U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

The following Letter Type A, or variations thereof, was submitted by individuals or entities.

Letter Type A:

It is imperative, for any fair market system to apply rules for trading stock unilaterally, such that no company or sector is either advantaged nor disadvantaged. The recent emergency measures in the banking sector must be applied for all stocks. To not enact such a stance speaks volumes about the integrity of the stock market and SEC.

The SEC allowing the practice of naked shorts, that remain on the REG SHO list without being covered is a travesty of the stock market. The policy of allowing the practice to continue without enforcement sends a message that encourages naked shorting. In this case, bull and bear positions regarding a stock are not equal as those who naked short are not forced to cover. It is no wonder why so many good stocks are beaten down. Not only does this cost the government and hurt the economy, but it hurts the future of America's most precious resource, the people and their prospects for the future.

I own a position in NYSE:LDK and found the REG SHO list entry completely unreasonable at 191 days. I demand the SEC take action as this is fraudulent activity and if the rules allow this to occur, they must be changed.




Modified: 12/15/2008