N-CSR 1 g50292_ncsrfundstrust.txt G50292_NCSRFUNDSTRUST UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM N-CSR CERTIFIED SHAREHOLDER REPORT OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES Investment Company Act file number: 811-09253 Wells Fargo Funds Trust (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter) 525 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94105 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code) C. David Messman Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC 525 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94105 (Name and address of agent for service) Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 800-643-9691 Date of fiscal year end: October 31, 2008 Date of reporting period: October 31, 2008 ITEM 1. REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS =============================== (WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS LOGO) (GRAPHIC REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES.) Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery (GRAPHIC) Annual Report October 31, 2008 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALTY FUNDS(SM) - SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND - SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES. Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery Contents LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS .................................................... 2 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS Specialized Financial Services Fund ....................................... 6 Specialized Technology Fund ............................................... 12 FUND EXPENSES ............................................................. 18 PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS Specialized Financial Services Fund ....................................... 20 Specialized Technology Fund ............................................... 23 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of Assets and Liabilities ...................................... 26 Statements of Operations .................................................. 27 Statements of Changes in Net Assets ....................................... 28 Financial Highlights ...................................................... 30 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................. 34 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM ................... 42 OTHER INFORMATION ......................................................... 43 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................... 46
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS(R) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS skillfully guides institutions, financial advisors, and individuals through the investment terrain to help them reach their financial objectives. Everything we do on behalf of our investors is backed by our unique combination of qualifications. STRENGTH Our organization is built on the standards of integrity and service established by our parent company--Wells Fargo & Company--more than 150 years ago. Our diverse family of mutual funds covers a broad spectrum of investment styles and asset classes. And, because we're part of a widely diversified financial enterprise, we offer the scale and resources to help investors succeed, providing access to complementary solutions such as separately managed accounts, college investing plans, and retirement plans. EXPERTISE Our approach to investing is guided by the belief that agile, independent investment teams--each with its own distinct strengths and disciplines--provide a superior level of insight and expertise. Each team is free to concentrate on managing money through well-defined philosophies and processes that have proven to be consistent and repeatable over time. PARTNERSHIP Our collaborative approach is built around understanding the needs and goals of our clients. By adhering to core principles of sound judgment and steady guidance, we support you through every stage of the investment decision process. FOR 529 PLANS, AN INVESTOR'S OR A DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY'S HOME STATE MAY OFFER STATE TAX OR OTHER BENEFITS THAT ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THAT STATE'S QUALIFIED TUITION PROGRAM. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS BEFORE INVESTING. CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, RISKS, CHARGES, AND EXPENSES BEFORE INVESTING. FOR A CURRENT PROSPECTUS FOR WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS OR A CURRENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOR CERTAIN 529 COLLEGE SAVINGS PLANS, CONTAINING THIS AND OTHER INFORMATION, VISIT www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for Wells Fargo Advantage Funds, the Wells Fargo Advisor(SM) program, Wells Fargo Managed Account Services, and certain 529 college savings plans. Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds. The Funds and shares in the 529 plans are distributed by WELLS FARGO FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT FDIC INSURED - NO BANK GUARANTEE - MAY LOSE VALUE NOT PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT. WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS OFFERS MORE THAN 100 MUTUAL FUNDS ACROSS A WIDE RANGE OF ASSET CLASSES, REPRESENTING OVER $160 BILLION IN ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT, AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008. EQUITY FUNDS Asia Pacific Fund C&B Large Cap Value Fund C&B Mid Cap Value Fund Capital Growth Fund Common Stock Fund Discovery Fund Diversified Equity Fund Diversified Small Cap Fund Emerging Growth Fund Emerging Markets Equity Fund Endeavor Select Fund Enterprise Fund Equity Income Fund Equity Value Fund Growth Fund Growth Equity Fund Index Fund International Core Fund International Equity Fund International Value Fund Large Cap Appreciation Fund Large Cap Growth Fund Large Company Core Fund Large Company Growth Fund Large Company Value Fund Mid Cap Disciplined Fund Mid Cap Growth Fund Opportunity Fund Small Cap Disciplined Fund Small Cap Growth Fund Small Cap Opportunities Fund Small Cap Value Fund Small Company Growth Fund Small Company Value Fund Small/Mid Cap Value Fund Social Sustainability Fund Specialized Financial Services Fund Specialized Technology Fund Strategic Small Cap Value Fund U.S. Value Fund BOND FUNDS California Limited-Term Tax-Free Fund California Tax-Free Fund Colorado Tax-Free Fund Diversified Bond Fund Government Securities Fund(1) High Income Fund Income Plus Fund Inflation-Protected Bond Fund Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free Fund Minnesota Tax-Free Fund Municipal Bond Fund Short Duration Government Bond Fund(1) Short-Term Bond Fund Short-Term High Yield Bond Fund Short-Term Municipal Bond Fund Stable Income Fund Strategic Income Fund Total Return Bond Fund Ultra Short-Term Income Fund Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income Fund Wisconsin Tax-Free Fund ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS Aggressive Allocation Fund Asset Allocation Fund Conservative Allocation Fund Growth Balanced Fund Moderate Balanced Fund WealthBuilder Conservative Allocation Portfolio WealthBuilder Equity Portfolio WealthBuilder Growth Allocation Portfolio WealthBuilder Growth Balanced Portfolio WealthBuilder Moderate Balanced Portfolio WealthBuilder Tactical Equity Portfolio Target Today Fund(2) Target 2010 Fund(2) Target 2015 Fund(2) Target 2020 Fund(2) Target 2025 Fund(2) Target 2030 Fund(2) Target 2035 Fund(2) Target 2040 Fund(2) Target 2045 Fund(2) Target 2050 Fund(2) MONEY MARKET FUNDS 100% Treasury Money Market Fund(1) California Tax-Free Money Market Fund California Tax-Free Money Market Trust Cash Investment Money Market Fund Government Money Market Fund(1) Heritage Money Market Fund Minnesota Money Market Fund Money Market Fund Money Market Trust Municipal Money Market Fund National Tax-Free Money Market Fund National Tax-Free Money Market Trust Overland Express Sweep Fund Prime Investment Money Market Fund Treasury Plus Money Market Fund(1) VARIABLE TRUST FUNDS(3) VT Asset Allocation Fund VT C&B Large Cap Value Fund VT Discovery Fund VT Equity Income Fund VT International Core Fund VT Large Company Core Fund VT Large Company Growth Fund VT Money Market Fund VT Opportunity Fund VT Small Cap Growth Fund VT Small/Mid Cap Value Fund VT Total Return Bond Fund AN INVESTMENT IN A MONEY MARKET FUND IS NOT INSURED OR GUARANTEED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY. ALTHOUGH THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET FUNDS SEEK TO PRESERVE THE VALUE OF YOUR INVESTMENT AT $1.00 PER SHARE, IT IS POSSIBLE TO LOSE MONEY BY INVESTING IN A MONEY MARKET FUND. (1) The U.S. Government guarantee applies to certain of the underlying securities and NOT to shares of the Fund. (2) The full name of this Fund series is the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DOW JONES TARGET DATE FUNDS(SM). (3) The Variable Trust Funds are generally available only through insurance company variable contracts. NOT PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT. 2 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Letter to Shareholders [PHOTO OF KARLA M. RABUSCH] KARLA M. RABUSCH President WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS VOLATILITY ACROSS THE FINANCIAL MARKETS ROSE TO RECORD HIGHS DURING THE 12-MONTH PERIOD. Dear Valued Shareholder, We are pleased to provide you with this annual report for the Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds for the 12-month period that ended October 31, 2008. The period was marked by extreme volatility across the financial markets and proved to be a challenging time for investors. While periods of volatility can present challenges, we believe that investors should remember the importance of maintaining a long-term investment strategy based on their individual goals and risk tolerance. MARKET VOLATILITY SPIKED AMID GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. Volatility across the financial markets rose to record highs during the 12-month period. Dislocations that had first surfaced in the subprime mortgage market after years of credit excesses and lax lending standards spread across the financial system. This contagion resulted in a vicious circle of declining asset values that escalated the credit crunch into a global financial crisis. As the period began, delinquencies and foreclosures in the housing market continued to accelerate, further boosting housing inventory levels and depressing home prices. Mounting loan losses among lenders and a decline in the value of the mortgage-backed securities tied to those loans hurt the capital ratios of the overleveraged institutions that held the securities. As the market for lower-quality securities dried up, financial institutions and other investors were forced to sell their most-liquid securities to maintain liquidity, required capital ratios, and, in some cases, solvency. This caused further deterioration in the value of these and other securities, which in turn caused further deterioration in the asset bases of financial institutions holding the securities. RAPID STRUCTURAL CHANGES TRANSFORMED THE FINANCIAL LANDSCAPE. By the end of the 12-month period, the financial landscape was in the midst of its most consequential changes since the 1930s. Fear reached extreme levels in March 2008, with the forced sale of failing investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase and again in September and October as the period ended with one of the most tumultuous two-month spans that the financial markets have ever experienced. The failure or government takeover of several of the nation's most well-known financial institutions led to a crisis of confidence that resulted in the global financial system becoming nearly frozen, with large financial institutions too fearful even to lend to one another. In September alone, government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into government receivership, investment bank Lehman Brothers filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch was hastily sold to Bank of America, the government effectively took over insurer American International Group, investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted into bank holding companies, and Washington Mutual was bought by JPMorgan Chase. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 3 Letter to Shareholders THROUGHOUT THE 12-MONTH PERIOD, THE FEDERAL RESERVE TOOK REPEATED ACTIONS IN AN EFFORT TO STABILIZE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. GOVERNMENT TOOK UNPRECEDENTED ACTIONS TO STABILIZE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Throughout the 12-month period, the Federal Reserve took repeated actions in an effort to stabilize the financial system. This included a rapid succession of cuts in the target federal funds rate from 4.75% to 1.00%; large injections of capital into the financial system; and the initiation of several nontraditional, nonmonetary facilities. In February 2008, Congress passed an economic stimulus bill featuring tax rebate checks for consumers. This helped boost spending through the early summer, but spending fell sharply in July and remained weak throughout the rest of the period. In October, Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which authorized the Treasury to establish the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to directly purchase mortgage securities and other troubled assets from financial institutions. In the final weeks of the period, the Treasury moved to invest $250 billion of the TARP funds in direct equity stakes in the nation's banks. ECONOMIC GROWTH WEAKENED, BUT INFLATION PRESSURES EASED. Economic growth weakened during the 12-month period, leading to growing concerns of an economic recession. Growth in gross domestic product (GDP) was negative in the fourth quarter of 2007 and again in the third quarter of 2008. Amid this environment, consumer confidence and spending declined sharply as income growth slowed and the unemployment rate rose to 6.5%. On the positive side, the economic slowing helped ease the inflation fears that had grown due to surging gasoline and food prices. Headline inflation moderated as crude oil prices saw a rapid reversal in the later months of the period. This gave the Fed more leeway for interest-rate cuts without the immediate concern of higher inflation pressures. The U.S. dollar also reversed course from its multiyear weakening trend, showing significant strength against the euro during the latter half of the period. EQUITY MARKETS EXPERIENCED EXTREME VOLATILITY. The equity markets were turbulent throughout the period, with volatility rising to extreme levels in March 2008 and again during September and October. The broad market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, rose early in the period, closing at an all-time high in October 2007. The index then began an extended decline and ended the 12-month period down 36%, with a nearly 17% decline during October in the worst month for the stock markets since October 1987. For the full period, the NASDAQ Composite Index(1) declined 39%, falling more than 17% in October. Stocks in the financials sector experienced extreme volatility during the period as the turbulence in the financial markets rocked companies spanning industries from investment banking to insurance. Information technology companies also ---------- (1) The NASDAQ Composite Index measures the market value of all domestic and foreign common stocks, representing a wide array of more than 5,000 companies, listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market. You cannot invest directly in an Index. 4 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Letter to Shareholders struggled, due to the high exposure of many companies in this sector to the financial-services industry as well as to increasing concerns about weakening global economic growth. The S&P Financial Index(2) fell 53% during the 12-month period, and the S&P North American Technology Index(3) declined nearly 42%. DON'T LET SHORT-TERM VOLATILITY DERAIL LONG-TERM INVESTMENT GOALS. While periods of volatility can present challenges, experience has taught us that maintaining a long-term investment strategy based on individual goals and risk tolerance can be an effective way to plan for the future. As a whole, WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS represent investments across a broad range of asset classes and investment styles, giving you an opportunity to create a diversified investment portfolio. While diversification may not prevent losses in a downturn, it may help to reduce them and provide you with one way of managing risk. Our diverse family of mutual funds may also help. We offer more than 100 Funds that cover a broad spectrum of investment styles and asset classes. Thank you for choosing WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. We appreciate your confidence in us. Through each market cycle, we are committed to helping you meet your financial needs. If you have any questions about your investment, please contact your investment professional or call us at 1-800-222-8222. You may also want to visit our Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. Sincerely, /s/ Karla M. Rabusch Karla M. Rabusch President WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS ---------- (2) The S&P Financial Index is a market capitalization-weighted index of companies involved in activities such as banking, consumer finance, investment banking and brokerage, asset management, insurance and investment, and real estate, including REITS. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (3) The S&P North American Technology Index is a modified capitalization-weighted index of selected technology stocks. You cannot invest directly in an Index. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 6 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO FUND MANAGERS Allen J. Ayvazian Allen Wisniewski, CFA FUND INCEPTION July 2, 1962 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008 (EXCLUDING SALES CHARGES)
SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND 1 YEAR ----------------------------------- ------ Class A (51.95)% S&P Financial Index(1) (53.76)% S&P 500 Index(2) (36.10)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND - CLASS A S&P 500 INDEX S&P 500 FINANCIALS INDEX --------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------ 10/31/1998 9425 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9791 10,606 10,673 12/31/1998 10269 11,217 10,874 1/31/1999 10089 11,686 11,088 2/28/1999 10157 11,323 11,222 3/31/1999 10108 11,776 11,633 4/30/1999 10913 12,232 12,405 5/31/1999 10446 11,943 11,703 6/30/1999 10644 12,606 12,168 7/31/1999 10051 12,213 11,395 8/31/1999 9717 12,152 10,859 9/30/1999 9486 11,819 10,277 10/31/1999 10758 12,567 11,973 11/30/1999 10145 12,823 11,374 12/31/1999 9401 13,578 11,128 1/31/2000 9149 12,896 10,760 2/29/2000 8076 12,652 9,578 3/31/2000 9253 13,889 11,332 4/30/2000 8891 13,471 10,956 5/31/2000 9622 13,195 11,668 6/30/2000 8749 13,520 10,949 7/31/2000 9204 13,309 12,064 8/31/2000 10238 14,135 13,195 9/30/2000 10402 13,389 13,499 10/31/2000 10421 13,333 13,423 11/30/2000 10223 12,281 12,605 12/31/2000 11370 12,342 13,734 1/31/2001 11586 12,779 13,675 2/28/2001 11142 11,614 12,757 3/31/2001 10788 10,878 12,361 4/30/2001 10925 11,724 12,803 5/31/2001 11509 11,802 13,293 6/30/2001 11568 11,515 13,277 7/31/2001 11607 11,402 13,044 8/31/2001 11085 10,688 12,230 9/30/2001 10551 9,825 11,492 10/31/2001 10097 10,012 11,260 11/30/2001 10757 10,780 12,044 12/31/2001 11041 10,875 12,288 1/31/2002 11062 10,716 12,069 2/28/2002 11014 10,510 11,877 3/31/2002 11794 10,905 12,652 4/30/2002 11733 10,244 12,297 5/31/2002 11697 10,168 12,256 6/30/2002 11306 9,444 11,654 7/31/2002 10420 8,708 10,711 8/31/2002 10659 8,765 10,910 9/30/2002 9612 7,812 9,616 10/31/2002 9741 8,500 10,461 11/30/2002 9923 9,000 10,873 12/31/2002 9530 8,471 10,269 1/31/2003 9347 8,249 10,075 2/28/2003 9165 8,125 9,745 3/31/2003 9179 8,204 9,687 4/30/2003 10120 8,880 10,854 5/31/2003 10722 9,348 11,405 6/30/2003 10826 9,468 11,413 7/31/2003 11140 9,634 11,906 8/31/2003 11140 9,822 11,766 9/30/2003 11161 9,718 11,822 10/31/2003 11894 10,268 12,605 11/30/2003 11947 10,359 12,549 12/31/2003 12308 10,902 13,137 1/31/2004 12630 11,102 13,524 2/29/2004 13017 11,257 13,864 3/31/2004 12847 11,087 13,699 4/30/2004 12105 10,913 13,035 5/31/2004 12331 11,062 13,257 6/30/2004 12317 11,277 13,296 7/31/2004 12188 10,904 12,987 8/31/2004 12382 10,947 13,405 9/30/2004 12401 11,065 13,264 10/31/2004 12498 11,235 13,293 11/30/2004 12822 11,690 13,662 12/31/2004 13209 12,087 14,219 1/31/2005 12929 11,793 13,889 2/28/2005 12859 12,040 13,783 3/31/2005 12499 11,827 13,229 4/30/2005 12323 11,603 13,206 5/31/2005 12639 11,972 13,547 6/30/2005 12885 11,989 13,711 7/31/2005 13167 12,435 13,890 8/31/2005 12885 12,321 13,611 9/30/2005 13063 12,421 13,721 10/31/2005 13416 12,214 14,129 11/30/2005 13981 12,676 14,732 12/31/2005 14002 12,680 14,748 1/31/2006 14224 13,016 14,856 2/28/2006 14483 13,052 15,120 3/31/2006 14498 13,214 15,130 4/30/2006 15017 13,391 15,745 5/31/2006 14498 13,006 15,125 6/30/2006 14316 13,024 15,016 7/31/2006 14687 13,104 15,362 8/31/2006 14762 13,416 15,483 9/30/2006 15397 13,762 16,112 10/31/2006 15808 14,210 16,477 11/30/2006 15882 14,480 16,514 12/31/2006 16618 14,683 17,132 1/31/2007 16618 14,905 17,252 2/28/2007 16134 14,614 16,686 3/31/2007 16057 14,777 16,542 4/30/2007 16704 15,432 17,200 5/31/2007 17108 15,970 17,536 6/30/2007 16432 15,705 16,789 7/31/2007 15174 15,218 15,455 8/31/2007 15296 15,446 15,650 9/30/2007 15812 16,024 15,962 10/31/2007 15731 16,279 15,644 11/30/2007 14630 15,598 14,385 12/31/2007 13910 15,490 13,561 1/31/2008 13728 14,561 13,479 2/29/2008 12228 14,088 11,938 3/31/2008 12013 14,027 11,572 4/30/2008 12562 14,710 12,306 5/31/2008 11876 14,901 11,522 6/30/2008 9836 13,645 9,372 7/31/2008 10480 13,530 10,009 8/31/2008 10434 13,725 9,878 9/30/2008 9924 12,502 9,362 10/31/2008 7559 10,403 7,233
---------- (1) The S&P Financial Index is a market capitalization-weighted index of companies involved in activities such as banking, consumer finance, investment banking and brokerage, asset management, insurance and investment, and real estate, including REITS. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The S&P 500 Index consists of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity, and industry group representation. It is a market value weighted index with each stock's weight in the Index proportionate to its market value. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (3) The chart compares the performance of the Wells Fargo Advantage Specialized Financial Services Fund Class A for the most recent ten years with the S&P Financial Index and S&P 500 Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 7 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund, which invests predominately in the financials sector, was impacted by the underperformance of financial stocks relative to the S&P 500 Index. - The Fund's stock selection provided a return slightly better than the S&P Financial Index. - We reduced our brokerage position during the period; for example, we sold the Fund's holding in Lehman Brothers before it filed for bankruptcy. THE FINANCIAL CRISIS, WHICH STARTED IN AUGUST 2007, INTENSIFIED DURING THIS 12-MONTH PERIOD. Losses in residential real estate proved to be much greater than originally anticipated. In addition, the economy has deteriorated significantly in recent months and moved from a modest slowdown to a full-scale global recession. The greatest impact was felt among mortgage companies, investment banks with mortgage holdings, and commercial banks with significant residential real estate lending. As the market losses intensified in September and October 2008, other subsectors, such as asset managers and life insurance companies, were affected. Asset managers corrected because the value of their underlying assets declined with the market. Life insurance companies were also impacted by a decline in their investment portfolios. The stock market decline also caused their capital cushion to weaken, making it more difficult for them to satisfy the terms on their annuity contracts. By the third quarter of 2008, however, the market began to differentiate among the stronger financial companies and those that had reasonable capital levels and would benefit from the stimulus of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury. Our largest holding, JPMorgan Chase, declined less than 10% on a total return basis for the 12-month period versus a drop of 52.09% for the S&P Financial Index. JPMorgan has avoided most of the problematic mortgage holdings compared with other investment banks, and its stronger capital position allowed it to purchase Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual on favorable terms arranged with the U.S. government. US Bancorp and PNC Financial, our fourth- and sixth-largest holdings respectively, also declined less than 10% on a total return basis for the 12-month period. Both banks have had better credit quality relative to their peers, and PNC recently was able to purchase National City on favorable terms. Two midsize banks, Cullen Frost and People's United Financial, both had positive returns for the period, due to their stellar TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) JPMorgan Chase & Company 12.44% Citigroup Incorporated 6.43% Bank of America Corporation 6.12% US Bancorp 6.11% The Travelers Companies Incorporated 5.86% PNC Financial Services Group 5.27% Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 4.87% Goldman Sachs Group Incorporated 3.61% American Express Company 3.42% Capital One Financial Corporation 3.06%
---------- (4) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 8 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND (CONTINUED) credit quality and strong net interest margins. Public Storage, a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), also had a positive return for the past 12 months. Public Storage has a much stronger balance sheet relative to other REITs, with little debt, and its underlying operations have remained solid. On a final note, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. ADDITIONS TO THE FUND WERE CENTERED ON COMPANIES THAT HAD STRONGER CAPITAL POSITIONS, GOOD FRANCHISES, AND NO SERIOUS CREDIT ISSUES. Charles Schwab fits those characteristics, so it was a name that we added to while we reduced our weighting in other investment banks. City National Bank was another company in which we increased our weighting. The company has a valuable franchise in Southern California and has little exposure to the residential mortgage market. Both of these companies have performed significantly better relative to other financials during the period. Despite a worsening economic outlook, we believe that the likelihood of future outperformance among financials is increasing. This outlook is based on the unprecedented stimulus that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury are providing. With the federal funds rate now at 1%, which is resulting in a steep yield curve that improves margins, and the recently approved Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) providing additional capital, profitability for banks appears to be improving, in our opinion. Loan losses will likely remain elevated in 2009 given the weak economy, but this outlook has already been well disseminated. The year after a major stock market bottom has normally resulted in a subsequent year of strong equity returns. The impressive market performance in 1991 after a difficult 1990 offers some similarity to the present situation. Both periods saw significant stress among financial companies. The prior period had large commercial real estate losses, while the current period had losses in residential real estate. Both periods saw significantly depressed valuations, with many companies trading below book value. Then in 1991, we witnessed a powerful rebound in financial stocks, which was significantly greater than the recovery in the S&P 500 Index. (PIE CHART) INDUSTRY DISTRIBUTION(5) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Security & Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges & Services 15% Depository Institutions 54% Electronic & Other Electrical Equipment & Components, Except Computer Equipment 1% Holding & Other Investment Offices 2% Insurance Carriers 19% Non-Depository Credit Institutions 9%
---------- (5) Industry distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of industry distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 9 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND (CONTINUED) While it is impossible to predict future returns, we believe the worst of the downside is behind us and anticipate some improvement in the coming year. We also believe that near-term volatility will likely remain high given the stresses in the economy, but the market traditionally bottoms about four to six months before the economy does. Financials are early cyclicals and normally recover faster than the overall market, when the market turns. During the past 12 months, we have attempted to position the Fund's portfolio somewhat more defensively given the challenging environment. From our perspective, now appears to be the time to position the portfolio to capture gains because we believe that a market recovery may be likely during the next 12 months. 10 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- SERVICES FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) ---------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (SIFEX) (43.28) (54.71) (9.74) (2.76) (39.82) (51.95) (8.67) (2.18) 1.59% 1.35% Class B (SIFBX)** (44.86) (57.20) (9.93) (2.79) (39.86) (52.20) (9.33) (2.79) 2.34% 2.10% Class C (SIFCX) (40.75) (53.04) (9.27) (2.99) (39.75) (52.04) (9.27) (2.99) 2.34% 2.10% S&P Financial Index(1) (41.22) (53.76) (10.50) (3.18) S&P 500 Index(2) (29.28) (36.10) 0.26 0.40
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE - www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGES ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This fund is exposed to financial services sector risk and smaller company securities risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. ---------- (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the March 1, 2008, prospectus. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 12 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER RCM Capital Management, LLC PORTFOLIO MANAGERS Huachen Chen, CFA Walter C. Price, Jr., CFA FUND INCEPTION September 18, 2000 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 1 YEAR --------------------------- ------ Investor Class (42.23)% S&P North American Technology Index(1) (41.85)% S&P 500 Index(2) (36.10)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED S&P NORTH SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY AMERICAN TECHNOLOGY FUND - INVESTOR S&P 500 TECHNOLOGY FUND - CLASS A CLASS INDEX INDEX -------------- --------------- ------- ---------- 9/18/2000 9425 10000 10,000 10,000 9/30/2000 9529 10109 9,948 9,525 10/31/2000 8426 8938 9,906 8,805 11/30/2000 6909 7328 9,125 6,788 12/31/2000 6437 6827 9,169 6,205 1/31/2001 6795 7206 9,495 7,223 2/28/2001 5014 5316 8,629 5,220 3/31/2001 4326 4586 8,082 4,494 4/30/2001 4637 4915 8,710 5,351 5/31/2001 4373 4635 8,769 5,137 6/30/2001 4232 4484 8,555 5,150 7/31/2001 3827 4054 8,471 4,783 8/31/2001 3327 3525 7,941 4,159 9/30/2001 2846 3015 7,300 3,318 10/31/2001 3261 3454 7,439 3,850 11/30/2001 3789 4012 8,009 4,505 12/31/2001 3968 4202 8,080 4,425 1/31/2002 3817 4041 7,962 4,420 2/28/2002 3252 3442 7,808 3,829 3/31/2002 3582 3791 8,102 4,101 4/30/2002 3167 3352 7,611 3,598 5/31/2002 2950 3122 7,555 3,451 6/30/2002 2686 2842 7,016 2,962 7/31/2002 2432 2573 6,469 2,662 8/31/2002 2375 2512 6,512 2,627 9/30/2002 2102 2223 5,804 2,157 10/31/2002 2432 2572 6,315 2,628 11/30/2002 2714 2870 6,687 3,087 12/31/2002 2328 2461 6,294 2,636 1/31/2003 2337 2471 6,129 2,613 2/28/2003 2319 2451 6,037 2,651 3/31/2003 2300 2430 6,095 2,620 4/30/2003 2573 2719 6,598 2,893 5/31/2003 3025 3197 6,945 3,215 6/30/2003 3205 3386 7,034 3,206 7/31/2003 3421 3614 7,158 3,390 8/31/2003 3648 3853 7,298 3,623 9/30/2003 3704 3912 7,220 3,569 10/31/2003 4090 4319 7,629 3,916 11/30/2003 4053 4279 7,696 3,990 12/31/2003 4015 4239 8,100 4,051 1/31/2004 4298 4537 8,249 4,241 2/29/2004 4156 4387 8,363 4,119 3/31/2004 4147 4376 8,237 4,005 4/30/2004 3921 4137 8,108 3,771 5/31/2004 4147 4375 8,219 3,979 6/30/2004 4279 4514 8,378 4,075 7/31/2004 3808 4016 8,101 3,689 8/31/2004 3695 3896 8,133 3,502 9/30/2004 3893 4105 8,221 3,623 10/31/2004 4270 4502 8,347 3,815 11/30/2004 4590 4839 8,685 4,028 12/31/2004 4741 4997 8,980 4,155 1/31/2005 4364 4599 8,761 3,880 2/28/2005 4373 4609 8,945 3,884 3/31/2005 4279 4509 8,787 3,789 4/30/2005 4109 4330 8,620 3,595 5/31/2005 4505 4747 8,895 3,918 6/30/2005 4420 4658 8,907 3,841 7/31/2005 4543 4787 9,239 4,100 8/31/2005 4647 4886 9,154 4,065 9/30/2005 4910 5174 9,228 4,105 10/31/2005 4901 5164 9,075 4,032 11/30/2005 5033 5303 9,418 4,298 12/31/2005 5127 5403 9,421 4,219 1/31/2006 5504 5800 9,671 4,375 2/28/2006 5250 5522 9,697 4,303 3/31/2006 5476 5760 9,818 4,399 4/30/2006 5448 5730 9,949 4,370 5/31/2006 4920 5174 9,663 4,045 6/30/2006 4788 5035 9,676 3,988 7/31/2006 4609 4846 9,736 3,817 8/31/2006 4882 5134 9,967 4,111 9/30/2006 4986 5244 10,224 4,275 10/31/2006 5137 5403 10,558 4,445 11/30/2006 5410 5681 10,758 4,602 12/31/2006 5448 5720 10,909 4,572 1/31/2007 5570 5859 11,074 4,646 2/28/2007 5429 5700 10,858 4,546 3/31/2007 5401 5671 10,979 4,566 4/30/2007 5551 5830 11,465 4,794 5/31/2007 5815 6108 11,865 4,995 6/30/2007 6023 6316 11,668 5,033 7/31/2007 6136 6445 11,307 4,997 8/31/2007 6296 6604 11,476 5,136 9/30/2007 6777 7111 11,905 5,348 10/31/2007 7380 7736 12,095 5,705 11/30/2007 6918 7260 11,589 5,253 12/31/2007 7003 7349 11,509 5,316 1/31/2008 6041 6336 10,818 4,642 2/29/2008 5872 6157 10,467 4,478 3/31/2008 5768 6048 10,422 4,517 4/30/2008 6239 6545 10,929 4,845 5/31/2008 6588 6902 11,071 5,145 6/30/2008 5957 6247 10,137 4,654 7/31/2008 5881 6167 10,052 4,622 8/31/2008 5881 6167 10,197 4,716 9/30/2008 5052 5293 9,289 4,034 10/31/2008 4260 4469 7,729 3,317
---------- (1) The S&P North American Technology Index is a modified capitalization-weighted index of selected technology stocks. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The S&P 500 Index consists of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity, and industry group representation. It is a market value weighted index with each stock's weight in the Index proportionate to its market value. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (3) The chart compares the performance of the Wells Fargo Advantage Specialized Technology Fund Class A and Investor Class for the life of the Fund with the S&P North American Technology Index and S&P 500 Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 13 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund underperformed its benchmark during a time of major declines in most technology stocks and aversion to risk among investors. Overall stock selection was negative in both the large-cap and small-cap technology stocks. As a defensive strategy, the Fund had a larger-than-normal cash position, which helped to minimize the Fund's underperformance. - The higher-than-normal cash position was implemented because stocks in the Fund had reached their price targets and we expected a slowing economy. Throughout the period, we used the cash for strategic buying opportunities when we found them. - We sold stocks of companies that were not meeting our expectations to minimize the negative effects of holding them. Examples included Corning, eBay, Focus Media, Dell, and NVIDIA. - The Fund retained a mix of well-positioned large-cap technology leaders such as Oracle, Apple, and Hewlett-Packard, as well as emerging leaders such as Qualcomm, Activision Blizzard, First Solar, Monsanto, McAfee, and Baidu.com. LARGE-CAP TECHNOLOGY STOCKS BENEFITED FROM THE DECLINE OF THE U.S. DOLLAR FOR MOST OF THE PERIOD AND FROM THE NEED FOR TECHNOLOGY AS EMERGING COUNTRIES TRANSITIONED TO A NETWORKED WORLD. The Fund's underweights to Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Intel hurt performance. These companies gained momentum during the period from sales in their non-U.S. business, which in many cases accounted for over half of their revenues. Valuations were low for these companies, as they tend to have large cash balances and aggressive buyback programs, but most of them also had new product cycles. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. On a more positive note, underweights in Dell, Motorola, and eBay contributed to Fund performance because these large cap stocks did not perform well. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Microsoft Corporation 9.26% Apple Incorporated 8.11% Hewlett-Packard Company 8.02% International Business Machines Corporation 6.83% Google Incorporated Class A 6.20% Oracle Corporation 5.73% Cisco Systems Incorporated 5.24% Intel Corporation 4.93% QUALCOMM Incorporated 4.75% Salesforce.com Incorporated 2.78%
---------- (4) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 14 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND (CONTINUED) The Fund focused its smaller-cap holdings on those companies that we believed were well positioned to save customers money during this difficult environment. Stocks that fit this criteria included Cognizant in outsourcing, Baidu.com in Web search, Monsanto in agricultural productivity, Salesforce.com in software as a service, and Juniper Networks and Riverbed Technology in data communications. We continue to favor several companies that are providing good value or new experiences to the consumer. In this category, we like some of the smart-phone vendors such as Apple, with its revolutionary iPhone; Research in Motion, with its upgraded BlackBerry devices, which include touch screens and cameras; Tencent Holdings, with its messaging portal that became the leading gaming portal in China; and Activision, with its core video games like Guitar Hero. Activision helped performance significantly, as did Tencent. We also continue to favor selective alternative energy providers. Our favorite company is First Solar, which is the lowest-cost provider of solar energy in the world. With the passage of the Incentive Tax Credits (ITCs), we believe that this stock, which was a top contributor to performance in 2008, could do well again in 2009. We hope to broaden our holdings in the area of alternative energy. OUR INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY IS TO INVEST IN HIGH-GROWTH, NEW MARKET NICHE COMPANIES, BUT IN TODAY'S MARKET, WE RECOGNIZE THAT THIS VIEW MAY BE RISKY. Consequently, we have moved the Fund into larger-cap companies. For example, in the internet sector, the Fund is overweight in Google, Tencent, and Amazon.com because we believe that these companies will gain market share with an increase in consumer spending. We are positioning the Fund to a more equal weighting in the software sector, with overweights in McAfee and Salesforce.com because this sector has done relatively well during most recessions. The Fund is underweight in computers and peripherals, but we do like Hewlett-Packard because of the company's recent purchase of EDS. Finally, while the Fund is overweight in Apple, Research in Motion, and Qualcomm, we are becoming more cautious in the smart phone area because we believe that the economy is affecting sales. INDUSTRY DISTRIBUTION(5) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Computer Equipment 30% Business Services 37% Communications 7% Electric, Gas & Sanitary Services 1% E-Commerce/Services 1% Electronics & Other Electrical Equipment & Components, Except Computer Equipment 24%
---------- (5) Industry distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of industry distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 15 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND (CONTINUED) WE BELIEVE THAT TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES WILL FARE SURPRISINGLY WELL IN THIS DIFFICULT ENVIRONMENT. The technology sector has had to justify every dollar spent by its customers after the problems we saw in 2000-2003. These companies are accustomed to selling returns, cutting costs, and delivering on their claims. Therefore, we believe that these companies are well positioned for the current challenges facing the global economy. Growth does not come from pricing in this sector. In our view, however, a recovery in spending will only come after customers are confident that the credit crisis is over and the problems with liquidity have been resolved. We are hopeful that this condition will occur in 2009. 16 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(6) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- Life Life SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year of Fund 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year of Fund Gross(7) Net(8) --------------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (WFSTX) (35.61) (45.61) (0.35) (9.98) (31.72) (42.27) 0.82 (9.32) 1.80% 1.75% Class B (WFTBX)** (37.00) (47.72) (0.36) (9.92) (32.00) (42.72) 0.05 (9.92) 2.55% 2.50% Class C (WFTCX) (33.05) (43.70) 0.00 (10.03) (32.05) (42.70) 0.00 (10.03) 2.55% 2.50% Investor Class (WFTZX) (31.71) (42.23) 0.68 (9.45) 1.97% 1.87% S&P North American Technology Index(1) (31.53) (41.85) (3.26) (12.70) S&P 500 Index(2) (29.28) (36.10) 0.26 (3.12)
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE - www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGES ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This fund is exposed to foreign investment risk, nondiversification risk, smaller company securities risk and technology sector risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. ---------- (6) Investor Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Effective June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class and modified to assume the features and attributes of the Investor Class. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Investor Class reflects the performance of the Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class Z expenses. (7) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the March 1, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class B, and Class C shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Investor Class shares. (8) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 18 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Fund Expenses (Unaudited) As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, redemption fees (if any) and exchange fees (if any); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution (12b-1) and/or shareholder service fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the six-month period and held for the entire six-month period, from May 1, 2008 to October 31, 2008. ACTUAL EXPENSES The "Actual" line of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the "Actual" line under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid During Period" for your applicable class of shares to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period. HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES The "Hypothetical" line of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund's actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund's actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the "Hypothetical" line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio --------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 601.80 $ 5.44 1.35% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.35 $ 6.85 1.35% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 601.40 $ 8.45 2.10% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.58 $10.63 2.10% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 602.50 $ 8.46 2.10% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.58 $10.63 2.10%
Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 19 Fund Expenses (Unaudited)
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio ------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 682.80 $ 7.40 1.75% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,016.34 $ 8.87 1.75% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 680.00 $10.56 2.50% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,012.57 $12.65 2.50% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 679.50 $10.55 2.50% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,012.57 $12.65 2.50% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 682.90 $ 7.91 1.87% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,015.74 $ 9.48 1.87%
---------- (1) Expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year divided by the number of days in the fiscal year (to reflect the one-half year period). 20 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND
Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 21 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES (CONTINUED) 87,200 INVESCO LIMITED $ 1,300,151 128,300 MERRILL LYNCH & COMPANY INCORPORATED 2,385,097 80,000 MORGAN STANLEY 1,397,601 14,878,197 ------------ TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $135,010,628) 100,968,467 ------------ COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 3.38% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 0.63% 158,984 BLACKROCK TEMP FUND #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 158,984 158,984 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 158,984 158,984 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 158,984 158,984 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 158,984 635,936 ------------
PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 2.75% $ 63,370 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 63,370 391,861 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $391,869) 0.25 11/03/2008 391,861 31,797 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 31,797 391,861 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $391,869) 0.25 11/03/2008 391,861 44,784 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $44,785) 0.20 11/03/2008 44,784 32,468 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 32,468 57,169 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 943 44,014 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 726 11,868 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 11,865 329,891 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $329,901) 0.35 11/03/2008 329,891 66,057 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 66,057 391,861 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $391,869) 0.25 11/03/2008 391,861 47,471 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 47,471 47,471 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 47,471 6,574 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,574) 0.15 11/03/2008 6,574 15,898 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 15,898 213,545 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 91,867 42,545 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $42,547) 0.50 11/03/2008 42,545 194,811 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $194,814) 0.20 11/03/2008 194,811 8,733 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 8,733 47,023 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $47,032) 2.25 11/03/2008 47,023 32,468 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 32,468 5,374 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 5,374
22 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND
PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS (continued) $ 63,370 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 63,370 65,161 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORRATED 1.00 11/03/2008 65,161 64,041 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 64,041 111,960 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 78,372 69,415 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 48,591 96,286 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 67,400 55,980 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 39,186 88,292 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 78,128 2,801,968 ------------ TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $3,660,024) 3,437,904 ------------
SHARES ----------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 1.18% 1,196,956 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 1,196,956 ------------ TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $1,196,956) 1,196,956 ------------ TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $139,867,608)* 103.79% $105,603,327 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (3.79) (3,854,169) ------ ------------ TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $101,749,158 ====== ============
---------- << All or a portion of this security is on loan. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $1,196,956. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $141,348,667 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 7,935,985 Gross unrealized depreciation (43,681,325) ------------ Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(35,745,340)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 23 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND
24 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND
PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE ----------- ------------- ------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 2.31% $ 82,035 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 82,035 507,283 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $507,294) 0.25 11/03/2008 507,283 41,162 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 41,162 507,283 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $507,294) 0.25 11/03/2008 507,283 57,975 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $57,976) 0.20 11/03/2008 57,975 42,032 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 42,032 74,007 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 1,221 56,978 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 940 15,363 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 15,359 427,060 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $427,072) 0.35 11/03/2008 427,060 85,513 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 85,513 507,283 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $507,294) 0.25 11/03/2008 507,283 61,454 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 61,454 61,454 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 61,454 8,511 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $8,511) 0.15 11/03/2008 8,511 20,581 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 20,580 276,444 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 118,926
Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 25 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND
PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS (continued) $ 55,076 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $55,078) 0.50% 11/03/2008 $ 55,076 252,192 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $252,196) 0.20 11/03/2008 252,192 11,305 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 11,305 60,874 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $60,885) 2.25 11/03/2008 60,874 42,032 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 42,032 6,957 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 6,957 82,035 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 82,035 84,354 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 84,354 82,905 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 82,905 144,938 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 101,457 89,862 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 62,903 124,647 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 87,253 72,469 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 50,728 114,299 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 101,143 3,627,285 ------------ TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $4,667,432) 4,450,533 ------------
SHARES ----------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 10.56% MUTUAL FUNDS: 10.56% 16,577,263 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 16,577,263 ------------ TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $16,577,263) 16,577,263 ------------ TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $222,570,308)* 104.35% $163,801,011 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (4.35) (6,831,034) ------ ------------ TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $156,969,977 ====== ============
---------- + Non-income earning securities. << All or a portion of this security is on loan. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4 (2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $16,577,263. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $224,775,405 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 398,361 Gross unrealized depreciation (61,372,755) ------------ Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(60,974,394)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 26 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Statements of Assets and Liabilities--October 31, 2008
Specialized Specialized Financial Services Technology Fund Fund ------------------ ------------ ASSETS Investments In securities, at market value (including securities on loan) ................... $100,968,467 $142,773,215 Collateral received for securities loaned (Note 2) .............................. 3,437,904 4,450,533 Investments in affiliates ....................................................... 1,196,956 16,577,263 ------------ ------------ Total investments at market value (see cost below) ................................. 105,603,327 163,801,011 ------------ ------------ Cash ............................................................................... 50,000 50,000 Receivable for Fund shares issued .................................................. 3,300 286,900 Receivable for investments sold .................................................... 146,771 1,446,428 Receivables for dividends and interest ............................................. 193,910 104,839 ------------ ------------ Total assets .......................................................................... 105,997,308 165,689,178 ------------ ------------ LIABILITIES Payable for Fund shares redeemed ................................................... 123,907 605,853 Payable for investments purchased .................................................. 0 3,007,562 Payable upon receipt of securities loaned (Note 2) ................................. 3,940,635 4,880,925 Payable to investment advisor and affiliates (Note 3) .............................. 90,516 160,900 Accrued expenses and other liabilities ............................................. 93,092 63,961 ------------ ------------ Total liabilities ..................................................................... 4,248,150 8,719,201 ------------ ------------ TOTAL NET ASSETS ...................................................................... $101,749,158 $156,969,977 ============ ============ NET ASSETS CONSIST OF Paid-in capital .................................................................... $161,537,004 $278,530,471 Undistributed net investment income (loss) ......................................... 190,302 0 Undistributed net realized gain (loss) on investments .............................. (25,713,867) (62,795,587) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments, foreign currencies and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies ..... (34,042,161) (58,548,008) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of securities lending ................... (222,120) (216,899) ------------ ------------ TOTAL NET ASSETS ...................................................................... $101,749,158 $156,969,977 ============ ============ COMPUTATION OF NET ASSET VALUE AND OFFERING PRICE PER SHARE(1) Net assets - Class A ............................................................... $100,281,933 $100,522,578 Shares outstanding - Class A ....................................................... 61,474,000 22,242,031 Net asset value per share - Class A ................................................ $ 1.63 $ 4.52 Maximum offering price per share - Class A(2) ...................................... $ 1.73 $ 4.80 Net assets - Class B ............................................................... $ 915,682 $ 3,253,868 Shares outstanding - Class B ....................................................... 561,529 766,015 Net asset value and offering price per share - Class B ............................. $ 1.63 $ 4.25 Net assets - Class C ............................................................... $ 551,543 $ 3,626,491 Shares outstanding - Class C ....................................................... 340,795 855,143 Net asset value and offering price per share - Class C ............................. $ 1.62 $ 4.24 Net assets - Investor Class ........................................................ NA $ 49,567,040 Shares outstanding - Investor Class ................................................ NA 11,022,864 Net asset value and offering price per share - Investor Class ...................... NA $ 4.50 ------------ ------------ Investments at cost ................................................................... $139,867,608 $222,570,308 ------------ ------------ Securities on loan, at market value (Note 2) .......................................... $ 3,619,198 $ 4,661,411 ------------ ------------
---------- (1) Each Fund has an unlimited number of authorized shares. (2) Maximum offering price is computed as 100/94.25 of net asset value. On investments of $50,000 or more, the offering price is reduced. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 27 Statements of Operations--For the Year Ended October 31, 2008
Specialized Specialized Financial Services Technology Fund Fund ------------------ ------------- INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends(1) ....................................................................... $ 6,894,452 $ 1,580,879 Income from affiliated securities .................................................. 30,823 904,749 Securities lending income .......................................................... 96,409 132,895 ------------- ------------- Total investment income ............................................................... 7,021,684 2,618,523 ------------- ------------- EXPENSES Advisory fees ...................................................................... 1,768,541 2,426,153 Administration fees Fund Level ...................................................................... 93,081 115,531 Class A ......................................................................... 514,632 405,384 Class B ......................................................................... 4,666 22,491 Class C ......................................................................... 1,956 15,607 Investor Class .................................................................. NA 303,874 Custody fees ....................................................................... 37,232 161,744 Shareholder servicing fees (Note 3) ................................................ 459,812 574,965 Accounting fees .................................................................... 35,690 45,280 Distribution fees (Note 3) Class B ......................................................................... 12,499 60,244 Class C ......................................................................... 5,239 41,805 Professional fees .................................................................. 34,663 34,663 Registration fees .................................................................. 35,302 45,695 Shareholder reports ................................................................ 63,721 91,361 Trustees' fees ..................................................................... 8,646 8,646 Other fees and expenses ............................................................ 11,940 13,918 ------------- ------------- Total expenses ........................................................................ 3,087,620 4,367,361 ------------- ------------- LESS Waived fees and reimbursed expenses (Note 3) ....................................... (554,147) (126,321) Net expenses ....................................................................... 2,533,473 4,241,040 ------------- ------------- Net investment income (loss) .......................................................... 4,488,211 (1,622,517) ------------- ------------- REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS NET REALIZED GAIN (LOSS) FROM Securities, foreign currencies and foreign currency translation .................... (24,236,544) 6,336,153 Securities lending ................................................................. (280,611) (213,493) ------------- ------------- Net realized gain and loss from investments ........................................... (24,517,155) 6,122,660 ------------- ------------- NET CHANGE IN UNREALIZED APPRECIATION (DEPRECIATION) OF Securities, foreign currencies and foreign currency translation .................... (108,578,207) (123,479,818) Securities lending ................................................................. (203,275) (180,109) ------------- ------------- Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments ................... (108,781,482) (123,659,927) ------------- ------------- Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments ................................ (133,298,637) (117,537,267) ------------- ------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS ....................... $(128,810,426) $(119,159,784) ============= ============= (1) Net of foreign withholding taxes of ............................................... $ 32,817 $ 47,287
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 28 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND --------------------------- --------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, October 31, October 31, October 31, 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Beginning Net Assets .............................................. $ 290,537,750 $359,168,516 $ 279,136,367 $219,109,933 OPERATIONS Net investment income (loss) ...................................... 4,488,211 4,387,235 (1,622,517) (2,671,020) Net realized gain (loss) on investments ........................... (24,517,155) 24,858,386 6,122,660 41,386,887 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments ................................................. (108,781,482) (29,107,441) (123,659,927) 44,826,403 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations ...... (128,810,426) 138,180 (119,159,784) 83,542,270 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM Net investment income Class A ........................................................ (4,072,143) (4,273,019) 0 0 Class B ........................................................ (23,741) (15,821) 0 0 Class C ........................................................ (11,371) (5,381) 0 0 Net realized gain on sales of investments Class A ........................................................ (24,367,046) (26,130,265) 0 0 Class B ........................................................ (217,904) (280,729) 0 0 Class C ........................................................ (81,220) (79,775) 0 0 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Total distributions to shareholders .................................. (28,773,425) (30,784,990) 0 0 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ CAPITAL SHARES TRANSACTIONS Proceeds from shares sold - Class A ............................... 6,316,626 3,779,443 99,560,233 55,109,038 Reinvestment of distributions - Class A ........................... 25,790,503 27,462,786 0 0 Cost of shares redeemed - Class A ................................. (63,360,444) (68,181,046) (87,435,940) (46,755,488) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class A ................................... (31,253,315) (36,938,817) 12,124,293 8,353,550 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Class B ............................... 70,148 160,967 367,906 653,805 Reinvestment of distributions - Class B ........................... 223,610 272,182 0 0 Cost of shares redeemed - Class B ................................. (510,081) (1,413,077) (9,478,433) (15,445,421) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class B ................................... (216,323) (979,928) (9,110,527) (14,791,616) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Class C ............................... 282,869 32,339 1,031,719 1,082,804 Reinvestment of distributions - Class C ........................... 74,519 69,234 0 0 Cost of shares redeemed - Class C ................................. (92,491) (166,784) (1,401,501) (1,333,583) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class C ................................... 264,897 (65,211) (369,782) (250,779) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Investor Class ........................ NA NA 4,625,360 3,917,378* Cost of shares redeemed - Investor Class .......................... NA NA (10,275,950) (20,744,369)* ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Investor Class* ........................... NA NA (5,650,590) (16,826,991) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Total ..................................... (31,204,741) (37,983,956) (3,006,606) (23,515,836) ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS ................................ (188,788,592) (68,630,766) (122,166,390) 60,026,434 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ENDING NET ASSETS .................................................... $ 101,749,158 $290,537,750 $ 156,969,977 $279,136,367 ============= ============ ============= ============
* On June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor class. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 29 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY SERVICES FUND FUND -------------------------- ------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, October 31, October 31, October 31, 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- SHARES ISSUED AND REDEEMED Shares sold - Class A ............................................. 2,589,854 928,142 15,115,039 8,103,064 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class A .......... 8,673,158 6,808,019 0 0 Shares redeemed - Class A ......................................... (24,236,724) (16,915,118) (13,742,298) (7,453,984) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class A ........... (12,973,712) (9,178,957) 1,372,741 649,080 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Class B ............................................. 22,179 39,304 55,510 108,610 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class B .......... 74,918 67,590 0 0 Shares redeemed - Class B ......................................... (194,077) (351,449) (1,496,504) (2,494,038) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class B ........... (96,980) (244,555) (1,440,994) (2,385,428) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Class C ............................................. 122,531 8,068 161,970 166,576 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class C .......... 25,385 17,328 0 0 Shares redeemed - Class C ......................................... (41,391) (41,843) (240,041) (229,527) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class C ........... 106,525 (16,447) (78,071) (62,951) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Investor Class* ..................................... NA NA 760,359 614,249 Shares redeemed - Investor Class* ................................. NA NA (1,608,782) (3,424,708) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Investor Class* ... NA NA (848,423) (2,810,459) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN SHARES OUTSTANDING RESULTING FROM CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS ................................................ $(12,964,167) $ (9,439,959) $ (994,747) $(4,609,758) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- Ending balance of undistributed net investment income (loss) ......... 190,301 0 0 0 ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 30 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Net and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Investment Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share Income (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ..... $3.86 0.06(6) (1.89) (0.06) (0.34) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ..... $4.24 0.05 (0.06) (0.05) (0.32) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ..... $3.80 0.05 0.61 (0.05) (0.17) October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005 ... $3.70 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 .... $3.83 0.04 0.16 (0.04) (0.29) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 .... $4.26 0.03 0.42 (0.03) (0.85) Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ..... $3.85 0.04(6) (1.88) (0.04) (0.34) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ..... $4.23 0.02 (0.06) (0.02) (0.32) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ..... $3.79 0.00 0.62 (0.01) (0.17) October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005 ... $3.69 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 .... $3.82 0.01 0.16 (0.01) (0.29) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 .... $4.25 (0.01) 0.43 0.00 (0.85) Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ..... $3.82 0.04(6) (1.86) (0.04) (0.34) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ..... $4.20 0.02 (0.06) (0.02) (0.32) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ..... $3.77 0.01 0.61 (0.02) (0.17) October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005 ... $3.67 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 .... $3.80 0.01 0.16 (0.01) (0.29) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 .... $4.23 (0.00) 0.42 0.00 (0.85) SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ..... $7.83 (0.04)(6) (3.27) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ..... $5.45 (0.07)(6) 2.45 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ..... $5.20 (0.07) 0.32 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005 ... $5.21 (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 .... $4.13 (0.07) 1.15 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 .... $3.93 (0.07) 0.27 0.00 0.00 Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ..... $7.42 (0.08)(6) (3.09) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ..... $5.20 (0.10)(6) 2.32 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ..... $5.00 (0.14) 0.34 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005 ... $5.02 (0.01) (0.01) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 .... $4.01 (0.12) 1.13 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 .... $3.85 (0.10) 0.26 0.00 0.00
---------- (1) During each period, various fees and expenses were waived and reimbursed as indicated. The ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets reflects the expense ratio in the absence of any waivers and reimbursements (Note 3). (2) Total return calculations do not include any sales charges, and would have been lower had certain expenses not been waived or reimbursed during the periods shown. Returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. (3) Commencement of operations. (4) The Fund changed its fiscal year end from September 30 to October 31. (5) Calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued. Portfolio Turnover rates presented for periods of less than one year are not annualized. (6) Calculated based upon average shares outstanding. (7) On June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 31 Financial Highlights
Ending Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) Distributions in Net Asset ----------------------------------------------- Portfolio Net Assets at Excess of Value Per Net Investment Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period Realized Gains Share Income (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(5) (000's omitted) ---------------- --------- -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $1.63 2.43% 1.66% (0.31)% 1.35% (51.95)% 3% $100,282 0.00 $3.86 1.31% 1.59% (0.24)% 1.35% (0.49)% 12% $287,109 0.00 $4.24 1.17% 1.58% (0.23)% 1.35% 17.83% 21% $354,300 0.00 $3.80 (0.07)% 1.58% (0.23)% 1.35% 2.70% 1% $369,400 0.00 $3.70 1.15% 1.58% (0.23)% 1.35% 5.34% 49% $369,432 0.00 $3.83 0.71% 1.60% (0.25)% 1.35% 11.11% 221% $481,182 0.00 $1.63 1.68% 2.41% (0.31)% 2.10% (52.20)% 3% $ 916 0.00 $3.85 0.56% 2.34% (0.24)% 2.10% (1.27)% 12% $ 2,533 0.00 $4.23 0.45% 2.33% (0.23)% 2.10% 16.96% 21% $ 3,816 0.00 $3.79 (0.81)% 2.33% (0.23)% 2.10% 2.71% 1% $ 5,113 0.00 $3.69 0.40% 2.33% (0.23)% 2.10% 4.32% 49% $ 5,220 0.00 $3.82 (0.02)% 2.35% (0.25)% 2.10% 10.41% 221% $ 10,612 0.00 $1.62 1.75% 2.39% (0.29)% 2.10% (52.04)% 3% $ 552 0.00 $3.82 0.56% 2.34% (0.24)% 2.10% (1.25)% 12% $ 895 0.00 $4.20 0.42% 2.33% (0.23)% 2.10% 16.79% 21% $ 1,053 0.00 $3.77 (0.82)% 2.33% (0.23)% 2.10% 2.72% 1% $ 1,202 0.00 $3.67 0.40% 2.33% (0.23)% 2.10% 4.46% 49% $ 1,189 0.00 $3.80 (0.04)% 2.35% (0.25)% 2.10% 10.45% 221% $ 1,857 0.00 $4.52 (0.62)% 1.81% (0.06)% 1.75% (42.27)% 191% $100,523 0.00 $7.83 (1.05)% 1.79% (0.04)% 1.75% 43.67% 178% $163,333 0.00 $5.45 (1.13)% 1.83% (0.08)% 1.75% 4.81% 279% $110,207 0.00 $5.20 (1.30)% 1.78% (0.03)% 1.75% (0.19)% 29% $114,262 0.00 $5.21 (1.33)% 1.80% (0.05)% 1.75% 26.15% 270% $114,233 0.00 $4.13 (1.44)% 1.80% (0.05)% 1.75% 5.09% 262% $104,033 0.00 $4.25 (1.33)% 2.55% (0.05)% 2.50% (42.72)% 191% $ 3,254 0.00 $7.42 (1.79)% 2.54% (0.04)% 2.50% 42.69% 178% $ 16,366 0.00 $5.20 (1.89)% 2.58% (0.08)% 2.50% 4.00% 279% $ 23,903 0.00 $5.00 (2.05)% 2.53% (0.03)% 2.50% (0.40)% 29% $ 28,680 0.00 $5.02 (2.09)% 2.55% (0.05)% 2.50% 25.19% 270% $ 29,180 0.00 $4.01 (2.19)% 2.55% (0.05)% 2.50% 4.16% 262% $ 28,648
32 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Net and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Investment Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share Income (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND (continued) Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ........ $7.40 (0.08)(6) (3.08) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ........ $5.19 (0.11)(6) 2.32 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ........ $4.99 (0.12) 0.32 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005 ...... $5.01 (0.01) (0.01) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ....... $4.00 (0.13) 1.14 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ....... $3.84 (0.10) 0.26 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ........ $7.79 (0.05)(6) (3.24) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(7) ..... $5.44 (0.07)(6) 2.42 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(7) ..... $5.20 (0.08) 0.32 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2005(4) to October 31, 2005(7) ... $5.21 (0.01) 0.00 0.00 0.00 April 11, 2005(3) to September 30, 2005(7) .. $4.57 (0.03) 0.67 0.00 0.00
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 33 Financial Highlights
Ending Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) Distributions Net Asset ------------------------------------------------ Portfolio Net Assets at in Excess of Value Per Net Investment Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period Realized Gains Share Income (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(5) (000's omitted) -------------- --------- -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $4.24 (1.38)% 2.54% (0.04)% 2.50% (42.70)% 191% $ 3,626 0.00 $7.40 (1.81)% 2.54% (0.04)% 2.50% 42.58% 178% $ 6,907 0.00 $5.19 (1.88)% 2.58% (0.08)% 2.50% 4.01% 279% $ 5,173 0.00 $4.99 (2.05)% 2.53% (0.03)% 2.50% (0.40)% 29% $ 5,711 0.00 $5.01 (2.09)% 2.55% (0.05)% 2.50% 25.25% 270% $ 5,707 0.00 $4.00 (2.19)% 2.54% (0.04)% 2.50% 4.17% 262% $ 5,789 0.00 $4.50 (0.77)% 1.96% (0.06)% 1.90% (42.23)% 191% $49,567 0.00 $7.79 (1.20)% 1.96% (0.06)% 1.90% 43.20% 178% $92,530 0.00 $5.44 (1.30)% 2.00% (0.10)% 1.90% 4.62% 279% $79,827 0.00 $5.20 (1.45)% 1.95% (0.05)% 1.90% (0.19)% 29% $91,285 0.00 $5.21 (1.37)% 1.95% (0.05)% 1.90% 14.00% 270% $92,233
34 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Notes to Financial Statements 1. ORGANIZATION Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company. The Trust commenced operations on November 8, 1999, and at October 31, 2008, was comprised of 99 separate series (each, a "Fund", collectively, the "Funds"). These financial statements present the Specialized Financial Services Fund and Specialized Technology Fund. The Specialized Financial Services Fund is a diversified series of the Trust. The Specialized Technology Fund is a non-diversified series of the Trust. The separate classes of shares offered by each Fund differ principally in applicable sales charges and distribution, shareholder servicing and administration fees. Shareholders of each class bear certain expenses that pertain to that particular class. All shareholders bear the common expenses of a Fund, earn income from the portfolio, and are allocated unrealized gains and losses pro rata based on the average daily net assets of each class, without distinction between share classes. Dividends are determined separately for each class based on income and expenses allocable to each class. Realized gains and losses are allocated to each class pro rata based upon the net assets of each class on the date realized. Differences in per share dividend rates generally result from the relative weightings of pro rata income and realized gain allocations and from differences in separate class expenses, including distribution, shareholder servicing, and administration fees. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The following significant accounting policies, which are consistently followed in the preparation of the financial statements of the Trust, are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") for investment companies. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Certain Funds of the Trust may invest a substantial portion of their assets in an industry, sector or foreign country as is discussed in the Prospectus for those Funds. Such Funds may be more affected by changes in that industry, sector or foreign country than they would be absent the concentration of investments. Under the Trust's organizational documents, their officers and directors are indemnified against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Trust. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Trust may enter into contracts with service providers that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Trust's maximum exposure under these arrangements is dependent on future claims that may be made against the Funds and, therefore, cannot be estimated; however, based on experience, the risk of loss from such claims is considered remote. SECURITY VALUATION Investments in securities are valued each business day as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, which is usually 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Securities which are traded on a national or foreign securities exchange are valued at the last reported sales price. Securities listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price ("NOCP"), and if no NOCP is available, then at the last reported sales price. If no sales price is shown on the NASDAQ, the bid price will be used. In the absence of any sale of securities listed on the NASDAQ, and in the case of other securities, including U.S. Government obligations, but excluding debt securities maturing in 60 days or less, the price will be deemed "stale" and the valuations will be determined in accordance with the Funds' Fair Valuation Procedures. Securities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using the closing rates of exchange in effect on the day of valuation. Many securities markets and exchanges outside the U.S. close prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange and therefore may not fully reflect trading or events that occur after the close of the principal exchange in which the foreign Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 35 Notes to Financial Statements investments are traded but before the close of the New York Stock Exchange. If such trading or events are expected to materially affect the value of the investments, then those investments are fair valued following procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. These procedures take into account multiple factors including movements in U.S. securities markets after foreign exchanges close. Depending on market activity, such fair valuations may be frequent. In light of the judgment involved in fair value decisions, there can be no assurance that a fair value assigned to a particular security is accurate. Such fair value pricing may result in NAVs that are higher or lower than NAVs based on the closing price or latest quoted bid price. Debt securities with original maturities of 60 days or less and other short-term debt securities in which cash collateral received for securities loaned may be invested, generally are valued at amortized cost. The amortized cost method involves valuing a security at its cost, plus accretion of discount or minus amortization of premium over the period until maturity, which approximates market value. Investments which are not valued using any of the methods discussed above are valued at their fair value as determined by procedures established in good faith and approved by the Board of Trustees. SECURITY TRANSACTIONS AND INCOME RECOGNITION Securities transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains or losses are reported on the basis of identified cost of securities delivered. Interest income is accrued daily and bond discounts are accreted and premiums are amortized daily. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date, except for certain dividends from foreign securities, which are recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Dividend income from foreign securities is recorded net of foreign taxes withheld where recovery of such taxes is not assured. FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION The accounting records are maintained in U.S. dollars. Assets, including investment securities, and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing rates of exchange at the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of securities, and income and expenses are translated at the prevailing rate of exchange on the respective dates of such transactions. Reported net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually paid or received. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities other than investments in securities, at fiscal period-end, resulting from changes in exchange rates. The changes in net assets arising from changes in exchange rates and the changes in net assets resulting from changes in market prices of securities at fiscal period-end are not separately presented. Such changes are recorded with net realized and unrealized gain from investments. Gains and losses from certain foreign currency transactions are treated as ordinary income for U.S. federal income tax purposes. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS Net investment income of the Specialized Financial Services Fund, if any, is declared and distributed quarterly. Net investment income of the Specialized Technology Fund, if any, is declared and distributed to shareholders annually. Distributions to shareholders from net realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed at least annually. For federal income tax purposes, a Fund may designate as capital gains distributions the earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on the redemption of fund shares during the year. Distributions are based on amounts calculated in accordance with the applicable federal income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP. The timing and character of distributions made during the period from net investment income or net realized gains may also differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. To the extent that these differences are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their federal tax-basis treatment. Temporary differences do not require reclassifications. 36 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Notes to Financial Statements At October 31, 2008, as a result of permanent book-to-tax differences, the following reclassification adjustments were made on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities:
Undistribured Net Undistributed Net FUND Investment Income Realized Gain/(Loss) Paid-in Capital ---- ----------------- -------------------- --------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $ (190,655) $ 202,187 $ (11,532) SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 1,622,517 71,206,361 (72,828,878)
FEDERAL INCOME TAXES Each Fund is treated as a separate entity for federal income tax purposes. It is the policy of each Fund of the Trust to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the provisions applicable to regulated investment companies, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"), and to make distributions of substantially all of its investment company taxable income and any net realized capital gains (after reduction for capital loss carryforwards) sufficient to relieve it from all, or substantially all, federal income taxes. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes was required at October 31, 2008. Management has analyzed the Funds' tax positions taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that as of October 31, 2008, no provision for income tax would be required in the Funds' financial statements. The Funds' federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired (open tax years: October 31, 2005; October 31, 2006; October 31, 2007; October 31, 2008) are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue. At October 31, 2008, the Funds' net capital loss carryforwards, which are available to offset future net realized capital gains, were:
Capital Loss FUND Expiration Year Carryforwards ---- --------------- ------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND 2016 $24,232,178 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 2009 49,977,485 2010 10,167,420 2011 445,585
FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS The Funds may enter into forward foreign currency contracts to protect against a possible loss resulting from an adverse change in the relationship between foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar, or between foreign currencies. A forward contract is an agreement between two counterparties for future delivery or receipt of currency at a specified price. Risks arise from the possible inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts and from movements in currency values. Realized gains or losses are recognized when the transaction is completed. Contracts which have been offset but have not reached their settlement date are included in unrealized gains and losses. At October 31, 2008, the Funds did not hold any forward foreign currency contracts. FUTURES CONTRACTS The Funds may purchase futures contracts to gain exposure to market changes, which may be more efficient or cost effective than actually buying the securities. A futures contract is an agreement between parties to buy or sell a security at a set price on a future date. Upon entering into such a contract, a Fund is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash, U.S. Government obligations or other high-quality debt securities equal to the minimum "initial margin" requirements of the exchange on which the futures contract is traded. Pursuant to the contract, the Fund agrees to receive from or pay to the broker an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in the value of the contract. Such receipts or payments are known as "variation margin" and are recorded by the Fund as unrealized gains or losses. When the contract is closed, the Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. Pursuant to regulations and/or published positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") for long futures positions, the Fund is required to segregate highly liquid securities as permitted by the SEC in connection with futures transactions in an amount generally equal to the value of the underlying contracts. Risks Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 37 Notes to Financial Statements of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there may be an illiquid market and that a change in the value of the contract may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities. At October 31, 2008, the Funds did not hold any open futures contracts. INVESTMENTS SOLD SHORT The Funds may engage in short-selling to the extent permitted by the Fund's investment policies in attempting to increase investment return. In a short sale transaction, the Fund borrows a security which it then delivers to settle a sale. The Fund is obligated to replace the security borrowed by purchasing the security at current market value at a future date. The Fund will incur a loss if the price of the security increases between the date of the short sale and the date on which the Fund replaces the borrowed security. The Fund realizes a gain if the price of the security declines between those dates. Until the Fund replaces the borrowed security, it will maintain daily, a segregated account with a broker and /or custodian, of cash and /or other liquid securities sufficient to cover its short position. Dividends declared on securities sold short are recorded as an expense on the exdividend date and paid to the counterparty on the dividend pay date. Securities sold short at October 31, 2008, if any, and their related market values and proceeds are set forth in the Schedule of Investments Sold Short. For the year ended October 31, 2008, there were no securities sold short. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS The Funds may invest in repurchase agreements and may participate in pooled repurchase agreement transactions with other funds advised by Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. The repurchase agreements must be fully collateralized based on values that are marked to market daily. The collateral may be held by an agent bank under a tri-party agreement. It is the custodian's responsibility to value collateral daily and to take action to obtain additional collateral as necessary to maintain market value equal to or greater than the resale price. The repurchase agreements are collateralized by instruments such as U.S. Treasury, federal agency, or high-grade corporate obligations. There could be potential loss to a Fund in the event that such Fund is delayed or prevented from exercising its rights to dispose of the collateral, including the risk of a possible decline in the value of the underlying obligations during the period in which a Fund seeks to assert its rights. SECURITY LOANS The Funds may loan securities in return for securities, irrevocable letters of credit or cash collateral, which is invested in various short-term fixed income securities. A Fund may receive compensation for lending securities in the form of fees payable by the borrower or by retaining a portion of interest on the investment securities purchased with cash received as collateral (after payment of a "broker rebate fee" to the borrower). A Fund also continues to receive interest or dividends on the securities loaned. Security loans are secured at all times by collateral, although the loans may not be fully supported at all times if, for example, the instruments in which cash collateral is invested decline in value or the borrower fails to provide additional collateral when required in a timely manner or at all. The collateral is equal to at least 102% of the market value of the securities loaned plus accrued interest when the transaction is entered into. The collateral supporting loans of domestic and foreign equity securities and corporate bonds is remarked to at least 102% of the marked value of the securities loaned (including any accrued interest) on a daily basis, without taking into account any increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested. Collateral supporting loans of U.S. Government Securities is remarked to 102% of the loaned securities' market value, without taking into account any increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested, only if the given collateral falls below 100% of the market value of the securities loaned plus any accrued interest. Cash collateral received by a Fund pursuant to these loans generally is invested on behalf of the Fund by the securities lending agent in high-quality short-term debt investments (including money market instruments) that have been evaluated and approved by the Fund's adviser and are permissible investments for the Fund. Cash collateral is invested on behalf of a Fund in a manner similar to the Fund's investment of its cash reserves and the Fund bears all of the gains and losses on such investments. The net asset value of a Fund will be affected by an increase or decrease in the value of the securities loaned and by an increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested. Another risk from securities lending is that the borrower may not provide additional collateral when required or return the securities when due or when called for by the Fund. In either case, a Fund could experience delays in recovering securities or collateral or could lose all or part of the value of the loaned securities. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the Funds' custodian, acts as the securities lending agent for the Funds and receives for its services 25% of the revenues earned on the securities lending activities (reduced from 30% effective 38 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Notes to Financial Statements September 1, 2007) and incurs all expenses. The securities lending agent may make payments to borrowers and placing brokers, who may not be affiliated, directly or indirectly, with the Trust, the adviser or the distributor. For the year ended October 31, 2008, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. waived its share of revenues earned on securities lending activities. The value of the securities on loan, the related collateral and the liability to return the collateral at October 31, 2008, are shown on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. WRITTEN OPTIONS An option is a right to buy or sell a particular security at a specified price within a limited period of time. The writer of the option, in return for a premium received from the seller, has the obligation to sell (in the case of a call option) or buy (in the case of a put option) the underlying security of the contract. The premium received in cash from writing options is recorded as an asset with an equal liability that is adjusted to reflect the option's value. The premium received from writing options which expire is recorded as realized gains. The premium received from writing options which are exercised or closed is offset against the proceeds or amount paid on the closing transaction to determine the realized gain or loss. If a put option is exercised, the premium reduces the cost basis of the security or currency purchased. Options are valued based on their quoted daily settlement prices. Risks could arise from entering into written options transactions from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts, the potential inability to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid secondary market, and from movements in interest or exchange rates or securities values. The Funds did not hold any written options during the year ended October 31, 2008. STRUCTURED INVESTMENT VEHICLES The Funds may invest in structured debt securities, such as those issued by Structured Investment Vehicles, or "SIVs". SIVs invest in a diversified pool of underlying securities, which may include finance company debt and structured finance assets, residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, collateralized loan obligations, collateralized debt obligations and other asset-backed securities. The ability of a SIV to repay debt depends primarily on the cash collections received from the SIV's underlying asset portfolio, which may include certain assets such as subprime mortgages that are subject to heightened risks of credit quality or market value deterioration under the continuing adverse conditions in the U.S. credit markets, and on the ability to obtain short-term funding through the issuance of new debt. Investments in these securities present increased credit and liquidity risks as there could be losses to a Fund in the event of credit or market value deterioration in a SIV's underlying portfolio, mismatches in the timing of the cash flows of the underlying asset interests and the repayment obligations of maturing securities issued by a SIV, or a SIV's inability to issue new debt. As of October 31, 2008, the Funds owned certain of these types of SIVs which are currently in default and valued at fair value in the Portfolio of Investments or have been restructured following default, including the percentage of each Fund's net assets invested in these securities:
Defaulted SIVs FUND ($Market Value) % of Net Assets ---- --------------- --------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $313,346 0.31% SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 405,645 0.26%
3. EXPENSES ADVISORY FEES The Trust has entered into an advisory contract with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC ("Funds Management"). Funds Management is responsible for implementing investment policies and guidelines and for supervising the subadviser, who is responsible for day-to-day portfolio management. Pursuant to the contract, Funds Management is entitled to receive an advisory fee for its services as adviser. Funds Management may retain the services of certain investment subadvisers to provide daily portfolio management. The fees related to subadvisory services are borne directly by the adviser and do not increase the overall fees paid by a Fund to the adviser. Funds Management and the investment subadviser(s) are entitled to be paid a monthly fee at the following annual rates: Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 39 Notes to Financial Statements
Advisory Subadvisory Fees (% of Fees (% of Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily FUND Net Assets Net Assets) Subadviser Net Assets Net Assets) ---- ------------------ ------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND First $500 million 0.950 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.900 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.850 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.300 Next $2 billion 0.825 Over $5 billion 0.800 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND First $500 million 1.050 RCM Capital First $50 million 1.000 Next $500 million 1.000 Management LLC Next $50 million 0.700 Next $2 billion 0.950 Over $100 million 0.550 Next $2 billion 0.925 Over $5 billion 0.900
ADMINISTRATION AND TRANSFER AGENT FEES The Trust has entered into an Administration Agreement with Funds Management. Under this Agreement, for providing administrative services, which includes paying fees and expenses for services provided by the transfer agent, sub-transfer agents, omnibus account servicers and record-keepers, Funds Management is entitled to receive the following annual fees:
Administration Fees Average Daily (% of Average Net Assets Daily Net Assets) ---------------- ------------------- Fund Level First $5 billion 0.05 Next $5 billion 0.04 Over $10 billion 0.03 Class A All asset levels 0.28 Class B All asset levels 0.28 Class C All asset levels 0.28 Investor Class* All asset levels 0.40
* On June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class and the class level administration fee for Investor Class was reduced by .05%. Prior to June 20, 2008, the class level administration fee was 0.45%. The Trust has entered into an agreement with Boston Financial Data Services ("BFDS") as the transfer agent for the Trust. BFDS is entitled to receive fees from the administrator for its services as transfer agent. CUSTODY FEES The Trust has entered into a contract with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ("WFB"), whereby WFB is responsible for providing custody services. Pursuant to the contract, WFB is entitled to a monthly fee for custody services at the following annual rates:
% of Average FUND Daily Net Assets ---- ---------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND 0.02 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 0.07
SHAREHOLDER SERVICING FEES For the year ended October 31, 2008, shareholder servicing fees were paid as follows: A portion of these total shareholder servicing fees were paid to affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.
% of Average SHARE CLASS Daily Net Assets ----------- ---------------- Class A, Class B, Class C, Investor Class 0.25
40 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended October 31, 2008, shareholder servicing fees paid were as follows:
FUND Class A Class B Class C Investor Class ---- -------- ------- ------- -------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $454,223 $ 4,092 $ 1,497 $ NA SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 360,539 19,918 13,177 181,331
DISTRIBUTION FEES The Trust has adopted a Distribution Plan (the "Plan") for Class B and Class C shares of the applicable Funds pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Distribution fees are charged to the Class B and Class C shares and paid to Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC at an annual rate of 0.75% of average daily net assets. For the year ended October 31, 2008, distribution fees incurred are disclosed on the Statements of Operations. OTHER FEES PNC Global Investment Servicing, Inc. ("PNC") serves as fund accountant for the Trust and is entitled to receive an annual asset based fee and an annual fixed fee from each Fund. PNC is also entitled to be reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred in providing these services. Each Fund also bears its share of other fees and expenses incurred in the normal course of business, including but not limited to: professional fees, registration fees, shareholder reporting costs, and Trustees fees and expenses. The Trust compensates its independent Trustees for their services, plus travel and other expenses incurred in attending Board meetings. WAIVED FEES AND REIMBURSED EXPENSES All amounts shown as waived fees or reimbursed expenses on the Statements of Operations, for the year ended October 31, 2008, were waived by Funds Management proportionately from all classes, first from advisory fees, and then from any class specific expenses, if applicable. Funds Management has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Funds. Net operating expense ratios in effect for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
Net Operating Expense Ratios -------------------------------------------- FUND Class A Class B Class C Investor Class ---- ------- ------- ------- -------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND 1.35% 2.10% 2.10% NA SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 1.75% 2.50% 2.50% 1.87%(1)
(1) Effective April 1, 2008, the net operating expense ratio for the Specialized Technology Fund Investor Class decreased from 1.90% to 1.87%. The weighted blended net operating expense ratio for the Specialized Technology fund Investor Class was 1.90%. 4. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Purchases and sales of investments, exclusive of short-term securities (securities with maturities of one year or less at purchase date) and U.S. Government obligations for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
FUND Purchases at Cost Sales Proceeds ---- ----------------- -------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $ 5,603,982 $ 60,747,971 SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 391,458,439 394,974,730
5. BANK BORROWINGS Wells Fargo Funds Trust and Wells Fargo Variable Trust (excluding the money market funds) share in a revolving Credit Agreement with the Bank of New York Mellon, whereby the Funds are permitted to use bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes, such as to fund shareholder redemption requests. Prior to its amendment on September 10, 2008, the agreement permitted borrowings of up to $150 million, collectively. Interest was charged to each Fund based on its borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds rate plus 0.40%. In addition, the Funds paid a quarterly commitment fee equal to 0.1% per annum of the credit line. Pursuant to the amendment to the Credit Agreement entered into on September 10, 2008, interest under the Credit Agreement after such date is charged to each Fund based on its borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds Rate plus 0.60%. In addition, under the amended Credit Agreement, the Funds pay a quarterly commitment equal to 0.15% per annum of the credit line. For the year ended October 31, 2008, there were no borrowings by any of the Funds under this agreement. Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 41 Notes to Financial Statements 6. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS The tax character of distributions paid during the years October 31, 2008 and October 31, 2007, was as follows:
Long-Term Dividend Paid Orginary Income Capital on Redemption FUND 2008 Gain 2008 2008 Total 2008 ---- --------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $4,107,594 $24,665,831 $0 $28,773,425
Long-Term Dividend Paid Orginary Income Capital on Redemption FUND 2007 Gain 2007 2007 Total 2007 ---- --------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $4,294,222 $26,490,768 $0 $30,784,990
As of October 31, 2008, the component of distributable earnings on a tax basis are shown in the table below. The difference between book basis and tax basis appreciation is attributable to deferred loss on wash sales, straddle adjustments, and capital loss carryover adjustments.
Unrealized Undistributed Undistributed Appreciation Capital Loss FUND Ordinary Income Long-Term Gain (Depreciation) Carryforward* Total ---- --------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $190,302 $0 $(35,745,970) $(24,232,178) $ (59,787,846) SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY FUND 0 0 (60,970,004) (60,590,490) (121,560,494)
* This amount includes the post-October loss, which will reverse on the first day of the following fiscal year. 7. LEGAL AND REGULATORY MATTERS In 2004, the predecessor Strong Funds' prior investment adviser and affiliates (collectively, "Strong") entered into agreements with certain regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Attorney General ("NYAG"), to settle market-timing investigations. In the settlements, Strong agreed to pay investor restoration and civil penalties. Although some portion of these payments is likely to be distributed to predecessor Strong Fund shareholders, no determination has yet been made as to the distribution of these amounts, and the successor funds are not expected to receive any portion of these payments. The NYAG settlement imposed fee reductions across the predecessor fund complex (excluding money market funds and very short-term income funds) totaling at least $35 million by May 2009. Funds Management has agreed to honor these fee reductions for the benefit of shareholders across the successor funds. Although civil litigation against Strong and certain predecessor Strong Funds relating to these matters is continuing, neither the current adviser nor the successor funds is a party to any such suit. 8. NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement on Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, "Fair Value Measurements" ("SFAS 157"). This standard establishes a single authoritative definition of fair value, sets out a framework for measuring fair value and requires additional disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS 157 applies to fair value measurements already required or permitted by existing standards. SFAS 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years. The changes to current generally accepted accounting principles from the application of this Statement relate to the definition of fair value, the methods used to measure fair value, and the expanded disclosures about fair value measurements. As of October 31, 2008, Management has determined the adoption of SFAS 157 will not impact the financial statement amounts, however, additional disclosures may be required about the inputs used to develop the measurements and the effect of certain of the measurements on changes in net assets for the period. In March 2008, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 161, "Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities-an amendment of FASB Statement No. 133" ("SFAS 161"). SFAS 161 requires additional discussion about the reporting entity's derivative instruments and hedging activities, by providing for qualitative disclosures about the objectives and strategies for using derivatives, quantitative data about the fair value of and gains and losses on derivative contracts, and details of credit-risk-related contingent features in their hedged positions. SFAS 161 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2008 and interim periods within those years. As of October 31, 2008, Management is continuing to evaluate the impact, if any, that adoption of SFAS 161 may have on the financial statements. 42 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SHAREHOLDERS OF WELLS FARGO FUNDS TRUST: We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of the Specialized Financial Services Fund and Specialized Technology Fund, (the "Funds"), two of the Funds constituting the Wells Fargo Funds Trust, as of October 31, 2008, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, statements of changes in net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended and the financial highlights for the periods presented. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of October 31, 2008, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers or other appropriate auditing procedures. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the aforementioned Funds of Wells Fargo Funds Trust as of October 31, 2008, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the financial highlights for the periods presented, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. (KPMG LLP) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania December 22, 2008 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 43 Other Information (Unaudited) PROXY VOTING INFORMATION A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-222-8222, visiting our Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds, or visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. Information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge on the Funds' Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds or by visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. TAX INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 854(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Specialized Financial Services Fund designates 100.00% of the ordinary income dividends distributed during the year as qualifying for the corporate dividend-received deduction. Pursuant to Section 852(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Fund listed below designates the following amount as a long-term capital gain distribution for the year ended October 31, 2008.
FUND Capital Gain Dividend ---- --------------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $24,665,831
Pursuant to Section 1(h)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Fund listed below designates the following amount of their income dividends paid during the year October 31, 2008 as qualified dividend income (QDI):
Pursuant to Section 871(k)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Fund listed below designates the following amount as interest-related dividends:
Interest-Related FUND Dividends ---- ---------------- SPECIALIZED FINANCIAL SERVICES FUND $18,484
44 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds Other Information (Unaudited) PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS INFORMATION The complete portfolio holdings for each Fund, except money market funds, are publicly available on the Funds' Web site (www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds) on a monthly, 30-day or more delayed basis, and for money market funds, on a monthly, seven-day delayed basis. In addition, top ten holdings information for each Fund is publicly available on the Funds'Web site on a monthly, seven-day or more delayed basis. Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q, which is available without charge by visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. In addition, each Fund's Form N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC, and at regional offices in New York City, at 233 Broadway, and in Chicago, at 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 900. Information about the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following table provides basic information about the Board of Trustees (the "Trustees") of the Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust"). This table supplements, and should be read in conjunction with, the Prospectus and the Statement of Additional Information1 of each Fund. Each of the Trustees listed below acts in identical capacities for each of the 134 funds comprising the Trust, Wells Fargo Variable Trust and Wells Fargo Master Trust (collectively the "Fund Complex"). All of the non-interested Trustees are also members of the Audit and Governance Committees of each Trust in the Fund Complex. The address of each Trustee and Officer is 525 Market Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. Each Trustee and Officer serves an indefinite term, however, each Trustee serves such term until reaching the mandatory retirement age established by the Trustees. NON-INTERESTED TRUSTEES
Position Held and Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Other Directorships ------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Thomas S. Goho Trustee, since 1987 Co-Director for the Calloway School of Stephens University None 66 of Wake Forest University. Prior thereto, the Thomas Goho Chair of Finance of Wake Forest University, Calloway School of Business and Accountancy, from 2006-2007 and Associate Professor of Finance from 1999-2005. Peter G. Gordon Trustee, since 1998; President and Co-Founder of Crystal Geyser Water Company. None 65 Chairman, since 2005 (Lead Trustee since 2001) Judith M. Johnson Trustee, since 2008 Retired. Prior thereto, Chief Executive Officer and Chief None 59 Investment Officer of Minneapolis Retirement Fund from 1996 to 2008. Olivia S. Mitchell Trustee, since 2006 Professor of Insurance and Risk Management, Wharton School, None 55 University of Pennsylvania. Director of the Boettner Center on Pensions and Retirement Research. Research associate and board member, Penn Aging Research Center. Research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. Timothy J. Penny Trustee, since 1996 President and CEO of Southern Minnesota Initiative None 56 Foundation, a non-profit organization since 2007 and Senior Fellow at the Humphrey Institute Policy Forum at the University of Minnesota since 1995. Donald C. Willeke Trustee, since 1996 Principal of the law firm of Willeke & Daniels. None 68
Position Held and Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Other Directorships ------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- J. Tucker Morse Trustee, since 1987 Private Investor/Real Estate Developer. Prior thereto, None 63 Chairman of Whitepoint Capital, LLC until 2004.
Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds 45 Other Information (Unaudited) OFFICERS
Position Held and Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Other Directorships ------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Karla M. Rabusch President, since 2003 Executive Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and None 49 President of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC since 2003. Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC from 2001 to 2003. C. David Messman Secretary, since 2000; Senior Vice President and Secretary of Wells Fargo Funds None 48 Chief Legal Counsel, Management, LLC since 2001. Vice President and Managing since 2003 Senior Counsel of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. since 1996. Stephen W. Leonhardt Treasurer, since 2007 Vice President and Manager of Fund Accounting, Reporting None 49 and Tax for Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC since 2007. Director of Fund Administration and SEC Reporting for TIAA-CREF from 2005 to 2007. Chief Operating Officer for UMB Fund Services, Inc. from 2004 to 2005. Controller for Sungard Transaction Networks from 2002 to 2004. Debra Ann Early Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer of Wells Fargo Funds Management, None 44 since 2007 LLC since 2007. Chief Compliance Officer of Parnassus Investments from 2005 to 2007. Chief Financial Officer of Parnassus Investments from 2004 to 2007 and Senior Audit Manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1998 to 2004.
---------- (1) The Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Funds' Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-222-8222 or by visiting the Funds' Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. (2) Length of service dates reflects a Trustee's commencement of service with the Trust's predecessor entities. (3) As of October 31, 2008, one of the seven Trustees is considered an "interested person" of the Trusts as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. The interested Trustee, J. Tucker Morse, is affiliated with a government securities dealer that is registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which is not itself affiliated with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. 46 Wells Fargo Advantage Specialty Funds List of Abbreviations The following is a list of common abbreviations for terms and entities which may have appeared in this report. ABAG -- Association of Bay Area Governments ADR -- American Depositary Receipt AMBAC -- American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation AMT -- Alternative Minimum Tax ARM -- Adjustable Rate Mortgages BART -- Bay Area Rapid Transit CDA -- Community Development Authority CDO -- Collateralized Debt Obligation CDSC -- Contingent Deferred Sales Charge CGIC -- Capital Guaranty Insurance Company CGY -- Capital Guaranty Corporation CIFG -- CDC (Caisse des Depots et Consignations) IXIS Financial Guarantee COP -- Certificate of Participation CP -- Commercial Paper CTF -- Common Trust Fund DW&P -- Department of Water & Power DWR -- Department of Water Resources ECFA -- Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority EDFA -- Economic Development Finance Authority ETET -- Eagle Tax-Exempt Trust FFCB -- Federal Farm Credit Bank FGIC -- Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation FHA -- Federal Housing Authority FHAG -- Federal Housing Agency FHLB -- Federal Home Loan Bank FHLMC -- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation FNMA -- Federal National Mortgage Association FSA -- Farm Service Agency GDR -- Global Depositary Receipt GNMA -- Government National Mortgage Association GO -- General Obligation HCFR -- Healthcare Facilities Revenue HEFA -- Health & Educational Facilities Authority HEFAR -- Higher Education Facilities Authority Revenue HFA -- Housing Finance Authority HFFA -- Health Facilities Financing Authority HUD -- Housing & Urban Development IDA -- Industrial Development Authority IDAG -- Industrial Development Agency IDR -- Industrial Development Revenue LIBOR -- London Interbank Offered Rate LLC -- Limited Liability Corporation LOC -- Letter of Credit LP -- Limited Partnership MBIA -- Municipal Bond Insurance Association MFHR -- Multi-Family Housing Revenue MTN -- Medium Term Note MUD -- Municipal Utility District PCFA -- Pollution Control Finance Authority PCR -- Pollution Control Revenue PFA -- Public Finance Authority PFFA -- Public Facilities Financing Authority plc -- Public Limited Company PSFG -- Public School Fund Guaranty R&D -- Research & Development RDA -- Redevelopment Authority RDFA -- Redevelopment Finance Authority REITS -- Real Estate Investment Trusts SFHR -- Single Family Housing Revenue SFMR -- Single Family Mortgage Revenue SLMA -- Student Loan Marketing Association TBA -- To Be Announced TRAN -- Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes USD -- Unified School District XLCA -- XL Capital Assurance (GRAPHIC REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES.) Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery (WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS LOGO) More information about WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS is available free upon request. To obtain literature, please write, e-mail, visit the Funds' Web site, or call: WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS P.O. Box 8266 Boston, MA 02266-8266 E-mail: wfaf@wellsfargo.com Web site: www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds Individual Investors: 1-800-222-8222 Retail Investment Professionals: 1-888-877-9275 Institutional Investment Professionals: 1-866-765-0778 THIS REPORT AND THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE SUBMITTED FOR THE GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. IF THIS REPORT IS USED FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES, DISTRIBUTION OF THE REPORT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED OR PRECEDED BY A CURRENT PROSPECTUS. FOR A PROSPECTUS CONTAINING MORE COMPLETE INFORMATION, INCLUDING CHARGES AND EXPENSES, CALL 1-800-222-8222 OR VISIT THE FUNDS' WEB SITE AT www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. PLEASE CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, RISKS, CHARGES, AND EXPENSES OF THE INVESTMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. THIS AND OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS CAN BE FOUND IN THE CURRENT PROSPECTUS. READ THE PROSPECTUS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU INVEST OR SEND MONEY. "Dow Jones" and "Dow Jones Target Date Indexes" are service marks of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Global Index Advisors, Inc. and Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. The Dow Jones Target Date Indexes are based in part on the Barclays Capital Bond Indexes, which are published by Barclays Capital. The Wells Fargo Advantage Dow Jones Target Date Funds, based on the Dow Jones Target Date Indexes, are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones or Barclays Capital, and neither Dow Jones nor Barclays Capital makes any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) and/or about the quality, accuracy and/or completeness of the Dow Jones Target Date Indexes or the Barclays Capital Bond Indexes. IN NO EVENT SHALL DOW JONES, BARCLAYS CAPITAL OR ANY OF THEIR LICENSORS HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds. The Funds are distributed by WELLS FARGO FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, LLC, Member FINRAI/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT FDIC INSURED - NO BANK GUARANTEE - MAY LOSE VALUE (C) 2008 Wells Fargo www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds 113575 12-08 Funds Management, LLC. ASFLD/AR113 10-08 All rights reserved.
(WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS LOGO) (REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES. LOGO) Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery (GRAPHIC) Annual Report October 31, 2008 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL AND MID CAP STOCK FUNDS - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES. Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery Contents LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS ................................................... 2 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS C&B Mid Cap Value Fund ................................................... 6 Common Stock Fund ........................................................ 10 Mid Cap Growth Fund ...................................................... 14 Small Cap Growth Fund .................................................... 20 Small Cap Opportunities Fund ............................................. 24 Small Cap Value Fund ..................................................... 30 FUND EXPENSES ............................................................ 34 PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS C&B Mid Cap Value Fund ................................................... 37 Common Stock Fund ........................................................ 41 Mid Cap Growth Fund ...................................................... 46 Small Cap Growth Fund .................................................... 51 Small Cap Opportunities Fund ............................................. 56 Small Cap Value Fund ..................................................... 62 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of Assets and Liabilities ..................................... 70 Statements of Operations ................................................. 72 Statements of Changes in Net Assets ...................................... 74 Financial Highlights ..................................................... 82 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................ 90 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM .................. 101 OTHER INFORMATION ........................................................ 102 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................... 106
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS(R) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS skillfully guides institutions, financial advisors, and individuals through the investment terrain to help them reach their financial objectives. Everything we do on behalf of our investors is backed by our unique combination of qualifications. STRENGTH Our organization is built on the standards of integrity and service established by our parent company--Wells Fargo & Company--more than 150 years ago. Our diverse family of mutual funds covers a broad spectrum of investment styles and asset classes. And, because we're part of a widely diversified financial enterprise, we offer the scale and resources to help investors succeed, providing access to complementary solutions such as separately managed accounts, college investing plans, and retirement plans. EXPERTISE Our approach to investing is guided by the belief that agile, independent investment teams--each with its own distinct strengths and disciplines--provide a superior level of insight and expertise. Each team is free to concentrate on managing money through well-defined philosophies and processes that have proven to be consistent and repeatable over time. PARTNERSHIP Our collaborative approach is built around understanding the needs and goals of our clients. By adhering to core principles of sound judgment and steady guidance, we support you through every stage of the investment decision process. FOR 529 PLANS, AN INVESTOR'S OR A DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY'S HOME STATE MAY OFFER STATE TAX OR OTHER BENEFITS THAT ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THAT STATE'S QUALIFIED TUITION PROGRAM. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS BEFORE INVESTING. CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, RISKS, CHARGES, AND EXPENSES BEFORE INVESTING. FOR A CURRENT PROSPECTUS FOR WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS OR A CURRENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOR CERTAIN 529 COLLEGE SAVINGS PLANS, CONTAINING THIS AND OTHER INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.WELLSFARGO.COM/ADVANTAGEFUNDS. READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS, the WELLS FARGO ADVISOR(SM) program, Wells Fargo Managed Account Services, and certain 529 college savings plans. Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds. The Funds and shares in the 529 plans are distributed by WELLS FARGO FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT FDIC INSURED - NO BANK GUARANTEE - MAY LOSE VALUE NOT PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT. WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS OFFERS MORE THAN 100 MUTUAL FUNDS ACROSS A WIDE RANGE OF ASSET CLASSES, REPRESENTING OVER $160 BILLION IN ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT, AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008. EQUITY FUNDS Asia Pacific Fund C&B Large Cap Value Fund C&B Mid Cap Value Fund Capital Growth Fund Common Stock Fund Discovery Fund Diversified Equity Fund Diversified Small Cap Fund Emerging Growth Fund Emerging Markets Equity Fund Endeavor Select Fund Enterprise Fund Equity Income Fund Equity Value Fund Growth Fund Growth Equity Fund Index Fund International Core Fund International Equity Fund International Value Fund Large Cap Appreciation Fund Large Cap Growth Fund Large Company Core Fund Large Company Growth Fund Large Company Value Fund Mid Cap Disciplined Fund Mid Cap Growth Fund Opportunity Fund Small Cap Disciplined Fund Small Cap Growth Fund Small Cap Opportunities Fund Small Cap Value Fund Small Company Growth Fund Small Company Value Fund Small/Mid Cap Value Fund Social Sustainability Fund Specialized Financial Services Fund Specialized Technology Fund Strategic Small Cap Value Fund U.S. Value Fund BOND FUNDS California Limited-Term Tax-Free Fund California Tax-Free Fund Colorado Tax-Free Fund Diversified Bond Fund Government Securities Fund(1) High Income Fund Income Plus Fund Inflation-Protected Bond Fund Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free Fund Minnesota Tax-Free Fund Municipal Bond Fund Short Duration Government Bond Fund(1) Short-Term Bond Fund Short-Term High Yield Bond Fund Short-Term Municipal Bond Fund Stable Income Fund Strategic Income Fund Total Return Bond Fund Ultra Short-Term Income Fund Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income Fund Wisconsin Tax-Free Fund ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS Aggressive Allocation Fund Asset Allocation Fund Conservative Allocation Fund Growth Balanced Fund Moderate Balanced Fund WealthBuilder Conservative Allocation Portfolio WealthBuilder Equity Portfolio WealthBuilder Growth Allocation Portfolio WealthBuilder Growth Balanced Portfolio WealthBuilder Moderate Balanced Portfolio WealthBuilder Tactical Equity Portfolio Target Today Fund(2) Target 2010 Fund(2) Target 2015 Fund(2) Target 2020 Fund(2) Target 2025 Fund(2) Target 2030 Fund(2) Target 2035 Fund(2) Target 2040 Fund(2) Target 2045 Fund(2) Target 2050 Fund(2) MONEY MARKET FUNDS 100% Treasury Money Market Fund(1) California Tax-Free Money Market Fund California Tax-Free Money Market Trust Cash Investment Money Market Fund Government Money Market Fund(1) Heritage Money Market Fund Minnesota Money Market Fund Money Market Fund Money Market Trust Municipal Money Market Fund National Tax-Free Money Market Fund National Tax-Free Money Market Trust Overland Express Sweep Fund Prime Investment Money Market Fund Treasury Plus Money Market Fund(1) VARIABLE TRUST FUNDS(3) VT Asset Allocation Fund VT C&B Large Cap Value Fund VT Discovery Fund VT Equity Income Fund VT International Core Fund VT Large Company Core Fund VT Large Company Growth Fund VT Money Market Fund VT Opportunity Fund VT Small Cap Growth Fund VT Small/Mid Cap Value Fund VT Total Return Bond Fund AN INVESTMENT IN A MONEY MARKET FUND IS NOT INSURED OR GUARANTEED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY. ALTHOUGH THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET FUNDS SEEK TO PRESERVE THE VALUE OF YOUR INVESTMENT AT $1.00 PER SHARE, IT IS POSSIBLE TO LOSE MONEY BY INVESTING IN A MONEY MARKET FUND. (1) The U.S. Government guarantee applies to certain of the underlying securities and NOT to shares of the Fund. (2) The full name of this Fund series is the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DOW JONES TARGET DATE FUNDS(SM). (3) The Variable Trust Funds are generally available only through insurance company variable contracts. NOT PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT. 2 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Letter to Shareholders (PHOTO OF KARLA M. RABUSCH) KARLA M. RABUSCH, President WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS VOLATILITY ACROSS THE FINANCIAL MARKETS ROSE TO RECORD HIGHS DURING THE 12-MONTH PERIOD. Dear Valued Shareholder, We are pleased to provide you with this annual report for the Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds for the 12-month period that ended October 31, 2008. The period was marked by extreme volatility across the financial markets and proved to be a challenging time for investors. While periods of volatility can present challenges, we believe that investors should remember the importance of maintaining a long-term investment strategy based on their individual goals and risk tolerance. MARKET VOLATILITY SPIKED AMID GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. Volatility across the financial markets rose to record highs during the 12-month period. Dislocations that had first surfaced in the subprime mortgage market after years of credit excesses and lax lending standards spread across the financial system. This contagion resulted in a vicious circle of declining asset values that escalated the credit crunch into a global financial crisis. As the period began, delinquencies and foreclosures in the housing market continued to accelerate, further boosting housing inventory levels and depressing home prices. Mounting loan losses among lenders and a decline in the value of the mortgage-backed securities tied to those loans hurt the capital ratios of the overleveraged institutions that held the securities. As the market for lower-quality securities dried up, financial institutions and other investors were forced to sell their most-liquid securities to maintain liquidity, required capital ratios, and, in some cases, solvency. This caused further deterioration in the value of these and other securities, which in turn caused further deterioration in the asset bases of financial institutions holding the securities. RAPID STRUCTURAL CHANGES TRANSFORMED THE FINANCIAL LANDSCAPE. By the end of the 12-month period, the financial landscape was in the midst of its most consequential changes since the 1930s. Fear reached extreme levels in March 2008, with the forced sale of failing investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase and again in September and October as the period ended with one of the most tumultuous two-month spans that the financial markets have ever experienced. The failure or government takeover of several of the nation's most well-known financial institutions led to a crisis of confidence that resulted in the global financial system becoming nearly frozen, with large financial institutions too fearful even to lend to one another. In September alone, government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into government receivership, investment bank Lehman Brothers filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch was hastily sold to Bank of America, the government effectively took over insurer American International Group, investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted into bank holding companies, and Washington Mutual was bought by JPMorgan Chase. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 3 Letter to Shareholders GOVERNMENT TOOK UNPRECEDENTED ACTIONS TO STABILIZE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Throughout the 12-month period, the Federal Reserve took repeated actions in an effort to stabilize the financial system. This included a rapid succession of cuts in the target federal funds rate from 4.75% to 1.00%; large injections of capital into the financial system; and the initiation of several nontraditional, nonmonetary facilities. In February 2008, Congress passed an economic stimulus bill featuring tax rebate checks for consumers. This helped boost spending through the early summer, but spending fell sharply in July and remained weak throughout the rest of the period. In October, Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which authorized the Treasury to establish the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to directly purchase mortgage securities and other troubled assets from financial institutions. In the final weeks of the period, the Treasury moved to invest $250 billion of the TARP funds in direct equity stakes in the nation's banks. ECONOMIC GROWTH WEAKENED, BUT INFLATION PRESSURES EASED. Economic growth weakened during the 12-month period, leading to growing concerns of an economic recession. Growth in gross domestic product (GDP) was negative in the fourth quarter of 2007 and again in the third quarter of 2008. Amid this environment, consumer confidence and spending declined sharply as income growth slowed and the unemployment rate rose to 6.5%. On the positive side, the economic slowing helped ease the inflation fears that had grown due to surging gasoline and food prices. Headline inflation moderated as crude oil prices saw a rapid reversal in the later months of the period. This gave the Fed more leeway for interest-rate cuts without the immediate concern of higher inflation pressures. The U.S. dollar also reversed course from its multiyear weakening trend, showing significant strength against the euro during the latter half of the period. EQUITY MARKETS EXPERIENCED EXTREME VOLATILITY. The equity markets were turbulent throughout the period, with volatility rising to extreme levels in March 2008 and again in September and October. The broad market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, rose early in the period, closing at an all-time high in October 2007. The index then began an extended decline and ended the 12-month period down 36%, with a nearly 17% decline during October in the worst month for the stock markets since October 1987. Small cap stocks outpaced both large cap and mid cap stocks during the 12-month period, with large caps moderately outperforming mid caps. The Russell Midcap(R) Index1 declined more than 40%, and the Russell 2000(R) Index(2) of small cap stocks fell 34%. The value and growth styles both performed poorly over the 12-month period, with value slightly outpacing growth despite the higher weighting of the value indices in the volatile financials sector. THROUGHOUT THE 12-MONTH PERIOD, THE FEDERAL RESERVE TOOK REPEATED ACTIONS IN AN EFFORT TO STABILIZE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. (1) The Russell Midcap Value Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The stocks are also members of the Russell 1000(R) Value Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies in the Russell 3000 Index, which represents approximately 8% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000 Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. 4 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Letter to Shareholders DON'T LET SHORT-TERM VOLATILITY DERAIL LONG-TERM INVESTMENT GOALS. While periods of volatility can present challenges, experience has taught us that maintaining a long-term investment strategy based on individual goals and risk tolerance can be an effective way to plan for the future. As a whole, Wells Fargo Advantage Funds represent investments across a broad range of asset classes and investment styles, giving you an opportunity to create a diversified investment portfolio. While diversification may not prevent losses in a downturn, it may help to reduce them and provide you with one way of managing risk. Our diverse family of mutual funds may also help. We offer more than 100 Funds that cover a broad spectrum of investment styles and asset classes. Thank you for choosing WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. We appreciate your confidence in us. Through each market cycle, we are committed to helping you meet your financial needs. If you have any questions about your investment, please contact your investment professional or call us at 1-800-222-8222. You may also want to visit our Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. Sincerely, /s/ Karla M. Rabusch Karla M. Rabusch President WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 6 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND (the Fund) seeks maximum long-term total return (current income and capital appreciation), consistent with minimizing risk to principal. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Cooke & Bieler, L.P. PORTFOLIO MANAGERS Kermit S. Eck, CFA Daren C. Heitman, CFA Michael M. Meyer, CFA James R. Norris Edward W. O'Connor, CFA R. James O'Neil, CFA Mehul Trivedi, CFA FUND INCEPTION February 18, 1998 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND 1 YEAR ---------------------- ------ Investor Class (34.87)% Russell Midcap(R) Value Index(1) (38.83)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B RUSSELL MIDCAP DATE MID CAP FUND - CLASS A MID CAP FUND - INVESTOR CLASS VALUE INDEX ---------- ------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------- 10/31/1998 9,426 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9,465 10,041 10,351 12/31/1998 9,749 10,343 10,666 1/31/1999 9,232 9,795 10,417 2/28/1999 8,881 9,422 10,188 3/31/1999 9,076 9,629 10,334 4/30/1999 9,731 10,324 11,313 5/31/1999 9,829 10,427 11,360 6/30/1999 10,962 11,630 11,489 7/31/1999 10,835 11,495 11,202 8/31/1999 9,984 10,592 10,815 9/30/1999 9,583 10,167 10,267 10/31/1999 9,632 10,219 10,570 11/30/1999 9,711 10,302 10,376 12/31/1999 9,731 10,324 10,654 1/31/2000 9,621 10,206 10,017 2/29/2000 9,340 9,908 9,598 3/31/2000 10,308 10,935 10,762 4/30/2000 10,649 11,298 10,805 5/31/2000 11,654 12,364 10,990 6/30/2000 11,691 12,403 10,581 7/31/2000 11,872 12,595 10,828 8/31/2000 12,436 13,193 11,492 9/30/2000 12,453 13,211 11,602 10/31/2000 12,886 13,671 11,823 11/30/2000 12,927 13,714 11,668 12/31/2000 13,724 14,559 12,698 1/31/2001 14,674 15,567 12,652 2/28/2001 15,026 15,941 12,598 3/31/2001 14,358 15,232 12,249 4/30/2001 14,796 15,697 12,923 5/31/2001 15,759 16,719 13,289 6/30/2001 15,677 16,632 13,112 7/31/2001 16,117 17,098 13,060 8/31/2001 15,924 16,893 12,821 9/30/2001 14,633 15,524 11,598 10/31/2001 15,223 16,150 11,660 11/30/2001 16,199 17,186 12,476 12/31/2001 17,177 18,223 12,993 1/31/2002 17,177 18,223 13,124 2/28/2002 17,494 18,559 13,337 3/31/2002 18,486 19,611 14,019 4/30/2002 18,690 19,828 14,010 5/31/2002 18,860 20,008 13,989 6/30/2002 18,123 19,226 13,364 7/31/2002 16,389 17,387 12,056 8/31/2002 16,072 17,050 12,196 9/30/2002 14,362 15,236 10,965 10/31/2002 14,906 15,813 11,313 11/30/2002 16,005 16,980 12,026 12/31/2002 15,546 16,492 11,740 1/31/2003 15,081 15,999 11,415 2/28/2003 14,480 15,362 11,225 3/31/2003 14,867 15,772 11,264 4/30/2003 16,229 17,217 12,120 5/31/2003 17,500 18,565 13,187 6/30/2003 17,876 18,964 13,279 7/31/2003 18,534 19,663 13,692 8/31/2003 19,397 20,578 14,178 9/30/2003 18,682 19,819 14,068 10/31/2003 20,384 21,625 15,101 11/30/2003 20,861 22,131 15,538 12/31/2003 21,607 22,923 16,209 1/31/2004 21,905 23,239 16,637 2/29/2004 22,215 23,567 17,048 3/31/2004 22,390 23,753 17,075 4/30/2004 21,840 23,169 16,353 5/31/2004 21,931 23,267 16,772 6/30/2004 22,745 24,130 17,371 7/31/2004 21,324 22,622 16,900 8/31/2004 21,335 22,634 17,172 9/30/2004 21,713 23,048 17,672 10/31/2004 21,645 22,963 18,081 11/30/2004 22,928 24,336 19,303 12/31/2004 23,967 25,439 20,051 1/31/2005 22,965 24,375 19,584 2/28/2005 23,743 25,214 20,268 3/31/2005 23,566 25,026 20,207 4/30/2005 22,764 24,175 19,674 5/31/2005 24,097 25,589 20,487 6/30/2005 24,746 26,290 21,157 7/31/2005 25,607 27,191 22,165 8/31/2005 24,604 26,140 21,991 9/30/2005 24,805 26,353 22,290 10/31/2005 24,486 26,015 21,607 11/30/2005 25,808 27,429 22,369 12/31/2005 25,411 27,008 22,587 1/31/2006 26,667 28,340 23,566 2/28/2006 26,910 28,612 23,790 3/31/2006 28,229 30,011 24,308 4/30/2006 28,357 30,160 24,542 5/31/2006 28,063 29,848 24,029 6/30/2006 27,422 29,169 24,173 7/31/2006 27,012 28,734 24,036 8/31/2006 28,165 29,970 24,710 9/30/2006 29,151 31,016 25,026 10/31/2006 30,471 32,416 26,040 11/30/2006 31,444 33,462 26,879 12/31/2006 31,887 33,947 27,154 1/31/2007 32,420 34,512 27,990 2/28/2007 32,348 34,436 28,157 3/31/2007 32,981 35,108 28,473 4/30/2007 33,772 35,963 29,366 5/31/2007 34,866 37,123 30,377 6/30/2007 35,024 37,291 29,513 7/31/2007 32,779 34,909 27,867 8/31/2007 32,592 34,711 27,781 9/30/2007 32,866 35,016 28,465 10/31/2007 31,369 33,428 28,573 11/30/2007 29,973 31,931 27,067 12/31/2007 29,039 30,927 26,767 1/31/2008 26,686 28,432 25,548 2/29/2008 25,889 27,587 24,705 3/31/2008 25,454 27,126 24,453 4/30/2008 26,740 28,508 25,944 5/31/2008 27,536 29,353 26,865 6/30/2008 23,771 25,341 24,470 7/31/2008 25,201 26,857 24,189 8/31/2008 26,776 28,528 24,880 9/30/2008 25,147 26,800 22,629 10/31/2008 20,440 21,770 17,479
(PERFORMANCE GRAPH) (1) The Russell Midcap Value Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The stocks are also members of the Russell 1000(R) Value Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND CLASS A shares and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell Midcap Value Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A shares and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 7 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - Stock selection was the primary contributing factor to the Fund's outperformance of the benchmark. - Our underweighting in utilities was a detractor for the Fund. - Deleveraging in the credit markets and volatility in the commodities sector were major challenges in the marketplace. THE IMPACT OF STOCK SELECTION WAS FAVORABLE IN SEVERAL SECTORS, INCLUDING INDUSTRIALS AND CONSUMER DURABLES/RETAILS. We live in uncertain times. Several factors came together during the 12-month period to bring unprecedented challenges to the economy. The implosion of the real estate bubble seemed to negatively affect every sector of the market as the credit markets struggled and several prominent financial institutions failed under the constraints of illiquidity. This was followed by unprecedented government intervention that sought to contain the damage by orchestrating a $700 billion bailout and by opening the federal lending window to nonbank financial institutions. While these events affected markets across the globe, we continued to emphasize companies with competitive advantages, conservative balance sheets, and cash flow, the same characteristics held dear by most business owners. We have found, time and again, that business quality typically wins out over time, and even during this difficult period, stock selection was the primary contributing factor to the Fund's overperformance. While we were pleased with the positive effect of our stock selection process, we found it difficult to get excited when the Fund was down as much as it was for the period. Our underweighting in utilities was a detractor for the Fund. In general, underweighting in the utility sector was a negative force for the 12-month period. Given our focus on investing in companies that we believe are quality businesses with sustainable competitive advantages, it is not unusual for the Fund to be underweighted in utility companies. We tend to believe that firms in these areas are fundamentally challenged over the long term by competitive and regulatory constraints. The stocks that held up best during the period were those of financially strong, well-established companies. Alpharma Corporation was our best contributor, having benefited from a takeover offer. Beyond that, our top performers included Family Dollar Stores, Scotts Miracle-Gro, and Diebold. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Materials (12%) Consumer Discretionary (23%) Consumer Staples (6%) Financials (20%) Health Care (9%) Industrials (17%) Information Technology (13%)
---------- (3) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. 8 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Corinthian Colleges Incorporated 4.31% Arthur J. Gallagher & Company 4.12% International Flavors & Fragrances Incorporated 4.04% Briggs & Stratton Corporation 4.04% Family Dollar Stores Incorporated 3.78% Quest Diagnostics Incorporated 3.67% Willis Group Holdings Incorporated 3.43% Hain Celestial Group Incorporated 3.31% Diebold Incorporated 3.19% Steelcase Incorporated 3.13%
At the other end of the spectrum, we did have several detractors from Fund performance. Flextronics and Entegris Corporation were both victims of the weakening semiconductor demand cycle. Other detractors included Harte-Hanks, Albany International, and CapitalSource. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. EXTREME VOLATILITY GENERATED OPPORTUNITIES TO MAKE NEW INVESTMENTS. We made several changes to the Fund during the 12-month period. Beyond adding to certain existing holdings that were temporarily out of favor with Wall Street, we also established new holdings in several companies, including Autoliv, Manpower, Novellus Systems, NVR, Office Depot, Sanderson Farms, and Scotts Miracle-Gro. To make room for these additions, we sold Cimarex, Universal Health Service, Parametric Technology, Unum, Pall, CBRL Group, and Brunswick because these companies had achieved our valuation targets. We also sold MoneyGram, MBIA, Ambac Financial Group, Federal Signal, and Pilgrim's Pride due to our concerns about the their fundamentals. WE BELIEVE THAT THERE IS REASON TO BE OPTIMISTIC. We are concerned about many aspects of the economy, and at the same time, we have reasons to be optimistic. After several years of having access to easy money, the economy is now in its purging process. And although this phase of the process can be disconcerting, we believe that it's also a healthy self-correcting aspect of our market-based economy and that it's working to establish a foundation for future economic growth. In the past, the U.S. economy has proven to be very resilient during times of recession. We would not bet against its potential for recovery. We believe that the pundits' calls for a depression are too extreme. The fact that we are hearing them use it so frequently in the media is beginning to ignite our contrarian optimism. "Buy when others are fearful," is the age-old adage. We would agree with that maxim, with one modification: "Buy carefully when others are fearful." We are still a long way from the point where one can have confidence that a rising tide to lift all boats can justify anything but a careful and selective stock picking strategy. While we believe that the financial system will be fixed, we also believe it will not be fixed overnight. And although many stocks are already selling at prices that fully discount a recession, it will take some time for the recession to run its course. In the meantime, quality will remain of utmost importance. Our emphasis on quality remains strong, and we will continue to look for companies that are undervalued. (4) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 9 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- C&B MID CAP FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) ---------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (CBMAX) (27.95) (38.59) (1.13) 7.41 (23.56) (34.84) 0.05 8.05 1.36% 1.20% Class B (CBMBX)** (28.94) (40.41) (1.11) 7.49 (23.94) (35.41) (0.70) 7.49 2.11% 1.95% Class C (CBMCX) (24.92) (36.36) (0.68) 7.25 (23.92) (35.36) (0.68) 7.25 2.11% 1.95% Administrator Class (CBMIX) (23.56) (34.77) 0.23 8.14 1.18% 1.15% Institutional Class (CBMSX) (23.49) (34.63) 0.44 8.25 0.91% 0.90% Investor Class (CBMDX) (23.64) (34.87) 0.13 8.09 1.48% 1.25% Russell Midcap Value Index(1) (32.63) (38.83) 2.97 5.74
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE AT THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE PERIOD SHOWN. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A, Class B and Class C shares incepted on July 26, 2004. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Class A, Class B and Class C reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares, adjusted to reflect Class A, Class B and Class C sales charges and expenses, as applicable. The Investor Class shares incepted on February 18, 1998. Prior to June 20, 2008, the Investor Class was named Class D. Administrator Class shares incepted on July 26, 2004. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the unnamed share class of the C&B Mid Cap Value Portfolio, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class. The unnamed share class of the predecessor fund incepted on February 18, 1998. Institutional Class shares incepted on July 26, 2004. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the unnamed share class of the C&B Mid Cap Value Portfolio, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class. The unnamed share class of the predecessor fund incepted on February 18, 1998. Investor Class shares incepted on February 18, 1998. Effective June 20, 2008, Class D was renamed Investor Class and modified to assume the features and attributes of the Investor Class. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Fund. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 10 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGER Ann M. Miletti FUND INCEPTION December 29, 1989 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
COMMON STOCK FUND 1 YEAR ----------------- ------ Investor Class (34.52)% Russell 2500(TM) Index(1) (37.27)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK COMMON STOCK DATE FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS RUSSELL 2500 INDEX ---------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------------ 10/31/1998 9,424 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9,700 10,296 10,495 12/31/1998 10,191 10,820 11,131 1/31/1999 10,416 11,062 11,112 2/28/1999 9,968 10,589 10,382 3/31/1999 10,505 11,164 10,604 4/30/1999 11,480 12,203 11,553 5/31/1999 11,557 12,289 11,732 6/30/1999 12,180 12,955 12,343 7/31/1999 11,991 12,758 12,100 8/31/1999 11,526 12,267 11,721 9/30/1999 11,388 12,123 11,547 10/31/1999 12,185 12,976 11,800 11/30/1999 13,063 13,915 12,466 12/31/1999 14,252 15,186 13,819 1/31/2000 13,671 14,572 13,501 2/29/2000 14,357 15,307 15,451 3/31/2000 15,245 16,259 15,214 4/30/2000 14,371 15,331 14,396 5/31/2000 14,524 15,500 13,705 6/30/2000 14,289 15,253 14,606 7/31/2000 13,974 14,921 14,234 8/31/2000 15,092 16,120 15,459 9/30/2000 14,738 15,747 14,956 10/31/2000 14,170 15,144 14,546 11/30/2000 13,134 14,042 13,266 12/31/2000 14,024 15,004 14,408 1/31/2001 14,933 15,971 14,882 2/28/2001 13,968 14,944 13,924 3/31/2001 13,273 14,215 13,160 4/30/2001 14,206 15,212 14,322 5/31/2001 14,373 15,406 14,753 6/30/2001 14,046 15,063 14,962 7/31/2001 13,788 14,788 14,427 8/31/2001 13,051 13,999 13,954 9/30/2001 11,220 12,042 12,149 10/31/2001 11,986 12,860 12,777 11/30/2001 13,113 14,081 13,810 12/31/2001 13,745 14,749 14,584 1/31/2002 13,466 14,458 14,403 2/28/2002 13,110 14,085 14,151 3/31/2002 14,093 15,144 15,129 4/30/2002 13,535 14,547 15,091 5/31/2002 13,201 14,189 14,649 6/30/2002 12,008 12,907 13,823 7/31/2002 10,823 11,639 12,173 8/31/2002 10,962 11,788 12,210 9/30/2002 9,846 10,588 11,243 10/31/2002 10,676 11,483 11,609 11/30/2002 11,918 12,817 12,557 12/31/2002 11,067 11,908 11,989 1/31/2003 10,913 11,744 11,670 2/28/2003 10,865 11,692 11,390 3/31/2003 10,948 11,781 11,499 4/30/2003 11,722 12,616 12,523 5/31/2003 12,747 13,720 13,755 6/30/2003 12,915 13,906 14,018 7/31/2003 13,347 14,376 14,771 8/31/2003 13,877 14,943 15,455 9/30/2003 13,514 14,555 15,245 10/31/2003 14,365 15,487 16,449 11/30/2003 14,658 15,800 17,068 12/31/2003 15,328 16,516 17,445 1/31/2004 15,579 16,792 18,081 2/29/2004 15,934 17,179 18,361 3/31/2004 15,760 16,993 18,471 4/30/2004 15,237 16,434 17,584 5/31/2004 15,314 16,516 17,943 6/30/2004 15,655 16,889 18,533 7/31/2004 14,609 15,763 17,455 8/31/2004 14,435 15,576 17,410 9/30/2004 15,069 16,270 18,067 10/31/2004 15,439 16,665 18,479 11/30/2004 16,290 17,590 19,859 12/31/2004 16,809 18,161 20,636 1/31/2005 16,344 17,663 19,943 2/28/2005 16,862 18,225 20,394 3/31/2005 16,821 18,189 19,988 4/30/2005 16,019 17,316 19,089 5/31/2005 16,775 18,140 20,244 6/30/2005 17,172 18,564 20,892 7/31/2005 18,142 19,616 22,127 8/31/2005 17,920 19,380 21,797 9/30/2005 17,981 19,437 21,913 10/31/2005 17,539 18,964 21,233 11/30/2005 18,440 19,935 22,258 12/31/2005 18,814 20,341 22,310 1/31/2006 19,961 21,584 23,888 2/28/2006 19,769 21,378 23,868 3/31/2006 20,338 21,995 24,796 4/30/2006 20,706 22,397 24,883 5/31/2006 19,996 21,621 23,707 6/30/2006 19,874 21,500 23,719 7/31/2006 19,515 21,107 22,973 8/31/2006 19,970 21,593 23,555 9/30/2006 20,286 21,939 23,842 10/31/2006 20,890 22,593 24,988 11/30/2006 21,504 23,266 25,803 12/31/2006 21,691 23,456 25,916 1/31/2007 22,386 24,218 26,615 2/28/2007 22,254 24,066 26,578 3/31/2007 22,783 24,640 26,836 4/30/2007 23,545 25,461 27,528 5/31/2007 24,660 26,681 28,678 6/30/2007 24,539 26,552 28,164 7/31/2007 23,821 25,766 26,546 8/31/2007 24,020 25,989 26,827 9/30/2007 24,704 26,728 27,459 10/31/2007 25,013 27,056 28,164 11/30/2007 23,854 25,801 26,438 12/31/2007 23,849 25,788 26,273 1/31/2008 22,795 24,657 24,668 2/29/2008 22,541 24,388 23,991 3/31/2008 22,127 23,936 23,812 4/30/2008 23,289 25,194 25,094 5/31/2008 24,143 26,127 26,286 6/30/2008 21,980 23,780 24,142 7/31/2008 22,100 23,908 24,310 8/31/2008 22,714 24,572 25,004 9/30/2008 20,898 22,607 22,520 10/31/2008 16,371 17,715 17,668
(PERFORMANCE GRAPH) ---------- (1) The Russell 2500 Index measures performance of the 2,500 smallest companies in the Russell 3000(R) Index, which represents approximately 16% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000 Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the Wells Fargo Advantage Common Stock Fund Class A and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell 2500 Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 11 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund outperformed its benchmark; holdings in the information technology sector were the top contributors to relative performance. - Health care was the largest detractor from relative performance, primarily due to weakness of our biotech and provider-and-services holdings, which underperformed the industry. - We view the current market turmoil as a tremendous opportunity to possibly add to current holdings at more favorable prices and valuations or to upgrade the Fund with a high-quality company that is finally trading at an attractive discount to our perceived private market valuation. STOCK SELECTION WAS THE MAIN DRIVER OF THE FUND'S OUTPERFORMANCE. The Fund's holdings in the information technology sector were the top contributors to relative performance during the 12-month period as our semiconductor and Internet software- and services-related holdings proved to be more stable than the broader sector and the entire benchmark. Energy was another positive contributor to relative performance, as our holdings held up better when the sector came under pressure late in the fiscal year. Specifically, within energy, security selection in the oil, gas, and consumable fuels industry helped drive the outperformance. Security selection in the consumer staples sector also contributed to relative performance, as did our modest overweight in the consumer staples sector, the best-performing sector in the benchmark. Health care was the largest detractor from relative performance, primarily due to weakness of our biotech and provider-and-services holdings, which underperformed the industry. Another headwind for the Fund was our underweight of the utilities sector, which outperformed the benchmark. The materials sector also detracted from our relative performance due largely to weakness in the metals-and-mining and paper- and forest-product industries. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Apache Corporation 2.08% EOG Resources Incorporated 1.99% RenaissanceRe Holdings Limited 1.94% HCC Insurance Holdings Incorporated 1.91% Republic Services Incorporated 1.89% Marshall & Ilsley Corporation 1.86% Citrix Systems Incorporated 1.84% Accenture Limited Class A 1.78% Neustar Incorporated Class A 1.75% Thermo Fisher Scientific Incorporated 1.72%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 12 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND (CONTINUED) OUR METHODOLOGY INCLUDES BUYING STOCKS THAT ARE SELLING AT A DISCOUNT TO THEIR INTRINSIC PRIVATE MARKET VALUE AND SELLING STOCKS THAT APPROACH THEIR PRIVATE MARKET VALUE. Our discipline allows us to be patient with stocks that are out of favor with the market, which seems to be the exception as the unprecedented volatility in the market has increased investor focus on the short term rather than the long term. Although this dynamic is challenging, we view it favorably, as the indiscriminant sell-off has punished many companies that we perceived to be higher-quality businesses with strong management teams. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services 1% Consumer Discretionary 19% Consumer Staples 6% Energy 9% Financials 14% Health Care 13% Industrials 10% Information Technology 21% Materials 7%
Consequently, we have added positions in several sectors and industries. These additions have generally been complemented by sales of companies that have what we believe to be inappropriate valuations, lower-quality business models, and/or deteriorating fundamentals. Although they reflect relatively small changes overall, the two sectors that had the largest increases as a percentage of the Fund were the financial and information technology sectors, while the sector with the largest decrease was the energy sector. Most sectors' weightings were fairly consistent throughout the 12-month period. The Fund was overweighted technology, health care, and consumer discretionary while being underweighted in the financial, utility, and industrial sectors. WE HAVE WATCHED THE MARKET EXPERIENCE UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS OF VOLATILITY DURING THE PERIOD. Credit markets froze, businesses failed, and governments were forced to intervene. The magnitude and duration of these events are still unknown. We view the current market turmoil as a tremendous opportunity to possibly add to current holdings at more favorable prices or to upgrade the Fund with a high-quality company that is finally trading at an attractive discount to our perceived private market valuation. Through it all, our bottom-up process of identifying companies that have a solid business model and strong management teams and that are trading at attractive discounts to our private market valuations continues to help guide our decision-making process. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 13 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- COMMON STOCK FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) ----------------- --------- ------- ------ ------- --------- ------- ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (SCSAX) (33.73) (38.31) 1.44 5.05 (29.70) (34.55) 2.65 5.68 1.39% 1.26% Class B (SCSKX)** (34.94) (40.04) 1.50 5.21 (29.94) (35.04) 1.88 5.21 2.14% 2.01% Class C (STSAX) (30.90) (36.00) 1.88 4.98 (29.90) (35.00) 1.88 4.98 2.14% 2.01% Investor Class (STCSX) (29.69) (34.52) 2.72 5.88 1.56% 1.29% Russell 2500 Index(1) (29.59) (37.27) 1.44 5.86
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A, Class B and Class C shares incepted on November 30, 2000. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005 for Class A, Class B and Class C reflects the performance of the Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively, of the Strong Common Stock Fund, the predecessor fund, adjusted to reflect Class A, Class B and Class C sales charges, as applicable. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A, Class B and Class C reflects the performance of the Class Z shares of the predecessor fund, adjusted to reflect Class A, Class B and Class C sales charges and expenses, as applicable. Investor Class shares incepted on December 29, 1989. Effective June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class and modified to assume the features and attributes of the Investor Class. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the June 20, 2008, prospectus. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Fund. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 14 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGERS Jerome "Cam" Philpott, CFA Stuart Roberts FUND INCEPTION December 30, 1994 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
MID CAP GROWTH FUND 1 YEAR ------------------- ------ Investor Class (43.62)% Russell Midcap Growth Index(1) (42.65)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH MID CAP GROWTH RUSSELL MIDCAP DATE FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS GROWTH INDEX ---------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------- 10/31/1998 9,425 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9,967 10,574 10,675 12/31/1998 10,711 11,362 11,780 1/31/1999 10,189 10,807 12,133 2/28/1999 9,257 9,818 11,540 3/31/1999 9,304 9,866 12,183 4/30/1999 9,775 10,365 12,738 5/31/1999 9,619 10,199 12,574 6/30/1999 10,251 10,867 13,452 7/31/1999 9,930 10,526 13,023 8/31/1999 9,495 10,064 12,888 9/30/1999 9,594 10,168 12,778 10/31/1999 10,044 10,644 13,766 11/30/1999 11,022 11,679 15,192 12/31/1999 12,729 13,486 17,822 1/31/2000 12,100 12,819 17,819 2/29/2000 13,851 14,673 21,565 3/31/2000 14,345 15,194 21,587 4/30/2000 13,616 14,421 19,491 5/31/2000 12,993 13,760 18,071 6/30/2000 14,603 15,463 19,988 7/31/2000 13,974 14,796 18,722 8/31/2000 16,319 17,277 21,546 9/30/2000 15,849 16,778 20,493 10/31/2000 15,132 16,017 19,090 11/30/2000 13,205 13,975 14,942 12/31/2000 14,588 15,438 15,728 1/31/2001 14,473 15,315 16,627 2/28/2001 12,719 13,458 13,751 3/31/2001 11,406 12,067 11,783 4/30/2001 12,666 13,399 13,747 5/31/2001 12,930 13,677 13,682 6/30/2001 12,886 13,629 13,690 7/31/2001 12,199 12,901 12,766 8/31/2001 11,494 12,154 11,841 9/30/2001 10,057 10,634 9,884 10/31/2001 10,075 10,651 10,923 11/30/2001 10,674 11,284 12,099 12/31/2001 11,096 11,728 12,559 1/31/2002 10,490 11,087 12,151 2/28/2002 10,177 10,755 11,462 3/31/2002 10,891 11,508 12,337 4/30/2002 10,666 11,269 11,684 5/31/2002 10,108 10,679 11,335 6/30/2002 9,473 10,007 10,084 7/31/2002 8,349 8,819 9,105 8/31/2002 8,388 8,859 9,073 9/30/2002 7,899 8,342 8,352 10/31/2002 8,173 8,630 8,999 11/30/2002 8,525 9,001 9,703 12/31/2002 7,928 8,370 9,117 1/31/2003 7,801 8,235 9,028 2/28/2003 7,664 8,090 8,949 3/31/2003 7,889 8,327 9,116 4/30/2003 8,574 9,048 9,736 5/31/2003 9,219 9,728 10,673 6/30/2003 9,374 9,891 10,826 7/31/2003 9,689 10,222 11,212 8/31/2003 10,259 10,822 11,830 9/30/2003 10,003 10,552 11,600 10/31/2003 10,770 11,359 12,535 11/30/2003 10,986 11,586 12,871 12/31/2003 10,947 11,543 13,011 1/31/2004 11,556 12,184 13,441 2/29/2004 11,792 12,432 13,666 3/31/2004 12,047 12,700 13,640 4/30/2004 11,517 12,139 13,255 5/31/2004 11,910 12,552 13,568 6/30/2004 12,126 12,779 13,784 7/31/2004 11,104 11,701 12,871 8/31/2004 10,809 11,389 12,712 9/30/2004 11,477 12,092 13,187 10/31/2004 11,988 12,629 13,634 11/30/2004 12,421 13,083 14,338 12/31/2004 13,299 14,007 15,025 1/31/2005 12,962 13,651 14,623 2/28/2005 12,667 13,339 14,993 3/31/2005 12,583 13,248 14,774 4/30/2005 11,931 12,561 14,190 5/31/2005 12,646 13,314 15,002 6/30/2005 12,983 13,668 15,281 7/31/2005 13,551 14,244 16,173 8/31/2005 13,446 14,156 16,074 9/30/2005 13,677 14,399 16,282 10/31/2005 13,404 14,111 15,803 11/30/2005 14,056 14,776 16,661 12/31/2005 14,048 14,768 16,843 1/31/2006 14,942 15,709 17,852 2/28/2006 15,194 15,974 17,632 3/31/2006 15,767 16,577 18,125 4/30/2006 16,088 16,891 18,202 5/31/2006 15,171 15,950 17,345 6/30/2006 15,148 15,926 17,274 7/31/2006 14,323 15,057 16,655 8/31/2006 14,644 15,395 17,039 9/30/2006 14,667 15,395 17,428 10/31/2006 15,331 16,095 18,096 11/30/2006 15,996 16,795 18,807 12/31/2006 16,004 16,803 18,638 1/31/2007 16,790 17,603 19,316 2/28/2007 16,843 17,659 19,275 3/31/2007 17,052 17,907 19,376 4/30/2007 17,576 18,431 20,227 5/31/2007 18,938 19,866 21,047 6/30/2007 19,043 19,976 20,682 7/31/2007 18,571 19,452 20,219 8/31/2007 18,990 19,894 20,329 9/30/2007 19,698 20,638 21,126 10/31/2007 20,222 21,190 21,665 11/30/2007 19,279 20,197 20,711 12/31/2007 19,028 19,933 20,768 1/31/2008 17,520 18,343 19,118 2/29/2008 16,942 17,733 18,826 3/31/2008 16,846 17,666 18,494 4/30/2008 17,937 18,782 19,836 5/31/2008 18,418 19,290 20,881 6/30/2008 16,717 17,496 19,353 7/31/2008 16,717 17,496 18,618 8/31/2008 17,263 18,072 18,789 9/30/2008 14,985 15,703 15,919 10/31/2008 11,391 11,946 12,425
(PERFORMANCE GRAPH) (1) The Russell Midcap Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The stocks are also members of the Russell 1000 Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the Wells Fargo Advantage Mid Cap Growth Fund Class A shares and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell Midcap Growth Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A shares and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 15 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund slightly underperformed its benchmark due to strategic weighting. - Fund holdings in industrials, energy, and materials contributed positively to relative performance but not enough to overcome the difficult macroeconomic environment. - Leading detractors were found in information technology, consumer discretionary, and financials. WITH EVERY SECTOR ENDING THE 12-MONTH PERIOD IN NEGATIVE TERRITORY, IT WAS A CHALLENGING ENVIRONMENT TO BE A GROWTH INVESTOR. Fund holdings in the industrials sector outperformed due to strong stock selection and an overweight position. Broadly speaking, many of the companies in the portfolio reported strong operating results, and business trends remained on track. FTI Consulting, a global professional services consulting firm, was a leading contributor to Fund performance. Energy holdings performed significantly better than the average energy stock in the benchmark. For example, Petrohawk Energy Corporation was one of the strongest performers in the Fund. The company posted strong operating results, and the shares received a boost when Chesapeake Energy, another exploration and production company, reported unexpectedly good results from its exploratory drilling program in the Haynesville shale, near Petrohawk's drilling program. Range Resources Corporation, an independent oil and gas company that engages in the exploration, development, and acquisition of oil and gas properties, was another top performer for the Fund. An underweight position and positive stock selection compared to the benchmark in the materials sector contributed to the Fund's relative returns. The commodity markets sold off hard during the period, and the Fund's limited exposure to that sector also helped relative returns. In addition, Zep Inc., a holding that jumped 32% for the period, contributed to the Fund's relative returns. Zep produces, markets, and services a range of cleaning and maintenance solutions for commercial, industrial, institutional, and consumer end markets. Information technology stocks underperformed this year. Several of the sector's better-performing stocks in the past did not perform well, including VistaPrint, an online supplier of graphic design services that sold off in October on the TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) NII Holdings Incorporated 3.57% Resources Connection Incorporated 3.47% VistaPrint Limited 2.99% Solera Holdings Incorporated 2.80% ITT Corporation 2.37% Microsemi Corporation 2.35% PMC-Sierra Incorporated 2.24% Petrohawk Energy Corporation 2.15% WMS Industries Incorporated 2.15% Shire plc ADR 2.12%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 16 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) back of a revised 2009 outlook. Wright Express Corporation announced layoffs in October, blaming high gas prices and the economic slowdown. The company, which provides nationwide payment processing and information management services to commercial and government vehicle fleets, faced reductions in travel. Despite the portfolio being underweight consumer discretionary stocks, this group was a poor performer for the period as valuations compressed in response to investor concerns that high energy prices may have a far-reaching impact on the consumer. WMS Industries, Inc., a global provider of gaming machines, was a leading detractor for the portfolio despite posting stronger-than-expected earnings. Investors are concerned that demand for gaming machines will weaken as gaming operators see a slowdown in their business. We continued to own shares in this company at the end of the period because we believe that investors are overlooking the company's global business, increased market share, and opportunities for future operating margin expansion. The lodging industry was another area of underperformance for the Fund, and Gaylord Entertainment, which operates the Gaylord Hotels was a weak performer. Although the company reported solid operating results, investors believe that its business will significantly deteriorate. Finally, National CineMedia, which operates the largest digital in-theatre advertising network in North America, posted disappointing results in June. A portion of the shortfall was economic; however, the bulk of the revenue shortfall was related to timing, as several national beverage companies delayed spending to correspond with product launches during the second half of the year. These commitments are contractual, enabling us to look forward, beyond this timing issue. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services (5%) Consumer Discretionary (15%) Energy (10%) Financials (2%) Health Care (18%) Industrials (20%) Information Technology (28%) Materials (2%)
Financial stocks were extremely volatile as valuations compressed due to worries regarding broad credit issues. FCStone Group, an integrated commodity risk management company, was a leading detractor as investors feared that end markets could contract if agricultural credit became constricted. The company provides a broad array of services, and its recent operating results haven't been impacted by credit issues. We continue to monitor these end markets and maintained a position in these shares at the end of the period. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 17 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) OUR BIGGEST MOVES INCLUDED INCREASING EXPOSURE TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENERGY AND DECREASING EXPOSURE TO HEALTH CARE, INDUSTRIALS, AND FINANCIALS. In information technology, our exposure grew as we found attractive buying opportunities. While we maintained an underweight position, our energy exposure increased during the year as oil prices rose and we identified buying opportunities within the sector. We sold the better performers in health care and industrials because they had reached or exceeded our price targets after several years of strong performance; this resulted in decreased exposure to both sectors. WE REMAIN CONSISTENT WITH OUR INVESTMENT PROCESS AND FOCUS ON INDIVIDUAL COMPANY FUNDAMENTALS. Investors are still anxious and concerned about the financial markets. Equity prices are under duress amid investor worries that poor credit markets will cause global economic growth rates to slow dramatically. Domestic policy makers have reacted in many ways to address stress points in the credit markets, including recent congressional action authorizing the U.S. Treasury Department to purchase $700 billion of troubled assets. Most market participants seem focused on global macro themes, and we are not complacent about them either. We have always included a balance-sheet focus in our investment process, and, given the market's concerns regarding the credit market, we have paid particular attention to our companies' operating cash flow generation and any outstanding debt. Over time, we believe stock prices will track underlying earnings growth of the companies held in the Fund. 18 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- MID CAP GROWTH FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) ------------------- --------- ------- ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (WFMCX) (40.15) (46.91) (0.06) 1.31 (36.49) (43.67) 1.13 1.91 1.42% 1.40% Class B (WFMBX)** (41.77) (49.17) (0.07) 1.39 (36.77) (44.17) 0.33 1.39 2.17% 2.15% Class C (WFMHX) (37.65) (45.07) 0.38 1.16 (36.65) (44.07) 0.38 1.16 2.17% 2.15% Administrator Class (WMCGX) (36.31) (43.51) 1.18 1.94 1.23% 1.15% Institutional Class (WFMGX) (36.31) (43.51) 1.18 1.94 0.97% 0.90% Investor Class (WFMZX) (36.40) (43.62) 1.01 1.79 1.59% 1.49% Russell Midcap Growth Index(1) (37.36) (42.65) (0.18) 2.20
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE - www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A shares incepted on December 30, 1994. Class B and Class C shares incepted on June 9, 2003. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class B and Class C reflects the performance of the Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class B and Class C sales charges and expenses, as applicable. Administrator Class shares incepted on March 31, 2008. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Class A shares, and includes sales charges and expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. Institutional Class shares incepted on March 31, 2008. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Class A shares, which incepted on December 30, 1994, and includes sales charges and expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. Investor Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Effective, June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class and modified to assume the features and attributes of the Investor Class. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Investor Class reflects the performance of Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class Z expenses. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Fund. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 20 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND THE FUND IS CLOSED TO NEW INVESTORS. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGERS Jerome "Cam" Philpott, CFA Stuart Roberts FUND INCEPTION July 13, 1990 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 1 YEAR --------------------- ------ Investor Class (43.87)% Russell 2000(R) Growth Index(1) (37.87)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH SMALL CAP GROWTH RUSSELL 2000 DATE FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS GROWTH INDEX ---------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------ 10/31/1998 9,425 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 10,302 10,929 10,776 12/31/1998 11,416 12,109 11,751 1/31/1999 11,484 12,179 12,279 2/28/1999 10,491 11,125 11,156 3/31/1999 10,704 11,349 11,553 4/30/1999 11,385 12,070 12,574 5/31/1999 11,453 12,140 12,594 6/30/1999 12,544 13,295 13,257 7/31/1999 12,575 13,325 12,847 8/31/1999 12,522 13,267 12,367 9/30/1999 12,075 12,791 12,605 10/31/1999 13,506 14,306 12,928 11/30/1999 14,506 15,363 14,295 12/31/1999 17,787 18,835 16,815 1/31/2000 17,521 18,551 16,658 2/29/2000 20,612 21,820 20,534 3/31/2000 19,203 20,326 18,375 4/30/2000 16,931 17,918 16,520 5/31/2000 14,438 15,278 15,074 6/30/2000 16,824 17,801 17,021 7/31/2000 15,635 16,540 15,562 8/31/2000 17,612 18,629 17,199 9/30/2000 17,332 18,330 16,345 10/31/2000 15,355 16,237 15,018 11/30/2000 12,560 13,279 12,291 12/31/2000 13,316 14,077 13,043 1/31/2001 13,216 13,969 14,099 2/28/2001 12,360 13,062 12,166 3/31/2001 11,482 12,133 11,060 4/30/2001 12,482 13,188 12,414 5/31/2001 13,016 13,750 12,702 6/30/2001 13,171 13,912 13,048 7/31/2001 12,404 13,100 11,935 8/31/2001 11,448 12,089 11,190 9/30/2001 9,981 10,538 9,384 10/31/2001 10,226 10,795 10,287 11/30/2001 11,026 11,638 11,146 12/31/2001 11,632 12,275 11,840 1/31/2002 10,779 11,374 11,418 2/28/2002 10,005 10,556 10,679 3/31/2002 10,981 11,584 11,608 4/30/2002 11,015 11,618 11,356 5/31/2002 10,218 10,776 10,692 6/30/2002 9,657 10,183 9,786 7/31/2002 8,289 8,739 8,282 8/31/2002 8,311 8,761 8,278 9/30/2002 8,042 8,476 7,680 10/31/2002 8,435 8,889 8,068 11/30/2002 8,794 9,266 8,868 12/31/2002 8,199 8,638 8,257 1/31/2003 7,964 8,389 8,032 2/28/2003 7,908 8,329 7,818 3/31/2003 8,042 8,469 7,937 4/30/2003 8,839 9,307 8,688 5/31/2003 9,646 10,156 9,667 6/30/2003 10,016 10,544 9,853 7/31/2003 10,510 11,062 10,598 8/31/2003 10,959 11,532 11,167 9/30/2003 10,588 11,141 10,884 10/31/2003 11,665 12,273 11,825 11/30/2003 12,047 12,672 12,210 12/31/2003 12,125 12,753 12,265 1/31/2004 12,832 13,494 12,909 2/29/2004 12,820 13,481 12,889 3/31/2004 13,191 13,868 12,949 4/30/2004 12,551 13,194 12,299 5/31/2004 13,045 13,711 12,544 6/30/2004 13,236 13,909 12,961 7/31/2004 11,721 12,316 11,798 8/31/2004 11,239 11,807 11,544 9/30/2004 11,968 12,572 12,182 10/31/2004 12,349 12,970 12,478 11/30/2004 12,910 13,558 13,533 12/31/2004 13,778 14,467 14,019 1/31/2005 13,185 13,842 13,388 2/28/2005 12,980 13,625 13,572 3/31/2005 12,706 13,336 13,063 4/30/2005 12,011 12,606 12,231 5/31/2005 12,763 13,395 13,094 6/30/2005 13,322 13,981 13,517 7/31/2005 14,222 14,926 14,462 8/31/2005 14,097 14,783 14,258 9/30/2005 14,279 14,974 14,371 10/31/2005 13,892 14,568 13,840 11/30/2005 14,837 15,548 14,623 12/31/2005 14,614 15,327 14,602 1/31/2006 15,717 16,472 16,010 2/28/2006 16,159 16,922 15,925 3/31/2006 17,103 17,913 16,699 4/30/2006 17,507 18,351 16,651 5/31/2006 16,539 17,321 15,479 6/30/2006 16,355 17,128 15,488 7/31/2006 15,460 16,176 14,684 8/31/2006 16,024 16,768 15,114 9/30/2006 16,098 16,845 15,216 10/31/2006 17,201 18,003 16,202 11/30/2006 17,728 18,544 16,590 12/31/2006 17,883 18,706 16,550 1/31/2007 18,308 19,153 16,858 2/28/2007 18,527 19,368 16,805 3/31/2007 18,746 19,599 16,960 4/30/2007 18,993 19,872 17,405 5/31/2007 20,295 21,225 18,199 6/30/2007 20,692 21,628 18,096 7/31/2007 19,829 20,735 17,157 8/31/2007 20,240 21,153 17,588 9/30/2007 20,966 21,901 18,099 10/31/2007 21,953 22,923 18,914 11/30/2007 20,185 21,081 17,608 12/31/2007 20,279 21,180 17,718 1/31/2008 18,424 19,247 16,093 2/29/2008 17,464 18,220 15,536 3/31/2008 17,447 18,203 15,445 4/30/2008 18,147 18,956 16,239 5/31/2008 19,140 19,965 17,159 6/30/2008 17,268 18,015 16,136 7/31/2008 17,236 17,981 16,511 8/31/2008 18,261 19,059 16,921 9/30/2008 16,764 17,502 15,009 10/31/2008 12,337 12,865 11,751
(PERFORMANCE GRAPH) (1) The Russell 2000 Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND Class A and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell 2000 Growth Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 21 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund underperformed its benchmark in a difficult macroeconomic environment. - Leading detractors were found in health care, consumer discretionary, and financials. - Top-performing sectors for the Fund were industrials, energy, and materials. BROAD ECONOMIC FEARS FUELED UNDERPERFORMANCE IN SEVERAL SECTORS. Health care stocks did not perform well this year given the broad concerns about the market and the economy. While the Fund was underweight the benchmark in anticipation of the sector decline, stock selection detracted for the period. For example, InVentiv Health, a commercial services provider to pharmaceutical companies, had been a positive performer earlier in the 12-month period, but detracted from performance over the full period. We sold the company in anticipation of slower growth. Our perception was that the company's reduction in its advertising budget was a signal that management had taken a reserved stance toward its guidance of the company. Fund holdings in the consumer discretionary sector were weak absolute and relative performers during the period. During the last several years, stocks in this group have been among the better performers for the Fund; but despite in-line earnings results, stock prices declined as investors became concerned that consumer spending would slow in response to higher oil prices and a slowing U.S. economy. Several of the better-performing stocks that have been highlighted in the past, including VistaPrint, an online supplier of graphic design services, and Shutterfly, an online photography company, were leading detractors for the period. Lodging stocks were a source of relative underperformance amid fears regarding slowing travel demands. Great Wolf Resorts, a family-oriented resort company, was a weak performer during the period, as was LodgeNet. Financial stocks were extremely volatile as valuations compressed on worries of broad credit issues. FCStone Group, an integrated commodity risk management company, was a leading detractor on investor concerns that end markets could contract if agricultural credit became constricted. The company provides a broad array of services, and the recent operating results have not been impacted by credit issues. We continue to monitor these end markets and maintain a position in these shares. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) SkillSoft plc ADR 3.74% Resources Connection Incorporated 3.46% VistaPrint Limited 3.03% Solera Holdings Incorporated 2.86% Sykes Enterprises Incorporated 2.70% GSI Commerce Incorporated 2.57% Microsemi Corporation 2.40% PMC-Sierra Incorporated 2.35% WMS Industries Incorporated 2.24% Wright Express Corporation 1.86%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 22 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. Fund holdings in the industrials sector outperformed due to strong stock selection and an overweight position. Many companies reported positive operating results, and business trends remained on track. FTI Consulting, a global professional services consulting firm, was a leading contributor to Fund performance. Energy holdings performed significantly better than the average energy stock in the benchmark. Petrohawk Energy Corporation was among the strongest performers in the Fund. The company posted strong operating results, and the shares received a boost when Chesapeake Energy, another exploration-and-production company, reported unexpectedly good results from its exploratory drilling program in the Haynesville shale, near Petrohawk's drilling program. D Goodrich Petroleum Corporation, another competitor with exposure to the Haynesville shale, was also a top performer for the Fund. In addition, the materials sector performed well, primarily due to an underweight position versus the benchmark. Commodities markets sold off strong during the period, and the Fund's lack of exposure helped relative returns. FUND EXPOSURE TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENERGY GREW, WHILE WE DECREASED EXPOSURE TO CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. We found attractive buying opportunities in information technology and increased the Fund's exposure in this area. In energy, we continued to maintain an underweight position, even though we increased the Fund's exposure as oil prices rose during the period and we found buying opportunities within the sector. We sold some of the better performers in the consumer discretionary sector because they had reached or exceeded our price targets after several years of strong performance. We also decreased the Fund's exposure to telecommunication services stocks and health care because we found better buying opportunities elsewhere. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services (2%) Information Technology (39%) Industrials (22%) Health Care (15%) Financials (6%) Energy (4%) Consumer Discretionary (12%)
WE REMAIN CONSISTENT WITH OUR INVESTMENT PROCESS AND FOCUS ON INDIVIDUAL COMPANY FUNDAMENTALS. Investors are still anxious and concerned about the financial markets. Equity prices are under duress amid investor worries that poor credit markets will cause global economic growth rates to slow dramatically. Domestic policy makers have reacted in many ways to address stress points in the credit markets, including recent congressional action authorizing the U.S. Treasury Department to purchase $700 billion of troubled assets. Most market participants seem focused on global macro themes, and we are not complacent about them either. We have always included a balance-sheet focus in our investment process, and, given the market's concerns regarding the credit market, we have paid particular attention to our companies' operating cash flow generation and any outstanding debt. Over time, we believe stock prices will track underlying earnings growth of the companies held in the Fund. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 23 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) --------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (MNSCX) (35.93) (47.03) (0.06) 2.12 (32.02) (43.80) 1.13 2.73 1.51% 1.40% Class B (WMNBX)** (37.33) (49.24) (0.05) 2.19 (32.33) (44.24) 0.35 2.19 2.26% 2.15% Class C (WMNCX) (33.36) (45.25) 0.36 1.96 (32.36) (44.25) 0.36 1.96 2.26% 2.15% Administrator Class (WMNIX) (31.98) (43.69) 1.31 2.83 1.33% 1.20% Institutional Class (WFSIX) (31.87) (43.50) 1.53 2.94 1.06% 0.90% Investor Class (WFSZX) (32.13) (43.87) 0.95 2.55 1.68% 1.49% Russell 2000 Growth Index(1) (27.63) (37.87) (0.13) 1.63
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. For CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A shares incepted on July 13, 1990. Class B and Class C shares incepted on June 9, 2003. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class B and Class C reflects the performance of the Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class B and Class C sales charges and expenses, as applicable. Administrator Class shares incepted on June 9, 2003. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Class A shares, and includes sales charges and expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares, but does not include Class A sales charges. If it did include Class A sales charges, returns would be lower. Institutional Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Administrator Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. Investor Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Effective June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class and modified to assume the features and attributes of the Investor Class. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005, for the Investor Class reflects the performance of the Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class Z expenses. The Fund is open to certain institutional investors, retirement plans and wrap programs as described in the Statement of Additional Information, the Fund is closed to all other investors. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Fund. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 24 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND THE FUND IS CLOSED TO NEW INVESTORS. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. PORTFOLIO MANAGER Jenny B. Jones FUND INCEPTION August 1, 1993 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 1 YEAR ---------------------------- ------ Administrator Class (31.65)% Russell 2000 Index(1) (34.16)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES DATE FUND - ADMINISTRATOR CLASS RUSSELL 2000 INDEX ---------- -------------------------- ------------------ 10/31/1998 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 10,601 10,524 12/31/1998 10,784 11,175 1/31/1999 10,571 11,324 2/28/1999 9,890 10,407 3/31/1999 9,895 10,569 4/30/1999 10,555 11,516 5/31/1999 10,917 11,684 6/30/1999 11,636 12,213 7/31/1999 11,465 11,878 8/31/1999 10,874 11,438 9/30/1999 10,912 11,440 10/31/1999 10,944 11,487 11/30/1999 11,556 12,173 12/31/1999 12,274 13,551 1/31/2000 12,173 13,333 2/29/2000 13,105 15,535 3/31/2000 14,536 14,510 4/30/2000 14,542 13,637 5/31/2000 13,956 12,843 6/30/2000 14,829 13,962 7/31/2000 14,680 13,513 8/31/2000 16,192 14,544 9/30/2000 15,952 14,116 10/31/2000 15,399 13,486 11/30/2000 14,510 12,102 12/31/2000 16,068 13,141 1/31/2001 16,365 13,825 2/28/2001 15,807 12,918 3/31/2001 15,254 12,286 4/30/2001 16,365 13,247 5/31/2001 17,016 13,573 6/30/2001 17,388 14,042 7/31/2001 17,219 13,282 8/31/2001 16,847 12,853 9/30/2001 15,400 11,123 10/31/2001 15,958 11,773 11/30/2001 17,010 12,685 12/31/2001 18,148 13,468 1/31/2002 17,897 13,328 2/28/2002 17,548 12,963 3/31/2002 18,606 14,004 4/30/2002 18,490 14,132 5/31/2002 18,105 13,505 6/30/2002 16,820 12,835 7/31/2002 14,880 10,896 8/31/2002 15,003 10,869 9/30/2002 13,889 10,088 10/31/2002 14,476 10,411 11/30/2002 15,431 11,341 12/31/2002 14,711 10,709 1/31/2003 14,458 10,413 2/28/2003 13,908 10,098 3/31/2003 14,031 10,228 4/30/2003 14,691 11,198 5/31/2003 16,057 12,400 6/30/2003 16,497 12,624 7/31/2003 17,403 13,414 8/31/2003 18,302 14,029 9/30/2003 17,843 13,770 10/31/2003 19,079 14,926 11/30/2003 19,694 15,456 12/31/2003 20,138 15,770 1/31/2004 21,167 16,455 2/29/2004 21,567 16,602 3/31/2004 21,741 16,757 4/30/2004 21,494 15,903 5/31/2004 21,627 16,156 6/30/2004 22,175 16,836 7/31/2004 21,073 15,703 8/31/2004 21,360 15,622 9/30/2004 22,349 16,355 10/31/2004 23,150 16,677 11/30/2004 24,727 18,124 12/31/2004 25,340 18,660 1/31/2005 24,618 17,882 2/28/2005 24,983 18,184 3/31/2005 24,436 17,664 4/30/2005 23,418 16,652 5/31/2005 24,497 17,742 6/30/2005 25,363 18,427 7/31/2005 26,426 19,594 8/31/2005 26,229 19,231 9/30/2005 26,540 19,291 10/31/2005 25,803 18,692 11/30/2005 27,080 19,599 12/31/2005 26,952 19,510 1/31/2006 29,323 21,259 2/28/2006 29,315 21,201 3/31/2006 30,653 22,229 4/30/2006 31,005 22,226 5/31/2006 29,750 20,978 6/30/2006 29,701 21,113 7/31/2006 29,135 20,426 8/31/2006 30,152 21,030 9/30/2006 30,177 21,205 10/31/2006 31,637 22,426 11/30/2006 32,761 23,016 12/31/2006 32,825 23,093 1/31/2007 33,403 23,480 2/28/2007 33,770 23,293 3/31/2007 34,358 23,543 4/30/2007 35,264 23,966 5/31/2007 36,489 24,947 6/30/2007 36,547 24,582 7/31/2007 34,946 22,901 8/31/2007 35,602 23,420 9/30/2007 36,971 23,822 10/31/2007 38,263 24,506 11/30/2007 36,026 22,746 12/31/2007 36,458 22,732 1/31/2008 33,951 21,182 2/29/2008 33,483 20,396 3/31/2008 33,561 20,482 4/30/2008 35,266 21,339 5/31/2008 37,261 22,320 6/30/2008 34,542 20,601 7/31/2008 34,475 21,364 8/31/2008 35,667 22,136 9/30/2008 32,536 20,372 10/31/2008 26,163 16,134
(PERFORMANCE GRAPH) (1) The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies in the Russell 3000 Index, which represents approximately 8% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000 Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND Administrator Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell 2000 Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Administrator Class shares and reflects all operating expenses. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 25 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund outperformed its benchmark. Stock selection in the industrials and telecommunication services sectors added value; the health care and consumer discretionary sectors detracted. - The Fund's cash position (averaging 10%) was the largest single contributor to performance. - Perrigo, which manufactures and markets over-the-counter drugs, added the most value to the Fund's performance on a stock level. STOCK SELECTION IN THE INDUSTRIALS AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES SECTORS ADDED VALUE; THE HEALTH CARE AND CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY SECTORS DETRACTED. In the telecommunication services sector, Syniverse Holdings, a provider of technology and business solutions for the telecommunications industry, had a positive impact. The company announced strong second-quarter earnings of $20.4 million or 30 cents per share, which was ahead of sell-side analysts' expectations. From the consumer staples sector, United Natural Foods, a distributor of natural, organic, and specialty foods, added value to the Fund. In the third quarter of 2008, the company also beat Wall Street's earnings expectations due to a 21% rise in revenue. In the industrials sector, Horizon Lines, a container shipping and integrated logistics company, detracted from performance. Shares of the company fell when it reported a 24.3% drop in earnings in the second quarter of 2008 due to rising fuel costs earlier this year. In financials, Conseco, an insurance holding company, also underperformed over the period. The share price fell sharply after the insurance company announced that its investment portfolio would suffer losses due to investments in Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Washington Mutual. However, these investments were a relatively small portion of their total investment portfolio. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Reinsurance Group of America Class A 2.61% PSS World Medical Incorporated 2.25% Waste Connections Incorporated 2.23% K-V Pharmaceutical Company Class A 2.20% Scientific Games Corporation Class A 2.19% Geo Group Incorporated 2.13% FEI Company 1.77% Syniverse Holdings Incorporated 1.65% F5 Networks Incorporated 1.60% Argo Group International Holdings Limited 1.60%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 26 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND (CONTINUED) At the sector level, our exposure to cash (averaging 10%) was the largest single contributor to returns. Our overweight in the energy sector had a positive impact, while our underweight in financial services hurt the portfolio. At the stock level, Perrigo, which manufactures and markets over-the-counter drugs, performed strongly over the 12-month period. Shares of the company rose sharply as the FDA approved its over-the-counter generic heartburn medicine. The company's earnings doubled in the third quarter of 2008, boosted by the sales of two new products. The company also benefited from consumers switching from more expensive, brand-name products to less expensive products in a slowing economy. Our holding in Goodrich Petroleum, an independent oil and gas explorer and producer, also contributed to performance. The company entered a joint venture with Chesapeake Energy to develop crude oil and natural gas prospects in northwest Louisiana and acquired additional acreage in the Haynesville shale, which helped boost production guidance. WE MADE SEVERAL CHANGES, WHICH IS TYPICAL OF OUR BOTTOM-UP, OPPORTUNISTIC APPROACH TO STOCK SELECTION. Stock selection typically drives the Fund's over- or underweighted position in any sector and tends to be the most important contributing factor to performance. We invest in three distinct company types: mispriced growth; "steady eddies," or companies that we believe have stable and dependable earnings and revenue characteristics; and turnarounds, which include companies that are out of favor in the market but that we believe have the potential for improvement. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services (2%) Utilities (3%) Materials (6%) Information Technology (21%) Industrials (14%) Health Care (17%) Financials (16%) Energy (7%) Consumer Staples (3%) Consumer Discretionary (11%)
Two recent examples of what we believe to be mispriced growth stocks bought in the portfolio are Shuffle Master and Sanderson Farms. Shuffle Master is a gaming company that specializes in automatic card shufflers and live-table games. It is the leading global player and its share price had declined on concerns over the outlook for the gaming industry in an economic slowdown. The company has been launching new products, has raised equity to bring their leverage down, and is, we feel, in a strong position to grow, despite the weak macroeconomic outlook. Sanderson Farms is a poultry-processing company. The share price had fallen in June 2008 on concerns over record-high corn prices and the impact that this might have on the company's cost base. We felt that it had been through a tough environment and that it should now begin to benefit from the subsequent fall in corn prices. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 27 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND (CONTINUED) THESE ARE CLEARLY VERY VOLATILE AND WORRYING TIMES. In our 25-year history of managing small cap equities, we have never had to focus so much on the macroeconomic environment and the impact that it is having on the daily operations of companies in the United States and on the stock market. In previous economic slowdowns, the team has used history as a guide and as a playbook for how to invest through the downturn. In the current slowdown, however, we find history to be a less useful benchmark because the world is much more globally integrated than it was in the past. With the sharp sell-off we saw in October 2008, valuations currently stand at considerable discounts to their long-term averages. Against this backdrop, we are now finding many more compelling investment opportunities with what we believe to be significant appreciation potential over the next two or three years. In this environment, we are remaining true to our bottom-up, fundamentals-driven investment process, and we are actively searching for compelling new investment opportunities. We currently have several health care names on our "new ideas list" that are approaching valuations that we would consider to be attractive buy candidates. We are also finding some interesting opportunities in the consumer discretionary sector, where we feel that the share prices are now factoring in an overly pessimistic outlook. 28 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Expense Ratio ----------------- SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(5) Net(6) ---------------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Administrator Class (NVSOX) (25.81) (31.65) 6.52 10.10 1.31% 1.20% Russell 2000 Index(1) (24.39) (34.16) 1.57 4.90
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE - www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus. (6) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Fund. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 30 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND THE FUND IS CLOSED TO NEW INVESTORS. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGER I. Charles Rinaldi FUND INCEPTION December 31, 1997 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 1 YEAR -------------------- ------ Investor Class (41.20)% Russell 2000 Value Index(1) (30.54)%
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE SMALL CAP VALUE RUSSELL 2000 DATE FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS VALUE INDEX ---------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------ 10/31/1998 9,421 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9,998 10,615 10,271 12/31/1998 10,594 11,251 10,593 1/31/1999 10,811 11,485 10,352 2/28/1999 9,880 10,498 9,646 3/31/1999 9,698 10,308 9,566 4/30/1999 11,143 11,845 10,439 5/31/1999 11,509 12,238 10,760 6/30/1999 12,194 12,969 11,150 7/31/1999 12,430 13,224 10,885 8/31/1999 12,238 13,022 10,487 9/30/1999 12,414 13,213 10,277 10/31/1999 11,713 12,471 10,072 11/30/1999 12,437 13,245 10,124 12/31/1999 13,530 14,411 10,435 1/31/2000 14,532 15,482 10,162 2/29/2000 15,961 17,010 10,783 3/31/2000 16,484 17,572 10,834 4/30/2000 15,883 16,935 10,898 5/31/2000 15,700 16,744 10,732 6/30/2000 15,766 16,819 11,045 7/31/2000 15,136 16,151 11,413 8/31/2000 16,702 17,826 11,924 9/30/2000 16,112 17,200 11,856 10/31/2000 15,909 16,988 11,814 11/30/2000 15,250 16,288 11,573 12/31/2000 17,047 18,208 12,817 1/31/2001 18,248 19,502 13,171 2/28/2001 18,367 19,639 13,153 3/31/2001 18,625 19,905 12,942 4/30/2001 20,005 21,400 13,541 5/31/2001 21,216 22,694 13,889 6/30/2001 20,948 22,418 14,448 7/31/2001 20,055 21,463 14,124 8/31/2001 19,598 20,976 14,075 9/30/2001 17,235 18,452 12,521 10/31/2001 18,139 19,417 12,848 11/30/2001 18,695 20,021 13,771 12/31/2001 20,064 21,484 14,614 1/31/2002 19,785 21,197 14,808 2/28/2002 20,094 21,516 14,899 3/31/2002 22,262 23,843 16,014 4/30/2002 22,819 24,438 16,578 5/31/2002 22,620 24,225 16,030 6/30/2002 21,616 23,163 15,675 7/31/2002 18,532 19,858 13,346 8/31/2002 19,039 20,400 13,287 9/30/2002 17,856 19,125 12,338 10/31/2002 17,866 19,136 12,523 11/30/2002 18,900 20,251 13,522 12/31/2002 18,821 20,166 12,945 1/31/2003 18,353 19,667 12,580 2/28/2003 17,866 19,157 12,157 3/31/2003 17,557 18,817 12,287 4/30/2003 18,980 20,347 13,454 5/31/2003 21,258 22,791 14,828 6/30/2003 21,496 23,056 15,079 7/31/2003 22,571 24,214 15,831 8/31/2003 23,456 25,160 16,433 9/30/2003 23,168 24,863 16,244 10/31/2003 24,978 26,807 17,569 11/30/2003 26,241 28,167 18,243 12/31/2003 27,946 29,987 18,903 1/31/2004 28,313 30,390 19,556 2/29/2004 29,282 31,436 19,935 3/31/2004 29,603 31,779 20,211 4/30/2004 27,696 29,743 19,166 5/31/2004 28,140 30,227 19,397 6/30/2004 29,593 31,790 20,382 7/31/2004 28,634 30,755 19,445 8/31/2004 28,067 30,150 19,636 9/30/2004 30,015 32,241 20,413 10/31/2004 29,809 32,032 20,730 11/30/2004 33,077 35,544 22,569 12/31/2004 33,504 36,011 23,108 1/31/2005 32,666 35,117 22,214 2/28/2005 34,709 37,334 22,655 3/31/2005 33,405 35,930 22,189 4/30/2005 31,184 33,547 21,044 5/31/2005 32,141 34,582 22,328 6/30/2005 33,660 36,227 23,315 7/31/2005 35,890 38,619 24,642 8/31/2005 37,035 39,853 24,076 9/30/2005 38,448 41,386 24,036 10/31/2005 36,404 39,193 23,432 11/30/2005 38,016 40,925 24,383 12/31/2005 38,470 41,422 24,196 1/31/2006 41,767 44,978 26,196 2/28/2006 40,157 43,234 26,195 3/31/2006 41,819 45,033 27,463 4/30/2006 42,475 45,747 27,537 5/31/2006 41,265 44,443 26,397 6/30/2006 41,303 44,470 26,721 7/31/2006 40,827 43,976 26,350 8/31/2006 41,600 44,813 27,138 9/30/2006 40,685 43,811 27,403 10/31/2006 42,025 45,280 28,798 11/30/2006 43,828 47,216 29,619 12/31/2006 43,439 46,801 29,877 1/31/2007 44,300 47,734 30,324 2/28/2007 44,498 47,944 29,952 3/31/2007 44,907 48,395 30,313 4/30/2007 46,827 50,470 30,628 5/31/2007 49,580 53,432 31,751 6/30/2007 49,495 53,356 31,011 7/31/2007 47,843 51,567 28,371 8/31/2007 47,505 51,191 28,940 9/30/2007 50,003 53,898 29,071 10/31/2007 51,217 55,221 29,387 11/30/2007 46,559 50,184 27,185 12/31/2007 47,896 51,633 26,956 1/31/2008 45,519 49,071 25,849 2/29/2008 46,394 50,019 24,822 3/31/2008 44,875 48,386 25,196 4/30/2008 46,444 50,089 25,994 5/31/2008 49,069 52,914 26,882 6/30/2008 47,368 51,089 24,303 7/31/2008 44,132 47,597 25,549 8/31/2008 44,281 47,755 26,763 9/30/2008 39,311 42,402 25,509 10/31/2008 30,098 32,468 20,413
(PERFORMANCE GRAPH) (1) The RUSSELL 2000 Value Index measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND Class A and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell 2000 Value Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A shares and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 31 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund underperformed its benchmark for the period, for the most part from exposure to the energy and materials sectors. - The Fund's energy and gold holdings came under substantial selling pressure during the period. Both sectors underperformed the broader market. - Our stock selections continue to be derived from an investment process that focuses on the fundamentals of each individual company. THE ENERGY AND MATERIALS SECTORS ACCOUNTED FOR MOST OF THE FUND'S UNDERPERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD. The trailing 12-month period featured considerable volatility as the ramifications of the bursting credit bubble continued to work its way through the economy. Notable events during the period included the nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy filing; the near collapse of the world's largest insurer and 18th-largest company, AIG; and the failure of the nation's largest thrift, Washington Mutual. The problems that initially started with housing and mortgage securities are now spilling over into the economy, stoking fears of a global recession. While we have successfully steered clear of the turmoil in housing and financial services by avoiding highly leveraged firms, the Fund was pressured in part by its energy holdings. Given that economic growth is a key driver of energy demand, it is not surprising that energy stocks underperformed the broader market for the period. However, in our opinion, the precipitous drop in energy shares in the second half of the period reflected market fears, not a deterioration in fundamentals. Our energy thesis has always been rooted in the belief that a structural supply-and-demand imbalance exists in the industry. Recent events have not altered this long-term dynamic. The materials sector also detracted from performance, largely because of our holdings in precious metals. For example, Apex Silver Mine's political risk was greater than we thought, and that stock alone detracted more than 160 basis points from relative performance (100 basis points equals 1.00%). Long-term holdings in gold miners Goldcorp and Yamana Gold underperformed on a lower price for gold. Despite the volatility, we continue to believe in the long-term case for precious metals in general and for gold in particular. First, we believe that the U.S. dollar will weaken because of the budget deficit and low interest rates, resulting in an increased demand for gold. Second, we believe that there will be increased demand from the emerging middle class in China and India. For example, bridal gifts of gold jewelry are a traditional part of Hindu marriages. Finally, the lack of investment in new gold mines during the 1980s and 1990s has led to lower production in recent years. 32 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services 1% Consumer Discretionary 5% Consumer Staples 3% Energy 25% Financials 17% Health Care 8% Industrials 15% Information Technology 9% Materials 17%
TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Randgold Resources Limited ADR 6.41% Range Resources Corporation 4.46% Annaly Capital Management Incorporated 3.23% Goldcorp Incorporated 3.00% McMoRan Exploration Company 2.51% 3Com Corporation 2.49% Argo Group International Holdings Limited 2.40% UAL Corporation 2.36% Newpark Resources Incorporated 2.32% Geo Group Incorporated 2.17%
We had less exposure to the information technology sector than the benchmark, which aided relative returns as technology stocks underperformed the broader market. The positive contribution from the health care sector resulted mostly from our investment in two companies whose shares appreciated substantially: Gentiva Health Services, which benefited from better margins and the growing demand for home nursing, and Alpharma, which was helped by the success of its pain patch, Flector, and a buyout offer from competitor King Pharmaceuticals. The Fund has held an average cash position of approximately 8% over the past 12 months, which helped limit losses in a generally declining market. When we are unable to find opportunities that meet our process, we may temporarily hold small cash positions. INDIVIDUAL COMPANY FUNDAMENTALS CONTINUE TO BE THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN OUR STOCK SELECTION PROCESS. There were no significant changes to the Fund's holdings during the period. We feel that it is important to point out that our stock decisions are derived purely from our investment process. Individual company fundamentals will continue to be the most important metric in our stock selection. Once we've identified a potential investment, we then look for a catalyst that will unlock the value we see. WE REMAIN CAUTIOUS ON THE BROAD STOCK MARKET. We've had the same cautious outlook for quite some time. Much of it has to do with the unfolding credit crisis and the residual impact that it will have on the economy. We believe that the credit situation is likely to get worse, and that economic activity will remain relatively slow. We are, therefore, negative on the market in the short term. We do see some attractive valuations in the market, mostly in the commodity-related and energy industries, which we think are a bit oversold. The fundamentals haven't changed. In the long term, we believe that strong global growth and the need for infrastructure development will drive significant demand for both energy and commodities such as gold. We remain committed to our investment process, which we've executed with confidence during the past decade. Although our portfolio lagged the benchmark for the period, we believe that in the long term, the market will reward active managers who demonstrate strong stock-picking abilities, even as the market's short-term focus shifts among sectors, market capitalizations, and investment styles. (3) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. (4) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 33 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) -------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (SMVAX) (38.93) (44.61) 2.58 11.65 (35.19) (41.27) 3.80 12.32 1.44% 1.44% Class B (SMVBX)** (40.45) (46.68) 2.66 11.82 (35.45) (41.68) 3.01 11.82 2.19% 2.19% Class C (SMVCX) (36.46) (42.69) 3.01 11.59 (35.46) (41.69) 3.01 11.59 2.19% 2.19% Institutional Class (WFSVX) (35.04) (40.96) 4.01 12.56 0.99% 0.95% Investor Class (SSMVX) (35.18) (41.20) 3.91 12.50 1.61% 1.36% Russell 2000 Value Index(1) (21.47) (30.54) 3.05 7.40
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. ** Class B shares are closed to investment, except in connection with the reinvestment of any distributions and permitted exchanges. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS, AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS B SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 5.00%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. INSTITUTIONAL CLASS AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A, Class B and Class C shares incepted on November 30, 2000. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A, Class B and Class C reflects the performance of the Class Z shares, adjusted to reflect Class A, Class B and Class C sales charges and expenses, as applicable. The Class Z shares incepted on December 31, 1997. Institutional Class shares incepted on July 31, 2007. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class shares reflects the performance of the Class Z shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. Investor Class shares incepted on December 31, 1997. Effective June 20, 2008, Class Z was renamed Investor Class and modified to assume the features and attributes of the Investor Class. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Fund. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 34 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Fund Expenses (Unaudited) As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, redemption fees (if any) and exchange fees (if any); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution (12b-1) and/or shareholder service fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the six-month period and held for the entire six-month period, from May 1, 2008 to October 31, 2008. ACTUAL EXPENSES The "Actual" line of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the "Actual" line under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid During Period" for your applicable class of shares to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period. HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES The "Hypothetical" line of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund's actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund's actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the "Hypothetical" line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio -------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 764.40 $5.32 1.20% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,019.10 $6.09 1.20% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 760.60 $8.63 1.95% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,015.33 $9.88 1.95% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 760.80 $8.63 1.95% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,015.33 $9.88 1.95% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 764.40 $5.10 1.15% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,019.36 $5.84 1.15% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 765.10 $3.99 0.90% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,020.61 $4.57 0.90% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 763.60 $5.54 1.25% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,018.85 $6.34 1.25%
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 35 Fund Expenses (Unaudited)
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE COMMON STOCK FUND 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio --------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 703.00 $ 5.39 1.26% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,018.80 $ 6.39 1.26% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 700.60 $ 8.59 2.01% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,015.03 $10.18 2.01% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 701.00 $ 8.59 2.01% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,015.03 $10.18 2.01% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 703.10 $ 5.52 1.29% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,018.65 $ 6.55 1.29% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP GROWTH FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 635.10 $ 5.75 1.40% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,018.10 $ 7.10 1.40% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 632.30 $ 8.82 2.15% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,014.33 $10.89 2.15% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 633.50 $ 8.83 2.15% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,014.33 $10.89 2.15% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 636.90 $ 4.73 1.15% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,019.36 $ 5.84 1.15% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 636.90 $ 3.70 0.90% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,020.61 $ 4.57 0.90% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 636.00 $ 6.13 1.49% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,017.65 $ 7.56 1.49% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 679.80 $ 5.91 1.40% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,018.10 $ 7.10 1.40% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 676.70 $ 9.06 2.15% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,014.33 $10.89 2.15% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 676.40 $ 9.06 2.15% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,014.33 $10.89 2.15% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 680.20 $ 5.07 1.20% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,019.10 $ 6.09 1.20%
36 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Fund Expenses (Unaudited)
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND (continued) 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio ------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 681.30 $ 3.80 0.90% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,020.61 $ 4.57 0.90% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 678.70 $ 6.29 1.49% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,017.65 $ 7.56 1.49% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 741.90 $ 5.25 1.20% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,019.10 $ 6.09 1.20% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP VALUE FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 648.10 $ 5.97 1.44% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,017.90 $ 7.30 1.44% CLASS B Actual $1,000.00 $ 645.50 $ 9.06 2.19% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,014.13 $11.09 2.19% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 645.40 $ 9.06 2.19% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,014.13 $11.09 2.19% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 649.60 $ 3.94 0.95% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,020.36 $ 4.82 0.95% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 648.20 $ 5.63 1.36% Hypothetical (5% Return before expenses $1,000.00 $1,018.30 $ 6.90 1.36%
(1) Expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expenses ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half-year divided by the number of days in the fiscal year (to reflect the one-half year period). Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 37 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 97.57% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 2.51% 209,000 INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY CORPORATION CLASS A $ 6,560,510 -------------- APPAREL & OTHER FINISHED PRODUCTS MADE FROM FABRICS & SIMILAR MATERIALS: 1.19% 280,635 JONES APPAREL GROUP INCORPORATED 3,117,855 -------------- BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-GENERAL CONTRACTORS & OPERATIVE BUILDERS: 2.59% 13,800 NVR INCORPORATED+ 6,764,898 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 3.86% 549,425 IMS HEALTH INCORPORATED 7,878,755 71,300 MANPOWER INCORPORATED 2,219,569 10,098,324 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 11.66% 195,070 ALPHARMA INCORPORATED CLASS A<< 6,107,642 323,495 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INCORPORATED 10,313,021 277,009 SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO COMPANY<< 7,235,475 334,355 VALSPAR CORPORATION 6,837,560 30,493,698 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 2.66% 129,775 CITY NATIONAL CORPORATION 6,946,856 -------------- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: 4.21% 770,329 CORINTHIAN COLLEGES INCORPORATED<<+ 11,000,298 -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 8.31% 234,305 CYMER INCORPORATED<<+ 5,733,443 1,146,685 FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED+ 4,793,143 516,575 MOLEX INCORPORATED<< 7,443,846 238,100 NOVELLUS SYSTEMS INCORPORATED+ 3,761,980 21,732,412 -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 2.79% 234,050 SANDERSON FARMS INCORPORATED 7,307,041 -------------- FURNITURE & FIXTURES: 3.06% 858,800 STEELCASE INCORPORATED 7,986,840 -------------- GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES: 3.69% 358,060 FAMILY DOLLAR STORES INCORPORATED<< 9,635,395 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 11.70% 654,161 BRIGGS & STRATTON CORPORATION<< 10,309,577 88,515 CARLISLE COMPANIES INCORPORATED 2,057,974 273,665 DIEBOLD INCORPORATED 8,133,324 175,090 DOVER CORPORATION 5,562,609 1,682,208 ENTEGRIS INCORPORATED+ 4,525,140 30,588,624 -------------- INSURANCE AGENTS, BROKERS & SERVICE: 7.37% 431,757 ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER & COMPANY<< 10,517,601 333,360 WILLIS GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 8,747,366 19,264,967 --------------
38 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 7.13% 166,150 RENAISSANCERE HOLDINGS LIMITED $ 7,626,285 249,175 STEWART INFORMATION SERVICES CORPORATION 4,136,305 19,980 WHITE MOUNTAIN INSURANCE GROUP LIMITED 6,883,110 18,645,700 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 3.58% 199,935 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INCORPORATED 9,356,958 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS RETAIL: 3.50% 658,915 OFFICE DEPOT INCORPORATED+ 2,372,094 397,625 ZALE CORPORATION<<+ 6,783,483 9,155,577 -------------- NON-DEPOSITORY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS: 2.35% 830,500 CAPITALSOURCE INCORPORATED<< 6,145,700 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 2.85% 300,436 BEMIS COMPANY INCORPORATED<< 7,462,830 -------------- PERSONAL SERVICES: 2.16% 250,066 G & K SERVICES INCORPORATED CLASS A 5,648,991 -------------- PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES: 1.88% 137,350 HUBBELL INCORPORATED CLASS B 4,926,745 -------------- PRINTING, PUBLISHING & ALLIED INDUSTRIES: 2.39% 890,000 HARTE HANKS INCORPORATED<< 6,247,800 -------------- TEXTILE MILL PRODUCTS: 1.58% 283,550 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CLASS A 4,128,488 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.32% 161,000 AUTOLIV INCORPORATED 3,438,960 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 3.23% 363,780 HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP INCORPORATED<<+ 8,454,244 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $363,223,022) 255,109,711 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 24.91% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 4.61% 3,011,379 BLACKROCKTEMP FUND B #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 3,011,379 3,011,379 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 3,011,379 3,011,379 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 3,011,379 3,011,379 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 3,011,379 12,045,516 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 39 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 20.30% $ 1,200,310 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 1,200,310 7,422,414 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $7,422,569) 0.25 11/03/2008 7,422,414 602,276 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 602,276 7,422,414 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $7,422,569) 0.25 11/03/2008 7,422,414 848,276 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $848,290) 0.20 11/03/2008 848,276 615,000 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 615,000 1,082,854 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 17,867 833,687 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 13,756 224,793 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 224,732 6,248,612 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,248,794) 0.35 11/03/2008 6,248,612 1,251,207 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 1,251,207 7,422,414 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $7,422,569) 0.25 11/03/2008 7,422,414 899,172 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 899,172 899,172 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 899,172 124,527 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $124,529) 0.15 11/03/2008 124,527 301,138 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 301,127 4,044,842 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 1,740,091 805,862 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $805,896) 0.50 11/03/2008 805,862 3,690,000 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,690,062) 0.20 11/03/2008 3,690,000 165,414 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 165,409 890,690 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $890,857) 2.25 11/03/2008 890,690 615,000 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 615,000 101,793 SCALDIS CTAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 101,789 1,200,310 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 1,200,310 1,234,241 SVENSKA HANDELBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 1,234,241 1,213,034 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 1,213,034 1,823,793 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 1,276,655 1,060,345 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 742,241 1,314,828 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 920,379 2,120,690 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 1,484,483 1,672,383 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 1,479,892 53,073,352 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $66,880,949) 65,118,868 --------------
40 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 3.87% 10,108,994 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 10,108,994 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $10,108,994) 10,108,994 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $440,212,965)* 126.35% $ 330,337,573 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (26.35) (68,881,947) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 261,455,626 ====== ==============
<< All or a portion of this security is on loan. + Non-income earning securities. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Security of an affiliate of the fund with a cost of $10,108,994. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $467,824,465 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 10,384,021 Gross unrealized depreciation (147,870,913) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(137,486,892)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 41 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 COMMON STOCK FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 96.27% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 1.39% 300,000 INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY CORPORATION CLASS A $ 9,417,000 -------------- APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 2.55% 255,000 KOHL'S CORPORATION+ 8,958,150 460,000 NORDSTROM INCORPORATED<< 8,321,400 17,279,550 -------------- AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS & GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS: 1.38% 299,000 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INCORPORATED 9,328,800 -------------- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, SERVICES & PARKING: 0.92% 156,900 RYDER SYSTEM INCORPORATED<< 6,216,378 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 8.37% 450,000 AMDOCS LIMITED<<+ 10,152,000 465,000 CITRIX SYSTEMS INCORPORATED+ 11,983,050 290,000 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORPORATION CLASS A+ 5,568,000 675,000 ECLIPSYS CORPORATION+ 10,023,750 1,910,000 INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES INCORPORATED<<+ 9,912,900 680,000 RED HAT INCORPORATED+ 9,050,800 56,690,500 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 4.82% 640,000 AMYLIN PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED<<+ 6,534,400 265,000 HOSPIRA INCORPORATED+ 7,372,300 305,000 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INCORPORATED 9,723,400 640,000 NALCO HOLDING COMPANY<< 9,036,800 32,666,900 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 7.06% 550,000 CABLEVISION SYSTEMS CORPORATION NEW YORK GROUP CLASS A<< 9,751,500 590,000 FOUNDRY NETWORKS INCORPORATED+ 8,761,500 315,000 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION ENTERTAINMENT CLASS A+ 5,071,500 890,000 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION INTERACTIVE SERIES A+ 4,343,200 580,000 NEUSTAR INCORPORATED CLASS A+ 11,426,000 1,190,000 TIME WARNER TELECOM INCORPORATED+ 8,425,200 47,778,900 -------------- COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES: 1.41% 570,000 METAVANTE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 9,558,900 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 3.93% 126,900 CITY NATIONAL CORPORATION 6,792,957 672,000 MARSHALL & ILSLEY CORPORATION<< 12,116,160 745,000 SYNOVUS FINANCIAL CORPORATION<< 7,695,850 26,604,967 -------------- E-COMMERCE/SERVICES: 1.33% 870,000 GSI COMMERCE INCORPORATED<<+ 9,004,500 -------------- EATING & DRINKING PLACES: 1.51% 508,362 JACK IN THE BOX INCORPORATED+ 10,218,076 -------------- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: 1.27% 135,000 NEW ORIENTAL EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY GROUP INCORPORATED+ 8,633,250 --------------
42 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 COMMON STOCK FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 1.82% 520,000 REPUBLIC SERVICES INCORPORATED $ 12,324,000 -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 5.05% 580,000 ALTERA CORPORATION 10,063,000 530,000 ENERSYS<<+ 7,006,600 790,000 NVIDIA CORPORATION+ 6,920,400 590,000 TESSERA TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 10,195,200 34,185,200 -------------- ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & RELATED SERVICES: 1.72% 352,000 ACCENTURE LIMITED CLASS A 11,633,600 -------------- FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT MACHINERY & TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.65% 552,700 CROWN HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 11,153,486 -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 1.45% 145,000 GENERAL MILLS INCORPORATED 9,822,300 -------------- FOOD STORES: 1.56% 385,000 KROGER COMPANY 10,572,100 -------------- FURNITURE & FIXTURES: 1.40% 430,000 HERMAN MILLER INCORPORATED<< 9,460,000 -------------- HEALTH SERVICES: 0.71% 115,000 UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERVICES CLASS B 4,834,600 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 5.16% 370,000 CAMERON INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION+ 8,976,200 435,000 CARLISLE COMPANIES INCORPORATED 10,113,750 260,000 DOVER CORPORATION 8,260,200 221,000 SMITH INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED 7,620,080 34,970,230 -------------- INSURANCE AGENTS, BROKERS & SERVICE: 3.84% 215,000 HUMANA INCORPORATED<<+ 6,361,850 240,000 REINSURANCE GROUP OF AMERICA INCORPORATED CLASS B 8,889,600 410,000 WILLIS GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 10,758,400 26,009,850 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 3.70% 565,000 HCC INSURANCE HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 12,463,900 275,000 RENAISSANCERE HOLDINGS LIMITED 12,622,500 25,086,400 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 5.27% 1,035,000 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION+ 9,346,050 650,000 HOLOGIC INCORPORATED+ 7,956,000 276,000 THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INCORPORATED+ 11,205,600 350,000 TRIMBLE NAVIGATION LIMITED+ 7,199,500 35,707,150 -------------- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: 1.47% 219,000 VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED<<+ 9,966,690 -------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS: 0.72% 105,000 ZIMMER HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 4,875,150 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 43 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 COMMON STOCK FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- METAL MINING: 0.96% 285,000 BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION $ 6,475,200 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS RETAIL: 1.30% 288,000 CVS CAREMARK CORPORATION 8,827,200 -------------- MOTION PICTURES: 2.43% 447,500 DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED+ 6,103,900 530,000 TIME WARNER CABLE INCORPORATED<<+ 10,377,400 16,481,300 -------------- NON-DEPOSITORY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS: 1.27% 1,160,000 CAPITALSOURCE INCORPORATED<< 8,584,000 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 6.43% 165,000 APACHE CORPORATION 13,584,450 160,000 EOG RESOURCES INCORPORATED 12,947,200 252,000 FOREST OIL CORPORATION 7,360,920 300,000 NOBLE CORPORATION 9,663,000 43,555,570 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1.12% 450,000 PACKAGING CORPORATION OF AMERICA 7,573,500 -------------- PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES: 0.32% 190,000 ALCOA INCORPORATED 2,186,900 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 1.49% 675,000 INVESCO LIMITED<< 10,064,250 -------------- STONE, CLAY, GLASS & CONCRETE PRODUCTS: 1.13% 705,000 CORNING INCORPORATED 7,635,150 -------------- TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: 1.53% 362,000 GATX CORPORATION 10,335,100 -------------- WATER TRANSPORTATION: 1.03% 515,000 ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES LIMITED<< 6,983,400 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 4.10% 260,000 MCKESSON CORPORATION 9,565,400 325,000 SYSCO CORPORATION 8,515,000 232,918 TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY<<+ 9,680,072 27,760,472 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE-DURABLE GOODS: 1.70% 465,000 ARROW ELECTRONICS INCORPORATED+ 8,114,250 150,000 BORGWARNER INCORPORATED 3,370,501 11,484,751 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $757,056,570) 651,945,270 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 10.30% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 1.91% 3,225,065 BLACKROCKTEMP B #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 3,225,065 3,225,065 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 3,225,065 3,225,065 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 3,225,065 3,225,065 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 3,225,065 12,900,260 --------------
44 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 COMMON STOCK FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 8.39% $ 1,285,484 ABN Amro Bank NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 1,285,484 7,949,105 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $7,949,271) 0.25 11/03/2008 7,949,105 645,013 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 645,013 7,949,105 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $7,949,271) 0.25 11/03/2008 7,949,105 908,469 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $908,484) 0.20 11/03/2008 908,469 658,640 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 658,640 1,159,693 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 19,135 892,845 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 14,732 240,744 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 240,678 6,692,011 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,692,206) 0.35 11/03/2008 6,692,011 1,339,992 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 1,339,992 7,949,105 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $7,949,271) 0.25 11/03/2008 7,949,105 962,977 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 962,977 962,977 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 962,977 133,363 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $133,365) 0.15 11/03/2008 133,363 322,507 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 322,495 4,331,862 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 1,863,567 863,046 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $863,082) 0.50 11/03/2008 863,046 3,951,841 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,951,907) 0.20 11/03/2008 3,951,841 177,151 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 177,147 953,893 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $954,072) 2.25 11/03/2008 953,893 658,640 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 658,640 109,016 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 109,012 1,285,484 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 1,285,484 1,321,823 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 1,321,823 1,299,111 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 1,299,111 1,953,209 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 1,367,246 1,135,586 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 794,911 1,408,127 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 985,689 2,271,173 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 1,589,821 1,791,055 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 1,584,905 56,839,417 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $ 71,806,536) 69,739,677 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 45 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 COMMON STOCK FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 3.92% 26,525,105 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 26,525,105 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $26,525,105) 26,525,105 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $855,388,211)* 110.49% $ 748,210,052 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (10.49) (71,022,690) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 677,187,362 ====== ==============
---------- << All or a portion of this security is on loan. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $863,354,622 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 74,981,260 Gross unrealized depreciation (191,530,879) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(116,549,619)
+ Non-income earning securities. +++ Security of an affiliate of the fund with a cost of $26,525,105. (i) Illiquid security. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 46 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 99.61% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 2.14% 90,500 WMS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+ $ 2,262,500 -------------- APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 1.35% 27,700 GUESS? INCORPORATED 603,029 33,600 PHILLIPS-VAN HEUSEN CORPORATION 823,536 1,426,565 -------------- AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS & GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS: 1.41% 47,800 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INCORPORATED 1,491,360 -------------- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, SERVICES & PARKING: 1.82% 141,040 WRIGHT EXPRESS CORPORATION+ 1,930,838 -------------- BIOPHARMACEUTICALS: 2.62% 25,000 CELGENE CORPORATION+ 1,606,500 16,000 GENZYME CORPORATION+ 1,166,080 2,772,580 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 11.04% 60,600 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INCORPORATED+ 755,076 34,400 ALLIANCE DATA SYSTEMS CORPORATION+ 1,725,504 64,700 AUTODESK INCORPORATED+ 1,378,757 59,500 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORPORATION CLASS A+ 1,142,400 89,853 GARTNER INCORPORATED+<< 1,653,295 233,100 LAWSON SOFTWARE INCORPORATED+ 1,240,092 42,300 MONSTER WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED+ 602,352 141,100 OMNITURE INCORPORATED+<< 1,622,650 112,377 TELETECH HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 1,015,888 39,700 TOTAL SYSTEM SERVICES INCORPORATED 545,478 11,681,492 -------------- CASINO & GAMING: 0.68% 37,600 PENN NATIONAL GAMING INCORPORATED+ 724,176 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 8.48% 63,400 BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INCORPORATED+<< 1,161,488 44,600 ECOLAB INCORPORATED<< 1,661,796 69,300 FOREST LABORATORIES INCORPORATED+ 1,609,839 45,300 INVERNESS MEDICAL INNOVATIONS INCORPORATED+<< 867,495 105,200 MYLAN LABORATORIES INCORPORATED+ 901,564 43,700 ROCKWOOD HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 539,695 56,700 SHIRE PLC ADR 2,236,815 8,978,692 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 6.15% 12,500 EQUINIX INCORPORATED+<< 780,250 146,174 NII HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 3,765,442 93,400 SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CLASS A+ 1,960,466 6,506,158 -------------- E-COMMERCE/SERVICES: 1.00% 20,200 PRICELINE.COM INCORPORATED+<< 1,063,126 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 47 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP GROWTH FUND
48 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION (continued) 119,800 PETROHAWK ENERGY CORPORATION+ $ 2,270,210 45,450 RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION 1,918,899 11,100 WHITING PETROLEUM CORPORATION+ 577,089 8,670,516 -------------- PERSONAL SERVICES: 1.35% 45,600 WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED 1,426,368 -------------- PRINTING, PUBLISHING & ALLIED INDUSTRIES: 2.98% 184,628 VISTAPRINT LIMITED+<< 3,151,600 -------------- REAL ESTATE: 0.60% 90,830 CB RICHARD ELLIS GROUP INCORPORATED CLASS A+<< 636,718 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 1.04% 50,400 FCSTONE GROUP INCORPORATED+<< 299,880 26,700 LAZARD LIMITED 805,539 1,105,419 -------------- THEATERS & ENTERTAINMENT: 1.56% 128,500 REGAL ENTERTAINMENT GROUP CLASS A 1,649,940 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 5.01% 56,200 ITT CORPORATION<< 2,500,900 36,500 POLARIS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 1,228,955 88,800 TEXTRON INCORPORATED 1,571,760 5,301,615 -------------- WATER TRANSPORTATION: 1.09% 33,500 KIRBY CORPORATION+ 1,149,720 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE-DURABLE GOODS: 1.44% 60,200 PATTERSON COMPANIES INCORPORATED+<< 1,524,865 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $155,264,450) 105,437,027 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 13.17% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 2.44% 644,608 BLACKROCKTEMP B #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 644,608 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 644,608 644,608 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 644,608 644,608 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 644,608 644,608 2,578,432 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 49 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP GROWTH FUND
PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 10.73% $ 256,935 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 256,935 1,588,823 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,588,856) 0.25 11/03/2008 1,588,823 128,922 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 128,922 1,588,823 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,588,856) 0.25 11/03/2008 1,588,823 181,580 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $181,583) 0.20 11/03/2008 181,580 131,645 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 131,645 231,793 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 3,825 178,457 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 2,945 48,119 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 48,102 1,337,562 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,337,601) 0.35 11/03/2008 1,337,562 267,830 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 267,830 1,588,823 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,588,856) 0.25 11/03/2008 1,588,823 192,475 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 192,475 192,475 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 192,475 26,656 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $26,656) 0.15 11/03/2008 26,656 64,461 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 64,458 865,828 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 372,479 172,501 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $172,508) 0.50 11/03/2008 172,501 789,872 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $789,885) 0.20 11/03/2008 789,872 35,408 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 35,407 190,659 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $190,695) 2.25 11/03/2008 190,659 131,645 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 131,645 21,790 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 21,789 256,935 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 256,935 264,199 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 264,199 259,659 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 259,659 390,396 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 273,278 226,975 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 158,882 281,449 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 197,014 453,949 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 317,765 357,986 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 316,782 11,360,745 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $14,448,278) 13,939,177 --------------
50 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- RIGHTS: 0.00% 31,200 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY RIGHTS(i) $ 0 TOTAL RIGHTS (COST $0) 0 -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 0.03% 28,768 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 28,768 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $28,768) 28,768 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $169,741,496)* 112.81% $ 119,404,972 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (12.81) (13,559,210) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 105,845,762 ------ --------------
---------- + Non-income earning securities. << All or a portion of this security is on loan. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Security of an affiliate of the fund with a cost of $28,768. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $170,947,194 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 807,601 Gross unrealized depreciation (52,349,823) ------------ Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(51,542,222)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 51 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 97.67% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 2.18% 427,700 WMS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+<< $ 10,692,500 -------------- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, SERVICES & PARKING: 1.81% 649,119 WRIGHT EXPRESS CORPORATION+ 8,886,439 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 19.99% 166,490 BANKRATE INCORPORATED+<< 5,479,186 229,010 DEALERTRACK HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+<< 2,457,277 81,800 DIGITAL RIVER INCORPORATED+ 2,027,004 187,100 FORRESTER RESEARCH INCORPORATED+ 5,248,155 419,805 GARTNER INCORPORATED+<< 7,724,412 1,295,514 GLOBAL CASH ACCESS INCORPORATED+ 3,653,349 888,478 LAWSON SOFTWARE INCORPORATED+ 4,726,703 842,031 MARCHEX INCORPORATED CLASS B<< 6,466,798 649,100 OMNITURE INCORPORATED+<< 7,464,650 939,016 ON ASSIGNMENT INCORPORATED+ 6,103,604 708,700 SAPIENT CORPORATION+ 3,890,763 2,325,565 SKILLSOFT PLC ADR+ 17,906,851 808,308 SYKES ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED+<< 12,900,596 466,949 SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+<< 3,628,194 605,936 TELETECH HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 5,477,661 396,909 THE KNOT INCORPORATED+ 2,738,672 97,893,875 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1.82% 208,398 INVERNESS MEDICAL INNOVATIONS INCORPORATED+<< 3,990,822 439,000 NOVEN PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED+ 4,938,750 8,929,572 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 3.46% 473,456 CBEYOND INCORPORATED+<< 5,690,941 1,317,300 CENTENNIAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION+ 4,689,588 417,100 LIVE NATION INCORPORATED+<< 4,692,375 301,833 LODGENET ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION+<< 301,833 1,716,511 PAETEC HOLDING CORPORATION+<< 1,544,860 16,919,597 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 1.01% 274,900 FIRST COMMONWEALTH FINANCIAL CORPORATION 3,032,147 58,664 SIGNATURE BANK+ 1,911,273 4,943,420 -------------- E-COMMERCE/SERVICES: 2.96% 1,186,952 GSI COMMERCE INCORPORATED+<< 12,284,953 41,700 PRICELINE.COM INCORPORATED+<< 2,194,671 14,479,624 -------------- EATING & DRINKING PLACES: 0.71% 74,300 JACK IN THE BOX INCORPORATED+<< 1,493,430 284,100 TEXAS ROADHOUSE INCORPORATED CLASS A+<< 1,994,382 3,487,812 --------------
52 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 16.96% 125,287 ACUITY BRANDS INCORPORATED $ 4,380,034 302,400 GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED+ 2,452,464 213,700 GREATBATCH INCORPORATED+<< 4,647,975 162,750 HOUSTON WIRE & CABLE COMPANY<< 1,874,880 1,002,443 INFORMATION SERVICES GROUP INCORPORATED+<< 2,756,718 204,800 INTERSIL CORPORATION CLASS A 2,803,712 527,478 MICROSEMI CORPORATION+<< 11,467,372 2,399,050 PMC-SIERRA INCORPORATED+<< 11,227,554 231,251 POLYPORE INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 1,972,571 374,115 POWER INTEGRATIONS INCORPORATED<< 7,852,674 134,300 REGAL-BELOIT CORPORATION 4,372,808 210,900 SILICON LABORATORIES INCORPORATED+ 5,474,964 550,171 SOLERA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 13,693,756 146,504 SYNAPTICS INCORPORATED+<< 4,525,509 328,129 UNIVERSAL DISPLAY CORPORATION+<< 3,550,356 83,053,347 -------------- ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & RELATED SERVICES: 6.60% 159,088 ADVISORY BOARD COMPANY+ 3,921,519 64,700 IHS INCORPORATED+ 2,289,733 190,670 NAVIGANT CONSULTING INCORPORATED+ 3,083,134 955,114 RESOURCES CONNECTION INCORPORATED+<< 16,561,677 151,600 WATSON WYATT & COMPANY HOLDINGS 6,438,452 32,294,515 -------------- FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: 0.73% 307,900 DOLLAR FINANCIAL CORPORATION+<< 3,580,877 -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 0.32% 620,020 SENOMYX INCORPORATED+ 1,550,050 -------------- FOOTWEAR: 0.53% 30,300 DECKERS OUTDOOR CORPORATION+ 2,571,258 -------------- HEALTH SERVICES: 1.93% 221,174 CARDIONET INCORPORATED+ 5,659,843 401,919 INVENTIV HEALTH INCORPORATED+ 3,806,173 9,466,016 -------------- HOME FURNITURE, FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT STORES: 0.44% 396,200 HHGREGG INCORPORATED+ 2,171,176 -------------- HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES, CAMPS & OTHER LODGE PLACES: 0.46% 1,183,764 GREAT WOLF RESORTS INCORPORATED+<< 2,237,314 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 4.03% 458,590 ACTUANT CORPORATION CLASS A 8,222,519 336,384 GARDNER DENVER INCORPORATED+ 8,618,158 71,600 THE MIDDLEBY CORPORATION+<< 2,891,924 19,732,601 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 2.69% 224,900 FIRST MERCURY FINANCIAL CORPORATION+ 2,426,671 70,937 THE NAVIGATORS GROUP INCORPORATED+ 3,583,028 341,150 TOWER GROUP INCORPORATED<< 7,174,385 13,184,084 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 53 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- LEGAL SERVICES: 0.96% 80,981 FTI CONSULTING INCORPORATED+<< $ 4,717,143 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 10.75% 294,000 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED+<< 2,037,420 417,426 CELERA CORPORATION+ 4,721,088 155,300 ESTERLINE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION+ 5,598,565 614,800 EV3 INCORPORATED+ 3,977,756 1,141,980 IXIA+ 7,605,587 288,055 SENORX INCORPORATED+ 760,465 421,480 SIRONA DENTAL SYSTEMS INCORPORATED+<< 6,731,036 309,637 SONOSITE INCORPORATED+<< 6,524,052 963,452 SPECTRANETICS CORPORATION+ 2,890,356 483,367 SYMMETRY MEDICAL INCORPORATED+ 6,245,102 150,470 VARIAN INCORPORATED+ 5,544,820 52,636,247 -------------- MEDICAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES: 0.25% 93,300 COVENTRY HEALTH CARE INCORPORATED+ 1,230,627 -------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS: 1.40% 440,220 VOLCANO CORPORATION+ 6,845,421 -------------- METAL FABRICATE, HARDWARE: 0.59% 211,200 CHART INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+ 2,876,544 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: 0.73% 926,712 SHUFFLE MASTER INCORPORATED+ 3,577,108 -------------- MOTION PICTURES: 1.93% 400,960 CINEMARK HOLDINGS INCORPORATED<< 3,323,958 756,025 NATIONAL CINEMEDIA INCORPORATED 6,123,803 9,447,761 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 3.17% 419,000 BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY+ 3,284,960 287,100 CONCHO RESOURCES INCORPORATED+ 6,100,875 89,200 GOODRICH PETROLEUM CORPORATION+ 2,476,192 241,900 VENOCO INCORPORATED+ 1,023,237 50,900 WHITING PETROLEUM CORPORATION+ 2,646,291 15,531,555 -------------- PRINTING, PUBLISHING & ALLIED INDUSTRIES: 4.96% 674,816 INNERWORKINGS INCORPORATED+<< 4,689,971 671,682 SHUTTERFLY INCORPORATED+<< 5,124,934 848,511 VISTAPRINT LIMITED+<< 14,484,083 24,298,988 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 1.40% 257,705 EVERCORE PARTNERS INCORPORATED CLASS A 3,136,270 262,325 FCSTONE GROUP INCORPORATED+<< 1,560,834 665,200 GFI GROUP INCORPORATED 2,135,292 6,832,396 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.45% 211,300 POLARIS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 7,114,471 --------------
54 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: 1.45% 129,300 HUB GROUP INCORPORATED CLASS A+ $ 4,066,485 903,552 ORBITZ WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED+ 3,044,967 7,111,452 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $697,621,031) 478,293,790 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 20.21% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 3.74% 4,576,433 BLACKROCKTEMP B #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 4,576,433 4,576,433 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 4,576,433 4,576,433 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 4,576,433 4,576,433 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 4,576,433 18,305,732 --------------
PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE ----------- ------------- ------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 16.47% $ 1,824,127 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 1,824,127 11,279,940 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $11,280,175) 0.25 11/03/2008 11,279,940 915,287 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 915,287 11,279,940 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $11,280,175) 0.25 11/03/2008 11,279,940 1,289,136 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,289,157) 0.20 11/03/2008 1,289,136 934,624 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 934,624 1,645,628 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.00 02/25/2008 27,153 1,266,965 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.00 05/19/2008 20,905 341,621 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 341,522 9,496,098 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $9,496,375) 0.35 11/03/2008 9,496,098 1,901,476 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 1,901,476 11,279,940 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $11,280,175) 0.25 11/03/2008 11,279,940 1,366,484 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 1,366,484 1,366,484 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 1,366,484 189,245 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $189,247) 0.15 11/03/2008 189,245 457,643 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 457,627 6,146,999 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(i)(a) 0.00 08/23/2009 2,644,439 1,224,679 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,224,730) 0.50 11/03/2008 1,224,679 5,607,741 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $5,607,834) 0.20 11/03/2008 5,607,741 251,382 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 251,375 1,353,593 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,353,847) 2.25 11/03/2008 1,353,593 934,624 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 934,624 154,696 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 154,690 1,824,127 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 1,824,127 1,875,693 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 1,875,693
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 55 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS (continued) $ 1,843,464 UBS AG Cayman Islands 0.31% 11/03/2008 $ 1,843,464 2,771,642 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.32 07/28/2008 1,940,150 1,611,420 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.35 08/07/2008 1,127,994 1,998,161 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 3.03 04/03/2008 1,398,713 3,222,840 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 3.04 02/15/2008 2,255,988 2,541,543 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 2.99 02/22/2008 2,249,011 80,656,269 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $101,352,516) 98,962,001 --------------
SHARES ----------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 3.99% 19,569,379 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 19,569,379 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $19,569,379) 19,569,379 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $818,542,926)* 121.87% $ 596,825,170 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (21.87) (107,114,118) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 489,711,052 ------ --------------
+ Non-income earning securities. << All or a portion of this security is on loan. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (i) Illiquid security. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $19,569,379. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $838,206,481 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 902,140 Gross unrealized depreciation (242,283,451) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(241,381,311)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 56 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 92.73% APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 1.50% 319,100 CASUAL MALE RETAIL GROUP INCORPORATED<<+ $ 606,290 224,700 CHILDREN'S PLACE RETAIL STORES INCORPORATED<<+ 7,511,721 8,118,011 -------------- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, SERVICES & PARKING: 0.80% 207,200 STANDARD PARKING CORPORATION+ 4,342,912 -------------- BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-GENERAL CONTRACTORS & OPERATIVE BUILDERS: 0.55% 82,800 PERINI CORPORATION+ 1,574,856 73,500 RYLAND GROUP INCORPORATED<< 1,381,065 2,955,921 -------------- BUILDING MATERIALS, HARDWARE, GARDEN SUPPLY & MOBILE HOME DEALERS: 0.26% 414,300 CENTRAL GARDEN & PET COMPANY+ 1,400,334 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 11.70% 492,500 ASPEN TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED+ 3,856,275 13,100 CAPELLA EDUCATION COMPANY+ 620,940 324,600 F5 NETWORKS INCORPORATED+ 8,056,572 322,400 GARTNER INCORPORATED+ 5,932,160 195,850 H&E Equipment Services Incorporated<<+ 1,116,345 145,600 HMS HOLDINGS CORPORATION+ 3,606,512 130,200 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INCORPORATED<<+ 7,078,974 382,400 INFORMATICA CORPORATION<<+ 5,372,720 735,800 INTERNAP NETWORK SERVICES<<+ 2,104,388 540,700 INTERWOVEN INCORPORATED+ 6,818,227 433,500 ONLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION+ 1,517,250 227,100 PARAMETRIC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION+ 2,950,029 155,700 RENT-A-CENTER INCORPORATED+ 2,273,220 31,100 RIGHTNOW TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 204,638 734,300 SONICWALL INCORPORATED+ 3,289,664 188,600 THQ INCORPORATED<<+ 1,405,070 961,600 VALUECLICK INCORPORATED+ 7,115,840 63,318,824 -------------- CASINO & GAMING: 0.24% 234,500 PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT INCORPORATED<<+ 1,313,200 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 5.82% 278,300 CABOT CORPORATION 7,361,035 107,800 IMMUCOR INCORPORATED+ 2,862,090 650,800 K-V PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY CLASS A<<+ 11,063,600 152,000 PERRIGO COMPANY 5,168,000 192,500 SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO COMPANY 5,028,100 31,482,825 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 3.70% 157,400 CBEYOND INCORPORATED<<+ 1,891,948 478,900 CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR HOLDINGS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,988,336 242,800 GEOEYE INCORPORATED<<+ 5,254,192 337,500 KNOLOGY INCORPORATED<<+ 1,633,500 439,600 SYNIVERSE HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 8,264,480 20,032,456 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 57 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 5.70% 63,600 BANK OF HAWAII CORPORATION $ 3,225,156 71,200 BERKSHIRE HILLS BANCORP INCORPORATED 1,853,336 81,397 CULLEN FROST BANKERS INCORPORATED 4,555,790 34,110 CVB FINANCIAL CORPORATION 431,833 542,900 EURONET WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED<<+ 6,471,368 124,500 SVB FINANCIAL GROUP<<+ 6,405,525 138,600 WESTAMERICA BANCORPORATION 7,934,850 30,877,858 -------------- EATING & DRINKING PLACES: 0.49% 245,500 SONIC CORPORATION+ 2,626,850 -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 6.12% 83,700 CLEAN HARBORS INCORPORATED+ 5,488,209 211,100 NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION 4,124,894 286,100 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 5,870,772 96,400 UIL HOLDINGS CORPORATION 3,181,200 119,400 UNISOURCE ENERGY CORPORATION 3,293,052 330,850 WASTE CONNECTIONS INCORPORATED+ 11,199,273 33,157,400 -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 4.72% 1,444,900 ANADIGICS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,543,024 387,200 HARMONIC INCORPORATED+ 2,752,992 44,600 MEMSIC INCORPORATED+ 96,336 50,300 MICROSEMI CORPORATION+ 1,093,522 519,600 QLOGIC CORPORATION+ 6,245,592 356,700 SEMTECH CORPORATION+ 4,323,204 29,900 SOHU.COM INCORPORATED+ 1,642,706 69,300 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION+ 1,248,093 652,500 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED+ 2,812,275 293,900 VOLTERRA SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION<<+ 2,774,416 25,532,160 -------------- ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & RELATED SERVICES: 1.78% 177,300 GENPACT LIMITED+ 1,388,259 563,400 LEXICON GENETICS INCORPORATED<<+ 884,538 155,900 LUMINEX CORPORATION<<+ 2,907,535 104,800 WATSON WYATT & COMPANY HOLDINGS 4,450,856 9,631,188 -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 2.42% 58,700 BOSTON BEER COMPANY INCORPORATED+ 2,218,273 63,700 DIAMOND FOODS INCORPORATED 1,861,951 77,700 SANDERSON FARMS INCORPORATED 2,425,794 295,400 UNITED NATURAL FOODS INCORPORATED<<+ 6,599,236 13,105,254 -------------- HEALTH SERVICES: 3.00% 213,000 AMSURG CORPORATION+ 5,312,220 102,900 ATHENAHEALTH INCORPORATED<<+ 3,148,740 378,800 SKILLED HEALTHCARE GROUP INCORPORATED+ 4,651,664 274,800 SUN HEALTHCARE GROUP INCORPORATED+ 3,154,704 16,267,328 --------------
58 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- HOLDING & OTHER INVESTMENT OFFICES: 3.25% 294,950 ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED $ 4,099,805 138,400 DIGITAL REALITY TRUST INCORPORATED 4,633,632 223,600 INVESTORS REAL ESTATE TRUST<< 2,209,168 519,100 MFA MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 2,855,050 212,000 NATIONAL RETAIL PROPERTIES INCORPORATED 3,779,960 17,577,615 -------------- HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES, CAMPS & OTHER LODGE PLACES: 0.82% 445,600 HOME INNS & HOTELS MANAGEMENT ADR<<+ 4,456,000 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 8.39% 208,200 ACTUANT CORPORATION CLASS A 3,733,026 315,700 DRESSER-RAND GROUP INCORPORATED+ 7,071,680 820,200 EMULEX CORPORATION<<+ 7,791,900 163,000 IDEX CORPORATION 3,778,340 386,000 INTERMEC INCORPORATED+ 5,006,420 78,200 NORDSON CORPORATION 2,887,926 609,400 SCIENTIFIC GAMES CORPORATION CLASS A+ 10,969,200 276,129 SHAW INDUSTRIES LIMITED CLASS A 4,180,996 45,419,488 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 4.43% 251,747 ARGO GROUP INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 8,030,729 708,300 CONSECO INCORPORATED+ 1,317,438 350,300 REINSURANCE GROUP OF AMERICA CLASS A 13,080,202 64,500 WELLCARE HEALTH PLANS INCORPORATED+ 1,558,965 23,987,334 -------------- JUSTICE, PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY: 1.97% 605,400 GEO GROUP INCORPORATED<<+ 10,691,364 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 6.21% 769,500 BRUKER BIOSCIENCES CORPORATION+ 3,147,255 323,700 CEPHEID INCORPORATED+ 3,842,319 337,700 COOPER COMPANIES INCORPORATED 5,565,296 26,700 ESCO TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 921,150 422,500 FEI COMPANY+ 8,876,725 106,900 HAEMONETICS CORPORATION+ 6,313,514 121,300 ROFIN-SINAR TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 2,703,777 292,200 VEECO INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,261,628 33,631,664 -------------- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: 2.09% 623,400 PSS WORLD MEDICAL INCORPORATED<<+ 11,308,476 -------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS: 0.48% 166,600 Volcano Corporation+ 2,590,630 -------------- METAL MINING: 0.68% 155,700 PAN AMERICAN SILVER CORPORATION<<+ 1,807,677 43,600 ROYAL GOLD INCORPORATED<< 1,256,988 134,878 YAMANA GOLD INCORPORATED 624,483 3,689,148 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: 0.25% 355,800 SHUFFLE MASTER INCORPORATED+ 1,373,388 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 59 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- NON-DEPOSITORY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS: 0.36% 148,129 APOLLO INVESTMENT CORPORATION<< $ 1,952,340 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 2.82% 116,600 CREW ENERGY INCORPORATED+ 655,893 326,421 GALLEON ENERGY INCORPORATED A+ 1,741,381 271,100 KEY ENERGY SERVICES INCORPORATED+ 1,680,820 118,900 PLAINS EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY+ 3,352,980 313,800 ST. MARY LAND & EXPLORATION COMPANY 7,810,482 15,241,556 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 0.85% 182,500 SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY 4,595,350 -------------- PERSONAL SERVICES: 0.46% 203,200 Regis Corporation 2,513,584 -------------- PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES: 0.47% 95,200 BRUSH ENGINEERED MATERIALS INCORPORATED+ 1,168,104 50,900 SCHNITZER STEEL INDUSTRY 1,370,737 2,538,841 -------------- PRINTING, PUBLISHING & ALLIED INDUSTRIES: 0.27% 300,500 AH BELO CORPORATION 994,655 25,000 MEREDITH CORPORATION<< 484,250 1,478,905 -------------- RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION: 0.98% 171,000 KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN+ 5,278,770 -------------- REAL ESTATE: 0.42% 791,200 CHIMERA INVESTMENT CORPORATION<< 2,278,656 -------------- REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS (REITS): 0.88% 106,811 HEALTH CARE REIT INCORPORATED<< 4,754,158 -------------- RUBBER & MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS: 1.10% 148,900 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES INCORPORATED 5,944,088 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 0.49% 130,300 INVESTMENT TECHNOLOGY GROUP INCORPORATED+ 2,659,423 -------------- STONE, CLAY, GLASS & CONCRETE PRODUCTS: 1.37% 171,300 CARBO CERAMICS INCORPORATED 7,412,151 -------------- TEXTILE MILL PRODUCTS: 0.21% 159,900 INTERFACE INCORPORATED 1,127,295 -------------- TRANSPORTATION BY AIR: 0.12% 39,600 AIR METHODS CORPORATION+ 664,488 -------------- TRANSPORTATION SERVICES: 0.89% 458,900 AMBASSADORS GROUP INCORPORATED 4,790,916 -------------- WATER TRANSPORTATION: 0.43% 203,700 SEASPAN CORPORATION<< 2,354,772 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 1.35% 190,200 AIRGAS INCORPORATED 7,296,072 --------------
60 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE-DURABLE GOODS: 1.89% 115,900 BORGWARNER INCORPORATED $ 2,604,273 667,800 LKQ CORPORATION+ 7,639,632 10,243,905 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $633,149,855) 502,012,898 -------------- INVESTMENT COMPANIES: 0.50% 50,900 ISHARES RUSSELL 2000 INDEX FUND<< 2,722,131 TOTAL INVESTMENT COMPANIES (COST $3,458,079) 2,722,131 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 10.92% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 2.02% 2,733,367 BLACKROCKTEMP B #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 2,733,367 2,733,367 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 2,733,367 2,733,367 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 2,733,367 2,733,367 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 2,733,367 10,933,468 --------------
PRINCIPAL INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE ----------- ------------- ------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 8.90% $ 1,089,497 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 1,089,497 6,737,173 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,737,313) 0.25 11/03/2008 6,737,173 546,673 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 546,673 6,737,173 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,737,313) 0.25 11/03/2008 6,737,173 769,963 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $769,976) 0.20 11/03/2008 769,963 558,223 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 558,223 982,884 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.00 02/25/2008 16,218 756,721 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.00 05/19/2008 12,486 204,040 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 203,981 5,671,737 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $5,671,902) 0.35 11/03/2008 5,671,737 1,135,695 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 1,135,695 6,737,173 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,737,313) 0.25 11/03/2008 6,737,173 816,160 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 816,160 816,160 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 816,160 113,031 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $113,032) 0.15 11/03/2008 113,031 273,337 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 273,327 3,671,420 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(i)(a) 0.00 08/23/2009 1,579,445 731,464 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $731,494) 0.50 11/03/2008 731,464 3,349,337 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,349,393) 0.20 11/03/2008 3,349,337 150,143 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 150,139 808,461 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $808,613) 2.25 11/03/2008 808,461
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 61 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND
PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS (continued) $ 558,223 NATIXIS 1.10% 11/03/2008 $ 558,223 92,396 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 92,392 1,089,497 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 1,089,497 1,120,296 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 1,120,296 1,101,047 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 1,101,047 1,655,420 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.32 07/28/2008 1,158,794 962,453 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 0.35 08/07/2008 673,717 1,193,442 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 3.03 04/03/2008 835,409 1,924,906 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 3.04 02/15/2008 1,347,435 1,517,988 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(i)(a) 2.99 02/22/2008 1,343,268 48,173,594 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $62,545,749) 59,107,062 --------------
SHARES ----------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 7.53% 40,734,986 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 40,734,986 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $40,734,986) 40,734,986 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $739,888,669)* 111.68% $ 604,577,077 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (11.68) (63,207,583) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 541,369,494 ------ --------------
---------- << All or a portion of this security is on loan. + Non-income earning securities. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (i) Illiquid security. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $40,734,986. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $747,886,620 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 27,710,370 Gross unrealized depreciation (171,019,913) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(143,309,543)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 62 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 89.45% APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 1.16% 2,085,735 COLLECTIVE BRANDS INCORPORATED+# $ 26,676,551 -------------- BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-GENERAL CONTRACTORS & OPERATIVE BUILDERS: 0.56% 1,510,310 PALM HARBOR HOMES INCORPORATED+** 12,988,666 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 5.16% 18,816,916 3COM CORPORATION+ 51,370,181 2,279,800 ABM INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 37,229,134 689,460 COGNEX CORPORATION# 11,045,149 717,410 HEALTHCARE SERVICES GROUP 11,880,310 287,400 HIGHLANDS ACQUISITION CORPORATION+ 2,569,356 626,500 KFORCE INCORPORATED+ 4,930,555 119,024,685 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 2.93% 267,350 ALPHARMA INCORPORATED CLASS A+ 8,370,729 852,200 CALGON CARBON CORPORATION+# 11,351,304 315,000 OM GROUP INCORPORATED# 6,722,100 4,974,469 ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+** 22,932,302 2,659,060 PRESTIGE BRANDS HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+** 18,374,105 67,750,540 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 1.36% 2,158,800 CHINA GRENTECH CORPORATION LIMITED ADR+** 2,676,912 8,294,700 CINCINNATI BELL INCORPORATED+ 19,824,333 14,477,696 CITADEL BROADCASTING CORPORATION+ 4,053,755 648,300 ENTRAVISION COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CLASS A+ 1,225,287 418,100 MASTEC INCORPORATED+# 3,645,832 31,426,119 -------------- CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL TRADE CONTRACTORS: 1.73% 3,031,900 CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON COMPANY NV NEW YORK SHARES# 37,565,241 199,700 MATRIX SERVICE COMPANY+ 2,446,325 40,011,566 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 0.18% 1,025,900 THE COLONIAL BANCGROUP INCORPORATED# 4,195,931 -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 2.25% 2,017,600 GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED+# 16,362,736 10,655,900 MRV COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED+** 7,884,300 1,555,190 OSI SYSTEMS INCORPORATED+** 17,884,685 3,716,300 POWER-ONE INCORPORATED+** 4,125,093 2,887,000 POWERWAVE TECHNOLOGIES+ 2,742,650 691,002 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED+ 2,978,219 51,977,683 -------------- ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & RELATED SERVICES: 0.31% 593,700 INFINITY PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED+ 2,808,201 995,010 SYMYX TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+# 4,387,994 7,196,195 -------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES: 0.18% 131,600 KBW REGIONAL BANKING ETF 4,275,684 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 63 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 1.65% 6,034,400 DEL MONTE FOODS COMPANY $ 38,077,064 -------------- HEALTH SERVICES: 4.92% 394,500 AMEDISYS INCORPORATED+# 22,253,745 494,900 COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS INCORPORATED+# 10,145,450 2,448,055 CROSS COUNTRY HEALTHCARE INCORPORATED+#** 27,711,983 1,234,241 GENTIVA HEALTH SERVICES INCORPORATED+ 33,509,643 729,100 HEALTHWAYS INCORPORATED+ 7,363,910 1,184,000 MDS INCORPORATED+ 12,597,760 113,582,491 -------------- HOLDING & OTHER INVESTMENT OFFICES: 8.41% 4,797,700 ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED# 66,688,030 3,685,600 ANWORTH MORTGAGE ASSET CORPORATION 21,597,616 4,360,700 CAPSTEAD MORTGAGE CORPORATION#** 43,825,035 1,994,150 HILLTOP HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 18,745,010 5,799,600 MFA MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 31,897,800 760,300 SUN COMMUNITIES INCORPORATED 11,434,912 194,188,403 -------------- HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES, CAMPS & OTHER LODGE PLACES: 0.11% 1,035,800 EMPIRE RESORTS INCORPORATED+ 2,537,710 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 2.76% 3,091,205 CRAY INCORPORATED+** 9,706,384 3,349,155 INTERMEC INCORPORATED+#** 43,438,540 94,900 SMITH INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED# 3,272,152 307,400 TEREX CORPORATION 5,130,506 1,425,625 VOYAGER LEARNING COMPANY+ 2,138,438 63,686,020 -------------- INSURANCE AGENTS, BROKERS & SERVICE: 0.39% 651,200 ONEBEACON INSURANCE GROUP LIMITED 8,986,560 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 4.18% 1,554,912 ARGO GROUP INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED** 49,601,693 634,820 FIRST ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1,936,201 672,500 MERCURY GENERAL CORPORATION 34,546,325 597,800 NYMAGIC INCORPORATED** 10,431,610 96,515,829 -------------- JUSTICE, PUBLIC ORDER & SAFETY: 1.94% 2,537,400 GEO GROUP INCORPORATED+# 44,810,484 -------------- LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS, EXCEPT FURNITURE: 1.13% 8,031,800 CHAMPION ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED+** 15,019,466 514,195 SKYLINE CORPORATION** 11,116,896 26,136,362 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 2.24% 160,400 APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS 4,945,132 945,677 COHERENT INCORPORATED+ 23,925,628 504,400 HOLOGIC INCORPORATED+ 6,173,856 766,100 ION GEOPHYSICAL CORPORATION+ 5,025,616 3,062,902 LTX-CREDENCE CORPORATION+ 1,898,999 759,100 SYMMETRY MEDICAL INCORPORATED+ 9,807,572 51,776,803 --------------
64 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- METAL MINING: 9.44% 4,022,000 APEX SILVER MINES LIMITED+** $ 5,349,260 2,406,500 ELDORADO GOLD CORPORATION+# 10,227,625 3,322,700 GOLDCORP INCORPORATED# 62,001,582 4,270,800 RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR#** 132,437,508 1,705,300 YAMANA GOLD INCORPORATED 7,895,539 217,911,514 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: 0.21% 1,695,700 ACCO BRANDS CORPORATION+ 4,781,874 -------------- MOTION PICTURES: 0.59% 506,000 DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED+ 6,901,840 504,900 DISCOVERY HOLDING COMPANY+ 6,725,268 13,627,108 -------------- MOTOR FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION & WAREHOUSING: 0.68% 924,100 COVENANT TRANSPORT INCORPORATED CLASS A+** 1,931,369 3,001,502 YRC WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED+ 13,746,879 15,678,248 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 20.62% 1,083,900 BOOTS & Coots International Control Incorporated+ 1,864,308 914,800 FOREST OIL CORPORATION 26,721,308 7,535,731 GLOBAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED+** 19,216,114 1,140,000 HELIX ENERGY SOLUTIONS GROUP INCORPORATED+ 12,038,400 1,234,900 HELMERICH & Payne Incorporated# 42,369,419 735,900 HERCULES OFFSHORE INCORPORATED+ 5,364,711 3,061,100 KEY ENERGY SERVICES INCORPORATED+ 18,978,820 651,900 MARINER ENERGY INCORPORATED+ 9,380,841 3,651,100 MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY+#** 51,809,109 600,100 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY+# 13,790,298 8,329,800 NEWPARK RESOURCES INCORPORATED+** 47,896,350 287,300 NOBLE ENERGY INCORPORATED# 14,887,886 716,200 OCEANEERING INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+# 20,175,354 1,713,700 PARKER DRILLING COMPANY 8,774,144 331,000 PETROHAWK ENERGY CORPORATION+# 6,272,450 282,900 PETROHAWK ENERGY CORPORATION+ 5,360,955 501,700 PETROQUEST ENERGY INCORPORATED+ 4,991,915 267,000 PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY 7,430,610 604,000 PRIDE INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 11,349,160 2,182,750 RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION# 92,155,705 218,600 TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED+# 17,997,338 2,185,900 TRILOGY ENERGY TRUST 10,972,119 1,689,700 WILLBROS GROUP INCORPORATED+ 26,173,453 475,970,767 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 0.69% 1,725,400 WAUSAU PAPER CORPORATION 15,977,204 -------------- PETROLEUM REFINING & RELATED INDUSTRIES: 2.37% 448,900 ASHLAND INCORPORATED 10,140,651 3,084,400 INTEROIL CORPORATION+#** 44,538,736 54,679,387 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 65 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES: 2.42% 902,400 CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION# $ 16,333,440 87,500 ENCORE WIRE CORPORATION# 1,677,375 1,977,300 STEEL DYNAMICS INCORPORATED 23,569,416 185,300 UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION# 6,833,864 102,165 WEBCO INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+** 7,355,844 55,769,939 -------------- PRINTING, PUBLISHING & ALLIED INDUSTRIES: 0.10% 2,742,600 R.H. DONNELLEY CORPORATION+** 2,331,210 -------------- REAL ESTATE: 1.67% 2,900,150 CHIMERA INVESTMENT CORPORATION 8,352,432 1,381,915 HATTERAS FINANCIAL CORPORATION# 30,125,747 38,478,179 -------------- RUBBER & MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS: 0.71% 964,400 CONSTAR INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+** 395,404 7,769,470 INTERTAPE POLYMER GROUP INCORPORATED+** 15,927,414 16,322,818 -------------- STONE, CLAY, GLASS & CONCRETE PRODUCTS: 0.32% 2,352,411 US CONCRETE INCORPORATED+** 7,410,095 -------------- TRANSPORTATION BY AIR: 5.97% 308,900 AIR CANADA CLASS A+ 1,291,675 1,030,600 ALASKA AIR GROUP INCORPORATED# 25,455,820 3,025,700 DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED+# 33,222,186 865,300 LAN AIRLINES SA ADR# 8,730,877 122,104 PHI INCORPORATED 2,845,023 833,939 PHI INCORPORATED (NON-VOTING)** 17,496,040 3,344,200 UAL CORPORATION+# 48,691,552 137,733,173 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 0.11% 5,905,500 Fleetwood Enterprises Incorporated+** 2,657,472 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $2,636,673,672) 2,065,150,334 --------------
INTEREST RATE ------------- PREFERRED STOCKS: 0.43% 400,000 INTEROIL CORPORATION (CONVERTIBLE)+ 8.00% 10,000,000 TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS (COST $10,000,000) 10,000,000 -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 9.78% 225,977,009 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 225,977,009 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $225,977,009) 225,977,009 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $2,872,650,681)* 99.68% $2,301,127,343 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET 0.32 7,462,539 ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $2,308,589,882 ------ --------------
66 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
CONTRACTS SECURITY NAME STRIKE PRICE EXPIRATION DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- WRITTEN OPTIONS: (0.40%) (800) ALASKA AIR GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ $30.00 01/17/2009 $ (180,000) (700) ALASKA AIR GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 25.00 11/22/2008 (175,000) (300) AMEDISYS INCORPORATED CALL+ 50.00 12/20/2008 (285,000) (1,150) AMEDISYS INCORPORATED CALL+ 55.00 12/20/2008 (839,500) (200) AMEDISYS INCORPORATED CALL+ 60.00 12/20/2008 (96,000) (200) ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED CALL+ 16.50 01/17/2009 (11,000) (500) ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED CALL+ 15.00 11/22/2008 (20,000) (650) ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED CALL+ 17.50 01/17/2009 (19,500) (500) ANNALY MORTGAGE MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED CALL+ 20.00 01/17/2009 (5,000) (200) CALGON CARBON CORPORATION CALL+ 12.50 01/17/2009 (38,000) (150) CALGON CARBON CORPORATION CALL+ 12.50 11/22/2008 (26,250) (600) CAPSTEAD MORTGAGE CORPORATION CALL+(a) 15.00 11/22/2008 (4,200) (1,800) CAPSTEAD MORTGAGE CORPORATION CALL+ 12.50 11/22/2008 (9,000) (100) CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION CALL+ 17.50 11/22/2008 (19,000) (50) CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION CALL+ 25.00 12/20/2008 (2,500) (200) CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION PUT+ 20.00 12/20/2008 (73,000) (100) CHICAGO BRIDGE & Iron Company Call+ 12.50 11/22/2008 (12,500) (1,500) COGNEX CORPORATION CALL+(a) 25.00 11/22/2008 (500) (200) COGNEX CORPORATION CALL+ 15.00 12/20/2008 (38,000) (500) COLLECTIVE BRANDS INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 20.00 12/20/2008 (5,000) (490) COLLECTIVE BRANDS INCORPORATED CALL+ 17.50 12/20/2008 (17,150) (300) COLLECTIVE BRANDS INCORPORATED PUT+ 12.50 12/20/2008 (51,000) (700) COLONIAL BANCGROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 7.50 12/20/2008 (10,500) (500) COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS INCORPORATED CALL+ 30.00 01/17/2009 (12,500) (1,000) COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS INCORPORATED CALL+ 22.50 01/17/2009 (150,000) (1,000) COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS INCORPORATED CALL+ 20.00 12/20/2008 (205,000) (500) COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 30.00 12/20/2008 (2,500) (200) CROSS COUNTRY HEALTHCARE INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 17.50 12/20/2008 (800) (400) DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED CALL+ 10.00 01/17/2009 (124,000) (1,500) DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED CALL+ 12.50 01/17/2009 (292,500) (200) DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED CALL+ 12.50 11/22/2008 (17,200) (1,700) DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED CALL+ 10.00 12/20/2008 (433,500) (200) DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED CALL+ 15.00 12/20/2008 (17,000) (200) DELTA AIR LINES INCORPORATED CALL+ 12.50 12/20/2008 (29,500) (7,700) ELDORADO GOLD CORPORATION CALL+ 10.00 01/17/2009 (38,500) (1,250) ELDORADO GOLD CORPORATION CALL+ 7.50 01/17/2009 (25,000) (874) ENCORE WIRE CORPORATION CALL+ 15.00 11/22/2008 (375,820) (200) GEO GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 25.00 12/20/2008 (200) (100) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 35.00 01/17/2009 (3,000) (300) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 40.00 01/17/2009 (6,000) (300) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 45.00 01/17/2009 (1,500) (300) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 37.50 01/17/2009 (7,200) (350) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 20.00 11/22/2008 (49,000) (600) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 30.00 11/22/2008 (6,000) (200) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 55.00 11/22/2008 (1,000) (300) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 40.00 11/22/2008 (1,500) (200) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 17.50 11/22/2008 (53,000) (100) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 22.50 11/22/2008 (6,100) (200) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 27.50 11/22/2008 (3,000) (400) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 32.50 11/22/2008 (2,000) (150) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL+ 17.50 12/20/2008 (52,500) (300) GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CALL+(a) 30.00 12/20/2008 (1,500) (300) GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CALL+(a) 22.50 12/20/2008 (4,500) (150) HATTERAS FINANCIAL CORPORATION CALL+ 20.00 11/22/2008 (28,500) (650) HELMERICH & PAYNE INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 60.00 12/20/2008 (81,250) (600) HELMERICH & PAYNE INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 65.00 12/20/2008 (54,600)
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 67 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
CONTRACTS SECURITY NAME STRIKE PRICE EXPIRATION DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- WRITTEN OPTIONS (continued) (250) HELMERICH & PAYNE INCORPORATED CALL+ $ 45.00 12/20/2008 $ (22,500) (50) HELMERICH & PAYNE INCORPORATED CALL+ 50.00 12/20/2008 (1,500) (200) INTERMEC INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 17.50 12/20/2008 (2,000) (500) INTERMEC INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 20.00 12/20/2008 (4,000) (200) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL+ 35.00 12/20/2008 (3,000) (1,000) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL+(a) 40.00 12/20/2008 (24,000) (500) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL+(a) 45.00 12/20/2008 (7,500) (100) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL+ 40.00 01/17/2009 (500) (200) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL+ 20.00 12/20/2008 (14,000) (800) INTEROIL CORPORATION PUT+ 15.00 12/20/2008 (248,000) (300) INTEROIL CORPORATION PUT+ 17.50 12/20/2008 (141,000) (400) INTEROIL CORPORATION PUT+ 22.50 12/20/2008 (359,600) (400) LAN AIRLINES S.A. CALL+ 12.50 12/20/2008 (20,000) (1,000) MASTEC INCORPORATED CALL+ 10.00 01/17/2009 (90,000) (895) MASTEC INCORPORATED CALL+ 12.50 01/17/2009 (26,850) (200) MASTEC INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 12.50 11/22/2008 (3,800) (1,100) MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY CALL+ 30.00 11/22/2008 (11,000) (200) MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY CALL+ 15.00 11/22/2008 (15,000) (200) MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY CALL+ 25.00 11/22/2008 (2,000) (300) MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY CALL+(a) 35.00 11/22/2008 (3,300) (400) MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY PUT+ 15.00 12/20/2008 (104,000) (400) MCMORAN EXPLORATION COMPANY PUT+ 12.50 12/20/2008 (56,000) (50) NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY CALL+ 30.00 12/20/2008 (3,250) (50) NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY CALL+ 35.00 12/20/2008 (1,250) (50) NOBLE ENERGY INCORPORATED CALL+ 85.00 11/22/2008 (300) (50) OCEANEERING INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 55.00 11/22/2008 (600) (100) OM GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 35.00 12/20/2008 (3,000) (400) OM GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 40.00 12/20/2008 (4,000) (400) OM GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 45.00 12/20/2008 (11,600) (150) OM GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 25.00 12/20/2008 (29,250) (50) OM GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 30.00 12/20/2008 (3,750) (100) OM GROUP INCORPORATED CALL+ 22.50 12/20/2008 (24,500) (600) PETROHAWK ENERGY CORPORATION CALL+(a) 65.00 12/20/2008 (24,000) (100) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+ 40.00 11/22/2008 (6,000) (200) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+(a) 60.00 01/17/2009 (3,000) (100) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+ 40.00 12/20/2008 (15,500) (100) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+ 45.00 12/20/2008 (7,500) (900) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+ 50.00 12/20/2008 (26,100) (1,200) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+ 55.00 12/20/2008 (6,000) (800) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL+(a) 60.00 12/20/2008 (68,000) (300) RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION CALL+ 45.00 12/20/2008 (156,000) (250) RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION CALL+ 50.00 12/20/2008 (75,000) (100) RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION CALL+ 42.50 12/20/2008 (62,000) (50) SMITH INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 62.50 11/22/2008 (1,850) (400) SYMYX TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED CALL+(a) 12.50 01/17/2009 (3,200) (50) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 115.00 11/22/2008 (750) (150) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 75.00 11/22/2008 (171,000) (250) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 80.00 11/22/2008 (200,000) (150) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 70.00 11/22/2008 (216,150) (50) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 85.00 11/22/2008 (24,050) (50) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 60.00 11/22/2008 (124,000) (100) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED CALL+ 65.00 11/22/2008 (185,000) (50) TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED PUT+ 100.00 11/22/2008 (100,000) (300) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 20.00 01/17/2009 (87,000) (100) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 25.00 01/17/2009 (14,500) (900) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 22.50 01/17/2009 (193,500)
68 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND
CONTRACTS SECURITY NAME STRIKE PRICE EXPIRATION DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- WRITTEN OPTIONS (continued) (700) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ $25.00 03/21/2009 $ (175,000) (500) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 10.00 11/22/2008 (245,000) (200) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 12.50 11/22/2008 (68,000) (3,000) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 15.00 12/20/2008 (1,017,000) (700) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 20.00 12/20/2008 (112,000) (200) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 12.50 12/20/2008 (86,000) (500) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 17.50 12/20/2008 (115,000) (100) UAL CORPORATION CALL+ 22.50 12/20/2008 (11,600) (50) UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION CALL+ 40.00 11/22/2008 (12,000) (300) UNITED STATES STEEL INCORPORATED CALL+ 35.00 11/22/2008 (135,000) (100) UNITED STATES STEEL INCORPORATED CALL+ 30.00 11/22/2008 (77,800) (2,000) YRC WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED CALL+ 5.00 01/17/2009 (170,000) TOTAL WRITTEN OPTIONS (PREMIUMS RECEIVED $(12,910,875)) (9,259,320) --------------
---------- + Non-income earning securities. # All or a portion of this security is segregated as collateral for derivative investments. (See Note 2) ** Represents an affiliate of the Fund under section 2(a)(2) and 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as Fund holds 5% or more of the issuer's outstanding voting shares. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $225,977,009 (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $2,890,295,800 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 344,932,989 Gross unrealized depreciation (934,101,446) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(589,168,457)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 70 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Assets and Liabilities--October 31, 2008
C&B Mid Common Cap Value Stock Fund Fund ------------- ------------- ASSETS Investments In securities, at market value (including securities on loan) ..... $ 255,109,711 $ 651,945,270 Collateral received for securities loaned (Note 2) ................ 65,118,868 69,739,677 Investments in affiliates ......................................... 10,108,994 26,525,105 ------------- ------------- Total investments at market value (see cost below) ................... 330,337,573 748,210,052 ------------- ------------- Cash ................................................................. 0 0 Restricted cash ...................................................... 0 0 Receivable for Fund shares issued .................................... 358,914 1,012,248 Receivable for investments sold ...................................... 0 4,736,807 Receivables for dividends and interest ............................... 35,234 401,806 ------------- ------------- Total assets ............................................................ 330,731,721 754,360,913 ------------- ------------- LIABILITIES Option written, at value ............................................. 0 0 Payable to custodian for overdrafts .................................. 0 0 Payable for Fund shares redeemed ..................................... 641,038 529,627 Payable for investments purchased .................................... 0 2,058,177 Payable upon receipt of securities loaned (Note 2) ................... 68,323,765 73,627,069 Payable to investment advisor and affiliates (Note 3) ................ 205,644 645,783 Accrued expenses and other liabilities ............................... 105,648 312,895 ------------- ------------- Total liabilities ....................................................... 69,276,095 77,173,551 ------------- ------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS ........................................................ $ 261,455,626 $ 677,187,362 ============= ============= NET ASSETS CONSIST OF Paid-in capital ...................................................... $ 481,325,686 $ 803,902,540 Undistributed net investment income (loss) ........................... 2,896,924 0 Undistributed net realized gain (loss) on investments ................ (112,891,592) (19,537,019) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments, foreign currencies and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies ............................................. (108,113,311) (105,111,300) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of securities lending ..... (1,762,081) (2,066,859) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of options, swap agreements, and short sales ....................................... 0 0 ------------- ------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS ........................................................ $ 261,455,626 $ 677,187,362 ============= ============= COMPUTATION OF NET ASSET VALUE AND OFFERING PRICE PER SHARE(1) Net assets - Class A ................................................. $ 18,246,097 $ 88,048,616 Shares outstanding - Class A ......................................... 1,616,692 7,179,968 Net asset value per share - Class A .................................. $ 11.29 $ 12.26 Maximum offering price per share - Class A(2) ........................ $ 11.97 $ 13.01 Net assets - Class B ................................................. $ 5,122,712 $ 14,448,695 Shares outstanding - Class B ......................................... 469,886 1,286,415 Net asset value and offering price per share - Class B ............... $ 10.90 $ 11.23 Net assets - Class C ................................................. $ 6,146,920 $ 9,691,854 Shares outstanding - Class C ......................................... 563,546 863,296 Net asset value and offering price per share - Class C ............... $ 10.91 $ 11.23 Net assets - Administrator Class ..................................... $ 13,382,611 NA Shares outstanding - Administrator Class ............................. 1,175,239 NA Net asset value and offering price per share - Administrator Class ... $ 11.39 NA Net assets - Institutional Class ..................................... $ 33,016,552 NA Shares outstanding - Institutional Class ............................. 2,887,778 NA Net asset value and offering price per share - Institutional Class ... $ 11.43 NA Net assets - Investor Class .......................................... $ 185,540,734 $ 564,998,197 Shares outstanding - Investor Class .................................. 16,360,904 45,098,414 Net asset value and offering price per share - Investor Class ........ $ 11.34 $ 12.53 ------------- ------------- Investments at cost ..................................................... $ 440,212,965 $ 855,388,211 ------------- ------------- Securities on loan, at market value (Note 2) ............................ $ 69,364,621 $ 73,017,145 ------------- ------------- Premiums received on written options (Note 2) ........................... $ 0 $ 0 ------------- -------------
---------- (1) Each Fund has an unlimited number of authorized shares. (2) Maximum offering price is computed as 100/94.25 of net asset value. On investments of $50,000 or more, the offering price is reduced. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 71 Statements of Assets and Liabilities--October 31, 2008
Mid Cap Small Cap Small Cap Small Cap Growth Growth Opportunities Value Fund Fund Fund Fund ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- $105,437,027 $ 478,293,790 $ 504,735,029 $1,392,957,539 13,939,177 98,962,001 59,107,062 0 28,768 19,569,379 40,734,986 908,169,804 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- 119,404,972 596,825,170 604,577,077 2,301,127,343 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 5,253,757 91,159 1,399,279 716,883 10,374,134 3,900,966 9,772,439 5,984,400 13,086,558 26,564 184,308 396,800 2,405,530 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- 123,473,661 608,231,196 611,725,160 2,332,247,322 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- 0 0 0 9,259,320 0 0 0 3,762 88,176 1,009,574 441,021 3,306,059 2,530,721 13,704,463 3,767,255 8,246,772 14,900,219 103,260,356 65,515,106 0 85,434 415,066 495,704 2,305,409 23,349 130,685 136,580 536,118 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- 17,627,899 118,520,144 70,355,666 23,657,440 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- $105,845,762 $ 489,711,052 $ 541,369,494 $2,308,589,882 ============ ============= ============= ============== $160,820,599 $ 747,700,576 $ 663,273,363 $2,978,500,780 0 0 34,642 0 (4,638,313) (36,271,768) 13,373,081 (102,042,128) (49,827,423) (219,327,241) (131,872,905) (571,520,326) (509,101) (2,390,515) (3,438,687) 0 0 0 0 3,651,556 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- $105,845,762 $ 489,711,052 $ 541,369,494 $2,308,589,882 ============ ============= ============= ============== $ 61,047,643 $ 115,578,831 NA $ 382,411,534 17,174,396 15,249,187 NA 20,983,492 $ 3.55 $ 7.58 NA $ 18.22 $ 3.77 $ 8.04 NA $ 19.33 $ 2,295,354 $ 4,648,247 NA $ 53,515,407 705,242 647,183 NA 3,195,200 $ 3.25 $ 7.18 NA $ 16.75 $ 1,700,793 $ 4,518,576 NA $ 69,952,158 523,634 628,047 NA 4,163,571 $ 3.25 $ 7.19 NA $ 16.80 $ 18,643,894 $ 148,493,022 $ 541,369,494 NA 5,233,509 19,334,953 23,065,454 NA $ 3.56 $ 7.68 $ 23.47 NA $ 6,790 $ 197,150,288 NA $ 340,877,788 1,905 25,334,072 NA 18,427,224 $ 3.56 $ 7.78 NA $ 18.50 $ 22,151,288 $ 19,322,088 NA $1,461,832,995 6,281,733 2,569,451 NA 79,028,702 $ 3.53 $ 7.52 NA $ 18.50 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- $169,741,496 $ 818,542,926 $ 739,888,669 $2,872,650,681 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- $ 14,732,900 $ 106,268,276 $ 63,060,746 $ 0 ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------- $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 12,910,875 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------
72 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Operations--For the Year Ended October 31, 2008
C&B Mid Common Cap Value Stock Fund Fund ------------- ------------- INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends(1) ......................................................... $ 12,007,817 $ 8,630,661 Interest ............................................................. 10,861 217,159 Income from affiliated securities .................................... 417,459 3,303,395 Securities lending income ............................................ 450,810 628,051 ------------- ------------- Total investment income ................................................. 12,886,947 12,779,266 ------------- ------------- EXPENSES Advisory fees ........................................................ 3,774,834 7,178,963 Administration fees Fund Level ........................................................ 253,744 495,932 Class A ........................................................... 91,524 245,910 Class B ........................................................... 25,184 66,444 Class C ........................................................... 28,994 41,738 Administrator Class ............................................... 53,813 NA Institutional Class ............................................... 49,097 NA Investor Class .................................................... 1,060,099 3,619,772 Custody fees ......................................................... 101,498 198,373 Shareholder servicing fees (Note 3) .................................. 1,111,292 2,430,969 Accounting fees ...................................................... 70,598 64,976 Distribution fees (Note 3) Class B ........................................................... 67,457 177,975 Class C ........................................................... 77,661 111,799 Professional fees .................................................... 31,402 6,347 Registration fees .................................................... 93,550 57,068 Shareholder reports .................................................. 159,244 165,332 Trustees' fees ....................................................... 8,646 8,646 Other fees and expenses .............................................. 41,030 2,676 ------------- ------------- Total expenses .......................................................... 7,099,667 14,872,920 ------------- ------------- LESS Waived fees and reimbursed expenses (Note 3) ......................... (819,812) (1,789,426) Net expenses ......................................................... 6,279,855 13,083,494 ------------- ------------- Net investment income (loss) ............................................ 6,607,092 (304,228) ------------- ------------- REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS NET REALIZED GAIN (LOSS) FROM Securities, foreign currencies and foreign currency translation ...... (111,886,641) (10,855,993) Securities lending ................................................... (1,442,816) (1,820,533) Options, swap agreements and short sale transactions ................. 0 (1,773,890) ------------- ------------- Net realized gain and loss from investments ............................. (113,329,457) (14,450,416) ------------- ------------- NET CHANGE IN UNREALIZED APPRECIATION (DEPRECIATION) OF Securities, foreign currencies and foreign currency translation ...... (100,720,130) (351,813,890) Securities lending ................................................... (1,493,945) (1,899,085) Options, swap agreements and short sale transactions ................. 0 (4,897,364) ------------- ------------- Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments ..... (102,214,075) (358,610,339) ------------- ------------- Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments .................. (215,543,532) (373,060,755) ------------- ------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS ......... $(208,936,440) $(373,364,983) ============= ============= (1) Net of foreign withholding taxes of ................................. $ 0 $ 0
(2) Administrator Class and Institutional Class in Mid Cap Growth Fund originated on March 31, 2008. Expenses presented for these Classes are for the seven month period from March 31, 2008 to October 31, 2008. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 73 Statements of Operations--For the Year Ended October 31, 2008
Mid Cap Small Cap Small Cap Small Cap Growth Growth Opportunities Value Fund(2) Fund Fund Fund ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- $ 674,114 $ 906,128 $ 6,081,540 $ 30,627,128 2,967 16,339 50,197 290,320 116,100 496,327 2,467,329 16,254,363 142,783 836,424 1,177,313 0 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- 935,964 2,255,218 9,776,379 47,171,811 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- 1,117,315 3,908,834 6,522,491 28,109,767 74,488 226,088 381,155 1,748,588 280,698 477,036 NA 1,656,838 12,678 25,307 NA 260,478 7,098 22,145 NA 326,303 6,573 105,539 762,310 NA 4 102,714 NA 319,744 146,742 129,445 NA 9,590,543 29,795 90,435 152,462 699,435 369,830 799,062 1,904,013 7,655,180 36,593 54,237 63,400 182,000 33,959 67,786 NA 697,709 19,014 59,319 NA 874,026 29,928 29,800 4,717 57,398 48,823 67,215 3,471 120,567 26,365 152,040 4,747 424,336 8,646 8,646 8,646 8,646 8,451 15,386 5,188 76,453 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- 2,257,000 6,341,034 9,812,600 52,808,011 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (93,198) (699,455) (664,876) (4,776,800) 2,163,802 5,641,579 9,147,724 48,031,211 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (1,227,838) (3,386,361) 628,655 (859,400) ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (3,774,955) (23,210,415) 16,439,789 (35,133,966) (451,941) (1,907,840) (2,969,357) 0 0 0 0 10,657,969 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (4,226,896) (25,118,255) 13,470,432 (24,475,997) ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (74,844,765) (265,682,681) (279,494,009) (1,661,877,861) (453,079) (2,211,389) (3,130,327) 0 0 0 0 26,868,947 ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (75,297,844) (267,894,070) (282,624,336) (1,635,008,914) ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- (79,524,740) (293,012,325) (269,153,904) (1,659,484,911) ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------- $(80,752,578) $(296,398,686) $(268,525,249) $(1,660,344,311) ============ ============= ============= =============== $ 0 $ 0 $ 13,303 $ 601,950
74 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Beginning net assets ................................................. $ 897,718,698 $ 818,180,774 OPERATIONS Net investment income (loss) ......................................... 6,607,092 2,495,371 Net realized gain (loss) on investments .............................. (113,329,457) 142,758,144 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments .. (102,214,075) (123,140,198) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations ......... (208,936,440) 22,113,317 ------------- ------------- DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM Net investment income Class A ........................................................... (157,101) (129,710) Administrator Class ............................................... (552,724) (295,845) Institutional Class ............................................... (679,686) (381,798) Investor Class .................................................... (1,810,640) (2,464,100)(2) Net realized gain on sales of investments Class A ........................................................... (8,882,013) (4,798,388) Class B ........................................................... (2,603,231) (1,754,248) Class C ........................................................... (2,913,466) (1,369,537) Administrator Class ............................................... (18,417,909) (9,270,199) Institutional Class ............................................... (14,379,949) (6,136,456) Investor Class .................................................... (96,283,334) (69,570,389)(2) Return of Capital Class A ........................................................... 0 0 Class B ........................................................... 0 0 Class C ........................................................... 0 0 Administrator Class ............................................... 0 0 Institutional Class ............................................... 0 0 Investor Class .................................................... 0 0 ------------- ------------- Total distributions to shareholders ..................................... (146,680,053) (96,170,670) ------------- ------------- CAPITAL SHARES TRANSACTIONS Proceeds from shares sold - Class A .................................. 10,733,401 31,726,720 Reinvestment of distributions - Class A .............................. 8,214,556 4,476,488 Cost of shares redeemed - Class A .................................... (29,031,790) (23,204,542) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class A ............................................ (10,083,833) 12,998,666 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Class B .................................. 204,388 3,411,150 Reinvestment of distributions - Class B .............................. 2,546,003 1,714,930 Cost of shares redeemed - Class B .................................... (5,507,492) (4,979,826) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class B ............................................ (2,757,101) 146,254 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Class C .................................. 1,057,034 7,377,350 Reinvestment of distributions - Class C .............................. 2,743,750 1,337,883 Cost of shares redeemed - Class C .................................... (6,510,091) (2,700,391) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class C ............................................ (2,709,307) 6,014,842 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Administrator Class ...................... 14,712,474 93,373,223 Reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class .................. 15,804,466 8,092,708 Cost of shares redeemed - Administrator Class ........................ (80,076,852) (74,503,717) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Administrator Class ................................ (49,559,912) 26,962,214 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Institutional Class ...................... 64,252,091 158,953,830 Reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class .................. 15,059,269 6,495,331 Cost of shares redeemed - Institutional Class ........................ (86,968,264) (133,477,596) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Institutional Class ................................ (7,656,904) 31,971,565 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Investor Class ........................... 110,581,892 334,570,385(2) Reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ....................... 96,063,585 70,808,233(2) Cost of shares redeemed - Investor Class ............................. (414,524,999) (329,876,882)(2) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Investor Class ..................................... (207,879,522) 75,501,736(2) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Total ................................................. (280,646,579) 153,595,277 ------------- ------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS ................................... (636,263,072) 79,537,924 ============= ============= ENDING NET ASSETS ....................................................... $ 261,455,626 $ 897,718,698 ============= =============
(1) Administrator Class and Institutional Class in Mid Cap Growth Fund originated on March 31, 2008. Expenses presented for these Classes are for the seven month period from March 31, 2008 to October 31, 2008. (2) On June 20, 2008, Class D and Class Z were renamed to Investor Class. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 75 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
COMMON STOCK FUND MID CAP GROWTH FUND(1) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- $1,169,835,570 $ 1,109,461,730 $ 182,370,941 $ 151,216,185 (304,228) (3,137,868) (1,227,838) (1,144,590) (14,450,416) 187,169,116 (4,226,896) 35,485,585 (358,610,339) 22,482,474 (75,297,844) 10,829,257 -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (373,364,983) 206,513,722 (80,752,578) 45,170,252 -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (322,873) 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA (5,418,308) NA 0 NA (9,803,116) (13,744,701) (21,824,690) (13,456,997) (5,181,895) (7,596,727) (1,194,436) (986,175) (3,130,302) (4,181,212) (527,976) (265,145) NA NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA (163,460,611) (204,174,197)(2) (7,430,771) (4,903,153)(2) (33,742) 0 0 0 (8) 0 0 0 (5) 0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA (805,490) 0 0 0 -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (188,156,350) (229,696,837) (30,977,873) (19,611,470) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- 141,688,485 14,474,513 21,829,014 38,910,546 9,893,383 13,416,447 21,178,965 13,075,687 (75,020,260) (28,054,689) (38,127,786) (45,275,618) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- 76,561,608 (163,729) 4,880,193 6,710,615 -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- 772,048 2,209,224 444,779 977,239 4,763,889 6,836,229 1,112,795 930,174 (8,548,414) (10,027,286) (2,936,870) (3,288,230) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (3,012,477) (981,833) (1,379,296) (1,380,817) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- 2,313,256 2,582,068 902,717 814,740 2,473,560 3,193,025 459,826 235,024 (4,831,444) (5,225,033) (483,163) (628,926) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (44,628) 550,060 879,380 420,838 -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- NA NA 28,488,437 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA (1,126,974) NA -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- NA NA 27,361,463 NA -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- NA NA 10,000 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- NA NA 10,000 NA -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- 62,639,999 77,092,133(2) 5,318,758 7,269,651(2) 163,552,562 196,719,861(2) 7,286,742 4,811,130(2) (230,823,939) (189,659,537)(2) (9,151,968) (12,235,443)(2) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (4,631,378) 84,152,457(2) 3,453,532 (154,662)(2) -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- 68,873,125 83,556,955 35,205,272 5,595,974 -------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- (492,648,208) 60,373,840 (76,525,179) 31,154,756 ============== =============== ============= ============= $ 677,187,362 $ 1,169,835,570 $ 105,845,762 $ 182,370,941 ============== =============== ============= =============
76 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- SHARES ISSUED AND REDEEMED Shares sold - Class A ................................................ 712,614 1,373,092 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class A ............. 507,115 201,931 Shares redeemed - Class A ............................................ (1,924,692) (1,007,419) ------------ ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class A .............. (704,963) 567,604 ------------ ------------ Shares sold - Class B ................................................ 12,998 150,247 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class B ............. 162,166 78,956 Shares redeemed - Class B ............................................ (376,739) (220,269) ------------ ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class B .............. (201,575) 8,934 ------------ ------------ Shares sold - Class C ................................................ 68,978 324,988 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class C ............. 174,650 61,568 Shares redeemed - Class C ............................................ (439,522) (119,783) ------------ ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class C .............. (195,894) 266,773 ------------ ------------ Shares sold - Administrator Class .................................... 974,324 4,113,343 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class ............................................................. 965,683 362,770 Shares redeemed - Administrator Class ................................ (5,414,640) (3,270,300) ------------ ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Administrator Class .. (3,474,633) 1,205,813 ------------ ------------ Shares sold - Institutional Class .................................... 4,247,144 6,606,026 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class ............................................................. 915,914 289,818 Shares redeemed - Institutional Class ................................ (5,882,168) (5,612,321) ------------ ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Institutional Class .. (719,110) 1,283,523 ------------ ------------ Shares sold - Investor Class ......................................... 6,972,113 14,458,417(2) Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ...... 5,901,319 3,182,736(2) Shares redeemed - Investor Class ..................................... (25,521,286) (14,245,065)(2) ------------ ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Investor Class ....... (12,647,854) 3,396,088(2) ------------ ------------ NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN SHARES OUTSTANDING RESULTING FROM CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS ................................................... $(17,944,029) $ 6,728,735 ============ ============ Ending balance of undistributed net investment income (loss) ............ 2,896,924 1,364,791 ------------ ------------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 77 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
COMMON STOCK FUND MID CAP GROWTH FUND(1) ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 8,506,244 669,198 3,849,042 5,396,336 554,550 682,424 3,632,756 2,126,112 (4,637,147) (1,318,254) (6,952,382) (6,397,037) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 4,423,647 33,368 529,416 1,125,411 ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 47,230 116,278 78,098 147,979 291,191 370,929 206,839 160,098 (540,967) (506,744) (561,423) (501,269) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- (202,546) (19,537) (276,486) (193,192) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 143,223 136,826 165,900 123,843 151,288 173,346 85,629 40,521 (308,356) (266,098) (100,263) (98,666) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- (13,845) 44,074 151,266 65,698 ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- NA NA 5,508,948 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA (275,439) NA ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- NA NA 5,233,509 NA ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- NA NA 1,905 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- NA NA 1,905 NA ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 3,633,809 3,581,905(2) 1,008,324 1,043,124(2) 8,971,848 9,831,077(2) 1,258,505 784,849(2) (13,343,891) (8,578,454)(2) (1,722,537) (1,782,797)(2) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- (738,234) 4,834,528(2) 544,292 45,176(2) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- $ 3,469,022 $ 4,892,433 $ 6,183,902 $ 1,043,093 ============ =========== =========== =========== 0 798,067 0 0 ------------ ----------- ----------- -----------
78 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Beginning net assets ............................................................. $ 463,544,108 $292,886,990 OPERATIONS Net investment income (loss) ..................................................... (3,386,361) (3,197,265) Net realized gain (loss) on investments .......................................... (25,118,255) 77,221,834 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments .............. (267,894,070) 19,784,218 ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations ..................... (296,398,686) 93,808,787 ------------- ------------ DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM Net investment income ............................................................ Class A ....................................................................... 0 0 Administrator Class ........................................................... 0 0 Institutional Class ........................................................... 0 0 Investor Class ................................................................ 0 0(2) Net realized gain on sales of investments Class A ....................................................................... (29,161,141) (15,582,655) Class B ....................................................................... (2,018,118) (2,180,416) Class C ....................................................................... (1,584,750) (756,886) Administrator Class ........................................................... (15,809,026) (7,516,815) Institutional Class ........................................................... (12,816,987) (6,047,204) Investor Class ................................................................ (5,722,026) (4,055,692)(2) ------------- ------------ Total distributions to shareholders ................................................. (67,112,048) (36,139,668) ------------- ------------ CAPITAL SHARES TRANSACTIONS Proceeds from shares sold - Class A .............................................. 117,669,532 100,373,579 Reinvestment of distributions - Class A .......................................... 22,004,298 11,256,743 Cost of shares redeemed - Class A ................................................ (103,785,144) (47,765,376) ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class A ..................................................................... 35,888,686 63,864,946 ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Class B .............................................. 340,989 971,844 Reinvestment of distributions - Class B .......................................... 1,970,777 2,119,310 Cost of shares redeemed - Class B ................................................ (5,219,349) (10,801,018) ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class B ..................................................................... (2,907,583) (7,709,864) ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Class C .............................................. 1,557,756 3,706,498 Reinvestment of distributions - Class C .......................................... 1,157,737 572,481 Cost of shares redeemed - Class C ................................................ (2,694,461) (1,683,330) ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class C ..................................................................... 21,032 2,595,649 ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Administrator Class .................................. 337,403,573 120,831,747 Reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class .............................. 15,530,036 7,142,538 Cost of shares redeemed - Administrator Class .................................... (229,886,805) (92,578,484) ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Administrator Class ........................................................... 123,046,804 35,395,801 ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Institutional Class .................................. 525,860,971 30,454,663 Reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class .............................. 12,222,925 5,660,954 Cost of shares redeemed - Institutional Class .................................... (302,913,717) (17,689,585) ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Institutional Class ........................................................... 235,170,179 18,426,032 ------------- ------------ Proceeds from shares sold - Investor Class ....................................... 1,648,804 3,930,6622 Reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ................................... 5,532,180 3,918,5162 Cost of shares redeemed - Investor Class ......................................... (8,722,424) (7,433,743)(2) ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Investor Class ................................................................ (1,541,440) 415,4352 ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Total ....................................................................... 389,677,678 112,987,999 ------------- ------------ NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS ............................................... 26,166,944 170,657,118 ------------- ------------ ENDING NET ASSETS ................................................................... $ 489,711,052 $463,544,108 ============= ============
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 79 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND SMALL CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- $ 910,161,940 $ 800,077,699 $ 4,177,653,842 $ 3,500,023,838 628,655 2,503,176 (859,400) (17,018,686) 13,470,432 110,547,125 (24,475,997) 518,394,262 (282,624,336) 50,051,199 (1,635,008,914) 252,019,887 ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- (268,525,249) 163,101,500 (1,660,344,311) 753,395,463 ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA (141,933) 0 (2,608,842) 0 NA NA NA NA (2,313,466) 0 NA NA (1,105,714) 0(2) NA NA (93,419,985) (58,821,788) NA NA (16,840,469) (12,074,266) NA NA (20,212,008) (13,497,685) (110,577,897) (123,821,125) NA NA NA NA (57,044,953) 0 NA NA (348,362,033) (229,863,190)(2) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- (113,186,739) (123,821,125) (539,440,561) (314,256,929) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 285,652,329 249,924,269 NA NA 91,037,833 57,137,850 NA NA (336,692,085) (323,159,164) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 39,998,077 (16,097,045) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 1,508,047 2,596,051 NA NA 15,741,113 11,302,227 NA NA (27,671,354) (31,534,277) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA (10,422,194) (17,635,999) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 8,150,430 6,263,391 NA NA 17,188,714 11,474,049 NA NA (27,950,416) (28,594,701) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA (2,611,272) (10,857,261) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- 166,283,892 212,254,384 NA NA 109,877,189 119,828,957 NA NA (263,241,539) (261,279,475) NA NA ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- 12,919,542 70,803,866 NA NA ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 1,011,491,165 25,883,396 NA NA 59,358,409 NA NA NA (491,641,807) (17,250,410) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 579,207,767 8,632,986 ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA 1,351,654,972 1,496,152,334(2) NA NA 343,180,478 227,358,770(2) NA NA (1,970,286,916) (1,449,062,315)(2) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- NA NA (275,451,466) 274,448,789(2) ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- 12,919,542 70,803,866 330,720,912 238,491,470 ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- (368,792,446) 110,084,241 (1,869,063,960) 677,630,004 ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- $ 541,369,494 $ 910,161,940 $ 2,308,589,882 $ 4,177,653,842 ============= ============== =============== ===============
80 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- SHARES ISSUED AND REDEEMED Shares sold - Class A ............................................................ 10,302,604 7,065,270 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class A ......................... 1,797,737 861,926 Shares redeemed - Class A ........................................................ (9,301,226) (3,376,909) ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class A .......................... 2,799,115 4,550,287 ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Class B ............................................................ 28,993 71,800 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class B ......................... 168,731 167,534 Shares redeemed - Class B ........................................................ (479,057) (792,694) ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class B .......................... (281,333) (553,360) ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Class C ............................................................ 126,616 259,770 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class C ......................... 98,952 45,220 Shares redeemed - Class C ........................................................ (257,583) (123,803) ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class C .......................... (32,015) 181,187 ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Administrator Class ................................................ 31,620,320 8,295,578 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class ............. 1,254,446 542,746 Shares redeemed - Administrator Class ............................................ (20,397,556) (6,392,169) ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Administrator Class .............. 12,477,210 2,446,155 ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Institutional Class ................................................ 45,534,768 2,051,797 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class ............. 977,052 427,888 Shares redeemed - Institutional Class ............................................ (26,431,676) (1,166,507) ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Institutional Class .............. 20,080,144 1,313,178 ------------ ----------- Shares sold - Investor Class ..................................................... 156,770 274,133(2) Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class .................. 454,949 301,194(2) Shares redeemed - Investor Class ................................................. (745,426) (523,352)(2) ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Investor Class ................... (133,707) 51,975(2) ------------ ----------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN SHARES OUTSTANDING RESULTING FROM CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS ..................................................................... $ 34,909,414 $ 7,989,422 ------------ ----------- Ending balance of undistributed net investment income (loss) ........................ 0 0 ============ ===========
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 81 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND SMALL CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- NA NA 10,512,938 7,464,979 NA NA 3,221,474 1,855,125 NA NA (12,467,130) (9,710,247) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA 1,267,282 (390,143) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA 59,922 86,150 NA NA 602,415 389,195 NA NA (1,101,255) (1,007,264) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA (438,918) (531,919) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA 316,737 208,819 NA NA 655,557 394,026 NA NA (1,122,870) (924,913) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA (150,576) (322,068) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- 5,352,007 5,868,049 NA NA 3,416,006 3,514,046 NA NA (8,641,767) (7,190,893) NA NA ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- 126,246 2,191,202 NA NA ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA 33,980,908 709,938 NA NA 2,067,848 NA NA NA (17,858,332) (473,138) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA 18,190,424 236,800 ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA 49,132,650 44,393,827(2) NA NA 11,970,313 7,296,494(2) NA NA (68,734,833) (42,996,852)(2) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- NA NA (7,631,870) 8,693,469(2) ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- $ 126,246 $ 2,191,202 $ 11,236,342 $7,686,139 ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- 34,642 2,182,319 0 (29,687,498) =========== =========== ============ ==========
82 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Net and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Investment Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share Income (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.80 0.18(6) (6.52) (0.06) (4.11) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.79 0.03(6) 0.70 (0.06) (2.66) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $20.76 0.05(6) 4.72 0.00 (1.74) November 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005 ....... $18.89 (0.09) 2.54 0.00 (0.58) July 26, 2004(4) to October 31, 2004 ....... $18.52 (0.00) 0.37 0.00 0.00 Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.29 0.07(6) (6.35) 0.00 (4.11) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.38 (0.14)(6) 0.71 0.00 (2.66) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $20.57 (0.11)(6) 4.66 0.00 (1.74) November 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005 ....... $18.86 (0.17) 2.46 0.00 (0.58) July 26, 2004(4) to October 31, 2004 ....... $18.52 (0.02) 0.36 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.29 0.07(6) (6.34) 0.00 (4.11) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.39 (0.14)(6) 0.70 0.00 (2.66) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $20.57 (0.12)(6) 4.68 0.00 (1.74) November 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005 ....... $18.86 (0.17) 2.46 0.00 (0.58) July 26, 2004(4) to October 31, 2004 ....... $18.52 (0.02) 0.36 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.98 0.24(6) (6.62) (0.10) (4.11) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.93 0.08(6) 0.71 (0.08) (2.66) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $20.82 0.10(6) 4.75 (0.00) (1.74) November 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005 ....... $18.90 (0.03) 2.53 0.00 (0.58) July 26, 2004(4) to October 31, 2004 ....... $18.52 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $22.06 0.24(6) (6.60) (0.16) (4.11) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $24.02 0.14(6) 0.71 (0.15) (2.66) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $20.88 0.16(6) 4.76 (0.04) (1.74) November 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005 ....... $18.91 (0.02) 2.57 0.00 (0.58) July 26, 2004(4) to October 31, 2004 ....... $18.52 0.02 0.37 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.89 0.20(6) (6.58) (0.06) (4.11) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(9) .... $23.86 0.06(6) 0.71 (0.08) (2.66) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(9) .... $20.79 0.08(6) 4.73 0.00 (1.74) November 1, 2004 to October 31, 2005(9) .... $18.89 (0.07) 2.55 0.00 (0.58) November 1, 2003 to October 31, 2004(9) .... $17.96 (0.01) 1.11 (0.00) (0.17)
(1) During each period, various fees and expenses were waived and reimbursed as indicated. The ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets reflects the expense ratio in the absence of any waivers and reimbursements (Note 3). (2) Total return calculations do not include any sales charges, and would have been lower had certain expenses not been waived or reimbursed during the periods shown. Returns for periods less than one year are not annualized. (3) Calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued. Portfolio turnover rates presented for periods of less than one year are not annualized. (4) Commencement of operations. (5) The Fund changed its year end from September 30 to October 31. (6) Calculated based upon average shares outstanding. (7) The Fund changed its year end from June 30 to September 30. (8) The Fund changed its year end from December 31 to October 31. (9) On June 20, 2008, Class D and Class Z were renamed to Investor Class. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 83 Financial Highlights
Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) ------------------------------------------- Ending Net Net Asset Investment Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Income Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $11.29 1.19% 1.43% (0.08)% 1.35% (34.84)% 31% $ 18,246 0.00 $21.80 0.15% 1.36% 0.00% 1.36% 2.95% 56% $ 50,622 0.00 $23.79 0.21% 1.40% (0.02)% 1.38% 24.44% 39% $ 41,729 0.00 $20.76 (0.40)% 1.38% 0.00% 1.38% 13.13% 30% $ 26,795 0.00 $18.89 (0.18)% 1.41% (0.01)% 1.40% 2.00% 31% $ 4,938 0.00 $10.90 0.46% 2.18% (0.08)% 2.10% (35.41)% 31% $ 5,123 0.00 $21.29 (0.60)% 2.11% 0.00% 2.11% 2.23% 56% $ 14,293 0.00 $23.38 (0.54)% 2.15% (0.02)% 2.13% 23.53% 39% $ 15,491 0.00 $20.57 (1.15)% 2.13% 0.00% 2.13% 12.28% 30% $ 11,429 0.00 $18.86 (0.95)% 2.16% (0.01)% 2.15% 1.84% 31% $ 2,613 0.00 $10.91 0.46% 2.16% (0.07)% 2.09% (35.36)% 31% $ 6,147 0.00 $21.29 (0.60)% 2.11% 0.00% 2.11% 2.18% 56% $ 16,171 0.00 $23.39 (0.55)% 2.15% (0.02)% 2.13% 23.58% 39% $ 11,523 0.00 $20.57 (1.15)% 2.13% 0.00% 2.13% 12.28% 30% $ 6,838 0.00 $18.86 (0.98)% 2.16% (0.01)% 2.15% 1.84% 31% $ 1,081 0.00 $11.39 1.52% 1.24% (0.09)% 1.15% (34.77)% 31% $ 13,383 0.00 $21.98 0.35% 1.18% (0.03)% 1.15% 3.18% 56% $102,201 0.00 $23.93 0.46% 1.22% (0.07)% 1.15% 24.79% 39% $ 82,402 0.00 $20.82 (0.12)% 1.13% (0.03)% 1.10% 13.39% 30% $118,690 0.00 $18.90 0.03% 1.17% (0.02)% 1.15% 2.05% 31% $ 81,232 0.00 $11.43 1.58% 0.98% (0.08)% 0.90% (34.63)% 31% $ 33,017 0.00 $22.06 0.60% 0.91% (0.01)% 0.90% 3.44% 56% $ 79,559 0.00 $24.02 0.74% 0.95% (0.05)% 0.90% 25.12% 39% $ 55,799 0.00 $20.88 0.07% 0.94% (0.04)% 0.90% 13.71% 30% $ 63,705 0.00 $18.91 0.40% 0.96% (0.06)% 0.90% 2.11% 31% $ 17,376 0.00 $11.34 1.30% 1.47% (0.22)% 1.25% (34.87)% 31% $185,541 0.00 $21.89 0.26% 1.36% (0.11)% 1.25% 3.12% 56% $634,872 0.00 $23.86 0.35% 1.40% (0.15)% 1.25% 24.60% 39% $611,237 0.00 $20.79 (0.27)% 1.37% (0.12)% 1.25% 13.29% 30% $469,971 0.00 $18.89 (0.08)% 1.19% (0.04)% 1.15% 6.18% 31% $498,623
84 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Net and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Investment Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share Income (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- COMMON STOCK FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $22.66 0.00(6) (6.68) (0.10) (3.61) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.84 (0.05)(6) 3.98 0.00 (5.11) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $22.97 (0.03)(6) 4.08 0.00 (3.18) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8) ..... $22.40 (0.11) 1.06 0.00 (0.38) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $21.98 (0.14)(6) 2.21 0.00 (1.65) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $15.87 (0.10) 6.21 0.00 0.00 Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.10 (0.12)(6) (6.14) 0.00 (3.61) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $22.67 (0.20)(6) 3.74 0.00 (5.11) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $22.13 (0.20)(6) 3.92 0.00 (3.18) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8) ..... $21.74 (0.29) 1.06 0.00 (0.38) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $21.53 (0.29)(6) 2.15 0.00 (1.65) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $15.67 (0.24) 6.10 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $21.09 (0.12)(6) (6.13) 0.00 (3.61) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $22.67 (0.20)(6) 3.73 0.00 (5.11) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $22.13 (0.20)(6) 3.92 0.00 (3.18) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8) ..... $21.73 (0.47) 1.25 0.00 (0.38) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $21.53 (0.30)(6) 2.15 0.00 (1.65) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $15.68 (0.25) 6.10 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $23.07 0.00(6) (6.81) (0.11) (3.61) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(9) .... $24.18 (0.05)(6) 4.05 0.00 (5.11) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(9) .... $23.25 (0.03)(6) 4.14 0.00 (3.18) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8, 9) .. $22.65 (0.07) 1.05 0.00 (0.38) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004(9) .... $22.15 (0.08)(6) 2.23 0.00 (1.65) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003(9) .... $15.97 (0.09) 6.27 0.00 0.00 MID CAP GROWTH FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $ 7.72 (0.04)(6) (2.82) 0.00 (1.31) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $ 6.69 (0.04)(6) 1.95 0.00 (0.88) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $ 6.37 (0.05) 0.92 0.00 (0.55) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) ..... $ 6.50 0.00(6) (0.13) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ...... $ 5.84 (0.07)(6) 1.16 0.00 (0.43) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ...... $ 5.09 0.02 0.73 0.00 0.00 Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $ 7.24 (0.08)(6) (2.60) 0.00 (1.31) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $ 6.37 (0.09)(6) 1.84 0.00 (0.88) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $ 6.13 (0.11) 0.90 0.00 (0.55) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) ..... $ 6.26 (0.01)(6) (0.12) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ...... $ 5.68 (0.12)(6) 1.13 0.00 (0.43) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ...... $ 4.99 0.06 0.63 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $ 7.23 (0.08)(6) (2.59) 0.00 (1.31) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $ 6.36 (0.09)(6) 1.84 0.00 (0.88) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $ 6.13 (0.09) 0.87 0.00 (0.55) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) ..... $ 6.26 (0.01)(6) (0.12) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ...... $ 5.68 (0.12)(6) 1.13 0.00 (0.43) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ...... $ 4.98 0.07 0.63 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class March 31, 2008(4) to April 30, 2008 ........ $ 5.25 (0.01)(6) (1.68) 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class March 31, 2008(4) to April 30, 2008 ........ $ 5.25 (0.01)(6) (1.68) 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $ 7.68 (0.05)(6) (2.79) 0.00 (1.31) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(9) .... $ 6.67 (0.05)(6) 1.94 0.00 (0.88) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(9) .... $ 6.37 (0.07) 0.92 0.00 (0.55) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5, 9) .. $ 6.50 (0.01)(6) (0.12) 0.00 0.00 April 11, 2005(4) to September 30, 2005(9) ................................. $ 5.95 (0.05)(6) 0.60 0.00 0.00
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 85 Financial Highlights
Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) ------------------------------------------- Ending Net Net Asset Investment Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Income Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- (0.01) $12.26 0.03% 1.34% (0.05)% 1.29% (34.55)% 81% $ 88,049 0.00 $22.66 (0.25)% 1.37% (0.06)% 1.31% 19.74% 58% $ 62,456 0.00 $23.84 (0.15)% 1.34% (0.03)% 1.31% 19.11% 56% $ 64,915 0.00 $22.97 (0.48)% 1.44% (0.03)% 1.41% 4.34% 33% $ 62,462 0.00 $22.40 (0.62)% 1.58% (0.04)% 1.54% 9.67% 42% $ 73,612 0.00 $21.98 (0.62)% 1.55% (0.01)% 1.54% 38.50% 42% $ 81,068 0.00 $11.23 (0.76)% 2.11% (0.05)% 2.06% (35.04)% 81% $ 14,449 0.00 $21.10 (1.00)% 2.12% (0.06)% 2.06% 18.86% 58% $ 31,415 0.00 $22.67 (0.90)% 2.09% (0.03)% 2.06% 18.23% 56% $ 34,205 0.00 $22.13 (1.23)% 2.20% (0.04)% 2.16% 3.63% 33% $ 34,744 0.00 $21.74 (1.36)% 2.32% (0.04)% 2.28% 8.89% 42% $ 37,908 0.00 $21.53 (1.41)% 2.35% (0.01)% 2.34% 37.40% 42% $ 38,830 0.00 $11.23 (0.76)% 2.10% (0.04)% 2.06% (35.00)% 81% $ 9,692 0.00 $21.09 (1.00)% 2.12% (0.06)% 2.06% 18.82% 58% $ 18,501 0.00 $22.67 (0.90)% 2.09% (0.03)% 2.06% 18.24% 56% $ 18,885 0.00 $22.13 (1.25)% 2.21% (0.04)% 2.17% 3.68% 33% $ 20,177 0.00 $21.73 (1.38)% 2.35% (0.04)% 2.31% 8.84% 42% $ 26,375 0.00 $21.53 (1.41)% 2.35% (0.01)% 2.34% 37.31% 42% $ 34,025 (0.01) $12.53 0.00% 1.50% (0.21)% 1.29% (34.52)% 81% $ 564,998 0.00 $23.07 (0.23)% 1.54% (0.25)% 1.29% 19.75% 58% $1,057,463 0.00 $24.18 (0.13)% 1.51% (0.22)% 1.29% 19.14% 56% $ 991,457 0.00 $23.25 (0.38)% 1.47% (0.16)% 1.31% 4.42% 33% $1,009,088 0.00 $22.65 (0.38)% 1.34% (0.04)% 1.30% 9.96% 42% $1,162,236 0.00 $22.15 (0.42)% 1.36% (0.01)% 1.35% 38.70% 42% $1,437,055 0.00 $ 3.55 (0.78)% 1.45% (0.05)% 1.40% (43.67)% 86% $ 61,048 0.00 $ 7.72 (0.60)% 1.42% (0.02)% 1.40% 31.90% 116% $ 128,502 0.00 $ 6.69 (0.69)% 1.48% (0.08)% 1.40% 14.38% 123% $ 103,816 0.00 $ 6.37 (0.96)% 1.41% (0.01)% 1.40% (2.00)% 13% $ 107,706 0.00 $ 6.50 (1.19)% 1.42% (0.01)% 1.41% 19.17% 143% $ 111,103 0.00 $ 5.84 (0.44)% 1.50% (0.07)% 1.43% 14.73% 180% $ 93,024 0.00 $ 3.25 (1.54)% 2.20% (0.05)% 2.15% (44.17)% 86% $ 2,295 0.00 $ 7.24 (1.36)% 2.17% (0.02)% 2.15% 30.86% 116% $ 7,109 0.00 $ 6.37 (1.43)% 2.23% (0.08)% 2.15% 13.58% 123% $ 7,482 0.00 $ 6.13 (1.71)% 2.16% (0.01)% 2.15% (2.08)% 13% $ 8,355 0.00 $ 6.26 (2.00)% 2.17% (0.01)% 2.16% 18.25% 143% $ 8,829 0.00 $ 5.68 (0.64)% 2.26% (0.08)% 2.18% 13.83% 180% $ 6,877 0.00 $ 3.25 (1.53)% 2.19% (0.04)% 2.15% (44.07)% 86% $ 1,701 0.00 $ 7.23 (1.36)% 2.17% (0.02)% 2.15% 30.91% 116% $ 2,693 0.00 $ 6.36 (1.45)% 2.23% (0.08)% 2.15% 13.40% 123% $ 1,950 0.00 $ 6.13 (1.71)% 2.16% (0.01)% 2.15% (2.08)% 13% $ 1,648 0.00 $ 6.26 (2.00)% 2.17% (0.01)% 2.16% 18.25% 143% $ 1,657 0.00 $ 5.68 (0.70)% 2.26% (0.08)% 2.18% 14.06% 180% $ 1,034 0.00 $ 3.56 (0.48)% 1.32% (0.17)% 1.15% (32.19)% 86% $ 18,644 0.00 $ 3.56 (0.28)% 1.00% (0.10)% 0.90% (32.19)% 86% $ 7 0.00 $ 3.53 (0.90)% 1.62% (0.07)% 1.55% (43.62)% 86% $ 22,151 0.00 $ 7.68 (0.78)% 1.59% (0.02)% 1.57% 31.66% 116% $ 44,067 0.00 $ 6.67 (0.84)% 1.65% (0.08)% 1.57% 14.05% 123% $ 37,968 0.00 $ 6.37 (1.13)% 1.58% (0.01)% 1.57% (2.00)% 13% $ 50,319 0.00 $ 6.50 (1.69)% 1.56% (0.01)% 1.55% 9.24% 143% $ 52,005
86 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Investment and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Income Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $16.02 (0.10)(6) (6.04) 0.00 (2.30) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $14.03 (0.13)(6) 3.66 0.00 (1.54) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $12.19 (0.16) 2.93 0.00 (0.93) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) .... $12.53 (0.02) (0.32) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ..... $10.67 (0.13)(6) 2.18 0.00 (0.19) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ..... $ 9.44 (0.23) 1.46 0.00 0.00 Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $15.41 (0.18)(6) (5.75) 0.00 (2.30) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $13.65 (0.23)(6) 3.53 0.00 (1.54) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $11.97 (0.28) 2.89 0.00 (0.93) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) .... $12.31 (0.02) (0.32) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ..... $10.57 (0.22)(6) 2.15 0.00 (0.19) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ..... $ 9.41 (0.25) 1.41 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $15.43 (0.18)(6) (5.76) 0.00 (2.30) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $13.66 (0.23)(6) 3.54 0.00 (1.54) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $11.98 (0.25) 2.86 0.00 (0.93) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) .... $12.33 (0.02) (0.33) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ..... $10.58 (0.22)(6) 2.16 0.00 (0.19) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ..... $ 9.42 (0.22) 1.38 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $16.17 (0.08)(6) (6.11) 0.00 (2.30) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $14.12 (0.10)(6) 3.69 0.00 (1.54) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $12.24 (0.13) 2.94 0.00 (0.93) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) .... $12.59 (0.01) (0.34) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ..... $10.70 (0.11)(6) 2.19 0.00 (0.19) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ..... $ 9.44 (0.21) 1.47 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $16.30 (0.04)(6) (6.18) 0.00 (2.30) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $14.19 (0.06)(6) 3.71 0.00 (1.54) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $12.26 (0.11) 2.97 0.00 (0.93) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) .... $12.61 (0.01) (0.34) 0.00 0.00 April 11, 2005(4) to September 30, 2005 ... $11.10 (0.04)(6) 1.55 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $15.93 (0.12)(6) (5.99) 0.00 (2.30) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(9) ... $13.99 (0.16)(6) 3.64 0.00 (1.54) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(9) ... $12.18 (0.19) 2.93 0.00 (0.93) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5,9) .. $12.52 (0.01) (0.33) 0.00 0.00 April 11, 2005(4) to September 30, 2005(9) ................................ $11.06 (0.07)(6) 1.53 0.00 0.00 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $39.68 0.01 (11.23) (0.10) (4.89) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $38.56 0.11 6.99 0.00 (5.98) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $33.97 (0.04) 7.30 0.00 (2.67) October 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(5) .... $34.93 (0.01) (0.95) 0.00 0.00 October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 ..... $33.46 (0.09) 6.05 0.00 (4.49) October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 ..... $27.57 (0.08) 6.93 0.00 (0.96)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 87 Financial Highlights
Ending Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) Net Asset ----------------------------------------------- Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Net Investment Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share Income (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- --------- -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $ 7.58 (0.91)% 1.54% (0.14)% 1.40% (43.80)% 82% $115,579 0.00 $16.02 (0.91)% 1.55% (0.15)% 1.40% 27.63% 122% $199,396 0.00 $14.03 (1.15)% 1.61% (0.21)% 1.40% 23.82% 142% $110,813 0.00 $12.19 (1.27)% 1.56% (0.16)% 1.40% (2.71)% 10% $ 98,728 0.00 $12.53 (1.14)% 1.58% (0.18)% 1.40% 19.31% 149% $102,926 0.00 $10.67 (1.08)% 1.69% (0.29)% 1.40% 13.03% 171% $ 43,192 0.00 $ 7.18 (1.67)% 2.29% (0.14)% 2.15% (44.24)% 82% $ 4,648 0.00 $15.41 (1.70)% 2.30% (0.15)% 2.15% 26.62% 122% $ 14,311 0.00 $13.65 (1.90)% 2.36% (0.21)% 2.15% 22.86% 142% $ 20,226 0.00 $11.97 (2.02)% 2.31% (0.16)% 2.15% (2.76)% 10% $ 20,966 0.00 $12.31 (1.90)% 2.31% (0.16)% 2.15% 18.46% 149% $ 21,940 0.00 $10.57 (1.86)% 2.48% (0.33)% 2.15% 12.22% 171% $ 702 0.00 $ 7.19 (1.67)% 2.27% (0.12)% 2.15% (44.25)% 82% $ 4,519 0.00 $15.43 (1.66)% 2.30% (0.15)% 2.15% 26.68% 122% $ 10,187 0.00 $13.66 (1.90)% 2.36% (0.21)% 2.15% 22.84% 142% $ 6,543 0.00 $11.98 (2.02)% 2.31% (0.16)% 2.15% (2.84)% 10% $ 6,008 0.00 $12.33 (1.90)% 2.31% (0.16)% 2.15% 18.42% 149% $ 6,271 0.00 $10.58 (1.86)% 2.48% (0.33)% 2.15% 12.31% 171% $ 201 0.00 $ 7.68 (0.70)% 1.36% (0.16)% 1.20% (43.69)% 82% $148,493 0.00 $16.17 (0.71)% 1.37% (0.17)% 1.20% 27.90% 122% $110,917 0.00 $14.12 (0.95)% 1.43% (0.23)% 1.20% 24.07% 142% $ 62,302 0.00 $12.24 (1.07)% 1.38% (0.18)% 1.20% (2.78)% 10% $ 53,953 0.00 $12.59 (0.94)% 1.37% (0.17)% 1.20% 19.54% 149% $ 55,961 0.00 $10.70 (1.20)% 1.54% (0.34)% 1.20% 13.35% 171% $ 33,309 0.00 $ 7.78 (0.40)% 1.09% (0.19)% 0.90% (43.50)% 82% $197,150 0.00 $16.30 (0.41)% 1.10% (0.20)% 0.90% 28.22% 122% $ 85,664 0.00 $14.19 (0.64)% 1.16% (0.26)% 0.90% 24.46% 142% $ 55,921 0.00 $12.26 (0.77)% 1.11% (0.21)% 0.90% (2.78)% 10% $ 31,430 0.00 $12.61 (0.65)% 1.15% (0.23)% 0.92% 13.60% 149% $ 31,416 0.00 $ 7.52 (1.05)% 1.71% (0.16)% 1.55% (43.87)% 82% $ 19,322 0.00 $15.93 (1.09)% 1.72% (0.15)% 1.57% 27.32% 122% $ 43,069 0.00 $13.99 (1.32)% 1.78% (0.21)% 1.57% 23.59% 142% $ 37,082 0.00 $12.18 (1.44)% 1.73% (0.16)% 1.57% (2.72)% 10% $ 35,304 0.00 $12.52 (1.33)% 1.72% (0.15)% 1.57% 13.20% 149% $ 37,511 0.00 $23.47 0.08% 1.28% (0.08)% 1.20% (31.65)% 72% $541,369 0.00 $39.68 0.29% 1.33% (0.13)% 1.20% 20.94% 65% $910,162 0.00 $38.56 (0.11)% 1.34% (0.14)% 1.20% 22.57% 79% $800,078 0.00 $33.97 (0.35)% 1.33% (0.13)% 1.20% (2.78)% 7% $704,714 0.00 $34.93 (0.28)% 1.29% (0.09)% 1.20% 18.76% 107% $725,651 0.00 $33.46 (0.27)% 1.30% (0.10)% 1.20% 25.25% 113% $534,600
88 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Investment and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Income Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- SMALL CAP VALUE FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $36.28 (0.02)(6) (13.25) (0.01) (4.78) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $32.63 (0.15)(6) 6.76 0.00 (2.96) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $31.17 (0.04) 4.61 0.00 (3.11) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8) .... $29.19 (0.18) 2.67 0.00 (0.51) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ...... $27.40 (0.27)(6) 5.51 0.00 (3.45) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ...... $18.92 (0.12)(6) 9.26 (0.01) (0.65) Class B November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $33.98 (0.22)(6) (12.23) 0.00 (4.78) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $30.96 (0.38)(6) 6.36 0.00 (2.96) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $29.92 (0.35) 4.50 0.00 (3.11) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8) .... $28.21 (0.40) 2.62 0.00 (0.51) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ...... $26.79 (0.47)(6) 5.34 0.00 (3.45) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ...... $18.66 (0.29)(6) 9.08 (0.01) (0.65) Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $34.07 (0.22)(6) (12.27) 0.00 (4.78) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $31.03 (0.38)(6) 6.38 0.00 (2.96) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $29.99 (0.34) 4.49 0.00 (3.11) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8) .... $28.27 (0.44) 2.67 0.00 (0.51) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ...... $26.83 (0.47)(6) 5.36 0.00 (3.45) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ...... $18.68 (0.28)(6) 9.09 (0.01) (0.65) Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $36.77 0.13(6) (13.45) (0.17) (4.78) July 31, 2007(4) to October 31, 2007 ...... $34.30 0.01(6) 2.46 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $36.73 (0.01)(6) (13.43) (0.01) (4.78) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(9) ... $32.98 (0.13)(6) 6.84 0.00 (2.96) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(9) ... $31.45 (0.02) 4.66 0.00 (3.11) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(8,9) .. $29.40 (0.15) 2.71 0.00 (0.51) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004(9) ... $27.53 (0.22)(6) 5.54 0.00 (3.45) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003(9) ... $18.98 (0.09)(6) 9.30 (0.01) (0.65)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 89 Financial Highlights
Ending Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) Net Asset ----------------------------------------------- Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Net Investment Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share Income (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- --------- -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $18.22 (0.08)% 1.44% 0.00% 1.44% (41.27)% 27% $ 382,412 0.00 $36.28 (0.45)% 1.44% 0.00% 1.44% 21.87% 48% $ 715,334 0.00 $32.63 (0.15)% 1.44% (0.01)% 1.43% 15.44% 33% $ 656,151 0.00 $31.17 (0.70)% 1.50% (0.03)% 1.47% 8.66% 33% $ 606,811 0.00 $29.19 (0.96)% 1.57% (0.04)% 1.53% 19.89% 34% $ 598,226 0.00 $27.40 (0.55)% 1.56% (0.02)% 1.54% 48.49% 30% $ 673,580 0.00 $16.75 (0.87)% 2.19% 0.00% 2.19% (41.68)% 27% $ 53,515 0.00 $33.98 (1.20)% 2.19% 0.00% 2.19% 20.94% 48% $ 123,492 0.00 $30.96 (0.91)% 2.19% (0.01)% 2.18% 14.61% 33% $ 128,970 0.00 $29.92 (1.46)% 2.26% (0.02)% 2.24% 7.99% 33% $ 133,825 0.00 $28.21 (1.71)% 2.33% (0.05)% 2.28% 18.95% 34% $ 136,825 0.00 $26.79 (1.37)% 2.36% (0.01)% 2.35% 47.28% 30% $ 126,152 0.00 $16.80 (0.85)% 2.19% 0.00% 2.19% (41.69)% 27% $ 69,952 0.00 $34.07 (1.20)% 2.19% 0.00% 2.19% 20.96% 48% $ 146,997 0.00 $31.03 (0.91)% 2.19% (0.01)% 2.18% 14.57% 33% $ 143,872 0.00 $29.99 (1.46)% 2.26% (0.02)% 2.24% 8.01% 33% $ 146,162 0.00 $28.27 (1.71)% 2.34% (0.05)% 2.29% 19.00% 34% $ 157,329 0.00 $26.83 (1.32)% 2.34% (0.02)% 2.32% 47.34% 30% $ 158,942 0.00 $18.50 0.49% 0.99% (0.04)% 0.95% (40.96)% 27% $ 340,878 0.00 $36.77 0.13% 0.97% (0.03)% 0.94% 7.20% 48% $ 8,707 0.00 $18.50 (0.02)% 1.57% (0.21)% 1.36% (41.20)% 27% $1,461,833 0.00 $36.73 (0.37)% 1.61% (0.25)% 1.36% 21.95% 48% $3,183,124 0.00 $32.98 (0.05)% 1.61% (0.25)% 1.36% 15.53% 33% $2,571,031 0.00 $31.45 (0.57)% 1.58% (0.24)% 1.34% 8.83% 33% $1,926,165 0.00 $29.40 (0.79)% 1.40% (0.04)% 1.36% 20.09% 34% $1,359,158 0.00 $27.53 (0.41)% 1.42% (0.02)% 1.40% 48.70% 30% $1,167,094
90 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements 1. ORGANIZATION Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company. The Trust commenced operations on November 8, 1999, and at October 31, 2008, was comprised of 99 separate series (each, a "Fund", collectively, the "Funds"). These financial statements present the C&B Mid Cap Value Fund, Common Stock Fund, Mid Cap Growth Fund, Small Cap Growth Fund, Small Cap Opportunities Fund, and Small Cap Value Fund. Each Fund is a diversified series of the Trust. The separate classes of shares offered by each Fund differ principally in applicable sales charges and distribution, shareholder servicing and administration fees. Shareholders of each class bear certain expenses that pertain to that particular class. All shareholders bear the common expenses of a Fund, earn income from the portfolio, and are allocated unrealized gains and losses pro rata based on the average daily net assets of each class, without distinction between share classes. Dividends are determined separately for each class based on income and expenses allocable to each class. Realized gains and losses are allocated to each class pro rata based upon the net assets of each class on the date realized. Differences in per share dividend rates generally result from the relative weightings of pro rata income and realized gain allocations and from differences in separate class expenses, including distribution, shareholder servicing, and administration fees. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The following significant accounting policies, which are consistently followed in the preparation of the financial statements of the Trust, are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") for investment companies. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Certain Funds of the Trust may invest a substantial portion of their assets in an industry, sector or foreign country as is discussed in the Prospectus for those Funds. Such Funds may be more affected by changes in that industry, sector or foreign country than they would be absent the concentration of investments. Under the Trust's organizational documents, their officers and directors are indemnified against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Trust. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Trust may enter into contracts with service providers that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Trust's maximum exposure under these arrangements is dependent on future claims that may be made against the Funds and, therefore, cannot be estimated; however, based on experience, the risk of loss from such claims is considered remote. SECURITY VALUATION Investments in securities are valued each business day as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, which is usually 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Securities which are traded on a national or foreign securities exchange are valued at the last reported sales price. Securities listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price ("NOCP"), and if no NOCP is available, then at the last reported sales price. If no sales price is shown on NASDAQ, the bid price will be used. In the absence of any sale of securities listed on the NASDAQ, and in the case of other securities, including U.S. Government obligations, but excluding debt securities maturing in 60 days or less, the price will be deemed "stale" and the valuations will be determined in accordance with the Funds' Fair Valuation Procedures. Investments in the Underlying Funds are valued at the closing net asset value per share of each Underlying Fund on the valuation date. Securities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using the closing rates of exchange in effect on the day of valuation. Many securities markets and exchanges outside the U.S. close prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange and therefore may not fully reflect trading or events that occur after the close of the principal exchange in which the foreign investments are traded but before the close of the New York Stock Exchange. If such trading or events are expected to materially affect the value of the investments, then those investments are fair valued following procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. These procedures take into account multiple factors including movements in U.S. securities markets after Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 91 Notes to Financial Statements foreign exchanges close. Depending on market activity, such fair valuations may be frequent. In light of the judgment involved in fair value decisions, there can be no assurance that a fair value assigned to a particular security is accurate. Such fair value pricing may result in NAVs that are higher or lower than NAVs based on the closing price or latest quoted bid price. Debt securities with original maturities of 60 days or less and other short-term debt securities in which cash collateral received for securities loaned may be invested, generally are valued at amortized cost. The amortized cost method involves valuing a security at its cost, plus accretion of discount or minus amortization of premium over the period until maturity, which approximates market value. Investments which are not valued using any of the methods discussed above are valued at their fair value as determined by procedures established in good faith and approved by the Board of Trustees. AFFILIATE SECURITIES An affiliate company is a company in which a Fund has ownership of at least 5% of the outstanding voting shares. Companies that are affiliates of a Fund at period-end are noted in the Fund's Portfolio of Investments. The following such positions were held by the Small Cap Value Fund at October 31, 2008:
% of Outstanding Market Unrealized Dividend Voting Security Name Quantity Cost Value Gain/Loss Income Shares ------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------- Apex Silver Mines Limited $ 4,022,000 $51,310,428 $ 5,349,260 $(45,961,168) $ 0 6.82% Argo Group International Holdings Ltd 1,554,912 64,080,704 49,601,693 (14,479,011) 0 5.06% Capstead Mortgage Corporation 4,360,700 52,782,785 43,825,035 (8,957,750) 5,388,073 7.73% Champion Enterprises Incorporated 8,031,800 68,332,519 15,019,466 (53,313,053) 0 10.32% China Grentech Corporation Limited Adr 2,158,800 22,531,166 2,676,912 (19,854,254) 0 8.64% Citadel Broadcasting Corporation 14,477,696 47,654,964 4,053,755 (43,601,210) 0 5.36% Constar International Incorporated 964,400 6,965,486 395,404 (6,570,082) 0 7.45% Covenant Transportation Group Incorporated 924,100 14,645,838 1,931,369 (12,714,469) 0 7.90% Cray Incorporated 3,091,205 29,434,619 9,706,384 (19,728,235) 0 9.26% Cross Country Healthcare Incorporated 2,448,055 43,910,324 27,711,983 (16,198,341) 0 7.98% Fleetwood Enterprises Incorporated 5,905,500 40,817,357 2,657,472 (38,159,885) 0 7.74% Global Industries Limited 7,535,731 83,360,777 19,216,114 (64,144,663) 0 6.55% Hatteras Financial Corporation 1,381,915 32,501,872 30,125,747 (2,376,125) 2,155,561 5.16% Intermec Incorporated 3,349,155 61,768,840 43,438,540 (18,330,300) 0 5.43% Interoil Corporation 3,084,400 69,900,436 44,538,736 (25,361,700) 0 8.66% Intertape Polymer group Incorporated 7,769,470 48,058,179 15,927,414 (32,130,766) 0 13.18% McMoRan Exploration Company 3,651,100 47,220,158 51,809,109 4,588,951 0 5.18% MRV Communications Incorporated 10,655,900 28,110,616 7,884,300 (20,226,315) 0 6.78% Newpark Resources Incorporated 8,329,800 48,995,059 47,896,350 (1,098,709) 0 9.35% Nymagic Incorporated 597,800 15,875,647 10,431,610 (5,444,037) 154,904 7.12% Orasure Technologies Incorporated 4,974,469 40,787,039 22,932,302 (17,854,737) 0 10.62% OSI Systems Incorporated 1,555,190 30,009,247 17,884,685 (12,124,562) 0 8.72% Palm Harbor Homes Incorporated 1,510,310 13,794,346 12,988,666 (805,680) 0 6.61% Phi Incorporated 833,939 19,882,489 17,496,040 (2,386,449) 0 6.70% Prestige Brands Holdings Incorporated 2,659,060 28,910,756 18,374,105 (10,536,652) 0 5.32% Randgold Resources Limited Adr 4,270,800 64,292,230 132,437,508 68,145,278 544,116 5.59% Skyline Corporation 514,195 14,793,486 11,116,896 (3,676,590) 304,217 6.13% US Concrete Incorporated 2,352,411 16,567,330 7,410,095 (9,157,235) 0 5.91% Webco Industries Incorporated 102,165 6,084,300 7,355,844 1,271,544 0 13.48%
92 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements SECURITY TRANSACTIONS AND INCOME RECOGNITION Securities transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains or losses are reported on the basis of identified cost of securities delivered. Interest income is accrued daily and bond discounts are accreted and premiums are amortized daily using the interest method. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date, except for certain dividends from foreign securities, which are recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Dividend income from foreign securities is recorded net of foreign taxes withheld where recovery of such taxes is not assured. FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION The accounting records are maintained in U.S. dollars. Assets, including investment securities, and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing rates of exchange at the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of securities, and income and expenses are translated at the prevailing rate of exchange on the respective dates of such transactions. Reported net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually paid or received. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities other than investments in securities, at fiscal period-end, resulting from changes in exchange rates. The changes in net assets arising from changes in exchange rates and the changes in net assets resulting from changes in market prices of securities at fiscal period-end are not separately presented. Such changes are recorded with net realized and unrealized gain from investments. Gains and losses from certain foreign currency transactions are treated as ordinary income for U.S. federal income tax purposes. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS Net investment income, if any, is declared and distributed to shareholders annually. Distributions to shareholders from net realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed at least annually. For federal income tax purposes, a Fund may designate as capital gains distributions the earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on the redemption of fund shares during the year. Distributions are based on amounts calculated in accordance with the applicable federal income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP. The timing and character of distributions made during the period from net investment income or net realized gains may also differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. To the extent that these differences are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their federal tax-basis treatment. Temporary differences do not require reclassifications. At October 31, 2008, as a result of permanent book-to-tax differences, the following reclassification adjustments were made on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities:
Undistributed Undistributed Net Net Investment Realized Paid-in FUND Income Gain/Loss Capital ---- ------------- ------------- ------------ C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND $(1,874,808) $ 1,874,808 $ 0 COMMON STOCK FUND 5,247,343 2,916,812 (8,164,155) MID CAP GROWTH FUND 1,227,838 2,723,602 (3,951,440) SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 3,386,361 2,085,640 (5,472,001) SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND (167,490) 167,490 0 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 34,108,011 (2,999,121) (31,108,890)
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 93 Notes to Financial Statements FEDERAL INCOME TAXES Each Fund is treated as a separate entity for federal income tax purposes. It is the policy of each Fund of the Trust to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the provisions applicable to regulated investment companies, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"), and to make distributions of substantially all of its investment company taxable income and any net realized capital gains (after reduction for capital loss carryforwards) sufficient to relieve it from all, or substantially all, federal income taxes. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes was required at October 31, 2008. Management has analyzed the Funds' tax positions taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that as of October 31, 2008, no provision for income tax would be required in the Funds' financial statements. The Funds' federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired (open tax years: October 31, 2005; October 31, 2006; October 31, 2007; October 31, 2008) are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue. At October 31, 2008, the Funds' net capital loss carryforwards, which are available to offset future net realized capital gain, were:
Expiration Capital Loss FUND Year Carryforwards ---- ---------- ------------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND 2016 $85,280,093 COMMON STOCK FUND 2016 10,053,057 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 2009 139,021 2016 3,293,594 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 2009 9,893,484 2016 6,714,729 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 2010 27,035,733 2011 1,040,222 2016 23,147,927
FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS The Funds may enter into forward foreign currency contracts to protect against a possible loss resulting from an adverse change in the relationship between foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar, or between foreign currencies. A forward contract is an agreement between two counterparties for future delivery or receipt of currency at a specified price. Risks arise from the possible inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts and from movements in currency values. Realized gains or losses are recognized when the transaction is completed. Contracts which have been offset but have not reached their settlement date are included in unrealized gains and losses. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS The Funds may invest in repurchase agreements and may participate in pooled repurchase agreement transactions with other funds advised by Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. The repurchase agreements must be fully collateralized based on values that are marked to market daily. The collateral may be held by an agent bank under a tri-party agreement. It is the custodian's responsibility to value collateral daily and to take action to obtain additional collateral as necessary to maintain market value equal to or greater than the resale price. The repurchase agreements are collateralized by instruments such as U.S. Treasury, federal agency, or high-grade corporate obligations. There could be potential loss to a Fund in the event that such Fund is delayed or prevented from exercising its rights to dispose of the collateral, including the risk of a possible decline in the value of the underlying obligations during the period in which a Fund seeks to assert its rights. SECURITY LOANS The Funds may loan securities in return for securities, irrevocable letters of credit or cash collateral, which is invested in various short-term fixed income securities. A Fund may receive compensation for lending securities in the form of fees payable by the borrower or by retaining a portion of interest on the investment securities purchased with cash received as collateral (after payment of a "broker rebate fee" to the borrower). A Fund also continues to receive interest or dividends on the securities loaned. Security loans are secured at all times by collateral, although the loans may not be fully supported at 94 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements all times if, for example, the instruments in which cash collateral is invested decline in value or the borrower fails to provide additional collateral when required in a timely manner or at all. The collateral is equal to at least 102% of the market value of the securities loaned plus accrued interest when the transaction is entered into. The collateral supporting loans of domestic and foreign equity securities and corporate bonds is remarked to at least 102% of the marked value of the securities loaned (including any accrued interest) on a daily basis, without taking into account any increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested. Collateral supporting loans of U.S. Government Securities is remarked to 102% of the loaned securities' market value, without taking into account any increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested, only if the given collateral falls below 100% of the market value of the securities loaned plus any accrued interest. Cash collateral received by a Fund pursuant to these loans generally is invested on behalf of the Fund by the securities lending agent in high-quality short-term debt investments (including money market instruments) that have been evaluated and approved by the Fund's adviser and are permissible investments for the Fund. Cash collateral is invested on behalf of a Fund in a manner similar to the Fund's investment of its cash reserves and the Fund bears all of the gains and losses on such investments. The net asset value of a Fund will be affected by an increase or decrease in the value of the securities loaned and by an increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested. Another risk from securities lending is that the borrower may not provide additional collateral when required or return the securities when due or when called for by the Fund. In either case, a Fund could experience delays in recovering securities or collateral or could lose all or part of the value of the loaned securities. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the Funds' custodian, acts as the securities lending agent for the Funds and receives for its services 25% of the revenues earned on the securities lending activities (reduced from 30% effective September 1, 2007) and incurs all expenses. The securities lending agent may make payments to borrowers and placing brokers, who may not be affiliated, directly or indirectly, with the Trust, the adviser or the distributor. For the year ended October 31, 2008, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. waived its share of revenues earned on securities lending activities. The value of the securities on loan, the related collateral and the liability to return the collateral at October 31, 2008, are shown on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. STRUCTURED INVESTMENT VEHICLES The Funds may invest in structured debt securities, such as those issued by Structured Investment Vehicles, or "SIVs". SIVs invest in a diversified pool of underlying securities, which may include finance company debt and structured finance assets, residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, collateralized loan obligations, collateralized debt obligations and other asset backed securities. The ability of a SIV to repay debt depends primarily on the cash collections received from the SIV's underlying asset portfolio, which may include certain assets such as subprime mortgages that are subject to heightened risks of credit quality or market value deterioration under the continuing adverse conditions in the U.S. credit markets, and on the ability to obtain short-term funding through the issuance of new debt. Investments in these securities present increased credit and liquidity risks as there could be losses to a Fund in the event of credit or market value deterioration in a SIV's underlying portfolio, mismatches in the timing of the cash flows of the underlying asset interests and the repayment obligations of maturing securities issued by a SIV, or a SIV's inability to issue new debt. As of October 31, 2008, the following Funds owned certain of these types of SIVs which are currently in default and valued at fair value in the Portfolio of Investments or have been restructured following default, including the percentage of each Fund's net assets invested in these securities:
Defaulted SIVs % of Net PORTFOLIO ($Market Value) Assets --------- --------------- -------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND 5,935,273 2.27% COMMON STOCK FUND 6,356,439 0.94% MID CAP GROWTH FUND 1,270,491 1.20% SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 9,019,914 1.84% SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 5,387,327 1.00%
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 95 Notes to Financial Statements SWAP CONTRACTS The Funds may enter into various hedging transactions, such as interest rate swaps, currency swaps and other types of swap agreements, including swaps on securities and indices, to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or portion of its portfolio, to create synthetic adjustable-rate mortgage securities or for other purposes. Swaps involve the exchange of commitments to make or receive payments, e.g., an exchange of floating-rate payments for fixed rate payments. The Funds record as an increase or decrease to realized gain/loss, the amount due or owed by the Funds at termination or settlement. Swaps are valued based on prices quoted by independent brokers. These valuations represent the net present value of all future cash settlement amounts based on implied forward interest rates or index values. As of October 31, 2008, there were no open swap contracts. WRITTEN OPTIONS An option is a right to buy or sell a particular security at a specified price within a limited period of time. The writer of the option, in return for a premium received from the seller, has the obligation to sell (in the case of a call option) or buy (in the case of a put option) the underlying security of the contract. The premium received in cash from writing options is recorded as an asset with an equal liability that is adjusted to reflect the option's value. The premium received from writing options which expire is recorded as realized gains. The premium received from writing options which are exercised or closed is offset against the proceeds or amount paid on the closing transaction to determine the realized gain or loss. If a put option is exercised, the premium reduces the cost basis of the security or currency purchased. Options are valued based on their quoted daily settlement prices. Risks could arise from entering into written options transactions from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts, the potential inability to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid secondary market, and from movements in interest or exchange rates or securities values. Written options transactions during the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
COMMON STOCK FUND SMALL CAP VALUE FUND --------------------- ------------------------- Premiums Premiums CALL OPTIONS WRITTEN Contracts Received Contracts Received -------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------------- Options at beginning of period (250) $ (99,249) (73,911) $ (36,159,546) Options written (250) (157,998) (298,385) (146,995,815) Options terminated in closing transactions 0 0 290,605 160,337,661 Options expired 0 0 30,214 5,641,430 Options split 0 0 (14,215) 0 Options exercised 500 257,247 7,133 5,292,644 Options at end of period 0 $ 0 (58,559) $ (11,883,626)
SMALL CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------- Premiums PUT OPTIONS WRITTEN Contracts Received ------------------- --------- ----------- Options at beginning of period (5,100) $(2,079,263) Options written (13,533) (7,440,498) Options terminated in closing transactions 15,675 8,452,119 Options expired 0 0 Options split 0 0 Options exercised 108 40,393 Options at end of period (2,850) $(1,027,249)
96 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements 3. EXPENSES ADVISORY FEES The Trust has entered into an advisory contract with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC ("Funds Management"). Funds Management is responsible for implementing investment policies and guidelines and for supervising the subadviser, who is responsible for day-to-day portfolio management. Pursuant to the contract, Funds Management is entitled to receive an advisory fee for its services as adviser. Funds Management may retain the services of certain investment subadvisers to provide daily portfolio management. The fees related to subadvisory services are borne directly by the adviser and do not increase the overall fees paid by a Fund to the adviser. Funds Management and the investment subadvisers are entitled to be paid a monthly fee at the following annual rates:
Advisory Subadvisory Fees (% of Fees (% of Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily FUND Net Assets Net Assets) Subadviser Net Assets Net Assets) ---- ------------------ ------------- -------------------- ------------------ ------------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND First $500 million 0.750 Cooke & Bieler, LP First $250 million 0.550 Next $500 million 0.700 Next $250 million 0.500 Next $2 billion 0.650 Next $250 million 0.450 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $750 million 0.400 Over $5 billion 0.600 COMMON STOCK FUND First $500 million 0.750 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.700 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.650 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.300 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $5 billion 0.600 MID CAP GROWTH FUND First $500 million 0.750 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.700 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.650 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.300 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $5 billion 0.600 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND* First $500 million 0.850 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.550 Next $500 million 0.825 Management Next $100 million 0.500 Next $1 billion 0.800 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.400 Next $1 billion 0.775 Over $3 billion 0.750 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND* First $500 million 0.850 Schroder Investment First $275 million 0.500 Next $500 million 0.825 Management North Over $275 million 0.450 Next $1 billion 0.800 America Incorporated Next $1 billion 0.775 Over $3 billion 0.750 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND* First $500 million 0.850 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.550 Next $500 million 0.825 Management Next $100 million 0.500 Next $1 billion 0.800 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.400 Next $1 billion 0.775 Over $3 billion 0.750
* Effective March 1, 2008. Prior to March 1, 2008, Funds Management was entitled to receive an annual fee at the following rates:
Advisory Fees Average Daily (% of Average FUND Net Assets Daily Net Assets) ---- ------------------ ----------------- SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND First $500 million 0.900 Next $500 million 0.850 Next $2 billion 0.800 Next $2 billion 0.775 Over $5 billion 0.750
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 97 Notes to Financial Statements
Advisory Fees Average Daily (% of Average FUND Net Assets Daily Net Assets) ---- ------------------ ----------------- SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND First $500 million 0.900 Next $500 million 0.850 Next $2 billion 0.800 Next $2 billion 0.775 Over $5 billion 0.750 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND First $500 million 0.900 Next $500 million 0.850 Next $2 billion 0.800 Next $2 billion 0.775 Over $5 billion 0.750
ADMINISTRATION AND TRANSFER AGENT FEES The Trust has entered into an Administration Agreement with Funds Management. Under this Agreement, for providing administrative services, which includes paying fees and expenses for services provided by the transfer agent, sub-transfer agents, omnibus account servicers and record-keepers, Funds Management is entitled to receive the following annual fees:
Administration Fees Average Daily (% of Average Net Assets Daily Net Assets) ---------------- ------------------- Fund level First $5 billion 0.05 Next $5 billion 0.04 Over $10 billion 0.03 Class A, Class B, and Class C All asset levels 0.28 Administrator Class All asset levels 0.10 Institutional Class All asset levels 0.08 Investor Class* All asset levels 0.40
* On June 20, 2008 Class D and Class Z converted to Investor Class. The Administration Fees for Class D and Class Z were 0.28% and 0.45% respectively. The Trust has entered into an agreement with Boston Financial Data Services ("BFDS") as the transfer agent for the Trust. BFDS is entitled to receive fees from the administrator for its services as transfer agent. CUSTODY FEES The Trust has entered into a contract with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ("WFB"), whereby WFB is responsible for providing custody services. Pursuant to the contract, WFB is entitled to a monthly fee for custody services at the following annual rates:
% of Average Daily Net Assets ------------ All Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 0.02
SHAREHOLDER SERVICING FEES The Trust has entered into contracts with one or more shareholder servicing agents, whereby each Fund is charged the following annual fees:
% of Average Daily Net SHARE CLASS Assets ----------- ------------ Class A, Class B, Class C, Administrator Class, Institutional Class and Investor Class 0.25
98 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended October 31, 2008, shareholder servicing fees paid were as follows. A portion of these total shareholder servicing fees were paid to affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.
Administrator Investor FUND Class A Class B Class C Class Class ---- ---------- -------- -------- ------------- ---------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND $ 81,010 $ 22,349 $ 23,220 $ 134,041 $ 850,672 COMMON STOCK FUND 198,043 58,794 35,298 NA 2,138,834 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 250,098 11,156 5,968 15,865 86,743 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 422,510 22,432 17,934 259,747 76,439 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND NA NA NA 1,904,013 NA SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 1,479,319 230,199 285,152 NA 5,660,510
DISTRIBUTION FEES The Trust has adopted a Distribution Plan (the "Plan") for Class B and Class C shares of the applicable Funds pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Distribution fees are charged to the Class B and Class C shares and paid to Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC at an annual rate of 0.75% of average daily net assets. For the year ended October 31, 2008, distribution fees incurred are disclosed on the Statements of Operations. OTHER FEES PNC Global Investment Servicing ("PNC") serves as fund accountant for the Trust and is entitled to receive an annual asset based fee and an annual fixed fee from each Fund. PNC is also entitled to be reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred in providing these services. Each Fund also bears its share of other fees and expenses incurred in the normal course of business, including but not limited to: professional fees, registration fees, shareholder reporting costs, and Trustees fees and expenses. The Trust compensates its Trustees for their services, plus travel and other expenses incurred in attending Board meetings. WAIVED FEES AND REIMBURSED EXPENSES Funds Management has contractually committed through February 28, 2009 to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Funds. Fund level expenses, when waived, are waived proportionately among classes based upon relative net assets. Class specific expenses may also be waived within a specific class. The contractual net operating expense ratios in effect for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
Net Operating Expense Ratios ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Administrator Institutional Investor FUND Class A Class B Class C Class Class Class ---- ------- ------- ------- ------------- ------------- -------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND 1.20%(1) 1.95%(1) 1.95%(1) 1.15% 0.90% 1.25% COMMON STOCK FUND 1.26%(2) 2.01%(2) 2.01%(2) NA NA 1.29% MID CAP GROWTH FUND 1.40% 2.15% 2.15% 1.15% 0.90% 1.49%(3) SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 1.40% 2.15% 2.15% 1.20% 0.90% 1.49%(4) SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND NA NA NA 1.20% NA NA SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 1.44% 2.19% 2.19% NA 0.95% 1.36%
(1) Effective June 20, 2008 the net operating expense ratio for the C&B Mid Cap Value Fund Class A decreased from 1.40% to 1.20% and Classes B and C decreased from 2.15% to 1.95%. The blended net operating expense ratios for the year ended October 31, 2008 for the C&B Mid Cap Value Fund Class A, Class B, and Class C are 1.35%, 2.10%, and 2.09% respectively (2) Effective June 20, 2008 the net operating expense ratio for the Common Stock Fund Class A decreased from 1.31% to 1.26% and Classes B and C decreased from 2.06% to 2.01%. The blended net operating expense ratios for the year ended October 31, 2008 for the Common Stock Fund Class A, Class B, and Class C are 1.29%, 2.06%, and 2.06% respectively. (3) Effective June 20, 2008 the net operating expense ratio for the Mid Cap Growth Fund Investor Class decreased from 1.57% to 1.49%. The blended net operating expense ratio for the year ended October 31, 2008 for the Mid Cap Growth Fund Investor Class is 1.55%. (4) Effective June 20, 2008 the net operating expense ratio for the Small Cap Growth Fund Investor Class decreased from 1.57% to 1.49%. The blended net operating expense ratio for the year ended October 31, 2008 for the Small Cap Growth Fund Investor Class is 1.55%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 99 Notes to Financial Statements 4. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Purchases and sales of investments, exclusive of short-term securities (securities with maturities of one year or less at purchase date) and U.S. Government obligations for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
Purchases FUND at Cost Sales Proceeds ---- ------------ -------------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND $156,500,355 $ 579,718,830 COMMON STOCK FUND 723,711,026 728,339,322 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 130,433,223 126,877,995 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 687,666,411 360,631,274 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 493,457,069 531,460,587 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 872,974,799 1,059,032,907
5. BANK BORROWINGS Wells Fargo Funds Trust and Wells Fargo Variable Trust (excluding the money market funds) share in a revolving Credit Agreement with the Bank of New York Mellon, whereby the Funds are permitted to use bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes, such as to fund shareholder redemption requests. Prior to its amendment on September 10, 2008, the agreement permitted borrowings of up to $150 million, collectively. Interest was charged to each Fund based on its borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds rate plus 0.40%. In addition, the Funds paid a quarterly commitment fee equal to 0.1% per annum of the credit line. Pursuant to the amendment to the Credit Agreement entered into on September 10, 2008, interest under the Credit Agreement after such date is charged to each Fund based on its borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds Rate plus 0.60%. In addition, under the amended Credit Agreement, the Funds pay a quarterly commitment equal to 0.15% per annum of the credit line. For the year ended October 31, 2008, there were no borrowings by any of the Funds under this agreement. 6. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS The tax character of distributions paid during the years ended October 31, 2008 and October 31, 2007 was as follows:
Return Ordinary Long-Term of Dividends Paid Income Capital Gain Capital on Redemptions Total FUND 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 ---- ----------- ------------ -------- -------------- ------------ C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND $54,009,021 $ 92,671,032 $ 0 $0 $146,680,053 COMMON STOCK FUND 39,641,360 147,675,745 839,245 0 188,156,350 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 15,264,107 15,713,766 0 0 30,977,873 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 35,987,552 31,124,496 0 0 67,112,048 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 22,197,855 90,988,884 0 0 113,186,739 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 3,561,113 535,879,448 0 0 539,440,561
Return Ordinary Long-Term of Dividends Paid Income Capital Gain Capital on Redemptions Total FUND 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 ---- ----------- ------------ -------- -------------- ------------ C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND $19,097,771 $ 77,072,899 $0 $ 0 $ 96,170,670 COMMON STOCK FUND 33,334,695 196,362,142 0 0 229,696,837 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 7,077,775 12,533,695 0 0 19,611,470 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 16,631,826 19,507,842 0 0 36,139,668 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 48,940,264 74,880,861 0 0 123,821,125 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 0 314,256,929 0 3,228,228 317,485,157
100 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements As of October 31, 2008, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis are shown on the table below. The difference between book basis and tax basis appreciation (depreciation) is attributable to tax deferral of losses on wash sales and different book and tax treatment of the exchange in share class of investments in mutual funds.
Unrealized Undistributed Undistributed Appreciation Capital Loss FUND Ordinary Income Long-Term Gain (Depreciation) Carryforward Total ---- --------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- C&B MID CAP VALUE FUND $2,896,924 $ 0 $(137,486,891) $(85,280,093) $(219,870,060) COMMON STOCK FUND 0 0 (116,662,121) (10,053,057) (126,715,178) MID CAP GROWTH FUND 0 0 (51,542,222) (3,432,615) (54,974,837) SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 0 0 (241,381,311) (16,608,213) (257,989,524) SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 34,642 21,371,032 (143,309,543) 0 (121,903,869) SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 0 0 (618,687,016) (51,223,882) (669,910,898)
7. LEGAL AND REGULATORY MATTERS In 2004, the predecessor Strong Funds' prior investment adviser and affiliates (collectively, "Strong") entered into agreements with certain regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Attorney General ("NYAG"), to settle market-timing investigations. In the settlements, Strong agreed to pay investor restoration and civil penalties. Although some portion of these payments is likely to be distributed to predecessor Strong Fund shareholders, no determination has yet been made as to the distribution of these amounts, and the successor funds are not expected to receive any portion of these payments. The NYAG settlement also imposed fee reductions across the predecessor fund complex (excluding money market funds and very short-term income funds) totaling $35 million by May 2009. The Funds Management has agreed to honor these fee reductions for the benefit of shareholders across the successor funds. Although civil litigation against Strong and certain predecessor Strong Funds relating to these matters is continuing, neither the current adviser nor the successor funds is a party to any such suit. 8. NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement on Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, "Fair Value Measurements" ("SFAS 157"). This standard establishes a single authoritative definition of fair value, sets out a framework for measuring fair value and requires additional disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS 157 applies to fair value measurements already required or permitted by existing standards. SFAS 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years. The changes to current generally accepted accounting principles from the application of this Statement relate to the definition of fair value, the methods used to measure fair value, and the expanded disclosures about fair value measurements. As of October 31, 2008, Management has determined the adoption of SFAS 157 will not impact the financial statement amounts, however, additional disclosures may be required about the inputs used to develop the measurements and the effect of certain of the measurements on changes in net assets for the period. In March 2008, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 161, "Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities-an amendment of FASB Statement No. 133" ("SFAS 161"). SFAS 161 requires additional discussion about the reporting entity's derivative instruments and hedging activities, by providing for qualitative disclosures about the objectives and strategies for using derivatives, quantitative data about the fair value of and gains and losses on derivative contracts, and details of credit-risk-related contingent features in their hedged positions. SFAS 161 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2008 and interim periods within those years. As of October 31, 2008, Management is continuing to evaluate the impact, if any, that adoption of SFAS 161 may have on the financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 101 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SHAREHOLDERS OF WELLS FARGO FUNDS TRUST: We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of the C&B Mid Cap Value Fund, Common Stock Fund, Mid Cap Growth Fund, Small Cap Growth Fund, Small Cap Opportunities Fund, and Small Cap Value Fund, (the "Funds"), six of the funds constituting the Wells Fargo Funds Trust, as of October 31, 2008, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, statements of changes in net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the financial highlights of the C&B Mid Cap Value Fund, Mid Cap Growth Fund, Small Cap Growth Fund and Small Cap Opportunities Fund for the periods presented and the Common Stock Fund and Small Cap Value Fund for each of the years or periods in the five year period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. The financial highlights of the Common Stock Fund and Small Cap Value Fund for the year ended December 31, 2003 were audited by other auditors whose report dated February 3, 2004, expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial highlights. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of October 31, 2008, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers or other appropriate auditing procedures. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the aforementioned funds of the Wells Fargo Funds Trust as of October 31, 2008, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the financial highlights for the periods indicated in the first paragraph above, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. (KPMG LLP) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania December 22, 2008 102 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Other Information (Unaudited) PROXY VOTING INFORMATION A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-222-8222, visiting our Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds, or visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. Information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge on the Funds' Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds or by visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. TAX INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 852(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the following funds designate the amounts listed below as a long-term capital gains distribution for the year ended October 31, 2008:
Capital Gain FUND Dividend ---------------------------- ------------ C&B MIDCAP VALUE FUND $ 92,671,032 COMMON STOCK FUND 147,675,745 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 15,713,766 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 31,124,496 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 90,988,884 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 535,879,448
Pursuant to Section 854(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Funds listed below designates a percentage of its ordinary income dividends distributed during the year ended October 31, 2008 as qualifying for the corporate dividends-received deduction:
Dividend-Received Deduction (% of Ordinary Income FUND Dividends) ---------------------------- ----------------- C&B MIDCAP VALUE FUND 20.66 COMMON STOCK FUND 15.57 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 6.23 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 1.97 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 23.34 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 99.97
Pursuant to Section 1(h)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Funds listed below designate the following amounts of their income dividends paid during the year ended October 31, 2008 as qualified dividend income (QDI):
FUND QDI ---------------------------- ----------- C&B MIDCAP VALUE FUND $11,050,276 COMMON STOCK FUND 6,778,673 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 944,839 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 708,951 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 5,358,276 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 3,560,195
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 103 Other Information (Unaudited) Pursuant to Section 871(k)(1)(c) of the Code, the Fund(s) designate the following amount(s) of their income dividends paid during the year ended October 31, 2008, as interest-related dividends:
Interest-Related FUND Dividends ---------------------------- ---------------- C&B MIDCAP VALUE FUND $1,044,988 COMMON STOCK FUND 1,305,545 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 2,291,679 SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 1,144,247
Pursuant to Section 871(k)(2)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Fund(s) listed below designates the following amounts as short-term capital gain dividends for the year ended October 31, 2008:
Short-Term Capital FUND Gain Dividends ---------------------------- ------------------ C&B MIDCAP VALUE FUND $50,808,683 COMMON STOCK FUND 33,900,197 MID CAP GROWTH FUND 15,263,960 SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND 35,987,552 SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES FUND 19,588,812
DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION On December 14, 2007, the Common Stock Fund paid a distribution of $3.60815 per share to shareholders of record as of December 13, 2007, that included amounts from capital gain and return of capital. On December 18, 2007, the Common Stock Fund paid a distribution of $.11102 (Class A) per share and $.11546 (Class Z) per share to shareholders of record as of December 17, 2007, that included amounts from net investment income and return of capital. It is a requirement of law to notify shareholders if an investment company pays a dividend, or makes a distribution in the nature of a dividend payment, to its shareholders from sources other than net investment income. Accordingly, pursuant to Rule 19a-1 of the 1940 Act, the sources of the distributions are as follows:
DISTRIBUTION DATE Net Investment income Capital Gain Return of Capital ----------------- --------------------- ------------ ----------------- December 14, 2007 NA 87.63% 12.37% December 18, 2007 7.50% NA 92.50%
These figures provided are for informational purposes only and should not be used for tax reporting. Shareholders should have received their 2007 IRS Form 1099-DIV in January 2008 for any taxable accounts, which contained the appropriate information to enable them to file their federal and state income tax returns. A "return of capital" represents a return of shareholders' original investment in their shares and should not be confused with dividend "yield" or "income." Shareholders that held Common Stock Fund shares in taxable accounts must, upon a taxable disposition of their shares, reduce the cost basis in their shares to the extent that the distribution contains a return of capital and, if they have no further basis in their shares, report any excess as capital gain. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers regarding the federal, state and local tax considerations that may be applicable to their individual circumstances. 104 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Other Information (Unaudited) PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS INFORMATION The complete portfolio holdings for each Fund, except money market funds, are publicly available on the Funds' Web site (www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds) on a monthly, 30-day or more delayed basis, and for money market funds, on a monthly, seven-day delayed basis. In addition, top ten holdings information for each Fund is publicly available on the Funds'Web site on a monthly, seven-day or more delayed basis. Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q, which is available without charge by visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. In addition, each Fund's Form N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC, and at regional offices in New York City, at 233 Broadway, and in Chicago, at 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 900. Information about the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following table provides basic information about the Board of Trustees (the "Trustees") of the Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust"). This table supplements, and should be read in conjunction with, the Prospectus and the Statement of Additional Information1 of each Fund. Each of the Trustees listed below acts in identical capacities for each of the 134 funds comprising the Trust, Wells Fargo Variable Trust and Wells Fargo Master Trust (collectively the "Fund Complex"). All of the non-interested Trustees are also members of the Audit and Governance Committees of each Trust in the Fund Complex. The address of each Trustee and Officer is 525 Market Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. Each Trustee and Officer serves an indefinite term, however, each Trustee serves such term until reaching the mandatory retirement age established by the Trustees. NON-INTERESTED TRUSTEES
Position Held and Other Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Directorships ------------ ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------- Thomas S. Goho Trustee, since 1987 Co-Director for the Calloway School of Stephens University of None 66 Wake Forest University. Prior thereto, the Thomas Goho Chair of Finance of Wake Forest University, Calloway School of Business and Accountancy, from 2006-2007 and Associate Professor of Finance from 1999-2005. Peter G. Gordon Trustee, since 1998; President and Co-Founder of Crystal Geyser Water Company. None 66 Chairman, since 2005 (Lead Trustee since 2001) Judith M. Johnson Trustee, since 2008 Retired. Prior thereto, Chief Executive Officer and Chief None 59 Investment Officer of Minneapolis Retirement Fund from 1996 to 2008. Olivia S. Mitchell Trustee, since 2006 Professor of Insurance and Risk Management, Wharton School, None 55 University of Pennsylvania. Director of the Boettner Center on Pensions and Retirement Research. Research associate and board member, Penn Aging Research Center. Research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. Timothy J. Penny Trustee, since 1996 President and CEO of Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, None 56 a non-profit organization since 2007 and Senior Fellow at the Humphrey Institute Policy Forum at the University of Minnesota since 1995. Donald C. Willeke Trustee, since 1996 Principal of the law firm of Willeke & Daniels. None 68
Position Held and Other Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Directorships ------------ ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------- J. Tucker Morse Trustee, since 1987 Private Investor/Real Estate Developer. Prior thereto, Chairman None 64 of Whitepoint Capital, LLC until 2004.
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 105 Other Information (Unaudited) OFFICERS
Position Held and Other Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Directorships ------------ ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------- Karla M. Rabusch President, since 2003 Executive Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and President None 49 of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC since 2003. Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC from 2001 to 2003. C. David Messman Secretary, since 2000; Senior Vice President and Secretary of Wells Fargo Funds None 48 Chief Legal Counsel, Management, LLC since 2001. Vice President and Managing Senior since 2003 Counsel of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. since 1996. Stephen W. Leonhardt Treasurer, since 2007 Vice President and Manager of Fund Accounting, Reporting and Tax None 49 for Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC since 2007. Director of Fund Administration and SEC Reporting for TIAA-CREF from 2005 to 2007. Chief Operating Officer for UMB Fund Services, Inc. from 2004 to 2005. Controller for Sungard Transaction Networks from 2002 to 2004. Debra Ann Early Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC None 44 since 2007 since 2007. Chief Compliance Officer of Parnassus Investments from 2005 to 2007. Chief Financial Officer of Parnassus Investments from 2004 to 2007 and Senior Audit Manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1998 to 2004.
(1) The Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Funds'Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-222-8222 or by visiting the Funds'Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. (2) Length of service dates reflects a Trustee's commencement of service with the Trust's predecessor entities. (3) As of October 31, 2008, one of the seven Trustees is considered an "interested person" of the Trusts as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. The interested Trustee, J. Tucker Morse, is affiliated with a government securities dealer that is registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which is not itself affiliated with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. 106 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds List of Abbreviations The following is a list of common abbreviations for terms and entities which may have appeared in this report. ABAG -- Association of Bay Area Governments ADR -- American Depositary Receipt AMBAC -- American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation AMT -- Alternative Minimum Tax ARM -- Adjustable Rate Mortgages BART -- Bay Area Rapid Transit CDA -- Community Development Authority CDO -- Collateralized Debt Obligation CDSC -- Contingent Deferred Sales Charge CGIC -- Capital Guaranty Insurance Company CGY -- Capital Guaranty Corporation CIFG -- CDC (Caisse des Depots et Consignations) IXIS Financial Guarantee COP -- Certificate of Participation CP -- Commercial Paper CTF -- Common Trust Fund DW&P -- Department of Water & Power DWR -- Department of Water Resources ECFA -- Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority EDFA -- Economic Development Finance Authority ETET -- Eagle Tax-Exempt Trust FFCB -- Federal Farm Credit Bank FGIC -- Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation FHA -- Federal Housing Authority FHAG -- Federal Housing Agency FHLB -- Federal Home Loan Bank FHLMC -- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation FNMA -- Federal National Mortgage Association FSA -- Farm Service Agency GDR -- Global Depositary Receipt GNMA -- Government National Mortgage Association GO -- General Obligation HCFR -- Healthcare Facilities Revenue HEFA -- Health & Educational Facilities Authority HEFAR -- Higher Education Facilities Authority Revenue HFA -- Housing Finance Authority HFFA -- Health Facilities Financing Authority HUD -- Housing & Urban Development IDA -- Industrial Development Authority IDAG -- Industrial Development Agency IDR -- Industrial Development Revenue LIBOR -- London Interbank Offered Rate LLC -- Limited Liability Corporation LOC -- Letter of Credit LP -- Limited Partnership MBIA -- Municipal Bond Insurance Association MFHR -- Multi-Family Housing Revenue MTN -- Medium Term Note MUD -- Municipal Utility District PCFA -- Pollution Control Finance Authority PCR -- Pollution Control Revenue PFA -- Public Finance Authority PFFA -- Public Facilities Financing Authority plc -- Public Limited Company PSFG -- Public School Fund Guaranty R&D -- Research & Development RDA -- Redevelopment Authority RDFA -- Redevelopment Finance Authority REITS -- Real Estate Investment Trusts SFHR -- Single Family Housing Revenue SFMR -- Single Family Mortgage Revenue SLMA -- Student Loan Marketing Association TBA -- To Be Announced TRAN -- Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes USD -- Unified School District XLCA -- XL Capital Assurance (GRAPHIC) Reduce clutter. Save trees. Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery (WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS LOGO) More information about Wells Fargo Advantage Funds is available free upon request. To obtain literature, please write, e-mail, visit the Funds' Web site, or call: WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS P.O. Box 8266 Boston, MA 02266-8266 E-mail: wfaf@wellsfargo.com Web site: www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds Individual Investors: 1- 800-222-8222 Retail Investment Professionals: 1- 888-877-9275 Institutional Investment Professionals: 1- 866-765-0778 THIS REPORT AND THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE SUBMITTED FOR THE GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. IF THIS REPORT IS USED FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES, DISTRIBUTION OF THE REPORT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED OR PRECEDED BY A CURRENT PROSPECTUS. FOR A PROSPECTUS CONTAINING MORE COMPLETE INFORMATION, INCLUDING CHARGES AND EXPENSES, CALL 1-800-222-8222 OR VISIT THE FUNDS' WEB SITE AT WWW.WELLSFARGO.COM/ADVANTAGEFUNDS. PLEASE CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, RISKS, CHARGES, AND EXPENSES OF THE INVESTMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. THIS AND OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS CAN BE FOUND IN THE CURRENT PROSPECTUS. READ THE PROSPECTUS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU INVEST OR SEND MONEY. "Dow Jones" and "Dow Jones Target Date Indexes" are service marks of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Global Index Advisors, Inc. and Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. The Dow Jones Target Date Indexes are based in part on the Barclays Capital Bond Indexes, which are published by Barclays Capital. The Wells Fargo Advantage Dow Jones Target Date Funds, based on the Dow Jones Target Date Indexes, are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones or Barclays Capital, and neither Dow Jones nor Barclays Capital makes any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) and/or about the quality, accuracy and/or completeness of the Dow Jones Target Date Indexes or the Barclays Capital Bond Indexes. IN NO EVENT SHALL DOW JONES, BARCLAYS CAPITAL OR ANY OF THEIR LICENSORS HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for Wells Fargo Advantage Funds. Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds. The Funds are distributed by WELLS FARGO FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT FDIC INSURED - NO BANK GURANTEE - MAY LOSE VALUE (C) 2008 Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. All rights reserved. www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds 113576 12-08 ASMCLD/AR122-10-08 (WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS LOGO) (GRAPHIC) REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES. Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery (GRAPHIC) Annual Report October 31, 2008 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL AND MID CAP STOCK FUNDS - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND(SM) - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND(SM) - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND(SM) - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND - WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES. Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectuses and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagedelivery Contents LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS ................................................... 2 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS Discovery Fund ........................................................... 6 Enterprise Fund .......................................................... 10 Mid Cap Disciplined Fund ................................................. 14 Opportunity Fund ......................................................... 18 Small Cap Disciplined Fund ............................................... 22 Small/Mid Cap Value Fund ................................................. 28 FUND EXPENSES ............................................................ 32 PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS Discovery Fund ........................................................... 35 Enterprise Fund .......................................................... 40 Mid Cap Disciplined Fund ................................................. 45 Opportunity Fund ......................................................... 50 Small Cap Disciplined Fund ............................................... 55 Small/Mid Cap Value Fund ................................................. 60 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statements of Assets and Liabilities ..................................... 66 Statements of Operations ................................................. 68 Statements of Changes in Net Assets ...................................... 70 Financial Highlights ..................................................... 78 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................ 84 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM .................. 95 OTHER INFORMATION ........................................................ 96 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................... 100
WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS(R) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS skillfully guides institutions, financial advisors, and individuals through the investment terrain to help them reach their financial objectives. Everything we do on behalf of our investors is backed by our unique combination of qualifications. STRENGTH Our organization is built on the standards of integrity and service established by our parent company--Wells Fargo & Company--more than 150 years ago. Our diverse family of mutual funds covers a broad spectrum of investment styles and asset classes. And, because we're part of a widely diversified financial enterprise, we offer the scale and resources to help investors succeed, providing access to complementary solutions such as separately managed accounts, college investing plans, and retirement plans. EXPERTISE Our approach to investing is guided by the belief that agile, independent investment teams--each with its own distinct strengths and disciplines--provide a superior level of insight and expertise. Each team is free to concentrate on managing money through well-defined philosophies and processes that have proven to be consistent and repeatable over time. PARTNERSHIP Our collaborative approach is built around understanding the needs and goals of our clients. By adhering to core principles of sound judgment and steady guidance, we support you through every stage of the investment decision process. FOR 529 PLANS, AN INVESTOR'S OR A DESIGNATED BENEFICIARY'S HOME STATE MAY OFFER STATE TAX OR OTHER BENEFITS THAT ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THAT STATE'S QUALIFIED TUITION PROGRAM. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS BEFORE INVESTING. CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, RISKS, CHARGES, AND EXPENSES BEFORE INVESTING. FOR A CURRENT PROSPECTUS FOR WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS OR A CURRENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FOR CERTAIN 529 COLLEGE SAVINGS PLANS, CONTAINING THIS AND OTHER INFORMATION, VISIT www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS, the WELLS FARGO ADVISOR(SM) program, Wells Fargo Managed Account Services, and certain 529 college savings plans. Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds. The Funds and shares in the 529 plans are distributed by WELLS FARGO FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT EDIC INSURED - NO BANK GUARANTEE - MAY LOSE VALUE Not part of the annual report. WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS OFFERS MORE THAN 100 MUTUAL FUNDS ACROSS A WIDE RANGE OF ASSET CLASSES, REPRESENTING OVER $160 BILLION IN ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT, AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008. EQUITY FUNDS Asia Pacific Fund C&B Large Cap Value Fund C&B Mid Cap Value Fund Capital Growth Fund Common Stock Fund Discovery Fund Diversified Equity Fund Diversified Small Cap Fund Emerging Growth Fund Emerging Markets Equity Fund Endeavor Select Fund Enterprise Fund Equity Income Fund Equity Value Fund Growth Fund Growth Equity Fund Index Fund International Core Fund International Equity Fund International Value Fund Large Cap Appreciation Fund Large Cap Growth Fund Large Company Core Fund Large Company Growth Fund Large Company Value Fund Mid Cap Disciplined Fund Mid Cap Growth Fund Opportunity Fund Small Cap Disciplined Fund Small Cap Growth Fund Small Cap Opportunities Fund Small Cap Value Fund Small Company Growth Fund Small Company Value Fund Small/Mid Cap Value Fund Social Sustainability Fund Specialized Financial Services Fund Specialized Technology Fund Strategic Small Cap Value Fund U.S. Value Fund BOND FUNDS California Limited-Term Tax-Free Fund California Tax-Free Fund Colorado Tax-Free Fund Diversified Bond Fund Government Securities Fund(1) High Income Fund Income Plus Fund Inflation-Protected Bond Fund Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free Fund Minnesota Tax-Free Fund Municipal Bond Fund Short Duration Government Bond Fund(1) Short-Term Bond Fund Short-Term High Yield Bond Fund Short-Term Municipal Bond Fund Stable Income Fund Strategic Income Fund Total Return Bond Fund Ultra Short-Term Income Fund Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income Fund Wisconsin Tax-Free Fund ASSET ALLOCATION FUNDS Aggressive Allocation Fund Asset Allocation Fund Conservative Allocation Fund Growth Balanced Fund Moderate Balanced Fund WealthBuilder Conservative Allocation Portfolio WealthBuilder Equity Portfolio WealthBuilder Growth Allocation Portfolio WealthBuilder Growth Balanced Portfolio WealthBuilder Moderate Balanced Portfolio WealthBuilder Tactical Equity Portfolio Target Today Fund(2) Target 2010 Fund(2) Target 2015 Fund(2) Target 2020 Fund(2) Target 2025 Fund(2) Target 2030 Fund(2) Target 2035 Fund(2) Target 2040 Fund(2) Target 2045 Fund(2) Target 2050 Fund(2) MONEY MARKET FUNDS 100% Treasury Money Market Fund(1) California Tax-Free Money Market Fund California Tax-Free Money Market Trust Cash Investment Money Market Fund Government Money Market Fund(1) Heritage Money Market Fund Minnesota Money Market Fund Money Market Fund Money Market Trust Municipal Money Market Fund National Tax-Free Money Market Fund National Tax-Free Money Market Trust Overland Express Sweep Fund Prime Investment Money Market Fund Treasury Plus Money Market Fund(1) VARIABLE TRUST FUNDS(3) VT Asset Allocation Fund VT C&B Large Cap Value Fund VT Discovery Fund VT Equity Income Fund VT International Core Fund VT Large Company Core Fund VT Large Company Growth Fund VT Money Market Fund VT Opportunity Fund VT Small Cap Growth Fund VT Small/Mid Cap Value Fund VT Total Return Bond Fund AN INVESTMENT IN A MONEY MARKET FUND IS NOT INSURED OR GUARANTEED BY THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY. ALTHOUGH THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET FUNDS SEEK TO PRESERVE THE VALUE OF YOUR INVESTMENT AT $1.00 PER SHARE, IT IS POSSIBLE TO LOSE MONEY BY INVESTING IN A MONEY MARKET FUND. (1) The U.S. Government guarantee applies to certain of the underlying securities and NOT to shares of the Fund. (2) The full name of this Fund series is the Wells Fargo Advantage Dow Jones Target Date Funds(SM). (3) The Variable Trust Funds are generally available only through insurance company variable contracts. Not part of the annual report. 2 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Letter to Shareholders (PHOTO OF KARLA M. RABUSCH) KARLA M. RABUSCH, President WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS VOLATILITY ACROSS THE FINANCIAL MARKETS ROSE TO RECORD HIGHS DURING THE 12-MONTH PERIOD. Dear Valued Shareholder, We are pleased to provide you with this annual report for the Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds for the 12-month period that ended October 31, 2008. The period was marked by extreme volatility across the financial markets and proved to be a challenging time for investors. While periods of volatility can present challenges, we believe that investors should remember the importance of maintaining a long-term investment strategy based on their individual goals and risk tolerance. MARKET VOLATILITY SPIKED AMID GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. Volatility across the financial markets rose to record highs during the 12-month period. Dislocations that had first surfaced in the subprime mortgage market after years of credit excesses and lax lending standards spread across the financial system. This contagion resulted in a vicious circle of declining asset values that escalated the credit crunch into a global financial crisis. As the period began, delinquencies and foreclosures in the housing market continued to accelerate, further boosting housing inventory levels and depressing home prices. Mounting loan losses among lenders and a decline in the value of the mortgage-backed securities tied to those loans hurt the capital ratios of the overleveraged institutions that held the securities. As the market for lower-quality securities dried up, financial institutions and other investors were forced to sell their most-liquid securities to maintain liquidity, required capital ratios, and, in some cases, solvency. This caused further deterioration in the value of these and other securities, which in turn caused further deterioration in the asset bases of financial institutions holding the securities. RAPID STRUCTURAL CHANGES TRANSFORMED THE FINANCIAL LANDSCAPE. By the end of the 12-month period, the financial landscape was in the midst of its most consequential changes since the 1930s. Fear reached extreme levels in March 2008, with the forced sale of failing investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase and again in September and October as the period ended with one of the most tumultuous two-month spans that the financial markets have ever experienced. The failure or government takeover of several of the nation's most well-known financial institutions led to a crisis of confidence that resulted in the global financial system becoming nearly frozen, with large financial institutions too fearful even to lend to one another. In September alone, government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed into government receivership, investment bank Lehman Brothers filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch was hastily sold to Bank of America, the government effectively took over insurer American International Group, investment banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted into bank holding companies, and Washington Mutual was bought by JPMorgan Chase. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 3 Letter to Shareholders THROUGHOUT THE 12-MONTH PERIOD, THE FEDERAL RESERVE TOOK REPEATED ACTIONS IN AN EFFORT TO STABILIZE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. GOVERNMENT TOOK UNPRECEDENTED ACTIONS TO STABILIZE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Throughout the 12-month period, the Federal Reserve took repeated actions in an effort to stabilize the financial system. This included a rapid succession of cuts in the target federal funds rate from 4.75% to 1.00%; large injections of capital into the financial system; and the initiation of several nontraditional, nonmonetary facilities. In February 2008, Congress passed an economic stimulus bill featuring tax rebate checks for consumers. This helped boost spending through the early summer, but spending fell sharply in July and remained weak throughout the rest of the period. In October, Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which authorized the Treasury to establish the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to directly purchase mortgage securities and other troubled assets from financial institutions. In the final weeks of the period, the Treasury moved to invest $250 billion of the TARP funds in direct equity stakes in the nation's banks. ECONOMIC GROWTH WEAKENED, BUT INFLATION PRESSURES EASED. Economic growth weakened during the 12-month period, leading to growing concerns of an economic recession. Growth in gross domestic product (GDP) was negative in the fourth quarter of 2007 and again in the third quarter of 2008. Amid this environment, consumer confidence and spending declined sharply as income growth slowed and the unemployment rate rose to 6.5%. On the positive side, the economic slowing helped ease the inflation fears that had grown due to surging gasoline and food prices. Headline inflation moderated as crude oil prices saw a rapid reversal in the later months of the period. This gave the Fed more leeway for interest-rate cuts without the immediate concern of higher inflation pressures. The U.S. dollar also reversed course from its multiyear weakening trend, showing significant strength against the euro during the latter half of the period. EQUITY MARKETS EXPERIENCED EXTREME VOLATILITY. The equity markets were turbulent throughout the period, with volatility rising to extreme levels in March 2008 and again in September and October. The broad market, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, rose early in the period, closing at an all-time high in October 2007. The index then began an extended decline and ended the 12-month period down 36%, with a nearly 17% decline during October in the worst month for the stock markets since October 1987. Small cap stocks outpaced both large cap and mid cap stocks during the 12-month period, with large caps moderately outperforming mid caps. The Russell Midcap(R) Index(1) declined more than 40%, and the Russell 2000(R) Index2 of small cap stocks fell 34%. The value and growth styles both performed poorly over the 12-month period, with value slightly outpacing growth despite the higher weighting of the value indices in the volatile financials sector. (1) The Russell Midcap Value Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The stocks are also members of the Russell 1000(R) Value Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies in the Russell 3000 Index, which represents approximately 8% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000 Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. 4 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Letter to Shareholders DON'T LET SHORT-TERM VOLATILITY DERAIL LONG-TERM INVESTMENT GOALS. While periods of volatility can present challenges, experience has taught us that maintaining a long-term investment strategy based on individual goals and risk tolerance can be an effective way to plan for the future. As a whole, Wells Fargo Advantage Funds represent investments across a broad range of asset classes and investment styles, giving you an opportunity to create a diversified investment portfolio. While diversification may not prevent losses in a downturn, it may help to reduce them and provide you with one way of managing risk. Our diverse family of mutual funds may also help. We offer more than 100 Funds that cover a broad spectrum of investment styles and asset classes. Thank you for choosing WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. We appreciate your confidence in us. Through each market cycle, we are committed to helping you meet your financial needs. If you have any questions about your investment, please contact your investment professional or call us at 1-800-222-8222. You may also want to visit our Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. Sincerely, /s/ Karla M. Rabusch Karla M. Rabusch President WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 6 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGERS James M. Leach, CFA Thomas J. Pence, CFA FUND INCEPTION December 31, 1987 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
DISCOVERY FUND 1 YEAR -------------- ------ Investor Class (39.00)% Russell 2500(TM) Growth Index(1) (41.00)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY DISCOVERY RUSSELL 2500 FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS GROWTH INDEX -------------- --------------------- ------------ 10/31/1998 9,423 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9,894 10,500 10,711 12/31/1998 10,723 11,380 11,743 1/31/1999 10,801 11,463 12,082 2/28/1999 9,815 10,416 11,102 3/31/1999 9,654 10,246 11,619 4/30/1999 9,993 10,606 12,546 5/31/1999 10,060 10,677 12,676 6/30/1999 10,187 10,812 13,572 7/31/1999 9,685 10,278 13,295 8/31/1999 9,085 9,642 13,007 9/30/1999 8,976 9,526 13,101 10/31/1999 8,952 9,500 13,739 11/30/1999 9,715 10,310 15,361 12/31/1999 11,290 11,981 18,258 1/31/2000 10,823 11,486 18,156 2/29/2000 12,519 13,286 22,813 3/31/2000 12,586 13,357 21,023 4/30/2000 11,974 12,708 18,975 5/31/2000 12,113 12,856 17,285 6/30/2000 12,580 13,351 19,571 7/31/2000 12,840 13,627 17,967 8/31/2000 13,185 13,993 20,309 9/30/2000 12,507 13,273 18,995 10/31/2000 11,907 12,637 17,820 11/30/2000 10,920 11,589 14,425 12/31/2000 11,737 12,457 15,320 1/31/2001 12,540 13,308 16,312 2/28/2001 11,687 12,404 13,795 3/31/2001 11,408 12,107 12,269 4/30/2001 12,540 13,308 14,139 5/31/2001 12,482 13,247 14,548 6/30/2001 12,883 13,673 14,878 7/31/2001 12,160 12,905 13,781 8/31/2001 11,601 12,312 12,864 9/30/2001 10,448 11,089 10,850 10/31/2001 11,122 11,803 11,920 11/30/2001 11,723 12,442 12,950 12/31/2001 12,227 12,976 13,660 1/31/2002 12,169 12,915 13,076 2/28/2002 11,951 12,684 12,269 3/31/2002 12,742 13,522 13,257 4/30/2002 12,376 13,135 12,817 5/31/2002 12,317 13,072 12,171 6/30/2002 11,661 12,376 11,052 7/31/2002 10,842 11,506 9,679 8/31/2002 10,834 11,498 9,677 9/30/2002 10,216 10,842 8,945 10/31/2002 10,789 11,451 9,459 11/30/2002 11,326 12,020 10,339 12/31/2002 10,745 11,403 9,686 1/31/2003 10,439 11,079 9,474 2/28/2003 10,424 11,063 9,253 3/31/2003 10,558 11,205 9,376 4/30/2003 11,266 11,957 10,194 5/31/2003 12,056 12,795 11,274 6/30/2003 12,101 12,842 11,506 7/31/2003 12,980 13,776 12,272 8/31/2003 13,837 14,685 12,930 9/30/2003 13,360 14,179 12,653 10/31/2003 14,508 15,397 13,693 11/30/2003 14,724 15,626 14,157 12/31/2003 14,864 15,775 14,172 1/31/2004 15,422 16,367 14,762 2/29/2004 15,753 16,719 14,900 3/31/2004 15,572 16,527 14,952 4/30/2004 14,955 15,871 14,317 5/31/2004 15,256 16,191 14,615 6/30/2004 15,678 16,639 14,972 7/31/2004 14,442 15,327 13,800 8/31/2004 13,915 14,768 13,522 9/30/2004 14,962 15,879 14,132 10/31/2004 15,520 16,471 14,534 11/30/2004 16,704 17,728 15,498 12/31/2004 17,196 18,250 16,239 1/31/2005 16,477 17,487 15,667 2/28/2005 16,517 17,530 15,978 3/31/2005 16,125 17,114 15,537 4/30/2005 15,077 16,001 14,697 5/31/2005 16,419 17,425 15,676 6/30/2005 16,973 18,013 16,089 7/31/2005 18,038 19,144 17,134 8/31/2005 17,946 19,046 16,937 9/30/2005 18,466 19,598 17,102 10/31/2005 17,485 18,556 16,543 11/30/2005 18,181 19,295 17,467 12/31/2005 18,442 19,572 17,567 1/31/2006 19,820 21,035 18,897 2/28/2006 19,721 20,930 18,840 3/31/2006 20,325 21,571 19,644 4/30/2006 20,667 21,934 19,704 5/31/2006 19,244 20,423 18,529 6/30/2006 19,487 20,681 18,441 7/31/2006 18,712 19,859 17,542 8/31/2006 19,217 20,395 17,964 9/30/2006 19,334 20,519 18,219 10/31/2006 20,100 21,332 19,117 11/30/2006 20,992 22,278 19,767 12/31/2006 20,842 22,120 19,721 1/31/2007 21,648 22,975 20,348 2/28/2007 21,610 22,935 20,338 3/31/2007 22,094 23,448 20,517 4/30/2007 22,492 23,871 21,147 5/31/2007 24,019 25,491 22,162 6/30/2007 24,123 25,601 21,952 7/31/2007 23,943 25,410 21,032 8/31/2007 24,265 25,742 21,354 9/30/2007 25,820 27,393 22,095 10/31/2007 26,617 28,198 23,009 11/30/2007 25,128 26,628 21,651 12/31/2007 25,461 26,970 21,633 1/31/2008 22,688 24,038 19,870 2/29/2008 21,950 23,254 19,471 3/31/2008 21,201 22,459 19,235 4/30/2008 23,325 24,702 20,394 5/31/2008 25,618 27,136 21,468 6/30/2008 24,913 26,400 19,931 7/31/2008 24,086 25,510 19,861 8/31/2008 23,996 25,415 20,193 9/30/2008 20,318 21,521 17,521 10/31/2008 16,236 17,200 13,575
(1) The Russell 2500 Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell 2500 companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND CLASS A and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell 2500 Growth Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 7 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund outperformed its benchmark for the period, due primarily to our allocation decisions in the energy sector earlier in the year and our positioning within consumer staples. - Our stock selection was positive for the period, with the most strength coming from the consumer discretionary, energy, and consumer staples sectors. - We adhered to our portfolio construction process of 45% to 55% core growth holdings, 35% to 45% developing situations, and 5% to 10% valuation opportunities. OUR INVESTMENT PROCESS OF FUNDAMENTAL, BOTTOM-UP RESEARCH LED TO STRONG STOCK SELECTION IN THE CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY, ENERGY, AND CONSUMER STAPLES SECTORS. A strong performer in the consumer discretionary sector was WMS Industries, which designs, manufactures, and globally distributes gaming machines and lottery terminals in various gaming areas. The company was a strong contributor in the early months of the year. WMS posted solid earnings during the period despite a downturn within the gaming industry due to weakening consumer spending. Our average overweight within the energy sector over the past 12 months also contributed to performance, despite the significant correction within the sector since mid-summer. We benefited from our reduced exposure to drillers and increased focus on exploration-and-production companies, which we believe are more fundamentally resilient to the fluctuating price of oil. Areas that detracted from performance for the period were the industrials, information technology, and health care sectors. The biggest detractors in industrials were our positions within electrical equipment, such as alternative energy names A-Power Energy Generation and First Solar. Within information technology, our overweight detracted the most from performance. Our biggest exposure and overweight within the sector was in software and services, which detracted. Our weakest performance, however, came from technology equipment names Brightpoint and Foundry Networks. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Equinix Incorporated 3.72% SBA Communications Corporation Class A 3.02% DeVry Incorporated 2.88% Activision Blizzard Incorporated 2.87% New York Community Bancorp Incorporated 2.75% NII Holdings Incorporated 2.66% Airgas Incorporated 2.47% Petrohawk Energy Corporation 2.15% TreeHouse Foods Incorporated 2.12% Monolithic Power Systems 2.08%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 8 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND (CONTINUED) SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services (6%) Consumer Discretionary (12%) Consumer Staples (7%) Energy (8%) Financials (8%) Health Care (17%) Industrials (16%) Information Technology (22%) Materials (4%)
WE INCREASED THE FUND'S EXPOSURE TO CONSUMER STAPLES. During the period, we actively managed the Fund's positions as we continued to focus on portfolio construction. We followed our investment strategy with 45% to 55% core growth holdings, 35% to 45% developing situations, and 5% to 10% valuation opportunities. Throughout the period, as market volatility continued to rattle the broader marketplace, we increased the Fund's weight in core growth holdings and decreased our exposure to the more volatile developing situation and valuation opportunity names. We increased our weighting in consumer staples names during the period, particularly within the food and beverage industry. This included companies such as Flowers Foods, Ralcorp Holdings, and Dean Foods. Our thesis for this shift was twofold: macroeconomic and fundamental. From a macroeconomic perspective, we are seeing consumers trade down to generic labels from the pricier brandname labels. Flowers Foods and Ralcorp Holdings are both leaders within the private-label market. From a fundamental perspective, these companies are poised to expand margins because they have maintained price increases even as falling commodity prices have dramatically cut their production costs. WE BELIEVE THAT INFLATION REMAINS A POSSIBLE RISK FOR THE EQUITY MARKETS. Our outlook on the economy and the equity markets has shifted from balanced to more negative. We expect that various government actions should help improve market sentiment, but we are also concerned about the rising cost of capital, the freeze within the credit market, weakening consumer sentiment, and declining forward earnings forecasts. We are cognizant of these issues and have positioned the Fund more toward our core growth holdings and developing situations that exhibit strong earnings visibility. From a corporate perspective, balance sheets are healthier than in previous downturns. Cash-to-debt levels for companies in the S&P 500 Index were about 15% during the 1990-1991 recession and were about 23% in the 2001 recession. By contrast, companies now have significantly stronger balance sheets, with average cash levels at 38%. In this environment of continued uncertainty, we remain focused on selecting securities one at a time. We describe our research process as "surrounding the company," in which we analyze competitors, suppliers, and customers up and down the market capitalization spectrum. Our viewpoint is that our research process will lead us to companies that have unique sources of growth and that are positioned to withstand economic difficulties that might emerge in 2009. In addition, we believe that our portfolio construction process, which seeks to balance high-quality and developing-growth companies, has the potential to prevail during times of unpredictability. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 9 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- DISCOVERY FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) -------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (WFDAX) (34.39) (42.50) 1.07 4.97 (30.39) (39.00) 2.28 5.59 1.41% 1.33% Class C (WDSCX) (31.66) (40.57) 1.55 4.89 (30.66) (39.57) 1.55 4.89 2.16% 2.08% Administrator Class (WFDDX) (30.30) (38.87) 2.43 5.67 1.23% 1.15% Institutional Class (WFDSX) (30.22) (38.74) 2.53 5.72 0.96% 0.95% Investor Class (STDIX) (30.37) (39.00) 2.24 5.57 1.58% 1.38% Russell 2500 Growth Index(1) (33.44) (41.00) (0.17) 3.10
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE - www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A and Class C shares incepted on July 31, 2007. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A shares and Class C reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Class A shares and lower than those of the Class C shares. Administrator Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the Strong Discovery Fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. Institutional Class shares incepted on August 31, 2006. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Administrator Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005, for the Institutional Class shares reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 10 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND (THE FUND) SEEKS LONG-TERM CAPITAL APPRECIATION. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGERS James M. Leach, CFA Thomas J. Pence, CFA FUND INCEPTION September 30, 1998 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
ENTERPRISE FUND 1 YEAR --------------- ------ Investor Class (42.69)% Russell Midcap(R) Growth Index(1) (42.65)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE RUSSELL MIDCAP FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS GROWTH INDEX -------------- --------------------- -------------- 10/31/1998 9,426 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 10,647 11,298 10,675 12/31/1998 12,435 13,199 11,780 1/31/1999 14,338 15,223 12,133 2/28/1999 13,112 13,924 11,540 3/31/1999 14,542 15,447 12,183 4/30/1999 15,666 16,645 12,738 5/31/1999 15,311 16,273 12,574 6/30/1999 17,459 18,560 13,452 7/31/1999 17,744 18,869 13,023 8/31/1999 19,335 20,566 12,888 9/30/1999 20,848 22,182 12,778 10/31/1999 23,810 25,340 13,766 11/30/1999 28,476 30,314 15,192 12/31/1999 35,679 37,991 17,822 1/31/2000 36,379 38,747 17,819 2/29/2000 46,005 49,009 21,565 3/31/2000 40,436 43,086 21,587 4/30/2000 34,348 36,600 19,491 5/31/2000 28,018 29,866 18,071 6/30/2000 33,907 36,149 19,988 7/31/2000 31,909 34,021 18,722 8/31/2000 37,029 39,493 21,546 9/30/2000 33,042 35,237 20,493 10/31/2000 27,949 29,820 19,090 11/30/2000 22,449 23,961 14,942 12/31/2000 24,992 26,679 15,728 1/31/2001 25,990 27,742 16,627 2/28/2001 22,167 23,670 13,751 3/31/2001 19,633 20,981 11,783 4/30/2001 21,540 23,021 13,747 5/31/2001 21,408 22,880 13,682 6/30/2001 21,514 23,002 13,690 7/31/2001 20,401 21,808 12,766 8/31/2001 19,051 20,360 11,841 9/30/2001 16,676 17,830 9,884 10/31/2001 17,841 19,062 10,923 11/30/2001 19,086 20,397 12,099 12/31/2001 19,457 20,821 12,559 1/31/2002 18,848 20,209 12,151 2/28/2002 17,444 18,695 11,462 3/31/2002 19,033 20,407 12,337 4/30/2002 18,230 19,532 11,684 5/31/2002 17,638 18,893 11,335 6/30/2002 16,588 17,764 10,084 7/31/2002 14,557 15,573 9,105 8/31/2002 14,345 15,347 9,073 9/30/2002 13,931 14,896 8,352 10/31/2002 14,663 15,677 8,999 11/30/2002 15,096 16,128 9,703 12/31/2002 14,001 14,952 9,117 1/31/2003 13,595 14,520 9,028 2/28/2003 13,630 14,548 8,949 3/31/2003 13,851 14,783 9,116 4/30/2003 14,955 15,949 9,736 5/31/2003 16,208 17,285 10,673 6/30/2003 16,173 17,247 10,826 7/31/2003 17,117 18,253 11,212 8/31/2003 18,318 19,523 11,830 9/30/2003 17,691 18,846 11,600 10/31/2003 19,077 20,322 12,535 11/30/2003 19,227 20,482 12,871 12/31/2003 19,236 20,482 13,011 1/31/2004 20,216 21,517 13,441 2/29/2004 20,419 21,733 13,666 3/31/2004 20,128 21,413 13,640 4/30/2004 19,139 20,369 13,255 5/31/2004 19,678 20,933 13,568 6/30/2004 20,278 21,564 13,784 7/31/2004 18,645 19,814 12,871 8/31/2004 17,983 19,118 12,712 9/30/2004 19,157 20,350 13,187 10/31/2004 19,960 21,197 13,634 11/30/2004 21,258 22,579 14,338 12/31/2004 22,105 23,463 15,025 1/31/2005 21,328 22,636 14,623 2/28/2005 21,373 22,673 14,993 3/31/2005 21,081 22,363 14,774 4/30/2005 19,872 21,084 14,190 5/31/2005 21,496 22,795 15,002 6/30/2005 22,132 23,463 15,281 7/31/2005 23,403 24,808 16,172 8/31/2005 23,138 24,526 16,074 9/30/2005 23,677 25,090 16,281 10/31/2005 22,573 23,915 15,802 11/30/2005 23,615 25,015 16,660 12/31/2005 24,056 25,485 16,844 1/31/2006 25,919 27,451 17,853 2/28/2006 25,884 27,413 17,633 3/31/2006 26,510 28,071 18,125 4/30/2006 27,049 28,635 18,201 5/31/2006 25,177 26,661 17,344 6/30/2006 25,495 26,990 17,274 7/31/2006 24,312 25,730 16,654 8/31/2006 24,851 26,294 17,038 9/30/2006 25,027 26,482 17,427 10/31/2006 25,875 27,375 18,096 11/30/2006 27,120 28,692 18,805 12/31/2006 26,943 28,504 18,636 1/31/2007 27,605 29,200 19,314 2/28/2007 27,632 29,209 19,272 3/31/2007 28,188 29,802 19,372 4/30/2007 28,841 30,488 20,222 5/31/2007 30,607 32,350 21,043 6/30/2007 30,483 32,209 20,679 7/31/2007 30,368 32,087 20,216 8/31/2007 30,748 32,482 20,325 9/30/2007 32,407 34,231 21,122 10/31/2007 33,502 35,378 21,661 11/30/2007 31,613 33,384 20,707 12/31/2007 31,737 33,507 20,764 1/31/2008 28,223 29,802 19,114 2/29/2008 27,870 29,425 18,822 3/31/2008 27,323 28,842 18,490 4/30/2008 30,095 31,767 19,832 5/31/2008 32,478 34,278 20,876 6/30/2008 31,154 32,877 19,349 7/31/2008 29,477 31,109 18,615 8/31/2008 28,956 30,544 18,785 9/30/2008 23,959 25,278 15,915 10/31/2008 19,218 20,275 12,422
(1) The Russell Midcap Growth Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The stocks are also members of the Russell 1000(R) Growth Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the Wells Fargo Advantage Enterprise Fund Class A and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell Midcap Growth Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 11 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund slightly underperformed its benchmark for the period, due primarily to our allocation decisions in the information technology, energy, and industrials sectors. - Our stock selection was positive for the period, with the most strength coming from the materials, financials, and consumer discretionary sectors. - We adhered to our portfolio construction process of 45% to 55% core growth holdings, 35% to 45% developing situations, and 5% to 10% valuation opportunities. OUR INVESTMENT PROCESS OF FUNDAMENTAL, BOTTOM-UP RESEARCH LED TO STRONG STOCK SELECTION IN THE MATERIALS, FINANCIALS, AND CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY SECTORS. A strong performer in the materials sector was Brazilian steel company Companhia Siderurgica, which posted outstanding financial results during the period due to increasing demand from emerging countries for building materials. Within financials, our strongest relative performance came from our bank exposure. This included holdings such as New York Community Bancorp, which is a leader in the tri-state region in both consumer and small business banking. The company had very little exposure to the mortgage markets and has weathered the recent volatility within the financial markets with a relatively clean balance sheet. Within consumer discretionary, strength came from our holding in DIRECTV Group, a satellite cable company that has been a strong competitor to regional cable networks in recent months. Areas that detracted from Fund performance for the period were the information technology, industrials, and energy sectors. Some of our energy positions were strong performers early in the year, but the Fund's overweight position as the industry began to correct during the summer detracted from performance. Security selection was weak within information technology, particularly within the semiconductor industry. We exited the majority of our names within this space during the period, including Marvell Technology Group and MEMC Electronic Materials. Over the 12-month period, however, our positions within these names detracted from performance. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Equinix Incorporated 3.28% American Tower Corporation Class A 3.01% Airgas Incorporated 2.95% DeVry Incorporated 2.84% Thermo Fisher Scientific Incorporated 2.70% NII Holdings Incorporated 2.52% New York Community Bancorp Incorporated 2.21% First Solar Incorporated 2.18% Yum! Brands Incorporated 2.14% Psychiatric Solutions Incorporated 2.12%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 12 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND (CONTINUED) SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Telecommunication Services (8%) Consumer Discretionary (12%) Consumer Staples (6%) Energy (11%) Financials (9%) Health Care (19%) Industrials (15%) Information Technology (16%) Materials (4%)
WE INCREASED THE FUND'S EXPOSURE TO CONSUMER STAPLES. During the period, we actively managed the Fund's positions as we continued to focus on portfolio construction. We followed our investment strategy with 45% to 55% core growth holdings, 35% to 45% developing situations, and 5% to 10% valuation opportunities. Throughout the period, as market volatility continued to rattle the broader marketplace, we increased the Fund's weight in core growth holdings and decreased our exposure to the more volatile developing situations and valuation opportunity names. We increased our weighting in consumer staples names during the period, particularly within the food and beverage industry. This included companies such as Flowers Foods, Ralcorp Holdings, and Dean Foods. Our thesis for this shift was twofold: macroeconomic and fundamental. From a macroeconomic perspective, we are seeing consumers trade down to generic labels from the pricier brand-name labels. Flowers Foods and Ralcorp Holdings are both leaders within the private-label market. From a fundamental perspective, these companies are poised to expand margins because they have maintained price increases even as falling commodity prices have dramatically cut their production costs. WE BELIEVE THAT INFLATION REMAINS A POSSIBLE RISK FOR THE EQUITY MARKETS. Our outlook on the economy and the equity markets has shifted from balanced to more negative. We expect that various government actions should help improve market sentiment, but we are also concerned about the rising cost of capital, the freeze within the credit market, weakening consumer sentiment, and declining forward earnings forecasts. We are cognizant of these issues and have positioned the Fund more toward our core growth holdings and developing situations that exhibit strong earnings visibility. From a corporate perspective, balance sheets are healthier than in previous downturns. Cash-to-debt levels for companies in the S&P 500 Index were about 15% during the 1990-1991 recession and were about 23% in the 2001 recession. By contrast, companies now have significantly stronger balance sheets, with average cash levels at 38%. In this environment of continued uncertainty, we remain focused on selecting securities one at a time. We describe our research process as "surrounding the company," in which we analyze competitors, suppliers, and customers up and down the market capitalization spectrum. Our viewpoint is that our research process will lead us to companies that have unique sources of growth and that are positioned to withstand economic difficulties that might emerge in 2009. In addition, we believe that our portfolio construction process, which seeks to balance high-quality and developing-growth companies, has the potential to prevail during times of unpredictability. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 13 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ENTERPRISE FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) --------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (SENAX) (39.81) (45.94) (1.03) 6.75 (36.14) (42.63) 0.15 7.38 1.43% 1.40% Class C (WENCX) (37.39) (44.06) (0.55) 6.77 (36.39) (43.06) (0.55) 6.77 2.18% 2.15% Administrator Class (SEPKX) (36.06) (42.47) 0.44 7.67 1.25% 1.15% Institutional Class (WFEIX) (35.98) (42.31) 0.69 7.75 0.98% 0.90% Investor Class (SENTX) (36.18) (42.69) (0.05) 7.32 1.60% 1.49% Russell Midcap Growth Index(1) (37.36) (42.65) (0.18) 2.20
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -WWW.WELLSFARGO.COM/ADVANTAGEFUNDS. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A shares incepted on February 24, 2000. Effective June 20, 2008, the Advisor Class was renamed Class A and modified to assume the features and attributes of Class A. Class C shares incepted on March 31, 2008. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A shares includes Advisor Class expenses and is adjusted to reflect Class A sales charges. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class C reflects the performance of the Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class C sales charges and expenses. Administrator Class shares incepted on August 30, 2002. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005, for the Administrator Class shares reflects the performance of the Class K shares of the Strong Enterprise Fund, the predecessor fund. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on September 30, 1998. Institutional Class shares incepted on June 30, 2003. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005, for the Institutional Class shares reflects the performance of the Institutional Class shares of the Strong Enterprise Fund, the predecessor fund. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on September 30, 1998. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 14 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (THE FUND) SEEKS LONG-TERM CAPITAL APPRECIATION. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGER Robert J. Costomiris, CFA FUND INCEPTION December 31, 1998 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
MID CAP DISIPLINED FUND 1 YEAR ----------------------- ------ Investor Class (33.19)% Russell Midcap Value Index(1) (38.83)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE MID CAP MID CAP DISCIPLINED DISCIPLINED RUSSELL MIDCAP FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS VALUE INDEX -------------- --------------------- -------------- 12/31/1998 9,425 10,000 10,000 1/31/1999 9,868 10,470 9,767 2/28/1999 9,557 10,140 9,552 3/31/1999 11,065 11,740 9,689 4/30/1999 11,913 12,640 10,606 5/31/1999 11,913 12,640 10,651 6/30/1999 12,139 12,880 10,772 7/31/1999 11,932 12,660 10,502 8/31/1999 10,999 11,670 10,139 9/30/1999 10,763 11,420 9,626 10/31/1999 10,971 11,640 9,910 11/30/1999 11,508 12,210 9,728 12/31/1999 12,743 13,520 9,989 1/31/2000 12,592 13,360 9,392 2/29/2000 13,393 14,210 8,999 3/31/2000 14,684 15,580 10,090 4/30/2000 14,241 15,110 10,130 5/31/2000 13,987 14,840 10,304 6/30/2000 14,062 14,920 9,920 7/31/2000 14,015 14,870 10,152 8/31/2000 14,713 15,610 10,774 9/30/2000 14,326 15,200 10,878 10/31/2000 14,863 15,770 11,084 11/30/2000 14,213 15,080 10,940 12/31/2000 15,648 16,603 11,905 1/31/2001 15,981 16,956 11,862 2/28/2001 14,790 15,692 11,811 3/31/2001 14,023 14,878 11,484 4/30/2001 15,305 16,238 12,116 5/31/2001 16,092 17,074 12,460 6/30/2001 16,254 17,245 12,294 7/31/2001 16,405 17,406 12,244 8/31/2001 16,395 17,395 12,021 9/30/2001 14,194 15,060 10,874 10/31/2001 14,719 15,617 10,932 11/30/2001 16,223 17,213 11,697 12/31/2001 17,590 18,663 12,182 1/31/2002 17,600 18,674 12,305 2/28/2002 17,520 18,588 12,505 3/31/2002 18,943 20,099 13,144 4/30/2002 18,216 19,328 13,135 5/31/2002 17,964 19,060 13,115 6/30/2002 17,166 18,213 12,530 7/31/2002 15,167 16,092 11,303 8/31/2002 15,470 16,413 11,435 9/30/2002 14,258 15,128 10,280 10/31/2002 14,874 15,781 10,607 11/30/2002 15,924 16,896 11,275 12/31/2002 15,518 16,465 11,007 1/31/2003 15,309 16,243 10,702 2/28/2003 14,505 15,390 10,524 3/31/2003 14,620 15,511 10,560 4/30/2003 15,842 16,809 11,363 5/31/2003 17,514 18,583 12,364 6/30/2003 17,797 18,882 12,450 7/31/2003 18,716 19,858 12,837 8/31/2003 19,521 20,712 13,293 9/30/2003 19,395 20,578 13,189 10/31/2003 20,054 21,277 14,158 11/30/2003 20,660 21,920 14,568 12/31/2003 21,829 23,160 15,197 1/31/2004 22,469 23,839 15,598 2/29/2004 23,271 24,691 15,983 3/31/2004 23,507 24,941 16,009 4/30/2004 23,541 24,977 15,332 5/31/2004 23,598 25,038 15,725 6/30/2004 24,170 25,645 16,286 7/31/2004 23,701 25,147 15,845 8/31/2004 23,942 25,402 16,100 9/30/2004 24,422 25,912 16,569 10/31/2004 24,514 26,009 16,952 11/30/2004 25,440 26,992 18,098 12/31/2004 26,453 28,066 18,799 1/31/2005 26,015 27,602 18,361 2/28/2005 26,559 28,179 19,002 3/31/2005 26,071 27,661 18,945 4/30/2005 25,116 26,648 18,445 5/31/2005 26,143 27,737 19,208 6/30/2005 26,716 28,345 19,836 7/31/2005 27,491 29,168 20,780 8/31/2005 27,635 29,320 20,618 9/30/2005 28,411 30,144 20,898 10/31/2005 27,730 29,422 20,259 11/30/2005 28,208 29,928 20,974 12/31/2005 28,548 30,289 21,177 1/31/2006 29,829 31,648 22,097 2/28/2006 29,634 31,441 22,306 3/31/2006 30,274 32,121 22,793 4/30/2006 30,720 32,593 23,012 5/31/2006 30,831 32,711 22,530 6/30/2006 30,594 32,460 22,665 7/31/2006 30,274 32,121 22,537 8/31/2006 31,513 33,435 23,168 9/30/2006 31,722 33,657 23,465 10/31/2006 32,515 34,498 24,415 11/30/2006 33,434 35,473 25,202 12/31/2006 33,764 35,823 25,459 1/31/2007 34,135 36,217 26,243 2/28/2007 34,269 36,359 26,400 3/31/2007 34,521 36,627 26,696 4/30/2007 35,412 37,573 27,534 5/31/2007 35,799 37,982 28,481 6/30/2007 35,190 37,336 27,670 7/31/2007 33,942 36,012 26,126 8/31/2007 33,897 35,965 26,045 9/30/2007 34,551 36,643 26,685 10/31/2007 34,343 36,422 26,787 11/30/2007 32,650 34,625 25,375 12/31/2007 32,134 34,073 25,094 1/31/2008 30,879 32,749 23,951 2/29/2008 30,598 32,453 23,161 3/31/2008 30,482 32,331 22,925 4/30/2008 32,431 34,404 24,322 5/31/2008 33,669 35,693 25,186 6/30/2008 30,598 32,435 22,940 7/31/2008 30,251 32,070 22,677 8/31/2008 31,110 32,975 23,325 9/30/2008 28,782 30,502 21,215 10/31/2008 22,953 24,335 16,386
(1) The Russell Midcap Value Index measures the performance of those Russell Midcap companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The stocks are also members of the Russell 1000 Value Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND Class A and Investor Class shares for the life of the Fund with the Russell Midcap Value Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 15 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund outperformed its benchmark during a difficult macroeconomic period. - Stock selection accounted for most of the Fund's outperformance, specifically within the industrials and consumer staples sectors. - We exit the year mindful of the economic environment while spending all of our time looking for the right company selling at the right price. We believe that the Fund is well positioned for the year ahead. THE YEAR STARTED WITH CONCERNS ABOUT THE HOUSING BUBBLE AND THE SOFT RUMBLINGS OF A POSSIBLE RECESSION, BUT AS OCTOBER 2008 CAME TO A CLOSE, FINANCIAL MARKETS WERE STRUGGLING ACROSS THE GLOBE. As banks failed and governments across the world searched for answers, we maintained our disciplined investment process. The Fund outperformed its benchmark through strong stock selection in an otherwise broadly negative market. Stock selection was the primary driver of Fund performance, specifically within the industrials and consumer staples sectors. Industrials company Waste Management, the largest trash collection and disposal firm in the country, benefited from both pricing initiatives within its collection business and higher selling prices for its recycled products. Within consumer staples, candy manufacturers Tootsie Roll and Wrigley performed nicely. Tootsie Roll was one of the largest contributors to relative Fund performance during the period, and Wrigley was close behind it after being acquired by Mars at a premium. Our largest underweight position was in the financials sector, which aided performance. The decision to move to an underweight in consumer discretionary stocks also helped performance, in part because investors shunned companies that relied on the ability of consumers to spend at historic levels. Returns were further supported by solid stock selection within the poorly performing consumer discretionary sector. For example, Limited Brands appreciated as its management team effectively focused on margins in a negative comparable-sales period. Stock selection within the energy sector detracted from performance as oil and natural gas prices fell sharply in the latter half of the period. However, the sector's negative contribution would have been greater had we not underweighted the energy group relative to the benchmark. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Waste Management Incorporated 4.82% NiSource Incorporated 3.46% 3M Company 3.42% Walgreen Company 3.23% General Electric Company 3.14% Aqua America Incorporated 3.13% Applied Materials Incorporated 2.99% Tootsie Roll Industries Incorporated 2.66% Molex Incorporated Class A 2.64% CA Incorporated 2.53%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 16 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) Our largest overweight position was to the information technology sector. The group underperformed the market due to concerns about the impact of a prolonged economic slowdown on the capital spending cycle. The sector's poor return was offset in part by strong stock selection in several names, including Electronic Data Systems, which received a premium buyout offer from Hewlett-Packard. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. AS OUR INVESTMENT PROCESS DICTATES, WE OFTEN SELL STOCKS INTO PERIODS OF STRENGTH AND BUY NAMES THAT ARE BEING IGNORED BY THE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Consumer Discretionary (6%) Consumer Staples (11%) Energy (7%) Financials (2%) Health Care (8%) Industrials (20%) Information Technology (17%) Materials (6%) Utilities (23%)
We took proceeds from consumer staples stocks--including Wrigley, Tootsie Roll, Coca-Cola Enterprises, and Kroger--and trimmed our positions in information technology names while maintaining our overweight position to both sectors. In addition, we reduced our position as the volatility in the space allowed us to profitably buy and sell commercial bank stocks, though we entered the new 12-month period with the financial sector as our largest underweight. We moved from an underweight position to the utilities sector--a position we had maintained for over five years--to an overweight position. We also moved to an overweight in industrials because we found several companies that we believed were selling at attractive valuations, including Republic Services, 3M, and Pall. Finally, we moved to an overweight in energy stocks. WE REMAIN FAITHFUL TO OUR PROCESS IN THIS VOLATILE MACRO ENVIRONMENT BECAUSE WE BELIEVE THAT SMART STOCK SELECTION WILL BE REWARDED. Consistent with our process, we seek companies that have solid and understandable assets, manageable debt, and credible management teams. We will work to buy the stocks of these companies at attractive prices, often when the companies are temporarily out of favor with the market. We believe that our disciplined investment process and risk management focus are well suited for the current economic environment. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 17 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- Life of Life of MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year Fund 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year Fund Gross(6) Net(7) ------------------------ --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (WFPAX) (33.30) (37.01) 1.53 8.82 (29.23) (33.17) 2.74 9.47 1.37% 1.25% Class C (WFPCX) (30.47) (34.66) 2.05 8.85 (29.47) (33.66) 2.05 8.85 2.12% 2.00% Administrator Class (WFMDX) (29.16) (33.08) 2.85 9.53 1.19% 1.15% Institutional Class (WFMIX) (29.08) (32.89) 3.04 9.64 0.92% 0.90% Investor Class (SMCDX) (29.27) (33.19) 2.72 9.47 1.54% 1.31% Russell Midcap Value Index(1) (32.63) (38.83) 2.97 5.15
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -WWW.WELLSFARGO.COM/ADVANTAGEFUNDS. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A and Class C shares incepted on July 31, 2007. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A and Class C reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Class A shares and lower than those of the Class C shares. Administrator Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the Strong Mid Cap Disciplined Fund, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on December 31, 1998. Institutional Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the Strong Mid Cap Disciplined Fund, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on December 31, 1998. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 18 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGER Ann M. Miletti FUND INCEPTION December 31, 1985 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
OPPORTUNITY FUND 1 YEAR ---------------- ------ Investor Class (38.60)% Russell Midcap Index(1) (40.67)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY RUSSELL MIDCAP FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS INDEX -------------- --------------------- -------------- 10/31/1998 9,425 10,000 10,000 11/30/1998 9,717 10,313 10,473 12/31/1998 10,154 10,779 11,088 1/31/1999 10,417 11,061 11,069 2/28/1999 10,086 10,712 10,701 3/31/1999 10,457 11,110 11,036 4/30/1999 11,389 12,103 11,851 5/31/1999 11,502 12,227 11,817 6/30/1999 12,055 12,817 12,234 7/31/1999 12,106 12,874 11,898 8/31/1999 11,629 12,371 11,590 9/30/1999 11,523 12,261 11,182 10/31/1999 12,202 12,987 11,712 11/30/1999 12,628 13,444 12,049 12/31/1999 13,502 14,378 13,109 1/31/2000 13,094 13,947 12,675 2/29/2000 13,197 14,060 13,650 3/31/2000 14,556 15,511 14,431 4/30/2000 14,339 15,283 13,748 5/31/2000 14,523 15,485 13,384 6/30/2000 14,179 15,122 13,780 7/31/2000 14,015 14,958 13,625 8/31/2000 14,909 15,916 14,931 9/30/2000 14,369 15,340 14,719 10/31/2000 14,508 15,495 14,491 11/30/2000 13,599 14,526 13,187 12/31/2000 14,611 15,611 14,191 1/31/2001 15,409 16,467 14,419 2/28/2001 14,548 15,549 13,541 3/31/2001 13,830 14,782 12,701 4/30/2001 14,829 15,858 13,788 5/31/2001 14,920 15,958 14,044 6/30/2001 14,541 15,556 13,912 7/31/2001 14,337 15,342 13,514 8/31/2001 13,476 14,424 12,994 9/30/2001 11,609 12,430 11,427 10/31/2001 12,279 13,149 11,880 11/30/2001 13,358 14,310 12,875 12/31/2001 13,869 14,862 13,393 1/31/2002 13,648 14,639 13,313 2/28/2002 13,306 14,291 13,171 3/31/2002 13,969 15,002 13,961 4/30/2002 13,246 14,219 13,690 5/31/2002 13,139 14,101 13,536 6/30/2002 11,656 12,513 12,628 7/31/2002 10,345 11,109 11,396 8/31/2002 10,384 11,151 11,458 9/30/2002 9,262 9,944 10,401 10/31/2002 9,810 10,538 10,927 11/30/2002 10,876 11,681 11,685 12/31/2002 10,110 10,856 11,225 1/31/2003 9,842 10,572 10,998 2/28/2003 9,785 10,508 10,852 3/31/2003 9,671 10,387 10,959 4/30/2003 10,541 11,321 11,755 5/31/2003 11,628 12,490 12,831 6/30/2003 11,738 12,611 12,961 7/31/2003 12,123 13,023 13,388 8/31/2003 12,675 13,621 13,970 9/30/2003 12,419 13,349 13,795 10/31/2003 13,114 14,098 14,847 11/30/2003 13,360 14,362 15,264 12/31/2003 13,876 14,922 15,722 1/31/2004 14,422 15,512 16,178 2/29/2004 14,671 15,781 16,527 3/31/2004 14,561 15,664 16,530 4/30/2004 14,357 15,448 15,923 5/31/2004 14,632 15,743 16,318 6/30/2004 14,992 16,136 16,770 7/31/2004 14,468 15,577 16,036 8/31/2004 14,208 15,297 16,106 9/30/2004 14,764 15,898 16,629 10/31/2004 15,017 16,171 17,087 11/30/2004 15,818 17,037 18,128 12/31/2004 16,289 17,551 18,900 1/31/2005 15,826 17,056 18,432 2/28/2005 16,004 17,252 19,002 3/31/2005 15,790 17,025 18,852 4/30/2005 15,238 16,428 18,252 5/31/2005 16,025 17,279 19,126 6/30/2005 16,378 17,657 19,640 7/31/2005 17,333 18,686 20,675 8/31/2005 17,133 18,470 20,531 9/30/2005 17,112 18,448 20,804 10/31/2005 16,595 17,888 20,180 11/30/2005 17,287 18,633 21,075 12/31/2005 17,458 18,819 21,293 1/31/2006 18,325 19,754 22,387 2/28/2006 18,072 19,477 22,360 3/31/2006 18,329 19,754 22,915 4/30/2006 18,808 20,270 23,075 5/31/2006 18,104 19,507 22,299 6/30/2006 17,819 19,201 22,324 7/31/2006 17,431 18,781 21,836 8/31/2006 17,874 19,259 22,390 9/30/2006 18,420 19,842 22,796 10/31/2006 18,895 20,358 23,693 11/30/2006 19,441 20,945 24,546 12/31/2006 19,524 21,030 24,544 1/31/2007 19,997 21,540 25,373 2/28/2007 19,868 21,398 25,414 3/31/2007 20,241 21,802 25,617 4/30/2007 20,857 22,464 26,593 5/31/2007 21,708 23,378 27,596 6/30/2007 21,555 23,211 26,975 7/31/2007 20,790 22,388 25,971 8/31/2007 20,685 22,272 26,016 9/30/2007 21,383 23,025 26,872 10/31/2007 21,708 23,373 27,304 11/30/2007 20,657 22,242 26,000 12/31/2007 20,510 22,077 25,918 1/31/2008 19,252 20,724 24,229 2/29/2008 19,252 20,724 23,675 3/31/2008 18,833 20,271 23,332 4/30/2008 20,159 21,696 24,909 5/31/2008 20,997 22,596 26,038 6/30/2008 19,304 20,772 23,956 7/31/2008 18,920 20,361 23,347 8/31/2008 19,528 21,013 23,778 9/30/2008 17,266 18,579 20,863 10/31/2008 13,340 14,351 16,200
(1) The Russell Midcap Index measures the performance of the 800 smallest companies in the Russell 1000 Index, which represent approximately 25% of the total market capitalization of the Russell 1000 Index. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND Class A and Investor Class shares for the most recent ten years with the Russell Midcap Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 19 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund outperformed its benchmark; holdings in the financials sector were the top contributors to relative performance. _ Our underweight of the utilities sector was the primary headwind for the Fund as the sector outperformed the benchmark. - We view the current market turmoil as a tremendous opportunity to possibly add to current holdings at more favorable prices and valuations or to upgrade the Fund with a high-quality company that is finally trading at an attractive discount to our perceived private market valuation. STOCK SELECTION WAS THE MAIN DRIVER OF THE FUND'S OUTPERFORMANCE. The Fund's holdings in the financials were the top contributors to relative performance during the 12-month period, as our insurance and capital market holdings proved to be more stable than the broader sector and the entire benchmark. Industrials were another positive contributor to relative performance, as the Fund's holdings held up better than the broader sector. Specifically, within industrials, our underweight of construction-and-engineering and aerospace-and-defense industries helped performance, after being a headwind last year. Security selection in the consumer staples sector also contributed to relative performance, counterbalancing our modest underweight of the best-performing sector in the benchmark. Our underweight of the utilities sector was the primary headwind for the Fund as the sector outperformed the benchmark. After contributing to performance the past few years, the energy sector slightly detracted from relative performance. Concerns about slowing growth of global demand, especially from emerging market economies, weighed on the price of energy inputs and, consequently, holdings in this sector. Accordingly, our metals and mining holdings also detracted from performance during the period. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Transocean Incorporated 2.99% Weatherford International Limited 2.40% ACE Limited 2.31% Praxair Incorporated 2.27% Apache Corporation 2.16% Accenture Limited Class A 2.14% RenaissanceRe Holdings Limited 2.05% Staples Incorporated 2.03% Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 1.92% Amgen Incorporated 1.86%
(3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. 20 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND (CONTINUED) OUR METHODOLOGY INCLUDES BUYING STOCKS THAT ARE SELLING AT A DISCOUNT TO THEIR INTRINSIC PRIVATE MARKET VALUE AND SELLING STOCKS THAT APPROACH THEIR PRIVATE MARKET VALUE. We target companies that we believe are underpriced but have attractive growth prospects based on an analysis of "private market value"--the price an investor would be willing to pay for the entire company. Our discipline allows us to be patient with stocks that are out of favor with the market, which seems to be the exception as the unprecedented volatility in the market has increased investor focus on the short term rather than the long term. Although this dynamic is challenging, we view it favorably, as the indiscriminant sell-off has punished many companies that we perceive to be higher-quality businesses with strong management teams. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Consumer Discretionery (20%) Consumer Staples (6%) Energy (11%) Financials (13%) Health Care (13%) Industrials (11%) Information Technology (21%) Materials (5%)
Consequently, we have added positions in several sectors and industries. These additions have generally been complemented by sales of companies that have what we believe to be inappropriate valuations, lower-quality business models, and/or deteriorating fundamentals. Although they reflected relatively small changes overall, the two sectors that had the largest increases as a percentage of the Fund were the financial and information technology sectors, while the sector that had the largest decrease was the energy sector. Most sectors' weightings were fairly consistent throughout the 12-month period. The Fund was overweighted technology, health care, and consumer discretionary while being underweighted in the financial, utility, and industrial sectors. WE HAVE WATCHED THE MARKET EXPERIENCE UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS OF VOLATILITY DURING THE PERIOD. Credit markets froze, businesses failed, and governments were forced to intervene. The magnitude and duration of these events are still unknown. We view the current market turmoil as a tremendous opportunity to possibly add to current holdings at more favorable prices and valuations or to upgrade the Fund with a high-quality company that is finally trading at an attractive discount to our perceived private market valuation. Through it all, our bottom-up process of identifying companies that have a solid business model and strong management teams and that are trading at attractive discounts to our private market valuations continues to help guide our decision-making process. (4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 21 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- OPPORTUNITY FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year 10 Year Gross(6) Net(7) ---------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (SOPVX) (37.63) (42.08) (0.84) 2.92 (33.83) (38.55) 0.34 3.54 1.38% 1.29% Class C (WFOPX) (35.09) (40.03) (0.33) 2.94 (34.09) (39.03) (0.33) 2.94 2.13% 2.04% Administrator Class (WOFDX) (33.75) (38.41) 0.62 3.84 1.20% 1.04% Investor Class (SOPFX) (33.85) (38.60) 0.36 3.68 1.55% 1.35% Russell Midcap Index(1) (34.97) (40.67) 1.76 4.94
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -WWW.WELLSFARGO.COM/ADVANTAGEFUNDS. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A shares incepted on February 24, 2000. Effective June 20, 2008, the Advisor Class was renamed Class A and modified to assume the features and attributes of Class A. Class C shares incepted on March 31, 2008. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A includes Advisor Class expenses and is adjusted to reflect Class A sales charges. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class C reflects the performance of Class A shares, adjusted to reflect Class C sales charges and expenses. Administrator Class shares incepted on August 30, 2002. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005, for the Administrator Class shares reflects the performance of the Class K shares of the Strong Opportunity Fund, the predecessor fund. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 22 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE THE WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (THE FUND) SEEKS LONG-TERM CAPITAL APPRECIATION. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGER Robert J. Costomiris, CFA FUND INCEPTION March 28, 2002 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 1 YEAR -------------------------- ------ Investor Class (33.46)% Russell 2000(R) Value Index(1) (30.54)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE SMALL SMALL CAP CAP DISCIPLINED DISCIPLINED RUSSELL 2000 FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS VALUE INDEX --------------- --------------------- ----------- 3/28/2002 9,425 10,000 10,000 3/31/2002 9,425 10,000 10,000 4/30/2002 9,406 9,980 10,352 5/31/2002 9,095 9,650 10,010 6/30/2002 9,020 9,570 9,788 7/31/2002 8,021 8,510 8,334 8/31/2002 8,143 8,640 8,297 9/30/2002 7,653 8,120 7,704 10/31/2002 7,983 8,470 7,820 11/30/2002 8,699 9,230 8,444 12/31/2002 8,596 9,120 8,083 1/31/2003 8,219 8,720 7,856 2/28/2003 7,898 8,380 7,592 3/31/2003 7,945 8,430 7,673 4/30/2003 8,973 9,520 8,401 5/31/2003 10,349 10,980 9,259 6/30/2003 10,697 11,350 9,416 7/31/2003 11,536 12,240 9,886 8/31/2003 11,828 12,550 10,261 9/30/2003 11,979 12,710 10,143 10/31/2003 12,667 13,440 10,971 11/30/2003 13,054 13,850 11,392 12/31/2003 13,971 14,823 11,804 1/31/2004 14,563 15,452 12,212 2/29/2004 14,865 15,771 12,448 3/31/2004 15,360 16,297 12,620 4/30/2004 15,554 16,503 11,968 5/31/2004 15,860 16,828 12,112 6/30/2004 16,249 17,240 12,727 7/31/2004 15,677 16,633 12,142 8/31/2004 15,176 16,102 12,261 9/30/2004 15,697 16,655 12,746 10/31/2004 15,575 16,525 12,944 11/30/2004 17,188 18,237 14,093 12/31/2004 17,748 18,831 14,429 1/31/2005 17,546 18,616 13,871 2/28/2005 18,099 19,203 14,147 3/31/2005 17,483 18,549 13,855 4/30/2005 16,277 17,270 13,141 5/31/2005 16,718 17,738 13,942 6/30/2005 17,386 18,446 14,559 7/31/2005 17,806 18,892 15,387 8/31/2005 17,978 19,075 15,033 9/30/2005 18,118 19,223 15,008 10/31/2005 17,268 18,321 14,631 11/30/2005 17,612 18,686 15,225 12/31/2005 17,634 18,710 15,108 1/31/2006 19,316 20,494 16,357 2/28/2006 19,406 20,590 16,356 3/31/2006 20,287 21,524 17,147 4/30/2006 20,264 21,500 17,193 5/31/2006 19,722 20,925 16,482 6/30/2006 19,463 20,650 16,684 7/31/2006 19,034 20,195 16,453 8/31/2006 19,768 20,973 16,944 9/30/2006 19,497 20,686 17,110 10/31/2006 20,321 21,560 17,981 11/30/2006 20,919 22,195 18,493 12/31/2006 20,884 22,158 18,654 1/31/2007 20,919 22,196 18,934 2/28/2007 21,192 22,485 18,701 3/31/2007 21,405 22,711 18,927 4/30/2007 21,583 22,899 19,123 5/31/2007 22,092 23,440 19,825 6/30/2007 22,234 23,591 19,363 7/31/2007 20,789 22,057 17,715 8/31/2007 20,730 21,994 18,069 9/30/2007 21,002 22,284 18,151 10/31/2007 21,227 22,522 18,349 11/30/2007 19,735 20,939 16,974 12/31/2007 19,884 21,097 16,831 1/31/2008 18,406 19,528 16,140 2/29/2008 17,300 18,356 15,498 3/31/2008 17,493 18,560 15,732 4/30/2008 18,526 19,651 16,230 5/31/2008 19,278 20,456 16,785 6/30/2008 17,391 18,451 15,174 7/31/2008 18,080 19,188 15,952 8/31/2008 18,679 19,815 16,710 9/30/2008 17,863 18,942 15,927 10/31/2008 14,127 14,987 12,745
(1) The Russell 2000 Value Index measures the performance of those Russell 2000 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND Class A and Investor Class shares for the life of the Fund with the Russell 2000 Value Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 23 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund underperformed its benchmark during a difficult macroeconomic period. - Holdings in consumer staples, energy, and financials worked against us in a volatile market, while positions in consumer discretionary, industrials, and materials helped Fund performance. - We exit the year mindful of the economic environment while spending all our time looking for the right company selling at the right price. We believe that the portfolio is well positioned for the year ahead. THE YEAR STARTED WITH CONCERNS ABOUT THE HOUSING BUBBLE AND THE SOFT RUMBLINGS OF A POSSIBLE RECESSION, BUT AS OCTOBER 2008 CAME TO A CLOSE, FINANCIAL MARKETS WERE STRUGGLING ACROSS THE GLOBE. As banks failed and world governments searched for answers, we maintained our disciplined investment process. Unfortunately, the Fund underperformed its benchmark in a broadly negative market. The financials sector stole the limelight this year with headline after headline of failures and crises; however, the smaller-sized commercial banks managed to perform better than their larger counterparts. This allowed the financials sector to outperform the Russell 2000 Value Index, which did not bode well for the Fund's largest underweight position. Our largest overweight was in the information technology sector, which also detracted from Fund performance, as tech companies underperformed due to concerns about the impact of a prolonged economic slowdown on the capital spending cycle. The sector's poor performance was offset in part by strong stock selection in several names, including Ultratech and WebMD. Ultratech manufactures equipment used for making semiconductors. The stock appreciated on growing adoption of the company's advanced technology, which has allowed it to increase orders, revenue, and earnings. WebMD, the leading Web site for health information to consumers and doctors, benefited from an ongoing shift in health care advertising from traditional formats to the Internet. Consumer staples companies are considered defensive for their stable and consistent cash flow in both good and bad economic periods. Our decision to overweight the group added to performance, though unsatisfactory returns of a few stocks overrode that benefit. One example was Coca-Cola Enterprises, the largest bottler and distributor for Coca-Cola, which battled higher aluminum and corn syrup costs during a period in which consumers cut back on buying the company's high-margin convenience products. We still own the stock and believe that management's ability to cut costs while benefiting from lower input prices will boost future earnings. In addition, investments made with cash collateral received from securities lending activities, while generally considered a benign 24 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) means of earning additional income, detracted from portfolio performance during this period of distress in short term markets, primarily due to the decline in value of a number of the collateral holdings. TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Ultratch Incorporated 5.41% Herley Industries Incorporated 3.78% Monster Worldside Incorporated 3.61% LeapFrog Enterprises Incorporated 3.58% Tootsie Roll Industries Incorporated 3.40% Clean Harbors Incorporated 3.32% CRA International Incorporated 3.23% Winn-Dixie Stores Incorporated 3.18% Aqua America Incorporated 2.98% NiSource Incorporated 2.91%
Our underweight to the consumer discretionary sector positively contributed to Fund performance; the group underperformed due to investors' concerns regarding the ability for consumers to spend at historic levels. Smart stock selection further boosted returns within the consumer discretionary, industrials, and materials groups. One example within the industrials sector is Clean Harbors, which participates in environmental remediation and in the disposal of hazardous waste. The stock has performed well during our several-year holding period; we've watched the company's ability to raise prices while at the same time grow its market share. We also reentered our position in Fuel Cell, the maker of highly efficient power plants for distributed electricity, after the stock fell nearly 50% from where we profitably sold it at the end of 2007. The Fund also benefited from premium acquisition offers for companies we owned across several sectors, including health care company Vital Signs (purchased by General Electric), materials company Hercules (offer from Ashland), and information technology company Electronic Data Systems (purchased by Hewlett-Packard). AS OUR INVESTMENT PROCESS DICTATES, WE OFTEN SELL STOCKS INTO PERIODS OF STRENGTH AND BUY NAMES THAT ARE BEING IGNORED BY THE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY. We took proceeds from consumer staples, for example, Tootsie Roll Industries, and still maintained our overweight to the sector. We also trimmed our position in materials, thereby increasing our underweight. Financials outperformed the Fund's benchmark, and we sold some positions into the late-year rally; this increased our underweighting in financials. The sharp correction in energy prices allowed us to move to a very modest overweight position in that sector. We also shifted from an underweight position in utility companies--a position we maintained for over five years--to an overweight position. We added to our positions in information technology and industrials (our two largest overweights) because we found several stocks that we believed were selling at attractive valuations, including ATMI and Herley Industries. (3) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 25 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) WE REMAIN FAITHFUL TO OUR PROCESS IN THIS VOLATILE MACRO ENVIRONMENT BECAUSE WE BELIEVE THAT SMART STOCK SELECTION WILL BE REWARDED. Consistent with our process, we seek companies that have solid and understandable assets, manageable debt, and credible management teams. We work to buy the stocks of these companies at attractive prices, often when companies are temporarily out of favor with the market. We believe that our disciplined investment process and risk management focus are well suited for the current economic environment. SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Consumer Discretionary (9%) Consumer Staples (10%) Energy (4%) Financials (6%) Health Care (9%) Industrials (26%) Information Technology (25%) Materials (2%) Utilities (9%)
(4) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. 26 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- Life of Life of SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year Fund 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year Fund Gross(6) Net(7) ------------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -------- ------ Class A (WFSMX) (28.15) (37.26) 1.00 5.38 (23.74) (33.45) 2.21 6.33 1.53% 1.45% Class C (WSCDX) (25.08) (34.95) 1.57 5.74 (24.08) (33.95) 1.57 5.74 2.28% 2.20% Administrator Class (WFSDX) (23.66) (33.26) 2.46 6.53 1.37% 1.20% Institutional Class (WFSSX) (23.58) (33.17) 2.58 6.63 1.10% 1.00% Investor Class (SCOVX) (23.73) (33.46) 2.20 6.33 1.72% 1.49% Russell 2000 Value Index(1) (21.47) (30.54) 3.05 3.75
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Active trading results in increased turnover and trading expenses, and may generate higher short-term capital gains. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A and Class C shares incepted on March 31, 2008. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A and Class C reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Class A shares and lower than those of the Class C shares. Administrator Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the Strong Small Company Value Fund, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on March 28, 2002. Institutional Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the Strong Small Company Value Fund, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on March 28, 2002. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 28 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND (the Fund) seeks long-term capital appreciation. INVESTMENT ADVISER Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC SUBADVISER Wells Capital Management Incorporated PORTFOLIO MANAGERS Erik C. Astheimer I. Charles Rinaldi Michael Schneider, CFA FUND INCEPTION March 28, 2002 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 12-MONTH TOTAL RETURN AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008
SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 1 YEAR ------------------------ ------- Investor Class (46.14)% Russell 2500 Value Index(1) (33.64)%
WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE RUSSELL 2500 FUND - CLASS A FUND - INVESTOR CLASS VALUE INDEX ------------------- --------------------- ------------ 3/28/2002 9,425 10,000 10,000 3/31/2002 9,425 10,000 10,000 4/30/2002 9,246 9,810 10,171 5/31/2002 9,105 9,660 10,004 6/30/2002 8,417 8,930 9,651 7/31/2002 7,201 7,640 8,534 8/31/2002 7,380 7,830 8,579 9/30/2002 6,616 7,020 7,877 10/31/2002 6,748 7,160 7,990 11/30/2002 7,238 7,680 8,573 12/31/2002 7,144 7,580 8,306 1/31/2003 7,041 7,470 8,055 2/28/2003 6,937 7,360 7,857 3/31/2003 6,861 7,280 7,910 4/30/2003 7,418 7,870 8,626 5/31/2003 8,407 8,920 9,424 6/30/2003 8,539 9,060 9,593 7/31/2003 9,048 9,600 10,010 8/31/2003 9,444 10,020 10,413 9/30/2003 9,387 9,960 10,339 10/31/2003 10,047 10,660 11,129 11/30/2003 10,452 11,090 11,583 12/31/2003 11,320 12,010 12,038 1/31/2004 11,612 12,320 12,427 2/29/2004 12,036 12,770 12,680 3/31/2004 12,271 13,020 12,781 4/30/2004 11,536 12,240 12,112 5/31/2004 11,687 12,400 12,356 6/30/2004 12,121 12,860 12,846 7/31/2004 11,414 12,110 12,329 8/31/2004 11,037 11,710 12,484 9/30/2004 11,913 12,640 12,878 10/31/2004 11,828 12,550 13,111 11/30/2004 13,195 14,000 14,183 12/31/2004 13,513 14,337 14,635 1/31/2005 13,083 13,881 14,164 2/28/2005 13,835 14,679 14,518 3/31/2005 13,231 14,038 14,324 4/30/2005 12,208 12,953 13,788 5/31/2005 12,649 13,421 14,554 6/30/2005 13,481 14,304 15,087 7/31/2005 14,444 15,325 15,895 8/31/2005 14,855 15,761 15,606 9/30/2005 15,255 16,186 15,623 10/31/2005 14,654 15,548 15,162 11/30/2005 15,045 15,963 15,784 12/31/2005 15,313 16,247 15,767 1/31/2006 16,705 17,724 16,805 2/28/2006 16,244 17,235 16,828 3/31/2006 16,909 17,941 17,418 4/30/2006 17,216 18,267 17,486 5/31/2006 16,490 17,496 16,881 6/30/2006 16,357 17,354 16,976 7/31/2006 15,917 16,887 16,741 8/31/2006 16,295 17,289 17,187 9/30/2006 16,091 17,072 17,362 10/31/2006 16,725 17,745 18,175 11/30/2006 17,135 18,180 18,744 12/31/2006 17,366 18,425 18,949 1/31/2007 17,729 18,811 19,372 2/28/2007 17,594 18,668 19,327 3/31/2007 17,605 18,679 19,533 4/30/2007 18,113 19,218 19,942 5/31/2007 18,664 19,802 20,652 6/30/2007 18,653 19,791 20,102 7/31/2007 17,740 18,822 18,597 8/31/2007 17,190 18,227 18,692 9/30/2007 18,373 19,494 18,887 10/31/2007 18,882 20,022 19,018 11/30/2007 16,889 17,908 17,800 12/31/2007 17,192 18,225 17,571 1/31/2008 16,566 17,564 16,945 2/29/2008 16,728 17,736 16,332 3/31/2008 15,905 16,854 16,303 4/30/2008 16,775 17,772 17,055 5/31/2008 17,656 18,703 17,759 6/30/2008 16,972 17,980 16,100 7/31/2008 15,963 16,915 16,385 8/31/2008 16,137 17,087 17,047 9/30/2008 13,888 14,712 15,905 10/31/2008 10,178 10,783 12,620
(1) The Russell 2500 Value Index measures the performance of those Russell 2500 companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. You cannot invest directly in an Index. (2) The chart compares the performance of the WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND Class A and Investor Class shares for the life of the Fund with the Russell 2500 Value Index. The chart assumes a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in Class A and Investor Class shares and reflects all operating expenses and, for Class A shares, assumes the maximum initial sales charge of 5.75%. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 29 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) MANAGER'S DISCUSSION FUND HIGHLIGHTS - The Fund underperformed its benchmark for the period, due primarily to its holdings in the energy and materials sectors. - The Fund's energy and gold holdings came under substantial selling pressure during the period. Both sectors underperformed the broader market. - Our stock selections continue to be derived from an investment process that focuses on the fundamentals of each individual company. HOLDINGS IN THE ENERGY AND MATERIALS SECTORS ACCOUNTED FOR MOST OF THE FUND'S UNDERPERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD. The trailing 12-month period featured considerable volatility as the ramifications of the bursting credit bubble continued to work its way through the economy. Notable events during the period included the nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy filing; the near collapse of the world's largest insurer and 18th-largest company, AIG; and the failure of the nation's largest thrift, Washington Mutual. The problems that initially started with housing and mortgage securities are now spilling over into the economy, stoking fears of a global recession. While we have successfully steered clear of the turmoil in housing and financial services by avoiding highly leveraged firms, our portfolio was pressured, in part, by our energy holdings. Given that economic growth is a key driver of energy demand, it is not surprising that energy stocks underperformed the broader market for the period. However, the precipitous drop in energy shares in the second half of the period reflected market fears, not a deterioration in fundamentals. We believe that forced selling by hedge funds and other institutional investors exacerbated the downward trend. Our energy thesis has always been rooted in the belief that a structural supply-and-demand imbalance exists in the industry. Recent events have not altered this long-term dynamic. The materials sector also detracted from performance, largely because of our holdings in precious metals. For example, Apex Silver Mine's political risk was greater than we thought, and that stock alone has detracted more than 140 basis points from relative performance (100 basis points equals 1.00%). Long-term holdings in gold miners Goldcorp and Yamana Gold underperformed on a lower price for gold. Despite the volatility, we continue to believe in the long-term case for precious metals in general and for gold in particular. First, we believe that the U.S. dollar will weaken because of the budget deficit and low interest rates, resulting in an increased demand for gold. Second, we foresee increased demand from the emerging middle class in China and India. For example, bridal gifts of gold jewelry are a traditional part of Hindu marriages. Finally, the lack of investment in new gold mines during the 1980s and 1990s has led to lower production in recent years. 30 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) SECTOR DISTRIBUTION(3) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) (PIE CHART) Consumer Discretionary 10% Consumer Staples 1% Energy 22% Financials 15% Health Care 8% Industrials 11% Information Technology 18% Materials 14% Telecommunications Services 1% TEN LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS(4) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008) Randgold Resources Limited ADR 5.11% Annaly Capital Management Incorporated 4.80% Hill International Incorporated 3.30% 3Com Corporation 2.92% Goldcorp Incorporated 2.65% McMoRan Exploration Company 2.55% Newpark Resources Incorporated 2.45% GEO Group Incorporated 2.27% Allied Healthcare Products Incorporated 1.99% Capstead Mortgage Corporation 1.91% Strong stock selection within the financials sector, especially among Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), aided relative returns. We were also helped by underweighting telecommunications stocks, which posted above-average losses compared with the rest of the index. The Fund has held an average cash position of approximately 2.5% during the past 12 months, which helped limit losses in a generally declining market. When we are unable to find opportunities that meet our process, we may temporarily hold small cash positions. INDIVIDUAL COMPANY FUNDAMENTALS CONTINUE TO BE THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN OUR STOCK SELECTION PROCESS. There were no significant changes to the Fund's holdings during the period. We feel that it is important to point out that our stock decisions are derived purely from our investment process. Individual company fundamentals will continue to be the most important metric in our stock selection. Once we've identified a potential investment, we then look for a catalyst that will unlock the value we see. WE REMAIN CAUTIOUS ON THE BROAD STOCK MARKET. We've had the same cautious outlook for quite some time. Much of it has to do with the unfolding credit crisis and the residual impact that it will have on the economy. We believe that the credit situation is likely to get worse, and that economic activity will remain relatively slow. We are, therefore, negative on the market in the short term. We do see some attractive valuations in the market, mostly in the commodity-related and energy industries, which we think are a bit oversold. The fundamentals haven't changed. In the long term, we believe that strong global growth and the need for infrastructure development will drive significant demand for both energy and commodities such as gold. We remain committed to our investment process, which we've executed with confidence during the past decade. Although our portfolio lagged the benchmark for the period, we believe that in the long term, the market will reward active managers who demonstrate strong stock-picking abilities, even as the market's short-term focus shifts among sectors, market capitalizations, and investment styles. (3) Sector distribution is subject to change. Cash and cash equivalents are not reflected in the calculations of sector distribution. (4) The ten largest equity holdings are calculated based on the market value of the securities divided by total market value of the Fund. Holdings are subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 31 Performance Highlights (Unaudited) WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND (CONTINUED) AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURN(5) (%) (AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2008)
Including Sales Charge Excluding Sales Charge Expense Ratio ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------------- Life of SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year Fund 6 Months* 1 Year 5 Year Life of Fund Gross(6) Net(7) --------------------------- --------- ------ ------ ------- --------- ------ ------ ------------ -------- ------ Class A (WFVAX) (42.80) (49.19) (0.92) 0.27 (39.32) (46.09) 0.26 1.17 1.51% 1.40% Class C (WFCVX) (40.53) (47.46) (0.27) 0.71 (39.53) (46.46) (0.27) 0.71 2.26% 2.15% Administrator Class (WWMDX) (39.15) (45.89) 0.53 1.38 1.33% 1.15% Institutional Class (WWMSX) (39.17) (45.83) 0.58 1.42 1.06% 0.95% Investor Class (SMMVX) (39.33) (46.14) 0.23 1.15 1.68% 1.49% Russell 2500 Value Index(1) (26.01) (33.64) 2.55 3.59
* Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. FIGURES QUOTED REPRESENT PAST PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE DEDUCTION OF TAXES THAT A SHAREHOLDER MAY PAY ON FUND DISTRIBUTIONS OR THE REDEMPTION OF FUND SHARES. INVESTMENT RETURN AND PRINCIPAL VALUE OF AN INVESTMENT WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT AN INVESTOR'S SHARES, WHEN REDEEMED, MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. PERFORMANCE SHOWN WITHOUT SALES CHARGES WOULD BE LOWER IF SALES CHARGES WERE REFLECTED. CURRENT PERFORMANCE MAY BE LOWER OR HIGHER THAN THE PERFORMANCE DATA QUOTED. CURRENT MONTH-END PERFORMANCE IS AVAILABLE ON THE FUNDS' WEB SITE -www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. FOR CLASS A SHARES, THE MAXIMUM FRONT-END SALES CHARGE IS 5.75%. FOR CLASS C SHARES, THE MAXIMUM CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE IS 1.00%. PERFORMANCE INCLUDING SALES CHARGE ASSUMES THE SALES CHARGE FOR THE CORRESPONDING TIME PERIOD. ADMINISTRATOR CLASS, INSTITUTIONAL CLASS, AND INVESTOR CLASS SHARES ARE SOLD WITHOUT A FRONT-END SALES CHARGE OR CONTINGENT DEFERRED SALES CHARGE. Stock fund values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. The use of derivatives may reduce returns and/or increase volatility. Certain investment strategies tend to increase the total risk of an investment (relative to the broader market). This Fund is exposed to foreign investment risk. Consult the Fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks. (5) Class A and Class C shares incepted on July 31, 2007. Performance shown prior to the inception of Class A and Class C reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Class A shares and lower than those of the Class C shares. Administrator Class shares incepted on April 11, 2005. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Administrator Class reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares of the Strong Small/Mid Cap Value Fund, the predecessor fund, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Administrator Class shares. The Investor Class shares of the predecessor fund incepted on March 28, 2002. Institutional Class shares incepted on August 31, 2006. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Institutional Class reflects the performance of the Administrator Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. Performance shown prior to April 11, 2005, for the Institutional Class shares reflects the performance of the Investor Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Institutional Class shares. The Investor Class shares incepted on March 28, 2002. (6) Reflects the gross expense ratio as stated in the April 1, 2008, prospectus for Administrator Class and Institutional Class shares and the June 20, 2008, prospectus for Class A, Class C, and Investor Class shares. (7) The investment adviser has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain the net operating expense ratio shown. Without these reductions, the Fund's returns would have been lower. 32 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Fund Expenses (Unaudited) As a shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including sales charges (loads) on purchase payments, redemption fees (if any) and exchange fees (if any); and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution (12b-1) and/or shareholder service fees; and other Fund expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the six-month period and held for the entire six-month period, from May 1, 2008 to October 31, 2008. ACTUAL EXPENSES The "Actual" line of the table below provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the "Actual" line under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid During Period" for your applicable class of shares to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period. HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES The "Hypothetical" line of the table below provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund's actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund's actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds. Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads), redemption fees, or exchange fees. Therefore, the "Hypothetical" line of the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only, and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DISCOVERY FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 696.10 $ 5.67 1.33% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.45 $ 6.75 1.33% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 693.40 $ 8.85 2.08% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.68 $10.53 2.08% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 697.00 $ 4.91 1.15% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,019.36 $ 5.84 1.15% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 697.80 $ 4.05 0.95% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,020.36 $ 4.82 0.95% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 696.30 $ 5.88 1.38% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.20 $ 7.00 1.38%
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 33 Fund Expenses (Unaudited)
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISE FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 638.60 $ 5.77 1.40% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.10 $ 7.10 1.40% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 636.10 $ 8.84 2.15% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.33 $10.89 2.15% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 639.40 $ 4.74 1.15% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,019.36 $ 5.84 1.15% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 640.20 $ 3.71 0.90% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,020.61 $ 4.57 0.90% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 638.20 $ 6.14 1.49% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,017.65 $ 7.56 1.49% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 707.70 $ 5.37 1.25% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.85 $ 6.34 1.25% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 705.30 $ 8.57 2.00% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,015.08 $10.13 2.00% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 708.40 $ 4.94 1.15% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,019.36 $ 5.84 1.15% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 709.20 $ 3.87 0.90% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,020.61 $ 4.57 0.90% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 707.30 $ 5.62 1.31% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.55 $ 6.65 1.31% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE OPPORTUNITY FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 661.70 $ 5.39 1.29% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.65 $ 6.55 1.29% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 659.10 $ 8.51 2.04% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.88 $10.33 2.04% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 662.50 $ 4.35 1.04% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,019.91 $ 5.28 1.04% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 661.50 $ 5.64 1.35% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.35 $ 6.85 1.35%
34 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Fund Expenses (Unaudited)
Beginning Ending Expenses Account Value Account Value Paid During Net Annual 05-01-2008 10-31-2008 Period(1) Expense Ratio ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 762.60 $ 6.42 1.45% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,017.85 $ 7.35 1.45% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 759.20 $ 9.73 2.20% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.08 $11.14 2.20% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 763.40 $ 5.32 1.20% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,019.10 $ 6.09 1.20% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 764.20 $ 4.43 1.00% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,020.11 $ 5.08 1.00% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 762.70 $ 6.60 1.49% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,017.65 $ 7.56 1.49% WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND CLASS A Actual $1,000.00 $ 606.80 $ 5.65 1.40% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,018.10 $ 7.10 1.40% CLASS C Actual $1,000.00 $ 604.70 $ 8.67 2.15% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,014.33 $10.89 2.15% ADMINISTRATOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 608.50 $ 4.65 1.15% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,019.36 $ 5.84 1.15% INSTITUTIONAL CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 608.30 $ 3.84 0.95% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,020.36 $ 4.82 0.95% INVESTOR CLASS Actual $1,000.00 $ 606.70 $ 6.02 1.49% Hypothetical (5% return before expenses) $1,000.00 $1,017.65 $ 7.56 1.49%
(1) Expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the most recent fiscal half year divided by the number of days in the fiscal year (to reflect the one-half year period). Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 35 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 DISCOVERY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 95.64% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 1.34% 155,600 WMS INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED<<+ $ 3,890,000 -------------- APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 1.91% 129,100 GUESS? INCORPORATED 2,810,507 125,800 URBAN OUTFITTERS INCORPORATED+ 2,734,892 5,545,399 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 9.74% 640,500 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INCORPORATED+ 7,980,630 1,143 ADVENT SOFTWARE INCORPORATED<<+ 21,420 109,536 ANSYS INCORPORATED+ 3,136,016 168,900 CAVIUM NETWORKS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,151,786 49,261 CHECK POINT SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED+ 996,057 127,753 CONCUR TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 3,223,208 112,500 F5 NETWORKS INCORPORATED+ 2,792,250 91,800 MCAFEE INCORPORATED+ 2,988,090 218,900O MNITURE INCORPORATED<<+ 2,517,350 173,200 PHASE FORWARD INCORPORATED+ 2,471,564 28,278,371 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1.70% 80,100 CHARLES RIVER LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 2,869,983 240,800 MYLAN LABORATORIES INCORPORATED<<+ 2,063,656 4,933,639 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 9.51% 165,683 EQUINIX INCORPORATED<<+ 10,341,933 70,100 GEOEYE INCORPORATED<<+ 1,516,964 286,674 NII HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 7,384,722 398,900 SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CLASS A<<+ 8,372,911 27,616,530 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 2.63% 488,300 NEW YORK COMMUNITY BANCORP INCORPORATED 7,646,778 -------------- EATING & DRINKING PLACES: 1.42% 207,500 BURGER KING HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 4,125,100 -------------- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: 2.76% 141,188 DEVRY INCORPORATED<< 8,003,948 -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 1.36% 60,150 CLEAN HARBORS INCORPORATED+ 3,944,036 -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 7.84% 460,500 GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED+ 3,734,655 340,010 MONOLITHIC POWER SYSTEMS+ 5,776,770 210,800 NETLOGIC MICROSYSTEMS INCORPORATED+ 4,452,096 202,400 POLYCOM INCORPORATED<<+ 4,252,424 183,246 SOLERA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 4,560,993 22,776,938 -------------- ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & RELATED SERVICES: 0.84% 68,760 IHS INCORPORATED+ 2,433,416 --------------
36 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 DISCOVERY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 5.28% 187,200 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION<<+ $ 5,389,488 136,357 FLOWERS FOODS INCORPORATED 4,042,985 194,600 TREEHOUSE FOODS INCORPORATED+ 5,888,596 15,321,069 -------------- HEALTH SERVICES: 6.49% 78,900 AMEDISYS INCORPORATED<<+ 4,450,749 67,711 COVANCE INCORPORATED+ 3,385,550 203,700 LINCARE HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 5,367,495 169,200 PSYCHIATRIC SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED+ 5,632,668 18,836,462 -------------- HEAVY CONSTRUCTION OTHER THAN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS: 2.11% 139,502 FOSTER WHEELER LIMITED+ 3,822,355 134,683 MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 2,307,120 6,129,475 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 7.14% 305,822 A-POWER ENERGY GENERATION SYSTEMS LIMITED<<+ 1,734,011 163,800 DATA DOMAIN INCORPORATED<<+ 3,023,748 164,100 GAMESTOP CORPORATION CLASS A+ 4,494,699 585,414 NETEZZA CORPORATION+ 5,678,516 266,500 NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,438,475 83,300 PALL CORPORATION 2,199,953 29,700 SPX CORPORATION 1,150,578 20,719,980 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 3.69% 96,000 AXIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 2,734,080 131,228 ENDURANCE SPECIALTY HOLDINGS LIMITED 3,968,335 85,500 IPC HOLDINGS LIMITED 2,360,655 42,300 THE HANOVER INSURANCE GROUP INCORPORATED 1,660,275 10,723,345 -------------- LEGAL SERVICES: 0.81% 40,287 FTI CONSULTING INCORPORATED<<+ 2,346,718 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 5.58% 83,017 ENERGY CONVERSION DEVICES INCORPORATED<<+ 2,834,200 200,272 EV3 INCORPORATED<<+ 1,295,760 201,364 HOLOGIC INCORPORATED+ 2,464,695 132,600 ICON PLC ADR+ 3,364,062 316,000 ION GEOPHYSICAL CORPORATION+ 2,072,960 180,600 WRIGHT MEDICAL GROUP INCORPORATED+ 4,186,308 16,217,985 -------------- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: 1.84% 294,597 PSS WORLD MEDICAL INCORPORATED<<+ 5,343,990 -------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS: 1.07% 100,400 ILLUMINA INCORPORATED+ 3,095,332 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS RETAIL: 2.32% 130,800 DICK'S SPORTING GOODS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,003,856 265,500 HIBBETT SPORTS INCORPORATED<<+ 4,728,555 6,732,411 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 37 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 DISCOVERY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 4.64% 116,500 ATWOOD OCEANICS INCORPORATED+ $ 3,201,420 64,300 FOREST OIL CORPORATION+ 1,878,203 106,300 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY+ 2,442,774 314,300 PETROHAWK ENERGY CORPORATION+ 5,955,985 13,478,382 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1.24% 152,900 PACTIV CORPORATION<<+ 3,602,324 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 1.49% 143,000 LAZARD LIMITED 4,314,310 -------------- TRANSPORTATION BY AIR: 3.79% 281,200 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES INCORPORATED CLASS B<<+ 5,320,304 559,400 US AIRWAYS GROUP INCORPORATED<<+ 5,672,316 10,992,620 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.14% 139,400 HORNBECK OFFSHORE<<+ 3,317,720 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 3.64% 178,768 AIRGAS INCORPORATED 6,857,540 169,900 DEAN FOODS COMPANY+ 3,714,014 10,571,554 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE-DURABLE GOODS: 2.32% 312,066 BEACON ROOFING SUPPLY INCORPORATED<<+ 4,269,063 198,800 TITAN MACHINERY INCORPORATED+ 2,461,143 6,730,206 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $353,965,269) 277,668,038 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 19.10% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 3.53% 2,564,902 BLACKROCK TEMPORARY #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 2,564,902 2,564,902 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 2,564,902 2,564,902 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 2,564,902 2,564,902 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 2,564,902 10,259,608 --------------
INTEREST PRINCIPAL RATE MATURITY DATE ----------- ------------ -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 15.57% $ 1,022,348 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 1,022,348 6,321,942 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,322,074) 0.25 11/03/2008 6,321,942 512,980 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 512,980 6,321,942 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,322,074) 0.25 11/03/2008 6,321,942 722,508 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $722,520) 0.20 11/03/2008 722,508 523,818 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 523,818 922,307 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 15,218 710,082 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 11,716 191,465 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 191,415
38 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 DISCOVERY FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS (CONTINUED) $ 5,322,172 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $5,322,327) 0.35% 11/03/2008 $ 5,322,172 1,065,699 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 1,065,699 6,321,942 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,322,074) 0.25 11/03/2008 6,321,942 765,858 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 765,858 765,858 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 765,858 106,064 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $106,065) 0.15 11/03/2008 106,064 256,490 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 256,481 3,445,140 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 1,482,099 686,382 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $686,411) 0.50 11/03/2008 686,382 3,142,908 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,142,960) 0.20 11/03/2008 3,142,908 140,889 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 140,885 758,633 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $758,775) 2.25 11/03/2008 758,633 523,818 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 523,818 86,701 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 86,697 1,022,348 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 1,022,348 1,051,249 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 1,051,249 1,033,186 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 1,033,186 1,553,391 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 1,087,374 903,135 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 632,194 1,119,887 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 783,921 1,806,269 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 1,264,388 1,424,430 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 1,260,478 45,204,521 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $56,625,392) 55,464,129 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 39 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 DISCOVERY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 5.01% 14,552,889 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 14,552,889 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $14,552,889) 14,552,889 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $425,143,550)* 119.75% $ 347,685,056 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (19.75) (57,337,833) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 290,347,223 ------ --------------
<< All or a portion of this security is on loan. (See Note 2) + Non-income earning securities. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $14,552,889. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $427,874,076 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 5,742,721 Gross unrealized depreciation (85,931,741) ------------ Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(80,189,020)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 40 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 ENTERPRISE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 99.75% APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 2.65% 85,800 GUESS? INCORPORATED $ 1,867,866 72,800 KOHL'S CORPORATION+ 2,557,464 79,600 URBAN OUTFITTERS INCORPORATED+ 1,730,504 6,155,834 -------------- BIOPHARMACEUTICALS: 1.83% 99,300 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED ADR 4,257,984 -------------- BUILDING MATERIALS, HARDWARE, GARDEN SUPPLY & MOBILE HOME DEALERS: 1.60% 92,400 FASTENAL COMPANY<< 3,720,024 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 8.77% 319,700 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INCORPORATED+ 3,983,462 923 ADVENT SOFTWARE INCORPORATED+<< 17,297 89,205 ANSYS INCORPORATED+ 2,553,939 14,900 BAIDU.COM INCORPORATED ADR+<< 3,069,400 41,701 CHECK POINT SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED+ 843,194 120,000 CONCUR TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 3,027,600 88,000 F5 NETWORKS INCORPORATED+ 2,184,160 73,600 MCAFEE INCORPORATED+ 2,395,680 199,400O MNITURE INCORPORATED+ 2,293,100 20,367,832 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 3.25% 67,900 CHARLES RIVER LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 2,432,857 55,600 CLOROX COMPANY 3,381,036 201,700 MYLAN LABORATORIES INCORPORATED+<< 1,728,569 7,542,462 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 10.66% 216,264 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION CLASS A+ 6,987,490 121,764 EQUINIX INCORPORATED+<< 7,600,509 226,852 NII HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 5,843,708 206,600 SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CLASS A+<< 4,336,534 24,768,241 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 3.36% 327,500 NEW YORK COMMUNITY BANCORP INCORPORATED 5,128,650 47,700 NORTHERN TRUST CORPORATION<< 2,685,987 7,814,637 -------------- EATING & DRINKING PLACES: 3.59% 169,000 BURGER KING HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 3,359,720 171,300 YUM! BRANDS INCORPORATED 4,969,413 8,329,133 -------------- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: 3.84% 33,796 APOLLO GROUP INCORPORATED CLASS A+ 2,349,160 115,990 DEVRY INCORPORATED<< 6,575,473 8,924,633 -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 1.17% 41,450 CLEAN HARBORS INCORPORATED+ 2,717,877 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 41 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 ENTERPRISE FUND
42 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 ENTERPRISE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: 2.88% 233,593 PSS WORLD MEDICAL INCORPORATED+<< $ 4,237,377 64,700 ST. JUDE MEDICAL INCORPORATED+ 2,460,541 6,697,918 -------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS: 1.07% 80,800 ILLUMINA INCORPORATED+<< 2,491,064 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS RETAIL: 0.73% 110,700 DICK'S SPORTING GOODS INCORPORATED+ 1,695,924 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 8.11% 93,810 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORPORATION 2,061,006 150,300 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY+ 3,453,894 151,000 NOBLE CORPORATION<< 4,863,710 180,100 PETROHAWK ENERGY CORPORATION+ 3,412,895 42,800 PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY 1,191,124 228,100 WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED+ 3,850,328 18,832,957 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1.28% 126,600 PACTIV CORPORATION+<< 2,982,696 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 1.46% 112,700 LAZARD LIMITED 3,400,159 -------------- TRANSPORTATION BY AIR: 3.87% 233,800 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES INCORPORATED CLASS B+<< 4,423,496 449,600 US AIRWAYS GROUP INCORPORATED+ 4,558,944 8,982,440 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.16% 113,100 HORNBECK OFFSHORE+<< 2,691,780 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 4.21% 178,107 AIRGAS INCORPORATED 6,832,185 134,700 DEAN FOODS COMPANY+ 2,944,538 9,776,723 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $326,019,349) 231,790,112 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 16.19% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 3.00% 1,739,538 BLACKROCK TEMPORARY #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 1,739,538 1,739,538 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 1,739,538 1,739,538 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 1,739,538 1,739,538 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 1,739,538 6,958,152 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 43 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 ENTERPRISE FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 13.19% $ 693,365 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 693,365 4,287,595 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $4,287,684) 0.25 11/03/2008 4,287,595 347,908 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 347,908 4,287,595 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $4,287,684) 0.25 11/03/2008 4,287,595 490,011 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $490,019) 0.20 11/03/2008 490,011 355,258 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 355,258 625,516 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 10,321 481,584 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 7,946 129,853 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 129,821 3,609,542 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,609,647) 0.35 11/03/2008 3,609,542 722,766 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 722,766 4,287,595 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $4,287,684) 0.25 11/03/2008 4,287,595 519,411 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 519,411 519,411 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 519,411 71,934 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $71,935) 0.15 11/03/2008 71,934 173,954 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 173,948 2,336,523 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 1,005,172 465,510 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $465,529) 0.50 11/03/2008 465,510 2,131,547 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $2,131,583) 0.20 11/03/2008 2,131,547 95,552 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 95,549 514,511 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $514,607) 2.25 11/03/2008 514,511 355,258 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 355,258 58,801 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 58,799 693,365 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 693,365 712,966 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 712,966 700,715 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 700,715 1,053,523 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 737,466 612,514 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 428,759 759,517 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 531,662 1,225,027 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 857,519 966,061 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 854,867 30,658,092 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $38,468,299) 37,616,244 --------------
44 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 ENTERPRISE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 2.21% 5,132,451 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 5,132,451 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $5,132,451) 5,132,451 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $369,620,099)* 118.15% $ 274,538,807 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (18.15) (42,180,274) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 232,358,533 ------ --------------
+ Non-income earning securities. << All or a portion of this security is on loan. (See Note 2) ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $5,132,451. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $370,675,999 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 2,925,543 Gross unrealized depreciation (99,062,735) ------------ Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(96,137,192)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 45 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 99.33% BUSINESS SERVICES: 9.14% 812,300 CA INCORPORATED $ 14,458,940 528,500 ELECTRONIC ARTS INCORPORATED<<+ 12,039,230 205,500 JUNIPER NETWORKS INCORPORATED+ 3,851,070 315,000 LAWSON SOFTWARE INCORPORATED+ 1,675,800 836,800 MONSTER WORLDWIDE INCORPORATED<<+ 11,916,032 158,533 TOTAL SYSTEM SERVICES INCORPORATED 2,178,243 499,100 YAHOO! INCORPORATED<<+ 6,398,462 52,517,777 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 3.19% 395,200 HOSPIRA INCORPORATED<<+ 10,994,464 520,500 NALCO HOLDING COMPANY<< 7,349,460 18,343,924 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 0.60% 448,200 CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR HOLDINGS INCORPORATED<<+ 2,796,768 127,400 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION INTERACTIVE SERIES A+ 621,712 3,418,480 -------------- COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES: 0.57% 196,233 METAVANTE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 3,290,827 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 0.09% 4,800 ASSOCIATED BANC-CORP 105,888 2,000 COMMERCE BANCSHARES INCORPORATED 94,560 900 M&T BANK CORPORATION<< 72,990 4,900 US BANCORP 146,069 2,900 WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORPORATION 53,766 1,900 WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION 54,834 528,107 -------------- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: 0.29% 114,700 CORINTHIAN COLLEGES INCORPORATED<<+ 1,637,916 -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 26.48% 156,600 AGL RESOURCES INCORPORATED<< 4,760,640 92,400 AMEREN CORPORATION 2,998,380 992,800 AQUA AMERICA INCORPORATED<< 17,870,400 120,400 CONSOLIDATED EDISON INCORPORATED 5,215,728 330,700 EDISON INTERNATIONAL 11,769,613 129,100 ENTERGY CORPORATION 10,076,255 110,800 FIRSTENERGY CORPORATION 5,779,328 269,800 FPL GROUP INCORPORATED 12,745,352 1,522,600 NISOURCE INCORPORATED 19,732,896 252,494 PG&E CORPORATION<< 9,258,955 291,200 PROGRESS ENERGY INCORPORATED 11,464,544 212,000 PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP INCORPORATED 5,967,800 52,863 REPUBLIC SERVICES INCORPORATED 1,252,853 75,300 SCANA CORPORATION 2,478,123 880,000 WASTE MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED 27,482,400 185,000 XCEL ENERGY INCORPORATED 3,222,700 152,075,967 --------------
46 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 7.87% 450,000 ATMI INCORPORATED+ $ 5,472,000 918,500 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 17,919,935 39,100 KLA-TENCOR CORPORATION 909,075 1,173,500 MOLEX INCORPORATED CLASS A 15,067,740 430,600 NETAPP INCORPORATED<<+ 5,826,018 45,194,768 -------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES: 1.41% 690,900 JANUS CAPITAL GROUP INCORPORATED 8,111,166 -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 6.77% 411,000 COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED 4,130,550 713,300 CONAGRA FOODS INCORPORATED 12,425,686 639,900 SARA LEE CORPORATION<< 7,154,082 610,485 TOOTSIE ROLL INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED<< 15,182,762 38,893,080 -------------- FOOD STORES: 0.16% 83,200 WHOLE FOODS MARKET INCORPORATED<<+ 891,904 -------------- FOOTWEAR: 0.17% 400,000 CROCS INCORPORATED<<+ 1,004,000 -------------- GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES: 1.13% 161,500 TARGET CORPORATION 6,479,380 -------------- HOLDING & OTHER INVESTMENT OFFICES: 1.43% 367,200 EXTERRAN HOLDINGS INCORPORATED<<+ 8,228,952 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 10.03% 303,500 3M COMPANY 19,515,050 1,321,300 APPLIED MATERIALS INCORPORATED 17,057,983 802,500 INTERMEC INCORPORATED+ 10,408,425 155,300 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO INCORPORATED+ 4,641,917 226,500 PALL CORPORATION 5,981,865 57,605,240 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 0.74% 295,800 THE PROGRESSIVE CORPORATION<< 4,221,066 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 8.92% 112,000 MILLIPORE CORPORATION+ 5,811,680 518,600 PERKINELMER INCORPORATED 9,303,684 163,800 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INCORPORATED 7,665,840 517,300 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INCORPORATED 14,313,691 322,000 WATERS CORPORATION+ 14,103,600 51,198,495 -------------- METAL MINING: 3.99% 202,400 BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION 4,598,528 698,800 GOLDCORP INCORPORATED 13,039,608 200,600 NEWMONT MINING CORPORATION 5,283,804 22,921,940 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 47 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- MISCELLANEOUS RETAIL: 5.09% 62,600 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION $ 3,568,826 371,800 STAPLES INCORPORATED<< 7,224,074 724,200 WALGREEN COMPANY 18,438,132 29,231,032 -------------- MOTION PICTURES: 1.95% 1,108,500 TIME WARNER INCORPORATED 11,184,765 -------------- MOTOR FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION & WAREHOUSING: 2.05% 180,000 FEDEX CORPORATION 11,766,600 -------------- NON-DEPOSITORY CREDIT INSTITUTIONS: 0.02% 4,900 PEOPLE'S UNITED FINANCIAL INCORPORATED 85,750 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 2.45% 83,800 DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION 6,776,068 140,700 NOBLE ENERGY INCORPORATED 7,291,074 14,067,142 -------------- PETROLEUM REFINING & RELATED INDUSTRIES: 2.51% 239,700 HESS CORPORATION 14,432,337 -------------- RUBBER & MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS: 0.63% 215,300 SEALED AIR CORPORATION 3,642,876 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.00% 234,800 HARLEY-DAVIDSON INCORPORATED 5,747,904 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 0.46% 101,100 SYSCO CORPORATION 2,648,820 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE-DURABLE GOODS: 0.19% 73,400 BARNES GROUP INCORPORATED 1,065,035 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $ 798,784,053) 570,435,250 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 8.09% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 1.50% 2,149,763 BLACKROCK TEMPORARY #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 2,149,763 2,149,763 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 2,149,763 2,149,763 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 2,149,763 2,149,763 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 2,149,763 8,599,052 --------------
INTEREST PRINCIPAL RATE MATURITY DATE ----------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 6.59% $ 856,877 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 856,877 5,298,711 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $5,298,821) 0.25 11/03/2008 5,298,711 429,953 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 429,953 5,298,711 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $5,298,821) 0.25 11/03/2008 5,298,711 605,567 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $605,577) 0.20 11/03/2008 605,567 439,036 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 439,036
48 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS (CONTINUED) $ 773,028 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00% 02/25/2008 $ 12,755 595,152 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 9,820 160,475 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 160,431 4,460,758 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $4,460,888) 0.35 11/03/2008 4,460,758 893,211 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 893,211 5,298,711 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $5,298,821) 0.25 11/03/2008 5,298,711 641,901 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 641,901 641,901 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 641,901 88,897 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $88,898) 0.15 11/03/2008 88,897 214,976 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 214,969 2,887,531 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 1,242,216 575,289 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKETSECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $575,313) 0.50 11/03/2008 575,289 2,634,216 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $2,634,260) 0.20 11/03/2008 2,634,216 118,086 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 118,082 635,845 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $635,964) 2.25 11/03/2008 635,845 439,036 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 439,036 72,668 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 72,665 856,877 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMANSOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 856,877 881,100 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 881,100 865,961 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 865,961 1,301,969 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 911,378 756,959 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 529,871 938,629 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 657,040 1,513,917 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 1,059,742 1,193,881 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 1,056,464 37,887,991 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $47,935,443) 46,487,043 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 49 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 0.25% 1,460,772 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 1,460,772 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $1,460,772) 1,460,772 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $848,180,268)* 107.67% $ 618,383,065 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (7.67) (44,076,342) -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 574,306,723 --------------
<< All or a portion of this security is on loan. (See Note 2) + Non-income earning securities. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $1,460,772. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $851,615,309 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 3,388,928 Gross unrealized depreciation (236,621,172) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(233,232,244)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 50 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 OPPORTUNITY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Common Stocks: 90.43% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 0.82% 595,000 INTERNATIONAL GAME TECHNOLOGY<< $ 8,330,000 -------------- APPAREL & ACCESSORY STORES: 1.31% 736,000 NORDSTROM INCORPORATED<< 13,314,240 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 9.79% 1,030,000 AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED<<+ 14,811,400 530,000 ELECTRONIC ARTS INCORPORATED+ 12,073,400 380,000 FISERV INCORPORATED+ 12,676,800 870,000 IMS HEALTH INCORPORATED 12,475,800 1,010,000 INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES INCORPORATED<< 5,241,900 790,600 NCR CORPORATION+ 14,452,168 443,100 OMNICOM GROUP INCORPORATED<< 13,089,174 1,085,000 RED HAT INCORPORATED<<+ 14,441,350 99,261,992 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 5.15% 285,000 AMGEN INCORPORATED+ 17,068,650 235,000 CLOROX COMPANY 14,290,350 320,000 PRAXAIR INCORPORATED 20,848,000 52,207,000 -------------- COAL MINING: 0.60% 175,000 PEABODY ENERGY CORPORATION 6,039,250 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 5.81% 845,000 CABLEVISION SYSTEMS CORPORATION NEW YORK GROUP CLASS A<< 14,981,850 1,100,000 COMCAST CORPORATION CLASS A 16,962,000 505,000 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION ENTERTAINMENT CLASS A+ 8,130,500 1,415,000 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION INTERACTIVE SERIES A+ 6,905,200 420,000 SCRIPPS NETWORKS INTERACTIVE INCORPORATED<< 11,928,000 58,907,550 DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 4.08% 540,000 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION 17,604,000 325,700 BB&T CORPORATION<< 11,676,345 256,000 TORONTO-DOMINION BANK ADR<< 12,042,240 41,322,585 -------------- EATING & DRINKING PLACES: 1.34% 612,500 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INCORPORATED 13,579,125 -------------- EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: 1.54% 225,000 APOLLO GROUP INCORPORATED CLASS A<<+ 15,639,750 -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 1.58% 676,900 REPUBLIC SERVICES INCORPORATED 16,042,530 -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 10.86% 413,200 AMPHENOL CORPORATION CLASS A 11,838,180 9,980,000 ARM HOLDINGS PLC 15,539,291 625,000 MEMC ELECTRONIC MATERIALS INCORPORATED+ 11,487,500 635,000 MICROSEMI CORPORATION<<+ 13,804,900 1,000,000 NETAPP INCORPORATED<<+ 13,530,000 2,870,000 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION<<+ 14,665,700
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 51 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 OPPORTUNITY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ELECTRONIC & OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS, EXCEPT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT (continued) 745,000 POLYCOM INCORPORATED<<+ $ 15,652,450 365,000 ROCKWELL COLLINS INCORPORATED 13,588,950 110,106,971 -------------- ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTING, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & RELATED SERVICES: 1.94% 595,000 ACCENTURE LIMITED CLASS A 19,664,750 -------------- FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT MACHINERY & TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 2.23% 370,000 CROWN HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 7,466,600 455,000 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INCORPORATED 15,192,450 22,659,050 -------------- FOOD & KINDRED PRODUCTS: 1.39% 609,300 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP INCORPORATED 14,087,016 -------------- FOOD STORES: 0.88% 325,000 KROGER COMPANY 8,924,500 -------------- GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES: 1.13% 285,000 TARGET CORPORATION 11,434,200 -------------- HEALTH SERVICES: 0.98% 4,710,000 HEALTH MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED CLASS A+ 9,891,000 -------------- HOLDING & OTHER INVESTMENT OFFICES: 0.67% 330,000 OAKTREE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT+ 6,765,000 -------------- INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINERY & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 5.13% 400,000 DOVER CORPORATION 12,708,000 405,000 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO INCORPORATED+ 12,105,450 610,000 PALL CORPORATION 16,110,100 1,645,000 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY 11,136,650 52,060,200 -------------- INSURANCE CARRIERS: 5.04% 370,000 ACE LIMITED 21,223,200 375,000 HCC INSURANCE HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 8,272,500 718,100 MGIC INVESTMENT CORPORATION<< 2,786,228 410,000 RENAISSANCERE HOLDINGS LIMITED 18,819,000 51,100,928 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 7.49% 345,000 APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS 10,636,350 635,000 COOPER COMPANIES INCORPORATED 10,464,800 375,000 MEDTRONIC INCORPORATED 15,123,750 445,000 RESMED INCORPORATED+ 15,245,700 281,400 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INCORPORATED 7,786,338 380,000 WATERS CORPORATION+ 16,644,000 75,900,938 -------------- MEDICAL PRODUCTS: 1.24% 270,000 ZIMMER HOLDINGS INCORPORATED+ 12,536,100 -------------- METAL MINING: 0.59% 205,000 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INCORPORATED CLASS B<< 5,965,500 --------------
52 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 OPPORTUNITY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- MISCELLANEOUS RETAIL: 3.15% 435,000 CVS CAREMARK CORPORATION $ 13,332,750 960,000 STAPLES INCORPORATED<< 18,652,800 31,985,550 -------------- MOTOR FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION & WAREHOUSING: 1.24% 441,100 J.B. HUNT TRANSPORT SERVICES INCORPORATED<< 12,540,473 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 7.86% 240,000 APACHE CORPORATION 19,759,200 475,000 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORPORATION 10,435,750 333,000 TRANSOCEAN INCORPORATED+ 27,415,890 1,305,000 WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED+ 22,028,400 79,639,240 -------------- PERSONAL SERVICES: 0.63% 515,000 REGIS CORPORATION 6,370,550 -------------- PRIMARY METAL INDUSTRIES: 1.04% 260,000 NUCOR CORPORATION 10,532,600 -------------- SECURITY & COMMODITY BROKERS, DEALERS, EXCHANGES & SERVICES: 1.56% 1,060,000 INVESCO LIMITED 15,804,600 -------------- TRANSPORTATION BY AIR: 0.94% 905,000 TAM SA ADR<<+ 9,574,900 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 1.22% 700,000 JOHNSON CONTROLS INCORPORATED 12,411,000 -------------- TRAVEL & RECREATION: 1.20% 480,000 CARNIVAL CORPORATION 12,192,000 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $1,169,778,515) 916,791,088 -------------- RIGHTS: 0.00% 566,000 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY RIGHTS(a)(i) 0 TOTAL RIGHTS (COST $0) COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 11.04% 0 -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 2.04% 5,177,767 BLACKROCK TEMPORARY #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 5,177,767 5,177,767 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 5,177,767 5,177,767 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 5,177,767 5,177,767 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 5,177,767 20,711,068 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 53 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 OPPORTUNITY FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 9.00% $ 2,063,814 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 2,063,814 12,762,103 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $12,762,369) 0.25 11/03/2008 12,762,103 1,035,554 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 1,035,554 12,762,103 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $12,762,369) 0.25 11/03/2008 12,762,103 1,458,526 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,458,550) 0.20 11/03/2008 1,458,526 1,057,431 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 1,057,431 1,861,860 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 30,721 1,433,442 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 23,652 386,509 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 386,403 10,743,868 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $10,744,181) 0.35 11/03/2008 10,743,868 2,151,326 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 2,151,326 12,762,103 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $12,762,369) 0.25 11/03/2008 12,762,103 1,546,038 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 1,546,038 1,546,038 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 1,546,038 214,112 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $214,115) 0.15 11/03/2008 214,112 517,777 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 517,758 6,954,703 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 2,991,913 1,385,600 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,385,658) 0.50 11/03/2008 1,385,600 6,344,588 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $6,344,694) 0.20 11/03/2008 6,344,588 284,413 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 284,405 1,531,452 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,531,739) 2.25 11/03/2008 1,531,452 1,057,431 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 1,057,431 175,023 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 175,016 2,063,814 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 2,063,814 2,122,155 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 2,122,155 2,085,692 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 2,085,692 3,135,831 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 2,195,082 1,823,158 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 1,276,210 2,260,715 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 1,582,501 3,646,315 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 2,552,421 2,875,497 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 2,544,529 91,254,359 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $115,375,579) 111,965,427 --------------
54 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 OPPORTUNITY FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 8.68% 88,022,417 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 88,022,417 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $88,022,417) 88,022,417 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $1,373,176,511)* 110.15% $1,116,778,932 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (10.15) (102,917,675) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $1,013,861,257 ====== ==============
<< All or a portion of this security is on loan. (See Note 2) + Non-income earning securities. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $88,022,417. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $1,384,468,003 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 93,590,797 Gross unrealized depreciation (361,279,868) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(267,689,071)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 55 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
56 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 57 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- INSURANCE AGENTS, BROKERS & SERVICE: 1.37% 505,100 CRAWFORD & COMPANY CLASS A+ $ 3,894,321 -------------- MEASURING, ANALYZING & CONTROLLING INSTRUMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHIC, MEDICAL & OPTICAL GOODS: 11.78% 785,000 HERLEY INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+** 10,440,500 150,000 MILLIPORE CORPORATION+<< 7,783,500 333,500 NEWPORT CORPORATION+<< 2,397,865 350,000 PERKINELMER INCORPORATED 6,279,000 133,000 WATERS CORPORATION+<< 5,825,400 31,100 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION+ 748,888 33,475,153 -------------- MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: 4.37% 91,000 ARMSTRONG WORLD INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+ 1,786,330 1,462,400 LEAPFROG ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED+<< 9,871,200 115,000 LYDALL INCORPORATED+ 764,750 12,422,280 -------------- MOTION PICTURES: 0.01% 63,274 WPT ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED+ 24,044 -------------- OIL & GAS EXTRACTION: 0.23% 686,700 SYNTROLEUM CORPORATION+<< 659,232 -------------- PAPER & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 0.64% 307,000 BUCKEYE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 1,808,230 -------------- PETROLEUM REFINING & RELATED INDUSTRIES: 3.24% 112,000 HESS CORPORATION 6,743,520 84,600 WD-40 COMPANY 2,461,860 9,205,380 -------------- PRINTING, PUBLISHING & ALLIED INDUSTRIES: 1.30% 1,500,000 PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED CLASS B+** 3,705,000 -------------- RUBBER & MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS: 0.58% 97,000 SEALED AIR CORPORATION 1,641,240 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE NON-DURABLE GOODS: 0.58% 125,000 KENNETH COLE PRODUCTIONS INCORPORATED CLASS A 1,660,000 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $401,724,686) 276,070,311 -------------- COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING: 11.71% COLLATERAL INVESTED IN MONEY MARKET FUNDS: 2.17% 1,538,462 BLACKROCK TEMPORARY #24 MONEY MARKET FUND 1,538,462 1,538,462 DAILY ASSETS FUND INSTITUTIONAL 1,538,462 1,538,462 DREYFUS CASH MANAGEMENT FUND 1,538,462 1,538,462 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT COMPANY MONEY MARKET FUND 1,538,462 6,153,848 --------------
58 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
INTEREST PRINCIPAL SECURITY NAME RATE MATURITY DATE VALUE ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- COLLATERAL INVESTED IN OTHER ASSETS: 9.54% $ 613,218 ABN AMRO BANK NV 0.25% 11/03/2008 $ 613,218 3,791,983 BANK OF AMERICA REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,792,062) 0.25 11/03/2008 3,791,983 307,692 BANK OF IRELAND 0.25 11/03/2008 307,692 3,791,983 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,792,062) 0.25 11/03/2008 3,791,983 433,369 BARCLAYS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY US TREASURY SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $433,376) 0.20 11/03/2008 433,369 314,193 CALYON GRAND CAYMAN 1.00 11/03/2008 314,193 553,211 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 02/25/2008 9,128 425,916 CHEYNE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.00 05/19/2008 7,028 114,843 CME GROUP INCORPORATED++ 1.65 11/07/2008 114,807 3,192,308 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,192,401) 0.35 11/03/2008 3,192,308 639,220 DANSKE BANK A/S COPENHAGEN 1.00 11/03/2008 639,220 3,791,983 DEUTSCHE BANK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $3,792,062) 0.25 11/03/2008 3,791,983 459,372 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL DE FRANCE SA 1.25 11/03/2008 459,372 459,372 FORTIS BANK GRAND CAYMAN 0.60 11/03/2008 459,372 63,619 GOLDMAN SACHS REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $63,620) 0.15 11/03/2008 63,619 153,846 GREENWICH CAPITAL HOLDINGS INCORPORATED 0.65 11/03/2008 153,841 2,066,440 GRYPHON FUNDING LIMITED(a)(i) 0.00 08/23/2009 888,982 411,701 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $411,718) 0.50 11/03/2008 411,701 1,885,157 JPMORGAN CHASE REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $1,885,188) 0.20 11/03/2008 1,885,157 84,507 MONT BLANC CAPITAL CORPORATION++ 0.50 11/03/2008 84,505 455,038 MORGAN STANLEY REPURCHASE AGREEMENT - 102% COLLATERALIZED BY MONEY MARKET SECURITIES (MATURITY VALUE $455,123) 2.25 11/03/2008 455,038 314,193 NATIXIS 1.10 11/03/2008 314,193 52,004 SCALDIS CAPITAL LIMITED++ 0.75 11/03/2008 52,002 613,218 SOCIETE GENERALE GRAND CAYMAN 0.25 11/03/2008 613,218 630,553 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN INCORPORATED 1.00 11/03/2008 630,553 619,718 UBS AG CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.31 11/03/2008 619,718 931,744 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.32 07/28/2008 652,221 541,712 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 0.35 08/07/2008 379,198 671,723 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.03 04/03/2008 470,206 1,083,424 VICTORIA FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 3.04 02/15/2008 758,397 854,392 WHITE PINE FINANCE LLC++ +/- ####(a)(i) 2.99 02/22/2008 756,051 27,114,256 -------------- TOTAL COLLATERAL FOR SECURITIES LENDING (COST $33,797,895) 33,268,104 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 59 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 0.47% 1,325,456 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ $ 1,325,456 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $1,325,456) 1,325,456 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $436,848,037)* 109.32% $ 310,663,871 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (9.32) (26,474,976) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 284,188,895 ====== --------------
+ Non-income earning securities. << All or a portion of this security is on loan. (See Note 2) ** Represents an affiliate of the Fund under section 2(a)(2) and 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as Fund holds 5% or more of the issuer's outstanding voting shares. ++ Securities that may be resold to "qualified institutional buyers" under rule 144A or securities offered pursuant to section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. +/- Variable rate investments. #### This security is currently in default with regards to scheduled interest and/or principal payments. (a) Security fair valued in accordance with the procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. (i) Illiquid security. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $1,325,456. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $437,363,160 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 11,594,749 Gross unrealized depreciation (138,294,038) ------------- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(126,699,289)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 60 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- COMMON STOCKS: 92.92% AMUSEMENT & RECREATION SERVICES: 0.27% 304,535 CENTURY CASINOS INCORPORATED+ $ 365,442 -------------- Apparel & ACCESSORY STORES: 0.36% 200,095 DELIA*S INCORPORATED+ 484,230 -------------- BIOPHARMACEUTICALS: 0.65% 2,668,451 ENCORIUM GROUP INCORPORATED+** 880,589 -------------- BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-GENERAL CONTRACTORS & OPERATIVE BUILDERS: 2.38% 34,640 CAVCO INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+ 1,178,799 237,127 PALM HARBOR HOMES INCORPORATED+ 2,039,292 3,218,091 -------------- BUSINESS SERVICES: 11.14% 1,346,935 3COM CORPORATION+ 3,677,133 81,615 ABM INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 1,332,773 80,515 CLARUS CORPORATION+ 402,575 57,005 HEALTHCARE SERVICES GROUP 944,003 38,395 HENRY JACK & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED 729,889 661,825 HILL INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 4,156,261 62,725 HLTH CORPORATION+ 519,990 62,930 IMS HEALTH INCORPORATED 902,416 397,727 TIER TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED CLASS B+ 2,378,407 15,043,447 -------------- CHEMICALS & ALLIED PRODUCTS: 1.89% 35,285 INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INCORPORATED 1,124,886 308,827 ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES INCORPORATED+ 1,423,692 2,548,578 -------------- COMMUNICATIONS: 2.01% 279,645 CHINA GRENTECH CORPORATION LIMITED ADR+ 346,760 340,905 CINCINNATI BELL INCORPORATED+ 814,763 511,514 CITADEL BROADCASTING CORPORATION+ 143,224 935,855 SANDVINE CORPORATION+ 586,781 29,125 SCRIPPS NETWORKS INTERACTIVE INCORPORATED 827,150 2,718,678 -------------- CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL TRADE CONTRACTORS: 1.33% 919,690 CHAMPION ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED+ 1,719,820 35,265 U.S. HOME SYSTEMS INCORPORATED+ 74,762 1,794,582 -------------- DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS: 1.51% 107,669 FIRST SECURITY GROUP INCORPORATED 806,441 104,045 PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INCORPORATED+ 416,180 53,315 WESTERN UNION COMPANY 813,587 2,036,208 -------------- ELECTRIC, GAS & SANITARY SERVICES: 0.71% 98,240 EL PASO CORPORATION 952,928 --------------
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 61 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND
62 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 63 Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND
SHARES SECURITY NAME VALUE ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- REAL ESTATE: 1.62% 168,800 CHIMERA INVESTMENT CORPORATION $ 486,144 77,770 HATTERAS FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1,695,386 2,181,530 -------------- RUBBER & MISCELLANEOUS PLASTICS PRODUCTS: 1.12% 212,215 CONSTAR INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED+ 87,008 694,016 INTERTAPE POLYMER GROUP INCORPORATED+ 1,422,732 1,509,740 -------------- SOCIAL SERVICES: 0.52% 53,685 ABB LIMITED ADR 705,958 -------------- STONE, CLAY, GLASS & CONCRETE PRODUCTS: 1.76% 247,390 GENTEX CORPORATION 2,372,470 -------------- THEATERS & ENTERTAINMENT: 0.97% 102,485 REGAL ENTERTAINMENT GROUP CLASS A 1,315,907 -------------- TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT: 0.20% 611,880 FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED+ 275,346 -------------- WHOLESALE TRADE-DURABLE GOODS: 0.19% 132,084 PATRICK INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED+ 253,601 -------------- TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (COST $205,460,628) 125,488,926 --------------
SHARES EXPIRATION DATE ------ --------------- WARRANTS: 0.45% 308,135 PRIMORIS SERVICES CORPORATION WARRANT+ 10/02/2010 607,026 TOTAL WARRANTS (COST $794,077) 607,026 -------------- SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS: 6.78% 9,159,136 WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE MONEY MARKET TRUST~+++ 9,159,136 -------------- TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (COST $9,159,136) 9,159,136 -------------- TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES (COST $215,413,841)* 100.15% $ 135,255,088 OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (0.15) (204,066) ------ -------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00% $ 135,051,022 ------ --------------
64 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Portfolio of Investments--October 31, 2008 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND
CONTRACTS SECURITY NAME STRIKE PRICE EXPIRATION DATE VALUE ----------- ------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- -------------- WRITTEN OPTIONS: (0.12%) (100) ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED CALL $17.50 01/17/2009 $ (3,000) (100) FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INCORPORATED CALL $30.00 01/17/2009 (48,800) (100) FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INCORPORATED CALL $35.00 01/17/2009 (34,000) (50) GOLDCORP INCORPORATED CALL $30.00 11/22/2008 (500) (100) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL $10.00 11/22/2008 (47,000) (100) INTEROIL CORPORATION CALL $12.50 11/22/2008 (28,000) (50) RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ADR CALL $40.00 11/22/2008 (3,000) TOTAL WRITTEN OPTIONS (PREMIUMS RECEIVED $(258,098) (164,300) --------------
+ Non-income earning securities. ** Represents an affiliate of the Fund under section 2(a)(2) and 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as Fund holds 5% or more of the issuer's outstanding voting shares. ~ This Wells Fargo Advantage Fund invests cash balances that it retains for liquidity purposes in a Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Fund. The Fund does not pay an investment advisory fee for such investments. # All or a portion of this security is segregated as collateral for derivative investments. (See Note 2) +++ Short-term security of an affiliate of the Fund with a cost of $9,159,136. * Cost for federal income tax purposes is $219,400,620 and net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) consists of: Gross unrealized appreciation $ 5,469,475 Gross unrealized depreciation (89,615,007) ------------ Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) $(84,145,532)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 66 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Assets and Liabilities--October 31, 2008
Discovery Enterprise Fund Fund ------------ ------------- ASSETS Investments In securities, at market value (including securities on loan) ...... $277,668,038 $ 231,790,112 Collateral received for securities loaned (Note 2) ................. 55,464,129 37,616,244 Investments in affiliates .......................................... 14,552,889 5,132,451 ------------ ------------- Total investments at market value (see cost below) .................... 347,685,056 274,538,807 ------------ ------------- Cash .................................................................. 0 0 Receivable for Fund shares issued ..................................... 1,458,307 389,779 Receivable for investments sold ....................................... 10,591,962 6,393,244 Receivables for dividends and interest ................................ 57,748 89,344 ------------ ------------- Total assets ............................................................. 359,793,073 281,123,563 ------------ ------------- LIABILITIES Option written, at value .............................................. 0 0 Payable for Fund shares redeemed ...................................... 692,130 241,177 Payable for investments purchased ..................................... 10,771,813 9,448,743 Payable upon receipt of securities loaned (Note 2) .................... 57,648,565 39,122,687 Payable to investment advisor and affiliates (Note 3) ................. 234,152 154,391 Accrued expenses and other liabilities ................................ 99,190 85,643 ------------ ------------- Total liabilities ........................................................ 69,445,850 49,052,641 ------------ ------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS ......................................................... $290,347,223 $ 232,358,533 ============ ============= NET ASSETS CONSIST OF Paid-in capital ....................................................... $392,363,686 $ 522,265,782 Undistributed net investment income (loss) ............................ 0 0 Undistributed net realized gain (loss) on investments ................. (24,557,969) (194,825,957) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments, foreign currencies and translation of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies ................................................. (76,297,231) (94,229,237) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of options, swap agreements, and short sales .................................................... 0 0 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of securities lending ...... (1,161,263) (852,055) ------------ ------------- TOTAL NET ASSETS ......................................................... $290,347,223 $ 232,358,533 ============ ============= COMPUTATION OF NET ASSET VALUE AND OFFERING PRICE PER SHARE(1) Net assets - Class A .................................................. $ 3,149,621 $ 850,615 Shares outstanding - Class A .......................................... 216,896 39,065 Net asset value per share - Class A ................................... $ 14.52 $ 21.77 Maximum offering price per share - Class A(2) ......................... $ 15.41 $ 23.10 Net assets - Class C .................................................. $ 1,471,081 $ 20,997 Shares outstanding - Class C .......................................... 102,412 977 Net asset value and offering price per share - Class C ................ $ 14.36 $ 21.49 Net assets - Administrator Class ...................................... $ 82,359,080 $ 14,676,766 Shares outstanding - Administrator Class .............................. 5,621,563 659,047 Net asset value and offering price per share - Administrator Class .... $ 14.65 $ 22.27 Net assets - Institutional Class ...................................... $ 23,454,647 $ 104,121,492 Shares outstanding - Institutional Class .............................. 1,592,158 4,639,892 Net asset value and offering price per share - Institutional Class .... $ 14.73 $ 22.44 Net assets - Investor Class ........................................... $179,912,794 $ 112,688,663 Shares outstanding - Investor Class ................................... 12,416,812 5,225,638 Net asset value and offering price per share - Investor Class ......... $ 14.49 $ 21.56 ------------ ------------- Investments at cost ...................................................... $425,143,550 $ 369,620,099 ------------ ------------- Securities on loan, at market value (Note 2) ............................. $ 58,761,958 $ 39,561,238 ------------ ------------- Premiums received on written options (Note 2) ............................ $ 0 $ 0 ------------ -------------
(1) Each Fund has an unlimited number of authorized shares. (2) Maximum offering price is computed as 100/94.25 of net asset value. On investments of $50,000 or more, the offering price is reduced. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 67 Statements of Assets and Liabilities--October 31, 2008
Mid Cap Small Cap Small/Mid Disciplined Opportunity Disciplined Cap Value Fund Fund Fund Fund -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ $ 570,435,250 $ 916,791,088 $ 261,924,811 $122,662,693 46,487,043 111,965,427 33,268,104 0 1,460,772 88,022,417 15,470,956 12,592,395 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ 618,383,065 1,116,778,932 310,663,871 135,255,088 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ 0 0 3,160 0 5,566,234 669,587 2,232,652 1,962,719 7,029,265 27,268,723 8,133,934 37,705 807,853 1,409,977 341,244 179,049 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ 631,786,417 1,146,127,219 321,374,861 137,434,561 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ 0 0 0 164,300 5,222,952 1,142,266 905,625 328,574 2,194,523 11,331,294 1,509,612 1,707,135 49,183,806 118,319,351 34,313,018 0 471,019 974,186 262,205 118,282 407,394 498,865 195,506 65,248 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ 57,479,694 132,265,962 37,185,966 2,383,539 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ $ 574,306,723 $1,013,861,257 $ 284,188,895 $135,051,022 ============== ============== ============= ============ $ 839,224,928 $1,304,380,976 $ 426,549,870 $220,825,106 4,266,360 0 0 (3) (39,387,362) (34,122,140) (16,176,809) (5,709,391) (228,348,803) (252,987,427) (125,654,375) (80,158,488) 0 0 0 93,798 (1,448,400) (3,410,152) (529,791) 0 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ $ 574,306,723 $1,013,861,257 $ 284,188,895 $135,051,022 ============== ============== ============= ============ $ 1,272,868 $ 20,694,754 $ 28,777 $ 12,858,837 91,543 890,559 2,597 1,464,229 $ 13.90 $ 23.24 $ 11.08 $ 8.78 $ 14.75 $ 24.66 $ 11.76 $ 9.32 $ 77,792 $ 7,051 $ 26,468 $ 4,700,265 5,625 298 2,418 539,036 $ 13.83 $ 23.66 $ 10.95 $ 8.72 $ 85,785,690 $ 97,243,114 $ 6,447,156 $ 35,489,056 6,134,040 4,034,313 580,899 3,980,443 $ 13.99 $ 24.10 $ 11.10 $ 8.92 $ 112,752,950 NA $ 64,443,661 $ 6,678,753 8,026,597 NA 5,778,126 747,736 $ 14.05 NA $ 11.15 $ 8.93 $ 374,417,423 $ 895,916,338 $ 213,242,833 $ 75,324,111 26,802,173 37,704,532 19,405,713 8,548,617 $ 13.97 $ 23.76 $ 10.99 $ 8.81 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ $ 848,180,268 $1,373,176,511 $ 436,848,037 $215,413,841 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ $ 46,347,115 $ 117,825,132 $ 35,189,304 $ 0 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------ $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 258,098 -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------
68 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Operations--For the Year Ended October 31, 2008
Discovery Enterprise Fund Fund(2) ------------- ------------- INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends(1) .......................................................... $ 1,135,178 $ 1,324,279 Interest .............................................................. 5,841 3,143 Income from affiliated securities ..................................... 691,255 467,086 Securities lending income ............................................. 254,567 139,889 ------------- ------------- Total investment income .................................................. 2,086,841 1,934,397 ------------- ------------- EXPENSES Advisory fees ......................................................... 2,911,324 2,387,272 Administration fees Fund Level ......................................................... 194,088 159,151 Class A ............................................................ 6,072 3,629 Class C ............................................................ 3,426 27 Administrator Class ................................................ 109,465 11,881 Institutional Class ................................................ 10,965 103,160 Investor Class ..................................................... 1,091,777 735,263 Custody fees .......................................................... 77,635 63,661 Shareholder servicing fees (Note 3) ................................... 924,202 472,135 Accounting fees ....................................................... 51,863 46,052 Distribution fees (Note 3) Class C ............................................................ 9,175 72 Professional fees ..................................................... 9,860 10,538 Registration fees ..................................................... 80,375 57,237 Shareholder reports ................................................... 128,947 146,935 Trustees' fees ........................................................ 8,646 8,646 Other fees and expenses ............................................... 13,133 8,604 ------------- ------------- Total expenses ........................................................... 5,630,953 4,214,263 ------------- ------------- LESS Waived fees and reimbursed expenses (Note 3) .......................... (577,448) (224,947) Net expenses .......................................................... 5,053,505 3,989,316 ------------- ------------- Net investment income (loss) ............................................. (2,966,664) (2,054,919) ------------- ------------- REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS NET REALIZED GAIN (LOSS) FROM Securities, foreign currencies and foreign currency translation ....... (22,341,742) (7,688,596) Securities lending .................................................... (1,023,173) (654,388) Options, swap agreements and short sale transactions .................. 0 0 ------------- ------------- Net realized gain and loss from investments .............................. (23,364,915) (8,342,984) ------------- ------------- NET CHANGE IN UNREALIZED APPRECIATION (DEPRECIATION) OF Securities, foreign currencies and foreign currency translation ....... (156,026,530) (154,049,360) Securities lending .................................................... (1,096,819) (799,209) Options, swap agreements and short sale transactions .................. 0 0 ------------- ------------- Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments ...... (157,123,349) (154,848,569) ------------- ------------- Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments ................... (180,488,264) (163,191,553) ------------- ------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS .......... $(183,454,928) $(165,246,472) ============= ============= (1) Net of foreign withholding taxes of.................................. $ 663 $ 13,821
(2) Classes A and C in Small Cap Disciplined Fund and Class C in Enterprise and Opportunity Funds were incepted on March 31, 2008. Expenses presented for these classes are for the seven-month period from March 31, 2008 to October 31, 2008. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 69 Statements of Operations--For the Year Ended October 31, 2008
Mid Cap Small Cap Small/Mid Disciplined Opportunity Disciplined Cap Value Fund Fund(2) Fund(2) Fund ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- $ 15,091,922 $ 18,211,782 $ 5,411,269 $ 3,503,012 13,200 304,235 34,176 17,458 1,271,834 4,647,009 526,610 116,397 366,121 695,618 412,633 0 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 16,743,077 23,858,644 6,384,688 3,636,867 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 6,207,093 10,983,739 3,459,467 1,603,711 425,562 786,955 199,283 92,511 1,792 95,813 46 23,997 86 16 23 6,993 105,456 137,583 9,753 36,285 115,627 NA 72,280 6,628 2,515,664 5,858,915 1,247,813 541,335 170,225 314,782 79,713 37,004 1,633,675 3,925,520 722,626 359,238 76,991 113,989 51,121 49,235 231 44 61 18,731 6,719 55,038 7,706 8,793 161,403 55,578 52,795 67,900 444,125 525,341 252,305 111,213 8,646 8,646 8,646 8,646 29,990 50,127 16,202 10,688 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 11,903,285 22,912,086 6,179,840 2,982,908 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (1,517,019) (2,097,722) (712,141) (384,985) 10,386,266 20,814,364 5,467,699 2,597,923 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 6,356,811 3,044,280 916,989 1,038,944 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (30,103,924) (31,084,755) (13,395,921) (2,325,956) (1,248,363) (2,943,772) (515,123) 0 (8,555,765) (14,342,039) 0 174,481 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (39,908,052) (48,370,566) (13,911,044) (2,151,475) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (278,906,699) (621,752,104) (140,500,598) (105,482,273) (1,259,346) (3,102,827) (458,314) 0 0 (3,456,381) 0 138,750 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (280,166,045) (628,311,312) (140,958,912) (105,343,523) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- (320,074,097) (676,681,878) (154,869,956) (107,494,998) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- $(313,717,286) $(673,637,598) $(153,952,967) $ 106,456,054 ============= ============= ============= ============= $ 7,468 $ 36,674 $ 0 $ 55,026
70 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
DISCOVERY FUND ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Beginning net assets .................................................. $ 439,275,699 $ 286,571,127 OPERATIONS Net investment income (loss) .......................................... (2,966,664) (2,827,956) Net realized gain (loss) on investments ............................... (23,364,915) 68,175,362 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments ... (157,123,349) 32,593,454 ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations .......... (183,454,928) 97,940,860 ------------- ------------- DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM Net investment income Class A ............................................................ 0 0 Class C ............................................................ 0 0 Administrator Class ................................................ 0 0 Institutional Class ................................................ 0 0 Investor Class ..................................................... 0 0 Net realized gain on sales of investments Class A ............................................................ (44,994) 0 Class C ............................................................ (131,195) 0 Administrator Class ................................................ (18,185,186) (3,584,326) Institutional Class ................................................ (1,621,291) (544) Investor Class ..................................................... (44,174,693) (11,345,682) ------------- ------------- Total distributions to shareholders ...................................... (64,157,359) (14,930,552) ------------- ------------- CAPITAL SHARES TRANSACTIONS Proceeds from shares sold - Class A ................................... 5,181,053 209,623 Reinvestment of distributions - Class A ............................... 43,836 0 Cost of shares redeemed - Class A ..................................... (846,363) 0 ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class A ............................................. 4,378,526 209,623 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Class C ................................... 1,922,451 351,677 Reinvestment of distributions - Class C ............................... 122,395 0 Cost of shares redeemed - Class C ..................................... (164,199) 0 ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class C ............................................. 1,880,647 351,677 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Administrator Class ....................... 49,213,350 69,855,012 Reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class ................... 15,972,678 2,177,815 Cost of shares redeemed - Administrator Class ......................... (35,823,993) (39,772,015) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Administrator Class ................................. 29,362,035 32,260,812 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Institutional Class ....................... 46,772,243 18,897,943 Reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class ................... 449,601 544 Cost of shares redeemed - Institutional Class ......................... (17,566,826) (13,260,689) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Institutional Class ................................. 29,655,018 5,637,798 ------------- ------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Investor Class ............................ 96,819,279 106,483,047 Reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ........................ 42,977,151 11,025,510 Cost of shares redeemed - Investor Class .............................. (106,388,845) (86,274,203) ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Investor Class ...................................... 33,407,585 31,234,354 ------------- ------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Total .................................................. 98,683,811 69,694,264 ------------- ------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS .................................... (148,928,476) 152,704,572 ------------- ------------- ENDING NET ASSETS ........................................................ $ 290,347,223 $ 439,275,699 ============= =============
(1) On June 20, 2008, Advisor Class was renamed to Class A. (2) Classes A and C in Small Cap Disciplined Fund and Class C in Enterprise and Opportunity Funds were incepted on March 31, 2008. Information presented for these classes are for the seven-month period from March 31, 2008 to October 31, 2008. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 71 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
ENTERPRISE FUND(2) MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- $ 341,125,059 $233,433,978 $1,115,763,839 $ 991,299,607 (2,054,919) (2,168,256) 6,356,811 10,201,157 (8,342,984) 39,900,281 (39,908,052) 85,893,696 (154,848,569) 36,456,816 (280,166,045) (35,392,515) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- (165,246,472) 74,188,841 (313,717,286) 60,702,338 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 0 NA (2,470) 0 0 NA (96) 0 0 0 (1,238,401) (714,398) 0 0 (2,171,101) (1,242,457) 0 0 (6,332,760) (4,367,987) 0 NA (14,994) 0 0 NA (824) 0 0 0 (9,552,244) (6,333,196) 0 0 (12,983,288) (8,845,203) 0 0 (63,357,883) (49,011,946) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 0 0 (95,654,061) (70,515,187) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 898,299 220,854(1) 1,682,210 114,433 0 0(1) 16,576 0 (1,093,080) (648,689)(1) (123,429) (11,551) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- (194,781) (427,835)(1) 1,575,357 102,882 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 30,469 NA 101,796 10,000 0 NA 920 0 0 NA (11,425) 0 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 30,469 NA 91,291 10,000 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 71,075,223 5,727,595 100,120,265 207,802,308 0 0 10,649,451 6,998,646 (50,826,793) (5,743,573) (90,992,576) (192,915,877) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 20,248,430 (15,978) 19,777,140 21,885,077 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 81,641,589 86,049,728 45,801,004 151,621,032 0 0 15,057,397 10,001,460 (35,910,231) (18,577,933) (38,093,149) (138,359,712) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 45,731,358 67,471,795 22,765,252 23,262,780 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 23,006,637 10,951,919 161,634,050 647,061,998 0 0 67,456,720 51,361,766 (32,342,167) (44,477,661) (405,385,579) (609,407,422) ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- (9,335,530) (33,525,742) (176,294,809) 89,016,342 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- 56,479,946 33,502,240 (132,085,769) 134,277,081 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- (108,766,526) 107,691,081 (541,457,116) 124,464,232 ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- $ 232,358,533 $341,125,059 $ 574,306,723 $1,115,763,839 ============= ============ ============== ==============
72 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
DISCOVERY FUND ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- SHARES ISSUED AND REDEEMED Shares sold - Class A ................................................. 253,878 7,829 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class A .............. 1,972 0 Shares redeemed - Class A ............................................. (46,783) 0 ----------- ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class A ............... 209,067 7,829 ----------- ----------- Shares sold - Class C ................................................. 92,036 12,896 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class C .............. 5,531 0 Shares redeemed - Class C ............................................. (8,051) 0 ----------- ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class C ............... 89,516 12,896 ----------- ----------- Shares sold - Administrator Class ..................................... 2,312,939 2,782,043 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class .. 713,384 97,660 Shares redeemed - Administrator Class ................................. (1,746,080) (1,588,253) ----------- ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Administrator Class ... 1,280,243 1,291,450 ----------- ----------- Shares sold - Institutional Class ..................................... 2,166,144 715,024 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class .. 20,009 24 Shares redeemed - Institutional Class ................................. (818,603) (490,907) ----------- ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Institutional Class ... 1,367,550 224,141 ----------- ----------- Shares sold - Investor Class .......................................... 4,545,144 4,309,453 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ....... 1,936,780 497,091 Shares redeemed - Investor Class ...................................... (5,118,314) (3,533,054) ----------- ----------- Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Investor Class ........ 1,363,610 1,273,490 ----------- ----------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN SHARES OUTSTANDING RESULTING FROM CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS ..................................................... $ 4,309,986 $ 2,809,806 =========== =========== Ending balance of undistributed net investment income (loss) ............. 0 0 ----------- -----------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 73 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
ENTERPRISE FUND(2) MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 28,182 6,491(1) 92,788 5,003 0 0(1) 843 0 (35,736) (19,931)(1) (6,576) (515) ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ (7,554) (13,440)(1) 87,055 4,488 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 977 NA 5,768 438 0 NA 47 0 0 NA (628) 0 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 977 NA 5,187 438 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 2,112,703 179,627 5,318,322 8,864,678 0 0 540,263 305,463 (1,540,413) (178,474) (4,867,125) (8,174,216) ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 572,290 1,153 991,460 995,925 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 2,567,595 2,575,839 2,659,295 6,367,900 0 0 760,738 434,985 (1,175,414) (551,688) (2,158,596) (5,894,571) ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 1,392,181 2,024,151 1,261,437 908,314 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ 701,450 333,210 8,563,249 27,786,391 0 0 3,426,908 2,245,047 (1,048,110) (1,374,046) (21,495,096) (26,120,406) ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ (346,660) (1,040,836) (9,504,939) 3,911,032 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ $ 1,611,234 $ 971,028 $ (7,159,800) $ 5,820,197 =========== =========== ============ ============ 0 0 4,266,360 8,499,327 ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------
74 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
OPPORTUNITY FUND(2) ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS Beginning net assets .................................................. $1,918,256,367 $2,053,182,794 OPERATIONS Net investment income (loss) .......................................... 3,044,280 10,330,922 Net realized gain (loss) on investments ............................... (48,370,566) 282,872,413 Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments ... (628,311,312) (15,930,876) -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations .......... (673,637,598) 277,272,459 -------------- -------------- DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS FROM Net investment income Class A ............................................................ (526,930) (76,971)(1) Class C ............................................................ 0 NA Administrator Class ................................................ (2,299,721) (922,325) Institutional Class ................................................ NA NA Investor Class ..................................................... (19,525,561) (3,783,523) Net realized gain on sales of investments Class A ............................................................ (6,153,766) (8,786,139)(1) Class C ............................................................ 0 NA Administrator Class ................................................ (21,181,868) (28,792,059) Institutional Class ................................................ NA NA Investor Class ..................................................... (236,321,738) (311,787,186) Return of capital Class A ............................................................ (163,146) 0(1) Class C ............................................................ 0 0 Administrator Class ................................................ (561,566) 0 Institutional Class ................................................ NA NA Investor Class ..................................................... (6,265,275) 0 -------------- -------------- Total distributions to shareholders ...................................... (292,999,571) (354,148,203) -------------- -------------- CAPITAL SHARES TRANSACTIONS Proceeds from shares sold - Class A ................................... 5,635,675 11,900,855(1) Reinvestment of distributions - Class A ............................... 6,764,947 8,756,981(1) Cost of shares redeemed - Class A ..................................... (15,165,505) (25,495,620)(1) -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class A ............................................. (2,764,883) (4,837,784)(1) -------------- -------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Class C ................................... 10,000 NA Reinvestment of distributions - Class C ............................... 0 NA Cost of shares redeemed - Class C ..................................... 0 NA -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Class C ............................................. 10,000 NA -------------- -------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Administrator Class ....................... 54,660,035 69,438,914 Reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class ................... 24,021,999 29,696,698 Cost of shares redeemed - Administrator Class ......................... (50,017,345) (106,357,685) -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Administrator Class ................................. 28,664,689 (7,222,073) -------------- -------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Institutional Class ....................... NA NA Reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class ................... NA NA Cost of shares redeemed - Institutional Class ......................... NA NA -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Institutional Class ................................. NA NA -------------- -------------- Proceeds from shares sold - Investor Class ............................ 107,844,263 112,324,489 Reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ........................ 253,499,248 305,531,881 Cost of shares redeemed - Investor Class .............................. (325,011,258) (463,847,196) -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Investor Class ...................................... 36,332,253 (45,990,826) -------------- -------------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from capital share transactions - Total ............................................... 62,242,059 (58,050,683) -------------- -------------- NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS .................................... (904,395,110) (134,926,427) -------------- -------------- ENDING NET ASSETS ........................................................ $1,013,861,257 $1,918,256,367 ============== ==============
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 75 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND(2) SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- $ 510,940,361 $ 426,387,948 $ 215,002,480 $225,361,564 916,989 1,985,658 1,038,944 (1,283,241) (13,911,044) 31,986,233 (2,151,475) 16,921,667 (140,958,912) (12,608,084) (105,343,523) 10,553,662 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (153,952,967) 21,363,807 (106,456,054) 26,192,088 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 0 NA (8,835) 0 0 NA (225) 0 (160,700) 0 (173,061) 0 (1,649,395) 0 (49,369) 0 (3,654,263) 0 (191,583) 0 0 NA (127,863) 0 0 NA (5,886) 0 (762,908) (529,497) (3,404,321) (1,079,791) (6,755,635) (3,109,104) (763,872) (145) (23,773,647) (17,653,538) (14,741,965) (2,222,873) 0 NA 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (36,756,548) (21,292,139) (19,466,980) (3,302,809) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 49,486 NA 22,120,137 437,020 0 NA 136,698 0 (12,397) NA (1,926,806) 0 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 37,089 NA 20,330,029 437,020 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 42,931 NA 7,647,630 41,887 0 NA 6,111 0 (10,000) NA (418,029) 0 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 32,931 NA 7,235,712 41,887 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 6,907,256 37,949,881 32,726,846 20,408,481 915,636 525,096 3,090,608 706,950 (9,397,709) (31,829,974) (17,681,451) (59,586,730) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (1,574,817) 6,645,003 18,136,003 (38,471,299) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 29,545,004 197,170,437 10,018,594 3,058,868 8,404,891 3,109,105 86,227 145 (45,238,742) (151,103,792) (457,607) (227,719) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (7,288,847) 49,175,750 9,647,214 2,831,294 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 89,671,456 152,735,776 50,476,316 63,399,281 24,819,873 17,155,197 14,279,273 2,148,113 (141,739,636) (141,230,981) (74,132,971) (63,634,659) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (27,248,307) 28,659,992 (9,377,382) 1,912,735 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (36,041,951) 84,480,745 45,971,576 (33,248,363) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ (226,751,466) 84,552,413 (79,951,458) (10,359,084) ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ $ 284,188,895 $ 510,940,361 $ 135,051,022 $215,002,480 ============= ============= ============= ============
76 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Statements of Changes in Net Assets
OPPORTUNITY FUND(2) ----------------------------------- For the For the Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- SHARES ISSUED AND REDEEMED Shares sold - Class A ................................................. 173,005 274,443(1) Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class A .............. 188,883 213,378(1) Shares redeemed - Class A ............................................. (452,419) (585,225)(1) ----------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class A ............... (90,531) (97,404)(1) ----------- ------------ Shares sold - Class C ................................................. 298 NA Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Class C .............. 0 NA Shares redeemed - Class C ............................................. 0 NA ----------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Class C ............... 298 NA ----------- ------------ Shares sold - Administrator Class ..................................... 1,589,566 1,562,836 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Administrator Class .. 646,691 700,481 Shares redeemed - Administrator Class ................................. (1,441,069) (2,440,528) ----------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Administrator Class ... 795,188 (177,211) ----------- ------------ Shares sold - Institutional Class ..................................... NA NA Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Institutional Class .. NA NA Shares redeemed - Institutional Class ................................. NA NA ----------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Institutional Class ... NA NA ----------- ------------ Shares sold - Investor Class .......................................... 3,181,750 2,527,510 Shares issued in reinvestment of distributions - Investor Class ....... 6,922,747 7,298,985 Shares redeemed - Investor Class ...................................... (9,610,232) (10,404,457) ----------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in shares outstanding - Investor Class ........ 494,265 (577,962) ----------- ------------ NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN SHARES OUTSTANDING RESULTING FROM CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS .................................................... $ 1,199,220 $ (852,577) =========== ============ Ending balance of undistributed net investment income (loss) ............. 0 (18,967,498) ----------- ------------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 77 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND(2) SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- For the For the For the For the Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 October 31, 2008 October 31, 2007 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 3,533 NA 1,587,564 24,403 0 NA 9,421 0 (936) NA (157,159) 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,597 NA 1,439,826 24,403 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 3,153 NA 574,315 2,468 0 NA 422 0 (735) NA (38,169) 0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 2,418 NA 536,568 2,468 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 482,771 2,055,502 2,747,132 1,171,235 58,669 29,483 210,597 42,639 (653,811) (1,722,977) (1,263,339) (3,498,708) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- (112,371) 362,008 1,694,390 (2,284,834) ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 2,116,543 11,042,652 619,127 169,550 535,954 173,985 5,862 9 (3,161,786) (8,448,098) (34,933) (12,504) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- (509,289) 2,768,539 590,056 157,055 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 6,314,388 8,485,295 3,599,013 3,709,563 1,605,684 969,765 984,303 130,505 (9,941,979) (7,833,209) (5,366,921) (3,699,627) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- (2,021,907) 1,621,851 (783,605) 140,441 $(2,638,552) $ 4,752,398 $ 3,477,235 $(1,960,467) ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 0 2,285,371 0 (1,441,583) ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
78 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Investment and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Income Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- (Discovery Fund) Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $28.07 (0.17)(6) (9.40) 0.00 (3.98) August 1, 2007(4)to October 31, 2007 ...... $25.25 (0.06)(6) 2.88 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $28.04 (0.32)(6) (9.38) 0.00 (3.98) August 1, 2007(4)to October 31, 2007 ...... $25.25 (0.19)(6) 2.98 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $28.23 (0.13)(6) (9.47) 0.00 (3.98) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $22.42 (0.16)(6) 7.13 0.00 (1.16) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $20.89 (0.56) 3.62 0.00 (1.53) April 11, 2005(4)to October 31, 2005 ...... $19.17 (0.05) 1.77 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $28.31 (0.09)(6) (9.51) 0.00 (3.98) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $22.43 (0.08)(6) 7.12 0.00 (1.16) August 31, 2006(4)to October 31, 2006 ..... $21.42 (0.01) 1.02 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $28.02 (0.18)(6) (9.37) 0.00 (3.98) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $22.31 (0.22)(6) 7.09 0.00 (1.16) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $20.84 (0.20) 3.20 0.00 (1.53) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) .... $21.53 (0.17) 0.45 0.00 (0.97) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ...... $19.73 (0.21) 3.22 0.00 (1.21) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ...... $14.42 (0.12) 5.64 (0.00)(5) (0.21) (Enterprise Fund) Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008(8) ... $37.95 (0.25)(6) (15.93) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(8) ... $29.31 (0.26)(6) 8.90 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(8) ... $25.57 (0.31) 4.05 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7,8) .. $25.04 (0.21)(6) 0.74 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004(8) ... $21.79 (0.27)(6) 3.52 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003(8) ... $15.86 (0.23) 6.16 0.00 0.00 Class C March 31, 2008(4)to October 31, 2008 ...... $30.67 (0.27)(6) (8.91) 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ...... $38.71 (0.18)(6) (16.26) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ...... $29.83 (0.18)(6) 9.06 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ...... $25.95 0.07 3.81 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) .... $25.36 (0.14)(6) 0.73 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ...... $21.98 (0.19)(6) 3.57 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ...... $15.94 (0.10) 6.14 0.00 0.00
(1) During each period, various fees and expenses were waived and reimbursed as indicated. The ratio of Gross Expenses to Average Net Assets reflects the expense ratio in the absence of any waivers and reimbursements (Note 3). (2) Total return calculations would have been lower had certain expenses not been waived or reimbursed during the periods shown. Returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. (3) Calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued. Portfolio turnover rates presented for periods of less than one year are not annualized. (4) Commencement of operations. (5) Amount calculated is less than $0.005. (6) Calculated based upon average shares outstanding. (7) The Fund changed its fiscal year-end from December 31 to October 31. (8) On June 20, 2008, Advisor Class was renamed to Class A. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 79 Financial Highlights
Ending Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) Net Asset ----------------------------------------------- Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Net Investment Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share Income (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- ---------- -------------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $14.52 (0.85)% 1.41% (0.08)% 1.33% (39.00)% 153% $ 3,150 0.00 $28.07 (0.87)% 1.38% (0.08)% 1.30% 11.17% 137% $ 220 0.00 $14.36 (1.59)% 2.18% (0.10)% 2.08% (39.57)% 153% $ 1,471 0.00 $28.04 (2.85)% 2.02% (0.14)% 1.88% 11.05% 137% $ 362 0.00 $14.65 (0.62)% 1.24% (0.09)% 1.15% (38.87)% 153% $ 82,359 0.00 $28.23 (0.65)% 1.22% (0.07)% 1.15% 32.49% 137% $122,576 0.00 $22.42 (0.69)% 1.25% (0.10)% 1.15% 15.22% 120% $ 68,374 0.00 $20.89 (0.76)% 1.24% (0.11)% 1.13% 8.97% 110% $ 5,043 0.00 $14.73 (0.45)% 1.00% (0.05)% 0.95% (38.74)% 153% $ 23,455 0.00 $28.31 (0.32)% 0.96% (0.01)% 0.95% 32.80% 137% $ 6,359 0.00 $22.43 (0.37)% 0.87% 0.00% 0.87% 4.72% 120% $ 10 0.00 $14.49 (0.84)% 1.56% (0.18)% 1.38% (39.00)% 153% $179,913 0.00 $28.02 (0.89)% 1.57% (0.19)% 1.38% 32.19% 137% $309,759 0.00 $22.31 (0.91)% 1.58% (0.20)% 1.38% 14.96% 120% $218,187 0.00 $20.84 (1.00)% 1.55% (0.16)% 1.39% 1.68% 110% $199,313 0.00 $21.53 (1.11)% 1.44% (0.04)% 1.40% 15.69% 171% $191,181 0.00 $19.73 (0.67)% 1.47% (0.04)% 1.43% 38.34% 302% $166,793 0.00 $21.77 (0.79)% 1.45% (0.05)% 1.40% (42.63)% 179% $ 851 0.00 $37.95 (0.79)% 1.42% (0.02)% 1.40% 29.48% 117% $ 1,769 0.00 $29.31 (0.89)% 1.42% (0.03)% 1.39% 14.63% 118% $ 1,761 0.00 $25.57 (1.02)% 1.49% (0.04)% 1.45% 2.12% 116% $ 1,430 0.00 $25.04 (1.22)% 1.60% (0.05)% 1.55% 14.92% 184% $ 1,529 0.00 $21.79 (1.14)% 1.53% (0.03)% 1.50% 37.39% 261% $ 1,690 0.00 $21.49 (1.58)% 2.18% (0.03)% 2.15% (29.96)% 179% $ 21 0.00 $22.27 (0.55)% 1.26% (0.11)% 1.15% (42.47)% 179% $ 14,677 0.00 $38.71 (0.54)% 1.24% (0.09)% 1.15% 29.77% 117% $ 3,358 0.00 $29.83 (0.63)% 1.23% (0.08)% 1.15% 14.95% 118% $ 2,553 0.00 $25.95 (0.64)% 1.23% (0.08)% 1.15% 2.33% 116% $ 3,290 0.00 $25.36 (0.83)% 1.34% (0.20)% 1.14% 15.38% 184% $ 12,499 0.00 $21.98 (0.82)% 1.30% (0.14)% 1.16% 37.89% 261% $ 34,204
80 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Net and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Investment Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share Income (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ENTERPRISE FUND (continued) Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $38.90 (0.10)(6) (16.36) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $29.90 (0.10)(6) 9.10 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $25.95 (0.34) 4.29 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $25.30 (0.10)(6) 0.75 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $21.87 (0.11)(6) 3.54 0.00 0.00 June 30, 2003(4)to December 31, 2003 ....... $18.34 (0.06) 3.59 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $37.62 (0.29)(6) (15.77) 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $29.11 (0.32)(6) 8.83 0.00 0.00 November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $25.43 (0.33) 4.01 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $24.95 (0.25)(6) 0.73 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $21.78 (0.34)(6) 3.51 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $15.90 (0.30) 6.18 0.00 0.00 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $23.12 0.28 (7.34) (0.28) (1.88) August 1, 2007(4)to October 31, 2007 ....... $22.85 0.07(6) 0.20 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $23.08 0.14 (7.31) (0.20) (1.88) August 1, 2007(4)to October 31, 2007 ....... $22.85 0.05(6) 0.18 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $23.16 0.13 (7.20) (0.22) (1.88) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.40 0.21(6) 1.11 (0.15) (1.41) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $23.25 0.12 3.47 (0.02) (3.42) April 11, 2005(4)to October 31, 2005 ....... $21.84 0.05(6) 1.36 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $23.26 0.18 (7.22) (0.29) (1.88) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.47 0.29(6) 1.10 (0.19) (1.41) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $23.28 0.20 3.46 (0.05) (3.42) April 11, 2005(4)to October 31, 2005 ....... $21.84 0.07(6) 1.37 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $23.11 0.14 (7.23) (0.17) (1.88) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $23.36 0.18(6) 1.10 (0.12) (1.41) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $23.23 0.10 3.45 0.00 (3.42) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $22.34 0.00(5, 6) 1.07 0.00 (0.18) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $20.13 0.06 4.00 (0.05) (1.80) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $14.85 0.02 5.99 (0.02) (0.71) (OPPORTUNITY FUND) Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008(8) .... $45.42 0.08(6) (15.15) (0.47) (6.47) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007(8) .... $47.74 0.24(6) 5.94 (0.06) (8.44) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006(8) .... $46.57 0.23 5.87 0.00 (4.93) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7, 8) .. $45.71 (0.12)(6) 0.98 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004(8) .... $38.94 (0.34) 7.11 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003(8) .... $28.37 (0.19)(6) 10.76 0.00 0.00 Class C March 31, 2008(4)to October 31, 2008 ....... $33.56 (0.06)(6) (9.84) 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $46.86 0.17(6) (15.69) (0.60) (6.47) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $49.05 0.33(6) 6.14 (0.22) (8.44) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $47.61 0.19 6.18 0.00 (4.93) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $46.65 (0.05)(6) 1.01 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $39.58 (0.14) 7.21 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $28.73 (0.06)(6) 10.91 0.00 0.00
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 81 Financial Highlights
Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) ------------------------------------------- Ending Net Net Asset Investment Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Income Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- 0.00 $22.44 (0.29)% 0.98% (0.08)% 0.90% (42.31)% 179% $104,121 0.00 $38.90 (0.30)% 0.97% (0.07)% 0.90% 30.10% 117% $126,347 0.00 $29.90 (0.39)% 0.98% (0.08)% 0.90% 15.22% 118% $ 36,587 0.00 $25.95 (0.47)% 0.97% (0.09)% 0.88% 2.57% 116% $ 15,780 0.00 $25.30 (0.47)% 0.88% (0.05)% 0.83% 15.68% 184% $ 7,126 0.00 $21.87 (0.67)% 1.18% (0.21)% 0.97% 19.25% 261% $ 2,114 0.00 $21.56 (0.91)% 1.57% (0.04)% 1.53% (42.69)% 179% $112,689 0.00 $37.62 (0.96)% 1.59% (0.02)% 1.57% 29.23% 117% $209,651 0.00 $29.11 (1.05)% 1.59% (0.03)% 1.56% 14.47% 118% $192,533 0.00 $25.43 (1.23)% 1.69% (0.04)% 1.65% 1.92% 116% $196,077 0.00 $24.95 (1.51)% 1.89% (0.04)% 1.85% 14.55% 184% $260,212 0.00 $21.78 (1.44)% 1.96% (0.16)% 1.80% 36.98% 261% $249,221 0.00 $13.90 0.65% 1.38% (0.13)% 1.25% (33.17)% 158% $ 1,273 0.00 $23.12 1.17% 1.39% (0.19)% 1.20% 1.18% 113% $ 104 0.00 $13.83 (0.08)% 2.01% (0.01)% 2.00% (33.66)% 158% $ 78 0.00 $23.08 0.79% 2.12% (0.14)% 1.98% 1.01% 113% $ 10 0.00 $13.99 0.81% 1.21% (0.06)% 1.15% (33.08)% 158% $ 85,786 0.00 $23.16 0.91% 1.17% (0.02)% 1.15% 5.75% 113% $119,079 0.00 $23.40 0.70% 1.20% (0.05)% 1.15% 17.47% 125% $ 97,014 0.00 $23.25 0.36% 1.20% (0.06)% 1.14% 6.46% 94% $ 54,344 0.00 $14.05 1.06% 0.96% (0.06)% 0.90% (32.89)% 158% $112,753 0.00 $23.26 1.23% 0.90% 0.00% 0.90% 6.04% 113% $157,342 0.00 $23.47 0.93% 0.92% (0.02)% 0.90% 17.77% 125% $137,471 0.00 $23.28 0.53% 0.92% (0.04)% 0.88% 6.59% 94% $116,867 0.00 $13.97 0.67% 1.54% (0.23)% 1.31% (33.19)% 158% $374,417 0.00 $23.11 0.76% 1.52% (0.21)% 1.31% 5.58% 113% $839,228 0.00 $23.36 0.53% 1.54% (0.23)% 1.31% 17.26% 125% $756,815 0.00 $23.23 0.02% 1.51% (0.17)% 1.34% 4.83% 94% $535,900 0.00 $22.34 0.36% 1.35% (0.05)% 1.30% 21.18% 62% $676,333 0.00 $20.13 0.13% 1.49% (0.04)% 1.45% 40.66% 252% $314,764 (0.17) $23.24 0.22% 1.34% (0.05)% 1.29% (38.55)% 73% $ 20,695 0.00 $45.42 0.55% 1.36% (0.07)% 1.29% 14.89% 56% $ 44,558 0.00 $47.74 0.39% 1.30% (0.01)% 1.29% 13.86% 39% $ 51,489 0.00 $46.57 (0.49)% 1.42% (0.02)% 1.40% 1.88% 35% $119,986 0.00 $45.71 (0.76)% 1.60% (0.04)% 1.56% 17.39% 42% $137,439 0.00 $38.94 (0.58)% 1.56% (0.01)% 1.55% 37.26% 60% $140,500 0.00 $23.66 (0.33)% 2.10% (0.06)% 2.04% (29.50)% 73% $ 7 (0.17) $24.10 0.49% 1.17% (0.13)% 1.04% (38.41)% 73% $ 97,243 0.00 $46.86 0.73% 1.18% (0.14)% 1.04% 15.17% 56% $151,776 0.00 $49.05 0.48% 1.13% (0.09)% 1.04% 14.15% 39% $167,560 0.00 $47.61 (0.14)% 1.13% (0.10)% 1.03% 2.06% 35% $131,102 0.00 $46.65 (0.35)% 1.27% (0.12)% 1.15% 17.86% 42% $ 1,337 0.00 $39.58 (0.20)% 1.55% (0.36)% 1.19% 37.77% 60% $ 145
82 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Financial Highlights
Beginning Net Realized Distributions Net Asset Net and Unrealized from Net Distributions Value Per Investment Gain (Loss) Investment from Net Share Income (Loss) on Investments Income Realized Gains --------- ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- OPPORTUNITY FUND (continued) Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $46.28 0.06(6) (15.48) (0.46) (6.47) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $48.54 0.23(6) 6.04 (0.09) (8.44) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $47.29 0.09 6.09 0.00 (4.93) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $46.40 (0.10)(6) 0.99 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $39.45 (0.26) 7.21 0.00 0.00 January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $28.70 (0.14)(6) 10.89 0.00 0.00 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND Class A March 31, 2008(4)to October 31, 2008 ....... $13.72 0.00(6) (2.64) 0.00 0.00 Class C March 31, 2008(4)to October 31, 2008 ....... $13.61 (0.06)(6) (2.60) 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.10 0.06(6) (5.70) (0.22) (1.14) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $18.11 0.11(6) 0.75 0.00 (0.87) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $16.07 0.01(6) 2.81 0.00 (0.78) April 11, 2005(4)to October 31, 2005 ....... $15.99 (0.01) 0.09 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.19 0.09(6) (5.73) (0.26) (1.14) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $18.16 0.15(6) 0.75 0.00 (0.87) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $16.09 0.03(6) 2.82 0.00 (0.78) April 11, 2005(4)to October 31, 2005 ....... $15.99 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $17.92 0.02(6) (5.65) (0.16) (1.14) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $18.00 0.05(6) 0.74 0.00 (0.87) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $16.04 (0.06)(6) 2.80 0.00 (0.78) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $16.70 (0.07) (0.38) 0.00 (0.21) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $13.91 (0.06) 3.75 0.00 (0.90) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $ 9.12 (0.05) 5.71 0.00 (0.87) SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND Class A November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.19 0.11(6) (7.84) (0.09) (1.59) August 1, 2007(4)to October 31, 2007 ....... $17.09 (0.02)(6) 1.12 0.00 0.00 Class C November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.15 0.02(6) (7.81) (0.05) (1.59) August 1, 2007(4)to October 31, 2007 ....... $17.09 (0.06)(6) 1.12 0.00 0.00 Administrator Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.37 0.12(6) (7.91) (0.07) (1.59) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $16.45 (0.05)(6) 2.20 0.00 (0.23) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $14.65 0.00 2.12 0.00 (0.32) April 11, 2005(4)to October 31, 2005 ....... $13.22 0.00 1.43 0.00 0.00 Institutional Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.40 0.15(6) (7.93) (0.10) (1.59) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $16.45 (0.03)(6) 2.21 0.00 (0.23) August 31, 2006(4)to October 31, 2006 ...... $16.01 0.01 0.43 0.00 0.00 Investor Class November 1, 2007 to October 31, 2008 ....... $18.18 0.06(6) (7.82) (0.02) (1.59) November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007 ....... $16.34 (0.12)(6) 2.19 0.00 (0.23) November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2006 ....... $14.62 (0.01) 2.05 0.00 (0.32) January 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005(7) ..... $13.83 (0.08) 1.22 0.00 (0.35) January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004 ....... $12.01 (0.13) 2.43 0.00 (0.48) January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003 ....... $ 7.58 (0.03) 4.46 0.00 0.00
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 83 Financial Highlights
Ratio to Average Net Assets (Annualized)(1) ------------------------------------------- Ending Net Net Asset Investment Portfolio Net Assets at Return Value Per Income Gross Expenses Net Total Turnover End of Period of Capital Share (Loss) Expenses Waived Expenses Return(2) Rate(3) (000's omitted) ---------- --------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------------- (0.17) $23.76 0.17% 1.49% (0.14)% 1.35% (38.60)% 73% $ 895,916 0.00 $46.28 0.50% 1.53% (0.18)% 1.35% 14.81% 56% $1,721,922 0.00 $48.54 0.18% 1.47% (0.12)% 1.35% 13.81% 39% $1,834,134 0.00 $47.29 (0.46)% 1.46% (0.10)% 1.36% 1.92% 35% $1,938,610 0.00 $46.40 (0.55)% 1.39% (0.04)% 1.35% 17.62% 42% $2,389,496 0.00 $39.45 (0.43)% 1.42% (0.02)% 1.40% 37.46% 60% $2,709,452 0.00 $11.08 0.01% 1.55% (0.10)% 1.45% (19.24)% 77% $ 29 0.00 $10.95 (0.76)% 2.33% (0.13)% 2.20% (19.54)% 77% $ 26 0.00 $11.10 0.41% 1.38% (0.18)% 1.20% (33.26)% 77% $ 6,447 0.00 $18.10 0.58% 1.39% (0.19)% 1.20% 4.84% 97% $ 12,548 0.00 $18.11 0.08% 1.39% (0.19)% 1.20% 18.17% 100% $ 5,999 0.00 $16.07 (0.30)% 1.45% (0.21)% 1.24% 0.50% 56% $ 1,141 0.00 $11.15 0.60% 1.11% (0.11)% 1.00% (33.17)% 77% $ 64,444 0.00 $18.19 0.84% 1.12% (0.12)% 1.00% 5.05% 97% $ 114,345 0.00 $18.16 0.20% 1.11% (0.11)% 1.00% 18.34% 100% $ 63,905 0.00 $16.09 0.08% 1.10% (0.52)% 0.58% 0.63% 56% $ 2,162 0.00 $10.99 0.11% 1.70% (0.21)% 1.49% (33.46)% 77% $ 213,243 0.00 $17.92 0.26% 1.74% (0.21)% 1.53% 4.46% 97% $ 384,047 0.00 $18.00 (0.37)% 1.73% (0.12)% 1.61% 17.68% 100% $ 356,484 0.00 $16.04 (0.57)% 1.73% (0.11)% 1.62% (2.71)% 56% $ 172,013 0.00 $16.70 (0.55)% 1.65% (0.06)% 1.59% 27.04% 41% $ 135,287 0.00 $13.91 (0.89)% 1.89% (0.18)% 1.71% 62.53% 156% $ 39,549 0.00 $ 8.78 0.83% 1.55% (0.15)% 1.40% (46.09)% 43% $ 12,859 0.00 $18.19 (0.50)% 1.50% (0.24)% 1.27% 6.44% 89% $ 444 0.00 $ 8.72 0.16% 2.30% (0.15)% 2.15% (46.46)% 43% $ 4,700 0.00 $18.15 (1.32)% 2.27% (0.17)% 2.10% 6.20% 89% $ 45 0.00 $ 8.92 0.86% 1.43% (0.28)% 1.15% (45.89)% 43% $ 35,489 0.00 $18.37 (0.30)% 1.37% (0.22)% 1.15% 13.24% 89% $ 41,988 0.00 $16.45 0.08% 1.43% (0.28)% 1.15% 14.66% 56% $ 75,172 0.00 $14.65 (0.18)% 1.48% (0.24)% 1.24% 10.82% 80% $ 31,613 0.00 $ 8.93 1.07% 1.16% (0.21)% 0.95% (45.83)% 43% $ 6,679 0.00 $18.40 (0.18)% 1.10% (0.16)% 0.94% 13.42% 89% $ 2,902 0.00 $16.45 0.53% 1.04% (0.15)% 0.89% 2.75% 56% $ 10 0.00 $ 8.81 0.44% 1.69% (0.20)% 1.49% (46.14)% 43% $ 75,324 0.00 $18.18 (0.68)% 1.73% (0.21)% 1.52% 12.83% 89% $ 169,624 0.00 $16.34 (0.33)% 1.78% (0.21)% 1.57% 14.13% 56% $ 150,180 0.00 $14.62 (1.01)% 1.95% (0.25)% 1.70% 8.45% 80% $ 37,526 0.00 $13.83 (1.30)% 2.06% (0.30)% 1.76% 19.37% 133% $ 17,678 0.00 $12.01 (0.55)% 2.86% (1.06)% 1.80% 58.44% 132% $ 8,725
84 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements 1. ORGANIZATION Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust") is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company. The Trust commenced operations on November 8, 1999, and at October 31, 2008, was comprised of 99 separate series (each, a "Fund", collectively, the "Funds"). These financial statements present the Discovery Fund, Enterprise Fund, Mid Cap Disciplined Fund, Opportunity Fund, Small Cap Disciplined Fund, and Small/Mid Cap Value Fund. Each Fund is a diversified series of the Trust. The separate classes of shares offered by each Fund differ principally in applicable sales charges and distribution, shareholder servicing and administration fees. Shareholders of each class bear certain expenses that pertain to that particular class. All shareholders bear the common expenses of a Fund, earn income from the portfolio, and are allocated unrealized gains and losses pro rata based on the average daily net assets of each class, without distinction between share classes. Dividends are determined separately for each class based on income and expenses allocable to each class. Realized gains and losses are allocated to each class pro rata based upon the net assets of each class on the date realized. Differences in per share dividend rates generally result from the relative weightings of pro rata income and realized gain allocations and from differences in separate class expenses, including distribution, shareholder servicing, and administration fees. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The following significant accounting policies, which are consistently followed in the preparation of the financial statements of the Trust, are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") for investment companies. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Certain Funds of the Trust may invest a substantial portion of their assets in an industry, sector or foreign securities as is discussed in the Prospectus for those Funds. Such Funds may be more affected by changes in that industry, sector or foreign country than they would be absent a focus in such investments. Under the Trust's organizational documents, their officers and directors are indemnified against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Trust. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Trust may enter into contracts with service providers that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Trust's maximum exposure under these arrangements is dependent on future claims that may be made against the Funds and, therefore, cannot be estimated; however, based on experience, the risk of loss from such claims is considered remote. SECURITY VALUATION Investments in securities are valued each business day as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, which is usually 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). Securities which are traded on a national or foreign securities exchange are valued at the last reported sales price. Securities listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") are valued at the NASDAQ Official Closing Price ("NOCP"), and if no NOCP is available, then at the last reported sales price. If no sales price is shown on NASDAQ, the bid price will be used. In the absence of any sale of securities listed on the NASDAQ, and in the case of other securities, including U.S. Government obligations, but excluding debt securities maturing in 60 days or less, the price will be deemed "stale" and the valuations will be determined in accordance with the Funds' Fair Valuation Procedures. Investments in the Underlying Funds are valued at the closing net asset value per share of each Underlying Fund on the valuation date. Securities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars using the closing rates of exchange in effect on the day of valuation. Many securities markets and exchanges outside the U.S. close prior to the close of the New York Stock Exchange and therefore may not fully reflect trading or events that occur after the close of the principal exchange in which the foreign investments are traded but before the close of the New York Stock Exchange. If such trading or events are expected to Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 85 Notes to Financial Statements materially affect the value of the investments, then those investments are fair valued following procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. These procedures take into account multiple factors including movements in U.S. securities markets after foreign exchanges close. Depending on market activity, such fair valuations may be frequent. In light of the judgment involved in fair value decisions, there can be no assurance that a fair value assigned to a particular security is accurate. Such fair value pricing may result in NAVs that are higher or lower than NAVs based on the closing price or latest quoted bid price. Debt securities with original maturities of 60 days or less and other short-term debt securities in which cash collateral received for securities loaned may be invested, generally are valued at amortized cost. The amortized cost method involves valuing a security at its cost, plus accretion of discount or minus amortization of premium over the period until maturity, which approximates market value. Investments which are not valued using any of the methods discussed above are valued at their fair value as determined by procedures established in good faith and approved by the Board of Trustees. AFFILIATE SECURITIES An affiliate company is a company in which the fund has ownership of at least 5% of the outstanding voting shares. Companies that are affiliates of the fund at period-end are noted in the Fund's Schedule of Investments. The following positions were held at October 31, 2008:
% of the Unrealized Outstanding Shares Cost Market Value Gain/Loss Voting Shares --------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------- SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND Herley Industries Incorporated 785,000 $11,708,800 $10,440,500 $ (1,268,300) 5.81% Playboy Enterprise Incorporated Class B 1,500,000 15,522,555 3,705,000 (11,817,555) 5.27% SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND Encorium Group Incorporated 2,668,451 5,942,670 880,589 (5,062,081) 12.95% Allied Healthcare Products Incorporated 609,038 3,393,186 2,503,146 (890,040) 7.71% Chesapeake Corporation 1,076,600 107,660 49,524 (58,136) 5.24%
SECURITY TRANSACTIONS AND INCOME RECOGNITION Securities transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Realized gains or losses are reported on the basis of identified cost of securities delivered. Interest income is accrued daily and bond discounts are accreted and premiums are amortized daily. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date, except for certain dividends from foreign securities, which are recorded as soon as the Fund is informed of the ex-dividend date. Dividend income from foreign securities is recorded net of foreign taxes withheld where recovery of such taxes is not assured. FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION The accounting records are maintained in U.S. dollars. Assets, including investment securities, and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing rates of exchange at the date of valuation. Purchases and sales of securities, and income and expenses are translated at the prevailing rate of exchange on the respective dates of such transactions. Reported net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of foreign currencies, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest and foreign withholding taxes recorded and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually paid or received. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arise from changes in the fair value of assets and liabilities other than investments in securities, at fiscal period-end, resulting from changes in exchange rates. The changes in net assets arising from changes in exchange rates and the changes in net assets resulting from changes in market prices of securities at fiscal period-end are not separately presented. Such changes are recorded with net realized and unrealized gain from investments. Gains and losses from certain foreign currency transactions are treated as ordinary income for U.S. federal income tax purposes. 86 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS Net investment income, if any, is declared and distributed to shareholders annually. Distributions to shareholders from net realized capital gains, if any, are declared and distributed at least annually. For federal income tax purposes, a Fund may designate as capital gains distributions the earnings and profits distributed to shareholders on the redemption of fund shares during the year. Distributions are based on amounts calculated in accordance with the applicable federal income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP. The timing and character of distributions made during the period from net investment income or net realized gains may also differ from their ultimate characterization for federal income tax purposes. To the extent that these differences are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts based on their federal tax-basis treatment. Temporary differences do not require reclassifications. At October 31, 2008, as a result of permanent book-to-tax differences, the following reclassification adjustments were made on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities:
Undistributed Net Undistributed Net FUND Investment Income Realized Gain/Loss Paid-in Capital ---- ----------------- ------------------ --------------- DISCOVERY FUND $2,966,664 $ (64,885) $ (2,901,779) ENTERPRISE FUND 2,054,918 (15,049) (2,039,869) MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND (844,950) 844,950 0 OPPORTUNITY FUND 340,432 20,967,275 (21,307,707) SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 2,261,998 (2,192,340) (69,658) SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 825,709 169,905 (995,614)
FEDERAL INCOME TAXES Each Fund is treated as a separate entity for federal income tax purposes. It is the policy of each Fund of the Trust to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company by complying with the provisions applicable to regulated investment companies, as defined under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"), and to make distributions of substantially all of its investment company taxable income and any net realized capital gains (after reduction for capital loss carryforwards) sufficient to relieve it from all, or substantially all, federal income taxes. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes was required at October 31, 2008. Management has analyzed the Funds' tax positions taken on federal income tax returns for all open tax years and has concluded that as of October 31, 2008, no provision for income tax would be required in the Funds' financial statements. The Funds' federal and state income and federal excise tax returns for tax years for which the applicable statutes of limitations have not expired (open tax years: October 31, 2005; October 31, 2006; October 31, 2007; October 31, 2008) are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and state departments of revenue. At October 31, 2008, the Funds' net capital loss carryforwards, which are available to offset future net realized capital gains, were:
Capital Loss FUND Expiration Year Carryforwards ---- --------------- ------------- DISCOVERY FUND 2016 $ 21,827,443 ENTERPRISE FUND 2009 121,695,782 2010 64,764,000 2016 7,310,275 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 2016 35,952,326 OPPORTUNITY FUND 2016 22,830,648 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 2016 15,661,686 SMAL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 2016 1,722,614
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 87 Notes to Financial Statements FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS The Funds may enter into forward foreign currency contracts to protect against a possible loss resulting from an adverse change in the relationship between foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar, or between foreign currencies. A forward contract is an agreement between two counterparties for future delivery or receipt of currency at a specified price. Risks arise from the possible inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts and from movements in currency values. Realized gains or losses are recognized when the transaction is completed. Contracts which have been offset but have not reached their settlement date are included in unrealized gains and losses. FUTURES CONTRACTS The Funds may purchase futures contracts to gain exposure to market changes, which may be more efficient or cost effective than actually buying the securities. A futures contract is an agreement between parties to buy or sell a security at a set price on a future date. Upon entering into such a contract, a Fund is required to pledge to the broker an amount of cash, U.S. Government obligations or other high-quality debt securities equal to the minimum "initial margin" requirements of the exchange on which the futures contract is traded. Pursuant to the contract, the Fund agrees to receive from or pay to the broker an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in the value of the contract. Such receipts or payments are known as "variation margin" and are recorded by the Fund as unrealized gains or losses. When the contract is closed, the Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed. Pursuant to regulations and/or published positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") for long futures positions, the Fund is required to segregate highly liquid securities as permitted by the SEC in connection with futures transactions in an amount generally equal to the entire value of the underlying contracts. Risks of entering into futures contracts include the possibility that there may be an illiquid market and that a change in the value of the contract may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying securities. At October 31, 2008, there were no open futures contracts. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS The Funds may invest in repurchase agreements and may participate in pooled repurchase agreement transactions with other funds advised by Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. The repurchase agreements must be fully collateralized based on values that are marked to market daily. The collateral may be held by an agent bank under a tri-party agreement. It is the custodian's responsibility to value collateral daily and to take action to obtain additional collateral as necessary to maintain market value equal to or greater than the resale price. The repurchase agreements are collateralized by instruments such as U.S. Treasury, federal agency, or high-grade corporate obligations. There could be potential loss to a Fund in the event that such Fund is delayed or prevented from exercising its rights to dispose of the collateral, including the risk of a possible decline in the value of the underlying obligations during the period in which a Fund seeks to assert its rights. SECURITY LOANS The Funds may loan securities in return for securities, irrevocable letters of credit or cash collateral, which is invested in various short-term fixed income securities. A Fund may receive compensation for lending securities in the form of fees payable by the borrower or by retaining a portion of interest on the investment securities purchased with cash received as collateral (after payment of a "broker rebate fee" to the borrower). A Fund also continues to receive interest or dividends on the securities loaned. Security loans are secured at all times by collateral, although the loans may not be fully supported at all times if, for example, the instruments in which cash collateral is invested decline in value or the borrower fails to provide additional collateral when required in a timely manner or at all. The collateral is equal to at least 102% of the market value of the securities loaned plus accrued interest when the transaction is entered into. The collateral supporting loans of domestic and foreign equity securities and corporate bonds is remarked to at least 102% of the marked value of the securities loaned (including any accrued interest) on a daily basis, without taking into account any increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested. Collateral supporting loans of U.S. Government Securities is remarked to 102% of the loaned securities' market value, without taking into account any increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested, only if the given collateral falls below 100% of the market value of the securities loaned plus any accrued interest. Cash collateral received by a Fund pursuant to these loans generally is invested on behalf of the Fund by the securities lending agent in high-quality short-term debt investments (including money market instruments) that have been evaluated and approved by the Fund's adviser and are permissible investments for the Fund. Cash collateral is invested on behalf of a Fund in a manner similar to the Fund's investment of its cash reserves and the Fund 88 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements bears all of the gains and losses on such investments. The net asset value of a Fund will be affected by an increase or decrease in the value of the securities loaned and by an increase or decrease in the value of instruments in which cash collateral is invested. Another risk from securities lending is that the borrower may not provide additional collateral when required or return the securities when due or when called for by the Fund. In either case, a Fund could experience delays in recovering securities or collateral or could lose all or part of the value of the loaned securities. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the Funds' custodian, acts as the securities lending agent for the Funds and receives for its services 25% of the revenues earned on the securities lending activities (reduced from 30% effective September 1, 2007) and incurs all expenses. The securities lending agent may make payments to borrowers and placing brokers, who may not be affiliated, directly or indirectly, with the Trust, the adviser or the distributor. For the year ended October 31, 2008, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. waived its share of revenues earned on securities lending activities. The value of the securities on loan, the related collateral and the liability to return the collateral at October 31, 2008, are shown on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. SWAP CONTRACTS The Funds may enter into various hedging transactions, such as interest rate swaps to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or portion of its portfolio, to create synthetic adjustable-rate mortgage securities or for other purposes. Swaps involve the exchange of commitments to make or receive payments, e.g., an exchange of floating-rate payments for fixed rate payments. The Funds record as an increase or decrease to realized gain/loss, the amount due or owed by the Funds at termination or settlement. Swaps are valued based on prices quoted by independent brokers. These valuations represent the net present value of all future cash settlement amounts based on implied forward interest rates or index values. As of October 31, 2008, there were no open swap contracts. WRITTEN OPTIONS An option is a right to buy or sell a particular security at a specified price within a limited period of time. The writer of the option, in return for a premium received from the seller, has the obligation to sell (in the case of a call option) or buy (in the case of a put option) the underlying security of the contract. The premium received in cash from writing options is recorded as an asset with an equal liability that is adjusted to reflect the option's value. The premium received from writing options which expire is recorded as realized gains. The premium received from writing options which are exercised or closed is offset against the proceeds or amount paid on the closing transaction to determine the realized gain or loss. If a put option is exercised, the premium reduces the cost basis of the security or currency purchased. Options are valued based on their quoted daily settlement prices. Risks could arise from entering into written options transactions from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts, the potential inability to enter into a closing transaction because of an illiquid secondary market, and from movements in interest or exchange rates or securities values. Written options transactions for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
OPPORTUNITY FUND MID CAP DISCIPLINEDFUND SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND --------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ Premiums Premiums Premiums CALL OPTIONS WRITTEN Contracts Received Contracts Received Contracts Received -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- Options at beginning of period (900) $(287,996) 0 $ 0 (325) $(266,499) Options written (1,130) (444,203) (550) (839,850) (1,750) (606,095) Options terminated in closing transactions 550 839,850 505 272,742 Options expired 1,750 625,440 0 0 645 75,254 Options exercised 280 106,759 0 0 325 266,500 Options at end of period 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 (600) $(258,098)
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 89 Notes to Financial Statements
MID CAP DISCIPLINEDFUND SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND ------------------------ ------------------------ Premiums Premiums PUT OPTIONS WRITTEN Contracts Received Contracts Received ------------------- --------- ------------ ----------- ---------- Options at beginning of period 0 $ 0 (500) $(144,799) Options written (39,485) (10,054,647) (400) (391,894) Options terminated in closing transactions 39,485 10,054,647 900 536,693 Options expired 0 0 0 0 Options exercised 0 0 0 0 Options at end of period 0 $ 0 0 $ 0
Open written call and put option contracts as of October 31, 2008, are disclosed in the Portfolio of Investments. STRUCTURED INVESTMENT VEHICLES The Funds may invest in structured debt securities, such as those issued by Structured Investment Vehicles, or "SIVs". SIVs invest in a diversified pool of underlying securities, which may include finance company debt and structured finance assets, residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, collateralized loan obligations, collateralized debt obligations and other asset backed securities. The ability of a SIV to repay debt depends primarily on the cash collections received from the SIV's underlying asset portfolio, which may include certain assets such as subprime mortgages that are subject to heightened risks of credit quality or market value deterioration under the continuing adverse conditions in the U.S. credit markets, and on the ability to obtain short-term funding through the issuance of new debt. Investments in these securities present increased credit and liquidity risks as there could be losses to a Fund in the event of credit or market value deterioration in a SIV's underlying portfolio, mismatches in the timing of the cash flows of the underlying asset interests and the repayment obligations of maturing securities issued by a SIV, or a SIV's inability to issue new debt. As of October 31, 2008, the following Funds owned certain of these types of SIVs which are currently in default and valued at fair value in the Portfolio of Investments or have been restructured following default, including the percentage of each Fund's net assets invested in these securities:
Defaulted SIVs FUND ($Market Value) % of Net Assets ---- -------------- --------------- DISCOVERY FUND $ 5,055,289 1.74% ENTERPRISE FUND 3,428,540 1.48% MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 4,237,070 0.74% OPPORTUNITY FUND 10,205,116 1.01% SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 3,032,229 1.07%
3. EXPENSES ADVISORY FEES The Trust has entered into an advisory contract with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC ("Funds Management"). The adviser is responsible for implementing investment policies and guidelines and for supervising the subadviser, who is responsible for day-to-day portfolio management. 90 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements Pursuant to the contract, Funds Management is entitled to receive an advisory fee for its services as adviser. Funds Management may retain the services of certain investment subadvisers to provide daily portfolio management. The fees related to subadvisory services are borne directly by Funds Management and do not increase the overall fees paid by a Fund to the adviser. Funds Management and the investment subadviser(s) are entitled to be paid a monthly fee at the following annual rates:
Advisory Subadvisory Fees (% of Fees (% of Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily Average Daily FUND Net Assets Net Assets) Subadviser Net Assets Net Assets) ---- ------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------------ ------------- DISCOVERY FUND First $500 million 0.750 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.700 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.650 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.350 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $5 billion 0.600 ENTERPRISE FUND First $500 million 0.750 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.700 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.650 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.300 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $5 billion 0.600 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND First $500 million 0.750 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.700 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.650 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.300 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $5 billion 0.600 OPPORTUNITY FUND First $500 million 0.750 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.700 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $2 billion 0.650 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.300 Next $2 billion 0.625 Over $5 billion 0.600 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND * First $500 million 0.850 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.550 Next $500 million 0.825 Management Next $100 million 0.500 Next $1 billion 0.800 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.400 Next $1 billion 0.775 Over $3 billion 0.750 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND* First $500 million 0.850 Wells Capital First $100 million 0.450 Next $500 million 0.825 Management Next $100 million 0.400 Next $1 billion 0.800 Incorporated Over $200 million 0.350 Next $1 billion 0.775 Over $3 billion 0.750
* Effective March 1, 2008. Prior to March 1, 2008, the following advisory fee schedule was charged to the Small Cap Disciplined Fund and Small/Mid Cap Value Fund as a percentage of average daily net assets: 0.900% for the first $500 million; 0.850% for the next $500 million; 0.800% for next $2 billion; 0.775% for the next $2 billion; and 0.750% for assets over $5 billion. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 91 Notes to Financial Statements ADMINISTRATION AND TRANSFER AGENT FEES The Trust has entered into an Administration Agreement with Funds Management. Under this Agreement, for providing administrative services, which includes paying fees and expenses for services provided by the transfer agent, sub-transfer agents, omnibus account servicers and record-keepers, Funds Management is entitled to receive the following annual fees:
Administration Fees Average Daily (% of Average Net Assets Daily Net Assets) ----------------- ------------------- Fund level First $5 billion 0.05 Next $5 billion 0.04 Over $ 10 billion 0.03 Class A All asset levels 0.28 Class C All asset levels 0.28 Administrator Class All asset levels 0.10 Institutional Class All asset levels 0.08 Investor Class All asset levels 0.40*
* On March 28, 2008, the class level administration fee for Investor Class was reduced by 0.05%. Prior to March 28, 2008, the class level administration fee for Investor Class was 0.45%. The trust has entered into an agreement with Boston Financial Data Services ("BFDS") as the transfer agent for the Trust. BFDS is entitled to receive fees from the administrator for its services as transfer agent. CUSTODY FEES The Trust has entered into a contract with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ("WFB"), whereby WFB is responsible for providing custody services. Pursuant to the contract, WFB is entitled to a monthly fee for custody services at the following annual rates:
% of Average Daily Net Assets ---------------- All Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 0.02
SHAREHOLDER SERVICING FEES The Trust has entered into contracts with one or more shareholder servicing agents, whereby each Fund is charged the following annual fees:
% of Average SHARE CLASS Daily Net Assets ---------------- Class A, Class C, Administrator Class, and Investor Class 0.25
For the year ended October 31, 2008, shareholder servicing fees paid were as follows. A portion of these total shareholder servicing fees were paid to affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company.
FUND Class A Class C Administrator Investor ---- ------- ------- ------------- ---------- DISCOVERY FUND $ 4,934 $2,991 $273,661 $ 642,616 ENTERPRISE FUND 3,240 24 29,704 439,167 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 1,357 25 234,164 1,398,129 OPPORTUNITY FUND 82,867 15 343,665 3,498,973 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 41 20 24,366 698,199 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 17,797 5,169 90,713 245,559
92 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements DISTRIBUTION FEES The Trust has adopted a Distribution Plan (the "Plan") for Class C shares of the applicable Funds pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Distribution fees are charged to the Class B and Class C shares and paid to Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC at an annual rate of 0.75% of average daily net assets. For the year ended October 31, 2008, distribution fees incurred are disclosed on the Statements of Operations. OTHER FEES PNC Global Investment Servicing ("PNC") serves as fund accountant for the Trust and is entitled to receive an annual asset based fee and an annual fixed fee from each Fund. PNC is also entitled to be reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred in providing these services. Each Fund also bears its share of other fees and expenses incurred in the normal course of business, including but not limited to: professional fees, registration fees, shareholder reporting costs, and Trustees fees and expenses. The Trust compensates its Trustees for their services, plus travel and other expenses incurred in attending Board meetings. WAIVED FEES AND REIMBURSED EXPENSES Funds Management waived fees or reimbursed expenses proportionately from all classes, first from advisory fees, and then from any class specific expenses, if applicable. Funds Management has contractually committed through February 28, 2009, to waive fees and/or reimburse expenses to the extent necessary to maintain a certain net operating expense ratio for the Funds. Net operating expense ratios in effect for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
(Net Operating Expense Ratios) ------------------------------------------------------------ FUND Class A Class C Administrator Institutional Investor ---- ------- ------- ------------- ------------- -------- DISCOVERY FUND 1.33% 2.08% 1.15% 0.95% 1.38% ENTERPRISE FUND 1.40% 2.15% 1.15% 0.90% 1.49%* MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 1.25% 2.00% 1.15% 0.90% 1.31% OPPORTUNITY FUND 1.29% 2.04% 1.04% NA 1.35% SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 1.45% 2.20% 1.20% 1.00% 1.49% SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 1.40% 2.15% 1.15% 0.95% 1.49%
* Effective February 29, 2008, the net operating expense ratio for the Enterprise Fund Investor Class decreased from 1.57% to 1.49%. The blended net operating expense ratio for the year ended October 31, 2008, for the Enterprises Fund Investor Class is 1.53%. 4. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Purchases and sales of investments, exclusive of short-term securities (securities with maturities of one year or less at purchase date) for the year ended October 31, 2008, were as follows:
FUND Purchases at Cost Sales Proceeds ---- ----------------- -------------- DISCOVERY FUND $ 630,490,957 $ 569,556,689 ENTERPRISE FUND 614,572,472 547,196,236 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 1,270,956,648 1,496,786,296 OPPORTUNITY FUND 1,040,938,096 1,244,079,373 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 295,548,861 349,482,147 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 99,670,209 76,920,981
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 93 Notes to Financial Statements 5. BANK BORROWINGS Wells Fargo Funds Trust and Wells Fargo Variable Trust (excluding the money market funds) share in a revolving Credit Agreement with the Bank of New York Mellon, whereby the Funds are permitted to use bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes, such as to fund shareholder redemption requests. Prior to its amendment on September 10, 2008, the agreement permitted borrowings of up to $150 million, collectively. Interest was charged to each Fund based on its borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds rate plus 0.40%. In addition, the Funds paid a quarterly commitment fee equal to 0.1% per annum of the credit line. Pursuant to the amendment to the Credit Agreement entered into on September 10, 2008, interest under the Credit Agreement after such date is charged to each Fund based on its borrowing at a rate equal to the Federal Funds Rate plus 0.60%. In addition, under the amended Credit Agreement, the Funds pay a quarterly commitment equal to 0.15% per annum of the credit line. For the year ended October 31, 2008, there were no borrowings by any of the Funds under this agreement. 6. DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS The tax character of distributions paid during the years ended October 31, 2008, and October 31, 2007, was as follows:
Ordinary Income Long-term Capital Gain Return of Capital Total ------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------- FUND 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 ---- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----- ------------ ------------ DISCOVERY FUND $ 19,890,155 $ 0 $ 44,267,204 $ 14,930,552 $ 0 $0 $ 64,157,359 $ 14,930,552 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 30,437,843 43,956,516 65,216,218 26,558,671 0 0 95,654,061 70,515,187 OPPORTUNITY FUND 107,945,237 54,086,988 178,064,347 300,061,215 6,989,987 0 292,999,571 354,148,203 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 16,788,428 14,722,620 19,968,120 6,569,519 0 0 36,756,548 21,292,139 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 2,183,523 1,509,327 17,283,457 1,793,482 0 0 19,466,980 3,302,809
As of October 31, 2008, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis are shown on the table below. The difference between book basis and tax basis appreciation (depreciation) is attributable to tax deferral of losses on wash sales and different book and tax treatment of the exchange in share class of investments in mutual funds.
Undistributed Undistributed Unrealized Ordinary Long-Term Appreciation Capital Loss FUND Income Gain (Depreciation) Carryforward Total ---- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- DISCOVERY FUND $ 0 $0 $ (80,189,020) $ (21,827,443) $(102,016,463) ENTERPRISE FUND 0 0 (96,137,192) (193,770,057) (289,907,249) MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 4,266,365 0 (233,232,244) (35,952,326) (264,918,205) OPPORTUNITY FUND 0 0 (267,689,071) (22,830,648) (290,519,719) SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 0 0 (126,699,289) (15,661,686) (142,360,975) SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 0 0 (84,051,470) (1,722,614) (85,774,084)
7. LEGAL AND REGULATORY MATTERS In 2004, the predecessor Strong Funds' prior investment adviser and affiliates (collectively, "Strong") entered into agreements with certain regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Attorney General ("NYAG"), to settle market-timing investigations. In the settlements, Strong agreed to pay investor restoration and civil penalties. Although some portion of these payments is likely to be distributed to predecessor Strong Fund shareholders, no determination has yet been made as to the distribution of these amounts, and the successor funds are not expected to receive any portion of these payments. The NYAG settlement imposed fee reductions across the predecessor fund complex (excluding money market funds and very short-term income funds) totaling $35 million by May 2009. Funds management has agreed to honor these fee reductions for the benefit of shareholders across the successor funds. Although civil litigation against Strong and certain predecessor Strong Funds relating to these matters is continuing, neither the current adviser nor the successor funds is a party to any such suit. 94 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Notes to Financial Statements 8. NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement on Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, "Fair Value Measurements" ("SFAS 157"). This standard establishes a single authoritative definition of fair value, sets out a framework for measuring fair value and requires additional disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS 157 applies to fair value measurements already required or permitted by existing standards. SFAS 157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within those fiscal years. The changes to current generally accepted accounting principles from the application of this Statement relate to the definition of fair value, the methods used to measure fair value, and the expanded disclosures about fair value measurements. As of October 31, 2008, Management has determined the adoption of SFAS 157 will not impact the financial statement amounts, however, additional disclosures may be required about the inputs used to develop the measurements and the effect of certain of the measurements on changes in net assets for the period. In March 2008, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 161, "Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities-an amendment of FASB Statement No. 133" ("SFAS 161"). SFAS 161 requires additional discussion about the reporting entity's derivative instruments and hedging activities, by providing for qualitative disclosures about the objectives and strategies for using derivatives, quantitative data about the fair value of and gains and losses on derivative contracts, and details of credit-risk-related contingent features in their hedged positions. SFAS 161 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2008 and interim periods within those years. As of October 31, 2008, Management is continuing to evaluate the impact, if any, that adoption of SFAS 161 may have on the financial statements. Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 95 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SHAREHOLDERS OF WELLS FARGO FUNDS TRUST: We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of the Discovery Fund, Enterprise Fund, Mid Cap Disciplined Fund, Opportunity Fund, Small Cap Disciplined Fund, and Small/Mid Cap Value Fund, (the "Funds"), six of the funds constituting the Wells Fargo Funds Trust, as of October 31, 2008, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, statements of changes in net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the years or periods in the five year period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. The financial highlights of the Funds for the year or period ended December 31, 2003 were audited by other auditors whose report dated February 3, 2004, expressed an opinion on those financial highlights. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of October 31, 2008, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers or other appropriate auditing procedures. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the aforementioned funds of the Wells Fargo Funds Trust as of October 31, 2008, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the years in the two year period then ended, and the financial highlights for the periods indicated in the first paragraph above, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. (KPMG LLP) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania December 22, 2008 96 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Other Information (Unaudited) PROXY VOTING INFORMATION A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-222-8222, visiting our Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds, or visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. Information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge on the Funds' Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds or by visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. TAX INFORMATION Pursuant to Section 871(k)(1)(c) of the Code, the Fund(s) designate the following amount(s) of their income dividends paid during the year ended October 31, 2008, as interest-related dividends:
Interest-Related FUND Dividends ---- ---------------- MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND $2,178,437 OPPORTUNITY FUND 3,770,762 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 1,618,501 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 21,327
Pursuant to Section 871(k)(2)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Fund(s) listed below designates the following amounts as short-term capital gain dividends for the year ended October 31, 2008:
Short-Term FUND Capital Gain ---- ------------ DISCOVERY FUND $19,890,155 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 20,544,443 OPPORTUNITY FUND 85,593,355 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 11,324,069 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 1,760,369
Pursuant to Section 1(h)(11) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Funds listed below designate the following amounts of their income dividends paid during the year ended October 31, 2008 as qualified dividend income (QDI):
Pursuant to Section 852(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the following funds designate the amounts listed below as a long-term capital gain distribution for the year ended October 31, 2008:
Capital Gain FUND Dividend ---- ------------ DISCOVERY FUND $ 44,267,205 MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 65,216,218 OPPORTUNITY FUND 185,054,334 SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 19,968,120 SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 17,283,457
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 97 Other Information (Unaudited) Pursuant to Section 854(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Funds listed below designates a percentage of its ordinary income dividends distributed during the year ended October 31, 2008 as qualifying for the corporate dividends-received deduction:
Ordinary Income FUND Dividend Distribution ---- --------------------- DISCOVERY FUND 2.03% MID CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 55.23% OPPORTUNITY FUND 23.33% SMALL CAP DISCIPLINED FUND 30.22% SMALL/MID CAP VALUE FUND 36.21%
DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION On December 14, 2007, the Opportunity Fund paid a distribution of $6.63725 per share to shareholders of record as of December 13, 2007, that included amounts from capital gain and return of capital. It is a requirement of law to notify shareholders if an investment company pays a dividend, or makes a distribution in the nature of a dividend payment, to its shareholders from sources other than net investment income. Accordingly, pursuant to Rule 19a-1 of the 1940 Act, the sources of the distributions are as follows:
DISTRIBUTION DATE Net Investment income Capital Gain Return of Capital ----------------- --------------------- ------------ ----------------- December 14, 2007 NA 77.06% 22.94%
These figures provided are for informational purposes only and should not be used for tax reporting. Shareholders should have received their 2007 IRS Form 1099-DIV in January 2008 for any taxable accounts, which contained the appropriate information to enable them to file their federal and state income tax returns. A "return of capital" represents a return of shareholders' original investment in their shares and should not be confused with dividend "yield" or "income." Shareholders that held Opportunity Fund shares in taxable accounts must, upon a taxable disposition of their shares, reduce the cost basis in their shares to the extent that the distribution contains a return of capital and, if they have no further basis in their shares, report any excess as capital gain. Shareholders should consult their tax advisers regarding the federal, state and local tax considerations that may be applicable to their individual circumstances. 98 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds Other Information (Unaudited) PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS INFORMATION The complete portfolio holdings for each Fund, except money market funds, are publicly available on the Funds' Web site (www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds) on a monthly, 30-day or more delayed basis, and for money market funds, on a monthly, seven-day delayed basis. In addition, top ten holdings information for each Fund is publicly available on the Funds'Web site on a monthly, seven-day or more delayed basis. Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q, which is available without charge by visiting the SEC Web site at www.sec.gov. In addition, each Fund's Form N-Q may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC, and at regional offices in New York City, at 233 Broadway, and in Chicago, at 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 900. Information about the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following table provides basic information about the Board of Trustees (the "Trustees") of the Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust"). This table supplements, and should be read in conjunction with, the Prospectus and the Statement of Additional Information(1 )of each Fund. Each of the Trustees listed below acts in identical capacities for each of the 134 funds comprising the Trust, Wells Fargo Variable Trust and Wells Fargo Master Trust (collectively the "Fund Complex"). All of the non-interested Trustees are also members of the Audit and Governance Committees of each Trust in the Fund Complex. The address of each Trustee and Officer is 525 Market Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105. Each Trustee and Officer serves an indefinite term, however, each Trustee serves such term until reaching the mandatory retirement age established by the Trustees. NON-INTERESTED TRUSTEES
Position Held and Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Other Directorships ------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Thomas S. Goho Trustee, since 1987 Co-Director for the Calloway School of Stephens University None 66 of Wake Forest University. Prior thereto, the Thomas Goho Chair of Finance of Wake Forest University, Calloway School of Business and Accountancy, from 2006-2007 and Associate Professor of Finance from 1999-2005. Peter G. Gordon Trustee, since 1998; President and Co-Founder of Crystal Geyser Water Company. None 66 Chairman, since 2005 (Lead Trustee since 2001) Judith M. Johnson Trustee, since 2008 Retired. Prior thereto, Chief Executive Officer and Chief None 59 Investment Officer of Minneapolis Retirement Fund from 1996 to 2008. Olivia S. Mitchell Trustee, since 2006 Professor of Insurance and Risk Management, Wharton School, None 55 University of Pennsylvania. Director of the Boettner Center on Pensions and Retirement Research. Research associate and board member, Penn Aging Research Center. Research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. Timothy J. Penny Trustee, since 1996 President and CEO of Southern Minnesota Initiative None 56 Foundation, a non-profit organization since 2007 and Senior Fellow at the Humphrey Institute Policy Forum at the University of Minnesota since 1995. Donald C. Willeke Trustee, since 1996 Principal of the law firm of Willeke & Daniels. None 68
Position Held and Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Other Directorships ------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- J. Tucker Morse Trustee, since 1987 Private Investor/Real Estate Developer. Prior thereto, None 64 Chairman of Whitepoint Capital, LLC until 2004.
Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds 99 Other Information (Unaudited) OFFICERS
Position Held and Name and Age Length of Service(2) Principal Occupations During Past Five Years Other Directorships ------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Karla M. Rabusch President, Executive Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and None 49 since 2003 President of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC since 2003. Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC from 2001 to 2003. C. David Messman Secretary, since Senior Vice President and Secretary of Wells Fargo Funds None 48 2000; Chief Legal Management, LLC since 2001. Vice President and Managing Counsel, since 2003 Senior Counsel of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. since 1996. Stephen W. Leonhardt Treasurer, Vice President and Manager of Fund Accounting, Reporting and None 49 since 2007 Tax for Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC since 2007. Director of Fund Administration and SEC Reporting for TIAA-CREF from 2005 to 2007. Chief Operating Officer for UMB Fund Services, Inc. from 2004 to 2005. Controller for Sungard Transaction Networks from 2002 to 2004. Debra Ann Early Chief Compliance Chief Compliance Officer of Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC None 44 Officer, since 2007. Chief Compliance Officer of Parnassus since 2007 Investments from 2005 to 2007. Chief Financial Officer of Parnassus Investments from 2004 to 2007 and Senior Audit Manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1998 to 2004.
(1) The Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Funds' Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request, by calling 1-800-222-8222 or by visiting the Funds'Web site at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. (2) Length of service dates reflects a Trustee's commencement of service with the Trust's predecessor entities. (3) As of October 31, 2008, one of the seven Trustees is considered an "interested person" of the Trusts as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940. The interested Trustee, J. Tucker Morse, is affiliated with a government securities dealer that is registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which is not itself affiliated with Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. 100 Wells Fargo Advantage Small and Mid Cap Stock Funds List of Abbreviations The following is a list of common abbreviations for terms and entities which may have appeared in this report. ABAG -- Association of Bay Area Governments ADR -- American Depositary Receipt AMBAC -- American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation AMT -- Alternative Minimum Tax ARM -- Adjustable Rate Mortgages BART -- Bay Area Rapid Transit CDA -- Community Development Authority CDO -- Collateralized Debt Obligation CDSC -- Contingent Deferred Sales Charge CGIC -- Capital Guaranty Insurance Company CGY -- Capital Guaranty Corporation CIFG -- CDC (Caisse des Depots et Consignations) IXIS Financial Guarantee COP -- Certificate of Participation CP -- Commercial Paper CTF -- Common Trust Fund DW&P -- Department of Water & Power DWR -- Department of Water Resources ECFA -- Educational & Cultural Facilities Authority EDFA -- Economic Development Finance Authority ETET -- Eagle Tax-Exempt Trust FFCB -- Federal Farm Credit Bank FGIC -- Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation FHA -- Federal Housing Authority FHAG -- Federal Housing Agency FHLB -- Federal Home Loan Bank FHLMC -- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation FNMA -- Federal National Mortgage Association FSA -- Farm Service Agency GDR -- Global Depositary Receipt GNMA -- Government National Mortgage Association GO -- General Obligation HCFR -- Healthcare Facilities Revenue HEFA -- Health & Educational Facilities Authority HEFAR -- Higher Education Facilities Authority Revenue HFA -- Housing Finance Authority HFFA -- Health Facilities Financing Authority HUD -- Housing & Urban Development IDA -- Industrial Development Authority IDAG -- Industrial Development Agency IDR -- Industrial Development Revenue LIBOR -- London Interbank Offered Rate LLC -- Limited Liability Corporation LOC -- Letter of Credit LP -- Limited Partnership MBIA -- Municipal Bond Insurance Association MFHR -- Multi-Family Housing Revenue MTN -- Medium Term Note MUD -- Municipal Utility District PCFA -- Pollution Control Finance Authority PCR -- Pollution Control Revenue PFA -- Public Finance Authority PFFA -- Public Facilities Financing Authority plc -- Public Limited Company PSFG -- Public School Fund Guaranty R&D -- Research & Development RDA -- Redevelopment Authority RDFA -- Redevelopment Finance Authority REITS -- Real Estate Investment Trusts SFHR -- Single Family Housing Revenue SFMR -- Single Family Mortgage Revenue SLMA -- Student Loan Marketing Association TBA -- To Be Announced TRAN -- Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes USD -- Unified School District XLCA -- XL Capital Assurance THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. (GRAPHIC) REDUCE CLUTTER. SAVE TREES. Sign up for electronic delivery of prospectus and shareholder reports at www.wellsfargo.com/advantagegallery WELLS ADVANTAGE FARGO FUNDS More information about WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS is available free upon request. To obtain literature, please write, e-mail, visit the Funds' Web site, or call: WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS P.O. Box 8266 Boston, MA 02266-8266 E-mail: wfaf@wellsfargo.com Web site: www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds Individual Investors: 1- 800-222-8222 Retail Investment Professionals: 1-888-877-9275 Institutional Investment Professionals: 1-866-765-0778 THIS REPORT AND THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE SUBMITTED FOR THE GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS OF WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. IF THIS REPORT IS USED FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES, DISTRIBUTION OF THE REPORT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED OR PRECEDED BY A CURRENT PROSPECTUS. FOR A PROSPECTUS CONTAINING MORE COMPLETE INFORMATION, INCLUDING CHARGES AND EXPENSES, CALL 1-800-222-8222 OR VISIT THE FUNDS' WEB SITE AT www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds. PLEASE CONSIDER THE INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES, RISKS, CHARGES, AND EXPENSES OF THE INVESTMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INVESTING. THIS AND OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS CAN BE FOUND IN THE CURRENT PROSPECTUS. READ THE PROSPECTUS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU INVEST OR SEND MONEY. "Dow Jones" and "Dow Jones Target Date Indexes" are service marks of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by Global Index Advisors, Inc. and Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. The Dow Jones Target Date Indexes are based in part on the Barclays Capital Bond Indexes, which are published by Barclays Capital. The WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE DOW JONES TARGET DATE FUNDS, based on the Dow Jones Target Date Indexes, are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones or Barclays Capital, and neither Dow Jones nor Barclays Capital makes any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product(s) and/or about the quality, accuracy and/or completeness of the Dow Jones Target Date Indexes or the Barclays Capital Bond Indexes. IN NO EVENT SHALL DOW JONES, BARCLAYS CAPITAL OR ANY OF THEIR LICENSORS HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for WELLS FARGO ADVANTAGE FUNDS. Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds. The Funds are distributed by WELLS FARGO FUNDS DISTRIBUTOR, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT FDIC INSURED - NO BANK GUARANTEE - MAY LOSE VALUE (C) 2008 Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC. www.wellsfargo.com/advantagefunds 113577 12-08 All rights reserved. ASMCNL/AR123 10-08
ITEM 2. CODE OF ETHICS ======================= As of the end of the period, October 31, 2007, Wells Fargo Funds Trust has adopted a code of ethics, as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR, that applies to its President and Treasurer. A copy of the code of ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR. ITEM 3. AUDIT COMMITTEE FINANCIAL EXPERT ========================================= The Board of Trustees of Wells Fargo Funds Trust has determined that Thomas S. Goho is an audit committee financial expert, as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR. Mr. Goho is independent for purposes of Item 3 of Form N-CSR. ITEM 4. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT FEES AND SERVICES ====================== (a) AUDIT FEES - Provided below are the aggregate fees billed for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008 for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the Registrant's annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements. For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008, the Audit Fees were $1,872,500 and $1,816,725, respectively. (b) AUDIT-RELATED FEES - There were no audit-related fees incurred for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008 for assurance and related services by the principal accountant for the Registrant. (c) TAX FEES - Provided below are the aggregate fees billed for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008 for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the Registrant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning. For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008, the Tax Fees were $115,200 and $118,080, respectively. The incurred Tax Fees are comprised of excise tax review services. For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008, the Tax Fees were $ 182,205 and $195,205, respectively. The incurred Tax Fees are comprised of tax preparation and consulting services. (d) ALL OTHER FEES - There were no other fees incurred for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008. (e)(1) The Chairman of the Audit Committees is authorized to pre-approve: (1) audit services to the mutual funds of Wells Fargo Funds Trust, Wells Fargo Variable Trust and Wells Fargo Master Trust (the "Funds"); (2) non-audit tax or compliance consulting or training services provided to the Funds by the independent auditors ("Auditors") if the fees for any particular engagement are not anticipated to exceed $50,000; and (3) non-audit tax or compliance consulting or training services provided by the Auditors to a Fund's investment adviser and its controlling entities (where pre-approval is required because the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Fund) if the fee to the Auditors for any particular engagement is not anticipated to exceed $50,000. For any such pre-approval sought from the Chairman, Management shall prepare a brief description of the proposed services. If the Chairman approves of such service, he or she shall sign the statement prepared by Management. Such written statement shall be presented to the full Committees at their next regularly scheduled meetings. (e)(2) Not Applicable. (f) Not Applicable. (g) Provided below are the aggregate non-audit fees billed for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2006 and October 31, 2007, by the principal accountant for services rendered to the Registrant, and rendered to the Registrant's investment adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the Registrant. For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008, the Registrant incurred non-audit fees in the amount of $215,000 and $70,000, respectively. The non-audit fees for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2007 consist of SAS70 control reviews of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the Funds' custodian of $145,000 and Securities Lending agent of $70,000. The non-audit fees for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2008 consist of SAS70 control reviews of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Securities Lending agent of $70,000. For the fiscal years ended October 31, 2007 and October 31, 2008, the Registrant's investment adviser incurred non-audit fees in the amount of $42,000 and $45,000, respectively. The non-audit fees for the year-ended October 31, 2007 and 2008 relate to examination of securities pursuant to rule 206 (4)-2 under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. (h) The Registrant's audit committee of the board of directors has determined that non-audit services rendered to the registrant's investment adviser, that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of the Regulation S-X, does not compromise the independence of the principal accountant. ITEM 5. AUDIT COMMITTEE OF LISTED REGISTRANTS ============================================= Not applicable. ITEMS 6. SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS ================================= The Schedule of Investments is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form. ITEM 7. DISCLOSURE OF PROXY VOTING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CLOSED-END MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES =============================================================== Not applicable. ITEM 8. PORTFOLIO MANAGERS OF CLOSED-END MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES ============================================================================= Not applicable. ITEM 9. PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES BY CLOSED-END MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY AND AFFILIATED PURCHASES ============================================================================= Not applicable. ITEM 10. SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECUIRTY HOLDERS ============================================================ Not applicable. ITEM 11. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES ================================ (a) The President and Treasurer have concluded that the Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust") disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) provide reasonable assurances that material information relating to the Trust is made known to them by the appropriate persons based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report. (b) There were no significant changes in the Trust's internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the second quarter of the period covered by this report that materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting. ITEM 12. EXHIBITS ================= (a)(1) Code of Ethics pursuant to Item 2 of Form N-CSR is filed and attached hereto as Exhibit 10a. (a)(2) Certification pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2(a)) is filed and attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT. (a)(3) Not applicable. (b) Certification pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)) is filed and attached hereto as Exhibit 99.906CERT. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. Wells Fargo Funds Trust By: /s/ Karla M. Rabusch Karla M. Rabusch President Date: December 18, 2008 Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated. By: /s/ Karla M. Rabusch Karla M. Rabusch President Date: December 18, 2008 By: /s/ Stephen W. Leonhardt Stephen W. Leonhardt Treasurer Date: December 18, 2008 CERTIFICATION ------------- I, Karla M. Rabusch, certify that: 1.I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Wells Fargo Advantage Specialized Financial Services Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Specialized Technology Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Mid Cap Value Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Common Stock Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Mid Cap Growth Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Growth Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Value Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Discovery Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Enterprise Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Mid Cap Disciplined Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Opportunity Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Disciplined Fund, and Wells Fargo Small/Mid Cap Value Fund; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report; 4. The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have: a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; b) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; c) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing of this report based on such evaluation; and d) disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal controls over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and 5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls over financial reporting. Date: December 18, 2008 /s/ Karla M. Rabusch ----------------------- Karla M. Rabusch President Wells Fargo Funds Trust Exhibit 99.CERT CERTIFICATION ------------- I, Stephen W. Leonhardt certify that: 1.I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Wells Fargo Advantage Specialized Financial Services Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Specialized Technology Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Mid Cap Value Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Common Stock Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Mid Cap Growth Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Growth Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Opportunities Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Value Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Discovery Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Enterprise Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Mid Cap Disciplined Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Opportunity Fund, Wells Fargo Advantage Small Cap Disciplined Fund, and Wells Fargo Small/Mid Cap Value Fund; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report; 4. The registrant's other certifying officers and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have: a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; b) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; c) evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing of this report based on such evaluation; and d) disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal controls over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and 5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls over financial reporting. Date: December 18, 2008 /s/ Stephen W. Leonhardt ------------------------ Stephen W. Leonhardt Treasurer Wells Fargo Funds Trust Exhibit 99.CERT SECTION 906 CERTIFICATION ------------------------- Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, the undersigned officer of Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust"), hereby certifies, to the best of her knowledge, that the Trust's report on Form N-CSR for the period ended October 31, 2008 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and that the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Trust. Date: December 18, 2008 By: /s/ Karla M. Rabusch Karla M. Rabusch President Wells Fargo Funds Trust This certification is being furnished to the Securities and Exchnage Commission pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 and is not being filed as part of the Form N-CSR with the Securities and Exchange Commission. SECTION 906 CERTIFICATION ------------------------- Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, the undersigned officer of Wells Fargo Funds Trust (the "Trust"), hereby certifies, to the best of his knowledge, that the Trust's report on Form N-CSR for the period ended October 31, 2008 (the "Report") fully complies with the requirements of Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and that the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Trust. Date: December 18, 2008 By: /s/ Stephen W. Leonhardt Stephen W. Leonhardt Treasurer Wells Fargo Funds Trust This certification is being furnished to the Securities and Exchnage Commission pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 and is not being filed as part of the Form N-CSR with the Securities and Exchange Commission. WELLS FARGO FUNDS TRUST WELLS FARGO MASTER TRUST WELLS FARGO VARIABLE TRUST JOINT CODE OF ETHICS FOR PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND SENIOR FINANCIAL OFFICERS I. COVERED OFFICERS / PURPOSE OF THE CODE This Code of Ethics ("Code") of Wells Fargo Funds Trust, Wells Fargo Master Trust and Wells Fargo Variable Trust (collectively, the "Trusts" and each, "a Trust") applies to each Trust's Principal Executive Officer, Principal Financial Officer and any other Trust officer's listed on Exhibit A (the "Covered Officers") for the purpose of promoting: o honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships; o full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable financial disclosure in reports and documents that a Trust files with, or submits to, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and in other public communications made by the Trust; o compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations; o the prompt internal reporting of violations of the Code to an appropriate person or persons identified in the Code; and o accountability for adherence to the Code. Each Covered Officer should adhere to a high standard of business ethics and should be sensitive to situations that may give rise to actual as well as apparent conflicts of interest. II. COVERED OFFICERS SHOULD HANDLE ETHICALLY BOTH ACTUAL AND APPARENT CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OVERVIEW. A "conflict of interest" occurs when a Covered Officer's private interest interferes with the interests of, or his or her service to, a Trust. For example, a conflict of interest would arise if a Covered Officer, or a member of his or her family, receives improper personal benefits as a result of his or her position with the Trust. Certain conflicts of interest arise out of the relationships between Covered Officers and the Trust and already are subject to conflict of interest provisions in the Investment Company Act of 1940 ("Investment Company Act") and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 ("Investment Advisers Act"). For example, Covered Officers may not individually engage in certain transactions (such as the purchase or sale of securities or other property) with the Trust because of their status as "affiliated persons" of the Trust. The compliance programs and procedures of the Trust and Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC (the "Adviser") are designed to prevent, or identify and correct, violations of these provisions. This Code does not, and is not intended to, repeat or replace these programs and procedures, and such conflicts fall outside of the parameters of this Code. Although typically not presenting an opportunity for improper personal benefit, conflicts arise from, or as a result of, the contractual relationship between the Trust and the Adviser, of which the Covered Officers are also officers or employees. As a result, this Code recognizes that the Covered Officers will, in the normal course of their duties (whether formally for the Trust or for the Adviser, or for both), be involved in establishing policies and implementing decisions that will have different effects on the Adviser and the Trust. The participation of the Covered Officers in such activities is inherent in the contractual relationship between the Trust and the Adviser and is consistent with the performance by the Covered Officers of their duties as officers of the Trust. Each Covered Officer recognizes that, as an officer of a Trust, he or she has a duty to act in the best interests of the Trust and its shareholders. If a Covered Officer believes that his or her responsibilities as an officer or employee of the Adviser are likely to materially compromise his or her objectivity or his or her ability to perform the duties of his or her role as an officer of the Trust, he or she should consult with the Chief Legal Officer. Under appropriate circumstances, a Covered Officer should also consider whether to present the matter to the Board. In addition, it is recognized by the Trust's Board of Trustees ("Board") that the Covered Officers may also be officers or employees of one or more other investment companies covered by this or other codes. Other conflicts of interest are covered by the Code, even if such conflicts of interest are not subject to provisions in the Investment Company Act and the Investment Advisers Act. The following list provides examples of conflicts of interest under the Code, but Covered Officers should keep in mind that these examples are not exhaustive. The overarching principle is that the personal interest of a Covered Officer should not be placed improperly before the interest of the Trust. * * * * Each Covered Officer must: o not use his or her personal influence or personal relationships improperly to influence investment decisions or financial reporting by a Trust whereby the Covered Officer would benefit personally to the detriment of the Trust; o not cause the Trust to take action, or fail to take action, for the individual personal benefit of the Covered Officer rather than the benefit of a Trust; o not use material non-public knowledge of portfolio transactions made or contemplated for the Trust to trade personally or cause others to trade personally in contemplation of the market effect of such transactions; o not retaliate against any other Covered Officer or any employee of a Trust or its affiliated persons for reports of potential violations that are made in good 2 faith; and o not engage in personal, business or professional relationships or dealings that would impair his or her independence of judgment or adversely affect the performance of his or her duties in the best interests of the Trust and their shareholders. There are some conflict of interest situations that should always be approved in advance by the Chief Legal Officer of the Trust (the "Chief Legal Officer") if material. Examples of these include: o service as a director on the board of any public or private for-profit company (provided, however, that a Covered Officer who is employed by another company (e.g., Wells Fargo) may serve as a director of such company or any entity, controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, such company); o acquiring a financial interest in any company that provides services to the Trust (provided, however, that a Covered Officer who is employed by another company (e.g., Wells Fargo) may have an ownership interest in his or her employer or the employer's parent company); o the receipt of any entertainment or gifts from any person or company with which the Trust has current or prospective business dealings unless such entertainment is business-related, reasonable in cost, appropriate as to time and place, and not so frequent as to raise any question of impropriety; o any consulting or employment relationship with any of the Trust's service providers, other than with the primary employer of the Covered Officer; and o a direct or indirect financial interest in commissions, transaction charges or spreads paid by the Trust for effecting portfolio transactions or for selling or redeeming shares, other than an interest arising from the Covered Officer's primary employment, such as compensation or equity ownership. III. DISCLOSURE AND COMPLIANCE Each Covered Officer should familiarize himself or herself with the disclosure requirements generally applicable to the Trust. Each Covered Officer should not knowingly misrepresent, or cause others to misrepresent, facts about the Trust to others, whether within or outside the Trust, including to the Board and the Trust's auditors, and to governmental regulators and self-regulatory organizations. Each Covered Officer should, to the extent appropriate within his or her area of responsibility, consult with other officers and employees of the Trust and the Adviser with the goal of promoting full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable 3 disclosure in the reports and documents the Trust files with, or submits to, the SEC and in other public communications made by the Trust. It is the responsibility of each Covered Officer to promote compliance with the standards and restrictions imposed by applicable laws, rules and regulations. Each Covered Officer should, consistent with his or her responsibilities, exercise appropriate supervision over and assist relevant Trust service providers in developing financial information and other disclosure that complies with relevant law and presents information in a clear, comprehensible and complete manner. Each Covered Officer is responsible for the accuracy of the records and reports that he or she is responsible for maintaining. The books and records of the Trust shall meet the highest standards and accurately reflect the true nature of the transactions they record. The Covered Officers must not create false or misleading documents or accounting, financial or electronic records for any purpose, and must not direct any other person to do so. If a Covered Officer becomes aware that information filed with the SEC or made available to the public contains any false or misleading information or omits to disclose necessary information, he shall promptly report it to Chief Legal Officer for a determination as to what, if any, corrective action is necessary or appropriate. No undisclosed or unrecorded account or fund shall be established for any purpose. No false or misleading entries shall be made in a Trust's books or records for any reason. No disbursement of a Trust's assets shall be made without adequate supporting documentation or for any purpose other than as described in the Trust's documents or contracts. A Trust will maintain and preserve for a period of not less than six (6) years from the date such action is taken, the first two (2) years in an easily accessible place, a copy of the information or materials supplied to the Board: (i) that provided the basis for any amendment or waiver to this Code, and (ii) relating to any violation of the Code and sanctions imposed for such violation, together with a written record of the approval or action taken by the Board. IV. REPORTING AND ACCOUNTABILITY Each Covered Officer must: o upon adoption of the Code (or thereafter upon becoming a Covered Officer), affirm in writing (in the form attached to this Code) to the Board that he or she has received, read, and understands the Code; o annually thereafter affirm in writing (in the form attached to this Code) to the Board that he or she has complied with the requirements of the Code; and 4 o notify the Chief Legal Officer of the Trust promptly if he or she knows of any violation of this Code. Failure to do so is itself a violation of this Code. The Chief Legal Officer is responsible for applying this Code to specific situations in which questions are presented under it and has the authority to interpret this Code in any particular situation. While the Chief Legal Officer in authorized to interpret this Code, an approval of a situation that is expressly prohibited by this Code is deemed to be a "waiver" and can be approved only by the Board. The Trust will follow these procedures in investigating and enforcing this Code: o the Chief Legal Officer will take all appropriate action to investigate any potential violations reported to him or her; o if, after such investigation, the Chief Legal Officer believes that no violation has occurred, the Chief Legal Officer is not required to take any further action; o any matter that the Chief Legal Officer believes is a violation will be reported to the Board; o if the Board concurs that a violation has occurred, it will consider appropriate action, which may include review of, and appropriate modifications to, applicable policies and procedures; notification to appropriate personnel of the Adviser; or a recommendation to dismiss the Covered Officer; o the Board will be responsible for granting waivers, as appropriate (a "waiver" is the approval of a situation that is expressly prohibited by this Code); and o any changes to or waivers of this Code will, to the extent required, be disclosed as provided by SEC rules. V. OTHER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES This Code shall be the sole code of ethics adopted by the Trusts for purposes of Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the rules and forms applicable to registered investment companies thereunder. Insofar as other policies or procedures of the Trusts or the Adviser govern or purport to govern the behavior or activities of the Covered Officers who are subject to this Code, they are superseded by this Code to the extent that they overlap or conflict with the provisions of this Code. The codes of ethics adopted by the Trusts and the Adviser under Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company Act are separate requirements applying to the Covered Officers and others, and are not part of this Code. 5 VI. AMENDMENTS Any amendments to this Code, other than amendments to Exhibit A, must be approved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board, including a majority of independent Trustees. VII. CONFIDENTIALITY All reports and records prepared or maintained pursuant to this Code will be considered confidential and shall be maintained and protected accordingly. Except upon request of the SEC or another regulatory agency, or as otherwise required by law or this Code, such matters shall not be disclosed to anyone other than Board and its counsel. VIII. INTERNAL USE The Code is intended solely for the internal use by each Trust and does not constitute an admission, by or on behalf of any Trust, as to any fact, circumstance, or legal conclusion. Adopted: August 5, 2003 6 EXHIBIT A PERSONS COVERED BY THE CODE Karla Rabusch, President of each Trust Stephen Leonhardt, Treasurer of each Trust Exhibit A amended: May 9, 2007 7 EXHIBIT B COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATIONS INITIAL CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT I: (I) HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND REVIEWED THE JOINT CODE OF ETHICS FOR PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND SENIOR FINANCIAL OFFICERS (the "Code"); (II) UNDERSTAND THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IN THE CODE; (III) RECOGNIZE THAT I AM SUBJECT TO SUCH POLICIES AND PROCEDURES; (IV) UNDERSTAND THE PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE; (V) WILLFULLY COMPLY WITH THE CODE AND ANY RELATED PROCEDURES; (VI) ACKNOWLEDGE MY RESPONSIBILITY TO REPORT ANY VIOLATION OF THE CODE TO LEGAL COUNSEL; (VII) UNDERSTAND THAT THE TRUSTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO AMEND, INTERPRET, MODIFY OR WITHDRAW ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE AT ANY TIME IN THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE; AND (VIII) HAVE FULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPLETED THIS CERTIFICATE. Signature: -------------------------------------------------------- (Please print) Name: -------------------------------------------------------- Date Submitted: -------------------------------------------------------- Date Due: -------------------------------------------------------- 8 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY THAT I: (I) HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND REVIEWED THE JOINT CODE OF ETHICS FOR PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND SENIOR FINANCIAL OFFICERS (the "Code"); (II) UNDERSTAND THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IN THE CODE; (III) RECOGNIZE THAT I AM SUBJECT TO SUCH POLICIES AND PROCEDURES; (IV) UNDERSTAND THE PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE; (V) HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE CODE AND ANY RELATED PROCEDURES; (VI) HAVE FULLY DISCLOSED ANY EXCEPTIONS TO MY COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE; (VII) WILLFULLY COMPLY WITH THE CODE OF ETHICS; (VIII) ACKNOWLEDGE MY RESPONSIBILITY TO REPORT ANY VIOLATION OF THE CODE TO LEGAL COUNSEL; (IX) UNDERSTAND THAT THE TRUSTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO AMEND, INTERPRET, MODIFY OR WITHDRAW ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE AT ANY TIME IN THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE; AND (X) HAVE FULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPLETED THIS CERTIFICATE EXCEPTION(S): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature: -------------------------------------------------------- (Please print) Name: -------------------------------------------------------- Date Submitted: -------------------------------------------------------- Date Due: -------------------------------------------------------- 9