Date: 02/03/2000 12:38 PM Subject: Comments on NYSE Rule 431, File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, File Number SR-NYSE-99-47 Sirs, I would like to comment on the NYSE Rule 431 proposal. It seems to me, an investor and a trader, that the proposed rule changes are completely misguided. The stated intent is to protect the "pattern trader" from himself by limiting his margin. Restricting those that have an account value below a certain amount ($25,000.00) is not only discriminatory but pointless. How does having a larger portfolio predict ones ability to survive in a volatile market? Requiring someone able to fund his account to $25,000.00 just to participate, (possibly using the bulk of his savings) is ridiculous. This person, who for no other reason than having saved longer, is given more rope to hang himself. The answer, gentlemen, is education. David Pittman Ft. Lauderdale, Florida