EX-3.(I) 3 s15-2914_ex31.txt EX. 3.1 EXHIBIT 3.1 The Companies Ordinance A Company Limited by Shares Memorandum of Association of Debug Hadshanut Be'am [in Hebrew] Debug Innovation Ltd. [in English] 1. The company's name is: Debug Hadshanut Be'am - Debug Innovation Ltd. 2. The objectives for which the company is founded are: a. To engage in all matters relating to innovations and inventions in the fields of science and technology. b. The company shall be qualified for any right, obligation and legal act. 3. The members liability is limited. 4. The company's share capital is 1,110 shares, as follows: Divided into 100 Ordinary Class A shares of NIS 1 each; And 10 Management Shares of NIS 1 each; And 1,000 Ordinary Class B shares of 1 shekel each. We, the persons whose names and addresses are entered hereunder, wish to be incorporated as a company in accordance with this memorandum of association, and do hereby agree to take the number of shares in the company's fund as entered beside our respective names.
Names and addresses of signatories I.D. Number No. of shares taken Signature ---------------------------------- ----------- ------------------- --------- Oded Bashan Manager 0587752 1 ordinary class A share (-) Carmiel 1 management share Roni Gilboa Engineer 05429957 1 ordinary class A share (-) Beit Hilel 1 management share
[Stamp of Efrat Koversky, Adv.] (-) ---------------- Witness to signature February 14, 1990 (-Emblem of the State of Israel-) MINISTRY OF JUSTICE REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES STATE OF ISRAEL THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE [NEW VERSION], 5743-1983 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE OF NAME I hereby certify that pursuant to a special resolution and in accordance with Article 37 of the Companies Ordinance [New Version], 5743-1983, the Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug Innovation Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has changed its name and shall, as of this day, be named -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Track Innovations Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the amended name as aforesaid has been recorded in the Register of Companies. To which I have hereto set my hand in Jerusalem this 8th day of July, 1991 26th day of Tamuz, 5751 Company No. 51-145625-3 July 22, 1998 Registrar of Companies (-) [ Stamp of the Ministry of Justice, Registrar of Companies ] [ Income stamps ]