EX-8 10 u46016exv8.htm LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES OF ING GROEP N.V. exv8


Unless otherwise stated our participating interest is 100%, or almost 100%


The Netherlands    
ING Verzekeringen N.V.   The Hague
ING Vastgoed Belegging B.V.   The Hague
N.V. Nationale Borg-Maatschappij   Amsterdam
Nationale-Nederlanden Levensverzekering Maatschappij N.V.   Rotterdam
Nationale-Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Maatschappij N.V.   The Hague
Nationale-Nederlanden Zorgverzekering N.V.   The Hague
Parcom Ventures B.V.   Utrecht
Postbank Levensverzekering N.V.   The Hague
Postbank Schadeverzekering N.V.   The Hague
RVS Levensverzekering N.V.   Rotterdam
RVS Schadeverzekering N.V.   Ede
Movir N.V.   Nieuwegein
ING Insurance N.V.   Antwerp
Rest of Europe    
ING Sviluppo Finanziaria S.P.A.   Milan, Italy
Nationale-Nederlanden Poist’ovna A.S.   Bratislava, Slovakia
Nationale-Nederlanden Life Insurance Company Poland   Warsaw, Poland
NN Pension Fund Poland   Warsaw, Poland
ING Nederlanden Asigurari de Viata S.A.   Bucharest, Romania
NN Life Insurance Company S.A.   Athens, Greece
NN Greek General Insurance Company S.A.   Athens, Greece
ING Magyarországi Biztosító Rt.   Budapest, Hungary
NN Vida, Compañia de Seguros y Reasuguros S.A.   Madrid, Spain
NN Generales Compañia de Seguros y Reasuguros S.A.   Madrid, Spain
North America    
Belair Insurance Company Inc.   Montreal, Quebec, Canada
ING Insurance Company of Canada   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ING Novex Insurance Company of Canada   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ING Western Union Insurance Company   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The Nordic Insurance Company of Canada   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Equitable of Iowa Life Insurance Company   Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A.
Golden American Life Insurance Company   Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.
ING America Insurance Holdings, Inc.   Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.
ING International Insurance Holdings, Inc.   Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
ING Life Insurance and Annuity Company   Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
ING North America Insurance Corporation   Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Life Insurance Company of Georgia   Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Lion Connecticut Holdings Inc.   Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
ReliaStar Life Insurance Company   Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Security Life of Denver Insurance Company   Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Southland Life Insurance Company   Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
United Life & Annuity Insurance Company   Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A.
USG Annuity and Life Company   Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
GBM Atlantico   Mexico City, Mexico
ING Seguros, S.A. de C.V.   Mexico City, Mexico
Pensiones Bital, S.A.   Mexico City, Mexico
Seguros Bital, S.A. de C.V.   Mexico City, Mexico



South America    
FATUM/De Nederlanden van 1845 Schadeverzekering N.V.   Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
ING Seguros de Vida S.A.   Santiago, Chile
ING Indonesia Insurance P.T.   Jakarta, Indonesia
ING Life Insurance Company Ltd.   Tokyo, Japan
ING Life Insurance Company, Korea, Ltd. (80%)   Seoul, South Korea
ING Australia Limited*   Sydney, Australia
ING Australia Pty. Ltd.   Sydney, Australia
Reinsurance companies    
ING Re (Netherlands) N.V.   The Hague, the Netherlands
In addition, ING Insurance and its subsidiaries have offices in Argentina, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, India, Luxembourg

* including ANZ (51%)


The Netherlands    
ING Bank N.V.   Amsterdam
Bank Mendes Gans N.V. (97.79%)   Amsterdam
CenE Bankiers N.V.   Utrecht
ING Car Lease Nederland B.V.   ’s-Hertogenbosch
ING Bank Corporate Investments B.V.   Amsterdam
ING Trust (Nederland) B.V.   Amsterdam
ING Vastgoed B B.V.   The Hague
ING Vastgoed Ontwikkeling B.V.   The Hague
InterAdvies N.V.   Amsterdam
Nationale-Nederlanden Financiële Diensten B.V.   Amsterdam
N.V. Nationale Volksbank (NVB)   Amsterdam
NMB-Heller Holding N.V. (50%)*   Amsterdam
Postbank N.V.   Amsterdam
Postbank Groen N.V.   Amsterdam
Postkantoren B.V. (50%)   Groningen
Stichting Regio Bank   Amsterdam
Wijkertunnel Beheer II B.V.   Amsterdam
Bank Brussel Lambert N.V.   Brussels
Vermeulen Raemdonck N.V.   Brussels
Rest of Europe    
Bank Slaski S.A. (87.8%)   Katowice, Poland
Baring Asset Management Holdings Ltd.   London, United Kingdom
BHF-BANK A.G.   Frankfurt, Germany
Allgemeine Deutsche Direktbank (70%)   Frankfurt, Germany
North America    
Furman Selz Holding LLC   New York, NY, U.S.A.
ING Financial Holdings Corporation   New York, NY, U.S.A.
ING Bank of Canada   Toronto, Ontario, Canada



South America    
ING Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda.   São Paulo, Brazil
ING Inversiones Ltda.   Bogota, Colombia
ING Servicios C.A.   Caracas, Venezuela
ING Sociedad De Bolsa (Argentina) S.A.   Buenos Aires, Argentina
ING Trust (Antilles) N.V.   Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
Middenbank Curaçao N.V.   Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
ING Bank (Australia) Ltd.   Sydney, Australia
ING Baring Securities (Japan) Ltd.   Tokyo, Japan
ING Capital Markets (Hong Kong) Ltd.   Hong Kong, China
ING Futures & Options (Hong Kong) Ltd.   Hong Kong, China
ING Merchant Bank (Singapore) Ltd.   Singapore, Singapore
P.T. ING Indonesia Bank (85%)   Jakarta, Indonesia
ING Vysya Bank Ltd. (44%)   Bangalore, India
ING Direct N.V.   Canada, Germany, Spain, Australia, France, USA, Italy
ING Bank N.V. has offices in most of the major financial centres, including London, Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Tokyo. In addition, ING Bank and/or BBL have offices in Asunción, Athens, Bangkok, Bratislava, Bucharest, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Curaçao, Dubai, Dublin, Havana, Istanbul, Kigali, Kinshasa, Lima, Madrid, Manila, Mexico, New Delhi, Paris, Prague, São Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sofia, Taipei, Vienna and Warsaw among others.

* Proportionally consolidated