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Washington, D.C. 20549






Investment Company Act file number



AFBA 5Star Fund, Inc.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


909 N. Washington Street
Alexandria, VA



(Address of principal executive offices)


(Zip code)


Michael E. Houchins
909 N. Washington Street
Alexandria, VA  22314

(Name and address of agent for service)


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code:




Date of fiscal year end:

March 31



Date of reporting period:

March 31, 2008




Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.


The Report to Shareholders is attached herewith.



This report has been prepared for the general information of AFBA 5Star Fund shareholders. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless accompanied or preceded by a current prospectus. Class I shares are offered primarily for institutional investors as well as to members, persons eligible to be members and employees of AFBA, and its affiliated entities. Shares of AFBA 5Star Fund, Inc. are distributed by PFPC Distributors, Inc., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.



Dear Fellow Shareholder:

We are pleased to provide you with the Annual Report for the AFBA 5Star Funds for the twelve months ended March 31, 2008. Included in this report you will find key financial information and commentaries on the performance of the Funds.

Over the past twelve months, several significant changes were made to the AFBA 5Star Funds. As was discussed in our Semi-Annual Report to Shareholders, your Board of Directors approved the interim appointment of a slate of new sub-advisors effective in July of 2007. In addition, several other recommendations were made to enhance the Funds' overall operations and reduce the on-going expenses of the Funds. It is my pleasure to report that you, our shareholders, overwhelmingly approved all recommendations including the appointment of our new sub-advisors.

AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company, the Advisor to the Funds, is committed to providing a comprehensive family of mutual funds for our shareholders. Each of our seven Funds is designed to meet the specific needs of our shareholders and is managed within a set of very well defined and consistent strategies. We seek to provide attractive long-term returns and to do so with an eye toward risk management. In carrying out that task, AFBA has engaged the services of several highly regarded and experienced firms to serve as sub-advisors to the funds. These firms have been selected based on their experience in managing portfolios with similar investment objectives to those of the AFBA 5Star Funds. We are delighted to have these new sub-advisors work on behalf of the Funds and are confident that they will serve our shareholders well.

The past year has presented a significant challenge for investors. Equity market volatility fueled by continued credit related issues, a distressed housing market and rising commodity prices have created a great deal of investor uncertainty. Further, previously untested investment instruments have demonstrated the inherent weakness that can accompany the securitization of traditional debt. That being said, the Federal Reserve's aggressive rate cuts coupled with the announced economic stimulus package seem to have brought some level of stability to the equity markets.

At AFBA, we encourage our shareholders to embrace a long-term investment perspective regardless of market conditions. We are believers in the potential for positive results available through sustained long-term investment in the financial markets. Although markets can be volatile over short time periods, it is the overall time in the market that determines financial success. History has shown that a properly diversified investment portfolio invested over a long time horizon can produce favorable results. In fact, periods of economic uncertainty and down markets often provide long-term investors with the ability to take advantage of attractive buying opportunities.

I would encourage you to visit our website at www.afbafunds.com where we have made available to you a variety of new and improved financial tools. Also, feel free to call us at 1-888-578-2733 to discuss any of the AFBA Funds.

We appreciate your confidence and thank you for investing in the AFBA 5Star Funds.

Robert E. Morrison, Jr.
President and Chief Investment Officer




Investment Review and Commentary

AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund

Sub-advised by  The London Company (Equities)
Financial Counselors, Inc.
(Fixed income)

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund seeks to provide current income and long-term growth of capital and income by investing in stocks, bonds, and other fixed-income securities. It is designed to provide broad market exposure and low volatility versus the S&P 500 Index. It employs a balance approach which largely focuses on a portfolio of dividend-paying stocks and fixed-income securities.


The Fund added to its strong long-term track record during the past year, outpacing both its broad-market benchmark and its style-specific, peer-based benchmark. For the year ended March 31, 2008, the Balanced Fund returned a favorable 4.75% versus the S & P 500 which returned -5.08%. The Lipper Balanced Fund Index, which is a measure of peer performance returned -0.63% for the same period. The AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund outperformed the S & P 500 Index for the 1, 3, 5 and 10 year periods ended March 31, 2008.

Investment Review and Portfolio Strategy:

Shareholders who made an investment in the Fund at the beginning of the year made money, while the benchmark posted negative returns over the same period. We find this recent performance particularly noteworthy, as the Fund is designed to provide a cushion to shareholders during volatile, downward moving markets.

Among the Fund's equity holdings, Merck, Microsoft, and Intel detracted from results on a relative basis. That being said, we still have confidence in the long term thesis on these companies. On a positive note, performance was helped by United Dominion Realty Trust, IBM, and Cedar Fair. IBM is a good example of a company taking steps to optimize its capital structure to increase shareholder value. Since last year, it has taken on a modest amount of additional debt and used the proceeds to buy back its stock, thus lowering its cost of capital. We believe this is good financial stewardship and that IBM's management is acting in shareholder's interest.

In the fixed income portion of the Fund's portfolio, duration and asset allocation positioning detracted from performance during the period. Market rates dropped sharply during the period and Treasury obligations produced a superior return compared to other fixed income sectors. The mix of individual securities contained within the portfolio and their yield curve placement added value to the overall performance of the fund.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.

AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund

Sub-advised by  Marvin & Palmer Associates

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund invests primarily in the domestic common stock of companies with large market capitalizations. The investment approach focuses on sector and industry analysis, followed by fundamentals research of individual companies. Stock selection emphasizes high-quality growth companies that offer the opportunity for compelling long-term capital appreciation.


The AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund performed very well on a relative basis for the year ended March 31, 2008 returning a positive 4.05% compared to -5.08% and -0.76% for the S & P 500 and the Russell 1000 Growth Indexes respectively. The absolute return of the Fund was also noteworthy, as it produced a positive return unlike most equity funds. Significant advances


were made in the portfolio from July to the end of the year 2007 due primarily to effective stock selection.

Stock selection was particularly strong in the materials sectors driven by holdings in the agricultural related areas such as Monsanto and Mosaic. Underweighting of financials and the consumer related sectors helped as well.

A sector rotation and absolute uncertainty in the markets negatively impacted performance in January. Sectors and issues that produced performance earlier in the period, failed to produce attractive returns. Additionally, sectors that had been out of favor experienced a short-term rebound in early January resulting in trailing relative performance. A rebound in performance in February and March 2008 eliminated a good amount of underperformance resulting in a return to attractive 1, 3 and 5 year performance.

Investment Climate and Outlook:

Equity markets were extremely volatile during this period. From the peak in early October 2007, the S&P 500 Index dropped over 15% through the end of March 2008. This volatility was caused by the continuation of the crisis in the U.S. financial system. January was a particularly treacherous month around the world for leading stocks. The global market decline featured a wholesale liquidation of the 2007 leaders and a rush towards the groups that had been severely punished last year.

Going forward, we believe that we are nearing the end of the ongoing credit crisis and its impact on equities, as authorities in the United States and Europe have stepped forward to contain the problem. Various actions by the Federal Reserve such as cutting interest rates, opening the discount window and the recent intervention at Bear Stearns have been helpful. The recent offering of preferred stock at Lehman Brothers has been taken very positively. Lehman is high on the list of companies investors have been concerned about and the fact that they have been able to shore up their balance sheet is a good sign. While the economic news coming out of the U.S. has been negative, the combination of increased liquidity and continued growth in the international markets should be positive for equities.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.

AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund
(formerly AFBA 5Star High
Yield Bond Fund)

Sub-advised by  Financial Counselors, Inc.

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund seeks current income with capital growth as a secondary objective. To pursue its investment objectives, the Fund, under normal circumstances, invests at least 80% of its net assets in fixed-income securities.


The Fund performed well given interest rate volatility for the year ended March 31, 2008, returning 4.78% as of March 31, 2008. For the same period, the Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index returned 8.35%.

Investment Review and Portfolio Strategy:

Market rates plunged over the last nine months of the Fund's fiscal year as a brewing credit crisis and an excessive amount of leverage manifest themselves into a stampede to own U.S. Treasuries. High Yield, Investment Grade Corporate, Agency and Mortgage related bonds lagged the returns generated by Treasury securities. A rapid and persistent move by fixed income investors to shed any form of credit risk created one of the most lopsided return histories within major fixed income categories that we have seen in the last twenty five years.

The Fund's fixed income investment process attempts to add value compared to a static index by making tactical decisions regarding duration management, yield curve placement, asset allocation and security selection. Over a typical business cycle, the Fund will tend to overweight the non-Treasury fixed income




sectors attempting to produce a yield profile that exceeds the yield level of the index.

The Fund's portfolio duration and asset allocation positioning detracted from performance during the period. Market rates dropped sharply during the period and Treasury obligations produced a superior return compared to other fixed income sectors. The mix of individual securities contained within the portfolio and their yield curve placement added value to the overall performance of the Fund except for one security. The Boston Private Bank Holdings preferred shares were a drag on the Fund's performance as this holding declined during the period due to credit concerns at this regional bank. The higher yield embedded in the portfolio holdings was not enough to offset the better price performance from a large Treasury component contained within the index (41%).

Investment Climate and Outlook:

Looking forward, we anticipate that the economy will grow at a trend below potential and maintain an inflationary bias that may be difficult to contain. The Fund is defensively positioned for the prospect of higher market rates and will be selectively increasing its exposure to investment grade corporate bonds. We expect that the large amount of fiscal and monetary stimulus already underway will help revive the economy during the second half of 2008 and that the non-Treasury fixed income sectors will outperform the highest quality U.S. government debt obligations.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.

AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund

Sub-advised by  Marvin & Palmer Associates

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund invests primarily in the common stock of U.S.-based multinational companies. The investment approach focuses on sector and industry analysis, followed by fundamental research of individual companies. Stock selection emphasizes high-quality growth companies that offer the opportunity for compelling capital appreciation.


The Fund posted a positive return for the year ended March 31, 2008 while many equity indices lost value posting a return of 3.78% for the period versus a return of -5.08% and -0.76% for the S&P 500 and Russell 1000 Growth indexes, respectively.

Stock selection was particularly strong in the materials sectors driven by holdings in the agricultural related areas such as Monsanto and Mosaic. Underweighting of financials and the consumer related sectors helped as well.

A sector rotation and absolute uncertainty in the markets negatively impacted performance in January. Sectors and issues that produced performance earlier in the period, failed to produce attractive returns. Additionally, sectors that had been out of favor experienced a short-term rebound in early January resulting in trailing relative performance. A rebound in performance in February and March 2008 eliminated a good amount of underperformance resulting in a return to attractive 1, 3 and 5 year performance.

Investment Climate and Outlook:

We remain positive on our outlook for the U.S. market. A substantial portion of the Fund's holdings generate much of their earnings growth in overseas markets. Based on extensive research and experience in foreign markets, confidence is high that growth in those countries and sectors will continue. As such, North America's leading large capitalization companies should continue to take advantage of that growth.

We believe that the ongoing credit crisis and its impact on equities is nearing an end, as authorities in the United States and Europe have stepped forward to contain the problem. Various actions by the Federal Reserve such as cutting interest rates, opening the discount window and the recent intervention at Bear


Stearns have been helpful. The recent offering of preferred stock at Lehman Brothers has been taken very positively. Lehman is high on the list of companies investors have been concerned about and the fact that they have been able to shore up their balance sheet is a good sign. While the economic news coming out of the U.S. has been negative, the combination of increased liquidity and continued growth in the international markets should be positive for equities.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.

AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund

Sub-advised by  Trendstar Advisors, LLC

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund seeks the best opportunities for long-term growth by investing in the common stock of companies of any market capitalization in the science and technology sectors. It utilizes proprietary trend analysis to identify reasonably-priced stocks that are poised to benefit from scientific and technological advances. The investment approach focuses on industry analysis, with stock selection based on extensive fundamental research.


The Science and Technology fund returned -7.36% for the year ended March 31, 2008 versus the S & P 500 and Lipper Science and Technology Fund Indexes which returned -5.08% and -2.93%, respectively, for the period. Performance during the period was helped by the sub-advisor's asset allocation decision to overweight a certain type of technology company: that subset of technology companies that focus their sales efforts largely within the healthcare industry.

Investment Review and Portfolio Strategy:

Certain Fund holdings which were involved in merger and acquisition activity within the technology sector also positively impacted performance versus its benchmark. The Fund's position in the semi-conductor industry was a drag on relative performance.

Technology companies with a focus on healthcare were among the most positive contributors to the performance of the Fund. For example, Illumina, a company that makes products used in genetic research, was added to the portfolio during November of 2007 and has made a very positive impact to overall returns. Sigma Aldrich, a company that makes and sells a broad range of organic chemicals and diagnostic reagents used in drug development, research, and high-tech manufacturing processes, was also a strong performer. The Fund also benefited from acquisitions of certain holdings during the first quarter of 2008. Of note were LifeCell and BEA Systems. LifeCell is a healthcare company that makes products used in tissue regeneration, typically used for burn treatment and reconstructive surgery, and was bought by Kinetic Concepts, a company focused on wound healing systems. BEA Systems makes software used in e-commerce and was bought by the software giant Oracle.

Holdings within the semiconductor industry detracted from performance. Sandisk, a maker of semiconductor storage chips for products such as digital cameras, was particularly weak due to a very competitive pricing environment for memory chips. Several other semiconductor-related holdings performed poorly, including FormFactor and Varian Semiconductor Equipment. Both are suppliers to semiconductor manufacturers such as Sandisk.

Investment Climate and Outlook:

The importance of consumer demand to the technology sector seems to be greater today than at any point in the past. Discretionary consumer dollars have been shifted to many new technology products over the past several years. Personal computers, cell phones, music players and digital video, to name a few, have replaced many prior forms of non-tech entertainment for consumers. For example, one of the Fund's holdings, the network equipment company Cisco Systems, has




predicted that consumer Internet traffic will exceed business Internet traffic for the first time in 2008, with the bulk of this demand being driven by video over the internet. As bandwidth capability has improved, video quality has improved dramatically.

While the threat of recession and the weakened state of the consumer has resulted in earnings risk and generally lower prices for technology stocks, the Fund's sub-advisor believes that the current volatile market condition is temporary and is creating many new attractive investment opportunities for technology investors.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.

AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund

Sub-advised by  Trendstar Advisors, LLC
The London Company
Bjurman Barry and Associates

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund invests primarily in the domestic common stock of companies with small market capitalizations. It utilizes a multi-manager approach to offer enhanced diversification and return potential within the small cap growth asset class. Each investment manager within the Fund employs a distinct investment style. The combination of the various styles is designed to reduce overall volatility and provide greater potential return.


The Fund did not perform well on a relative basis to its stated benchmarks returning -19.70% for the year ended March 31, 2008 versus -10.60% and -8.94% for the S & P 600 Small Cap Index and Russell 2000 Growth Indexes, respectively.

Investment Review and Portfolio Strategy:

The Fund, which has three style-specific sub-advisors, is designed to provide shareholders with broad access to the various sub-sectors within the small cap universe. This feature, which we believe to be a long-term value to shareholders, in fact hurt the Fund's short term performance for the year ended March 31, 2008. One of the small cap sub-sectors that the Fund provides shareholders access to is micro-cap stocks, the smallest of the small cap stocks. We believe the Fund's micro-cap exposure sets it apart from many other small cap offerings in the market. Unfortunately, the Fund's exposure to micro-cap growth stocks was a detriment to recent performance.

Investment Climate and Outlook:

We continue to believe that a diversified set of style specific managers presents an attractive investment opportunity for investors. The Fund seeks to take advantage of several well defined strategies with each on looking to add alpha versus the benchmark. AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company has assigned each of the three sub-advisors a defined sleeve of securities within the Fund.

The Fund has a current allocation of approximately 30% in micro-cap stocks. These companies tend to be the smallest but potentially fastest growing names within the small cap growth universe. The Fund's allocation to micro-cap stocks should position the Fund to benefit from any potential rebound of the smallest and fastest growing companies within the sector. We believe that this sector will benefit from any short-term market rebound and therefore will maintain our current allocation to that space.

The portion of the Fund invested in more core small cap companies continues to provide stability to the Fund. This portion of the portfolio seeks to identify those smaller companies with very strong balance sheets. Companies with very little debt and substantial free cash flow should continue to perform well given the current pressure on the market. Also, due to their financial strength, these companies tend to make excellent acquisition targets which we believe will result in favorable performance. We would expect to see continued stock repurchase activity for these companies which we believe provides good downside protection.


Finally, the remainder of the Fund which is invested in small growth companies maintains an emphasis on growth-at-a-reasonable price. We continue to believe that this strategy will provide our investors the opportunity to participate in a broad re-bound of small cap growth stocks while ensuring that valuations are in line with our expectations versus those of momentum managers. The net result should be lower volatility in the portfolio without giving up upside potential.

We believe that the Fund is appropriately positioned for a broad market rally. As has been evidenced historically, smaller capitalization companies tend to lead in times of economic recovery. The allocation of Fund assets within three specific strategies should enable us to provide shareholder value.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.

AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund

Sub-advised by  Dreman Value Management LLC

Objective and Strategy:

The Fund invests in the domestic common stock of companies with small to mid market capitalizations. It seeks to identify high quality companies that are currently out-of-favor and are undervalued versus their peers. Based on extensive fundamental research and an emphasis on stocks that have low price/earnings ratios, the Fund selects stocks that offer above-average potential for long-term earnings growth.


The AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund performed well versus its stated benchmark for the year ending March 31, 2008. The Fund returned -9.16% versus the Russell 2500 Value Index which returned -17.06%. The fund underperformed the S & P 400 Mid Cap Index which is made up of both value and growth and returned -6.97% for the same period.

Investment Review and Portfolio Strategy:

Certain sector allocations within the Fund both helped and hurt performance. The sectors that enhanced the Fund's performance include consumer discretionary, financials, information technology, and utilities. On the down side, many of the Fund's holdings in the health care, industrials, energy, and consumer staples sectors hurt performance.

From a stock standpoint, the Fund's best performers include Walter Industries, Cimarex Energy, Petrohawk Energy, Ruddick Corp., and Atwood Oceanics. Walter Industries owns and operates several coal mines and continued to re-price its contracts at more favorable terms. Cimarex Energy, Petrohawk, and Atwood Oceanics, have all benefited from the continued rise in oil prices. Ruddick Corp. which operates a regional chain of super markets, has posted over 10% top line growth and improved profitability significantly over the last few quarters, adding fuel to the stock's strong performance.

The Fund's worst performers include Idearc, Inc., Arris Group, UCBH, Boston Private Financial, and CIT Group. Idearc, Inc. a provider of yellow pages, has struggled as advertising revenue has been hurt by the slowing economy. The Fund's sub-advisor sold the stock as it feared the fundamentals would continue to deteriorate. Arris Group, a provider of communication technology to Regional Bell Operating Companies and cable companies, struggled as the management team tried to integrate an acquisition. With the integration of the acquisition behind them, we look for this stock to be a strong performer for the Fund. CIT Group, a third party financer, was hurt as investors worried about its loan book. With the stock trading at 0.4x book value, we believe the worst is over and continue to hold the company stock in the Fund's portfolio.

Please see Schedule of Investments for more information regarding specific portfolio holdings.




Investment Results — Annual Total Return as of 3/31/08 (unaudited)

AFBA 5Star Fund   Inception
  One Year
Ended 3/31/08
  Three Years
Ended 3/31/08*
  Five Years
Ended 3/31/08*
  Life of Fund
Class I   6/3/97     4.75 %     8.84 %     13.15 %     7.09 %     109.98 %  
Class A   9/24/01     (1.27 %)     6.54 %     11.61 %     8.91 %     74.35 %  
Class B   9/24/01     (0.36 %)     6.85 %     11.75 %     8.92 %     74.46 %  
Class C   9/24/01     2.76 %     7.73 %     12.01 %     8.94 %     74.74 %  
Class R   2/17/04     4.22 %     8.37 %     N/A       8.48 %     39.82 %  
Large Cap  
Class I   6/3/97     4.05 %     8.07 %     12.48 %     5.05 %     70.51 %  
Class A   9/24/01     (1.98 %)     5.79 %     10.93 %     5.55 %     42.19 %  
Class B   9/24/01     (0.98 %)     6.02 %     11.06 %     5.60 %     42.61 %  
Class C   9/24/01     2.17 %     7.00 %     11.35 %     5.67 %     43.22 %  
Class R   2/17/04     3.46 %     7.52 %     N/A       4.80 %     21.28 %  
Total Return Bond  
Class I   6/3/97     4.78 %     5.79 %     7.78 %     5.95 %     86.90 %  
Class A   9/24/01     0.54 %     4.19 %     6.70 %     6.46 %     50.38 %  
Class B   9/24/01     (0.10 %)     3.86 %     6.39 %     6.18 %     47.82 %  
Class C   9/24/01     2.81 %     4.75 %     6.72 %     6.30 %     48.86 %  
Class R   2/17/04     4.28 %     5.25 %     N/A       4.47 %     19.71 %  
USA Global  
Class I   6/3/97     3.78 %     9.38 %     13.86 %     6.23 %     92.32 %  
Class A   9/24/01     (2.21 %)     7.08 %     12.29 %     6.78 %     53.36 %  
Class B   9/24/01     (1.05 %)     7.37 %     12.44 %     6.85 %     54.00 %  
Class C   9/24/01     1.93 %     8.28 %     12.72 %     6.91 %     54.50 %  
Class R   2/17/04     3.25 %     8.81 %     N/A       5.13 %     22.89 %  
Science & Technology  
Class I   10/12/01     (7.36 %)     6.95 %     16.29 %     5.77 %     43.74 %  
Class A   10/12/01     (12.67 %)     4.69 %     14.70 %     4.61 %     33.80 %  
Class B   10/12/01     (12.20 %)     4.96 %     14.88 %     4.69 %     34.46 %  
Class C   10/12/01     (9.11 %)     5.91 %     15.14 %     4.74 %     34.95 %  
Class R   2/17/04     (7.78 %)     6.42 %     N/A       3.16 %     13.65 %  
Small Cap  
Class I   10/15/01     (19.70 %)     0.29 %     13.89 %     7.43 %     58.88 %  
Class A   10/15/01     (24.38 %)     (1.84 %)     12.31 %     6.22 %     47.61 %  
Class B   10/15/01     (23.02 %)     (1.42 %)     12.48 %     6.31 %     48.46 %  
Class C   10/15/01     (21.04 %)     (0.69 %)     12.78 %     6.38 %     49.06 %  
Class R   2/17/04     (20.13 %)     (0.21 %)     N/A       1.16 %     4.85 %  
Mid Cap Value  
Class I   5/1/02     (9.16 %)     4.80 %     14.17 %     7.18 %     50.71 %  
Class A   5/1/02     (14.36 %)     2.56 %     12.61 %     5.90 %     40.35 %  
Class B   5/1/02     (12.76 %)     3.04 %     12.77 %     5.97 %     40.88 %  
Class C   5/1/02     (10.61 %)     3.77 %     13.06 %     6.12 %     42.09 %  
Class R   2/17/04     (9.66 %)     4.26 %     N/A       4.37 %     19.26 %  


*  Three year, five year and since inception returns are annualized for periods greater than one year, cumulative return is not annualized.

Performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than that shown here. Returns current to the most recent month-end are available at www.afbafunds.com. Performance reflects fee waivers in effect. In the absence of fee waivers performance would have been lower. The performance tables and graphs do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund shares. All indexes are unmanaged and not available for direct investment. Unlike a mutual fund, the performance of an index assumes no taxes, transaction costs, management fees or other expenses.

Performance information is restated to reflect the current maximum front-end sales charge (in the case of Class A Shares) or the maximum deferred sales charge (in the case of Class B and C Shares), and assumes the reinvestment of dividends and distributions. The maximum front-end sales charges for Class A Shares as follows: AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund, AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund, AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund, AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund, AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund and AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund - 5.50%: AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund - 3.75%. The maximum contingent deferred sales charge for Class B Shares are as follows: AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund, AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund, AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund, AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund , AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund and AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value - 4.75%: AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund - 4.00%. The maximum contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares all the portfolios is 1.00%.


AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund – Class I Shares versus
S&P 500 Index
(1) and Lipper Balanced Fund Index(2)


AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund – Class I Shares versus Merrill Lynch High Yield Bond Index(4), Lipper High Yield Fund Index(5), and Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index(13)


AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund – Class I Shares versus S&P 500 Index(1) and Russell 1000 Growth Index(3)


AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund – Class I Shares versus S&P 500 Index(1) and Russell 1000 Growth Index(3)





AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund – Class I Shares versus S&P 500 Index(1) and Lipper Science & Technology Fund Index(6)


AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I Shares versus S&P 400 Mid Cap Index(10), Lipper Mid Cap Fund Index(11) and Russell 2500 Value Index(12)


AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund – Class I Shares versus S&P 600 Small Cap Index(7), Lipper Small Cap Fund Index(8) and Russell 2000 Growth Index(9)




1  The S&P 500 Index is a capitalization-weighted index of 500 large capitalization stocks which is designed to measure broad domestic securities markets. The performance of the S&P 500 Index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment managementfees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

2  The Lipper Balanced Fund Index is an unmanaged index and includes the 30 largest mutual funds whose primary objective is to conserve principal by maintaining at all times a balanced portfolio of both stocks and bonds. Typically the stock/bond ratio of funds in the index ranges around 60%/40%. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

3  The Russell 1000 Growth Index measures the performance of companies in the Russell 1000 Index with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The Russell 1000 Index measures the performance of the 1,000 largest U.S. companies in the Russell 3000 Index based on market capitalization. The performance of the Russell 1000 Growth Index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. The Manager believes this benchmark index more appropriately reflects the types of securities held in the portfolio and provides the best comparative performance information.

4  The Merrill Lynch High Yield Cash Bond Index is an unmanaged index comprised of over 1,200 high yield bonds representative of the high yield bond market as a whole. The index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

5  The Lipper High Yield Fund Index is a widely recognized index of mutual funds that invest primarily in high yield bonds. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. In light of the change in the AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund's investment objective and strategies, this index will not be considered the Fund's primary benchmark. The Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index will be the primary index going forward.

6  The Lipper Science & Technology Fund Index is an unmanaged, equally-weighted performance index of the largest qualifying mutual funds (based on net assets) in the Lipper Science and Technology classification. There are currently 30 funds represented in this index. The index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

7  The S&P 600 Small Cap Index is a market value weighted index consisting of 600 domestic stocks chosen for market size, liquidity, and industry group representation. The performance of the S&P 600 Small Cap Index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

8  The Lipper Small Cap Fund Index is comprised of the top 25-30 managed mutual funds that, by portfolio practice, invest at least 75% of their equity assets in companies with market capitalization (on a three-year weighted basis) less than 250% of the dollar-weighted median of the smallest 500 of the middle 1,000 securities of the S&P SuperComposite 1500 Index. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

9  The Russell 2000 Growth Index is comprised of securities in the Russell 2000 Index with higher than average price-to-book ratios and forecasted growth values. The Russell 2000 Index is an unmanaged index comprised of the 2,000 smallest of the 3,000 largest U.S. companies based on market capitalization. The performance of the Russell 2000 Growth Index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. The Manager believes this benchmark index more appropriately reflects the types of securities held in the portfolio and provides the best comparative performance information.

10  The S&P 400 Mid Cap Index is an unmanaged, market capitalization-weighted index of 400 medium-capitalization stocks designed to measure the mid-size company segment of the U.S. markets. The performance of the S&P 400 Mid Cap Index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

11  The Lipper Mid Cap Fund Index is comprised of mutual funds that, by portfolio practice, invest at least 75% of their equity assets in companies with market capitalization (on a three-year weighted basis) of less than 300% of the dollar-weighted median market capitalization of the S&P Mid Cap 400 Index. These funds have latitude with respect to the valuations (price-to-earnings, price-to-book, and three-year earnings growth) of the securities in their portfolios and may alter their portfolios' style over time. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

12  The Russell 2500 Value Index measures the performance of companies in the Russell 2500 Index with lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values. The performance of the Russell 2500 Value Index reflects the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, but does not reflect the deduction of any investment management fees. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. The Manager believes this benchmark index more appropriately reflects the types of securities held in the portfolio and provides the best comparative performance information.

13  The Lehman Brothers Government/Corporate Bond Index includes securities in the Government and Corporate Indices. Specifically, the Government Index includes treasuries (i.e., public obligations of the U.S. Treasury that have remaining maturities of more than one year) and agencies (i.e., publicly issued debt of U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government). The Corporate Index includes publicly issued U.S. corporate and Yankee debentures and secured notes that meet specified maturity, liquidity, and quality requirements. The Manager believes this benchmark index more appropriately reflects the types of securities held in the portfolio and provides the best comparative performance information.



  AS OF 03/31/08


Consumer Staples     10.46 %  
Energy     8.18 %  
Entertainment     2.20 %  
Financials     6.60 %  
Health Care     8.67 %  
Industrials     3.08 %  
Information Technology     9.99 %  
Insurance     4.15 %  
REITS     4.39 %  
Telecommunications     2.13 %  
Transportation     1.84 %  
Utilities     2.74 %  
Agency Obligations     13.12 %  
U.S. Treasury Obligations     4.75 %  
Corporate Bonds  
Consumer Discretionary     1.45 %  
Consumer Staples     1.90 %  
Financials     4.28 %  
Health Care     1.24 %  
Retail     0.40 %  
Telecommunications     0.63 %  
Preferred Stocks  
Financials     2.77 %  
Insurance     1.22 %  
Convertible Corporate Bonds  
Consumer Discretionary     2.50 %  
Money Market Account     1.29 %  
Rights     0.02 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  



Capital Goods     12.86 %  
Consumer Durables & Apparel     1.46 %  
Consumer Services     3.11 %  
Diversified Financials     5.53 %  
Energy     15.18 %  
Food, Beverages & Tobacco     4.50 %  
Health Care Equipment & Services     2.72 %  
Household & Personal Products     1.41 %  
Materials     14.37 %  
Medical Equipment & Supplies     1.45 %  
Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences     6.84 %  
Retailing     9.10 %  
Software & Services     2.90 %  
Technology Hardware & Equipment     8.91 %  
Telecommunication Services     2.67 %  
Transportation & Services     2.39 %  
Utilities     1.47 %  
Money Market Account     3.13 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  



Agency Obligations     43.46 %  
Corporate Bonds  
Consumer Discretionary     10.19 %  
Consumer Staples     3.19 %  
Financials     9.77 %  
Healthcare     1.76 %  
Industrials     0.16 %  
Retail     1.91 %  
Telecommunication Services     3.30 %  
U.S. Treasury Obligations     21.79 %  
Common Stock     0.93 %  
Convertible Corporate Bond     2.14 %  
Convertible Preferred Stocks     1.40 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  



Capital Goods     14.73 %  
Consumer Durables     3.35 %  
Consumer Services     6.07 %  
Diversified Financials     4.47 %  
Energy     12.34 %  
Food, Beverages & Tobacco     5.67 %  
Health Care Equipment & Services     1.91 %  
Household & Personal Products     2.74 %  
Materials     13.72 %  
Medical Equipment & Supplies     2.36 %  
Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Life Sciences     7.97 %  
Retailing     4.43 %  
Software & Services     1.54 %  
Technology Hardware & Equipment     9.93 %  
Telecommunication Services     2.70 %  
Transportation Services     0.88 %  
Money Market Account     5.19 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  



Consumer Discretionary     3.14 %  
Health Care     31.59 %  
Industrials     0.99 %  
Information Technology     56.42 %  
Materials     2.75 %  
Money Market Account     5.11 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  


1As a percentage to total holdings as of March 31, 2008. Holdings are subject to change.



Auto & Transportation     0.43 %  
Basic Materials     2.72 %  
Capital Goods     2.80 %  
Commercial/Industrial Services     1.46 %  
Consumer Discretionary     8.57 %  
Consumer Durables     0.66 %  
Consumer Services     0.58 %  
Consumer Staples     3.28 %  
Electronic Technology     15.56 %  
Energy     4.52 %  
Financials     9.83 %  
Health Care     18.61 %  
Industrials     3.36 %  
Information Technology     14.61 %  
Materials     0.99 %  
Other     1.11 %  
Producer Manufacturing     2.93 %  
Retail Trade     2.04 %  
Services     0.16 %  
Transportation     1.74 %  
Utilities     0.77 %  
Money Market Account     3.27 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  



Capital Goods     15.28 %  
Consumer Discretionary     1.59 %  
Consumer Durables & Apparel     3.54 %  
Consumer Staples     11.69 %  
Energy     16.55 %  
Financials     4.07 %  
Health Care     9.14 %  
Information Technology     10.03 %  
Insurance     13.95 %  
Materials     3.63 %  
Retail     0.93 %  
Money Market Account     9.60 %  
TOTAL     100.00 %  


1As a percentage to total holdings as of March 31, 2008. Holdings are subject to change.



EXPENSE TABLES (unaudited)

  AS OF 03/31/08

Expense Tables

As a Shareholder of the Fund, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction cost, including front and back end sales charges (loads) or redemption fees, where applicable; and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees; distribution and service (12b-1) fees, where applicable; and other Fund expenses. This Example is intended to help you understand your ongoing cost (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and to compare these costs with the ongoing cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example below is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (10/01/07-03/31/08).

The information under "Actual Performance," together with the amount you invested, allows you to estimate actual expenses incurred over the reporting period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.60) and multiply the cost show for your share class, in the row entitled "Expenses Incurred During Period" to estimate the expenses paid on your account during this period.

The information under "Hypothetical Performance," provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund's actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund's actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expense you incurred for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other Funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses show in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional cost, such as front and back end sales charges (loads) or redemption fees, where applicable. Therefore, the hypothetical information is useful in comparing ongoing cost only, and will not help you determine the relative total cost of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional cost were included, your cost would have been higher.

Disclosure of Fund Expenses  For the period October 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008

AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 968.20     $ 966.20     $ 962.60     $ 962.60     $ 965.30     $ 1,019.53     $ 1,018.27     $ 1,014.47     $ 1,014.47     $ 1,017.00    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 5.31     $ 6.54     $ 10.21     $ 10.21     $ 7.76     $ 5.47     $ 6.73     $ 10.53     $ 10.53     $ 8.00    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.08%, 1.33%, 2.08%, 2.08% and 1.58% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 870.80     $ 869.70     $ 866.40     $ 866.50     $ 868.40     $ 1,018.52     $ 1,017.25     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,015.99    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 5.99     $ 7.15     $ 10.64     $ 10.64     $ 8.31     $ 6.48     $ 7.75     $ 11.54     $ 11.54     $ 9.01    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.28%, 1.53%, 2.28%, 2.28% and 1.78% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 1,036.30     $ 1,034.70     $ 1,031.30     $ 1,030.80     $ 1,033.30     $ 1,019.53     $ 1,018.27     $ 1,014.47     $ 1,014.47     $ 1,017.00    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 5.50     $ 6.77     $ 10.56     $ 10.56     $ 8.03     $ 5.47     $ 6.73     $ 10.53     $ 10.53     $ 8.00    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.08%, 1.33%, 2.08%, 2.08% and 1.58% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 869.00     $ 867.60     $ 864.60     $ 864.60     $ 866.90     $ 1,018.52     $ 1,017.25     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,015.99    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 5.98     $ 7.14     $ 10.63     $ 10.63     $ 8.31     $ 6.48     $ 7.75     $ 11.54     $ 11.54     $ 9.01    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.28%, 1.53%, 2.28%, 2.28% and 1.78% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).


AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 815.80     $ 814.40     $ 811.80     $ 811.80     $ 813.90     $ 1,017.81     $ 1,016.55     $ 1,012.75     $ 1,012.75     $ 1,015.28    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 6.49     $ 7.62     $ 11.01     $ 11.01     $ 8.75     $ 7.19     $ 8.45     $ 12.25     $ 12.25     $ 9.72    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.42%, 1.67%, 2.42%, 2.42% and 1.92% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 753.80     $ 753.20     $ 750.20     $ 750.40     $ 751.80     $ 1,018.52     $ 1,017.25     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,015.99    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 5.61     $ 6.71     $ 9.98     $ 9.98     $ 7.80     $ 6.48     $ 7.75     $ 11.54     $ 11.54     $ 9.01    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.28%, 1.53%, 2.28%, 2.28% and 1.78% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund  
    Actual Performance   Hypothetical Performance
(5% return before expenses)
    I Shares   A shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares   I Shares   A Shares   B Shares   C Shares   R Shares  
Beginning Account Value 10/01/07   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00     $ 1,000.00    
Ending Account Value 03/31/08   $ 860.70     $ 858.90     $ 856.20     $ 856.40     $ 857.50     $ 1,018.52     $ 1,017.25     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,013.46     $ 1,015.99    
Expenses Paid During Period   $ 5.95     $ 7.11     $ 10.58     $ 10.58     $ 8.27     $ 6.48     $ 7.75     $ 11.54     $ 11.54     $ 9.01    


For each class of Fund, expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 1.28%, 1.53%, 2.28%, 2.28% and 1.78% for Classes I, A, B, C and R, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).





March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS — 63.96%      
CONSUMER STAPLES — 10.38%      
  30,200     Altria Group, Inc.   $ 670,440    
  20,400     British American Tobacco PLC ADR     1,545,300    
  30,200     Philip Morris International, Inc.*     1,527,516    
  40,000     The Coca-Cola Co.     2,434,800    
  41,000     UST, Inc.     2,235,320    
ENERGY — 8.12%      
  23,400     Chevron Corp.     1,997,424    
  35,000     ConocoPhillips     2,667,350    
  35,000     Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP     1,914,150    
ENTERTAINMENT — 2.18%      
  75,986     Cedar Fair LP     1,766,674    
FINANCIALS — 6.55%      
  30,000     Bank of America Corp.     1,137,300    
  13,600     Federal National Mortgage Association     327,080    
  95,000     MCG Capital Corp.     863,550    
  36,000     Wachovia Corp.     972,000    
  69,000     Wells Fargo & Co.     2,007,900    
HEALTH CARE — 8.61%      
  22,000     Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.     468,600    
  36,100     Johnson & Johnson     2,341,807    
  37,000     Merck & Co., Inc.     1,404,150    
  20,000     Novartis AG ADR     1,024,600    
  83,000     Pfizer, Inc.     1,737,190    
INDUSTRIALS — 3.06%      
  67,000     General Electric Co.     2,479,670    
  100,000     Intel Corp.     2,118,000    
  26,000     International Business Machines Corp.     2,993,640    
  103,000     Microsoft Corp.     2,923,140    
INSURANCE — 4.12%      
  570     Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Class B*     2,549,553    
  32,000     ING Groep, N.V.     785,920    
REITS — 4.36%      
  55,000     First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. REIT     1,152,250    
  97,000     UDR, Inc. REIT     2,378,440    
  47,000     Verizon Communications, Inc.     1,713,150    
TRANSPORTATION — 1.83%      
  16,000     FedEx Corp.     1,482,720    
UTILITIES — 2.72%      
  54,000     Dominion Resources, Inc.     2,205,360    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     51,824,994    
(COST $51,299,855)      


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

$ 700,000     Federal Home Loan Bank, 5.75% due 05/15/12   $ 773,179    
  390,000     Federal Home Loan Bank, 3.375% due 02/27/13     391,860    
  770,000     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 4.125% due 07/12/10     799,875    
  1,600,000     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 5.125% due 08/23/10     1,700,543    
  1,307,657     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 5.50% due 04/01/37     1,322,258    
  1,084,189     Federal National Mortgage Association, 4.50% due 08/01/20     1,080,775    
  2,000,000     Federal National Mortgage Association, 4.75% due 03/12/10     2,093,862    
  1,150,000     Federal National Mortgage Association, 5.00% due 09/15/08     1,165,429    
  1,194,090     Federal National Mortgage Association, 6.00% due 10/01/37     1,224,499    
(COST $10,168,202)      
  1,250,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.50% due 05/15/10     1,326,759    
  475,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.00% due 02/15/14     512,369    
  1,160,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.75% due 08/15/17     1,283,794    
  625,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 5.00% due 05/15/37     699,366    
(COST $3,610,716)      
CORPORATE BONDS — 9.84%      
  1,000,000     Mandalay Resort Group, 7.625% due 07/15/13     927,500    
  222,000     Metlife, Inc., 6.125% due 12/01/11     238,398    
CONSUMER STAPLES — 1.89%      
  1,200,000     Pilgrim's Pride Corp., 8.375% due 05/01/17     1,062,000    
  450,000     The Coca-Cola Co., 5.35% due 11/15/17     470,444    
FINANCIALS — 4.25%      
  275,000     American Express Travel Related Services, 5.25% due 11/21/11 (b)     275,875    
  250,000     Bank of America Corp., 5.375% due 09/11/12     260,320    
  300,000     Citigroup, Inc., 6.00% due 02/21/12     306,536    
  250,000     General Electric Capital Corp., 5.50% due 06/04/14     260,822    
  125,000     Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), 6.60% due 01/15/12     132,274    
  750,000     Marshall & IIsley Corp., 5.626% due 08/17/09     750,800    
  125,000     Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., 5.77% due 07/25/11     126,713    
  250,000     Morgan Stanley, 5.05% due 01/21/11     250,963    
  375,000     Suntrust Banks, Inc., 5.25% due 11/05/12     369,837    
  300,000     Wachovia Corp., 5.25% due 08/01/14     296,714    
  400,000     Wells Fargo & Co., 5.25% due 10/23/12     415,248    
HEALTH CARE — 1.23%      
  1,000,000     Psychiatric Solutions, Inc., 7.75% due 07/15/15     1,000,000    
RETAIL — 0.40%      
  325,000     Home Depot, Inc., 3.75% due 09/15/09     321,868    
  225,000     AT&T, Inc., 4.95% due 01/15/13     226,001    
  275,000     Vodafone Group PLC, 5.35% due 02/27/12     278,717    
TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS     7,971,030    
(COST $8,122,286)      


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


BALANCED FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

PREFERRED STOCKS — 3.96%      
FINANCIALS — 2.75%      
  9,400     Capital One Capital II   $ 185,180    
  52,000     First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. REIT     1,606,280    
  20,000     Public Storage     435,000    
INSURANCE — 1.21%      
  40,000     Markel Corp.     984,000    
TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS     3,210,460    
(COST $3,764,450)      
$ 1,000,000     Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., 2.9375% due 10/15/24     1,046,250    
  1,000,000     Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., 3.625% due 03/15/25 (c)     966,250    
(COST $1,896,362)      
  1,039,452     PNC Bank Money Market (a)     1,039,452    
(COST $1,039,452)      
RIGHTS — 0.02%      
  13,571     MCG Capital Corp.* (expiration 4/18/08)     14,521    
TOTAL RIGHTS     14,521    
(COST $0)      
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 99.28%     80,447,525    
(COST $79,901,323)#  
Other assets in excess of liabilities — 0.72%     581,778    
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 81,029,303    


ADR — American Depository Receipt

LP — Limited Partnership

PLC — Public Liability Company

REIT — Real Estate Investment Trust

  (a)  The interest rate on March 31, 2008 was 2.57%

  (b)  Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

  (c)  Stepped coupon bond — the rate shown is the rate in effect on March 31, 2008.

  *  Non-income producing security

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized appreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $5,966,065 and gross depreciation of $5,419,863 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $79,901,323).

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS — 95.80%      
CAPITAL GOODS — 12.72%      
  9,300     Caterpillar, Inc.   $ 728,097    
  8,800     Deere & Co.     707,872    
  5,500     Emerson Electric Co.     283,030    
  2,700     Fluor Corp.     381,132    
  5,000     General Dynamics Corp.     416,850    
  4,200     Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.*     309,078    
  5,800     Philip Morris International, Inc.*     293,364    
  5,200     NIKE, Inc. Class B     353,600    
  10,200     Avon Products, Inc.     403,308    
  9,400     YUM! Brands     349,774    
  4,400     Northern Trust Corp.     292,468    
  9,600     State Street Corp.     758,400    
  9,000     US Bancorp     291,240    
ENERGY — 15.02%      
  4,600     Apache Corp.     555,772    
  6,400     Consol Energy, Inc.     442,816    
  3,500     Devon Energy Corp.     365,155    
  4,100     Exxon Mobil Corp.     346,778    
  4,600     Ultra Petroleum Corp.*     356,500    
  10,000     Weatherford International Ltd.*     724,700    
  14,400     XTO Energy, Inc.     890,784    
  5,800     Altria Group, Inc.     128,760    
  15,800     The Coca-Cola Co.     961,746    
  6,000     Medco Health Solutions, Inc.*     262,740    
  7,000     Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.*     397,880    
  4,400     Colgate-Palmolive Co.     342,804    
MATERIALS — 14.21%      
  2,200     Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc.     211,684    
  8,500     Monsanto Co.     947,750    
  11,200     Newmont Mining Corp.     507,360    
  6,800     Nucor Corp.     460,632    
  8,400     The Mosaic Corp.*     861,840    
  3,900     United States Steel Corp.     494,793    
  4,100     Becton Dickinson & Co.     351,985    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


LARGE CAP FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
  8,300     Genzyme Corp.*   $ 618,682    
  20,200     Gilead Sciences, Inc.*     1,040,906    
RETAILING — 9.00%      
  4,200     Amazon.com, Inc.*     299,460    
  12,000     Staples, Inc.     265,320    
  5,500     Urban Outfitters, Inc.*     172,425    
  20,300     Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.     1,069,404    
  12,100     TJX Cos., Inc.     400,147    
SOFTWARE & SERVICES — 2.86%      
  400     Google, Inc. Class A*     176,188    
  9,100     salesforce.com, Inc.*     526,617    
  3,800     Apple, Inc.*     545,300    
  21,400     Cisco Systems, Inc.*     515,526    
  9,200     Hewlett-Packard Co.     420,072    
  5,900     International Business Machines Corp.     679,326    
  2,800     L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.     306,152    
  8,300     Qualcomm, Inc.     340,300    
  5,200     CSX Corp.     291,564    
  2,300     Union Pacific Corp.     288,374    
UTILITIES — 1.46%      
  4,400     Exelon Corp.     357,588    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     23,494,043    
(COST $22,309,528)      
  759,382     PNC Bank Money Market (a)     759,382    
(COST $759,382)      
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 98.90%     24,253,425    
(COST $23,068,910)#      
Other assets in excess of liabilities — 1.10%     270,365    
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 24,523,790    


  (a)  The interest rate on March 31, 2008 was 2.57%

  *  Non-Income Producing

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized appreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $1,882,157 and gross depreciation of $752,874 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $23,124,142.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

$ 2,040,000     Federal Home Loan Bank, 5.75% due 05/15/12   $ 2,253,266    
  1,000,000     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 5.00% due 06/11/09     1,032,305    
  2,300,000     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 5.125% due 08/23/10     2,444,530    
  1,494,465     Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 5.50% due 04/01/37     1,511,152    
  1,355,724     Federal National Mortgage Association, 4.50% due 08/01/20     1,351,455    
  1,000,000     Federal National Mortgage Association, 4.75% due 03/12/10     1,046,931    
  500,000     Federal National Mortgage Association, 5.00% due 09/15/08     506,708    
  1,492,612     Federal National Mortgage Association, 6.00% due 10/01/37     1,530,624    
(COST $11,202,118)      
CORPORATE BONDS — 30.01%      
  140,000     American Express Travel Related Services Co., Inc., 5.25% due 11/21/11 (a)     140,445    
  25,000     Ford Motor Credit Co., 5.80% due 1/12/09     23,821    
  575,000     Ford Motor Credit Co., 7.375% due 10/28/09     524,087    
  235,000     GameStop Corp., 8.00% due 10/01/12     249,688    
  281,000     General Electric Capital Corp., 5.00% due 04/10/12     288,588    
  300,000     International Lease Finance Corp., 4.875% due 09/01/10     297,906    
  340,000     Mandalay Resort Group, 7.625% due 07/15/13     315,350    
  100,000     Penske Auto Group Inc., 7.75% due 12/15/16 (a)     87,000    
  325,000     Phillips Van-Heusen, 7.75% due 11/15/23     321,883    
  575,000     Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., 7.50% due 10/15/27     490,706    
CONSUMER STAPLES — 3.16%      
  250,000     Diego Capital PLC, 5.20% due 01/30/13     258,912    
  320,000     Pilgrim's Pride Corp., 8.375% due 05/01/17     283,200    
  300,000     The Coca-Cola Co., 5.35% due 11/15/17     313,629    
FINANCIALS — 9.68%      
  175,000     Bank of America Corp., 5.375% due 09/11/12     182,224    
  125,000     General Motors Acceptance Corp., 6.875% due 08/28/12     95,075    
  150,000     Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), 6.60% due 01/15/12     158,729    
  235,000     JPMorgan Chase & Co., 5.375% due 10/01/12     244,251    
  500,000     Marshall & Ilsley Corp., 5.626% due 08/17/09     500,534    
  150,000     Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., 5.77% due 07/25/11     152,056    
  400,000     Morgan Stanley, 5.05% due 01/12/11     401,541    
  215,000     Suntrust Banks, Inc., 5.25% due 11/05/12     212,040    
  166,000     Union Planters Corp., 4.375% due 12/01/10     169,121    
  200,000     Wachovia Corp., 5.25% due 08/01/14     197,810    
  300,000     Wells Fargo & Co., 5.25% due 10/23/12     311,436    
HEALTH CARE — 1.75%      
  445,000     Abbott Laboratories, 5.60% due 05/15/11     472,784    
INDUSTRIALS — 0.16%      
  50,000     American Railcar Industries Inc., 7.50% due 03/01/14     44,250    
RETAIL — 1.89%      
  200,000     Home Depot, Inc., 3.75% due 09/15/09     198,072    
  300,000     Lowe's Companies, Inc., 5.60% due 09/15/12     314,573    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

CORPORATE BONDS (continued)      
$ 280,000     Rodgers Wireless, Inc., 7.50% due 03/15/15   $ 294,568    
  360,000     SBC Communications, 5.875% due 08/15/12     376,891    
  212,000     Vodafone Group PLC, 5.50% due 06/15/11     215,752    
TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS     8,136,922    
(COST $8,146,373)      
  910,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.00% due 02/15/14     981,591    
  830,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.50% due 05/15/10     880,968    
  2,150,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.75% due 08/15/17     2,379,446    
  525,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 4.875% due 06/30/12     578,690    
  925,000     U.S. Treasury Note, 5.00% due 05/15/37     1,035,061    
(COST $5,492,627)      
  550,000     Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., 2.9375% due 10/15/24     575,436    
(COST $550,026)      
FINANCIALS — 1.39%      
  13,350     Boston Private Financial Corp., 4.875%, 10/1/34     375,469    
(COST $638,782)      
COMMON STOCK — 0.92%      
  10,400     Federal National Mortgage Association     250,120    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     250,120    
(COST $260,000)      
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 99.10%     26,870,674    
(COST $26,289,926)#      
Other assets in excess of liabilities — 0.90%     245,093    
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 27,115,767    


PLC — Public Liability Company

  (a)  Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers.

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized appreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $1,006,670 and gross depreciation of $426,233 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $26,290,237.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS — 97.37%      
CAPITAL GOODS — 15.13%      
  12,700     Caterpillar, Inc.   $ 994,283    
  3,500     Deere & Co.     281,540    
  14,500     Emerson Electric Co.     746,170    
  4,900     Fluor Corp.     691,684    
  3,100     General Dynamics Corp.     258,447    
  7,500     Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.*     551,925    
  13,100     Philip Morris International, Inc.*     662,598    
  14,000     NIKE, Inc. Class B     952,000    
  25,300     Avon Products, Inc.     1,000,362    
  19,500     YUM! Brands     725,595    
  5,400     Northern Trust Corp.     358,938    
  6,000     State Street Corp.     474,000    
  13,500     US Bancorp     436,860    
ENERGY — 12.68%      
  7,600     Apache Corp.     918,232    
  3,900     Consol Energy, Inc.     269,841    
  1,900     Exelon Corp.     154,413    
  8,300     Exxon Mobil Corp.     702,014    
  2,000     Ultra Petroleum Corp.*     155,000    
  15,500     Weatherford International Ltd.*     1,123,285    
  3,000     XTO Energy, Inc.     185,580    
  13,100     Altria Group, Inc.     290,820    
  21,700     The Coca-Cola Co.     1,320,879    
  3,600     Medco Health Solutions, Inc.*     157,644    
  6,800     Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.*     386,512    
  10,000     Colgate-Palmolive Co.     779,100    
MATERIALS — 14.09%      
  3,800     Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc.     365,636    
  9,900     Monsanto Co.     1,103,850    
  18,000     Newmont Mining Corp.     815,400    
  1,900     Nucor Corp.     128,706    
  12,000     The Mosaic Corp.*     1,231,200    
  2,000     United States Steel Corp.     253,740    
  7,800     Becton Dickinson & Co.     669,630    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


USA GLOBAL FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
  12,000     Genzyme Corp.*   $ 894,480    
  26,600     Gilead Sciences, Inc.*     1,370,698    
RETAILING — 4.55%      
  11,100     Amazon.com, Inc.*     791,430    
  7,000     TJX Cos, Inc.     231,490    
  4,500     Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.     237,060    
SOFTWARE & SERVICES — 1.58%      
  600     Google, Inc. Class A*     264,282    
  3,000     salesforce.com*     173,610    
  1,500     Apple, Inc.*     215,250    
  25,000     Cisco Systems, Inc.*     602,250    
  22,000     Hewlett-Packard Co.     1,004,520    
  8,700     International Business Machines Corp.     1,001,718    
  18,700     Qualcomm, Inc.     766,700    
  2,000     CSX Corp.     112,140    
  1,100     Union Pacific Corp.     137,918    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     26,949,430    
(COST $25,776,807)      
  1,475,375     PNC Bank Money Market (a)     1,475,375    
(COST $1,475,375)      
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 102.70%     28,424,805    
(COST $27,252,182)#      
Liabilities in excess of other assets — (2.70%)     (748,374 )  
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 27,676,431    


  (a)  The interest rate on March 31, 2008 was 2.57%

  *  Non-Income Producing

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized appreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $2,040,628 and gross depreciation of $922,013 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $27,306,190.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS — 96.01%      
Media — 3.18%      
  4,200     Arbitron, Inc.   $ 181,272    
  4,900     Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Class A*     177,674    
HEALTH CARE — 31.96%      
Biotechnology — 10.73%      
  4,300     Amgen, Inc*     179,654    
  3,700     Charles River Laboratories*     218,078    
  5,400     Gilead Sciences, Inc*     278,262    
  6,000     LifeCell Corp.*     252,180    
  13,700     Qiagen N.V.*     284,960    
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 6.72%      
  3,500     CR Bard, Inc.     337,400    
  14,400     ev3, Inc.*     117,216    
  6,500     Varian Medical Systems, Inc.*     304,460    
Health Care Providers & Services — 5.96%      
  2,000     Covance, Inc.*     165,940    
  17,400     Dialysis Corp of America*     126,846    
  12,500     Nighthawk Radiology Holdings, Inc.*     117,000    
  6,300     Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc.     263,970    
Laboratory Analytical Instruments — 1.88%      
  2,800     Illumina, Inc.*     212,520    
Pharmaceuticals — 6.67%      
  7,500     Schering-Plough Corp.     108,075    
  3,100     Shire PLC ADR     179,676    
  4,500     Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. ADR     207,855    
  6,200     Wyeth     258,912    
INDUSTRIALS — 1.01%      
Construction & Engineering — 1.01%      
  3,800     Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.*     113,620    
Communications Equipment — 5.66%      
  5,300     Black Box Corp.     163,505    
  8,375     Cisco Systems, Inc.*     201,754    
  11,400     Corning, Inc.     274,056    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.





March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY — 57.08% (continued)      
Computer Integrated Systems Design — 7.44%      
  8,900     eBay, Inc.*   $ 265,576    
  5,900     Evergreen Solar, Inc.*     54,693    
  500     First Solar, Inc.*     115,570    
  150     Google, Inc.* Class A     66,070    
  900     Sunpower Corp.* Class A     67,059    
  9,400     Yahoo! Inc.*     271,942    
Computer Storage Devices — 2.82%      
  13,100     EMC Corp.*     187,854    
  5,800     SanDisk Corp.*     130,906    
Electronic Equipment & Instruments — 3.19%      
  7,100     Jabil Circuit, Inc.     67,166    
  9,100     National Instruments Corp.     237,874    
  1,000     Waters Corp.*     55,700    
Electronic Lighting & Wiring Equipment — 2.04%      
  12,900     Daktronics, Inc.     231,039    
Internet Software & Services — 1.92%      
  5,000     Akamai Technologies, Inc.*     140,800    
  4,200     F5 Networks, Inc.*     76,314    
Materials — 2.42%      
  8,500     Cabot Microelectronics Corp.*     273,275    
Semiconductor Equipment — 7.58%      
  16,800     Applied Materials, Inc.     327,768    
  4,900     Lam Research Corp.*     187,278    
  5,800     MKS Instruments, Inc.*     124,120    
  4,200     Novellus Systems, Inc.*     88,410    
  4,600     Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc.*     129,490    
Semiconductors — 12.10%      
  9,300     Altera Corp.     171,399    
  5,200     Atheros Communications*     108,368    
  5,100     Broadcom Corp. Class A*     98,277    
  11,700     Cree, Inc.*     327,132    
  5,300     Formfactor, Inc.*     101,230    
  8,925     Intel Corp.     189,032    
  15,000     IXYS Corp.*     102,450    
  7,450     Maxim Integrated Products     151,905    
  3,600     Microchip Technology, Inc.     117,828    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY — 57.08% (continued)      
Software — 11.91%      
  15,500     BEA Systems, Inc.*   $ 296,825    
  8,200     Cadence Design Systems, Inc.*     87,576    
  8,400     Citrix Systems, Inc.*     246,372    
  5,000     Manhattan Associates, Inc.*     114,650    
  10,900     Microsoft Corp.     309,342    
  11,100     Oracle Corp.*     217,116    
  4,500     Symantec Corp.*     74,790    
MATERIALS — 2.78%      
Chemicals — 2.78%      
  4,300     Sigma-Aldrich Corp.     256,495    
  2,200     Zoltek Companies, Inc.*     58,344    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     10,852,920    
(COST $10,665,273)  
  584,281     PNC Bank Money Market (a)     584,281    
(COST $584,281)  
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 101.18%     11,437,201    
(COST $11,249,554)#  
Liabilities in excess of other assets — (1.18%)     (133,745 )  
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 11,303,456    


ADR — American Depository Receipt

PLC — Public Liability Company

  (a)  The interest rate on March 31, 2008 was 2.57%

  *  Non-income producing security.

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized appreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $1,622,463 and gross depreciation of $1,537,935 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $11,352,673.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS — 97.17%      
Airlines — 0.44%      
  34,900     JetBlue Airways Corp.*   $ 202,420    
BASIC MATERIALS — 2.73%      
Chemicals — 0.70%      
  21,700     Calgon Carbon Corp.*     326,585    
Industrial Conglomerates — 0.59%      
  15,200     Tredegar Corp.     276,792    
Miscellanous Basic Materials — 0.58%      
  24,200     Buckeye Technologies, Inc.*     270,072    
Specialty Chemicals — 0.86%      
  2,300     Albemarle Corp.     83,996    
  1,650     NewMarket Corp.     124,492    
  3,500     OM Group, Inc.*     190,890    
CAPITAL GOODS — 2.81%      
Automotive Retail — 0.62%      
  15,000     Carmax, Inc.*     291,300    
Construction Materials — 0.70%      
  1,400     Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.     148,638    
  3,000     Texas Industries, Inc.     180,330    
Hypermarkets & Supercenters — 0.49%      
  8,200     Pricesmart, Inc.     227,222    
Leisure Facilities — 0.76%      
  15,200     Cedar Fair LP     353,400    
Restaurants — 0.24%      
  4,000     Burger King Holdings, Inc.     110,640    
Consulting Services — 0.64%      
  11,300     Forrester Research, Inc.*     300,354    
Engineering/Construction — 0.32%      
  5,400     Team, Inc.*     147,420    
Office Furniture — 0.34%      
  13,700     Knoll, Inc.     158,098    
Printing/Forms/Financial Publications — 0.17%      
  9,800     TheStreet.com, Inc.     79,184    
Automobiles — 0.41%      
  20,100     Monaco Coach Corp.     190,548    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY — 8.61% (continued)      
Commercial Services & Supplies — 1.06%      
  15,340     CRA International, Inc.*   $ 493,028    
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 1.36%      
  19,300     Steiner Leisure, Ltd.*     636,900    
Household Durables — 0.90%      
  12,700     Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc.     361,061    
  17,200     WCI Communities, Inc.*     57,620    
Leisure Equipment & Products — 0.41%      
  35,600     Shuffle Master, Inc.*     190,460    
Media — 1.77%      
  14,900     Arbitron, Inc.     643,084    
  4,982     Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Class A*     180,647    
Services - Child Day Care Services — 0.22%      
  2,400     Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc.*     103,296    
Specialty Retail — 2.48%      
  12,400     Barnes & Noble, Inc.     380,060    
  21,996     InVentive Health, Inc.*     633,705    
  17,307     Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc.*     142,610    
Recreational Products/Toys — 0.66%      
  10,600     Shanda Interactive Entertainment, Ltd., ADR*     308,460    
Media — 0.58%      
  14,500     World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.     269,845    
CONSUMER STAPLES — 3.30%      
Household Products — 1.15%      
  5,900     Energizer Holdings, Inc.*     533,832    
Packaged Foods & Meats — 0.42%      
  10,000     Lance, Inc.     196,000    
Personal Care — 0.70%      
  11,800     Alberto-Culver Co.     323,438    
Specialized Consumer Services — 0.33%      
  15,300     Service Corp International     155,142    
Tobacco — 0.70%      
  6,000     UST, Inc.     327,120    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


SMALL CAP FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
Aerospace/Defense/Precision — 2.38%      
  8,522     Astronics Corp.*   $ 164,645    
  5,000     Axsys Technologies, Inc.*     249,400    
  5,600     Ladish Co., Inc.*     201,600    
  8,600     Stanley, Inc.*     253,356    
  6,500     TransDigm Group, Inc.*     240,825    
Electronic Components — 3.64%      
  13,400     Comtech Group, Inc.*     144,586    
  20,900     Methode Electronics, Inc.     244,321    
  34,600     Omnivision Technologies, Inc.*     581,972    
  25,900     Plexus Corp.*     726,495    
Internet Services — 1.26%      
  20,900     Interwoven, Inc.*     223,212    
  26,000     S1 Corp.*     184,860    
  18,000     Website Pros, Inc.*     176,940    
Miscellaneous Electronic Technology — 2.19%      
  23,900     BluePhoenix Solutions, Ltd.*     199,565    
  38,700     Digital Ally, Inc.*     267,417    
  20,900     Neustar, Inc. Class A*     553,432    
Networking — 2.97%      
  16,100     Blue Coat Systems, Inc.*     354,844    
  20,000     FalconStor Software, Inc.*     152,200    
  91,500     Network Equipment Technologies, Inc.*     601,155    
  12,900     Silicom, Ltd.*     178,923    
  13,400     Soapstone Networks, Inc.     95,944    
Semiconductors — 1.08%      
  51,600     Microtune, Inc.*     188,856    
  11,600     Pericom Semiconductor Corp.*     170,288    
  20,000     Skyworks Solutions, Inc.*     145,600    
Telecommunications Equipment —- 2.11%      
  15,800     EMS Technologies, Inc.*     428,812    
  73,000     Harmonic, Inc.*     554,800    
ENERGY — 4.54%      
Energy-Oil Field Services — 1.41%      
  34,500     ICO, Inc.*     239,430    
  11,200     Mitcham Industries, Inc.*     198,912    
  26,100     T.G.C. Industries, Inc.*     220,284    
Oil & Gas Drilling — 1.90%      
  4,300     Atwood Oceanics, Inc.*     394,396    
  15,000     Petroquest Energy, Inc.*     260,100    
  4,400     Stone Energy Corp.*     230,164    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
ENERGY — 4.54% (continued)      
Oil & Gas Storage — 1.23%      
  6,800     Buckeye Partners LP   $ 313,480    
  9,257     Inergy LP     258,363    
FINANCIALS — 9.88%      
Asset Management & Custody Banking — 0.10%      
  4,960     MCG Capital Corp.     45,087    
Capital Markets — 1.60%      
  23,200     Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. Class A     745,416    
Commercial Banks — 1.08%      
  50,000     BankAtlantic Bancorp, Inc. Class A     195,500    
  29,094     Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.     308,105    
Diversified Financial Services — 1.35%      
  25,500     Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.     629,085    
Industrial REITs — 0.81%      
  12,300     First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc.     379,947    
Property & Casualty Insurance — 2.82%      
  1,020     Alleghany Corp.*     348,330    
  3,500     Investors Title Co.     171,500    
  845     Markel Corp.*     371,775    
  880     White Mountain Insurance Group, Inc.     422,400    
Reinsurance — 0.81%  
  23,500     Montpelier Re Holdings, Ltd.     377,175    
Residential REITs — 1.13%      
  21,400     UDR, Inc.     524,728    
Specialized Finance — 0.18%      
  2,000     Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc.     85,780    
HEALTH CARE — 18.69%      
Biotechnology — 0.89%      
  15,000     Bruker Corp.*     230,850    
  6,000     Martek Biosciences Corp.*     183,420    
Health Care Distributors — 0.58%      
  6,800     Owens & Minor, Inc.     267,512    
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 4.98%      
  17,900     Affymetrix, Inc.*     311,639    
  6,400     Analogic Corp.     425,856    
  25,535     Bio-Reference Labs, Inc.*     674,890    
  18,730     ICU Medical, Inc.*     538,862    
  9,950     PSS World Medical, Inc.*     165,767    
  4,800     Resmed, Inc.*     202,464    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


SMALL CAP FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
HEALTH CARE — 18.69% (continued)      
Health Care Providers & Services — 3.59%      
  18,000     AMERIGROUP Corp.*   $ 491,940    
  26,534     AmSurg Corp.*     628,325    
  32,442     Centene Corp.*     452,242    
  5,200     Eclipsys Corp.*     101,972    
Health Industry Services — 1.38%      
  13,000     eResearchTechnology, Inc.*     161,460    
  11,000     HMS Holdings, Inc.*     314,050    
  6,400     PAREXEL International Corp.*     167,040    
Health Care Technology — 0.68%      
  15,000     IMS Health, Inc.     315,150    
Home Health Care Services — 1.00%      
  21,500     Gentiva Health Services, Inc.*     467,840    
Laboratory Analytical Instruments — 1.27%      
  7,800     Illumina, Inc.*     592,020    
Medical/Dental Distributors — 0.58%      
  7,200     Chindex International, Inc.*     271,728    
Medical Equipment & Supplies — 2.67%      
  6,400     Exactech, Inc.*     161,216    
  6,200     Kensey Nash Corp.*     179,490    
  7,700     Meridian Bioscience, Inc.     257,411    
  6,800     Neogen Corp.*     170,680    
  24,400     Synovis Life Technologies, Inc.*     382,592    
  28,500     Thermage, Inc.*     94,050    
Pharmaceuticals — 1.07%      
  7,700     Icon PLC, ADR*     499,653    
INDUSTRIALS — 3.37%      
Engineering & Construction — 0.31%      
  4,900     Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.*     146,510    
Miscellaneous — 0.72%      
  5,000     The Brink's Co.     335,900    
Transportation Infrastructure — 2.34%      
  18,500     Forward Air Corp.     655,640    
  21,700     UTi Worldwide, Inc.     435,736    
Aerospace & Defense — 0.62%      
  51,173     Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.*     287,592    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY — 14.67% (continued)      
Communications Equipment — 1.18%      
  17,800     Black Box Corp.   $ 549,130    
Computer Integrated Systems Design — 0.30%      
  15,200     Evergreen Solar, Inc.*     140,904    
Electronic Equipment & Instruments — 1.49%      
  19,800     Benchmark Electronics, Inc.*     355,410    
  12,900     National Instruments Corp.     337,206    
Electronic Lighting & Wiring Equipment — 1.57%      
  40,900     Daktronics, Inc.     732,519    
IT Services — 2.35%      
  16,900     CACI International, Inc. Class A*     769,795    
  37,800     Gevity HR, Inc.     327,348    
Materials — 1.35%      
  19,608     Cabot Microelectronics Corp.*     630,397    
Semiconductor Equipment — 2.03%      
  31,600     Photronics, Inc.*     301,780    
  22,800     Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc.*     641,820    
Semiconductors — 3.78%      
  36,402     Cree, Inc.*     1,017,800    
  21,100     DSP Group, Inc.*     268,814    
  69,845     IXYS Corp.*     477,041    
MATERIALS — 1.00%      
Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals — 1.00%      
  9,200     Cameco Corp.*     303,048    
  43,300     USEC, Inc.*     160,210    
OTHER — 1.12%      
Human Resources & Employment — 0.28%      
  4,700     Corrections Corp. of America*     129,344    
Real Estate Management & Development — 0.84%      
  10,500     Tejon Ranch Co.*     391,860    
Construction/Agriculture Equipment — 0.48%      
  19,500     Portec Rail Products, Inc.     223,470    
Building/Electrical Products — 0.82%      
  9,000     EnerSys*     215,280    
  14,000     Solarfun Power Holdings Co., Ltd., ADR*     168,840    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


SMALL CAP FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
PRODUCER MANUFACTURING — 2.95% (continued)      
Industrial Machinery/Components — 0.91%      
  14,000     Flow International Corp.*   $ 130,060    
  10,000     Sun Hydraulics Corp.     292,700    
Metal Fabrication — 0.74%      
  7,600     Olympic Steel, Inc.     342,760    
RETAIL TRADE — 2.05%      
Specialty Chains — 2.05%      
  55,800     PC Connection, Inc.*     441,936    
  30,806     PC Mall, Inc.*     327,468    
  22,400     Zones, Inc.*     183,904    
SERVICES — 0.16%      
Human Resources & Employment — 0.16%      
  4,400     Korn/Ferry International*     74,360    
TRANSPORTATION — 1.74%      
Marine — 1.74%      
  10,300     Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.     443,724    
  7,000     Diana Shipping, Inc.     184,240    
  19,900     Navios Maritime Holdings, Inc.     184,672    
UTILITIES — 0.77%      
Telecommunications Services — 0.77%      
  21,500     Syniverse Holdings, Inc.*     358,190    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     45,280,221    
(COST $52,608,812)      
  1,529,144     PNC Bank Money Market (a)     1,529,144    
(COST $1,529,144)      
RIGHTS — 0.00%      
Asset Management & Custody Banking — 0.00%      
  709     MCG Capital Corp.* (expiration 4/18/08)     758    
TOTAL RIGHTS     758    
(COST $0)      
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 100.45%     46,810,123    
(COST $54,137,956)#      
Liabilities in excess of other assets — (0.45%)     (209,696 )  
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 46,600,427    


ADR — American Depository Receipt

LP — Limited Partnership

PLC — Public Liability Company

  (a)  The interest rate on March 31, 2008 was 2.57%

  *  Non-income producing security.

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized depreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $1,834,733 and gross depreciation of $9,553,785 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $54,529,175.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS — 95.45%      
CAPITAL GOODS — 16.13%      
  2,850     Alliant Techsystems, Inc.*   $ 295,061    
  11,500     Barnes Group, Inc.     263,925    
  2,050     CF Industries Holdings, Inc.     212,421    
  7,800     Curtiss-Wright Corp.     323,544    
  7,000     DRS Technologies, Inc.     407,960    
  6,350     HNI Corp.     170,751    
  8,700     Kennametal, Inc.     256,041    
  26,450     Mueller Water Products, Inc. Class B     208,426    
  7,550     Regal-Beloit Corp.     276,556    
  9,100     Tenneco, Inc.*     254,254    
  4,600     URS Corp.*     150,374    
  14,300     Kelly Services, Inc. Class A     294,008    
  12,550     Hanesbrands, Inc.*     366,460    
  10,450     Regis Corp.     287,270    
CONSUMER STAPLES — 12.35%      
  31,350     Del Monte Foods Co.     298,766    
  6,350     Hormel Foods Co.     264,541    
  9,950     Pilgrim's Pride Co.     201,288    
  4,250     Ralcorp Holdings, Inc.*     247,138    
  7,750     Ruddick Corp.     285,665    
  8,150     Sanderson Farms, Inc.     309,781    
  13,387     Vector Group, Ltd.     235,477    
  9,150     Weis Markets, Inc.     315,400    
ENERGY — 17.47%      
  7,850     Allete, Inc.     303,167    
  2,300     Atwood Oceanics, Inc.*     210,956    
  4,000     Cimarex Energy Co.     218,960    
  8,300     Hercules Offshore, Inc.*     208,496    
  7,400     Idacorp, Inc.     237,614    
  7,550     Integrys Energy Group, Inc.     352,132    
  17,800     Key Energy Services, Inc.*     238,876    
  13,600     PetroHawk Energy Corp.*     274,312    
  5,900     St. Mary Land & Exploration Co.     227,150    
  5,700     Superior Energy Services, Inc.*     225,834    
  8,900     Walter Industries, Inc.     557,407    
FINANCIALS — 4.30%      
  11,200     Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.     118,608    
  7,900     CIT Group, Inc.     93,615    
  7,750     MB Financial, Inc.     238,545    
  8,700     Sterling Financial Corp.     135,807    
  21,300     UCBH Holdings, Inc.     165,288    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


MID CAP VALUE FUND (continued)


March 31, 2008

COMMON STOCKS (continued)      
HEALTH CARE — 9.65%      
  10,050     Amedisys, Inc.*   $ 395,367    
  8,750     AmSurg Corp.*     207,200    
  2,850     Beckman Coulter, Inc.     183,968    
  11,650     Healthspring, Inc.*     164,032    
  6,300     Hillenbrand Industries, Inc.*     301,140    
  6,050     Lifepoint Hospitals, Inc.*     166,194    
  9,550     Lincare Holdings, Inc.*     268,450    
  4,600     Anixter International, Inc.*     294,584    
  21,900     Arris Group, Inc.*     127,458    
  7,050     Arrow Electronics, Inc.*     237,233    
  6,600     CommScope, Inc.*     229,878    
  4,900     General Cable Corp.*     289,443    
  14,600     Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.     360,182    
  26,200     Windstream Corp.     313,090    
INSURANCE — 14.73%      
  3,200     Arch Capital Group, Ltd.*     219,744    
  7,935     Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.     281,851    
  9,600     Endurance Specialty Holdings     351,360    
  4,950     Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.     203,643    
  9,900     HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc.     224,631    
  6,600     Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Co.     207,702    
  7,300     Hubbell, Inc. Class B     318,937    
  8,150     IPC Holdings, Ltd.     228,200    
  6,350     Platinum Underwriters Holdings, Ltd.     206,121    
  8,200     Protective Life Corp.     332,592    
MATERIALS — 3.83%      
  15,100     Hercules, Inc.     276,179    
  26,300     IAMGOLD Corp.     192,779    
  4,450     RTI International Metals, Inc.*     201,185    
RETAIL — 0.98%      
  7,350     The Men's Wearhouse, Inc.     171,035    
TOTAL COMMON STOCKS     16,686,052    
(COST $20,279,679)      


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

  1,771,228     PNC Bank Money Market (a)   $ 1,771,228    
(COST $1,771,228)      
TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 105.58%     18,457,280    
(COST $22,050,907)#      
Liabilities in excess of other assets — (5.58%)     (976,066 )  
TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.00%   $ 17,481,214    


  (a)  The interest rate on March 31, 2008 was 2.57%

  *  Non-Income producing

  #  Federal Income Tax Information: Net unrealized depreciation of investments is comprised of gross appreciation of $602,047 and gross depreciation of $4,305,960 of federal income tax purpose. At March 31, 2008, the aggregate cost of securities for federal income tax pupose was $22,161,193.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


March 31, 2008

Investments at value   $ 80,447,525     $ 24,253,425     $ 26,870,674    
Investment securities sold           784,353          
Dividends     213,872       36,279       8,135    
Interest     254,653       1,216       310,013    
Capital shares sold     311,991       1,462       1,066    
From advisor                 2,178    
Prepaid expenses and other assets     17,178       14,975       17,030    
Total assets     81,245,219       25,091,710       27,209,096    
Cash overdraft                 22,877    
Investment securities purchased           489,105          
Capital shares redeemed     118,861       43,528       31,382    
Dividend distributions     227                
Administrative fees     20,076       5,895       6,607    
Professional fees     18,500       16,500       18,500    
Custody fees     3,200       3,140       2,400    
To advisor     11,376       87          
Other accrued expenses and liabilities     43,676       9,665       11,563    
Total liabilities     215,916       567,920       93,329    
NET ASSETS   $ 81,029,303     $ 24,523,790     $ 27,115,767    
Capital (capital stock and paid-in capital)   $ 79,238,921     $ 24,466,785     $ 26,643,146    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income     83,125             22,309    
Accumulated undistributed net realized gain (loss) from
investment transactions
    1,161,055       (1,127,510 )     (130,436 )  
Net unrealized appreciation from investment transactions     546,202       1,184,515       580,748    
NET ASSETS APPLICABLE TO OUTSTANDING SHARES   $ 81,029,303     $ 24,523,790     $ 27,115,767    
Investments at cost   $ 79,901,323     $ 23,068,910     $ 26,289,926    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Class I Shares  
Net Assets   $ 41,205,899     $ 22,702,893     $ 21,952,756    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     3,507,805       1,715,973       2,576,327    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 11.75     $ 13.23     $ 8.52    
Class A Shares  
Net Assets   $ 21,699,822     $ 1,233,567     $ 2,030,482    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     1,768,679       94,637       221,569    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 12.27     $ 13.03     $ 9.16    
Class B Shares  
Net Assets   $ 1,672,901     $ 76,630     $ 1,657,407    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     138,721       6,244       183,448    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 12.06     $ 12.27     $ 9.03    
Class C Shares  
Net Assets   $ 16,436,700     $ 495,350     $ 1,463,155    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     1,362,446       40,345       164,654    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 12.06     $ 12.28     $ 8.89    
Class R Shares  
Net Assets   $ 13,981     $ 15,350     $ 11,967    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     1,211       1,216       1,432    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 11.55     $ 12.62     $ 8.36    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


March 31, 2008

Investments at value   $ 28,424,805     $ 11,437,201    
Investment securities sold     919,225          
Dividends     37,321       1,340    
Interest     1,792       892    
Capital shares sold     5,776       2,672    
From advisor           1,513    
Prepaid expenses and other assets     14,585       17,469    
Total assets     29,403,504       11,461,087    
Investment securities purchased     1,653,600          
Capital shares redeemed     34,062       127,661    
Administrative fees     6,733       2,753    
Professional fees     16,500       16,500    
Custody fees     2,800       2,500    
To advisor     913          
Other accrued expenses     12,465       8,217    
Total liabilities     1,727,073       157,631    
NET ASSETS   $ 27,676,431     $ 11,303,456    
Capital (capital stock and paid-in capital)   $ 28,124,287     $ 11,346,770    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized loss from investment transactions     (1,620,479 )     (230,961 )  
Net unrealized appreciation from investment transactions     1,172,623       187,647    
NET ASSETS APPLICABLE TO OUTSTANDING SHARES   $ 27,676,431     $ 11,303,456    
Investments at cost   $ 27,252,182     $ 11,249,554    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Class I Shares  
Net Assets   $ 23,771,459     $ 7,965,966    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     1,666,001       666,192    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 14.27     $ 11.96    
Class A Shares  
Net Assets   $ 2,665,141     $ 1,617,456    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     190,039       137,640    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 14.02     $ 11.75    
Class B Shares  
Net Assets   $ 267,263     $ 108,267    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     20,225       9,749    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 13.21     $ 11.11    
Class C Shares  
Net Assets   $ 960,277     $ 1,598,564    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     72,679       143,933    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 13.21     $ 11.11    
Class R Shares  
Net Assets   $ 12,291     $ 13,203    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     899       1,140    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 13.67     $ 11.58    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


March 31, 2008

Investments at value   $ 46,810,123     $ 18,457,280    
Investment securities sold     752,352          
Dividends     18,966       18,405    
Interest     3,024       2,727    
Capital shares sold     65,370       272    
From advisor     4,785          
Prepaid expenses and other assets     17,746       13,393    
Total assets     47,672,366       18,492,077    
Investment securities purchased     629,103       935,127    
Capital shares redeemed     293,815       37,742    
Bank overdraft     60,731          
Administrative fees     12,744       4,237    
Professional fees     16,500       16,531    
Custody fees     6,307       2,400    
To advisor           2,346    
Other accrued expenses     52,739       12,480    
Total liabilities     1,071,939       1,010,863    
NET ASSETS   $ 46,600,427     $ 17,481,214    
Capital (capital stock and paid-in capital)   $ 60,562,460     $ 21,942,677    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized loss from investment transactions     (6,634,200 )     (867,836 )  
Net unrealized depreciation from investment transactions     (7,327,833 )     (3,593,627 )  
NET ASSETS APPLICABLE TO OUTSTANDING SHARES   $ 46,600,427     $ 17,481,214    
Investments at cost   $ 54,137,956     $ 22,050,907    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Class I Shares  
Net Assets   $ 10,130,208     $ 12,153,343    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     951,479       1,258,635    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 10.65     $ 9.66    
Class A Shares  
Net Assets   $ 27,585,114     $ 2,827,733    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     2,653,771       299,116    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 10.39     $ 9.45    
Class B Shares  
Net Assets   $ 1,836,922     $ 209,246    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     189,628       23,720    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 9.69     $ 8.82    
Class C Shares  
Net Assets   $ 7,021,167     $ 2,278,488    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     724,116       258,136    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 9.70     $ 8.83    
Class R Shares  
Net Assets   $ 27,016     $ 12,404    
Shares of Capital Stock Outstanding     2,641       1,336    
Net Asset Value Per Share   $ 10.23     $ 9.28    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


Year Ended March 31, 2008

Dividends   $ 1,916,795     $ 215,062     $ 39,094     $ 225,403    
Interest     1,608,000       43,846       1,179,123       46,303    
Foreign taxes withheld     (279 )     (5,478 )              
      3,524,516       253,430       1,218,217       271,706    
Advisor fees     696,495       215,548       174,006       234,682    
Administration fees     187,576       57,902       47,515       63,202    
12b-1 fees     134,469       4,352       26,339       8,801    
Shareholder service fees     99,627       3,807       15,968       7,957    
Transfer Agent fees     108,592       36,790       34,173       55,667    
Registration fees     53,516       50,931       53,530       51,638    
Legal fees     35,018       35,339       35,490       35,297    
Audit fees     17,129       15,129       17,129       15,129    
Custodian fees     22,383       17,553       14,001       16,343    
Printing fees     31,696       9,527       7,592       10,766    
Director fees     10,857       10,857       10,857       10,857    
Insurance fees     5,037       5,078       5,034       5,034    
Advisor fee recoupment                          
Miscellaneous fees     57,187       23,330       23,923       24,881    
Total expenses before reimbursement and
    1,459,582       486,143       465,557       540,254    
Less: expense reimbursement and waivers     (285,218 )     (133,106 )     (188,342 )     (148,205 )  
Net expenses     1,174,364       353,037       277,215       392,049    
Net investment income (loss)     2,350,152       (99,607 )     941,002       (120,343 )  
Net realized gain from investment
    15,074,776       5,130,828       712,472       7,432,015    
In-Kind Redemptions (Note 8)                          
Net change in unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) on investments
    (13,179,382 )     (4,157,585 )     (680,840 )     (6,596,036 )  
      1,895,394       973,243       31,632       835,979    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting
from operations
  $ 4,245,546     $ 873,636     $ 972,634     $ 715,636    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

Dividends   $ 65,432     $ 651,801     $ 269,597    
Interest     18,105       267,726       39,389    
Foreign taxes withheld     (1,569 )     (50 )     (395 )  
      81,968       919,477       308,591    
Advisor fees     111,276       1,055,061       207,766    
Administration fees     29,407       246,566       52,205    
12b-1 fees     16,148       135,930       33,224    
Shareholder service fees     11,446       295,589       29,583    
Transfer Agent fees     29,394       199,495       40,970    
Registration fees     50,051       55,948       51,323    
Legal fees     35,018       49,593       35,746    
Audit fees     15,129       15,129       15,128    
Custodian fees     16,573       47,613       23,232    
Printing fees     5,017       56,347       10,043    
Director fees     10,857       10,857       10,857    
Insurance fees     5,034       5,035       5,035    
Advisor fee recoupment           102,072          
Miscellaneous fees     17,835       109,635       26,427    
Total expenses before reimbursement and
    353,185       2,384,870       541,539    
Less: expense reimbursement and waivers     (127,511 )     (265,253 )     (146,307 )  
Net expenses     225,674       2,119,617       395,232    
Net investment income (loss)     (143,706 )     (1,200,140 )     (86,641 )  
Net realized gain from investment
    953,343       29,194,469       7,780,565    
In-Kind Redemptions (Note 8)           24,696,367          
Net change in unrealized appreciation
(depreciation) on investments
    (1,721,563 )     (53,733,755 )     (8,869,886 )  
      (768,220 )     157,081       (1,089,321 )  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting
from operations
  $ (911,926 )   $ (1,043,059 )   $ (1,175,962 )  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
Net investment income (loss)   $ 2,350,152     $ 2,146,440     $ (99,607 )   $ (39,347 )  
Net realized gain from investment transactions     15,074,776       5,149,720       5,130,828       28,962    
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments     (13,179,382 )     1,717,082       (4,157,585 )     2,360,912    
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     4,245,546       9,013,242       873,636       2,350,527    
Net investment income  
Class I     (1,378,829 )     (1,431,453 )              
Class A     (557,976 )     (466,222 )              
Class B     (32,442 )     (27,181 )              
Class C     (300,828 )     (220,066 )              
Class R     (348 )     (541 )              
Net realized gain from investment transactions  
Class I     (8,653,160 )     (607,009 )     (4,872,339 )        
Class A     (3,503,091 )     (243,583 )     (177,950 )        
Class B     (307,413 )     (21,469 )     (14,712 )        
Class C     (2,825,100 )     (154,893 )     (99,456 )        
Class R     (2,568 )     (153 )     (2,613 )        
Total distributions to shareholders     (17,561,755 )     (3,172,570 )     (5,167,070 )        
Shares sold     16,674,701       19,669,912       3,506,948       972,877    
Reinvested distributions     9,115,581       1,301,081       4,700,421          
Shares repurchased     (19,863,931 )     (15,125,981 )     (3,750,490 )     (1,284,898 )  
Redemption fess received     8,183       3,025       1,622       343    
Net increase (decrease) from capital share transactions     5,934,534       5,848,037       4,458,501       (311,678 )  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets     (7,381,675 )     11,688,709       165,067       2,038,849    
Beginning of year     88,410,978       76,722,269       24,358,723       22,319,874    
End of year   $ 81,029,303     $ 88,410,978     $ 24,523,790     $ 24,358,723    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss)
at end of year
  $ 83,125     $ 3,396     $     $    
*Fund share transactions:  
Shares issued     1,212,886       1,397,676       231,379       67,809    
Reinvested distributions     706,767       92,087       304,246          
Shares redeemed     (1,379,152 )     (1,083,515 )     (259,014 )     (90,416 )  
Net increase (decrease) in fund shares     540,501       406,248       276,611       (22,607 )  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
Net investment income (loss)   $ 941,002     $ 1,171,887    
Net realized gain from investment transactions     712,472       900,701    
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments     (680,840 )     (833,657 )  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     972,634       1,238,931    
Net investment income  
Class I     (694,061 )     (694,314 )  
Class A     (118,254 )     (249,894 )  
Class B     (63,572 )     (95,056 )  
Class C     (57,377 )     (123,612 )  
Class R     (508 )     (540 )  
Net realized gain from investment transactions  
Class I     (824,782 )     (149,121 )  
Class A     (160,251 )     (45,140 )  
Class B     (108,470 )     (22,391 )  
Class C     (98,894 )     (24,730 )  
Class R     (765 )     (124 )  
Total distributions to shareholders     (2,126,934 )     (1,404,922 )  
Shares sold     10,456,645       1,900,091    
Reinvested distributions     1,341,518       657,863    
Shares repurchased     (5,069,990 )     (6,813,124 )  
Redemption fess received     731       624    
Net increase (decrease) from capital share transactions     6,728,904       (4,254,546 )  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets     5,574,604       (4,420,537 )  
Beginning of year     21,541,163       25,961,700    
End of year   $ 27,115,767     $ 21,541,163    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income (loss)
at end of year
  $ 22,309     $ 14,090    
*Fund share transactions:  
Shares issued     1,225,452       206,844    
Reinvested distributions     152,615       70,447    
Shares redeemed     (548,921 )     (717,597 )  
Net increase (decrease) in fund shares     829,146       (440,306 )  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
Net investment income (loss)   $ (120,343 )   $ (9,312 )   $ (143,706 )   $ (90,328 )  
Net realized gain from investment transactions     7,432,015       1,073,116       953,343       323,548    
In-Kind Redemptions (Note 8)                          
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments     (6,596,036 )     1,237,659       (1,721,563 )     264,327    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations     715,636       2,301,463       (911,926 )     497,547    
Net realized gain from investment transactions  
Class I     (6,271,479 )           (748,487 )     (386,961 )  
Class A     (382,180 )           (197,375 )     (106,651 )  
Class B     (24,396 )           (13,801 )     (5,962 )  
Class C     (245,363 )           (170,354 )     (83,204 )  
Class R     (3,246 )           (1,404 )     (796 )  
Total distributions to shareholders     (6,926,664 )           (1,131,421 )     (583,574 )  
Shares sold     4,520,409       928,046       1,690,388       6,536,427    
Reinvested distributions     6,137,468             501,464       303,859    
Shares repurchased     (3,641,344 )     (22,349,312 )     (2,297,136 )     (1,662,330 )  
Redemption fees received     463       1,711       131       3,056    
Net increase (decrease) from capital share transactions     7,016,996       (21,419,555 )     (105,153 )     5,181,012    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets     805,968       (19,118,092 )     (2,148,500 )     5,094,985    
Beginning of year     26,870,463       45,988,555       13,451,956       8,356,971    
End of year   $ 27,676,431     $ 26,870,463     $ 11,303,456     $ 13,451,956    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income
at end of year
  $     $     $     $    
*Fund share transactions:  
Shares issured     275,489       57,656       118,325       485,533    
Reinvested distributions     363,736             37,887       23,804    
Shares redeemed     (227,373 )     (1,445,603 )     (168,569 )     (126,889 )  
Net increase (decrease) in fund shares.     411,852       (1,387,947 )     (12,357 )     382,448    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
MARCH 31, 2008
MARCH 31, 2007
Net investment income (loss)   $ (1,200,140 )   $ (1,952,425 )   $ (86,641 )   $ (254,731 )  
Net realized gain from investment transactions     29,194,469       8,020,504       7,780,565       668,501    
In-Kind Redemptions (Note 8)     24,696,367                      
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments     (53,733,755 )     5,456,811       (8,869,886 )     779,975    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations     (1,043,059 )     11,524,890       (1,175,962 )     1,193,745    
Net realized gain from investment transactions  
Class I     (4,844,689 )     (278,802 )     (5,385,580 )     (97,765 )  
Class A     (26,531,658 )     (4,151,697 )     (1,780,007 )     (124,073 )  
Class B     (997,857 )     (68,006 )     (125,117 )     (3,073 )  
Class C     (5,571,264 )     (440,543 )     (1,438,312 )     (50,941 )  
Class R     (11,311 )     (456 )     (5,429 )     (117 )  
Total distributions to shareholders     (37,956,779 )     (4,939,504 )     (8,734,445 )     (275,969 )  
Shares sold     10,245,991       77,928,340       1,851,741       15,194,738    
Reinvested distributions     35,521,239       4,588,874       7,584,289       187,899    
Shares repurchased     (216,940,783 )     (47,751,757 )     (15,437,469 )     (6,556,260 )  
Redemption fees received     12,626       3,284       1,413       2,602    
Net increase (decrease) from capital share transactions     (171,160,927 )     34,768,741       (6,000,026 )     8,828,979    
Net increase (decrease) in net assets     (210,160,765 )     41,354,127       (15,910,433 )     9,746,755    
Beginning of year     256,761,192       215,407,065       33,391,647       23,644,892    
End of year   $ 46,600,427     $ 256,761,192     $ 17,481,214     $ 33,391,647    
Accumulated undistributed net investment income
at end of year
  $     $     $     $    
*Fund share transactions:  
Shares issured     618,405       4,392,966       135,635       1,009,467    
Reinvested distributions     2,371,249       258,190       649,705       12,444    
Shares redeemed     (12,085,017 )     (2,723,494 )     (1,029,199 )     (432,252 )  
Net increase (decrease) in fund shares.     (9,095,363 )     1,927,662       (243,859 )     589,659    


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 13.98     $ 13.04     $ 12.19     $ 11.37     $ 9.14     $ 14.48     $ 13.48     $ 12.58     $ 11.69     $ 9.30    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income     0.42       0.38       0.39       0.41       0.45       0.39       0.36       0.37       0.35       0.32    
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    0.33       1.10       0.86       0.82       2.23       0.34       1.13       0.89       0.89       2.39    
Total from investment operations     0.75       1.48       1.25       1.23       2.68       0.73       1.49       1.26       1.24       2.71    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income     (0.41 )     (0.38 )     (0.40 )     (0.41 )     (0.45 )     (0.37 )     (0.33 )     (0.36 )     (0.35 )     (0.32 )  
Distributions from capital gains     (2.57 )     (0.16 )                       (2.57 )     (0.16 )                    
Total distributions     (2.98 )     (0.54 )     (0.40 )     (0.41 )     (0.45 )     (2.94 )     (0.49 )     (0.36 )     (0.35 )     (0.32 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 11.75     $ 13.98     $ 13.04     $ 12.19     $ 11.37     $ 12.27     $ 14.48     $ 13.48     $ 12.58     $ 11.69    
Total return     4.75 %     11.47 %     10.42 %     10.97 %     29.61 %     4.45 %     11.19 %     10.18 %     10.72 %     29.32 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 41     $ 47     $ 52     $ 47     $ 42     $ 22     $ 24     $ 13     $ 7     $ 3    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.33 %     1.33 %     1.33 %     1.33 %     1.33 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets     3.00 %     2.76 %     3.06 %     3.49 %     4.18 %     2.75 %     2.52 %     2.82 %     3.15 %     3.97 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.41 %     1.25 %     1.45 %     1.87 %     2.22 %     1.66 %     1.51 %     1.69 %     2.25 %     2.46 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.67 %     2.59 %     2.69 %     2.70 %     3.04 %     2.42 %     2.34 %     2.46 %     2.23 %     2.84 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     110 %     28 %     18 %     27 %     43 %     110 %     28 %     18 %     27 %     43 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS B  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 14.28     $ 13.30     $ 12.42     $ 11.56     $ 9.23    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income     0.28       0.25       0.26       0.27       0.28    
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    0.33       1.12       0.90       0.86       2.33    
Total from investment operations     0.61       1.37       1.16       1.13       2.61    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income     (0.26 )     (0.23 )     (0.28 )     (0.27 )     (0.28 )  
Distributions from capital gains     (2.57 )     (0.16 )                    
Total distributions     (2.83 )     (0.39 )     (0.28 )     (0.27 )     (0.28 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 12.06     $ 14.28     $ 13.30     $ 12.42     $ 11.56    
Total return     3.65 %     10.38 %     9.40 %     9.83 %     28.40 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 2     $ 2     $ 1     $ 0.81     $ 0.34    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets     2.00 %     1.77 %     2.06 %     2.40 %     3.19 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.41 %     2.26 %     2.44 %     2.98 %     3.20 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.67 %     1.59 %     1.70 %     1.50 %     2.07 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     110 %     28 %     18 %     27 %     43 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


BALANCED FUND (continued)

Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004#  
Net asset value, beginning
of period
  $ 14.29     $ 13.32     $ 12.44     $ 11.57     $ 9.23     $ 13.79     $ 12.92     $ 12.08     $ 11.25     $ 11.36    
Income from investment
Net investment income     0.28       0.25       0.26       0.27       0.26       0.34       0.30       0.32       0.33       0.05    
Net gain (loss) on
securities (both realized
and unrealized)
    0.33       1.12       0.89       0.87       2.34       0.33       1.13       0.86       0.84       (0.11 )  
Total from investment
    0.61       1.37       1.15       1.14       2.60       0.67       1.43       1.18       1.17       (0.06 )  
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net
investment income
    (0.27 )     (0.24 )     (0.27 )     (0.27 )     (0.26 )     (0.34 )     (0.40 )     (0.34 )     (0.34 )     (0.05 )  
Distributions from
capital gains
    (2.57 )     (0.16 )                       (2.57 )     (0.16 )                    
Total distributions     (2.84 )     (0.40 )     (0.27 )     (0.27 )     (0.26 )     (2.91 )     (0.56 )     (0.34 )     (0.34 )     (0.05 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 12.06     $ 14.29     $ 13.32     $ 12.44     $ 11.57     $ 11.55     $ 13.79     $ 12.92     $ 12.08     $ 11.25    
Total return*     3.60 %     10.37 %     9.36 %     9.89 %     28.31 %     4.22 %     11.15 %     9.87 %     10.49 %     (0.57 %)  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period
(in millions)
  $ 16     $ 15     $ 10     $ 7     $ 2     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.02     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average
net assets**
    2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     1.58 %     1.58 %     1.58 %     1.58 %     1.58 %  
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets**
    2.01 %     1.77 %     2.07 %     2.36 %     3.23 %     2.52 %     2.27 %     2.58 %     2.96 %     3.82 %  
Ratio of expenses to average
net assets before contractual
expense reimbursement and
    2.42 %     2.26 %     2.45 %     3.06 %     3.20 %     1.92 %     1.76 %     1.95 %     2.09 %     2.50 %  
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets before
contractual expense
reimbursement and waivers**
    1.67 %     1.59 %     1.70 %     1.38 %     2.11 %     2.18 %     2.09 %     2.21 %     2.45 %     2.89 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     110 %     28 %     18 %     27 %     43 %     110 %     28 %     18 %     27 %     43 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS I  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 15.42     $ 13.92     $ 12.72     $ 12.55     $ 8.94    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income (loss)     (0.05 )     (0.02 )     (0.01 )     0.02       (0.03 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     1.10       1.52       1.22       0.16       3.66    
Total from investment operations     1.05       1.50       1.21       0.18       3.63    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income                 (0.01 )     (0.01 )     (0.02 )  
Dividends from capital gains     (3.24 )                          
Total distributions     (3.24 )           (0.01 )     (0.01 )     (0.02 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 13.23     $ 15.42     $ 13.92     $ 12.72     $ 12.55    
Total return     4.05 %     10.78 %     9.50 %     1.45 %     40.60 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 23     $ 23     $ 22     $ 20     $ 22    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.08 %  
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets     (0.34 %)     (0.15 %)     (0.07 %)     0.16 %     (0.08 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before contractual expense
reimbursement and waivers
    1.77 %     1.68 %     2.24 %     3.22 %     3.29 %  
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (0.83 %)     (0.55 %)     (1.03 %)     (1.78 %)     (2.29 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     253 %     23 %     40 %     24 %     45 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


LARGE CAP FUND (continued)

Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 15.27     $ 13.82     $ 12.64     $ 12.50     $ 8.91     $ 14.63     $ 13.35     $ 12.31     $ 12.26     $ 8.80    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.09 )     (0.05 )     (0.04 )     (0.01 )     (0.03 )     (0.19 )     (0.15 )     (0.13 )     (0.09 )     (0.05 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities
(both realized and unrealized)
    1.09       1.50       1.22       0.15       3.62       1.07       1.43       1.17       0.14       3.51    
Total from investment operations     1.00       1.45       1.18       0.14       3.59       0.88       1.28       1.04       0.05       3.46    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from capital gains     (3.24 )                             (3.24 )                          
Total distributions     (3.24 )                             (3.24 )                          
Net asset value, end of period   $ 13.03     $ 15.27     $ 13.82     $ 12.64     $ 12.50     $ 12.27     $ 14.63     $ 13.35     $ 12.31     $ 12.26    
Total return     3.73 %     10.49 %     9.34 %     1.12 %     40.29 %     3.01 %     9.59 %     8.45 %     0.41 %     39.32 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 1     $ 0.70     $ 0.43     $ 0.41     $ 0.37     $ 0.08     $ 0.07     $ 0.09     $ 0.12     $ 0.06    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.33 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.08 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (0.59 %)     (0.38 %)     (0.30 %)     (0.07 %)     (0.36 %)     (1.33 %)     (1.14 %)     (1.06 %)     (0.81 %)     (1.07 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.04 %     1.92 %     2.45 %     3.59 %     3.52 %     2.78 %     2.68 %     3.30 %     4.41 %     4.29 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.10 %)     (0.77 %)     (1.22 %)     (2.13 %)     (2.55 %)     (1.83 %)     (1.54 %)     (2.08 %)     (2.94 %)     (3.28 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     253 %     23 %     40 %     24 %     45 %     253 %     23 %     40 %     24 %     45 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS C  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 14.64     $ 13.35     $ 12.31     $ 12.26     $ 8.81    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.19 )     (0.16 )     (0.13 )     (0.10 )        
Net gain (loss) on securities
(both realized and unrealized)
    1.07       1.45       1.17       0.15       3.45    
Total from investment operations     0.88       1.29       1.04       0.05       3.45    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from capital gains     (3.24 )                          
Total distributions     (3.24 )                          
Net asset value, end of period   $ 12.28     $ 14.64     $ 13.35     $ 12.31     $ 12.26    
Total return     3.01 %     9.66 %     8.45 %     0.41 %     39.16 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.50     $ 0.44     $ 0.26     $ 0.23     $ 0.18    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.09 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (1.33 %)     (1.15 %)     (1.07 %)     (0.79 %)     (1.11 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.78 %     2.68 %     3.24 %     4.27 %     4.27 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.83 %)     (1.55 %)     (2.03 %)     (2.78 %)     (3.29 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     253 %     23 %     40 %     24 %     45 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


LARGE CAP FUND (continued)

    CLASS R  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   MARCH 31, 2004#  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 14.91     $ 13.53     $ 12.41     $ 12.30     $ 12.72    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.12 )     (0.09 )     (0.07 )     (0.04 )        
Net gain (loss) on securities
(both realized and unrealized)
    1.07       1.47       1.19       0.15       (0.42 )  
Total from investment operations     0.95       1.38       1.12       0.11       (0.42 )  
Less distributions:  
Dividends from capital gains     (3.24 )                          
Total distributions     (3.24 )                          
Net asset value, end of period   $ 12.62     $ 14.91     $ 13.53     $ 12.41     $ 12.30    
Total return*     3.46 %     10.20 %     9.03 %     (0.90 %)     (3.30 %)  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.02     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets**     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.61 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets**     (0.83 %)     (0.65 %)     (0.57 %)     (0.33 %)     (0.28 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before contractual expense
reimbursement and waivers**
    2.28 %     2.19 %     2.74 %     3.88 %     3.22 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    (1.33 %)     (1.06 %)     (1.53 %)     (2.43 %)     (1.90 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     253 %     23 %     40 %     24 %     45 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS I  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 9.10     $ 9.15     $ 9.13     $ 9.23     $ 8.04    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income     0.39       0.49       0.45       0.29       0.37    
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized unrealized)     0.03       0.05       0.12       (0.06 )     1.20    
Total from investment operations     0.42       0.54       0.57       0.23       1.57    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income     (0.42 )     (0.49 )     (0.45 )     (0.29 )     (0.38 )  
Distributions from capital gains     (0.58 )     (0.10 )     (0.10 )     (0.04 )        
Total distributions     (1.00 )     (0.59 )     (0.55 )     (0.33 )     (0.38 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 8.52     $ 9.10     $ 9.15     $ 9.13     $ 9.23    
Total return     4.78 %     6.11 %     6.47 %     2.54 %     19.80 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 22     $ 13     $ 13     $ 12     $ 12    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.08 %     1.08 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets     4.46 %     5.44 %     4.95 %     3.18 %     4.20 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before contractual expense
reimbursement and waivers
    1.94 %     1.72 %     1.79 %     2.09 %     2.82 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets before contractual
expense reimbursement and waivers
    3.60 %     4.80 %     4.24 %     2.17 %     2.46 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     102 %     10 %     28 %     47 %     44 %  


(a) Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 9.71     $ 9.77     $ 9.76     $ 9.86     $ 8.57     $ 9.59     $ 9.64     $ 9.61     $ 9.71     $ 8.44    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income     0.42       0.50       0.43       0.28       0.37       0.34       0.42       0.37       0.21       0.28    
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized unrealized)           0.05       0.16       (0.06 )     1.28             0.05       0.14       (0.06 )     1.27    
Total from investment operations     0.42       0.55       0.59       0.22       1.65       0.34       0.47       0.51       0.15       1.55    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income     (0.39 )     (0.51 )     (0.48 )     (0.28 )     (0.36 )     (0.32 )     (0.42 )     (0.38 )     (0.21 )     (0.28 )  
Distributions from capital gains     (0.58 )     (0.10 )     (0.10 )     (0.04 )           (0.58 )     (0.10 )     (0.10 )     (0.04 )        
Total distributions     (0.97 )     (0.61 )     (0.58 )     (0.32 )     (0.36 )     (0.90 )     (0.52 )     (0.48 )     (0.25 )     (0.28 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 9.16     $ 9.71     $ 9.77     $ 9.76     $ 9.86     $ 9.03     $ 9.59     $ 9.64     $ 9.61     $ 9.71    
Total return     4.48 %     5.87 %     6.22 %     2.27 %     19.54 %     3.67 %     5.05 %     5.46 %     1.54 %     18.61 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 2     $ 4     $ 8     $ 22     $ 9     $ 2     $ 2     $ 2     $ 2     $ 2    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.33 %     1.33 %     1.33 %     1.33 %     1.33 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets     4.40 %     5.18 %     4.41 %     2.90 %     3.90 %     3.60 %     4.44 %     3.93 %     2.18 %     3.10 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before contractual
expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.19 %     1.97 %     2.09 %     2.32 %     3.06 %     2.95 %     2.72 %     2.79 %     3.11 %     3.83 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    3.54 %     4.54 %     3.65 %     1.91 %     2.17 %     2.73 %     3.80 %     3.22 %     1.15 %     1.35 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     102 %     10 %     28 %     47 %     44 %     102 %     10 %     28 %     47 %     44 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS C  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 9.44     $ 9.50     $ 9.49     $ 9.60     $ 8.34    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income     0.33       0.41       0.35       0.21       0.28    
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized unrealized)     0.01       0.05       0.15       (0.07 )     1.26    
Total from investment operations     0.34       0.46       0.50       0.14       1.54    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income     (0.31 )     (0.42 )     (0.39 )     (0.21 )     (0.28 )  
Distributions from capital gains     (0.58 )     (0.10 )     (0.10 )     (0.04 )        
Total distributions     (0.89 )     (0.52 )     (0.49 )     (0.25 )     (0.28 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 8.89     $ 9.44     $ 9.50     $ 9.49     $ 9.60    
Total return     3.75 %     5.06 %     5.46 %     1.44 %     18.73 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 1     $ 2     $ 4     $ 9     $ 8    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %     2.08 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets     3.63 %     4.42 %     3.76 %     2.18 %     3.14 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before contractual
expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.95 %     2.72 %     2.84 %     3.10 %     3.82 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.76 %     3.78 %     3.00 %     1.16 %     1.40 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     102 %     10 %     28 %     47 %     44 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS R  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004#  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 8.95     $ 9.00     $ 8.99     $ 9.09     $ 9.06    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income     0.35       0.44       0.39       0.24       0.04    
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     0.02       0.05       0.12       (0.06 )     0.02    
Total from investment operations     0.37       0.49       0.51       0.18       0.06    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income     (0.38 )     (0.44 )     (0.40 )     (0.24 )     (0.03 )  
Distributions from capital gains     (0.58 )     (0.10 )     (0.10 )     (0.04 )        
Total distributions     (0.96 )     (0.54 )     (0.50 )     (0.28 )     (0.03 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 8.36     $ 8.95     $ 9.00     $ 8.99     $ 9.09    
Total return*     4.28 %     5.60 %     5.89 %     2.00 %     0.65 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets**     1.58 %     1.58 %     1.58 %     1.58 %     1.58 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets**     4.05 %     4.94 %     4.45 %     2.68 %     3.41 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    2.46 %     2.22 %     2.28 %     2.61 %     3.15 %  
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    3.17 %     4.30 %     3.75 %     1.65 %     1.85 %  
Portfolio turnover rate     102 %     10 %     28 %     47 %     44 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS I  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 17.52     $ 15.74     $ 13.90     $ 14.17     $ 9.54    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income (loss)     (0.06 )           0.01       0.05          
Net gain (loss) on securties (both realized and unrealized)     1.32       1.78       1.84       (0.27 )     4.63    
Total from investment operations     1.26       1.78       1.85       (0.22 )     4.63    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income                 (0.01 )     (0.05 )        
Dividends from capital gains     (4.51 )                          
Total distributions     (4.51 )           (0.01 )     (0.05 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 14.27     $ 17.52     $ 15.74     $ 13.90     $ 14.17    
Total return     3.78 %     11.31 %     13.28 %     (1.55 %)     48.53 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 24     $ 24     $ 43     $ 40     $ 42    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.08 %  
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets     (0.36 %)     0.01 %     0.04 %     0.37 %     0.04 %  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.78 %     1.58 %     1.67 %     2.12 %     2.32 %  
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (0.86 %)     (0.29 %)     (0.35 %)     (0.47 %)     (1.20 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     254 %     13 %     16 %     37 %     23 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


USA GLOBAL FUND (continued)

Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 17.32     $ 15.59     $ 13.80     $ 14.08     $ 9.51     $ 16.65     $ 15.10     $ 13.47     $ 13.82     $ 9.40    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income (loss)     (0.09 )     (0.04 )     (0.03 )     0.03       (0.01 )     (0.19 )     (0.15 )     (0.14 )     (0.07 )     (0.04 )  
Net gain (loss) on securties (both realized and
    1.30       1.77       1.82       (0.28 )     4.58       1.26       1.70       1.77       (0.28 )     4.46    
Total from investment operations     1.21       1.73       1.79       (0.25 )     4.57       1.07       1.55       1.63       (0.35 )     4.42    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income                       (0.03 )                                      
Dividends from capital gains     (4.51 )                             (4.51 )                          
Total distributions     (4.51 )                 (0.03 )           (4.51 )                          
Net asset value, end of period   $ 14.02     $ 17.32     $ 15.59     $ 13.80     $ 14.08     $ 13.21     $ 16.65     $ 15.10     $ 13.47     $ 13.82    
Total return     3.50 %     11.10 %     12.97 %     (1.81 %)     48.05 %     2.72 %     10.27 %     12.10 %     (2.53 %)     47.02 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 3     $ 1     $ 2     $ 1     $ 0.57     $ 0.27     $ 0.07     $ 0.05     $ 0.05     $ 0.05    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.34 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.09 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (0.57 %)     (0.23 %)     (0.21 %)     0.22 %     (0.12 %)     (1.28 %)     (0.97 %)     (0.98 %)     (0.57 %)     (0.88 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.06 %     1.85 %     1.90 %     2.48 %     2.53 %     2.84 %     2.61 %     2.68 %     3.17 %     3.32 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.10 %)     (0.54 %)     (0.58 %)     (0.73 %)     (1.31 %)     (1.84 %)     (1.30 %)     (1.38 %)     (1.46 %)     (2.12 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     254 %     13 %     16 %     37 %     23 %     254 %     13 %     16 %     37 %     23 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS C  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 16.65     $ 15.11     $ 13.47     $ 13.82     $ 9.40    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment income (loss)     (0.22 )     (0.15 )     (0.14 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Net gain (loss) on securties (both realized and
    1.29       1.69       1.78       (0.34 )     4.47    
Total from investment operations     1.07       1.54       1.64       (0.35 )     4.42    
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income                                
Dividends from capital gains     (4.51 )                          
Total distributions     (4.51 )                          
Net asset value, end of period   $ 13.21     $ 16.65     $ 15.11     $ 13.47     $ 13.82    
Total return     2.72 %     10.19 %     12.18 %     (2.53 %)     47.02 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 1     $ 2     $ 1     $ 2     $ 0.43    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.09 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (1.34 %)     (0.97 %)     (0.97 %)     (0.50 %)     (0.90 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.78 %     2.61 %     2.72 %     3.23 %     3.31 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.84 %)     (1.29 %)     (1.41 %)     (1.45 %)     (2.12 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     254 %     13 %     16 %     37 %     23 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


USA GLOBAL FUND (continued)

    CLASS R  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004#  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 17.02     $ 15.37     $ 13.64     $ 13.93     $ 14.30    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.14 )     (0.07 )     (0.07 )     (0.02 )     (0.37 )  
Net gain (loss) on securties (both realized and unrealized)     1.30       1.72       1.80       (0.27 )        
Total from investment operations     1.16       1.65       1.73       (0.29 )     (0.37 )  
Less distributions:  
Dividends from net investment income                                
Dividends from capital gains.     (4.51 )                          
Total distributions     (4.51 )                          
Net asset value, end of period   $ 13.67     $ 17.02     $ 15.37     $ 13.64     $ 13.93    
Total return*     3.25 %     10.74 %     12.68 %     (2.08 %)     (2.59 %)  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets**     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.61 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets**     (0.86 %)     (0.47 %)     (0.46 %)     (0.12 %)     (0.27 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    2.28 %     2.11 %     2.17 %     2.65 %     2.51 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    (1.36 %)     (0.80 %)     (0.85 %)     (0.99 %)     (1.17 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     254 %     13 %     16 %     37 %     23 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS I  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 14.01     $ 14.34     $ 11.73     $ 12.49     $ 6.76    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.12 )     (0.09 )     (0.09 )     (0.09 )     (0.08 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     (0.78 )     0.53       3.23       (0.65 )     5.81    
Total from investment operations     (0.90 )     0.44       3.14       (0.74 )     5.73    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Total distributions     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 11.96     $ 14.01     $ 14.34     $ 11.73     $ 12.49    
Total return     (7.36 %)     3.56 %     27.52 %     (5.93 %)     84.76 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 8     $ 9     $ 5     $ 4     $ 5    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.42 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.23 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (0.84 %)     (0.63 %)     (0.66 %)     (0.65 %)     (0.78 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.34 %     2.35 %     4.91 %     8.38 %     10.53 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.76 %)     (1.70 %)     (4.29 %)     (7.75 %)     (10.08 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     57 %     39 %     44 %     48 %     44 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 13.82     $ 14.18     $ 11.64     $ 12.42     $ 6.74     $ 13.21     $ 13.70     $ 11.34     $ 12.19     $ 6.67    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.15 )     (0.12 )     (0.12 )     (0.07 )     (0.05 )     (0.25 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.14 )     (0.10 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    (0.77 )     0.53       3.19       (0.69 )     5.73       (0.70 )     0.49       3.10       (0.69 )     5.62    
Total from investment operations     (0.92 )     0.41       3.07       (0.76 )     5.68       (0.95 )     0.28       2.89       (0.83 )     5.52    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )           (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Total distributions     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )           (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 11.75     $ 13.82     $ 14.18     $ 11.64     $ 12.42     $ 11.11     $ 13.21     $ 13.70     $ 11.34     $ 12.19    
Total return     (7.61 %)     3.38 %     27.13 %     (6.13 %)     84.27 %     (8.20 %)     2.53 %     26.24 %     (6.82 %)     82.76 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 2     $ 2     $ 2     $ 0.95     $ 0.26     $ 0.11     $ 0.09     $ 0.14     $ 0.35     $ 0.09    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.67 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.50 %     2.42 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.26 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (1.08 %)     (0.88 %)     (0.91 %)     (0.86 %)     (1.00 %)     (1.85 %)     (1.63 %)     (1.67 %)     (1.63 %)     (1.77 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.57 %     2.59 %     5.01 %     11.70 %     10.45 %     3.38 %     3.28 %     6.18 %     11.76 %     11.17 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.98 %)     (1.94 %)     (4.39 %)     (11.03 %)     (9.96 %)     (2.81 %)     (2.63 %)     (5.57 %)     (11.11 %)     (10.68 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     57 %     39 %     44 %     48 %     44 %     57 %     39 %     44 %     48 %     44 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS C  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 13.22     $ 13.71     $ 11.34     $ 12.19     $ 6.67    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.25 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.16 )     (0.04 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    (0.71 )     0.49       3.11       (0.67 )     5.56    
Total from investment operations     (0.96 )     0.28       2.90       (0.83 )     5.52    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Total distributions     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 11.11     $ 13.22     $ 13.71     $ 11.34     $ 12.19    
Total return     (8.27 %)     2.53 %     26.33 %     (6.82 %)     82.76 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 2     $ 2     $ 1     $ 0.54     $ 0.45    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.42 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.27 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (1.84 %)     (1.63 %)     (1.66 %)     (1.65 %)     (1.69 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    3.34 %     3.34 %     5.69 %     10.91 %     10.83 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (2.76 %)     (2.69 %)     (5.07 %)     (10.28 %)     (10.25 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     57 %     39 %     44 %     48 %     44 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.




    CLASS R  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004#  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 13.66     $ 14.08     $ 11.58     $ 12.39     $ 12.30    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.19 )     (0.15 )     (0.15 )     (0.14 )     (0.02 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     (0.74 )     0.50       3.18       (0.65 )     0.11    
Total from investment operations     (0.93 )     0.35       3.03       (0.79 )     0.09    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Total distributions     (1.15 )     (0.77 )     (0.53 )     (0.02 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 11.58     $ 13.66     $ 14.08     $ 11.58     $ 12.39    
Total return*     (7.78 %)     2.97 %     26.92 %     (6.39 %)     0.73 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets**     1.92 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets**     (1.35 %)     (1.13 %)     (1.16 %)     (1.14 %)     (1.12 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    2.85 %     2.85 %     5.44 %     9.56 %     6.74 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    (2.28 %)     (2.20 %)     (4.82 %)     (8.92 %)     (6.08 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     57 %     39 %     44 %     48 %     44 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS I  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 19.19     $ 18.70     $ 15.68     $ 15.18     $ 8.29    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.09 )     (0.09 )     (0.10 )     (0.09 )     (0.09 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     (2.17 )     0.95       3.22       0.60       7.03    
Total from investment operations     (2.26 )     0.86       3.12       0.51       6.94    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Total distributions     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 10.65     $ 19.19     $ 18.70     $ 15.68     $ 15.18    
Total return     (19.70 %)     4.74 %     19.96 %     3.36 %     83.80 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 10     $ 16     $ 9     $ 7     $ 7    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.23 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (0.54 %)     (0.52 %)     (0.62 %)     (0.55 %)     (0.80 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.62 %     1.28 %     1.32 %     1.61 %     4.31 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (0.88 %)     (0.52 %)     (0.66 %)     (0.88 %)     (3.88 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     148 %     18 %     24 %     26 %     23 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


SMALL CAP FUND (continued)

Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 18.92     $ 18.49     $ 15.54     $ 15.08     $ 8.26     $ 18.14     $ 17.89     $ 15.15     $ 14.82     $ 8.17    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.14 )     (0.14 )     (0.14 )     (0.07 )     (0.05 )     (0.23 )     (0.26 )     (0.26 )     (0.15 )     (0.15 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    (2.11 )     0.94       3.19       0.54       6.92       (1.94 )     0.88       3.10       0.49       6.85    
Total from investment operations     (2.25 )     0.80       3.05       0.47       6.87       (2.17 )     0.62       2.84       0.34       6.70    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Total distributions     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 10.39     $ 18.92     $ 18.49     $ 15.54     $ 15.08     $ 9.69     $ 18.14     $ 17.89     $ 15.15     $ 14.82    
Total return     (19.98 %)     4.47 %     19.69 %     3.11 %     83.26 %     (20.48 %)     3.61 %     18.80 %     2.29 %     82.09 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 28     $ 216     $ 181     $ 121     $ 21     $ 2     $ 3     $ 4     $ 3     $ 0.74    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.51 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.25 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (0.83 %)     (0.78 %)     (0.87 %)     (0.87 %)     (1.07 %)     (1.54 %)     (1.54 %)     (1.62 %)     (1.62 %)     (1.81 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.70 %     1.53 %     1.57 %     1.96 %     4.24 %     2.61 %     2.28 %     2.32 %     2.65 %     5.11 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.00 %)     (0.78 %)     (0.91 %)     (1.30 %)     (3.80 %)     (1.87 %)     (1.54 %)     (1.66 %)     (1.99 %)     (4.67 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     148 %     18 %     24 %     26 %     23 %     148 %     18 %     24 %     26 %     23 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS C  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 18.16     $ 17.89     $ 15.15     $ 14.82     $ 8.17    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.24 )     (0.26 )     (0.26 )     (0.15 )     (0.13 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    (1.94 )     0.90       3.10       0.49       6.83    
Total from investment operations     (2.18 )     0.64       2.84       0.34       6.70    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Total distributions     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )     (0.05 )  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 9.70     $ 18.16     $ 17.89     $ 15.15     $ 14.82    
Total return     (20.51 %)     3.72 %     18.80 %     2.29 %     82.09 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 7     $ 22     $ 22     $ 17     $ 5    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.26 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (1.54 %)     (1.53 %)     (1.62 %)     (1.62 %)     (1.83 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.55 %     2.28 %     2.32 %     2.67 %     4.95 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.81 %)     (1.53 %)     (1.66 %)     (2.01 %)     (4.52 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     148 %     18 %     24 %     26 %     23 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


SMALL CAP FUND (continued)

    CLASS R  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004#  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 18.75     $ 18.37     $ 15.48     $ 15.06     $ 14.68    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.16 )     (0.18 )     (0.18 )     (0.16 )     (0.02 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     (2.08 )     0.93       3.17       0.59       0.40    
Total from investment operations     (2.24 )     0.75       2.99       0.43       0.38    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )        
Total distributions     (6.28 )     (0.37 )     (0.10 )     (0.01 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 10.23     $ 18.75     $ 18.37     $ 15.48     $ 15.06    
Total return*     (20.13 %)     4.23 %     19.37 %     2.85 %     2.59 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.03     $ 0.03     $ 0.02     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets**     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets**     (1.03 %)     (1.02 %)     (1.12 %)     (1.06 %)     (1.40 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    2.15 %     1.78 %     1.82 %     2.10 %     3.13 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    (1.40 %)     (1.02 %)     (1.16 %)     (1.38 %)     (2.75 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     148 %     18 %     24 %     26 %     23 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.



    CLASS I  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 16.24     $ 16.07     $ 12.96     $ 12.80     $ 7.77    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss           (0.09 )     (0.07 )     (0.09 )     (0.07 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     (0.70 )     0.40       3.21       0.39       5.10    
Total from investment operations     (0.70 )     0.31       3.14       0.30       5.03    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Total distributions     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 9.66     $ 16.24     $ 16.07     $ 12.96     $ 12.80    
Total return     (9.16 %)     1.96 %     24.26 %     2.31 %     64.74 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 12     $ 14     $ 4     $ 3     $ 3    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.28 %     1.23 %  
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average net assets     0.01 %     (0.56 %)     (0.46 %)     (0.66 %)     (0.74 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.91 %     1.60 %     2.78 %     6.66 %     17.78 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (0.62 %)     (0.88 %)     (1.96 %)     (6.04 %)     (17.29 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     138 %     22 %     19 %     18 %     22 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


MID CAP VALUE FUND (continued)

Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 16.04     $ 15.92     $ 12.87     $ 12.74     $ 7.75     $ 15.44     $ 15.44     $ 12.58     $ 12.55     $ 7.69    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.08 )     (0.12 )     (0.10 )     (0.06 )     (0.04 )     (0.13 )     (0.23 )     (0.20 )     (0.15 )     (0.11 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    (0.63 )     0.38       3.18       0.33       5.03       (0.61 )     0.37       3.09       0.32       4.97    
Total from investment operations     (0.71 )     0.26       3.08       0.27       4.99       (0.74 )     0.14       2.89       0.17       4.86    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )           (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Total distributions     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )           (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 9.45     $ 16.04     $ 15.92     $ 12.87     $ 12.74     $ 8.82     $ 15.44     $ 15.44     $ 12.58     $ 12.55    
Total return     (9.40 %)     1.66 %     23.96 %     2.08 %     64.39 %     (10.05 %)     0.93 %     23.00 %     1.31 %     63.20 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 3     $ 13     $ 13     $ 4     $ 1     $ 0.21     $ 0.34     $ 0.31     $ 0.09     $ 0.05    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.53 %     1.51 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.26 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (0.52 %)     (0.80 %)     (0.69 %)     (0.88 %)     (1.02 %)     (1.04 %)     (1.55 %)     (1.43 %)     (1.65 %)     (1.77 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    1.98 %     1.86 %     2.88 %     8.69 %     16.36 %     2.88 %     2.62 %     3.59 %     8.61 %     17.78 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (0.97 %)     (1.13 %)     (2.04 %)     (8.04 %)     (15.87 %)     (1.64 %)     (1.89 %)     2.74 %     (7.98 %)     (17.29 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     138 %     22 %     19 %     18 %     22 %     138 %     22 %     19 %     18 %     22 %  


(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

    CLASS C  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,  
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 15.45     $ 15.45     $ 12.58     $ 12.55     $ 7.69    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.15 )     (0.23 )     (0.20 )     (0.08 )     (0.05 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and
    (0.59 )     0.37       3.10       0.25       4.91    
Total from investment operations     (0.74 )     0.14       2.90       0.17       4.86    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Total distributions     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 8.83     $ 15.45     $ 15.45     $ 12.58     $ 12.55    
Total return     (10.04 %)     0.93 %     23.08 %     1.31 %     63.20 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 2     $ 5     $ 6     $ 4     $ 0.51    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.28 %     2.27 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets     (1.12 %)     (1.55 %)     (1.45 %)     (1.62 %)     (1.77 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    2.83 %     2.62 %     3.76 %     11.14 %     16.60 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers
    (1.67 %)     (1.89 %)     (2.93 %)     (10.48 %)     (16.10 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     138 %     22 %     19 %     18 %     22 %  


See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


MID CAP VALUE FUND (continued)

    CLASS R  
Condensed data for a share of capital stock   YEARS ENDED MARCH 31,   FOR THE
outstanding throughout the period   2008 (a)   2007 (a)   2006 (a)   2005   2004#  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 15.89     $ 15.81     $ 12.81     $ 12.72     $ 12.30    
Income from investment operations:  
Net investment loss     (0.06 )     (0.16 )     (0.13 )     (0.14 )     (0.02 )  
Net gain (loss) on securities (both realized and unrealized)     (0.67 )     0.38       3.16       0.37       0.44    
Total from investment operations     (0.73 )     0.22       3.03       0.23       0.42    
Less distributions:  
Distributions from capital gains     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Total distributions     (5.88 )     (0.14 )     (0.03 )     (0.14 )        
Net asset value, end of period   $ 9.28     $ 15.89     $ 15.81     $ 12.81     $ 12.72    
Total return*     (9.66 %)     1.42 %     23.68 %     1.77 %     3.42 %  
Ratios/Supplemental Data  
Net assets, end of period (in millions)   $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01     $ 0.01    
Ratio of expenses to average net assets**     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %     1.78 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets**     (0.49 %)     (1.06 %)     (0.96 %)     (1.15 %)     (1.25 %)  
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    2.41 %     2.11 %     3.31 %     7.26 %     8.07 %  
Ratio of net investment loss to average net assets
contractual expense reimbursement and waivers**
    (1.12 %)     (1.39 %)     (2.49 %)     (6.63 %)     (7.54 %)  
Portfolio turnover rate     138 %     22 %     19 %     18 %     22 %  


*  Total return not annualized for periods less than one full year.

**  Annualized for periods less than one full year.

#  Sales of Class R Shares began February 17, 2004.

(a)  Per share amount calculated using average shares outstanding method.

See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.


1. Organization:

The AFBA 5Star Fund, Inc. (the Company), a Maryland corporation, is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an open-end investment management company with the following series: AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund, AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund, AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund (formerly, AFBA 5Star High Yield Fund), AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund, AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund, AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund and AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund (formerly, AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Fund). Each series, in effect, represents a separate fund, and is referred to herein as a "Fund" or collectively as the "Funds". Each Fund offers five classes of shares, Class A, Class B, Class C, Class I and Class R. Shares of all classes of a Fund represent equal pro-rata interests in the Fund, except that each class will bear different expenses which will reflect the difference in the range of services provided to them. When purchasing Class A Shares, a sales charge will be incurred at the time of purchase (a "front-end load") based on the dollar amount of the purchase. The maximum initial sales charge is 5.50% (3.75% for the Total Return Bond Fund). All the AFBA 5Star Funds are diversified with the exception of the Science & Technology Fund, which is a non-diversified fund.

The maximum contingent deferred sales charge ("CDSC") for Class B Shares are as follows: AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund, AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund, AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund, AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund, AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund and AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value - 4.75%: AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund - 4.00%. The maximum contingent deferred sales charge for Class C Shares for all of the portfolios is 1.00%. Class A generally is not subject to a CDSC fee. Classes I and R have no associated CDSC fees.

2. Significant Accounting Policies:

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by the Company in the preparation of its financial statements. The policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

A. Investment Valuation – Equity securities owned by a Fund are valued using the official closing price or the last sale price on the Exchange or in the principal over-the-counter market where they are traded. Where the security is listed on more than one Exchange, the Fund will use the price of that Exchange which it generally considers to be the principal Exchange on which the security is traded. If the last sale price is unavailable, the security is valued at the mean between the last bid and asked prices. Debt securities held by a Fund for which market quotations are readily available are valued at the mean between the last bid and asked prices. Short-term debt investments having maturities of 60 days or less are amortized to maturity based on their cost. If market quotations are not readily available, or the price is not considered representative of market value, any security or other asset is valued at its fair value determined in good faith by the Company's Valuation Committee under procedures adopted by the Company's Board of Directors.

B. Federal and State Taxes – It is the Funds' policy to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and to distribute timely all of their net investment company taxable income and net capital gains to shareholders. Therefore, no Federal income tax provision is required.

C. Options – In order to produce incremental earnings and protect gains, the Funds may write covered call options on portfolio securities. When a Fund writes an option, an amount equal to the premium received by the Fund is reflected as an asset and an equivalent liability. The amount of the liability is subsequently marked to market to reflect the current market value of the option written. If an option which a Fund has written either expires on its stipulated expiration date or if a Fund enters into a closing purchase transaction, the Fund realizes a gain (or loss if the cost of a closing purchase transaction exceeds the premium received when the option was written) without regard to any unrealized gain or loss on the underlying security and the liability related to such option is extinguished. If a call option which the Fund has written is exercised, the Fund realizes a capital gain or loss from the sale of the underlying security and the proceeds from such sale are increased by the premium originally received. The primary risks associated with the use of options are an imperfect correlation between the change in market value of the securities held by the Fund and the price of the option, the possibility of an illiquid market, and the inability of the counterparty to meet the terms of the contract. There were no outstanding covered call options or transactions in call options written as of and during the year ended March 31, 2008.

D. Expenses – The Company accounts separately for the assets, liabilities and operations of each Fund. Direct expenses of a Fund or class are charged to that Fund or class. Legal, Audit and Director expenses are allocated equally among the Funds, all other expenses are allocated among the Company's respective series based on relative net assets.

The investment income and expenses of a Fund (other than class specific expenses) and realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments of a Fund are allocated to each class of shares based upon their relative share value on the date income is earned or expenses and realized and unrealized gains and losses are incurred.

E. Investment Transactions and Investment Income – Security transactions are accounted for on the trade date. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Interest income, including the accretion of market discount and amortization of premium on debt securities, is recognized on the accrual basis. Realized gains and losses from investment transactions and unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments are reported on the identified cost basis. Discounts and premiums on securities purchased are amortized or accreted using the effective interest method. Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for, in accordance with, the Funds' understanding of the applicable country's tax rules and rates.

F. Dividends and Distribution to Shareholders – Dividends from the Balanced Fund's net investment income, if any, are declared and paid quarterly. Dividends from the Total Return Bond Fund's net investment income, if any, are declared and paid monthly. Dividends from the Large Cap, USA Global, Science & Technology, Small Cap and Mid Cap Value Funds' net investment income, if any, are declared and paid semi-annually. Net realized gains on portfolio securities, if any, are distributed at least annually by each Fund. However, to the extent net realized gains can be offset by capital loss carryovers, such gains will not be distributed. Distributions are recorded by the Funds on the ex-dividend date. Distributions of net investment income are determined on a class level and realized gains are determined on a Fund level.

G. Use of Estimates – The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from such estimates.



H. Indemnification Arrangements – In the normal course of business, the Company enters into contracts that provide general indemnifications. The Fund's maximum exposure under these arrangements is dependent on claims that may be made against the Company in the future and, therefore, cannot be estimated; however, based on experience, the risk of material loss from such claims is considered remote.

I. New Accounting Standards – On September 20, 2006, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 157, Fair Value Measurements ("FAS 157"), was issued and is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. FAS 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. Management is currently evaluating the implications of FAS 157. At this time, its impact on the Funds' financial statements has not been determined.

Effective September 28, 2007, the Funds' adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Interpretation No. 48 (FIN 48), "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes", a clarification of FASB Statement No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes". FIN 48 establishes financial reporting rules regarding recognition and measurement of tax positions taken or expected to be taken on a tax return. FIN 48 was applied to all open tax years as of the effective date. The adoption of FIN 48 had no impact on the Funds' net assets or results of operations.

As of and during the year ended March 31, 2008, the Funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The Funds recognize interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the statement of operations. During the year, the Funds did not incur any interest or penalties. The Funds are not subject to examination by U.S. federal tax authorities for tax years before 2004.

3. Capital Share Transactions:

The Balanced, Large Cap, Total Return Bond, USA Global and Mid Cap Value Funds are authorized to issue 10,000,000 shares per class with a Par Value of $1.00. Science & Technology and Small Cap Funds, excluding Class A for Small Cap, are authorized to issue 5,000,000 shares per class with a Par Value of $1.00. Small Cap Class A is authorized to issue 15,000,000 shares with a Par Value of $1.00.

With limited exceptions, a 2% fee is assessed on redemptions of Fund shares held less than 60 days to deter short-term trading and protect the interest of long-term shareholders. Redemption fees are withheld from proceeds that shareholders receive from the sale or exchange of Fund shares. The fees are paid to the Fund, and have the primary effect of increasing paid-in capital. The fees may cause the redemption price per share to differ from the net asset value per share.

Transactions in the capital shares of the Funds were as follows:

    Balanced Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     111,856     $ 1,523,301       145,694     $ 1,974,788    
Shares reinvested     160,371       2,052,639       23,319       321,648    
Shares redeemed     (153,949 )     (2,210,309 )     (748,531 )     (10,390,792 )  
Net increase
    118,278     $ 1,365,631       (579,518 )   $ (8,094,356 )  
    Balanced Fund (continued)  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     720,655     $ 9,918,357       814,319     $ 11,569,310    
Shares reinvested     285,123       3,721,870       41,196       589,639    
Shares redeemed     (912,652 )     (13,293,984 )     (175,282 )     (2,494,460 )  
Net increase     93,126     $ 346,243       680,233     $ 9,664,489    
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     6,311     $ 85,043       53,701     $ 741,405    
Shares reinvested     24,100       308,246       3,070       43,460    
Shares redeemed     (23,260 )     (335,710 )     (6,581 )     (92,383 )  
Net increase     7,151     $ 57,579       50,190     $ 692,482    
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     374,064     $ 5,156,182       383,295     $ 5,378,510    
Shares reinvested     236,935       3,029,910       24,451       345,640    
Shares redeemed     (289,291 )     (4,023,928 )     (151,628 )     (2,127,147 )  
Net increase     321,708     $ 4,162,164       256,118     $ 3,597,003    
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued         $ 1       667     $ 8,924    
Shares Reinvested     238       2,916       51       694    
Shares redeemed                 (1,493 )     (21,199 )  
Net increase
    238     $ 2,917       (775 )   $ (11,581 )  
    Large Cap Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     116,812     $ 1,854,638       23,837     $ 342,149    
Shares reinvested     287,609       4,452,784                
Shares redeemed     (189,332 )     (2,796,305 )     (69,438 )     (994,084 )  
Net increase
    215,089     $ 3,511,117       (45,601 )   $ (651,935 )  
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     104,057     $ 1,500,654       31,293     $ 455,071    
Shares reinvested     8,565       130,856                
Shares redeemed     (63,744 )     (869,827 )     (16,390 )     (226,988 )  
Net increase     48,878     $ 761,683       14,903     $ 228,083    
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     765     $ 10,148                
Shares reinvested     1,018       14,712                
Shares redeemed     (4 )     (58 )     (2,569 )   $ (35,265 )  
Net increase
    1,779     $ 24,802       (2,569 )   $ (35,265 )  
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     9,347     $ 136,928       12,679     $ 176,000    
Shares reinvested     6,878       99,456                
Shares redeemed     (5,790 )     (82,256 )     (2,019 )     (28,561 )  
Net increase     10,435     $ 154,128       10,660     $ 147,439    



    Large Cap Fund (continued)  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     398     $ 6,202                
Shares reinvested     176       2,613                
Shares redeemed     (144 )     (2,044 )              
Net increase     430     $ 6,771                
    Total Return Bond Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     1,156,791     $ 9,814,736       162,413     $ 1,476,077    
Shares reinvested     102,728       880,602       26,660       240,579    
Shares redeemed     (137,037 )     (1,197,141 )     (119,090 )     (1,078,123 )  
Net increase     1,122,482     $ 9,498,197       69,983     $ 638,533    
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     49,080     $ 462,599       19,385     $ 186,568    
Shares reinvested     24,241       226,818       24,012       231,144    
Shares redeemed     (264,774 )     (2,504,368 )     (404,463 )     (3,907,038 )  
Net decrease     (191,453 )   $ (1,814,951 )     (361,066 )   $ (3,489,326 )  
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     1,024     $ 10,038       18,901     $ 180,108    
Shares reinvested     11,928       109,720       6,890       65,539    
Shares redeemed     (55,409 )     (520,737 )     (26,946 )     (255,440 )  
Net decrease     (42,457 )   $ (400,979 )     (1,155 )   $ (9,793 )  
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     18,557     $ 170,003       6,145     $ 57,962    
Shares reinvested     13,569       123,105       12,810       119,937    
Shares redeemed     (91,701 )     (847,744 )     (167,098 )     (1,572,523 )  
Net decrease     (59,575 )   $ (554,636 )     (148,143 )   $ (1,394,624 )  
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares reinvested     149     $ 1,273       75     $ 664    
Net increase     149     $ 1,273       75     $ 664    
    USA Global Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     94,903     $ 1,595,350       28,906     $ 465,292    
Shares reinvested     328,140       5,560,134                
Shares redeemed     (144,059 )     (2,344,854 )     (1,374,249 )     (21,228,770 )  
Net increase
    278,984     $ 4,810,630       (1,345,343 )   $ (20,763,478 )  
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     140,012     $ 2,297,317       18,138     $ 300,736    
Shares reinvested     18,666       310,478                
Shares redeemed     (54,761 )     (844,267 )     (51,066 )     (807,409 )  
Net increase
    103,917     $ 1,763,528       (32,928 )   $ (506,673 )  
    USA Global Fund (continued)  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     14,852     $ 230,111       594     $ 9,159    
Shares reinvested     1,556       24,397                
Shares redeemed     (364 )     (6,258 )     (68 )     (1,034 )  
Net increase     16,044     $ 248,250       526     $ 8,125    
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     25,722     $ 398,094       10,018     $ 154,570    
Shares reinvested     15,174       239,213                
Shares redeemed     (28,189 )     (445,965 )     (20,220 )     (312,099 )  
Net increase
    12,707     $ 191,342       (10,202 )   $ (157,529 )  
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares reinvested     200     $ 3,246                
Net increase     200     $ 3,246                
    Science & Technology Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     52,198     $ 741,315       344,688     $ 4,651,173    
Shares reinvested     12,193       165,995       9,578       123,899    
Shares redeemed     (41,824 )     (595,463 )     (71,100 )     (921,968 )  
Net increase     22,567     $ 311,847       283,166     $ 3,853,104    
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     39,273     $ 573,150       82,953     $ 1,123,713    
Shares reinvested     12,611       169,288       7,958       102,432    
Shares redeemed     (94,537 )     (1,304,355 )     (36,993 )     (501,050 )  
Net increase
    (42,653 )   $ (561,917 )     53,918     $ 725,095    
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     5,821     $ 84,078       3,020     $ 38,328    
Shares reinvested     1,094       13,802       429       5,288    
Shares redeemed     (4,045 )     (45,132 )     (6,989 )     (83,037 )  
Net increase
    2,870     $ 52,748       (3,540 )   $ (39,421 )  
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     20,885     $ 289,762       54,836     $ 725,769    
Shares reinvested     11,883       150,975       5,776       71,444    
Shares redeemed     (27,966 )     (349,898 )     (11,806 )     (156,263 )  
Net increase     4,802     $ 90,839       48,806     $ 640,950    
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     148     $ 2,214       36     $ 500    
Shares reinvested     106       1,404       63       796    
Shares redeemed     (197 )     (2,288 )     (1 )     (12 )  
Net increase     57     $ 1,330       98     $ 1,284    




    Small Cap Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     109,015     $ 1,578,823       372,394     $ 6,458,247    
Shares reinvested     293,024       4,306,445       7,477       135,437    
Shares redeemed     (260,766 )     (4,236,765 )     (66,242 )     (1,133,873 )  
Net increase     141,273     $ 1,648,503       313,629     $ 5,459,811    
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     472,893     $ 8,105,359       3,678,650     $ 65,569,043    
Shares reinvested     1,629,309       25,026,277       222,579       3,971,160    
Shares redeemed     (10,862,635 )     (198,282,674 )     (2,275,133 )     (40,215,784 )  
Net increase
    (8,760,433 )   $ (165,151,038 )     1,626,096     $ 29,324,419    
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     2,568     $ 45,111       13,021     $ 223,588    
Shares reinvested     70,593       963,560       3,836       65,715    
Shares redeemed     (57,809 )     (870,289 )     (41,184 )     (696,682 )  
Net increase
    15,352     $ 138,382       (24,327 )   $ (407,379 )  
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     32,977     $ 516,512       328,254     $ 5,669,323    
Shares reinvested     377,531       5,213,646       24,272       416,107    
Shares redeemed     (903,236 )     (13,543,736 )     (340,839 )     (5,703,683 )  
Net increase
    (492,728 )   $ (7,813,578 )     11,687     $ 381,747    
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     952     $ 12,812       647     $ 11,423    
Shares reinvested     792       11,311       26       455    
Shares redeemed     (571 )     (7,319 )     (96 )     (1,735 )  
Net increase     1,173     $ 16,804       577     $ 10,143    
    Mid Cap Value Fund  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class I:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     44,136     $ 608,918       670,512     $ 10,059,318    
Shares reinvested     379,233       4,522,715       1,207       18,567    
Shares redeemed     (37,975 )     (548,252 )     (44,038 )     (644,336 )  
Net increase     385,394     $ 4,583,381       627,681     $ 9,433,549    
Class A:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     68,503     $ 880,091       260,596     $ 3,988,360    
Shares reinvested     134,729       1,579,808       7,730       117,778    
Shares redeemed     (739,165 )     (11,503,839 )     (275,147 )     (4,241,461 )  
Net decrease     (535,933 )   $ (9,043,940 )     (6,821 )   $ (135,323 )  
Class B:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     543     $ 5,655       4,561     $ 69,839    
Shares reinvested     9,065       98,579       162       2,384    
Shares redeemed     (7,842 )     (86,928 )     (3,147 )     (45,680 )  
Net increase     1,766     $ 17,306       1,576     $ 26,543    
    Mid Cap Value Fund (continued)  
    Year Ended
March 31, 2008
  Year Ended
March 31, 2007
Class C:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     22,395     $ 357,813       73,776     $ 1,079,487    
Shares reinvested     126,201       1,377,758       3,337       49,053    
Shares redeemed     (244,154 )     (3,297,782 )     (109,900 )     (1,624,467 )  
Net decrease     (95,558 )   $ (1,562,211 )     (32,787 )   $ (495,927 )  
Class R:   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount  
Shares issued     58     $ 677       22     $ 336    
Shares reinvested     477       5,429       8       117    
Shares redeemed     (63 )     (668 )     (20 )     (316 )  
Net increase     472     $ 5,438       10     $ 137    


4. Agreements and other Transactions with Affiliates:

Management fees are paid to AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company ("AFBA") at the rate of 0.80% per annum of the average daily net asset values of the Funds and are reflected on the Statement of Operations. Prior to July 15, 2007, AFBA employed at its own expense Kornitzer Capital Management, Inc. ("KCM") as sub-advisor to manage the assets of the Funds on a day-to-day basis. AFBA paid KCM a fee of one third of one percent (0.33%) for this service. For the period April 1, 2007 through July 15, 2007, KCM received $86,782, $24,664, $19,913, $26,643, $13,725, $248,026 and $33,449 for the Balanced, Large Cap, Total Return Bond, USA Global, Science & Technology, Small Cap and Mid Cap Value Funds, respectively.

Effective July 16, 2007 AFBA began employing Bjurman, Barry & Associates, Dreman Value Management, LLC, Financial Counselors, Inc., Marvin & Palmer Associates, Inc., The London Company and TrendStar Advisors, LLC as sub-advisors to manage the assets of the Funds on a day-to-day basis. AFBA pays each sub-advisor 0.33% of the assets they manage, with the exception of Financial Counselors, Inc. which receives 0.27% of the assets it manages. For the period July 16, 2007 through March 31, 2008, each sub-advisor received the following fees paid:

Bjurman, Barry & Associates
Small Cap Fund
  $ 77,461    
Dreman Value Management, LLC
Mid Cap Value Fund
  $ 52,291    
Financial Counselors, Inc.
Balanced Fund
  $ 49,080    
Total Return Bond Fund   $ 42,439    
Marvin & Palmer Associates, Inc.
Large Cap Fund
  $ 64,247    
USA Global Fund   $ 70,161    
The London Company
Balanced Fund
  $ 140,525    
Small Cap Fund   $ 28,766    
TrendStar Advisors, LLC
Science & Technology Fund
  $ 32,178    
Small Cap Fund   $ 82,754    



During the year ended March 31, 2008, AFBA had contractually agreed to pay, for all classes, certain expenses of the Balanced and Total Return Bond Funds such that the total annual operating expenses of a Fund would not exceed 1.08% (excluding 12b-1 distribution and shareholding services fees and extraordinary expenses) of their average daily net assets. This agreement continues through July 31, 2009 and may terminate thereafter. Effective August 1, 2003, AFBA had contractually agreed to pay certain expenses of the Small Cap and Mid Cap Value Funds such that the total annual operating expenses would not exceed 1.28% (excluding 12b-1 distribution and shareholding services fees and extraordinary expenses) of their average daily net assets. This agreement continues through July 31, 2009 and may terminate thereafter. Effective August 1, 2003, AFBA had contractually agreed to pay certain expenses of the Science & Technology Fund such that the total annual operating expenses would not exceed 1.28% (excluding 12b-1 distribution and shareholding services fees and extraordinary expenses) of their average daily net assets. This agreement expired on July 31, 2007. Effective August 1, 2007, AFBA has contractually agreed to pay certain expenses of the Science & Technology Fund such that the total annual operating expense would not exceed 1.50% (excluding 12b-1 distribution and shareholding services fees and extraordinary expenses) of their average daily net assets. This agreement continues through July 31, 2009 and may terminate thereafter. Effective March 27, 2004, AFBA has contractually agreed to pay certain expenses of the Large Cap and USA Global Funds such that the total annual operating expenses will not exceed 1.28% (excluding 12b-1 distribution and shareholding services fees and extraordinary expenses) of either Fund's average daily net assets. This agreement continues through July 31, 2009 and may terminate thereafter.

When a Fund's assets grow to a point where fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements are no longer necessary to meet the expense limitation target, AFBA may seek to recoup amounts it waived or expenses that it paid. AFBA will only seek to recoup such amounts if total fund operating expenses plus the amounts recouped do not exceed the expense limitation target. AFBA shall only be entitled to recoup such amounts for a period of three years from the date such amount was waived or paid. The table below indicates the total amount of fees waived and/or expenses borne by AFBA during the last three years ended March 31, 2008 and is therefore currently eligible for recoupment by AFBA assuming that the total fund operating expenses are low enough so that when added to total recoupment amounts they do not exceed the expense limitation target:

Balanced Fund   $ 612,412    
Large Cap Fund     349,341    
Total Return Bond Fund     522,969    
USA Global Fund     335,099    
Science & Technology Fund     269,534    
Small Cap Fund     266,272    
Mid Cap Value Fund     374,322    


The table below indicates the amount of advisory fees waived for the year ended March 31, 2008:

Balanced Fund   $ 285,218    
Large Cap Fund     133,106    
Total Return Bond Fund     174,006    
USA Global Fund     148,205    
Science & Technology Fund     111,276    
Small Cap Fund     265,253    
Mid Cap Value Fund     146,307    


In addition, for the year ended March 31, 2008, AFBA has reimbursed the Total Return Bond Fund and the Science & Technology Fund for expenses in the amounts of $14,336 and $16,235, respectively.

PFPC Inc. ("PFPC"), an indirect majority-owned subsidiary of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., provides the Funds with administrative services pursuant to an administration agreement. The services include the day-to-day administration of matters related to the corporate existence of the Company, maintenance of its records, preparation of reports, supervision of the Company's arrangements with its custodian and assistance in the preparation of the Company's registration statements under federal and state laws. From time to time, PFPC may waive all or a portion of its fees. For the year ended March 31, 2008, no fees were waived.

PFPC also serves as transfer agent for the Funds and receives reimbursement of certain expenses plus a fee for related services pursuant to a transfer agency agreement with the Company. From time to time, PFPC may waive all or a portion of its fees. For the year ended March 31, 2008, no fees were waived.

PFPC Trust Company serves as the custody agent for the Funds and receives reimbursement of certain expenses plus a fee for related services pursuant to a custodian agreement.

At March 31, 2008, Armed Forces Benefit Association, the parent company of AFBA, held the following percentage of ownership in the Funds.

Fund   Percentage of Ownership  
Balanced     40.26 %  
Large Cap     67.17 %  
Total Return Bond     69.69 %  
USA Global     59.94 %  
Science & Technology     53.35 %  
Small Cap     13.30 %  
Mid Cap Value     57.32 %  


The Funds have adopted a Shareholder Service Plan and Distribution Plan (the "Plans") pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. The Plans authorize payments by the Funds in connection with the distribution of their shares at an annual rate, as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors, of up to 0.25% of each Fund's average daily net assets for Class A shares, up to 1.00% of each Fund's average daily net assets for Class B and C shares and up to 0.50% of each Fund's average daily net assets for Class R shares.

The table below indicates these expenses by specific classes for the year ended March 31, 2008:

    12b-1 Fees  
Fund   Class B   Class C   Class R  
Balanced   $ 13,691     $ 120,728     $ 50    
Large Cap     558       3,745       49    
Total Return Bond     13,786       12,513       40    
USA Global     994       7,761       46    
Science & Technology     1,048       15,040       60    
Small Cap     20,224       115,603       103    
Mid Cap Value     2,310       30,865       49    


Certain officers and directors of AFBA and its parent are also officers and directors of the Company.



    Shareholder Service Fees  
Fund   Class A   Class B   Class C   Class R  
Balanced   $ 54,798     $ 4,564     $ 40,243     $ 22    
Large Cap     2,352       186       1,248       21    
Total Return
    7,184       4,595       4,171       18    
USA Global     5,020       331       2,587       19    
Science &
    6,058       349       5,014       25    
Small Cap     250,270       6,741       38,534       44    
Mid Cap Value     18,504       770       10,288       21    


5. Investment Transactions:

Investment transactions for the year ended March 31, 2008 (excluding maturities of short-term commercial notes, repurchase agreements, and U.S. government securities) were as follows:

Balanced Fund  
Purchases   $ 79,671,045    
Proceeds from sales     83,619,716    
Large Cap Fund  
Purchases   $ 65,620,124    
Proceeds from sales     66,580,405    
Total Return Bond Fund  
Purchases   $ 19,164,399    
Proceeds from sales     17,038,046    
USA Global Fund  
Purchases   $ 72,095,026    
Proceeds from sales     72,262,000    
Science & Technology Fund  
Purchases   $ 7,578,743    
Proceeds from sales     8,761,237    
Small Cap Fund  
Purchases   $ 189,274,437    
Proceeds from sales     383,385,863    
Mid Cap Value Fund  
Purchases   $ 34,789,603    
Proceeds from sales     50,425,787    


Investment transactions for the year ended March 31, 2008, purchases and sales of U.S. government securities were as follows:

Balanced Fund  
Purchases   $ 11,665,984    
Proceeds from sales     8,307,975    
Total Return Bond Fund  
Purchases   $ 10,069,568    
Proceeds from sales     4,701,334    


6. Federal Income Tax Information:

No provision for Federal income taxes is required since each Fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated investment company and distribute to shareholders all of its taxable income and capital gains. Because Federal income tax regulations differ from generally accepted accounting principles, income and capital gain distributions determined in accordance with tax regulations may differ from net investment income and realized gains recognized for financial reporting purposes. Accordingly, the character of distributions and composition of net assets for tax purposes may differ from those reflected in the accompanying financial statements.

Distributions during the year ended March 31, 2008 were characterized as follows for tax purposes:

Fund   Ordinary
  Long Term
Capital Gain
Balanced   $ 4,279,003     $ 13,282,752    
Large Cap           5,167,070    
Total Return Bond     933,772       1,193,162    
USA Global           6,926,664    
Science & Technology     55,679       1,075,742    
Small Cap     2,073,256       35,883,523    
Mid Cap Value     1,640,531       7,093,914    


The tax character of net assets at March 31, 2008 were as follows:

Fund   Unrealized
Income (Loss)
Balanced   $ 5,966,065     $ (5,419,863 )   $ 749,959    
Large Cap     1,882,157       (752,874 )        
Total Return Bond     1,006,670       (426,233 )     24,003    
USA Global     2,040,628       (922,013 )        
Science & Technology     1,622,463       (1,537,935 )        
Small Cap     1,834,733       (9,553,785 )        
Mid Cap Value     602,047       (4,305,960 )     7,072    
Fund   Undistributed/
Capital Gain (Loss)*
  Net Assets  
Balanced   $ 494,221     $ 79,238,921     $ 81,029,303    
Large Cap     (1,072,278 )     24,466,785       24,523,790    
Total Return Bond     (131,819 )     26,643,146       27,115,767    
USA Global     (1,566,471 )     28,124,287       27,676,431    
Science & Technology     (127,842 )     11,346,770       11,303,456    
Small Cap     (6,242,981 )     60,562,460       46,600,427    
Mid Cap Value     (764,622 )     21,942,677       17,481,214    


* Excludes the effect of post-October capital loss deferral listed below.

Under the current tax law, capital and currency losses realized after October 31 may be deferred and treated as occurring on the first day of the following fiscal year. For fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, the following Funds deferred capital losses:

Fund   Post October
Capital Loss
Large Cap   $ 1,072,278    
Total Return Bond     131,819    
USA Global     1,566,478    
Science & Technology     127,845    
Small Cap     6,244,802    
Mid Cap Value     764,685    



Further, the Funds intend to retain realized capital gains that may be offset against available capital loss carryforwards for Federal income tax purposes. For Federal income tax purposes, the Funds had no capital loss carryovers at March 31, 2008.

For financial reporting purposes, capital accounts and distributions to shareholders are adjusted to reflect the tax character of permanent book/tax differences. For the year ended March 31, 2008, the Funds recorded the following permanent reclassifications, with offsetting adjustments made to paid-in-capital and net realized gain/loss on investments. Results of operation and net assets were not affected by these reclassifications:

Fund   Undistributed
Net Investment
Income (Loss)
  Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
on Investments
  Paid in
Large Cap   $ 99,607     $ 175     $ (99,782 )  
Total Return Bond     989       (989 )        
USA Global     120,343             (120,343 )  
Science &
    143,706       (29,280 )     (114,426 )  
Small Cap     1,200,140       (24,696,367 )     23,496,227    
Mid Cap Value     86,641       (86,641 )        


At March 31, 2008, the cost of securities for Federal income tax purposes were as follows:

Fund   Tax Cost  
Balanced   $ 79,901,323    
Large Cap     23,124,142    
Total Return Bond     26,290,237    
USA Global     27,306,190    
Science & Technology     11,352,673    
Small Cap     54,529,175    
Mid Cap Value     22,161,193    


The difference between book basis and tax basis is attributable to the tax deferral of losses on wash sales.

7. Concentration of Ownership:

At any time, the Funds may have concentrations of shareholders holding a significant percentage of shares outstanding in their respective share classes. Investment activities of these shareholders could have a material impact on the class.

At March 31, 2008, each share class had the following number of shareholders who held in the aggregate the following percent of shares:

Share Class   Number of
  % of
Balanced Fund Class I     1       79    
Balanced Fund Class R     1       100    
Large Cap Fund Class I     1       73    
Large Cap Fund Class B     3       56    
Large Cap Fund Class R     2       100    
Total Return Bond Fund Class I     1       86    
Total Return Bond Fund Class R     1       100    
USA Global Fund Class I     1       70    
USA Global Fund Class A     1       37    
USA Global Fund Class B     4       60    
USA Global Fund Class R     1       100    
Share Class   Number of
  % of
Science & Technology Fund Class I     1       76    
Science & Technology Fund Class B     1       29    
Science & Technology Fund Class R     2       100    
Small Cap Fund Class I     2       73    
Small Cap Fund Class A     1       41    
Small Cap Fund Class R     3       100    
Mid Cap Value Fund Class I     1       83    
Mid Cap Value Fund Class B     1       12    
Mid Cap Value Fund Class R     1       96    


8. In-Kind Redemption:

During the year ended March 31, 2008, the Small Cap Fund distributed securities in lieu of cash for shareholder redemptions. The value of the redemptions was $76,832,666 which resulted in a realized gain of $24,696,367 to the Fund.

9. Change of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board has selected Cohen Fund Audit Services, Ltd. ("Cohen") to serve as AFBA 5Star Funds (the "Registrant") independent registered public accounting firm for the Registrant's fiscal year ended March 31, 2008. The decision to select Cohen was recommended by the Audit Committee and was approved by the Board on December 12, 2007. During the Registrant's fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2006, and through December 12, 2007, neither the Registrant, nor anyone on their behalf has consulted with Cohen on items which (i) concerned the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the Registrant's financial statements; or (ii) concerned the subject of a disagreement (as defined in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of Item 304 of Regulation S-K) or reportable events (as described in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of said Item 304).

The decision to dismiss PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC"), the Registrant's previous independent registered public accounting firm, was recommended by the Registrant's Audit Committee and approved by the Funds' Board of Directors. PwC's report on the Registrant's financial statements for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2006, contained no adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion nor were they qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles. During the Registrant's fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2006, and through December 12, 2007, (i) there were no disagreements with PwC on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreements, if not resolved to the satisfaction of PwC would have caused it to make reference to the subject matter of the disagreements in connection with its reports on the Registrant's financial statements for such years, and (ii) there were no reportable events of the kind described in Item 302(a)(1)(v) of Regulation S-K under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

The Registrant has requested that PwC furnish it with a letter addressed to the SEC stating whether or not it agrees with the above statements. A copy of such letter, dated May 29, 2008, is filed as an Exhibit with the Registrant's Form N-SAR for the period ended March 31, 2008.



10. Subsequent Event:

Effective April 1, 2008, the Funds' Class R Shares closed to new investment, including additional purchases by current shareholders. All shares of the Class R Shares outstanding at the close of business on April 1, 2008 were automatically converted into A Shares of the same Fund (the "Transaction"), with an aggregate net asset value equal to the aggregate net asset value of the Class R Shares so converted. Any applicable sales charge attributable to the Class A Shares were waived for those shares acquired in connection with the Transaction.



We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the schedules of investments, of AFBA 5Star Fund, Inc., comprising the AFBA 5Star Balanced Fund, AFBA 5Star Large Cap Fund, AFBA 5Star Total Return Bond Fund, AFBA 5Star USA Global Fund, AFBA 5Star Science & Technology Fund, AFBA 5Star Small Cap Fund, and AFBA 5Star Mid Cap Value Fund (the "Funds") as of March 31, 2008, and the related statements of operations, statements of changes in net assets, and the financial highlights for the year then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of Fund management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. The statements of changes in net assets and the financial highlights for the periods indicated prior to March 31, 2008 were audited by another independent accounting firm who expressed unqualified opinions on those statements and highlights.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of March 31, 2008, by correspondence with the Funds' custodian and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where replies from brokers were not received. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the Funds constituting AFBA 5Star Fund, Inc., as of March 31, 2008, the results of their operations, the changes in their net assets, and their financial highlights for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Cohen Fund Audit Services, Ltd.
Westlake, Ohio
May 27, 2008




Proxy Voting Policy and Voting Record

A description of the Funds' proxy voting policies and procedures is available without charge by request by calling 1-800-243-9865 or on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

In addition, each Fund's complete proxy voting record for the twelve month period ended June 30, 2007 is available without charge by request by calling 1-800-243-9865 or on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure

The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC four times each fiscal year at quarter-ends. The Funds file the schedule of portfolio holding with the SEC on Form N-CSR (first and third calendar quarter) and on Form N-Q within 60 days of the end of the fiscal quarter. The Funds' Form N-Q is available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov, and may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC. Information on the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. In addition, the Funds' Form N-Q and Form N-CSR are available, without charge, upon request, by calling toll free 1-800-243-9865.

Qualified Dividend Income (unaudited):

Under the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (the "Act"), the following percentages of ordinary dividends paid during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 are designed as "qualified dividend income", as defined in the Act, and are subject to reduced tax rates in 2007.

Fund   Qualified Dividend Percentage  
Balanced     37 %  
Large Cap     0 %  
Total Return Bond     1 %  
USA Global     0 %  
Science & Technology     80 %  
Small Cap     45 %  
Mid Cap Value     16 %  


Dividends Received Deduction (unaudited)

The following percentage of ordinary dividends paid during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 which qualify for the corporate dividends received deduction is as follows:

Fund   Dividend Receivable Deduction  
Balanced     34 %  
Large Cap     0 %  
Total Return Bond     1 %  
USA Global     0 %  
Science & Technology     72 %  
Small Cap     45 %  
Mid Cap Value     16 %  


Long-Term Capital Gain Distributions:

For the Funds, distribution to shareholders from long-term capital gains, subject to the 15% rate gains, are as follows:

    Long-Term Capital Fund
Gains Distribution
Balanced   $ 13,282,752    
Large Cap     5,167,070    
Total Return Bond     1,193,162    
USA Global     6,926,664    
Science & Technology     1,075,742    
Small Cap     35,883,523    
Mid Cap Value     7,093,914    




Directors and Officers. The Funds are managed by AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company (the "Manager") subject to the supervision and control of the Board. The Board meets regularly to review the activities of the officers, who are responsible for day-to-day operations of the Company. The following table lists the officers and Directors of the Company, their birth dates, position, term of office and principal occupation. The address of each person listed below is 909 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.

Name, Birthdate  
Held with the

Term of Office and Length
of Time Served

Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years
  Number of Funds
in Fund Complex
Overseen by
Other Trusteeships/
Held by Director
General Monroe W. Hatch, Jr.,
USAF (Ret.)
  Director   Director since January 1997. Shall serve as Director until his resignation, or until terminated or until his successor is elected and qualified.   Consultant to Industry on National Security, June 1990-present.     7     Trustee, ANSER Corporation (non-profit research institute); Trustee, Vaughn College of Aeronautics; Trustee, Flacon Foundation (private non-profit scholarship foundation).  
General Louis C. Wagner, Jr.,
USA (Ret.)
  Director   Director since January 1997. Shall serve as Director until his resignation, or until terminated or until his successor is elected and qualified.   Private Consultant to industry and defense agencies, January 1990-present.     7     Senior Fellow, Association of U.S. Army; Board of Advisors, Army Retirement Residence Foundation – Potomac (non-profit foundation); Board of Regents, National Eagle Scouts Association; Board of Advisors, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; President's Advisory Board, Advanced Technology Institute (non-profit research institute).  
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield,
USAF (Ret.)
  Director   Director since May 2002. Shall serve as Director until his resignation, or until terminated or until his successor is elected and qualified.   Partner and Director, Strategic Business Relationships Team, IBM, Public Sector, March 2003-present.     7     Member, Board of Directors, Skybuilt Power (Solar Power Company) June 2003-present; Member, Board of Trustees, Wakefield School (Private Educational Institution), June 2004-present; Trustee, US Air Force Academy Falcon Foundation, 2000-present; and Member, Juniper Networks Federal Advisory Board, 2005-present.  
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler,
USAF (Ret.)
  Director   Director since January 1997. Shall serve as Director until his resignation, or until terminated or until his successor is elected and qualified.   Retired since 2000. Formerly, Consultant and Vice President, General Dynamics Corp (defense contractor).     7     None.  




Name, Birthdate  
Held with the

Term of Office and Length
of Time Served

Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years
  Number of Funds
in Fund Complex
Overseen by
Other Trusteeships/
Held by Director
General Ralph E. Eberhart
USAF (Ret.)*
  Chairman and Director   Chairman and Director since December 2004. Shall serve as Chairman and Director, until his resignation or termination or until his successor is elected and qualified.   President, Armed Forces Benefit Association, December 2004-present; Director and Chairman, 5Star Life Insurance Company, December 2004-present; Director and Chairman, 5Star Bank, December 2004-present; Director and Chairman, AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company, December 2004-present; Manager, 5Star Financial, LLC, December 2004-present; Former Commander, NORAD/USNORTHCOM (U.S. Air Force); Former Commander NORAD/USSPACE/AFSPACE (U.S. Air Force).     7     Advisory Board Member, ManTech International (government technology contractor); Advisory Board Member, The Spectrum Group (consulting services); Advisory Board Member, ICX Technologies (security products); Director, Standard Aero (service provider to global aerospace, defense and energy industries); Director, ObjectVideo (surveillance products); Director, EIDPassport (security products); Director, TERMA North America, Inc. (high-tech solution applications).  
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.1
  Director and President   Director since October 2007 and President since August 2006. Shall serve as Director and President at the pleasure of the Board or until his resignation or termination or until his successor is elected or qualified.   President and Director of AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company; Former Principal of Morrison Consulting; and Former President and Chief Executive Officer of Sky Trust and Sky Wealth Management.     7     None.  
Charles A. Gabriel2
  Director   Director since October 2007. Shall serve as Director at the pleasure of the Board or until his resignation or termination or until his successor is elected or qualified.   Managing Director, Capital Alpha Partners; and Former Senior V. P., Head of Washington Research Prudential Securities, Inc., 1995-2007.     7     None.  



Name, Birthdate  
Held with the

Term of Office and Length
of Time Served

Principal Occupation(s)
During Past 5 Years
  Number of Funds
in Fund Complex
Overseen by
Other Trusteeships/
Held by Director
Andrew J. Welle
  Senior Vice President and Secretary   Senior Vice President since February 2005 and Secretary since July 2003. Shall serve as Senior Vice President and Secretary at the pleasure of the Board or until his resignation or termination or until his successor is elected or qualified.   President of AFBA 5Star Securities Company; Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company.   N/A   N/A  
Michael E. Houchins
  Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer   Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since February 2006. Shall serve as Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer until his resignation or termination or until his successor is elected and qualified.   Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company. Formerly Vice-President of the Armed Forces Benefit Association.   N/A   N/A  
Salvatore Faia, Esq., CPA
  Chief Compliance Officer   Chief Compliance Officer since August 2004. Shall service as Chief Compliance Officer until his resignation, or until terminated or until his successor is elected and qualified.   President, Vigilant Compliance Services 2004 to present; Senior Legal Counsel, PFPC Inc. 2002 to 2004; Chief Legal Counsel, Corviant Corporation (Investment Adviser, Broker-Dealer and Service Provider to Investment Advisers and Separate Account Providers) 2001 to 2002; Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP (law firm) 1997 to 2001.   N/A   N/A  


  *  General Ralph E. Eberhart, USAF (Ret.) is considered an interested person of the Company under the federal securities laws due to his positions as an officer and/or chairman of AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company, the Manager of the Funds and other AFBA 5Star entities.

  1  Mr. Morrison is considered an interested person of the Company under the federal securities laws due to his position as President of AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company.

  2  Mr. Gabriel is an interested person of the Company under the federal securities laws due to his former position as a Director of AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company.



October 26, 2007 Special Meeting of Shareholders

A Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of the Funds was held on October 26, 2007 and the votes cast at the Meeting were as follows:

With respect to the approval of the election of the following Directors:

Balanced Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    5,869,839       6,372       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    5,873,260       2,950       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield,
USAF (Ret.)
    5,869,839       6,372       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    5,873,260       2,950       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    5,869,839       6,372       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     5,869,839       6,372       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     5,867,504       8,707       0.000    


Total Return Bond Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    1,983,976       8,105       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    1,983,976       5,032       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield, USAF (Ret.)
    1,983,976       8,105       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    1,983,976       5,032       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    1,983,976       8,105       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     1,983,976       8,105       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     1,987,049       5,032       0.000    


Large Cap Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    1,302,395       4,542       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    1,305,245       1,692       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield, USAF (Ret.)
    1,302,395       4,542       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    1,305,245       1,692       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    1,302,395       4,542       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     1,302,731       4,206       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     1,305,581       1,356       0.000    


Mid Cap Value Fund

Name of Director   For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    1,660,897       389       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    1,660,897       389       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield, USAF (Ret.)
    1,660,897       389       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    1,660,897       389       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    1,660,897       389       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     1,660,897       389       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     1,659,967       1,319       0.000    


Science & Technology Fund

Name of Director   For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    914,229       1,018       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    914,229       1,018       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield, USAF (Ret.)
    914,229       1,018       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    914,229       1,018       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    914,229       1,018       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     914,768       479       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     914,577       670       0.000    


Small Cap Fund

Name of Director   For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    5,776,699       11,876       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    5,776,699       11,876       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield, USAF (Ret.)
    5,776,699       11,876       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    5,776,699       11,876       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    5,776,699       11,876       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     5,776,699       11,876       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     5,776,598       11,977       0.000    


USA Global Fund

Name of Director   For   Against   Abstain  
General Monroe W.
Hatch, Jr. USAF (Ret.)
    1,239,749       15,913       0.000    
General Louis C.
Wagner, Jr. USA (Ret.)
    1,241,241       14,421       0.000    
Lieutenant General
John S. Fairfield, USAF (Ret.)
    1,239,749       15,913       0.000    
Brigadier General
Henry J. Sechler, USAF (Ret.)
    1,240,905       14,757       0.000    
General Ralph E.
Eberhart, USAF (Ret.)
    1,239,749       15,913       0.000    
Charles A. Gabriel     1,240,359       15,303       0.000    
Robert E. Morrison, Jr.     1,241,516       14,146       0.000    



With respect to the approval of an agreement and plan of reorganization, pursuant to which the Company would be reorganized as a Delaware statutory trust:

Fund   For   Against   Abstain  
Balanced Fund     3,159,161       3,548       9,534    
Total Return Bond Fund     1,311,306       2,659       1,780    
Large Cap Fund     1,166,758       1,874       2,155    
Mid Cap Value Fund     918,853       0       121    
Science & Technology     668,876       1,014       2,745    
Small Cap Fund     1,060,267       12,483       4,611    
USA Global Fund     1,076,014       2,171       2,202    


With respect to the approval of new sub-investment advisory agreement(s) for each Fund:

Fund   For   Against   Abstain  
Balanced Fund  
Agreement with The London
Company of Virginia
    3,160,403       3,377       8,464    
Agreement with
Financial Counselors, Inc.
    3,159,544       4,236       8,464    
Total Return Bond Fund     1,312,752       2,659       334    
Large Cap Fund     1,168,913       1,874       0.000    
Mid Cap Value Fund     915,551       3,301       121    
Science &Technology Fund     669,415       2,557       663    
Small Cap Fund
Agreement with Bjurman,
Barry & Associates
    980,595       11,844       4,197    
Agreement with TrendStar
Advisors, LLC
    979,956       12,483       4,197    
Agreement with The London
Company of Virginia
    979,956       12,483       4,197    
USA Global Fund     1,076,854       1,005       2,527    


With respect to the approval of a "manager of managers" structure for each Fund:

Fund   For   Against   Abstain  
Balanced Fund     3,161,664       3,057       7,523    
Total Return Bond Fund     1,311,358       4,057       330    
Large Cap Fund     1,168,937       1,649       201    
Mid Cap Value Fund     915,551       3,301       121    
Science &Technology Fund     669,045       3,096       494    
Small Cap Fund     1,059,759       12,436       5,169    
USA Global Fund     1,076,388       2,475       1,523    


With respect to the approval of a modification of certain fundamental investment restrictions regarding:

Balanced Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     3,156,664       10,995       4,585    
Issuing senior securities     3,159,843       7,573       4,829    
Underwriting     3,156,421       7,038       8,786    
Investments in real estate     3,156,421       10,995       4,829    
Investments in commodities     3,156,421       10,995       4,829    
Lending     3,161,112       6,305       4,829    
Industry concentration     3,155,886       11,530       4,829    


Total Return Bond Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     1,311,671       4,057       17    
Issuing senior securities     1,310,228       5,500       17    
Underwriting     1,311,282       4,115       348    
Investments in real estate     1,311,341       4,057       348    
Investments in commodities     1,311,271       4,126       348    
Lending     1,310,287       5,111       348    
Industry concentration     1,311,341       4,057       348    


Large Cap Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     1,168,809       1,978       0    
Issuing senior securities     1,168,913       1,850       24    
Underwriting     1,168,913       1,649       225    
Investments in real estate     1,169,029       1,556       201    
Investments in commodities     1,168,608       1,556       622    
Lending     1,168,913       1,673       201    
Industry concentration     1,168,913       1,673       201    


Mid Cap Value Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     915,551       3,301       121    
Issuing senior securities     913,051       5,801       121    
Underwriting     915,551       3,301       121    
Investments in real estate     913,051       5,801       121    
Investments in commodities     915,551       3,301       121    
Lending     918,853       0       121    
Industry concentration     913,051       2,499       3,422    


Science & Technology Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     668,457       3,615       663    
Issuing senior securities     668,457       3,615       663    
Underwriting     667,918       4,154       663    
Investments in real estate     668,457       3,615       663    
Investments in commodities     668,457       3,615       663    
Lending     668,457       3,615       663    
Industry concentration     667,918       2,072       2,745    


Small Cap Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     1,039,763       22,703       14,676    
Issuing senior securities     1,049,597       16,826       11,019    
Underwriting     1,048,458       16,643       12,342    
Investments in real estate     1,051,200       20,170       6,522    
Investments in commodities     1,052,616       18,755       6,522    
Lending     1,043,121       28,249       6,522    
Industry concentration     1,043,959       24,729       9,204    




USA Global Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Borrowing     1,076,359       2,028       1,999    
Issuing senior securities     1,076,986       1,401       1,999    
Underwriting     1,077,478       909       1,999    
Investments in real estate     1,071,098       6,676       2,613    
Investments in commodities     1,070,880       7,507       1,999    
Lending     1,075,913       2,474       1,999    
Industry concentration     1,076,865       909       2,613    


With respect to the approval of a modification of the fundamental investment restrictions of the Balanced, Total Return Bond, Large Cap and USA Global Funds regarding the diversification of investments:

Fund   For   Against   Abstain  
Balanced Fund     3,155,883       11,776       4,585    
Total Return Bond Fund     1,311,355       4,057       334    
Large Cap Fund     1,169,114       1,673       0    
USA Global Fund     1,070,237       7,536       2,613    


With respect to the approval of a reclassification of the Funds' investment objectives from fundamental to non-fundamental:

Fund   For   Against   Abstain  
Balanced Fund     3,155,515       8,022       8,708    
Total Return Bond Fund     1,310,287       5,111       348    
Large Cap Fund     1,168,515       2,070       201    
Mid Cap Value Fund     918,853       0       121    
Science & Technology     668,626       3,615       494    
Small Cap     932,452       138,936       6,093    
USA Global Fund     1,068,624       7,951       3,811    


With respect to the approval of a reclassification of the Balanced, Total Return Bond, Large Cap and USA Global Funds' investment policies from fundamental to non-fundamental:

Fund   For   Against   Abstain  
Balanced Fund     3,156,461       7,318       8,464    
Total Return Bond Fund     1,311,671.257       4,057       17    
Large Cap Fund     1,169,114       1,673       0    
USA Global Fund     1,069,412       7,163       3,811    


With respect to the approval of the elimination of the Balanced, Total Return Bond, Large Cap and USA Global Funds' Fundamental investment restrictions regarding:

Balanced Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Dealings with management     3,155,245       12,492       4,507    
Loans with management     3,154,464       12,388       5,393    
Investing for the purposes of
exercising control
    3,155,238       11,613       5,393    
Purchasing securities on margin
and engaging in short sales
    3,152,538       14,556       5,149    
Investment in other
investment companies
    3,156,045       10,806       5,393    
Investing in companies with
less than three years of
continuous operations
    3,155,024       12,071       5,149    
Liability for the indebtedness
of others
    3,146,527       20,405       5,311    
Investing in non-assessable
    3,151,962       14,889       5,393    


Total Return Bond Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Dealings with management     1,311,341       4,387       17    
Loans with management     1,311,271       4,126       348    
Investing for the purposes of
exercising control
    1,310,287       5,111       348    
Purchasing securities on margin
and engaging in short sales
    1,310,287       5,441       17    
Investment in other
investment companies
    1,311,341       4,057       348    
Investing in companies with
less than three years of
continuous operations
    1,310,287       5,441       17    
Liability for the indebtedness
of others
    1,305,434       10,294       17    
Investing in non-assessable
    1,310,287       5,111       348    


Large Cap Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Dealings with management     1,168,087       2,700       0    
Loans with management     1,167,597       2,988       201    
Investing for the purposes of
exercising control
    1,168,018       2,567       201    
Purchasing securities on margin
and engaging in short sales
    1,161,176       9,189       421    
Investment in other
investment companies
    1,168,053       2,532       201    
Investing in companies with
less than three years of
continuous operations
    1,167,679       3,107       0    
Liability for the indebtedness
of others
    1,156,218       14,568       0    
Investing in non-assessable
    1,161,223       9,362       201    


USA Global Fund

    For   Against   Abstain  
Dealings with management     1,069,462       8,887       2,038    
Loans with management     1,073,041       5,573       1,772    
Investing for the purposes
of exercising control
    1,073,413       4,960       2,013    
Purchasing securities on margin
and engaging in short sales
    1,070,792       6,968       2,626    
Investment in other
investment companies
    1,075,295       3,198       1,894    
Investing in companies with
less than three years of
continuous operations
    1,074,132       4,386       1,868    
Liability for the indebtedness
of others
    1,069,191       9,350       1,990    
Investing in non-assessable
    1,071,170       7,468       1,894    



March 31, 2008 Special Meeting of Shareholders

A Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Small Cap Fund (the "Meeting") was held on March 31, 2008, and the votes cast at the Meeting were as follows:

With respect to the approval of new sub-investment advisory agreements with the following sub-advisors:

    For   Against   Abstain  
Bjurman, Barry & Associates     2,449,649       72,300       100,506    
TrendStar Advisors, LLC     2,448,585       70,865       103,006    
The London Company of Virginia     2,447,873       73,051       101,532    


With respect to the approval of an agreement and plan of reorganization, pursuant to which the Company would be reorganized as a Delaware statutory trust:

For   Against   Abstain  
  2,447,886       70,153       104,419    


With respect to the approval of a "manager of managers" structure for the Small Cap Fund:

For   Against   Abstain  
  2,384,777       134,690       102,987    


With respect to the reclassification of the Small Cap Fund's investment objectives from fundamental to non-fundamental:

For   Against   Abstain  
  2,209,129       309,619       103,704    


With respect to the approval of the payment of interim sub-advisory fees to the Small Cap Fund's sub-advisors:

For   Against   Abstain  
  2,412,224       107,977       102,257    




At a meeting held on January 31, 2008, the Board of Directors, including a majority of the Directors who are not "interested persons" as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "Independent Directors"), approved the continuation of the investment advisory agreement (the "Investment Advisory Agreement") between AFBA 5Star Investment Management Company (the "IMCO") and AFBA 5Star Funds, Inc. (each a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds"), for each Fund for an additional one-year period.

The Board considered the information furnished and discussed throughout the year at regularly scheduled Board meetings and reviewed and considered the information provided specifically in relation to the annual consideration of the approval of the Investment Advisory Agreement.

In considering the continuation of the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Board considered the nature and quality of the services provided by IMCO, the proposed fee structures, the level of fee waivers, each Fund's past and anticipated expense ratios, possible economies of scale resulting from increases in the size of the Funds and other possible benefits IMCO derived from their relationships with the Funds. The Board carefully analyzed the information provided to it by IMCO and independent third parties, focusing particularly on the level of advisory fees and expenses of each Fund with information for comparable funds, and the performance of each Fund to funds with comparable investment objectives. The Board also considered other information that it had received from IMCO at other meetings throughout the year.

In examining the nature, extent and quality of the services to be provided by IMCO, the Board considered the portfolio management, administrative and supervisory services provided by IMCO. The Board acknowledged the value of IMCO's historical performance of services for the Funds, including managing the recent change in sub-advisers. The Board noted IMCO's commitment to servicing the Funds as its only client; IMCO's efforts during the past year to reduce Fund expenses; and the nature of the non-investment advisory services provided to the Funds, such as the supervision of the Funds' other third-party service providers, by IMCO.

Based on the totality of the information considered, the Board concluded that the Funds were likely to benefit from the nature, extent and quality of IMCO's services, as applicable, and that the Manager has the ability to continue to provide these services based on its experience, operations and resources.

With respect to the Funds' investment performance, the Board reviewed each Fund's performance compared to both its peer group and relative benchmark indices over one-year, three-year, five-year and since inception periods, as applicable. The Board also considered the fees payable under the Investment Advisory Agreement. The Board reviewed the information compiled from Morningstar comparing each Fund's contractual management fee rate. The Board reviewed both the overall expenses on a Fund-by-Fund basis as well as the advisory fee charged to each Fund. The foregoing comparisons assisted the Board in determining to approve the Investment Advisory Agreement by providing them with a basis for evaluating each Fund's advisory fee and expense ratio on a relative basis.

With respect to the costs of the services to be provided and profits to be realized by IMCO from its relationship with the Funds, the Board considered the fact that IMCO had agreed to continue to waive its advisory fees to the extent necessary to limit the annualized expenses of each Fund to their assigned expenses ratio caps for an additional year. The Board also considered that IMCO may be able to recoup some of the waived fees in the future. The Board noted that IMCO continued to operate at a loss due to its substantial subsidization of Fund expenses and that economies of scale had not yet been realized due to the relatively small size of the Funds. The Board also took into consideration the IMCO's willingness to consider adding breakpoints to its advisory fee in the future if the Funds' assets increase to the extent that economies of scale are realized. The Board did not consider the relationship between IMCO's advisory fees compared to other accounts that IMCO advises because IMCO has no other advisory accounts.

The Board considered whether there are any "fall out" or ancillary benefits that may accrue to IMCO as a result of their relationship with the Funds. Based on the information provided prior to, and at, the Meeting, the Board noted that there did not appear to be any significant benefits in this regard.

After evaluation of the comparative performance, fee and expense information and the profitability, ancillary benefits and other considerations as described above, and in light of the nature, extent and quality of services to be provided by IMCO, the Board concluded that the level of fees to be paid to IMCO is reasonable.

The Independent Directors met in executive session with their independent counsel to discuss their fiduciary duties and the relevant factors that they should considering during their evaluation.

In voting to approve the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Board considered all relevant factors. The Board did not identify any single factor as being of paramount importance and each Director gave varying weights to each factor according to his own judgment. The Directors determined that they had received adequate information and were able to conclude that the approval of the Investment Advisory Agreement would be in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders.


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Item 2. Code of Ethics.


(a)   The registrant, as of the end of the period covered by this report, has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party.


(c)   There have been no amendments, during the period covered by this report, to a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, and that relates to any element of the code of ethics description set forth in paragraph (b) of this item’s instructions.


(d)   The registrant has not granted any waivers, including an implicit waiver, during the period covered by this report from a provision of the code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a third party, that relates to one or more of the items set forth in paragraph (b) of this item’s instructions.


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.


The registrant’s board of directors has determined that Brigadier General Henry, J. Sechler, USAF (ret.) is qualified to serve as an audit committee financial expert. General Sechler serves on the audit committee of the registrant’s Board and he is “independent” under the standards set forth in Item 3 of Form N-CSR.


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.


Audit Fees


(a)   The aggregate fees billed for each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that were normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years were $84,500 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 and $114,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.



Audit-Related Fees


(b)   The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the principal accountant that were reasonably related to the performance of the audit of the registrant’s financial statements and not reported under paragraph (a) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 and $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.


Tax Fees


(c)   The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning were $17,500 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 and $33,000 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.  The nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed was the dividend calculation review and the review of tax returns.


All Other Fees


(d)   The aggregate fees billed in each of the last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Item were $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 and $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.


  (e)(1)    Disclose the audit committee’s pre-approval policies and procedures described in paragraph (c)(7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.


The Audit Committee has not established pre-approval policies and procedures. The Audit Committee Charter provides that the Audit Committee shall approve, prior to appointment, the engagement of the independent auditor to audit and provide their opinion on the registrant’s financial statements, and to provide other audit services to the registrant or non-audit services to the registrant, its investment adviser, its sub-adviser or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser or sub-adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the registrant and review and approve the fees proposed to be charged to the registrant by the independent auditors for each audit and non-audit service. The Audit Committee has the power to establish, if deemed necessary or appropriate as an alternative to Audit Committee pre-approval of services to be provided by the independent auditor as required, policies and procedures to permit such services to be pre-approved by other means, such as by action of a designated member or members of the Audit Committee, subject to subsequent Audit Committee review and oversight.


  (e)(2)    The percentage of services described in each of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this Item that were approved by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X are as follows:


(b)  N/A


(c)  100%


(d)  N/A


(f)   The percentage of hours expended on the principal accountant’s engagement to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were attributed to work



performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees was 0%.


(g)   The aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant’s accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant was $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 and $0 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.


(h)   The registrant’s audit committee has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed registrants.


Not applicable because the registrant is not listed.


Item 6. Investments.


(a)       Schedule of Investments in securities of unaffiliated issuers as of the close of the reporting period is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this form.


(b)       Not applicable.


Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable because the registrant is an open-end investment company.


Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable because the registrant is an open-end investment company.



Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.


Not applicable because the registrant is an open-end investment company.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which the shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of directors, where those changes were implemented after the registrant last provided disclosure in response to the requirements of Item 407(c)(2)(iv) of Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.407) (as required by Item 22(b)(15) of Schedule 14A (17 CFR 240.14a-101)), or this Item.


Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


(a)   The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of the report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).


(b)   There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d)) that occurred during the registrant’s second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Item 12. Exhibits.


(a)(1)      Code of ethics, or any amendment thereto, that is the subject of disclosure required by Item 2, included as Exhibit (a)(1) of the registrant’s Form N-CSR filed on June 7, 2007 (Accession No. 0001135428-07-000196), is hereby incorporated by reference.


(a)(2)      Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.


(a)(3)      Not applicable because the registrant is an open-end investment company.


(b)           Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




AFBA 5Star Fund, Inc.








By (Signature and Title)


/s/ Robert E. Morrison, Jr.



Robert E. Morrison, Jr., President



(principal executive officer)







June 3, 2008




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



By (Signature and Title)


/s/ Robert E. Morrison, Jr.



Robert E. Morrison, Jr., President



(principal executive officer)







June 3, 2008








By (Signature and Title)


/s/ Michael E. Houchins



Michael E. Houchins, Chief Financial Officer



(principal financial officer)







June 3, 2008