From: Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 11:24 AM To: Subject: Mutual Funds need tough disclosure rules (s7-36-02) Dear Commissioner; This AM on CNBC the current President of Vanguard stated that he, and he alone, in his fiduciary capacity, can determine how and for what to vote corporate proxies and shareholders should not interfere and the SEC should not approve any policy change. By the way, the founder of Vanguard disagrees (Jack Boggle). I urge you to mandate that all Mutual funds disclose how they vote any proxy, state the reasons for the vote, disclose any conflicts between the Mutual funds management and the companies management. Also were any "independent" group(s) consulted with to determine the vote and has any pressure group written to "demand" a vote one way or the other and did these groups influence the outcome? . In addition, just like corporations, mutual funds must give full disclosue..(ie. salaries, bonuses, consulting arrangements, investment policies, accounting disclosure, directors have reviewed the accounting , legal, compensation and other governance issues. . Mutual funds are the fiduciary of the investors money and shareholders must be treated with respect. Too often in the past, mutual fund management deferred from any criticism as they chose not to offend a company for fear that they would be cut off from information and new deals. This cozy relationship must stop, mutual funds are the first line of defense in the war for corporate transparency. Please institute tough disclosure rules. God Bless America Pete Ryan