Date: 03/21/2000 10:40 PM Subject: Selective non disclosure Handmaiden to selective non disclosure is the widespread practice of requesting confidentiality in S.E.C. filings. This is done under the guise of needing to maintain confidentiality for competitive purposes. When challenged to explain why or how disclosure will impact competitiveness companies often simply claim non disclosure is industry practice. Without an inordinate degree of non necessary confidentiality, selective disclosure becomes more difficult. If companies are required to disclose 90% of what they now easily hide from the public, selective disclosure will be greatly reduced and those cases that remain will be easier to track, having greater import. If the S.E.C. refuses more request for confidentiality it will have taken an important step to reducing selective disclosure, which cannot thrive if there are fewer secrets to begin with. George Wohanka 1019 Cascade Place Claremont Ca. 91711