From: Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 5:05 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-36-02 Regarding File No. S7-36-02, I am pleased to see that the SEC has issued a proposed rule that mutual funds disclose their proxy voting policies, and voting records. The fact that many individuals who formerly owned stock directly now own mutual funds instead, does severely limit the ability of such individuals to express their views on corporate issues. While unfortunately this rule will not solve this problem, it will at least force more disclosure and give an opportunity for mutual fund holders to express to the funds their reaction to their votes. I have tried to think about what further could be done. The only possibility I can think of is to require the mutual funds to survey their holders about common issues such as environmental reports, bonus plans paying amounts over some amount like $1,000,000, stock option plans over some percent like 1% of outstanding stock, non-discriminating employment practices, and adoption of principles like the Sullivan Principals. Hopefully Mutual Funds would consider the survey results in their votes. Stanley F. Dole, C.P.A.