EX-99.G CUST AGREEMT 6 custodyagmt.txt CUSTODY AGREEMENT Exhibit (g)(1) CUSTODY AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT, dated as of November 16, 2001, by and between the CCMA Select Investment Trust, a Delaware business trust (the "Trust"), and FIRSTAR BANK, N.A., a national banking association (the "Custodian"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the Trust is an open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the"1940 Act"); and WHEREAS, the Trust is an is authorized to create separate series, each with its own separate investment portfolio; and WHEREAS, the Trust desires to retain Firstar Bank, N.A. to act as Custodian for each series of the Trust listed on Exhibit C attached hereto, (each hereinafter referred to as a "Fund" and collectively the "Funds"), as may be amended from time to time. WHEREAS, the Trust desires that each Fund's Securities and cash be held and administered by the Custodian pursuant to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Custodian represents that it is a bank having the qualifications prescribed in Section 26(a)(1) of the 1940 Act; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein made, the Trust and the Custodian hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Whenever used in this Agreement, the following words and phrases, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings: 1.1. "Authorized Person" means any Officer or other person duly authorized by resolution of the Board of Trustees to give Oral Instructions and Written Instructions on behalf of a Fund and named in Exhibit A hereto or in such resolutions of the Board of Trustees, certified by an Officer, as may be received by the Custodian from time to time. 1.2. "Board of Trustees" shall mean the Trustees from time to time serving under the Trust's Articles of InTrust, as from time to time amended. 1.3. "Book-Entry System" shall mean a federal book-entry system as provided in Subpart O of Treasury Circular No. 300, 31 CFR 306, in Subpart B of 31 CFR Part 350, or in such book-entry regulations of federal agencies as are substantially in the form of such Subpart O. 1.4. "Business Day" shall mean any day recognized as a settlement day by The New York Stock Exchange, Inc. and any other day for which the Trust computes the net asset value of Shares of a Fund. 1.5. "Fund Custody Account" shall mean any of the accounts in the name of the Trust, which is provided for in Section 3.2 below. 1.6. "NASD" shall mean The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. 1.7. "Officer" shall mean the Chairman, President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, the Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, the Treasurer, or any Assistant Treasurer of the Trust. 1.8. "Oral Instructions" shall mean instructions that set forth the specific transaction or type of transaction involved, orally transmitted to and accepted by the Custodian because such instructions are: (i) in good faith, reasonably believed by the Custodian to have been given by an Authorized Person, (ii) recorded and kept among the records of the Custodian made in the ordinary course of business and (iii) orally confirmed by the Custodian. The Trust shall cause all Oral Instructions to be confirmed by Written Instructions prior to the end of the next Business Day. If such Written Instructions confirming Oral Instructions are not received by the Custodian prior to a transaction, it shall in no way affect the validity of the transaction or the authorization thereof by the Trust. If Oral Instructions vary from the Written Instructions that purport to confirm them, the Custodian shall promptly notify the Trust of such variance but such Oral Instructions will govern unless the Custodian has not yet acted. 1.9. "Proper Instructions" shall mean Oral Instructions or Written Instructions. Proper Instructions may be continuing Written Instructions when deemed appropriate by both parties. 1.10."Securities Depository" shall mean The Depository Trust Company and (provided that Custodian shall have received a copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees, certified by an Officer, specifically approving the use of such clearing agency as a depository for a Fund) any other clearing agency registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under Section 17A of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 as amended (the "1934 Act"), which acts as a system for the central handling of Securities where all Securities of any particular class or series of an issuer deposited within the system are treated as fungible and may be transferred or pledged by bookkeeping entry without physical delivery of the Securities. 1.11."Securities" shall include, without limitation, common and preferred stocks, bonds, call options, put options, debentures, notes, bank certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances, mortgage-backed securities or other obligations, and any certificates, receipts, warrants or other instruments or documents representing rights to receive, purchase or subscribe for the same, or evidencing or representing any other rights or interests therein, or any similar property or assets that the Custodian has the facilities to clear and to service. 1.12."Shares" shall mean, with respect to a Fund, the units of beneficial interest issued by the Trust on account of a Fund. 1.13."Sub-Custodian" shall mean and include (i) any branch of a "U.S. Bank," as that term is defined in Rule 17f-5 under the 1940 Act, (ii) any "Eligible Foreign Custodian," as that term is defined in Rule 17f-5 under the 1940 Act, having a contract with the Custodian which the Custodian has determined will provide reasonable care of assets of each Fund based on the standards specified in Section 3.3 below. Such contract shall include provisions that provide: (i) for indemnification or insurance arrangements (or any combination of the foregoing) such that each Fund will be adequately protected against the risk of loss of assets held in accordance with such contract; (ii) that each Fund's assets will not be subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor of the Sub-Custodian or its creditors except a claim of payment for their safe custody or administration, in the case of cash deposits, liens or rights in favor of creditors of the Sub-Custodian arising under bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar laws; (iii) that beneficial ownership for each Fund's assets will be freely transferable without the payment of money or value other than for safe custody or administration; (iv) that adequate records will be maintained identifying the assets as belonging to each Fund or as being held by a third party for the benefit of each Fund; (v) that the Trust's independent public accountants will be given access to those records or confirmation of the contents of those records; and (vi) that each Fund will receive periodic reports with respect to the safekeeping of its assets, including, but not limited to, notification of any transfer to or from the Fund's account or a third party account containing assets held for the benefit of the Fund. Such contract may contain, in lieu of any or all of the provisions specified above, such other provisions that the Custodian determines will provide, in their entirety, the same or a greater level of care and protection for Fund assets as the specified provisions, in their entirety. 1.14."Written Instructions" shall mean (i) written communications actually received by the Custodian and signed by one or more Authorized Persons, or (ii) communications by telex or any other such system from one or more persons reasonably believed in good faith by the Custodian to be Authorized Persons, or (iii) communications between electro-mechanical or electronic devices provided that the use of such devices and the procedures for the use thereof shall have been approved by resolutions of the Board of Trustees, a copy of which, certified by an Officer, shall have been delivered to the Custodian. ARTICLE II APPOINTMENT OF CUSTODIAN 2.1. Appointment. The Trust hereby constitutes and appoints the Custodian as custodian of all Securities and cash owned by or in the possession of each Fund at any time during the period of this Agreement. 2.2. Acceptance. The Custodian hereby accepts appointment as such custodian and agrees to perform the duties thereof as hereinafter set forth. 2.3. Documents to be Furnished. The following documents, including any amendments thereto, will be provided contemporaneously with the execution of the Agreement to the Custodian by the Trust: a. A copy of the Articles of InTrust certified by the Secretary; b. A copy of the Bylaws of the Trust certified by the Secretary; c. A copy of the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Trust appointing the Custodian, certified by the Secretary; d. A copy of the then current Prospectus of each Fund; and e. A certification of the Chairman and Secretary of the Trust setting forth the names and signatures of the current Officers of the Trust and other Authorized Persons. 2.4 Notice of Appointment of Dividend and Transfer Agent. The Trust agrees to notify the Custodian in writing of the appointment, termination or change in appointment of any Dividend and Transfer Agent of a Fund. ARTICLE III CUSTODY OF CASH AND SECURITIES 3.1 Segregation. All Securities and non-cash property held by the Custodian for the account of each Fund (other than Securities maintained in a Securities Depository or Book-Entry System pursuant to Section 3.3) shall be physically segregated from other Securities and non-cash property in the possession of the Custodian (including the Securities and non-cash property of the other series of the Trust) and shall be identified as subject to this Agreement. 3.2 Fund Custody Accounts. As to each Fund, the Custodian shall open and maintain in its trust department a custody account in the name of the Trust coupled with the name of each Fund, subject only to draft or order of the Custodian acting in accordance with this Agreement, in which the Custodian shall enter and carry all Securities subject to the provisions of this Agreement, cash and other assets of such Fund which are delivered to it. 3.3 Compliance with SEC Rule 17f-5 and Rule 17f-7. (a) The Trust, by resolution adopted by its Board of Trustees, hereby delegates to the Custodian, with respect to the Funds, subject to Section (b) of Rule 17f-5 of the 1940 Act, the responsibilities set forth in this Section 3.3 with respect to any of a Fund's investments for which the primary market is outside the United States and such cash and cash equivalents as are reasonably necessary to effect such Fund's transactions in such investments. The Custodian hereby accepts such delegation, and in connection with such delegation shall appoint one or more agents to act as a Sub-Custodian on behalf of each Fund, provided however, that the appointment of any Sub-Custodian shall be subject to the approval of the Trust's Board of Trustees, shall be at the Custodian's expense and shall not relieve the Custodian of any of its obligations or duties under this Agreement. (b) If, after the Board of Trustees' initial approval of the Sub-Custodian appointed in connection with this Agreement, the Custodian wishes to appoint another Sub-Custodian on behalf of the Trust, the Custodian will so notify the Trust and provide it with information reasonably necessary to determine (i) such Sub-Custodian's eligibility under Rule 17f-5 and (ii) the eligibility of each "Eligible Securities Depository" (as defined in Rule 17f-7(b)(1)), intended to be used by such Sub-Custodian. The information to be provided shall include, but shall not be limited to, a copy of the proposed agreement with such Sub-Custodian, to which the Custodian and Trust shall be parties and an analysis of the custody risks associated with maintaining a Fund's investments with each Eligible Securities Depository to be used by such Sub-Custodian. The Board of Trustees shall at the meeting next following the Trust's receipt of such notice and information give an approval or disapproval of the proposed Sub-Custodian. (c) The Custodian shall establish a system to monitor (i) the appropriateness of maintaining a Fund's assets with a particular Sub-Custodian, and (ii) the contract governing the arrangements with such Sub-Custodian. At the end of each calendar quarter, or at such times as the Board of Trustees deems reasonable or appropriate, the Custodian shall provide written reports notifying the Board of Trustees of the placement of the Securities and cash of each Fund with each Sub-Custodian and of any material change in a foreign custody arrangement. In the event the Custodian determines that the custody arrangements with the Sub-Custodian are no longer appropriate, the Custodian shall notify the Board and shall promptly take such steps as may be required to withdraw assets of any Fund from any Sub-Custodian that has ceased to meet the requirements of Rule 17f-5. (d) With respect to its responsibilities under this Section 3.3, the Custodian hereby warrants to the Trust that it agrees to exercise reasonable care, prudence and diligence such as a person having responsibility for the safekeeping of property of each Fund. The Custodian further warrants that a Fund's assets will be subject to reasonable care, based on the standards applicable to custodians in the relevant market, if maintained with each Sub-Custodian, after considering all factors relevant to the safekeeping of such assets, including, without limitation: (i) the Sub-Custodian's practices, procedures, and internal controls, for certificated securities (if applicable), the method of keeping custodial records, and the security and data protection practices; (ii) whether the Sub-Custodian has the requisite financial strength to provide reasonable care for Fund assets; (iii) the Sub-Custodian's general reputation and standing and, in the case of an Eligible Securities Depository, the Eligible Securities Depository's operating history and number of participants; and (iv) whether the Fund will have jurisdiction over and be able to enforce judgments against the Sub-Custodian, such as by virtue of the existence of any offices of the Sub-Custodian in the United States or the Sub-Custodian's consent to service of process in the United States. 3.4 Delivery of Assets to Custodian. The Trust shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Custodian all of a Fund's Securities, cash and other assets, including (a) all payments of income, payments of principal and capital distributions received by such Fund with respect to such Securities, cash or other assets owned by such Fund at any time during the period of this Agreement, and (b) all cash received by such Fund for the issuance, at any time during such period, of Shares. The Custodian shall not be responsible for such Securities, cash or other assets until actually received by it. 3.5 Securities Depositories and Book-Entry Systems. The Custodian may deposit and/or maintain Securities of a Fund in a Securities Depository or in a Book-Entry System in accordance with applicable Federal Reserve Board and SEC rules and regulations, subject to the following provisions: (a) Prior to a deposit of Securities of a Fund in any Securities Depository or Book-Entry System, the Trust shall deliver to the Custodian a resolution of the Board of Trustees, certified by an Officer, authorizing and instructing the Custodian on an on-going basis to deposit in such Securities Depository or Book-Entry System all Securities eligible for deposit therein and to make use of such Securities Depository or Book-Entry System to the extent possible and practical in connection with its performance hereunder, including, without limitation, in connection with settlements of purchases and sales of Securities, loans of Securities, and deliveries and returns of collateral consisting of Securities. (b) Securities of a Fund kept in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository shall be kept in an account ("Depository Account") of the Custodian in such Book-Entry System or Securities Depository which includes only assets held by the Custodian as a fiduciary, custodian or otherwise for customers. (c) The records of the Custodian with respect to Securities of a Fund maintained in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository shall, by book-entry, identify such Securities as belonging to such Fund. (d) If Securities purchased by a Fund are to be held in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, the Custodian shall pay for such Securities upon (i) receipt of advice from the Book-Entry System or Securities Depository that such Securities have been transferred to the Depository Account, and (ii) the making of an entry on the records of the Custodian to reflect such payment and transfer for the account of such Fund. If Securities sold by a Fund are held in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, the Custodian shall transfer such Securities upon (i) receipt of advice from the Book-Entry System or Securities Depository that payment for such Securities has been transferred to the Depository Account, and (ii) the making of an entry on the records of the Custodian to reflect such transfer and payment for the account of such Fund. Upon request, the Custodian shall provide the Trust on behalf of a Fund, confirmation of each transfer to or from the Fund's account in the form of a written advice or notice and shall provide the Trust on a Fund's behalf, copies of daily transaction sheets reflecting each day's transactions in the Book-Entry System or Securities Depository for the Fund. (e) The Custodian shall provide the Trust with copies of any report (obtained by the Custodian from a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository in which Securities of a Fund are kept) on the accounting system, internal accounting controls and procedures for safeguarding Securities deposited in such Book-Entry System or Securities Depository. (f) Anything to the contrary in this Agreement notwithstanding, the Custodian shall be liable to the Trust for any loss or damage to a Fund resulting (i) from the use of a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository by reason of any bad faith, negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Custodian or any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above or any of its or their employees, or (ii) from failure of Custodian or any such Sub-Custodian to enforce effectively such rights as it may have against a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository. At its election, the Trust shall be subrogated to the rights of the Custodian with respect to any claim against a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository or any other person from any loss or damage to a Fund arising from the use of such Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, if and to the extent that such Fund has not been made whole for any such loss or damage. 3.6 Disbursement of Moneys from Fund Custody Account. Upon receipt of Proper Instructions, the Custodian shall disburse moneys from a Fund Custody Account but only in the following cases: (a) For the purchase of Securities for a Fund but only in accordance with Section 4.1 of this Agreement and only (i) in the case of Securities (other than options on Securities, futures contracts and options on futures contracts), against the delivery to the Custodian (or any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above) of such Securities registered as provided in Section 3.9 below or in proper form for transfer, or if the purchase of such Securities is effected through a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, in accordance with the conditions set forth in Section 3.5 above; (ii) in the case of options on Securities, against delivery to the Custodian (or such Sub-Custodian) of such receipts as are required by the customs prevailing among dealers in such options; (iii) in the case of futures contracts and options on futures contracts, against delivery to the Custodian (or such Sub-Custodian) of evidence of title thereto in favor of such Fund or any nominee referred to in Section 3.9 below; and (iv) in the case of repurchase or reverse repurchase agreements entered into between the Trust on behalf of a Fund and a bank which is a member of the Federal Reserve System or between the Trust on behalf of a Fund and a primary dealer in U.S. Government securities, against delivery of the purchased Securities either in certificate form or through an entry crediting the Custodian's account at a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository with such Securities; (b) In connection with the conversion, exchange or surrender, as set forth in Section 3.7(f) below, of Securities owned by a Fund; (c) For the payment of any dividends or capital gain distributions declared by the Trust to be paid by a Fund; (d) In payment of the redemption price of Shares as provided in Section 5.1 below; (e) For the payment of any expense or liability incurred by a Fund, including but not limited to the following payments for the account of such Fund: interest; taxes; administration, investment advisory, accounting, auditing, transfer agent, custodian, director and legal fees; and other operating expenses of the Fund; in all cases, whether or not such expenses are to be in whole or in part capitalized or treated as deferred expenses; (f) For transfer in accordance with the provisions of any agreement among the Trust, the Custodian and a broker-dealer registered under the 1934 Act and a member of the NASD, relating to compliance with rules of The Options Clearing Trust and of any registered national securities exchange (or of any similar organization or organizations) regarding escrow or other arrangements in connection with transactions by a Fund; (g) For transfer in accordance with the provision of any agreement among the Trust, the Custodian, and a futures commission merchant registered under the Commodity Exchange Act, relating to compliance with the rules of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and/or any contract market (or any similar organization or organizations) regarding account deposits in connection with transactions by a Fund; (h) For the funding of any uncertificated time deposit or other interest-bearing account with any banking institution (including the Custodian), which deposit or account has a term of one year or less; and (i) For any other proper purpose, but only upon receipt, in addition to Proper Instructions, of a copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees, certified by an Officer, specifying the amount and purpose of such payment, declaring such purpose to be a proper corporate purpose, and naming the person or persons to whom such payment is to be made. 3.7 Delivery of Securities from Fund Custody Account. Upon receipt of Proper Instructions, the Custodian shall release and deliver Securities from a Fund Custody Account but only in the following cases: (a) Upon the sale of Securities for the account of such Fund but only against receipt of payment therefor in cash, by certified or cashiers check or bank credit; (b) In the case of a sale effected through a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.5 above; (c) To an offeror's depository agent in connection with tender or other similar offers for Securities of the Fund; provided that, in any such case, the cash or other consideration is to be delivered to the Custodian; (d) To the issuer thereof or its agent (i) for transfer into the name of the Fund, the Custodian or any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above, or of any nominee or nominees of any of the foregoing, or (ii) for exchange for a different number of certificates or other evidence representing the same aggregate face amount or number of units; provided that, in any such case, the new Securities are to be delivered to the Custodian; (e) To the broker selling Securities, for examination in accordance with the "street delivery" custom; (f) For exchange or conversion pursuant to any plan or merger, consolidation, recapitalization, reorganization or readjustment of the issuer of such Securities, or pursuant to provisions for conversion contained in such Securities, or pursuant to any deposit agreement, including surrender or receipt of underlying Securities in connection with the issuance or cancellation of depository receipts; provided that, in any such case, the new Securities and cash, if any, are to be delivered to the Custodian; (g) Upon receipt of payment therefor pursuant to any repurchase or reverse repurchase agreement entered into by the Fund; (h) In the case of warrants, rights or similar Securities, upon the exercise thereof, provided that, in any such case, the new Securities and cash, if any, are to be delivered to the Custodian; (i) For delivery in connection with any loans of Securities of the Fund, but only against receipt of such collateral as the Trust shall have specified to the Custodian in Proper Instructions; (j) For delivery as security in connection with any borrowings by a Fund requiring a pledge of assets by the Trust on behalf of such Fund, but only against receipt by the Custodian of the amounts borrowed; (k) Pursuant to any authorized plan of liquidation, reorganization, merger, consolidation or recapitalization of the Trust or a Fund; (l) For delivery in accordance with the provisions of any agreement among the Trust on behalf of a Fund, the Custodian and a broker-dealer registered under the 1934 Act and a member of the NASD, relating to compliance with the rules of The Options Clearing Trust and of any registered national securities exchange (or of any similar organization or organizations) regarding escrow or other arrangements in connection with transactions by the Fund; (m) For delivery in accordance with the provisions of any agreement among the Trust, the Custodian, and a futures commission merchant registered under the Commodity Exchange Act, relating to compliance with the rules of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and/or any contract market (or any similar organization or organizations) regarding account deposits in connection with transactions by the Fund; (n) Upon receipt of instructions from a Fund's transfer agent, for delivery to such transfer agent or to the holders of shares in connection with distributions in kind as may be described from time to time in such Fund's currently effective prospectus and statement of additional information, in satisfaction of requests for repurchase or redemption; or (o) For any other proper corporate purpose, but only upon receipt, in addition to Proper Instructions, of a copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees, certified by an Officer, specifying the Securities to be delivered, setting forth the purpose for which such delivery is to be made, declaring such purpose to be a proper corporate purpose, and naming the person or persons to whom delivery of such Securities shall be made. 3.8 Actions Not Requiring Proper Instructions. Unless otherwise instructed by the Trust, the Custodian shall with respect to all Securities held for a Fund: (a) Subject to Section 7.4 below, collect on a timely basis all income and other payments to which the Fund is entitled either by law or pursuant to custom in the securities business; (b) Present for payment and, subject to Section 7.4 below, collect on a timely basis the amount payable upon all Securities which may mature or be called, redeemed, or retired, or otherwise become payable; (c) Endorse for collection, in the name of the Fund, checks, drafts and other negotiable instruments; (d) Surrender interim receipts or Securities in temporary form for Securities in definitive form; (e) Execute, as custodian, any necessary declarations or certificates of ownership under the federal income tax laws or the laws or regulations of any other taxing authority now or hereafter in effect, and prepare and submit reports to the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") and to the Trust at such time, in such manner and containing such information as is prescribed by the IRS; (f) Hold for the Fund, either directly or, with respect to Securities held therein, through a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, all rights and similar securities issued with respect to Securities of the Fund; and (g) In general, and except as otherwise directed in Proper Instructions or as directed by the Board of Trustees, attend to all non-discretionary details in connection with the sale, exchange, substitution, purchase, transfer and other dealings with Securities and assets of the Fund. 3.9 Registration and Transfer of Securities. All Securities held for a Fund that are issued or issuable only in bearer form shall be held by the Custodian in that form, provided that any such Securities shall be held in a Book-Entry System if eligible therefor. All other Securities held for a Fund may be registered in the name of the Fund, the Custodian, or any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above, or in the name of any nominee of any of them, or in the name of a Book-Entry System, Securities Depository or any nominee of either thereof. The Trust shall furnish to the Custodian appropriate instruments to enable the Custodian to hold or deliver in proper form for transfer, or to register in the name of any of the nominees hereinabove referred to or in the name of a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository, any Securities registered in the name of the Fund. 3.10 Records. (a) The Custodian shall maintain, for each Fund, complete and accurate records with respect to Securities, cash or other property held for such Fund, including (i) journals or other records of original entry containing an itemized daily record in detail of all receipts and deliveries of Securities and all receipts and disbursements of cash; (ii) ledgers (or other records) reflecting (A) Securities in transfer, (B) Securities in physical possession, (C) monies and Securities borrowed and monies and Securities loaned (together with a record of the collateral therefor and substitutions of such collateral), (D) dividends and interest received, and (E) dividends receivable and interest receivable; and (iii) canceled checks and bank records related thereto. The Custodian shall keep such other books and records of each Fund as the Trust shall reasonably request, or as may be required by the 1940 Act, including, but not limited to, Section 31 of the 1940 Act and Rule 31a-2 promulgated thereunder. (b) All such books and records maintained by the Custodian shall (i) be maintained in a form acceptable to the Trust and in compliance with rules and regulations of the SEC, (ii) be the property of the Trust and at all times during the regular business hours of the Custodian be made available upon request for inspection by duly authorized officers, employees or agents of the Trust and employees or agents of the SEC, and (iii) if required to be maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act, be preserved for the periods prescribed in Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act. 3.11 Fund Reports by Custodian. The Custodian shall furnish the Trust with a daily activity statement and a summary of all transfers to or from each Fund Custody Account on the day following such transfers. At least monthly or as may reasonably be requested, the Custodian shall furnish the Trust with a detailed statement of the Securities and moneys held by the Custodian and the Sub-Custodians for each Fund under this Agreement. 3.12 Other Reports by Custodian. The Custodian shall provide the Trust with such reports, as the Trust may reasonably request from time to time, on the internal accounting controls and procedures for safeguarding Securities, which are employed by the Custodian or any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above. 3.13 Proxies and Other Materials. The Custodian shall cause all proxies relating to Securities which are not registered in the name of a Fund, to be promptly executed by the registered holder of such Securities, without indication of the manner in which such proxies are to be voted, and shall promptly deliver to the Trust such proxies, all proxy soliciting materials and all notices relating to such Securities. 3.14 Information on Corporate Actions. The Custodian shall promptly deliver to the Trust all information received by the Custodian pertaining to Securities being held by a Fund with respect to optional tender or exchange offers, calls for redemption or purchase, or expiration of rights as described in the Standards of Service Guide attached as Exhibit B. If the Trust desires to take action with respect to any tender offer, exchange offer or other similar transaction, the Trust shall notify the Custodian at least five Business Days prior to the date on which the Custodian is to take such action. The Trust will provide or cause to be provided to the Custodian all relevant information for any Security which has unique put/option provisions at least five Business Days prior to the beginning date of the tender period. ARTICLE IV PURCHASE AND SALE OF INVESTMENTS OF A FUND 4.1 Purchase of Securities. Promptly upon each purchase of Securities for a Fund, Written Instructions shall be delivered to the Custodian, specifying (a) the name of the issuer or writer of such Securities, and the title or other description thereof, (b) the number of shares, principal amount (and accrued interest, if any) or other units purchased, (c) the date of purchase and settlement, (d) the purchase price per unit, (e) the total amount payable upon such purchase, and (f) the name of the person to whom such amount is payable. The Custodian shall upon receipt of such Securities purchased by the Fund pay out of the moneys held for the account of the Fund the total amount specified in such Written Instructions to the person named therein. The Custodian shall not be under any obligation to pay out moneys to cover the cost of a purchase of Securities for the Fund, if in the Fund Custody Account there is insufficient cash available to the Fund for which such purchase was made. 4.2 Liability for Payment in Advance of Receipt of Securities Purchased. In any and every case where payment for the purchase of Securities for a Fund is made by the Custodian in advance of receipt of the Securities purchased but in the absence of specified Written Instructions to so pay in advance, the Custodian shall be liable to the Fund for such Securities to the same extent as if the Securities had been received by the Custodian. 4.3 Sale of Securities. Promptly upon each sale of Securities by a Fund, Written Instructions shall be delivered to the Custodian, specifying (a) the name of the issuer or writer of such Securities, and the title or other description thereof, (b) the number of shares, principal amount (and accrued interest, if any), or other units sold, (c) the date of sale and settlement, (d) the sale price per unit, (e) the total amount payable upon such sale, and (f) the person to whom such Securities are to be delivered. Upon receipt of the total amount payable to the Fund as specified in such Written Instructions, the Custodian shall deliver such Securities to the person specified in such Written Instructions and provide timely notice to the Fund and the transfer agent of any receipt by it of payments for shares of such Fund. Subject to the foregoing, the Custodian may accept payment in such form as mutually agreed upon from time to time by the Trust and the Custodian, and may deliver Securities and arrange for payment in accordance with the customs prevailing among dealers in Securities. 4.4 Delivery of Securities Sold. Notwithstanding Section 4.3 above or any other provision of this Agreement, the Custodian, upon receipt of Proper Instructions to deliver Securities against payment, shall be entitled, if in accordance with generally accepted market practice, to deliver such Securities prior to actual receipt of final payment therefor. In any such case, the Fund shall bear the risk that final payment for such Securities may not be made or that such Securities may be returned or otherwise held or disposed of by or through the person to whom they were delivered, and absent any bad faith, negligence or willful misconduct, the Custodian shall have no liability for any for the foregoing. 4.5 Payment for Securities Sold, etc. In its sole discretion and from time to time, the Custodian may credit a Fund Custody Account, prior to actual receipt of final payment thereof, with (i) proceeds from the sale of Securities which it has been instructed to deliver against payment, (ii) proceeds from the redemption of Securities or other assets of the Fund, and (iii) income from cash, Securities or other assets of the Fund. Any such credit shall be conditional upon actual receipt by Custodian of final payment and may be reversed if final payment is not actually received in full. The Custodian may, in its sole discretion and from time to time, permit the Fund to use funds so credited to the Fund Custody Account in anticipation of actual receipt of final payment. Any such funds shall be repayable immediately upon demand made by the Custodian at any time prior to the actual receipt of all final payments in anticipation of which funds were credited to the Fund Custody Account. 4.6 Advances by Custodian for Settlement. The Custodian may, in its sole discretion and from time to time, advance funds to the Trust to facilitate the settlement of a Fund's transactions in such Fund's Custody Account. Any such advance shall be repayable immediately upon demand made by Custodian. ARTICLE V REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES 5.1 Transfer of Funds. From such funds as may be available for the purpose in the relevant Fund Custody Account, and upon receipt of Proper Instructions specifying that the funds are required to redeem Shares of a Fund, the Custodian shall wire each amount specified in such Proper Instructions to or through such bank as the Trust may designate with respect to such amount in such Proper Instructions. 5.2 No Duty Regarding Paying Banks. The Custodian shall not be under any obligation to effect payment or distribution by any bank designated in Proper Instructions given pursuant to Section 5.1 above of any amount paid by the Custodian to such bank in accordance with such Proper Instructions. ARTICLE VI SEGREGATED ACCOUNTS Upon receipt of Proper Instructions, the Custodian shall establish and maintain a segregated account or accounts for and on behalf of each Fund, into which account or accounts may be transferred cash and/or Securities, including Securities maintained in a Depository Account, (a) in accordance with the provisions of any agreement among the Trust, the Custodian and a broker-dealer registered under the 1934 Act and a member of the NASD (or any futures commission merchant registered under the Commodity Exchange Act), relating to compliance with the rules of The Options Clearing Trust and of any registered national securities exchange (or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission or any registered contract market), or of any similar organization or organizations, regarding escrow or other arrangements in connection with transactions by the Fund, (b) for purposes of segregating cash or Securities in connection with securities options purchased, sold or written by a Fund or in connection with financial futures contracts (or options thereon) purchased or sold by a Fund, (c) which constitute collateral for loans of Securities made by the Fund, (d) for purposes of compliance by a Fund with requirements under the 1940 Act for the maintenance of segregated accounts by registered investment companies in connection with reverse repurchase agreements and when-issued, delayed delivery and firm commitment transactions, and (e) for other proper corporate purposes, but only upon receipt of, in addition to Proper Instructions, a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees, certified by an Officer, setting forth the purpose or purposes of such segregated account and declaring such purposes to be proper corporate purposes. Each segregated account established under this Article VI shall be established and maintained for one Fund only. All Proper Instructions relating to a segregated account shall specify the Fund. ARTICLE VII CONCERNING THE CUSTODIAN 7.1 Standard of Care. The Custodian shall be held to the exercise of good faith and reasonable care in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement, and shall be without liability to the Trust or any Fund for any loss, damage, cost, expense (including attorneys' fees and disbursements), liability or claim unless such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim arises from negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct on its part or on the part of any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above. The Custodian shall be entitled to rely on and may act upon advice of counsel on all matters, and shall be without liability for any action reasonably taken or omitted pursuant to such advice. The Custodian shall promptly notify the Trust of any action taken or omitted by the Custodian pursuant to advice of counsel. The Custodian shall not be under any obligation at any time to ascertain whether the Trust or the Fund is in compliance with the provisions of the Trust's charter documents or by-laws, or its investment objectives and policies as then in effect. 7.2 Actual Collection Required. The Custodian shall not be liable for, or considered to be the custodian of, any cash belonging to a Fund or any money represented by a check, draft or other instrument for the payment of money, until the Custodian or its agents actually receive such cash or collect on such instrument. 7.3 No Responsibility for Title, etc. So long as and to the extent that it is in the exercise of good faith and reasonable care, the Custodian shall not be responsible for the title, validity or genuineness of any property or evidence of title thereto received or delivered by it pursuant to this Agreement. 7.4 Limitation on Duty to Collect. Custodian shall not be required to enforce collection, by legal means or otherwise, of any money or property due and payable with respect to Securities held for a Fund if such Securities are in default or payment is not made after due demand or presentation. 7.5 Reliance Upon Documents and Instructions. The Custodian shall be entitled to rely upon any certificate, notice or other instrument in writing received by it and reasonably believed by it to be genuine. The Custodian shall be entitled to rely upon any Oral Instructions and any Written Instructions actually received by it and reasonably believed to be genuine pursuant to this Agreement. 7.6 Express Duties Only. The Custodian shall have no duties or obligations whatsoever except such duties and obligations as are specifically set forth in this Agreement, and no covenant or obligation shall be implied in this Agreement against the Custodian. 7.7 Co-operation. The Custodian shall cooperate with and supply necessary information to the entity or entities appointed by the Trust to keep the books of account of each Fund and/or compute the value of the assets of each Fund. The Custodian shall take all such reasonable actions as the Trust may from time to time request to enable the Trust to obtain, from year to year, favorable opinions from the Trust's independent accountants with respect to the Custodian's activities hereunder in connection with (a) the preparation of the Trust's reports on Form N-1A and Form N-SAR and any other reports required by the SEC, and (b) the fulfillment by the Trust of any other requirements of the SEC. ARTICLE VIII INDEMNIFICATION 8.1 Indemnification by Trust. The Trust shall indemnify and hold harmless the Custodian and any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above, and any nominee of the Custodian or of such Sub-Custodian, from and against any loss, damage, cost, expense (including attorneys' fees and disbursements), liability (including, without limitation, liability arising under the Securities Act of 1933, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act, and any state or foreign securities and/or banking laws) or claim arising directly or indirectly (a) from the fact that Securities are registered in the name of any such nominee, or (b) from any action or inaction by the Custodian or such Sub-Custodian (i) at the request or direction of or in reliance on the advice of the Trust, or (ii) upon Proper Instructions, or (c) generally, from the performance of its obligations under this Agreement or any sub-custody agreement with a Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above, provided that neither the Custodian nor any such Sub-Custodian shall be indemnified and held harmless from and against any such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim arising from the Custodian's or such Sub-Custodian's negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct. 8.2 Indemnification by Custodian. The Custodian shall indemnify and hold harmless the Trust, its officers, Trustees and agents from and against any loss, damage, cost, expense (including attorneys' fees and disbursements), liability (including without limitation, liability arising under the Securities Act of 1933, the 1934 Act, the 1940 Act, and any state or foreign securities and/or banking laws) or claim arising from the negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct of the Custodian or any Sub-Custodian appointed pursuant to Section 3.3 above, or any nominee of the Custodian or of such Sub-Custodian. 8.3 Indemnity to be Provided. If the Trust requests the Custodian to take any action with respect to Securities, which may, in the opinion of the Custodian, result in the Custodian or its nominee becoming liable for the payment of money or incurring liability of some other form, the Custodian shall not be required to take such action until the Trust shall have provided indemnity therefor to the Custodian in an amount and form satisfactory to the Custodian. 8.4 Security. If the Custodian advances cash or Securities to a Fund for any purpose, either at the Trust's request or as otherwise contemplated in this Agreement, or in the event that the Custodian or its nominee incurs, in connection with its performance under this Agreement, any loss, damage, cost, expense (including attorneys' fees and disbursements), liability or claim (except such as may arise from its or its nominee's negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct), then, in any such event, any property at any time held for the account of a Fund shall be security therefor, and should the Fund fail promptly to repay or indemnify the Custodian, the Custodian shall be entitled to utilize available cash of such Fund and to dispose of other assets of such Fund to the extent necessary to obtain reimbursement or indemnification. ARTICLE IX FORCE MAJEURE Neither the Custodian nor the Trust shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God; earthquakes; fires; floods; wars; civil or military disturbances; sabotage; strikes; epidemics; riots; power failures; computer failure and any such circumstances beyond its reasonable control as may cause interruption, loss or malfunction of utility, transportation, computer (hardware or software) or telephone communication service; accidents; labor disputes; acts of civil or military authority; governmental actions; or inability to obtain labor, material, equipment or transportation; provided, however, that the Custodian in the event of a failure or delay (i) shall not discriminate against a Fund in favor of any other customer of the Custodian in making computer time and personnel available to input or process the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (ii) shall use its best efforts to ameliorate the effects of any such failure or delay. ARTICLE X EFFECTIVE PERIOD; TERMINATION 10.1 Effective Period. This Agreement shall become effective as of its execution and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated as hereinafter provided. 10.2 Termination. Either party hereto may terminate this Agreement by giving to the other party a notice in writing specifying the date of such termination, which shall be not less than sixty (60) days after the date of the giving of such notice. If a successor custodian shall have been appointed by the Board of Trustees, the Custodian shall, upon receipt of a notice of acceptance by the successor custodian, on such specified date of termination (a) deliver directly to the successor custodian all Securities (other than Securities held in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository) and cash then owned by each Fund and held by the Custodian as custodian, and (b) transfer any Securities held in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository to an account of or for the benefit of each Fund at the successor custodian, provided that the Trust shall have paid to the Custodian all fees, expenses and other amounts to the payment or reimbursement of which it shall then be entitled. Upon such delivery and transfer, the Custodian shall be relieved of all obligations under this Agreement. The Trust may at any time immediately terminate this Agreement in the event of the appointment of a conservator or receiver for the Custodian by regulatory authorities or upon the happening of a like event at the direction of an appropriate regulatory agency or court of competent jurisdiction. Additionally, the Trust may remove certain Funds as parties to this Agreement upon such Funds' conversion to a feeder fund in a master/feeder fund structure; and the Custodian hereby waives the sixty (60) day notice requirement pursuant to this Section; however, the Trust shall provide reasonable notice of the anticipated conversion date. All representations in Section 14.9 of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 10.3 Failure to Appoint Successor Custodian. If a successor custodian is not designated by the Trust on or before the date of termination specified pursuant to Section 10.1 above, then the Custodian shall have the right to deliver to a bank or Trust company of its own selection, which (a) is a "bank" as defined in the 1940 Act and (b) has aggregate capital, surplus and undivided profits as shown on its then most recent published report of not less than $25 million, all Securities, cash and other property held by Custodian under this Agreement and to transfer to an account of or for each Fund at such bank or trust company all Securities of the Fund held in a Book-Entry System or Securities Depository. Upon such delivery and transfer, such bank or trust company shall be the successor custodian under this Agreement and the Custodian shall be relieved of all obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE XI COMPENSATION OF CUSTODIAN The Custodian shall be entitled to compensation as agreed upon from time to time by the Trust and the Custodian. The fees and other charges in effect on the date hereof and applicable to each Fund are set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto. ARTICLE XII LIMITATION OF LIABILITY It is expressly agreed that the obligations of the Trust hereunder shall not be binding upon any of the Trustees, shareholders, nominees, officers, agents or employees of the Trust personally, but shall bind only the property of the Trust. The execution and delivery of this Agreement have been authorized by the Trustees, and this Agreement has been signed and delivered by an authorized officer of the Trust, acting as such, and neither such authorization by the Trustees nor such execution and delivery by such officer shall be deemed to have been made by any of them individually or to impose any liability on any of them personally, but shall bind only the Trust property of the Trust. ARTICLE XIII NOTICES Unless otherwise specified herein, all demands, notices, instructions, and other communications to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent or delivered to the recipient at the address set forth after its name hereinbelow: To the Trust: CCMA Select Investment Trust 190 South LaSalle, Suite 2800 Chicago, IL 60603 Attn: Douglas D. Peabody To Custodian: Firstar Bank, N.A. 425 Walnut Street, M.L. CN-WN-06TC Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Attention: Mutual Fund Custody Services Telephone: (513) 632_____ Facsimile: (513) 632-3299 or at such other address as either party shall have provided to the other by notice given in accordance with this Article XIII. Writing shall include transmissions by or through teletype, facsimile, central processing unit connection, on-line terminal and magnetic tape. ARTICLE XIV MISCELLANEOUS 14.1 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. 14.2 References to Custodian. The Trust shall not circulate any printed matter which contains any reference to Custodian without the prior written approval of Custodian, excepting printed matter contained in the prospectus or statement of additional information for a Fund and such other printed matter as merely identifies Custodian as custodian for a Fund. The Trust shall submit printed matter requiring approval to Custodian in draft form, allowing sufficient time for review by Custodian and its counsel prior to any deadline for printing. 14.3 No Waiver. No failure by either party hereto to exercise, and no delay by such party in exercising, any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof. The exercise by either party hereto of any right hereunder shall not preclude the exercise of any other right, and the remedies provided herein are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided at law or in equity. 14.4 Amendments. This Agreement cannot be changed orally and no amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless evidenced by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. 14.5 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, and by the parties hereto on separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 14.6 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired thereby. 14.7 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that this Agreement shall not be assignable by either party hereto without the written consent of the other party hereto. 14.8 Headings. The headings of sections in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement. 14.9 Confidentiality. Neither the Custodian nor the Trust shall disclose or use nonpublic personal information (as defined by Rule 3(t) of Regulation S-P under the federal securities laws) provided by the other party, except as necessary to carry out the purposes for which such information is provided, including information that is used in accordance with Rules 14 and 15 of Regulation S-P in the ordinary course of business. 14.10Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supercedes any prior agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof, whether oral or written. 14.11Additional Funds. In the event the Trust establishes additional series or classes of shares than those listed on the attached Exhibit C, and the Trust desires to have Custodian act as custodian to such series or class under the terms hereof, the Trust shall so notify Custodian in writing and if Custodian agrees in writing to provide such services, such series or class shall be covered by this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered in its name and on its behalf by its representatives thereunto duly authorized, all as of the day and year first above written. ATTEST: CCMA SELECT INVESTMENT TRUST /s/ Meredith Dudley By:/s/ Timothy G. Solberg ------------------- ---------------------- ATTEST: FIRSTAR BANK, N.A. ______________________________ By:/s/ Joe Redwine --------------- EXHIBIT A AUTHORIZED PERSONS Set forth below are the names and specimen signatures of the persons authorized by the Trust to administer the Fund Custody Accounts. Authorized Persons Specimen Signatures President: /s/ Douglas D. Peabody ---------------------- Secretary: /s/ Timothy G. Solberg ---------------------- Treasurer: /s/ Gregory Francoeur --------------------- Vice President: /s/ Susan M. Brown ------------------ Adviser Employees: /s/ Lori Schausten ------------------ ------------------- Transfer Agent/Fund Accountant Employees: ___________________ ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- EXHIBIT B Firstar Bank, N.A. Standards of Service Guide Firstar Bank, N.A. is committed to providing superior quality service to all customers and their agents at all times. We have compiled this guide as a tool for our clients to determine our standards for the processing of security settlements, payment collection, and capital change transactions. Deadlines recited in this guide represent the times required for Firstar Bank to guarantee processing. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in settlement at our client's risk. In all cases, Firstar Bank will make every effort to complete all processing on a timely basis. Firstar Bank is a direct participant of the Depository Trust Company, a direct member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and utilizes the Bankers Trust Company as its agent for ineligible and foreign securities. For corporate reorganizations, Firstar Bank utilizes SEI's Reorg Source, Financial Information, Inc., XCITEK, DTC Important Notices, and the Wall Street Journal. For bond calls and mandatory puts, Firstar Bank utilizes SEI's Bond Source, Kenny Information Systems, Standard & Poor's Trust, and DTC Important Notices. Firstar Bank will not notify clients of optional put opportunities. Any securities delivered free to Firstar Bank or its agents must be received three (3) business days prior to any payment or settlement in order for the Firstar Bank standards of service to apply. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained in this guide, please feel free to contact your account representative. The information contained in this Standards of Service Guide is subject to change. Should any changes be made Firstar Bank will provide you with an updated copy of its Standards of Service Guide. Firstar Bank Security Settlement Standards
Transaction Type Instructions Deadlines* Delivery Instructions DTC 1:30 P.M. on Settlement Date DTC Participant #2803 Agent Bank ID 27895 Institutional #________________ For Account #____________ Federal Reserve Book Entry 12:30 P.M. on Settlement Date Federal Reserve Bank of Cinti/Trust for Firstar Bank, N.A. ABA# 042000013 For Account #_____________ Fed Wireable FNMA & FHLMC 12:30 P.M. on Settlement Date Bk of NYC/Cust ABA 021000018 A/C Firstar Bank # 117612 For Account #____________ Federal Reserve Book Entry 1:00 P.M. on Settlement Date Federal Reserve Bank of Cinti/Spec (Repurchase Agreement for Firstar Bank, N.A. ABA# 042000013 Collateral Only) For Account #_____________ PTC Securities 12:00 P.M. on Settlement Date PTC For Account BYORK (GNMA Book Entry) Firstar Bank / 117612 Physical Securities 9:30 A.M. EST on Settlement Date Bank of New York (for Deliveries, by 4:00 P.M. on One Wall Street- 3rd Floor - Window A Settlement Date minus 1) New York, NY 10286 For account of Firstar Bank / Cust #117612 Attn: Donald Hoover CEDEL/EURO-CLEAR 11:00 A.M. on Settlement Date minus 2 Cedel a/c 55021 FFC: a/c 387000 Firstar Bank / Global Omnibus Cash Wire Transfer 3:00 P.M. Firstar Bank,N.A. Cinti/Trust ABA# 042000013 Credit Account #9901877 Further Credit to ___________ Account # _______________
* All times listed are Eastern Standard Time. Firstar Bank Payment Standards Security Type Income Principal Equities Payable Date Municipal Bonds* Payable Date Payable Date Corporate Bonds* Payable Date Payable Date Federal Reserve Bank Book Entry* Payable Date Payable Date PTC GNMA's (P&I) Payable Date + 1 Payable Date + 1 CMOs * DTC Payable Date + 1 Payable Date + 1 Bankers Trust Payable Date + 1 Payable Date + 1 SBA Loan Certificates When Received When Received Unit Investment Trust Certificates* Payable Date Payable Date Certificates of Deposit* Payable Date + 1 Payable Date + 1 Limited Partnerships When Received When Received Foreign Securities When Received When Received *Variable Rate Securities Federal Reserve Bank Book Entry Payable Date Payable Date DTC Payable Date + 1 Payable Date + 1 Bankers Trust Payable Date + 1 Payable Date + 1 NOTE: If a payable date falls on a weekend or bank holiday, payment will be made on the immediately following business day. Firstar Bank Corporate Reorganization Standards
Deadline for Client Instructions Transaction Type of Action Notification to Client to Firstar Bank Posting Rights, Warrants, Later of 10 business days prior to 5 business days prior Upon receipt and Optional Mergers expiration or receipt of notice to expiration Mandatory Puts with Later of 10 business days prior to 5 business days prior Upon receipt Option to Retain expiration or receipt of notice to expiration Class Actions 10 business days prior to expiration date 5 business days prior Upon receipt Voluntary Tenders, Later of 10 business days prior to 5 business days prior Upon receipt Exchanges, expiration or receipt of notice to expiration and Conversions Mandatory Puts, At posting of funds or securities None Upon receipt Defaults, Liquidations, received Bankruptcies, Stock Splits, Mandatory Exchanges Full and Partial Calls Later of 10 business days prior to None Upon receipt expiration or receipt of notice
NOTE: Fractional shares/par amounts resulting from any of the above will be sold. EXHIBIT C CCMA Select Investment Trust CCMA Select Money Market Fund CCMA Select International Core Equity Fund