From: Robert S. Smith [] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:52 PM To: Subject: SR-BSE-2002-15, Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. Filing to Establish Trading Rules for the Boston Options Exchange Facility Mr. Jonathan G. Katz Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th St., NW Washington, DC 20549-0609 RE: SR-BSE-2002-15, Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. Filing to Establish Trading Rules for the Boston Options Exchange Facility Dear Mr. Katz: I wanted to express my views concerning the above refereced item. As a market participant in many electronic venues, and having a wide perspective on the different electronic trading venues currently available, I fully support BOX and the proposed Trading Rules. BOX's operation will be the first electronic equity derivatives exchange to be formed which truly leverages the power of technology to lower the final cost to the consumer. The BOX's open market structure and level playing field encourage exactly the kind of compettion which brings benefits to the consumer. It enables many firms to provide liquidity in a cost effective manner, and does not create special classes of priveleges within the market structure which ends up misaligning the classes of market participant. Again I thank you for the opportunity to respond, and I fully support the proposed rules set forth in the Federal Register. Regards, Robert S Smith Robert S. Smith Chief Technology Officer GETCO, LLC V 312 242 4602 F 312 242 4610