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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of November, 2005

Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 322-3535
(Address of principal executive offices)

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Curitiba, Brazil, November 10, 2005- Companhia Paranaense de Energia-COPEL (NYSE: ELP / LATIBEX: XCOP / BOVESPA: CPLE3, CPLE5, CPLE6), company that generates, transmits, and distributes electrics power to the State of Paraná, today announces its operating results for the third quarter of 2005. All figures included in this report are in thousand of Reais (R$1,000) and were prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP (corporate law).

  • Net Operating Revenue: R$3,583 million – a 26.6% increase compared to the same period of 2004.
  • Operating Income: R$501 million – amount 0.4% higher than the amount recorded in the same period of 2004.
  • Net Income: R$309 million (R$1.13 per thousand shares), 3.8% higher than the amount recorded in 9M04 (R$298 million).
  • Increase in total electric power consumption at COPEL’s concession area: 3.3%
  • EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization): R$803 million
  • Return on Equity: 8.0% p.a.
  • Debt/Shareholders’ Equity: 30.9%.
  • As from June 1st, 2005, COPEL has no longer been recording provisions for payments under the gas supply contract between Petrobras, Compagas and Copel, due to its termination.
  • COPEL’S consolidated balance sheet presents, in addition to the wholly owned subsidiaries figures (COPEL Geração, COPEL Transmissão, COPEL Distribuição, COPEL Telecomunicações and COPEL Participações) Compagas’ figures. In order to maintain the comparison base, third quarter 2004 financial statements were reclassified.

Copel’s Investor Relations 
  Solange Maueler Gomide 
Ricardo Portugal Alves  (5541) 3331-4359 
(5541) 3331-4311 

Companhia Paranaense de Energia – COPEL
Resultados do 3º Trimestre de 2005


- Net income: In the third quarter of 2005, COPEL recorded a profit of R$ 309.1 million, corresponding to R$ 1.13 per lot of one thousand shares.

- Gas supply contract: As of June 1st 2005, COPEL has no longer been recording provisions for payments under the gas supply contract with Compagas, since the agreements between Petrobras, Compagas, and COPEL have been terminated.

- Market expansion: Total power consumption throughout COPEL’s concession area – which includes sales both to captive customers and to “unregulated free customers” within the State of Paraná -- grew by 3.3% from January through September 2005 compared to the same period in 2004. If the contracts with Carbocloro and Volkswagen, which expired at the end of 2004, were taken into account, consumption would have decreased 1.3% in the period.

Residential, commercial, and rural consumer segments grew by 4.1%, 6.7%, and 6.2%, respectively. The expansion in the residential segment was due to a 2.8% increase in the number of customers supplied and to an increase in average consumption (1.3% over the third quarter of 2004). The good performance of the commercial segment resulted from the modernization of the sector and the opening of new businesses. The growth in the rural segment was due mainly to the increase in exports of agricultural, livestock, and agro-industrial products, which resulted in higher income for the producers, enabling them to invest in electric machinery. Total industrial consumption within COPEL’s concession area increased by 1.0% (taking into account the free customers supplied by COPEL Generation in Paraná).

- Inauguration of the Santa Clara Power Plant: On September 30th 2005, the Santa Clara Power Plant was inaugurated. Located on the Jordão River, in the central-southern region of Paraná, the facility adds 120 MW of installed capacity to the power generation complex which also comprises the Fundão Power Plant and two small hydropower units, for a total of 245.6 MW.

- UEG Araucária: On August 14th 2003, COPEL filed a lawsuit against UEG Araucária (“Ação Cautelar de Produção Antecipada de Provas”), which is currently at its final stage: the court-ordered expert investigation has already been concluded, and the resulting report has been submitted to court. The investigation has concluded that the facility can’t be operated in an automatic, safe, and continuous manner. It has also found design and construction flaws in the power generating units, in the natural gas processing unit, and in the

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

integration between facilities. Once the statements of the parties’ technical assistants are submitted, the court shall validate the findings of the investigation. It is likely that Araucária will appeal against such validation. Such measure, however, will not prevent COPEL from using those results as evidence. The findings contained in the final report will help COPEL prove the technical impossibility of operating the power plant in an automatic, safe, and continuous manner.

In July 2004, another hearing took place before the Chamber of International Trade in Paris, and COPEL again restated its refusal to accept arbitration, pointing out to the fact that a Brazilian court had judged to be null and void the clause providing for arbitration in the disputed contract, which, in UEG Araucária’s understanding, supported the procedures before the CIT.

On December 6th 2004, the Arbitration Court ruled by majority vote that it had jurisdiction over the issues at hand, but assured that it would not consider administrative decisions already taken by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), such as the refusal to ratify the agreement between UEG Araucária and COPEL. This ruling, however, will not influence or change the decisions of the Brazilian courts regarding the same matter.

Even though COPEL will not recognize the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Court over this matter, it will continue to defend its interests before it, lest the proceedings go on in absentia. On May 30th 2005, the Company submitted a statement justifying its counterclaims against UEG Araucária and listing the pieces of evidence it intends to submit before the Arbitration Court. As part of its defense strategy , COPEL is demanding payment of all expenses incurred by the Company since October 2002 for maintenance of the facility and of all losses suffered due to the technical impossibility of operating the power plant.

In early 2005, a committee was assembled with representatives from COPEL, Petrobrás, and El Paso in order to negotiate a settlement regarding the issues related to UEG Araucária.

In July 2005, COPEL hired an external consulting company to appraise its stake in UEG Araucária.

- Electricity Auction: COPEL participated in the 4th auction of existing electricity, which took place on October 11th 2005. At this event, COPEL Generation sold 245 MW/year for the 2009-2016 period for R$ 95.95/MWh.

- CIER (Comisión de Integración Energética Regional) Award: In Bolivia, COPEL won the Silver Award for Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, as a result of its ranking as the second-best provider of energy services in South America, according to a customer poll.

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

- Global Finance Award: North-American economics magazine Global Finance chose COPEL as the best company in Latin America in the area of energy services. It was the fifth time the Company received such award in the seven years of its existence.

- América Economia Magazine: América Economia Magazine listed COPEL among the 500 largest companies in Latin America, according to their 2004 results.

The criteria used by the magazine to rank companies include revenues, variations in revenue growth, shareholders’ equity, and total assets. The most important factor in the ranking, however, was the 2004 volume of sales/revenues in millions of dollars.

- Corporate Citizen: COPEL won the right to use the “Corporate Citizen” logo, which is granted to companies which fulfill the goals (such as accounting transparency and effective disclosure of social balance sheets) set forth by the regulations issued by the Regional Accounting Council of the State of Rio de Janeiro in association with the Industrial Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan) and the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro.

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results


Market Expansion

From January to September 2005, total power consumption at COPEL’s concession area (captive market plus free consumers served by COPEL) reached 14,007 GWh, up by 3.3% versus the volume recorded in the same period of 2004. Taking into account the contracts with Carbocloro and Volkswagen which expired at the end of 2004, consumption decreased 1.3% in the period. This consumption growth reflects, mainly, the increase in the residential, commercial and rural segments, with variations of 4.1%, 6.7% and 6.2% respectively.

Residential consumption recorded a recovery, reaching growth levels similar to those presented before the 2001 rationing. This improvement is due to the 2.8% increase in the number of customers, as well as to the increase in the average consumption level in the period (1.3% over the same period of 2004). This increase in the segment is due to the purchase of electric appliances, thanks to the increasing availability of credit since last year.

The commercial segment growth in the first nine months of the year maintained 9M04 levels, mainly due to the modernization of the sector and to the increase in the number of connections, which recorded the highest numbers in the last few years.

The good performance of the rural segment is mainly due to the increase in exports of agricultural, livestock and agribusiness products, that resulted in higher income for rural producers, enabling them to invest in electric machinery.

Consumption by the industrial segment (including only Copel Distribuição customers), dropped by 8.4% due to the transfer of free consumers to Copel Geração, occurred in April 2005. However, the total industrial consumption at Copel’s concession area recorded a 1.0% growth, when including free customers supplied by Copel Geração in the State of Paraná.

In September 2005, COPEL’s number of consumers amounted to 3,239,293, up by 2.6% if compared to September 2004, corresponding to 81,959 new consumers.

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

Consumption per Segment

    Jan – Sep    Jan – Sep    Change 
Segment    2005    2004    % 
Residential    3,486    3,350    4.1 
Industrial    4,886    5,335    (8.4)
Commercial    2,411    2,259    6,7 
Rural    1,051    990    6.2 
Other    1,333    1,295    2,9 
Subtotal    13,167    13,229    (0.5)
Free consumers in the State of Paraná    840    333    152.7 
Total at Copel’s concession area    14,007    13,562    3.3 
Carbocloro and Volkswagen      632    (100.0)
Total    14,007    14,194    (1.3)

Copel Distribuição’s grid market (TUSD), composed by Copel’s captive customers and the totality of free customers in the company’s concession area, increased by 3.4% in the first nine months of 2005 (14,898 GWh).


Net operating revenues in the first nine months of 2005 reached R$ 3,583 million, up by 26.6% the R$2,831 recorded in the same period of 2004.


This increase mainly reflects: (i) the lower discount granted to consumers who pay their electricity bill when due, resulting in a 9% average adjustment as from June 24, 2004, a 5% average adjustment as from February 1, 2005 and a 4.41% average adjustment as from August 1, 2005; (ii) higher supply revenue, due to the 75% reduction of the first contract between COPEL Geração and COPEL Distribuição and the consequent sale of energy from COPEL Geração to the first old energy auction (980 MW in average for the period

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

between 2005-2012 at R$57.50/MWh); (iii) the increase in revenue from the availability of the grid due to transmission tariff readjustments confirmed by ANEEL Resolution 71/2004 of June 30, 2004 and 15/2005 of July 1, 2005, in addition to the incorporation of new transmission assets at the Basic Network and to transmission grid - TUSD revaluation, after COPEL’s tariff revision.

The “Piped Gas Distribution” line refers to revenues from Compagas’ gas distribution to third-parties.

Gross Revenue

                    (R$ thousand)
    3rd   2nd    1st    Jan - Sep    Jan - Sep    Change 
Revenue    Quarter    Quarter    Quarter    2005    2004    % 
    2005    2005    2005             
   Residential    478,329    460,160    447,518    1,386,007    1,224,744    13.2 
   Industrial    445,126    401,322    357,303    1,203,751    1,088,625    10.6 
   Commercial    274,146    267,053    261,443    802,642    668,971    20.0 
   Rural    58,170    60,757    62,229    181,156    156,168    16.0 
   Other    113,670    108,174    97,888    319,732    276,919    15.5 
Total Retail    1,369,441    1,297,466    1,226,381    3,893,288    3,415,427    14.0 
Supply    235,789    237,070    227,650    700,509    320,669    118.4 
Revenue from the use    69,473    66,636    64,192    200,301    147,254    36.0 
of transmission grid                         
Telecom    12,333    13,118    12,478    37,929    29,062    30.5 
Piped gas distribution    47,927    44,119    40,360    132,406    125,372    5.6 
Other    20,827    20,842    20,791    62,460    47,674    31.0 
Total    1,755,790    1,679,251    1,591,852    5,026,893    4,085,458    23.0 

Revenue Deductions

The table below shows COPEL’s operating revenue deductions:

                    (R$ thousand)
     3rd     2nd    1st   Jan - Sep    Jan - Sep    Change 
Revenue Deductions    Quarter    Quarter    Quarter    2005         2004    % 
     2005     2005     2005             
   ICMS    355,696    336,326    319,509    1,011,531    864,521    17.0 
   PIS/Cofins    137,503    97,458    78,544    313,505    228,362    37.3 
   RGR    16,169    12,150    19,329    47,648    49,192    (3.1)
   Other    19,834    26,305    25,143    71,282    112,503    (36.6)
TOTAL    529,202    472,239    442,525    1,443,966    1,254,578    15.1 

Operating Expenses

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

In the first nine months of 2005, total operating expenses reached R$ 3,023 million, versus the R$2,297 million recorded in the same period of 2004. The main variations were:

  • The 58.4% increase in the “energy purchased for resale” line, due to the 75% reduction of the initial contract between COPEL Geração and COPEL Distribuição and the consequent purchase of energy by Copel Distribuição in the 1St old energy auction (992 MW in average for the period between 2005 – 2012 at R$57.51/MWh). The main amounts booked are: R$357.1 million from ITAIPU, R$232.8 million from CIEN, R$59.8 million from ITIQUIRA and R$332.1 million from energy auction. Also, R$65.4 million were booked as passive CVA – energy purchased for resale.

  • The increase in the “use of transmission grid” line is due to: tariff readjustment confirmed by ANEEL Resolution 71, of June 30, 2004 and 150/2005 of July 1, 2005, in addition to the amortization of R$80.6 million from CVA ("Parcel A") costs. Another important factor was the deferral reversion from CVA occurred in 9M05, R$398 thousand, while in 9M04 it was deferred R$78.4 million.
  • The 20.6% variation in the “personnel” line was chiefly due: (i) to wage raises of 1.26% in July 2004 and of 6.5% in October 2004; (ii) to the increase in the number of employees (533 employees); and (iii) to the agreement on the bonus for hazardous working conditions (R$22.2 million) in March and May 2005. Disregarding this last expense, which is non- recurring, personnel expenses would have increased by 13.5%.
    The increase in personnel was stronger in COPEL Distribuição, especially in telemarketer and electrician, aiming at adjusting and improving direct customer service and the reduction of outsourced labor in the front line, as these agreements expire.
  • As a result of the consolidation of Compagas, “the raw material and supply for electric power production” line reflects only the amount regarding the purchase of fuels and other supply payable to third partied. This rise is primarily due to the purchase of gas for UEG Araucária, which was no longer eliminated in this quarter, as result of the terminations of the contracts between Copel Geração and Compagas. The registered figure refers to period between January to May 2005.
  • The “natural gas and supplies for the gas business” line refers to the total natural gas acquired by Compagas from Petrobras. The fall recorded in this period is a result of the termination of the contract for the purchase of gas for UEG Araucária. As from June 1st, 2005, COPEL has no longer been recording provisions for payments under the gas supply contract with Compagas, due to the contract’s termination.

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

  • The 31.1% increase in “regulatory charges”, under which were booked R$167.2 million as Fuel Consumption Account – CCC, R$44.4 as financial compensation for the use of water resources, R$111.4 million as Energy Development Account – CDE, and R$8.7 million as ANEEL’s oversight fees and other services.
  • The increase in "taxes" resulted from R$ 32.8 million in penalties imposed by the State Finance Department on COPEL for having wrongfully classified customers under the rural category, which is entitled to deferment of value- added tax ("ICMS"), during the period from January 2000 through December 2004. This amount will be paid off in 60 monthly installments starting July 2005.
  • The increase in “other operating expenses” mainly due to the booking of provision for doubtful accounts. This provision was calculated in accordance with the ANEEL’s Electric Power Public Providers Booking Manual and, in this period, amounted to R$52.7 million.

Operating Expenses Breakdown

                    (R$ thousand )
    3rd Quarter    2nd Quarter    1st Quarter    Jan - Sep    Jan - Sep    Change 
Operating Expenses     2005    2005    2005     2005     2004    % 
   Energy purchased for resale    356,272    424,790    359,829    1,140,891    720,507    58.3 
   Use of transmission grid    144,240    103,630    104,841    352,711    193,270    82.5 
   Transport of electricity capacity    7,309    7,502    6,996    21,807    14,454    50.9 
   Personnel    122,471    117,500    136,524    376,495    312,060    20.6 
   Pension plan and other benefits    24,736    24,811    24,218    73,765    102,701    (28.2)
   Material    13,544    17,149    13,575    44,268    37,073    19.4 
   Raw material and supply for    50,269    5,908    3,424    59,601    8,919    568.2 
   electric power production                         
   Natural gas purchased for resale    (23,124)   55,079    85,641    117,596    214,161    (45.1)
   and supplies for the gas business                         
   Third-party services    49,916    51,558    41,907    143,381    139,448    2.8 
   Depreciation and amortization    81,726    82,386    79,160    243,272    230,874    5.4 
   Regulatory charges    113,646    102,938    115,088    331,672    253,045    31.1 
   Other operating expenses    51,959    32,983    32,391    117,333    70,588    66.2 
Total    992,964    1,026,234    1,003,594    3,022,792    2,297,100    31.6 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

CVA (Deferred Regulatory Asset)

The following table shows the charges in balances from deferred tariff costs updated by the SELIC rate in the third quarter of 2005:

                    R$ thousand 
Parcel A movement    Balance    Deferreal     Amortization   Monetary    Transfer    Balance 
    06.30.05            Update        09.30.05 
     Purchased electric power (Itaipu)   1,849    (10,134)   (5,182)   1,817    11,650   
     Transp. of purchased elect. capacity    2,990    589    (919)   233      2,893 
     Use of transmission grid    144,189    (1,213)   (38,628)   4,730      109,078 
     Energy Development Account - CDE    29,562      (8,402)   1,877      23,037 
     Electric Power Services Fee - ESS    18,905    105    (6,329)   1,723      14,404 
     Fuel Consumption Account - CCC    8,785    8,206    (2,846)   857      15,002 
    206,280    (2,447)   (62,306)   11,237    11,650    164,414 
     Energy purchased for resale                         
           Auction    44,054    7,037    (9,084)   1,574      43,581 
           Cien    13,274    25,439    (3,970)   1,076      35,819 
           Itiquira    (2,810)   (6,611)   202    (271)     (9,490)
           Itaipu            11,650    11,650 
    54,518    25,865    (12,852)   2,379    11,650    81,560 


Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization – EBITDA reached R$803.4 million in the first nine months of 2005, up 5.1% over the figure posted in the same period of the previous year (R$764.6 million).

Financial Result

Financial income from January to September, 2005 decreased 2.5% in comparison to the same period of 2004. The main variations were: (i) higher interest from financial applications due to a higher cash position in the period; (ii) increase of interest and fees due to the appropriation of interest from the mutual contract with Elejor; (iii) monetary variation drop due to the decrease of in IGP-DI index used for readjusting CRC transferred to the State Government; and (iv) increase in the interest on arrears over electricity bills.

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

Financial expenses went up by 5.9% as a result, mainly, of the booking of fines referring to the gas purchase contract (R$136.2 million) and penalties imposed by the State Finance Department (R$ 30.2 million).

Operating Result

COPEL’s operating result recorded in the third quarter of 2005 totaled R$501.3 million, 0.4% above the same period of the previous year.

Non-Operating Result

The non-operating result recorded in the period reflects mainly the net effect of the write-offs of assets and rights registered under permanent assets.

Net Income

Between January and September 2005, COPEL recorded net income of R$309.1 million, 3.8% above the same period of the previous year (R$297.7 million). In the third quarter of 2005, the Company’s net income was R$112.4 million.

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

Balance Sheet and Capex (Assets)

On 09.30.2005, COPEL’s total assets amounted to R$10,319.6 million.

COPEL’s capex in the first nine months of 2005 was R$304.2 million, of which R$13.3 million were allocated to power generation projects, R$95.0 million to transmission projects, R$173.6 million to distribution improvement works, R$12.9 million to telecommunications, R$ 2.5 million to corporate partnership and R$6.9 million to gas plumbing (Compagas).

Balance Sheet (Liabilities)

As of September, 30, 2005, COPEL’s total debt amounted to R$1,680.3 million, representing a debt/shareholders’ equity ratio of 30.9%

COPEL’s shareholders’ equity was R$5,445.4 million, representing a 2.1% increase over September 2004 and equivalent to R$19.90 per thousand shares.

Debt Profile

            (R$ thousand)
Foreign Currency    Short Term    Long Term    Total 
IBD    22,160    94,854    117,014 
National Treasury    13,664    108,562    122,226 
Eletrobrás      58    66 
Banco do Brasil S/A    4,929    14,532    19,461 
Total Foreign Currency    40,761    218,006    258,767 
Local Currency    Short Term    Long Term    Total 
Eletrobrás    45,791    323,907    369,698 
BNDES    7,675    33,099    40,774 
Debentures    51,500    958,351    1,009,851 
Other    192    1,041    1,233 
Total Local Currency    105,158    1,316,398    1,421,556 
TOTAL    145,919    1,534,404    1,680,323 

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3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results


Main Operational and Financial Highlights

As of September 30, 2005 
   Number of power plants:    18 (17 hydro plants and 1 thermal plant)
   Total installed capacity:    4,550 MW 
   Number of automated power plants:    10 
   Number of step up substations:    11 
   Number of automated step up substations:    10 
   Transmission lines:    6,996 km 
   Number of substations:    126 
   Number of automated substations:    126 
   Installed capacity:    15,169 MVA 
   Distribution lines:    165,576 km 
   Number of substations:    227 
   Number of automated substations:    176 
   Installed capacity in substations of 13.8kV and 34.5kV:    1,399 MVA 
   Number of localities served:    1,112 
   Number of municipalities served:    393 
   Number of consumers:    3,239,293 
   DEC (outage duration per consumer):    9:02 hours 
   FEC (outage frequency per consumer):    9.29 times 
   Optical cable – main ring:    4,475 km 
   Self-sustained optical cable:    2,727 km 
   Number of cities served:    146 
   Number of consumers:    236 
   Number of employees (wholly owned subsidiaries):    7,266 
   Consumer per distribution branch employee:    620 
   Book value per 1,000 shares:    R$ 19.90 
   EBITDA:    R$ 803.4 million 
   Liquidity (current ratio):    1.10 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

Average Tariffs for Energy Purchase

Energy purchase tariffs    September 2005    September 2004    Var. % 
Auction – CCEAR    57.51     
CIEN    88.24    92.67    (4.8)
Itaipu *    80.52    94.33    (14.6)
(*)Furnas tariff included             

Retail Tariffs

Tariffs    September 2005    September 2004    Var. % 
Residential    269.36    262.51    2.6 
Industrial    181.04    149.83    20.8 
Commercial    241.94    222.84    8.6 
Rural    163.98    156.00    5.1 
Other    181.26    166.79    8.7 
Total    214.99    192.95    11.4 
ICMS not included             

Energy Supply Tariff

Energy supply tariffs    September 2005    September 2004    Variação % 
Small wholesale concessionaries    82.09    75.64                       8.5 
Auction - CCEAR    57.50                               - 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

Energy Flow     
 Source    Jan – Sep 2005 
 Own Generation    12,716 
 Purchased Energy    16,051 
       Itaipu    3,500 
       Auction – CCEAR    6,421 
       Cien    2,621 
       Other    3,509 
 Total available power    28,767 
 State demand    13,502 
       Retail    13,167 
       Wholesale    335 
 Free consumers    841 
 Initial Supply and Bilateral Contracts    2,928 
 Auction – CCEAR    6,322 
 MRE and CCEE    2,640 
 Losses    2,534 
       Basic grid losses    907 
       Distribution losses    1,337 
       CG contracts allocation    290 
CCEAR = Energy purchase agreements in the regulated market
MRE = Energy Reallocation Mechanism
CCEE = Electric power trade chamber
CG = Center of gravity of the Submarket (difference between hired energy and energy received from CG – following the agreement).
Amounts subject to changes after the conclusion by CCEE.

Shareholders’ Structure (in thousand shares)

As of September 30, 2005

                        Milhões de ações/ Millions of shares 
      PNA        PNB             
    %   Preferred "A"    %   Preferred "B"    %    Total   %
Estado do Paraná/ State of Paraná    85,028    58.6                       -    -    -    -    85,028    31.1 
ELETROBRÁS    1,531    1.1                       -    -    -    -    1,531    0.6 
BNDESPAR    38,299    26.4                       -    -    27,936    21.8    66,235    24.2 
Custódia da Bolsa/ Stock Exchange    19,568    13.5                       121    30.0    100,133    78.1    119,822    43.8 
     No Brasil/ In Brazil    16,340    11.3                       121     30.0    72,196    56.3    88,657    32.4 
     ADS's    3,228    2.2                       -      27,937    21.8    31,165    11.4 
Outros/ Other    605    0.4                       283    70.0    151    0.1    1,039    0.3 
TOTAL    145,031    100.0                       404    100.0    128,220    100.0    273,655    100.0 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

CNPJ 76.483.817/0001-20

Public Company - CVM 1431-1
www.copel.com copel@copel.com

Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

    12/31/2004    03/31/2005    06/30/2005    09/30/2005    09/30/2004 
   Cash in hand    519,236    505,141    575,895    813,558    489,279 
   Customers and distributors    846,144    961,785    1,023,346    1,104,614    897,463 
   Allowance for doubtfull accounts    (85,965)   (110,618)   (128,838)   (138,238)   (85,028)
   Third-parties services, net    2,823    4,591    3,395    5,226    2,749 
   Dividends receivable    2,886    2,886    2,152    2,152    787 
   Services in progress    5,621    5,592    6,863    9,748    4,698 
   CRC transferred to State Government    29,459    30,069    30,660    30,962    169,283 
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    85,274    116,207    112,476    82,632    76,834 
   Material and supplies    30,632    32,678    32,106    33,208    27,518 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"    197,162    208,470    204,621    150,134    183,681 
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS          56,382   
   Other    35,810    73,386    72,486    76,796    47,959 
    1,669,082    1,830,187    1,935,162    2,227,174    1,815,223 
Long-term assets                     
   Customers and distributors    56,921    52,099    47,044    42,160    61,585 
   CRC transferred to State Government    1,167,945    1,180,383    1,170,108    1,146,764    985,858 
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    528,685    525,910    539,851    563,122    626,868 
   Judicial Deposits    146,662    151,690    158,735    165,319    131,982 
   Intercompany receivables    250,402    278,188    195,288    204,737    181,067 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"    111,246    55,171    1,659    14,280    164,420 
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS    80,426    99,807    111,925    32,680   
   Other    47,916    48,127    48,921    48,204    160,274 
    2,390,203    2,391,375    2,273,531    2,217,266    2,312,054 
   Investments    456,707    461,013    461,442    465,499    430,542 
   Property, plant and equipment                     
       In service    5,530,383    5,535,422    5,578,978    5,626,175    5,535,512 
       Construction in progress    594,230    600,819    579,363    542,331    493,178 
   ( - ) Special liabilities    (725,448)   (734,803)   (747,753)   (759,025)   (706,948)
   Deferred    129    92    49    205    167 
    5,399,294    5,401,530    5,410,637    5,409,686    5,321,909 
    5,856,001    5,862,543    5,872,079    5,875,185    5,752,451 
Total    9,915,286    10,084,105    10,080,772    10,319,625    9,879,728 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results


Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

    12/31/2004    31/03/2005    30/06/2005    09/30/2005    09/30/2004 
   Loans and financing    514,396    523,597    99,016    94,419    549,692 
   Debentures    156,620    6,727    61,055    51,500    135,877 
   Suppliers    767,501    952,300    1,047,355    1,108,983    707,278 
   Taxes and social contributions    331,618    290,566    314,725    387,921    333,636 
   Interest on own capital    91,352    90,697    27,050    27,047    12,672 
   Accrued payroll costs    84,427    102,708    81,733    93,549    82,004 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    124,783    135,135    127,587    123,704    93,706 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        46,871    40,686   
   Regulatory charges    64,135    75,251    68,751    66,382    77,729 
   Swap operations    124,629    136,982        78,636 
   Other    24,481    29,065    19,109    22,691    26,897 
    2,283,942    2,343,028    1,893,252    2,016,882    2,098,127 
Long-term liabilities                     
   Loans and financing    702,868    671,523    614,761    576,053    720,513 
   Debentures    457,407    564,484    965,391    958,351    448,605 
   Suppliers    240,663    223,474    206,372    191,492    248,412 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    540,587    520,071    514,991    508,066    570,659 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        7,647    40,874   
   Non extracted gas            113,778 
   Taxes and social contributions    78,408    67,962    61,197    94,369    66,598 
   Intercompany receivables            3,550 
   Provision for contingencies    428,762    429,283    429,867    430,511    408,095 
   Regulatory charges    1,588          1,588 
    2,450,283    2,476,797    2,800,226    2,799,716    2,581,798 
Minority interest    44,744    49,556    54,317    57,648    43,857 
Shareholders' equity                     
   Capital stock    3,480,000    3,480,000    3,480,000    3,480,000    3,480,000 
   Capital reserves    817,293    817,293    817,293    817,293    817,293 
   Income reserves    839,024    917,431    1,035,684    1,148,086    858,653 
    5,136,317    5,214,724    5,332,977    5,445,379    5,155,946 
Total    9,915,286    10,084,105    10,080,772    10,319,625    9,879,728 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results


Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

INCOME STATEMENT                         
    4Q2004    1Q2005    2Q2005    3Q2005    09/30/2005    09/30/2004 
Operating revenues                         
   Electricity sales to final customers    1,190,042    1,226,381    1,297,466    1,369,441    3,893,288    3,415,427 
   Electricity sales to distributors    125,187    227,650    237,070    235,789    700,509    320,669 
   Use of transmission plant    62,512    64,192    66,636    69,473    200,301    147,254 
   Telecom revenues    12,372    12,478    13,118    12,333    37,929    29,062 
   Piped gas distribution    35,855    40,360    44,119    47,927    132,406    125,372 
   Other revenues    32,899    20,791    20,842    20,827    62,460    47,674 
    1,458,867    1,591,852    1,679,251    1,755,790    5,026,893    4,085,458 
Deductions from operating revenues    (363,973)   (442,525)   (472,239)   (529,202)   (1,443,966)   (1,254,578)
Net operating revenues    1,094,894    1,149,327    1,207,012    1,226,588    3,582,927    2,830,880 
Operating expenses                         
   Payroll    (146,207)   (136,524)   (117,500)   (122,471)   (376,495)   (312,060)
   Pension plan    (34,865)   (24,218)   (24,811)   (24,736)   (73,765)   (102,701)
   Material    (17,389)   (13,575)   (17,149)   (13,544)   (44,268)   (37,073)
   Raw material and supplies for generation of electricity    (74,293)   (3,424)   (5,908)   (50,269)   (59,601)   (8,919)
   Third-party services    (53,167)   (41,907)   (51,558)   (49,916)   (143,381)   (139,448)
   Electricity purchased for resale    (243,376)   (359,829)   (424,790)   (356,272)   (1,140,891)   (720,507)
   Transport of electricity capacity    (7,093)   (6,996)   (7,502)   (7,309)   (21,807)   (14,454)
   Charges for the use of transmission grid    (96,336)   (104,841)   (103,630)   (144,240)   (352,711)   (193,270)
   Depreciation and amortization    (78,036)   (79,160)   (82,386)   (81,726)   (243,272)   (230,874)
   Regulatory charges    (105,444)   (115,088)   (102,938)   (113,646)   (331,672)   (253,045)
   Taxes    (2,776)   (4,095)   (5,299)   (34,167)   (43,561)   (7,316)
   Natural gas purchased for resale and supplies for the gas    6,213    (85,641)   (55,079)   23,124    (117,596)   (214,161)
   Other expenses    (174,602)   (28,296)   (27,684)   (17,792)   (73,772)   (63,272)
    (1,027,371)   (1,003,594)   (1,026,234)   (992,964)   (3,022,792)   (2,297,100)
Result of operations    67,523    145,733    180,778    233,624    560,135    533,780 
Equity Investment    7,115    4,302    1,768    1,731    7,801    6,355 
Financial income (expenses)                        
   Financial income    138,878    94,777    94,685    81,178    270,640    277,678 
   Financial expenses    (100,274)   (114,601)   (85,706)   (136,974)   (337,281)   (318,445)
    38,604    (19,824)   8,979    (55,796)   (66,641)   (40,767)
Operating income (expenses)   113,242    130,211    191,525    179,559    501,295    499,368 
Non-operating income (expenses)   (1,871)   (3,848)   (1,382)   (3,869)   (9,099)   (4,487)
Income (loss) before income tax    111,371    126,363    190,143    175,690    492,196    494,881 
Income tax and Social contribution                         
   Income tax    (11,147)   (30,998)   (50,101)   (43,623)   (124,722)   (136,730)
   Social contribution    (5,005)   (12,146)   (17,028)   (16,333)   (45,507)   (45,551)
    (16,152)   (43,144)   (67,129)   (59,956)   (170,229)   (182,281)
Net income (loss) before    95,219    83,219    123,014    115,734    321,967    312,600 
   Minority interest                         
Minority interest    (6,359)   (4,812)   (4,761)   (3,332)   (12,905)   (14,884)
Net income (loss)   88,860    78,407    118,253    112,402    309,062    297,716 
Earning per thousand shares    0,3247    0,2865    0,4495    0,4107    1,1294    1,0879 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results


CNPJ 76.483.817/0001-20

Public Company - CVM 1431-1
www.copel.com copel@copel.com

as of September 30, 2005
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

ASSETS    GER    TRA    DIS    TEL    PAR    COM 
   Cash in hand    518,479    15,924    230,265    2,775    5,742    25,518 
   Customers and distributors    169,187    42,492    841,919        36,649 
   Third-parties services, net    3,116    245    54    14,032     
   Dividends receivable            1,770   
   Services in progress    2,331    4,371    1,756      231   
   CRC transferred to State Government        30,961       
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    10,624    9,137    63,303    2,277    4,369    685 
   Material and supplies    91    8,830    21,133    2,617      538 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        150,134       
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS      20,814    35,568       
   Other    23,610    6,781    40,293    1,380    139    1,063 
    727,438    108,594    1,415,386    23,081    12,251    64,453 
Long-term assets                         
   Customers and distributors    129,837      21,447        326 
   CRC transferred to State Government        1,146,764       
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    47,911    35,492    290,091    10,264    7,282    2,445 
   Judicial Deposits    6,833    16,004    57,080    288     
   Intercompany receivables    36,529          169,806   
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        14,280       
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS        32,680       
   Other    4,645    5,544    36,269      1,694    52 
    225,755    57,040    1,598,611    10,552    178,782    2,823 
   Investments    4,150    2,257    419      514,010   
   Property, plant and equipment    2,937,874    1,067,993    1,860,799    178,151    161    123,528 
   ( - ) Special liabilities      (7,140)   (751,885)      
   Deferred              205 
    2,942,024    1,063,110    1,109,333    178,151    514,171    123,735 
Total    3,895,217    1,228,744    4,123,330    211,784    705,204    191,011 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

   Loans and financing    50,378    16,093    21,654        6,294 
   Debentures        36,851       
   Suppliers    765,218    6,405    457,269    2,093    31    14,378 
   Taxes and social contributions    35,604    38,970    224,513    998      8,510 
   Interest on own capital          916    38,029   
   Accrued payroll costs    16,054    14,545    56,757    4,671    783    679 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    23,777    22,710    71,781    5,296    139   
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        40,686       
   Regulatory charges    17,927    999    47,438    18     
   Other    1,796    1,554    16,710    500    1,548    454 
    910,754    101,276    973,659    14,492    40,530    30,315 
Long-term liabilities                         
   Loans and financing    356,519    82,772    103,663        33,099 
   Debentures        558,351       
   Suppliers    889      299,786        267 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    97,004    86,489    305,139    18,194    518    723 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        40,874       
   Taxes and social contributions        51,478        8,957 
   Intercompany receivables      3,400    173,944    67,244    249,256   
   Provision for contingencies    38,523    29,307    120,133    682     
    492,935    201,968    1,653,368    86,120    249,774    43,046 
Shareholders' equity                         
   Capital stock    2,338,932    751,989    1,607,168    120,650    330,718    50,012 
   Capital reserves          701     
   Income reserves    30,012    83,206      107    43,528    41,302 
   Accrued income    122,584    90,305    (110,865)   (10,286)   40,654    26,336 
    2,491,528    925,500    1,496,303    111,172    414,900    117,650 
Total    3,895,217    1,228,744    4,123,330    211,784    705,204    191,011 

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Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results

as of September 30, 2005
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

Operating revenues                         
   Electricity sales to final customers    67,842      3,828,036       
   Electricity sales to distributors    847,993      102,334       
   Use of transmission plant      272,602    100,134       
   Telecom revenues          57,288     
   Piped gas distribution              204,533 
   Other    17,515    1,179    44,414        36 
Deductions from operating revenues    (106,508)   (30,375)   (1,266,831)   (8,280)   -    (33,161)
Net operating revenues    826,842    243,406    2,808,087    49,008    -    171,408 
Operating expenses                         
   Payroll and pension plan    (67,422)   (60,430)   (294,787)   (17,746)   (3,085)   (3,664)
   Material    (5,061)   (3,351)   (33,784)   (1,852)   (6)   (211)
   Raw material and supplies for generation of electricity    (130,091)          
   Natural gas purchased for resale and supplies for the ga              (117,596)
   Third-party services    (32,441)   (9,279)   (112,557)   (4,321)   (260)   (2,463)
   Electricity purchased for resale    (61,351)     (1,329,358)      
   Charges for the use of transmission grid    (93,218)     (453,735)      
   Depreciation and amortization    (76,925)   (28,825)   (113,987)   (19,884)   (31)   (3,619)
   Regulatory charges    (46,931)   (2,133)   (282,480)   (128)    
   Taxes    (1,453)   (4,344)   (15,153)   (85)   (49)   (117)
   Other expenses    (5,515)   (2,873)   (59,136)   (2,132)   (31)   (1,616)
    (520,408)   (111,235)   (2,694,977)   (46,148)   (3,462)   (129,286)
Result of operations    306,434    132,171    113,110    2,860    (3,462)   42,122 
Equity Investment    -    -    -    -    21,013    - 
Financial income (expenses)                        
   Financial income    48,153    3,649    174,019    1,119    32,896    2,555 
   Financial expenses    (166,067)   2,657    (84,125)   (306)   (1,163)   (4,836)
    (117,914)   6,306    89,894    813    31,733    (2,281)
Operating income (expenses)   188,520    138,477    203,004    3,673    49,284    39,841 
   Non-operating income    260    (291)   (8,893)   (273)   107    (10)
Income (loss) before income tax    188,780    138,186    194,111    3,400    49,391    39,831 
   Income tax and Social contribution    (66,196)   (47,881)   (67,951)   (1,203)   (8,737)   (13,495)
Net income (loss)   122,584    90,305    126,160    2,197    40,654    26,336 

Pág. 21

Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel
3rd Quarter 2005 Earnings Results


Presentation:    Mr. Rubens Ghilardi, CEO, CFO and IRO 
Date & Time:    Friday, November 11, 2005 
    11 am (US EST)
14 pm (Brasília Time)
Phone:    (55-11)2101-1490 
Access code:    Copel 

Statements contained in this press release may contain information which is forward-looking and reflects management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts, such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 

Pág. 22

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 11, 2005

/S/  Rubens Ghilardi

Rubens Ghilardi
CEO and Principal Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.