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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of November, 2011
Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)
Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 3222-2027
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.  Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

 Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  

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Curitiba, Brazil, November 09, 2011 – Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL (BM&FBOVESPA: CPLE3, CPLE5, CPLE6 / NYSE: ELP / LATIBEX: XCOP), a company that generates, transmits, distributes and sells power to the State of Paraná, announces its results for the first nine months of 2011 (9M11).

Copel’s consolidated balance sheet presents, in addition to the figures of its wholly owned subsidiaries (Copel Geração e Transmissão, Copel Distribuição and Copel Telecomunicações), those of Compagas, Elejor, UEG Araucária, Centrais Eólicas do Paraná and Dominó Holdings, the latter jointly controlled with other shareholders. The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil.

  • Net Operating Revenue: R$ 5,683 million.
  • Operating Income: R$ 1,361 million.
  • Net Income: R$ 988 million.
  • EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation And Amortization): R$ 1,555 million.
  • Return on Shareholder’s Equity: 8.7% in the period.
  • Growth in Power distribution: 5.5% (captive market).

The Company’s shares and main indexes presented the following variations in the period:

Ticker    Price    Var. %    Index    Points    Var. % 
    9/30/2011    year        9/30/2011    year 
CPLE3 (common/ BM&FBovespa)    R$ 30.00    (21.1)    Ibovespa    52,324    (24.5) 
CPLE6 (preferred B/ BM&FBovespa)    R$ 33.90    (18.3)             
ELP (ADS/ Nyse)    US$ 18,21    (27.7)    DOW JONES    10,913    (5.7) 
XCOP (preferred B/ Latibex)    € 13.40    (28.2)    LATIBEX    2,676    (29.4) 


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9M11 Earnings Results 


1. General Information    3 

1.1 Audit Committee 

2. Income Statement    3 

2.1 Net Operating Revenues 


2.2 Operating Costs and Expenses 




2.4 Equity in Investees 


2.5 Interest Income 


2.6 Net Income 

3. Balance Sheet and Investment Program    7 

3.1 Assets 


3.2 Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity 


3.3 CAPEX – Capital Expenditures 

4. Shareholding Structure 11 
5. Consolidated Financial Statements    12 

5.1 Assets 


5.2 Liabilities 


5.3 Income Statement


5.4 Cash Flow 

6. Financial Statements – Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries    16 

6.1 Assets 


6.2 Liabilities 


6.3 Income Statement

7. Power Market    19 

7.1 Captive Market 


7.2 Copel Distribuição’s Grid Market – TUSD


7.3 Energy Flow 

8. Supplementary Information    22 

8.1 Tariffs 


8.3 Conference Call for 3Q11 Results 



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9M11 Earnings Results 

1. General Information 


1.1 Audit Committee

     The contents of Copel’s financial statements are monitored by the Company’s Board of Directors through the Audit Committee. To ensure the accuracy of these statements, the Audit Committee directly receives any reports or concerns about them.

2. Income Statement 
2.1 Net Operating Revenues   


In 9M11, “net operating revenues” reached R$ 5,682.6 million, up 13.4% on the R$ 5,010.9 million in 9M10. The most important variations were:

(i) the 4.5 % increase in revenues from “electricity sales to final customers”, which reflects only actual sales revenues, not including revenues from the use of the distribution system (TUSD), due basically to: (a) upturn in the captive market consumption; (b) the extinction of the tariff discount policy for customers that used to pay their bills on time; and (c) the rate increase passed on in the period;  


(ii) the 12.1% increase in revenues from “electricity sales to distributors”, due to increased prices under power purchase agreements in the regulated market (CCEAR) as well as bilateral agreements and also the higher revenue from short-term electricity market (CCEE) in the period;

(iii) the “use of the main transmission grid” item comprises revenues from the use of the distribution system (TUSD from the use of the basic transmission network and TUST), has recorded a 26.3% increase, mostly on account of: (i) the increase of 4.9% in the grid market, (ii) the end of the tariff discount policy, (iii) the tariff adjustment in the period and, (iv) the restatement of accounts receivable related to transmission concessions;

(iv) the account “construction revenue,” was up by 4.7% due to the booking of investments related to infrastructure construction and improvement services used in the provision of electricity distribution and transmission;

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9M11 Earnings Results 

(v) the 22.0% increase in “telecommunications revenues,” due to new customers and higher volume of services to existing customers;

(vi) the 11.2% increase in “distribution of piped gas” (supplied by Compagas), basically due to the tariffs adjustments and increase in gas sales and particularly to the industrial segment; and

(vii) the 1.7% increase in "other operating revenues", primarily due to higher income from generation and distribution services, partially offset by lower revenue from the lease of the Araucária UEG.

Income Statement    3Q11    2Q11    2Q10    Var%    9M11    9M10    Var% 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/3)    (4)    (5)    (4/5) 
Electricity sales to final customers    582,154    583,534    559,870    4.0    1,736,863    1,662,389    4.5 
Electricity sales to distributors    377,448    318,001    296,823    27.2    1,056,703    943,036    12.1 
Use of main transmission grid    721,355    662,336    582,985    23.7    2,043,484    1,618,534    26.3 
Construction revenue    200,137    155,889    182,296    9.8    476,592    455,216    4.7 
Telecommunications revenues    30,122    28,776    25,419    18.5    87,137    71,437    22.0 
Distribution of piped gas    75,476    67,189    61,896    21.9    199,619    179,444    11.2 
Other operating revenues    27,384    26,583    36,769    (25.5)    82,216    80,869    1.7 
Net operating revenues    2,014,076    1,842,308    1,746,058    15.3    5,682,614    5,010,925    13.4 


2.2 Operating Costs and Expenses     

From January to September 2011, operating costs and expenses totaled R$ 4,535.6 million, an 11.2% increase over the R$ 4,078.9 million recorded from January to September 2010. The main variations were:

(i) the 10.4% increase in “electricity purchased for resale” on account of the higher costs of energy from auctions (CCEAR), which were partially offset by the reduction in the costs from purchase of energy from Itaipu and from the Electric Power Commercialization Chamber (CCEE); 




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9M11 Earnings Results 

Electricity Purchased for Resale    3Q11    2Q11    3Q10    Var. %    9M11    9M10    Var. % 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/3)    (4)    (5)    (4/5) 
Itaipu    124,022    104,070    112,364    10.4    338,208    355,873    (5.0) 
CCEAR (Auction)    402,005    393,036    357,771    12.4    1,171,717    990,106    18.3 
CCEE    8,734    (691)    27,316    (68.0)    25,355    56,128    (54.8) 
Itiquira    32,869    25,955    29,505    11.4    95,627    87,733    9.0 
Dona Francisca    15,479    15,110    15,136    2.3    46,494    44,922    3.5 
Proinfa    25,663    25,836    26,499    (3.2)    77,160    79,523    (3.0) 
(-) Pis/Pasep and Cofins    (49,587)    (55,791)    (53,955)    (8.1)    (143,030)    (154,271)    (7.3) 
TOTAL    559,185    507,525    514,636    8.7    1,611,531    1,460,014    10.4 


(ii) the 9.8% increase in “charges for the use of the main transmission grid” primarily due to the startup of new assets in the system and higher Reserve Energy Charges (ER), partially offset by the reduction in System Service Charges (ESS), as defined by Aneel;

(iii) in 9M11, “personnel and management” expenses totaled R$ 677.4 million, up 22.7% on 9M10, driven by (i) the 5.0% increase in staff, (ii) wage increase of 6.5% applied as from October 2010, (iii) the rescission costs from the Permanent Voluntary Dismissal Programs - PSDV (R$ 50.7 million), (iv) appropriation of profit sharing for fiscal year 2011 (R$ 69.9 million), and (v) also the review of career and remuneration structure as of June 1, 2011.

(iv) the balance of “pension and healthcare plans” item reflects the accrual of liabilities pursuant to the 2011 actuarial report on the Healthcare Plan, calculated according to the criteria set by CVM Ruling no. 600/2009, such as the monthly installments of each plan have also been recorded;

(v) “materials and supplies” decreased by 8.1%, mainly reflecting lowest purchases of materials for the power system;

(vi) “raw material and supplies for energy production” include expenses with the acquisition of mineral coal for the Figueira Thermoelectric Power Plant;

(vii) “natural gas and supplies for the gas business” increased by 27.3% and reflects the increased prices of natural gas acquired by Compagas to supply third-parties, especially impacted by the recent depreciation of the Brazilian Real and the adjustment in the oil derivatives basket, which determines the gas acquisition price;

(viii) the 11.8% increase in “third-party services”, largely due to adjustments of contracts and the higher expenses incurred with services that are necessary for the Company's expansion (telephony, data processing and transmission, travel expenses and other services);

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9M11 Earnings Results 

(ix) the 18.9% reduction in “provisions and reversals” was mainly caused by a reversal of the provision for tax and access easement contingencies, as well as the accrual of smaller amounts of labor provision, partially offset by the recording of provisions for tax credit losses and civil and administrative disputes;

(x) “construction cost” increased by 4.4%, reflecting the investments made in the energy transmission and distribution business; and

(xi) increase of the line “other operating costs and expenses” was mainly (i) due to recognition of losses in the deactivation and sale of assets, as a result of the transfer of transmission lines from the subsidiary Elejor to Copel Distribuição, as determined by Aneel; (ii) the increase in indemnifications, and; (iii) the higher financial compensation paid for the use of water resources for generating energy to serve the Energy Reallocation Mechanism (MRE).

                            R$ '000 
Operating Costs and Expenses    3Q11    2Q11    3Q10    Var.%    9M11    9M10    Var.% 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/3)    (4)    (5)    (4/5) 
Electricity purchased for resale    559,185    507,525    514,636    8.7    1,611,531    1,460,014    10.4 
Charges for the use of main transmission grid    171,156    148,222    147,807    15.8    473,562    431,204    9.8 
Personnel and management    255,557    236,600    178,142    43.5    677,426    551,910    22.7 
Pension and healthcare plans    33,628    32,251    26,707    25.9    97,331    78,410    24.1 
Material and supplies    19,153    18,643    24,026    (20.3)    58,660    63,815    (8.1) 
Raw material and supplies for electricity generation    6,781    6,735    8,297    (18.3)    20,149    19,179    5.1 
Natural gas and supplies for the gas business    54,843    43,583    35,111    56.2    132,925    104,417    27.3 
Third-party services    96,484    95,143    91,230    5.8    275,463    246,328    11.8 
Depreciation and amortization    138,095    135,887    137,215    0.6    407,980    412,064    (1.0) 
Provisions and reversals    35,120    48,534    35,463    (1.0)    81,420    100,399    (18.9) 
Construction cost    199,658    155,488    182,091    9.6    475,228    454,983    4.4 
Other operating costs and expenses    79,336    84,916    45,860    73.0    223,901    156,131    43.4 
TOTAL    1,648,996    1,513,527    1,426,585    15.6    4,535,576    4,078,854    11.2 



     In 9M11, EBITDA totaled R$ 1,555.0 million, an increase of 15.7% on the R$ 1,344.1 million recorded in 9M10.

2.4 Equity in Investees

     Equity in investees and subsidiaries reflects the gains and losses on the investments in Copel's investees and subsidiaries. In 9M11, this item comprised R$ 33.4 million from Dominó Holding (Sanepar), R$ 7.8 million from Foz do Chopim Energética, R$ 5.4 million from Dona Francisca Energética, and R$ 1.6 million from Sercomtel Telecom.

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9M11 Earnings Results 

2.5 Interest Income

     Interest income increased by 0.3% totaling R$ 460.2 million. The increase was the result of higher investment yields, offset by the lowest monetary variation on the transfer of CRC and on financial assets from concessions.

     Financial expenses in the period reached R$ 294.4 million, 36.1% higher year-on-year. This increase was mainly due to the increase in debt and to service the underlying debt, the monetary variation on the use of public assets, and taxes (Pis/ Pasep and Cofins) related to the payment of interest on equity (IOC) in the third quarter of 2011.

     Copel acquired resources for a new long-term working capital loan of R$ 600 million from Banco do Brasil, with a 5-year term at 109.4% of the CDI rate. The loan has a 2-year grace period and will be amortized in annual installments. The proceeds were used to settle the 4th debenture issue on September 1.

2.6 Net Income

     Copel recorded net income of R$ 988.1 million from January to September 2011, 14.9% higher than the amount registered in the 9M10.

     This result was positively affected in R$ 49.5 million due the fiscal benefits of the IOC anticipation.

3. Balance Sheet and Investment Program 


3.1 Assets

     On September 30, 2011, Copel’s total assets amounted to R$ 18,900.6 million, up 5.8% on the figure recorded on December 31, 2010.

3.1.1 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Financial Investments

     In September 2011, Copel’s wholly-owned subsidiaries investments (cash, cash equivalents and short-term financial) totaled R$ 1,806 million and were mostly invested in Bank Deposit Certificates (CDBs). The investments earned an average yield of 100% of the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) variation in the period. Including the affiliates and subsidiaries, availability reaches R$ 2,017 million.

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9M11 Earnings Results 

3.1.2 CRC Transferred to the State of Paraná

     Through the fourth addendum signed on January 21, 2005, the Company renegotiated the CRC balance on December 31, 2004 with the State of Paraná at R$ 1,197.4 million, in 244 monthly installments recalculated by the price amortization system, updated by the IGP-DI inflation index plus annual interest of 6.65%. The first installment was due on January 30, 2005, with subsequent and consecutive maturities. The current CRC balance is R$ 1,352.6 million.

     The State of Paraná has been paying the renegotiated installments pursuant to the fourth addendum.

3.1.3 Accounts Receivable from Concession

     Based on the characteristics established in the electricity distribution and transmission concession contracts, the management understands that the conditions for the adoption of the Technical Interpretation ICPC-01 – Concession Contracts are met. The ICPC-01 sets forth guidelines on the recognition of public service concessions.

3.1.4 Fixed Assets

     The Company adopted the deemed cost method to determine the fair value of the fixed assets of the generation and telecommunications activities. These fixed assets are depreciated according to the straight-line method based on the annual rates established by Aneel, which are practiced and accepted by the market as adequate, limited to the term of concession, when applicable. The estimate useful life, the residual values and the depreciation are reviewed at the end of the balance sheet date and the effect of any changes in the estimates is prospectively recognized.

3.1.5 Intangible Assets

     Intangible assets represent the exploration rights of the construction and electricity supply services, which will be recovered by billing customers.

3.2 Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity

     Copel’s consolidated debt was R$ 2,157.9 million, as of September 30, 2011, representing a debt/equity ratio of 18.0%.

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9M11 Earnings Results 

     The shareholders’ equity attributed to minority shareholders of Copel in September 2011, was R$ 11,993.6 million, 6.2% higher than in December 31, 2010 and equivalent to R$ 43.83 per share (book value).

3.2.1 Debt Profile

The breakdown of the balance of loans and financing is shown in the table below:

        Short-term    Long-term    Total 
Foreign    National Treasury    6,540    54,570    61,110 
Currency    Eletrobras    5    14    19 
    Total    6,545    54,584    61,129 
    Eletrobras - COPEL    45,316    227,014    272,330 
Domestic    BNDES - Compagas    1,644    -    1,644 
Currency    BNDES/ Banco do Brasil S/A - Mauá    9,260    154,277    163,537 
    Banco do Brasil S/A and other    24,256    1,635,049    1,659,305 
    Total    80,476    2,016,340    2,096,816 
TOTAL        87,021    2,070,924    2,157,945 


The loan, financing and debentures maturities are presented below:

    Short-Term    Long-Term
        2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    After 2016 
Domestic Currency    80,476    11,844    200,183    729,620    552,783    250,699    271,211 
Foreign Currency    6,545    1,244    2,489    1,248    -    -    49,603 
TOTAL    87,021    13,088    202,672    730,868    552,783    250,699    320,814 


     Copel’s consolidated net debt (loans, financing minus cash) declined significantly in recent years, as shown in the following chart:

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9M11 Earnings Results 

3.2.2 Aneel Concession – Use of Public Asset

     It refers to the concession charges for the Use of Public Asset (UBP) incurred since the signature of the concession agrement of the project until the final date of concession.

                R$ thousand 
    Elejor    Mauá    Colíder    Total 
Current liabilities    44,262    794    -    45,056 
Noncurrent liabilities    345,530    11,305    12,871    369,706 


3.2.3 Provisions for Disputes

     The Company is involved in a series of lawsuits in different courts and instances. The Company’s management, based on its legal advisors’ opinion, maintains provisions for contingencies for those cases assessed as probable losses.

The balance of provisions for contingencies is as follows:

                R$ '000 
Consolidated    Sep/11    Dec/10    Sep/10    Var.% 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/2) 
Tax    300,714    321,479    97,610    (6.5) 
Labor suits    137,112    146,348    154,139    (6.3) 
Employees and Benefits    51,103    53,245    41,046    (4.0) 
Civil    341,894    306,417    280,210    11.6 
Suppliers    87,846    86,101    85,491    - 
Civil and administrative claims    93,555    73,237    46,876    27.7 
Easements    4,792    9,065    10,003    (47.1) 
Condemnations and property    150,245    132,709    132,511    13.2 
Customers    5,456    5,305    5,329    2.8 
Environmental claims    104    42    40    147.6 
Regulatory    46,326    38,847    30,725    19.3 
TOTAL    877,253    866,378    603,770    1.3 


     The lawsuits classified as representing possible losses, estimated by the Company and its subsidiaries at the end of September 2011, totaled R$ 1,684.9 million, and were classified as follows: tax – R$ 1,135.9 million, labor – R$ 166.6 million; employee benefits – R$ 34.7 million; civil – R$ 333.9 million; and regulatory – R$ 13.8 million.

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9M11 Earnings Results 

3.3 CAPEX – Capital Expenditures

     Copel’s investments from January to September 2011 and investments forecast for 2011, are presented below:

        R$ million 
    Carried out    Scheduled 
    9M11    2011 
Generation and Transmission    544.6    1,024.8 
UHE Mauá    171.1    164.4 
UHE Colider    230.7    492.4 
PCH Cavernoso II    21.2    78.5 
Other    121.6    289.5 
Distribution    368.9    933.3 
Telecommunications    53.8    102.4 
TOTAL    967.3    2,060.5 


4. Shareholding Structure 


     On September 30, 2011, stock capital totaled R$ 6,910.0 million, composed of the following shares (with no par value) and shareholders:

                            Thousand shares 
Shareholders    Common    %    Preferred "A"    %    Preferred "B"    %    TOTAL    % 
State of Paraná    85,029    58.6    -    -    13    -    85,042    31.1 
BNDESPAR    38,299    26.4    -    -    27,282    21.3    65,581    24.0 
Eletrobras    1,531    1.1    -    -    -    -    1,531    0.6 
Free Floating    19,620    13.5    129    33.6    100,904    78.7    120,655    44.1 
BM&FBovespa    19,485    13.4    129    33.6    57,520    44.9    77,136    28.2 
NYSE    135    0.1    -    -    43,255    33.7    43,390    15.9 
LATIBEX    -    -    -    -    129    0.1    129    - 
Other    552    0.4    255    66.4    40    -    846    0.2 
TOTAL    145,031    100.0    384    100.0    128,240    100.0    273,655    100.0 

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9M11 Earnings Results 

5. Consolidated Financial Statements 


5.1 Assets

Assets    Sep/11    Dec/10    Sep/10    Var.%    Var.% 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/2)    (1/3) 
CURRENT    4,176,943    4,157,790    3,811,514    0.5    9.6 

Cash and cash equivalents 

  1,490,455    1,794,416    1,522,167    (16.9)    (2.1) 

Financial investments 

  527,166    598,173    474,838    (11.9)    11.0 


  1,509,468    1,162,627    1,170,338    29.8    29.0 

Dividends receivable 

  7,805    5,851    3,728    33.4    109.4 

CRC transferred to the State of Paraná 

  63,734    58,816    55,163    8.4    15.5 

Receivables tied to the concession 

  73,086    54,700    49,564    33.6    47.5 

Other receivables 

  193,938    161,069    166,911    20.4    16.2 


  124,510    121,424    111,404    2.5    11.8 

Income tax and social contribution 

  130,985    158,213    208,616    (17.2)    (37.2) 

Other current taxes recoverable 

  39,852    37,536    32,577    6.2    22.3 

Prepaid expenses 

  15,944    4,965    16,208    221.1    (1.6) 
NONCURRENT    14,723,701    13,701,642    13,440,932    7.5    9.5 
Long-Term Assets    5,455,751    4,805,293    4,586,947    13.5    18.9 

Financial investments 

  42,660    33,431    131,668    27.6    (67.6) 


  39,190    43,729    47,504    (10.4)    (17.5) 

CRC transferred to the State of Paraná 

  1,288,889    1,282,377    1,259,477    0.5    2.3 

Judicial deposits 

  403,681    400,699    398,313    0.7    1.3 

Receivables tied to the concession 

  2,900,387    2,423,345    2,230,563    19.7    30.0 

Other receivables 

  16,018    15,224    18,161    5.2    (11.8) 

Income tax and social contribution 

  18,744    12,341    -    51.9    - 

Other current taxes recoverable 

  73,679    84,862    84,112    (13.2)    (12.4) 

Income tax and social contribution paid in advance 

  672,503    507,710    417,149    32.5    61.2 
Investments    512,177    483,450    455,173    5.9    12.5 
Property, plant and equipment    6,963,739    6,663,945    6,614,822    4.5    5.3 
Intangible assets    1,792,034    1,748,954    1,783,990    2.5    0.5 
TOTAL    18,900,644    17,859,432    17,252,446    5.8    9.6 


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9M11 Earnings Results 

5.2 Liabilities

Liabilities    Sep/11    Dec/10    Sep/10    Var.%    Var.% 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/2)    (1/3) 
CURRENT    2,015,197    2,536,801    2,145,781    (20.6)    (6.1) 

Accrued payroll costs 

  278,427    175,584    179,429    58.6    55.2 


  684,614    612,568    559,393    11.8    22.4 

Income tax and social contribution 

  139,285    153,249    162,546    (9.1)    (14.3) 

Other taxes payable 

  329,657    378,871    250,738    (13.0)    31.5 

Loans, financing and debentures 

  87,021    704,252    679,091    (87.6)    (87.2) 

Dividends payable 

  128,129    163,634    1,645    (21.7)    - 

Post-employment benefits 

  24,541    24,255    23,387    -    4.9 

Regulatory charges 

  76,766    56,105    58,346    36.8    31.6 

Research and development and energy efficiency 

  130,119    155,991    113,157    (16.6)    15.0 

Payables tied to the concession - use of public property 

  45,056    40,984    38,029    9.9    18.5 

Other payables 

  91,582    71,308    80,020    28.4    14.4 
NON-CURRENT    4,891,870    4,026,805    3,754,628    21.5    30.3 


  118,267    144,936    152,990    (18.4)    (22.7) 

Taxes payable 

  267    32,252    138,733    (99.2)    (99.8) 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

  907,036    887,218    869,090    -    4.4 

Loans, financing and debentures 

  2,070,924    1,280,982    1,165,378    61.7    77.7 

Post-employment benefits 

  413,491    384,208    360,556    7.6    14.7 

Research and development and energy efficiency 

  134,926    90,732    132,159    48.7    2.1 

Payables tied to the concession - use of public property 

  369,706    340,099    328,896    8.7    12.4 

Other accounts payable 

  -    -    3,056    -    - 

Reserve for litigation 

  877,253    866,378    603,770    -    45.3 
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY    11,993,577    11,295,826    11,352,037    6.2    5.7 
Attributed to controlling shareholders    11,752,763    11,030,123    11,049,017    6.6    6.4 

Stock capital 

  6,910,000    6,910,000    6,910,000    -    0.0 

Valuation adjustments 

  1,495,265    1,559,516    1,582,547    (4.1)    (5.5) 

Legal reserves 

  478,302    478,302    428,912    -    11.5 

Profit reserves 

  2,056,526    2,056,526    1,296,452    -    58.6 

Proposed additional dividends 

  -    25,779    -    -    - 

Accrued earnings 

  812,670    -    831,106    -    (2.2) 
Attributed to minority shareholders    240,814    265,703    303,020    (9.4)    (20.5) 
TOTAL    18,900,644    17,859,432    17,252,446    5.8    9.6 


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9M11 Earnings Results 

5.3 Income Statement

Income Statement    3Q11    2Q11    3Q10    Var.%    9M11    9M10    Var.% 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1/3)    (4)    (5)    (4/5) 
OPERATING REVENUES    2,014,076    1,842,308    1,746,058    15.3    5,682,614    5,010,925    13.4 

Electricity sales to final customers 

  582,154    583,534    559,870    4.0    1,736,863    1,662,389    4.5 

Electricity sales to distributors 

  377,448    318,001    296,823    27.2    1,056,703    943,036    12.1 

Use of main transmission grid 

  721,355    662,336    582,985    23.7    2,043,484    1,618,534    26.3 

Construction revenue 

  200,137    155,889    182,296    9.8    476,592    455,216    4.7 

Telecommunications revenues 

  30,122    28,776    25,419    18.5    87,137    71,437    22.0 

Distribution of piped gas 

  75,476    67,189    61,896    21.9    199,619    179,444    11.2 

Other operating revenues 

  27,384    26,583    36,769    (25.5)    82,216    80,869    1.7 
Operating costs and expenses    (1,648,996)    (1,513,527)    (1,426,585)    15.6    (4,535,576)    (4,078,854)    11.2 

Electricity purchased for resale 

  (559,185)    (507,525)    (514,636)    8.7    (1,611,531)    (1,460,014)    10.4 

Use of main transmission grid 

  (171,156)    (148,222)    (147,807)    15.8    (473,562)    (431,204)    9.8 

Personnel and management 

  (255,557)    (236,600)    (178,142)    43.5    (677,426)    (551,910)    22.7 

Pension and healthcare plans 

  (33,628)    (32,251)    (26,707)    25.9    (97,331)    (78,410)    24.1 

Material and supplies 

  (19,153)    (18,643)    (24,026)    (20.3)    (58,660)    (63,815)    (8.1) 

Raw material and supplies for electricity generation 

  (6,781)    (6,735)    (8,297)    (18.3)    (20,149)    (19,179)    5.1 

Natural gas and supplies for the gas business 

  (54,843)    (43,583)    (35,111)    56.2    (132,925)    (104,417)    27.3 

Third-party services 

  (96,484)    (95,143)    (91,230)    5.8    (275,463)    (246,328)    11.8 

Depreciation and amortization 

  (138,095)    (135,887)    (137,215)    0.6    (407,980)    (412,064)    (1.0) 

Provisions and reversals 

  (35,120)    (48,534)    (35,463)    (1.0)    (81,420)    (100,399)    (18.9) 

Construction cost 

  (199,658)    (155,488)    (182,091)    9.6    (475,228)    (454,983)    4.4 

Other operating costs and expenses 

  (79,336)    (84,916)    (45,860)    73.0    (223,901)    (156,131)    43.4 
EQUITY IN RESULTS OF INVESTEES    13,217    20,282    9,332    41.6    48,099    64,201    (25.1) 
INCOME BEFORE INTEREST INCOME (EXPENSES) AND TAXES    378,297    349,063    328,805    15.1    1,195,137    996,272    20.0 
INTEREST INCOME (EXPENSES)    18,704    36,779    59,890    (68.8)    165,843    242,572    (31.6) 

Interest income 

  151,723    124,450    159,330    (4.8)    460,202    458,919    0.3 

Interest expenses 

  (133,019)    (87,671)    (99,440)    33.8    (294,359)    (216,347)    36.1 
OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES)    397,001    385,842    388,695    2.1    1,360,980    1,238,844    9.9 
INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION    (51,223)    (128,359)    (99,453)    (48.5)    (372,890)    (378,892)    (1.6) 

Income tax and social contribution 

  (85,340)    (164,195)    (135,948)    (37.2)    (524,501)    (433,395)    21.0 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

  34,117    35,836    36,495    (6.5)    151,611    54,503    178.2 
NET INCOME (LOSS)    345,778    257,483    289,242    19.5    988,090    859,952    14.9 

Attributed to the Company's controlling shareholders 

  341,172    255,178    279,396    22.1    975,831    838,019    16.4 

Attributed to minority shareholders 

  4,606    2,305    9,846    (53.2)    12,259    21,933    (44.1) 
EBITDA    503,175    464,668    456,688    10.2    1,555,018    1,344,135    15.7 


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9M11 Earnings Results 

5.4 Cash Flow

Consolidated Cash Flow    9M11    9M10 
Cash flow from operating activities         

Net income for the period 

  988,090    859,952 

Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities 

  924,642    775,941 


  247,360    259,044 

Amortization of intangible assets - concession 

  158,935    149,630 

Amortization of intangible assets - other 

  1,138    2,843 

Unrealized monetary and exchange variations, net 

  138,574    (91,246) 

Remuneration of accounts receivable related to the concession 

  (228,673)    (132,158) 

Equity in the results of investees 

  (48,099)    (64,201) 

Income Tax and Social Contribution 

  524,501    433,395 

Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution 

  (151,611)    (54,503) 

Provision for loss with receivable accounts related to concession 

  -    - 

Provision for doubtful accounts 

  32,513    20,716 

Provision for tax credit losses 

  16,133    - 

Reserve for contingencies 

  32,774    79,683 

Provisions for post-employment benefits 

  102,661    83,902 

Provision for research and development and energy efficiency 

  50,497    45,708 

Loss on disposal of accounts receivables related to concession 

  9,103    11,238 

Loss on disposal of investments 

  -    6 

Results on disposal of property, plant, and equipment 

  18,059    1,355 

Results on disposal of intangible 

  20,777    30,529 

Loss on disposal of intangible related to concession 

  -    - 

Reduction (increase) of assets 

  (134,496)    (71,400) 

Increase (reduction) of liabilities 

  (917,570)    (835,272) 
Net cash generated by operating activities    860,666    729,221 

Cash flow from investing activities 


Financial investments 

  66,002    (159,560) 

Additions in investments 

  (194)    (150) 

Additions to property, plant, and equipment: 

  (530,833)    (205,520) 

Additions to intangible assets related to concessions 

  (549,371)    (491,339) 

Additions to other intangible 

  (6,214)    (23,446) 

Customer contributions 

  17,344    58,380 
Net cash generated (used) by investing activities    (1,003,266)    (821,635) 

Cash flow from financing activities 


Payment of capital in affiliates by noncontrolling shareholders 

  (30,814)    54,000 

Loans and financing obtained 

  799,197    430,059 

Amortization of principal amounts of loans and financing 

  (36,856)    (35,201) 

Amortization of principal amounts of debentures 

  (600,000)    (177,908) 

Dividends and interest on capital paid 

  (293,432)    (175,439) 
Net cash used by financing activities    (161,905)    95,511 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents    (304,505)    3,097 

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 

  1,794,416    1,518,523 

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 

  1,490,458    1,522,167 
Variation in cash and cash equivalents    (303,958)    3,644 


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9M11 Earnings Results 

6. Financial Statements – Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries 


6.1 Assets

Assets    GET    DIS    TEL 
CURRENT    1,454,412    2,322,613    59,836 

Cash and cash equivalents 

  908,795    734,957    3,268 

Financial investment 

  110,023    33,640    - 


  261,470    1,210,626    35,549 

Dividends receivable 

  5,106    -    - 

CRC transferred to the State of Paraná 

  -    63,734    - 

Accounts receivable tied to the concession 

  73,086    -    - 


  69,808    119,022    1,797 


  21,334    86,902    14,853 

Income Tax and Social Contribution 

  2,189    25,546    666 

Other current taxes recoverable 

  (352)    36,431    3,200 

Prepaid expenses 

  2,953    11,755    503 
NONCURRENT    7,247,601    5,267,709    290,259 
Long-Term Assets    1,090,742    3,935,699    18,465 

Financial investment 

  12,156    30,504    - 


  -    39,085    105 

CRC transferred to the State of Paraná 

  -    1,288,889    - 

Judicial deposits 

  15,373    164,282    508 

Recoverable assets - concession 

  939,607    1,960,780    - 

Other assets 

  1,878    3,206    - 

Other current taxes recoverable 

  83    63,461    9,024 

Income tax and social contribution paid in advance 

  121,645    385,492    8,828 
Investments    389,589    4,232    - 
Property, Plant and Equipment    5,727,623    -    256,689 
Intangible Assets    39,647    1,327,778    15,105 
TOTAL    8,702,013    7,590,322    350,095 
GeT: Copel Geração e Transmissão, DIS: Copel Distribuição, TEL: Copel Telecomunicações         


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9M11 Earnings Results 

6.2 Liabilities

Liabilities    GET    DIS    TEL 
CURRENT    1,204,916    1,682,729    47,774 

Accrued payroll costs 

  71,421    186,201    16,557 


  188,133    484,978    10,404 

Income Tax and Social Contribution 

  107,979    23,189    - 

Other taxes 

  19,251    256,038    2,148 

Loans, financing and debentures 

  53,055    19,626    - 

Dividends payable 

  708,280    450,874    17,382 

Post-employment benefits 

  6,631    16,719    1,110 

Regulatory charges 

  4,335    72,431    - 

Research and development and energy efficiency 

  11,543    116,332    - 

Receivables tied to the concession - use of public property 

  794    -    - 

Other accounts payable 

  33,494    56,341    173 
NON-CURRENT    1,770,916    2,276,760    40,440 

Associated companies and subsidiaries 

  -    764,677    23,000 


  130,117    -    - 

Fiscal Obligations 

  -    (3)    - 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

  818,406    57,513    - 

Loans, and financing 

  434,584    706,740    - 

Post-employment benefits 

  112,575    282,716    17,035 

Research and development and energy efficiency 

  34,605    100,321    - 

Receivables tied to the concession - use of public property 

  24,176    -    - 

Reserve for litigation 

  216,453    364,796    405 
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY    5,726,181    3,630,833    261,881 
Attributed to controlling shareholders             

Capital stock 

  3,505,994    2,624,841    194,755 

Valuation adjustements 

  1,479,094    11,865    - 

Legal Reserve 

  182,162    108,500    3,521 

Retained earnings reserve 

  145,364    570,007    43,086 

Accrued earnings (losses) 

  413,567    315,620    20,519 
TOTAL    8,702,013    7,590,322    350,095 
GeT: Copel Geração e Transmissão, DIS: Copel Distribuição, TEL: Copel Telecomunicações


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9M11 Earnings Results 

6.3 Income Statement

Income Statement    GET    DIS    TEL 
Operating revenues    1,488,099    4,012,954    117,052 

Electricity sales to final customers 

  74,310    1,666,748    - 

Electricity sales to distributors 

  1,059,654    62,426    - 

Use of main transmission grid 

  245,681    1,862,780    - 

Construction revenue 

  83,986    381,411    - 

Telecommunications services 

  -    -    117,052 

Other operating revenues 

  24,468    39,589    - 
Operating costs and expenses    (855,327)    (3,627,011)    (80,536) 

Electricity purchase for resale 

  (53,308)    (1,768,595)    - 

Use of main transmission grid 

  (143,443)    (378,350)    - 

Personel and management 

  (166,671)    (451,599)    (40,167) 

Pension and healthcare plans 

  (24,129)    (67,291)    (4,700) 


  (10,348)    (45,772)    (1,304) 

Raw material and supplies for electricity generation 

  (18,676)    -    - 

Third-party services 

  (58,199)    (220,648)    (12,716) 

Depreciation and amortization 

  (193,191)    (143,650)    (17,519) 

Provisions and reversals 

  1,815    (89,465)    102 

Construction cost 

  (82,623)    (381,411)    - 

Other operating expenses 

  (106,554)    (80,230)    (4,232) 
Equity in results of investees    (573)    -    - 
Earnings before financial result and taxes    632,199    385,943    36,516 

Interest Income (expenses) 

  86,452    206,142    2,601 
Earnings before income taxes    718,651    592,085    39,117 

Income tax and social contribution 

  (201,730)    (286,574)    (12,871) 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

  22,730    121,764    2,400 
Net Income (Loss)    539,651    427,275    28,646 
EBITDA    825,963    529,593    54,035 
GeT: Copel Geração e Transmissão, DIS: Copel Distribuição, TEL: Copel Telecomunicações         


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9M11 Earnings Results 

7. Power Market 


7.1 Captive Market

     From January through September 2011, Copel Distribuição’s captive market grew 5.5%, accounting for the consumption of 16,858 GWh.

     The industrial segment consumed 5,604 GWh in the nine-month period, growing by 5.3%. This result reflected the higher industrial production in the State of Paraná, especially in the automotive and electric machinery, equipment and material industries. At the end of September, this segment represented 33.2% of Copel’s captive market, with the company supplying power to 78,107 captive industrial customers.

     The residential class consumed 4,690 GWh, up 5.5%, due the growth in the State of Paraná’s economy. At the end of September 2011, this class accounted for 27.8% of Copel’s captive market, totaling 3,065,136 residential consumers.

     The commercial segment consumed 3,578 GWh, a growth of 6.9%, impacted by the increase in credit and income levels. At the end of the period, this segment represented 21.2% of Copel’s captive market, with the company supplying power to 325,862 captive commercial customers.

     The rural segment consumed 1,401 GWh, growing by 4.8%, due to the increase in agricultural production. This segment represented 8.3% of Copel’s captive market at the end of the period, with the company supplying power to 364,308 rural customers at the end of 1H11.

     Other segments (public agencies, public lighting, public services and own consumption) consumed 1,585 GWh, up 3.4% in the period, in line with the growth of the customer base, which totaled 51,076 consumers in the period. Altogether, these segments represented 9.5% of Copel’s captive market.

Segment    3Q11*    3Q10    Var. %    9M11    9M10    Var. % 
    (1)    (2)    (1/2)    (3)    (4)    (3/4) 
Industrial    2,046    1,823    12.2    5,604    5,320    5.3 
Residential    1,587    1,482    7.1    4,690    4,446    5.5 
Commercial    1,170    1,091    7.2    3,578    3,346    6.9 
Rural    436    415    5.1    1,401    1,336    4.8 
Other    533    510    4.5    1,585    1,533    3.4 
Captive Segment Total    5,772    5,321    8.5    16,858    15,981    5.5 

* The values of the 3Q11 were affected by the deployment of a new reading and billing system occurred in 2Q11. In 3Q11 adjusted consumption for industrial and commercial classes were 1,930 GWh and 1,149 GWh, respectively.


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9M11 Earnings Results 

7.2 Copel Distribuição’s Grid Market – TUSD

     Copel Distribuição’s grid market, comprising the captive market, concessionaries and licensees (other utilities within the State of Paraná) and all free customers within the Company’s concession area, grew 4.9%, as the following table:

    3Q11    3Q10    Var.%    9M11    9M10    Var.% 
    (1)    (2)    (1/2)    (3)    (4)    (3/4) 
Captive Market    5,772    5,321    8.5    16,858    15,981    5.5 
Concession/permission holders    149    147    1.4    447    426    4.9 
Free Customers (*)    823    820    0.4    2,409    2,382    1.2 
Grid Market    6,744    6,288    7.3    19,714    18,789    4.9 
* Total free customers supplied by COPEL GET and other suppliers within COPEL DIS’ concession area.


7.3 Energy Flow

Copel Consolidated

    3Q11    3Q10    Var.% 
Own Generation    19,449    19,262    1.0 
Purchased energy    20,520    19,218    6.8 


  3,949    3,969    (0.5) 

Auction – CCEAR 

  13,734    12,405    10.7 


  679    678    0.1 

Dona Francisca 

  463    483    (4.1) 


  396    378    4.8 


  412    418    (1.4) 


  887    887    - 
Total Available Power    39,969    38,480    3.9 
Captive Market    16,858    15,981    5.5 
Concessionaires    447    426    4.9 
Free Customers    690    773    (10.7) 
Bilateral Agreements    791    1,189    (33.5) 
Auction – CCEAR    11,452    10,779    6.2 
CCEE (MCP)    364    91    - 
MRE    6,624    6,460    2.5 
Losses and differences    2,743    2,781    (1.4) 

Basic network losses 

  960    921    4.2 

Distribution losses 

  1,592    1,671    (4.7) 

CG contract allocation 

  191    189    1.1 
Amounts subject to changes after settlement by CCEE
CCEAR: Energy Purchase Agreements in the Regulated Market
MRE: Energy Reallocation Mechanism
CCEE (MCP): Electric Pow er Trade Chamber (Short-term market)
CG: Center of gravity of the Submarket (difference betw een billed and energy received from CG)


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9M11 Earnings Results 

Copel Geração e Transmissão

    9M11    9M10    Var. % 
Own Generation    19,449    19,262    1.0 
CCEE (MCP)    252    50    404.0 
Dona Francisca    463    483    (4.1) 
Total Available Power    20,164    19,795    1.9 
Bilateral Agreements    791    1,189    (33.5) 
CCEAR – COPEL Distribuição    988    917    7.7 
CCEAR – Other    10,464    9,862    6.1 
Free Customers    690    773    (10.7) 
CCEE (MCP)    94    88    6.8 
MRE    6,624    6,460    2.5 
Losses and differences    513    506    1.4 


Copel Distribuição

    9M11    9M10    Var. % 
Itaipu    3,949    3,969    (0.5) 
CCEAR – COPEL Geração e Transmissão    988    917    7.7 
CCEAR – Other    12,555    11,488    9.3 
CCEAR - Adjustment auction    191    -    - 
CCEE (MCP)    144    328    (56.1) 
Itiquira    679    678    0.1 
Proinfa    412    418    (1.4) 
Elejor S.A    887    887    - 
Available Power    19,805    18,685    6.0 
Captive market    16,858    15,981    5.5 
Wholesale    447    426    4.9 
CCEE (MCP)    270    3    - 
Losses and differences    2,230    2,275    (2.0) 
Basic network losses    447    415    7.7 
Distribution losses    1,592    1,671    (4.7) 
CG contract allocation    191    189    1.1 


www.copel.com/ri        ri@copel.com 


9M11 Earnings Results 

8. Supplementary Information 


8.1 Tariffs

Average Energy Purchased Tariffs

Tariff    Average MW    Sep/11    Jun/11    Sep/10    Var. %    Var. % 
        (1)    (2)    (3)    (1 / 2)    (1 / 3) 
Itaipu*    573    100.53    85.95    91.20    17.0    10.2 
Auction – CCEAR 2005 – 2012    948    79.35    75.84    74.49    4.6    6.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2006 – 2013    458    92.76    88.84    87.12    4.4    6.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2007 – 2014    11    102.46    101.62    96.42    0.8    6.3 
Auction – CCEAR 2007 – 2014    160    132.75    126.37    124.59    5.0    6.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2008 – 2015    70    111.58    106.94    104.78    4.3    6.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2008 – H30    4    139.79    133.00    131.21    5.1    6.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2008 – T15**    26    172.91    164.75    162.27    5.0    6.6 
Auction – CCEAR 2009 – 2016    44    125.08    118.67    117.22    5.4    6.7 
Auction – CCEAR 2009 – H30    3    149.40    142.19    140.22    5.1    6.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2009 – T15**    42    168.98    161.02    158.59    4.9    6.6 
Auction – CCEAR 2010 – H30    66    149.78    142.72    137.33    4.9    9.1 
Auction – CCEAR 2010 – T15**    64    159.24    151.74    149.45    4.9    6.6 
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – H30    58    154.40    147.12    -    4.9    - 
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – T15**    54    175.58    167.31    -    4.9    - 
Auction – CCEAR 2011 – T15**    51    148.75    -    -    -    - 
* Furnas transport charge not included
**Average auction price restated according to the IPCA inflation index. The price comprises in fact three components: a fixed component, a variable component, and expenses at the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE). The cost of the latter two components is dependent upon the dispatch of facilities according to the schedule set by the National System Operator (ONS).


Average Energy Retail Tariffs

Tariff    Sep/11    Jun/11    Sep/10    Var. %    Var. % 
    (1)    (2)    (3)    (1 / 2)    (1 / 3) 
Industrial*    226.78    219.64    217.29    3.3    4.4 
Residential    300.96    290.58    294.14    3.6    2.3 
Commercial    271.06    264.06    261.46    2.7    3.7 
Rural    177.85    172.97    173.65    2.8    2.4 
Other    209.04    203.66    204.04    2.6    2.5 
Retail distribution average rate    252.17    242.99    243.10    3.8    3.7 
Without ICMS
* Free customers not included


Average Energy Supply Tariffs

Tariff    Average MW    Sep/11    Jun/11    Sep/10    Var. %    Var. % 
        (1)    (2)    (3)    (1 / 2)    (1/ 3) 
Auction CCEAR 2005 - 2012    914    78.65    76.06    73.92    3.4    6.4 
Auction CCEAR 2006 - 2013    351    92.17    89.99    86.73    2.4    6.3 
Auction CCEAR 2007 - 2014    81    102.85    99.72    96.74    3.1    6.3 
Auction CCEAR 2008 - 2015    80    109.37    106.31    102.91    2.9    6.3 
Auction CCEAR 2009 - 2016    245    125.71    120.67    118.11    4.2    6.4 
Concession holders in the State of Paraná    65    137.40    135.27    135.71    1.6    1.2 


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9M11 Earnings Results 

8.2 Main Operational and Financial Indicators

    September 30, 2011 



Copel GeT power plants 

  18 (17 hydro and 1 thermal) 

Power plants in which Copel holds an interest 

  07 (5 hydro,1 thermal and 1 wind power) 

Total installed capacity of Copel GeT 

  4,550 MW 

Installed capacity of Copel’s Corporate Partnerships (1) 

  608 MW 

Automated and remote-controlled power plants of Copel GeT 


Automated and remote-controlled power plants of Copel’s corporate partnerships 




Transmission lines 

  1,913 km 

Number of substations 

  31 (100% automated) 

Installed capacity of substations 

  10,602 MVA 

Distribution (up to 230 kV) 


Distribution networks and lines 

  183,453 km 

Number of substations 

  351 (100% automated) 

Installed capacity of substations 

  9,710 MVA 

Number of municipalities served 


Number of localities served 


Number of captive customers 


DEC (outage duration per customer, in hours and hundredths of an hour) 


FEC (outage frequency per customer) 

  5.94 times 



Optical cable – main ring 

  7,147 km 

Self-sustained optical cable 

  12,648 km 

Number of cities served in the State of Paraná 


Number of cities served in the State of Santa Catarina 


Number of customers 




Number of employees (wholly owned subsidiaries) 


Copel Geração e Transmissão 


Copel Distribuição 


Copel Telecomunicações 


Customer per distribution employee 




Book value per share 

  R$ 43.83 per share 


  R$ 1,555.0 million 

Liquidity (current ratio) 



(1) Proportional to the capital stake.

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9M11 Earnings Results 

8.3 Conference Call for 3Q11 Results

     Copel will hold its conference call for the 3Q11 results on Friday, November 11, 2011, at 11:30 a.m. (US EST).

Telephone:  (+1 516) 300-1066 
Code:  COPEL 


     Live webcast of the conference call will be available on: www.copel.com/ir

     Please connect 15 minutes before the call.

Investor Relations – COPEL
Telephone:        Fax: 
+55 (41) 3222-2027        +55 (41) 3331-2849 


The information contained in this press release may contain forward-looking statements that reflect the management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 


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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 10, 2011
/S/  Lindolfo Zimmer
Lindolfo Zimmer

This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.