Subject: S7-5-99 April 1, 1999 Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission Mail Stop 6-9 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 Dear Mr. Katz: It has been brought to my attention that the SEC has initiated a proposed rule amendment for Rule 15c2-11 requiring market makers in OTC Bulletin Board and Pink Sheets stocks to maintain a file on every stock they trade, study each companies' financial statements, be alert for signs of potential fraud, and provide information on non-reporting issuers to customers who request it. We support the comments made by Regional Investment Bakers Association, in that while the SEC is well-intentioned in its efforts to combat microcap fraud, it fails to recognize the impractical and onerous burden this amendment would place on legitimate market makers. Market makers who choose to continue trading these issues would either risk unlimited liability for the accuracy and truthfulness of financial information over which they have no control, or have to undertake the significant additional costs related to effective due diligence on each and every issue for which they make a market. They would then leave themselves open to possible lawsuits from plaintiff's attorneys and disgruntled investors anytime a stock turns downward. We agree with Regional Investment Bankers Association that no legitimate market maker is going to accept that responsibility. We therefore respectfully oppose any proposed amendment to Rule 15c211. Very truly yours, Dominick M. Seminara Chairman/CEO