Proposed Rule IC-25870From: J Turner [] Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 9:40 AM To: Subject: Proposed Rule IC-25870 (s7-51-02) Sirs: This letter is to provide comment on the proposed SEC rule requiring more complete shareholder reports and more frequent portfolio disclosure for mutual funds. As an investor in mutual funds, as are most working Americans who participate in pension plans or college funding plans, I am very concerned about information available from these funds who aggressively advertise for my business. It is difficult enough to judge how a fund manager will act in different market conditions based on the usually-unsupported advertising claims about their 'philosophy' or their performance. It is all too easy for an investor to become overly weighted in popular equities, unknowingly, because many funds invest in the same stocks. The current rules allow fund managers too much time between reporting periods, and they are adept at adjusting their holdings just before the reporting is required. Going to quarterly reporting will greatly help to eliminate these night-before shifts, and also provide investors with information they need to maintain diversification across mutual fund portfolios. The funds will lobby furiously against these disclosures, and is is possible that you will not hear from many individual investors. However, please stick to your proposals -- which actually could go quite a bit further -- and give this additional assistance to investors by requiring more information on holdings, more often, from mutual funds. John Turner 1210 Daviswood Drive McLean, VA 22102 In Re: Proposed Rule: Shareholder Reports and Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure of Registered Management Investment Companies SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 17 CFR Parts 210, 239, 249, 270, and 2747 [Release Nos. 33-8164; 34-47023; IC-25870; File No. S7-51-02] RIN 3235-AG64