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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of November, 2013
Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 3222-2027
(Address of principal executive offices)

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9M13 Results

Curitiba, Brazil, November 8, 2013 - Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Copel (BM&FBovespa: CPLE3, CPLE5, CPLE6 / NYSE: ELP / LATIBEX: XCOP), a company that generates, transmits, distributes and sells power, announces its results for the first nine months of 2013 (9M13).

Copel’s consolidated balance sheet presents the figures of its wholly owned subsidiaries, controlled companies and investees. The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil.


  3Q13 2Q13 3Q12 Var. % 9M13 9M12 Var. %
  (1) (2) (3) (1/3) (4) (5) (4/5)
Operating Revenues (R$ million) 2.255 2.101 2.041 10,5 6.736 6.093 10,6
Operating Income (R$ million) 399 368 468 (14,8) 1.360 1.168 16,4
Net Income (Loss) (R$ million) 273 252 319 (14,5) 923 824 12,0
Earnings per share (R$) 1,00 0,92 1,17 (14,5) 3,37 3,01 12,0
EBITDA (R$ million) 463 439 493 (6,1) 1.567 1.493 5,0
Return on Shareholders' Equity ( annualized) 9,1% 8,4% 11,0% (17,1) 10,1% 9,2% 9,5
Energy Supply (GWh) 6.727 5.603 6.076 10,7 20.131 18.341 9,8
Capex¹ 460 578 273 68,5 1.398 1.044 34,0

Values subject to rounding adjustments.
¹ includes contributions and advances for future investments

The Company’s shares and main indexes presented the following variations in the period:


Ticker Price
Var. %
Index Points
Var. %
CPLE3 (common/ BM&FBovespa) R$ 22,60 (10,3) Ibovespa 52.338 (14,2)
CPLE6 (preferred B/ BM&FBovespa) R$ 31,45 (0,8) IEE 27.037 (6,1)
ELP (ADS/ Nyse) US$ 13,96 (9,1) Dow Jones 15.130 15,5
XCOP (preferred B/ Latibex) € 10,34 (11,0) Latibex 2.194 (15,4)




1. General Information 3
2. 9M13 Income Statement 6
2.1 Operating Revenue


2.2 Operating Costs and Expenses


2.3 Equity in the Earnings of Subsidiaries




2.5 Financial Result


2.6 Consolidated Net Income


3. Balance Sheet and Investment Program 10
3.1 Assets


3.1.2 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Financial Investments


3.1.3 CRC Transferred to the State of Paraná


3.1.4 Accounts Receivable Related to the Extension of the Concession


3.2 Liabilities


3.2.2 Debt and Shareholders’ Equity


3.2.2 Payables related to the Concession – Use of Public Property


3.2.3 Provisions for Legal Claims


3.3 Investment Program


4. Shareholding Structure  15
5. Consolidated Financial Statements 16
5.1 Assets


5.2 Liabilities


5.3 Income Statement


5.4 Cash Flow


6. Financial Statements – Wholly Owned Subsidiaries  20
6.1 Assets


6.2 Liabilities


6.3 Income Statement – Copel Geração e Transmissão


6.4 Income Statement – Copel Distribuição


6.5 Income Statement – Copel Telecom


7. Power Market 24
7.1 Captive Market


7.2 Grid Market (TUSD)


8. Supplementary Information  28
8.1 Tariffs


8.2 Main Operational and Financial Indicators


8.3 3Q13 Results Conference Call



* Amounts subject to roundings.



1. General Information

Copel’s net income totaled R$ 923.2 million in 9M13, 12.0% up on the R$ 824.0 million recorded in 9M12, chiefly due to (i) higher revenue from electricity sales to final customers and distributors, and (ii) lower costs related to personnel and charges for the use of the main distribution and transmission grid in the period. The increase in the financial result also contributed to the period upturn in net income. For further information, please refer to item 2.

The table below summarizes the highlights for the period:

Result - Effect CVA (R$ million) 3Q13
Var. %
Var. %
Effect CVA - Gross (18) (31) (34) (47,1) 97 103 (5,9)
Effect CVA - Net* (12) (21) (23) (47,1) 64 68 (5,9)
EBITDA 463 439 493 (6,1) 1.567 1.493 5,0
Adjusted EBITDA by Regulatory Assets and Liabilities 445 408 459 (3,0) 1.664 1.595 4,3
Net Income 273 252 319 (14,5) 923 824 12,0
Adjusted Net Income by Regulatory Assets and Liabilities* 261 231 297 (12,0) 987 892 10,7
Economic and Financial Indicators 3Q13
Var. %
Var. %
EBITDA Margin 20,5% 20,9% 24,2% (15,0) 23,3% 24,5% (5,0)
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 19,7% 19,4% 22,5% (12,2) 24,7% 26,2% (5,7)
Operating Margin 17,7% 17,5% 22,9% (22,8) 20,2% 19,2% 5,3
Net Margin 12,1% 12,0% 15,6% (22,6) 13,7% 13,5% 1,3
Adjusted Net Margin 11,6% 10,2% 13,2% (12,0) 14,7% 13,2% 10,7


* Estimated net value: value gross minus 34% of income tax.

The table below show the trends for the main indicators:

Average Rates (BRL / MWh) Sep/13 Jun/13 Mar/13 Dec/12 Sep/12 Jun/12
Power Purchase Average Rate - Copel Distribuição 132,57 129,59 121,99 115,08 115,04 113,78
Retail Average Rate - Copel Distribuição 227,53 206,15 205,68 245,80 243,80 243,19
Sales to Distributors Average Rate - Copel GeT 126,18 120,84 118,38 98,69 97,70 98,93
Indicators Sep/13 Jun/13 Mar/13 Dec/12 Sep/12 Jun/12
Equity 13.116 12.942 12.757 12.362 12.800 12.493
Net debt 1.370 1.066 1.409 1.038 919 1.040
Book Value per Share 47,93 47,29 46,62 45,17 46,77 45,65
Net debt/ Shareholders' Net Equity 26,8% 25,2% 25,6% 26,4% 17,4% 17,9%
Current Liquidity 1,45 1,57 1,64 1,65 1,55 1,79


* Amounts subject to roundings.



Economic Sustainability Plan – Copel Distribuição

In October, Copel submitted to Aneel an Action Plan that will underpin the financial rebalancing and economic sustainability of the distribution segment's concession.

The Plan includes annual reductions of 6% in Copel Distribuição’s costs with personnel, materials, services and others between 2013 and 2017. Operating costs are expected to decrease by R$ 300.0 million by 2015, mainly due to (i) the reduction in workforce through the voluntary redundancy program, and (ii) the elimination of 163 managerial positions, equivalent to 60% of the senior positions, as a result of the restructuring implemented by the subsidiary as of April 2013. In addition to reducing personnel costs, the Company has already recorded 400 initiatives to reduce costs with materials, services and others, generating savings of R$30.0 million in 2013.

In order to improve Copel Distribuição’s capital structure, on September 11, 2013, the Company’s Board of Directors approved the transfer of the CRC credits that Copel Distribuição held jointly with the Government of the State of Paraná to Copel (Holding company). This action, which is still pending Aneel's approval, allows the settlement of Copel Distribuição’s Loan with Copel (Holding company) and the transfer of funds to the distributor’s cash, guaranteeing a solid capital structure to the subsidiary in the coming years, pursuant to Aneel’s recommendation.

Corporate Restructuring

The 187th Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on October 10 approved Copel’s restructuring. With the new structure, the Company now has five (5) wholly owned subsidiaries and five (5) executive areas in the holding company.

In addition to the existing subsidiaries (Copel GeT, Copel Distribuição and Copel Telecomunicações), the Company now has Copel Participações, created with the aim of managing interests in special purpose entities (SPEs) in the energy, gas, telecommunication, sanitation and service sectors, as well as Copel Renováveis, which will centralize the company’s investments in renewable energy generation projects, including the recent acquisition of seven wind farms in Rio Grande do Norte State. Mr. Julio Jacob Junior, Copel’s former Legal Officer, will be Copel Participações’ Chief Executive Officer, while Mr. Jorge Andriguetto Júnior, Copel’s former Engineering Officer, will be Copel Renováveis’ Chief Executive Officer.

These changes are part of the adjustment to market needs, aimed at making the structure more streamlined and reducing operating costs.

New Executive Areas

On October 10, the Company’s 117th Extraordinary Board of Directors Meeting elected Marcos Domakoski as Chief Corporate Management Officer, Denise Campanholo Busetti Sabbag as Chief Institutional Relations Officer and Joel Nazareno Iurk as Chief Business Development Officer.

Mr. Domakoski is a civil engineer, has a master’s degree in Business Administration and is a former professor of the Federal University of Paraná. He has been a member of Lactec’s Board of Directors since 1998.

Ms. Sabbag is a civil engineer who used to be the Head of Copel’s Department of Corporate Regulatory Issues and Integrated Business Planning.

* Amounts subject to roundings.



Mr. Iurk is a mathematician and a civil engineer and holds a master’s degree in Soil Science. He used to be the Company's Environment and Corporate Citizenship Officer.

Mr. Lindolfo Zimmer and Mr. Luiz Eduardo da Veiga Sebastiani will remain as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, respectively.

Wind Farms – São Bento Energia

The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency - Aneel published orders 3318, 3319, 3320 and 3321 of 2013 attesting that São Bento do Norte (30 MW), Olho D’Água (30 MW), Boa vista (14 MW) and Farol (20 MW) wind farms were fully equipped to begin operations on September 1, 2013. However, commercial operations will only begin after the conclusion of the installation of basic network access transmission facilities, whose works are not under the responsibility of São Bento Energia and are scheduled to be concluded at the beginning of 2015. In this period, the projects will earn the fixed revenue provided for in their respective agreements.

CDE (Energy Development Account) Funds

The Brazilian government issued Decree 7945, which establishes the transfer of CDE funds to cover costs arising from: (a) exposure to the spot market, limited to the amount not covered by the allocation of quotas; (b) the hydrological risk of the quotas; (c) System Service Charges – ESS (dispatch of thermal power plants for energy security); and (d) the positive result from the account for compensation of Portion A – CVAs in the tariff processes in the twelve months subsequent to March 8, 2013. The amounts contributed by CDE were recognized as compensation of electricity costs and charges for the use of the main distribution and transmission grid, as detailed in notes 31.1 and 31.2 of our Quarterly Information.

In 9M13, the Company received R$ 583.8 million in CDE funds, R$ 264.2 million of which related to compensation of electricity costs and R$ 319.6 million to compensation of costs with charges.

CDE Funds – Anticipation to Cover Tariff Discounts

Pursuant to order 1711 of May 29, 2013, Copel received R$ 134.8 million in CDE funds related to the anticipation of the amounts authorized by Aneel to cover tariff discounts from May to November 2013. Nevertheless, CDE funds to cover tariff discounts continue to be recognized on an accrual basis (R$ 19.3 million per month from February to November, totaling R$ 192.5 million in 2013).

Accounting Changes

As of the fiscal year begun on January 1, 2013, new rules are being applied to the preparation of financial statements, with effects mainly on (i) investments in investees, controlled companies and jointly controlled companies, and (ii) employee benefits. For detailed information on these changes, please refer to note 3 of our Quarterly Information.

* Amounts subject to roundings.



2. 9M13 Income Statement

2.1 Operating Revenue

In 9M13, “operating revenue” reached R$ 6,736.2 million, 10.6% up on the R$ 6,092.5 million recorded in 9M12. The most important variations were:

(i) the 33.7% increase in revenue from “electricity sales to final customers”, which reflects only actual sales revenues, excluding the distribution grid tariff (TUSD), chiefly due to (a) the 9.55% tariff increase as of June 24, 2013, and (b) the effects of Copel Distribuição’s tariff revision, on June 24, 2012, which led to a change in the tariff structure, increasing the percentage of revenue booked under “electricity sales to final customers”, reducing the percentage booked under “use of the main transmission

grid”. The increase in revenue from “electricity sales to final customers” was also influenced by the 197.2% upturn in Copel Geração e Transmissão’s electricity sales in the free market;

(ii) the 20.1% increase in "electricity sales to distributors”, resulting from (a) higher power allocation to the spot market (CCEE), and (b) the increased volume of bilateral agreements, partially offset by lower revenue from CCEAR, due to the lower volume of agreements in the regulated environment;

(iii) the 32.3% decline in “use of the main distribution and transmission grid” (TUSD and TUST revenue), due to (a) Copel Distribuição’s periodic tariff revision, in effect as of June 24, 2012, and (b) the extension of the agreements for transmission assets, which led to a reduction of approximately R$ 189 million in Copel GeT’s Annual Permitted Revenue, partially offset by the 4.2% upturn in Copel Distribuição’s grid market;

(iv) the 93.4% increase in “construction revenue”, due to the booking of investments in construction services and improvements to electricity distribution and transmission infrastructure;

(v) the 10.8% upturn in “telecommunications revenue”, due to the expansion of the area of operations and the provision of services to new customers, especially in the individual segment. As a result, the customer base increased from 2,477 in September 2012 to 6,261 in September 2013;

(vi) the 16.4% increase in “distribution of piped gas” (supplied by Compagas), following tariff adjustments (8.0% as of August 2012 and 6.5% as of March 2013); and

* Amounts subject to roundings.



(vii) the 73.1% expansion in “other operating revenues”, mainly due to higher revenue from the lease of the Araucária Thermal Power Plant, due to its higher dispatch up to September 2013 over the same period in the previous year.

R$ '000
Income Statement 3Q13
Electricity sales to final customers 881.003 785.579 605.850 45,4 2.437.777 1.823.938 33,7
Electricity sales to distributors 408.001 344.925 381.100 7,1 1.477.693 1.230.509 20,1
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid 513.046 464.403 766.039 (33,0) 1.490.449 2.201.015 (32,3)
Construction revenue 251.663 278.494 126.182 99,4 711.348 367.898 93,4
Revenues from telecommunications 36.263 33.590 31.129 16,5 102.555 92.517 10,8
Distribution of piped gas 103.361 96.407 86.461 19,5 278.989 239.622 16,4
Other operating revenues 61.293 97.734 44.328 38,3 237.361 137.152 73,1
Operating revenue 2.254.630 2.101.132 2.041.089 10,5 6.736.172 6.092.651 10,6


2.2 Operating Costs and Expenses

In the first nine months of 2013, operating costs and expenses totaled R$ 5,666.8 million, 12.0% up on the R$ 5,061.4 million recorded in 9M12. The main variations were:

(i) the 19.2% increase in “electricity purchased for resale”, chiefly due to higher costs with energy acquisition from auctions (CCEARs), Itaipu, and bilateral agreements, arising from (a) higher costs from thermal power agreements, (b) the exchange rate appreciation in the period, and (c) the monetary restatement of agreements based on period inflation, respectively. Costs from energy purchases in the spot market (CCEE) were partially offset by CDE funds, which totaled R$ 264.2 million in 9M13;

Electricity Purchased for Resale 3Q13
Var. %
Var. %
Itaipu 164.942 153.420 103.241 59,8 450.096 364.616 23,4
CCEAR (Auction) 540.229 586.310 496.704 8,8 1.659.044 1.385.552 19,7
Bilateral 54.933 48.980 50.410 9,0 160.971 150.092 7,2
CCEE 103.498 107.449 42.169 145,4 460.365 166.164 177,1
(-) Transfer CDE - CCEE 9.928 (180.525) - - (264.202) - -
Proinfa 41.668 41.714 42.110 (1,0) 125.055 107.512 16,3
(-) Pis/ Pasep and Cofins (81.652) (82.870) (79.331) 2,9 (241.603) (203.211) 18,9
TOTAL 833.546 674.478 655.303 27,2 2.349.726 1.970.725 19,2


* Amounts subject to roundings.



(ii) the 49.6% reduction in “use of the main distribution and transmission grid”, due to lower costs from charges for the use of the system as a result of Law 12,738/13, which extended transmission concessions, and the transfer of CDE funds (R$ 319.6 million in 9M13) to offset the costs with charges;

R$ '000
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid 3T13
Var. %
Var. %
System Service Charges - ESS 589 111.318 6.994 (91,6) 286.155 26.868 965,0
(-) Transfer CDE - ESS (721) (199.945) - - (319.624) - -
System usage charges – distribution 50.918 53.312 136.937 (62,8) 159.190 405.854 (60,8)
System usage charges – basic network and connection 47.387 43.206 34.865 35,9 132.403 109.849 20,5
Itaipu transportation charges 13.425 12.538 11.849 13,3 38.365 33.491 14,6
Charge reserve energy - EER 2.989 10.524 22.397 (86,7) 16.672 40.226 (58,6)
(-) PIS/Pasep and Cofins taxes on charges for use of power grid (11.898) (3.855) (19.368) (38,6) (31.297) (57.114) (45,2)
TOTAL 102.689 27.098 193.674 (47,0) 281.864 559.174 (49,6)


(iii) “personnel and management” totaled R$ 711.4 million, 9.7% down year on year, due to (a) the non-occurrence of provisions for severance pay related to the Voluntary Redundancy Program, which was discontinued in December 2012, and (b) lower expenses with compensation and related charges, 5.8% and 12.1% down, respectively, already considering the wage increases of 5.6% as of October 2012 and 1.0% as of May 2013;

(iv) the 9.5% upturn in “pension and healthcare plans”, which reflects the accrual of amounts related to the private pension and healthcare plans, calculated in accordance with CVM Resolution 695/2012;

(v) the 2.1% decline in “material and supplies”, mainly reflecting lower purchases of IT equipment;

(vi) the “materials and supplies for power eletricity” line includes expenses with the acquisition of coal for the Figueira Thermal Power Plant;

(vii) the 21.8% upturn in “natural gas and supplies for the gas business", as a result of the higher prices for the natural gas acquired by Compagas to supply third parties, which increased mainly due to the recent appreciation of the exchange rate, and the adjustment of the oil basket, which determines the gas acquisition price;

(viii) the 1.3% upturn in “third-party services”, chiefly due to higher expenses with communications and data processing, partially offset by lower expenses with consulting services;

(ix) “provisions and reversals” of R$ 148.7 million in the period, 30.7% up on the same period of 2012, mostly from provisions for litigation related to (a) employee benefit and (b) civil claims;

(x) the 97.5% increase in “construction costs”, as a result of investments in power distribution and transmission in the period; and

(xi) the 59.5% upturn in “other costs and expenses”, chiefly due to (a) increased costs with financial compensation, due to higher hydro power generation in the period and (b) losses related to accounting reconciliation of assets.

* Amounts subject to roundings.



R$ '000
Operating Costs and Expenses 3Q13
Electricity purchased for resale 833.546 674.478 655.303 27,2 2.349.726 1.970.725 19,2
Use of main distribution and transmission grid 102.689 27.098 193.674 (47,0) 281.864 559.174 (49,6)
Personnel and management 224.458 245.473 273.148 (17,8) 711.430 787.606 (9,7)
Pension and healthcare plans 47.443 43.564 41.660 13,9 133.141 121.592 9,5
Materials and supplies 15.963 17.517 18.645 (14,4) 51.360 52.484 (2,1)
Materials and supplies for power eletricity 5.847 10.220 7.865 (25,7) 20.328 18.563 9,5
Natural gas and supplies for the gas business 82.531 78.160 66.794 23,6 223.002 183.088 21,8
Third-party services 107.918 107.689 100.293 7,6 306.994 303.053 1,3
Depreciation and amortization 148.200 145.571 134.835 9,9 440.612 411.189 7,2
Provisions and reversals 16.605 112.583 22.978 (27,7) 148.724 113.794 30,7
Construction cost 253.204 269.278 122.806 106,2 717.280 363.133 97,5
Other cost and expenses 126.234 88.531 60.422 108,9 282.290 177.032 59,5
TOTAL 1.964.638 1.820.162 1.698.423 15,7 5.666.751 5.061.433 12,0


2.3 Equity in the Earnings of Subsidiaries

Equity in the earnings of subsidiaries reflects gains and losses from investments in Copel’s investees. In 9M13, equity in the earnings of subsidiaries totaled R$ 57.0 million, comprising gains of R$ 41.4 million from Dominó Holdings (Sanepar), R$ 6.1 million from Dona Francisca Energética, R$ 7.4 million from Foz do Chopim Energética, and a R$ 7.0 million loss from Sercomtel Telecom, due to losses recorded by the company in the period. In the same period, the energy transmission SPEs generated gains of R$ 9.8 million.


Between January and September 2013, EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes depreciation and amortization) totaled R$ 1,567.1 million, 5.0% higher than the R$ 1,492.5 million reported in the same period in the previous year.

2.5 Financial Result

Financial revenues totaled R$ 476.7 million in the first nine months, 9.0% down year on year, due to the lower monetary restatement of assets pegged to the IGP-DI and IGP-M inflation indices, partially offset by the monetary restatement of indemnifications related to the extension of transmission concessions (restatement by the IPCA consumer price index plus 5.59% p.y.).

Financial expenses totaled R$ 243.4 million in 9M13, 44.3% lower year on year, chiefly due to the non-recurring recognition of the remeasurement of the fair value of Copel Distribuição’s financial assets in 9M12.

The 9M13 financial result was a positive R$ 233.2 million, a 169.3% upturn on the R$ 86.6 million recorded in 9M12.

2.6 Consolidated Net Income

In 9M13, Copel recorded net income of R$ 923.2 million, 12.0% up on the same period of 2012 (R$ 824.0 million).

* Amounts subject to roundings.



3. Balance Sheet and Investment Program

The main lines and variations are compared to December, 2012 and described below. Please refer to the notes in our Quarterly Information (ITRs) for additional information.

3.1 Assets

On September 30, 2013, Copel’s assets totaled R$ 22,166.1 million, 4.5% up on December 31, 2012.

3.1.1 Current and Non-current Assets

The main variations in current assets were:

- the 5.0% increase in “cash and cash equivalents”, chiefly due to the receipt of CDE funds, related to (i) the offsetting of costs with energy and charges and (ii) the anticipation of the amounts authorized by Aneel to cover tariff discounts from May to November 2013, pursuant to order 1711 of May 29, 2013, partially offset by disbursements related to the Company’s investment program;

- the 94.4% decline in “collateral and escrow accounts", stemming from the redemption of collateral related to CCEAR contracts which expired in December 2012;

- the 19.9% decline in “bonds and securities”, chiefly due to capital transfers and advances for future capital increases in new transmission projects in the pre-operational stage;

- the 9.0% reduction in “customers”, chiefly due to the decline in accounts receivable related to (i) Copel Distribuição’s captive market, (ii) CCEAR agreements, and (iii) charges for the use of the main transmission grid; and

- the 47.6% increase in "other current receivables”, mainly referring to advances to suppliers.

The main variations in non-current assets were:

- the 16.8% upturn in “bonds and securities” due to the reallocation of funds from current assets to optimize the Company’s cash management;

- the 17.4% increase in “accounts receivable related to the concession”, equivalent to R$ 460.3 million, chiefly due to the capitalization of intangible assets in progress (investments) and the monetary restatement (IGP-M) of the assets related to the distribution and transmission concessions; and

- the 36.8% decline in “accounts receivable related to the concession extension”, as a result of the transfer of R$ 264.1 million in indemnification receivables to current assets.

3.1.2 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Financial Investments

On September 30, 2013, the cash, cash equivalents and financial investments of Copel’s wholly owned subsidiaries and controlled companies totaled R$ 2,147.9 million and were mostly invested in Bank Deposit Certificates (CDBs) and repo transactions. The investments earned an average yield of 101.5% of the period variation in the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) rate.

* Amounts subject to roundings.



3.1.3 CRC Transferred to the State of Paraná

Through the fourth addendum signed on January 21, 2005, the Company renegotiated the CRC balance on December 31, 2004 with the State of Paraná at R$ 1,197.4 million, in 244 monthly installments recalculated by the price amortization system, restated by the IGP-DI inflation index plus annual interest of 6.65%. The first installment was due on January 30, 2005, with subsequent and consecutive maturities. The current CRC balance is R$ 1,378.2 million.

The State of Paraná has been paying the renegotiated installments pursuant to the fourth addendum, whose amortizations are guaranteed by dividends.

3.1.4 Accounts Receivable Related to the Extension of the Concession

Following Copel’s acceptance of the conditions established by the government agency for the anticipation of the extension of the transmission assets (Provisional Measure 579), on November 1, 2012, through Ordinances 578 and 579 and Interministerial Ordinance 580, the Ministry of Mines and Energy announced the indemnification the Company is entitled to under Transmission Concession Agreement 060/2001, in the amount of R$ 893.9 million (considering only the assets that began operating after May 2000). With the enactment of Law 12783, on January 11, 2013, the government agency reconsidered the right of indemnification for the assets existing on May 31, 2000; however, the indemnification amount has not yet been set. Management assessed these assets using the new replacement value methodology and expects to receive R$ 160.2 million. On September 30, the amount recorded in this account totaled R$ 805.8 million, R$ 268.0 million lower than in December 2012, due to amortizations in the period.

3.2 Liabilities

3.2.1 Current and Non-current Liabilities

The main variations in current liabilities were:

- the 15.6% decline in “payroll, social charges and accruals”, mainly due to lower taxes and social contributions provisioned in the period;

- the 212.2% increase in “loans, financing and debentures”, chiefly due to transfers received from the long term and charges related to the period; and

- the 91.0% increase in "income tax and social contribution payable”, mainly due to the lower balance of taxes to offset with assets; and

- the 62.8% increase in “other accounts payable”, chiefly due to the recording of the balance to offset related to the amount authorized by Aneel to cover tariff discounts, received in advance, pursuant to Aneel order 1711, of May 29, 2013.

The main variations in non-current liabilities were:

- the 10.9% decrease in “loans, financing and debentures”, due to the transfer of the balance to the short-term; and

* Amounts subject to roundings.



- the 7.6% upturn in “tax, social security, labor and civil provisions”, chiefly due to increased provisions for litigation related to (i) employee benefit and (ii) civil claims.

3.2.2 Debt and Shareholders’ Equity

Copel’s consolidated debt totaled R$ 3,518.1 million on September 30, 2013, representing 26.8% of its consolidated shareholders’ equity, which closed the period at R$ 13,116.5 million, equivalent to R$ 47.93 per share (book value per share).

The breakdown of loans, financing and debentures is shown in the table below:

      Short-term Long-term Total
Foreign Currency National Treasury 4.284 59.650 63.934
Eletrobras 7 4 11
Total 4.291 59.654 63.945
Domestic Currency Eletrobras - COPEL 49.134 142.617 191.751
FINEP 5.506 34.806 40.312
BNDES/ Banco do Brasil S/A - Mauá 29.735 391.329 421.064
Banco do Brasil S/A and other 688.855 873.720 1.562.575
Debentures 78.000 1.160.405 1.238.405
Total 851.230 2.602.877 3.454.107
TOTAL   855.521 2.662.531 3.518.052


Loan, financing and debenture maturities are presented below:

  Short-Term     Long-Term    
  Oct/13 - Sep/14 Oct/14 - Dec/14 2015 2016 2017 After 2017
Domes tic Currency 851.230 116.433 599.175 874.266 618.165 394.838
Foreign Currency 4.291 4 - - - 59.650
TOTAL 855.521 116.437 599.175 874.266 618.165 454.488


Copel’s consolidated net debt (loans, financing and debentures less cash and cash equivalents) and the net debt/EBITDA ratio are shown in the following chart:


* Amounts subject to roundings.



3.2.2 Payables related to the Concession – Use of Public Property

It refers to the concession charges for the use of public property incurred since the execution of the project’s concession agreement until the end of the concession.

  Elejor  Mauá Colíder  PCHs Total
Current liabilities 47.593 900 - 753 49.246
Noncurrent liabilities 384.197 12.479 16.647 2.151 415.474

* Relative to PCH Cavernoso, Apucaraninha, Chopim I e Chaminé.

3.2.3 Provisions for Legal Claims

The Company is involved in a series of lawsuits in different courts and instances. Copel’s management, based on its legal advisors’ opinion, maintains a provision for legal claims for those cases assessed as probable losses. The balances of provisions for legal claims are as follows:

R$ '000
Probable Losses - Consolidated Set/13 Jun/13 Set/12 Var %
  (1) (2) (3) (1 / 3)
Tax 285.349 297.856 301.033 (5,2)
Labor suits 181.444 181.087 149.777 21,1
Employees and Benefits 118.358 123.561 76.024 55,7
Civil 611.688 596.315 519.019 17,9
Suppliers 65.900 67.006 69.369 (5,0)
Civil and administrative claims 187.110 180.433 130.493 43,4
Easements 7.239 7.012 5.456 32,7
Condemnations and property 341.812 333.841 306.291 11,6
Customers 9.627 8.023 7.410 29,9
Environmental claims 203 193 186 9,1
Regulatory 46.208 50.952 48.169 (4,1)
TOTAL 1.243.250 1.249.964 1.094.208 13,6


Possible Losses

The cases classified as possible losses, as estimated by the Company and its controlled companies at the end of 9M13, totaled R$ 2,906.0 million, 23.3% up on December 2012, distributed in lawsuits of the following natures: tax - R$ 1,382.4 million; civil - R$ 974.0 million; labor - R$ 331.0 million; employee benefits - R$ 167.3 million; and regulatory - R$ 51.3 million.

* Amounts subject to roundings.



3.3 Investment Program

Copel’s investments from January to September 2013 and the maximum investment forecast for 2013 are presented below:

      R$ million
  Carried out Carried out Scheduled
  3Q13 9M13 2013
Generation and Transmission* 112,6 359,7 866,5
HPP Colider 84,0 205,6 449,0
SHP Cavernoso II 0,2 19,6 8,3
TL Araraquara/ Taubaté 4,7 12,4 132,8
SE Cerquilho 4,7 18,4 37,8
Other 19,0 103,7 238,6
Distribution 236,2 663,1 986,4
Telecommunications 20,2 47,2 69,9
TOTAL 369,0 1.070,0 1.922,8

* Includes project won by Copel at Auction 007/2012 (lot B), held by Aneel on 12/19/2012, after the approval of the budget by the 139th Ordinary Board of Directors Meeting.

Copel’s investments in new businesses totaled R$ 328.2 million in 9M13. Total investments for 2013, which are estimated at R$ 647.4 million.

The table below shows investments in the Company’s new businesses:

    R$ million
  Carried out Carried out
  3Q13 9M13
Cutia 0,2 0,7
Costa Oeste 1,6 7,8
Marumbi - 7,4
Transmissora Sul Brasileira 21,6 53,1
Caiuá 14,7 29,4
Integração Maranhense 36,0 67,9
Matrinchã - 85,3
Guaraciaba - 31,1
Paranaíba 11,8 14,2
São Bento Energia* 5,2 31,3
TOTAL 91,1 328,2


* Amounts subject to roundings.



4. Shareholding Structure

On September 30, 2013, paid-up capital stock totaled R$ 6,910.0 million. The classes of shares (with no par value) and main shareholders are presented below:

Thousand shares
Shareholders Common  % Preferred "A" % Preferred "B" % TOTAL %
State of Paraná 85.029 58,6 - - 14 - 85.043 31,1
BNDESPAR 38.299 26,4 - - 27.282 21,3 65.581 24,0
Eletrobras 1.531 1,1 - - - - 1.531 0,6
Free Floating 19.877 13,7 129 33,9 100.905 78,7 120.911 44,2
BM&FBovespa 19.782 13,6 129 33,9 65.822 51,3 85.733 31,3
NYSE 95 0,1 - - 35.024 27,3 35.119 12,8
  LATIBEX - - - - 59 - 59 -
Other 295 0,2 252 66,1 42 - 589 0,1
TOTAL 145.031 100,0 381 100,0 128.243 100,0 273.655 100,0


* Amounts subject to roundings.



5. Consolidated Financial Statements

5.1 Assets

Assets Sep/13 Dec/12 Sep/12 Var.% Var.%
  (1) (2) (3) (1/2) (1/3)
CURRENT 4.634.676 4.681.692 3.538.245 (1,0) 31,0
Cash and cash equivalents 1.531.816 1.459.217 749.520 5,0 104,4
Bonds and securities 509.183 635.501 456.785 (19,9) 11,5
Collaterals and escrow accounts 2.054 36.808 12.292 (94,4) (83,3)
Customers 1.355.849 1.489.173 1.457.214 (9,0) (7,0)
Dividends receivable 8.174 18.064 8.342 (54,7) (2,0)
CRC transferred to the State Government of Paraná 82.009 75.930 73.018 8,0 12,3
Account receivable related to concession 4.463 5.319 114.631 (16,1) (96,1)
Accounts receivable related to the concession extension 352.161 356.085 - (1,1) -
Other current receivables 346.674 234.951 233.575 47,6 48,4
Inventories 134.293 124.809 118.952 7,6 12,9
Income tax and social contribution 212.012 191.544 215.663 10,7 (1,7)
Other current recoverable taxes 72.845 49.490 80.038 47,2 (9,0)
Prepaid expenses 23.143 4.801 18.215 382,0 27,1
NON-CURRENT 17.531.439 16.527.211 16.370.580 6,1 7,1
Long Term Assets 6.539.100 6.297.317 6.349.341 3,8 3,0
Bonds and securities 106.943 128.515 99.951 (16,8) 7,0
Collaterals and escrow accounts 44.309 43.246 72.811 2,5 (39,1)
Customers 44.635 26.171 31.739 70,6 40,6
CRC transferred to the State Government of Paraná 1.296.240 1.308.354 1.319.965 (0,9) (1,8)
Judicial deposits 599.661 574.371 557.859 4,4 7,5
Account receivable related to concession 3.106.098 2.645.826 3.571.421 17,4 (13,0)
Accounts receivable related to the concession extension 453.685 717.805 - (36,8) -
Other non-current receivables 26.382 22.728 21.812 16,1 21,0
Income tax and social contribution 8.495 19.995 20.209 (57,5) (58,0)
Other non-current recoverable taxes 119.169 120.189 75.415 (0,8) 58,0
Deferred income tax and social contribution 733.065 681.285 567.422 7,6 29,2
Prepaid expenses 418 8.832 10.737 (95,3) (96,1)
Investments 936.235 568.989 590.217 64,5 58,6
Property, plant and equipment, net 7.931.436 7.871.753 7.621.397 0,8 4,1
Intangible assets 2.124.668 1.789.152 1.809.625 18,8 17,4
TOTAL 22.166.115 21.208.903 19.908.825 4,5 11,3


* Amounts subject to roundings.



5.2 Liabilities

 Liabilities Sep/13
CURRENT 3.194.842 2.833.444 2.281.889 12,8 40,0
Payroll, social charges and accruals 324.174 384.008 268.558 (15,6) 20,7
Suppliers 958.615 1.131.782 883.927 (15,3) 8,4
Income tax and social contribution payable 325.082 170.189 199.389 91,0 63,0
Other taxes due 234.272 288.480 245.446 (18,8) (4,6)
Loans, financing and debentures 855.521 274.009 230.576 212,2 271,0
Minimum compulsory dividend payable 83.433 204.780 87.283 (59,3) (4,4)
Post employment benefits 25.996 25.819 22.281 0,7 16,7
Customer charges due 47.227 56.498 59.857 (16,4) (21,1)
Research and development and energy efficiency 145.055 159.599 112.313 (9,1) 29,2
Accounts Payable related to concession - Use of Public Property 49.246 48.477 44.769 1,6 10,0
Other accounts payable 146.221 89.803 127.490 62,8 14,7
NON-CURRENT 5.854.796 6.013.569 4.826.759 (2,6) 21,3
Suppliers 57.769 100.908 72.091 (42,8) (19,9)
Deferred income tax and social contribution 458.637 590.536 656.597 (22,3) (30,1)
Loans, financing and debentures 2.662.531 2.987.546 1.994.685 (10,9) 33,5
Post employment benefits 867.725 675.230 470.045 28,5 84,6
Research and development and energy efficiency 149.178 104.561 139.065 42,7 7,3
Accounts Payable related to concession - Use of Public Property 415.474 399.080 400.053 4,1 3,9
Other accounts payable 232 - 15 - -
Tax, social security, labor and civil provisions 1.243.250 1.155.708 1.094.208 7,6 13,6
EQUITY 13.116.477 12.361.890 12.800.177 6,1 2,5
Attributed to controlling shareholders 12.828.375 12.097.384 12.540.889 6,0 2,3
Share capital 6.910.000 6.910.000 6.910.000 - -
Equity valuation adjustments 1.033.924 1.214.394 1.372.707 (14,9) (24,7)
Legal reserves 571.221 571.221 536.187 - 6,5
Retained earnings 3.337.295 3.337.295 2.838.551 - 17,6
Additional proposed dividends - 64.474 - - -
Accrued earnings 975.935 - 883.444 - 10,5
Attributable to non-controlling interest 288.102 264.506 259.288 8,9 11,1
TOTAL 22.166.115 21.208.903 19.908.825 4,5 11,3


* Amounts subject to roundings.



5.3 Income Statement

Income Statement 3Q13
var %
OPERATING REVENUES 2.254.630 2.101.132 2.041.089 10,5 6.736.172 6.092.651 10,6
Electricity sales to final customers 881.003 785.579 605.850 45,4 2.437.777 1.823.938 33,7
Electricity sales to distributors 408.001 344.925 381.100 7,1 1.477.693 1.230.509 20,1
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid 513.046 464.403 766.039 (33,0) 1.490.449 2.201.015 (32,3)
Construction revenue 251.663 278.494 126.182 99,4 711.348 367.898 93,4
Revenues from telecommunications 36.263 33.590 31.129 16,5 102.555 92.517 10,8
Distribution of piped gas 103.361 96.407 86.461 19,5 278.989 239.622 16,4
Other operating revenues 61.293 97.734 44.328 38,3 237.361 137.152 73,1
Operating costs and expenses (1.964.638) (1.820.162) (1.698.423) 15,7 (5.666.751) (5.061.433) 12,0
Electricity purchased for resale (833.546) (674.478) (655.303) 27,2 (2.349.726) (1.970.725) 19,2
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid (102.689) (27.098) (193.674) (47,0) (281.864) (559.174) (49,6)
Personnel and management (224.458) (245.473) (273.148) (17,8) (711.430) (787.606) (9,7)
Pension and healthcare plans (47.443) (43.564) (41.660) 13,9 (133.141) (121.592) 9,5
Materials and supplies (15.963) (17.517) (18.645) (14,4) (51.360) (52.484) (2,1)
Materials and supplies for power eletricity (5.847) (10.220) (7.865) (25,7) (20.328) (18.563) 9,5
Natural gas and supplies for the gas business (82.531) (78.160) (66.794) 23,6 (223.002) (183.088) 21,8
Third-party services (107.918) (107.689) (100.293) 7,6 (306.994) (303.053) 1,3
Depreciation and amortization (148.200) (145.571) (134.835) 9,9 (440.612) (411.189) 7,2
Provisions and reversals (16.605) (112.583) (22.978) (27,7) (148.724) (113.794) 30,7
Construction cost (253.204) (269.278) (122.806) 106,2 (717.280) (363.133) 97,5
Other cost and expenses (126.234) (88.531) (60.422) 108,9 (282.290) (177.032) 59,5
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES 25.062 12.362 15.619 60,5 57.032 50.129 13,8
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES 315.054 293.332 358.285 (12,1) 1.126.453 1.081.347 4,2
FINANCIAL RESULTS 84.265 75.057 110.130 (23,5) 233.221 86.613 169,3
Financial income 175.715 154.922 224.577 (21,8) 476.670 523.613 (9,0)
Financial expenses (91.450) (79.865) (114.447) (20,1) (243.449) (437.000) (44,3)
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME 399.319 368.389 468.415 (14,8) 1.359.674 1.167.960 16,4
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT (126.368) (116.774) (149.093) (15,2) (436.452) (343.951) 26,9
Income tax and social contribution on profit (128.316) (176.073) (134.349) (4,5) (567.056) (433.821) 30,7
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit 1.948 59.299 (14.744) - 130.604 89.870 45,3
NET INCOME (LOSS) 272.951 251.615 319.322 (14,5) 923.222 824.009 12,0
Attributed to controlling shareholders 266.037 240.589 314.703 (15,5) 898.498 806.363 11,4
Attributed to non-controlling interest 6.914 11.026 4.620 49,7 24.724 17.646 40,1
EBITDA 463.254 438.903 493.120 (6,1) 1.567.065 1.492.536 5,0


* Amounts subject to roundings.



5.4 Cash Flow

Consolidated Cash Flow 9M13 9M12
Cash flow from operating activities    
Net income for the period 923.222 824.009
Adjustments to reconcile net income with the cash provided by operating activities 1.231.153 853.123
Depreciation 265.189 250.161
Amortization of intangible assets - concession 169.783 158.604
Amortization of intangible assets - other 5.075 1.859
Amortization of investiments - concession rigths 565 565
Unrealized monetary and exchange variations, net 11.247 (103.465)
Accounts receivable tied to the concession fair value´s update - 245.991
Remuneration of accounts receivable related to the concession (22.756) (307.554)
Equity in earnings of subsidiaries (57.032) (50.129)
Income Tax and Social Contribution 567.056 433.821
Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution (130.604) (89.870)
Provision for doubtful accounts 33.423 (183)
Provision for tax credit losses (624) (3.882)
Provision (reversal) for legal claims 118.280 117.859
Provisions for post employment benefits 146.555 130.374
Provision for research and development and energy efficiency 58.935 54.950
Write off of intangible assets related to concession - goodwill 41.977 7.684
Write off of property, plant, and equipment 9.523 2.498
Write off of intangible assets 14.561 3.840
Decrese (increase) in assets 409.864 (28.222)
Increase (reduction) of liabilities (1.324.922) (671.568)
Net cash generated by operating activities 1.239.317 977.342
Cash flow from investing activities    
Bonds and securities 172.172 50.066
Additions in investments (393.902) (28.595)
Additions to property, plant, and equipment (255.675) (662.833)
Additions to intangible assets related to the concessions (722.713) (608.352)
Additions to other intangible assets (278.909) (11.067)
Sale of intangible assets - 191
Customer contributions 115.104 62.428
Net cash generated (used) by investing activities (1.363.923) (1.198.162)
Cash flow from financing activities    
Loans and financing obtained 420.450 69.914
Amortization of principal amounts of loans and financing (36.296) (27.138)
Dividends and interest on own capital paid (186.949) (131.484)
Net cash used by financing activities 197.205 (88.708)
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 72.599 (309.528)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1.459.217 1.048.446
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1.531.816 738.918
Variation in cash and cash equivalents 72.599 (309.528)


* Amounts subject to roundings.



6. Financial Statements – Wholly Owned Subsidiaries

6.1 Assets

Assets GeT DIS TEL
CURRENT 1.597.205 2.190.625 90.923
Cash and cash equivalents 593.603 602.862 32.643
Bonds and securities 157.567 112.571 -
Collaterals and escrow accounts - 1.009 -
Customers 263.545 1.038.544 35.492
Dividends receivable 20 - -
CRC transferred to the State Government of Paraná - 82.009 -
Account receivable related to concession 4.463 - -
Accounts receivable related to the concession extension 352.161 - -
Other current receivables 175.905 158.612 2.725
Inventories 30.563 93.325 9.522
Income tax and social contribution 729 39.481 5.933
Other current recoverable taxes 15.481 46.481 4.109
Prepaid expenses 3.168 15.731 499
NON-CURRENT 8.376.974 6.513.945 382.279
Long Term Assets 935.294 5.152.059 21.265
Bonds and securities 53.535 53.408 -
Collaterals and escrow accounts - 44.309 -
Customers 6.166 38.464 5
CRC transferred to the State Government of Paraná - 1.296.240 -
Judicial deposits 26.866 298.513 1.667
Account receivable related to concession 338.192 2.767.906 -
Accounts receivable related to the concession extension 453.685 - -
Other receivables 4.252 9.312 -
Other current recoverable taxes 52.598 61.571 5.000
Deferred income tax and social contribution - 582.336 14.593
Investments 779.053 4.012 -
Property, Plant and Equipment, net 6.617.326 - 344.944
Intangible Assets 45.301 1.357.874 16.070
TOTAL 9.974.179 8.704.570 473.202


GeT: Copel Geração e Transmissão, DIS: Copel Distribuição, TEL: Copel Telecomunicações


* Amounts subject to roundings.



6.2 Liabilities

Liabilities GeT DIS TEL
CURRENT 1.258.590 2.475.880 50.240
Social charges and accruals 90.950 205.061 22.229
Associated companies and parent company - 909.903 -
Suppliers 279.818 652.534 9.447
Income Tax and Social Contribution payable 312.832 - 1.716
Other taxes 26.133 170.952 3.395
Loans and financing and debentures 64.662 209.944 3.811
Minimum compulsary dividend payable 392.525 59.000 7.982
Post employment benefits 6.754 18.316 926
Customer charges due 36.153 11.074 -
Research and development and energy efficiency 14.654 127.826 -
Payables related to concession - Use of Public Property 1.653 - -
Other accounts payable 32.456 111.270 734
NON-CURRENT 1.844.503 2.725.514 62.791
Suppliers 59.086 - -
Deferred income tax and social contribution 456.454 - -
Loans, and financing and debentures 449.908 1.622.790 34.383
Post-employment benefits 261.200 577.944 25.774
Research and development and energy efficiency 54.190 94.988 -
Payables related to the concession - Use of Public Property 31.277 - -
Tax,social security, labor and civil provisions 532.388 429.792 2.634
EQUITY 6.871.086 3.503.176 360.171
Attributed to controlling shareholders      
Capital 3.505.994 2.624.841 240.398
Equity valuation adjustments 1.183.516 139.752 (2.327)
Legal Reserves 247.134 135.294 6.706
Retained earnigs 1.123.315 840.155 79.902
Accrued earnings (losses) 811.127 42.638 35.492
TOTAL 9.974.179 8.704.570 473.202


GeT: Copel Geração e Transmissão, DIS: Copel Distribuição, TEL: Copel Telecomunicações


* Amounts subject to roundings.



6.3 Income Statement – Copel Geração e Transmissão

Income Statement 3Q13
var %
OPERATING REVENUES 597.221 555.551 576.827 3,5 2.021.102 1.675.800 20,6
Electricity sales to final customers 116.988 122.030 37.160 214,8 342.107 98.122 248,7
Electricity sales to distributors 404.654 343.074 376.921 7,4 1.474.454 1.174.748 25,5
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid 39.741 37.486 145.410 (72,7) 112.714 344.547 (67,3)
Construction revenue 24.214 38.964 7.633 217,2 58.663 29.692 97,6
Other operating revenues 11.623 13.997 9.703 19,8 33.164 28.691 15,6
Operating costs and expenses (360.581) (386.194) (310.653) 16,1 (1.049.996) (879.213) 19,4
Electricity purchased for resale (28.616) (33.168) (24.339) 17,6 (91.689) (77.305) 18,6
Use of main distribution and transmission grid (52.721) (48.893) (52.792) (0,1) (152.474) (156.854) (2,8)
Personnel and management (56.448) (64.890) (68.155) (17,2) (176.923) (192.867) (8,3)
Pension and healthcare plans (12.982) (12.347) (10.409) 24,7 (36.025) (30.479) 18,2
Materials and supplies (4.374) (3.219) (4.642) (5,8) (10.689) (13.294) (19,6)
Materials and supplies for power eletricity (5.190) (9.341) (7.227) (28,2) (17.810) (16.664) 6,9
Third-party services (25.430) (24.917) (22.273) 14,2 (71.230) (66.332) 7,4
Depreciation and amortization (69.809) (69.924) (61.862) 12,8 (210.526) (191.838) 9,7
Provisions and reversals (19.259) (39.109) (16.172) 19,1 (71.524) (8.649) 727,0
Construction cost (25.755) (29.748) (4.258) 504,9 (64.595) (24.928) 159,1
Other cost and expenses (59.996) (50.638) (38.524) 55,7 (146.511) (100.003) 46,5
EQUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES 7.682 16.401 3.769 103,8 34.705 10.236 239,0
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES 244.322 185.758 269.943 (9,5) 1.005.811 806.823 24,7
FINANCIAL RESULTS 20.480 28.674 5.636 263,4 82.742 19.847 316,9
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME 264.802 214.432 275.579 (3,9) 1.088.553 826.670 31,7
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT (86.884) (65.206) (89.601) (3,0) (354.863) (273.700) 29,7
Income tax and social contribution on profit (109.250) (113.107) (81.679) 33,8 (470.559) (264.607) 77,8
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit 22.366 47.901 (7.922) - 115.696 (9.093) -
NET INCOME (LOSS) 177.918 149.226 185.978 (4,3) 733.690 552.970 32,7
EBITDA 314.130 255.682 331.805 (5,3) 1.216.337 998.661 21,8


* Amounts subject to roundings.



6.4 Income Statement – Copel Distribuição

Income Statement 3Q13
var %
OPERATING REVENUES 1.526.869 1.396.890 1.378.441 10,8 4.323.296 4.164.053 3,8
Electricity sales to final customers 764.336 664.226 569.744 34,2 2.097.329 1.728.277 21,4
Electricity sales to distributors 25.578 24.149 28.125 (9,1) 74.180 121.279 (38,8)
Use of the main distribution and transmission grid 489.743 444.158 651.178 (24,8) 1.430.257 1.939.235 (26,2)
Construction revenue 217.828 226.489 112.205 94,1 620.399 323.407 91,8
Other operating revenues 29.384 37.868 17.189 70,9 101.131 51.855 95,0
Operating costs and expenses (1.536.521) (1.349.861) (1.352.803) 13,6 (4.437.387) (4.075.767) 8,9
Electricity purchased for resale (884.245) (717.614) (708.675) 24,8 (2.479.599) (2.118.201) 17,1
Use of main distribution and transmission grid (60.782) 10.910 (164.313) (63,01) (164.182) (464.917) (64,7)
Personnel and management (147.159) (157.429) (179.586) (18,1) (470.762) (524.423) (10,2)
Pension and healthcare plans (31.500) (28.988) (28.216) 11,6 (89.481) (83.244) 7,5
Materials and supplies (10.577) (13.247) (13.496) (21,6) (37.837) (36.697) 3,1
Third-party services (75.210) (78.092) (80.559) (6,6) (225.458) (239.872) (6,0)
Depreciation and amortization (51.431) (49.950) (47.446) 8,4 (151.459) (142.346) 6,4
Provisions and reversals (9.606) (63.560) (3.604) 166,5 (102.465) (87.504) 17,1
Construction cost (217.828) (226.489) (112.205) 94,1 (620.399) (323.407) 91,8
Other cost and expenses (48.183) (25.402) (14.703) 227,7 (95.745) (55.156) 73,6
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES (9.651) 47.029 25.638 - (114.091) 88.286 -
FINANCIAL RESULTS 73.929 56.292 123.722 (40,2) 181.166 115.826 56,4
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME 64.278 103.321 149.360 (57,0) 67.075 204.112 (67,1)
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT (22.121) (35.152) (50.777) (56,4) (24.437) (67.212) (63,6)
Income tax and social contribution on profit 3 (45.338) (37.879) - (45.335) (119.895) (62,2)
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit (22.124) 10.186 (12.898) 71,5 20.898 52.683 (60,3)
NET INCOME (LOSS) 86.399 68.169 98.583 (12,4) 42.638 136.900 (68,9)
EBITDA 41.780 96.979 73.084 (42,83) 37.368 230.632 (83,8)
6.5 Income Statement – Copel Telecom
Income Statement 3Q13
var %
OPERATING REVENUES 48.100 46.340 42.808 12,4 139.659 126.818 10,1
Revenues from telecommunications 46.398 44.630 41.338 12,2 134.565 122.712 9,7
Other operating revenues 1.702 1.710 1.470 15,8 5.094 4.106 24,1
Operating costs and expenses (30.722) (29.973) (35.000) (12,2) (88.805) (97.140) (8,6)
Personnel and management (12.195) (13.638) (15.716) (22,4) (37.451) (45.915) (18,4)
Pension and healthcare plans (2.337) (1.606) (2.078) 12,5 (5.875) (6.032) (2,6)
Materials and supplies (287) (381) (361) (20,5) (1.048) (1.322) (20,7)
Third-party services (4.974) (4.222) (3.807) 30,7 (13.425) (12.283) 9,3
Depreciation and amortization (7.105) (6.852) (7.129) (0,3) (21.256) (20.299) 4,7
Provisions and reversals (489) (1.259) (3.020) (83,8) (2.059) (3.544) (41,9)
Other cost and expenses (3.335) (2.015) (2.889) 15,4 (7.690) (7.745) (0,7)
PROFIT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULTS AND TAXES 17.378 16.367 7.808 122,6 50.854 29.678 71,4
FINANCIAL RESULTS 1.105 1.029 959 15,2 2.619 2.642 (0,9)
OPERATIONAL EXPENSES/ INCOME 18.483 17.396 8.767 110,8 53.473 32.320 65,4
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ON PROFIT (6.125) (5.890) (2.931) 109,0 (17.981) (10.451) 72,1
Income tax and social contribution on profit (5.942) (6.082) (4.613) 28,8 (17.891) (12.253) 46,0
Deferred income tax and social contribution on profit (183) 192 1.682 - (90) 1.802 0,0
NET INCOME (LOSS) 12.358 11.506 5.836 111,8 35.492 21.869 62,3
EBITDA 24.483 23.219 14.937 63,9 72.110 49.977 44,3

Amounts subject to roundings.



7. Power Market

Copel’s electricity sales to final customers, comprising Copel Distribuição’s sales in the captive market and Copel Geração e Transmissão’s sales in the free market, increased by 9.8% in the nine-month period.

This result was chiefly due to the 21.4% upturn in electricity sales to industrial customers thanks to the performance of this economic sector in Paraná State in 2013 (3.1% up through August, versus 1.5% up in Brazil as a whole) and Copel GeT's strategy of allocating more energy to the free market, allowing sales to industrial customers in other States.

The table below breaks down energy sales by customer segment:

Segment Market Energy Sold (GWh)
3Q13 3Q12 Var. % 9M13 9M12 Var. %
Residential   1.737 1.620 7,2 5.133 4.867 5,5
Industrial Total 2.712 2.231 21,5 7.972 6.570 21,4
Captive 1.682 1.852 (9,2) 4.924 5.548 (11,3)
Free 1.030 379 171,7 3.049 1.022 198,4
Commercial Total 1.223 1.219 0,3 3.780 3.756 0,6
Captive 1.220 1.217 0,3 3.771 3.749 0,6
Free 3 2 24,3 9 7 20,2
Rural   484 463 4,4 1.556 1.512 2,9
Other   571 543 5,2 1.689 1.636 3,3
Energy Supply 6.727 6.076 10,7 20.131 18.341 9,8


7.1 Captive Market

The residential segment consumed 5,133 GWh, 5.5% up, chiefly due to the 3.7% increase in the customer base, and the 1.9% upturn in average consumption, in turn a result of higher income, the maintenance of high employment levels and below-average temperatures in the third quarter, which boosted energy consumption. At the end of September, this segment accounted for 30.1% of Copel’s captive market, totaling 3,285,855 residential customers.

The industrial segment consumed 4,924 GWh in 9M13, 11.3% down from 9M12, mainly due to the migration of large industrial customers to the free market. At the end of the period, this segment represented 28.8% of Copel’s captive market, with the company supplying power to 92,935 industrial customers.

The commercial segment consumed 3,771 GWh, 0.6% higher than in the same period the year before. At the end of September, this segment represented 22.1% of Copel’s captive market, with the Company supplying power to 335,319 commercial customers.

The rural segment consumed 1,556 GWh, growing by 2.9%, mainly due to the excellent performance of agribusiness in the State of Paraná. At the end of September, this segment represented 9.1% of Copel’s captive market, with the Company supplying power to 372,553 rural customers.

* Amounts subject to roundings.



Other segments (public agencies, public lighting, public services and own consumption) consumed 1,689 GWh, 3.3% up in the period. These segments jointly account for 9.9% of Copel’s captive market, totaling 55,489 customers at the end of the period.

The following table shows captive market trends by consumption segment:

  Number of Customers Energy Sold (GWh)
  Sep/13 Sep/12 Var. % 3Q13 3Q12 Var. % 9M13 9M12 Var. %
Residential 3.285.855 3.169.888 3,7 1.737 1.620 7,2 5.133 4.867 5,5
Industrial 92.935 84.887 9,5 1.682 1.852 (9,2) 4.924 5.548 (11,3)
Commercial 335.319 326.225 2,8 1.220 1.217 0,3 3.771 3.749 0,6
Rural 372.553 374.759 (0,6) 484 463 4,4 1.556 1.512 2,9
Other 55.489 53.507 3,7 571 543 5,2 1.689 1.636 3,3
Captive Market 4.142.151 4.009.266 3,3 5.694 5.695 - 17.073 17.312 (1,4)


7.2 Grid Market (TUSD)

Copel Distribuição’s grid market, comprising the captive market, concessionaires and licensees in the State of Paraná, and all free consumers within the Company’s concession area, grew by 4.2%, as shown in the following table:

  Number of Customers/
Energy Sold (GWh)
  Sep/13 Sep/12 Var% 3Q13 3Q12 Var. % 9M13 9M12 Var. %
Captive Market 4.142.151 4.009.266 3,3 5.694 5.695 - 17.073 17.312 (1,4)
Concessionaries and Licensees 4 4 - 170 162 4,8 496 472 5,0
Free Customers* 125 64 95,3 1.175 785 49,6 3.259 2.205 47,8
Grid Market 4.142.280 4.009.334 3,3 7.039 6.642 6,0 20.828 19.989 4,2
* All free customers served by Copel GeT and other suppliers at the Copel DIS concession area.


* Amounts subject to roundings.



7.3 Energy Flow

Copel Consolidated

  9M13 9M12 Var.%
Own Generation 17.479 14.698 18,9
Purchased energy 22.229 22.868 (2,8)
Itaipu 3.898 3.939 (1,0)
Auction – CCEAR 11.432 14.178 (19,4)
Itiquira 680 682 (0,3)
Dona Francisca 457 459 (0,4)
CCEE (MCP) 1.132 678 67,0
Angra 785 - -
CCGF 946 - -
MRE 1.587 1.593 (0,4)
Proinfa 425 448 (5,1)
Elejor 887 891 (0,4)
Total Available Power 39.708 37.566 5,7
Captive Market 17.073 17.312 (1,4)
Concessionaires* 450 472 (4,7)
Free Customers 3.058 1.029 197,2
Bilateral Agreements 3.924 869 351,8
Auction – CCEAR 5.372 11.140 (51,8)
CCEE (MCP) 1.894 121 -
MRE 5.148 3.761 36,9
Losses and Differences 2.789 2.862 (2,6)
Basic network losses 812 808 0,5
Distribution losses 1.798 1.857 (3,2)
CG contract allocation 179 197 (9,1)


* Not including the 46 GWh consumed by the Concessionaire CFLO in February and March, for it was not supplied by COPEL Distribuição.
Amounts subject to changes after settlement by CCEE
CCEAR: Energy Purchase Agreements in the Regulated Market
MRE: Energy Reallocation Mechanism
CCEE (MCP): Electric Pow er Trade Chamber (Short-term market)
CG: Center of gravity of the Submarket (difference betw een billed and energy received from CG)


* Amounts subject to roundings.



Copel Geração e Transmissão

  9M13 9M12 Var. %
Own Generation 17.479 14.698 18,9
CCEE (MCP) 266 494 (46,2)
MRE 1.587 1.593 (0,4)
Dona Francisca 457 459 (0,4)
       Total Available Power 19.789 17.244 14,8
Bilateral Agreements 3.924 869 351,3
CCEAR – COPEL Distribuição 633 985 (35,8)
CCEAR – Other 4.739 10.155 (53,3)
Free Customers 3.058 1.029 197,2
CCEE (MCP) 1.861 88 -
MRE 5.148 3.761 36,9
Losses and differences 426 357 19,2
Values subject to rounding adjustments.


Copel Distribuição

  9M13 9M12 Var. %
Itaipu 3.898 3.939 (1,0)
CCEAR – Copel Geração e Transmissão 633 985 (35,8)
CCEAR – Other 10.799 13.016 (17,0)
CCEAR – Adjustment auction - 177 -
CCEE (MCP) 866 184 370,7
Angra 785 - -
CCGF 946 - -
Itiquira 680 682 (0,3)
Proinfa 425 448 (5,1)
Elejor S.A 887 891 (0,4)
Available Power 19.919 20.322 (2,0)
Captive market 17.073 17.312 (1,4)
Wholesale* 450 472 (4,7)
CCEE (MCP) 33 33 -
Los ses and differences 2.363 2.505 (5,7)
Basic network losses 386 451 (14,4)
Distribution los ses 1.798 1.857 (3,2)
CG contract allocation 179 197 (9,1)


Values subject to rounding adjustments.
Not including the 46 GWh consumed by the Concessionaire CFLO in February and March, for it was not supplied by COPEL Distribuição.


* Amounts subject to roundings.



8. Supplementary Information

8.1 Tariffs

Power Purchase Average Tariff – Copel Distribuição

Tariff Amount
Average MW
Var. %
Var. %
Itaipu (1) 565 128,30 123,93 110,53 3,5 16,1
Auction – CCEAR 2006 – 2013 812 105,58 100,63 97,48 4,9 8,3
Auction – CCEAR 2007 – 2014 54 147,81 140,89 139,38 4,9 6,0
Auction – CCEAR 2008 – 2015 52 124,78 118,94 117,25 4,9 6,4
Auction – CCEAR 2010 – H30 72 168,17 168,17 157,90 - 6,5
Auction – CCEAR 2010 – T15 (2) 67 178,06 178,06 167,19 - 6,5
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – H30 58 172,65 172,65 162,11 - 6,5
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – T15 (2) 54 196,33 196,33 184,34 - 6,5
Auction – CCEAR 2012 – T15 (2) 115 176,13 176,13 165,37 - 6,5
Angra 120 135,94 137,55 - (1,2) -
CCGF (3) 146 37,25 33,38 - 11,6 -
Santo Antônio 53 107,01 102,00 - 4,9 -
Jirau 75 94,12 89,72 - 4,9 -
Others Auctions (4) 398 169,80 168,54 149,81 0,7 13,3
Bilaterals 239 176,38 176,58 163,77 (0,1) 7,7
Total/Tariff Average Supply 2.880 132,57 129,59 115,04 2,3 15,2


(1) Furnas transport charge not included.
(2) Average auction price restated according to the IPCA inflation index. The price comprises in fact three components: a fixed component, a variable component, and expenses at the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE). The cost of the latter two components is dependent upon the dispatch of facilities according to the schedule set by the National System Operator (ONS).
(3) Contract of quotas of assured power of those HPPs which concessions were extended pursuant the new rules of Law 12,783/13.
(4) Products average price.


Sales to Final Customers (Retail) Average Tariff – without ICMS

Tariff Sep/13
Var %
Var %
Industrial* 208,32 189,05 220,63 10,2 (5,6)
Residential 266,52 242,55 286,62 9,9 (7,0)
Commercial 242,70 220,00 263,87 10,3 (8,0)
Rural 162,37 146,04 178,69 11,2 (9,1)
Other 188,94 168,13 208,03 12,4 (9,2)
Retail distribution average rate 227,53 206,15 243,80 10,4 (6,7)

*Value-added tax not included.

Sales to Distributors Average Tariff

Tariff Amount Sep/13 Jun/13 Sep/12 Var. % Var. %
Average MW (1) (2) (3) (1 / 2) (1 / 3)
Copel Geração e Transmissão 793 123,81 119,40 95,48 3,7 29,7
Auction CCEAR 2006 - 2013 329 103,66 100,26 97,23 3,4 6,6
Auction CCEAR 2007 - 2014 78 115,37 111,89 108,60 3,1 6,2
Auction CCEAR 2008 - 2015 74 122,79 119,48 115,40 2,8 6,4
Auction CCEAR 2009 - 2016 209 140,76 135,95 132,51 3,5 6,2
Auction CCEAR 2011 - 2040 ( HPP Mauá) 95 159,99 155,15 - 3,1 -
Auction CCEAR 2013 - 2042 (Cavernoso II) 8 171,81 - - - -
Copel Distribuição            
Concession holders in the State of Paraná 69 153,51 134,90 147,51 13,8 4,1
Total/ Tariff Average Supply 862 126,18 120,84 97,70 4,4 29,2
¹ The 901 MW average related to the Auction 2005-2012 is considered in the average price of September/2012.


* Amounts subject to roundings.



8.2 Main Operational and Financial Indicators

September 30, 2013

Copel GeT power plants 21 (19 hydro, 1 thermal and 1 wind power plant)
Power plants in which Copel holds an interest 10 (5 hydro, 1 thermal and 4 wind power plants)
Copel GeT’s total installed capacity 4,756 MW
Installed capacity of Copel’s corporate partnerships (1) 653 MW
Copel GeT’s automated and remote-controlled power plants 14
Copel’s corporate partnerships’ automated and remote-controlled  
power plants 3
Transmission lines 2,174 km
Substations 32
Installed capacity of substations 11,502 MVA
Distribution networks and lines 187,310 km
Substations 361 (100% automated)
Installed capacity of substations 10,105 MVA
Number of municipalities served 395(2)
Number of localities served 1,113
Number of captive customers 4.1 million
DEC (outage duration per customer, in hours and hundredths of an hour) 8.0
FEC (outage frequency per customer) 5.8 times
Fiber optic cables – main ring (interurban) 9,356 km
Self-sustained fiber optic cables (urban) 22,657 km
Number of municipalities served in Paraná 399
Number of municipalities served in Santa Catarina 2
Number of customers 6,261
Number of employees (wholly owned subsidiaries) 9,247
Copel Geração e Transmissão 1,833
Copel Distribuição 6,950
Copel Telecomunicações 464
Customers by employee 596
BOOK VALUE PER SHARE R$ 47.93 per share
EBITDA R$ 1,567.1 million
Current liquidity ratio 1.45


(1) Proportional to the interest.
(2) 3 partially served municipalities in the rural area.


* Amounts subject to roundings.



8.3 3Q13 Results Conference Call

3Q13 Results Conference Call:

> Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at 15:00. (US EST)

> Telephone: (+1 516) 300 1066

> Code: Copel

A live webcast of the conference call will be available at www.copel.com/ri.

Please connect 15 minutes before the call.



Investor Relations – Copel


Telephone: (41) 3222-2027

Fax: (41) 3331-2849

The information contained in this press release may contain forward-looking statements that reflect management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of relevant operating and financial strategies, the investment program, factors or trends affecting the Company’s financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.


* Amounts subject to roundings.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 12, 2013
/S/  Lindolfo Zimmer
Lindolfo Zimmer

This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.