From: Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 3:30 PM To: Subject: Re Business Roundtable and Shareholder Nominations As usual, the CEO's want to control their feifdoms. I support shareholder nominations for positions and initiatives 100%. The reason we are always in trouble is that board members are too closely linked to management i.e. Adelphia, Schnitzer Steel, Enron, Worldcom, et cetera ad infinitum, including the board of the NYSE. This has to stop. These guys dont own my shares - I own them and if I detect misbehavior or gross waste or criminal activity, I expect my mutual fund company or if necessary, my attorney to have opportunity for me to kick someone off the board and nominate another person. I was greatly heartened to note in yesterdays WSJournal that Ken Lay is now subject to suit(s) by his former employees. Frankly, I look forward to seeing him picking garbage from the containers on the streets of Houston after the shareholder employees finish with him. Tell these roundtable puppies to take their problems back to work, get busy on making and selling products so that I can earn some return on my investments. Morris Foutch, Vancouver, WA 98685