(Acquired 03/20/20, cost $19,999,997), 0.00%(c)(d)

    4,005,527       19,987,580  



Road & Rail — 0.5%  

FlixMobility GmbH, Series F
(Acquired 07/26/19, $16,947,253), 0.00%(c)(d)

    850       9,615,086  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 3.4%  

CNEX Labs, Inc. Series E,
(Acquired 02/06/20 , $7,000,000), 0.00%(c)(d)

    3,296,755       6,989,120  

Innovium, Inc., Series E
(Acquired 08/21/19 , $8,999,992), 0.00%(c)(d)

    1,060,432       9,798,392  

Innovium, Inc. Series F,
(Acquired 06/10/20, cost $6,999,998), 0.00%(c)(d)

    690,812       7,205,169  

Psiquantum Corp., Series C
(Acquired 09/09/19 , $9,101,310), 0.00%(c)(d)

    1,962,335       9,007,118  

SambaNova Systems, Inc., Series C,
(Acquired 02/20/20 , cost $33,904,162), 0.00%(c)(d)

    636,800       35,558,912  



Software — 2.3%  

C3 AI, Inc., Series H,
(Acquired 08/14/19, cost $24,890,190), 0.00%(c)(d)

    4,940,000       26,231,400  

GitLab, Inc., Series E
(Acquired 09/10/19 , $11,670,984), 0.00%(c)(d)

    626,482       13,212,505  

Unqork, Inc., Series B
(Acquired 09/19/19 , $6,801,016), 0.00%(c)(d)

    14,942       7,114,335  







Total Preferred Stocks — 8.2%
(Cost — $159,514,920)






Warrants 0.0%


IT Services 0.0%  

TRAX Ltd.,
(Acquired 09/12/19, cost $0)(c)(d)

    46,928       120,605  




Total Warrants 0.0%
$ )






Total Long-Term Investments 100.3%





Security   Shares     Value  

Short-Term Securities — 1.8%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(g)(i)

    27,568,401     $ 27,568,401  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series, 0.50%(g)(h)(i)

    7,984,771       7,991,159  




Total Short-Term Securities — 1.8%
(Cost — $35,558,771)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 102.1%
(Cost — $1,352,015,637)






Options Written — (2.0)%
(Premiums Received — $21,546,954)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 100.1%
(Cost — $1,330,468,683)



Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.1)%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 2,019,381,799  






Non-income producing security.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


Security is valued using significant unobservable inputs and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.


Restricted security as to resale, excluding 144A securities. The Trust held restricted securities with a current value of $219,933,468 representing 10.9% of its net assets as of period end, and an original cost of $207,726,206.


Security exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional investors.


Security, or a portion of the security, is on loan.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.


Security was purchased with the cash collateral from loaned securities.


Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at
Held at
     Value at
Gain (Loss)
     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

     96,230,373               (68,661,972 )(b)       27,568,401      $ 27,568,401      $ 133,771      $      $  

SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series

     66,921,514               (58,936,743 )(b)       7,984,771        7,991,159        273,735 (c)       13,942        789  












   $ 35,559,560      $ 407,506      $ 13,942      $ 789  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


All or a portion represents securities lending income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral from loaned securities, net of fees and collateral investment expenses, and other payments to and from borrowers of securities.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     161          07/02/20        USD     74.00        USD     1,222        $ (30,670

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     39          07/02/20        USD     257.50        USD     1,112          (108,225

Tesla, Inc.

     29          07/02/20        USD     890.00        USD     3,131          (549,695

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     111          07/02/20        USD     205.00        USD     2,436          (160,950

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     67          07/10/20        USD     77.00        USD     509          (7,169

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     177          07/10/20        USD     56.00        USD     931          (9,558

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

     108          07/10/20        USD     195.00        USD     1,947          (9,450

Cree, Inc.

     246          07/10/20        USD     61.00        USD     1,456          (24,969

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A

     147          07/10/20        USD     106.00        USD     1,474          (24,255

Okta, Inc.

     178          07/10/20        USD     190.00        USD     3,564          (226,060

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     50          07/10/20        USD     277.50        USD     1,425          (74,000

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     76          07/10/20        USD     735.00        USD     7,214          (1,629,060

Snap, Inc., Class A

     453          07/10/20        USD     21.00        USD     1,064          (116,874

Square, Inc., Class A

     268          07/10/20        USD     86.00        USD     2,812          (517,910

Tesla, Inc.

     29          07/10/20        USD     900.00        USD     3,131          (528,815

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A

     55          07/10/20        USD     360.00        USD     2,236          (267,025

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     112          07/10/20        USD     202.50        USD     2,458          (206,360

Zscaler, Inc.

     164          07/10/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,796          (104,140

Zynga, Inc., Class A

     1,233          07/10/20        USD     10.50        USD     1,176          (5,548

ACM Research, Inc., Class A

     641          07/17/20        USD     75.00        USD     3,997          (46,473

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     160          07/17/20        USD     75.00        USD     1,214          (42,560

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     312          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,641          (13,104

Afya Ltd., Class A

     688          07/17/20        USD     22.50        USD     1,613          (116,960

Afya Ltd., Class A

     221          07/17/20        USD     25.00        USD     518          (11,050

Alteryx, Inc., Class A

     232          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     3,811          (28,420

Avalara, Inc.

     169          07/17/20        USD     103.00        USD     2,249          (511,449

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A

     153          07/17/20        USD     115.50        USD     1,943          (210,098

Chegg, Inc.

     375          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     2,522          (166,875

Cloudflare, Inc., Class A

     644          07/17/20        USD     43.00        USD     2,315          (49,910

CoStar Group, Inc.

     50          07/17/20        USD     720.00        USD     3,553          (77,250

Coupa Software, Inc.

     111          07/17/20        USD     210.00        USD     3,075          (749,805

Cree, Inc.

     200          07/17/20        USD     57.50        USD     1,184          (67,500

Elastic NV

     138          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,272          (450,570

Fair Isaac Corp.

     40          07/17/20        USD     360.00        USD     1,672          (239,200

Farfetch Ltd., Class A

     760          07/17/20        USD     18.00        USD     1,313          (62,700

Five9, Inc.

     232          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     2,568          (171,680

Inphi Corp.

     333          07/17/20        USD     115.00        USD     3,913          (223,110

KLA Corp.

     72          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     1,400          (68,400

Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

     633          07/17/20        USD     30.00        USD     1,797          (33,232

Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

     553          07/17/20        USD     25.25        USD     1,570          (193,878

Lightspeed POS, Inc.

     1,540          07/17/20        CAD     36.00        CAD     4,994          (27,225

Livongo Health, Inc.

     391          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     2,940          (441,830

Livongo Health, Inc.

     9          07/17/20        USD     70.00        USD     68          (6,480

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     62          07/17/20        USD     36.00        USD     217          (5,673

MongoDB, Inc.

     61          07/17/20        USD     210.00        USD     1,381          (125,965

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

     145          07/17/20        USD     230.00        USD     3,437          (176,175

NetEase, Inc. — ADR

     56          07/17/20        USD     420.00        USD     2,405          (120,680

Pagseguro Digital Ltd., Class A

     293          07/17/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,035          (25,637

Pinduoduo, Inc., ADR

     227          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     1,949          (119,175

Power Integrations, Inc.

     224          07/17/20        USD     120.00        USD     2,646          (53,200

Qorvo, Inc.

     223          07/17/20        USD     100.00        USD     2,465          (258,680

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     68          07/17/20        USD     260.00        USD     1,938          (207,400

Roku, Inc.

     203          07/17/20        USD     110.00        USD     2,366          (210,613

Shift4 Payments, Inc., Class A

     270          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     959          (6,075

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     69          07/17/20        USD     775.00        USD     6,549          (1,227,855





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A

     306          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,558        $ (29,835

Snap, Inc., Class A

     982          07/17/20        USD     18.00        USD     2,307          (545,010

Splunk, Inc., Class A

     102          07/17/20        USD     190.00        USD     2,027          (124,950

Square, Inc., Class A

     280          07/17/20        USD     82.50        USD     2,938          (647,500

SVMK, Inc.

     1,080          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     2,542          (383,400

Synopsys, Inc.

     234          07/17/20        USD     195.00        USD     4,563          (139,230

TAL Education Group — ADR

     304          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     2,079          (269,040

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     282          07/17/20        USD     180.00        USD     5,382          (446,970

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR

     1,096          07/17/20        USD     14.00        USD     1,475          (30,140

Tesla, Inc.

     44          07/17/20        USD     815.00        USD     4,751          (1,173,040

Tesla, Inc.

     39          07/17/20        USD     1,030.00        USD     4,211          (331,208

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     18          07/17/20        USD     200.00        USD     395          (40,050

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A

     490          07/17/20        USD     35.00        USD     1,446          (6,125

Warner Music Group Corp., Class A

     490          07/17/20        USD     40.00        USD     1,446          (2,450

Wix.com Ltd.

     213          07/17/20        USD     220.00        USD     5,457          (817,920

XP, Inc., Class A

     357          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,500          (14,280

Yandex NV, Class A

     365          07/17/20        USD     44.00        USD     1,826          (239,075

Zendesk, Inc.

     178          07/17/20        USD     82.50        USD     1,576          (131,720

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

     637          07/17/20        USD     85.00        USD     3,251          (3,185

Zscaler, Inc.

     341          07/17/20        USD     77.50        USD     3,734          (1,087,790

Zynga, Inc., Class A

     1,233          07/17/20        USD     11.00        USD     1,176          (4,315

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     151          07/24/20        USD     77.00        USD     1,146          (32,389

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     146          07/24/20        USD     58.00        USD     768          (10,950

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     93          07/24/20        USD     60.00        USD     489          (5,347

Cree, Inc.

     302          07/24/20        USD     59.00        USD     1,788          (92,412

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     707          07/24/20        USD     36.00        USD     2,479          (79,538

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     92          07/24/20        USD     38.00        USD     323          (4,738

MercadoLibre, Inc.

     35          07/24/20        USD     960.00        USD     3,450          (197,750

MongoDB, Inc.

     112          07/24/20        USD     210.00        USD     2,535          (249,200

NetEase, Inc. — ADR

     68          07/24/20        USD     437.50        USD     2,920          (87,720

Pinduoduo, Inc., ADR

     114          07/24/20        USD     85.00        USD     979          (66,690

RingCentral, Inc., Class A

     94          07/24/20        USD     305.00        USD     2,679          (91,180

Roku, Inc.

     162          07/24/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,888          (104,490

Roku, Inc.

     51          07/24/20        USD     135.00        USD     594          (12,852

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     67          07/24/20        USD     820.00        USD     6,360          (955,420

SVMK, Inc.

     460          07/24/20        USD     22.50        USD     1,083          (83,860

Snap, Inc., Class A

     955          07/24/20        USD     24.00        USD     2,243          (127,970

Splunk, Inc., Class A

     33          07/24/20        USD     185.00        USD     656          (54,285

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     154          07/24/20        USD     175.00        USD     2,939          (324,170

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A

     27          07/24/20        USD     370.00        USD     1,098          (124,335

Activision Blizzard, Inc.

     151          07/31/20        USD     79.00        USD     1,146          (26,047

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     215          07/31/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,131          (53,213

Coupa Software, Inc.

     72          07/31/20        USD     225.00        USD     1,995          (392,400

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A

     147          07/31/20        USD     101.00        USD     1,474          (97,755

KLA Corp.

     61          07/31/20        USD     195.00        USD     1,186          (58,865

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     518          07/31/20        USD     37.50        USD     1,816          (41,699

MongoDB, Inc.

     116          07/31/20        USD     222.50        USD     2,626          (186,760

Pinduoduo, Inc., ADR

     114          07/31/20        USD     95.00        USD     979          (32,490

Roku, Inc.

     183          07/31/20        USD     145.00        USD     2,132          (33,581

Snap, Inc., Class A

     90          07/31/20        USD     26.50        USD     211          (7,155

Splunk, Inc., Class A

     96          07/31/20        USD     185.00        USD     1,908          (174,720

Square, Inc., Class A

     197          07/31/20        USD     115.00        USD     2,067          (56,145

StoneCo Ltd., Class A

     421          07/31/20        USD     38.50        USD     1,632          (122,090

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     300          07/31/20        USD     200.00        USD     5,725          (349,500

Tesla, Inc.

     56          07/31/20        USD     1,000.00        USD     6,047          (789,880

Trade Desk, Inc., Class A

     12          07/31/20        USD     395.00        USD     488          (40,800

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     99          07/31/20        USD     220.00        USD     2,172          (147,510

Yandex NV, Class A

     376          07/31/20        USD     51.00        USD     1,881          (87,420

Zscaler, Inc.

     116          07/31/20        USD     106.00        USD     1,270          (102,080

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

     210          08/21/20        USD     57.50        USD     1,105          (51,450

Afya Ltd., Class A

     213          08/21/20        USD     25.00        USD     499          (28,222

Atlassian Corp. PLC, Class A

     131          08/21/20        USD     195.00        USD     2,362          (97,595





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Avalara, Inc.

     206          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     2,742        $ (545,900

Bandwidth, Inc., Class A

     152          08/21/20        USD     130.00        USD     1,930          (148,200

Chegg, Inc.

     375          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     2,522          (217,500

Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc., Class A

     103          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     1,033          (26,780

Elastic NV

     267          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     2,462          (116,145

Fair Isaac Corp.

     40          08/21/20        USD     429.00        USD     1,672          (87,589

Farfetch Ltd., Class A

     1,032          08/21/20        USD     16.00        USD     1,782          (288,960

Five9, Inc.

     232          08/21/20        USD     110.00        USD     2,568          (240,120

GDS Holdings Ltd. — ADR

     468          08/21/20        USD     75.00        USD     3,728          (404,820

Inphi Corp.

     251          08/21/20        USD     115.00        USD     2,949          (298,690

Livongo Health, Inc.

     391          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     2,940          (435,965

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

     531          08/21/20        USD     36.00        USD     1,862          (95,049

MercadoLibre, Inc.

     29          08/21/20        USD     990.00        USD     2,859          (231,420

MongoDB, Inc.

     112          08/21/20        USD     210.00        USD     2,535          (308,560

Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.

     62          08/21/20        USD     230.00        USD     1,469          (127,100

Okta, Inc.

     115          08/21/20        USD     185.00        USD     2,303          (261,050

Qorvo, Inc.

     112          08/21/20        USD     115.00        USD     1,238          (64,400

Qorvo, Inc.

     52          08/21/20        USD     120.00        USD     575          (19,500

Shopify, Inc., Class A

     38          08/21/20        USD     915.00        USD     3,607          (413,060

Smartsheet, Inc., Class A

     306          08/21/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,558          (74,205

Snap, Inc., Class A

     363          08/21/20        USD     24.00        USD     853          (70,241

TAL Education Group — ADR

     303          08/21/20        USD     70.00        USD     2,072          (128,775

Teladoc Health, Inc.

     154          08/21/20        USD     200.00        USD     2,939          (223,300

Tencent Music Entertainment Group — ADR

     1,095          08/21/20        USD     14.00        USD     1,474          (76,650

Tesla, Inc.

     39          08/21/20        USD     980.00        USD     4,211          (663,683

Twilio, Inc., Class A

     100          08/21/20        USD     230.00        USD     2,194          (153,750

XP, Inc., Class A

     357          08/21/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,500          (71,400

Yandex NV, Class A

     10          08/21/20        USD     46.00        USD     50          (5,800

Zendesk, Inc.

     201          08/21/20        USD     90.00        USD     1,779          (120,600

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc., Class A

     637          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     3,251          (191,100

Zynga, Inc., Class A

     1,265          08/21/20        USD     10.00        USD     1,207          (66,413



                           $ (29,474,251




OTC Options Written


Description   Counterparty   Number of
Amount (000)

Samsung SDI Ltd

  UBS AG     11,000       07/01/20     KRW     307,007.81     KRW     4,045,638     $ (518,019

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     5,200       07/02/20     USD     62.02     USD     226        

Kakao Corp.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     11,400       07/06/20     KRW     231,000.00     KRW     3,077,116       (347,574

Weimob, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     788,000       07/07/20     HKD     6.03     HKD     7,722       (383,721

Adyen NV

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     1,200       07/08/20     EUR     1,193.05     EUR     1,555       (144,122

Altium Ltd.

  UBS AG     95,000       07/08/20     AUD     39.75     AUD     3,119       (726

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     12,500       07/08/20     USD     59.45     USD     544       (3

Endava PLC, ADR

  Bank of America N.A.     4,700       07/08/20     USD     49.25     USD     227       (6,453

Freee KK

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     46,600       07/08/20     JPY     5,012.95     JPY     229,037       (79,398

Lasertec Corp.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     31,100       07/08/20     JPY     9,704.90     JPY     317,436       (192,973

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     166,100       07/08/20     HKD     109.35     HKD     19,738       (226,144

Meituan Dianping, Class B

  Societe Generale     101,100       07/09/20     HKD     151.60     HKD     17,511       (284,723

Delivery Hero SE

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     50,800       07/14/20     EUR     88.54     EUR     4,647       (301,364

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

  Citibank N.A.     23,200       07/14/20     JPY     11,564.80     JPY     262,009       (66,823

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     7,600       07/14/20     JPY     12,442.50     JPY     85,830       (6,560

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     1,244,000       07/14/20     HKD     13.99     HKD     22,566       (666,379

Locaweb Servicos de Internet SA

  Credit Suisse International     376,600       07/14/20     BRL     28.88     BRL     16,269       (995,486

Magazine Luiza SA

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     271,700       07/14/20     BRL     65.46     BRL     19,467       (332,925

Magazine Luiza SA

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     160,000       07/14/20     BRL     65.50     BRL     11,464       (195,046

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd.

  UBS AG     12,200       07/14/20     KRW     127,050.00     KRW     1,592,067       (71,359

Silergy Corp.

  Goldman Sachs International     12,000       07/14/20     TWD     1,580.25     TWD     23,193       (142,652

Silergy Corp.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     80,000       07/14/20     TWD     1,774.50     TWD     154,623       (526,914


  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     14,600       07/14/20     EUR     91.82     EUR     1,448       (131,136





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


OTC Options Written (continued)


Description   Counterparty   Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

STMicroelectronics NV

  UBS AG     39,400       07/14/20     EUR     23.20     EUR     956     $ (69,086

TeamViewer AG

  Credit Suisse International     53,800       07/14/20     EUR     46.30     EUR     2,615       (188,229

Yageo Corp.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     150,000       07/14/20     TWD     394.80     TWD     57,657       (67,086

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     8,700       07/15/20     USD     50.28     USD     378       (2,771

Endava PLC, ADR

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     11,600       07/15/20     USD     52.64     USD     560       (11,054

Weimob, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     807,000       07/15/20     HKD     7.18     HKD     7,909       (277,340

Altium Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     40,900       07/21/20     AUD     39.14     AUD     1,343       (5,847

Freee KK

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     44,900       07/21/20     JPY     5,638.50     JPY     220,682       (51,766

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     1,258,000       07/21/20     HKD     15.39     HKD     22,820       (465,157

Lasertec Corp.

  Goldman Sachs International     63,100       07/21/20     JPY     9,796.50     JPY     644,058       (464,700

Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co. Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     248,400       07/21/20     HKD     115.84     HKD     29,517       (265,692

Rakus Co. Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     42,000       07/21/20     JPY     2,254.88     JPY     80,155       (11,831


  UBS AG     10,000       07/21/20     EUR     98.81     EUR     992       (37,947

Yageo Corp.

  Citibank N.A.     159,000       07/21/20     TWD     411.60     TWD     61,116       (63,878

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  Bank of America N.A.     8,700       07/22/20     USD     47.16     USD     378       (10,499

Endava PLC, ADR

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     10,300       07/22/20     USD     51.41     USD     497       (18,055

STMicroelectronics NV

  Goldman Sachs International     39,000       07/22/20     EUR     25.87     EUR     946       (24,282

TeamViewer AG

  Credit Suisse International     42,200       07/22/20     EUR     47.67     EUR     2,051       (128,709

Weimob, Inc.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     1,234,000       07/22/20     HKD     10.63     HKD     12,093       (78,471

Adyen NV

  Credit Suisse International     2,700       07/23/20     EUR     1,237.60     EUR     3,498       (275,887

Delivery Hero SE

  Goldman Sachs International     17,000       07/23/20     EUR     88.79     EUR     1,555       (117,233

Xero Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     19,000       07/23/20     AUD     88.40     AUD     1,729       (92,117

Meituan Dianping, Class B

  Goldman Sachs International     214,900       07/24/20     HKD     171.60     HKD     37,221       (228,931

Tongcheng-Elong Holdings Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     534,000       07/24/20     HKD     14.83     HKD     7,513       (33,750

Farfetch Ltd., Class A

  Bank of America N.A.     103,000       07/27/20     USD     16.50     USD     1,779       (185,440

BE Semiconductor Industries NV

  UBS AG     42,000       07/29/20     EUR     39.79     EUR     1,658       (85,771

Kakao Corp.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     4,600       07/29/20     KRW     269,325.00     KRW     1,241,643       (54,264

Rakus Co. Ltd.

  BNP Paribas S.A.     64,200       07/29/20     JPY     2,125.26     JPY     122,523       (43,723


  Credit Suisse International     5,500       07/29/20     EUR     97.86     EUR     545       (28,251


  Goldman Sachs International     4,900       07/29/20     EUR     95.41     EUR     486       (33,459

Samsung SDI Ltd

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     3,500       07/29/20     KRW     402,332.36     KRW     1,287,249       (49,610

Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     14,300       07/29/20     KRW     136,500.00     KRW     1,866,111       (66,660

Tyro Payments Ltd.

  UBS AG     495,000       07/29/20     AUD     3.73     AUD     1,772       (115,479

Weimob, Inc.

  Societe Generale     1,000,000       07/29/20     HKD     9.07     HKD     9,800       (168,312

Xero Ltd.

  Citibank N.A.     29,500       07/29/20     AUD     91.99     AUD     2,685       (121,127

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  Bank of America N.A.     18,500       07/30/20     USD     46.46     USD     804       (33,487

Tongcheng-Elong Holdings Ltd.

  Societe Generale     650,400       08/05/20     HKD     14.77     HKD     9,151       (57,162

Weimob, Inc.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     800,000       08/05/20     HKD     9.56     HKD     7,840       (118,539

Endava PLC, ADR

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     29,500       08/11/20     USD     51.61     USD     1,425       (82,117

Altium Ltd.

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     46,500       08/12/20     AUD     34.91     AUD     1,527       (52,426

BE Semiconductor Industries NV

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     10,600       08/12/20     EUR     39.60     EUR     418       (27,945

Delivery Hero SE

  Goldman Sachs International     4,700       08/12/20     EUR     102.33     EUR     430       (12,611

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

  Societe Generale     24,900       08/12/20     JPY     11,981.26     JPY     281,208       (71,048

Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd.

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     306,000       08/12/20     HKD     18.92     HKD     5,551       (23,479


  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     3,800       08/12/20     EUR     99.45     EUR     377       (19,015

TeamViewer AG

  Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC     23,900       08/12/20     EUR     51.46     EUR     1,162       (47,203

Xero Ltd.

  Goldman Sachs International     8,300       08/12/20     AUD     93.35     AUD     755       (38,687

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.     17,200       08/13/20     USD     45.68     USD     748       (46,334

Endava PLC, ADR

  UBS AG     29,400       08/21/20     USD     50.32     USD     1,420       (36,926

Arco Platform Ltd., Class A

  Barclays Bank PLC     14,600       08/26/20     USD     46.35     USD     635       (21,249







Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 1,984,703      $ (20,163,142    $ (39,725,393





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 39,725,393      $      $      $      $ 39,725,393  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (109,617,139    $      $      $      $ (109,617,139






















Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ (11,611,659    $      $      $      $ (11,611,659






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 28,313,315  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 39,725,393  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 10,251,142  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:




Subject to

an MNA by


for Offset
       Net Amount
of Derivative

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 235,879        $        $        $ (90,000      $ 145,879  

Barclays Bank PLC

     21,249                                     21,249  

BNP Paribas S.A.

     43,723                                     43,723  

Citibank N.A.

     251,828                            (251,828         

Credit Suisse International

     1,616,562                            (1,390,000        226,562  

Goldman Sachs International

     1,166,503                            (1,060,000        106,503  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     2,363,671                            (1,840,000        523,671  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     3,035,169                            (2,710,000        325,169  

Societe Generale

     581,245                            (581,245         


     935,313                            (935,313         















   $ 10,251,142        $        $        $ (8,858,386      $ 1,392,756  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:



   $ 46,402,675        $        $        $ 46,402,675  


                       24,473,888          24,473,888  

Capital Markets

     13,057,716                            13,057,716  

Diversified Consumer Services

     67,611,887                            67,611,887  

Diversified Telecommunication Services

     16,884,015                            16,884,015  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

              49,374,091                   49,374,091  


     84,045,679                            84,045,679  

Health Care Technology

     48,525,540          26,804,119                   75,329,659  

Interactive Media & Services

     73,640,988          35,833,031                   109,474,019  

Internet & Direct Marketing Retail

     65,880,637          72,233,991                   138,114,628  

IT Services

     323,984,164          35,969,153          11,346,120          371,299,437  

Multiline Retail

     24,731,642                            24,731,642  

Professional Services

     12,079,258                            12,079,258  

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

     199,320,135          114,610,111                   313,930,246  


     380,877,579          113,746,615          18,911,566          513,535,760  

Preferred Stocks

                       165,081,289          165,081,289  

Short-Term Securities

     27,568,401                            27,568,401  


                       120,605          120,605  














   $ 1,384,610,316        $ 448,571,111        $ 219,933,468        $ 2,053,114,895  













Investments Valued at NAV(a)





Total Investments

                  $ 2,061,106,054  




Derivative Financial Instruments(b)




Equity contracts

   $ (28,387,377      $ (11,338,016      $        $ (39,725,393













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Certain investments of the Trust were fair valued using NAV per share as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.


Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.


       Warrants        Preferred



Opening Balance, as of December 31, 2019

   $ 29,199,661        $ 53,498        $ 91,720,586        $ 120,973,745  

Transfers into Level 3


Transfers out of Level 3


Accrued discounts/premiums


Net realized gain (loss)


Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)(a)(b)

     4,656,102          67,107          5,445,485          10,168,694  


     20,875,811                   67,915,218          88,791,029  















Closing Balance, as of June 30, 2020

   $ 54,731,574        $ 120,605        $ 165,081,289        $ 219,933,468  













Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments still held at June 30, 2020(a)

   $ 4,656,102        $ 67,107        $ 5,445,485        $ 10,168,694  















Any difference between net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments still held at June 30, 2020, is generally due to investments no longer held or categorized as Level 3 at period end.


Included in the related net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in the Statements of Operations.






Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)


The following table summarizes the valuation approaches used and unobservable inputs utilized by the BlackRock Global Valuation Methodologies Committee to determine the value of certain of the Trust’s Level 3 investments and derivative financial instruments as of period end.


      Value        Valuation Approach        Unobservable Inputs        Range of
Inputs Utilized
Average of
Inputs Based
on Fair Value



Common Stocks

   $ 54,731,574          Market          Revenue Multiple          5.20x – 10.00x          7.54x  
               Volatility          46%           
               Time to Exit          3.0           

Preferred Stocks(b)

     165,081,289          Market          Revenue Multiple          2.75x – 20.75x          8.62x  
               Volatility          39% – 61%          54
               Time to Exit          2.5 – 5.0          3.2  
               Recent Transactions                    


     120,605          Market          Revenue Multiple          5.20x           
               Volatility          46%           
               Time to Exit          3.0           



   $ 219,933,468                      






A significant change in unobservable input would have resulted in a correlated (inverse) significant change to value.


For the period end June 30, 2020, the valuation technique for investments classified as Preferred Stocks amounting to $56,208,158 changed to Current Value Method. The investments were previously valued utilizing Transaction Price approach. The change was due to consideration of the information that was available at the time the investments were valued.


See notes to financial statements.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)

(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)


Security   Shares     Value  

Common Stocks — 99.3%


Building Products — 6.4%  

AO Smith Corp.(a)

    89,950     $ 4,238,445  

Johnson Controls International PLC(a)

    187,409       6,398,143  

Kingspan Group PLC

    102,875       6,641,228  

Trane Technologies PLC(a)

    62,400       5,552,352  



Chemicals — 5.0%  

Air Liquide SA

    24,689       3,569,701  

Johnson Matthey PLC

    104,795       2,729,274  

LG Chem Ltd.

    4,250       1,753,886  

Linde PLC

    21,172       4,484,112  

Sika AG, Registered Shares

    18,190       3,506,528  

Umicore SA

    39,350       1,857,479  



Commercial Services & Supplies — 5.0%  

Waste Connections, Inc.(a)

    83,950       7,873,671  

Waste Management, Inc.(a)

    91,450       9,685,469  



Construction & Engineering — 3.6%  

Quanta Services, Inc.(a)

    70,110       2,750,415  

Vinci SA

    106,050       9,833,297  



Electric Utilities — 32.7%  

American Electric Power Co., Inc.(a)

    66,200       5,272,168  

Duke Energy Corp.(a)

    98,268       7,850,631  

Edison International

    96,600       5,246,346  

Enel SpA

    2,500,575       21,626,076  

Entergy Corp.(a)

    26,550       2,490,655  

Exelon Corp.(a)

    130,408       4,732,506  

FirstEnergy Corp.(a)

    213,100       8,264,018  

Iberdrola SA

    1,325,068       15,469,744  

Neoenergia SA

    1,146,100       4,029,612  

NextEra Energy, Inc.(a)(b)

    130,795       31,413,035  

PPL Corp.(a)

    206,500       5,335,960  

Xcel Energy, Inc.(a)

    69,740       4,358,750  



Electrical Equipment — 6.3%  

Eaton Corp. PLC(a)

    30,400       2,659,392  

Schneider Electric SE

    81,532       9,069,343  

Sunrun, Inc.(a)(c)

    88,800       1,751,136  

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

    88,160       9,027,827  



Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 1.5%  

Hexagon AB, Class B(c)

    61,750       3,626,304  

Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.

    5,650       1,727,553  



Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers — 7.8%  

AES Corp.(a)

    351,540       5,093,815  

China Longyuan Power Group Corp. Ltd., Class H

    12,875,000       7,258,996  

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

    1,114,750       15,404,780  



Machinery — 1.6%  

Atlas Copco AB, Class B

    155,000       5,759,492  



Multi-Utilities — 15.4%  

CMS Energy Corp.(a)

    128,310       7,495,870  

Dominion Energy, Inc.(a)

    143,598       11,657,286  

National Grid PLC

    747,224       9,116,428  

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.(a)

    176,292       8,666,515  
Security   Shares     Value  
Multi-Utilities (continued)  


    377,050     $ 13,199,408  

Sempra Energy(a)

    39,000       4,571,970  



Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 9.9%  

Enterprise Products Partners LP(a)

    183,363       3,331,706  

Kinder Morgan, Inc.(a)

    727,950       11,043,001  

TC Energy Corp.

    246,250       10,520,404  

Williams Cos., Inc.(a)

    528,605       10,054,067  



Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 4.1%  

Canadian Solar, Inc.(c)

    54,070       1,041,929  

First Solar, Inc.(a)(c)

    100,934       4,996,233  

Infineon Technologies AG

    126,500       2,964,171  

Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.(a)

    45,640       2,766,240  

ON Semiconductor Corp.(a)(c)

    131,580       2,607,916  




Total Long-Term Investments — 99.3%
(Cost — $276,588,342)






Short-Term Securities — 2.3%


BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class, 0.11%(d)(e)

    8,334,587       8,334,587  




Total Short-Term Securities — 2.3%
(Cost — $8,334,587)






Total Investments Before Options Written — 101.6%
(Cost — $284,922,929)






Options Written — (1.3)%
(Premiums Received — $3,193,621)






Total Investments, Net of Options Written — 100.3%
(Cost — $281,729,308)






Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (0.3)%






Net Assets — 100.0%


  $ 354,860,433  






All or a portion of the security has been pledged and/or segregated as collateral in connection with outstanding exchange-traded options written.


All or a portion of the security has been pledged as collateral in connection with outstanding OTC derivatives.


Non-income producing security.


Annualized 7-day yield as of period end.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)



Investments in issuers considered to be an affiliate/affiliates of the Trust during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, were as follows:


Affiliated Issuer    Shares
Held at



Held at
     Value at


Gain (Loss)

     Change in

BlackRock Liquidity Funds, T-Fund, Institutional Class

     12,716,146               (4,381,559 )(b)       8,334,587      $ 8,334,587      $ 35,677      $      $  















Includes net capital gain distributions, if applicable.


Represents net shares purchased (sold).


For Trust compliance purposes, the Trust’s industry classifications refer to one or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by the investment adviser. These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Derivative Financial Instruments Outstanding as of Period End

Exchange-Traded Options Written


Description    Number of
Amount (000)

Eaton Corp. PLC

     53          07/02/20        USD     81.50        USD     464        $ (27,825

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     273          07/02/20        USD     16.00        USD     414          (273

First Solar, Inc.

     84          07/10/20        USD     53.00        USD     416          (2,814

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     508          07/10/20        USD     17.50        USD     771          (4,572

TC Energy Corp.

     478          07/10/20        CAD     60.50        CAD     2,772          (4,753

AES Corp.

     628          07/17/20        USD     14.00        USD     910          (53,380

AO Smith Corp.

     157          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     740          (43,175

American Electric Power Co., Inc.

     113          07/17/20        USD     82.50        USD     900          (7,627

CMS Energy Corp.

     214          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,250          (82,390

CMS Energy Corp.

     11          07/17/20        USD     60.00        USD     64          (715

Dominion Energy, Inc.

     251          07/17/20        USD     87.50        USD     2,038          (3,137

Dominion Energy, Inc.

     251          07/17/20        USD     90.00        USD     2,038          (3,765

Duke Energy Corp.

     330          07/17/20        USD     87.50        USD     2,636          (3,300

Duke Energy Corp.

     13          07/17/20        USD     92.50        USD     104          (130

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     402          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     730          (3,015

Exelon Corp.

     222          07/17/20        USD     38.00        USD     806          (7,215

Exelon Corp.

     222          07/17/20        USD     41.00        USD     806          (2,220

Exelon Corp.

     12          07/17/20        USD     42.00        USD     44          (120

First Solar, Inc.

     91          07/17/20        USD     47.50        USD     450          (28,165

FirstEnergy Corp.

     138          07/17/20        USD     47.00        USD     535          (1,380

FirstEnergy Corp.

     138          07/17/20        USD     43.00        USD     535          (690

FirstEnergy Corp.

     23          07/17/20        USD     45.00        USD     89          (345

Johnson Controls International PLC

     158          07/17/20        USD     36.00        USD     539          (5,530

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     408          07/17/20        USD     16.00        USD     619          (7,956

NextEra Energy, Inc.

     292          07/17/20        USD     238.00        USD     7,013          (220,549

ON Semiconductor Corp.

     226          07/17/20        USD     17.00        USD     448          (71,190

PPL Corp.

     181          07/17/20        USD     27.00        USD     468          (5,430

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

     218          07/17/20        USD     50.00        USD     1,072          (16,350

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

     68          07/17/20        USD     55.00        USD     334          (1,020

Quanta Services, Inc.

     107          07/17/20        USD     42.00        USD     420          (3,477

Sempra Energy

     7          07/17/20        USD     140.00        USD     82          (175

Sempra Energy

     125          07/17/20        USD     130.00        USD     1,465          (3,750

Sunrun, Inc.

     241          07/17/20        USD     17.00        USD     475          (63,865

TC Energy Corp.

     95          07/17/20        CAD     64.00        CAD     551          (420

Trane Technologies PLC

     112          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     997          (1,120

Waste Connections, Inc.

     109          07/17/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,022             (16,350

Waste Management, Inc.

     160          07/17/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,695          (43,200

Williams Cos., Inc.

     588          07/17/20        USD     20.00        USD     1,118          (15,876

Xcel Energy, Inc.

     133          07/17/20        USD     65.00        USD     831          (6,317

Eaton Corp. PLC

     53          07/24/20        USD     91.50        USD     464          (12,323

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     79          07/24/20        USD     19.50        USD     144          (1,975

First Solar, Inc.

     84          07/24/20        USD     55.50        USD     416          (4,116





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


Exchange-Traded Options Written (continued)


Description    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)                                                   

Johnson Controls International PLC

     340          07/24/20        USD     37.00        USD     1,161        $ (12,240

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     169          07/24/20        USD     17.50        USD     256          (2,028

TC Energy Corp.

     192          07/24/20        CAD     59.50        CAD     1,114          (11,809

Williams Cos., Inc.

     254          07/24/20        USD     21.50        USD     483          (3,683

Williams Cos., Inc.

     180          07/24/20        USD     19.50        USD     342          (10,710

First Solar, Inc.

     94          07/31/20        USD     56.50        USD     465          (6,862

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     781          07/31/20        USD     17.00        USD     1,185          (6,638

Williams Cos., Inc.

     119          07/31/20        USD     20.00        USD     226          (4,462

Enterprise Products Partners LP

     160          08/07/20        USD     18.50        USD     291          (51,200

Kinder Morgan, Inc.

     408          08/07/20        USD     15.00        USD     619          (33,252

Williams Cos., Inc.

     379          08/07/20        USD     19.00        USD     721          (50,407

AES Corp.

     23          08/21/20        USD     16.00        USD     33          (920

AES Corp.

     449          08/21/20        USD     14.00        USD     651          (57,248

AO Smith Corp.

     157          08/21/20        USD     50.00        USD     740          (19,233

American Electric Power Co., Inc.

     113          08/21/20        USD     82.50        USD     900          (23,165

American Electric Power Co., Inc.

     5          08/21/20        USD     87.50        USD     40          (287

CMS Energy Corp.

     224          08/21/20        USD     60.00        USD     1,309          (36,960

Edison International

     170          08/21/20        USD     62.50        USD     923          (9,775

Entergy Corp.

     190          08/21/20        USD     100.00        USD     1,782          (38,950

FirstEnergy Corp.

     97          08/21/20        USD     42.00        USD     376          (4,607

Johnson Controls International PLC

     157          08/21/20        USD     36.00        USD     536          (18,762

Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.

     160          08/21/20        USD     60.50        USD     970          (47,520

NextEra Energy, Inc.

     165          08/21/20        USD     260.00        USD     3,963          (48,675

ON Semiconductor Corp.

     234          08/21/20        USD     23.00        USD     464          (19,305

PPL Corp.

     541          08/21/20        USD     27.00        USD     1,398          (47,338

Quanta Services, Inc.

     107          08/21/20        USD     42.00        USD     420          (13,910

Quanta Services, Inc.

     31          08/21/20        USD     39.00        USD     122          (8,215

Sunrun, Inc.

     120          08/21/20        USD     18.00        USD     237          (36,600

TC Energy Corp.

     96          08/21/20        CAD     60.00        CAD     557          (11,102

Trane Technologies PLC

     106          08/21/20        USD     90.00        USD     943          (53,530

Waste Management, Inc.

     184          08/21/20        USD     95.00        USD     1,726          (59,800

Waste Management, Inc.

     160          08/21/20        USD     105.00        USD     1,695          (79,200

Williams Cos., Inc.

     330          08/21/20        USD     20.00        USD     628          (25,905

Xcel Energy, Inc.

     111          08/21/20        USD     65.00        USD     694          (17,483

Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc.

     308          09/18/20        USD     55.00        USD     1,514          (27,720



                           $ (1,681,496




OTC Options Written


Description    Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      70,000        07/01/20      EUR     10.96      EUR     861      $ (105,247

Samsung SDI Co. Ltd.

   UBS AG      2,500        07/01/20      KRW     307,007.81      KRW     908,750        (117,732

Air Liquide SA

   Goldman Sachs International      1,700        07/07/20      EUR     121.00      EUR     218        (15,040

Enel SpA

   UBS AG      284,900        07/07/20      EUR     6.39      EUR     2,187        (418,568

Iberdrola SA

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      347,000        07/07/20      EUR     9.06      EUR     3,581        (520,203

Kingspan Group PLC

   UBS AG      11,700        07/07/20      EUR     49.67      EUR     671        (102,710

National Grid PLC

   Credit Suisse International      155,500        07/07/20      GBP     9.77      GBP     1,538        (18,621

Sika AG, Registered Shares

   UBS AG      3,800        07/07/20      CHF     169.32      CHF     693        (53,555

Umicore SA

   UBS AG      15,200        07/07/20      EUR     39.36      EUR     637        (47,102

AES Corp.

   Bank of America N.A.      13,000        07/08/20      USD     12.38      USD     188        (27,598

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      60,000        07/08/20      EUR     11.33      EUR     738        (66,931

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

   Credit Suisse International      16,900        07/08/20      DKK     720.97      DKK     11,414        (5,068

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      30,000        07/09/20      EUR     11.91      EUR     369        (17,907

LG Chem Ltd.

   UBS AG      2,100        07/09/20      KRW     361,643.98      KRW     1,042,421        (225,741

Schneider Electric SE

   Citibank N.A.      19,100        07/09/20      EUR     93.63      EUR     1,889        (130,615

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      30,000        07/14/20      EUR     11.77      EUR     369        (23,383

Johnson Matthey PLC

   UBS AG      28,500        07/14/20      GBP     22.85      GBP     598        (10,762

Linde PLC

   Goldman Sachs International      2,700        07/14/20      EUR     184.54      EUR     509        (28,238




Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


OTC Options Written (continued)


Description    Counterparty    Number of
Amount (000)
Call (continued)  

Neoenergia SA

   Citibank N.A.      422,900        07/14/20      BRL     19.13      BRL     8,086      $ (76,972


   UBS AG      48,800        07/15/20      EUR     32.93      EUR     1,528        (13,583

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      30,000        07/21/20      EUR     13.00      EUR     369        (6,988

Kingspan Group PLC

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      24,400        07/22/20      EUR     55.57      EUR     1,399        (73,559

Linde PLC

   Credit Suisse International      4,750        07/22/20      EUR     194.20      EUR     894        (34,815

National Grid PLC

   Credit Suisse International      106,100        07/22/20      GBP     9.32      GBP     1,050        (69,148

Sika AG, Registered Shares

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      3,400        07/22/20      CHF     182.70      CHF     621        (17,439

Air Liquide SA

   Credit Suisse International      7,500        07/23/20      EUR     129.93      EUR     965        (24,226

Atlas Copco AB, Class B

   Goldman Sachs International      26,800        07/23/20      SEK     344.43      SEK     9,235        (56,929

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      27,863        07/23/20      EUR     12.38      EUR     343        (13,940

Enel SpA

   Goldman Sachs International      410,600        07/23/20      EUR     7.74      EUR     3,153        (72,264

Hexagon AB, Class B

   Goldman Sachs International      12,300        07/23/20      SEK     555.58      SEK     6,691        (18,713

Infineon Technologies AG

   Credit Suisse International      44,000        07/23/20      EUR     20.77      EUR     919        (55,937

Vinci SA

   Goldman Sachs International      22,900        07/23/20      EUR     90.09      EUR     1,878        (19,184

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Credit Suisse International      30,000        07/24/20      EUR     13.08      EUR     369        (7,164

Schneider Electric SE

   Goldman Sachs International      9,500        07/24/20      EUR     94.41      EUR     939        (70,317

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

   Credit Suisse International      12,700        07/24/20      DKK     693.68      DKK     8,578        (43,337

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Goldman Sachs International      61,400        07/29/20      EUR     11.99      EUR     755        (48,784

Enel SpA

   Goldman Sachs International      206,900        07/29/20      EUR     7.66      EUR     1,589        (52,194

Hexagon AB, Class B

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      12,700        07/29/20      SEK     557.02      SEK     6,909        (22,943

Vinci SA

   Goldman Sachs International      14,300        07/29/20      EUR     88.50      EUR     1,173        (22,755

FirstEnergy Corp.

   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.      19,400        08/04/20      USD     42.73      USD     752        (3,954

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Goldman Sachs International      20,900        08/05/20      EUR     11.93      EUR     257        (18,764


   Credit Suisse International      47,300        08/05/20      EUR     32.37      EUR     1,472        (46,915

Atlas Copco AB, Class B

   Goldman Sachs International      27,500        08/12/20      SEK     352.29      SEK     9,477        (68,665

EDP Renováveis, S.A.

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      30,000        08/12/20      EUR     12.67      EUR     369        (9,704

Iberdrola SA

   Goldman Sachs International      116,700        08/12/20      EUR     10.26      EUR     1,204        (44,375

Johnson Matthey PLC

   Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC      8,200        08/12/20      GBP     21.37      GBP     172        (13,980


   Goldman Sachs International      35,900        08/12/20      EUR     32.35      EUR     1,117        (37,893



   $ (3,000,462




Balances Reported in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities for Options Written

















Options Written

     N/A        N/A      $ 910,485      $ (2,398,822    $ (4,681,958

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure

As of period end, the fair values of derivative financial instruments located in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities were as follows:



Liabilities Derivative Financial Instruments


Options written


Options written at value

   $      $      $ 4,681,958      $      $      $      $ 4,681,958  






















For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the effect of derivative financial instruments in the Statements of Operations was as follows:



Net Realized Gain (Loss) from:


Options written

   $      $      $ (7,192,006    $      $      $      $ (7,192,006

























Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure (continued)



Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on:


Options written

   $      $      $ (127,042    $      $      $      $ (127,042






















Average Quarterly Balances of Outstanding Derivative Financial Instruments




Average value of option contracts written

   $ 4,023,984  

For more information about the Trust’s investment risks regarding derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

Derivative Financial Instruments Offsetting as of Period End

The Trust’s derivative assets and liabilities (by type) were as follows:


      Assets        Liabilities  

Derivative Financial Instruments:



   $        $ 4,681,958  

Derivatives not subject to a Master Netting Agreement or similar agreement (“MNA”)








Total derivative assets and liabilities subject to an MNA

   $        $ 3,000,462  







The following table presents the Trust’s derivative liabilities by counterparty net of amounts available for offset under an MNA and net of the related collateral pledged by the Trust:




Subject to

an MNA by


for Offset
Amount of

Bank of America N.A.

   $ 27,598        $        $        $        $ 27,598  

Citibank N.A.

     207,587                   (2,516                 205,071  

Credit Suisse International

     539,627                   (4,106                 535,521  

Goldman Sachs International

     574,115                            (220,000        354,115  

JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.

     3,954                                     3,954  

Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC

     657,828                   (6,111                 651,717  


     989,753                   (10,109                 979,644  















   $ 3,000,462        $        $ (22,842      $ (220,000      $ 2,757,620  


















Excess of collateral pledged to the individual counterparty is not shown for financial reporting purposes.


Net amount represents the net amount payable due to counterparty in the event of default. Net amount may be offset further by the options written receivable/payable on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.





Schedule of Investments  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)


Fair Value Hierarchy as of Period End

Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. For information about the Trust’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial instruments, refer to the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the Trust’s investments and derivative financial instruments categorized in the disclosure hierarchy:


      Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Total  





Common Stocks:


Building Products

   $ 16,188,939        $ 6,641,229        $        $ 22,830,168  


              17,900,980                   17,900,980  

Commercial Services & Supplies

     17,559,140                            17,559,140  

Construction & Engineering

     2,750,415          9,833,297                   12,583,712  

Electric Utilities

     78,993,681          37,095,820                   116,089,501  

Electrical Equipment

     4,410,528          18,097,170                   22,507,698  

Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

              5,353,857                   5,353,857  

Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers

     20,498,595          7,258,996                   27,757,591  


              5,759,492                   5,759,492  


     32,391,641          22,315,836                   54,707,477  

Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

     34,949,178                            34,949,178  

Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment

     11,412,318          2,964,171                   14,376,489  

Short-Term Securities

     8,334,587                            8,334,587  












   $ 227,489,022        $ 133,220,848        $        $ 360,709,870  













Derivative Financial Instruments(a)




Equity contracts

   $ (1,413,427      $ (3,268,531      $        $ (4,681,958













The breakdown of the Trust’s investments into major categories is disclosed in the Schedule of Investments above.



Derivative financial instruments are options written. Options written are shown at value.


See notes to financial statements.




Statements of Assets and Liabilities  (unaudited)

June 30, 2020


     BGR     CII      BDJ      BOE     BGY  



Investments at value — unaffiliated(a)

  $ 234,819,081     $ 710,933,182      $ 1,534,762,579      $ 694,208,457     $ 605,919,707  

Investments at value — affiliated(b)

    7,415,401       11,280,090        8,249,540        500,656       1,439,314  


          2,169        879               

Cash pledged:


Collateral — options written

                        4,880,000       7,091,000  

Collateral — OTC derivatives

          550,000               20,000       5,945,000  

Foreign currency at value(c)

    11,734              1,822        244,618       532,946  



Investments sold


Options written

    37,485       289,722        840,481        28,483       83,973  

Dividends — affiliated

    781       803        1,223        273       463  

Dividends — unaffiliated

    754,824       1,078,899        3,116,728        3,056,684       2,910,781  

Prepaid expenses

    2,109       10,074        54,187        8,937       15,195  
















Total assets

    243,041,415       725,505,854        1,547,027,439        702,948,108       623,938,379  


















Options written at value(d)

    1,754,336       13,728,981        19,243,435        6,317,059       5,623,423  



Investments purchased

    102       1,489,254               894       1,753  

Capital shares redeemed

                        212,392       221,384  

Income dividend distributions

    80,854       217,675        334,703        161,515       197,170  

Investment advisory fees

    200,080       494,583        1,016,713        473,885       457,222  

Trustees’ and Officer’s fees

    460,542       210,020        958,841        661,215       561,338  

Options written

    423       400,695        491,720        24,456       149,282  

Other accrued expenses

    135,695       126,295        287,366        203,270       177,106  
















Total liabilities

    2,632,032       16,667,503        22,332,778        8,054,686       7,388,678  

















  $ 240,409,383     $ 708,838,351      $ 1,524,694,661      $ 694,893,422     $ 616,549,701  


















Paid-in capital

  $ 562,214,597     $ 561,321,996      $ 1,320,628,954      $ 760,483,423     $ 652,111,708  

Accumulated earnings (loss)

    (321,805,214     147,516,355        204,065,707        (65,590,001     (35,562,007

















  $ 240,409,383     $ 708,838,351      $ 1,524,694,661      $ 694,893,422     $ 616,549,701  
















Net asset value(e)(f)

  $ 8.06     $ 16.07      $ 8.13      $ 10.69     $ 5.87  
















(a) Investments at cost — unaffiliated

  $ 294,948,738     $ 557,686,874      $ 1,394,735,325      $ 666,910,223     $ 560,330,789  

(b) Investments at cost — affiliated

  $ 7,415,401     $ 11,280,090      $ 8,249,540      $ 500,656     $ 1,439,314  

(c) Foreign currency at cost

  $ 11,647     $      $ 1,950      $ 253,446     $ 532,908  

(d) Premiums received

  $ 2,894,347     $ 11,792,720      $ 25,160,970      $ 7,024,625     $ 5,554,320  

(e) Shares outstanding, unlimited number of shares authorized, $0.001 par value

    29,825,326              187,542,405        64,981,921       104,964,522  

(f)  Shares outstanding, 200 million shares authorized, $0.10 par value


See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Assets and Liabilities  (unaudited) (continued)

June 30, 2020


     BME     BMEZ     BCX(a)     BST     BSTZ     BUI  



Investments at value — unaffiliated(b)(c)

  $ 473,270,805     $ 2,668,072,284     $ 642,627,475     $ 947,117,621     $ 2,025,546,494     $ 352,375,283  

Investments at value — affiliated(d)

    4,552,598       10,125,306       21,359,985       2,829,525       35,559,560       8,334,587  


    3,811       56,278                          

Cash pledged Collateral — OTC derivatives

          3,401,000             3,770,000       8,990,000       220,000  

Foreign currency at value(e)

    521       155,612       86,301       2,239             20,785  



Investments sold

    386,738       12,159,754       802,968             300,090       6,212,022  

Options written

    164,865       471,692       606,386       295,769       203,485       103,940  

Securities lending income — affiliated

    51       13,473             10,019       28,934        

Capital shares sold


Dividends — affiliated

    657       5,839       1,176       158       1,813       768  

Dividends — unaffiliated

    422,425       693,545       2,052,571       281,145       650,015       1,160,264  

Deferred offering costs

    140,043                   221,745             115,407  

Prepaid expenses

    3,449                   3,284       14,216        



















Total assets

    478,954,007       2,695,154,783       667,536,862       954,531,505       2,071,294,607       368,543,056  





















Bank overdraft

                      4,116,936       110,813        

Foreign bank overdraft(f)


Cash collateral on securities loaned at value

    10,780       1,889,600             2,829,525       7,981,782        

Options written at value(g)

    6,911,546       38,441,548       8,005,582       21,192,234       39,725,393       4,681,958  



Investments purchased

          131,456       663,337                   8,403,603  

Capital shares redeemed


Income dividend distributions

          2,277,767       124,310             1,564,254        

Investment advisory fees

    381,192       2,620,951       541,152       655,928       1,973,714       284,037  

Offering costs

                      49,550             34,214  

Trustees’ and Officer’s fees

    19,656       6,910       272,689             23,804        

Options written

    28,871       582,358       674,575       719,759       151,891       171,952  

Other accrued expenses

    240,464       349,857       260,276       450,306       364,479       106,859  



















Total liabilities

    7,592,509       46,300,447       10,960,633       30,014,238       51,912,808       13,682,623  




















  $ 471,361,498     $ 2,648,854,336     $ 656,576,229     $ 924,517,267     $ 2,019,381,799     $ 354,860,433  





















Paid-in capital

  $ 319,505,179     $ 2,253,396,500     $ 1,153,698,159     $ 400,681,554     $ 1,518,686,036     $ 296,478,491  

Accumulated earnings (loss)

    151,856,319       395,457,836       (497,121,930     523,835,713       500,695,763       58,381,942  




















  $ 471,361,498     $ 2,648,854,336     $ 656,576,229     $ 924,517,267     $ 2,019,381,799     $ 354,860,433  



















Net asset value(h)

  $ 40.93     $ 23.51     $ 7.29     $ 38.26     $ 25.86     $ 20.00  



















(a) Consolidated Statement of Assets and Liabilities


(b) Investments at cost — unaffiliated

  $ 305,114,296     $ 2,205,329,261     $ 634,264,769     $ 382,925,917     $ 1,316,456,866     $ 276,588,342  

(c) Securities loaned at value

  $ 10,111     $ 1,914,529     $     $ 2,654,839     $ 7,472,035     $  

(d) Investments at cost — affiliated

  $ 4,552,583     $ 10,125,306     $ 21,359,985     $ 2,829,525     $ 35,558,771     $ 8,334,587  

(e) Foreign currency at cost

  $ 519     $ 155,514     $ 85,549     $ 2,309     $     $ 20,812  

(f)  Foreign bank overdraft at cost

  $     $     $     $     $ 16,706     $  

(g) Premiums received

  $ 6,126,482     $ 28,539,374     $ 7,484,769     $ 12,417,299     $ 21,546,954     $ 3,193,621  

(h) Shares outstanding, unlimited number of shares authorized, $0.001 par value

    11,516,598       112,669,825       90,075,315       24,167,135       78,089,962       17,741,194  

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Operations  (unaudited)

Six Months Ended June 30, 2020


     BGR     CII     BDJ     BOE     BGY  



Dividends — affiliated

  $ 39,731     $ 19,932     $ 28,938     $ 24,020     $ 55,261  

Dividends — unaffiliated

    7,824,342       7,315,286       27,689,096       13,661,220       11,907,387  

Foreign taxes withheld

    (555,932)       (180,438)       (851,476)       (623,144)       (1,022,713)  
















Total investment income

    7,308,141       7,154,780       26,866,558       13,062,096       10,939,935  


















Investment advisory

    1,620,564       2,999,221       6,350,397       3,542,663       3,065,553  


    43,043       55,299       94,334       68,088       62,796  

Transfer agent

    37,334       43,244       92,229       52,420       48,245  


    23,154       18,458       74,140       45,440       39,893  

Accounting services

    22,388       24,879                   24,880  


    5,528       8,178       37,952       12,528       19,879  

Rating agency

    5,230       7,408       11,817       7,422       6,945  


    5,228       10,299                   7,301  

Directors and Officer


Organization and offering



    25,061       12,157       42,185       29,811       522  
















Total expenses excluding interest expense

    1,787,530       3,179,143       6,703,054       3,758,372       3,276,014  
















Total expenses

    1,787,530       3,179,143       6,703,054       3,758,372       3,276,014  

Less fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager

    (301,386     (3,211     (4,485     (623,673     (311,981
















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1,486,144       3,175,932       6,698,569       3,134,699       2,964,033  
















Net investment income (loss)

    5,821,997       3,978,848       20,167,989       9,927,397       7,975,902  


















Net realized gain (loss) from:


Foreign currency transactions

    (68,404           (72,162     (191,765     (77,116

Investments — unaffiliated

    (61,891,332     39,275,137       30,049,985       (29,729,771     (18,609,255

Options written

    (815,024     (20,598,491     (15,418,259     (6,235,765     (7,138,108















    (62,774,760     18,676,646       14,559,564       (36,157,301     (25,824,479
















Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:


Foreign currency translations

    (1,571           6,163       (3,560     (6,147

Investments — unaffiliated

    (68,297,178     (83,947,618     (346,285,607     (58,853,656     (25,643,177

Options written

    2,253,788       655,814       10,833,983       2,499,638       1,758,197  















    (66,044,961)       (83,291,804)       (335,445,461)       (56,357,578)       (23,891,127)  
















Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (128,819,721     (64,615,158     (320,885,897     (92,514,879     (49,715,606

















  $ (122,997,724   $ (60,636,310   $ (300,717,908   $ (82,587,482   $ (41,739,704
















See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Operations  (unaudited) (continued)

Six Months Ended June 30, 2020


     BME     BMEZ(a)     BCX(b)     BST     BSTZ     BUI  



Dividends — affiliated

  $ 29,732     $ 2,362,043     $ 49,361     $ 25,107     $ 133,771     $ 35,677  

Dividends — unaffiliated

    2,820,111       2,811,586       13,663,335       1,329,806       1,892,536       5,886,507  

Securities lending income — affiliated — net

    4,204       13,473       6,091       14,886       273,735        

Other income — affiliated


Foreign taxes withheld

    (74,670     (249,473     (807,935     (87,598     (202,851     (364,334



















Total investment income

    2,779,377       4,937,629       12,910,852       1,282,201       2,122,738       5,557,850  





















Investment advisory

    2,189,539       11,819,707       3,313,909       3,851,876       10,349,418       1,758,554  


    41,755       85,812       74,212       58,426       77,505       43,153  

Transfer agent

    32,695       62,300       56,636       46,366       7,889       29,986  


    34,528       56,716       44,759       61,480       90,338       28,938  

Accounting services

    14,927       97,493       29,848       24,880       93,804       24,880  


    5,603             17,365       4,660       3,617       4,763  

Rating agency

    6,069       12,984       20,816       7,731       12,120       19,261  


    5,412       10,374       8,878       7,987       17,052       4,966  

Directors and Officer

    10,240       47,731             22,439       47,965       11,626  

Organization and offering

    34,000                   34,000             34,000  


    17,036       42,366       75,835       78,269       150,376       30,191  



















Total expenses excluding interest expense

    2,391,804       12,235,483       3,642,258       4,198,114       10,850,084       1,990,318  



















Total expenses

    2,391,804       12,235,483       3,642,258       4,198,114       10,850,084       1,990,318  

Less fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager

    (3,526     (178,249     (4,467     (387,481     (8,894     (47,888



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    2,388,278       12,057,234       3,637,791       3,810,633       10,841,190       1,942,430  



















Net investment income (loss)

    391,099       (7,119,605     9,273,061       (2,528,432     (8,718,452     3,615,420  





















Net realized gain (loss) from:


Foreign currency transactions

    (10,037     266,792       63       (112,193     (14,628     (18,282

Investments — affiliated

    (309           84       (472     13,942        

Investments — unaffiliated

    9,068,136       5,332,192       (43,849,508     27,399,337       3,403,876       6,647,540  

Options written

    (8,068,279     (22,065,517     (5,601,029     (49,807,751     (109,617,139     (7,192,006


















    989,511       (16,466,533     (49,450,390     (22,521,079     (106,213,949     (562,748



















Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on:


Foreign currency translations

    435       4,073       (192     395       (10,581     (5,268

Investments — affiliated

    11             (42           789        

Investments — unaffiliated

    8,485,810       462,743,023       (94,915,983     192,731,982       556,823,643       (25,905,487

Options written

    744,026       (9,902,174     669,699       (5,868,846     (11,611,659     (127,042


















    9,230,282       452,844,922       (94,246,518     186,863,531       545,202,192       (26,037,797



















Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    10,219,793       436,378,389       (143,696,908     164,342,452       438,988,243       (26,600,545




















  $ 10,610,892     $ 429,258,784     $ (134,423,847   $ 161,814,020     $ 430,269,791     $ (22,985,125





















Commencement of operations January 30, 2020.


Consolidated Statement of Operations.

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Changes in Net Assets  


    BGR     CII  

Six Months Ended


    Year Ended

Six Months Ended


    Year Ended





Net investment income

  $ 5,821,997     $ 10,075,651     $ 3,978,848     $ 8,012,154  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (62,774,760     (24,802,316     18,676,647       20,096,351  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (66,044,961     60,005,258       (83,291,805     134,499,339  













Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

    (122,997,724     45,278,593       (60,636,310     162,607,844  















From net investment income and net realized gain

    (11,488,716 )(b)      (10,080,237     (23,163,735     (27,696,642

From return of capital

          (17,693,107           (16,349,752













Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

    (11,488,716     (27,773,344     (23,163,735     (44,046,394















Total increase (decrease) in net assets

    (134,486,440     17,505,249       (83,800,045     118,561,450  

Beginning of period

    374,895,823       357,390,574       792,638,396       674,076,946  













End of period

  $ 240,409,383     $ 374,895,823     $ 708,838,351     $ 792,638,396  















Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year-end.

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Changes in Net Assets  (continued)


    BDJ      BOE  

Six Months Ended



Year Ended



Six Months Ended


    Year Ended





Net investment income

  $ 20,167,989     $ 35,572,226      $ 9,927,397     $ 20,684,957  

Net realized gain (loss)

    14,559,564       79,452,284        (36,157,301     (37,889,330

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (335,445,461     269,293,501        (56,357,578     148,014,247  













Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

    (300,717,908     384,318,011        (82,587,482     130,809,874  















From net investment income and net realized gain

    (56,262,721 )(b)      (140,879,229      (24,742,525 )(b)      (20,682,389

From return of capital














Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

    (56,262,721     (140,879,229      (24,742,525     (50,662,108















Redemption of shares resulting from share repurchase program (including transaction costs)

                 (5,488,353     (27,037,545















Total increase (decrease) in net assets

    (356,980,629     243,438,782        (112,818,360     53,110,221  

Beginning of period

    1,881,675,290       1,638,236,508        807,711,782       754,601,561  













End of period

  $ 1,524,694,661     $ 1,881,675,290      $ 694,893,422     $ 807,711,782  















Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.

See notes to financial statements.




Statements of Changes in Net Assets  (continued)


    BGY     BME  

Six Months Ended


    Year Ended

Six Months Ended



Year Ended







Net investment income

  $ 7,975,902     $ 16,918,169     $ 391,099     $ 633,566  

Net realized gain (loss)

    (25,824,479     (36,948,302     989,511       23,093,368  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    (23,891,127     134,495,399       9,230,282       56,152,699  













Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

    (41,739,704     114,465,266       10,610,892       79,879,633  















From net investment income and net realized gain

    (21,402,485 )(b)      (36,797,115     (13,379,014 )(b)      (25,002,003

From return of capital














Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

    (21,402,485     (43,415,045     (13,379,014     (25,002,003















Proceeds from shares sold

                26,739,930       37,463,441  

Reinvestment of common distributions

                617,099       1,756,542  

Redemption of shares resulting from share repurchase program (including transaction costs)

    (3,555,237     (11,037,544            













Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions

    (3,555,237     (11,037,544     27,357,029       39,219,983  















Total increase (decrease) in net assets

    (66,697,426     60,012,677       24,588,907       94,097,613  

Beginning of period

    683,247,127       623,234,450       446,772,591       352,674,978  













End of period

  $ 616,549,701     $ 683,247,127     $ 471,361,498     $ 446,772,591  















Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Changes in Net Assets  (continued)


    BMEZ     BCX(b)  

Period from
01/30/20 (a)

to 06/30/20



Six Months Ended


    Year Ended





Net investment loss

  $ (7,119,605   $ 9,273,061     $ 21,201,953  

Net realized loss

    (16,466,533     (49,450,390     (20,246,713

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

    452,844,922       (94,246,518     108,031,599  










Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

    429,258,784       (134,423,847     108,986,839  












From net investment income and net realized gain

    (33,800,948 )(d)      (26,039,982 )(d)      (21,302,066

From return of capital











Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

    (33,800,948     (26,039,982     (57,510,385












Proceeds from shares sold


Redemption of shares resulting from share repurchase program (including transaction costs)

          (5,713,680     (27,004,375










Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions

    2,253,396,500       (5,713,680     (27,004,375












Total increase in net assets

    2,648,854,336       (166,177,509     24,472,079  

Beginning of period

          822,753,738       798,281,659  










End of period

  $ 2,648,854,336     $ 656,576,229     $ 822,753,738  












Commencement of operations.


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Changes in Net Assets  (continued)


     BST      BSTZ  

Six Months Ended


    Year Ended

Six Months Ended



Period from

to 12/31/19






Net investment income

   $ (2,528,432   $ (3,710,069    $ (8,718,452   $ (3,753,861

Net realized gain (loss)

     (22,521,079     75,947,016        (106,213,949     (28,717,347

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     186,863,531       146,625,953        545,202,192       145,700,507  













Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

     161,814,020       218,862,900        430,269,791       113,229,299  















From net investment income and net realized gain

     (23,314,553 )(c)      (78,918,792      (46,853,977 )(c)       

From return of capital














Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

     (23,314,553     (78,918,792      (46,853,977     (39,001,740















Proceeds from shares sold

     42,528,455       9,976,531              1,557,499,120  

Reinvestment of common distributions

     817,827       4,843,194              4,139,306  













Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions

     43,346,282       14,819,725              1,561,638,426  















Total increase (decrease) in net assets

     181,845,749       154,763,833        383,415,814       1,635,865,985  

Beginning of period

     742,671,518       587,907,685        1,635,965,985       100,000  













End of period

   $ 924,517,267     $ 742,671,518      $ 2,019,381,799     $ 1,635,965,985  















Commencement of operations.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Changes in Net Assets  (continued)



Six Months Ended



Year Ended







Net investment loss

   $ 3,615,420     $ 6,287,990  

Net realized loss

     (562,748     18,652,295  

Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

     (26,037,797     54,988,272  







Net increase in net assets resulting from operations

     (22,985,125     79,928,557  









From net investment income and net realized gain

     (12,824,430 )(b)      (22,233,727

From return of capital








Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions to shareholders

     (12,824,430     (24,772,308









Proceeds from shares sold

     6,820,714       7,651,380  

Reinvestment of common distributions

     512,164       1,596,219  







Net increase in net assets derived from capital share transactions

     7,332,878       9,247,599  









Total increase in net assets

     (28,476,677     64,403,848  

Beginning of period

     383,337,110       318,933,262  







End of period

   $ 354,860,433     $ 383,337,110  









Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year-end.

See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Cash Flows  (unaudited)

Six Months Ended June 30, 2020


     BGR     CII     BDJ     BOE     BGY  



Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

  $ (122,997,724   $ (60,636,310   $ (300,717,908   $ (82,587,482   $ (41,739,704

Adjustments to reconcile net decrease in net assets
resulting from operations to net cash provided by (used for) operating activities:


Proceeds from sales of long-term investments and principal paydowns

    103,905,812       255,667,506       608,087,328       203,320,055       161,657,689  

Purchases of long-term investments

    (102,172,080     (211,057,441     (548,425,765     (179,036,290     (149,824,874

Net proceeds from sales (purchases) of short-term securities

    5,329,989       (6,856,495     (8,249,540     637,736       16,079,528  

Premiums received from options written

    12,535,019       49,057,238       104,745,890       31,560,853       23,452,086  

Premiums paid on closing options written

    (12,877,977     (66,283,482     (115,745,966     (36,391,591     (29,564,501

Net realized (gain) loss on investments and options written

    62,706,356       (18,674,330     (14,631,726     35,999,721       25,808,375  

Net unrealized appreciation on investments, options written and foreign currency translations

    66,043,306       83,291,804       335,451,647       56,358,964       23,884,980  

(Increase) Decrease in Assets:




Dividends — affiliated

    14,365       6,100       24,638       3,886       22,518  

Dividends — unaffiliated

    (463,622     (149,552     (1,046,664     501,722       666,648  

Prepaid expenses

    577       880       (40,427     (3,065     (10,259

Increase (Decrease) in Liabilities:




Investment advisory fees

    (397,655     (609,547     (1,479,549     (619,056     (543,266

Trustees’ and Officer’s fees

    (85,154     (30,291     (137,580     (132,350     (122,039

Other accrued expenses

    43,107       4,328       20,899       (4,345     377  
















Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities

    11,584,319       23,730,408       57,855,277       29,608,758       29,767,558  


















Cash dividends paid to Common Shareholders

    (11,544,979     (23,142,465     (57,299,886     (24,711,328     (21,375,850

Payments on Common Shares redeemed

                      (5,275,961     (3,333,853

Increase (decrease) in bank overdraft

    (27,693     (35,774     (553,855            
















Net cash (provided by) used for financing activities

    (11,572,672     (23,178,239     (57,853,741     (29,987,289     (24,709,703


















Cash impact from foreign exchange fluctuations

  $ 87     $     $ (23   $ (4,945   $ (5,470


















Net increase (decrease) in restricted and unrestricted cash and foreign currency

    11,734       552,169       1,513       (383,476)       5,052,385  

Restricted and unrestricted cash and foreign currency at beginning of period

                1,188       5,528,094       8,516,561  
















Restricted and unrestricted cash and foreign currency at end of period

  $ 11,734     $ 552,169     $ 2,701     $ 5,144,618     $ 13,568,946  



















          2,169       879              

Cash pledged:


Collateral — options written

                      4,880,000       7,091,000  

Collateral — OTC derivatives

          550,000             20,000       5,945,000  

Foreign currency at value

    11,734             1,822       244,618       532,946  















  $ 11,734     $ 552,169     $ 2,701     $ 5,144,618     $ 13,568,946  


















Cash pledged:


Collateral — options written

                      4,705,000       5,511,000  

Collateral — OTC derivatives

                      450,000       2,493,000  

Foreign currency at value

                1,188       373,094       512,561  















  $     $     $ 1,188     $ 5,528,094     $ 8,516,561  
















See notes to financial statements.





Statements of Cash Flows  (unaudited) (continued)

Six Months Ended June 30, 2020


     BME     BMEZ(a)     BCX(b)     BST     BSTZ     BUI  




Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations

  $ 10,610,892     $ 429,258,784     $ (134,423,847   $ 161,814,020     $ 430,269,791     $ (22,985,125

Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets
resulting from operations to net cash provided by (used for) operating activities:



Proceeds from sales of long-term investments and principal paydowns

    75,231,715       152,102,484       326,519,435       107,591,089       502,182,381       93,296,986  

Purchases of long-term investments

    (83,181,087     (2,368,794,355     (290,945,119     (94,926,363     (411,605,276     (89,428,607

Net proceeds from sales (purchases) of short-term securities

    (809,881     (10,125,306     (7,468,399     6,051,519       127,607,058       4,149,704  

Premiums received from options written

    24,681,208       65,762,297       30,837,516       46,433,155       87,453,457       13,367,895  

Premiums paid on closing options written

    (30,411,608     (59,177,774     (35,222,849     (90,737,918     (189,983,717     (19,660,818

Net realized (gain) loss on investments and options written

    (999,502     21,403,804       49,637,031       22,409,345       106,163,593       544,466  

Net unrealized appreciation on investments, options written and foreign currency translations

    (9,229,849     (452,844,922     94,246,326       (186,863,136     (545,212,773     26,032,555  

(Increase) Decrease in Assets:






Dividends — affiliated

    6,173       (5,839     19,018       23,847       112,901       14,515  

Dividends — unaffiliated

    (29,456     (693,545     (841,930     (121,659     (378,962     (471,349

Prepaid expenses

    2,161             5,949       2,130       (12,228     2,754  

Securities lending income — affiliated

    7,460       (13,473 )       1,300       (3,660)       88,269        

Deferred offering costs

    9,561                   29,683             9,952  

Increase (Decrease) in Liabilities:



Cash collateral on securities loaned at value

    (243,022     1,889,600       (180,501     2,829,525       (58,945,086      




Investment advisory fees

    (337,564     2,620,951       (796,123     (385,696     (1,310,143     (318,237

Trustees’ and Officer’s fees

    (3,973     6,910       (64,345     (405     14,981       (66

Other accrued expenses

    153,863       349,857       54,022       293,249       (23,787     1,787  



















Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities

    (14,542,909     (2,218,260,527     31,377,484       (25,561,275     46,420,459       4,556,412  






















Cash dividends paid to Common Shareholders

    (12,761,915     (31,523,181     (26,083,660     (22,496,726     (46,810,402     (12,312,266

Payments for offering costs

                      10,810             (1,566

Payments on Common Shares redeemed


Proceeds from issuance of Common Shares

    27,183,949       2,253,396,500             44,770,013             7,176,483  

Increase (decrease) in bank overdraft

                      4,116,936       127,491        



















Net cash (provided by) used for financing activities

    14,422,034       2,221,873,319       (31,378,628     26,401,033       (46,682,911     (5,137,349






















Cash impact from foreign exchange fluctuations

  $ 2     $ 98     $ 394     $ (46   $ 9     $ (27






















Net increase (decrease) in restricted and unrestricted cash and foreign currency

    (120,873     3,612,890       (750     839,712       (262,443     (580,964

Restricted and unrestricted cash and foreign currency at beginning of period

    125,205             87,051       2,932,527       9,252,443       821,749  



















Restricted and unrestricted cash and foreign currency at end of period

  $ 4,332     $ 3,612,890     $ 86,301     $ 3,772,239     $ 8,990,000     $ 240,785  





















Capital shares issued in reinvestment of distributions paid to Common Shareholders

  $ 617,099     $     $     $ 817,827     $     $ 512,164  






















    3,811       56,278                          

Cash pledged:


Collateral — OTC derivatives

          3,401,000             3,770,000       8,990,000       220,000  

Foreign currency at value

    521       155,612       86,301       2,239             20,785  


















  $ 4,332     $ 3,612,890     $ 86,301     $ 3,772,239     $ 8,990,000     $ 240,785  






















    74,997                         501,313       61,749  

Cash pledged:


Collateral — options written


Collateral — OTC derivatives

                      2,930,000       8,750,000       760,000  

Foreign currency at value

    208             87,051       2,527       1,130        


















  $ 125,205     $     $ 87,051     $ 2,932,527     $ 9,252,443     $ 821,749  





















Commencement of operations January 30, 2020.


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017     2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 12.57       $ 11.98      $ 15.79      $ 16.33     $ 14.05      $ 21.15  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.20         0.34        0.28        0.40 (b)      0.27        0.29  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (4.32       1.18        (3.16      (0.01     3.01        (5.89



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (4.12       1.52        (2.88      0.39       3.28        (5.60





















From net investment income

    (0.39 )(d)        (0.34      (0.27      (0.40     (0.27      (0.29

From return of capital

            (0.59      (0.66      (0.53     (0.73      (1.21



















Total distributions

    (0.39       (0.93      (0.93      (0.93     (1.00      (1.50



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 8.06       $ 12.57      $ 11.98      $ 15.79     $ 16.33      $ 14.05  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 7.23       $ 11.88      $ 10.45      $ 14.18     $ 14.44      $ 12.53  



















Total Return(e)


Based on net asset value

    (32.77 )%(f)        13.74      (18.84 )%       3.49     25.07      (27.47 )% 



















Based on market price

    (36.19 )%(f)        23.23      (21.16 )%       5.11     24.01      (31.42 )% 



















Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    1.32 %(g)(h)        1.35      1.29      1.31     1.31      1.29



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.10 %(g)(h)        1.16      1.14      1.18     1.24      1.26



















Net investment income

    4.31 %(g)(h)        2.67      1.87      2.69 %(b)      1.80      1.60



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 240,409       $ 374,896      $ 357,391      $ 471,062     $ 487,064      $ 418,981  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    38       24      32      24     33      56





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.15 per share and 0.99%, respectively, resulting from a special dividend from BakerHughes, Inc. in July 2017.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.




Excludes expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds of 0.01%.

See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017      2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 17.96       $ 15.28      $ 17.19      $ 15.08      $ 15.11      $ 15.67  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.09         0.18        0.17        0.15        0.13        0.11  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (1.45       3.50        (1.09      2.95        0.99        0.53  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (1.36       3.68        (0.92      3.10        1.12        0.64  





















From net investment income

    (0.53       (0.19      (0.17 )(c)       (0.15      (0.13      (0.14

From net realized gain

            (0.44      (0.28 )(c)              (0.04      (1.06

From return of capital

            (0.37      (0.54      (0.84      (0.98       



















Total distributions

    (0.53       (1.00      (0.99      (0.99      (1.15      (1.20



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 16.07       $ 17.96      $ 15.28      $ 17.19      $ 15.08      $ 15.11  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 14.47       $ 17.25      $ 14.08      $ 16.38      $ 13.71      $ 14.14  



















Total Return(d)


Based on net asset value

    (7.29 )%(e)        25.08      (5.44 )%       21.69      8.66      4.66



















Based on market price

    (13.08 )%(e)        30.38      (8.56 )%       27.54      5.56      9.86



















Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    0.90 %(f)        0.91      0.90      0.93      0.95      0.94



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.90 %(f)        0.91      0.90      0.93      0.95      0.94



















Net investment income

    1.13 %(f)        1.08      1.00      0.94      0.89      0.71



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 708,838       $ 792,638      $ 674,077      $ 758,400      $ 665,159      $ 666,492  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    30       32      27      32      54      133





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.



See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018     2017      2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 10.03       $ 8.74      $ 9.96     $ 9.22      $ 8.70      $ 9.24  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.11         0.18        0.18 (b)      0.16        0.17        0.17  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (1.71       1.86        (0.84     1.14        0.91        (0.15



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (1.60       2.04        (0.66     1.30        1.08        0.02  





















From net investment income

    (0.30       (0.08      (0.18 )(d)      (0.17      (0.17      (0.17

From net realized gain

            (0.67      (0.38 )(d)      (0.39              

From return of capital

                                (0.39      (0.39



















Total distributions

    (0.30       (0.75      (0.56     (0.56      (0.56      (0.56



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 8.13       $ 10.03      $ 8.74     $ 9.96      $ 9.22      $ 8.70  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 7.34       $ 9.92      $ 7.77     $ 9.23      $ 8.15      $ 7.61  



















Total Return(e)


Based on net asset value

    (15.70 )%(f)        24.52      (6.59 )%      15.06      13.90      1.10



















Based on market price

    (23.05 )%(f)        38.53      (10.39 )%      20.63      15.11      0.63



















Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    0.84 %(g)        0.87      0.85     0.86      0.87      0.86



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.84 %(g)        0.87      0.85     0.86      0.85      0.85



















Net investment income

    2.54 %(g)        1.99      1.85 %(b)      1.73      1.91      1.85



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 1,524,695       $ 1,881,675      $ 1,638,237     $ 1,868,457      $ 1,741,649      $ 1,643,508  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    34       40      34     42      33      26





















Based on average Common Shares outstanding.


Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets includes $0.01 per share and 0.14%, respectively, resulting from a special dividend.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.



See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017     2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 12.32       $ 11.07      $ 13.22      $ 13.38     $ 14.25      $ 15.27  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.15         0.30        0.31        0.17       0.15        0.11  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (1.40       1.71        (1.61      1.96       0.03        0.03  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (1.25       2.01        (1.30      2.13       0.18        0.14  





















From net investment income

    (0.38 )(c)        (0.31      (0.31 )(d)       (0.19     (0.10      (0.17

In excess of net investment income(e)


From net realized gain

                   (0.52 )(d)       (2.10             

From return of capital

            (0.45      (0.02            (0.95      (0.89



















Total distributions

    (0.38       (0.76      (0.85      (2.29     (1.05      (1.16



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 10.69       $ 12.32      $ 11.07      $ 13.22     $ 13.38      $ 14.25  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 9.42       $ 10.99      $ 9.37      $ 12.51     $ 11.57      $ 12.76  



















Total Return(f)


Based on net asset value

    (9.73 )%(g)        19.54      (9.63 )%       17.22 %(h)      2.62      1.81



















Based on market price

    (10.83 )%(g)        25.98      (19.16 )%       28.28     (0.90 )%       6.03



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(i)


Total expenses

    1.06 %(j)        1.12      1.08      1.09     1.10      1.08



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.88 %(j)        0.94      0.94      1.02     1.05      1.05



















Net investment income

    2.80 %(j)        2.62      2.52      1.20     1.15      0.73



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 694,893       $ 807,712      $ 754,602      $ 911,227     $ 929,897      $ 990,318  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    25       26      28      133     64      72





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Taxable distribution.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment received from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Trust’s total return.


Excludes expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds as follows:


    Six Months Ended


    Year Ended December 31,  
            2019      2018      2017      2016      2015  

Investments in underlying funds

                    0.01           0.01






















See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018     2017     2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 6.47       $ 5.79      $ 7.06     $ 6.28     $ 6.95      $ 7.61  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.08         0.16        0.17 (b)      0.09       0.09        0.08  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (0.48       0.93        (1.00     1.15       (0.24      (0.15



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (0.40       1.09        (0.83     1.24       (0.15      (0.07





















From net investment income

    (0.20 )(d)        (0.16      (0.16 )(e)      (0.09     (0.07      (0.11

From net realized gain

            (0.19      (0.28 )(e)                    

From return of capital

            (0.06            (0.37     (0.45      (0.48



















Total distributions

    (0.20       (0.41      (0.44     (0.46     (0.52      (0.59



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 5.87       $ 6.47      $ 5.79     $ 7.06     $ 6.28      $ 6.95  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 5.14       $ 5.89      $ 4.98     $ 6.52     $ 5.51      $ 6.24  



















Total Return(f)



Based on net asset value

    (5.65 )%(g)        20.20      (11.48 )%      20.88 %(h)      (1.12 )%       (0.47 )% 



















Based on market price

    (9.25 )%(g)        27.22      (17.55 )%      27.23     (3.37 )%       0.90



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(i)


Total expenses

    1.07 %(j)        1.13      1.09     1.12     1.12      1.09



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.97 %(j)        1.03      0.99     1.02     1.02      1.01



















Net investment income

    2.60 %(j)        2.57      2.59 %(b)      1.31     1.41      1.09



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 616,550       $ 683,247      $ 623,234     $ 769,678     $ 690,628      $ 764,154  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    25       28      60     90     74      67





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include $0.01 per share and 0.10%, respectively, resulting from a special dividend.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year-end.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment received from an affiliate, which had no impact on the Trust’s total return.


Excludes expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds as follows:


    Six Months Ended


    Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017      2016      2015  

Investments in underlying funds

                          0.02      0.01      0.01






















See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017      2016     2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 41.19       $ 35.87      $ 35.69      $ 31.30      $ 36.19     $ 38.61  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    0.04         0.06        0.07        0.02        0.02       (0.06

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    0.90         7.66        2.51        6.77        (1.91     4.34  



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    0.94         7.72        2.58        6.79        (1.89     4.28  





















From net investment income

    (1.20 )(c)        (0.12      (0.07 )(d)       (0.04      (0.03     (0.63

From net realized gain

            (2.28      (2.33 )(d)       (2.11      (2.97     (6.07

From return of capital




















Total distributions

    (1.20       (2.40      (2.40      (2.40      (3.00     (6.70



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 40.93       $ 41.19      $ 35.87      $ 35.69      $ 31.30     $ 36.19  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 40.78       $ 42.50      $ 36.45      $ 36.50      $ 31.75     $ 39.35  



















Total Return(e)



Based on net asset value

    2.44 %(f)        22.26      7.26      22.17      (5.36 )%      10.70



















Based on market price

    (1.08 )%(f)        24.15      6.57      23.17      (11.71 )%      8.87



















Ratios to Average Net Assets(g)


Total expenses

    1.09 %(h)        1.09      1.11      1.12      1.15 %(i)      1.13



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and excluding amortization of offering costs

    1.09 %(h)        1.09      1.11      1.12      1.14     1.12



















Net investment income (loss)

    0.18 %(h)        0.16      0.19      0.06      0.07     (0.14 )% 



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 471,361       $ 446,773      $ 352,675      $ 331,858      $ 270,693     $ 297,530  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    17       47      37      38      59     68





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.


Excludes expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds as follows:


    Six Months Ended


    Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017      2016      2015  

Investments in underlying funds

                0.01      0.01      0.01          























Offering costs were not annualized in the calculation of the expense ratios. If these expenses were annualized, the total expenses would have been 1.16%.

See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)



Period from

01/30/20 (a)

to 06/30/20



Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 20.00  




Net investment income (loss)(b)


Net realized and unrealized gain





Net increase (decrease) from investment operations





Distribution from net investment income

    (0.30 )(c) 




Net asset value, end of period

  $ 23.51  




Market price, end of period

  $ 20.91  




Total Return(d)


Based on net asset value

    19.29 %(e) 




Based on market price

    6.10 %(e) 




Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    1.29 %(f)(g) 




Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed and paid indirectly

    1.28 %(f)(g) 




Net investment income (loss)

    (0.75 )%(f)(g) 




Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 2,648,854  




Portfolio turnover rate







Commencement of operations.


Based on average shares outstanding.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.




Excludes expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds of 0.04%.

See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017     2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 9.04       $ 8.44      $ 10.64      $ 9.86     $ 8.35      $ 11.67  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.10         0.23        0.22        0.20 (b)      0.14        0.25  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (1.56       0.99        (1.80      1.19       1.95        (2.76



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (1.46       1.22        (1.58      1.39       2.09        (2.51





















From net investment income

    (0.29 )(d)        (0.23      (0.19      (0.24     (0.15      (0.25

From return of capital

            (0.39      (0.43      (0.37     (0.43      (0.56



















Total distributions

    (0.29       (0.62      (0.62      (0.61     (0.58      (0.81



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 7.29       $ 9.04      $ 8.44      $ 10.64     $ 9.86      $ 8.35  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 6.13       $ 8.07      $ 7.06      $ 9.77     $ 8.27      $ 7.11  



















Total Return(e)



Based on net asset value

    (15.52 )%(f)        15.88      (14.90 )%       15.60     27.41      (21.31 )% 



















Based on market price

    (20.43 )%(f)        23.67      (22.47 )%       26.55     25.50      (19.47 )% 



















Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    1.10 %(g)        1.11      1.08      1.08     1.08      1.07



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.10 %(g)        1.11      1.08      1.08     1.08      1.07



















Net investment income

    2.80 %(g)        2.56      2.17      2.06 %(b)      1.61      2.43



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 656,576       $ 822,754      $ 798,282      $ 1,027,472     $ 976,899      $ 827,040  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    44       69      66      73     101      74





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Net investment income per share and the ratio of net investment income to average net assets include less than $0.04 per share and 0.39% respectively, resulting from a special dividend from Baker Hughes Inc. in July 2017.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.



See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017      2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 32.45       $ 26.21      $ 27.73      $ 20.10      $ 19.70      $ 19.43  



















Net investment income (loss)(a)

    (0.11       (0.17      (0.13      (0.05      (0.00 )(b)       0.03  

Net realized and unrealized gain

    6.91         9.92        0.37        8.96        1.60        1.44  



















Net increase from investment operations

    6.80         9.75        0.24        8.91        1.60        1.47  





















From net investment income

    (0.99 )(d)               (e)       (0.05             (0.03

From net realized gain

            (3.51      (1.76 )(e)       (0.22             (0.01

From return of capital

                          (1.01      (1.20      (1.16



















Total distributions

    (0.99       (3.51      (1.76      (1.28      (1.20      (1.20



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 38.26       $ 32.45      $ 26.21      $ 27.73      $ 20.10      $ 19.70  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 37.81       $ 33.27      $ 27.48      $ 26.69      $ 17.94      $ 17.31  



















Total Return(f)



Based on net asset value

    21.45 %(g)        37.82      0.24      45.73      9.36      8.61



















Based on market price

    17.06 %(g)        34.77      9.18      57.15      11.08      5.36



















Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    1.09 %(h)        1.08      1.09      1.09      1.10      1.12



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    0.99 %(h)        0.92      0.89      0.89      0.90      0.92



















Net investment income (loss)

    (0.66 )%(h)        (0.52 )%       (0.43 )%       (0.19 )%       0.02      0.15



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 924,517       $ 742,672      $ 587,908      $ 620,300      $ 452,443      $ 443,477  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    12       32      53      41      74      91





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Amount is less than $0.005 per share.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.



See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended



Period from

06/27/19 (a)

to 12/31/19


Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 20.95        $ 20.00  







Net investment income (loss)(b)

    (0.11        (0.05

Net realized and unrealized gain

    5.62          1.50  







Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    5.51          1.45  









From net investment income

    (0.60 )(d)          

From return of capital








Total distributions

    (0.60        (0.50







Net asset value, end of period

  $ 25.86        $ 20.95  







Market price, end of period

  $ 22.67        $ 20.50  







Total Return(e)



Based on net asset value

    27.13 %(f)(g)         7.40 %(f) 







Based on market price

    13.89 %(f)         5.10 %(f) 







Ratios to Average Net Assets(h)


Total expenses

    1.31        1.32 %(i) 







Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.31        1.30 %(i) 







Net investment income (loss)

    (1.05 )%         (0.48 )%(i) 







Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 2,019,382        $ 1,635,966  







Portfolio turnover rate

    25        16









Commencement of operations. This information includes the initial investment by BlackRock HoldCo2, Inc.


Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year-end.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.


Includes payment received from an affiliate, which had no impact to the Trust’s total return.




Excludes expenses incurred indirectly as a result of investments in underlying funds of 0.04%.

See notes to financial statements.





Financial Highlights  (continued)

(For a share outstanding throughout each period)


    Six Months Ended
          Year Ended December 31,  
    2019      2018      2017      2016      2015  

Net asset value, beginning of period

  $ 22.02       $ 18.77      $ 21.12      $ 19.42      $ 19.50      $ 22.47  



















Net investment income(a)

    0.20         0.37        0.49        0.56        0.56        0.47  

Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)

    (1.49       4.33        (1.39      2.59        0.81        (1.99



















Net increase (decrease) from investment operations

    (1.29       4.70        (0.90      3.15        1.37        (1.52





















From net investment income

    (0.73 )(c)        (0.24      (0.63 )(d)       (0.47      (0.49      (0.42

From net realized gain

            (1.06      (0.81 )(d)       (0.98      (0.53      (0.54

From return of capital

            (0.15      (0.01             (0.43      (0.49



















Total distributions

    (0.73       (1.45      (1.45      (1.45      (1.45      (1.45



















Net asset value, end of period

  $ 20.00       $ 22.02      $ 18.77      $ 21.12      $ 19.42      $ 19.50  



















Market price, end of period

  $ 21.25       $ 22.31      $ 19.76      $ 21.62      $ 18.41      $ 16.78  



















Total Return(e)



Based on net asset value

    (5.75 )%(f)        25.63      (4.40 )%       16.62      7.57      (6.09 )% 



















Based on market price

    (1.17 )%(f)        20.91      (1.68 )%       25.93      18.50      (12.45 )% 



















Ratios to Average Net Assets


Total expenses

    1.13 %(g)        1.12      1.12      1.11      1.13      1.11



















Total expenses after fees waived and/or reimbursed

    1.10 %(g)        1.10      1.09      1.09      1.13      1.11



















Net investment income

    2.06 %(g)        1.78      2.46      2.70      2.83      2.24



















Supplemental Data


Net assets, end of period (000)

  $ 354,860       $ 383,337      $ 318,933      $ 357,776      $ 328,297      $ 329,747  



















Portfolio turnover rate

    28       39      28      31      8      20





















Based on average shares outstanding.


Distributions for annual periods determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations.


A portion of the distributions from net investment income may be deemed a return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.


Amount previously presented incorrectly as solely distributions from net investment income has been revised to reflect the proper classification of distributions between net realized gain and net investment income.


Total returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or less than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns. Where applicable, excludes the effects of any sales charges and assumes the reinvestment of distributions at actual reinvestment prices.


Aggregate total return.



See notes to financial statements.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited)




The following are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), as closed-end management investment companies and are referred to herein collectively as the “Trusts”, or individually as a “Trust”:


Trust Name   Herein Referred To As   

BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust

  BGR    Delaware    Non-diversified

BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund, Inc.

  CII    Maryland    Diversified

BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust

  BDJ    Delaware    Diversified

BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust

  BOE    Delaware    Diversified

BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust

  BGY    Delaware    Diversified

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust

  BME    Delaware    Diversified

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II *

  BMEZ    Delaware    Diversified

BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust

  BCX    Delaware    Non-diversified

BlackRock Science and Technology Trust

  BST    Delaware    Diversified(a)

BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II

  BSTZ    Delaware    Non-diversified

BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust

  BUI    Delaware    Diversified



Commenced operations on January 30, 2020.


The Trust’s classification changed from non-diversified to diversified during the reporting period.


The Boards of Directors and Boards of Trustees of the Trusts are collectively referred to throughout this report as the “Board,” and the directors/ trustees thereof are collectively referred to throughout this report as “Trustees”. The Trusts determine and make available for publication the net asset values (“NAVs”) of their Common Shares on a daily basis.

The Trusts, together with certain other registered investment companies advised by BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”) or its affiliates, are included in a complex of non-index fixed-income mutual funds and all BlackRock-advised closed-end funds referred to as the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex.

Prior to commencement of operations on January 30, 2020, BMEZ had no operations other than those relating to organizational matters and the sale of 5,000 common shares on November 6, 2019 to BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., an affiliate of BMEZ, for $100,000. Investment operations for BMEZ commenced on January 30, 2020.

Basis of Consolidation: The accompanying consolidated financial statements of BCX include the account of BlackRock Cayman Resources & Commodities Strategy Fund, Ltd. (the “Subsidiary”), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BCX and primarily invests in commodity-related instruments. The Subsidiary enables BCX to hold these commodity-related instruments and satisfy regulated investment company tax requirements. BCX may invest up to 25% of its total assets in the Subsidiary. Intercompany accounts and transactions, if any, have been eliminated. During the six months ended June 30, 2020, there were no transactions in the Subsidiary. The Subsidiary is subject to the same investment policies and restrictions that apply to BCX, except that the Subsidiary may invest without limitation in commodity-related instruments.




The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”), which may require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Each Trust is considered an investment company under U.S. GAAP and follows the accounting and reporting guidance applicable to investment companies. Below is a summary of significant accounting policies:

Investment Transactions and Income Recognition: For financial reporting purposes, investment transactions are recorded on the dates the transactions are executed. Realized gains and losses on investment transactions are determined on the identified cost basis. Dividend income and non-cash dividend income, if any, are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Dividends from foreign securities where the ex-dividend date may have passed are subsequently recorded when the Trusts are informed of the ex-dividend date. Under the applicable foreign tax laws, a withholding tax at various rates may be imposed on capital gains, dividends and interest. Interest income, including amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts on debt securities, are recognized on an accrual basis.

Foreign Currency Translation: Each Trust’s books and records are maintained in U.S. dollars. Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using exchange rates determined as of the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). Purchases and sales of investments are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. Generally, when the U.S. dollar rises in value against a foreign currency, the investments denominated in that currency will lose value; the opposite effect occurs if the U.S. dollar falls in relative value.

Each Trust does not isolate the portion of the results of operations arising as a result of changes in the exchange rates from the changes in the market prices of investments held or sold for financial reporting purposes. Accordingly, the effects of changes in exchange rates on investments are not segregated in the Statements of Operations from the effects of changes in market prices of those investments, but are included as a component of net realized and unrealized gain (loss) from investments. Each Trust reports realized currency gains (losses) on foreign currency related transactions as components of net realized gain (loss) for financial reporting purposes, whereas such components are generally treated as ordinary income for U.S. federal income tax purposes.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


Segregation and Collateralization: In cases where a Trust enters into certain investments (e.g., futures contracts, forward foreign currency exchange contracts and options written) that would be treated as “senior securities” for 1940 Act purposes, a Trust may segregate or designate on its books and records cash or liquid assets having a market value at least equal to the amount of its future obligations under such investments. Doing so allows the investment to be excluded from treatment as a “senior security.” Furthermore, if required by an exchange or counterparty agreement, the Trusts may be required to deliver/deposit cash and/or securities to/with an exchange, or broker-dealer or custodian as collateral for certain investments or obligations.

Distributions: Distributions paid by the Trusts are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Subject to the Trusts’ managed distribution plan, the Trusts intend to make monthly cash distributions to shareholders, which may consist of net investment income and net realized and unrealized gains on investments and/or return of capital.

The character of distributions is determined in accordance with U.S. federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP. The portion of distributions that exceeds a Trust’s current and accumulated earnings and profits, which are measured on a tax basis, will constitute a non-taxable return of capital.

Net income and realized gains from investments held by the Subsidiary are treated as ordinary income for tax purposes. If a net loss is realized by the Subsidiary in any taxable year, the loss will generally not be available to offset BCX’s ordinary income and/or capital gains for that year.

Deferred Compensation Plan: Under the Deferred Compensation Plan (the “Plan”) approved by each Trust’s Board, the trustees who are not “interested persons” of the Trusts, as defined in the 1940 Act (“Independent Trustees”), may defer a portion of their annual complex-wide compensation. Deferred amounts earn an approximate return as though equivalent dollar amounts had been invested in common shares of certain funds in the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex selected by the Independent Trustees. This has the same economic effect for the Independent Trustees as if the Independent Trustees had invested the deferred amounts directly in certain funds in the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex.

The Plan is not funded and obligations thereunder represent general unsecured claims against the general assets of each Trust, as applicable. Deferred compensation liabilities are included in the Trustees’ and Officer’s fees payable in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and will remain as a liability of the Trusts until such amounts are distributed in accordance with the Plan.

Organization and Offering Costs: Prior to commencement of operations, organization costs associated with the establishment of BMEZ and offering expenses of BMEZ with respect to the issuance of shares in the amounts of $140,500 and $4,295,804, respectively, were paid by the Manager. BMEZ is not obligated to repay any such organizational costs or offering expenses paid by the Manager.

Indemnifications: In the normal course of business, a Trust enters into contracts that contain a variety of representations that provide general indemnification. A Trust’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown because it involves future potential claims against a Trust, which cannot be predicted with any certainty.

Other: Expenses directly related to a Trust are charged to that Trust. Other operating expenses shared by several funds, including other funds managed by the Manager, are prorated among those funds on the basis of relative net assets or other appropriate methods.




Investment Valuation Policies: The Trusts’ investments are valued at fair value (also referred to as “market value” within the financial statements) as of the close of trading on the NYSE (generally 4:00 p.m., Eastern time). U.S. GAAP defines fair value as the price the Trusts would receive to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The Trusts determine the fair values of their financial instruments using various independent dealers or pricing services under policies approved by the Board. If a security’s market price is not readily available or does not otherwise accurately represent the fair value of the security, the security will be valued in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting fair value. The BlackRock Global Valuation Methodologies Committee (the “Global Valuation Committee”) is the committee formed by management to develop global pricing policies and procedures and to oversee the pricing function for all financial instruments.

Fair Value Inputs and Methodologies: The following methods and inputs are used to establish the fair value of each Trust’s assets and liabilities:



Equity investments traded on a recognized securities exchange are valued at the official closing price each day, if available. For equity investments traded on more than one exchange, the official closing price on the exchange where the stock is primarily traded is used. Equity investments traded on a recognized exchange for which there were no sales on that day may be valued at the last available bid (long positions) or ask (short positions) price.

Generally, trading in foreign instruments is substantially completed each day at various times prior to the close of trading on the NYSE. Occasionally, events affecting the values of such instruments may occur between the foreign market close and the close of trading on the NYSE that may not be reflected in the computation of the Trusts’ net assets. Each business day, the Trusts use a pricing service to assist with the valuation of certain foreign exchange-traded equity securities and foreign exchange-traded and over-the-counter (“OTC”) options (the “Systematic Fair Value Price”). Using current market factors, the Systematic Fair Value Price is designed to value such foreign securities and foreign options at fair value as of the close of trading on the NYSE, which follows the close of the local markets.



Fixed-income securities for which market quotations are readily available are generally valued using the last available bid prices or current market quotations provided by independent dealers or third party pricing services. Floating rate loan interests are valued at the mean of the bid prices from one or more independent brokers or dealers as obtained from a third party pricing service. Pricing services generally value fixed-income securities assuming orderly transactions of an institutional round lot size, but a fund may hold or transact in such securities in smaller, odd lot sizes. Odd lots may trade at lower prices than institutional round lots. The pricing services may use matrix pricing or valuation models that utilize certain inputs and assumptions to derive values, including transaction data (e.g., recent representative bids and offers), credit quality information, perceived market movements, news, and other relevant information. Certain fixed-income securities, including asset-backed and mortgage related securities may be valued based on valuation models that consider the estimated cash flows of each





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


  tranche of the entity, establish a benchmark yield and develop an estimated tranche specific spread to the benchmark yield based on the unique attributes of the tranche. The amortized cost method of valuation may be used with respect to debt obligations with sixty days or less remaining to maturity unless the Manager determines such method does not represent fair value.



Investments in open-end U.S. mutual funds are valued at NAV each business day.



The Trusts value their investment in SL Liquidity Series, LLC, Money Market Series (the “Money Market Series”) at fair value, which is ordinarily based upon their pro rata ownership in the underlying fund’s net assets. The Money Market Series seeks current income consistent with maintaining liquidity and preserving capital. Although the Money Market Series is not registered under the 1940 Act, its investments may follow the parameters of investments by a money market fund that is subject to Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act.



Exchange-traded equity options for which market quotations are readily available will be valued at the National Best Bid and Offer quotes (“NBBO”). NBBO represents the mean of the bid and ask prices as quoted on the exchange on which such options are traded. In the event that there is no mean price available, the last bid (long positions) or ask (short positions) price will be used. If no bid or ask price is available, the prior day’s price may be used. OTC options are valued by an independent pricing service using a mathematical model, which incorporates a number of market data factors, such as the trades and prices of the underlying instruments.

If events (e.g., a company announcement, market volatility or a natural disaster) occur that are expected to materially affect the value of such investments, or in the event that the application of these methods of valuation results in a price for an investment that is deemed not to be representative of the market value of such investment, or if a price is not available, the investment will be valued by the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting fair value (“Fair Valued Investments”). The fair valuation approaches that may be used by the Global Valuation Committee will include market approach, income approach and cost approach. Valuation techniques such as discounted cash flow, use of market comparables and matrix pricing are types of valuation approaches and are typically used in determining fair value. When determining the price for Fair Valued Investments, the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, seeks to determine the price that each Trust might reasonably expect to receive or pay from the current sale or purchase of that asset or liability in an arm’s-length transaction. Fair value determinations shall be based upon all available factors that the Global Valuation Committee, or its delegate, deems relevant and consistent with the principles of fair value measurement. The pricing of all Fair Valued Investments is subsequently reported to the Board or a committee thereof on a quarterly basis.

For investments in equity or debt issued by privately held companies or funds (“Private Company” or collectively, the “Private Companies”) and other Fair Valued Investments, the fair valuation approaches that are used by the Global Valuation Committee and third party pricing services utilize one or a combination of, but not limited to, the following inputs.


     Standard Inputs Generally Considered By Third Party Pricing Services

Market approach


(i)  recent market transactions, including subsequent rounds of financing, in the underlying investment or comparable issuers;

(ii) recapitalizations and other transactions across the capital structure; and

(iii)   market multiples of comparable issuers.

Income approach


(i)  future cash flows discounted to present and adjusted as appropriate for liquidity, credit, and/or market risks;

(ii) quoted prices for similar investments or assets in active markets; and

(iii)   other risk factors, such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks, recovery rates, liquidation amounts and/or default rates.

Cost approach


(i)  audited or unaudited financial statements, investor communications and financial or operational metrics issued by the Private Company;

(ii) changes in the valuation of relevant indices or publicly traded companies comparable to the Private Company;

(iii)   relevant news and other public sources; and

(iv)   known secondary market transactions in the Private Company’s interests and merger or acquisition activity in companies comparable to the Private Company.

Investments in series of preferred stock issued by Private Companies are typically valued utilizing market approach in determining the enterprise value of the company. Such investments often contain rights and preferences that differ from other series of preferred and common stock of the same issuer. Valuation techniques such as an option pricing model (“OPM”), a probability weighted expected return model (“PWERM”) or a hybrid of those techniques are used in allocating enterprise value of the company, as deemed appropriate under the circumstances. The use of OPM and PWERM techniques involve a determination of the exit scenarios of the investment in order to appropriately allocate the enterprise value of the company among the various parts of its capital structure.

The Private Companies are not subject to the public company disclosure, timing, and reporting standards as other investments held by a Trust. Typically, the most recently available information by a Private Company is as of a date that is earlier than the date a Trust is calculating its NAV. This factor may result in a difference between the value of the investment and the price a Trust could receive upon the sale of the investment.

Fair Value Hierarchy: Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments. These inputs to valuation techniques are categorized into a fair value hierarchy consisting of three broad levels for financial statement purposes as follows:



Level 1 — Unadjusted price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets or liabilities that each Trust has the ability to access



Level 2 — Other observable inputs (including, but not limited to, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and default rates) or other market–corroborated inputs)



Level 3 — Unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the Global Valuation Committee’s assumptions used in determining the fair value of investments and derivative financial instruments)





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). Accordingly, the degree of judgment exercised in determining fair value is greatest for instruments categorized in Level 3. The inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, for disclosure purposes, the fair value hierarchy classification is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. Investments classified within Level 3 have significant unobservable inputs used by the Global Valuation Committee in determining the price for Fair Valued Investments. Level 3 investments include equity or debt issued by Private Companies. There may not be a secondary market, and/or there are a limited number of investors. The categorization of a value determined for investments and derivative financial instruments is based on the pricing transparency of the investments and derivative financial instruments and is not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those securities.

As of June 30, 2020, certain investments of BME, BMEZ, BCX, and BSTZ were fair valued using NAV or its equivalent as no quoted market value is available and therefore have been excluded from the fair value hierarchy.




Preferred Stocks: Preferred stock has a preference over common stock in liquidation (and generally in receiving dividends as well), but is subordinated to the liabilities of the issuer in all respects. As a general rule, the market value of preferred stock with a fixed dividend rate and no conversion element varies inversely with interest rates and perceived credit risk, while the market price of convertible preferred stock generally also reflects some element of conversion value. Because preferred stock is junior to debt securities and other obligations of the issuer, deterioration in the credit quality of the issuer will cause greater changes in the value of a preferred stock than in a more senior debt security with similar stated yield characteristics. Unlike interest payments on debt securities, preferred stock dividends are payable only if declared by the issuer’s board of directors. Preferred stock also may be subject to optional or mandatory redemption provisions.

Warrants: Warrants entitle a fund to purchase a specified number of shares of common stock and are non-income producing. The purchase price and number of shares are subject to adjustment under certain conditions until the expiration date of the warrants, if any. If the price of the underlying stock does not rise above the strike price before the warrant expires, the warrant generally expires without any value and a fund will lose any amount it paid for the warrant. Thus, investments in warrants may involve more risk than investments in common stock. Warrants may trade in the same markets as their underlying stock; however, the price of the warrant does not necessarily move with the price of the underlying stock.

Securities Lending: Certain Trusts may lend their securities to approved borrowers, such as brokers, dealers and other financial institutions. The borrower pledges and maintains with the Trusts collateral consisting of cash, an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank, or securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government. The initial collateral received by each Trust is required to have a value of at least 102% of the current value of the loaned securities for securities traded on U.S. exchanges and a value of at least 105% for all other securities. The collateral is maintained thereafter at a value equal to at least 100% of the current market value of the securities on loan. The market value of the loaned securities is determined at the close of each business day of the Trust and any additional required collateral is delivered to the Trust, or excess collateral returned by the Trust, on the next business day. During the term of the loan, the Trusts are entitled to all distributions made on or in respect of the loaned securities, but do not receive interest income on securities received as collateral. Loans of securities are terminable at any time and the borrower, after notice, is required to return borrowed securities within the standard time period for settlement of securities transactions.

The market value of any securities on loan, all of which were classified as common stocks in the Trusts’ Schedules of Investments, and the value of any related collateral are shown separately in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as a component of investments at value-unaffiliated, and collateral on securities loaned at value, respectively. As of period end, any securities on loan were collateralized by cash and/or U.S. Government obligations. Cash collateral invested by the securities lending agent, BlackRock Investment Management, LLC (“BIM”), if any, is disclosed in the Schedules of Investments.

Securities lending transactions are entered into by the Trusts under Master Securities Lending Agreements (each, an “MSLA”), which provide the right, in the event of default (including bankruptcy or insolvency), for the non-defaulting party to liquidate the collateral and calculate a net exposure to the defaulting party or request additional collateral. In the event that a borrower defaults, the Trusts, as lender, would offset the market value of the collateral received against the market value of the securities loaned. When the value of the collateral is greater than that of the market value of the securities loaned, the lender is left with a net amount payable to the defaulting party. However, bankruptcy or insolvency laws of a particular jurisdiction may impose restrictions on or prohibitions against such a right of offset in the event of an MSLA counterparty’s bankruptcy or insolvency. Under the MSLA, absent an event of default, the borrower can resell or re-pledge the loaned securities, and a Trust can reinvest cash collateral received in connection with loaned securities. Upon an event of default, the parties’ obligations to return the securities or collateral to the other party are extinguished, and the parties can resell or re-pledge the loaned securities or the collateral received in connection with the loaned securities in order to satisfy the defaulting party’s net payment obligation for all transactions under the MSLA. The defaulting party remains liable for any deficiency.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


As of period end, the following tables are a summary of the Trusts’ securities lending agreements by counterparty which are subject to offset under an MSLA:


Counterparty   Securities
Loaned at Value
     Cash Collateral
Received (a)



Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.

  $ 271      $ (271   $  

Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

    9,840        (9,840      









  $ 10,111      $ (10,111   $  












National Financial Services LLC

  $ 1,914,529      $ (1,914,529   $  









  $ 1,914,529      $ (1,914,529   $  












Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC

  $ 2,654,839      $ (2,654,839   $  









  $ 2,654,839      $ (2,654,839   $  












Barclays Capital, Inc.

  $ 2,413,719      $ (2,413,719   $  

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

    5,058,316        (5,058,316      









  $ 7,472,035      $ (7,472,035   $  












Collateral received in excess of the market value of securities on loan is not presented in this table. The total cash collateral received by each Trust is disclosed in the Trust’s Statements of Assets and Liabilities.


The risks of securities lending include the risk that the borrower may not provide additional collateral when required or may not return the securities when due. To mitigate these risks, the Trusts benefit from a borrower default indemnity provided by BIM. BIM’s indemnity allows for full replacement of the securities loaned to the extent the collateral received does not cover the value on the securities loaned in the event of borrower default. Each Trust could incur a loss if the value of an investment purchased with cash collateral falls below the market value of loaned securities or if the value of an investment purchased with cash collateral falls below the value of the original cash collateral received. Such losses are borne entirely by the Trusts.




The Trusts engage in various portfolio investment strategies using derivative contracts both to increase the returns of the Trusts and/or to manage their exposure to certain risks such as credit risk, equity risk, interest rate risk, foreign currency exchange rate risk, commodity price risk or other risks (e.g., inflation risk). Derivative financial instruments categorized by risk exposure are included in the Schedules of Investments. These contracts may be transacted on an exchange or OTC.

Options: Certain Trusts purchase and write call and put options to increase or decrease their exposure to the risks of underlying instruments, including equity risk, interest rate risk and/or commodity price risk and/or, in the case of options written, to generate gains from options premiums.

A call option gives the purchaser (holder) of the option the right (but not the obligation) to buy, and obligates the seller (writer) to sell (when the option is exercised) the underlying instrument at the exercise or strike price at any time or at a specified time during the option period. A put option gives the holder the right to sell and obligates the writer to buy the underlying instrument at the exercise or strike price at any time or at a specified time during the option period.

Premiums paid on options purchased and premiums received on options written, as well as the daily fluctuation in market value, are included in investments at value — unaffiliated and options written at value, respectively, in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. When an instrument is purchased or sold through the exercise of an option, the premium is offset against the cost or proceeds of the underlying instrument. When an option expires, a realized gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations to the extent of the premiums received or paid. When an option is closed or sold, a gain or loss is recorded in the Statements of Operations to the extent the cost of the closing transaction exceeds the premiums received or paid. When the Trusts write a call option, such option is typically “covered,” meaning that they hold the underlying instrument subject to being called by the option counterparty. When the Trusts write a put option, cash is segregated in an amount sufficient to cover the obligation. These amounts, which are considered restricted, are included in cash pledged as collateral for options written in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

In purchasing and writing options, the Trusts bear the risk of an unfavorable change in the value of the underlying instrument or the risk that they may not be able to enter into a closing transaction due to an illiquid market. Exercise of a written option could result in the Trusts purchasing or selling a security when they otherwise would not, or at a price different from the current market value.

Master Netting Arrangements: In order to define their contractual rights and to secure rights that will help them mitigate their counterparty risk, the Trusts may enter into an International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Master Agreement (“ISDA Master Agreement”) or similar agreement with their counterparties. An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral agreement between each Trust and a counterparty that governs certain OTC derivatives and typically contains, among other things, collateral posting terms and netting provisions in the event of a default and/or termination event. Under an ISDA Master Agreement, each Trust may, under certain circumstances, offset with the counterparty certain derivative financial instruments’ payables and/or receivables with collateral held and/or posted and create one single net payment. The provisions of the ISDA Master Agreement typically permit a single net payment in the event of default including the bankruptcy or insolvency of the counterparty. Bankruptcy or insolvency laws of a particular jurisdiction may restrict or prohibit the right of offset in bankruptcy, insolvency or other events.

Collateral Requirements: For derivatives traded under an ISDA Master Agreement, the collateral requirements are typically calculated by netting the mark-to-market amount for each transaction under such agreement and comparing that amount to the value of any collateral currently pledged by the Trust and the counterparty.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


Cash collateral that has been pledged to cover obligations of the Trusts and cash collateral received from the counterparty, if any, is reported separately in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities as cash pledged as collateral and cash received as collateral, respectively. Non-cash collateral pledged by the Trusts, if any, is noted in the Schedules of Investments. Generally, the amount of collateral due from or to a counterparty is subject to a certain minimum transfer amount threshold before a transfer is required, which is determined at the close of business of the Trusts. Any additional required collateral is delivered to/pledged by the Trusts on the next business day. Typically, the counterparty is not permitted to sell, re-pledge or use cash and non-cash collateral it receives. A Trust generally agrees not to use non-cash collateral that it receives but may, absent default or certain other circumstances defined in the underlying ISDA Master Agreement, be permitted to use cash collateral received. In such cases, interest may be paid pursuant to the collateral arrangement with the counterparty. To the extent amounts due to the Trusts from their counterparties are not fully collateralized, they bear the risk of loss from counterparty non-performance. Likewise, to the extent the Trusts have delivered collateral to a counterparty and stand ready to perform under the terms of their agreement with such counterparty, they bear the risk of loss from a counterparty in the amount of the value of the collateral in the event the counterparty fails to return such collateral. Based on the terms of agreements, collateral may not be required for all derivative contracts.

For financial reporting purposes, the Trusts do not offset derivative assets and derivative liabilities that are subject to netting arrangements, if any, in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.




Investment Advisory: Each Trust entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with the Manager, the Trusts’ investment adviser and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock Inc. (“BlackRock”), to provide investment advisory and administrative services. The Manager is responsible for the management of each Trust’s portfolio and provides the personnel, facilities, equipment and certain other services necessary to the operations of each Trust.

For such services, each Trust, except BCX pays the Manager a monthly fee at the following annual rates:

Average weekly value of each Trust’s net assets:


     BGR     BDJ     BOE     BME  

Investment advisory fees

    1.20     0.80     1.00     1.00

Average daily value of each Trusts’s net assets:


     CII     BGY     BSTZ     BUI  

Investment advisory fees

    0.85     1.00     1.25     1.00

Average daily value of each Trusts’s managed assets:


     BMEZ     BST     BSTZ  

Investment advisory fees

    1.25     1.00     1.25

For purposes of calculating these fees, “net assets” mean the total assets of BGR, CII, BDJ, BOE, BGY, BME, BCX and BUI minus the sum of its accrued liabilities

For such services, BCX pays the Manager a monthly fee of 1.00% of the sum of the average daily value of the net assets of the Trust (excluding the value of the Trust’s interest in the Subsidiary) and the average daily value of the net assets of its subsidiary, which fee is allocated pro rata between the Trust and the Subsidiary based on the average daily value of their respective net assets (excluding, in the case of the Trust, the value of the Trust’s interest in the Subsidiary).

For purposes of calculating these fees, “managed assets” are determined as total assets of BST, BSTZ and BMEZ (including any assets attributable to money borrowed for investment purposes) less the sum of its accrued liabilities (other than money borrowed for investment purposes).

With respect to BGR, BOE, BGY, BCX and BUI, the Manager entered into separate sub-advisory agreements with BlackRock International Limited (“BIL”), an affiliate of the Manager. The Manager pays BIL for services it provides for that portion of each Trust for which BIL acts as sub-adviser, a monthly fee that is equal to a percentage of the investment advisory fees paid by each Trust to the Manager.

The Manager provides investment management and other services to BCX’s Subsidiary. The Manager does not receive separate compensation from the Subsidiary for providing investment management or administrative services. However, BCX pays the Manager based on the Trust’s net assets, which includes the assets of the Subsidiary.

Distribution Fees: BME, BST and BUI have entered into Distribution Agreements with BlackRock Investments, LLC (“BRIL”), an affiliate of the Manager, to provide for distribution of BME’s, BST’s and BUI’s common shares on a reasonable best efforts basis through an equity shelf offering (a “Shelf Offering”) (the “Distribution Agreement”). Pursuant to the Distribution Agreement, BME, BST and BUI will compensate BRIL with respect to sales of common shares at a commission rate of 1.00% of the gross proceeds of the sale of BME’s, BST’s and BUI’s common shares and a portion of such commission is re-allowed to broker-dealers engaged by BRIL. The commissions retained by BRIL during the period ended June 30, 2020 amounted to $54,065, $85,978 and $13,800 for BME, BST and BUI, respectively.

Expense Limitations, Waivers and Reimbursements: The Manager contractually agreed to waive a portion of the investment advisory fees on BST as a percentage of its average daily managed assets as follows:


             Expiration Date  


    0.10      December 31, 2020  
      0.05        December 31, 2021  





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


The Manager voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of the investment advisory fees on the following Trusts as a percentage of their average weekly net assets (BGR and BOE) or average daily net assets (BUI and BGY), as follows:










These voluntary waivers may be reduced or discontinued at any time without notice.

For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the investment advisory fees waived, which are included in fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager in the Statements of Operations, were as follows:



  $ 297,103  









With respect to each Trust, the Manager contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fees by the amount of investment advisory fees each Trust pays to the Manager indirectly through its investment in affiliated money market funds (the “affiliated money market fund waiver”) through June 30, 2021. The contractual agreement may be terminated upon 90 days’ notice by a majority of the Independent Trustees, or by vote of a majority of outstanding voting securities of a Trust. These amounts are included in fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager in the Statements of Operations. For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the amounts waived were as follows:


     BGR      CII      BDJ      BOE      BGY  

Amounts waived

  $ 4,283      $ 3,211      $ 4,485      $ 3,707      $ 5,426  


     BME      BMEZ      BCX      BST      BSTZ      BUI  

Amounts waived

  $ 3,526      $ 178,249      $ 4,467      $ 2,293      $ 8,894      $ 3,924  

The Manager contractually agreed to waive its investment advisory fee with respect to any portion of each Trust’s assets invested in affiliated equity and fixed-income mutual funds and affiliated exchange-traded funds that have a contractual management fee through June 30, 2021. The agreement can be renewed for annual periods thereafter, and may be terminated on 90 days’ notice, each subject to approval by a majority of the Trusts’ Independent Trustees. For the six months ended June 30, 2020, there were no fees waived and/or reimbursed by the Manager pursuant to these arrangements.

Securities Lending: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has issued an exemptive order which permits BIM, an affiliate of the Manager, to serve as securities lending agent for the Trusts, subject to applicable conditions. As securities lending agent, BIM bears all operational costs directly related to securities lending. The Trusts are responsible for expenses in connection with the investment of cash collateral received for securities on loan (the “collateral investment expenses”). The cash collateral is invested in a private investment company managed by the Manager or its affiliates. However, BIM has agreed to cap the collateral investment expenses of the private investment company to an annual rate of 0.04%. The investment adviser to the private investment company will not charge any advisory fees with respect to shares purchased by the Trusts. The private investment company in which the cash collateral has been invested may, under certain circumstances, impose a liquidity fee of up to 2% of the value withdrawn or temporarily restrict withdrawals for up to 10 business days during a 90 day period, in the event that the private investment company’s weekly liquid assets fall below certain thresholds.

Securities lending income is equal to the total of income earned from the reinvestment of cash collateral, net of fees and other payments to and from borrowers of securities, and less the collateral investment expenses. Each Trust retains a portion of securities lending income and remits a remaining portion to BIM as compensation for its services as securities lending agent.

Pursuant to the current securities lending agreement, BIM may lend securities only when the difference between the borrower rebate rate and the risk free rate exceeds a certain level (such securities, the “specials only securities”). Each Trust retains 82% of securities lending income (which excludes collateral investment expenses).

In addition, commencing the business day following the date that the aggregate securities lending income earned across the BlackRock Fixed-Income Complex in a calendar year exceeds a specified threshold, each Trust, pursuant to the securities lending agreement, will retain for the remainder of that calendar year securities lending income (which excludes collateral investment expenses) in an amount equal to 85% of securities lending income.

The share of securities lending income earned by each Trust is shown as securities lending income — affiliated — net in the Statements of Operations. For the six months ended June 30, 2020, each Trust paid BIM the following amounts for securities lending agent services:



  $ 9,223  







Trustees and Officers: Certain trustees and/or officers of the Trusts are directors and/or officers of BlackRock or its affiliates. The Trusts reimburse the Manager for a portion of the compensation paid to the Trusts’ Chief Compliance Officer, which is included in Trustees and Officer in the Statements of Operations.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


Other Transactions: During the six months ended June 30, 2020, BSTZ received reimbursement of $25,547 from an affiliate, which is included in other income in the Statements of Operations, related to an operating event.

The Trusts may purchase securities from, or sell securities to, an affiliated fund provided the affiliation is due solely to having a common investment adviser, common officers, or common trustees. For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the purchase and sale transactions and any net realized gains (losses) with affiliated funds in compliance with Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act were as follows:


     Purchases      Sales     


Gain (Loss)



  $      $ 19,456      $ (9,222


    4,681,538        2,569,739        (1,814,360




For the six months ended June 30, 2020, purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities, were as follows:


     BGR      CII      BDJ      BOE      BGY  


  $ 102,172,182      $ 212,546,695      $ 545,387,372      $ 179,022,865      $ 149,826,627  


    103,907,336        257,171,695        606,937,497        202,746,646        (161,657,689


     BME      BMEZ      BCX      BST      BSTZ      BUI  


  $ 83,181,087      $ 2,368,924,940      $ 291,593,571      $ 94,926,836      $ 411,657,216      $ 97,832,210  


    75,613,996        164,262,238        327,322,991        107,591,089        507,124,358        99,510,179  




It is each Trust’s policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies, and to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders. Therefore, no U.S. federal income tax provision is required.

Each Trust files U.S. federal and various state and local tax returns. No income tax returns are currently under examination. The statute of limitations on each Trust’s U.S. federal tax returns generally remains open for each of the four years ended December 31, 2019 except for BSTZ and BMEZ. BSTZ remains open for the period ended December 31, 2019. The statutes of limitations on each Trust’s state and local tax returns may remain open for an additional year depending upon the jurisdiction.

Management has analyzed tax laws and regulations and their application to the Trusts as of June 30, 2020, inclusive of the open tax return years, and does not believe that there are any uncertain tax positions that require recognition of a tax liability in the Trusts’ financial statements.

As of December 31, 2019, the Funds had non-expiring capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized capital gains as follows:


     BGR      BOE      BGY      BCX      BSTZ  
    $ (185,729,928    $ (29,524,908    $ (27,853,009    $ (426,115,393    $ (16,443,625

As of June 30, 2020, gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation for investments and derivatives based on cost for U.S. federal income tax purposes were as follows:


     BGR     CII     BDJ     BOE     BGY  

Tax cost

  $ 308,789,793     $ 570,256,178     $ 1,418,818,095     $ 673,298,222     $ 571,440,789  
















Gross unrealized appreciation

  $ 4,904,478     $ 188,391,428     $ 245,184,309     $ 74,063,076     $ 73,621,260  

Gross unrealized depreciation

    (70,319,778     (38,370,595     (115,072,750     (51,944,619     (37,772,131
















Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

  $ (65,415,300   $ 150,020,833     $ 130,111,559     $ 22,118,457     $ 35,849,129  

















     BME     BMEZ     BCX     BST     BSTZ     BUI  

Tax cost

  $ 310,539,919     $ 2,215,454,567     $ 664,396,410     $ 386,735,846     $ 1,352,758,881     $ 283,528,081  



















Gross unrealized appreciation

  $ 171,820,524     $ 522,006,474     $ 94,538,498     $ 571,280,102     $ 726,812,587     $ 90,146,789  

Gross unrealized depreciation

    (5,322,104     (69,165,625     (95,468,261     (16,843,737     (36,643,853     (14,453,338



















Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)

  $ 166,498,420     $ 452,840,849     $ (929,763   $ 554,436,365     $ 690,168,734     $ 75,693,451  






















In the normal course of business, certain Trusts invest in securities or other instruments and may enter into certain transactions, and such activities subject each Trust to various risks, including among others, fluctuations in the market (market risk) or failure of an issuer to meet all of its obligations. The value of securities or other instruments may also be affected by various factors, including, without limitation: (i) the general economy; (ii) the overall market as well as local, regional or global political and/or social instability; (iii) regulation, taxation or international tax treaties between various countries; or (iv) currency, interest rate and price fluctuations. Local, regional





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, the spread of infectious illness or other public health issues, recessions, or other events could have a significant impact on the Trusts and its investments. BME’s, BST’s and BUI’s prospectuses provide details of the risks to which each Trust is subject.

The Trusts may be exposed to additional risks when reinvesting cash collateral in money market funds that do not seek to maintain a stable NAV per share of $1.00, which may be subject to redemption gates or liquidity fees under certain circumstances.

Each Trust may invest without limitation in illiquid or less liquid investments or investments in which no secondary market is readily available or which are otherwise illiquid, including private placement securities. A Trust may not be able to readily dispose of such investments at prices that approximate those at which a Trust could sell such investments if they were more widely traded and, as a result of such illiquidity, a Trust may have to sell other investments or engage in borrowing transactions if necessary to raise funds to meet its obligations. Limited liquidity can also affect the market price of investments, thereby adversely affecting a Trusts’ net asset value and ability to make dividend distributions. Privately issued debt securities are often of below investment grade quality, frequently are unrated and present many of the same risks as investing in below investment grade public debt securities.

Valuation Risk: The market values of equities, such as common stocks and preferred securities or equity related investments, such as futures and options, may decline due to general market conditions which are not specifically related to a particular company. They may also decline due to factors which affect a particular industry or industries. A Trust may invest in illiquid investments. An illiquid investment is any investment that a Trust reasonably expects cannot be sold or disposed of in current market conditions in seven calendar days or less without the sale or disposition significantly changing the market value of the investment. A Trust may experience difficulty in selling illiquid investments in a timely manner at the price that it believes the investments are worth. Prices may fluctuate widely over short or extended periods in response to company, market or economic news. Markets also tend to move in cycles, with periods of rising and falling prices. This volatility may cause each Trust’s NAV to experience significant increases or decreases over short periods of time. If there is a general decline in the securities and other markets, the NAV of a Trust may lose value, regardless of the individual results of the securities and other instruments in which a Trust invests.

The price a Trust could receive upon the sale of any particular portfolio investment may differ from a Trust’s valuation of the investment, particularly for securities that trade in thin or volatile markets or that are valued using a fair valuation technique or a price provided by an independent pricing service. Changes to significant unobservable inputs and assumptions (i.e., publicly traded company multiples, growth rate, time to exit) due to the lack of observable inputs may significantly impact the resulting fair value and therefore a Trust’s results of operations. As a result, the price received upon the sale of an investment may be less than the value ascribed by a Trust, and a Trust could realize a greater than expected loss or lesser than expected gain upon the sale of the investment. A Trust’s ability to value its investments may also be impacted by technological issues and/or errors by pricing services or other third party service providers.

An outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus has developed into a global pandemic and has resulted in closing borders, quarantines, disruptions to supply chains and customer activity, as well as general concern and uncertainty. The impact of this pandemic, and other global health crises that may arise in the future, could affect the economies of many nations, individual companies and the market in general in ways that cannot necessarily be foreseen at the present time. This pandemic may result in substantial market volatility and may adversely impact the prices and liquidity of a trust’s investments. The duration of this pandemic and its effects cannot be determined with certainty.

Counterparty Credit Risk: The Trusts may be exposed to counterparty credit risk, or the risk that an entity may fail to or be unable to perform on its commitments related to unsettled or open transactions. The Trusts manage counterparty credit risk by entering into transactions only with counterparties that the Manager believes have the financial resources to honor their obligations and by monitoring the financial stability of those counterparties. Financial assets, which potentially expose the Trusts to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks, consist principally of financial instruments and receivables due from counterparties. The extent of the Trusts’ exposure to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks with respect to these financial assets is approximately their value recorded in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, less any collateral held by the Trusts.

A derivative contract may suffer a mark-to-market loss if the value of the contract decreases due to an unfavorable change in the market rates or values of the underlying instrument. Losses can also occur if the counterparty does not perform under the contract.

A Trust’s risk of loss from counterparty credit risk on OTC derivatives is generally limited to the aggregate unrealized gain less the value of any collateral held by such Trust.

For OTC options purchased, each Trust bears the risk of loss in the amount of the premiums paid plus the positive change in market values net of any collateral held by the Trusts should the counterparty fail to perform under the contracts. Options written by the Trusts do not typically give rise to counterparty credit risk, as options written generally obligate the Trusts, and not the counterparty, to perform. The Trusts may be exposed to counterparty credit risk with respect to options written to the extent the Trusts deposit collateral with its counterparty to a written option.

With exchange-traded options purchased and futures, there is less counterparty credit risk to the Trusts since the exchange or clearinghouse, as counterparty to such instruments, guarantees against a possible default. The clearinghouse stands between the buyer and the seller of the contract; therefore, credit risk is limited to failure of the clearinghouse. While offset rights may exist under applicable law, a Trust does not have a contractual right of offset against a clearing broker or clearinghouse in the event of a default (including the bankruptcy or insolvency). Additionally, credit risk exists in exchange-traded futures with respect to initial and variation margin that is held in a clearing broker’s customer accounts. While clearing brokers are required to segregate customer margin from their own assets, in the event that a clearing broker becomes insolvent or goes into bankruptcy and at that time there is a shortfall in the aggregate amount of margin held by the clearing broker for all its clients, typically the shortfall would be allocated on a pro rata basis across all the clearing broker’s customers, potentially resulting in losses to the Trusts.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


Concentration Risk: As of period end, the Trusts listed below invested a significant portion of their assets in securities in the following sectors:




Energy .

    BGR, BCX  



Health Care

    BME, BMEZ  

Information Technology

    BST, BSTZ  





Changes in economic conditions affecting such sectors would have a greater impact on the Trusts and could affect the value, income and/or liquidity of positions in such securities.

Certain funds invest a substantial amount of their assets in issuers located in a single country or a limited number of countries. When the Trusts concentrate their investments in this manner, it assumes the risk that economic, political and social conditions in those countries may have a significant impact on their investment performance. Foreign issuers may not be subject to the same uniform accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards and practices as used in the United States. Foreign securities markets may also be more volatile and less liquid than U.S. securities and may be less subject to governmental supervision not typically associated with investing in U.S. securities. Investment percentages in specific countries are presented in the Schedules of Investments.

Certain funds invest a significant portion of their assets in securities of issuers located in Europe or with significant exposure to European issuers or countries. The European financial markets have recently experienced volatility and adverse trends due to concerns about economic downturns in, or rising government debt levels of, several European countries. These events may spread to other countries in Europe and may affect the value and liquidity of certain of the Trusts’ investments.

Responses to the financial problems by European governments, central banks and others, including austerity measures and reforms, may not work, may result in social unrest and may limit future growth and economic recovery or have other unintended consequences. Further defaults or restructurings by governments and others of their debt could have additional adverse effects on economies, financial markets and asset valuations around the world. In addition, the United Kingdom has withdrawn from the European Union, and one or more other countries may withdraw from the European Union and/or abandon the Euro, the common currency of the European Union. The impact of these actions, especially if they occur in a disorderly fashion, is not clear but could be significant and far reaching.




Each Trust is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares, with the exception of CII, all of which were initially classified as Common Shares. CII is authorized to issue 200 million Common Shares. The par value for each Trust’s Common Shares is $0.001, except for CII, which is $0.10. The Board is authorized, however, to reclassify any unissued Common Shares to Preferred Shares without the approval of Common Shareholders.

For the periods shown, shares issued and outstanding increased by the following amounts as a result of shares issued through the Shelf Offerings:



Six Months Ended



Year Ended




    653,948        969,840  


    1,254,673        304,272  


    303,401        349,552  

For the periods shown, shares issued and outstanding increased by the following amounts as a result of dividend reinvestment:



Six Months Ended



Year Ended




    15,757        46,035  


    26,121        150,491  




    25,365        75,584  

For the six months ended June 30, 2020 and year ended December 31, 2019, for BGR, CII and BDJ shares issued and outstanding remained constant.

Shares of BMEZ issued and outstanding for the period January 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020, increased by 105,000,000 from the Trust’s initial public offering and 7,664,825 from the underwriters’ overallotment option. As of June 30, 2020, BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., an affiliate of BMEZ, owned 5,000 shares of BMEZ.

BME, BST and BUI have each filed a prospectus with the SEC allowing it to issue an additional 5,000,000, 12,067,384 and 4,347,047 Common Shares, respectively, through an equity Shelf Offering. Under the Shelf Offerings, BME, BST and BUI, subject to market conditions, may raise additional equity capital from time to time in varying amounts and utilizing various offering methods at a net price at or above each Fund’s NAV per Common Share (calculated within 48 hours of pricing). As of period end, 3,859,813, 11,441,055 and 4,347,047 Common Shares, respectively, remain available for issuance under the Shelf Offerings. See Additional Information — Shelf Offering Program for additional information about the Shelf Offerings.

Initial costs incurred by each of BME, BST and BUI in connection with its Shelf Offering are recorded as “Deferred offering cost” in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. As shares are sold, a portion of the costs attributable to the shares sold will be charged against paid-in-capital. Any remaining deferred charges at the end of the shelf offering period will be charged to expense. Any subsequent costs incurred to keep the filing active will be charged to expense as incurred.





Notes to Financial Statements  (unaudited) (continued)


The Trusts (other than BSTZ and BMEZ) participate in an open market share repurchase program (the “Repurchase Program”). From December 1, 2018 through November 30, 2019, the Trusts (other than BSTZ and BMEZ) were permitted to repurchase up to 5% of their outstanding common shares under the Repurchase Program, based on common shares outstanding as of the close of business on November 30, 2018, subject to certain conditions. From December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020, the Trusts (other than BSTZ and BMEZ) may repurchase up to 5% of their outstanding common shares under the Repurchase Program, based on common shares outstanding as of the close of business on November 30, 2019, subject to certain conditions. There is no assurance that the Trusts will purchase shares in any particular amounts.

The total cost of the shares repurchased is reflected in the Trusts’ Statements of Changes in Net Assets. For the periods shown, shares repurchased and cost, including transaction costs, were as follows:


BOE   Shares      Amount  

June 30, 2020

    601,070      $ 5,488,353  

December 31, 2019

    2,600,735        27,037,545  
BGY   Shares      Amount  

June 30, 2020

    714,993      $ 3,555,237  

December 31, 2019

    2,027,081        11,037,544  
BCX   Shares      Amount  

June 30, 2020

    984,789      $ 5,713,680  

December 31, 2019

    3,485,024        27,004,375  




Management’s evaluation of the impact of all subsequent events on the Trusts’ financial statements was completed through the date the financial statements were issued and the following items were noted:

The Trusts declared and paid distributions to Common Shareholders as follows:


     Common Dividend
Per Share
     Paid (a)      Declared (b)  


  $ 0.047000      $ 0.047000  


    0.087500        0.087500  


    0.050000        0.050000  


    0.063000        0.063000  


    0.200000        0.200000  


    0.100000        0.100000  


    0.033800        0.033800  


    0.040000        0.040000  


    0.165500        0.165500  


    0.100000        0.100000  


    0.121000        0.121000  



Net investment income dividend paid on July 31, 2020 to Common Shareholders of record on July 15, 2020.


Net investment income dividend declared on August 3, 2020, payable to Common Shareholders of record on August 14, 2020.






Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreements and Sub-Advisory Agreements


The Boards of Directors/Trustees, as applicable (collectively, the “Board,” the members of which are referred to as “Board Members”) of BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (“BGR”), BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund, Inc. (“CII”), BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (“BDJ”), BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (“BOE”), BlackRock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (“BGY”), BlackRock Health Sciences Trust (“BME”), BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (“BCX”), BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (“BST”), BlackRock Utilities, Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (“BUI”) and BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (“BSTZ” and together with BGR, CII, BDJ, BOE, BGY, BME, BCX, BST and BUI, the “Funds” and each, a “Fund”) met on April 16, 2020 (the “April Meeting”) and May 20-21, 2020 (the “May Meeting”) to consider the approval of the investment advisory agreements (the “Advisory Agreements”) between each Fund and BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”), each Fund’s investment advisor. The Board of each of BGR, BOE, BGY BCX and BUI also considered the approval of the sub-advisory agreements (the “Sub-Advisory Agreements”) between the Manager, BlackRock International Limited (the “Sub-Advisor”) and each of BGR, BOE, BGY BCX and BUI. The Manager and the Sub-Advisor are referred to herein as “BlackRock.” The Advisory Agreements and the Sub-Advisory Agreements are referred to herein as the “Agreements.”

Activities and Composition of the Board

On the date of the May Meeting, the Board consisted of ten individuals, eight of whom were not “interested persons” of each Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (the “Independent Board Members”). The Board Members are responsible for the oversight of the operations of each Fund and perform the various duties imposed on the directors of investment companies by the 1940 Act. The Independent Board Members have retained independent legal counsel to assist them in connection with their duties. The Co-Chairs of the Board are Independent Board Members. The Board has established five standing committees: an Audit Committee, a Governance and Nominating Committee, a Compliance Committee, a Performance Oversight Committee and an Executive Committee, each of which is chaired by an Independent Board Member and composed of Independent Board Members (except for the Executive Committee, which also has one interested Board Member).

The Agreements

Consistent with the requirements of the 1940 Act, the Board considers the continuation of the Agreements on an annual basis. The Board has four quarterly meetings per year, each typically extending for two days, and additional in-person and telephonic meetings throughout the year, as needed. While the Board also has a fifth one-day meeting to consider specific information surrounding the renewal of the Agreements, the Board’s consideration entails a year-long deliberative process whereby the Board and its committees assess BlackRock’s services to each Fund. In particular, the Board assessed, among other things, the nature, extent and quality of the services provided to each Fund by BlackRock, BlackRock’s personnel and affiliates, including (as applicable): investment management services; accounting oversight; administrative and shareholder services; oversight of each Fund’s service providers; risk management and oversight; and legal, regulatory and compliance services. Throughout the year, including during the contract renewal process, the Independent Board Members were advised by independent legal counsel, and met with independent legal counsel in various executive sessions outside of the presence of BlackRock’s management.

During the year, the Board, acting directly and through its committees, considers information that is relevant to its annual consideration of the renewal of the Agreements, including the services and support provided by BlackRock to each Fund and its shareholders. BlackRock also furnished additional information to the Board in response to specific questions from the Board. This additional information is discussed further in the section titled “Board Considerations in Approving the Agreements.” Among the matters the Board considered were: (a) investment performance for one-year, three-year, five-year, and/or since inception periods, as applicable, against peer funds, applicable benchmarks, and other performance metrics, as applicable, as well as BlackRock senior management’s and portfolio managers’ analyses of the reasons for any outperformance or underperformance relative to its peers, benchmarks, and other performance metrics, as applicable; (b) leverage management, as applicable; (c) fees, including advisory, administration, if applicable, and other amounts paid to BlackRock and its affiliates by each Fund for services; (d) Fund operating expenses and how BlackRock allocates expenses to each Fund; (e) the resources devoted to risk oversight of, and compliance reports relating to, implementation of each Fund’s investment objective, policies and restrictions, and meeting regulatory requirements; (f) BlackRock’s and each Fund’s adherence to applicable compliance policies and procedures; (g) the nature, character and scope of non-investment management services provided by BlackRock and its affiliates and the estimated cost of such services; (h) BlackRock’s and other service providers’ internal controls and risk and compliance oversight mechanisms; (i) BlackRock’s implementation of the proxy voting policies approved by the Board; (j) the use of brokerage commissions and execution quality of portfolio transactions; (k) BlackRock’s implementation of each Fund’s valuation and liquidity procedures; (l) an analysis of management fees for products with similar investment mandates across the open-end fund, closed-end fund, sub-advised mutual fund, collective investment trust and institutional separate account product channels, as applicable, and the similarities and differences between these products and the services provided as compared to each Fund; (m) BlackRock’s compensation methodology for its investment professionals and the incentives and accountability it creates, along with investment professionals’ investments in the fund(s) they manage; (n) periodic updates on BlackRock’s business; and (o) each Fund’s market discount/premium compared to peer funds.

Board Considerations in Approving the Agreements

The Approval Process: Prior to the April Meeting, the Board requested and received materials specifically relating to the Agreements. The Independent Board Members are continuously engaged in a process with their independent legal counsel and BlackRock to review the nature and scope of the information provided to the Board to better assist its deliberations. The materials provided in connection with the April Meeting included, among other things: (a) information independently compiled and prepared by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), based on Lipper classifications, regarding each Fund’s fees and expenses as compared with a peer group of funds as determined by Broadridge (“Expense Peers”) and the investment performance of each Fund as compared with a peer group of funds (“Performance Peers”); (b) information on the composition of the Expense Peers and Performance Peers and a description of Broadridge’s methodology; (c) information on the estimated profits realized by BlackRock and its affiliates pursuant to the Agreements and a discussion of fall-out benefits to BlackRock and its affiliates; (d) a general analysis provided by BlackRock concerning investment management fees received in connection with other types of investment products, such as institutional accounts, sub-advised mutual funds, closed-end funds, and open-end funds, under similar investment mandates, as applicable; (e) a review of non-management fees; (f) the existence, impact and sharing of potential economies of scale, if any, with each Fund; (g) a summary of aggregate amounts paid by each Fund to BlackRock; and (h) various additional information requested by the Board as appropriate regarding BlackRock’s and each Fund’s operations.





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreements and Sub-Advisory Agreements  (continued)


At the April Meeting, the Board reviewed materials relating to its consideration of the Agreements. As a result of the discussions that occurred during the April Meeting, and as a culmination of the Board’s year-long deliberative process, the Board presented BlackRock with questions and requests for additional information. BlackRock responded to these questions and requests with additional written information in advance of the May Meeting. Topics covered included: (a) the methodology for measuring estimated fund profitability; (b) fund expenses and potential fee waivers; (c) differences in services provided and management fees between closed-end funds and other product channels; and (d) BlackRock’s option overwrite strategy.

At the May Meeting, the Board concluded its assessment of, among other things: (a) the nature, extent and quality of the services provided by BlackRock; (b) the investment performance of each Fund as compared to its Performance Peers and to other metrics, as applicable; (c) the advisory fee and the estimated cost of the services and estimated profits realized by BlackRock and its affiliates from their relationship with each Fund; (d) each Fund’s fees and expenses compared to its Expense Peers; (e) the existence and sharing of potential economies of scale; (f) any fall-out benefits to BlackRock and its affiliates as a result of BlackRock’s relationship with each Fund; and (g) other factors deemed relevant by the Board Members.

The Board also considered other matters it deemed important to the approval process, such as other payments made to BlackRock or its affiliates relating to securities lending and cash management, and BlackRock’s services related to the valuation and pricing of Fund portfolio holdings. The Board noted the willingness of BlackRock’s personnel to engage in open, candid discussions with the Board. The Board did not identify any particular information as determinative, and each Board Member may have attributed different weights to the various items considered.

A. Nature, Extent and Quality of the Services Provided by BlackRock: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, reviewed the nature, extent and quality of services provided by BlackRock, including the investment advisory services, and the resulting performance of each Fund. Throughout the year, the Board compared Fund performance to the performance of a comparable group of closed-end funds, relevant benchmarks, and performance metrics, as applicable. The Board met with BlackRock’s senior management personnel responsible for investment activities, including the senior investment officers. The Board also reviewed the materials provided by each Fund’s portfolio management team discussing each Fund’s performance, investment strategies and outlook.

The Board considered, among other factors, with respect to BlackRock: the number, education and experience of investment personnel generally and each Fund’s portfolio management team; research capabilities; investments by portfolio managers in the funds they manage; portfolio trading capabilities; use of technology; commitment to compliance; credit analysis capabilities; risk analysis and oversight capabilities; and the approach to training and retaining portfolio managers and other research, advisory and management personnel. The Board also considered BlackRock’s overall risk management program, including the continued efforts of BlackRock and its affiliates to address cybersecurity risks and the role of BlackRock’s Risk & Quantitative Analysis Group. The Board engaged in a review of BlackRock’s compensation structure with respect to each Fund’s portfolio management team and BlackRock’s ability to attract and retain high-quality talent and create performance incentives.

In addition to investment advisory services, the Board considered the nature and quality of the administrative and other non-investment advisory services provided to each Fund. BlackRock and its affiliates provide each Fund with certain administrative, shareholder and other services (in addition to any such services provided to each Fund by third-parties) and officers and other personnel as are necessary for the operations of each Fund. In particular, BlackRock and its affiliates provide each Fund with administrative services including, among others: (i) responsibility for disclosure documents, such as the prospectus and the statement of additional information in connection with the initial public offering, registration statements in connection with BME, BUI and BST’s equity shelf program and periodic shareholder reports; (ii) preparing communications with analysts to support secondary market trading of each Fund; (iii) oversight of daily accounting and pricing; (iv) responsibility for periodic filings with regulators and stock exchanges; (v) overseeing and coordinating the activities of third-party service providers including, among others, each Fund’s custodian, fund accountant, transfer agent, and auditor; (vi) organizing Board meetings and preparing the materials for such Board meetings; (vii) providing legal and compliance support; (viii) furnishing analytical and other support to assist the Board in its consideration of strategic issues such as the merger, consolidation or repurposing of certain closed-end funds; and (ix) performing or managing administrative functions necessary for the operation of each Fund, such as tax reporting, expense management, fulfilling regulatory filing requirements, and shareholder call center and other services. The Board reviewed the structure and duties of BlackRock’s fund administration, shareholder services, and legal & compliance departments and considered BlackRock’s policies and procedures for assuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

B. The Investment Performance of each Fund and BlackRock: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, also reviewed and considered the performance history of each Fund. In preparation for the April Meeting, the Board was provided with reports independently prepared by Broadridge, which included an analysis of each Fund’s performance as of December 31, 2019, as compared to its Performance Peers. The performance information is based on net asset value (NAV), and utilizes Lipper data. Lipper’s methodology calculates a fund’s total return assuming distributions are reinvested on the ex-date at a fund’s ex-date NAV. Broadridge ranks funds in quartiles, ranging from first to fourth, where first is the most desirable quartile position and fourth is the least desirable. In connection with its review, the Board received and reviewed information regarding the investment performance of each Fund as compared to its Performance Peers and certain performance metrics including Fund return, Sharpe Ratio, stability of distribution, and yield (“Performance Metrics”). The Board and its Performance Oversight Committee regularly review and meet with Fund management to discuss the performance of each Fund throughout the year.

In evaluating performance, the Board focused particular attention on funds with less favorable performance records. The Board also noted that while it found the data provided by Broadridge generally useful, it recognized the limitations of such data, including in particular, that notable differences may exist between a fund and its Performance Peers (for example, the investment objectives and strategies). Further, the Board recognized that the performance data reflects a snapshot of a period as of a particular date and that selecting a different performance period could produce significantly different results. The Board also acknowledged that long-term performance could be impacted by even one period of significant outperformance or underperformance, and that a single investment theme could have the ability to disproportionately affect long-term performance.

The Board reviewed and considered BGR’s performance relative to BGR’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BGR generally performed in line with expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BGR, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreements and Sub-Advisory Agreements  (continued)


The Board reviewed and considered CII’s performance relative to CII’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, CII generally performed in line with expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for CII, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BDJ’s performance relative to BDJ’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BDJ generally performed above expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BDJ, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BOE’s performance relative to BOE’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BOE generally performed below expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BOE, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board. The Board and BlackRock reviewed BOE’s underperformance relative to the Performance Metrics.

The Board reviewed and considered BGY’s performance relative to BGY’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BGY generally performed in line with expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BGY, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BME’s performance relative to BME’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BME generally performed above expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BME, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BCX’s performance relative to BCX’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BCX generally performed in line with expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BCX, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BST’s performance relative to BST’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance Metrics, BST generally performed above expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BST, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BUI’s performance relative to BUI’s Performance Metrics. Based on an overall rating relative to the Performance metrics, BUI generally performed in line with expectations. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BUI, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

The Board reviewed and considered BSTZ’s performance relative to BSTZ’s Performance Metrics over the since-inception period. The Board noted that BlackRock believes that the Performance Metrics are an appropriate performance comparison for BSTZ, and that BlackRock has explained its rationale for this belief to the Board.

C. Consideration of the Advisory/Management Fees and the Estimated Cost of the Services and Estimated Profits Realized by BlackRock and its Affiliates from their Relationship with each Fund: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, reviewed each Fund’s contractual management fee rate compared with those of its Expense Peers. The contractual management fee rate represents a combination of the advisory fee and any administrative fees, before taking into account any reimbursements or fee waivers. The Board also compared each Fund’s total expense ratio, as well as its actual management fee rate as a percentage of managed assets, which is the total assets of each Fund (including any assets attributable to money borrowed for investment purposes) minus the sum of each Fund’s accrued liabilities (other than money borrowed for investment purposes) to those of its Expense Peers. The total expense ratio represents a fund’s total net operating expenses, excluding any investment related expenses. The total expense ratio gives effect to any expense reimbursements or fee waivers, and the actual management fee rate gives effect to any management fee reimbursements or waivers. The Board considered the services provided and the fees charged by BlackRock and its affiliates to other types of clients with similar investment mandates, as applicable, including institutional accounts and sub-advised mutual funds (including mutual funds sponsored by third parties).

The Board received and reviewed statements relating to BlackRock’s financial condition. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s profitability methodology and was also provided with an estimated profitability analysis that detailed the revenues earned and the expenses incurred by BlackRock for services provided to each Fund. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s estimated profitability with respect to each Fund and other funds the Board currently oversees for the year ended December 31, 2019 compared to available aggregate estimated profitability data provided for the prior two years. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s estimated profitability with respect to certain other U.S. fund complexes managed by the Manager and/or its affiliates. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s assumptions and methodology of allocating expenses in the estimated profitability analysis, noting the inherent limitations in allocating costs among various advisory products. The Board recognized that profitability may be affected by numerous factors including, among other things, fee waivers and expense reimbursements by the Manager, the types of funds managed, precision of expense allocations and business mix. The Board thus recognized that calculating and comparing profitability at the individual fund level is difficult.

The Board noted that, in general, individual fund or product line profitability of other advisors is not publicly available. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s overall operating margin, in general, compared to that of certain other publicly traded asset management firms. The Board considered the differences between BlackRock and these other firms, including the contribution of technology at BlackRock, BlackRock’s expense management, and the relative product mix.

The Board considered whether BlackRock has the financial resources necessary to attract and retain high quality investment management personnel to perform its obligations under the Agreements and to continue to provide the high quality of services that is expected by the Board. The Board further considered factors including but not limited to BlackRock’s commitment of time, assumption of risk, and liability profile in servicing each Fund, including in contrast to what is required of BlackRock with respect to other products with similar investment mandates across the open-end fund, closed-end fund, sub-advised mutual fund, collective investment trust, and institutional separate account product channels, as applicable.





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreements and Sub-Advisory Agreements  (continued)


The Board noted that BGR’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the third quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile, relative to the Expense Peers. In addition, the Board noted that BlackRock had agreed to voluntarily waive a portion of the advisory fee payable by BGR. An advisory fee waiver has been in effect since 2015, the amount of which may have varied from time to time. After discussions between the Board, including Independent Board Members, and BlackRock, the Board and BlackRock agreed to a continuation of the current 22 basis points voluntary advisory fee waiver.

The Board noted that CII’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the first quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile, relative to the Expense Peers.

The Board noted that BDJ’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the first quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile, relative to the Expense Peers.

The Board noted that BOE’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the second quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile, relative to the Expense Peers. In addition, the Board noted that BlackRock had agreed to voluntarily waive a portion of the advisory fee payable by BOE. An advisory fee waiver has been in effect since 2015, the amount of which may have varied from time to time. After discussion between the Board, including the Independent Board Members, and BlackRock, the Board and BlackRock agreed to a continuation of the current 17.5 basis points voluntary advisory fee waiver.

The Board noted that BGY’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the second quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile, relative to the Expense Peers. The Board also noted that BlackRock had agreed to voluntarily waive a portion of the advisory fee payable by BGY. An advisory fee waiver has been in effect since 2013, the amount of which may have varied from time to time. After discussions between the Board, including Independent Board Members, and BlackRock, the Board and BlackRock agreed to a continuation of the current 10 basis points voluntary advisory fee waiver.

The Board noted that BME’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the first quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile relative to the Expense Peers.

The Board noted that BCX’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the first quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile relative to the Expense Peers.

The Board noted that BST’s contractual management fee rate ranked second out of four funds, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile relative to the Expense Peers. The Board also noted that, in connection with BST’s launch, BlackRock has contractually agreed to waive a portion of the advisory fee payable by BST through December 31, 2021. The contractual advisory fee waiver is 15 basis points through December 31, 2019, will be 10 basis points through December 31, 2020, and then will be 5 basis points through December 31, 2021.

The Board noted that BUI’s contractual management fee rate ranked in the second quartile, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the first quartile, relative to the Expense Peers. The Board also noted that BlackRock had agreed to voluntarily waive a portion of the advisory fee payable by BUI. An advisory fee waiver has been in effect since 2017, the amount of which may have varied from time to time. After discussion between the Board, including the Independent Board Members, and BlackRock, the Board and BlackRock agreed to a continuation of the current 2.5 basis points voluntary advisory fee waiver.

The Board noted that BSTZ’s contractual management fee rate ranked third out of four funds, and that the actual management fee rate and total expense ratio each ranked in the second quartile relative to the Expense Peers.

D. Economies of Scale: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, considered the extent to which economies of scale might be realized as the assets of each Fund increase. The Board also considered the extent to which each Fund benefits from such economies of scale in a variety of ways, and whether there should be changes in the advisory fee rate or breakpoint structure in order to enable each Fund to more fully participate in these economies of scale. The Board considered each Fund’s asset levels and whether the current fee was appropriate.

Based on the Board’s review and consideration of the issue, the Board concluded that most closed-end funds do not have fund level breakpoints because closed-end funds generally do not experience substantial growth after the initial public offering. Closed-end funds are typically priced at scale at a fund’s inception. The Board noted that although BME, BUI and BST may from time-to-time make additional share offerings pursuant to its equity shelf program, the growth of BME, BUI and BST’s assets will occur primarily through the appreciation of its investment portfolio.

E. Other Factors Deemed Relevant by the Board Members: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, also took into account other ancillary or “fall-out” benefits that BlackRock or its affiliates may derive from BlackRock’s respective relationships with each Fund, both tangible and intangible, such as BlackRock’s ability to leverage its investment professionals who manage other portfolios and its risk management personnel, an increase in BlackRock’s profile in the investment advisory community, and the engagement of BlackRock’s affiliates as service providers to each Fund, including for administrative, securities lending and cash management services. The Board also considered BlackRock’s overall operations and its efforts to expand the scale of, and improve the quality of, its operations. The Board also noted that, subject to applicable law, BlackRock may use and benefit from third-party research obtained by soft dollars generated by certain registered fund transactions to assist in managing all or a number of its other client accounts.

In connection with its consideration of the Agreements, the Board also received information regarding BlackRock’s brokerage and soft dollar practices. The Board received reports from BlackRock which included information on brokerage commissions and trade execution practices throughout the year.

The Board noted the competitive nature of the closed-end fund marketplace, and that shareholders are able to sell their Fund shares in the secondary market if they believe that each Fund’s fees and expenses are too high or if they are dissatisfied with the performance of each Fund.

The Board also considered the various notable initiatives and projects BlackRock performed in connection with its closed-end fund product line. These initiatives included developing equity shelf programs; efforts to eliminate product overlap with fund mergers; ongoing services to manage leverage that has become increasingly complex;





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreements and Sub-Advisory Agreements  (continued)


periodic evaluation of share repurchases and other support initiatives for certain BlackRock funds; and continued communication efforts with shareholders, fund analysts and financial advisers. With respect to the latter, the Independent Board Members noted BlackRock’s continued commitment to supporting the secondary market for the common shares of its closed-end funds through a comprehensive secondary market communication program designed to raise investor and analyst awareness and understanding of closed-end funds. BlackRock’s support services included, among other things: sponsoring and participating in conferences; communicating with closed-end fund analysts covering the BlackRock funds throughout the year; providing marketing and product updates for the closed-end funds; and maintaining and enhancing its closed-end fund website.


The Board, including the Independent Board Members, unanimously approved the continuation of the Advisory Agreements between the Manager and each Fund for a one-year term ending June 30, 2021, and the Sub-Advisory Agreements among the Manager, the Sub-Advisors and each of BGR, BOE, BGY BCX and BUI for a one-year term ending June 30, 2021. Based upon its evaluation of all of the aforementioned factors in their totality, as well as other information, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, was satisfied that the terms of the Agreements were fair and reasonable and in the best interest of each Fund and its shareholders. In arriving at its decision to approve the Agreements, the Board did not identify any single factor or group of factors as all-important or controlling, but considered all factors together, and different Board Members may have attributed different weights to the various factors considered. The Independent Board Members were also assisted by the advice of independent legal counsel in making this determination.





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreement


The Board of Trustees (the “Board,” the members of which are referred to as “Board Members”) of BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (the “Fund”) met in person on September 5, 2019 (the “Meeting”) to consider the approval of the proposed investment advisory agreement (the “Advisory Agreement” or the “Agreement”) between the Fund and BlackRock Advisors, LLC (the “Manager” or “BlackRock”), the Fund’s investment advisor.

Activities and Composition of the Board

On the date of the Meeting, a majority of the Board Members were not “interested persons” of the Fund as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (the “Independent Board Members”). The Board Members are responsible for the oversight of the operations of the Fund and perform the various duties imposed on the directors of investment companies by the 1940 Act. The Independent Board Members have retained independent legal counsel to assist them in connection with their duties. The Co-Chairs of the Board are Independent Board Members. The Board has established five standing committees: an Audit Committee, a Governance and Nominating Committee, a Compliance Committee, a Performance Oversight Committee and an Executive Committee, each of which is chaired by an Independent Board Member and composed of Independent Board Members (except for the Executive Committee, which also has one interested Board Member).

The Agreement

Pursuant to the 1940 Act, the Board is required to consider the initial approval of the Agreement. In connection with this process, the Board assessed, among other things, the nature, extent and quality of the services to be provided to the Fund by BlackRock, BlackRock’s personnel and affiliates, including (as applicable): investment management; accounting, administrative and shareholder services; oversight of the Fund’s service providers; marketing; risk management and oversight; legal and compliance services; and ability to meet applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Board Considerations in Approving the Agreement

The Approval Process: At the Meeting, the Board reviewed materials relating to its consideration of the Agreement. The Board considered all factors it believed relevant with respect to the Fund, including, among other factors: (a) the nature, extent and quality of the services to be provided by BlackRock; (b) the investment performance of BlackRock portfolio management; (c) the advisory fee and the estimated cost of the services to be provided and profits to be realized by BlackRock and its affiliates from their relationship with the Fund; (d) the sharing of potential economies of scale; (e) potential fall-out benefits to BlackRock and its affiliates as a result of its relationship with the Fund; (f) the policies and practices of BlackRock with respect to portfolio transactions for the Fund; and (g) other factors deemed relevant by the Board Members.

In determining whether to approve the Agreement, the Board met with the relevant investment advisory personnel from BlackRock and considered all information it deemed reasonably necessary to evaluate the terms of the Agreement. The Board received materials in advance of the Meeting relating to its consideration of the Agreement, including, among other things, (a) fees and estimated expense ratios of the Fund in comparison to the fees and expense ratios of a peer group of funds as determined by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”) and other metrics, as applicable; (b) information on the composition of the peer group of funds and a description of Broadridge’s methodology; (c) information regarding BlackRock’s economic outlook for the Fund and its general investment outlook for the markets; (d) information regarding fees paid to service providers that are affiliates of BlackRock; and (e) information outlining the legal duties of the Board under the 1940 Act with respect to the consideration and approval of the Agreement. The Board also noted information received at prior Board meetings concerning compliance records and regulatory matters relating to BlackRock.

The Board also considered other matters it deemed important to the approval process, such as other payments to be made to BlackRock or its affiliates relating to securities lending and cash management, services related to the valuation and pricing of Fund portfolio holdings, and advice from independent legal counsel with respect to the review process and materials submitted for the Board’s review. The Board noted the willingness of BlackRock personnel to engage in open, candid discussions with the Board. The Board did not identify any particular information as determinative, and each Board Member may have attributed different weights to the various items considered.

A. Nature, Extent and Quality of the Services to be Provided by BlackRock: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, reviewed the nature, extent and quality of services to be provided by BlackRock, including the investment advisory services to be provided to the Fund. The Board received information concerning the investment philosophy and investment process to be used by BlackRock in managing the Fund, as well as a description of the capabilities, personnel and services of BlackRock. In connection with this review, the Board considered BlackRock’s in-house research capabilities as well as other resources available to its personnel. The Board considered the scope of the services to be provided by BlackRock to the Fund under the Agreement relative to services typically provided by third parties to other funds. The Board noted that the standard of care applicable under the Agreement was comparable to that found generally in investment company advisory agreements. The Board concluded that the scope of BlackRock’s services to be provided to the Fund was consistent with the Fund’s operational requirements, including, in addition to seeking to meet its investment objective, compliance with investment restrictions, tax and reporting requirements and related shareholder services.

The Board, including the Independent Board Members, also considered the quality of the administrative and other non-investment advisory services to be provided by BlackRock and its affiliates to the Fund. The Board evaluated the procedures of BlackRock designed to fulfill its fiduciary duty to the Fund with respect to possible conflicts of interest, including BlackRock’s code of ethics (regulating the personal trading of BlackRock’s officers and employees), the procedures by which BlackRock allocates trades among its various investment advisory clients, the integrity of the systems in place to ensure compliance with the foregoing and the record of BlackRock in these matters. The Board also noted information received at prior Board meetings concerning the standards of BlackRock with respect to the execution of portfolio transactions.

The Board, including the Independent Board Members, considered, among other factors, with respect to BlackRock: the number, education and experience of investment personnel generally and the Fund’s portfolio management team; BlackRock’s research capabilities; investments by portfolio managers in the funds they manage; portfolio trading capabilities; use of technology; commitment to compliance; credit analysis capabilities; risk analysis and oversight capabilities; and the approach to training and retaining portfolio managers and other research, advisory and management personnel. The Board also considered BlackRock’s overall risk management program, including the continued efforts of BlackRock and its affiliates to address cybersecurity risks and the role of BlackRock’s Risk & Quantitative Analysis Group. The Board





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreement  (continued)


engaged in a review of BlackRock’s compensation structure with respect to the Fund’s portfolio management team and BlackRock’s ability to attract and retain high-quality talent and create performance incentives. The Board also considered the business reputation of BlackRock and its financial resources and concluded that BlackRock would be able to meet any reasonably foreseeable obligation under the Agreement.

In addition to investment advisory services, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, considered the quality of the administrative and other non-investment advisory services to be provided by BlackRock and its affiliates to the Fund. The Board noted that BlackRock and its affiliates will provide the Fund with certain administrative, shareholder and other services (in addition to any such services provided to the Fund by third parties) and officers and other personnel as are necessary for the operations of the Fund. In particular, the Board noted that BlackRock and its affiliates will provide the Fund with administrative services including, among others: (i) responsibility for disclosure documents, such as the prospectus and the statement of additional information in connection with the initial public offering and periodic shareholder reports; (ii) preparing communications with analysts to support secondary market trading of the Fund; (iii) oversight of daily accounting and pricing; (iv) responsibility for periodic filings with regulators and stock exchanges; (v) overseeing and coordinating the activities of other service providers including, among others, the Fund’s custodian, fund accountant, transfer agent, and auditor; (vi) organizing Board meetings and preparing the materials for such Board meetings; (vii) providing legal and compliance support; (viii) furnishing analytical and other support to assist the Board in its consideration of strategic issues such as the merger, consolidation or repurposing of certain closed-end funds; and (ix) performing administrative functions necessary for the operation of the Fund, such as tax reporting, expense management, fulfilling regulatory filing requirements and shareholder call center and other services. The Board reviewed the structure and duties of BlackRock’s fund administration, shareholder services, and legal & compliance departments and considered BlackRock’s policies and procedures for assuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

B. The Investment Performance of the Fund and BlackRock: In their capacity as members of the boards of directors or trustees of certain other BlackRock-advised funds, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, previously received and considered information about BlackRock’s investment performance for other funds. The Board, however, could not consider the performance history of the Fund because the Fund was not yet organized and had not yet commenced operations as of the date of the Meeting.

C. Consideration of the Advisory/Management Fees and the Estimated Cost of the Services to be Provided and Estimated Profits to be Realized by BlackRock and its Affiliates from their Relationship with the Fund: In connection with the initial approval of the Agreement, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, reviewed the Fund’s proposed contractual management fee rate compared with the other funds in its Broadridge category. The contractual management fee rate represents a combination of the advisory fee and any administrative fees, before taking into account any reimbursements or fee waivers. In addition, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, considered the Fund’s estimated total net expense ratio, as well as the actual management fee rate as a percentage of total assets, to those of other funds in its Broadridge category. The estimated total expense ratio represents a fund’s total net operating expenses, excluding any investment related expenses. The estimated total expense ratio gives effect to any expense reimbursements or fee waivers that benefit a fund, and the actual management fee rate gives effect to any management fee reimbursements or waivers that benefit a fund. The Board considered the services provided and the fees charged by BlackRock and its affiliates to other types of clients with similar investment mandates, as applicable, including institutional separate accounts and sub-advised mutual funds (including mutual funds sponsored by third parties).

The Board noted that it had previously received and reviewed statements relating to BlackRock’s financial condition in connection with their duties as trustees or directors of other funds in the BlackRock family of closed-end funds. The Board had previously reviewed BlackRock’s profitability methodology and was also provided with an estimated profitability analysis that detailed the revenues earned and the expenses incurred by BlackRock for services provided to the Fund. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s estimated profitability with respect to other funds the Board oversees for the year ended December 31, 2018 compared to available aggregate estimated profitability data provided for the prior two years. The Board acknowledged the Manager’s representation that it expected the Fund’s costs of services and profitability to be broadly in line with those of other similar funds managed by the Manager. The Board then noted its previous review of BlackRock’s estimated profitability with respect to certain other U.S. fund complexes managed by the Manager and/or its affiliates. The Board reviewed BlackRock’s assumptions and methodology of allocating expenses in the estimated profitability analysis, noting the inherent limitations in allocating costs among various advisory products. The Board recognized that profitability may be affected by numerous factors including, among other things, fee waivers and expense reimbursements by the Manager, the types of funds managed, precision of expense allocations and business mix. The Board noted that, as a result, calculating and comparing profitability at the individual fund level is difficult.

The Board noted that, in general, individual fund or product line profitability of other advisors is not publicly available. The Board then noted its previous review, as described above, of BlackRock’s overall operating margin, in general, compared to that of certain other publicly-traded asset management firms. The Board reviewed its previous consideration of the differences between BlackRock and these other firms, including the contribution of technology at BlackRock, BlackRock’s expense management, and the relative product mix.

The Board considered whether BlackRock has the financial resources necessary to attract and retain high quality investment management personnel to perform its obligations under the Agreements and to provide the high quality of services that is expected by the Board. The Board further considered factors including but not limited to BlackRock’s commitment of time, assumption of risk, and liability profile in servicing the Fund in contrast to what is required of BlackRock with respect to other products with similar investment mandates across the open-end fund, closed-end fund, sub-advised mutual fund, collective investment trust and institutional separate account product channels, as applicable.

The Board noted that the Fund’s contractual management fee rate ranked third out of four funds and the Fund’s estimated actual management fee rate and estimated total expense ratio each ranked in the second quartile relative to the Fund’s peers.

Following consideration of this information, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, concluded that the fees to be paid pursuant to the Agreement were fair and reasonable in light of the services to be provided.

As the Fund has not commenced operations as of the date of the Meeting, BlackRock was not able to provide the Board with specific information concerning the expected profits to be realized by BlackRock and its affiliates from their relationships with the Fund. BlackRock, however, will provide the Board with such information at future meetings.





Disclosure of Investment Advisory Agreement  (continued)


D. Economies of Scale: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, considered the extent to which economies of scale might be realized as the assets of the Fund increase. The Board also considered the extent to which the Fund may benefit from such economies in a variety of ways, and whether there should be changes in the advisory fee rate or breakpoint structure in order to enable the Fund to more fully participate in these economies of scale.

Based on the Board’s review and consideration of the issue, the Board concluded that most closed-end funds do not have fund level breakpoints because closed-end funds generally do not experience substantial growth after the initial public offering. They are typically priced at scale at a fund’s inception.

E. Other Factors Deemed Relevant by the Board Members: The Board, including the Independent Board Members, also took into account other potential ancillary or “fall-out” benefits that BlackRock or its affiliates may derive from BlackRock’s respective relationships with the Fund, both tangible and intangible, such as BlackRock’s ability to leverage its investment professionals who manage other portfolios and risk management personnel, an increase in BlackRock’s profile in the investment advisory community, and the engagement of BlackRock’s affiliates as service providers to the Fund, including for administrative, securities lending and cash management services. The Board also considered BlackRock’s overall operations and its efforts to expand the scale of, and improve the quality of, its operations. The Board also noted that, subject to applicable law, BlackRock may use and benefit from third party research obtained by soft dollars generated by certain registered fund transactions to assist in managing all or a number of its other client accounts.

In connection with its consideration of the Agreements, the Board also received information regarding BlackRock’s brokerage and soft dollar practices. The Board received reports from BlackRock which included information on brokerage commissions and trade execution practices for BlackRock closed-end funds throughout the year.

The Board noted the competitive nature of the closed-end fund marketplace, and that shareholders are able to sell their Fund shares in the secondary market if they believe that the Fund’s fees and expenses are too high or if they are dissatisfied with the performance of the Fund.

The Board also considered the various notable initiatives and projects BlackRock performed in connection with its closed-end fund product line. These initiatives included developing equity shelf programs; efforts to eliminate product overlap with fund mergers; ongoing services to manage leverage that has become increasingly complex; periodic evaluation of share repurchases and other support initiatives for certain BlackRock funds; and continued communications efforts with shareholders, fund analysts and financial advisers. With respect to the latter, the Independent Board Members noted BlackRock’s continued commitment to supporting the secondary market for the common shares of its closed-end funds through a comprehensive secondary market communication program designed to raise investor and analyst awareness and understanding of closed-end funds. BlackRock’s support services included, among other things: sponsoring and participating in conferences; communicating with closed-end fund analysts covering the BlackRock funds throughout the year; providing marketing and product updates for the closed-end funds; and maintaining and enhancing its closed-end fund website.

The Board, including all of the Independent Board Members, concluded that these potential ancillary benefits that BlackRock and its affiliates could receive with regard to providing investment advisory and other services to the Fund were consistent with those generally available to other fund sponsors.


The Board, including all the Independent Board Members, approved the Advisory Agreement between the Manager and the Fund, for a two-year term beginning on the effective date of the Agreement. Based upon its evaluation of all of the aforementioned factors in their totality, as well as other information, the Board, including the Independent Board Members, was satisfied that the terms of the Agreement were fair and reasonable and in the best interest of the Fund and its shareholders. In arriving at its decision to approve the Agreement, the Board did not identify any single factor or group of factors as all-important or controlling, but considered all factors together, and different Board Members may have attributed different weights to the various factors considered. The Independent Board Members were also assisted by the advice of independent legal counsel in making this determination.





Trustee and Officer Information


Richard E. Cavanagh, Co-Chair of the Board and Trustee

Karen P. Robards, Co-Chair of the Board and Trustee

Michael J. Castellano, Trustee

Cynthia L. Egan, Trustee

Frank J. Fabozzi, Trustee

R. Glenn Hubbard, Trustee

W. Carl Kester, Trustee

Catherine A. Lynch, Trustee

Robert Fairbairn, Trustee

John M. Perlowski, Trustee, President and Chief Executive Officer

Jonathan Diorio, Vice President

Neal J. Andrews, Chief Financial Officer

Jay M. Fife, Treasurer

Charles Park, Chief Compliance Officer

Janey Ahn, Secretary


Effective June 1, 2020, the portfolio managers of BMEZ and BME are Erin Xie, Kyle McClements, Christopher Accettella, Xiang Liu and Jeffrey Lee. Messrs. Liu and Lee joined BMEZ’s and BME’s portfolio management team effective June 1, 2020. Mr. Liu has been a Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2016 and Vice President thereof from 2008 to 2016. Mr. Lee has been a Vice President of BlackRock, Inc. since 2011.

Effective June 1, 2020, the portfolio managers of BSTZ and BST are Tony Kim, Kyle McClements, Christopher Accettella and Reid Menge. Mr. Menge joined BSTZ’s and BST’s portfolio management team effective June 1, 2020. Mr. Menge has been a Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2014.


Investment Adviser

BlackRock Advisors, LLC

Wilmington, DE 19809


BlackRock International Limited(a)

Edinburgh, EH3 8BL

United Kingdom

Custodian and Accounting Agent

State Street Bank and Trust Company

Boston, MA 02111

Transfer Agent

Computershare Trust Company, N.A.

Canton, MA 02021

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Boston, MA 02116


BlackRock Investments, LLC(b)

New York, NY 10022

Legal Counsel

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

New York, NY 10019

Address of the Trusts

100 Bellevue Parkway

Wilmington, DE 19809






For BME, BST and BUI.





Additional Information


Fund Certification

The Trusts are listed for trading on the NYSE and have filed with the NYSE their annual chief executive officer certification regarding compliance with the NYSE’s listing standards. The Trusts filed with the SEC the certification of its chief executive officer and chief financial officer required by section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

General Information

The Trusts, other than BME, BST and BUI, do not make available copies of their Statements of Additional Information because the Trusts’ shares, except for BME, BST and BUI, are not continuously offered, which means that the Statements of Additional Information of each Trust, other than BME, BST and BUI, have not been updated after completion of the respective Trust’s offerings and the information contained in each such Trust’s Statement of Additional Information may have become outdated.

BME’s, BST’s and BUI’s Statements of Additional Information include additional information about the Board and are available, without charge upon request by calling 800-882-0052.

During the period there were no material changes in the Trusts’ investment objectives or policies or to the Trusts’ charters or by-laws that would delay or prevent a change of control of the Trusts that were not approved by the shareholders or in the principal risk factors associated with investment in the Trusts. There have been no changes in the persons who are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the Trusts’ portfolios.

In accordance with Section 23(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, each Trust may from time to time purchase shares of its common stock in the open market or in private transactions.

Quarterly performance, semi-annual and annual reports, current net asset value and other information regarding the Trusts may be found on BlackRock’s website, which can be accessed at blackrock.com. Any reference to BlackRock’s website in this report is intended to allow investors public access to information regarding the Trusts and does not, and is not intended to, incorporate BlackRock’s website in this report.

Electronic Delivery

Shareholders can sign up for e-mail notifications of quarterly statements, annual and semi-annual shareholder reports and, for BME, BST and BUI only, prospectuses, by enrolling in the electronic delivery program. Electronic copies of shareholder reports are available on BlackRock’s website.

To enroll in electronic delivery:

Shareholders Who Hold Accounts with Investment Advisers, Banks or Brokerages:

Please contact your financial advisor. Please note that not all investment advisers, banks or brokerages may offer this service.


The Trusts will mail only one copy of shareholder documents, including, for BME, BST and BUI only, prospectuses, annual and semi-annual reports and proxy statements, to shareholders with multiple accounts at the same address. This practice is commonly called “householding” and is intended to reduce expenses and eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder documents. Mailings of your shareholder documents may be householded indefinitely unless you instruct us otherwise. If you do not want the mailing of these documents to be combined with those for other members of your household, please call the Trusts (800) 882-0052.

Availability of Quarterly Schedule of Investments

The Trusts file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to its reports on Form N-PORT. The Trusts’ Forms N-PORT are available on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.

Availability of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

A description of the policies and procedures that the Trusts use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available upon request and without charge (1) by calling (800) 882-0052; (2) at blackrock.com; and (3) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.

Availability of Proxy Voting Record

Information about how the Trusts voted proxies relating to securities held in the Trusts’ portfolio during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available upon request and without charge (1) at blackrock.com or by calling (800) 882-0052 and (2) on the SEC’s website at sec.gov.

Availability of Trust Updates

BlackRock will update performance and certain other data for the Trusts on a monthly basis on its website in the “Closed-end Funds” section of blackrock.com as well as certain other material information as necessary from time to time. Investors and others are advised to check the website for updated performance information and the release of other material information about the Trusts. This reference to BlackRock’s website is intended to allow investors public access to information regarding the Trusts and does not, and is not intended to, incorporate BlackRock’s website in this report.





Additional Information  (continued)


Shelf Offering Program

From time-to-time, each Trust may seek to raise additional equity capital through an equity shelf program (a “Shelf Offering”). In a Shelf Offering, a Trust may, subject to market conditions, raise additional equity capital by issuing new Common Shares from time to time in varying amounts at a net price at or above the Trust’s net asset value (“NAV”) per Common Share (calculated within 48 hours of pricing). While any such Shelf Offering may allow a Trust to pursue additional investment opportunities without the need to sell existing portfolio investments, it could also entail risks — including that the issuance of additional Common Shares may limit the extent to which the Common Shares are able to trade at a premium to NAV in the secondary market.

None of the Trusts, other than BME, BST and BUI, have filed a registration statement with respect to any current Shelf Offerings. This report is not an offer to sell these Trusts’ Common Shares and is not a solicitation of an offer to buy these Trusts’ Common Shares. If any of the Trusts other than BME, BST and BUI file a registration statement with respect to any current Shelf Offering, the prospectus contained therein will contain more complete information about such Trusts and should be read carefully before investing.

On March 26, 2020 BME, BST and BUI each have filed a final base prospectus and BST and BUI each have filed a final prospectus supplement with the SEC in connection with their Shelf Offering. This report and the base prospectuses of BME, BST and BUI and prospectus supplements of BST and BUI are not offers to sell these Trusts’ Common Shares or solicitations of an offer to buy these Trusts’ Common Shares in any jurisdiction where such offers or sales are not permitted. The base prospectuses of these Trusts and prospectus supplements of BST and BUI contains important information about the Trusts, including its investment objective, risks, charges and expenses. Investors are urged to read the base prospectuses of these Trusts and prospectus supplements of BST and BUI carefully and in its entirety before investing. Copies of the base prospectuses for these Trusts and prospectus supplements of BST and BUI can be obtained from BlackRock at blackrock.com.

Dividend Policy

Each Trust’s policy is to make monthly distributions to shareholders. In order to provide shareholders with a more stable level of dividend distributions, each Trust employs a managed distribution plan (the “Plan”), the goal of which is to provide shareholders with consistent and predictable cash flows by setting distribution rates based on expected long-term returns of each Trust. The distributions paid by the Trusts for any particular month may be more or less than the amount of net investment income earned by the Trusts during such month. Furthermore, the final tax characterization of distributions is determined after the year-end of the Trust and is reported in each Trust’s annual report to shareholders. Distributions can be characterized as ordinary income, capital gains and/or return of capital. The Trust’s taxable net investment income and net realized capital gains (“taxable income”) may not be sufficient to support the level of distributions paid. To the extent that distributions exceed the Trust’s current and accumulated earnings and profits, the excess may be treated as a non-taxable return of capital. A return of capital is a return of a portion of an investor’s original investment. A return of capital is not expected to be taxable, but it reduces a shareholder’s tax basis in his or her shares, thus reducing any loss or increasing any gain on a subsequent disposition by the shareholder of his or her shares. It is possible that a substantial portion of the distributions paid during a calendar year may ultimately be classified as return of capital for U.S. federal income tax purposes when the final determination of the source and character of the distributions is made. Such distributions, under certain circumstances, may exceed a Trust’s total return performance. When total distributions exceed total return performance for the period, the difference reduces the Trust’s total assets and net asset value per share (“NAV”) and, therefore, could have the effect of increasing the Trust’s expense ratio and reducing the amount of assets the Trust has available for long term investment.

BlackRock Privacy Principles

BlackRock is committed to maintaining the privacy of its current and former fund investors and individual clients (collectively, “Clients”) and to safeguarding their non-public personal information. The following information is provided to help you understand what personal information BlackRock collects, how we protect that information and why in certain cases we share such information with select parties.

If you are located in a jurisdiction where specific laws, rules or regulations require BlackRock to provide you with additional or different privacy-related rights beyond what is set forth below, then BlackRock will comply with those specific laws, rules or regulations.

BlackRock obtains or verifies personal non-public information from and about you from different sources, including the following: (i) information we receive from you or, if applicable, your financial intermediary, on applications, forms or other documents; (ii) information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; (iii) information we receive from a consumer reporting agency; and (iv) from visits to our websites.

BlackRock does not sell or disclose to non-affiliated third parties any non-public personal information about its Clients, except as permitted by law or as is necessary to respond to regulatory requests or to service Client accounts. These non-affiliated third parties are required to protect the confidentiality and security of this information and to use it only for its intended purpose.

We may share information with our affiliates to service your account or to provide you with information about other BlackRock products or services that may be of interest to you. In addition, BlackRock restricts access to non-public personal information about its Clients to those BlackRock employees with a legitimate business need for the information. BlackRock maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that are designed to protect the non-public personal information of its Clients, including procedures relating to the proper storage and disposal of such information.





Glossary of Terms Used in this Report


AUD    Australian Dollar
CAD    Canadian Dollar
CHF    Swiss Franc
DKK    Danish Krone
EUR    Euro
GBP    British Pound
HKD    Hong Kong Dollar
INR    Indian Rupee
JPY    Japanese Yen
KRW    South Korean Won
NOK    Norwegian Krone
NZD    New Zealand Dollar
SEK    Swedish Krona
SGD    Singapore Dollar
TWD    Taiwan New Dollar
USD    U.S. Dollar
ZAR    South African Rand
Portfolio Abbreviations
ADR    American Depositary Receipts
GDR    Global Depositary Receipts
OTC    Over-the-Counter





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This report is intended for current holders. It is not a prospectus. Past performance results shown in this report should not be considered a representation of future performance. Statements and other information herein are as dated and are subject to change.





Item 2 –

Code of Ethics – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report


Item 3 –

Audit Committee Financial Expert – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report


Item 4 –

Principal Accountant Fees and Services – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report


Item 5 –

Audit Committee of Listed Registrants – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report


Item 6 –


(a) The registrant’s Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to Stockholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.

(b) Not Applicable due to no such divestments during the semi-annual period covered since the previous Form N-CSR filing.


Item 7 –

Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report


Item 8 –

Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies

(a)(1) As of the date of filing this Report:

The registrant is managed by a team of investment professionals comprised of Erin Xie, PhD, MBA, Managing Director at BlackRock, Kyle G. McClements, CFA, Managing Director at BlackRock, Christopher Accettella, Director at BlackRock, Xiang Liu, Director at BlackRock and Jeffrey Lee, Vice President at BlackRock. Ms. Xie and Messrs. McClements, Accettella, Liu and Lee are the Fund’s portfolio managers and are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund’s portfolio and the selection of its investments. Mr. McClements and Ms. Xie have been members of the Fund’s portfolio management team since 2005. Mr. Accettella has been a member of the Fund’s portfolio management team since 2012. Messrs. Liu and Lee have been members of the Fund’s portfolio management team since 2020.

Information below is with respect to Messrs. Liu and Lee, who became portfolio managers to the Fund on June 1, 2020.


Portfolio Manager    Biography     
Xiang Liu   

Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2016; Vice President of BlackRock, Inc. from 2008 to 2016.


Jeffrey Lee   

Vice President of BlackRock, Inc. since 2011; Analyst of Duquesne Capital Management from 2008 to 2010.



(a)(2) As of June 30, 2020:



(ii) Number of Other Accounts Managed

and Assets by Account Type


(iii) Number of Other Accounts and

Assets for Which Advisory Fee is


(i) Name of

Portfolio Manager







    Other Pooled    












Other Pooled






Xiang Liu

   4    1    1    0    0    1
     $12.29 Billion    $8.64 Billion    $1.50 Billion    $0    $0    $1.50 Billion

Jeffrey Lee

   4    1    1    0    0    1
     $12.29 Billion    $8.64 Billion    $1.50 Billion    $0    $0    $1.50 Billion



(iv) Portfolio Manager Potential Material Conflicts of Interest

BlackRock has built a professional working environment, firm-wide compliance culture and compliance procedures and systems designed to protect against potential incentives that may favor one account over another. BlackRock has adopted policies and procedures that address the allocation of investment opportunities, execution of portfolio transactions, personal trading by employees and other potential conflicts of interest that are designed to ensure that all client accounts are treated equitably over time. Nevertheless, BlackRock furnishes investment management and advisory services to numerous clients in addition to the Fund, and BlackRock may, consistent with applicable law, make investment recommendations to other clients or accounts (including accounts which are hedge funds or have performance or higher fees paid to BlackRock, or in which portfolio managers have a personal interest in the receipt of such fees), which may be the same as or different from those made to the Fund. In addition, BlackRock, Inc., its affiliates and significant shareholders and any officer, director, shareholder or employee may or may not have an interest in the securities whose purchase and sale BlackRock recommends to the Fund. BlackRock, Inc., or any of its affiliates or significant shareholders, or any officer, director, shareholder, employee or any member of their families may take different actions than those recommended to the Fund by BlackRock with respect to the same securities. Moreover, BlackRock may refrain from rendering any advice or services concerning securities of companies of which any of BlackRock, Inc.’s (or its affiliates’ or significant shareholders’) officers, directors or employees are directors or officers, or companies as to which BlackRock, Inc. or any of its affiliates or significant shareholders or the officers, directors and employees of any of them has any substantial economic interest or possesses material non-public information. Certain portfolio managers also may manage accounts whose investment strategies may at times be opposed to the strategy utilized for a fund. It should also be noted that Messrs. Liu and Lee may be managing hedge fund and/or long only accounts, or may be part of a team managing hedge fund and/or long only accounts, subject to incentive fees. Messrs. Liu and Lee may therefore be entitled to receive a portion of any incentive fees earned on such accounts.

As a fiduciary, BlackRock owes a duty of loyalty to its clients and must treat each client fairly. When BlackRock purchases or sells securities for more than one account, the trades must be allocated in a manner consistent with its fiduciary duties. BlackRock attempts to allocate investments in a fair and equitable manner among client accounts, with no account receiving preferential treatment. To this end, BlackRock, Inc. has adopted policies that are intended to ensure reasonable efficiency in client transactions and provide BlackRock with sufficient flexibility to allocate investments in a manner that is consistent with the particular investment discipline and client base, as appropriate.

(a)(3) As of June 30, 2020:

Portfolio Manager Compensation Overview

The discussion below describes the portfolio managers’ compensation as of June 30, 2020.



BlackRock’s financial arrangements with its portfolio managers, its competitive compensation and its career path emphasis at all levels reflect the value senior management places on key resources. Compensation may include a variety of components and may vary from year to year based on a number of factors. The principal components of compensation include a base salary, a performance-based discretionary bonus, participation in various benefits programs and one or more of the incentive compensation programs established by BlackRock.

Base Compensation. Generally, portfolio managers receive base compensation based on their position with the firm.

Discretionary Incentive Compensation

Generally, discretionary incentive compensation for Active Equity portfolio managers is based on a formulaic compensation program. BlackRock’s formulaic portfolio manager compensation program is based on team revenue and pre-tax investment performance relative to appropriate competitors or benchmarks over 1-, 3- and 5-year performance periods, as applicable. In most cases, these benchmarks are the same as the benchmark or benchmarks against which the performance of the Funds or other accounts managed by the portfolio managers are measured. BlackRock’s Chief Investment Officers determine the benchmarks or rankings against which the performance of funds and other accounts managed by each portfolio management team is compared and the period of time over which performance is evaluated. With respect to the portfolio managers, such benchmarks for the Fund and other accounts are: BME Option Overwriting Strategy Composite Index; FTSE 3-month T-bill Index; MSCI WRLD HealthCare ND; Russell 3000 HealthCare Index.

A smaller element of portfolio manager discretionary compensation may include consideration of: financial results, expense control, profit margins, strategic planning and implementation, quality of client service, market share, corporate reputation, capital allocation, compliance and risk control, leadership, technology and innovation. These factors are considered collectively by BlackRock management and the relevant Chief Investment Officers.

Distribution of Discretionary Incentive Compensation. Discretionary incentive compensation is distributed to portfolio managers in a combination of cash, deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards, and/or deferred cash awards that notionally track the return of certain BlackRock investment products.

Portfolio managers receive their annual discretionary incentive compensation in the form of cash. Portfolio managers whose total compensation is above a specified threshold also receive deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards annually as part of their discretionary incentive compensation. Paying a portion of discretionary incentive compensation in the form of deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock puts compensation earned by a portfolio manager for a given year “at risk” based on BlackRock’s ability to sustain and improve its performance over future periods. In some cases, additional deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock may be granted to certain key employees as part of a long-term incentive award to aid in retention, align interests with long-term shareholders and motivate performance. Deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards are generally granted in the form of BlackRock, Inc. restricted stock units that vest pursuant to the terms of the applicable plan and, once vested, settle in BlackRock, Inc. common stock. The portfolio managers of this Fund have deferred BlackRock, Inc. stock awards.

For certain portfolio managers, a portion of the discretionary incentive compensation is also distributed in the form of deferred cash awards that notionally track the returns of select BlackRock investment products they manage, which provides direct alignment of portfolio manager discretionary incentive compensation with investment product results. Deferred cash awards vest ratably over a number of years and, once vested, settle in the form of cash. Only portfolio managers who manage specified products and whose total compensation is above a specified threshold are eligible to participate in the deferred cash award program.



Other Compensation Benefits. In addition to base salary and discretionary incentive compensation, portfolio managers may be eligible to receive or participate in one or more of the following:

Incentive Savings Plans — BlackRock, Inc. has created a variety of incentive savings plans in which BlackRock, Inc. employees are eligible to participate, including a 401(k) plan, the BlackRock Retirement Savings Plan (RSP), and the BlackRock Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP). The employer contribution components of the RSP include a company match equal to 50% of the first 8% of eligible pay contributed to the plan capped at $5,000 per year, and a company retirement contribution equal to 3-5% of eligible compensation up to the Internal Revenue Service limit ($285,000 for 2020). The RSP offers a range of investment options, including registered investment companies and collective investment funds managed by the firm. BlackRock, Inc. contributions follow the investment direction set by participants for their own contributions or, absent participant investment direction, are invested into a target date fund that corresponds to, or is closest to, the year in which the participant attains age 65. The ESPP allows for investment in BlackRock, Inc. common stock at a 5% discount on the fair market value of the stock on the purchase date. Annual participation in the ESPP is limited to the purchase of 1,000 shares of common stock or a dollar value of $25,000 based on its fair market value on the purchase date. All of the eligible portfolio managers are eligible to participate in these plans.

(a)(4) Beneficial Ownership of Securities – As of June 30, 2020.


Portfolio Manager   

Dollar Range of Equity

Securities of the Fund

Beneficially Owned

Xiang Liu    None
Jeffrey Lee    None

(b) Not Applicable


Item 9 –

Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers — Not Applicable due to no such purchases during the period covered by this report.


Item 10 –

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – There have been no material changes to these procedures.


Item 11 –

Controls and Procedures

(a) The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report based on the evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act and Rule 13a-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.



Item 12 –

Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies – Not applicable to this semi-annual report


Item 13 –

Exhibits attached hereto

(a)(1) – Code of Ethics – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

(a)(2) – Section 302 Certifications are attached

(a)(3) – Not Applicable

(a)(4) – Not Applicable

(b) – Section 906 Certifications are attached

(c) – Notices to the registrant’s common shareholders in accordance with the order under Section 6(c) of the 1940 Act granting an exemption from Section 19(b) of the 1940 Act and Rule 19b-1 under the 1940 Act, dated May 9, 20091



1 The Fund has received exemptive relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission permitting it to make periodic distributions of long-term capital gains with respect to its outstanding common stock as frequently as twelve times each year, and as frequently as distributions are specified by or in accordance with the terms of its outstanding preferred stock. This relief is conditioned, in part, on an undertaking by the Fund to make the disclosures to the holders of the Fund’s common shares, in addition to the information required by Section 19(a) of the 1940 Act and Rule 19a-1 thereunder. The Fund is likewise obligated to file with the SEC the information contained in any such notice to shareholders and, in that regard, has attached hereto copies of each such notice made during the period.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


BlackRock Health Sciences Trust
By:       /s/ John M. Perlowski                    
  John M. Perlowski

Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust

Date: September 4, 2020

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By:       /s/ John M. Perlowski                    
  John M. Perlowski

Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust


Date: September 4, 2020
By:       /s/ Neal J. Andrews                      
  Neal J. Andrews

Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of

BlackRock Health Sciences Trust

Date: September 4, 2020