Date: 02/01/2000 4:36 PM Subject: File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 To whom it may concern, I am writing to oppose the proposal that rules for margin requirements be changed on the NYSE, NYSE Rule 431. As a day trader with a small account, I do not think that requiring a certain size account or restricting the number of trades per day is the concern of the exchange or of the SEC. Brokers have always been able to solicit investments from elderly and indigent people, and they have often done so. In justice there is an element of proportion, and a rule requiring a certain balance for day traders or restricting number of trades per day does not observe this aspect of justice and fairness. In our society, people are allowed to manage risk in a way they find appropriate. There is no evidence that day traders with small accounts manage risk worse than investors, or that they endanger themselves and their families more than investors do. By imposing arbitrary restrictions or those favoring large brokerages, you would be administering the law in a way that favors large institutions and existing interests in a manner that is contrary to the mandate of a regulatory body. Sincerely, Lucia Stern Day trader Account holder, MBTrading