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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of July, 2008

Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 322-3535
(Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

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 Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL

CNPJ/MF 76.483.817/0001 -20

State Taxpayer Number 10146326 -50

Public Company - CVM 1431-1

www.copel.com      copel@copel.com

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800, Batel - Curitiba - PR

CEP 80420-170






March 2008

   Balance Sheet - Assets  3
   Balance Sheet - Liabilities  4
   Statement of Income  5
   Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity  6
   1 Operations  7
   2 Presentation of the Quarterly Information  8
   3 Cash in Hand  9
   4 Consumers and Distributors  10
   5 Provision for Doubtful Accounts  10
   6 Dividends Receivable  11
   7 CRC Transferred to the Government of the State of Paraná  11
   8 Taxes and Social Contribution  13
   9 Account for Compensation of “Portion A” Variations  16
   10 Other Regulatory Assets and Liabilities  17
   11 Guarantees and Escrow Deposits  18
   12 Other Receivables  19
   13 Judicial Deposits  19
   14 Receivables from Related Parties  20
   15 Investments  21
   16 Property, Plant, and Equipment  26
   17 Intangible assets  29
   18 Loans and Financing  30
   19 Debentures  35
   20 Suppliers  39
   21 Accrued Payroll Costs  40
   22 Post-Employment Benefits  40
   23 Customer Charges Due  41
   24 Research and Development and Energy Efficiency  41
   25 Other Accounts Payable  42
   26 Provisions for Contingencies  42
   27 Share Capital  46
   28 Gross Revenues from Sales and/or Services  47
   29 Deductions from Gross Revenues  48
   30 Operating Costs and Expenses  48
   31 Financial Income (Losses) 53
   32 Equity in the Results of Subsidiaries and Investees  54
   33 Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) 55
   34 Reconciliation of the Provision for Income Tax and Social Contribution  57
   35 Financial Instruments  57
   36 Related-Party Transactions  59
   37 Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries' Balance Sheets  62
   38 Statement of Income Broken Down by Company  64
   39 Changes in Accounting Policies  65
   40 Statement of Cash Flows  71
   1 Distribution  73
   2 Management  76
   3 Investor Relations  77
   4 Rates  77
   5 Economic and Financial Performance  78

Table of Contents


Balance Sheet - Assets
As of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007
(In thousands of

CODE    DESCRIPTION    N.    Parent Company    Consolidated 
            31/03/2008    31/12/2007    31/03/2008    31/12/2007 
1    TOTAL ASSETS        9,135,852    9,061,992    12,555,438    12,473,208 
1.01    CURRENT ASSETS        735,902    838,553    3,160,301    3,288,376 
1.01.01    Cash in hand      85,344    56,186    1,505,720    1,540,871 
1.01.02    Receivables        650,558    782,367    1,607,782    1,695,310    Customers        -    -    1,028,024    1,026,852    Customers and distributors          1,099,995    1,089,694    Provision for doubtful accounts          (80,492)   (71,592)    Services to third parties, net            8,521    8,750    Other Receivables        650,558    782,367    579,758    668,458    Dividends receivable      580,225    700,225    5,783    2,767    Service in progress            50,356    51,343    CRC transferred to State Government          41,386    40,509    Taxes and social contribution      69,739    79,328    232,066    281,565    Account for Compensation of Portion A          72,029    67,614    Other regulatory assets    10        17,186    17,186    Collaterals and escrow deposits    11    440    2,806    106,716    145,161    Other receivables    12    154      54,236    62,313 
1.01.03    Inventories        -    -    46,799    52,195 
1.02    NON-CURRENT ASSETS        8,399,950    8,223,439    9,395,137    9,184,832 
1.02.01    Long-Term Receivables        799,352    956,375    2,002,157    1,977,832    Sundry Receivables        166,169    160,442    2,002,157    1,977,832    Customers and distributors          124,524    139,125    Provision for doubtful accounts          (10,103)   (11,469)    Services to third parties            7,109    7,251    CRC transferred to State Government          1,224,266    1,209,853    Taxes and social contribution      131,388    125,712    472,613    449,653    Account for Compensation of Portion A          16,987    25,478    Other regulatory assets    10        5,729    5,729    Collaterals and escrow deposits    11        22,142    22,423    Judicial deposits    13    34,781    34,730    130,407    121,340    Other Receivables    12        8,483    8,449    Receivables from Related Parties    14    633,183    795,933    -    -    From subsidiaries        633,183    795,933     
1.02.02    Permanent Assets        7,600,598    7,267,064    7,392,980    7,207,000    Investments    15    7,600,598    7,267,064    445,863    256,809    Equity in investees            389,925    204,305    Equity in investees - goodwill            4,783    1,791    Equity in subsidiaries        7,562,424    7,228,890    Equity in subsidiaries - goodwill        Other        38,174    38,174    51,155    50,713    Property, Plant, and Equipment    16    -    -    6,829,317    6,832,379    Intangible Assets    17    -    -    112,652    112,585    Deferred Assets        -    -    5,148    5,227 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these quarterly financial statements.


Table of Contents

Balance Sheet – Liabilities

As of March 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007
(In thousands of

CODE    DESCRIPTION    N.    Parent Company    Consolidated 
            31/03/2008    31/12/2007    31/03/2008    31/12/2007 
2    TOTAL LIABILITIES        9,135,852    9,061,992    12,555,438    12,473,208 
2.01    CURRENT LIABILITIES        437,672    486,006    1,821,922    1,940,593 
2.01.01    Loans and financing    18    12,224    20,223    80,614    92,684 
2.01.02    Debentures    19    140,755    168,599    143,985    171,827 
2.01.03    Suppliers    20    867    1,132    454,376    366,510 
2.01.04    Taxes, fees, and contributions      35,907    51,818    272,053    375,426 
2.01.05    Dividends payable        247,752    244,023    260,540    252,362 
2.01.06    Accrued payroll costs    21    125    162    136,279    146,119 
2.01.08    Other        42    49    474,075    535,665    Post-employment benefits    22      23    17,655    42,286    Account for Compensation of Portion A          104,368    143,436    Other regulatory liabilities    10        45,800    46,476    Customer charges due    23        33,561    32,722    R & D and Energy Efficiency    24        191,211    185,280    Other accounts payable    25    33    26    81,480    85,465 
2.02    NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES        1,206,491    1,339,809    3,010,728    3,064,911 
2.02.01    Long-Term Liabilities        1,206,491    1,339,809    2,935,734    3,064,319    Loans and financing    18    399,149    400,032    820,208    835,268    Debentures    19    600,000    733,360    869,476    1,002,674    Provisions for contingencies    26    207,342    206,417    521,061    514,270    Other        -    -    724,989    712,107    Suppliers    20        195,340    190,394    Taxes and social contributions          16,420    19,317    Post-employment benefits    22        478,184    454,411    Account for Compensation of Portion A          15,215    22,330    Other regulatory liabilities    10        13,095    18,935    Other payables    25        6,735    6,720 
2.02.02    Income from future years        -    -    74,994    592 
2.03    MINORITY INTEREST        -    -    231,099    231,527 
2.04    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY        7,491,689    7,236,177    7,491,689    7,236,177 
2.04.01    Paid-In Share Capital    27    4,460,000    4,460,000    4,460,000    4,460,000 
2.04.02    Capital Reserves        838,340    838,340    838,340    838,340 
2.04.04    Income Reserves        1,937,837    1,937,837    1,937,837    1,937,837    Legal reserves        323,653    323,653    323,653    323,653    Retained earnings        1,614,184    1,614,184    1,614,184    1,614,184 
2.04.05    Accrued Earnings        255,512    -    255,512    - 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these quarterly financial statements.


Table of Contents

Statement of Income

For the three-month periods ended on March 31, 2008 and 2007
(In thousands of

CODE    DESCRIPTION    N.    Parent Company    Consolidated 
            31/03/2008    31/03/2007    31/03/2008    31/03/2007 
3    STATEMENT OF INCOME                     
3.01    GROSS REVENUES FROM SALES AND/OR SERVICES    28    -    -    1,989,579    1,867,826 
3.01.01    Power sales to final customers            718,669    626,482 
3.01.02    Power sales to distributors            316,616    299,893 
3.01.03    Use of the power grid            850,237    852,564 
3.01.04    Telecommunications revenues            17,594    15,106 
3.01.05    Distribution of piped gas            59,491    57,589 
3.01.06    Other operating revenues            26,972    16,192 
3.02    DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS REVENUES    29    -    -    (675,021)   (621,421)
3.03    NET REVENUES FROM SALES AND/OR SERVICES        -    -    1,314,558    1,246,405 
3.04    COST OF SALES AND/OR SERVICES    30    -    -    (866,699)   (700,331)
3.04.01    Power purchased for resale            (443,499)   (279,879)
3.04.02    Charges for the use of the power grid            (105,767)   (130,676)
3.04.03    Payroll            (105,970)   (96,391)
3.04.04    Pension and healthcare plans            (16,103)   (14,747)
3.04.05    Materials and supplies            (9,934)   (11,154)
3.04.06    Raw materials and supplies for power generation            (5,013)   (3,258)
3.04.07    Natural gas and supplies for the gas business            (31,791)   (27,508)
3.04.08    Third-party services            (45,440)   (32,107)
3.04.09    Depreciation and amortization            (95,907)   (98,891)
3.04.10    Expense recovery            9,812    8,077 
3.04.11    Other costs            (17,087)   (13,797)
3.05    RESULT OF OPERATIONS        -      447,859    546,074 
3.06    OPERATING EXPENSES/REVENUES        249,834    268,384    (58,023)   (107,496)
3.06.01    From sales    30        (15,126)   25,805 
3.06.02    General and administrative expenses/revenues    30    (2,230)   (2,699)   (53,884)   (71,169)
3.06.03    Financial Expenses/Revenues    31    (13,597)   (32,459)   34,090    (31,985)    Financial revenues        17,585    19,022    106,603    86,736    Financial expenses        (31,182)   (51,481)   (72,513)   (118,721)
3.06.05    Other Operating Expenses    30    (873)   (7,560)   (33,193)   (34,317)
3.06.06    Result of equity in subsidiaries and investees    32    266,534    311,102    10,090    4,170    Equity in subsidiaries and investees        266,534    311,093    10,090    4,161    Interests in other companies             
3.07    OPERATING INCOME (LOSSES)       249,834    268,384    389,836    438,578 
3.08    NON-OPERATING INCOME (LOSSES)       1    87    (860)   (2,530)
3.08.01    Revenues          87    1,691    124 
3.08.02    Expenses            (2,551)   (2,654)
3.09    INCOME (LOSSES) BEFORE TAXES/EQ. INVESTMENTS        249,835    268,471    388,976    436,048 
3.10    PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONT.    34    -    -    (122,909)   (162,164)
3.11    DEFERRED INCOME TAX    34    5,677    14,491    (6,475)   11,121 
3.14    MINORITY INTEREST        -    -    (4,080)   (2,043)
3.15    NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD        255,512    282,962    255,512    282,962 
    NET INCOME PER SHARE (2008) AND PER LOT OF                     
    ONE THOUSAND SHARES (2007)       0.9337    1.0340         

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these quarterly financial statements.


Table of Contents

Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

     For the year ended on December 31, 2007 and
for the quarters ended on March 31, 2008 and 2007 (In thousands of

    Share    Capital    Legal    Income    Retained     
    capital    reserves    reserve    reserve    earnings    Total 
Balance as of December 31, 2006    3,875,000    817,293    268,323    1,415,654             -    6,376,270 
 Net income for the period            282,962    282,962 
Balance as of March 31, 2007    3,875,000    817,293    268,323    1,415,654    282,962    6,659,232 
 Share capital increase    585,000        (585,000)            -   
 Tax incentives      21,047                 -    21,047 
 Net income for the period            823,648    823,648 
 Allocation proposed at the GSM:                         
     Legal reserve        55,330       (55,330)  
     Interest on capital            (200,000)   (200,000)
     Dividends             (67,750)   (67,750)
     Investment reserve          783,530    (783,530)  
Balance as of December 31, 2007    4,460,000    838,340    323,653    1,614,184             -    7,236,177 
 Net income for the period            255,512    255,512 
Balance as of March 31, 2008    4,460,000    838,340    323,653    1,614,184    255,512    7,491,689 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these quarterly financial statements.


Table of Contents

As of March 31, 2008
(In thousands of
reais, except where otherwise indicated)

1 Operations

Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL (COPEL, the Company or the Parent Company) is a public company with shares traded on stock exchanges in Brazil, the United States of America and Spain. COPEL is a mixed capital company, controlled by the Government of the State of Paraná, engaged, through its subsidiaries, in researching, studying, planning, building, and exploiting the production, transformation, transportation, distribution, and sale of energy, in any form, but particularly electric energy. These activities are regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL, which reports to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. Additionally, COPEL takes part in consortiums, private enterprises, or mixed capital companies in order to operate mostly in the areas of energy, telecommunications, natural gas, and water supply and sanitation.

COPEL’s wholly-owned subsidiaries are: COPEL Generation and Transmission, COPEL Distribution, COPEL Telecommunications, and COPEL Corporate Partnerships.

On November 30, 2007, COPEL Transmission was split and incorporated by COPEL Generation and Transmission and by COPEL Distribution.

COPEL Generation and Transmission holds a 51% interest in Consórcio Energético Cruzeiro do Sul and, in September 2007, it acquired a controlling interest in Centrais Eólicas do Paraná Ltda. (Note 15c.e).

The companies controlled by COPEL Corporate Partnerships are: Companhia Paranaense de Gás – Compagas, ELEJOR – Centrais Elétricas do Rio Jordão S.A., COPEL Enterprises, UEG Araucária Ltda. and, as of January 2008, Dominó Holdings S.A. (Note 15.d).

On December 28, 2006, UEG Araucária signed an agreement with Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras, leasing the Araucária Thermal Power Plant in return for monthly payments, over a period of one year which ended on December 31, 2007. This agreement was extended for six months, until June 30, 2008, and may be extended for another 6 months, by mutual agreement.


Table of Contents

2 Presentation of the Quarterly Information

The information featured in this report is in accordance with the provisions of the Brazilian Corporate Law, with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil, with the specific legislation enacted by ANEEL, and with the regulations of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), including CVM Instruction no. 469/2008.

COPEL has consolidated the financial statements of its wholly-owned subsidiaries and of the investees listed in Note 1.

The financial statements of Dominó Holdings S.A. have been consolidated into COPEL’s statements as of this quarter, proportionally to COPEL Corporate Partnerships’ 45% interest in the company.

Expenditures in connection with Consórcio Cruzeiro do Sul are recorded as investments, proportionally to COPEL’s share in the consortium, pursuant to the Accounting Manual for Electric Energy Utilities.

The balance sheets of the wholly-owned subsidiaries (consolidated with those of the companies in which they have a controlling interest) are featured in Note 37, and their statements of income are featured in Note 38, reclassified for the purpose of ensuring consistency with the account classification adopted by COPEL.

The Company’s investments in the shareholders’ equities of subsidiaries, as well as the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses arising from intercompany operations, have been eliminated upon consolidation, and the minority interests are shown separately, so that the consolidated quarterly statements effectively represent the balances of transactions with third parties.

All subsidiaries follow the accounting practices adopted by COPEL, and the main accounting practices adopted in the preparation of this quarterly report are consistent with those adopted in the financial statements as of December 31, 2007.

The dates of the financial statements of investees, which have been used for the calculation of equity in their results and for consolidation purposes, coincide with those of the Parent Company.

For purposes of comparison, in item Taxes and Social Contribution of the Company’s consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2007, R$ 125,966 in taxes which had been offset between current assets and liabilities were reverted, and R$ 12,775 were offset between long-term assets and liabilities.

In COPEL’s consolidated statement of income, R$ 770,809 in connection with the rate for the use of the distribution system (TUSD) were reclassified from Power Supply to Final Customers to Use of the Power Grid, under Gross Revenues from Sales and/or Services.


Table of Contents

As supplemental information, the Statement of Added Value is included under "Other Information Deemed Material by the Company” herein.

Re-release of the Quarterly Information

COPEL has decided to spontaneously re-release the quarterly information for the quarter ended on March 31, 2008, in order to include additional information due to the fact that, as of May 7, 2008, the Company's stock is now traded on Level 1 of the Special Corporate Governance Practices portfolio of the São Paulo Stock Exchange – BOVESPA. Thus, the main changes made to the present edition of this Report are: (i) statements of cash flows have been moved from “Other Information Deemed Material by the Company” to Note 40, and (ii) tables containing the list of shareholders who hold more than 5% of any type of Company stock, the consolidated shareholding situation of the controlling parties and senior management, and COPEL’s free-float have been included under “Other Information Deemed Material by the Company”.

3 Cash in Hand

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Cash and banks    631    660    35,332    194,208 
Financial investments                 
   Federal banks    84,713    55,526    1,465,906    1,343,378 
   Private banks        4,482    3,285 
    84,713    55,526    1,470,388    1,346,663 
    85,344    56,186    1,505,720    1,540,871 

Most of the financial investments of the Company and of its subsidiaries have been made in official state-owned financial institutions, comprising mostly fixed income securities tied to federal bonds, bearing an average yield of 100% the Interbank Deposit Certificate rate. These investments can be redeemed at any time, without the loss of any accrued earnings.


Table of Contents

4 Consumers and Distributors

    Not yet    Overdue for    Overdue for    Consolidated 
    due    up to 90 days    over 90 days    Total 
                31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
   Residential    88,199    75,769    4,462    168,430    157,698 
   Industrial    101,492    21,776    43,215    166,483    170,828 
   Commercial    62,683    25,183    8,477    96,343    93,099 
   Rural    13,061    6,327    291    19,679    18,271 
   Public agencies    15,088    12,013    5,265    32,366    27,161 
   Public lighting    11,551    1,915    280    13,746    12,174 
   Public services    10,827    613    1,107    12,547    12,568 
   Unbilled    146,699        146,699    143,921 
   Energy installment plan    81,697    5,943    10,536    98,176    96,772 
   Energy installment plan - long-term  106,063        106,063    118,032 
   Low income customer rates    81,117        81,117    99,417 
   Penalties on overdue bills    4,140    4,934    5,084    14,158    13,230 
   State Government-"Luz Fraterna" Program  2,179    7,171    7,494    16,844    9,785 
   Red. of rate for use of distribution system  4,344        4,344    2,969 
   Red. of rate for use of dist. system - LT  1,250        1,250    1,779 
   Gas supply    14,956    281    694    15,931    15,985 
   Other receivables    10,449    3,280    2,050    15,779    18,464 
   Other receivables - long-term    3,004        3,004    55 
    758,799    165,205    88,955    1,012,959    1,012,208 
   Bulk supply                     
   Bulk supply - CCEE (Note 33)   157      105    262    7,158 
   Power auction    86,430        86,430    86,914 
   Bilateral agreements    52,080        52,080    49,186 
   Reimbursement to generators    892        892    1,492 
   Reimbursement to generators - long-term  10,580        10,580    12,004 
   Contracts with small utilities    8,794        8,794    6,522 
   Short-term bulk supply        126    126    126 
    158,933    -    231    159,164    163,402 
   Charges for use of power grid                   
   Power grid    16,637    41    2,308    18,986    16,507 
   Basic Network    29,467      197    29,670    29,335 
   Basic Network - long-term    3,627        3,627    7,255 
   Connection grid    93    20      113    112 
    49,824    67    2,505    52,396    53,209 
    967,556    165,272    91,691    1,224,519    1,228,819 
     31.03.2008    Current total    843,032    165,272    91,691    1,099,995     
    Long-term total    124,524    -    -    124,524     
     31.12.2007    Current total    864,450    152,465    72,779        1,089,694 
    Long-term total    139,125    -    -        139,125 

5 Provision for Doubtful Accounts

After review of overdue receivables, COPEL’s senior management has considered the following amounts as sufficient to cover potential losses on the realization of receivables:


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        Additions /    Reversal of     
    Consolidated    (reversals)   write-offs    Consolidated 
    31.12.2007            31.03.2008 
Consumers and distributors                 
   Residential    16,268    2,793      19,063 
   Industrial    41,941    3,423      45,364 
   Commercial    8,454    1,312      9,769 
   Rural    38    51      89 
   Public agencies    1,725    825      2,550 
   Public lighting    146        149 
   Public services    288    389      677 
   Utilities    2,726      105    2,831 
   Utilities - long-term    11,469    (1,366)     10,103 
   Gas supply      (6)    
    83,061    7,424    110    90,595 
    Current total    71,592    8,790    110    80,492 
    Long-term total    11,469    (1,366)   -    10,103 

6 Dividends Receivable

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Investees and subsidiaries (Note 14)                
   COPEL Generation and Transmission    384,688    504,688     
   COPEL Distribution    178,300    178,300     
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships    17,237    17,237     
   Dominó Holdings S.A.          2,159 
   Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda.          608 
   Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar        5,783   
    580,225    700,225    5,783    2,767 

7 CRC Transferred to the Government of the State of Paraná

Under an agreement dated August 4, 1994 and amended in December 1995, the remaining balance of the Recoverable Rate Deficit Account (CRC) was negotiated with the Government of the State of Paraná to be reimbursed in 240 monthly installments, restated by the General Price Index - Internal Availability (IGP-DI) plus annual interest of 6.65% . On October 1, 1997, the outstanding balance was renegotiated for payment in the following 330 months, under the Price amortization system, with the first installment due on October 30, 1997 and the last one due on March 30, 2025. The restatement and interest provisions of the original agreement remained unchanged.

By means of a fourth amendment dated January 21, 2005, the Company again renegotiated with the Government of Paraná the outstanding CRC balance as of December 31, 2004, in the amount of R$ 1,197,404, to be paid in 244 installments under the Price amortization system, the first one due on January 30, 2005 and the others due in subsequent and consecutive months.


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The State Government has been in compliance with the payments of the renegotiated installments according to the terms of the fourth amendment to the CRC agreement. Amortizations are secured by resources from dividends.

a) Maturity of long-term installments:

    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
2009    33,342    43,203 
2010    47,035    46,077 
2011    50,164    49,141 
2012    53,500    52,409 
2013    57,058    55,895 
2014    60,852    59,612 
2015    64,899    63,576 
2016    69,215    67,805 
2017    73,819    72,314 
2018    78,728    77,123 
2019    83,964    82,252 
2020    89,548    87,722 
2021    95,503    93,556 
After 2021    366,639    359,168 
    1,224,266    1,209,853 

b) Changes in the CRC balance:

    Current    Long-Term    Consolidated 
Balances    Assets    Receivables    Total 
As of December 31, 2006    35,205    1,158,898    1,194,103 
   Interest and fees (Note 31)   19,227      19,227 
   Monetary variation (Note 31)   21    10,181    10,202 
   Transfers    9,221    (9,221)  
   Amortization    (27,817)     (27,817)
As of March 31, 2007    35,857    1,159,858    1,195,715 
   Interest and fees    56,835      56,835 
   Monetary variation    1,846    79,416    81,262 
   Transfers    29,421    (29,421)  
   Amortization    (83,450)     (83,450)
As of December 31, 2007    40,509    1,209,853    1,250,362 
   Interest and fees (Note 31)   20,128      20,128 
   Monetary variation (Note 31)   63    25,111    25,174 
   Transfers    10,698    (10,698)  
   Amortization    (30,012)     (30,012)
As of March 31, 2008    41,386    1,224,266    1,265,652 


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8 Taxes and Social Contribution

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Current assets                 
   Deferred IRPJ/CSLL (a)   3,356    3,354    84,519    112,253 
   IRPJ/CSLL to be offset (b)   66,383    75,974    125,864    146,054 
   ICMS (VAT) to be offset        18,800    20,511 
   PIS/Pasep and Cofins taxes to be offset        1,732    1,333 
   Other taxes to be offset        1,151    1,414 
    69,739    79,328    232,066    281,565 
Long-term receivables                 
   Deferred IRPJ/CSLL (a)   126,863    121,187    420,923    400,592 
   IRPJ/CSLL to be offset (b)   4,525    4,525    4,525    4,525 
   ICMS (VAT) to be offset        47,165    44,536 
   ICMS preliminary injunction for judicial deposit         
    131,388    125,712    472,613    449,653 
Current liabilities                 
   Deferred IRPJ/CSLL (a)       26,632    24,664 
   IRPJ/CSLL payable        46,040    124,633 
   ICMS (VAT) payable        129,891    126,322 
   PIS/Pasep and Cofins payable      8,845    29,546    37,628 
   REFIS Installments (c)   35,068    35,068    35,068    35,068 
   Income tax withheld on interest on capital      6,851      21,194 
   Other taxes    839    1,054    4,876    5,917 
    35,907    51,818    272,053    375,426 
Long-term liabilities                 
   Deferred IRPJ/CSLL (a)       16,420    19,317 
    -    -    16,420    19,317 
IRPJ = Corporate Income Tax
CSLL = Social Contribution on Net Income

a) Deferred income tax and social contribution

The Company records deferred income tax, calculated at the rate of 15%, plus an additional rate of 10%, and deferred social contribution, at the rate of 9%.

The deferred taxes in connection with the pension plan deficit are being realized in compliance with the amortization plan for the corresponding debt, and the provision for the healthcare plan is being realized to the extent post-employment benefits are paid. The deferred taxes on the remaining provisions will be realized according to court decisions and to the realization of regulatory assets.

Under current tax legislation, tax losses and negative bases for social contributions may be offset against future income, up to the limit of 30% of the taxable income for each year, and do not lapse.


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Deferred tax credits have been recorded as follows:

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Current assets                 
   Pension and healthcare plans        12,900    26,928 
   Tax losses    3,175    3,175    3,176    3,176 
   Passive CVA        35,485    48,768 
   Temporary additions    181    179    32,958    33,381 
    3,356    3,354    84,519    112,253 
Long-term receivables                 
   Pension and healthcare plans        152,797    138,990 
   Tax losses and negative tax basis    13,970    8,591    25,587    20,324 
   Temporary additions:         
       Provisions for contingencies (labor,                 
         tax, and judicial)   90,454    91,760    155,468    169,782 
       Provision for doubtful accounts    1,839    1,839    35,473    32,287 
       REFIS/FINAN provision    14,805    13,689    14,805    13,689 
       Provisions for regulatory liabilities          5,670 
       Provision for effects of network charges        4,964    6,923 
       Amortization of goodwill    5,120    5,101    18,512    12,720 
       Other    675    207    13,317    207 
    126,863    121,187    420,923    400,592 
(-) Current liabilities                 
   Active CVA        21,154    19,654 
   Surplus power        1,477    1,009 
   Temporary exclusions        4,001    4,001 
    -    -    26,632    24,664 
(-) Long-term liabilities                 
   Active CVA        4,655    7,543 
   Surplus power        425    605 
   Temporary exclusions        11,340    11,169 
    -    -    16,420    19,317 
    130,219    124,541    462,390    468,864 

The Company’s Board of Directors and Fiscal Council have approved the technical study prepared by the Chief Finance and Investor Relations Office on future profitability projections, which points out to the realization of deferred taxes. According to the estimates of future taxable income, the realization of deferred taxes is broken down below:

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    Estimated    Actual    Estimated    Estimated    Actual    Estimated 
    realizable    realized    realizable    realizable    realized    realizable 
             .    amount    amount    amount    amount    amount    amount 
2008    3,354    1,791        92,191    32,797     
2009        108        22,296 
2010        192        26,804 
2011        934        23,554 
2012                15,342 
2013                13,700 
After 2013        128,985        360,694 
    3,354    1,791    130,219    92,191    32,797    462,390 

Projected future income will be revised by management upon the approval of the financial statements for fiscal year 2008, in April 2009.


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b) Income tax and social contribution paid in advance

Amounts recorded as income tax and social contribution paid in advance refer mostly to amounts withheld and to corporate income tax (IRPJ) and social contribution on net income (CSLL) amounts levied on actual income, with the option of monthly payments based on estimates, during the period.

c) Tax recovery program - REFIS

On December 16, 2000, COPEL signed up for the Tax Recovery Program (REFIS), established by Law no. 9,964, dated April 10, 2000, in order to pay in 60 monthly and equal installments an outstanding debt to the National Social Security Institute (INSS) in the consolidated amount of R$ 82,540, retroactive to March 1, 2000.

The Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (SRF) included in the Company’s REFIS account, without COPEL’s awareness, income tax and social contribution claims in the amount of R$ 11,100, retroactively to the date of consolidation, March 1, 2000, thus raising total debt to R$ 93,640.

In September 2003, the Company, based on a legal opinion, set up a provision for the tax installments which hadn't been amortized until then. This provision, restated as of September 30, 2006, amounted to R$ 73,844, net, which corresponded to the restated balance of its REFIS account, taking into account amortizations and interest charges (TJLP).

On August 31, 2006, COPEL filed for withdrawal from REFIS, only so it could sign up for the new tax installment plan established by Provisional Measure no. 303/2006, called Special Installment Plan or PAEX. By doing so, COPEL can now take advantage of the benefits of this plan by paying off the outstanding debt in six installments, with an 80% discount off the penalties and a 30% discount off the interest due. The Company’s application was completed on September 14, 2006.

Meanwhile, COPEL filed a lawsuit disputing the SRF's claims, which, in the Company's understanding, where wrongly included in REFIS I. The SRF recognized the rights of COPEL, which won the lawsuit. Thus, the new installment plan includes only the remaining debt to INSS which was included in REFIS, i.e., net of payments already made, resulting in the amount, according to the INSS' initial calculation, of R$ 37,782, restated according to the SELIC interest rate, to be paid in six installments. These installments have already been paid. The INSS, however, reincluded in the PAEX account the amounts of interest which had been fully settled under REFIS I, in the amount of R$ 35,000. Nevertheless, the INSS has not offered any guarantees that their calculations are final, claiming that "final consolidation" of the debt has not been concluded yet.

Thus, in light of these circumstances, the Company maintained the provision in the amount of R$ 35,068 to cover the new INSS claim under PAEX.


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9 Account for Compensation of “Portion A” Variations

The Account for Compensation of “Portion A” Variations (CVA) records variations of the following Portion A cost items, as taken into account at the time of the annual rate reviews and as actually disbursed by companies during the year: Itaipu Binacional capacity rate; Itaipu Binacional power transport rate; Fuel Consumption Account (CCC) quota; rate for the use of Basic Network transmission facilities; Compensation for the Use of Water Resources; System Service Charges (ESS); Energy Development Account (CDE) quota; costs for purchase of power; and the power and cost-sharing quotas of the Program of Incentives for Alternative Energy Sources – Proinfa.

ANEEL granted COPEL Distribution an average readjustment of -1.22% to its rates for sales to final customers, effective June 24, 2007. Out of this total, 2,24% correspond to the rate review index, and -3,46% to financial adjustments outside the range of the rate review. CVA is part of the latter group, amounting at that time to R$ 146,393, and is made up of two installments: CVA for rate year 2006-2007, in the amount of R$ 92,985 and CVA balance from the previous year to be offset, in the amount of R$ 53,408.

COPEL expects that the amounts classified as long-term will be recovered in up to two years.

a) Breakdown of the balances of the Account for Compensation of Portion A (CVA):

    Current    Long-term 
Consolidated    assets    receivables 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Recoverable Portion A variations, 2007 rate review                 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    934    1,869     
   Charges for use of trans.sys. (Basic Network)        
   Power purchased for resale (Itaipu)   11,144    22,289     
   Charges for system services - ESS    3,541    7,082     
   Energy Development Account - CDE    3,063    6,125     
   Incentives to Alternative Energy Sources - Proinfa    2,280    4,560     
   Transport of purchased power (Itaipu)   106    211     
    21,068    42,136    -    - 
Recoverable Portion A variations, 2008 rate review                 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    10,476    5,659    3,492    5,659 
   Charges for use of trans.sys. (Basic Network)   13,005    4,074    4,335    4,074 
   Power purchased for resale (Itaipu)   18,527    12,309    6,175    12,309 
   Charges for system services - ESS    655    372    218    372 
   Energy Development Account - CDE    3,434    1,922    1,145    1,922 
   Incentives to Alternative Energy Sources - Proinfa    4,799    1,105    1,600    1,105 
   Transport of purchased power (Itaipu)   65    37    22    37 
    50,961    25,478    16,987    25,478 
    72,029    67,614    16,987    25,478 


Table of Contents

        Current        Long-term 
Consolidated        liabilities        liabilities 
31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Portion A variations subject to offsetting, 2007 rate review                 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    17,073    34,146     
   Charges for use of trans. syst. (Basic Network)   15,902    31,803     
   Power purchased for resale (CVA Energy)   27,077    54,155     
   Transport of purchased power (Itaipu)   501    1,002     
    60,553    121,106    -    - 
Portion A variations subject to offsetting, 2008 rate review                 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    1,506    855    502    855 
   Charges for use of trans. syst. (Basic Network)   2,089    1,186    697    1,186 
   Charges for system services - ESS    6,913    3,722    2,304    3,722 
   Power purchased for resale (CVA Energy)   33,127    16,511    11,652    16,511 
   Transport of purchased power (Itaipu)   180    56    60    56 
    43,815    22,330    15,215    22,330 
    104,368    143,436    15,215    22,330 

b) Changes in the balances of deferred rate costs restated by the SELIC interest rate:

    Balance    Deferral   Amortization    Restatement     Transfers   Balance 
    31.12.2007                    31.03.2008 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    13,187    2,325    (934)   324      14,902 
   Charges for use of trans. syst. (Basic Network)   8,148    8,868      324      17,340 
   Power purchased for resale (Itaipu)   46,907    (432)   (11,655)   1,026      35,846 
   Charges for system services - ESS    7,826    129    (3,742)   201      4,414 
   Energy Development Account - CDE    9,969    662    (3,214)   225      7,642 
   Incentives to Alternative Sources - Proinfa    6,770    4,096    (2,393)   206      8,679 
   Transport of purchased power (Itaipu)   285    14    (106)       193 
    93,092    15,662    (22,044)   2,306    -    89,016 
    Current   67,614    10,354    (22,044)   1,865    14,240    72,029 
    Non-current   25,478    5,308    -    441    (14,240)   16,987 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    35,856    298    (18,059)   986        19,081 
   Charges for use of trans. syst. (Basic Network)   34,175    414    (16,290)   389        18,688 
   Charges for system services - ESS    7,444    1,538      235        9,217 
   Power purchased for resale (CVA Energy)   87,177    10,756    (27,920)   1,843        71,856 
   Transport of purchased power (Itaipu)   1,114    124    (530)   33        741 
    165,766    13,130    (62,799)   3,486    -    119,583 
    Current   143,436    8,022    (62,799)   3,093    12,616    104,368 
    Non-current   22,330    5,108    -    393    (12,616)   15,215 

10 Other Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

The concession agreements signed by the transmission utilities contain a clause which sets the date of July 1, 2005 as the date of the first periodic review of annual allowed revenues. The rate review was concluded and its results were approved on July 1, 2007, applicable retroactively to July 1, 2005. Thus, it became necessary to calculate the retroactive discrepancy for the period from 2005 to 2007, which has been treated as a “review adjustment share”.

This balance, which has been accrued by transmission utilities, is being offset over 24 months, starting July 2007.


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ANEEL has calculated the discrepancy corresponding to the “connection point review adjustments” for all distribution utilities, resulting in a balance of R$ 22,915 to be paid by COPEL Distribution to COPEL Transmission. As far as the “basic network review adjustments", the application of COPEL Distribution's participation percentage to the total adjustment share resulted in the amount of R$ 29,020 to be collected from the remaining transmission utilities which underwent the rate review process.

These amounts, which shall be financially settled with the transmission utilities, will be taken into account in COPEL Distribution’s next rate review. COPEL expects that the amounts classified as long-term will be recovered in up to two years.

Consolidated balances as of March 31, 2008 are shown below:

        Non    Assets        Non    Liabilities 
    Current    current    Total    Current    current    Total 
COPEL Distribution                         
Connection point review adjustments    465    154    619       
Basic network review adjustments    16,721    5,575    22,296    21,765    7,255    29,020 
    17,186    5,729    22,915    21,765    7,255    29,020 
COPEL Generation and Transmission                         
Basic network review adjustments          24,035    5,840    29,875 
    17,186    5,729    22,915    45,800    13,095    58,895 

11 Guarantees and Escrow Deposits

        Parent Company        Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Current assets                 
   Escrow deposits    440    2,806    106,716    145,161 
    440    2,806    106,716    145,161 
Long-term receivables                 
   Collateral under STN agreement (Note 18.b)       22,142    22,423 
    -    -    22,142    22,423 

There are R$ 9,170 invested in Unibanco S.A., restated as of March 31, 2008 (R$ 9,272 as of December 31, 2007), yielding 98.5% of the variation of the DI rate, and another R$ 2,554, yielding 100% of the variation of the DI rate, in a reserve account set up to secure a debt to BNDESPAR, in connection with the issue of ELEJOR debentures, pursuant to a Private Agreement on Revenue Attachment and Other Covenants.

There are R$ 49,685 (as of March 31, 2008) invested in Banco do Brasil, yielding 100% of the variation of the DI rate, in a reserve account set up to secure to ANEEL the construction of the Mauá Power Plant by COPEL Generation and Transmission.


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The remaining deposits meet the requirements of the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) and are tied to the operations conducted at power auctions, CCEE settlements, and ANEEL auctions.

12 Other Receivables

        Parent Company        Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Current assets                 
   Advance payments to employees        20,442    7,999 
   Use of the Araucária TPP's transmission system          7,724    5,327 
   Advance payments        7,044    8,121 
   Advance payments to suppliers        5,942    18,077 
   Installment plan for Onda Provedor de Serviços    4,348    4,348    4,348    4,348 
   Decommissioning in progress        3,824    1,962 
   Recoverable salaries of transferred employees        3,795    3,751 
   Disposal of property and rights        2,715    1,267 
   Global Reversal Reserve - RGR - Discrepancies        1,198    816 
   Advance payments for judicial deposits    147      1,176    565 
   Lease of Araucária Thermal Power Plant          14,223 
   Provision for doubtful accounts    (4,348)   (4,348)   (8,459)   (8,453)
   Other receivables        4,487    4,310 
    154    8    54,236    62,313 
Long-term receivables                 
   Compulsory loans        4,305    4,185 
   Disposal of property and rights        4,116    4,202 
   Advance payments        62    62 
    -    -    8,483    8,449 

The provision for doubtful accounts under Parent Company refers to the balance of installments owed by Onda Provedor de Serviços, whose realization is unlikely, and, under Consolidated, refers to Onda and to an unrealizable amount mostly comprising wages of loaned employees.

13 Judicial Deposits

The balances of judicial deposits under long-term receivables are shown below:

        Parent Company        Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
   Easements        10,601    10,515 
   Civil claims        16,245    15,269 
   Customer claims        2,548    2,508 
    -    -    29,394    28,292 
Labor    -    -    64,187    56,656 
Tax    34,781    34,730    35,757    35,611 
Other judicial deposits    -    -    1,069    781 
    34,781    34,730    130,407    121,340 


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Escrow deposits have been classified under Provisions for Contingencies and are detailed in Note 26.

14 Receivables from Related Parties

The Company has the following receivables from investees and subsidiaries, stated at net value:

        Parent Company        Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
   COPEL Generation and Transmission                 
       Dividends receivable (Note 6)   384,688    504,688         
    384,688    504,688    -    - 
   COPEL Distribution                 
       Dividends receivable (Note 6)   178,300    178,300     
       Transferred financing - STN (a)   78,333    78,034     
       Loan agreement (b)   554,850    683,052     
    811,483    939,386    -    - 
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships                 
       Dividends receivable (Note 6)   17,237    17,237     
    17,237    17,237    -    - 
   COPEL Enterprises                 
       Loan agreement      34,847     
    -    34,847    -    - 
    1,213,408    1,496,158    -    - 
   Dividends receivable (Note 6)                
   Dominó Holdings S.A.    -    -      2,159 
   Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda.    -    -      608 
   Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar    -    -    5,783   
  -    -    5,783    2,767 
    1,213,408    1,496,158    5,783    2,767 
                         Dividends receivable (Note 6)   580,225    700,225    5,783    2,767 
                                 Long-term receivables    633,183    795,933    -    - 

a) Transferred financing - STN

The Company transferred existing loans and financing to its wholly-owned subsidiaries at the time of their constitution in 2001. Nevertheless, since the agreements for transfer to the respective subsidiaries have not been formalized before the financial institutions, these amounts have also been recorded under the Parent Company.

The remaining balance in the amount of R$ 78,333 (R$ 78,034 as of December 31, 2007) corresponds to a debt to the National Treasury (STN), transferred with the same interest and charges agreed by the Parent Company, which is featured as a receivable from COPEL Distribution and as loans and financing liability owed by the same subsidiary (note 18.b).


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b) Loan Agreement

On February 27, 2007, ANEEL approved the loan agreement signed by COPEL (lender) and COPEL Distribution (borrower), in the amount of R$ 1,100,000. This loan has a five-year term, bearing interest corresponding to 104% of the DI rate, and its funds were used in the expenditure program for the concession and in the payment of debentures transferred to COPEL Distribution and due on March 1, 2007.

15 Investments

        Parent Company        Consolidated 
    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
Interests in investees (a)   -    -    389,925    204,305 
Interests in investees - goodwill (b)                
   Sercomtel S.A. - Telecomunicações        511    1,568 
   Sercomtel Celular S.A.        78    223 
   Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar        4,194   
    -    -    4,783    1,791 
Interests in subsidiaries                 
   COPEL Generation and Transmission    3,279,630    3,144,442     
   COPEL Distribution    2,777,736    2,663,911     
   COPEL Telecommunications    194,912    193,735     
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships    1,310,146    1,226,802     
    7,562,424    7,228,890    -    - 
Other investments                 
   Amazon Investment Fund (FINAM)   30,013    30,013    30,013    30,013 
   FINAM - Nova Holanda    14,867    14,867    14,867    14,867 
   Northeastern Investment Fund (FINOR)   9,870    9,870    9,870    9,870 
   FINAM - Investco    7,903    7,903    7,903    7,903 
   Provision for losses on tax incentives    (26,801)   (26,801)   (26,801)   (26,801)
   Consórcio Energético Cruzeiro do Sul (c)       6,844    6,450 
   Real estate for future service use        4,634    4,588 
   Other investments    2,322    2,322    3,825    3,823 
    38,174    38,174    51,155    50,713 
    7,600,598    7,267,064    445,863    256,809 


Table of Contents

a) Interests in investees

Shareholders' Equity     COPEL's   Consolidated 
of investee (adjusted)   stake    Investment 
Interests in investees    31.03.2008    31.12.2007    (%)   31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
   Dominó Holdings S.A. (d)     601,035    15.00      90,155 
   Sercomtel S.A. - Telecomunicações    184,518    182,562    45.00    83,033    82,153 
   Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda. (1)   48,467    45,718    35.77    17,337    16,353 
   Sercomtel Celular S.A.    16,116    19,464    45.00    7,253    8,759 
   Dona Francisca Energética S.A.    29,980    25,754    23.03    6,904    5,931 
   Copel Amec S/C Ltda. (1)   297    293    48.00    142    140 
   Carbocampel S.A. (1)   (122)   (115)   49.00    (59)   (56)
     Advance payments for capital increase                1,059    1,059 
   Escoelectric Ltda. (1)   (3,121)   (3,374)   40.00    (838)   (1,390)
     Advance payments for capital increase                1,025    1,025 
   Braspower International Engineering S/C Ltda. (1)   (408)   (407)   49.00     
     Advance payments for capital increase                176    176 
   Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar (2)   788,242      34.75    273,893   
                389,925    204,305 
(1) Unaudited by independent auditors
(2) Amount corresponding to 45% of the adjusted shareholders' equity

b) Interests in subsidiaries - goodwill

The investments in Sercomtel S.A. Telecomunicações and in Sercomtel Celular S.A. include goodwill on acquisition (R$ 42,289 and R$ 5,814), with net balances of R$ 511 and R$ 78, respectively, in the quarter. This goodwill is being amortized at the annual rate of 10%, with a charge to income of R$ 1,202 (R$ 1,057 and R$ 145) in the first quarter of 2008 and 2007. The payment of goodwill was determined by the expected future profitability, resulting from the assessment of the return on investment based on discounted cash flows.

In 1998, the acquisition by Dominó Holdings S.A. of an interest in SANEPAR resulted in goodwill, which is being amortized over 15 years as of 1999, at the rate of R$ 135 a month, for a total of R$ 183, which is proportional to COPEL Enterprises' interest in the company. The basis for the deferral and the amortization of this goodwill is the prospect of future profitability of the company.

c) Consórcio Energético Cruzeiro do Sul

On November 28, 2006, at the Auction of Power from New Projects, Consórcio Energético Cruzeiro do Sul, an independent power producer owned by COPEL Generation and Transmission (with a 51% interest) and by Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A. (49%), won the rights to the 35-year concession of the Mauá Hydroelectric Power Plant.

This project is included in the Federal Government’s Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) and will comprise a main power plant rated 350 MW and an additional small hydropower unit rated 11 MW, for a total of 361 MW of installed capacity, which is enough to supply approximately 892,400 people. The facility will take advantage of the hydroelectric potential discovered in the middle section of the Tibagi River, between the towns of Telêmaco Borba and Ortigueira, in mideastern Paraná.


Table of Contents

The deadline for the commercial operation of the facility’s first generating unit is January 1, 2011.

Total estimated expenditures amount to R$ 991,283, as of October 2006, of which 51% (R$ 505,554) will be invested by COPEL Generation and Transmission, while the remaining 49% (R$ 485,729) will be invested by Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A. The power from the Mauá Power Plant was sold at an ANEEL auction at the rate of R$ 112.96/MWh, restated according to the IPCA inflation index starting on November 1, 2006. The company sold 192 average MW, for supply starting in January 2011. The assured power of the project, established in its concession agreement, is 197.7 average MW, after full motorization, and the maximum reference rate set in the auction notice was R$ 116.00/MWh.

Work began in May 2007 with the procurement of the basic project and the beginning of the executive project for the facility and its associated transmission system, the preparation of technical specifications, calculation records, designs, and other documents regarding the different structures within the facility, additional geological surveys, and topography services. The project has been concluded and submitted to ANEEL review. The project’s Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Impact Report have been disclosed at a public hearing and approved by the licensing authority, resulting in the issue of Preliminary License no. 9,589 by the Environmental Institute of Paraná (IAP) – an agency which reports to the State Environment and Water Resources Department, provided that around 70 environmental requirements covering the physical, biological, and socioeconomic aspects of the project are met prior to the issue of the Construction License.

In November 2007, the National Monetary Council (CMN) authorized an exception to Central Bank Resolution no. 2827/01, which limited credit to state-owned companies, in order to allow COPEL to obtain financing from the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), in the amount of R$ 340,000, for the Company’s share of construction expenditures in connection with the Mauá Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Expenditures in this project are recorded as investments, proportionally to COPEL’s share in the consortium, pursuant to the Accounting Manual for Electric Energy Utilities.

d) Dominó Holdings

Dominó Holdings S.A. is a company which owns 34.75% of the share capital of the Sanitation Company of Paraná – SANEPAR, a mixed capital company whose business comprises basic sanitation services, including water supply and sewage collection and treatment. On January 14, 2008, COPEL, through its wholly-owned subsidiary COPEL Corporate Partnerships, became the holder of 45% of the share capital of Dominó Holdings S.A., by acquiring a 30% interest held by Sanedo Participações Ltda. for R$ 110,226, with an approximate discount of R$ 74,402, based on the on the expected future profitability of the company. Upon consolidation of the balance sheets, this discount was reclassified to income from future periods.


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With this acquisition, COPEL Corporate Partnerships acquired control of the company in cooperation with the remaining shareholders. Dominó Holdings has been consolidated into COPEL’s balance sheets proportionally to the Company’s interest in it.

The main items of assets, liabilities, and the statement of income of Dominó Holdings, as well as the corresponding consolidated shares, are shown below:

Dominó Holdings S.A.    Adjusted balances as of 31.03.2008 
    Full amounts    COPEL's stake (45%)
ASSETS    634,358    285,460 
Current assets    16,378    7,370 
Non-current assets    617,980    278,090 
   Long-term receivables     
   Permanent assets    617,973    278,087 
LIABILITIES    634,358    285,460 
Current liabilities    14,416    6,487 
Shareholders' equity    619,942    278,973 
General and administrative expenses    (1,594)   (718)
Financial income (losses)   120    54 
Result of equity in investees    19,764    8,894 
Net income for the period    18,290    8,230 

e) Centrais Eólicas do Paraná 

The Company, through COPEL Corporate Partnerships, held a 30% interest in Centrais Eólicas do Paraná (Ceopar). On September 6, 2007, COPEL acquired the remaining 70% interest held by Wobben Windpower Indústria e Comércio Ltda., thus becoming the holder of 100% of the share capital of Ceopar. This transaction resulted in a discount of R$ 592, which was reclassified upon consolidation to income from future periods. 


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f) COPEL’s participation in the share capital of subsidiaries and investees

    Percentage of Share Capital Held         
    Common    Preferred    Total    Paid-in Share Capital 
Interests in investees                31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
   Dominó Holdings S.A.    15.00    0.00    15.00      251,929 
   Sercomtel S.A. - Telecomunicações    45.00    45.00    45.00    246,896    246,896 
   Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda. (1)       35.77    23,000    23,000 
   Sercomtel Celular S.A.    45.00    45.00    45.00    36,540    36,540 
   Dona Francisca Energética S.A.    23.03    0.00    23.03    66,600    66,600 
   Copel Amec S/C Ltda. (1)       48.00    100    100 
   Carbocampel S.A. (1)   49.00    0.00    49.00    260    260 
   Escoelectric Ltda. (1)       40.00    8,050    8,050 
   Braspower International Engineering                     
       S/C Ltda. (1)   0.00    0.00    49.00    1,650    1,650 
   Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar    39.70    23.20    34.75    831,706   
Interests in subsidiaries                     
   COPEL Generation and Transmission    100.00    0.00    100.00    2,947,018    2,947,018 
   COPEL Distribution    100.00    0.00    100.00    2,171,928    2,171,928 
   COPEL Telecommunications    100.00    0.00    100.00    194,054    194,054 
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships    100.00    0.00    100.00    1,098,500    1,098,500 
   Companhia Paranaense de Gás - Compagas    51.00    51.00    51.00    71,365    71,365 
   Elejor - Centrais Elétricas do Rio Jordão S.A    70.00    0.00    43.54    113,800    113,800 
   Copel Enterprises Ltd. (1)       100.00    397,983    397,983 
   UEG Araucária Ltda.        80.00    707,440    707,440 
   Centrais Eólicas do Paraná Ltda. (1)       100.00    3,061    3,061 
   Dominó Holdings S.A. (2)   45.00    0.00    45.00    251,929   
(1) Unaudited by independent auditors
(2) Joint control as of January 2008


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16 Property, Plant, and Equipment

        Accumulated    Consolidated        Accumulated    Consolidated 
    Cost    depreciation    net value    Cost    depreciation    net value 
            31.03.2008            31.12.2007 
In service (a)                        
 COPEL Generation and Transmission    5,170,778    (1,968,844)   3,201,934    5,171,655    (1,937,690)   3,233,965 
 COPEL Distribution    4,557,025    (2,160,155)   2,396,870    4,462,250    (2,116,451)   2,345,799 
 COPEL Telecommunications    333,559    (186,682)   146,877    326,892    (179,894)   146,998 
 COPEL Corporate Partnerships    337    (239)   98    341    (237)   104 
 Compagas    146,682    (35,443)   111,239    144,355    (33,636)   110,719 
 Elejor    605,609    (34,421)   571,188    605,458    (30,333)   575,125 
 UEG Araucária    634,108    (84,184)   549,924    634,233    (76,315)   557,918 
 Centrais Eólicas do Paraná    4,129    (2,267)   1,862    4,129    (2,215)   1,914 
    11,452,227    (4,472,235)   6,979,992    11,349,313    (4,376,771)   6,972,542 
Construction in progress                         
 COPEL Generation and Transmission    290,270      290,270    272,364      272,364 
 COPEL Distribution    358,215      358,215    377,070      377,070 
 COPEL Telecommunications    37,115      37,115    39,177      39,177 
 Compagas    21,457      21,457    20,047      20,047 
 Elejor    8,786      8,786    8,371      8,371 
 UEG Araucária    3,830      3,830       
    719,673    -    719,673    717,029    -    717,029 
    12,171,900    (4,472,235)   7,699,665    12,066,342    (4,376,771)   7,689,571 
Special liabilities (b)                        
 COPEL Generation and Transmission    (4,925)     (4,925)   (4,925)     (4,925)
 COPEL Distribution    (865,423)     (865,423)   (852,267)     (852,267)
    (870,348)   -    (870,348)   (857,192)   -    (857,192)
    11,301,552    (4,472,235)   6,829,317    11,209,150    (4,376,771)   6,832,379 

Under Articles 63 and 64 of Decree no. 41,019, dated February 26, 1957, the assets and facilities used mostly in the generation, transmission, distribution, and sale of power are attached to these services and cannot be withdrawn, sold, assigned, or mortgaged without the prior written consent of the Regulatory Agency. ANEEL Resolution no. 20/1999 regulates the release of assets from the concessions of the Public Electric Energy Utilities, granting prior authorization to the release of assets that are deemed useless to the concession, when intended for sale, provided that the proceeds from such transaction be deposited in a special bank account assigned to investment in the concession.

a) Property, plant, and equipment in service

        Accumulated    Consolidated        Accumulated    Consolidated 
    Cost    depreciation    net value    Cost    depreciation    net value 
            31.03.2008            31.12.2007 
Machinery and equipment    7,513,415    (3,038,807)   4,474,608    7,415,804    (2,969,087)   4,446,717 
Reservoirs, dams, and headrace channels    2,865,095    (1,021,658)   1,843,437    2,865,020    (1,006,005)   1,859,015 
Facilities, construction work, and betterments    695,285    (305,791)   389,494    693,208    (300,756)   392,452 
Land    118,771      118,771    118,812      118,812 
Gas pipelines    113,273    (23,730)   89,543    113,273    (22,786)   90,487 
Vehicles    126,976    (70,910)   56,066    124,168    (67,161)   57,007 
Furniture and implements    19,412    (11,339)   8,073    19,028    (10,976)   8,052 
    11,452,227    (4,472,235)   6,979,992    11,349,313    (4,376,771)   6,972,542 


Table of Contents

b) Special liabilities

Special liabilities comprise customers’ contributions, Federal Government budget grants, federal, State, and municipal funds, and special credits linked to the investments in facilities tied to a concession. Special liabilities are not onerous liabilities and are not credits owned by shareholders. They are restated according to the same criteria and indicators used to restate the assets under the property, plant, and equipment of the corresponding agents. The scheduled date for settlement of these liabilities was the concession expiration date.

ANEEL, by means of Regulatory Resolution no. 234/2006, dated October 31, 2006, established the guidelines, the applicable methodologies, and the initial procedures for the conduction of the second cycle of the periodic rate review involving the Brazilian power distribution utilities, changing the characteristics of these liabilities. Both outstanding balances and new additions to special liabilities will be amortized as of the date of the Company’s next periodic rate review (June 2008). The amortization will be calculated with the use of the same average depreciation rates applicable to the corresponding assets.

For purposes of calculating the compensation for the assets linked to the concession and transferable to the Federal Government, on the concession expiration date the remaining balance of special liabilities, if any, will be deducted from the residual value of the assets, both assessed according to criteria set by ANEEL.

The change in the characteristics of these liabilities results from the new rate-setting mechanism introduced by this new Regulatory Resolution, which establishes that the depreciation of assets acquired with funds from Special Liabilities will no longer be included in the B Portion of the companies’ revenues.


Table of Contents

c) Changes in property, plant, and equipment

        Construction    Special     
Balances    In service    in progress    liabilities    Consolidated 
As of December 31, 2006    6,861,887    658,411    (808,612)   6,711,686 
   Expenditure program      82,215      82,215 
   Transfer to p.,p.,&e. in service    138,907    (138,907)    
   Depreciation quotas    (98,281)       (98,281)
   Depreciation quotas - special liabilities    (169)     169   
   Write-offs    (3,531)       (3,531)
   Customer contributions        (5,670)   (5,670)
   Transfer to intangible assets    (64)       (64)
   Supplemental provision for contingencies      565      565 
As of March 31, 2007    6,898,749    602,284    (814,113)   6,686,920 
   Consolidation of Ceopar's p.,p.,&e    1,983        1,983 
   Expenditure program      433,927      433,927 
   Transfer to p.,p.,&e. in service    389,422    (389,422)    
   Depreciation quotas    (301,786)       (301,786)
   Depreciation quotas - special liabilities    169      (169)  
   Write-offs    (15,862)   (29,926)     (45,788)
   Customer contributions        (42,910)   (42,910)
   Transfer between p.,p.,&e and intangible assets    (133)   1,606      1,473 
   Supplemental provision for contingencies      98,560      98,560 
As of December 31, 2007    6,972,542    717,029    (857,192)   6,832,379 
   Expenditure program      122,089      122,089 
   Transfer to p.,p.,&e. in service    114,919    (114,919)    
   Depreciation quotas    (100,833)       (100,833)
   Write-offs    (6,597)   (225)     (6,822)
   Customer contributions        (13,156)   (13,156)
   Transfer between p.,p.,&e and intangible assets      (601)     (595)
   Transfer of property for future use    (45)       (45)
   Supplemental provision for contingencies      (3,700)     (3,700)
As of March 31, 2008    6,979,992    719,673    (870,348)   6,829,317 


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17 Intangible assets

    Rights of use of software   Accumulated amortization(1)   Easements    Other    Consolidated Net value 
                    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
In service                         
   COPEL Generation and Transmission    8,751    (8,122)   9,025    29    9,683    9,741 
   COPEL Distribution    30,559    (24,062)   17,606    113    24,216    24,252 
   COPEL Telecommunications    4,093    (2,608)       1,485    1,698 
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships             
   Compagas    636    (411)     20    245    267 
   Elejor        101      101    101 
   UEG Araucária    70    (63)        
    44,109    (35,266)   26,732    163    35,738    36,067 
In progress                         
   COPEL Transmission    425      652      1,077    874 
   COPEL Distribution    1,475      2,095      3,570    2,702 
   COPEL Telecommunications    100          100   
   Elejor        27      27    27 
   Goodwill - Elejor (a)               21,118    21,118    21,306 
   Goodwill - COPEL Enterprises (b)               51,022    51,022    51,609 
    2,000    -    2,774    72,140    76,914    76,518 
                    112,652    112,585 
(1) Annual amortization rate: 20%

a) Goodwill - ELEJOR

The acquisition of the shares held by Triunfo Participações S.A., in December 2003, resulted in total goodwill of R$ 22,626, which corresponded to a balance of R$ 21,118 as of March 31, 2008. The linear amortization of goodwill was economically determined by the expected income from the commercial operation of the concession, which expires in October 2036, and its effect on the statement of income as of March 31, 2008 was R$ 189 (R$ 189 as of March 31, 2007).

b) Goodwill - COPEL Enterprises

The acquisition on May 31, 2006 of COPEL Enterprises, which was previously known as El Paso Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. and which held a 60% interest in UEG Araucária Ltda., resulted in net final goodwill of R$ 53,954, with a balance as of March 31, 2008 of R$ 51,022. The linear amortization of goodwill was economically determined by the expected income from the commercial operation of the concession, which expires in December 2029, and its effect on the statement of income as of March 31, 2008 was R$ 586 (R$ 586 as of March 31, 2007).


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c) Changes in intangible assets

Balances    In service    In progress    Consolidated 
As of December 31, 2006    32,014    84,784    116,798 
   Expenditure program      1,581    1,581 
   Capitalizations    2,242    (2,242)  
   Amortization quotas    (883)   (775)   (1,658)
   Write-offs    (13)     (13)
   Transfer between p.,p.,&e. and intangible assets    64      64 
As of March 31, 2007    33,424    83,348    116,772 
   Expenditure program      2,825    2,825 
   Capitalizations    5,724    (5,724)  
   Amortization quotas    (2,781)   (2,325)   (5,106)
   Write-offs    (434)     (434)
   Transfer between p.,p.,&e. and intangible assets    134    (1,606)   (1,472)
As of December 31, 2007    36,067    76,518    112,585 
   Expenditure program      1,176    1,176 
   Capitalizations    606    (606)  
   Amortization quotas    (863)   (775)   (1,638)
   Write-offs    (66)     (66)
   Transfer between p.,p.,&e. and intangible assets    (6)   601    595 
As of March 31, 2008    35,738    76,914    112,652 

18 Loans and Financing

The breakdown of the consolidated and of the Company’s loans and financing balances is featured below:

Consolidated            Current    Long-term 
            liabilities    liabilities 
            31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
    Principal amount    Charges    Total    Total         
Foreign currency                         
   IDB (a)   18,513    489    19,002    18,808    36,769    43,898 
   STN (b)   6,360    2,424    8,784    7,602    69,549    70,432 
   Banco do Brasil (c)   4,341    29    4,370    4,083    2,170    3,919 
   Eletrobrás (d)           32    33 
    29,219    2,943    32,162    30,498    108,520    118,282 
National currency (reais )                        
   Eletrobrás (d)   38,515    23    38,538    43,096    264,063    272,798 
   Eletrobrás - Elejor (e)           99,740    94,709 
   BNDES - Compagas (f)   6,329      6,329    6,328    17,449    19,029 
   Banco do Brasil (c)   141    3,444    3,585    12,762    330,436    330,450 
    44,985    3,467    48,452    62,186    711,688    716,986 
    74,204    6,410    80,614    92,684    820,208    835,268 


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Parent Company                Current        Long-term 
                liabilities        liabilities 
            31.03.2008    31.12.2007    31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
    Principal amount    Charges    Total    Total         
Foreign currency                         
   National Treasury (b)   6,360    2,424    8,784    7,602    69,549    70,432 
National currency (reais )                        
   Banco do Brasil S.A. (c)     3,440    3,440    12,621    329,600    329,600 
    6,360    5,864    12,224    20,223    399,149    400,032 

Maturity of long-term installments:

    Foreign    National         
    currency    currency        Consolidated 
            31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
2009    15,648    31,461    47,109    68,830 
2010    23,261    41,949    65,210    64,256 
2011    14,071    59,295    73,366    71,950 
2012    4,878    53,010    57,888    56,886 
2013    2,583    52,966    55,549    54,516 
2014    1,294    382,441    383,735    382,689 
2015      52,799    52,799    51,739 
2016      32,381    32,381    31,637 
2017      3,107    3,107    3,106 
2018      2,112    2,112    2,115 
2019      114    114    114 
2020      48    48    49 
After 2021    46,785      46,785    47,376 
    108,520    711,688    820,208    835,268 

Changes in loans and financing:

        Foreign currency        National currency    Consolidated 
Balances    Current    Long-term    Current    Long-term    Total 
As of December 31, 2006    36,056    173,097    54,096    431,209    694,458 
   Funds raised          260,000    260,000 
   Charges    2,721      15,687    3,923    22,331 
   Monetary and exchange variation    (1,059)   (6,505)   40    1,886    (5,638)
   Transfers    12,181    (12,181)   11,577    (11,577)  
   Amortization    (14,680)     (31,122)     (45,802)
As of March 31, 2007    35,219    154,411    50,278    685,441    925,349 
   Funds raised          86,592    86,592 
   Capitalized charges          12,129    12,129 
   Charges    6,892      40,220    (1,525)   45,587 
   Monetary and exchange variation    (3,532)   (18,251)   313    9,076    (12,394)
   Transfers    17,878    (17,878)   74,727    (74,727)  
   Amortization    (25,959)     (103,352)     (129,311)
As of December 31, 2007    30,498    118,282    62,186    716,986    927,952 
   Capitalized charges          2,749    2,749 
   Charges    2,054      15,780    595    18,429 
   Monetary and exchange variation    929    1,316    84    3,397    5,726 
   Transfers    11,078    (11,078)   12,039    (12,039)  
   Amortization    (12,397)     (41,637)     (54,034)
As of March 31, 2008    32,162    108,520    48,452    711,688    900,822 


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a) Inter-American Development Bank - IDB

Loan for the Segredo Hydroelectric Power Plant and for the Jordão River Diversion Project, received on 15 January 1991, in the amount of US$ 135,000. This debt is amortized semi-annually, with final maturity in January 2011. Interest is calculated according to the IDB funding rate, which in the first quarter of 2008 was 4,25% p.a. The agreement features provisions providing for termination in the following cases:

1) Default by the debtor on any other obligation set forth in the agreement or agreements signed with the Bank for financing of the project;

2) Withdrawal or suspension of the Federal Republic of Brazil as a member of the IDB;

3) Default by the guarantor, if any, of any obligation set forth in the guaranty agreement;

4) Ratio between current assets and total short-term commercial and bank financing, except for the current share of long-term indebtedness and dividends to be reinvested, lower than 1.2; and

5) Ratio between long-term indebtedness and shareholders’ equity exceeding 0.9.

This agreement is guaranteed by the Federal Government and by mortgage and fiduciary guarantees.

b) Department of the National Treasury - STN

The restructuring of medium and long-term debt, signed on May 20, 1998, in connection with the financing received under Law no. 4,131/62, is shown below:

    Term    Final    Grace period         
Bond type    (years)   maturity    (years)   Consolidated 
                31.03.2008    31.12.2007 
   Par Bond    30    15.04.2024    30    28,367    28,294 
   Capitalization Bond    20    15.04.2014    10    15,818    15,703 
   Debt Conversion Bond    18    15.04.2012    10    12,173    12,133 
   Discount Bond    30    15.04.2024    30    19,818    19,755 
   New Money Bonds    15    15.04.2009      1,071    1,067 
   Flirb    15    15.04.2009      1,086    1,082 
                78,333    78,034 

The annual interest rates and repayments are as follows:

Bond type    Annual interest rates (%)   Payments 
   Par Bond    6.0    single 
   Capitalization Bond    8.0    semi-annual 
   Debt Conversion Bond    Six-month LIBOR + 0.8750    semi-annual 
   Discount Bond    Six-month LIBOR + 0.8125    single 
   New Money Bonds    Six-month LIBOR + 0.8750    semi-annual 
   Flirb    Six-month LIBOR + 0.8125    semi-annual 


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As collateral for this agreement, the Company assigned and transferred to the Federal Government, conditioned to the non-payment of any financing installment, the credits that are made to the Company’s centralized revenues account, up to a limit sufficient to cover the payment of installments and other charges payable upon each maturity. For the Discount and Par Bonds, there are collateral deposits of R$ 9,129 and R$ 13,013 (R$ 9,246 and R$ 13,177 as of December 31, 2007), respectively, recorded under guarantees and escrow deposits, in long-term receivables (Note 11).

c) Banco do Brasil S.A.

The Company has the following contracts with Banco do Brasil:

1) Agreements denominated in Japanese yen for the gas-insulated substation at Salto Caxias, repayable in 20 semi-annual installments, starting on March 7, 2000, bearing interest of 2.8% p.a. and a 3.8% p.a. brokerage commission. This debt is secured by COPEL’s revenues;

2) Private credit assignment agreement with the Federal Government, through Banco do Brasil S.A., signed on March 30, 1994, repayable in 240 monthly installments based on the Price amortization system starting on April 1, 1994, monthly restated by the TJLP and IGP-M plus interest of 5.098% p.a. This debt is secured by COPEL’s revenues; and

3) The Parent Company has the following credit notes:

  Issue    Financial charges due   
Credit notes  date  Maturity  semi-annually  R$ 
 Commercial no. 330.600.129  31.01.2007  31.01.2014  106.5% of average CDI rate  29,000 
 Industrial no. 330.600.132  28.02.2007  28.02.2014  106,2% of average CDI rate  231,000 
 Industrial no. 330.600.151  31.07.2007  31.07.2014  106.5% of average CDI rate  18,000 
 Industrial no. 330.600.156  28.08.2007  28.08.2014  106.5% of average CDI rate  14,348 
 Industrial no. 330.600.157  31.08.2007  31.08.2014  106.5% of average CDI rate  37,252 

As a guarantee, Banco do Brasil has been authorized to deduct any amounts credited, on any grounds, to the Company's deposit account to cover, in part or in full, the outstanding balance due under the line of credit. It has also been irrevocably authorized, regardless of prior notice, to offset the bank’s receivable, which corresponds to the outstanding balance due under the line of credit, with any credits the Company has or accrues at Banco do Brasil.


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d) Eletrobrás

Loans originated from the Eletrobrás Financing Fund (FINEL) and from the Global Reversal Reserve (RGR) for the expansion of the generation, transmission, and distribution systems. Repayments started in February 1999, and the last payment is due in August 2021. Interest of 5.5% to 6.5% p.a. and principal are repaid monthly, adjusted by the FINEL and Federal Reference Unit (UFIR) rates. COPEL received, for application in the “Luz para Todos” Program, the amount of R$ 29,736, of which R$ 16,992 were received in 2007, in RGR funds in connection with contract ECFS-142/2006, signed on May 11, 2006, which has a grace period of 24 months and is repayable in 120 monthly installments, with final maturity on September 30, 2020.

This debt is secured by COPEL’s and COPEL Distribution’s revenues.

e) Eletrobrás - ELEJOR

For purposes of presentation of the quarterly financial information report, the value of the shares to be redeemed by ELEJOR, including financial charges, has been reclassified from minority interest to loans and financing, under long-term liabilities.

This balance refers to 59,900 paid in redeemable preferred shares in ELEJOR held by Eletrobrás, in the amount of R$ 59,900, which shall be reacquired by the issuer (ELEJOR) in 32 consecutive quarterly installments of 1,871,875 shares, starting in the 24th month from the beginning of commercial operation of the project, which took place on August 31, 2006 as the final generating unit went online. Thus, the first payment will be made in September 2008, restated according to the IGP-M/FGV index, “pro rata tempore”, between the date the shares were paid in and the actual payment date, plus prorated interest of 12% p.a..

In August 2007, nine installments of 1,871,875 shares were bought back in advance by ELEJOR, for R$ 20,385, and financial charges of R$ 18,725 were paid, for a total of R$ 39,110.

f) BNDES - Compagas

The BNDES balance includes four agreements signed by Compagas on December 14, 2001, repayable in 99 monthly installments, with interest of 4% p.a.. Two of these agreements were signed for the purchase of machinery and equipment, subject to the TJLP rate (limited to 6% p.a.), and two were signed for construction, facilities, and services, subject to the BNDES monetary unit (UMBND) rate.

This financing is secured by Compagas’ gas supply receivables, which shall be deposited exclusively in a checking account at Banco Itaú S.A.


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19 Debentures

The balance of debentures is broken down below:

        Current    Long-term 
        liabilities    liabilities 
      31.03.2008  31.12.2007  31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
  Principal amount  Charges  Total  Total     
Parent Company (a) 133,360  7,395  140,755  168,599  600,000  733,360 
Elejor (b) 3,230  3,230  3,228  269,476  269,314 
  133,360  10,625  143,985  171,827  869,476  1,002,674 

Maturity of long-term installments:

  31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
2009  22,802  156,148 
2010  42,149  42,123 
2011  646,064  646,037 
2012  46,064  46,037 
2013  46,064  46,037 
2014  43,024  42,998 
2015  20,176  20,164 
2016  3,133  3,130 
  869,476  1,002,674 

Changes in the balances of debentures:

  Current  Long-term  Consolidated 
Balances  liabilities  liabilities  Total 
As of December 31, 2006  838,355  1,129,230  1,967,585 
   Charges  48,107  48,107 
   Monetary variation  1,902  4,736  6,638 
   Transfers  135,203  (135,203)
   Amortization  (871,597) (871,597)
As of March 31, 2007  151,970  998,763  1,150,733 
   Charges  90,005  90,005 
   Monetary variation  1,882  7,566  9,448 
   Transfers  3,655  (3,655)
   Amortization  (75,685) (75,685)
As of December 31, 2007  171,827  1,002,674  1,174,501 
   Charges  28,152  28,152 
   Monetary variation  162  162 
   Transfers  133,360  (133,360)
   Amortization  (189,354) (189,354)
As of March 31, 2008  143,985  869,476  1,013,461 


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a) Parent Company Debentures

1) 4th Issue of Debentures

A single series of 60,000 debentures makes up the fourth issue of simple debentures conducted by the Company on September 1, 2006, in the amount of R$ 600,000, and concluded on October 6, 2006, with full subscription in the total amount of R$ 607,899, with a five-year term from issue date and final maturity on September 1, 2011. These are simple, nominative debentures, non-convertible into stock, issued in book-entry form, and unsecured.

These securities will yield interest on their face value of 104% of the average one-day Interfinance Deposit (DI - over) rates, extra-group, expressed in an annual percentage rate based on 252 business days, calculated and published daily by CETIP (the “DI rate”) in exponential and cumulative “pro rata tempore” manner according to the number of business days elapsed. Interest corresponding to the capitalization period will be due and paid semi-annually, with the first due date on March 1, 2007 and the last on September 1, 2011. There will be no renegotiation of these debentures.

The resources obtained with the issue of these debentures were used to optimize the Company’s debt profile, by means of payment of its financial obligations, and to reinforce its cash flow. The resources from this issue were used to settle 1/3 of the principal amount of the Company's 3rd issue of debentures, due on February 1, 2007, and the principal amount of the Company’s 2nd issue of debentures, due on March 1, 2007.

2) 3rd Issue of Debentures

A single series of 40,000 debentures makes up the third issue of simple debentures, concluded on May 9, 2005, fully subscribed for R$ 400,000, with a four-year term. Final maturity is scheduled for 2009, with the first repayment (1/3) being scheduled for February 1, 2007, the second repayment (1/3) for February 1, 2008, and the third one (1/3) for February 1, 2009.

These are simple, nominative debentures, non-convertible into stock, issued in book-entry form, and secured by real estate. The funds were used to pay off securities issued on the international market (Euronotes) by the Company on May 2, 1997 and due on May 2, 2005, in the amount of US$ 150,000.

The pledged security is COPEL Generation and Transmission’s bank account in Banco do Brasil S.A., in which all resources earned by it in connection with power sales agreements, both current and future, will be deposited.


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These securities will yield interest on their face value (minus previously amortized amounts) of 115% of the average one-day Interfinance Deposit rates, extra-group, expressed in an annual percentage rate based on 252 business days, calculated and published daily by CETIP (the “DI rate”) in exponential and cumulative “pro rata tempore” manner according to the number of business days elapsed. Interest corresponding to the capitalization periods will be due and paid semi-annually, with the first due date on August 1, 2005 and the last on February 1, 2009. There will be no renegotiation of these debentures.

The debentures feature provisions setting forth accelerated maturity in certain conditions.

b) Debentures - ELEJOR

The contract for ELEJOR’s first issue of debentures was signed with BNDES Participações S.A. – BNDESPAR, with COPEL Corporate Partnerships intervening as “Guarantor Shareholder” together with COPEL.

These funds were raised to be employed in the following:

1) Investments in the Fundão-Santa Clara Power Complex, on the Jordão River, in the State of Paraná;

2) Investments in two small hydropower plants, the Santa Clara I SHP and the Fundão SHP;

3) Payment of 50% of the amounts borrowed between July 1, 2004 and September 30, 2004 under the loan agreement signed on April 7, 2004 with the Guarantor Shareholder;

4) Full payment of the funds loaned by the Guarantor Shareholder from October 1, 2004 until the date the first debentures were paid in;

5) Payment of operating expenses inherent to the issuer's business, including the purchase of power to meet supply obligations; and

6) Financing of the social and environmental programs in connection with the investments in the Fundão-Santa Clara Power Complex.

One thousand debentures were issued in book-entry form, without the issue of guarantees or certificates. They were issued in two series, the first one comprising 660 debentures, and the second one, 340. Both of them are nominative, convertible into common shares and into class C preferred shares, at the discretion of the debenture holders.

The total amount of this issue was R$ 255,626. The debentures had a face value of R$ 256 on the issue date, February 15, 2005, and this value will be restated according to the variation of the long term interest rate (TJLP).

The final maturity of the first series is scheduled for February 15, 2015. After the grace period for the principal amount of 48 months from the issue date, amortization will take place in 24 quarterly installments pursuant to the agreement. The first amortization payment is due on May 15, 2009.


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The final maturity of the second series is scheduled for February 15, 2016. After the grace period for the principal amount of 60 months from the issue date, amortization will take place in 24 quarterly installments pursuant to the agreement. The first amortization payment is due on May 15, 2010.

The first and second series yield interest based on the variation of TJLP, plus a 4% p.a. spread on the outstanding balance of each series. Interest on the first series is due annually, in the first twelve months from the issue date, and quarterly thereafter. The first payment was due on February 15, 2006, and the last one, on February 15, 2015. Interest on the second series is due annually, in the first 24 months from the issue date, and quarterly thereafter. The first payment was due on May 15, 2007, and the last one, on February 15, 2016.

The agreement contains the following guarantees:

1) Letter of guarantee signed by COPEL Corporate Partnerships pledging an unsecured guarantee and taking main responsibility for payment to debenture holders;

2) Lien on rights resulting from the concession agreement: pursuant to the terms and provisions of the private agreements for lien on revenues and other covenants between the issuer, the fiduciary agent, and the depositary bank, an irrevocable lien was constituted, with due authorization by ANEEL; and

3) Lien on revenues and reserve of funds for payment: pursuant to the agreement between the issuer, the fiduciary agent, and the depositary bank, a centralizing account and a reserve account were constituted and shall be in effect until final settlement of all obligations under this agreement.

The debentures feature provisions setting forth accelerated maturity in certain conditions.


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20 Suppliers

    31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Charges for the use of the power grid       
   Use of the Basic Network    51,795  50,291 
   Transport of power    3,720  3,028 
   Use of connections    237  237 
    55,752  53,556 
Power suppliers       
   Eletrobrás (Itaipu)   74,552  74,090 
   Utilities - CCEE (Note 33)   61,830  1,229 
   Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.    31,789  30,849 
   Controladora Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco - Chesf    30,784  28,430 
   Controladora Energética de São Paulo - Cesp    11,505  9,763 
   Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S.A. - Eletronorte    10,255  8,834 
   Itiquira Energética S.A.    9,714  8,468 
   Rio Pedrinho Energética S.A. e Consórcio Salto Natal Energética S.A.    8,740  8,293 
   Dona Francisca Energética S.A.    4,567  4,567 
   Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - Cemig    4,667  4,052 
   Other utilities    27,627  14,523 
    276,030  193,098 
Materials and services       
   Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras - renegotiation - long-term (a)   195,340  190,394 
   Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras - gas acquired by Compagas    25,260  21,031 
   Other suppliers    97,334  98,825 
    317,934  310,250 
    649,716  556,904 
  Current  454,376  366,510 
  Long-term  195,340  190,394 

a) Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras

On March 6, 2006, COPEL signed an agreement with Petrobras to settle the pending issues regarding the gas purchase agreement for the Araucária Thermal Power Plant. This settlement comprised the signature of an Out-of-Court Agreement, under which COPEL Generation and Transmission, with COPEL as guarantor, acknowledged a R$ 150,000 debt to Petrobras, as grantor of Compagas’ credits to COPEL Generation, which shall be paid in 60 monthly installments restated by the Selic rate, starting in January 2010.

On May 30, 2006, COPEL Generation signed a Mutual Release Agreement with Compagas under which both companies fully and irrevocably release each other from all obligations and rights under the Natural Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement signed by them on May 30, 2000 and terminated on May 31, 2005, renouncing any claims against each other, on any grounds, as of the date of the Out of Court Settlement and Confession of Indebtedness signed by them and by Petrobras, with the participation of COPEL. The debt acknowledged by COPEL Generation remains.


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21 Accrued Payroll Costs

  31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
   Profit sharing  54,254  54,254 
   Taxes and social contribution  16,920  22,177 
   Payroll, net  134  132 
   Assignments to third-parties  24 
  71,332  76,566 
Labor provisions     
   Paid vacation and annual bonus  47,139  49,390 
   Social charges on paid vacation and annual bonus  15,767  15,533 
   Provisions for voluntary quits  2,041  4,630 
  64,947  69,553 
  136,279  146,119 

22 Post-Employment Benefits

a) Pension Plan

The Company and its subsidiaries sponsor retirement and pension plans (Pension Plans I, II, and III) and a medical and dental care plan (Healthcare Plan) to both current and retired employees and their dependents.

Pension Plans I and II are defined benefit plans, while Plan III is a defined contribution plan. On the date of retirement, the defined contribution plan becomes a monthly income for life.

The cost shares borne by the plans’ sponsors are recorded according to an actuarial assessment prepared annually by independent actuaries pursuant to the rules of CVM Ruling no. 371/2000. The actuarial and financial assumptions, for purposes of actuarial assessment, are discussed with the independent actuaries and approved by the sponsors’ senior management.

The flow of payment of contributions under Plans I and II, as of July 2007, was guaranteed under an agreement called “Private Agreement for Adjustment of Mathematical Reserves for the Basic and Supplemental Pension Plans”, signed on January 20, 1999. This agreement provides for the extinction of liabilities under certain conditions. Based on legal opinions by external and internal legal experts, the Company notified the senior management of Fundação COPEL de Previdência e Assistência Social, on July 27, 2007, that no contribution payments would be made under that agreement as of August 2007, since the obligations contained therein expired.

b) Healthcare Plan

The Company and its subsidiaries allocate resources for the coverage of healthcare expenses incurred by their employees and their dependents, within rules, limits, and conditions set in specific regulations. Coverage includes periodic medical exams and is extended to all retirees and pensioners for life.


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c) Balance sheet and statement of income

The consolidated and recognized amounts in the balance sheet, under Post-Employment Benefits, are summarized below:

  Pension  Healthcare    Consolidated 
  plan  plan    Total 
      31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Pension plan - Plans I and II (DB) - COPEL  119,977  368,675  488,652  488,007 
Pension plan - Compagas (DB) 241  1,287  1,528  1,528 
Subtotal  120,218  369,962  490,180  489,535 
Pension plan - Plan III (VC) - employees  5,659  5,659  7,162 
  125,877  369,962  495,839  496,697 
    Current  17,655  42,286 
    Long-term  478,184  454,411 

The consolidated amounts recognized in the statement of income are shown below:

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Pension plan - periodic post-employment cost  (6,898)
Pension plan (VC) 11,822  15,496 
Healthcare plan - post-employment  10,379  2,852 
Healthcare plan contributions  6,620  6,521 
(-) Transfers to p.,p.,&e.  (1,518) (2,156)
  20,405  22,713 

23 Customer Charges Due

  31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Energy Development Account - CDE  14,905  14,677 
Fuel Consumption Account - CCC  13,624  12,642 
Global Reversal Reserve - RGR  5,032  5,403 
  33,561  32,722 

24 Research and Development and Energy Efficiency

The balances of COPEL’s provisions for R&D and EEP are broken down below:

  Balance as of  Applied and  Balance  Balance to invest 
  31.03.2008  unfinished  due  in projects 
Research and Development - R&D         
   FNDCT  19,661  19,661 
   MME  9,850  9,850 
   R&D - projects  80,854  17,131  63,723 
  110,365  17,131  29,511  63,723 
Energy Efficiency Program - EEP  80,846  18,666  -  62,180 
  191,211  35,797  29,511  125,903 

The changes in these balances are shown below:


Table of Contents

  Consolidated  Provision  SELIC rate  Write-offs  Consolidated 
  31.12.2007        31.03.2008 
Research and Development - R&D           
   FNDCT  20,157  3,389  (3,885) 19,661 
   MME  10,287  1,695  (2,132) 9,850 
   R&D - projects  75,893  3,389  1,585  (13) 80,854 
  106,337  8,473  1,585  (6,030) 110,365 
Energy Efficiency Program - EEP  78,943  4,492  1,299  (3,888) 80,846 
  185,280  12,965  2,884  (9,918) 191,211 

25 Other Accounts Payable

  31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Current liabilities     
   Concession charge - ANEEL grant  28,913  27,084 
   Collected public lighting charge  15,970  16,320 
   Reimbursement - customer contributions - (ERD) 12,474  12,284 
   Compensation for use of water resources  11,877  13,155 
   Reparations to the Apucaraninha Indian community  2,240  2,240 
   Pledged collateral  1,966  1,521 
   ANEEL Inspection Fee  1,442  1,380 
   Meal tickets  3,703 
   Other liabilities  6,598  7,778 
  81,480  85,465 
Long-term liabilities     
   Reparations to the Apucaraninha Indian community  6,720  6,720 
   Other liabilities  15 
  6,735  6,720 

26 Provisions for Contingencies

The Company is a party to several labor, tax, and civil claims filed before different courts. COPEL’s senior management, based on the opinion of its legal counsel, has kept a provision for contingencies in connection with lawsuits which are likely to result in losses.

The balances of the Company’s provisions for contingencies, net of escrow deposits, are shown below:


Table of Contents

Consolidated    Judicial  Net  Net 
  Contingencies  deposits  provision  provision 
      31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Labor  106,412  (16,124) 90,288  80,092 
Regulatory  104  -  104  2,169 
   Suppliers (a) 50,191  50,191  49,954 
   Civil and administrative claims  19,677  (1,436) 18,241  14,712 
   Easements (b) 11,275  11,275  16,070 
   Condemnation and real estate claims (b) 108,076  108,076  107,083 
   Customers  4,924  (175) 4,749  6,427 
   Environmental claims  163 
  194,143  (1,611) 192,532  194,409 
   Tax claims  92,974  (26,668) 66,306  65,769 
   Pasep tax  14,802  (14,584) 218  218 
   Cofins tax (c) 171,613  171,613  171,613 
  279,389  (41,252) 238,137  237,600 
  580,048  (58,987) 521,061  514,270 
Parent Company    Judicial  Net  Net 
  Contingencies  deposits  provision  provision 
      31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Civil  396  -  396  16 
   Tax claims  61,783  (26,668) 35,115  34,570 
   Pasep tax  14,802  (14,584) 218  218 
   Cofins tax (c) 171,613  171,613  171,613 
  248,198  (41,252) 206,946  206,401 
  248,594  (41,252) 207,342  206,417 


Table of Contents

Changes in these provisions are shown below:

Consolidated  Balance of        Balance of 
  Provision  Additions  Reversals  Payments  Provision 
  31.12.2007        31.03.2008 
Labor  102,474  6,785  (202) (2,645) 106,412 
Regulatory  2,169  10  (2,075) -  104 
   Suppliers  49,954  237  50,191 
   Easements  16,070  (4,694) (101) 11,275 
   Civil and administrative claims  15,975  3,942  (240) 19,677 
   Customers  6,523  (1,599) 4,924 
   Condemnations  107,083  993  108,076 
   Environmental claims  163  (163)
  195,768  5,172  (6,456) (341) 194,143 
   Tax claims  92,488  515  (29) 92,974 
   Pasep tax  14,776  26  14,802 
   Cofins tax  171,613  171,613 
  278,877  541  (29) -  279,389 
  579,288  12,508  (8,762) (2,986) 580,048 

Parent Company  Balance of    Balance of 
  Provision  Additions  Provision 
  31.12.2007    31.03.2008 
Civil  16  380  396 
   Tax claims  61,290  493  61,783 
   Pasep tax  14,776  26  14,802 
   Cofins tax  171,613  171,613 
  247,679  519  248,198 
  247,695  899  248,594 

The breakdown of the types of lawsuits in which COPEL is involved as of March 31, 2008 is consistent with the one featured in the Company's financial statements as of December 31, 2007.

The amount tied to cases classified as possible losses, estimated by the Company as of March 31, 2008, reached R$ 1.733.789, of which R$ 42,861 correspond to labor claims; R$ 915,377 to regulatory claims; R$ 329,642 to civil claims; and R$ 445,909 to tax claims. It is important to point out that COPEL has a good chance of success in the lawsuit it filed to dispute the effects of ANEEL Ruling no. 288/2002, based on the opinion of its legal counsel, as discussed in Note 33 herein, “Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE)”.


Table of Contents

a) Rio Pedrinho Energética S.A. and Consórcio Salto Natal Energética S.A.

COPEL Distribution is disputing in court the validity of the terms and conditions of the power purchase and sale agreements signed with Rio Pedrinho Energética S.A. and Consórcio Salto Natal Energética S.A., based on the argument that they grant benefits to the selling companies that hurt the public interest. At the same time, both companies, after having rescinded the agreements, filed for arbitration before the Arbitration Chamber of Fundação Getúlio Vargas, which sentenced COPEL to the payment of contractual penalties for having caused the rescission of the agreement. COPEL has filed for a court order making the arbitration ruling void.

Management, based on the opinion of its legal counsel that it is likely to lose this case, on the available information, and on the current stage of the lawsuits, decided to set aside a provision for contingencies in the original amount of the debt, restated according to the original contractual terms, which amounted to R$ 50,191 as of March 31, 2008.

b) Easements, condemnation, and real estate

COPEL’s real estate claims comprise mostly cases of condemnation, in which compensation is always mandatory pursuant to the Federal Constitution, which requires that the Federal Government pay just compensation, in cash, prior to condemnation of private property.

Ivaí Engenharia de Obras S.A.

In a lawsuit filed by Ivaí Engenharia de Obras S.A., COPEL was sentenced to the payment of R$ 180,917 as compensation for a supposed economic-financial imbalance under Contract D-01, concerning construction work for the Jordão River diversion project. COPEL appealed this decision and was partially successful, avoiding the application of the SELIC interest rate on top of the penalty interest. COPEL will continue to dispute this claim in court, through all means legally available.

The Company, in light of the evaluation conducted by its Chief Legal Office, set aside a provision of R$ 101,904 for probable losses, under Provisions for Real Estate Contingencies.


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c) COFINS tax

COPEL did not collect COFINS tax on revenues from power sales based on a ruling by the 4th District Federal Court, dated August 18, 1998, which granted the Company immunity pursuant to the Federal Constitution. A special lawsuit requesting annulment of this ruling, filed in August 2000, was rejected on grounds that the right of the Federal Government to take legal action had lapsed. The Federal Government’s special appeal was rejected by the Superior Court of Justice. Thus, COPEL reversed the provision it had set aside, based on the opinion by its counsel that the possibility that the Company might be required to disburse any amounts in connection with the COFINS tax was remote. At the end of last year, however, the Superior Court of Justice, against all forecasts, ruled in favor of an appeal for clarification by the Federal Government, judging that the Government's right to take legal action had not lapsed, and sent the lawsuit back to the 4th District Federal Court for trial. Even though this ruling is not final yet, since COPEL has appealed it, the Company’s counsel believes the risk of loss is no longer remote, but rather probable. Thus, COPEL set aside a provision corresponding to the restated principal amount plus charges, which totals R$ 171,613, already having excluded tax credits which have already lapsed.

27 Share Capital

As of March 31, 2008, COPEL’s paid in share capital, represented by shares with no par value, was R$ 4.460.000. The different classes of shares and main shareholders are detailed below:

              In number of shares 
Shareholders  Common  Class A preferred  Class B preferred  Total 
     %     %     %     % 
State of Paraná  85,028,598  58.63  13,639  0.01  85,042,237  31.08 
BNDESPAR  38,298,775  26.41  27,282,006  21.28  65,580,781  23.96 
Eletrobrás  1,530,774  1.06  1,530,774  0.56 
Free float:                 
       Bovespa (1) 14,666,560  10.11  125,784  31.58  72,083,422  56.22  86,875,766  31.74 
       NYSE (2) 4,946,233  3.41    28,669,437  22.36  33,615,670  12.28 
       Latibex (3) 78,925  0.06  78,925  0.03 
Municipalities  184,292  0.13  14,711  3.69  199,003  0.08 
Other shareholders  375,848  0.25  257,847  64.73  98,524  0.07  732,219  0.27 
  145,031,080  100.00  398,342  100.00  128,225,953  100.00  273,655,375  100.00 

(1)São Paulo Stock Exchange
(2) New York Stock Exchange
(3) The Market for Latin-American Securities in Euros, linked to the Madrid Stock Exchange

On August 6, 2007, COPEL completed a reverse stock split, in the ratio of 1,000 to 1, with shares being traded in a standard lot of 100 and prices being quoted per share.

Each share entitles its holder to one vote in the general shareholders’ meetings.

Class “A” preferred shares do not carry any voting rights, but they do enjoy priority in the reimbursement of capital and in the right to non-cumulative annual dividends of 10%, calculated proportionately to the capital represented by the shares of this class.


Table of Contents

Class “B” preferred shares do not carry any voting rights, but they do enjoy priority in the distribution of minimum dividends, calculated as 25% of net income, adjusted in compliance with corporate legislation and with the Company’s by-laws. Class “B” shareholders have priority only over the common shareholders in the distribution of mandatory dividends, which shall only be paid out of the remaining net income, after the payment of priority dividends to class “A” shareholders.

According to Article 17 and following paragraphs of Law 6,404/1976, dividends paid to preferred shares must be at least 10% higher than those paid to common shares.

28 Gross Revenues from Sales and/or Services

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Power sales to final customers     
   Residential  232,199  206,137 
   Industrial  249,297  208,625 
   Commercial, services, and other activities  153,143  135,964 
   Rural  32,743  28,920 
   Public agencies  19,453  17,612 
   Public lighting  16,195  15,004 
   Public services  15,639  14,220 
  718,669  626,482 
Power sales to distributors     
   Agreements for Power Trade on the Regulated Market - CCEAR (auction) 195,658  174,087 
   Bilateral contracts  110,000  112,501 
   Electric Energy Trading Chamber - CCEE  (3,355) 2,340 
   Contracts with small utilities  14,313  10,965 
  316,616  299,893 
Availability of the power grid     
   Power grid - rate for the use of the distribution system (TUSD)
       Residential  263,605  269,842 
       Industrial  282,762  269,772 
       Commercial, services, and other activities  171,560  174,831 
       Rural  37,161  37,834 
       Public agencies  22,066  23,043 
       Public lighting  18,382  19,632 
       Public services  17,756  18,608 
   Basic Network - rate for the use of the transmission system (TUST) 33,238  38,956 
   Connection grid  325  46 
   Network charges adjustment share  3,382 
  850,237  852,564 
Revenues from telecommunications  17,594  15,106 
Piped gas distribution  59,491  57,589 
Other operating revenues     
   Leases and rents  19,196  10,957 
   Revenues from services  5,545  3,030 
   Charged service  2,002  2,012 
   Other revenues  229  193 
  26,972  16,192 
  1,989,579  1,867,826 


Table of Contents

29 Deductions from Gross Revenues

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Taxes and social contributions on revenues     
   VAT (ICMS) 386,960  362,812 
   COFINS  155,385  104,804 
   PASEP  33,745  22,761 
   ISSQN  421  399 
  576,511  490,776 
Customer charges     
   Energy Development Account - CDE  47,344  47,474 
   Fuel Consumption Account - CCC  24,115  55,863 
   Global Reversal Reserve - RGR  14,025  13,720 
   Research and development and energy efficiency - R&D and EEP (a) 12,965  13,520 
   Other  61  68 
  98,510  130,645 
  675,021  621,421 

a) Research and development and energy efficiency – R&D and EEP

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Research and development program - R&D  3,389  4,490 
National Scientific and Technological Development Fund - FNDCT  3,389  4,490 
Energy efficiency program - EEP  4,492  2,294 
Ministry of Mines and Energy - MME  1,695  2,246 
  12,965  13,520 

30 Operating Costs and Expenses

The breakdown of consolidated costs and expenses as of March 31, 2008 is shown below:

  Costs of   General and  Other   
Nature of costs and expenses  goods and/or Sales  administ.  operating  Consolidated 


expenses  expenses  expenses  Total 
Power purchased for resale (a) (443,499) (443,499)
Charges for use of power grid (b) (105,767) (105,767)
Pessoal e administradores (c) (105,970) (692) (25,039)   (131,701)
Pension and healthcare plans (Note 22) (16,103) (85) (4,217) (20,405)
Materials and supplies (d) (9,934) (809) (903) (11,646)
Raw materials and supplies           
   for power generation  (5,013) (5,013)
Natural gas and supplies for           
   the gas business  (31,791) (31,791)
Third-party services (e) (45,440) (5,546) (10,825) (61,811)
Depreciation and amortization  (95,907) (3) (5,946) (101,856)
Provisions and reversals (f) (9,367) (7,420) (16,787)
Cost and expense recovery (g) 9,812  1,498  461  415  12,186 
Other costs and expenses (h) (17,087) (122) (7,415) (26,188) (50,812)
  (866,699) (15,126) (53,884) (33,193) (968,902)


Table of Contents

The breakdown of consolidated costs and expenses as of March 31, 2007 is shown below:

  Costs of    General and  Other   
Nature of costs and expenses  goods and/or  Sales  administ.  operating  Consolidated 
  services  expenses  expenses  expenses  Total 
Power purchased for resale (a) (279,879) (279,879)
Charges for use of power grid (b) (130,676) (130,676)
Pessoal e administradores (c) (96,391) (434) (33,230)   (130,055)
Pension and healthcare plans (Note 22) (14,747) (58) (7,908) (22,713)
Materials and supplies (d) (11,154) (21) (6,088) (17,263)
Raw materials and supplies           
   for power generation  (3,258) (3,258)
Natural gas and supplies for           
   the gas business  (27,508) (27,508)
Third-party services (e) (32,107) (5,179) (11,972) (49,258)
Depreciation and amortization  (98,891) (5) (5,564) (104,460)
Provisions and reversals (f) 29,715  (15,365) 14,350 
Cost and expense recovery (g) 8,077  1,850  131  11  10,069 
Other costs and expenses (h) (13,797) (63) (6,538) (18,963) (39,361)
  (700,331) 25,805  (71,169) (34,317) (780,012)

The Parent Company’s expenses as of March 31, 2008 are broken down below:

  General and  Other  Parent 
Nature of costs and expenses  administrative  operating  Company 
  expenses  expenses  Total 
 Management (c) (1,099) (1,099)
 Healthcare plan  (19) (19)
 Materials and supplies  (2) (2)
 Third-party services (e) (742) (742)
 Provisions and reversals (f) (873) (873)
 Expense recovery  65  65 
 Other expenses (h) (433) (433)
  (2,230) (873) (3,103)

The Parent Company’s expenses as of March 31, 2007 are broken down below:

  General and  Other  Parent 
Nature of costs and expenses  administrative  operating  Company 
  expenses  expenses  Total 
 Management (c) (1,240)   (1,240)
 Healthcare plan  (22) (22)
 Materials and supplies  (1) (1)
 Third-party services (e) (587) (587)
 Provisions and reversals (f) (7,560) (7,560)
 Expense recovery  38  38 
 Other expenses (h) (887) (887)
  (2,699) (7,560) (10,259)


Table of Contents

a) Power Purchased for Resale

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Eletrobrás - Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. (Itaipu) 122,390  106,535 
Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) 81,842  10,718 
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. - auction  71,409  67,358 
Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco - Chesf - auction  68,339  62,092 
Itiquira Energética S.A.  25,933  22,833 
Companhia Energética de São Paulo - Cesp - auction  25,663  23,468 
Dona Francisca Energética S.A.  12,234  12,541 
Program for incentive to alternative energy sources - Proinfa  11,757  8,795 
Companhia de Interconexão Energética - Cien  (114) 26,794 
Surplus power to be recovered - auction  (3,471) 3,876 
Power purchased for resale - Passive CVA  (13,693) (17,646)
(-) Pasep/Cofins tax on power purchased for resale  (41,138)
(-) Contract renegotiation - Cien  (100,862)
Other utilities - auction  82,348  52,132 
Other utilities  1,245 
  443,499  279,879 

b) Charges for the Use of the Power Grid

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.  26,850  27,962 
System Service Charges - ESS  21,240  4,928 
Cia Transmissora de Energia Elétrica Paulista - Cteep  14,508  12,845 
Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco - Chesf  13,462  13,497 
Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S. A. - Eletronorte  9,688  8,691 
Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A.  9,329  8,793 
Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - Cemig  4,866  4,689 
Novatrans Energia S.A.  4,512  4,113 
National System Operator - NOS  4,463  4,136 
TSN Transmissora Nordeste Sudeste de Energia S.A.  4,444  4,051 
Cia Estadual de Geração e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica S.A. - CEEE  3,900  3,688 
Empresa Amazonense de Transmissão de Energia - Eate  3,682  3,364 
ATE II Transmissora de Energia S.A.  1,922  2,215 
Empresa Norte de Transmissão de Energia S.A. - Ente  1,914  1,829 
Itumbiara Transmissora de Energia Ltda  1,841  1,719 
Expansion Transmissora de Energia Elétrica S.A.  1,745  2,238 
Empresa Transmissora de Energia Oeste Ltda - Eteo  1,535  1,419 
STN Sistema de Transmissão Nordeste S.A.  1,535  1,419 
NTE Nordeste Transmissora de Energia S.A.  1,336  1,213 
Other utilities  11,564  9,702 
CVA - charges  (24,294) 8,165 
Pasep/Cofins taxes  (14,275)
  105,767  130,676 


Table of Contents

c) Personnel and Management

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
   Wages and salaries  98,253  94,545 
   Social charges on payroll  34,732  33,506 
  -  -  132,985  128,051 
   Meal assistance and education allowance  11,945  11,133 
   Labor indemnifications  (554) 337 
   Profit sharing     
  144,376  139,521 
   (-) Transfers to construction in progress  (14,472) (11,527)
  -  -  129,904  127,994 
   Wages  878  284  1,500  1,748 
   Social charges on payroll  221  956  335  347 
  1,099  1,240  1,835  2,095 
   (-) Transfers to construction in progress  (38) (34)
  1,099  1,240  1,797  2,061 
  1,099  1,240  131,701  130,055 

d) Materials and Supplies

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Fuel and vehicle parts  4,652  7,244 
Materials for the electric system  3,427  4,385 
Cafeteria supplies  1,141  945 
Office supplies  973  551 
Materials for civil construction  587  401 
Safety supplies  390  397 
Information technology equipment and supplies  75  1,783 
Other materials and supplies  401  1,557 
  11,646  17,263 


Table of Contents

e) Third-Party Services

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Power grid maintenance  10,826  5,647 
Postal services  5,593  3,574 
Authorized and registered agents  4,891  4,666 
Technical, scientific, and administrative consulting  72  24  4,818  4,959 
Data processing and transmission  3,881  3,786 
Telephone services  3,655  1,952 
Administrative support services  3,488  3,505 
Security  3,093  2,344 
Civil maintenance services  2,885  818 
Travel  26  18  2,092  2,023 
Meter reading and bill delivery  1,839  1,803 
Services in "green areas"  1,504  1,294 
Access to satellite communications  1,336  1,443 
Upkeep of easement areas  1,219  1,094 
Customer service  1,183  1,225 
Vehicles - maintenance and repairs  866  902 
Auditing  567  491  798  729 
Personnel training  651  780 
Telephone operator  630  699 
Freight services  613  755 
Tree trimming  599  475 
Legal fees  20  10  348  319 
Other services  57  44  5,003  4,466 
  742  587  61,811  49,258 

f) Provisions and Reversals

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
   PDA - customers and distributors (Note 5) 7,424  (29,777)
   PDA - third-party services and other receivables  1,943  62 
   Provisions for contingencies  873  7,560  7,420  15,365 
PDA - Provision for doubtful accounts  873  7,560  16,787  (14,350)

g) Recovery of Costs and Expenses

  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Fuels for power generation - CCC  (4,741) (3,028)
Administrative costs  (2,163) (2,207)
Collection of written-off bills deducted from provision for doubtful accounts  (1,498) (1,850)
Own power consumption  (1,454) (1,393)
Electrical materials  (439) (682)
Charges for the use of the transmission system  (608)
Recovery of miscellaneous expenses  (1,283) (909)
  (12,186) (10,069)


Table of Contents

h) Other Operating Costs and Expenses

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Compensation for the use of         
    water resources  21,313  14,591 
Concession charge - ANEEL grant  10,327  8,090 
ANEEL Inspection Fee  4,447  4,269 
Leases and rents  39  10  2,897  2,993 
Insurance  1,617  2,246 
Taxes  35  34  3,851  2,408 
Own power consumption  1,482  1,394 
Advertising  577  915  620 
General costs and expenses  353  266  3,963  2,750 
  433  887  50,812  39,361 

31 Financial Income (Losses)

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Financial revenues         
   Income from financial investments  2,516  11,669  38,442  38,364 
   Monetary variation of CRC transferred         
      to State Government (Note 7.b) 25,174  10,202 
   Revenues from CRC transferred         
      to State Government (Note 7.b) 20,128  19,227 
   Penalties on overdue bills  15,339  12,751 
   Return on Portion A (CVA) 2,196  2,909 
   Interest on taxes paid in advance  331  28  1,530  289 
   Interest and commissions on loan agreements  14,171  7,218 
   Other financial revenues  567  107  3,794  2,994 
  17,585  19,022  106,603  86,736 
(-) Financial expenses         
   Debt charges  31,117  45,627  49,489  78,488 
   Monetary and exchange variations  10,960  12,440 
   Return on Portion A (CVA) 3,376  5,405 
   Interest on R&D and EEP  2,884  3,031 
   IOF tax  64  4,924  2,105  5,805 
   CPMF tax  919  736  12,634 
   Other financial expenses  10  2,963  918 
  31,182  51,481  72,513  118,721 
  (13,597) (32,459) 34,090  (31,985)


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32 Equity in the Results of Subsidiaries and Investees

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Equity in the results of subsidiaries and investees         
   COPEL Generation and Transmission  135,188  107,374 
   COPEL Transmission  40,017     
   COPEL Distribution  113,825  156,693 
   COPEL Telecommunications  1,177  1,314 
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships  16,344  5,695 
   UEG Araucária Ltda.  (239)
   Dominó Holdings S.A.  279 
   Investees (a) 10,958  6,138 
  266,534  311,093  10,998  6,138 
   Investees (a) 1,252 
  -  -  1,252  - 
Amortization of goodwill         
   Sercomtel S.A. Telecomunicações  (1,057) (1,057)
   Sercomtel Celular S.A.  (145) (145)
   Elejor - Centrais Elétricas do Rio Jordão S.A.  (189) (189)
   COPEL Enterprises  (586) (586)
   Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar  (183)
  -  -  (2,160) (1,977)
  266,534  311,093  10,090  4,161 
Interests in other companies  -  9  -  9 
  266,534  311,102  10,090  4,170 

a) Investees

  Net income/  COPEL's  Equity in     
  (losses) stake  results  Dividends  Total 
  31.03.2008  (%)     31.03.2008 
Sercomtel S.A. - Telecomunicações  1,955  45.00  880  880 
Sercomtel Celular S.A.  (3,347) 45.00  (1,506) (1,506)
Escoelectric Ltda.  264  40.00  552  552 
Copel Amec S/C Ltda.  48.00 
Dona Francisca Energética S.A.  4,226  23.03  973  973 
Carbocampel S.A.  (6) 49.00  (3) (3)
Braspower International         
 Engineering S/C Ltda.  49.00 
Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda.  6,250  35.77  984  1,252  2,236 
Cia. Saneamento do Paraná - Sanepar (1) 26,120  34.75  9,076  9,076 
      10,958  1,252  12,210 
(1) Amount corresponding to 45% of net income           


Table of Contents

  Net income/  COPEL's  Equity in 
  (losses) stake  results 
  31.03.2007  (%) 31.03.2007 
Sercomtel S.A. - Telecomunicações  505  45.00  820 
Sercomtel Celular S.A.  (1,156) 45.00  (330)
Dominó Holdings S.A.  17,605  15.00  2,641 
Escoelectric Ltda.  (30) 40.00 
Copel Amec S/C Ltda.  19  48.00 
Dona Francisca Energética S.A.  4,358  23.03  1,004 
Carbocampel S.A.  (10) 49.00  (5)
Braspower International     
 Engineering S/C Ltda.  49.00 
Centrais Eólicas do Paraná Ltda. (1) 130  30.00  39 
Foz do Chopim Energética Ltda.  5,479  35.77  1,960 

(1) Income up to 31.03.2007, prior to acquisition of a controlling interest by COPEL Generation.

The Company has been recording the results of the appraisal of its investments under the equity method, limited to the value of its interest in each investee.

33 Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE)

MAE has ceased its operations, and as a consequence its activities, assets, and liabilities were absorbed on November 12, 2004 by the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), a private corporate entity subject to ANEEL regulation and inspection.

COPEL has not recognized as actual and final the data concerning the sale of electric energy by COPEL Distribution on the Wholesale Energy Market (MAE) in 2000, 2001, and the first quarter of 2002. These data were calculated according to criteria and amounts that take into account decisions by the Regulatory Agency which have been challenged by the Company both administratively and judicially.

The Company's claim is substantially based on the fact that it conducted power sale transactions, which should not serve as basis for calculations made the regulatory agency, only to fulfill contractual obligations to customers on the southeastern market. The estimated amount of discrepancies in calculation was approximately R$ 906.000 (restated as of March 31, 2008), which has not been recognized by the Company as a liability for spot market energy.

Based on the opinion of its legal counsel, management considers it possible that the final rulings in these lawsuits will be favorable to the Company.


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a) CIEN Contract Renegotiation

In a prompt response to a request by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, COPEL undertook, in an agreement with ANEEL’s president, to release the 400 MW under contract with Cien and to participate in the A-1 auction to make up for this released volume. Out of the total under contract, in 2007 a reduced volume of 170.62 average MW were supplied under the Cien agreement. The offer of power at this auction was minimal, thus only 40% of COPEL’s reported power requirements were secured.

To fully make up for the Cien agreement and to adjust its level of power under contract from January through June 2007, COPEL participated in the Mechanism for the Offset of Surpluses and Deficits (Mecanismo de Compensação de Sobras e Déficits - MCSD), reporting a deficit and acquiring a total of 32.62 average MW(1).

Throughout 2007, COPEL participated in several auctions held by ANEEL, acquiring 23 average MW for 2007 and 23.50 average MW for 2008 at adjustments auctions. At the auctions of power from new facilities the Company acquired: 18.32 average MW at the A-3 auction and 169 average MW at the A-5 auctions, of which 79.84 average MW are from hydraulic sources and 89.16 average MW are from thermal sources. In addition, the Company participated in the 07/07 auction, where power from the Santo Antônio Hydrelectric Power Plant was sold, acquiring 109.2 average MW.

Another important issue that shall be addressed in 2008 is the improvement of the regulations concerning power supply, as public hearings are held to discuss changes to ANEEL Resolution 456/2000 and to PRODIST (Distribution Procedures).

COPEL's rate review process is currently underway and will be subject to the new and improved methodology under development by ANEEL. The resulting rates will be applicable as of June 23, 2008.

b) Current transactions at CCEE(1)

The accumulated balances of transactions carried out by the Company are:

  COPEL  COPEL  COPEL Corporate     
  Generation  Distribution  Partnerships    Consolidated 
        31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Current assets (Note 4)          
   Until December 2007  25  105  137  7,158 
   From January through March 2008  125  125 
  7  25  230  262  7,158 
Current liabilities (Note 20)          
   Until December 2007  1,229 
   From January through March 2008  3,504  57,589  737  61,830 
  3,504  57,589  737  61,830  1,229 


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Changes in spot-market energy amounts (CCEE) in the first quarter of 2008 are shown below:

  Amount to be      Amount to be 
  settled  Settlement  Appropriation  settled 
  31.12.2007      31.03.2008 
Current assets         
   Until December 2007  7,158  (3,530) (3,491) 137 
   From January through March 2008  125  125 
  7,158  (3,530) (3,366) 262 
(-) Current liabilities         
   Until December 2007  1,229  (4,266) 3,037 
   From January through March 2008  (32,375) 94,205  61,830 
  1,229  (36,641) 97,242  61,830 
Net total  5,929  33,111  (100,608) (61,568)

(1) Information unaudited by the independent auditors.

34 Reconciliation of the Provision for Income Tax and Social Contribution

The conciliation of the provision for income tax (IRPJ) and social contribution (CSLL), calculated at the applicable rates, with the amounts recorded in the statement of income is shown below:

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.03.2007  31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Income before IRPJ and CSLL  249,835  268,471  388,976  436,048 
   IRPJ and CSLL (34%) (84,944) (91,280) (132,252) (148,256)
Tax effects on:         
   Interest on capital 
   Dividends  426 
   Equity in the results of investees  90,621  105,771  4,928 
   Private pension contribution surplus 
   Adjusments from previous years in connection       
   with pension and healthcare plans 
   Tax breaks  407 
   Present value adjustment - Compagas  (197)
   Reversal of regulatory asset 
   Other  (2,696) (2,787)
Tax effects on:         
   Current IRPJ and CSLL  -  -  (122,909) (162,164)
   Deferred IRPJ and CSLL  5,677  14,491  (6,475) 11,121 

IRPJ = Corporate Income Tax
CSLL = Social Contribution on Net Income

35 Financial Instruments

a) Overview

The use of financial instruments by the Company is restricted to Cash in Hand, Customers and Distributors, Accounts Receivable from government agencies, CRC Transferred to State Government, Loans and Financing, and Debentures.


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b) Market Value of Financial Instruments

The market values of the Company’s main financial instruments as of March 31, 2008, which are close to their book value, are shown below:

Financial instruments    Consolidated 
  31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
   Cash in hand  1,505,720  1,540,871 
   Accounts receivable from government agencies  267,164  303,839 
   CRC transferred to State Government  1,265,652  1,250,362 
   Loans and financing  900,822  927,952 
   Debentures  1,013,461  1,174,501 

c) Risk Factors

1) Credit risk

The Company’s credit risk comprises the possibility of losses due to non-payment of power bills. This risk is closely tied to factors that are either internal or external to COPEL. To minimize this risk, the Company focuses on the management of receivables, detecting customer segments which are most likely not to pay their bills, suspending power supply, and implementing specific collection policies.

Doubtful accounts are properly covered by provisions to offset potential losses in their realization.

2) Foreign currency risk

This risk comprises the possibility of losses due to fluctuations in exchange rates, which may reduce assets or increase liabilities denominated in foreign currencies.

The Company has not engaged in transactions with derivatives to swap this risk, although it has continued to monitor exchange rates, in order to assess the potential need for such transactions as a way of protecting against foreign currency risks.

3) Interest rate risk

This risk comprises the possibility of losses due to fluctuations in interest rates, which may increase the financial expenses in connection with liabilities on the market.

The Company has not engaged in transactions with derivatives to cover this risk, but it has continued to monitor interest rates, in order to assess the potential need for such transactions as a way of protecting against interest rate risks.

4) Accelerated maturity risk

This risk results from the potential breach of restrictive contract provisions, such as those contained in the loan, financing, and debenture agreements of the Company, which usually require that certain economic and financial indicators, which are calculated and analyzed periodically for compliance, be kept at determined levels (financial covenants).


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5) Power shortage risk

This risk results from the possibility of periods with low levels of rainfall, since Brazil relies heavily on hydroelectric sources, which depend on the water levels in their reservoirs to operate.

A long period of drought may reduce the water levels in power plant reservoirs and result in losses due to reduced revenues if a new rationing program is implemented.

This risk is calculated monthly by the National Power System Operator (ONS), which does not anticipate the need for any rationing programs in the next two years, as reported in its Monthly Operation Plan, published monthly at www.ons.org.br.

6) Risk of non-renewal of concessions

COPEL holds concessions for power generation, transmission, and distribution services, with the expectation that they will be renewed by the Ministry of Mines and Energy with the support of ANEEL. If the extension of these concessions is not approved by the regulatory authority or even if it occurs at additional costs to the Company ("costly concession"), current profitability and activity levels may be affected.

36 Related-Party Transactions

COPEL has carried out transactions with unconsolidated related parties, including the sale of power to final customers, at rates approved by ANEEL, resulting in billed amounts which are not material for purposes of disclosure.


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The main balances of related party transactions in COPEL’s balance sheet are:

Related party   Nature of operation    Consolidated 
    31.03.2008  31.12.2007 
Current assets       
Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar  Customers and distributors  16,880 
Government of the State of Paraná  Customers and distributors  76,240  50,163 
  Services to third-parties  11,178  8,899 
  Recoverable Rate Deficit - CRC (Note 7) 41,386  40,509 
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras  Lease of the Araucária Thermal Power Plant  14,223 
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras  Use of the Araucária TPP's transmission system  7,724  5,327 
Long-term receivables       
Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar  Customers and distributors  15,175 
Government of the State of Paraná  Customers and distributors  36,874  49,717 
  Services to third-parties  7,129  6,805 
  Recoverable Rate Deficit - CRC (Note 7) 1,224,266  1,209,853 
Current liabilities       
BNDES  Financing for machinery, construction,     
     facilities and services (Note 18) 6,329  6,328 
Dona Francisca Energética S.A.  Purchase of power (Note 20) 4,567  4,567 
Eletrobrás  Financing (Note 18) 38,544  43,101 
Eletrobrás (Itaipu) Purchase of power (Note 20) 74,552  74,090 
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras  Purchase of gas for resale (Note 20) 25,260  21,031 
Long-term liabilities  .     
BNDES  Financing for machinery, construction,     
     facilities and services (Note 18) 17,449  19,029 
Eletrobrás  Financing (Note 18) 264,095  272,831 
Eletrobrás  Elejor shares to be repurchased (Note 18) 99,740  94,709 
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras  Purchase of gas for resale - renegotiation (N. 20) 195,340  190,394 

The main balances of related party transactions in COPEL’s statement of income are:

Related party  Nature of operation    Consolidated 
    31.03.2008  31.03.2007 
Gross revenues from sales and/or services       
Cia. Paranaense de Saneamento - Sanepar  Sale of power  30,477 
Government of the State of Paraná  Sale of power  22,431  22,326 
  Telecommunications revenues  1,500  1,500 
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras  Lease of the Araucária Thermal Power Plant  7,153 
Power purchased for resale       
Dona Francisca Energética S.A.  Purchase of power (Note 30.a) 12,234  12,541 
Eletrobrás (Itaipu) Purchase of power (Note 30.a) 122,390  106,535 
Natural gas and supplies for the gas business     
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras  Natural gas purchased for resale  29,157  27,434 
Financial revenues       
Government of the State of Paraná  Revenues under CRC agreement (Note 31) 45,302  29,429 
  Revenues from renegotiated bills  2,094 
Financial expenses       
BNDES  Expenses with the financing for machinery,     
       construction, facilities, and services  595  660 
BNDESPAR  Debentures - Elejor  6,733  6,691 
Eletrobrás  Charges on financing  7,415  7,395 
  Charges on Elejor shares to be repurchased  5,031  4,555 


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The balances of transactions between the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries are shown in Note 14.

BNDES - BNDES Participações S.A. - BNDESPAR holds 26,41% of the Company’s common shares and has the right to appoint two members of the Board of Directors. BNDESPAR is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BNDES, with which the Company has financing agreements, described in Note 18.

Dona Francisca Energética S.A. - The Company became guarantor of the loans signed by its indirect affiliate Dona Francisca Energética S.A. with the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) (joint debtor), and with Bradesco (joint debtor) in the amounts (as of March 31, 2008) of R$ 36,896 and R$ 22,356, respectively.

Eletrobrás – Eletrobrás holds 1,06% of the Company’s common shares; COPEL, in turn, has obtained financing from Eletrobrás, described in Note 18.


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37 Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries' Balance Sheets

Shown below are the balance sheets as of March 31, 2008, reclassified for purposes of standardization of the chart of accounts, of COPEL’s wholly-owned subsidiaries COPEL Generation and Transmission (Consolidated) (GET), COPEL Distribution (DIS), COPEL Telecommunications (TEL) and COPEL Corporate Partnerships (PAR) (Consolidated):

  Consolidated  Consolidated 
   Cash in hand  815,098  324,387  7,781  273,110 
   Customers and distributors, net  200,001  839,375  29,439 
   Services to third parties  718  29  10,672 
   Dividends receivable  5,783 
   Construction in progress  9,048  41,308 
   CRC transferred to the Government of Paraná  41,386 
   Taxes and social contributions  8,404  131,388  1,163  21,372 
   Account for compensation of Portion A  72,029 
   Other regulatory assets  17,186 
   Collaterals and escrow deposits  61,320  31,679  13,277 
   Other receivables  13,859  26,747  1,209  12,267 
   Inventories  4,118  39,108  2,885  688 
  1,112,566  1,564,622  23,710  355,936 
Long-Term Receivables         
   Customers and distributors, net  3,492  113,944  21,818 
   Services to third parties  7,109 
   CRC transferred to the Government of Paraná  1,224,266 
   Taxes and social contribution  85,608  229,056  11,277  15,284 
   Judicial deposits  28,278  65,872  466  1,010 
   Account for compensation of Portion A  16,987 
   Other regulatory assets  5,729 
   Collaterals and escrow deposits  22,142 
   Other receivables  949  5,714  1,820 
  118,327  1,683,710  18,852  39,932 
Investments  9,004  2,474  -  397,494 
Property, plant, and equipment  3,489,141  1,889,662  183,992  1,266,522 
Intangible assets  10,760  27,786  1,585  72,521 
Deferrred assets  -  -  -  5,148 
  3,627,232  3,603,632  204,429  1,781,617 
TOTAL ASSETS  4,739,798  5,168,254  228,139  2,137,553 


Table of Contents

      DIS    TEL   
CURRENT LIABILITIES                 
   Loans and financing    53,865    16,980      6,329 
   Debentures          3,230 
   Suppliers    50,581    400,433    2,527    40,269 
   Taxes and social contributions    53,436    176,252    1,536    4,922 
   Dividends due    384,688    178,319      30,006 
   Payroll and labor provisions    33,270    93,506    7,143    2,235 
   Post-employment benefits    4,723    12,064    787    72 
   Account for compensation of Portion A      104,368     
   Other regulatory liabilities    24,035    21,765     
   Customer charges due    3,548    30,013     
   R & D and Energy Efficiency    33,422    153,628      4,161 
   Concession charge - ANEEL grant          28,913 
   Other accounts payable    16,009    45,496    324    2,614 
    657,577    1,232,824    12,317    122,751 
LONG-TERM LIABILITIES                 
   Loans and financing    265,471    107,948      117,189 
   Debentures          269,476 
   Provisions for contingencies    158,099    150,609    1,798    3,213 
   Subsidiaries and investees      554,850      67,000 
   Suppliers    217,158       
   Taxes and social contribution    26    8,976      7,418 
   Post-employment benefits    147,402    309,811    19,112    1,859 
   Account for compensation of Portion A      15,215     
   Other regulatory liabilities    5,840    7,255     
   Customers and distributors      3,015     
   Other accounts payable    6,720    15     
    800,716    1,157,694    20,910    466,155 
INCOME FROM FUTURE PERIODS    592        74,402 
MINORITY INTEREST    1,283    -    -    231,099 
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                 
   Share capital    2,947,018    2,171,928    194,054    1,098,500 
   Capital reserves        701   
   Income reserves    197,424    491,983      128,302 
   Retained earnings    135,188    113,825    157    16,344 
    3,279,630    2,777,736    194,912    1,243,146 
TOTAL LIABILITIES    4,739,798    5,168,254    228,139    2,137,553 


Table of Contents

38 Statement of Income Broken Down by Company

In order to allow the analysis of the statement of income according to the nature of the expenses, the operating costs and expenses are presented in aggregate form. The Parent Company's statement represents the result of its activities, without the revenues from equity in its subsidiaries.

       DIS    TEL      COPEL   Subtractions   Consolidated 
Operating Revenues                             
   Power sales to final customers    42,997    676,044      631      (1,003)   718,669 
   Power sales to distributors    326,109    11,832      39,153      (60,478)   316,616 
   Charges for the use of the power grid    54,079    816,943          (20,785)   850,237 
   Telecommunications revenues        25,284        (7,690)   17,594 
   Distribution of piped gas          60,069      (578)   59,491 
   Leases and rents    156    12,150      7,153      (263)   19,196 
   Other operating revenues    4,902    3,580      613      (1,319)   7,776 
    428,243    1,520,549    25,284    107,619    -    (92,116)   1,989,579 
Deductions from Operating Revenues    (64,007)   (593,418)   (4,132)   (13,464)   -    -    (675,021)
Net Operating Revenues    364,236    927,131    21,152    94,155    -    (92,116)   1,314,558 
Operating Costs and Expenses                             
   Power purchased for resale    (18,545)   (484,300)     (1,132)     60,478    (443,499)
   Charges for the use of the power grid    (39,544)   (83,247)     (3,761)     20,785    (105,767)
   Personnel and management    (31,112)   (90,511)   (6,251)   (2,728)   (1,099)     (131,701)
   Pension and healthcare plans    (3,860)   (15,364)   (906)   (256)   (19)     (20,405)
   Materials and supplies    (1,745)   (9,423)   (305)   (171)   (2)     (11,646)
   Raw materials and supplies - generation    (5,592)       (769)     1,348    (5,013)
   Natural gas and supplies - gas business          (31,791)       (31,791)
   Third-party services    (14,032)   (47,275)   (2,819)   (6,417)   (742)   9,474    (61,811)
   Depreciation and amortization    (32,217)   (48,375)   (7,312)   (13,952)       (101,856)
   Provisions and reversals    (648)   (13,537)   (1,734)     (873)     (16,787)
   Concession charge - ANEEL grant          (10,327)       (10,327)
   Cost and expense recovery    5,847    6,093      403    65    (231)   12,186 
   Other operating costs and expenses    (24,958)   (12,390)   (738)   (2,228)   (433)   262    (40,485)
    (166,406)   (798,329)   (20,056)   (73,124)   (3,103)   92,116    (968,902)
Result of Operations    197,830    128,802    1,096    21,031    (3,103)   -    345,656 
Financial Income (Losses)                            
   Financial revenues    22,953    71,635    556    8,045    17,585    (14,171)   106,603 
   Financial expenses    (16,288)   (26,179)   (24)   (13,011)   (31,182)   14,171    (72,513)
    6,665    45,456    532    (4,966)   (13,597)   -    34,090 
Equity in results of investees    -    -    -    10,137    -    (47)   10,090 
Operating Income (Losses)   204,495    174,258    1,628    26,202    (16,700)   (47)   389,836 
Non-Operating Income (Losses)   385    (1,362)   136    (20)   1    -    (860)
Income (Losses) before Taxes                             
and Minority Interests    204,880    172,896    1,764    26,182    (16,699)   (47)   388,976 
   Income tax and social contribution    (68,108)   (47,457)   (1,167)   (6,177)       (122,909)
   Deferred income tax and s. contribution    (1,537)   (11,614)   580    419    5,677      (6,475)
   Minority interests    (47)       (4,080)     47    (4,080)
Net Income (Losses) for the Period    135,188    113,825    1,177    16,344    (11,022)   -    255,512 


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39 Changes in Accounting Policies

On December 28, 2007, Law no. 11,638 was enacted, changing, revoking, and introducing new provisions in the Brazilian Corporate Law, particularly in the chapter covering the disclosure and preparation of financial statements. Some of these provisions have changed, among other aspects, the criteria for recognition and valuation of assets and liabilities. These changes have been in effect since January 1, 2008.

The main goal of this new law is to update the Brazilian corporate legislation so as to bring the accounting practices adopted in Brazil closer to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and to allow new accounting rules and procedures to be issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) in compliance with international accounting standards.

Even though this law is in effect, some of the changes introduced by it need to be regulated. During the transition period until these regulations are issued, CVM, through Instruction no. 469, has made the full application of these rules optional for quarterly financial information issued in 2008 and has determined that some provisions shall be mandatory (articles 3 to 14).

Based on that, COPEL’s management has assessed the potential impacts of the new law, in particular the impact of articles 3 to 14 of CVM Instruction no. 469, and has not identified any material adjustments to be made to the financial information for the quarter ended on March 31, 2008.

As for the remaining provisions of the new law, management has chosen to record the related impacts, if any, during fiscal year 2008, as soon as the new regulations are issued.

A summary of the preliminary assessment of the application of the provisions of the new law, conducted by COPEL's management, is shown below:


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a) Mandatory application of articles 3 to 14 of CVM Instruction no. 469/2008 as of January 1, 2008:

Changes introduced by Law no. 11,638/2007 Impact on the Company
The interests of debenture holders, of employees andmanagers, even in the form of financialinstruments, and of employee pension orhealthcare organizations or funds, which do notqualify as expenses, shall be classified asoperating costs and/or expenses in the Statement of Income for the respective period. The Company already adopts thispractice in its Consolidated FinancialStatements as far as the interests ofemployees and their pension orhealthcare organizations or funds.
All public companies shall disclose information aboutstock-based compensation in their quarterlyreports and in their financial statements pursuantto the guidelines contained in item 25.10 ofLetter CVM/SNC/SEP no. 01, dated February14, 2007, until CVM issues specific regulationabout this matter. The Company does not adopt stock-based compensation.
Introduction of the concept of present valueadjustment for long-term asset and liabilitytransactions and for material short-termtransactions. The Company has reviewed its accounts,taking into consideration theintroduction of this concept, and hasnot identified any material amounts tobe recorded.

Elimination of the possibility of recording:

(i) premiums received in the issue of debentures; and

(ii) donations and subsidies for investments (includingtax breaks) directly as capital reserves undershareholders’ equity. That means donations andsubsidies for investments will now be recorded toincome. To avoid their distribution as dividends,the amount of donations and subsidies may beallocated, after being recorded to income, to atax break reserve.

Does not apply to the Company in thisquarter.


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Elimination of the revaluation reserve. Any existing balances in revaluation reserves shall be maintained until their actual realization or reverted by the end of the fiscal year in which the Law came into force. Jointly-controlled subsidiary Dominó Holdings and subsidiaries Sercomtel Telecomunicações and Sercomtel Celular have revaluation reserve balances which have been excluded for purposes of equity and consolidation and to adjust the accounting practices of these subsidiaries to those of the parent company.
The reconciliation note referred to in article 5, paragraph 2, section III of CVM Instruction no. 331, dated April 4, 2000, shall not be required of companies which sponsor Brazilian Depositary Receipt (BDR) programs and whose financial statements, in the country of origin or which are disclosed in foreign markets for purposes of registration, are prepared in compliance with the international accounting rules issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Not applicable to the Company.
Requirement that the assets and liabilities of a company in the process of being incorporated as a result of transactions that involve incorporation, merger, or split between independent parties resulting in actual transfer of control be recorded at market value. Does not apply to the Company in this quarter.
Elimination of the materiality threshold for the adjustment of investments in subsidiaries and investees under the equity method and replacement of the parameter of 20% of the investee’s stock capital by the parameter of 20% of the investee’s voting stock. Does not apply to the Company in this quarter.
Changes to article 5 of CVM Instruction no. 331, dated April 4, 2000, which addresses the registration of companies for the issue and trading of Brazilian Depositary Receipts - Level II and III BDR Programs tied to securities issued by public companies or similar entities headquartered abroad. Not applicable to the Company.


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b) Application of the remaining provisions of the new law, which at the Company’s discretion shall be recorded in its financial statements, should they have any material impact, during fiscal year 2008:

Changes introduced by Law no. 11,638/2007  Impact on the Company 
Replacement of the Statement of Changes in Financial Position by the Statement of Cash Flows. The Company has already presented this statement in compliance with ANEEL requirements.
Addition of the Statement of Added Value, applicable to public companies, which features the value added by the Company and a breakdown of the sources and allocations of these amounts. The Company has already presented this statement in compliance with ANEEL requirements.
Possibility of maintaining separate recording of transactions for purposes of tax legislation and then make any necessary adjustments to ensure their compliance with the accounting practices. The Company is waiting for regulation of this issue and for a statement by the tax authorities.
Creation of a new subset of accounts for intangible items, including goodwill, for purposes of presentation as part of the balance sheet. This set of accounts shall record any rights to non- physical assets assigned to the operation of the Company or exercised with this purpose, including acquired stock in trade. The Company will reclassify R$ 4,783 in goodwill recorded in the acquisition of interests in investees, which are currently recorded under Investments, to the Intangible Assets and Liabilities subset.
Mandatory recording under property, plant, and equipment of any rights to physical assets assigned to the operation of the Company, including those resulting from transactions which transfer to the Company the benefits, risks, and control of these assets (such as finance leases). Not applicable to the Company.


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Modification of the criteria for amounts recorded under deferred assets/liabilities. Only pre- operational expenses and restructuring expenses which effectively contribute to the increase in the income of more than one fiscal year and which do not characterize only a cost reduction or operational efficiency gain shall be recorded in this subset. The Company is waiting for the issue of regulation concerning this matter so it can assess any potential impacts to the income of the current year and of previous years. The maximum adjustment amount, if any, is R$ 2,625.

Requirement that the Company periodically assess its ability to recover the amounts recorded under property, plant, and equipment, intangible assets, and deferred assets, in order to ensure that:

(i) any losses due to non-recovery of these assets are recorded as the result of a decision to discontinue the activities related to these assets or when there is evidence that the results of operations will not be sufficient to ensure the realization of these assets; and

(ii) the criteria used to determine the estimated remaining useful lives of these assets for purposes of recording their depreciation, amortization, and depletion are reviewed and adjusted.

The Company already adopts this practice. Most assets which make up the property, plant, and equipment of the Company and its subsidiaries are tied to the concession, and, according to the concession agreements signed by the Company as a public service concession holder, any residual value of these assets shall be refunded to it upon expiration of the concession. This fact significantly reduces the risk of any impact to the Company’s financial statements in connection with the recovery of assets.


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Creation of a new subset of accounts, named equity evaluation adjustments, under shareholders’ equity, to allow the recording of certain market value evaluations, particularly those of financial instruments; the recording of exchange rate variations on equity investments abroad assessed under the equity method (until December 31, 2007, these variations were recorded to income); and market value adjustments to liabilities and assets, due to mergers and incorporations between unrelated parties resulting in actual transfer of control. COPEL will wait for the issue of regulation covering this matter and will simultaneously engage a company specializing in financial valuations to help it assess any potential impacts on the 2008 financial statements. Given the fact that COPEL is subject to the Public Tender Law, as it is a mixed capital company, this process will be carried out during the next quarters.

Requirement that all financial instruments, including derivatives, be recorded:

(i) at market value or equivalent value, in the case of instruments assigned to trading or available for sale; and

(ii) at acquisition cost or face value, restated in compliance with legal and contractual provisions and adjusted to the likely realization value, whenever the latter is lower than the former.

COPEL will wait for the issue of regulation covering this matter and will simultaneously engage a company specializing in financial valuations to help it assess any potential impacts on the 2008 financial statements. Given the fact that COPEL is subject to the Public Tender Law, as it is a mixed capital company, this process will be carried out during the next quarters.


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40 Statement of Cash Flows

For the quarters ended on March 31, 2008 and 2007:

    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    2008    2007    2008    2007 
Cash flows from operating activities 
 Net income for the period    255,512    282,962    255,512    282,962 
 Adjustments to reconcile the net income for the period with the                 
 generation of cash by operating activities:                 
     Provision (reversal) for doubtful accounts        7,424    (29,777)
     Depreciation and amortization        101,856    104,460 
     Unrealized monetary and exchange variations, net    18,075    56,138    9,131    80,848 
     Equity in the results of subsidiaries and investees    (266,534)   (311,102)   (10,090)   (4,170)
     Deferred income tax and social contribution    (5,677)   (14,491)   6,475    (11,121)
     Variations in Account for Compensation of Portion A, net        (43,287)   41,338 
     Variations in other regulatory assets and liabilities, net        (6,516)   1,704 
     Provisions under long-term liabilities    874    7,560    7,420    15,454 
     Write-off of property, plant, and equipment, net        2,325    3,506 
     Write-off of intangible assets, net        66    13 
     Minority interests        4,080    2,043 
 Changes in assets                 
     Customers and distributors        5,470    15,079 
     Services to third-parties, net        371    (1,263)
     Dividends received    120,000    196,611    5,931    2,106 
     Construction in progress        987    (5,525)
     CRC transferred to State Government        30,012    8,569 
     Taxes and social contribution    9,590    (1,656)   19,135    13,776 
     Collaterals and escrow deposits    2,366    (36,187)   47,459    (37,256)
     Inventories        5,396    318 
     Judicial deposits        (3,008)   (6,961)
     Other    (146)   (6)   8,044    (10,934)
 Changes in liabilities                 
     Loans and financing - interest due and paid    (18,715)   (650)   (37,322)   (26,576)
     Debentures - interest due and paid    (49,403)   (224,694)   (56,034)   (238,277)
     Suppliers    (265)   (8)   87,866    (92,015)
     Taxes and social contribution    (12,182)   (16,449)   (97,164)   (37,123)
     Payroll and labor provisions    (37)   30    (9,840)   (3,635)
     Post-employment benefits    (14)   (5)   (858)   (5,953)
     Customer charges due        839    (17,396)
     R & D and Energy Efficiency        3,047    (12,154)
     Other      (1)   (6,956)   (4,416)
     Minority interests        (4,508)   2,641 
Net cash generated (used) by operating activities 
  53,451    (61,948)   333,263    30,265 
(next page)


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    Parent Company    Consolidated 
    2008    2007    2008    2007 
Cash flows from investing activities                 
 Loans granted to related parties      (20,645)    
 Payments of loans granted to related parties    176,027       
 Acquisition of joint-controlling interest in Dominó - net of acquired cash        (108,962)  
 Additions to interests in other companies and other investments    (67,000)   (6,160)   (3,727)   (2)
 Additions to property, plant, and equipment:        (122,089)   (82,215)
 Additions to intangible assets        (1,176)   (1,581)
 Additions to deferred assets        (81)   (283)
 Customer contributions        13,156    5,670 
 Sale of property, plant, and equipment        4,497    25 
Net cash generated (used) by investing activities    109,027    (26,805)   (218,382)   (78,386)
Cash flows from financing activities                 
 Obtained loans and financing      260,000      260,000 
 Loans and financing - amortization of principal amounts        (16,712)   (19,226)
 Debentures - amortization of principal amounts    (133,320)   (633,320)   (133,320)   (633,320)
Net cash generated (used) by financing activities    (133,320)   (373,320)   (150,032)   (392,546)
Total effect on cash in hand    29,158    (462,073)   (35,151)   (440,667)
 Cash in hand at the beginning of the period    56,186    584,702    1,540,871    1,504,004 
 Cash in hand at the end of the period    85,344    122,629    1,505,720    1,063,337 
Variation in cash    29,158    (462,073)   (35,151)   (440,667)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these quarterly financial statements.


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(In thousands of reais, except where otherwise indicated)

1 Distribution

Customer connections – In March 2008, COPEL supplied 3,460,386(1) customers (3,367,465(1) in March 2007), with an increase of 92,921(1) customers (2.8%) over the past 12 months.

Compact-design distribution lines – COPEL has continued to implement compact-design distribution lines in urban areas with a high concentration of trees surrounding the distribution grids. This technology helps to preserve the environment, as trees in the vicinity of power grids do not need to be cut off or severely trimmed, and to improve the quality of power supply by reducing the number of unplanned outages. The total length of urban compact-design distribution lines in operation as of March 2008 was 1,367 km(1) (1,295 km(1) as of March 2007), with an increase of 72 km(1) (5.6%) over the past 12 months.

Secondary Isolated Lines – COPEL has also invested in low-voltage (127/220 V) secondary isolated lines, which offer such significant advantages over regular overhead lines as:

- improvement in DEC and FEC distribution performance indicators;

- defense against illegal connections;

- improved environmental conditions and reduced tree areas subject to trimming;

- improved safety;

- reduced voltage drops throughout the grid; and

- increased transformer useful life due to the reduction of short-circuits, among other advantages.

The total length of secondary isolated lines in operation as of March 2008 was 2,851 km(1) (1,835 km(1) as of March 2007), with an increase of 1,016 km(1) (55.4%) over the past 12 months.

Market breakdown The generation of energy by COPEL from January through March 2008 was 5,069 GWh(1) (3,436 GWh(1) in the first quarter of 2007). The Company purchased 3,493 GWh(1) from CCEAR (auction) (against 3,198 GWh(1) in the same period of 2007) and 1,353 GWh(1) from Itaipu (against 1,141 GWh(1) in the same period of 2007), as shown in the flowchart below:


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Energy flowchart (GWh)(1)(a)(b)  
January through March 2008 

(a) Includes amounts dealt between COPEL's subsidiaries 
(b) Amounts subject to change after final accounting by CCEE 
(c) CG = Center of gravity of the submarket (difference between energy under contract and energy received in the CG - set forth under contract). 

Consumption by customer category (MWh) Power consumption billed by COPEL from January through March 2008, including free customers and other utilities within Paraná, is broken down by customer category on the following table:

Category(1)           In MWh 
    Jan - Mar 2008    Jan - Mar 2007    Variation 
   Residential    1,345,598    1,279,801    5.1% 
   Industrial    1,603,106    1,471,507    8.9% 
   Commercial    1,001,344    948,682    5.6% 
   Rural    428,993    402,208    6.7% 
   Other    464,946    452,541    2.7% 
Total for captive customers    4,843,987    4,554,739    6.4% 
   Free customers - COPEL Generation and Transmission    304,339    350,105    -13.1% 
Total for final customers    5,148,326    4,904,844    5.0% 
   Utilities within the State of Paraná    120,898    115,594    4.6% 
Grand total    5,269,224    5,020,438    5.0% 

In the first quarter of 2008, power consumption by the captive market billed by COPEL grew 6.4% compared to the same period last year, amounting to 4,844 GWh. Total market consumption, including supply to free customers and to other distribution utilities within Paraná, amounted to 5,269 GWh.


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This performance resulted mostly from the combination of certain factors such as:

- increase in average income and greater availability of credit and their effects on the residential, commercial, and industrial customer categories;

- good agricultural yields and high commodity prices, resulting in higher income for farmers;

- increased industrial consumption thanks to recovering agricultural yields and to higher exports by certain industrial sectors; and

- creation, in the first quarter of 2008, of 52 thousand new formal jobs in Paraná. In the last 12 months, employment levels increased 7% (132 thousand new jobs).

Residential consumption, which accounted for 27.8% of COPEL’s captive market, grew by 5.1% . The average consumption by residential customer was 164,1 kWh/month, a figure 2,2% higher than the one recorded in the same period of the previous year. In March 2008, 2,733,727 residential customers were supplied by COPEL (a 2.9% increase over March 2007).

Industrial consumption, which accounted for 33.1% of COPEL’s captive market, increased 8.9% compared to the first quarter of 2007. The industrial segments which recorded the most significant expansion were: vehicles, machinery and equipment, oil refinery, and alcohol production. In March 2008, 59,039 industrial customers were billed, a figure 2.5% higher than that of March 2007.

Commercial consumption, which accounted for 20.7% of COPEL’s captive market, increased 5.6% . The commercial sector has benefited from higher disposable income levels, which have spurred an increase in the number of commercial customers, such as supermarkets and malls. In March 2008, 288,031 commercial customers were billed (2.9% higher than in March 2007).

Rural consumption increased 6.7% and accounted for 8.9% of COPEL's captive market. The average consumption by rural customer increased 5.3% compared to the first quarter of 2007, reaching 427.7 kWh/month. This growth is the result of an upswing in agricultural activities. In March 2008, 334,324 rural customers were billed, a figure 1.3% higher than that of March 2007.

Power consumption billed to free customers supplied by COPEL Generation and Transmission fell 13.1% . This drop resulted from the expiration of the agreements with certain customers.

Number of customers The number of customers billed by COPEL in March 2008 was 3.460.386, representing a growth of 2,8% over the same month last year.


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Category            Customers(1)
    March 2008    March 2007    Variation 
   Residential    2,733,727    2,655,889    2.9% 
   Industrial    59,039    57,583    2.5% 
   Commercial    288,031    279,942    2.9% 
   Rural    334,324    330,086    1.3% 
   Other    45,250    43,947    3.0% 
Total for captive customers    3,460,371    3,367,447    2.8% 
   Free customers - COPEL Generation and Transmission    15    18    -16.7% 
Grand total    3,460,386    3,367,465    2.8% 

2 Management

Workforce COPEL’s workforce at the end of the first quarter of 2008 amounted to 8,295(1) employees assigned to the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries and 91(1) employees assigned to the companies controlled by COPEL Corporate Partnerships, as follows:

    March 2008    March 2007 
Wholly-owned subsidiaries         
   COPEL Generation and Transmission    1,499    984 
   COPEL Transmission (a)     1,022 
   COPEL Distribution    6,434    5,886 
   COPEL Telecommunications    333    319 
   COPEL Corporate Partnerships    29    29 
    8,295    8,240 
Companies controlled by COPEL Corporate Partnerships         
   Compagas    82    78 
   UEG Araucária     
    91    88 
(a) On December 1, 2007, all the employees of COPEL Transmission were transferred to COPELl Generation and Transmission and to COPEL Distribution.

3 Investor Relations

From January through March 2008, COPEL’s common shares (ON) (code CPLE3) and class B preferred shares (PNB) (code CPLE6) were traded on 97% and 100%, respectively, of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) trading sessions.

COPEL’s free floating shares accounted for 45.0% of the Company’s stock capital. COPEL’s market value, based on the BOVESPA stock prices at the end of March 2008, was approximately R$ 8,160,000.

Out of the 64 securities that make up the Ibovespa index, COPEL’s class B shares ranked 32nd, accounting for 1.05% of the portfolio, with a Beta index of 0.96. COPEL also accounts for 7.23% of the IEE (Electric Energy Index) portfolio. Out of the 32 companies that make up BOVESPA’s Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI), COPEL ranked 11th, accounting for 1.01% of the portfolio.


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As reported by BOVESPA, the closing price of COPEL’s common shares on the last trading day of the period was R$ 30,83 (a 4,51% variation), and class B preferred shares were traded at R$ 28,69 (a 7,05% variation).

On the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), COPEL’s class B preferred shares, represented by American Depositary Shares (ADSs), are traded at Level 3, under the code ELP. As reported by NYSE, COPEL’s ADSs were traded on 100% of the trading sessions and had a closing price of US$ 16,33 at the end of the period (an 8,22% variation).

On LATIBEX (The Euro Market for Latin-American Securities), linked to the Madrid Stock Exchange, COPEL’s Class B preferred shares are also traded, under the symbol XCOP. As reported by LATIBEX, COPEL’s XCOPs were traded on 97% of the trading sessions and had a closing price of 10,35 euros at the end of the period (a 1,24% variation).

Stock performance(1) - Jan - Mar 2008    Common (ON)   Class B Preferred (PNB)
    Total    Daily average    Total    Daily average 
   Trades    318      45,806    763 
   Number of shares    3,638,800    62,738    44,115,000    735,250 
   Volume (in thousands of reais )   99,962    1,723    1,189,417    19,824 
   Trading sessions    58    97%    60    100% 
   Number of shares    660,800    33,040    27,174,580    445,485 
   Volume (in thousands of US dollars)   10,385    519    419,784    6,882 
   Trading sessions    20    33%    61    100% 
   Number of shares        99,826    1,721 
   Volume (in thousands of euros)       1,031    18 
   Trading sessions        58    97% 

4 Rates

The average rate for sales to final customers in March 2008 reached R$ 203,04/MWh(1), representing a 1,1% drop compared with the rate effective in March 2007.

The average rate for the industrial category recorded a 2.0% variation, as the rate adjustment process continues and cross subsidies between high and low voltage customer groups are phased out (Decree no. 4,667/2003).

Average rates for sales to final customers are shown below:


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Rates to final customers (1) (a)           R$/MWh(1)
    March 2008    March 2007    Variation 
   Residential    252.08    257.17    -2.0% 
   Industrial (b)   176.41    172.98    2.0% 
   Commercial    220.75    225.23    -2.0% 
   Rural    148.74    152.65    -2.6% 
   Other    170.53    173.65    -1.8% 
Total for sales to final customers    203.04    205.26    -1.1% 
(a) Net of ICMS (VAT)
(b) Does not include free customers

The main rates for power purchased by COPEL are shown below:

Rates for power purchases            R$/MWh(1)
    March 2008    March 2007    Variation 
   Itaipu (a)   86.92    92.90    -6.4% 
   Cien      70.85   
   Auction - CCEAR 2005-2012    63.82    61.85    3.2% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2006-2013    74.75    72.43    3.2% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2007-2014    84.37    81.64    3.3% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2007-2014 (A-1)   104.74    104.74    0.0% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2008-2015    89.84     
   Auction - CCEAR 2008-H30    112.42     
   Auction - CCEAR 2008-T15 (b)   138.86     
(a) Includes Furnas' transport rate
(b) Average auction price restated according to the IPCA inflation index

Under Resolution no. 608, dated January 29, 2008, ANEEL approved new rates for bulk sales by COPEL to Companhia Força e Luz do Oeste - CFLO, with a 3.2% average increase over previous rates.

The main rates for power sold by COPEL to distributors are shown below:

Rates for sales to distributors(1)
    March 2008    March 2007    Variation 
   Auction - CCEAR 2005-2012    63.96    61.79    3.5% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2006-2013    75.14    72.67    3.4% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2007-2014    84.06    81.13    3.6% 
   Auction - CCEAR 2008-2015    89.15     
   Utilities within Paraná    121.37    106.67    13.8% 

5 Economic and Financial Performance

Revenues (Note 28)

In the first quarter of 2008, net operating revenues reached R$ 1.314.558, an amount 5,5% greater than the R$ 1.246.405 recorded in the first quarter of 2007.

This increase resulted mostly from the following factors:


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(i) a 14.7% increase in revenues from sales to final customers, which reflects only actual sales revenues, not including revenues from the use of the distribution system (TUSD), due to the expansion of the Company’s total market demand (5.0% in the first quarter of 2008);

(ii) a 5.6% increase in revenues from sales to distributors, due to the billing, starting in January 2008, of new power sale agreements signed at the second auction of power from existing facilities;

(iii) a 16.5% increase in telecommunications revenues due to service to new customers and added services to existing ones;

(iv) a 3.3% variation in revenues from sales of gas due to increased distribution of gas to third-parties and to the rate increase passed on to customers during the first quarter; and

(v) a 66.6% increase in other operating revenues due mostly to the revenues from the lease of the Araucária Thermal Power Plant to Petrobras.

Operating Costs and Expenses (Note 30)

At the end of March 2008, operating costs and expenses amounted to R$ 968,902, representing an increase of 24.2% over the R$ 780,012 recorded in the same period of 2007. The main variations were:

A 58.5% increase in power purchased for resale due mostly to: (i) the reversal, in the first quarter of 2007, of R$ 100,862 in cancelled invoices by CIEN; and (ii) the increase in power acquired from CIEN (R$ 71,124), at auctions (R$ 42,709), and Itaipu (R$ 15,855). These variations were partially offset by the expiration of the agreement with CIEN and by the effect of PASEP/COFINS taxes on power purchased for resale, in the amount of (R$ 41,138).

The 19.1% drop in charges for the use of the transmission system, which resulted mostly from the effects of CVA and PASEP/COFINS taxes, which accounted for deductions of R$ 24,294 and R$ 14,275, respectively.

A 1.3% increase in personnel expenses – which amounted to R$ 131,701 in the first quarter of 2008 – compared to the same period last year. This increase was due basically to the 5.5% wage increase applied as of October 2007.

The 32.5% drop in materials compared to the first quarter of 2007 was due mostly to lower purchases of materials and supplies for the power system, of fuel and vehicle parts, and of computer equipment.

The 25.5% variation in third-party services was due mostly to higher expenses with power grid maintenance, mail services, and telephone services.


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The variation in provisions and reversals was due basically to the provision for doubtful accounts, which, in the first quarter of 2008, was R$ 7.424, while in the first quarter of 2007 a reversal in the amount of (R$ 29,777) was recorded in connection with the renegotiation of bills with the State Government.

The 29.1% increase in other operating expenses was due mostly to the increase in the compensation for use of water resources and in the ANEEL concession charges.

Adjusted EBITDA

The adjusted EBITDA reached R$ 447,512 in March 2008, a figure 21.6% lower than the one recorded in the first quarter of 2007 (R$ 570,853), as shown below:

Calculation of EBITDA         
    March 2008    March 2007 
   Income for the period    255,512    282,962 
   Deferred IRPJ and CSLL    6,475    (11,121)
   Provision for IRPJ and CSLL    122,909    162,164 
   Equity in investees    (10,090)   (4,170)
   Financial expenses (revenues), net    (34,090)   31,985 
   Non operating expenses (revenues), net    860    2,530 
   Minority interests    4,080    2,043 
   EBIT    345,656    466,393 
   Depreciation and amortization    101,856    104,460 
   Adjusted EBITDA    447,512    570,853 

Net Income

In the first quarter of 2008, COPEL recorded net income of R$ 255,512, corresponding to R$ 0,93 per share.

(1) Information unaudited by the independent auditors.


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For the quarters ended on March 31, 2008 and 2007

(In thousands of reais)

    2008    2007 
   Sales of power, services, and other revenues    1,989,579    1,867,826 
   Provision for (reversal of) doubtful accounts    (9,367)   29,714 
   Non-operating income (losses)   (860)   (2,530)
Total    1,979,352    1,895,010 
( - ) Supplies acquired from third-parties         
   Power purchased for resale    443,499    279,879 
   Charges for the use of the power grid ( - ) ESS    84,527    125,748 
   Materials, supplies, and services from third-parties    78,470    69,779 
   Natural gas and supplies for the gas business    31,791    27,508 
   Emergency capacity charges and PROINFA    61    68 
   Other    13,538    20,395 
Total    651,886    523,377 
( = ) GROSS ADDED VALUE    1,327,466    1,371,633 
( - ) Depreciation and amortization    101,856    104,460 
( = ) NET ADDED VALUE    1,225,610    1,267,173 
( + ) Transferred Added Value         
   Financial revenues    106,603    86,736 
   Equity in the results of subsidiaries and investees    10,090    4,170 
Total    116,693    90,906 
ADDED VALUE TO DISTRIBUTE    1,342,303    1,358,079 
(next page)        


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For the quarters ended on March 31, 2008 and 2007

(In thousands of reais)

    2008    %    2007    % 
   Salaries and wages    99,753        96,293     
   Pension and healthcare plans    20,405        22,713     
   Meal assistance and education allowance    11,945        11,133     
   Social charges - FGTS    8,538        7,961     
   Labor indemnifications and severance pay    (554)       337     
   Transfer to construction in progress    (14,510)       (11,561)    
Total    125,577    9.4    126,876    9.3 
   ICMS (VAT)   386,960        362,812     
   Income tax and social contribution    129,384        151,043     
   Cofins tax    155,385        104,804     
   Social charges - INSS    26,529        25,892     
   Pasep tax    33,745        22,762     
   CPMF and IOF taxes    2,841        18,439     
   ISSQN    421        399     
   Customer charges ( - ) Em. Cap. Charges/PROINFA    98,449        130,576     
   System Service Charges - ESS    21,240        4,928     
   Other taxes    29,611        21,268     
Total    884,565    65.9    842,923    62.1 
Financing agents                 
   Interest and penalties    69,672        100,282     
   Leases and rents    2,897        2,993     
Total    72,569    5.4    103,275    7.6 
   Retained earnings    255,512        282,962     
   Minority interest    4,080        2,043     
Total    259,592    19.3    285,005    21.0 
    1,342,303        1,358,079     
Added value (average) per employee    161        166     
Shareholders' equity contribution rate    17.9        20.4     
Wealth generation rate - %    10.7        11.8     
Wealth retention rate - %    19.3        21.0     

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these quarterly financial statements.


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In compliance with the provisions of the BOVESPA’s Regulation of Level 1 Special Corporate Governance Practices, the tables below feature a list of the shareholders who hold more than 5% of any type of Company stock, the consolidated shareholding situation of the controlling parties and senior management, and COPEL’s free-float (unaudited by the independent auditors):

                          As of 30/04/2008 
(In shares)
                    Class B Preferred         
    Common Shares    Class A Preferred Shares    Shares    Total 
    Amount    %        %        %    Amount    % 
STATE OF PARANÁ    85,028,598    58.63    -    -    13,639    0.01    85,042,237    31.08 
BNDES PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. - BNDESPAR    38,298,775    26.41    -    -    27,282,006    21.28    65,580,781    23.96 
HEDGING-GRIFFO CV S.A.-"FUNDOS"    2,354,094    1.62    -    -    6,594,436    5.14    8,948,530    3.27 
Treasury Stock    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other shareholders    19,349,613    13.34    398,342    100.00    94,335,872    73.57    114,083,827    41.69 
Total    145,031,080    100.00    398,342    100.00    128,225,953    100.00    273,655,375    100.00 

Obs.: BNDES Participações S.A. - BNDESPAR is a public company, wholly-owned by Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social - BNDES, which is a 100,0% owned by the Federal Government.
HEDGING-GRIFFO CV S.A.-"FUNDOS" is an investment fund manager. None of the managed funds holds by itself an interest greater than 5% of the Company's stock.

FLOATING STOCK as of 30/04/2008
            Number of        Number of             
    Number of        Class A        Class B        Total number of     
  common shares    %    Preferred    %    Preferred    %    shares    % 
            Shares        Shares             
Majority Shareholder    123,327,373    85.04    -    -    27,295,645    21.29    150,623,018    55.04 
Senior Management                                 
Board of Directors    9    0.00    -    -    -    -    9    0.00 
Board of Officers    102    0.00    -    -    -    -    102    0.00 
Fiscal Council    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Treasury Stock    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other Shareholders    21,703,596    14.96    398,342    100.00    100,930,308    78.71    123,032,246    44.96 
Total    145,031,080    100.00    398,342    100.00    128,225,953    100.00    273,655,375    100.00 
Free-Float    21,703,596    14.96    398,342    100.00    100,930,308    78.71    123,032,246    44.96 


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Executive Secretary     RUBENS GHILARDI 
Chairwoman     LAURITA COSTA ROSA 
Chief Executive Officer     RUBENS GHILARDI 
Chief Finance, Investor Relations, and Corporate Partnerships Officer     PAULO ROBERTO TROMPCZYNSKI 
Chief Engineering Officer     LUIZ ANTONIO ROSSAFA 
Chief Corporate Management Officer     ANTONIO RYCHETA ARTEN 
Chief Power Distribution Officer     RONALD THADEU RAVEDUTTI 
Chief Power Generation and Transmission and Telecommunications Officer     RAUL MUNHOZ NETO 
Chief Legal Officer     ZUUDI SAKAKIHARA 
Accountant - CRC-PR-024769/O-3     ENIO CESAR PIECZARKA 

For information about Investor Relations, please contact:

ri@copel.com - Phone: +55 (41) 3222-2027/ +55 (41) 3331-4359
                         Fax: +55 (41) 3331-2849


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    Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
    Rua Pasteur, 463 - 5º andar
    Curitiba - PR - 80250-080
    Tel: +55 (41) 3312-1400
    Fax: +55 (41) 3312-1470


To the Senior Management and Shareholders of
Curitiba - PR

1. We have reviewed the financial information contained in the Quarterly Information Report (ITR) f Companhia Paranaense de Energia – COPEL (parent company and consolidated) for the quarter ended on March 31, 2008, comprising the balance sheets, the statements of income, the statements of cash flows and added value, the performance report, and the accompanying notes, prepared under the responsibility of the management of the Company.

2. Our review was carried out in compliance with the specific standards set forth by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (IBRACON), in conjunction with the Federal Accounting Council (CFC), and basically comprised: (a) inquiries of and discussions with the senior managers responsible for the accounting, financial, and operating areas of the Company and its subsidiaries, with regard to the main criteria adopted in the preparation of the quarterly information; and (b) a review of the information and of the subsequent events which have, or may have, significant effects on the financial position and operations of the Company and its subsidiaries.

3. Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accounting information contained in the present Quarterly Information Report so as to make such information compliant with the regulations issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), applicable to the preparation of mandatory quarterly information, including CVM Instruction no. 469/08.


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Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

4. As mentioned in Note 39, on December 28, 2007 Law no. 11,638 was enacted, effective as of January 1, 2008. This law has changed, revoked and introduced new provisions in Law no. 6,404/76 (the Brazilian Corporate Law), causing changes to the accounting practices adopted in Brazil. While the new law is already in effect, the main changes introduced by it are pending regulation by the regulatory agencies before they can be fully implemented by corporations. Thus, during the transition period, CVM, under Instruction no. 469/08, has made the application of all the provisions of Law no. 11,638/07 on the preparation of Quarterly Information Reports optional. Thus, the financial information contained in the ITR for the quarter ended on March 31, 2008 have been prepared in compliance with the specific regulations by CVM and do not include the changes in accounting practices introduced under Law no. 11,638/07.

5. As mentioned in Note 2 to the Quarterly Information, after the publication of this report, COPEL decided to spontaneously re-release the Quarterly Information Report for the quarter ended on March 31, 2008, in order to include additional information due to the fact that the Company's stock is now traded on Level 1 of the Special Corporate Governance Practices portfolio of the São Paulo Stock Exchange – BOVESPA. Thus, the main changes made to the present edition of this Report are: (i) statements of cash flows have been moved from “Other Information Deemed Material by the Company” to Note 40, and (ii) tables containing the list of shareholders who hold more than 5% of any type of Company stock, the consolidated shareholding situation of the controlling parties and senior management, and COPEL’s free-float have been included under “Other Information Deemed Material by the Company”.

Curitiba, May 13, 2008 (May 29, 2008, as for Notes 2, 40, and the "Other Information Deemed Material by the Company" section).

DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU    Independent Auditors 
Iara Pasian    Accountant 
CRC n.º 2 SP-011.609/O-8 F-PR    CRC n.º 1 
SP 121.517/O-3 S/PR     


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: July 10, 2008

/S/  Rubens Ghilardi

Rubens Ghilardi



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.