From: [] Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:03 PM To: Subject: Re: Proposed "Restrictions on Naked Shorting" I am the president of an issuer (Imperial Petroleum, Inc. on the OTC BUlletin Board and have recently been advised that the SEC and NASD have passed regulations to end the practice of "Naked Shorting", which most assuredly affects most OTCBB stocks at some point in time. I applaud the SEC and NASD for their action in this matter. In speaking with several NASD member firms there seems to be some uncertainty as to whether the action applies only to NASD member firms or whether this action will stop all "Naked Shorting". Can you give me a better understanding of the impact of this regulation? Will Canadians and other offshore entities be able to continue in this practice? Will "wholesalers" be able to short these stocks without filling actual orders from third parties? Thanks for your attention and time.