From: CHAIRMANOFFICE Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 11:54 AM To: Rule-Comments Subject: FW: mutual funds (s7-36-02) -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 11:44 AM To: Subject: mutual funds TO HARVEY PITT AND COMMISSIONERS. VOTE YES TO MANDATE MUTUAL FUNDS TO REPORT HOW THEY VOTE ON all PROXY ISSUES. This is being sent to urge you to vote IN FAVOR OF the proposal to mandate that mutual funds reveal their proxy voting! I am a typical investor in that I have the majority of my money in funds and am not pleased at all with the current system. The quarterly reports are too old; it is impossible to know what their holdings are and I am categorically opposed to granting what seems to be unlimited options to corporations' executives. I would like to have daily or weekly updates and changes in my funds'holdings. This could be posted on the web. Fund managers need to be reminded that they are NOT the owners. I am the owner and my wishes should dictate how funds are run. It is my money and I have NO voice in how they vote. This has to be changed. Right now these funds are rubber stamps for major corporations who know they can count on fund managers to vote for their options grants while totally ignoring the wishes of the millions of the individual investors who have entrusted their monies to the fund managers. It cannot be that expensive to report how they vote as they are contending. They can post it on the web for immediate feedback and add it to their quarterly reports for those who do not use the web easily. Thank you. Rose C. Hess