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Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of November, 2003

Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 322-3535
(Address of principal executive offices)


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Curitiba, Brazil, November 20, 2003 – Companhia Paranaense de Energia – Copel (NYSE: ELP / LATIBEX: XCOP / BOVESPA: CPL3, CPL6), a leading Brazilian utility company that generates, transmits, and distributes electric power to the State of Paraná, today announced its operating results for the third quarter of 2003. All figures included in this report are in Reais (R$) and were prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP (corporate law).


  • Third quarter net revenues totaled R$ 756.6 million – increase of 10.7% against the previous quarter.

  • Operating Income from July to September 2003: R$ 57.7 million

  • Net loss in the third quarter of 2003: R$ 5.8 million (R$ -0.02 per 1,000 shares)

  • Increase in consumption throughout direct distribution and free customers: 1.6%

  • EBITDA in the third quarter 2003: R$146.1 million

Management Commentary

“The loss of R$ 5.8 million reported in the third quarter reflects, mainly, the continuity of the provision for gas purchase for UEG Araucária, as well as the decision of the Company’s administration to include provision for Refis interest and losses from tax incentives.

The expenses with energy purchased for resale already reflect in this quarter the agreement signed with CIEN.

Besides that, the third quarter financial results were impacted by the devaluation of the Real against the U.S. dollar.

Ronald Thadeu
Ravedutti CFO and Investor Relations Officer


Net Income
In the third quarter 2003, Copel reported a net loss of R$5.8 million. From January through September 2003, however, the Company had a net income of R$ 260.3 million, or R$ 0.95 per thousand shares.

Market Expansion
From January through September 2003, total power consumption in Copel’s direct distribution area, including consumption by unregulated (“free”) customers, increased by 0.8% over the same period of 2002. Residential and commercial segments recorded increases of 1.8% and 4.9%, respectively, while the industrial segment recorded a drop in consumption of 5.0%. This reduction is due to the low level of economic activity in recent months and to the fact that some industrial customers became free customers.

Supply Rates
Under ANEEL Resolution no. 284, dated June 23, 2003, and effective June 24, Copel Distribução S.A. (Copel’s distribution subsidiary) was authorized to increase its power rates up to 25.27%, on average. However, customers who are not overdue have been granted by the Company a discount equivalent to the rate increase.

Overdue customers
The rate increase discount afforded to Copel customers that are not overdue has caused a significant drop in the number of overdue bills. In June 2003, overdue bills accounted for R$ 187 million, or 5.4 % of the Company’s 12-month gross revenues. In September, this figure dropped to 3.5 % of the 12-month gross revenues, or R$ 122 million. Based on the negotiations Copel has conducted, the Company estimates the overdue figure for December should reach an even lower level.

Hedging Transaction
Copel, assisted by Banco do Brasil S.A., has concluded a hedging transaction for the US$ 150 million Eurobonds due on May 2, 2005. The transaction consists of replacing 100% of the exchange rate variation for an average of 75.19% of the Brazilian Interbank Deposit Rate (CDI).

Global Finance Award
Copel was chosen by Global Finance Magazine as the “Best Latin-American Electric Utility”. This is the third time Copel is awarded by Global Finance in the six years of existence of the awards.

Best IR Company
Copel was awarded by the American IR Magazine as the best Brazilian company in Investor Relations, in the small and mid cap category in the year of 2003.

CIER Quality Award
Copel won, in the bronze category, the CIER Quality Award – Client Satisfaction 2003.

New Power Sector Framework
Copel - in cooperation with CEMIG, CELG, CEB, CELESC, and CEEE – has prepared a report entitled “Contributions towards the Definition of a New Model for the Brazilian Electric Power Sector: a Point of View of Power Utilities controlled by State Governments”, which was submitted to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, to help promote the institutional improvement of the power sector. This report is available online at Copel’s website (www.copel.com), in the IR section.

Araucária Thermal Power Plant
In May 2000, Copel signed a power capacity purchase agreement with the Araucária Thermal Power Plant for 485 MW. In January 2003, the Company started renegotiating it. However, negotiations broke down as UEG Araucária notified Copel of its appeal for arbitration to the Chamber of International Trade in Paris. To safeguard its rights, Copel filed for an injunction pleading the suspension of the arbitration procedures, which was granted by a court of law in Paraná.
UEG Araucária then filed an appeal to nullify the injunction obtained by Copel. On June 25th 2003, the State Court of Law sustained the injunction granted to Copel.
This injunction relieves Copel of the duty to submit a defense before the French court in order to avoid being declared in default on account of its suspending payments to UEG Araucária. In the meantime, the Brazilian courts will review the Company’s request for nullification of the contractual provision establishing that any pending issues between the parties should be submitted to an arbitration chamber in Paris.
Based on external legal counsel, Copel decided to stop accruing amounts in connection with Araucária capacity.
On August 14th 2003, Copel filed a new precautionary suit against UEG Araucária in order to be allowed to produce evidence in advance. This measure aims to establish the current technical impossibility of operating the power plant in a continuous, safe, and permanent manner as evidence to support the Company’s case. A court-ordered inspection will be conducted, whereby an expert chosen by the court should prepare a technical report, based on subjects previously defined by Copel and UEG Araucária, with his findings. Technical assistants from both parties should participate in the inspection and issue reports with their own conclusions regarding those same subjects.

Automation of Substations
Since the beginning of 2003, Copel is the first Brazilian electric company to reach 100% of automation in the transmission system substations, employing automated systems developed by the company itself.


Market Expansion
From January through September 2003, total power consumption in Copel’s direct distribution area and free customers amounted to 13,986 GWh, representing an increase of 0.8% over the same period last year. This consumption growth reflects the significant expansion of the commercial segment (4.9%), resulting from the establishment of several hypermarkets throughout the State, and of the rural segment (2.6%), due to larger crops and new connections. The decrease in the industrial segment consumption is explained by the lower economic activity in recent months, and also by the loss of some industrial clients who became free customers.
Copel’s total customers as of September 2003 reached 3,071,361 - a 2.6% increase when compared to the same period of the previous year.

Consumption by Class

in GWh

Class Jan -Sep/03 Jan -Sep/02
Residential 3,287  3,229  1.8
Industrial 5,386  5,669  (5.0)
Commercial 2,128  2,028  4.9
Rural 935  911  2.6
Other 1,259  1,228  2.5
Subtotal 12,995  13,065  (0.5)
Free customers outside the 991  815  21.6
State of Paraná (Industrial)
Total 13,986  13,880  0.8


Net revenues reached R$ 2,153.7 million, 9.4% higher than the R$ 1,968.5 million reported in the same period last year. This increase reflects the readjustment of 10.96% in the supply tariff in 6/24/2002, and the market growth of 0.8%.
The increase in the supply revenue is due to the correction in the accounting of the bilateral contracts with Celesc, which, from January to August 2003, were appropriated as retail - industrial class outside the concession area. Starting in September, they were re-classified as supply (R$ 58.7 million)

Gross Revenue

(R$ thousands)

Revenues Jan - Sep/03 Jan - Sep/02 % change
Residential 995,744  899,033  10.8
Industrial 848,725  764,923  11.0
Commercial 529,276  460,482  14.9
Rural 122,953  106,177  15.8
Other classes 225,574  197,527  14.2
Total Retail 2,722,272  2,428,142  12.1
Supply 221,092  160,296  37.9
Use of Transmission Lines 74,204  102,259  (27.4)
Telecom 23,422  25,041  (6.5)
Other 50,997  44,259  15.2
Total 3,091,987  2,759,997  12.0


By the end of September 2003, total operating expenses reached R$ 1,865.8 million, against R$1,476.2 million in the first nine months of 2002. The main reasons for the 26.4% increase are:

  • the 14.2% increase in the lines “personnel” and “pension plan and other benefits”, resulting from the payroll readjustment (9%) established in the collective labor agreement of October 2002, and the provisions for labor claims;

  • the increase in the “supplies” line, which reflects the provision for the purchase of gas, in the amount of R$ 126.8 million.

    Copel has obtained a legal opinion issued by IDC – Instituto de Direito Civil (Institution of Civil Rights) – that considers the contract for purchase of capacity of UEG Araucária inefficient from a legal point of view, since it has not been homologated by Aneel. The Company’s administration, based on this legal opinion, decided to revert, on June 30, 2003, the provision for the purchase of capacity from UEG Araucária. Since that date, the expenses under this contract have not been recorded;

  • the 10.8% growth in the line “electricity purchased for resale”, due to the purchase of energy from Itaipu (R$ 288.2 million), CIEN (R$ 208.6 million), MAE – Energy Wholesale Market (R$ 27.9 million) and Dona Francisca (R$ 21.8 million);

  • the increase of 25.0% in the line “use of transmission system”, resulting from the readjustments of the tariff for the use of the transmission system of the Basic Network homologated by Aneel Resolutions #358 of 6/28/2002 and #307 of 6/30/2003;

  • the increase in the “regulatory charges”, under which the following charges are recorded: CCC – Fuel Consumption Account (R$ 101.0 million), Financial Compensation for the Utilization of Water Resources (R$ 34.4 million), Aneel’s Electric Power Services Oversight Fee (R$ 4.6 million), CDE – Energy Development Account (R$ 6.7 million) and the amortization of the deferment of CVA – Memorandum Account for “Parcel A” Variations (R$ 2.1 million);

  • other operating expenses reached R$ 119.3 million. This increase compared to the same period of 2002 is mainly due to:

    • insurance contracts totaling R$ 14.4 million (mainly for UEG Araucária); and

    • provisions in the amount of R$ 84.3 million, mainly for the Refis interest (R$ 62.2 million), due to tax obligations with the INSS (Brazilian Social Security Institute).

(R$ thousands)

Operating Expenses Jan – Sep/03 Jan – Sep/02 % chg 
Personnel 271,098  239,327  13.3
Pension plan and other benefits 78,375  66,615  17.7
Supplies 174,952  54,966  218.3
Third-party services 116,077  133,014  (12.7)
Electricity purchased for resale 595,897  537,709  10.8
Transmission of electricity purchased 13,517  10,902  24.0
Use of transmission system 129,632  103,683  25.0
Depreciation and amortization 218,158  211,386  3.2
Regulatory charges 148,862  121,488  22.5
Other expenses 119,271  (2,853)
Total 1,865,839  1,476,237  26.4


EBITDA reached R$ 506.1 million in the first nine months of the year, 28.1% lower than the R$ 703.6 million recorded in the same period of the previous year.

Financial Results

The increase in financial income from January to September 2003, compared to the same period of 2002, reflects basically the monetary variation on CVA (R$ 34.0 million).

The impact of the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar (33% in the last twelve months) was the main cause of the reduction in the financial expenses in the period.

Operating Income

The operating income from January to September 2003 totaled R$ 473.7 million. In the same period of 2002, the Company recorded a loss of R$ 59.9 million.

Non-Operating Result

The non-operating result in the first nine months of 2003 (R$ 61.3 million) reflects, mainly, the R$ 39.7 million recorded under provision for possible losses in tax incentives from the Finam – Amazonia Investments Fund and Finor – Northeast Investments Fund.

Net Result

In the third quarter 2003, Copel recorded a net loss of R$ 5.8 million. From January to September 2003, however, the Company registered net income of R$ 260.3 million. This result reflects, mainly, the reversion of the provision for the purchase of capacity from UEG Araucária and the re-negotiation of the contract with CIEN for energy purchase, as well as the positive financial result, following the appreciation of the real against the U.S. dollar.

Balance Sheet and Capex (Assets)

As of September 30, 2003, Copel’s total assets amounted to R$ 9,036.8 million.

The capital expenditures for the first nine months of 2003 totaled R$ 203.3 million, of which R$ 7.1 million were invested in generation projects, R$ 42.1 million in transmission, R$ 102.9 million in distribution, R$ 16.7 million in telecommunication and R$ 34.5 million in partnerships.

Balance Sheet (Liabilities)

Copel’s total debt amounted to R$ 1,954.9 million on September 30, 2003, with a debt-to-equity ratio of 39.2%.

Copel’s shareholders’ equity totaled R$ 4,986.4 million, 0.2% lower than the amount recorded in September 2002, and equivalent to R$ 18.22 per thousand shares.

Debt Profile

(R$ thousands)

Foreign Currency ShortTerm Long Term Total 
Eurobonds 17,933  438,510  456,443 
IDB 29,844  178,433  208,277 
National Treasury 13,659  170,374  184,033 
Eletrobrás 14  88  102 
Banco do Brasil S/A 6,515  32,455  38,970 
Total 67,965  819,860  887,825 

Local Currency ShortTerm Long Term Total 
Eletrobrás 40,814  377,962  418,776 
BNDES 5,158  6,380  11,538 
Debentures 33,227  600,698  633,925 
Turnkey 250  250 
Other 1,171  1,380  2,551 
Total 80,620  986,420  1,067,040 

TOTAL 148,585  1,806,280  1,954,865 


Main Operational and Financial Highlights

(As of September 30, 2003)

Number of power plants: 18 (17 hydro plants and 1 thermal plant)
Total installed capacity: 4,550 MW 
Number of automated power plants: 10 
Number of step up substations: 12 
Number of automated step up substations: 10 
Transforming capacity: 5,004 MVA 
Transmission lines: 6,839 km 
Number of substations: 124 
Number of automated substations: 124 
Transforming capacity: 14,727 MVA
Distribution lines: 164,731km 
Number of substations: 225 
Number of automated substations: 143 
Transforming capacity: 1,345 MVA 
Served localities: 1,108 
Served cities: 393 
Number of consumers: 3,071,361 
DEC (outage duration by consumer): 10:13 hours
FEC (outage frequency by consumer): 9.77 outages
OPGW optical cables: 2,800 km 
Self-sustained optical cables: 1,974 km 
Served cities: 65 
Number of clients: 147 
Number of employees: 5,898 
Consumer/distribution branch employee: 756 
Book Value per 1,000 shares: R$ 18.22 
EBITDA: R$ 506.1million
Liquidity (current ratio): 1.14x 



Tariffs Sep 2003 Sep2002 % change
Retail 156.37 141.42 10.6
Supply to small power utilities 66.32 52.87 25.4
Itaipu (purchase) * 94.37 140.95 (33.0)
(*) Furnas transmission tariff included

Retail Tariffs


Tariffs Sep 2003 Sep 2002 % change
Residential 226.72 220.43 2.9
Industrial 112.26 93.39 20.2
Commercial 184.53 182.31 1.2
Rural 131.86 129.23 2.0
Other 139.05 135.61 2.5
Total Retail 156.37 141.42 10.6

Energy Flow (GWh)


Own Generation 13,146
Energy Purchased 7,871
Itaipu 4,142
Ande 274
Cien 2,555
Autoproducers 900

Copel’s Total Available Power 21,017

State Demand 13,345
Retail 12,995
Wholesale 350
Free Customers 991
Initial Supply Contracts 79
Bilateral Contracts 1,772
Other 3,614
Losses 1,216

Main autoproducers: Itiquira (375 GWh), Dona Francisca (334 GWh) and Foz do Chopim (123 GWh).

Main bilateral contracts: Elektro (872 GWh) and Celesc (852 GWh).

Shareholder Structure (Millions of shares)

As of September 30, 2003

Milhões de ações/Millions of shares


ESTADO DO PARANA 85.028 58,6 - - - - 85.028 31,1
ELETROBRÁS 1.531 1,1 - - - - 1.531 0,6
BNDESPAR 38.299 26,4 - - 28.211 22,0 66.510 24,3
CUSTODIA BOLSA (Free Float) 19.575 13,5 122 30,0 99.855 77,9 119.552 43,7
No Brasil 19.251 13,3 122 30,0 56.872 44,4 76.245 27,9
ADS's 324 0,2 - - 42.983 33,5 43.307 15,8
OUTROS 597 0,4 285 70,0 152 0,1 1.034 0,4

TOTAL 145.030 100,0 407 100,0 128.218 100,0 273.655 100,0



  03/31/2003  06/30/2003  09/30/2003  09/30/2002 
Current Assets
Cash in hand 229,703 366,028 501,055 509,983
Customers and distributors 625,031 630,512 639,181 754,809
Allowance for doubtful accounts (40,487) (57,133) (57,133) (14,711)
Accounts receivable 12,849 13,071 16,424 7,302
Services in progress 3,518 3,438 3,757 13,611
CRC transferred to State Government 63,990 81,978 99,668 20,876
Taxes and social contribution paid in advance 157,203 65,149 67,688 117,523
Materials and supplies 16,401 16,438 17,214 17,971
Account for compensation of "Portion A" 3,964 - 30,939 19,195
Prepaid expenses 9,464 989 4,397 3,878
Other 16,049 15,711 6,571 31,450
  1,097,685 1,136,181 1,329,761 1,481,887
Long-Term Assets
Customers and Distributors 28,343 63,465 67,365 6,937
CRC transferred to State Government 908,858 897,190 904,096 769,680
Income tax and social contribution tax 584,151 549,477 578,065 587,076
Judicial deposits 101,561 105,792 107,957 75,379
Intercompany receivable 36,668 36,733 36,970 36,792
Account for compensation of "Portion A" 120,395 177,056 216,573 325,881
Prepaid expenses and other 61,162 58,723 58,076 48,126
  1,841,138 1,888,436 1,969,102 1,849,871
Investments 524,504 529,739 494,644 505,266
Property, plant and equipment
In service 5,436,581 5,442,321 5,446,701 5,459,373
Construction in progress 503,726 473,172 465,993 471,624
( - ) Special liabilities (641,845) (657,312) (669,403) (628,057)
  5,298,462 5,258,181 5,243,291 5,302,940
  5,822,966 5,787,920 5,737,935 5,808,206
Total Assets 8,761,789 8,812,537 9,036,798 9,139,964

Translation from the original in Portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)


  03/31/2003 06/30/2003 09/30/2003 09/30/2002
Current Liabilities
Loans and financing 139,138 112,337 115,358 173,327
Debentures 7,159 32,073 33,227 27,916
Suppliers 549,222 417,737 487,834 412,323
Taxes and social contributions 165,948 172,541 284,046 134,236
Dividends proposed 638 638 637 647
Accrued payroll costs 46,184 56,158 71,318 55,663
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 74,133 76,793 76,429 33,597
Regulatory charges 44,839 60,509 56,435 35,021
Customers and other current liabilities 28,545 29,769 40,990 40,194
  1,055,806 958,555 1,166,274 912,924
Long-Tem Liabilities
Loans and financing 1,366,763 1,213,246 1,205,582 1,545,924
Debenture 597,471 596,600 600,698 529,854
Suppliers - 889 889 -
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 588,655 585,408 584,671 633,291
Swap operation - - 11,585 -
Taxes and social contributions 40,934 60,199 73,045 167,152
Provision for contingencies 398,634 405,418 407,671 352,392
Regulatory charges 2,973 - - 2,973
  2,995,430 2,861,760 2,884,141 3,231,586
Shareholders' Equity
Capital stock 2,900,000 2,900,000 2,900,000 1,620,247
Capital reserves 817,292 817,292 817,292 1,548,328
Income reserves 993,261 1,274,930 1,269,091 1,826,879
  4,710,553 4,992,222 4,986,383 4,995,454
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 8,761,789 8,812,537 9,036,798 9,139,964

Translation from the original in Portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

STATEMENT OF INCOME       Accumulated

  1Q03 2Q03 3Q03 09/30/2003 09/30/2002
Operating revenues
Electricity sales to final customers 911,534 913,234 897,504 2,722,272 2,428,142
Electricity sales to distributors 43,860 44,042 133,190 221,092 160,296
Use of transmission plant 26,425 16,520 31,259 74,204 102,259
Telecom revenues 7,840 8,144 7,438 23,422 25,041
Other revenues 21,790 14,732 14,475 50,997 44,259
  1,011,449 996,672 1,083,866 3,091,987 2,759,997
Deductions from Operating Revenues (297,693) (313,342) (327,220) (938,255) (791,514)
Net Operating Revenues 713,756 683,330 756,646 2,153,732 1,968,483
Operating Expenses
Personnel 84,363 89,347 97,388 271,098 239,327
Pension plan and other benefits 25,913 26,163 26,299 78,375 66,615
Materials and supplies 127,487 (13,517) 60,982 174,952 54,966
Third-party services 38,277 38,618 39,182 116,077 133,014
Electricity purchased for resale 309,771 55,824 230,302 595,897 537,709
Transmission of electricity purchased 4,132 4,611 4,774 13,517 10,902
Use of transmission system 51,696 30,538 47,398 129,632 103,683
Depreciation and amortization 72,734 72,379 73,045 218,158 211,386
Regulatory charges 57,236 57,054 34,572 148,862 121,488
Other expenses 18,729 30,922 69,620 119,271 (2,853)
  790,338 391,939 683,562 1,865,839 1,476,237
Gross profit from energy services (76,582) 291,391 73,084 287,893 492,246
Equity in results of investees 10,100 (1,966) 14,255 22,389 (16,658)
Financial Income/Expense, Net
Financial Income 93,571 63,764 75,890 233,225 194,772
Financial Expenses (47,081) 82,777 (105,506) (69,810) (730,293)
  46,490 146,541 (29,616) 163,415 (535,521)
Income (loss) from operations (19,992) 435,966 57,723 473,697 (59,933)
Non-operating Expenses (1,500) (1,474) (58,355) (61,329) (20,347)
Income (loss) before Taxes (21,492) 434,492 (632) 412,368 (80,280)
Income tax 4,396 (112,356) (3,698) (111,658) 15,933
Social contribution tax 1,571 (40,467) (1,509) (40,405) 14,404
  5,967 (152,823) (5,207) (152,063) 30,337
Net income (loss) (15,525) 281,669 (5,839) 260,305 (49,943)
Earnings/losses per thousand outstanding shares (0.0567) 1.0293 (0.0213) 0.9512 (0.1825)

Translation from the original in Portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)


Current Assets
Cash in hand 226,487 65,293 158,549 9,087 875
Costumers and distributors 230,757 36,335 538,639 - -
Accounts receivable 353 45 15,135 2,697 571
Services in progress 443 1,235 537 - 292
CRC transferred to State Government - - 99,668 - -
Taxes and social contribution paid in advance 7,604 13,050 91,291 1,783 1,474
Materials and supplies - 6,598 9,343 1,274 -
Account for compensation of "Portion A" - - 30,939 - -
Prepaid expenses, other 7,278 4,989 (5,211) 784 95
  472,922 127,545 938,890 15,625 3,307
Long-Term Assets
Customers and Distributors 24,417 - 42,948 - -
CRC transferred to State Government - - 904,096 - -
Income tax and social contribution tax 44,755 40,236 312,041 9,639 5,140
Judicial deposits 3,632 8,211 22,127 167 -
Intercompany receivable 147,605 20,181 - - -
Account for compensation of "Portion A" - - 216,573 - -
Other 4,221 5,943 44,574 - 1,695
  224,630 74,571 1,542,359 9,806 6,835
Investments 6,045 2,273 470 - 481,518
Property, plant and equipment 3,105,163 934,567 1,729,159 143,552 253
( - ) Special liabilities - (7,140) (662,263) - -
  3,111,208 929,700 1,067,366 143,552 481,771
Total Assets 3,808,760 1,131,816 3,548,615 168,983 491,913


Current Liabilities
Loans and financing 80,631  18,547  16,180 
Debentures 31,484 
Suppliers 132,369  4,262  571,874  4,758 
Taxes and social contributions 38,567  31,447  157,736  930 
Dividends proposed 9,859 
Accrued payroll costs 12,872  11,700  42,349  3,718  627 
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 19,735  13,830  39,920  2,833  111 
Regulatory charges 10,031  760  45,631  13 
Customers and other current liabilities 1,683  1,564  32,437 
  295,888  82,110  937,611  12,259  10,602 
Long-Tem Liabilities
Loans and financing 930,291  128,571  146,720 
Debenture 500,698 
Suppliers 889 
Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits 108,541  103,652  348,890  22,685  903 
Swap operation 11,585 
Taxes and social contributions 73,045 
Investees 80,441  21,958  159,415 
Provision for contingencies 25,118  20,579  130,936  410 
Regulatory charges
  1,076,424  252,802  1,280,730  45,053  160,318 
Shareholders' Equity
Capital stock 2,338,932  751,989  1,607,168  120,650  330,718 
Capital reserves 701 
Income reserves
Accumulated deficit 97,516  44,915  (276,894) (9,680) (9,725)
  2,436,448  796,904  1,330,274  111,671  320,993 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 3,808,760  1,131,816  3,548,615  168,983  491,913 


Operating revenues
Electricity sales to final customers 19,121  2,704,998 
Electricity sales to distributors 643,916  132,706 
Use of transmission plant 205,101  4,028 
Telecom revenues 44,787 
Other revenues 13,021  2,530  35,958 
Deductions from Operating Revenues (43,467) (15,813) (872,487) (6,488)
Net Operating Revenues 632,591  191,818  2,005,203  38,305 
Operating Expenses
Personnel and pension plan and other benefits 62,290  50,616  217,960  14,589  2,085 
Materials and supplies and Third-party services 181,486  8,218  119,205  4,637  547 
Electricity purchased for resale 32,548  1,118,879 
Use of transmission system 37,216  240,858 
Depreciation and amortization 75,329  26,182  102,549  14,064  34 
Regulatory charges and other expenses 56,385  4,317  142,463  1,542  44 
  445,254  89,333  1,941,914  34,832  2,710 
Gross profit from energy services 187,337  102,485  63,289  3,473  (2,710)
Equity in results of investees 22,328 
Financial Income/Expense, Net
Financial Income 31,232  12,433  187,729  1,715  259 
Financial Expenses 29,918  3,207  (96,056) (225) (25)
  61,150  15,640  91,673  1,490  234 
Income (loss) from operations 248,487  118,125  154,962  4,963  19,852 
Non-operating Expenses 788  (407) (4,150) (167) (17,726)
Income (loss) before Taxes 249,275  117,718  150,812  4,796  2,126 
Income tax and Social contribution tax (88,165) (42,746) (59,360) (2,062) 2,049 
Net income (loss) 161,110  74,972  91,452  2,734  4,175 


Presentation, in Portuguese, by Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti, CFO and Investor Relations Officer

Date & Time: Thursday, November 20, 2003
  8:00 am EST
  11:00 am Brasília Time
Number: (55-11) 3216-1490
Access Code: Copel

Statements contained in this press release may contain information which is forward-looking and reflects management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts, such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 21, 2003

/S/  Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti

Ronald Thadeu Ravedutti
Principal Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.