February 21, 2003 Mr. Jonathan G. Katz Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th Street, NW Washington, DC 20549-0609 Reference: File Number: SR-BSE-2002-15 Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. Filing to Establish Trading Rules for the Boston Options Exchange Facility Dear Mr. Katz: Please accept this letter on behalf of State Street Global Markets, LLC ("SSGM") as a letter of support in favor of the Boston Options Exchange ("BOX") facility. SSGM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Street Corporation and an affiliate of State Street Bank and Trust Company, is an SEC registered broker-dealer and a member of the NASD and Boston Stock Exchange. Currently, SSGM effects approximately 300-400 customer options transactions per month on an agency basis. As a financial institution with a customer base that consists of both institutional and retail clients, SSGM continually strives to provide better execution quality and transactional services to our customers at the lowest possible costs. SSGM, after thoroughly reviewing the model, strongly feels that the BOX facility will be an improvement over the current floor based exchanges in which options are currently traded. The BOX, just by its open market structure, will assist SSGM in providing for better quality executions for options trading. The unfettered and equal access to the order book that provides for strict time/price priority will allow all options trades to be executed at or better than the NBBO. This feature, in the current environment that involves a great focus on "best execution", will allow for greater execution quality for customer trades. The full automation that includes straight through processing of transactions and the minimal cost of entry will provide for lower execution costs and create the opportunity for SSGM to pass savings on to our customers. In conclusion, based upon the factors mentioned above, SSGM is in strong support of the BOX facility and feels that it will greatly improve the marketplace for options trading. We greatly anticipate the debut of this new alternative to the floor based exchange. Best regards, Nicholas Bonn Executive Vice President State Street Global Markets, LLC 617.664.4913 NB/dkc