From: Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 6:03 PM To: Subject: File No. SR-DTC-2003-03. The proposed rule changes will not be of benefit to the average investor, but will only assist the members of the brokerage industry to perpetuate the illegal "naked shorting" that takes place, and has taken place, in the OTCBB market - to the detriment of small start-up companies. Many of these small companies are trying to stop the naked shorting of their stock by going to a "certificate only" method of transfer, rather than the present DTC "electronic transfer" methodolgy' which is open to abuse by market makers and brokers. The lack of enforcement of existing rules and regulations by the SEC and NASD has allowed these abuses to take place, which has forced many small companies to resort to the "certificate only" method of transfer. Yours truly Gordon D. House, P.Geo.