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Investor Advisory Committee Information

April 30, 2024

Who Is Eligible?

Membership on the Committee is open to individuals who:

  • Represent the interests of individual equity and debt investors, including investors in mutual funds;
  • Represent the interests of institutional investors, including the interests of pension funds and registered investment companies;
  • Are knowledgeable about investment issues and decisions; and
  • Have reputations for integrity.

No fewer than 10 and no more than 20 such members are appointed by the Commission to serve four-year terms. The Committee also includes three members designated by statute: the Investor Advocate, a representative of state securities regulators, and a representative of senior citizens.

How To Apply:

If you might be interested in serving on the Committee, please read the following for information on how the appointment process works. Note that under the current nomination process, the Commission typically expects to appoint five Committee members a year to fill vacancies. The Commission initiates the nomination process by issuing a press release inviting interested members of the public to apply and setting a deadline for submission of applications. Applicants are asked to provide a statement of interest, including relevant information on their background and experience.

After Commission staff determines eligibility, the Commission will review the candidates, make its nominations, and vote on a slate of new members that will serve on the Committee for the next four years. Note also that the Commission may, when appropriate, re-appoint an existing member to one additional consecutive four-year term.

What Does Membership Entail?

During their appointment, Committee members are expected to participate in the public meetings of the Committee. The Committee typically meets three to four times a year on a weekday, either virtually or in-person (often in the SEC’s Headquarters office in Washington, D.C.).

When meetings are held in-person, members who are unable to attend in person can generally participate virtually. The meeting dates are usually set months in advance to allow members adequate notice to adjust their schedules.

Public meetings may include panel discussions on timely topics as well as discussions of, and votes on, Committee recommendations. The Committee is independent from the Commission. As an independent group, the Committee sets its meeting agendas, extends invitations to speakers and panelists, and schedules any necessary votes. The elected officers of the Committee typically lead the planning process for each meeting and typically post the agenda for public comment in the weeks before the meeting.

In addition, Committee members are expected to join a Subcommittee. Subcommittees meet virtually between Committee meetings and develop future panels and recommendations for full Committee consideration. The Committee currently has four Subcommittees – Investor as Owner, Investor as Purchaser, Market Structure, Disclosure – and one Working Group on Access and Inclusion, with representation from each of the Subcommittees. Members may also participate in Subcommittees of which they are not assigned members, in the event that they wish to contribute in other areas during their time on the Committee.

If you are interested in serving on the Investor Advisory Committee, please email a letter of interest with applicable information about your relevant experience.

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