From: Roger J. Steffensen [] Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 12:21 PM To: Subject: SEC Release No. 34-47365 (DTC-2003-02) Dear Sirs: This is absurd. You are supposed to protect investors, not help defraud them. Why don't you do your job? It is shocking that the S.E.C. has done nothing to address the outrages of naked short selling, short and distort campaigns, the use of partially covered short positions to avoid the short on uptick rules, and abusive short selling in general. The entire concept is absurd. Someone can borrow my property without my permission or knowledge, and sell it without compensation to me. Only in the stock market is such an unfair, unreasonable system allowed. Now, with this rule change, the S.E.C. is prepared to act to protect the hoodlums that abuse a system that should not even exist. This is outrageous. Trash this rule change and address the short selling abuse. You are supposed to protect investors, not help defraud them. It is appalling that the S.E.C. is not doing its job -- is not protecting investors, but instead is creating approaches that make it easier for hoodlums to manipulate markets by abusive short selling. When are you going to address this issue of abusive short selling? The S.E.C. needs to grow up and do its intended job. Sincerely, Roger J. Steffensen 7020 East 89th Street Tulsa, OK 74133-5021