EX-1.2 3 d877884dex12.htm AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Amended and Restated Regulations of the Board of Directors

Exhibit 1.2






Established: February 27, 1952

As last amended on June 17, 2015


Article 1. (Regulations of the Board of Directors)

Except as provided for in laws, ordinances or the Articles of Incorporation, matters relating to the Board of Directors of Toyota Motor Corporation (the “Company”) shall be governed by the provisions of these Regulations.

Article 2. (Purpose and Composition)


1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of all the Members of the Board of Directors and shall make decisions on the execution of business, supervise the execution of the duties of Members of the Board of Directors, and designate and dismiss the Representative Directors.


2. Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall be present and, whenever necessary, give their opinions at a meeting of the Board of Directors.


3. Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers shall be present only to the extent required to give explanation for matters to be resolved and to be reported in case of such attendance permitted by Board of Directors related to the matters to be resolved and reported. However, Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers are not able to participate in resolutions.

Article 3. (Person to Convene Meeting and Notice of Meeting)


1. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the President, Member of the Board of Directors. In the event that the positions of both the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President, Member of the Board of Directors are vacant or that both of them are prevented from convening, such meeting shall be convened by the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Directors or other Members of the Board of Directors in that order and according to their rank, if there are multiple persons holding the same position.


2. Notice of convening a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be dispatched to each Member of the Board of Directors and each Audit & Supervisory Board Member at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting. In the case of urgency, however, such period may be shortened.


3. A meeting of the Board of Directors may be held without following the convening procedure, if consented to by all the Members of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Article 4. (Chairmanship and Method of Adopting Resolutions)


1. The Chairman of the Board of Directors or the President, Member of the Board of Directors shall preside as chairman at a meeting of the Board of Directors. In the event that the positions of both the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President, Member of the Board of Directors are vacant or that both of them are prevented from so presiding as chairman, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Executive Vice President, Member of the Board of Directors or other Member of the Board of Directors shall preside as chairman in that order and according to their rank in the case that there are multiple persons holding the same position.

2. Resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be adopted at meetings at which a majority of the Members of the Board of Directors who are entitled to vote shall be present by a majority of the Members of the Board of Directors so present.


3. With respect to matters to be resolved by the Board of Directors, the Company shall deem that such matters were approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors when all the Members of the Board of Directors express their agreement in writing or by electronic records. Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply when any Audit & Supervisory Board Member expresses his/her objection to such matters.


4. With respect to matters to be reported to the Board of Directors, Members of the Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members or Accounting Auditors shall not be required to report such matters to the Board of Directors when such matters are notified to all the Members of the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Article 5. (Matters to be Resolved)

The following matters shall be subject to the resolution of the Board of Directors:


(1) Matters provided for in the Companies Act or other laws or ordinances;


(2) Matters provided for in the Articles of Incorporation;


(3) Matters delegated to the Board of Directors by resolution of a general meeting of shareholders; and


(4) Other important managerial matters.

Article 6. (Matters to Be Reported)

Members of the Board of Directors shall report to the Board of Directors on the following matters:


(1) State of execution of business and such other matters as are provided for in the Companies Act or other laws or ordinances; and


(2) Such other matters as the Board of Directors may deem necessary.

Article 7. (Meetings and Minutes)


1. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in Japanese, minutes shall be prepared each time a meeting of the Board of Directors is held and such minutes shall be kept on file at the head office for ten years.


2. Minutes shall set forth matters provided for in the laws or ordinances and the Members of the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members present shall sign or affix their names and seals thereto.


3. Minutes shall be prepared in Japanese.

Article 8. (TMC Executives’ Meeting)


1. The Board of Directors shall establish TMC Executives’ meeting in which important matters are discussed in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making on management and execution of the business of the Company.


2. Matters related to the establishment, changes in functions, and abolishment of TMC Executives’ meeting shall be submitted to the Board of Directors.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1. (Effective Date)

These Regulations shall become effective as of June 17, 2015.

Article 2. (Amendment to Regulations)

Any amendment to these Regulations shall be made by a resolution of the Board of Directors.


General Rules of the “Matters To Be Submitted To The Board of Directors” (this “List”)


  1. Pursuant to Article 5(1), (2) and (3) of the Regulations of the Board of Directors, matters and items defined in I-1, 2 and 3 of this List shall, without fail, be submitted to the Board of Directors.


  2. In addition, pursuant to Article 5(4) of the Regulations of the Board of Directors, for matters and items defined in I-4 of this List, materiality must be appropriately judged and matters must be submitted accordingly to the Board of Directors.


  3. Materiality shall be determined by Chief Officers, Deputy Chief Officers (and Executives responsible for individual Divisions for those under the direct control) taking into consideration “submission standards,” “special rules,” “definitions” and “explanations” in this List. If the amount of transaction does not meet the submission standards at first, but there occurs a possibility that it may exceed such standards later on, such transaction shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at the time such possibility arises.


  4. Pursuant to Article 6 of the Regulations of the Board of Directors, matters and items defined in II of this List shall be reported to the Board of Directors without delay.

Standard for re-submission

If material changes are made to a matter previously submitted to the Board of Directors (such as 20% or more of increase in the amount approved by the Board of Directors), such matter shall be re-submitted to the Board of Directors.

I. Matters to be Resolved:


  1. Matters provided for in the Companies Act or other laws or ordinances:






Relevant Articles

of Applicable Law

Shares; stock acquisition rights:    Fixing the record date    Article 124
   Acquisition of the Company’s own shares held by its subsidiaries    Article 163
   Cancellation of the Company’s own shares    Article 178
   Share-splits    Article 183
   Free Allotment of shares    Article 186
   Reduction of the number of shares constituting one unit (tangen) of shares or abolishment of the provisions which define such number    Article 195
   Auction of shares held by shareholders whose whereabouts are unknown    Article 197
   Issuance of new shares    Article 201
   Disposition of the Company’s own shares    Article 201
   Approval of undertaking a contract for the total number of shares of subscription or similar ones with transfer restrictions    Articles 205 and 244
   Issuance of stock acquisition rights    Article 240
   Approval of transferring stock acquisition rights with transfer restrictions    Article 265
   Acquisition of stock acquisition rights with acquisition clause    Articles 273 and 274
   Cancellation of stock acquisition rights    Article 276
General meetings of shareholders:    Free Allotment of stock acquisition rights    Article 278
   Convening of a general meeting of shareholders    Article 298
Board of Directors; Members of the Board of Directors:    Designation and dismissal of Representative Directors    Article 362
   Approval of Members of the Board of Directors’ competing transactions    Article 365
   Approval of Members of the Board of Directors’ transactions for their own account    Article 365
   Approval of Members of the Board of Directors’ transactions involving conflict of interests    Article 365
Accounts:    Approval of financial statements, business reports and the accompanying detailed statements   

Article 436

   Approval of extraordinary financial statements    Article 441
   Approval of consolidated financial statements    Article 444
   Reduction in the amount of capital (with conditions)    Article 447
   Reduction in the amount of reserves (with conditions)    Article 448





Relevant Articles

of Applicable Law


   Offering of bonds    Article 362
   Issuance of bonds with stock acquisition rights    Article 240


   Disposition and acquisition of important property    Article 362
   Borrowing of a large amount of money    Article 362
   Appointment and removal of managers and other important employees    Article 362
   Establishment, alteration and abolishment of branch offices and other important organizations    Article 362
   Development of a system to ensure the appropriateness of business operations of the Company and business group consisting of the parent company and subsidiaries    Article 362
   Other important business execution    Article 362


  2. Matters provided for in the Articles of Incorporation:






Relevant Articles
of the Articles of


   Acquisition of Company’s own shares    Articles 7 and 46
   Acquisition of shares with acquisition clause    Article 19
   Selection of registration agent and its location of business    Article 9
   Amendment to the Share Handling Regulations    Article 10
   Approval of transferring shares with transfer restrictions    Article 21
General meeting of shareholders:   


The order in which to assume chairmanship of a general meeting of shareholders



Article 25

Board of Directors; Members of the Board of Directors:   



Appointment and removal of Members of the Board of Directors with specific titles




Article 33

   Amendment to the Regulations of the Board of Directors    Article 32
   Exemption of Members of the Board of Director from their liabilities    Article 35
Audit & Supervisory Board Members:    Exemption of Audit & Supervisory Board Members from their liabilities    Article 42
Accounts:    Distribution of interim dividends from surplus    Article 46
   Reduction in the amount of reserves    Article 46
   Other disposition of surplus    Article 46
   Distribution of dividends from surplus    Article 46


   Appointment of Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor    Article 34

  3. Matters delegated to the Board of Directors by resolution of a general meeting of shareholders:






   Acquisition of Company’s own shares
   Issuance of new shares or stock acquisition rights on favorable conditions


   Other matters delegated to the Board of Directors


  4. Other important managerial matters:






   Corporate policies
   Important business alliances and important joint ventures
   Launching of new projects
   Short-form and simplified corporate splits
   Short-form and simplified share exchanges
   Simplified acquisition of an entire business of another company
   Approval of interim and quarterly accounts
   Approval of consolidated accounts (including interim and quarterly accounts)
   Institution of important legal actions and defending and responding to important disputes
   Establishment, changes in functions, and abolishment of TMC Executives’ meeting
   Other important matters
Personnel affairs; organization:   



Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, Managing Officers, and Executive General Managers’ (jyomu riji) assumption of offices in other companies (in the case of new offices in listed companies only)

   Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, and Managing Officers’ assumption of offices in important associations (in the case of new offices only)
   Assignment of Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, and Managing Officers to take charge of group, field, plant, technical center and any other organizations similar thereto (Excluding changes in the same organization)
   Treatment and discipline relating to Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, and Managing Officers
   Appointment and removal of Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers
   Appointment and removal of Senior Technical Executive (gikan) and Advisor (komon)
   Approval of Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers’ competing transactions
   Approval of Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers’ transactions for their own account
   Approval of Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers’ transactions involving conflict of interests
   Changes in important working conditions
   Other important matters




Production; Sales; Technology development:    Long-term or annual production, shipment or sales plans
   Long-term or annual equipment plans
   Licensing, acquisition or transfer of important intellectual property rights
   Other important matters
Group management:    Incorporation, dissolution, acquisition and transfer of subsidiaries
   Important group managerial matters
   Other important matters


   Other important managerial matters

II. Matters to be reported:





Relevant Articles of Applicable Law

   State of execution of business   

Companies Act

Article 363

   Important facts about a competing transaction    Article 365
   Important facts about any Member of the Board of Director’s transactions for his/her own accounts    Article 365
   Important facts about any transactions involving conflict of interests    Article 365
   Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, Managing Officers and Executive General Managers’ (jyomu riji) retirement from offices in other companies (Listed companies only)   
   Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, and Managing Officers’ retirement from offices in important associations   
   Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ assumption (in the case of new offices only) and retirement from offices in other companies (Listed companies only)   
   Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ assumption (in the case of new offices only) and retirement from offices in important associations   
   Monthly production/shipment/sales results   
   Important matters, such as incorporation of subsidiaries by a joint venture company   
   Management status of a system to ensure the appropriateness of business operations of the Company and business group consisting of the parent company and subsidiaries    Article 362
   Other important matters   

1. Out of “I. Matters to be Resolved” of the “Matters to be Submitted to the Board of Directors”, the matters described in “Others” in “1. Matters provided for in the Companies Act or other laws or ordinances” shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the standards contained in this Appendix 1.

Appendix 1





(1)    Disposition and acquisition of important property:


1       purchase and disposition of land (excluding land for business use)

   5,000,000,000 Yen*1 or more per transaction

2       acquisition and transfer of leaseholds

   5,000,000,000 Yen*2 or more per transaction

3       investments (excluding fund management investments)

   5,000,000,000 Yen*3 or more per transaction

4       capital expenditure (excluding model change and renewal of aging assets)

   30,000,000,000 Yen*4 or more per transaction

5       loans (excluding renewal of bills and notes, and loans as part of financial business)

   5,000,000,000 Yen*5 or more per transaction, or loans outstanding of 5,000,000,000 Yen*5 or more per company

6       discharge of debts

   200,000,000 Yen or more per transaction

7       donations (excluding those via Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.)

   200,000,000 Yen or more per transaction

(2)    Borrowings of large amounts of money:


1       borrowing

   5,000,000,000 Yen or more per transaction

2       guarantee of obligations

   5,000,000,000 Yen*6 or more per transaction, or outstanding guarantee of obligation of 5,000,000,000 Yen*6 or more per company

(3)    Appointment and removal of managers and other important employees

   Assignment of Executive General Manager (jyomu riji) and any other personnel similar thereto to take charge of group, field, plant, technical center and any other organizations similar thereto (excluding transfers within the same organization)
   Appointment of operating officers at membership companies (limited liability company, etc.) and limited liability partnerships, and removal of operating officers at such companies*7

(4)    Establishment, alteration and abolishment of branch offices and other important organizations

   Establishment, alteration and abolishment of group, field, plant, technical center and any other similar organizations


(*1) Purchase and disposition of land

In the case where any of the acquisition price, book value, or transaction price is 5,000,000,000 Yen or more per transaction, a submission shall be required.


(*2) Definition of “leaseholds”

“Leasehold” is a right which is obtained by a temporary payment of concession money as a setup fee for leasehold, when leasing land for the purpose of owning buildings (excluding parking space, etc.).

(*3) Special rules regarding “investment”


  (I) Even if the amount is below 5,000,000,000 Yen, if the conditions match either of the following, a submission shall be required.


  (i) Investment made to subsidiaries which were insolvent as of the end of the most recent closing date of accounts or those anticipated to become insolvent during their current fiscal period.


  (ii) Investment made to companies other than the subsidiaries.


  (II) Notwithstanding (I) above, such submission may be omitted by the decision(s) of the Executive Vice President(s) whose main duties are in relation to the division in charge of the case concerned and to the accounting areas, in the case where the amount of investment is below 2,000,000,000 Yen.


  (III) After the investment is made, if such investment comes to fall under (i) or (ii) in (I) above, whether or not to submit such matter to the Board of Directors shall be decided by the Executive Vice President(s) as defined in (II) above.


(*4) Capital expenditure


  1 Explanation of “capital expenditure”

The main coverage of this item shall be those such as the construction of new factories, production lines, buildings and sales bases, among others, which change the structure of business and may possibly pose new management risks.


  2 Special rules regarding “capital expenditure”


  (I) Even if the amount is below 30,000,000,000 Yen, if new factories are constructed, a submission shall be required.


  (II) In making a submission, attention shall be made to show a project overall picture such as vehicles and unit components.


(*5) Special rules regarding “loans”


  (I) Even if the amount is below 5,000,000,000 Yen, if the conditions match any of the following, a submission shall be required.


  (i) Loans made available to companies which were insolvent as at the end of the most recent closing date of accounts or those anticipated to become insolvent during their current fiscal period (whether or not such finance is directed to the subsidiaries).


  (ii) Loans made available to companies (excluding the subsidiaries) which have their head office located in countries or areas having a country risk rating below A.


  (iii) Unsecured loans made available to companies other than the subsidiaries.


  (II) Notwithstanding (I) above, such submission may be omitted by the decision(s) of the Executive Vice President(s) whose main duties are in relation to the division in charge of the case concerned and to the accounting areas, in the case where amounts of loans and loans outstanding are below 2,000,000,000 Yen.


  (III) After the loan is made available, if such loan comes to fall under (i), (ii) or (iii) in (I) above, whether or not to submit such matter to the Board of Directors shall be decided by the Executive Vice President(s) as defined in (II) above.


(*6) Special rules regarding “guarantee of obligations”


  (I) Even if the amount is below 5,000,000,000 Yen, if the conditions match either of the following, a submission shall be required.


  (i) Guarantee of obligation made to subsidiaries which were insolvent as at the end of the most recent closing date of accounts or those anticipated to become insolvent during their current fiscal period.


  (ii) Guarantee of obligation made to companies other than the subsidiaries.

  (II) Notwithstanding (I) above, such submission may be omitted by the decision(s) of the Executive Vice President(s) whose main duties are in relation to the division in charge of the case concerned and to the accounting areas, in the case where amounts of guarantee of obligation and outstanding guarantee of obligation are below 2,000,000,000 Yen.


  (III) After the guarantee of obligation is made, if such guarantee comes to fall under (i) or (ii) in (I) above, whether or not to submit such matter to the Board of Directors shall be decided by the Executive Vice President(s) as defined in (II) above.


(*7) Special rules regarding “membership companies (limited liability company, etc.) and limited liability partnerships”


  (I) An overall business plan must be submitted when a membership company (LLC, etc.) and LLP is established or investment is newly made.


  (II) If material changes are made to a business plan previously submitted to a meeting of the Board of Directors, such matters shall be re-submitted to a meeting of the Board of Directors.

2. Out of “I. Matters to be Resolved” of the “Matters to be Submitted to the Board of Directors”, the matters relating to “Management” in “4. Other important managerial matters” shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the standards contained in this Appendix 2.

Appendix 2





(1)    Important business alliances and important joint ventures:


1       definition of “business alliance” and “joint venture”


(1)    “Business alliance”

   Used when businesses such as sales tie-up, continuous provision of products, acceptance/entrustment of production, joint production, joint development, or technology licensing, etc. are commenced or terminated, or material changes with respect to these businesses are made.

(2)    “Joint venture”

   Used when Toyota Motor Corporation (“TMC”) and a business partner or its subsidiary make joint investment to establish or acquire a joint venture company and have such joint venture company conduct businesses for the purposes of the subject joint venture.

2       materiality standards for “important business alliances and important joint ventures” *1


(1)    Monetary standard

   In case TMC plans to spend 5,000,000,000 Yen or more in total for loan and investment, capital expenditures, etc. at the beginning of the plan.

(2)    Qualitative standard

   In case the subject business alliance or joint venture (including with a dominant competitor) may materially affect TMC’s management in terms of sales, profits, etc.




(2)    Launching of new projects:


1       definition of “launching of new projects”

   Used when TMC launches a business not relating to its existing business areas (such as automobiles, industrial vehicles, housing, information and telecommunication, boats and ships, airplanes, biotechnology or financial businesses.)
   Other than launch of business by TMC itself, launch of business through business alliance or through its subsidiary or joint venture company (excluding companies in which TMC invests without being required to include such companies’ operating results in its consolidated financial statements pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) shall also be considered as “launching of new projects.”

(3)    Institution of important legal actions and defending and responding to important disputes *2


1       Monetary standard

   In case that value of subjects (including rights and obligations) that are subject to legal action (in a response to legal action, reasonable amount for settlement) is 2,000,000,000 Yen or more.

2       Qualitative standard

   In case of legal actions such as filing of legal action with respect to important intellectual property rights or dispute with a public entity with respect to environmental issues, which may materially affect TMC’s management, business, rights or brand image, etc.


(*1) Materiality standards for “important business alliances and important joint ventures”

If a business alliance or joint venture falls under either the “Monetary standard” or “Qualitative standard”, it shall be submitted to the Board of Directors.


(*2) Materiality standards for “institution of important legal actions and defending against and responding to important disputes”

If a case falls under either “Monetary standard” or “Qualitative standard”, it shall be submitted to the Board of Directors.

3. Out of “I. Matters to be Resolved” of the “Matters to be Submitted to the Board of Directors”, the matters relating to “Personnel affairs, organization” in “4. Other important managerial matters” shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the standards contained in this Appendix 3.

Appendix 3





(1)    Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managing Officers, and Managing Officers’ assumption of offices in important associations (in case of new offices only)

   In case that Members of the Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, Senior Managing Officers, or Managing Officers of TMC assume or resign from a position such as chairman, board chairman, committee chairman, etc. of Japan Business Federation, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Association of Corporate Executives, Japan Automobile Manufacturer Association, Counsel of government authorities or other important associations comparable to these associations

(2)    Changes in important working conditions:

   In case that certain actions such as changes in working conditions with respect to employment which may materially affect TMC’s management and employees

4. Out of “I. Matters to be Resolved” of the “Matters to be Submitted to the Board of Directors”, the matters relating to “Production; Sales; Technology development” in “4. Other important managerial matters” shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the standards contained in this Appendix 4.

Appendix 4

Materiality standard for “licensing, acquisition or transfer of important intellectual property rights”

Certain actions such as licensing of intellectual property rights relating to TMC’s essential technologies or transfer of TMC’s trademark, which may materially affect TMC’s management, such licensing, transfer or acquisition shall be deemed material.

5. Out of “I. Matters to be Resolved” of the “Matters to be Submitted to the Board of Directors”, the matters relating to “Group Management” in “4. Other important managerial matters” shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in accordance with the standards contained in this Appendix 5.

Appendix 5





(1)    Incorporation, dissolution, acquisition and transfer of subsidiaries:


1       definition of “incorporation, dissolution, acquisition and transfer of subsidiaries”


(1)    “Subsidiary”

   A joint stock company of which TMC holds a majority of its voting rights, or other companies judged to be a subsidiary of TMC pursuant to Article 3 of the Implementation Rules of the Companies Act. (including a membership company such as a limited liability company, a partnership, any other business entities similar thereto)

(2)    “Incorporation”

   Used when a subsidiary is established.

(3)    “Dissolution”

   Used when a subsidiary is dissolved.

(4)    “Acquisition”

   Used when a subsidiary is obtained through, for example, acquisition of shares (excluding cases which fall under incorporation).

(5)    “Transfer”

   Used when a company loses its status as a subsidiary of TMC through, for example, TMC’s sale of shares of the subsidiary (excluding cases which fall under dissolution).

2       submission standard of “incorporation, dissolution, acquisition and transfer of subsidiaries”


(1)    Directly held subsidiary*1

   Matters to be resolved

(2)    Principal subsidiary, not falling under (1) above*2

   Matters to be resolved

(3)    Subsidiary with capital of 2,000,000,000 Yen or more, not falling under (1) or (2) above

   Matters to be reported

(4)    Subsidiary, not falling under (1)-(3) above

   Submission not necessary in principle

(2)    Important group managerial matters*3


1       Monetary standard

   In case a wholly owned subsidiary*i conducts Items 1~5 of “Disposition and acquisition of important property” as defined above, amounts, quantities, special rules, definitions and explanations of the same Items shall apply.




   However, such submission may be omitted, in the case where submission of a matter is a formality, the matter virtually requires no managerial decision (transfer of land/equipment conducted between wholly owned subsidiaries etc.) and the matter is judged not to have TMC’s group managerial materiality.

2       Qualitative standard

   If in case of “Disposition and acquisition of important property”*ii, “Borrowing of a large amount of money”*iii, business alliance, joint venture or reorganization of business, etc., conducted by subsidiary of TMC, which may materially affect TMC’s group management and reputation*iv.


(*1) “Directly held subsidiary” shall mean a subsidiary of which TMC directly holds a majority of the total voting rights.


(*2) Examples of “principal subsidiary” are as follows:


  (i) Subsidiary engaged in a new business


  (ii) Subsidiary with a substantial amount of capital (5,000,000,000 Yen or more)


  (iii) Subsidiary established as a result of a business alliance or joint venture with a dominant competitor


  (iv) Subsidiary which was insolvent as of the end of the most recent closing date of accounts or that is anticipated to become insolvent during its current fiscal period (this shall apply only to acquisition)


  (v) Other managerially important subsidiary


(*3) If a matter falls under either “Monetary standard” or “Qualitative standard”, it shall be submitted to the Board of Directors.


(*i) “Wholly owned subsidiary” shall mean a subsidiary of which TMC directly or indirectly holds all of the total voting rights.


(*ii) In conducting Items 1~7 of “Disposition and acquisition of important property” as defined above, materiality shall be determined with reference to amount, quantity, special rules, definition and explanation defined in the same Items.


(*iii) In conducting Items 1~2 of “Borrowing of a large amount of money” as defined above, materiality shall be determined with reference to amount, quantity and special rules defined in the same Items.


(*iv) With respect to other items, materiality shall be determined with reference to TMC’s submission standards of matters to be submitted to the Board of Directors.