Subject: Rule 15c2-11---------File No. S7-5-99 Author: "Christie; Carl" Date: 5/10/99 10:52 AM Dear Sirs: I am the investor relations officer for LaserMedia Communications Inc., ticker symbol LZMCF--NASDAQ-Bulletin Board. Prior to accepting this position I was a market maker on seven securities , for 32 years on the Toronto Stock Exchange trading floor and for 12 years was Chairman of the Professional Traders Association. I sat on numereous Toronto Stock Exchange Committees including those governing the rules and requirements for market makers. I am shocked and dismayed that so astute an organization as the SEC should embark on amendments that would, in my estimation , create wider spreads, more volatility and less volume in issues that can ill afford to be left to trade on their own. I would suggest that your time and efforts would be better spent in developing trading systems that allow all buyers and sellers to have their orders represented in the marketplace and are given fills in time priority. The great benefit to investors [ speculators ] in our equity markets is liquidity. It is the responsibility of the Stock Exchanges and yourself to ensure that those securities you allow to be listed meet all of the requirements the public should expect. The market makers respnsibility is to supply bids in falling markets and offerings in rising markets, not to act as police or accounts. That I believe is the jurisdiction of the Exchanges and your Federal regulatory body. Sincerely Carl Christie LaserMedia Vice-President, Investor Relations