From: bbyrd [] Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 4:54 PM To: Subject: kFile Nol S7-36-02 Gentlemen, as owner of over $1 million invested in various mutual funds (stock, bonds, money market) I am very interested in mutual fund management being required to report their proxy votes for companies owned by the fund. My money, my right to know. Management is hired by me through my investment to manage my money and has no valid argument against informing me how they voted. In fact, if possible they should be asking their investors/owners how they should vote on company proposals. I am concerned that mutual fund votes could be influenced by a conflict of interest if they also have some financial tie to the company such as managing its 401k plan. Mutual fund companies should be required to solicit from their investors/owners how they vote shares, or at least be required to report to their shareowners how they voted. Thank you for sharing my views and addressing this very important small investor subject. Bill Byrd