From: Paul Christopherson [] Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:45 AM To: Subject: File No SR NASD-2004-020 February 11, 2004 Secretary, SEC RE: File No. SR-NASD-2004-020 Dear Sirs and Madams: Regarding NASD Rule 1050, Registration of Research Analysts:-- My firm and I feel quite strongly on one point. That is, requirements are mounting on analysts "associated with NASD member firms", and properly so, in our view. However, these requirements should be made simultaneously with another important reform, and that is the elimination of soft dollar payments for third-party research. The continuation of this practice means that research analysts may evade professional requirements by just not being associated with a member, and still participate fully in the activity. This amounts to blatantly unfair competition for those of us who are so associated. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Paul Christopherson Paul Christopherson cc: Robert Glauber, NASD