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SEC Investor Education Office Concludes Event-Filled Financial Capability Month

May 16, 2024

Staff from the Office of Investor Education and Advocacy (OIEA) traveled across the country during National Financial Capability Month in April to promote financial literacy to the American public. In coordination with the SEC’s regional offices, OIEA and regional office staff held more than 80 investor education events inspired by this year’s theme, “What does your financial future look like? Having a plan can help answer the question.” Staff met with current and aspiring investors of all ages, and events included broadcasting to the senior community, guest lectures at universities, financial readiness briefings at military installations and federal government agencies and spirited rounds of investor educational games at high schools in Washington, D.C.

OIEA's Tom Manganello takes a class selfie with Haskell Indian Nations University statistics students.
OIEA's Tom Manganello visited with
statistics students at Haskell Indian
Nations University in Lawrence,


OIEA Director Lori Schock kicked off the month with an interview on the “Senior Zone” radio program, which aired on WYCB 1340 AM in Washington and Baltimore. Schock spoke with program host Shawn Perry about the importance of financial literacy for older investors and introduced OIEA’s newly updated “Guide for Older Investors," which provides practical advice for how they can protect themselves against impersonation schemes and other types of fraud.

Next, OIEA staff traveled to Kansas and gave lectures to a Finance 101 class and to the Black Law Students Association at the University of Kansas. At nearby Rockhurst University, OIEA also gave a lecture to a leadership class and joined with staff from the SEC's Office of the Chief Accountant to speak with an accounting class. In Lawrence, OIEA conducted presentations at Haskell Indian Nations University, which is the premier tribal university in the U.S. with a student body made up of members of federally recognized Native American tribes.

Meanwhile, OIEA staff conducted a whirlwind military outreach tour in the New Orleans area, including financial readiness briefings at several U.S. Coast Guard and Marine Corps bases. The staff also gave presentations to thousands of federal employees, including presentations to the National Science Foundation, OPM, Veterans Affairs, and the CIA.

Paul Saulski presenting to Marines at the U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MARFORRES)
OIEA's Paul Saulski presented to 
Marines and sailors at the U.S.
Marine Corps Forces Reserve
garrison in New Orleans.


As part of their ongoing work with the District of Columbia Public Schools, OIEA and Office of Minority and Women Inclusion staff teamed up to talk with students at McKinley Technology High School about investing basics and career opportunities at the SEC. The students particularly enjoyed the competitive and lively investor educational games. OIEA also presented in Montgomery College's GetLit Financial Literacy program and at Morgan State University in Baltimore.

Regional office staff reached audiences of varied backgrounds across the country as well. Among the many highlights were Facebook Live presentations, a presentation in Spanish at the Mexican Consulate of San Francisco, and an event at the United Nations to speak to delegates and their spouses.

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