
August 3, 2008

If he wants real credibility, he needs to stop misleading US Senators like Hatch and Bennett as well as naive SEC lawyers like Mark Fickes. He also shouldn't have his paid trash talk lads (Judd, Evren, Mark) bashing every single SEC person they ever heard of on message boards. In addition to this, they need to stop violating SEC rule 17(b) going forward. That's the disclosure one which applies to paid stock promoters.

On extending the rule to all publicly traded firms, why not? Locate shares, then actually BORROW them before you SELL them. No more "locates" and/or pretend "borrows" in Canada or Germany, either.

Roel Campos, best (perhaps) SEC Commissioner ever agrees and has agreed for a long time. Roel is a USAF Academy grad and former US prosecutor.