Subject: regarding file 34-42456 Date: 04/17/2000 4:03 PM Dear Sir I have been told by the US Justice Branch that this issue is before you, regarding the orders place on limited orders by small investors and not obtaining the best price. I am a small investor. I use Ameritrade for my option trading. I have a running list of all my orders/ bought and sold they have routed for me. Generally I get an exchange that is not the most active and definitely not the best fills. Csco call options are a good example. The most active is the CBOE for just about any strike. Ameritrade will route my order to the American Exchange for my buy....usually this one is higher for the buy. On 4/10/00 they filled me on the higher exchange, American, then when I immediate put my order after it was confirmed bouight to sell back on the market...they then routed it to the CBOE as the sell was lower then the American. They trade aol, another active option on the Philly exchange...the most active and better buy price is on the CBOE. I could go on and on as I have time and sales, dates, etc....often I call them to complain. They tell me it is their policy to route to the most active. THis is just untrue and most of the brokers will agree when I point out my buy fill order trading on one of the least active exchanges. Please contact me should you have any questions. I am so tired or overpaying for these options and am pleased you are finally looking into this unjust business practice. My name is Judy A. Basham. I can be reached during the day, EST at 301 572-3962.