Date: 04/01/2000 10:33 PM Subject: option linkage Here is something to consider. Under current proposals by the four Option Exchanges, trade throughs can occur if the Exchange with the better price does not respond with a fill within 15 seconds. Currently (with most equities on the CBOE), the CBOE "RAES rejects" any order that tries to trade against a client order. When this rejection occurs, the order is sent to a PAR station where the order is handled manually. This process can take a good minute to occur. As a result, trade throughs will constantly occur under these proposals. That is, if a client is bidding $7.50 for an option on the CBOE and another client sells the same option at $7.375 on the PSE, the order should be routed to the CBOE, where the order would be RAES rejected and thus not filled within the 15 second time frame and therefore the client would get a $7.375 fill on the PSE and perhaps the CBOE bid of $7.50 will not even be filled. I sent a proposal into the exchange that indicates all five exchanges should have the same basic technology and rules for the linkage to work. Currently this is not the case. All orders sent by clients should have instant executions. This is definitely not the case with all these rules designed to protect/favor the market makers. LINKAGE WILL BE A FAILURE IF INSTANT EXECUTIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE! Please note that the AMEX does not have technology to give you fills within the 15 second time frame. Perhaps linkage is not the best idea as brokers should be forced to send their client order to the best markets. Leaving it up to the Exchanges can easily create these types of situations where trade throughs can easily occur as Exchanges have constantly made up rules to give themselves advantages over the clients. Mike Ianni