EX-10.25 8 oskarepagmt.htm OSKAREP PLACEMENT AGREEMENT oskarepagreement

This Private Placement Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as
of January ____, 2002 (the "Effective Date") by and between DNAprint genomics, a
Utah corporation, (hereinafter "DNAPRINT") and John Oskarep (hereinafter


DNAPRINT is the inventor of certain intellectual property (software algorithms
for developing genetic tests) and desires to file patent covering these

PARTY is a lawyer who drafts, prosecutes and maintains such patent applications.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, as well as the obligations
herein made and undertaken, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:

Provision. PARTY is willing to accept DNAPRINT stock as compensation for his services.
        1.1     Designation. For the Correspondence/Linear+Quadratic method for
                modeling genetic features, and the Classification Tree Methods
                patents (PATENTS), PARTY will designate invoices to be paid under
                the terms of this agreement. At the discretion of PARTY, PARTY
                may from time to time designate other invoices to be paid under
                the terms of this agreement.
        1.2     Payment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement,
                and upon receipt of an invoice designated by PARTY as subject to
                the terms of this agreement, DNAPRINT agrees to pay such invoice
                by issuing DNAPRINT stock.
        1.3     Terms. The number of shares DNAPRINT will issue to pay the
                invoice will be determined by using an average share price for
                the 14 business day preceding (look-back) share price. The shares
                will be restricted 1-year from the date of issue.
        1.4     Transfer. DNAPRINT will physically transfer shares to PARTY
                through regular mail service.

        2.1     Services. The agreement specifically covers PATENTS but will
                extend indefinitely until terminated. During the term of this
                agreement, PARTY has the right to designate those invoices,
                whether for the PATENTS or subsequent patents, for which he is
                willing to accept stock as payment. Subsequent to the filing and
                compensation for the PATENTS, PARTY or DNAPRINT can terminate the
                agreement at any time. If DNAPRINT terminates the agreement, all
                future invoices will be payable in cash consistent with standard
                payment terms of PARTY.

        3.1     Amendments. DNAPRINT and GENOMED may sign subsequent amendments
                to this Agreement.


        4.1     Prospectus. PARTY confirms that he has read DNAPRINT's private
                placement memorandum, and the company's most recent annual report
                available from DNAPRINT or through the internet

7. Mediation and Arbitration
        7.1     Mediation and arbitration approach. The parties agree to select a
                mutually agreeable, neutral third party to help them mediate any
                dispute that arises under the terms of this Agreement. Costs and
                fees associated with the mediation will be shared equally by the


        7.2     Arbitration. If the mediation is unsuccessful, the parties agree
                that the dispute will be decided by binding arbitration under the
                rules of the American Arbitration Association. The decision of
                the arbitrators will be final and binding on the parties and may
                be entered and enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction by
                either party. The prevailing party in the arbitration proceedings
                will be awarded reasonable attorney fees, expert witness costs
                and expenses, and all other reasonable costs and expenses
                incurred in connection with the proceedings, unless the
                arbitrators for good cause determine otherwise.

8. General

        8.1     Notices. Any notice required or permitted hereunder must be in
                writing, and will be effective on the date of delivery when
                delivered personally, the next business day after dispatch when
                sent by Federal Express or other recognized overnight courier
                service, or the fifth business day after dispatch when sent by
                certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested.
                Notices should be addressed to the other party at the address
                shown below or at such other address as a party may designate by
                ten days' advance written notice to the other party:

         DNAPRINT GENOMICS, INC.                     GENOMED INC.
         900 Cocoanut, Ave.                          4560 Clayton Ave.
         Sarasota, FL 34236                          St. Louis, MO 63110

        8.2     Entire Agreement; Modifications. This Agreement constitutes the
                entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject
                matter hereof and supersedes all prior representations,
                proposals, discussions, and communications, whether oral or in
                writing. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a
                writing executed by a duly authorized representative of each
        8.3     Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable to the other for any
                failure or delay caused by events beyond such party's control,
                including, without limitation, sabotage, terrorism, riots,
                insurrections, fires, flood, storm, explosions, war or
                earthquakes. However, if such events have a material impact on
                the satisfaction of this Agreement, and shall continue for thirty
                (30) days or more, the other party shall have the option of
                terminating this Agreement by giving written notice of
        8.4     Change in Law; Change in Circumstances. No party shall make or
                receive any payment or take any action under this Agreement if
                any judicial decision, legislative action, or regulatory or other
                administrative interpretation, whether federal or state, would
                render illegal the conduct of either party under this Agreement.
                If performance by either party of any term of this Agreement
                should be deemed illegal by any party or third party who is
                essential to performance of this Agreement for any such reason,
                either party shall have the right to require that the other party
                renegotiate the terms of this Agreement.
        8.5     Assignment. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the
                benefit of the parties hereto, their successors and permitted
                assigns. Either party may assign this Agreement in its entirety
                to a successor corporation upon notice to the other party in the
                event of a merger or an acquisition of all or substantially all
                of the assets of the assigning party.
        8.6     Governing Law. All questions concerning the validity, operation,
                interpretation, and construction of this Agreement will be
                governed by and determined in accordance with the laws of the
                State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws
                provisions. Application of the United Nations Convention on
                Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically
        8.7     Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines
                that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or
                otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be replaced with a
                valid, enforceable provision as nearly as possible in accordance
                with the stated intention of the paties, while the remainder of
                this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. To the
                extent any provision cannot be enforced in accordance with the
                stated intentions of the parties, such provision shall be deemed
                not to be a part of this Agreement.
        8.8     Counterparts. This agreement may be executed in any number of
                counterparts, all of which together will constitute one and the
                same instrument.


IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by
their respective duly authorized representatives as set forth below:

DNAPRINT GENOMICS                           GENOMED

By:/s/Tony Frudakis                         By:/s/Jerry White
Tony Frudakis, Ph.D.                        Jerry White
CEO                                         CEO