From: Ruby A. Miller
To: Rule Comments
Sent:July 12, 2006
Subject:File Number SR-NASD-2004-183

This message is sent to urge the SEC not to approve the Proposed NASD Rule Imposing Specific Suitability, Principal Review Requirements for Deferred Variable Annuities.

As a licensed insurance agent and registered representative, I strongly believe people who engage in unscrupulous or misleading sales practices should be aggressively prosecuted and subject to appropriate and meaningful sanctions. However, provisions for these actions are currently found in NASD's general suitability Rule 2310, which applies to the sale of all securities.

The approval of the proposed NASD Rule would create unnecessary duplication of supervision and suitability requirements. I strongly urge SEC to disapprove NASD proposed Rule 2821.

Thank you for consideration of my views.


Ruby A. Miller, Agent
State Farm Insurance
President, NAIFA-TN
(National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors-Tennessee)