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Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the period ending 23rd April 2008
GlaxoSmithKline plc
(Name of registrant)
980 Great West Road,
Middlesex, TW8 9GS
(Address of principal executive offices)
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Issued: Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, London, U.K.
Results Announcement for the first quarter 2008
GSK reports Q1 Business Performance* EPS of 25.6p
GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) today announces its unaudited results for the first quarter ended 31st March 2008. The full results are presented under ‘Income Statement’ on page 7 and are summarised below.
    Q1 2008     Q1 2007         Growth  
    £m     £m     CER%     £%  
    5,686       5,592       (3 )      
Operating profit
    2,048       2,166       (9 )     (5 )
Earnings per share
    25.6 p     27.0 p     (9 )     (5 )
    Q1 2008     Q1 2007         Growth  
    £m     £m     CER%     £%  
    5,686       5,592       (3 )      
Restructuring charges
Operating profit
    1,963       2,166       (13 )     (9 )
Earnings per share
    24.4 p     27.0 p     (14 )     (10 )
  GSK on track to meet financial guidance for 2008
  Pharmaceutical turnover down 4% to £4.8 billion, with growth from key products offset by generic competition to products in the USA and declines in Avandia sales
  Seretide/Advair sales up 10% to £954 million; Vaccine sales up 10% to £436 million
  Sustained product flow with US regulatory approvals for Rotarix and Treximet, and positive EU opinions for Volibris and Prepandrix
  GSK has 157 projects in clinical development of which 75% involve new molecules or new vaccines
  Continued strong performance of Consumer Healthcare with sales up 8% to £893 million
  Q1 dividend of 13p, up 8%; approximately £1 billion of shares repurchased in the quarter; total cash return of £1.7 billion
  Sterling EPS benefited by 4 percentage points due to currency movements
*   Business performance, which is a supplemental non-IFRS measure, is the primary performance measure used by management and is presented after excluding restructuring charges relating to the new Operational Excellence programme, which commenced in October 2007, and significant acquisitions. Management believes that exclusion of these items provides a better reflection of the way in which the business is managed and gives a more useful indication of the underlying performance of the Group.
    In order to illustrate underlying performance, it is the Group’s practice to discuss its results in terms of constant exchange rate (CER) growth. All commentaries are presented in terms of CER growth and compare 2008 business performance results with 2007 statutory results, unless otherwise stated. See ‘Accounting Presentation and Policies’ on page 17.



Commenting on GSK’s performance for the quarter, JP Garnier, Chief Executive Officer, said:
“Our performance this quarter was in line with our expectations. We continue to see sustained growth from key areas of our business such as Seretide/Advair, vaccines and consumer. However, sales were impacted by generic competition and declines in Avandia sales.
We are also making good progress in strengthening our product portfolio, with approvals and regulatory progress on 4 key products already this year. These products are at the forefront of a substantive pipeline of projects in clinical development — with 96 NCEs and 24 new vaccines this pipeline is testament to GSK’s innovation and gives the company a very strong foundation for the future.”
Total pharmaceutical turnover for the first quarter declined 4% to £4.8 billion, with growth from key products offset by significant generic competition to products in the USA and declines in Avandia sales in all regions. In the United States, turnover was £2,138 million, down 10%, in Europe turnover was £1,526 million, down 1%, and in International markets sales were £1,129 million, up 6%.
Seretide/Advair sales up 10% with strong performance in all regions
Sales of Seretide/Advair, for asthma and COPD, rose 10% to £954 million, with sales in the USA also growing 10% to £499 million. In Europe, sales grew 9% to £351 million and in International sales grew by 16% to £104 million.
GSK continues to see increased use of Seretide/Advair in the treatment of COPD and is in ongoing discussions with the FDA to further expand the indication for use in this patient group. GSK expects a decision from the FDA during the second quarter.
Vaccine sales of £436 million up 10% driven by strong US performance
US vaccine sales grew 34% for the quarter to £109 million, driven by continued strong performances of hepatitis vaccines, up 66% to £53 million, and Infanrix/Pediarix, up 21% to £51 million. In Europe, sales of vaccines were up 5% to £202 million. In International markets sales rose 2% to £125 million, adversely impacted in part by the timing of shipments. GSK expects stronger growth in this region in the rest of this year.
GSK expects to submit a response to the FDA’s Complete Response letter regarding Cervarix in the second quarter and will continue discussions with the agency regarding the application. Cervarix has now been approved in more than 60 countries with discussions regarding reimbursement and tender orders on-going. Sales for Cervarix in the quarter were £12 million.
In April, GSK received FDA approval for Rotarix, a new two-dose vaccine to prevent rotavirus gastroenteritis, with launch expected in the second half of the year. Sales of Rotarix in markets outside of the USA grew 79% to £27 million.
In February, GSK received a positive opinion from the EMEA regarding Prepandrix, its pre-pandemic flu vaccine. Prepandrix will be the first vaccine approved for pre-pandemic use in Europe. In March a supply contract was signed by the Finnish Government for 5.2 million doses of Prepandrix for use in advance of a pandemic flu outbreak. Shipments will commence in the second half of 2008.
New growth drivers
Arixtra, for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, delivered strong growth with sales up 70% to £35 million. Sales grew in Europe (up 33% to £14 million) following approval last year for the treatment of specific acute coronary syndromes (ACS). In the USA, GSK is in on-going discussions with the FDA regarding a potential ACS indication.



Avodart, for benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), continued to perform strongly with sales up 30% to £85 million for the quarter. GSK has filed for a co-prescription indication in the USA, Europe and International markets for use of Avodart in combination with the alpha-blocker, tamsulosin. In April, GSK received its first regulatory approval for this indication in Europe under the mutual recognition procedure. GSK expects a response from the FDA in June for this application.
GSK’s co-promotion income for Boniva/Bonviva, the only once-monthly oral medicine for post-menopausal osteoporosis, was up 50% to £49 million.
Sales of GSK’s newly acquired Lovaza, an omega-3-acid product for adult patients with very high levels of triglycerides, contributed £50 million (+72% on a proforma basis).
Tykerb/Tyverb, for breast cancer, achieved sales of £19 million for the quarter. An extensive development programme involving 10 phase III clinical trials is ongoing, including metastatic, first line and adjuvant breast cancer. Last week new data were presented at the European Breast Cancer Conference in Berlin which demonstrated the efficacy of Tykerb in shrinking tumours prior to surgery and reducing the number of chemotherapy-resistant cancer stem cells responsible for tumour regeneration. Enrolment was completed for TEACH in the quarter – a phase III study investigating whether adjuvant treatment with Tykerb will improve survival in early breast cancer by preventing the disease from recurring.
Veramyst/Avamys, for allergic rhinitis, generated sales of £13 million across the USA and Europe for the quarter.
Other key pharmaceutical products
Sales of Avandia products, for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, fell 56% to £191 million. Sales in the USA for the quarter were £99 million, down 66%, with Avandia’s share of total prescriptions in the US oral anti-diabetic market currently stable at around 4%. In Europe sales were £54 million, down 14%, and in International markets £38 million, down 44%.
Sales of Coreg products, for heart disease, fell 77% to £48 million, following the introduction of generic competition to Coreg IR in September 2007. Sales of Coreg CR were £35 million with increasing share gains made in the US hypertension market.
Total sales of HIV products were £358 million, down 5%. Competition to older products, Combivir (-13% to £105 million) and Epivir (-22% to £34 million), was partially offset by strong sales growth of Epzicom/Kivexa (+25% to £99 million).
Sales of Lamictal, for the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder, were £290 million driven by strong performance in the USA with sales up 22% to £240 million.
Sales of Relenza, an antiviral treatment for flu, were £29 million (£92 million in Q1 2007), reflecting the variable timing of tender orders from governments stockpiling against a possible flu pandemic.
Sales of Requip, for Parkinson’s Disease/Restless Legs Syndrome, grew 15% to £94 million for the quarter. Requip XL, a new once-daily formulation for Parkinson’s Disease, has now been launched in 12 European markets. In the USA, GSK expects a response from the FDA on its application for Requip XL during the second quarter of 2008.
Sales of Valtrex, for herpes, rose 9% to £249 million, with US sales up 7% to £173 million, driven by increased use of the product for prevention of herpes transmission. Sales in Europe grew 18% to £37 million and in International sales grew 9% to £39 million.
Product sales affected by generic competition were Wellbutrin (-3% to £126 million), Flixonase/Flonase (-33% to £46 million) and Zofran (-69% to £29 million).



     Consumer Healthcare sales grew 8% to £893 million, driven by innovation and geographic expansion
In Europe, sales grew 7% to £413 million with strong performances in Central and Eastern Europe. In International, sales grew 18% to £285 million with strong performances from key markets, Latin America, India and the Middle East.
Sales in North America declined 2% to £195 million due to strong competition to smoking cessation products from prescription medicines and retailers’ own-label nicotine replacement products. Excluding the smoking cessation brands, North American consumer healthcare sales grew 6% to £157 million.
Over-the-counter medicine sales grew 4% to £411 million. Following its successful launch in June 2007, alli contributed sales of £9 million which were impacted by normalisation of inventory levels after a year-end promotion. Demand for alli continues to be strong and, based on retail market data, underlying demand is estimated to have been £35 million during the quarter. Panadol sales grew 19% to £80 million. Sales of Breathe Right, recently acquired from CNS, grew 14% to £17 million. The product will be launched in European, Asian and Latin American markets this year.
Oral healthcare sales were up 8% to £289 million for the quarter. Sales of Sensodyne grew 19% to £86 million, aided by the successful launch of Sensodyne Pronamel. Sales of Aquafresh grew 7% to £83 million, and sales of the denture care brands, Poligrip, Corega and Polident, grew 4% to £60 million.
Nutritional healthcare sales for the quarter increased by 14% to £193 million. Lucozade continued its excellent performance, up 18% to £86 million. Horlicks sales grew 18% to £56 million, whilst sales of Ribena declined 5% to £37 million.
In February, the company published an update of its R&D pipeline. GSK currently has 157 projects in clinical development comprising 96 NCEs, 37 PLEs and 24 Vaccines. GSK has 34 key assets currently in phase III development or registration.
First major market approvals and filings
In April, GSK received FDA approval for Treximet, a new acute treatment of migraine. Treximet is the first and only migraine product designed to target multiple mechanisms of migraine by combining a triptan, a class of migraine-specific medicines pioneered by GSK, and an anti-inflammatory pain reliever in a single tablet. Treximet will be launched in the USA in May.
In March, the FDA granted priority review for Promacta, an oral thrombopoeitin receptor agonist, for the short-term treatment of patients with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The FDA’s decision on Promacta is expected in the second quarter and, if approved, would be the first treatment of its type to be approved for this indication.
In February, the EMEA granted a positive opinion for approval of Volibris (ambrisentan) to treat functional class II and III pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Late-stage pipeline progress
Following analysis of the full data set for darapladib, which includes the dose ranging study presented at the American College of Cardiology in March and the IBIS-2 imaging study, GSK intends to progress darapladib into Phase III development and will shortly start discussions with regulators regarding the structure of the Phase III programme. GSK expects data from IBIS-2 to be presented and published in the second half of the year.
In March, positive phase III data were published demonstrating that Bosatria (mepolizumab) showed disease control with reduced corticosteroid use in treatment of hypereosinophilic syndrome. This is a group of rare disorders leading to significant respiratory, cardiac, skin and gastrointestinal problems and can be life-threatening in some people with advanced disease.



Positive results from the third pivotal phase III study for GSK1838262 (XP13512) were also received in the quarter demonstrating its efficacy as a treatment of moderate-to-severe symptoms of primary restless legs syndrome. GSK expects to file ‘262 with the FDA for approval in the third quarter of 2008.
On 22nd April GSK announced an agreement to acquire Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, a world leader in ‘sirtuin’ research and development. Sirtuins are a class of enzymes that could be used to develop new medicines to address diseases associated with metabolism and ageing such as diabetes, muscle wasting and neurodegeneration.
On 17th April, GSK announced a worldwide strategic alliance with Regulus Therapeutics to discover, develop and market novel microRNA-targeted therapeutics, a new approach for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, including inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
The Board has declared a first interim dividend of 13 pence per share. This compares with a dividend of 12 pence per share for Q1 2007. The equivalent interim dividend receivable by ADR holders is 51.8570 cents per ADS based on an exchange rate of £1/$1.9945. The ex-dividend date will be 30th April 2008, with a record date of 2nd May 2008 and a payment date of 10th July 2008.
Share buy-back programme
GSK repurchased £986 million of shares in Q1 2008 which have been cancelled. Repurchases of £6 billion are expected in 2008.
Operational Excellence
In October 2007, GSK announced a significant new £1.5 billion Operational Excellence programme to improve the effectiveness and productivity of its operations. This new programme is expected to deliver annual pre-tax savings of £700 million by 2010. GSK expects to realise the majority of annual savings within the first two years of the programme, with approximately £350 million expected in 2008 and £550 million in 2009.
One-off charges of £87 million before tax relating to the new Operational Excellence programme were recorded in Q1 2008.
Operating profit and earnings per share
Business performance operating profit of £2,048 million decreased by 9% in CER terms compared with Q1 2007. This was more than the fall in turnover of 3%, reflecting higher R&D costs and lower other operating income, partly offset by lower SG&A expenditure. Costs of sales increased to 22.8% of turnover (Q1 2007: 22.1%) reflecting the impact of generic competition to higher margin products and lower Avandia sales, partly offset by improvements in manufacturing efficiencies.
In the quarter, gains from asset disposals and legal settlements were £54 million (Q1 2007: £102 million), costs for legal matters were £39 million (Q1 2007: £26 million), fair value movements on financial instruments resulted in income of £66 million (Q1 2007: £33 million) and charges related to previous restructuring programmes were £6 million (Q1 2007: £9 million). The business performance operating profit impact of these items was a £75 million credit in Q1 2008 (Q1 2007: £100 million credit).
GSK’s share of the results of associates was a £1 million loss (Q1 2007: £15 million profit) as a result of the recognition of a legal provision made by Quest Diagnostics Inc.



Business performance profit after taxation decreased by 13% in CER terms, more than the decline in operating profit, reflecting higher net interest costs (primarily driven by increased borrowing to fund the share repurchase programme) and a higher tax rate. Business performance EPS of 25.6 pence decreased 9% in CER terms (5% in sterling terms) compared with Q1 2007.
Statutory operating profit for the quarter, including restructuring costs of £85 million for the new Operational Excellence programme and significant acquisitions, was £1,963 million and statutory EPS was 24.4 pence.
The Q1 2008 results are based on average exchange rates, principally £1/$1.99, £1/Euro 1.32 and £1/Yen 210. The period-end exchange rates were £1/$1.99, £1/Euro 1.26 and £1/Yen 198. If exchange rates were to hold at the average Q1 2008 levels for the rest of the year, the positive currency impact on business performance EPS growth for the full-year would be around 4 to 5 percentage points.
2008 earnings guidance
GSK continues to expect a mid-single digit percentage decline in business performance EPS, at constant exchange rates.
GlaxoSmithKline – one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies – is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. For company information including a copy of this announcement and details of the company’s updated product development pipeline, visit GSK at www.gsk.com.
  UK Media   Philip Thomson   (020) 8047 5502
      Alice Hunt   (020) 8047 5502
      Gwenan White   (020) 8047 5502
  US Media   Nancy Pekarek   (215) 751 7709
      Mary Anne Rhyne   (919) 483 2839
  European Analyst / Investor   David Mawdsley   (020) 8047 5564
      Sally Ferguson   (020) 8047 5543
      Gary Davies   (020) 8047 5503
  US Analyst / Investor   Frank Murdolo   (215) 751 7002
      Tom Curry   (215) 751 5419
Brand names appearing in italics throughout this document are trademarks of GSK or associated companies with the exception of Levitra, a trademark of Bayer, Bonviva/Boniva, a trademark of Roche, and Vesicare, a trademark of Astellas Pharmaceuticals in many countries and of Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals in certain countries, all of which are used under licence by the Group.
Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements
Under the safe harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by the company, including those made in this Announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors that may affect the Group’s operations are described under ‘Risk Factors’ in the ‘Business Review’ in the company’s Annual Report 2007.



Three months ended 31st March 2008
    performance             Restructuring     Statutory        
    Q1 2008     Growth     Q1 2008     Q1 2008     Q1 2007  
    £m     CER%     £m     £m     £m  
    4,793       (4 )             4,793       4,806  
Consumer Healthcare
    893       8               893       786  
    5,686       (3 )             5,686       5,592  
Cost of sales
    (1,299 )     1       (60 )     (1,359 )     (1,234 )
Gross profit
    4,387       (4 )     (60 )     4,327       4,358  
Selling, general and administration
    (1,720 )     (2 )     (25 )     (1,745 )     (1,673 )
Research and development
    (780 )     5               (780 )     (726 )
Other operating income
    161                       161       207  
Operating profit:
    1,889       (10 )     (84 )     1,805       2,028  
Consumer Healthcare
    159       4       (1 )     158       138  
    2,048       (9 )     (85 )     1,963       2,166  
Finance income
    82                       82       58  
Finance expense
    (168 )             (2 )     (170 )     (96 )
Share of after tax (losses)/profits of associates and joint ventures
    (1 )                     (1 )     15  
    1,961       (13 )     (87 )     1,874       2,143  
    (563 )     (12 )     21       (542 )     (610 )
Tax rate %
    28.7 %                     28.9 %     28.5 %
    1,398       (13 )     (66 )     1,332       1,533  
Profit attributable to minority interests
    25                     25       19  
Profit attributable to shareholders
    1,373               (66 )     1,307       1,514  
    1,398               (66 )     1,332       1,533  
    25.6 p     (9 )             24.4 p     27.0 p
Diluted earnings per share
    25.5 p                     24.2 p     26.7 p



Three months ended 31st March 2008
    Total     USA     Europe     International  
    £m     CER%     £m     CER%     £m     CER%     £m     CER%  
    1,355       6       616       8       495       4       244       5  
    954       10       499       10       351       9       104       16  
    162       (1 )     75       7       45       (7 )     42       (7 )
    67       (5 )     17       (11 )     37       6       13       (21 )
    46       (33 )     4       (84 )     14             28        
    13             12             1                    
    829       3       594       7       131       (7 )     104       (8 )
    121       (15 )     31       (16 )     29       (21 )     61       (11 )
Paxil IR
    88       (13 )     2             29       (21 )     57       (12 )
Paxil CR
    33       (20 )     29       (22 )                 4        
    126       (3 )     121       (4 )     3       >100       2       (33 )
Wellbutrin IR, SR
    13       (43 )     11       (45 )     1             1       (50 )
Wellbutrin XL
    113       6       110       4       2             1        
    165       (1 )     134             23       (5 )     8       (11 )
    290       16       240       22       34       (11 )     16        
    94       15       60       9       29       24       5       67  
    739       (8 )     347       (9 )     213       (15 )     179       6  
    358       (5 )     152       (6 )     159       (6 )     47       2  
    105       (13 )     45       (8 )     43       (20 )     17       (6 )
    54       (16 )     27       (16 )     24       (19 )     3        
    34       (22 )     11       (21 )     15       (22 )     8       (22 )
    25       (8 )     10       (9 )     9       (11 )     6        
Agenerase, Lexiva
    35       (3 )     18       (10 )     15       8       2        
    99       25       40       17       48       33       11       29  
    274       6       174       7       45       11       55       2  
    249       9       173       7       37       18       39       9  
    25       (15 )     1       (50 )     8       (13 )     16       (13 )
    46       8       3             7             36       10  
    29       (71 )     8       (82 )               21       19  
    436       10       109       34       202       5       125       2  
    139       16       53       66       57       (5 )     29        
    5                         4             1        
    153       6       51       21       82       (1 )     20        
    13       (8 )     5       (29 )     5             3       50  
    27       79                   9       100       18       70  
    12                         10             2        
    398       (12 )     232       (22 )     119       6       47       19  
    48       (77 )     48       (78 )                       (50 )
Coreg CR
    35       >100       35       >100                          
Coreg IR
    13       (94 )     13       (94 )                        
    14             13             1                    
    85       30       49       22       28       39       8       75  
    35       70       19       73       14       33       2        
    51       (4 )                 44       (7 )     7       20  
    14       36       14       36                          
    50             50                                
    365       (2 )     45       (13 )     181       (7 )     139       10  
    156       (1 )     17       (29 )     82             57       10  
    2             2                                
    274       (45 )     133       (57 )     74       (6 )     67       (30 )
Avandia products
    191       (56 )     99       (66 )     54       (14 )     38       (44 )
    122       (62 )     71       (69 )     22       (35 )     29       (48 )
    62       (29 )     24       (49 )     31       8       7       (30 )
    7       (63 )     4       (73 )     1             2        
    49       50       33       48       15       44       1        
    113       (27 )     58       (41 )     38       6       17        
    29       (69 )     3       (95 )     16       (30 )     10       (9 )
    30       (3 )     17       (5 )     11       11       2       (50 )
    19       >100       10       >100       7       >100       2        
    284       13       4       (91 )     73       20       207       32  
    4,793       (4 )     2,138       (10 )     1,526       (1 )     1,129       6  
Pharmaceutical turnover includes co-promotion income.



Three months ended 31st March 2008
    Q1 2008     Growth  
    £m     CER%  
Over-the-counter medicines
    411       4  
    116       13  
    46       8  
Respiratory tract
    71       18  
Smoking control
    58       (27 )
Natural wellness support
Weight management
Oral care
    289       8  
Nutritional healthcare
    193       14  
    893       8  
Operating profit — business performance
    Q1 2008     Q1 2007     Growth  
            % of             % of              
    £m     turnover     £m     turnover     CER%     £%  
    5,686       100.0       5,592       100.0       (3 )     2  
Cost of sales
    (1,299 )     (22.8 )     (1,234 )     (22.1 )     1       5  
Selling, general and administration
    (1,720 )     (30.3 )     (1,673 )     (29.9 )     (2 )     3  
Research and development
    (780 )     (13.7 )     (726 )     (13.0 )     5       7  
Other operating income
    161       2.8       207       3.7                  
Operating profit
    2,048       36.0       2,166       38.7       (9 )     (5 )
Business performance operating margin decreased 2.7 percentage points, as sterling operating profit decreased 5% while sterling turnover increased 2%.
Cost of sales as a percentage of turnover increased by 0.7 percentage points. At constant exchange rates, cost of sales as a percentage of turnover increased by 0.8 percentage points, reflecting the impact of generic competition to higher margin products and lower Avandia sales, partially offset by improvements in manufacturing efficiencies.
SG&A costs as a percentage of turnover increased 0.4 percentage points compared with Q1 2007. Pharmaceuticals SG&A fell by 4% and Consumer Healthcare SG&A grew by 9% as a result of higher advertising and promotion expenses. The combined 2% reduction in SG&A costs was less than the 3% fall in turnover.
R&D expenditure increased 0.7 percentage points, and included significant increased investment in vaccines R&D. Pharmaceuticals R&D expenditure in the quarter represented 15.8% (Q1 2007: 14.6%) of pharmaceutical turnover.
Other operating income includes royalty income, equity investment disposals and impairments, product disposals and fair value adjustments to financial instruments. Other operating income was £161 million in Q1 2008 (Q1 2007: £207 million). This reduction in other operating income added some 2 percentage points to the EPS decline in the quarter. Other operating income in Q1 2008 included higher royalty and asset disposal income and favourable fair value movements on financial instruments compared with Q1 2007, partly offset by some write-downs of equity investments. Other operating income in Q1 2007 also included the Roche litigation settlement relating to carvedilol.



Operating profit — statutory results
Statutory operating profit for Q1 2008 was £1,963 million, down 13% CER and 9% in sterling terms compared with Q1 2007. This included £85 million of restructuring charges; £60 million was charged to cost of sales and £25 million to SG&A. There were no such charges in Q1 2007.
The charge for taxation on business performance profit, amounting to £563 million, represents an effective tax rate of 28.7%. The charge for taxation on statutory profit was £542 million.
Transfer pricing and other issues are as previously described in the ‘Taxation’ note to the Financial Statements included in the Annual Report 2007. The Group has open issues with the revenue authorities in the UK, USA, Canada and Japan. There have been no further developments on these issues since the publication of the Annual Report 2007.
GSK uses the best advice in determining its transfer pricing methodology and in seeking to manage transfer pricing and other issues to a satisfactory conclusion and, on the basis of external professional advice, continues to believe that it has made adequate provision for the liabilities likely to arise from open assessments. The ultimate liability for such matters may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings and negotiations with the relevant tax authorities.
Weighted average number of shares
    Q1 2008     Q1 2007     2007  
    millions     millions     millions  
Weighted average number of shares — basic
    5,355       5,599       5,524  
Dilutive effect of share options and share awards
    39       63       43  
Weighted average number of shares — diluted
    5,394       5,662       5,567  
The number of shares in issue, excluding those held by the ESOP Trusts and those held as Treasury shares at 31st March 2008, was 5,289 million (31st March 2007: 5,580 million).
    Paid/     Pence per        
    payable     share     £m  
First interim
  10th July 2008     13       688  
First interim
  12th July 2007     12       670  
Second interim
  11th October 2007     12       667  
Third interim
  10th January 2008     13       708  
Fourth interim
  10th April 2008     16       860  
            53       2,905  
The liability for an interim dividend is only recognised when it is paid, which is usually after the accounting period to which it relates. The fourth interim dividend for 2007 and first interim dividend for 2008 have not been recognised in these results.



    Q1 2008     Q1 2007  
    £m     £m  
Exchange movements on overseas net assets
    160       17  
Tax on exchange movements
    (6 )      
Fair value movements on available-for-sale investments
    (87 )     (19 )
Deferred tax on fair value movements on available-for-sale investments
    15       (4 )
Exchange movements on goodwill in reserves
    (31 )     (1 )
Actuarial gains on defined benefit plans
    219       330  
Deferred tax on actuarial movements in defined benefit plans
    (54 )     (94 )
Fair value movements on cash flow hedges
          (3 )
Deferred tax on fair value movements on cash flow hedges
Net gains recognised directly in equity
    216       227  
Profit for the period
    1,332       1,533  
Total recognised income and expense for the period
    1,548       1,760  
Total recognised income and expense for the period attributable to:
    1,527       1,739  
Minority interests
    21       21  
    1,548       1,760  



    31st March     31st March     31st December  
    2008     2007     2007  
    £m     £m     £m  
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
    8,026       7,051       7,821  
    1,372       946       1,370  
Other intangible assets
    4,492       3,702       4,456  
Investments in associates and joint ventures
    328       305       329  
Other investments
    424       581       517  
Deferred tax assets
    2,262       2,199       2,196  
Derivative financial instruments
    113       119       1  
Other non-current assets
    806       616       687  
Total non-current assets
    17,823       15,519       17,377  
Current assets
    3,314       2,554       3,062  
Current tax recoverable
    45       90       58  
Trade and other receivables
    5,316       5,124       5,495  
Derivative financial instruments
    483       92       475  
Liquid investments
    1,225       1,009       1,153  
Cash and cash equivalents
    2,147       1,981       3,379  
Assets held for sale
    3       7       4  
Total current assets
    12,533       10,857       13,626  
    30,356       26,376       31,003  
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings
    (1,799 )     (1,205 )     (3,504 )
Trade and other payables
    (5,329 )     (4,534 )     (4,861 )
Derivative financial instruments
    (244 )     (49 )     (262 )
Current tax payable
    (1,056 )     (914 )     (826 )
Short-term provisions
    (851 )     (740 )     (892 )
Total current liabilities
    (9,279 )     (7,442 )     (10,345 )
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings
    (8,114 )     (4,786 )     (7,067 )
Deferred tax liabilities
    (989 )     (739 )     (887 )
Pensions and other post-employment benefits
    (1,326 )     (2,033 )     (1,383 )
Other provisions
    (1,084 )     (817 )     (1,035 )
Derivative financial instruments
          (37 )     (8 )
Other non-current liabilities
    (354 )     (360 )     (368 )
Total non-current liabilities
    (11,867 )     (8,772 )     (10,748 )
    (21,146 )     (16,214 )     (21,093 )
    9,210       10,162       9,910  
Share capital
    1,476       1,503       1,503  
Share premium account
    1,295       1,067       1,266  
Retained earnings
    5,717       7,202       6,475  
Other reserves
    428       163       359  
Shareholders’ equity
    8,916       9,935       9,603  
Minority interests
    294       227       307  
    9,210       10,162       9,910  



    Q1 2008     Q1 2007     2007  
    £m     £m     £m  
Total equity at beginning of period
    9,910       9,648       9,648  
Total recognised income and expense for the period
    1,548       1,760       6,134  
Dividends to shareholders
    (708 )     (671 )     (2,793 )
Shares issued
    30       214       417  
Shares purchased and held as Treasury shares
          (828 )     (3,537 )
Shares purchased for cancellation
    (1,591 )           (213 )
Consideration received for shares transferred by ESOP Trusts
    6       41       116  
Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts
    (1 )           (26 )
Share-based incentive plans
    52       54       237  
Tax on share-based incentive plans
    (2 )           4  
Distributions to minority shareholders
    (34 )     (56 )     (77 )
Total equity at end of period
    9,210       10,162       9,910  
Net assets
The book value of net assets decreased by £700 million from £9,910 million at 31st December 2007 to £9,210 million at 31st March 2008. This reflects an increase in net debt arising from the funding of the share buy-back programme and dividend payments, partly offset by the elimination of the pension deficit. The elimination of the pension deficit arose from an increase in the rate used to discount UK pension liabilities from 5.75% to 6.75%, partially offset by a reduction in asset values and by changes in the estimated long-term UK inflation rate. At 31st March 2008, the net surplus on the Group’s pension plans was £13 million.
The carrying value of investments in associates and joint ventures at 31st March 2008 was £328 million, with a market value of £864 million.
At 31st March 2008, total equity had decreased from £9,910 million at 31st December 2007 to £9,210 million. The decrease arose principally from further purchases of shares for cancellation and dividend payments, partially offset by retained earnings and actuarial gains on defined benefit pension and post-employment plans in the period.
At 31st March 2008, the ESOP Trusts held 131.4 million GSK shares against the future exercise of share options and share awards. The carrying value of £1,507 million has been deducted from other reserves. The market value of these shares was £1,401 million.
During the period, GSK purchased £986 million of shares for cancellation and in addition an accrual of £605 million was provided to reflect the maximum potential commitment under an irrevocable purchase agreement to acquire shares for cancellation during the period from 1st April to 23rd April 2008. At 31st March 2008, the company held 484.2 million Treasury shares at a cost of £6,418 million, which has been deducted from retained earnings.



Three months ended 31st March 2008
    Q1 2008     Q1 2007     2007  
    £m     £m     £m  
Profit after tax
    1,332       1,533       5,310   
Tax on profits
    542       610       2,142  
Share of after tax losses/(profits) of associates and joint ventures
          (15 )     (50 )
Net finance expense
    88       38       191  
Depreciation and other non-cash items
    310       274       1,333  
Decrease/(increase) in working capital
    39        (31 )     (538 )
Decrease in other net liabilities
    (204 )     (603 )     (308 )
Cash generated from operations
    2,108       1,806       8,080  
Taxation paid
    (307 )     (256 )     (1,919 )
Net cash inflow from operating activities
    1,801       1,550       6,161  
Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
    (254 )     (312 )     (1,516 )
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment
    2       19       35  
Purchase of intangible assets
    (61 )     (396 )     (627 )
Proceeds from sale of intangible assets
Purchase of equity investments
    (12 )     (141 )     (186 )
Proceeds from sale of equity investments
    2       14       45  
Purchase of businesses, net of cash acquired
          (233 )     (1,027 )
Investment in associates and joint ventures
    (2 )           (1 )
Interest received
    87       59       247  
Dividends from associates and joint ventures
    2       4       12  
Net cash outflow from investing activities
    (236 )     (986 )     (3,009 )
Cash flow from financing activities
(Increase)/decrease in liquid investments
    (14 )     34        (39 )
Proceeds from own shares for employee share options
    6       41       116  
Shares acquired by ESOP Trusts
    (1 )           (26 )
Issue of share capital
    30       214       417  
Purchase of own shares for cancellation
    (986 )           (213 )
Purchase of Treasury shares
          (575 )     (3,538 )
Increase in long-term loans
    693             3,483  
Repayment of long-term loans
                (207 )
Net (repayment of)/increase in short-term loans
    (1,811 )     440       1,632  
Net repayment of obligations under finance leases
    (12 )     (9 )     (39 )
Interest paid
    (42 )     (24 )     (378 )
Dividends paid to shareholders
    (708 )     (671 )     (2,793 )
Dividends paid to minority interests
    (34 )     (56 )     (77 )
Other financing cash flows
    54        (38 )     (79 )
Net cash outflow from financing activities
    (2,825 )     (644 )     (1,741 )
(Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts in the period
    (1,260 )     (80 )     1,411  
Exchange adjustments
    (5 )     7       48  
Cash and bank overdrafts at beginning of period
    3,221       1,762       1,762  
Cash and bank overdrafts at end of period
    1,956       1,689       3,221  
Cash and bank overdrafts at end of period comprise:
Cash and cash equivalents
    2,147       1,981       3,379  
    (191 )     (292 )     (158 )
    1,956       1,689       3,221  



    Q1 2008     Q1 2007     2007  
    £m     £m     £m  
Net debt at beginning of the period
    (6,039 )     (2,450 )     (2,450 )
(Decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts
    (1,260 )     (80 )     1,411  
Cash outflow/(inflow) from liquid investments
    14       (34 )     39  
Net increase in long-term loans
    (693 )           (3,276 )
Net repayment of/(increase in) short-term loans
    1,811       (440 )     (1,632 )
Net repayment of obligations under finance leases
    12       9       39  
Exchange adjustments
    (340 )     9       (88 )
Other non-cash movements
    (46 )     (15 )     (82 )
Increase in net debt
    (502 )     (551 )     (3,589 )
Net debt at end of the period
    (6,541 )     (3,001 )     (6,039 )
Cash generated from operations was £2,108 million in Q1 2008. This represents an increase of £302 million compared with Q1 2007. The operating cash flow is in excess of the funds needed for the routine cash flows of tax, capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment and dividend payments to shareholders, together amounting to £1,269 million. Receipts of £36 million arose from the exercise of share options: £6 million from shares held by the ESOP Trusts and £30 million from the issue of new shares. In addition, £986 million was spent in the period on purchasing the company’s shares for cancellation. The decreased cash position at 31st March 2008 also reflects the net repayment of £1.8 billion of short-term loans in Q1 2008, partially offset by a further issuance of £0.7 billion under the EMTN programme.
The results and net assets of the Group, as reported in Sterling, are affected by movements in exchange rates between Sterling and overseas currencies. GSK uses the average of exchange rates prevailing during the period to translate the results and cash flows of overseas Group subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures into Sterling and period-end rates to translate the net assets of those undertakings. The currencies which most influence these translations, and the relevant exchange rates, are:
    Q1 2008     Q1 2007     2007  
Average rates:
    1.99       1.96       2.00  
    1.32       1.49       1.46  
    210       234       235  
Period-end rates:
    1.99       1.96       1.99  
    1.26       1.47       1.36  
    198       232       222  
During Q1 2008, average sterling exchange rates were stronger against the US Dollar but weaker against the Euro and the Yen compared with Q1 2007. Comparing Q1 2008 period-end rates with Q1 2007 period-end rates, Sterling was also stronger against the US Dollar but weaker against the Euro and the Yen.



The Group is involved in various legal and administrative proceedings; principally product liability, intellectual property, tax, anti-trust and governmental investigations and related private litigation concerning sales, marketing and pricing which are more fully described in the Legal proceedings note in the Annual Report.
At 31st March 2008, the Group’s aggregate provision for legal and other disputes (not including tax matters described under ‘Taxation’ on page 10 was £1.2 billion. The ultimate liability for legal claims may vary from the amounts provided and is dependent upon the outcome of litigation proceedings, investigations and possible settlement negotiations.
Significant developments since the date of the 2007 Annual Report are as follows:
With respect to Paxil CR, under the terms of the Group’s settlement agreement with Mylan, Mylan may be permitted to enter the market for all strengths of Paxil CR sometime during the second or third quarter of 2008. Other terms of the settlement remain confidential.
In April 2008, an action was filed against Biovail and GSK by a purported class of direct purchasers in the US District Court for the District of Massachusetts alleging anti-trust violations related to the enforcement of Biovail’s Wellbutrin XL patents. The action is in its early stages.
Developments with respect to tax matters are described in ‘Taxation’ on page 10.



This unaudited Results Announcement containing condensed financial information for the three months ended 31st March 2008 is prepared in accordance with the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority, IAS 34 ‘Interim Financial Reporting’ and the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report 2007.
GSK utilises a 3-column approach to the income statement. ‘Business Performance’ shows GSK’s underlying results excluding restructuring charges related to the new Operational Excellence programme announced in October 2007 and significant acquisitions. The middle column shows restructuring costs and the ‘Statutory’ column shows the full IFRS statutory results.
Business performance, which is a supplemental non-IFRS measure, is the primary performance measure used by management, and is presented after excluding restructuring charges relating to the new Operational Excellence programme, which commenced in October 2007, and significant acquisitions. Management believes that exclusion of these items provides a better reflection of the way in which the business is managed and gives a more useful indication of the underlying performance of the Group for the periods presented. Statutory results include these items. The Group reported only statutory results for Q1 2007.
In order to illustrate underlying performance, it is the Group’s practice to discuss its results in terms of constant exchange rate (CER) growth. This represents growth calculated as if the exchange rates used to determine the results of overseas companies in Sterling had remained unchanged from those used in the previous year. All commentaries are presented in terms of CER growth and compare 2008 business performance results with 2007 statutory results, unless otherwise stated.
This Results Announcement does not constitute statutory accounts of the Group within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The cash flow statement for the year ended, and the balance sheet at, 31st December 2007 have been derived from the full Group accounts published in the Annual Report 2007, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the independent auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Data for market share and market growth rates are GSK estimates based on the most recent data from independent external sources and, where appropriate, are valued in Sterling at relevant exchange rates. Figures quoted for product market share reflect sales by GSK and licensees.
Announcement of Q1 2008 results
This Announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on Wednesday 23rd April 2008.
Financial calendar
The company will announce second quarter 2008 results on 23rd July 2008. The second interim dividend for 2008 will have an ex-dividend date of 30th July 2008 and a record date of 1st August 2008. It will be paid on 9th October 2008.
This Announcement and other information about GSK are available on the company’s website at: http://www.gsk.com.



We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the interim financial report for the three months ended 31st March 2008, which comprise the consolidated Income Statement, the consolidated Balance Sheet, the consolidated Cash Flow Statement, the consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense and the related notes. We have read the other information contained in the interim financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.
Directors’ responsibilities
The interim financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors.
The annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, ‘Interim Financial Reporting’, as adopted by the European Union.
Our responsibility
Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the interim financial report based on our review. This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of this Results Announcement and for no other purpose. We do not, in producing this report, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.
Scope of review
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, ‘Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity’ issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the interim financial report for the three months ended 31st March 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants
23rd April 2008
(a)   The maintenance and integrity of the GlaxoSmithKline plc website is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the interim report since it was initially presented on the website.
(b)   Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial information may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.

Date: April 23rd 2008   GlaxoSmithKline plc
    By: /s/  Victoria Whyte

Authorised Signatory for and on behalf of
GlaxoSmithKline plc