Subject: File No. S7-20-08
From: William N Gray
Affiliation: Poor Investor

July 31, 2008

Zoltek has been on the naked short list for over 90 days. Zoltek has had failure to deliver issues for at least ten years I have followed the stock. The stock is trading at near its 52 week low. The stock is trading at roughly the same price as 3 years ago. In the mean time sales have tripled and they have gone from losing money to making money. They now have a 5 year backlog of orders. They are in the "green" alternative energy field supplying carbon fiber to wind turbine mfg's. I think the market makers and naked shorts have manipulated this stock to the bottom. Why can't the SEC efforce its own rules. If enough people perceive that the market is not fair we will not have a market. Why can't you simply send a letter to the market makers saying that naked shorts must be bought in after so many days. Why can't you make an example of someone abusing our system and set the tone for the rest. Nothing will change till the SEC leans on those that ignore the rules. I am asking you to enforce your own rules.