6-K 1 elppr2q04_6k.htm COPEL ANNOUNCES FIRST HALF 2004 RESULTS Provided By MZ Data Products
Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of August, 2004

Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 322-3535
(Address of principal executive offices)

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Curitiba, Brazil, August 13, 2004 – Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL (NYSE: ELP / LATIBEX: XCOP / BOVESPA: CPLE3, CPLE5, CPLE6), a Brazilian utility company that generates, transmits, and distributes electric power to the State of Paraná, today announced its operating results for the first half of 2004. All figures included in this report are in Reais (R$) and were prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP (corporate law).


• Net revenues totaled R$ 1,749.2 million – increase of 25.2% against the first half of 2003.

• Operating Income: R$ 272.7 million

• Net Income: R$ 172.8 million (R$ 0.63 per 1,000 shares)

• Increase in consumption through direct distribution: 1.7%

• EBITDA: R$ 458.6 million

Management Commentary

“First half 2004 financial results reflect that the Company is focus on its goals. I highlight that in the period, Foreign Exchange variation of 7.6% and the continued provision of the gas purchase for UEG Araucária (R$ 118.8 million in the first half)”.

Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti
CFO and Investor Relations Officer

Copel Investor Relations Department

Ricardo Portugal Alves   Solange Maueler Gomide
(55-41) 331-4311   (55-41) 331-4359



- Net income: In the first half of 2004, COPEL recorded a profit of R$ 172.8 million, or R$ 0.63 per lot of one thousand shares.

- Market expansion: Total power consumption throughout COPEL’s direct distribution area grew by 1.7% in the first half of 2004 compared with the first half of 2003.

Residential, commercial, and rural consumer segments grew by 1.4%, 5.6%, and 7.2%, respectively. The good performance of the rural segment is due mainly to increased exports of agricultural, livestock, and agroindustrial products. Increased commercial consumption was due to the modernization of the commercial sector and the opening of new businesses.

Industrial consumption throughout COPEL’s concession area dropped by 1.0% compared with the same period of 2003 on account of some major unregulated (“free”) industrial customers ceased to be Copel’s clients. The consumption of unregulated customers supplied by COPEL outside the State of Paraná fell by 4.1% due to the change of the billing date of a major customer.

- Rate increase: On June 24th 2004, The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) published in the Brazilian Federal Register its Resolution no. 146, dated June 21st, 2004, containing the final result of the periodic rate review for COPEL. Under such Resolution, the Company was granted an average rate increase of 14.43% over the rates approved under Resolution 284/03, of which 9.17% correspond to the rate review and 5.26% correspond to the recovery of costs already incurred (Portion A costs). However, electricity bills paid when due have been granted by the Company a 12.5% discount off the rates approved under Resolution no. 146/2004, thus causing the average increase passed on to customers to be roughly 9%.

COPEL’s X Factor was set at 2.31%.

Under Decree no. 4,667/03, the rate increase percentages granted to Brazilian distribution companies must be applied differently according to customer segment, in order to phase out existing cross-subsidies between customer groups.

- Overdue customers: The rate increase discount afforded to electricity bills paid when due has caused a significant drop in the number of lapsed bills. In June 2003, overdue bills accounted for R$ 187 million, or 5.4% of the Company’s 12-month gross revenues. In December 2003, this figure had dropped to 2.6% of the 12-month gross revenues, or R$ 114 million, and in June 2004, it reached R$ 97.5 million (or 2.5% of gross revenues). The method employed to calculate the levels of overdue bills is to divide the amounts overdue for 15 to 360 days by the 12-month gross revenues.

- UEG Araucária: On July 5th 2004, the Chief Justice of the Superior Court of the State of Paranáoverruled a preliminary injunction which had allowed the arbitration requested in Paris by UEG Araucária against COPEL to proceed.

This ruling fully restores the effectiveness of the March 15th ruling of a lower Court of Law (“3a. Vara da Fazenda Pública”), which was favorable to COPEL, judging null and void the clause in COPEL’s agreement with UEG Araucária providing for arbitration and determining that the Brazilian Courts should be the proper venue to resolve any issues arising from the contract. The Superior Court ruling also upheld the order for UEG Araucária to refrain from taking any action aimed at carrying on the arbitration in Paris, subject to a daily penalty of R$ 500 thousand in the event of non-compliance.


Market Expansion

From January to June 2004, total power consumption in Copel’s direct distribution area amounted to 8,800 GWh, an increase of 1.7% over the same period last year. Taking into consideration free consumers outside the State of Paraná, total power consumption amounted to 9,401 GWh. This growth reflects, mainly, the expansion of the commercial (5.6%) and rural (7.2%) segments. The good performance of the commercial segment is due mainly to the modernization of the commercial sector and to the opening of new commercial businesses in the State. The number of commercial customers increased by 3.1%, totaling 7,938 new connections. The good performance of the rural segment is due to the increase of agricultural goods for exports that allowed for the acquisition of electronic equipment, and also for the 1.9% increase in the number of connections in the rural region. Industrial consumption, at Copel’s concession area, dropped 1.0% in comparison to the first half of 2003 given that some large unregulated (“free”) industrial consumers ceased to be Copel’s clients. The consumption of unregulated customers supplied by COPEL outside the State of Paraná fell by 4.1% due to the change of the billing date of a major customer.

In June 2004, Copel had 3,134,341 customers, a 2.6% increase compared to June 2003.

Consumption per Segment

In GWh

Segment 1st Half 2004 1st Half 2003 Change % 

Residential 2,235  2,204  1.4
Industrial 3,502  3,537  (1.0)
Commercial 1,522  1,442  5.6
Rural 681  636  7.2
Other 859  836  2.7
Subtotal 8,800  8,655  1.7
Free customers outside the State of Paraná (Industrial) 602  627  (4.1)

Total 9,401  9,282  1.3


Net revenues totaled R$ 1,749.2 million, a 25.2% increase against the R$1,397.1 million recorded in the first half of 2003. This increase reflects, mainly, the reduction in the discount granted to due customers, with a power rate readjustments of 15%, on average, being passed on to customers from 01/01/2004 onwards; market expansion of 1.3% in the period; higher supply revenue due to greater power sales via bilateral contracts; and the increase in revenues for the use of transmission network following the transmission tariff readjustment approved by ANEEL Resolution 307, of June 30, 2003.

Gross Revenues

(R$ thousand)

Revenues 1st Half 2004 1st Half 2003 Change % 

Residential 795,644  653,392  21.8
Industrial 686,066  587,956  16.7
Commercial 432,824  353,463  22.5
Rural 105,060  82,358  27.6
Other Segments 176,853  147,599  19.8
Total Retail 2,196,447  1,824,768  20.4
Supply 204,832  87,902  133.0
Revenue per use of Transmission Lines 85,549  42,945  99.2
Telecom 19,267  15,984  20.5
Others 32,285  36,522  (11.6)

Total 2,538,380  2,008,121  26.4


From January to June 2004, total operating expenses amounted to R$ 1,441.9 million, versus R$ 1,182.3 million recorded in the same period of 2003. The main reasons for the variation were:

  • the 16.7% increase in the “personnel” line, chiefly due to pay rises awarded from collective labor agreements in October 2003 (10%) and March 2004 (5.5%), and hiring of new employees.

  • the increase in the “pension plan and other benefits” line, due to expenses arising from retirement benefits (CVM Deliberation 371/2000). Besides the estimated actuarial amount, Copel is accounting R$ 37 million in the year as deficit recorded in the previous years.

  • the increase in the “materials and supplies” line, reflecting provision for the purchase capacity for UEG Araucária, with R$ 118.8 million being recorded in the first half of 2004.

  • at the “energy purchased for resale” line, the main amounts recorded are the following: R$ 203.9 million from Itaipu, R$ 159.1 million from CIEN, R$ 21.8 million from Dona Francisca and R$ 33.4 million from Itiquira.

  • the increase in “use and transmission grid” is mainly due to the tariff readjustment confirmed by ANEEL Resolution 307, of June 30, 2003.

  • the increase in “regulatory charges”, under which the following are booked: CCC – Fuel Consumption Account (R$ 76.7 million), financial compensation for the utilization of water resources (R$ 27.2 million), ANEEL’s Electric Power Services Oversight Fee (R$ 3.8 million) and CDE – Energy Development Account (R$ 38.9 million).

  • the decrease in “other operating expenses” mainly due to the reduction in insurance, as the policy was not renewed for UEG Araucária.

(R$ thousand)

Operating Expenses 1st Half 2004 1st Half 2003 Change % 

Personnel 202,761  173,710  16.7
Pension plan and other benefits 68,316  52,076  31.2
Materials 148,196  113,970  30.0
Third-party services 88,610  76,895  15.2
Electricity purchased for resale 486,828  365,595  33.2
Transmission of electricity 111,159  90,977  22.2
Depreciation and amortization 151,323  145,113  4.3
Regulatory charges 146,623  114,290  28.3
Other expenses 38,109  49,651  (23.2)

Total 1,441,925  1,182,277  22.0


EBITDA stood at R$ 458.6 million in the first half 2004, 27.4% higher that the one recorded in the same period of the previous year (R$ 359.9 million).

Financial Result

The financial income 18.1% increase, recorded in the first half of 2004 is due, mainly, to higher interest income, fees and monetary variation in the period given the smaller changes in IGP-DI, index used to readjust the amounts under CRC transferred to State Government. Financial expenses increase, mainly due to the FX variation in the period (7.6% in the first half of 2004).

Operating Income

Copel’s operating income totaled R$ 272.7 million in the first half of 2004.

Non-Operating Result

The non-operating result was primarily a reflection of the net effect from the deactivation/sale of goods and rights from permanent assets.

Net Income

In the first half of 2004, Copel posted a net income of R$ 172.8 million. This result was influenced, basically, by the reduction in the discount granted to due customers (average increase of 15% in retail tariffs from January 1, 2004 onwards), by the continued provision for gas for UEG Araucária and by the FX variation of the period.

Balance Sheet and Capex (Assets)

On 6/30/2004, Copel’s total assets amounted to R$ 9,423.5 million. First half 2004 Capex stood at R$ 125.3 million, of which R$ 5.2 million went to generation projects, R$ 25.3 million to transmission, R$ 79.6 million to distribution and R$ 15.2 million to telecommunications.

Balance Sheet (Liabilities)

As of the same date, Copel’s total debt amounted to R$ 1,870.8 million, with a debt-to-equity ratio of 37.2%. Shareholders’ equity stood at R$ 5,031.0 million, 0.8% above of the amount registered in June 2003, and equivalent to R$ 18.38 per 1,000 shares.

Debt Profile

(R$ thousand)

Foreign Currency Short-term Long-term  Total 

Eurobonus 473,573  473,573 
BID 33,856  179,303  213,159 
National Treasury 16,453  166,457  182,910 
Eletrobrás 94  96 
Banco do Brasil S/A 7,834  31,832  39,666 

Total 531,718  377,686  909,404 


Local Currency Short-term Long-term  Total 

Eletrobrás 38,434  354,494  392,928 
BNDES 5,297  2,630  7,927 
Debentures 124,331  434,469  558,800 
Others 513  1,215  1,728 

Total 168,575  792,808  961,383 


TOTAL 700,293  1,170,494  1,870,787 


Main Operational and Financial Highlights

June 30, 2004

Number of power plants: 18 (17 hydro plants and 1 thermal plant)
Total installed capacity: 4,550 MW 
# of automated power plants: 10 
# of step up substations: 12 
# of automated step up substations: 10 
Transforming capacity: 5,004 MVA 
Transmission lines: 6,979 km 
# of substations: 124 
# of automated substations: 124 
Transforming capacity: 15,044 MVA
Distribution lines: 165,570 km
# of substations: 226 
# of automated substations: 176 
Transforming capacity: 1,424 MVA 
Served localities: 1,112 
Served cities: 393 
# of consumers: 3,134,341 
DEC (outage duration by consumer): 6:11 hours
FEC (outage frequency by consumer): 6.52 x 
OPGW optical cables: 3,290 km 
Self-sustained optical cables: 2,077 km 
Served cities: 81 
# of clients: 163 
# of employees: 6,695 
Consumer/distribution branch employees: 657 
Book Value per 1,000 shares: R$ 18.38/
EBITDA: R$ 458.6million
Liquidity (current ratio): 0.82 

Average Tariffs as of June 2004 and 2003.


Tariffs June 2004 June 2003 %

Retail 175.20 147.19 19.0
Initial supply contracts 75.03 63.29 18.6
Itaipu (purchase)* 101.75 91.77 10.9


Furnas transmission tariff included

Retail Tariffs


Tariffs June 2004 June 2003 %

Residential 243.43 205.94 18.2
Industrial 131.54 109.23 20.4
Commercial 204.95 175.96 16.5
Rural 145.31 124.20 17.0
Other 153.48 129.73 18.3
Total Retail 175.20 147.19 19.0

Energy Flow


Source 1st Half 2004

Own Generation 8,448 
Energy Purchased 5,703 
Itaipu 2,829 
Ande 186 
Cien 1,718 
Self producers 970 

Copel’s Total Available Power 14,151 

State Demand 9,042 
Retail 8,800 
Wholesale 242 
Free Customers 602 
Initial Supply Contracts 35 
Bilateral Contracts 2,118 
Other 1,586 
Losses 768 

Main self producers: Itiquira (468 GWh), Dona Francisca (322 GWh) and Foz do Chopim (83 GWh).

Main bilateral contracts: Elektro (488 GWh) and Celesc (1,299 GWh).

Shareholder Structure (millions of shares)

June 30, 2004


CNPJ 76.483.817/0001-20
Public Company - CVM 1431-1
www.copel.com           copel@copel.com

AS OF JUNE 30, 2004
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)


  09/30/2003  12/31/2003  03/31/2004  06/30/2004  06/30/2003 
Cash in hand 501,055  348,881  345,337  363,888  366,028 
Customers and distributors 653,653  698,282  737,474  763,045  630,512 
Allowance for doubtfull accounts (57,133) (51,570) (51,522) (67,687) (57,133)
Third-parties services, net 1,382  878  2,047  3,587  11,532 
Dividends receivable 570  9,950  9,440  1,851  1,539 
Services in progress 3,757  4,238  4,467  4,345  3,438 
CRC transferred to State Government 99,668  123,885  112,353  140,503  81,978 
Taxes and social contributions paid in advance 67,688  76,891  82,415  99,017  65,149 
Material and supplies 17,214  27,189  23,867  28,015  16,438 
Account for compensation of "Portion A" 30,939  59,463  109,408  171,832 
Other 10,968  93,054  47,987  45,804  16,700 
  1,329,761  1,391,141  1,423,273  1,554,200  1,136,181 
Long-term assets
Customers and distributors 67,365  72,274  70,765  64,548  63,465 
CRC transferred to State Government 904,096  912,441  932,700  963,579  897,190 
Taxes and social contributions paid in advance 578,065  653,256  635,561  622,610  549,477 
Judicial Deposits 107,957  112,385  121,809  125,979  105,792 
Intercompany receivables 36,970  61,263  79,536  134,562  36,733 
Account for compensation of "Portion A" 216,573  178,390  182,347  196,381  177,056 
Other 58,076  72,612  72,445  73,854  58,723 
  1,969,102  2,062,621  2,095,163  2,181,513  1,888,436 
Investments 494,644  455,702  455,383  461,526  529,739 
Property, plant and equipment
In service 5,446,701  5,490,029  5,464,844  5,462,372  5,442,321 
Construction in progress 465,993  463,372  466,111  459,941  473,172 
( - ) Special liabilities (669,403) (677,523) (683,448) (696,009) (657,312)
  5,243,291  5,275,878  5,247,507  5,226,304  5,258,181 
  5,737,935  5,731,580  5,702,890  5,687,830  5,787,920 
Total 9,036,798  9,185,342  9,221,326  9,423,543  8,812,537 

AS OF JUNE 30, 2004
Translation from the original in Portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

Liabilities and Shareholders' equity          

  09/30/2003 12/31/2003 03/31/2004 06/30/2004 06/30/2003
Loans and financing 115,358  108,499  117,214  575,965  112,337 
Debentures 33,227  157,859  106,242  124,331  32,073 
Suppliers 487,834  400,984  523,321  646,777  417,737 
Taxes and social contributions 284,046  320,037  252,282  274,960  172,541 
Interest on own capital 637  43,219  38,725  12,682  638 
Accrued payroll costs 71,318  71,757  73,639  69,297  56,158 
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 76,429  92,173  90,037  91,765  76,793 
Regulatory charges 56,435  50,106  71,101  72,606  60,509 
Customers and other 40,990  24,509  30,092  23,836  29,769 
  1,166,274  1,269,143  1,302,653  1,892,219  958,555 
Long-term liabilities
Loans and financing 1,205,582  1,186,492  1,165,382  736,021  1,213,246 
Debentures 600,698  506,761  417,956  434,469  596,600 
Suppliers 889  272,889  264,663  256,176  889 
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 584,671  565,895  570,191  570,620  585,408 
Swap operations 11,585  33,724  42,005  25,678 
Taxes and social contributions 73,045  82,316  100,643  68,961  60,199 
Intercompany receibables
Provision for contingencies 407,671  408,304  408,304  406,829  405,418 
Regulatory charges 1,588  1,588  1,588 
  2,884,141  3,057,969  2,970,732  2,500,342  2,861,760 
Shareholders' equity
Capital stock 2,900,000  2,900,000  2,900,000  3,480,000  2,900,000 
Capital reserves 817,293  817,293  817,293  817,293  817,293 
Income reserves 1,269,090  1,140,937  1,230,648  733,689  1,274,929 
  4,986,383  4,858,230  4,947,941  5,030,982  4,992,222 
Total 9,036,798  9,185,342  9,221,326  9,423,543  8,812,537 

Quarterly Income Statement

Translation from the original in Portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)


INCOME STATEMENT 3rd Q 2003  4th Q 2003  1st Q 2004  2nd Q 2004  06/30/2004  06/30/2003 
Operating revenues
Electricity sales to final customers 897,504  1,014,201  1,102,278  1,094,169  2,196,447  1,824,768 
Electricity sales to distributors 133,190  113,065  104,426  100,406  204,832  87,902 
Use of transmission plant 31,259  37,914  43,560  41,989  85,549  42,945 
Telecom revenues 7,438  8,790  9,500  9,767  19,267  15,984 
Other revenues 14,475  13,485  15,206  17,079  32,285  36,522 
  1,083,866  1,187,455  1,274,970  1,263,410  2,538,380  2,008,121 
Deductions from operating revenues (327,220) (350,365) (395,394) (393,737) (789,131) (611,035)
Net operating revenues 756,646  837,090  879,576  869,673  1,749,249  1,397,086 
Operating expenses
Payroll 97,388  129,205  96,349  106,412  202,761  173,710 
Pension plan 26,299  27,815  34,132  34,184  68,316  52,076 
Materials and supplies 10,959  14,414  11,332  11,763  23,095  19,802 
Raw material for production of electric energy 50,023  62,040  78,246  46,855  125,101  94,168 
Third-party services 39,182  53,240  44,534  44,076  88,610  76,895 
Electricity purchase for resale 230,302  494,495  231,267  255,561  486,828  365,595 
Transport of electricity capacity 4,774  4,193  4,165  889  5,054  8,743 
Charges for the use of transmission grid 47,398  90,261  51,937  54,168  106,105  82,234 
Depreciation and amortization 73,045  74,184  75,606  75,717  151,323  145,113 
Regulatory charges 34,572  69,918  80,789  65,834  146,623  114,290 
Other expenses 69,620  9,694  9,737  28,372  38,109  49,651 
  683,562  1,029,459  718,094  723,831  1,441,925  1,182,277 
Result of operations 73,084  (192,369) 161,482  145,842  307,324  214,809 
Equity Investment 14,255  9,341  7,018  7,115  14,133  8,134 
Financial income (expenses)
Financial income 75,890  89,395  76,992  108,817  185,809  157,335 
Financial expenses (105,506) (106,069) (103,461) (131,120) (234,581) 35,696 
  (29,616) (16,674) (26,469) (22,303) (48,772) 193,031 
Operating income (expenses) 57,723  (199,702) 142,031  130,654  272,685  415,974 
Non-operating income (expenses) (58,355) 40,799  (880) (586) (1,466) (2,974)
Income (loss) before income tax (632) (158,903) 141,151  130,068  271,219  413,000 
Income tax and Social contribution
Income tax (3,698) 51,419  (37,790) (34,301) (72,091) (107,960)
Social contribution (1,509) 18,316  (13,650) (12,726) (26,376) (38,896)
  (5,207) 69,735  (51,440) (47,027) (98,467) (146,856)
Net income (loss) (5,839) (89,168) 89,711  83,041  172,752  266,144 
Earning (loss) per thousand shares (0.0213) (0.3258) 0.3278  0.3035  0.6313  0.9726 


AS OF JUNE 30, 2004
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)


Cash in hand 251,118  35,510  71,551  3,744  1,638 
Customers and distributors 350,802  36,247  647,006 
Third-parties services, net 1,835  59  1,442  2,647 
Dividends receivable 1,851 
Services in progress 718  1,879  457  231 
CRC transferred to State Government 140,503 
Taxes and social contributions paid in advance 10,142  19,877  117,886  3,403  334 
Material and supplies 80  6,286  18,037  3,613 
Account for compensation of "Portion A" 171,832 
Other 11,594  4,004  17,945  709  7,508 
  626,289  103,862  1,186,659  14,116  11,562 
Long-term assets
Customers and distributors 31,197  33,350 
CRC transferred to State Government 963,579 
Taxes and social contributions paid in advance 45,787  40,093  376,753  11,484  5,259 
Judicial Deposits 4,190  9,895  30,791  218 
Intercompany receivables 321,267  80,288  97,142 
Account for compensation of "Portion A" 196,381 
Other 4,046  5,871  61,923  1,694 
  406,487  136,147  1,662,777  11,702  104,095 
Investments 6,045  2,273  413  448,457 
Property, plant and equipment 3,038,623  960,807  1,752,944  169,718  220 
( - ) Special liabilities (7,140) (688,869)
  3,044,668  955,940  1,064,488  169,718  448,677 
Total 4,077,444  1,195,949  3,913,924  195,536  564,334 

Liabilities and Shareholders' equity GER  TRA  DIS  TELECOM  PAR 

Loans and financing 539,366  19,657  16,943 
Debentures 124,331 
Suppliers 337,492  3,356  642,842  4,094  12 
Taxes and social contributions 6,446  19,142  194,961  943  498 
Interest on own capital 106,872  59,784  916  22,272 
Accrued payroll costs 12,175  11,033  41,926  3,464  643 
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 22,264  21,287  44,954  3,124  135 
Regulatory charges 12,897  2,792  56,904  13 
Customers and other 191  52  23,443  41 
  1,037,703  137,103  1,146,304  12,595  23,560 
Long-term liabilities
Loans and financing 473,986  121,911  140,124 
Debentures 434,469 
Suppliers 889  255,286 
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 106,081  95,825  345,811  22,153  751 
Swap operations 25,678 
Taxes and social contributions 68,961 
Intercompany receibables 153,073  50,134  168,686 
Provision for contingencies 25,118  20,580  129,461  410 
Regulatory charges 1,588 
  633,340  238,316  1,527,185  72,697  169,437 
Shareholders' equity
Capital stock 2,338,932  751,989  1,607,168  120,650  330,718 
Capital reserves 701 
Income reserves 28,641  21,132  107  22,865 
Income (loss) 38,828  47,409  (366,733) (11,214) 17,754 
  2,406,401  820,530  1,240,435  110,244  371,337 
Total 4,077,444  1,195,949  3,913,924  195,536  564,334 

AS OF JUNE 30, 2004
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)


Operating revenues
Electricity sales to final customers 18,688  2,179,100 
Electricity sales to distributors 520,854  81,907 
Use of transmission plant 169,619  24,747 
Telecom revenues 33,531 
Equity Investment 13,950 
Other revenues 8,093  1,092  23,479 
Deductions from operating revenues (40,266) (19,296) (724,657) (4,911)
Net operating revenues 507,369  151,415  1,584,576  28,622  13,950 
Operating expenses
Payroll and pension plan 43,506  38,277  173,812  11,812  1,696 
Materials 2,964  2,300  17,344  456 
Raw material for production of electric energy 125,101 
Third-party services 23,276  5,566  69,719  2,889  314 
Electricity purchase for resale 44,234  840,524 
Charges for the use of transmission grid 25,828  194,148 
Depreciation and amortization 50,565  18,269  70,584  11,882  22 
Regulatory charges 30,796  320  115,428  79 
Other expenses 287  3,188  32,749  1,042  (105)
  346,557  67,920  1,514,308  28,160  1,931 
Result of operations 160,812  83,495  70,268  462  12,019 
Financial income (expenses), with exchange rate
Financial income 18,113  4,081  152,626  667  7,737 
Financial expenses (116,471) (12,174) (94,143) (297) (1,287)
  (98,358) (8,093) 58,483  370  6,450 
Operating income (expenses) 62,454  75,402  128,751  832  18,469 
Non-operating income (expenses) 374  (250) (1,520) (44)
Income (loss) before income tax 62,828  75,152  127,231  788  18,469 
Income tax and social contribution (24,000) (27,743) (49,947) (547) (715)
Net income (loss) 38,828 47,409  77,284  241  17,754 


Presentation, in Portuguese, by Mr. Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti, CFO and Invetor Relations Officer

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 17, 2004
  10:00 am (EST)
  11:00 am (Brasília time)
Number: (55-11) 2101-1490
Conference ID: Copel

Statements contained in this press release may contain information which is forward-looking and reflects management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts, such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 16, 2004

/S/  Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti

Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti
Principal Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.