Date: 02/01/2000 10:14 AM Subject: File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 I would like to comment on this proposal to raise margin requirements. I can only speak from my own experience, but this proposal would not have helped me or "protected me" one bit back when I began daytrading. I began with $180,000 in my account. Having plenty of money did not help me make better trading decisions. It did not guarantee my success. It is ludicrous to think that the amount of money in an account makes a capable daytrader. Study, hard work, dedication and experience make one successful. I lost some and spent more until my account is now less than $25,000. I have made very few trades this past year. But I have spent more than 40 hours a week for 15 month studying trading. I am now capable of much better trading decisions. I am now achieving consistency and technique that have nothing to do with how much money is in my account. I am now ready to grow my account. It is very presumptuous of the NYSE to handicap my efforts with this senseless, arbitrary rule. If the NYSE feels new traders need to be "protected", they should look to all traders regardless of whether they have $2000 or $200,000. Perhaps trading experience should be the rule. Although I don't condone the NYSE legislating our freedom to trade, they might restrict margin until a trader has a year of experience. Twenty five years ago I began my own business on a shoe string. Like trading, most new businesses fail, but there are no rules that thwart your efforts to try. No one regulates how much you can invest or lose in your attempt. Thanks goodness... I never would have had the opportunity to succeed and spend my life proudly self-employed. And at the risk of repeating myself, the amount of money available had nothing to do with my success. Success is based on hard work, study, and dedication. Please do not accept this proposal. It stands in the way of good old-fashioned success. Linda Swope Swope's Mountain Photography