From: Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:30 PM To: Rule-Comments Subject: Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies & Proxy Voting Records (s7-38-02) I urge you to enact the rule "Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies & Proxy Voting Records by Registered Management Investing Companies" now under discussion. As a small investor I believe this rule is one more piece of needed information for persons who invest in Mutual Funds. Everything should be open to investors regarding how they vote our proxies and I believe this rule will help reestablish confidence in the Stock Markets. Very few small investors can attend the Shareholders meetings but we would like the assurance that companies must disclose how our proxies were actually voted by the manager of those funds we have chosen to invest for us. Thank you from a very small investor. Janice Peterson 4315 SW Carson Portland, OR 97219