From: Erich Tengelsen Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 11:02 AM To: '' Subject: Boston Options Exchange Mr. Jonathan G. Katz 2-12-2003 Secretary Securities and Exchange Commision 450 5th St., NW Washington, DC 20549-0609 Mr. Katz: This letter is in reference to the BSE filing SR-BSE-2002-15, Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. filing to establish trading rules for the Boston Options Exchange facility. I would like to take the opportunity to make some comments in support of the exchange. First, I believe it is extremely important that this is being set up as a flat and open market structure, not as a "franchise" for specialists. Second, it's technology, price structure and qualifications for participation make it accessible to virtually all market makers which will ultimatly provide the greatest depth and liquidity. Third, the BOX will have a system which will be a competitive market in its truest form, using a strict price/time algorithm which will not and cannot discriminate between participants. In short, I believe this format will provide the most competitive and liquid market place and I am writing to voice my strong support as an individual and as a partner in a market making firm. Sincerely, Erich Tengelsen Chicago Trading Company