RCG E-Mail Stationery StationeryFrom: Jim Rodeghero [jim@earth-hq.com] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 5:51 PM To: rulecomments@sec.gov Subject: Mutual Fund Proxy Rules (s7-36-02) Importance: High Sensitivity: Confidential Sir/Ms: I am absolutely 100% in favor of broadly expanded disclosure by mutual fund management companies. Their rationale for not disclosing fund holdings, cost/expense detail, and proxy votes is completely self-serving and demonstrates the exceptional conflicts built into their operations. The conflicts are at least as egregious as those in the investment banking business and you must move quickly to address this issue. Too many Americans have their life savings invested in mutual funds to allow the managers to operate in secrecy and avoid disclosure of their proxy votes. Simply put, they do not want to be forced to disclose their votes for one reason only: they want the pension management accounts from the companies in which they invest and they know that they will lose that lucrative business if they vote the shares in the best interest of the fund shareholders. You can fix this problem and you should. Stop playing politics and do the right thing. James A. Rodeghero, Ph.D.