Subject: Aspects of NASDAQ's SuperMontage system is unfair to individ To whom it may concern: I believe that the period for comments concerning NASDAQ's SuperMontage system recently expired. My apologies for not submitting these concerns earlier -- I did not realize that the deadline was pressing. I understand if you are unable to take these comments into consideration as a result of their tardiness. However, the nature of my concern is a very general one that will apply to any subsequent online trading systems, so I do hope that you will consider them when making future regulatory decisions. My main comment is this: NASDAQ is allowing the market makers to keep secret more information that they are currently able to, and I would think that the trend should be just the opposite. NASDAQ is proposing that SuperMontage will show consolidated bid and ask volumes to three increment deep. They assert that this will give a better picture of the market to individual investors, making it more fair to them. I do not feel that this is so. I see this proposed system as a step backwards from the current system. I feel that SuperMontage will provide less information to the individual investor, giving an unfair advantage to Market Makers who have access to much more information about current supply and demand in a given stock. While I can see NASDAQ's argument that more information will be provided because of the consolidated nature of the bid/ask information, the current system allows much more than three increment depth to be shown. In addition, with the upcoming change to decimalization, each increment is going to become much smaller. Under the current system investors are able to gage the supply and demand for a given stock up to several 1/16's, if not farther, away. Under the new system, once decimalization goes fully into effect, we will only be able to see 3 cents away. This effectively decreases the depth that individual investors can see by approximately a factor of 10. NASDAQ acts as if this situation is not so problematic by saying that they will provide information on the 3 *OCCUPIED* bid and ask increments. In other words, if there is no one at a bid 2 cents away from the inside, that will not count as one of the tiers and investors will be able to see 4 cents away from the market instead of 3 cents. So? That is still far too little information. Indivudal investors are hamstrung compared to the market makers. This does not seem just to me, and seems to be a step backwards from the current system. I am very interested in what your opinion on this matter is. A reply would be greatly appreciated. I have included all my contact information below. Sincerely, James Ryley 14 Airway Circle, #2C Towson, MD 21286 Phone: 800-888-6831 x101